x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
((It's been about 2 weeks now and Ebony still hasn't been online at all. I'm getting super freaked out from not knowing what's going on with her. I've been leaving messages for her on skype, but she isn't answering any of them. Please, if anyone knows where she is or what's going on or can somehow get into contact with her, please let me know. Her blogs are theblackwerewolflady and oerbanlcievanille if anyone's able to get in touch with her here on tumblr. I'm getting even more scared than before, I just want to know my friend is okay...))
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streetxcatarchive · 10 years
Ebony looked down at the small cat in front of her, a light smile on her face as one feline ear twitched towards her. "Well, hi there. Aren't you cute?"
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Rasping her coarse tongue over the fur of her paws, Mittens hardly noticed the arrival of the stranger.  Her attention was taken, though, when the person spoke to her and so Mittens trained her sharp, green eyes up at the girl.
"Thanks, bub," she mewed, then noticed that the female had similar ears to her own.  "What’s with the ears?  Can’t say I’ve seen a human with ears like mine."
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"Oh yes, she loves stuffed animals," Ebony said, nodding her head slightly.
He smiled brightly. "Oh, well that's good then. I'll see what I can get."
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white-winged-warrior · 11 years
theblackwerewolflady seeks their honor
The dark haired man rested leisurely in the train as it rocked around the main column of Midgar . It was making it's way up from the stop in the Slums where Angeal had been doing a routine patrol. When it got up to the station, Angeal took a step out onto to the platform, crystalline azures scanning the crowd that moved around him.
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atemamun · 11 years
theblackwerewolflady started following you
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sprightlysleuth · 11 years
Zel walked cautiously through the forest. He wad still wearing his girl selfs outfit, but he had changed the skirt for a pair of jeans. He knew Girl!Zel DID have more masculine clothing, but he wanted Cetera and Fenrir to recognize him, because appearance-wise, he looked completely different from his usual Girl self. He hoped that they'd be home... He made a mental note to himself to get at least a phone number for next time
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thewindywielder · 11 years
uncoveredillusions, xion98, salvention, lost-prince-oswald, theblackwerewolflady, cats-meow-gatomon, wings-powered-by-magic and theshadowofthetruelight started following you!
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"Hey there, everyone! How's it going?"
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Just an Ordinary Day(@theblackwerewolflady)
It seemed pretty late for jogging at night, but Therd felt he hadn't been working out for a while so he got on his sneakers, jogging pants and finally some earphones to listen to some music. 
He started jogging around the street, whistling to the music. He was almost in a trance until he felt like he bumped into someone. "Ah! Oh god I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention, my apologies!"
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
((Guys, I really need help right now. Ebony hasn't been online at all for the last week or so and I'm really scared that either something happened to her or that I did something to upset her and she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Please, if someone is able to get a hold of her, I would be very grateful to hear from her again. She's one of my best friends on here and I'm worried sick about her because I don't know what's going on))
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rp-scarlettrose · 11 years
It's True
Scarlett had been walking to Vampy's, her whole face still shining with happiness. 
She had actually come back to life.
She took her time to check out the trees that hadn't been destroyed by her coming back, touching the soft, silky tufts, and petting the little valley critters, basking in the fact she could be seen, and touched. 
When she got close enough to Vampy's home, and saw a tall silhouette with a top hat on top, she couldn't help but call out his name, and run towards him with a giant smile. 
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vampredfeatherau-blog · 11 years
Vamp and Oncel'r AU Drabble- Part 1
I watched Moulin Rouge recently and got a lot of inspiration from the film. So I decided to use it for a series of Drabbles :D
Enjoy :)
"Come one Vamp, just one night away from your precious writing isn't going to kill you!"
Vamp let out an exasperated sigh as Greedl'r drug him through the streets to a nearby night club he had been raving about all week. "Greedl'r, this is ridiculous, I have to keep writing if I want my book to be done on time for the review." Vamp had been against this from the beginning, but found himself unable to pry himself from the aliens grip. 
"Come on, you can write about love without experiencing it first, you know that as well as I do, Vamp. This club will help you do just that!"
This made Vamp stop, the Tamaranean's words sinking into his brain, causing his eyes to widen. "What do you mean? You said this was a night club, not some...some...brothel!"
Greedl'r rolled his eyes and gave Vamp's arm a sharp tug, pulling him the rest of the way down the street and into the club. "You can survive one night, now get your ass in there!" With one sharp tug of the vampire's wrist, Greedl'r unbalanced the vampire, causing him to stumble further into the club, his eyes widening as he took in the sight before him.
"Holy..." he muttered under his breath, looking around the room at both the various men and women inside. That when Vamp saw him; a young man about his age dressed in a silver and black sequined corset, with a silver tasseled tail.
Greedl'r, who had walked up to Vamp as he was ogling the other, smirked slightly when he saw who his eyes were on. "Find something you like~?" he asked, a chuckle lacing his tone. The voice snapped Vamp out of his daze and he turned to Greedl'r, socking him slightly in the arm. "Shut up..." he muttered before turning back towards the new eye candy he had found. "Who...w-who is that?" 
Greedl'r chuckled at the stammer in his friends voice but answered anyway. "His name is Oncel'r, the crown jewel of the establishment. I'll tell you this much, my friend," he says, clapping his hand on the vampire shoulder. "When you want something, you set your sights pretty damn high. Not just anyone can get with Oncel'r...but I think I can help you out. You just sit tight and enjoy the show." With that, he patted Vamp's shoulder a final time before disappearing into the crowd.
Taking his friends words to heart, Vamp found himself a seat close to the stage and sat down, enjoying the show the other was putting on. Vamp couldn't keep his eyes from Oncel'r, finding himself moving to the edge of his seat. 
On the other side of the club, Greedl'r made hsi way over to his friend FoGo, the owner of the club. "Yo FoGo!" he called, grabbing his friends attention to a couple of other men he was speaking with.
"Ah, Greedl'r, what can i do for you?" the other man asked, folding his arms behind his back as he spoke. "You wanting another night with one of my best "Diamond Dolls?"
Greedl'r shook his head slightly, "Not for me, I brought a friend with me tonight," he answers, motioning over to the table Vamp was sitting at, the vampire's not having moved from the performance. "He wants a...night with Oncel'r. Think you can set him up, FoGo?"
The other man thought to himself for a moment, before giving a small nod. "I think I can arrange that, tell you friend to be ready at the end of the show," FoGo replies before waving the Tamaranean off and heading towards the stage.
Vamp felt a rush of disappointment when Oncel'r's number ended, sending the young man off stage without a backward glance to the room. Letting out a sigh, he sunk back into his seat and brought his hat down over his eyes. What was wrong with him? He never acted like this with anyone before...but the way the other moved, it had a secret and almost...devious look about him that drew Vamp in like a moth to a flame.
"Yo Vamp!" Vamp's head shot back up as he tried to look aloof when his friend made his way back over to the table. "I got it all arranged. FoGo said to be ready at the end of the next number," Greedl'r said, giving the vampire a wink before sitting down. "Think you can do that lover boy?"
Vamp fought the urge to growl at the cockiness of his friend, but couldn't help to feel inwardly excited about the idea of being...alone with Oncel'r.
Just then, the room went dark, silver like confetti falling from the ceiling. Vamp's eyes traveled upward slowly, his eyes widen as he saw Oncel'r coming down one a swing, right in front of him. 
"I believe you were expecting me," Oncel'r said, giving the vampire a small wink as he slid off of the swing in front of Vamp, now clad in a white leotard with gold and silver sequins, white elbow length gloves and white heels.
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"I'll be interested to see what you get her," she responded with a smile. "Do you have any ideas?"
He shrugged slightly. "Well I was thinking maybe a stuffed animal or something, do you think she would like that?"
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sakuradanny · 11 years
"Send me a symbol depending on how I portray my muse":
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tragicillustrator · 11 years
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sprightlysleuth · 11 years
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theblackwerewolflady said:Thanks Miss Zel :)
It's only the truth *wink*
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 11 years
Be Mine, Valentine?
Valentine's Day had finally arrived, which meant Ebony would be going out on her "date" with her Valentine, who was none other than Oncel'r's young son, Cosmo.
Oncel'r was currently in the living room, making a few last minute adjustments to his son's outfit while the two of them waited for Ebony to arrive. Cosmo was dressed in a tuxedo-printed t-shirt with matching black pants, a pair of little black sneakers upon his tiny feet.
"Hold still, baby. I want you to look good for your first date." Oncel'r said with a chuckle as he tried fixing Cosmo's hair, the infant insisting on wriggling around and trying to wander away, waving around the fake plastic rose in his little hands.
Oncel'r laughed, finally deciding to give up. "Okay, you win." he said as he took a seat on the couch, letting Cosmo run free and play in the living room while they anticipated their friend's arrival.
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