pyrrhvcs · 1 year
Zach feels a strong attraction to Hazal’s every move. She's wearing a summer dress today that fits her perfectly, and ignites a fire in him that he can't ignore. His heart beats fast with longing in his chest, especially when he sees how alluring she looks. Even though he's holding fresh pasta that's just a few minutes away from being cooked, he can't resist the pull of her charm. He quietly swears to himself, giving in to the magnetic force she has on him. After placing the pasta on the nearby counter, he walks over to her. He wraps his arms around her waist, his fingers touching the bare skin where her dress ends. It sends a thrilling shiver through him. Leaning in, he kisses her neck softly. The sound of her taking a sharp breath sounds like sweet music to him, making him smile.
"I can’t help myself, sweetheart, you’re irresistible." Zach whispers playfully, his voice filled with hidden desires. The smell of her shampoo mixes with the delicious aroma of tomatoes, garlic, and basil cooking on the stove. It's so tempting that it almost drives him crazy. It feels like their space is getting smaller, wrapping them in warmth and love. He feels completely happy as he realises that everything he wants - Hazal, their laughter, and the comfort of this kitchen - is right there within his reach. As he continues to shower her neck with gentle kisses, he knows he wouldn't trade this moment for anything else.
Zach's heart leaps with joy, knowing that Hazal is his girlfriend. It's an exciting thought that makes him feel alive. It's hard to pull away from her, but he manages to do it, giving her one more kiss on the neck before stepping back. "Alright, what can I help with? I can't let my girlfriend go hungry, can I?" His voice is full of love as he turns to focus on getting dinner ready, eager to do whatever she needs and enjoy their time together in this cosy kitchen.
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As she worked hard–chopping basil and dicing tomatoes–her heart thundered in her ribcage. It was all because of Zach, of course. His arms were wrapped around her waist, his breath tickling her neck, and the way he called her sweet names made her feel so happy. It wasn’t just happiness though; it was a feeling of belonging, of everything being right. When he whispered “Sweetheart,” it gave her a pleasant shiver. She loved it when he called her that. It felt so special and loving, and it made her feel both loved and wanted. But it was also distracting, and she knew she couldn’t concentrate on cooking if he kept it up.
“Zach,” she said, trying to sound scolding but unable to hide her smile. She could feel his warm hands through her dress, the soft touch contrasting with the rough cutting board under her hands. “Don’t call me sweetheart, you know what it does to me.” Her voice came out softer than she meant it to, barely audible over the sound of the sizzling sauce and the fridge humming quietly. She couldn’t help but notice how his touch, his words, and his presence affected her. It was a powerful feeling, both exciting and a little scary. But even with all the uncertainty that came with these new emotions, she knew she wouldn’t trade them for anything else.
“We need to make dinner. I’m starving,” she added with a small sigh, her hands pausing on the cutting board. She looked from the pan on the stove to Zach’s face, his eyes shining with the same warmth she felt.
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
He quickly glances at Nadya, innit, who looks well chuffed, her eyes sparkling in the soft glow of the dashboard. He can't help but have a chuckle at her gobsmacked expression. "Ain't it the buzz that makes it mint?" he says with a smug grin, feeling a surge of energy. He casually drops a question on her, sly like, "Ever been to The Estuary, love?" Her face is priceless, proper gobsmacked, and he can't help but have a smirk. He knows this posh restaurant's got the charm - the amazing view and posh nosh. He reckons this revelation will only get her even more excited.
Before she can reply, he jumps in, speaking all flirty and lowers his voice, "Nadya, tonight's all about you. Only the top-notch stuff, yeah?" Her reaction is priceless - she's proper stunned and blushing. They exchange a look filled with respect, or at least he reckons so. He effortlessly flashes his charming grin. "Don't worry 'bout the bill, love. It's a date and I've got you covered," he reassures her, his gaze softening. A quiet moment hangs in the air after his honest confession. He shifts his focus back to the road, feeling a fresh wave of excitement, picturing how perfect this evening's gonna be.
In the middle of their playful teasing, he notices a different side of Nadya, right adorable it is. This side only came out after they snogged yesterday. It warms his heart to see her lost for words, and he makes a mental note to remember this moment. When they get to The Estuary, Griffin opens the door for Nadya. Their hands find each other, fingers interlacing like they've done it before, before he hands the keys to the driver to park the motor. They're shown to a table inside, with a banging view of the shoreline stretching out like a proper masterpiece. "We're gonna have a wicked time tonight," he says after they've taken their seats.
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Nadya’s heart raced like a wild horse inside her chest as Griffin’s words broke the silence in the car. His playful, teasing tone made her burst out laughing, but her laughter got caught in her throat when he revealed where they were heading. “The Estuary?” she gasped, her breath hitching with surprise. It was a fancy place, famous for its fancy food and breathtaking city views. With a touch of sass in her voice, she playfully scolded him, “Just because I dress up doesn’t mean I’m all high and mighty, Griffin.” An astonished chuckle slipped out, and she looked at him under the dim light of the dashboard. She admired his relaxed grin, his eyes brimming with confidence and mischief. Despite the grandness of their plans, he seemed so laid-back, and it made her smile back at him, forgetting her shyness for a moment.
But when he spoke with a flirtatious tone and his voice got deeper, her cheeks flushed with color. Her jaw dropped slightly as she tried to process his words and what they meant. “Wait,” she said, her fingers nervously fidgeting in her lap. Friendly banter was one thing, but this… this was new territory for her. She wanted to respond in the same playful way, to throw back the flirtatious ball he had sent her way, but her words got stuck, tangled in the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her.
Finally, she managed to muster a shaky response. “Don’t think you can just smooth-talk your way out of this, okay? It’s not about who’s paying. It’s…” She paused, biting her lower lip in an attempt to hide her widening smile. “It’s just that… this is too much. The Estuary is way too expensive for a first date that might end up in disaster.” As he focused on the road again, she took a moment to process the unexpected turn of the evening. Her heart still thumped loudly in her chest, her mind a whirlwind of excitement, nerves, and anticipation. But amidst it all, a soft smile lingered on her lips, a clear sign of the thrill that lay ahead on this unexpected night.
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
Prescott can feel Mishka's eyes fixed on him, a painful reminder of what once is. Her comment about the kids being comfortable echoes in his mind, like a soft sound that reopens old wounds. He manages a forced laugh, pretending it is just a casual observation. "Yeah, they really like this place," he says, trying to sound casual and hide the pain in his voice. His heart thumps hard in his chest, each beat crying out how much he wishes she could be a part of these moments. But the truth is like a cold and harsh winter, frozen over by his grandfather's actions. As they step into the cupcake shop, the sweet smell of baked goods does nothing to cover up the bitterness lodged in his throat. The soft light shining on the colourful cupcakes only makes the shadow in his heart grow deeper. Still, he has to keep up appearances for the sake of the children, for the sake of enduring this fleeting and painful encounter.
When Mishka asks about the kids, his attention turns to them. Their cheerful chatter breaks through the undercurrent of his inner turmoil. They ramble on about their favourite flavours, unaware of the emotional storm their dad is going through. He interrupts, half-heartedly saying, "Brooklyn loves the red velvet. Jordan can't resist the chocolate one." The warmth that usually fills his words now carries a touch of sadness, an involuntary sign of his heartbreak. Mishka's lingering presence, so friendly and heartwarming, yet painfully temporary, intensifies his longing, gnawing at the edges of his guarded façade. But he presses on, hoping his smiles can hide the tragedy etched in his heart.
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Mishka watched Jordan and Brooklyn playing with pure joy on their faces. It was so contagious that she couldn’t help but catch a bit of it. But she had to remind herself that this moment wasn’t meant for her to join in. “You must have brought them here a lot. They look so comfortable,” she said, motioning towards the kids who were happily frolicking around. Her words felt personal, and she worried it might make things awkward. Despite their complicated past, one thing was clear to her: Prescott was a great dad. His kids absolutely adored him. Sadness settled when realization descended that she could have had this kind of happiness with him if it wasn’t for his grandfather.
As they stepped into the cupcake store, a delicious smell of freshly baked cupcakes filled the air, surrounding them like a cozy blanket. It was impossible to ignore the tempting aroma and the cupcakes displayed in a neat row, their vibrant colors dazzling her eyes. But Mishka held onto her determination, reminding herself that she couldn’t stay any longer than necessary. Turning to Brooklyn and Jordan, she pointed at the mouthwatering cupcakes. “Do you two have a favorite flavor?” she asked, hoping their excitement would overshadow her own nervousness.
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
He knows he has to be careful, making sure to respect her feelings. It's not his job to judge her. "Don't let Demir's opinion determine your worth. You're so much more than his mean words," Zach tells her, speaking slowly and carefully. He feels his heart squeeze in his chest as he imagines what she's going through. As he looks at her face, he adds, "If Griffin, me, and everyone else here at Kings Haven can see how special you are, shouldn't that mean something?"
His mind swirls with the seriousness of the situation - her pain is real and he wishes he could protect her from it. It's like a heavy stone dropped into a calm pond, causing ripples inside him. He needs to help her understand that she's not alone in this.
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"You’re right, Zach,” Nadya replied, sounding resigned. She let out a big sigh and felt the cool night breeze gently move her hair, which brought a comforting feeling amidst the turmoil in her heart. Her relationship with Griffin was complicated and it made her feel really heavy, especially because Griffin was very close friends with Demir.
“Demir has always hated me,” she admitted, her words hanging in the air like the heaviness of the evening. She looked into the distance, as if trying to find a safe place away from the hurtful things her brother had said. “Just a few weeks ago, he said some really mean things to me. He said I’ve been nothing but a source of sadness in his life ever since I was born.”
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
Prescott's eyes widen with surprise, but he keeps his teasing grin intact. He looks at Hazal, and her cheeks turn a soft pink under his steady gaze. He leans back in his chair, taking in this unexpected news. The room suddenly feels brighter, as if reflecting the joyful energy of the kids. He takes a deep breath, still catching the aroma of the delicious home-cooked dinner.
"Oh, so that's what's going on," he jokes playfully, chuckling. "All of a sudden, you've caught the love bug and you're trying to spread it to everyone." He turns towards her directly, his gaze gentle yet inquisitive. His friendly and open manner hides the whirlwind of thoughts in his mind - questions, memories, and concerns. But the prevailing emotion is genuine happiness for his old friend. "That's fantastic, Haz. I mean it," he confirms, looking straight into her eyes and showing sincerity on his face. "So, who's the lucky guy?"
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"Yeah, sort of," she retorted, catching the underlying seriousness in his tone. Hazal's heart went out to him, as an old friend she cared about him. No one should ever be alone. She bent down to pick up a stray toy car from the floor, buying herself a moment to think. His question was fair, after all, she'd never been one to push anyone into something they weren't ready for. She straightened, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
Turning back to him, she gestured to the laughing kids. "Look at them, how happy they are. You could have that again, you know. Someone to share your life with. I think they would want that for you. It's not so bad once you give it a try." Her cheeks reddened at his words and her thoughts went straight to Zach. “That’s because I’m dating now.” She admitted bashfully.
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
"Pardon your bloody manners," Griffin retorts, eyeing the mess on his pristine shirt. His patience is threadbare, worn thin by a day that's gone tits up. Every attempt to compose himself is being greeted by yet another cosmic joke. The chit’s misplaced step, her careless jibe, they're all adding insult to injury. "Was that phone so flaming important you'd forgotten how to walk?" His voice drips with sarcasm, the edge sharp enough to cut. His gaze lingers on her, challenging her to engage, to add fuel to his simmering irritation. Kings Haven's quaint streets, usually his sanctuary, are failing to offer any solace today. Instead, they've become the stage for this fiasco. "Seeing fine, are you?" He snorts, thrusting the napkins back at her. "Maybe try using those peepers for navigation next time, yeah?"
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salem had just grabbed her second iced coffee of the day from the early gull. she needed a mid day pick me up if she was going to get any work finished today. after deciding to stroll through down town for some air she quickly got distracted from a text on her phone. she turned her attention away from sidewalk and onto her screen, suddenly walking directly into the stranger. “oh shit! i’m so sorry about that...” she said apologetically while offering some napkins to the other. she’d spilled some coffee on his shirt, she felt terrible. “i can see just fine, you don’t have to be an asshole about it.” she snapped back, instantly irritated with the strangers tone. it was rare she ran into people in this city she didn’t like right away.
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
Who: @cybermuses​
When: May 25th, 2023
Where: Downtown Kings Haven
"Blimey, can't you see properly?" Griffin grumbles quietly, frantically trying to wipe off the bloomin' stain spreading across his smart white shirt. Today is a flaming disaster from start to finish. His morning is a total nightmare, losing a massive client 'cause of a bloomin' cock-up that slipped past him in his work. As an actuary, getting things right is the bleeding holy grail, and even working from home doesn't make it any less important.
His anger simmers, like a ruddy overripe fruit about to explode. He steps out of his home office in downtown Kings Haven for a breather, thinking the cosy ol' Massachusetts town will calm his shattered nerves. But today, all that charm seems a bit dull, weighed down by his frustration.
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
In Hazal's cosy kitchen, Zach is amazed by how effortlessly and gracefully she moves. The summer dress she's wearing hugs her body, accentuating her curves in a way that's both tempting and tasteful. His heart beats impatiently in his chest, a strong desire gnawing at him. Even the fresh pasta in his hands, just moments away from being cooked in a boiling pot, can't distract him from this longing. With a soft curse under his breath, he gives in to the irresistible pull of her charm.
Setting the pasta aside on the counter, Zach stands behind Hazal and wraps his arms around her waist. His fingers lightly brush against the exposed skin where her dress ends, sending a thrilling shiver down his spine. He leans in to nuzzle her neck, planting gentle kisses along its slope. Her sharp intake of breath sounds like a sweet melody to his ears, bringing a smile to his lips.His smile deepens as she whispers his name, and his eyes crinkle with amusement. He can feel her heartbeat against his chest, matching his own rhythm. It's a comforting reminder of their feelings. 
"Mmm... yes... do you need something from me, sweetheart?" he whispers, teasing more than asking. The scent of her shampoo, mixed with the rich aromas of simmering tomatoes, garlic, and basil, is intoxicating, pulling him closer to the edge of madness. Their little world seems to shrink, enveloping them in warmth and affection. A profound sense of contentment washes over him as he realises that this - Hazal, their shared laughter, the comfort of her kitchen - is what he has been yearning for. And as he continues to shower her neck with gentle kisses, he knows he wouldn't trade this moment for anything.
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closed starter @pyrrhvcs​
Hazal was a woman who often felt unsure about many things, but in this moment, standing in the warm and cozy comfort of her own kitchen, with Zach’s strong arms wrapped around her waist, she had no doubts whatsoever. It felt so right, more than right—it felt like she belonged here. Her heart was beating fast in her chest, not out of fear, but because of the thrilling excitement and joy she had never experienced before.
They were preparing a rustic Italian pasta, the kind you’d find in those old Italian restaurants in Rome or Naples. She was busy chopping fresh basil, dicing ripe tomatoes, and adding them to a pan sizzling with garlic-infused olive oil, while she took care of the pasta. The smell of the simmering sauce was incredible, a tempting blend of simple and natural flavors that transported her to a time she had only ever read about.
And then, as she stirred the sauce, he embraced her from behind, his hands feeling smooth and warm against her skin. His breath tickled her neck, causing delightful shivers to run down her spine. “Zach…” she playfully scolded, although there was a smile forming on her lips. The world outside ceased to exist; it was just the two of them in that kitchen, engulfed in the warmth of their cooking and their blossoming love for each other. It was perfect, it was them, and Hazal wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
Getting the car going, Griffin notices the quiet buzz of the engine spreading through the silence of the night. He sneaks a look at Nadya and catches a hint of excitement in her eyes, her face basking in the warm glow of the dashboard's dim light. He can't help but grin at her captivating expression. Playfully, he teases, "Ain't the mystery part of the fun?" The banter gives him a boost. "You ever heard of 'The Estuary?'" He asks casually, but his gaze towards her says otherwise. He sees her surprise, her face lighting up with amazement. A smirk plays at his lips; he knows all too well about the restaurant's reputation, its breathtaking views, and its fancy food. 
He's sure it'll make her even more excited. Before she can utter a word, he cuts her off. "Nadya, I reckon our evening should match your poshness. Only the best, yeah?" His voice unintentionally deepens, adding a touch of flirtation. A strange shyness takes hold of her, and their eyes lock, conveying a sense of admiration that he dares to interpret. He responds with a charming smile. "No need to worry 'bout the place, alright? It's a date and I'm paying." He admits, his eyes softening. A moment of silence fills the air as his confession hangs between them, the faint hum of the car and the distant sounds of the night their only company. Shifting his focus back to the road, a renewed anticipation takes hold of him, painting a clear picture of the evening to come. He's determined to make it a perfect night.
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Nadya stood in the doorway, staring at Griffin as he showed up. He had on a cool navy jacket that fit him well, and a clean white shirt peeking out from underneath. His dark jeans were a sharp contrast to his shiny black shoes, and his whole outfit gave off a relaxed but classy vibe that made her heart race. She couldn’t help but admire his style and how incredibly good-looking he was. It was almost too much. “These are really beautiful, thank you.” She said genuinely as he handed her a bunch of deep red roses. They were stunning, just like him—simple yet captivating. She stepped back into her house to find a vase for the flowers, still feeling excited inside. The living room filled with the scent of roses, reminding her of his sweet and thoughtful gesture.
When she came back, she gently linked her arm through his, feeling his strong muscles under the jacket. Her heart pounded as he led her towards his car parked on the street, her heels making a clicking sound on the pavement. They settled into the car, and the cool leather seats felt refreshing against her skin. “So, where are we going?” she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. She stole a quick look at him, noticing the anticipation in his warm brown eyes. The air between them felt charged, full of possibilities and things left unsaid.
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
His forced smile can't completely hide the deep resentment, the painful reminder of what has happened before, the sound of laughter turning into a sharp cry of betrayal. Prescott can feel her watching him, but he only sees a stranger who understands his heartache without actually experiencing it. He struggles to keep the bitterness out of his voice as he responds, "Yeah, they definitely do." There's a weight of unspoken words pressing against his chest when Mishka casually mentions how his kids resemble him. The tension he's been fighting against rises, and his eyes reveal a hardness he didn't mean to show. He's on the verge of snapping back, reminding her of the pain she has stirred up, but then Jordan's request for cupcakes interrupts the discomfort.
A glimmer of hope sneaks into Prescott's mind. Maybe this is his chance to break free, to escape from the overwhelming pressure of the playground and the unwelcome memories it brings. He turns to her, trying to find a way out and adding that maybe Mishka probably wants to get back to work. He hopes she'll understand his hidden plea. His heart tightens as she hesitates, his hopes rising for a moment before she casually brushes off his concerns. "Work can wait," she announces, and Prescott's stomach churns at the false promise of her joining the cupcake adventure. His polite facade starts to crack, and he barely manages to keep his disappointment from seeping into his voice. "Sure, why not," he forces out, each word tasting like vinegar.
As they walk towards the cupcake shop, the sweet aroma of baked goods surrounding them in a sickeningly pleasant haze. Having to spend time with Mishka for a long period makes his head spin. He swallows his irritation and answers each one, all the while struggling with the bitter taste of a past he can't escape and a present he never wanted. The jingling sound of the shop bell rings in his ears, a discordant melody playing alongside the chaos unfolding within him.
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She watched Prescott closely, paying attention to the slight tension in his voice amidst the background noise of his kids’ laughter. The excitement of Brooklyn and Jordan filled the air, and their contagious happiness affected everyone around them. Prescott’s words, “You’re really good with kids,” lingered in her mind, accompanied by an elusive feeling that Mishka couldn’t quite understand. She responded cheerfully, hiding the nervousness stirring in their stomach. “Thanks, Prescott. They make it easy.”
At that moment, Prescott’s face tightened when she mentioned his wife, and she felt a pang of empathy. Did he have some hidden pain inside? She wanted to ask, but they knew the limit they had set. They had to choose their words carefully, avoiding anything too personal, like dancers following a precise choreography. “They are truly wonderful,” She gently added, looking back at the children. “There’s a part of you in each of them.” Time seemed to slow down at the playground, with the bright colors of the slides, swings, and the noise of other kids fading away. Her focus was solely on Brooklyn, Jordan, and Prescott. Then, Jordan’s voice interrupted their thoughts, asking hopefully for cupcakes.
Mishka saw the silent plea in Prescott’s eyes, as if he wanted her to say no. Caught off guard, she hesitated, feeling a rush of conflicting emotions. They didn’t want to leave this bubble of happiness, but they understood the importance of respecting Prescott’s boundaries. Their heart ached with an unspoken longing, wishing for a different reality. “I…” She started, then paused, looking at Prescott. “Work can wait,” they finally said, forcing a smile for Jordan. “But only if I can join in the cupcake fun. Deal?”
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
"Most definitely daft," he admits with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. Taking a bite of his sandwich, he really enjoys the satisfying crunch and the flavor that wakes up his taste buds. The café tis buzzing with activity, but it all fades into the background. Her question brings him back to the present, and answers her immediately. "It's been around for quite a few years, I reckon. Came here for my best mate. His family is like mine and all. The move makes sense." They are the only family he’s ever known. Taking a slow sip of his coffee, he observes her curiosity, a soft gentle on his face. "Life sure knows how to surprise you, doesn't it? But I guess that's what makes this town more fascinating."
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The accent was different. He didn't seem completely unfamiliar, but his voice certainly was. Indrani watched the stranger make himself comfortable across from her as she tore off another section of her bagel with her fingers. "You're just daft," she replied in kind, a hint of a smile at her lips. She popped the torn off section into her mouth, savoring the burst of flavor and the crunch as she chased it down with a sip of coffee. "How long have you been in Kings Haven?" Was he new? Or had her life consumed her so completely that she had not noticed anything else? Had her life really been that busy? Or hectic? She supposed getting divorced and trying to reorient herself took a lot of time and energy and attention—but even so, Indrani hoped she hadn't become completely oblivious to her surroundings. She took a longer sip, allowing the liquid to scorch her throat just a little as she awaited a response.
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
Prescott can't help but feel a warm smile spreading across his face, breaking free from his usual serious demeanour, as Indrani's words sink into his heart. "You think I'd settle for just any old sandwich?" he playfully asks, the delicious scent of seasoned meats and freshly baked bread swirling in the air around them. His eyes follow hers to the mouthwatering assortment of sandwiches, and amusement dances in his eyes. The bustling deli echoes with the energy of the lunchtime rush, punctuating their playful banter. "I won't lie, the grilled chicken here is something special, perfectly charred every single time." His love for the turkey sub remains unwavering, but there's an unspoken understanding in his words. As his gaze meets hers, a half-smile forming on his lips, he adds, "Yet there's something about the turkey here - each bite is a delightful surprise that satisfies my taste buds. By the way what kind of cases are you working on now?"
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Prescott's presence was unexpected, but if she was going to run into anybody, he would probably be one of the better choices. She sent him a smile and a nod as a greeting as she approached, her mind still somewhat occupied by her desire for a sandwich. "Always good to see you too, Prescott." She turned to face the showcase and peruse the menu, despite knowing full well what she would order. Still, she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his words as she slowly turned back to face him."You're a turkey sub kind of man... I see." Her lips twitched in amusement. "You can never go wrong with grilled chicken, though." The ones here were often perfectly charred, which was exactly how she liked her chicken.
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
Who: @indranisms​
When: May 23rd, 2023
Where: Deli in Kings Haven
Prescott strolls into the bustling local deli of Kings Haven, instantly recognising Indrani, his respected lawyer colleague, and a rush of familiarity sweeps over him. "Hello, Indrani. It's great running into you here," he says to her with an authentic grin, a rare sight on his usually serious face. Surrounded by the tempting scent of freshly baked bread and savory cold cuts, her presence disrupts his usual daily routine in an unexpected way. Giving a quick nod toward the counter overflowing with a variety of sandwich choices, he adds, "You know what? This place serves up the most amazing turkey sub, doesn't it?"
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
Feeling as hungry as a wild animal after a long chase, he walks into the busy Early Gull Café. The delicious smell of freshly baked croissants and strong coffee fills the air, making his stomach excitedly rumble. He picks up his crispy croissant sandwich and hot cup of coffee and looks around, trying to find a calm place in the midst of all the busy activity. His eyes spot a woman sitting with a cinnamon bagel and a cup of coffee, leaning over her food. She must have noticed him looking at her, because she nods friendly and gestures towards the empty seat across from her. Griffin appreciates her straightforwardness and happily accepts her invitation, saying, "Thanks. I don't think I've seen you here before. Are you new or am I daft?" His usual gruffness is absent today, and he can thank his hunger for that.
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There would always be something comforting about a bagel and a coffee. A cinnamon bagel sat on a dish in front of her as she leaned back, sipping her coffee as the Early Gull continued to fill up. The morning crowd was always intense, and somehow every year it just got crazier. Still, there were no better bagels in this side of Massachusetts, at least in her undeniably biased opinion. Indrani raised an eyebrow at a wandering patron, before nodding at the seat in front of her. "If you need a seat, that one's free. I wouldn't mind the company, and this place is only going to get more hectic." The one downside of the Early Gull was that there was always the possibility of running into her mother here— and if this morning, their schedules happen to coincide, then she would be grateful to have a feasible reason for ignoring the other woman.
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
Griffin's holed up in his tidy home office, buried in a mountain of numbers and risky analysis. Usually, he's a pro at being an Actuary, crunching data to predict and suss out future events, finding clever ways to dodge bad stuff from happening. But today, his mind's all over the place - he's got a date with Nadya coming up. His heart's pounding like mad, and his steady hands are all tingly.
Letting out a sigh of relief, he shuts his work laptop, glad to be done with it. Time to sort out a reservation at 'The Estuary,' a swanky joint with epic views of the shoreline of Kings Haven. Sweat trickles down his palms as he seals the deal, feeling this mad excitement bubbling up inside him. With great care, he picks out his outfit for the evening. He settles on a sharp navy blazer, hugging his frame just right, over a fresh white shirt, dark jeans, and shiny black brogues. Not too fancy, but definitely not laid-back. He checks himself out in the mirror, grinning like a loon. The look's spot on, giving off an easy cool vibe.
An hour later, clutching a bunch of ruby-red roses that match Nadya's vibrant soul, Griffin steps out into the cool night air. He's striding towards Nadya's place, feeling those butterflies getting all wild in his gut. When Nadya opens the door, his breath catches in his throat. She's glowing, her red dress popping against her creamy skin. She's got this enchanting beauty that almost makes him forget where he is. He can't help but drink in her curves, heat rising up the back of his neck. Shaking himself out of his trance, he forces a smile.
Handing her the bouquet, he lets out a light chuckle. "I never keep a lady waiting, can't I?" he says, his brown eyes sparkling with excitement and anticipation. Stepping back, he glances at his ride parked on the street, then back at her. "Ready to get out of here?" he asks, offering his arm.
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closed starter @pyrrhvcs​
Nadya was a rollercoaster of emotions all day long, feeling really jittery and uncertain—despite being a pretty calm individual. Usually sketching was her safe place, but today everything she drew seemed off and all her ideas seemed boring. She stared at the designs, feeling disappointed just like the messy lines on the paper. She couldn’t get behind these pieces at all, let alone show them to her clients. She left work early and went back to her house, feeling frustrated. She tried to distract herself by picking out an outfit for the evening. But she couldn’t shake off her nerves. This was Griffin. He was annoying, yet she still had his kiss from yesterday on her mind. Remembering it made her stomach flutter with butterflies and her heart race—making her cheeks flush.
After a long debate inside her head, she finally chose a dress that said a lot about her—a red number that was equally classy and confidence boosting. It was just right for a date—fashionable but not too formal. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt a bit better. It was already seven o'clock when the doorbell rang loudly through her quiet home. She stole one last look at herself, fixing a strand of hair, and then headed toward the door. Her nervousness was almost too much as she reached for the doorknob, feeling anxious and thrilled at the same time. Opening the door, she peered at Griffin standing there, looking hot as sin. With a voice that was almost steady, she greeted, “You’re on time. I thought you’d be late.”
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
don’t give up. shit. leon has all kinds of thoughts, but he pushes them aside to pay attention to his cousin. “you’re a poet. you know that, right?” leon grins as he sips his beer. “i think you’re right though. it’s not sudden lightning bolt or a bullet to the heart. sunrise is a beautiful metaphor for love. so is persistent fool” he appreciates how zach is slowly cheering him up. even though there’s a small voice in the back on his head that’s absolutely torturing him right now. “hey, you wanna go to a bar or something? or my place. i have a few grams there.” leon knows he has an addiction. he also doesn’t much to hide it. and people mostly humor him. he knows he should cut back a little, but it’s too hard to be lucid with these feelings. of course zach is doing his best, and succeeding at lightening the mood. but it’s still not enough to feel completely okay. and he needs that desperately. weed helps. please, he needs it in order for the fog in his head to clear up. he lifts his arms with a smile on his face “what do you say? it’ll be fun”
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"Being in love does strange things to me," he playfully retorts, not missing a beat. His laughter fills the air, a comforting warmth that flows through his veins, offering solace from the storm of emotions swirling within. With Hazal at the club, he feels a sense of loneliness, making Leon's presence a welcome distraction.
As Leon's words reverberate in the room, a pang of concern pricks Zach's heart. His brow furrows, curiosity flickering in his eyes. "Isn't my place good enough?" he gently challenges, shaking his head to emphasize his words. "It seems like you're using weed to bury your feelings. It won't really help," he says, masking his concern behind a firm tone. He's not one to preach, aware that he's not the epitome of healthy coping mechanisms himself. However, he knows Leon well enough to recognize the desperation glimmering in his eyes. "Don't lose hope, Leon," he implores, his words hanging in the stillness of the room. Beneath his casual demeanor lies a genuine earnestness, a silent plea for Leon to hold onto hope, just as he himself has done, and continues to do.
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
"Nope, no date tonight," Prescott responds with a jovial chuckle, his eyes glinting with humor as he watches the kids darting about the room. He spares a quick glance to Hazal, admiring her natural maternal instinct. There's a warmth to her that's hard to ignore. "Is it lonely you're asking about?" His words are carefree, but there's a hidden weight to them. Thoughts of Mishka suddenly surge forth, unbidden, and he wrestles them back down. He shouldn't still be dwelling on that heartbreak, not when there's laughter and life right in front of him. 
His heart remains guarded, the memories of Ana and Mishka a painful barrier he isn't ready to lower. "You know," he shifts the topic smoothly, turning his focus back to Hazal. "You've never been one to push the dating agenda before. What's the sudden change, Haz?" His voice is soft but curious.
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Hazal laughed, watching as Jordan and Brooklyn squirmed away from Prescott, their happy screams bouncing off the quiet room. She kept busy, helping them take off their jackets and shoes. "No hot date tonight, huh?" she joked, looking at Prescott. His eyes held a secret amusement, but she could tell there was something more going on inside him, a mix of feelings hiding beneath his calm face. "You should go on a date. I mean, don't you feel lonely?" she asked casually, nudging him playfully, but genuinely caring about his well-being. She never thought about dating until Zach came back and threw a wrench in her plans. In a good way, of course. "Dating it's not that bad, Pres," she reassured him, hoping to ease his unspoken worries. "It might be good for you... and for the kids too."
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