#greys anatomy season 1
lucethemoonwitch · 3 months
HOW did a man like derek shepherd pull women like meredith grey and addison forbes-montgomery
Like.... hes so icky the first ten minutes of his screen time
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that-anxious-enby · 1 year
ive never really watched greys anatomy, i tried a few years ago (like pre covid era) but i just couldn't get past like episode 4, and for some reason i hated Derek?
im trying the show again and holy shit why??? I'm only on season one so who knows where his character goes but why did i hate this man??? hes so funny to me for no reason??? the way he delivers some of his lines (which would not even be funny on their own) makes me laugh so much?? i dont know what it is but every time he flirts with Meredith everything he says is so silly goofy and i dont get it but i honestly love him for it?? help 😭
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I think season 1 and season 10 Bailey are different characters, because I honestly can’t imagine her doing the sort of thing. However I did think Cristina not caring was funny in the scene 
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slf-cntrl · 11 months
there’s just too much going on lol
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saturnvs · 1 year
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sooo i’m rewatching grey’s anatomy
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lillefrknorge · 1 year
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You never think that the last time is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you don’t. - Meredith Grey
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mischiefbuckley · 3 months
does anyone else rewatch multiple shows at the same time cause you never know what you’ll be in the mood for???
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babyjapril · 8 months
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♡happy valentines day♡
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tv casts that basically raised me (pt. 5)
Grey's Anatomy (since 2005)
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One thing I will say for having Doctor Odyssey sandwiched between 9-1-1 and Grey's is that I will keep it on while I deal with all my flailing and emotions for 9-1-1 and actually be at a good state to pay attention when Grey's is on.
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dumbs0ckss · 1 year
no one will ever understand him like I do
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lucethemoonwitch · 3 months
Meredith's sparkly eyes the morning after her first time with Derek! Poor woman had no idea what was coming her way
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that-anxious-enby · 1 year
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It took me three episodes to figure that the Grey in “Grey’s Anatomy” was the main characters last name and not the name of the hospital. when I watch shows I rarely do any type of math
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she-karev · 3 months
The Pregnant Resident (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Imagine)
Previous Part Here
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Four of Four
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 19 Episode 2
Summary: After his surgery Andrew finds Amber passed out in a gurney in the middle of the hall that makes him worry. Afterwards Amber officially starts maternity leave and says a final word to the interns.
PS: There's some Season 1 Bailey vibes at the end lol.
Words: 1873
August 13th, 2022
Andrew DeLuca exhales deeply taking off his navy-blue constellation pattern scrub cap after finishing an emergency splenectomy on one of the car accident victims. The pit has been cleared and all the major injuries were sent to a private room to recover. He thinks about how stressed and tired Amber must have been after working nonstop in the ER for 18 hours.
He looks at his watch and sees it’s 2 am which means he and Amber need to clock out. The hallway is mostly empty as he makes a left and sees Amber on her side on the gurney, with her eyes closed looking unresponsive. The sight alarms him causing him to run towards her and shake her arm.
“Amber.” She doesn’t wake up making Andrew worry and shake her harder, “Amber!”
Amber groans tired and opens her weary eyes to see her husband exhale in relief at her response, “What? What is it? What are you doing here?”
“I just got off a surgery and I was about to look for my pregnant wife so we can clock out and get a good nights rest.” The tone in his voice makes it clear to Amber he has reached his limit with her working in her condition, “Instead I find my wife passed out in a gurney in the middle of the hall looking dead.”
Amber sighs, “Don’t be dramatic you know I was in the pit and handling the trauma.” Amber gets off the gurney and groans in pain as her feet hit the floor causing her husband to worry and put his hands against her back and belly.
“What is it? Are you okay?”
“It’s my feet, it’s the damn shoes I’m fine. Now let me go I need to check on the interns make sure they didn’t screw up so bad again.” Amber moves to walk away causing Andrew to look up at the ceiling frustrated.
“Amber!” She stops at the sharp tone she never hears from Andrew and turns to face him. She sees the worried look on his face that accompanies the stern voice, “You are not fine. You look tired, you look exhausted I can see it, we all see it. You’ve been on your feet all day and all night. Any one person would feel like hell right after and they wouldn’t have to be pregnant. You know I’m right so don’t try to pass it off as me being dramatic.”
Amber sighs, “…Fine it’s taking a lot for me to put just one foot in front of the other and I am running on ginger ale and beef jerky I sneak inside my coat.”
“Which is why maternity leave was invented.” Andrew points out in seriousness to Amber’s annoyance, “Hey look at me.” Amber looks up at her husband who looks at her tenderly, “I love you and if something happens to you or this child that would be the thing that breaks me.”
Amber’s expression softens at that confession, “…I have spent my whole life working towards a successful career all on my own. I was a freshman in high school working two jobs, saving every dime that I had so I could get out of foster care. There was no graduation just a cap and gown on the first bus to college. And now I am the chief resident at one of the top hospitals in the nation. And when I pass my boards, hospitals will be calling me offering me a peds fellowship spot. If I take a leave I’ll lose my job and a chance at being a good role model for my daughter. I can’t be a disappointment to her like my mom was for me.”
Andrew nods understanding, “I get that and I get why your holding off on this. But if you keep going at it and overexerting yourself your not gonna have a daughter to be a role model for. This isn’t just about your goals, not anymore, right now this is about her. This is about our baby.”
Amber looks more convinced at that and presses her lips together to think.
“He’s right and you know it.” Amber turns to find Alex approaching her looking concerned for her as well.
The blonde chief resident snorts at what’s happening in front of her, “It’s never a good sign when the two of you agree on something when it concerns me.”
“It shocks me too trust me.” Andrew says, amused, as Alex walks up to them.
“Now I wouldn’t normally get in the middle of you two but when I found you passed out here on the gurney half an hour ago I realized it takes two men to settle down a stubborn bull.” Amber raises an eyebrow at the comparison as her brother continues, “Now I talked to Chief Grey, and she agreed that you need to start your maternity leave. Your spot will still be there when you get back and until then Schmitt will be the interim chief resident.”
“You replaced me with Schmitt?” Amber asks offended, “What did I do to make you hate this much?”
Alex grins, “Schmitt has been shown to be as hardworking as you and he juggles the duties of being one of the few senior residents quite well given the circumstances. And he would be too scared to fight against you for the position permanently.”
Amber hums in approval, “And they say I’m the evil genius of the family.” Andrew smiles at that behind her.
“So when does my lovely and beautiful wife start bed rest?”
“Right now.” Alex states causing Amber to groan, “And this is from me and Chief Grey personally so listen closely, you’re going home and you’re gonna stay home. I don’t want to see you back here until you’ve given birth to this child. Understood?”
“Is the alternative you and my husband hogtying me to the hood of my car?”
“Yes.” The men say in unison causing Amber to purse her lips.
“Fine I understand.”
Alex relaxes a bit, “Good. Relax, kick your feet up, let DeLuca dote on you. You more than deserve it.”
Amber grins up at her brother taking care of her, “Thanks. I can see why I keep you two around after all.”
Her husband and brother chuckle at that before Amber waddles away from them and walks down the hall causing her husband to call after her.
“Where are you going?”
“To pee and then get a snack!” Amber turns left.
“You just live ten minutes away!” Alex yells out and looks at DeLuca who shakes his head in defeat with a grin before grabbing a discarded wheelchair and following after Amber wheeling it in front of him.
Amber sits in the wheelchair in her red shirt and black sweatpants relaxing as her husband behind her pushes her away from the resident’s lounge and toward the elevator so they can finally go home. Qadri, Parker and Schmitt follow her saying goodbye before she goes.
“You can never go wrong with Netflix.” Qadri says as she counts the cash money in her hands after winning the bet against Schmitt and Parker, “Or Disney Plus if you feel nostalgic for Lizzie McGuire. Also, it might be a great time to pick out a name for the child to be.”
“You haven’t picked out a name?” Parker asks and immediately regrets it as Amber glares at him, “Which is fine, it’s your baby, your timeline. And just to put it out there Casey works for a girl and a boy in case she reidentifies.”
“I have some good Hebrew names that mean beloved or lovely. I’ll text them to you.”
“You know I think I’m gonna miss all of you the second least while I’m in maternity prison.”
Qadri grins knowing her friend is not one for showing affection, “And who’s the least of all?”
“Dr. DeLuca!” Amber groans at the familiar voice of Yasuda who walks up to her carrying a brown paper bag along with Simone Griffith, Lucas Adams, Benson Kwan and Jules Millin who all smile at her.
Qadri snorts at Amber’s face as she faces the interns, “Spoke too soon.”
Griffith starts, “We wanted to come by and say bye before your on bedrest.”
“Also to apologize for using the ‘Q’ word while on shift.” Kwan says embarrassed, “Even though it’s just a superstition.”
“Kwan it’s not even a day with you as my intern and I already hate you.” Andrew grins at Amber’s blunt statement, “I am in no mood for nice words from people whose names I don’t remember so just give me the bag and we’ll call it a night.”
Mika holds out the brown paper bag with a smile, “It’s little things from the gift shop. Stuffed animals apparently touching them helps relieve anxiety and we thought you could use more than we do right now. Also, it could be good toys for the baby, we got all kinds of animals in case she’s picky.”
Amber looks at gift bag numbly not even taking it due to how tired and grumpy she is. Andrew grins at her before taking the bag from Yasuda.
“Thanks.” Andrew sees the elevator doors opening and enters backwards wheeling Amber in, “Okay my love, are you ready to be pampered like a queen?”
“As long as there’s a bed and I can spread across it like a starfish I’m good.”
Qadri holds out the cash for her to take, “Here I know how much you like cash as a gift so you can get it yourself. It’s from the people you like a little more than the interns.”
Amber takes the cash and mumbles thanks. Qadri nods and steps away with her friends. The interns face the elevator and are about to walk away as it closes until Amber stops it with her foot causing it to open again. Andrew looks on confused as well as the interns who freeze in place as their chief resident faces them with a hard lined mouth and narrow eyes.
“I may be eleventy months pregnant.” Amber starts, “I may be on bed rest. I may have a sharp pain in both of my hips and breasts but do not think you can slack off in my absence. I will know the second you guys make a mistake so huge it reflects poorly on me and my abilities to keep you all in line. And if that happens, I will rain so much hell on you it will make Hurricane Katrina look like a puddle.” The interns look frozen in fear as Amber makes a final statement, “I am Dr. Amber DeLuca, and I will be back.”
The doors close and the last thing Amber sees is the scared interns before facing the elevator doors. Andrew grins behind her squeezing her shoulder affectionately.
“Do you feel better?”
Amber exhales content, “So much. Now take me home so you can massage my feet and read Stephen King to my belly before I pass out for the next two months.”
“Will do wife.” The elevator doors open and Andrew wheels Amber forward so she can officially start her maternity leave.
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autism-swagger · 1 year
I feel like Kirby eventually becomes an honorary member of the Core 4.
Chad makes a whole spectacle of it. In what he claims is an effort to be inclusive to all religions (but is really just because he's making it up on the fly) he swears her in with Tara's dvd copy of Grey's Anatomy season 3.
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