#the planned this line up perfectly tbh
One thing I will say for having Doctor Odyssey sandwiched between 9-1-1 and Grey's is that I will keep it on while I deal with all my flailing and emotions for 9-1-1 and actually be at a good state to pay attention when Grey's is on.
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roys-our-boy · 7 months
Volume 18 finally arrived which means after two years or so of collecting I have them all!! Can’t wait to read them I’m so excited 😭 gonna have so many Suga pictures in my phone when I’m done fr fr
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Also lined them all up on my long shelf to see them all in a nice row and it’s just. SO COOL. I’m so happy to have them all like omg 😭😭 I seriously can’t get over how cool this is to me
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kinascum · 3 months
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[previous ch] _ [next ch]
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SUMMARY: Matt and Y/N bond after she invites him to a game and they agree to study calculus together, leading to a deepening friendship and mutual understanding that hints at something more.
WARNINGS: NERD!Matt, POPULAR!reader, cussing probs idk, nothing else tbh
words: 1.1k
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A Monday afternoon, as they were both waiting for the bus, she turned to him and said, "You know, you're not so bad, for a nerd." He laughed, the teasing tone in her voice bringing warmth to his cheeks. "Thanks," he said, trying to play it cool. "You're not so bad for a popular girl." She rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face told him she didn't mind the banter. They talked about their weekend plans, and he found himself sharing details about his latest coding project, something he never talked about with anyone except his closest friends. To his surprise, she listened intently, asking questions and showing genuine interest.
As the bus pulled up, she turned to him. "You know, you should come to the game tomorrow. It'll be fun." He nodded, unable to speak. The idea of being somewhere she would be, doing something she enjoyed, was both terrifying and exhilarating. "I'll think about it," he managed to say, watching as she climbed onto the bus. He stood there, rooted to the spot, until the bus disappeared from view, her words echoing in his mind.
The game was a blur of colors and noise, a cacophony of cheers and laughter. He had never felt so out of place, surrounded by the very people he had spent his whole life avoiding. But there she was, sitting a few rows ahead, her eyes occasionally finding his in the sea of faces. When she caught his gaze, she would smile and wave, and he would feel a jolt of electricity run through him. It was a strange sensation, one that made his heart race and his stomach flip.
During halftime, she made her way over to him. "Hey, you made it," she said, her eyes shining. "Yeah," he replied, his voice barely audible over the din. "It's pretty intense, huh?" He nodded, trying to seem unfazed. "It's okay," she said, leaning closer. "You can sit with us if you want." And just like that, she had invited him into her world. He followed her through the crowd, his heart pounding in his chest like a drum. As they sat down, she turned to him, her eyes searching his. "You don't have to pretend, you know. You can be yourself around me."
The words hung in the air, a promise of acceptance he hadn't felt in a long time. He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his shyness start to lift. "Thanks, Y/N," he said, his voice a little stronger this time. "I'll try." And with that, they watched the rest of the game together, their shoulders brushing every now and then, their laughter mingling with the roar of the crowd. It was a simple moment, but it felt like the start of something much, much bigger.
The weeks turned into months, and their interactions grew more frequent, and more comfortable. They found themselves sitting together in class, sharing lunches, and occasionally studying together after school. It was a slow burn, a dance of friendship that was gradually kindling into something more. The whispers of the hallways grew quieter as people began to realize that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for the quiet nerd and the popular girl.
Matt discovered that Y/N wasn't just a pretty face. She was smart, funny, and had a passion for life that was infectious. She taught him to loosen up, to laugh without fear of judgment. In return, he showed her the beauty of the worlds that existed between the pages of a book, the thrill of solving a complex problem, and the joy of a perfectly crafted line of code. They were an unlikely pair, but somehow, they fit.
Matt sat on the edge of the schoolyard bench, scrolling through his phone with the precision of a seasoned gamer navigating through his favorite app. The sun was a blurry blob in the cloudy sky, casting a soft, pale light over the concrete jungle of the schoolyard. The occasional bird chirping in the background, a stark contrast to the usual cacophony of teenage laughter and chatter. A gentle breeze ruffled his hair, a cool reminder of the approaching fall.
Y/N strolled over, her sneakers scuffing against the pavement, a warm smile spreading across her face. Her blonde ponytail bobbed with each step, and her eyes sparkled with the excitement of a new challenge. "Hey, nerd," she teased, dropping her backpack next to him with a thud. "You ready to save my calculus grade?"
Matt looked up, his cheeks flushing slightly. He wasn't used to Y/N calling him that, but he liked it. It was a term of endearment from her, a sign that she was comfortable enough with him to poke fun. "Always," he said, slipping his phone into his pocket. "But only if you promise not to tell anyone I'm tutoring the school's 'it' girl."
They laughed, the sound carrying on the breeze. Y/N plopped down beside him, pulling out her calculus textbook with a dramatic sigh. She was popular for a reason: she had a heart as golden as her hair, and she treated everyone with kindness, even the quiet ones like Matt. He felt a strange warmth spread through him as she leaned in close, her shoulder brushing against his. It was a simple gesture, but it made him feel like maybe, just maybe, he wasn't so invisible after all.
"So, what's the plan?" she asked, flipping through the pages. "How do we tackle this beast?"
Matt took a deep breath, his mind racing with equations and formulas. He leaned closer, pointing at the first problem with the tip of his pencil. "Okay, so you start with the derivative here, and then you apply the chain rule..."
Their heads bent together over the book, their focus intense. Neither noticed the way their fingers brushed against each other's, the electricity that seemed to crackle in the air. It was just two friends studying, right? Just two friends...
The minutes turned into hours as they worked through problem after problem. Y/N's laughter was a sweet symphony in his ears, her voice a gentle reminder of how much he enjoyed her company. As they took a break to grab some lunch, she mentioned her nerves about the upcoming exam. It was unlike her to be anything but confident, and it made him want to help her even more.
"Why don't we study together after school?" he suggested, trying to keep his voice steady. "I'm sure we can get through it."
Her eyes lit up, and she beamed at him. "That would be amazing, Matt. You're a lifesaver."
He couldn't help the little thrill that shot through him at the idea of spending more time with her, just the two of them. They agreed to meet at her place, where it would be quiet and they could really focus. Little did he know, their calculus study session would take a turn he never could have anticipated
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TAGLIST: @sturnstvs @gxldenlush @immattsslut @stasiesturn @jetaimevous @solarsturniolo @watercolorskyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @meowira @secretagentspy @shadowthesim @slut4chriss @baileysturns (I love you guys sm)
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stellarfoxian · 6 months
can i request v x fem human reader where it takes place during the promening episode? maybe they have a little dance together or bond during the battle with doll i guess :P
character: serial designation v (murder drones)
a/n: hey guys…!!!! it’s been a while !!!!!! sorry for disappearing for 296721 years i’ve been really busy and demotivated recently lmao- anyways, im not really big on doing requests but this is such a cute idea and it gave me a sudden hit of inspiration so !!! im gonna do it :3 ALSO idk when or how you end up joining the crew so that’s up to you tbh.
warnings: human x disassembly drone (if that needs to be a warning? idk i know some people don’t like that), probably ooc im sorryyy
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: ̗̀➛ v inviting you to prom ? oh, you got LUCKY.
: ̗̀➛ well… i guess it wasn’t really her inviting you. she explained her plan of “kill everyone, pop uzi’s little head off!” to you and was like “well. i guess you can come too or whatever.”
: ̗̀➛ and…. Depending on your personality you end up going with her to either make sure she doesn’t kill people or to help her kill people. fun !
: ̗̀➛ as for your outfit, n brought it back when he got his and v’s outfit !
: ̗̀➛ so, you go with her after she beheads n, (he’s fine. You hope.) the worker drones are SUPER curious about you. like what the hell are you doing here human. uzi already wasn’t very fond of you and you’re getting kinda nervous with all these stares.
: ̗̀➛ v notices, because of course she does.
: ̗̀➛ “just ignore them. they’re jealous of how fabulous you look.”
: ̗̀➛ she says as you step up backstage with her, waving at lizzy.
: ̗̀➛ this isn’t about her, but lizzy’s pretty chill with you.
: ̗̀➛ ANYWAYS! you probably know how this goes. v steps up to do her speech, gets crucified by doll. you try to help, but get THROWN by doll and her solver powers. Ouch. (you’re fine, trust.)
: ̗̀➛ after uzi and n pop in and n and v both get torn to pieces, you rush over to help them, picking up v’s arm- which she grabs from you.
: ̗̀➛ “MINE.”
: ̗̀➛ Okay, V.
: ̗̀➛ you’re just as mad at lizzy as she is. that traitor!
: ̗̀➛ fast forwarding to when everything is over, v wants to stay with you, so she convinces n and uzi to let her stay behind.
: ̗̀➛ though the music is kinda… janky, now that the boombox has been messed with, she holds her hand out to you.
: ̗̀➛ “wanna dance?”
: ̗̀➛ you’re kinda stunned. you didn’t know v liked to dance. or that she knew how to, actually.
: ̗̀➛ “do you… know how to dance?” you ask her in confusion.
: ̗̀➛ “…well, no. but it’s not too late to learn. just say yes before i change my mind!”
: ̗̀➛ so you take her hand. it’s a little hard to dance with a disassembly drone, considering that you’re a human, but you do your best! and it goes quite well, even though you stumble a bit.
: ̗̀➛ dancing with her is a learning experience for both of you, even if you already know how to dance. you have to learn how to dance with a drone now, so it takes some getting used to. but you manage!
: ̗̀➛ she learns pretty quickly, matching your movements almost perfectly.
: ̗̀➛ but eventually, you both tire out. so you call it a day and start to head back to the landing pod, holding her hand.
: ̗̀➛ wait.
: ̗̀➛ holding her hand?
: ̗̀➛ it took v a good while to realize she was holding your hand. and when she did, she pulled it away immediately. don’t take offense to it! she’s just embarrassed. you can tell by the blush lines on her visor…
: ̗̀➛ “i don’t want your human cooties.” she’d say, crossing her arms.
: ̗̀➛ i know what you are, v.
: ̗̀➛ you get back to the landing pod before n and uzi, and she turns to you before going to do her own thing.
: ̗̀➛ “i… i had fun. thanks.”
: ̗̀➛ and just like that, she’s off.
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hobie-enthusiast · 1 year
— rulebreaker!hobie brown x perfectionist!gn!reader
— enemies to lovers, fluff, cursing (a lot tbh), arguments, character development, secret relationships, gossip, kissing, sneaking around, hobie is shirtless (its for one part for comfort)
— hobie brown was everything you weren’t, so maybe that’s what attracted the two of you together so well (pt. 3)
— part 3 woohoo! shoutout to 🫓 anon for the idea and honestly part 4 maybe? i have an idea brewing
— part 1 | part 2 | part 3 (here)
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Sneaking around with Hobie Brown was truly exhilarating.
After the event in the supply closet, he declared you to be in a relationship (that’s about as far as he would label it). Only problem was it had to stay secret. Your reputation was on the line, and being with Hobie could label you as trouble alone. Plus, Hobie hated labels.
So a secret relationship ensued. For two months worth of sneaking around during school hours to rooftop dates, the two of you avoided all judging eyes. You were content with that, and so was he.
That was, until your grades started to slip.
It truly wasn’t a big deal. 100’s turned into 90’s, and you still maintained your A’s. But that wasn’t good in your parent’s eyes. They noticed the weird absences for singular classes. When you said it was for academic competitions, they grew even more weary.
A confirmation was apparent to them when you climbed in through your window while they were awaiting your arrival. They wanted to talk with you about the grades, only to find you missing. Of course they were worried, but they still found themselves more angry than not.
“What is going on with you?” Your mom questions, arms crossed. “It’s like we don’t even know you anymore!”
“Mom, stop, please.”
“No, that’s not how you’ll speak to her.” Your dad interjected.
You groan, sitting at your desk. “Nothing’s going on! I’m doing perfectly fine.”
Your dad raises an eyebrow and scoffs. “Yeah, because sneaking through the window and skipping classes is ‘fine’.”
“I’m not skipping classes!”
“Oh so you want to lie?” Your mom questions.
“Why won’t you believe me?” You ask. Of course you were lying, they couldn’t know about Hobie. “I’m still doing great. Keeping up. It’s normal teenage stuff.”
Your dad shakes his head. “Nope. I don’t think so.” He declares, crossing to the door. “As of right now, you aren’t going to prom. Maybe that’ll teach you to not sneak around and lie.”
“What?!” Your eyes widen as you stand. You turn to your mom. “Are you seriously going to let this happen?!”
“Let it be a lesson, [Name]. Get your act together.”
Your parents walked out of your room, and you groan in frustration. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes. You wanted to go to prom! The nice outfits, the dancing, and maybe even convincing Hobie to go was your plan. Now you couldn’t.
You angrily grab your phone, typing to Hobie before tossing your phone away.
Me (9:42 pm):
My parents banned me from going to prom.
Hobie <3 (9:42 pm):
Me (9:46 pm):
Caught me sneaking through the window and cornered me. Said I was skipping classes and told me that I needed to “get my act together”.
It’s absolute bullshit.
Hobie <3 (9:46 pm):
shit im sorry sweetheart
give me 5 minutes
You smile gingerly at the phone, moving to lock your room door. You knew Hobie was already on his way, so you had to ensure your parents wouldn’t get you in more trouble. That’s the last thing you needed.
You sat in silence by your door, trying your hardest not to cry over the situation. It was rough.. you never disappointed your parents before like this. They always thought highly of you, but now they didn’t, and this feeling wasn’t kind.
A knock on the window stole you away from your pity. Glancing up, you move to open the window, Hobie entering and immediately hugging you tightly.
You couldn’t help but let out a choked sob at the warmth. “Oh swee’heart.. shh, ‘s okay..”
“But it isn’t!” You respond, pulling away and wiping your face. “I know this may seem stupid but I was looking forward to.. I don’t know.. having a genuine date to prom. I was going to ask if you wanted to go with me, become public, all that stuff. And now I can’t!” You finish, plopping down on your bed.
Hobie’s eyes widen before a sigh escapes his lips. He didn’t know you wanted to go public, not at all. Of course, everyone already had their suspicions after the incident in the hallway. But no one knew you actually were together. Just thought of it as Hobie being Hobie.
He sits next to you, draping an arm around you. In response, you lean against him with a deep breath.
“It isn’t just about prom. I’ve never.. seen my parents so disappointed in me. And I don’t get it. I’m still a great student. Like.. it doesn’t make sense, y’know?”
“I get ‘t. But they put a lot ‘f pressure on ya. Can’t let this get t’ ya.” He explains, a soothing hand rubbing your arm.
You sigh. “I can’t help it. I..” You want to say you love them, because you do. But you aren’t doing this for love. “…want them to care.”
Well that wasn’t what Hobie was expecting.
He says no more words, just holding you closely. He soon finds himself hearing you request he stay, him holding you close, underneath your blankets. He knew this was bad, if your parents walked in it wouldn’t end well. But it was alright. He could just.. keep you safe for a little while. That’s what his job is.
His job as.. as..
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Your eyes adjust to the light pouring in, a groan escaping your lips. You’re about to turn over and stretch when you feel yourself trapped. Glancing down, you see some familiar hands and rings.
The warmth elicited from Hobie was amazing. You let out a content sigh, savouring the moment with him.
Once Hobie awakens, which was possibly two minutes after you, you turn to him with a small smile. “Can’t believe you slept in your jeans and jewelry.”
“Eh, ‘ur worth the discomfor’.” He responds, a yawn escaping his lips.
“That’s.. corny as hell.”
Hobie grins, pulling you closer to him. “You make me wanna be corny, hm?”
Before you could respond, a knock comes at your door. Your mom’s voice rang on the other side, causing both of you to shoot up.
“Honey? Can I come in?”
You stand from the bed, almost falling in the process, trying to fix up the scene. You usher Hobie up, who happened to be shirtless for comfort, into your closet.
“Woah woah, slow down darlin’.” He says as you shove him. His eyes glance over at something before he looks back, not saying anything on it.
That’ll be fun.
You glare at him. “Hobie Brown, you are currently shirtless in my room, slept in the same bed as me, with my mom on the other side of the door. The one who just got me in trouble for going from an A plus to an A minus. Get in the damn closet.”
He says no more, instead putting his hands up as you shove him into the closet, shutting the door. You fix up your hair before unlocking the door, opening it with the best smile you can manage.
“Hey mom.” You speak casually. “What’s up?”
She smiles back, pushing past you into your room. “Just wanted to say.. don’t take your father’s punishment too hard. He just wants what’s best for you.” She says, cleaning up some things that are out and about.
“Oh yeah! No it’s okay I’m just-”
Suddenly she stops, picking up Hobie’s shirt that lied on your desk chair. “Who’s is this..?”
You pale, clearing your throat. “No one’s! Just.. a gift I got.. couple days ago..?” You say in an almost convincing tone.
She eyes you suspiciously before shrugging, tossing it back onto the chair. You silently breath a sigh of relief, anxiety still in your heart. You’ve never hid a boy before in your closet; not a universal experience.
“…you understand? We’re just concerned.”
“Y-yeah! I get it.” You respond, not knowing what your mom said.
She smiles, walking over and ruffling your hair. “Good. I love you, honey.”
You mutter it back as she exits the room, closing the door behind her. You let out an exasperated breath before running to open the closet door. Hobie can only let out a chuckle as you slam in shirt into his chest.
“Damn you!”
“Oh come on. ‘t was excitin’.” He responds, following you back into the room.
You glare back at him as you sit on the bed with a huff. You cross your arms, as if pretending to be mad, turning away from Hobie. He rolls his eyes as his shirt slips back on.
He takes a seat next to you and plants a soft kiss on your head. “Ah.. Can’t stay mad a’ me. Ya like me t’ much for that.”
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
“I’m sorry.. what?!”
“Shh, keep it down!” You shush your friend, shoving their shoulder. “Seriously, it’s whatever.”
They look at you with still complete shock. “Whatever? Whatever?! You’ve been looking forward to prom tomorrow for months! How could they?”
You sigh, stopping in front of your locker. “It’s because of the small slip in my grades.” You explain, turning toward your friend.
“You mean the measly five percent? You’re still top of the class!”
“Trust me, I know.”
You open up your locker, and a small piece of paper falls out. You smile and pick it up, opening it up. You already had a feeling who it was from.
‘downtown apartments tmrw night. dress nicely. got a surprise for u. - h.b’
As you read the note, your friend seems to notice what you have. They glance over, only to see the initials it was signed by before you stuff it away.
“Secret admirer?” They question, holding their books closely.
You laugh, shutting the locker. “Mhm, you know how it is.”
As the two of you walk down the hallway, you manage to see Hobie standing at the corner, seemingly watching you while chatting with a friend. You smile slyly and he winks when you pass by.
‘Oh.. holy shit oh!’
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The next day came, and with it, prom night. You were bummed, truly. Though, maybe a small hangout with Hobie was certainly enough to get you cheered up.
You told your parents you were going to the library, to try and catch up. Luckily, they didn’t question you. Just sent you on your way and told you to be careful. That’s when you rushed to the bathroom to change into nicer clothes and snuck out after.
Hobie waited for you outside the apartments, like asked. For the first time in a while, he wore a button up instead of his vest. His pants remained the same, but he looked more done-up.
And it was worth it when he saw you.
“Well well. Who’s date are ya?” He asks with a small smirk.
You groan, shoving his arm. “Truly hilarious, Hobie. Gotta say, you clean up nice.”
“I manage.” He shrugs, placing a hand on the small of your back. “C’mon. ‘s upstairs. ‘nd close ya eyes.” He requests, prompting a suspicious look from you.
Once he was able to assure you that he wasn’t a killer, he led you to the rooftops. After some bumps and near-falls, he managed to make it, telling you to wait a moment while he ran off.
Hobie returned behind you, breathing in your ear. “‘right swee’heart, open ‘ur eyes.”
What greeted you were strung up lights, a couple of balloons, and a blanket on the ground. Some snacks lied there with the blanket, and soft music was playing in the background; your shared playlist to be exact.
“Su’prise. Figured ‘s the next bes’ thing, hm?” He whispers, hands gently holding your arms. “Jus’ the two of us. ‘nd ‘s free.”
You laugh gently, turning to face Hobie. “You did all this?”
He nods, and you can’t help but lean forward and hug him tightly. He didn’t understand, not by a long shot, why anyone would want to go to prom. But he still helped you, made it up for you. And that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you.
Pulling away, you plant a gentle kiss on his jaw. “Thank you, seriously. I thought I was going to spend tonight sulking.”
Hobie laughs quietly, pulling you towards the make-shift prom. There isn’t much to do, but the two of you share snacks and drinks, dance a small bit, and just talk a lot. It was quiet with just the two of you, much nicer than a normal prom.
You noticed how close Hobie wanted to be with you. He was always touching you; holding your hand, waist, or fingers. It was so.. out of character. Yet, you felt amazed at how comfortable he was with you after everything before to now.
When the two of you settle on the blanket, you silently watch the sunset. Your head lies in Hobie’s chest while he strokes your hair contently.
“‘ve been thinkin’.” Hobie starts, glancing down before looking up again. “‘bout what ya said. Goin’ public ‘nd stuff.”
“Oh? That was just-”
Hobie cuts you off. “‘f ‘s what ya wan’, le’s do it.”
Your eyes light up as you sit up, turning to face him. “Seriously? You’re okay with getting labeled as my boyfriend? Just like that?”
“‘f ‘ur fine with gettin’ labeled as trouble.” He responds confidently, a smirk on his face. “‘s not easy.”
You smile gently, kissing Hobie gently on the lips, his lip ring giving a cool and sensational feeling. He grunts for a moment before grabbing your waist, kissing back. He’s obsessed with you, the way you feel on him and here in this moment. His brain goes haywire every-time he’s near you.
When you pull away, you place a gentle hand on his cheek. “It’ll be easy if we’re together, hm?”
“‘s the spiri’. Now, dance wit’ me, yeah?”
He stands you up to dance with him, the music playing a softer yet harsh tune to dance to. But you both didn’t care. You simply danced and swayed together, twirling and sharing laughs and kisses.
As Hobie dances and kisses you again and again, his thoughts run. He was used to being labeled; as a hero for Spider-punk, as a rebel for school, and as scary all around. But this label he’s creating for himself - it’s better than the others. One that he controls and more importantly, let’s them know that he’s got you. That he was given a chance and proved himself.
But of course he would never admit that.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
The weekend comes and goes, and soon, it’s Monday, and your standing outside the school. You and Hobie both agreed to meet at the front of the school, walk in together, act as if all was normal. Treat it like another day.
“Hope I didn’ keep ya waitin’.” A voice calls from behind.
You turn and smile as Hobie makes his way up the steps. He leans down to kiss you, causing a few lingering students outside to gasp. He smirks when he pulls away, holding his hand out.
You nod. “Absolutely.”
With a deep breath, you open the doors, walking in hand-in-hand with Hobie. He told you before to stand straight, to look confident, so you did. You looked forward, ignoring the gasps and stares you both got.
Everyone was going to go nuts about your relationship, it was quite annoying. They needed excitement in their lives, so on they go to bother the two of you. But you both agreed you were ready to ignore it. It was one of the terms to going public.
“Holy shit! Dude look, [Name] [Last] and Hobie Brown!”
“Holding hands? When did they start dating? Or.. even talking?”
“Girl remember, they kissed in the hallway that one time!”
“How could I forget?!”
Hobie grit his teeth as you squeezed his hand, opening up your locker. “Sorry.. maybe we shouldn’t have-”
“Don’t.” Hobie immediately stops you, leaning against the wall. “Don’ regre’ i’ jus’ because of those planks, hm? All tha’ ma’ters ‘s us.”
You sigh, shutting the door as you kiss his cheek. “You’re right. Thanks.”
“C’mon, ‘ll walk ya t’ class.”
“But you’ll be late if you do..”
You both look at each other before busting out laughing. Of course Hobie didn’t care, it was funny in itself. You were even able to ignore the annoying stares everyone around you were giving. Instead, the two of you walked off in blissful ignorance.
Maybe being with Hobie Brown would be easier than you thought.
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tags for those who wanted it (🫶); @serenn08 | @babydollfoster | @em711 | @girl-detective16 | @midnightnoiserose
464 notes · View notes
selineram3421 · 1 year
*hides away* I shall not explain.
Making A Baby
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Alastor X Vampire-like Demon Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ a baby(lol), both of y'all ace, blood and gore, kinda gross tbh, Alastor tolerates children ⚠
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You and your husband were sitting at the small kitchen table, enjoying the peaceful rainy morning with a cup of coffee.
"Alastor.", you called out to him.
"Hm?", he hummed, not looking up from the book he was reading and taking a sip from his mug.
"I want a baby."
You looked over at him just in time to see him have a spit take, his book now soaked in coffee. The man in red put both items down on the table and began to laugh, grabing his handkerchief to clean himself.
"Excuse me.", he chuckled, wiping around his mouth and then patting down the cuffs on his suit. "I thought I heard you say you wanted an infant."
"I did.", you respond, taking a sip from your cup.
Then he looks at you a bit worried. "You know sinners can't have children, correct? And I wouldn't be comfortable doing-", he says and you stop him.
"I wouldn't force you to do that."
Both of you cringe at the thought of it.
"And I know we can't have an actual child but..", you sigh, a small frown appearing on your face. "I just want someone to take care of."
Getting up from his seat, Alastor makes his way in front of you before kneeling down and taking hold of the hand on your lap in both of his.
"Children are messy.", he says.
"Nothing like you I hope.", you smile and roll your eyes when remembering him coming home covered in blood.
"They can be loud.", he says.
"Your radio static can be loud love.", you counter and put your mug on the table before booping him on the nose.
"And they are menaces to society.", he gets your other hand and places kisses on your knuckles.
"So are we.", you say.
Both of you are quiet for a moment, and you feel a bit anxious to hear what his answer will be.
"What did you have in mind darling?", he asks.
"Really?", you say excited.
Your man in red nods and you pull him up into a hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you-!", you repeat, then pull back from the hug a bit to cup his cheeks with your hands and pepper his face with kisses.
Alastor lets out a laugh and pulls you into a proper kiss, which helps you calm down from your excitement.
Both of you pull back and take a breath.
"Now will you tell me what you had planned?", he asks with a soft smile.
"I was going to ask if you have any spells that could help us actually make a baby.", you say and nudge him back softly to signify that you wanted to get up.
The Radio Demon steps back and helps you off of your seat, lifting you up by your hand.
"It might be possible.", he says with a hum as he thinks. "We can make a spell if there isn't one to be found."
"I'll help to find spells if there isn't one in your books and we can get the ingredients together!", you say and then gasp. "We need to make them clothes! And a crib, toys, bibs, little caps to keep their head warm!", you ramble.
"We'll get to that, but first let's look for a spell.", Alastor pecks you on your forehead.
Both of you went to look for a spell in Alastor's little reading corner, the shelf lined with multiple books on voodoo and other types of witchcraft, picking out a few to start searching through. Spending a few days and nights trying to find something.
After searching for a while, you only found a small spell that was similar to what you were looking for.
"We can build onto this one, it that fine?", he asked, looking up at your standing form behind his chair.
"Yes, its perfectly fine.", you nod and smile down at the book in his hands.
It made it a little easier building on a spell that was already made, and there was only a few things that you needed to get but...its going to be a little messy.
Your smile grew wider.
We're going to have a baby.
A heart, eyeballs, little teeth, small finger and toe nails, flesh, a large bowl of blood, fresh flowers of baby's-breath, and a piece of the parents.
You handled the flowers since Alastor wouldn't be able to hold them.
Both of you got everything set up, the large bowl filled with blood on top of the drawn circle on the floor with the four elements around it, jars to the side ready to grab when needed, flowers in your hand, and the paper that held the spell.
There was warm water in a small bath tub to clean the baby after on the low table nearby. Along with clothes and a small baby blanket.
"Ready?", you ask, looking over to your husband who is kneeling down with you.
It seems like he's taking a moment, so you wait for him and place a hand on his.
"We don't have to do this if you're uncomfortable.", you tell him softly. "I'll still be happy if its just us."
The deer demon shakes his head and looks at you with a gentle smile. "I was just wondering if the baby would look more like you or me.", he holds the paper up and reads off the first thing to put in.
One by one, you put in the ingredients and it comes to the point where both of you have to put in a piece of yourselves.
"I want them to have your hair.", you speak up. "It'd be nice."
"What will you give then?", he asks, plucking a whole strand of hair, putting it in the mixture.
"Hmm..", you hum, holding up the flowers still in your hand. "Some blood and..", you say, biting the tip of your finger and letting a drop fall into the bowl, then put the flowers in. "..everlasting love."
Both of you watch as everything sinks down at the bottom till its out of sight and wait. Then it starts bubbling up until it suddenly stops. A little nose shows up first and then the rest of the body, the blood helping the baby float.
You both stare in awe.
And then the little one starts crying.
"Sh shh-shhh.", you take them out and hold them close, not caring that your clothes were getting covered in blood.
Alastor helps you up and both of you walk over to the small tub and wash the blood off of the baby. They wail and wriggle but both of you manage to get them cleaned and clothed.
Then you set the baby down on the soft black blanket that's on top of a cushion and start to swaddle them.
"Where's the bottle?", you ask.
He goes to get it and the little one is still making noises as you try to sooth them, so you pick them up and start to rock them.
Your husband returns with the bottle and gives it to you.
Taking the bottle, you bring it towards the baby and tap the nipple on their lips. It doesn't take long for them to start feeding.
"What's in the bottle?", you ask, going to looking over your shoulder but find him next to you.
"Blood.", is all he says.
All you do is sigh. "At least I can get that whenever I get mine.", you say.
Looking back to the baby, you smile and give your husband a peck on the cheek. "Thank you love."
Alastor holds you from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder, looking at the little one. They have his hair, red at the top before going into black at the bottom.
"I wonder if they'll have your eyes.", he says.
You hum, pulling the bottle back when realizing the baby started to turn away from it. Getting a rag, you put it over your unoccupied shoulder, putting the baby to a burping position.
"Have you taken care of children before?", your husband asks.
"Once, a long time ago.", you say while patting the baby's back. "My mother loved children and I had to help take care of my younger siblings."
The baby burps up some of their food and you use the rag to wipe their mouth clean.
"No wonder, you're quite a natural at it.", the Radio Demon mumbles.
"Want to hold them?", you ask and hold the baby properly again.
"I-I can hold them?", he asks.
As you turn to face him, the man in red lets you go and takes a small step back, looking between you and the small child.
"I'll teach you.", you smile. "Hold out your arms."
Slowly putting the baby in his arms, you adjust him a bit so the baby and him are comfortable. Smiling when you notice that he's looking at the little demon in awe.
"They are so tiny.", he whispers.
The baby yawns and both of you coo at them.
"Let's get them to their bed.", you say and both of you walk over to the bedroom.
Alastor had snapped some furniture into existence and it was in your shared bedroom, the crib being next to the bed just in case.
The Radio Demon carefully puts the baby down into the crib and both of you look at them for a bit. Taking in that you now have a baby together, and done in your own way.
"Must we be quiet so they don't wake up?", he asks in a whisper.
"Only a little.", you say and go over to the radio, putting the volume up just a bit and changing the station to soft jazz. "We can leave music on for them."
He hums and goes over to you, pulling you into a slow dance.
"Love, I'm covered in blood.", you say.
"That's never stopped me before.", he gives you a knowing smile. "We'll clean up in a bit but first I want to enjoy this."
Both of you continue to dance until the house started to smell a little too much like blood.
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*is in hiding*
~Seline, the person.
@ducky-died-inside @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @scary-noodlesblog @kiraisastay
ML for Alastor🎙
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farmerlarrry · 1 year
I Wanna Be Yours - Joel Miller x f!reader
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summary: You meet Joel at a bar and you're left wanting more of him.
wc: ~3.3k
tags/warnings: 18+ (MDNI)! no use of y/n, no outbreak!Joel, reader is younger than Joel however age is not specified (is of drinking age though), Joel is mid to late 30's, alcohol consumption, sexual thoughts (!!!), takes place at a bar in Texas, flirty!Joel, unwanted male attention (but also wanted attention...), idk there's not much tbh (if you feel like I should add something, please let me know) no beta we die like men
a/n: I didn't proofread as intensely as I normally do, but I'm trying to challenge myself to write & post more so here is the result. Also, I couldn't stop thinking about this concept, so I wrote it. Hope you all enjoy! (I also have an idea for a part two... if any of you are interested, let me know!)
if you are interesting in getting notifications when I post new works, follow @farmerlarrrylibrary and turn on notifications! :)
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You haven’t seen your best friend in over a year since they moved to a small town in Texas. Between work and just life in general, it’s been hard to find a time when both your schedules just so happen to perfectly align. After a lot of planning and a four hour fight with a two hour layover, you’ve finally made it. Unfortunately, your stay will be short—you only have three nights and four days with them, but it’s better than not seeing them at all. Your best friend made sure to plan some fun filled days, and regardless of how tired you are from your long travel day, you don’t want to waste any of the time you have with them.
Tonight, the two of you are hitting the town. Your friend has been going on and on about this one bar in particular. The drinks are cheap, the crowds are wild, and the music is good. On top of that, you will also be meeting some of your friend's coworkers, who quickly turned into some of their closest friends. Although you were excited, a part of you felt nervous.
It’s been a while since you went out to any bars or clubs. When you were in college, you and your small group of friends were frequent nightlife goers, but once everyone started getting jobs and moving away, those wild nights became few and far between.
Butterflies began to form in your stomach as the two of you approached a building from a side alley. You could feel the vibration of the music run its course through your body before the bar came into view; usually, this was a sign that tonight was going to be a good night.
When the building came into view, it wasn’t exactly what you were anticipating. The dim entrance made your stomach churn, igniting a sense of danger in your mind. A large man stood to the side of the closed metal door, his arms crossed as he stared straight ahead with a grim, intimidating expression. It was definitely not like any of the clubs or bars back home, where everything was well lit and definitely not as secluded as this one is. Your body language must’ve been telling because your friend let out a loud chuckle, grabbing onto your wrist and pulling you closer to them.
“I already know what you’re thinking,” they say between their small giggles. You respond with a apprehensive look, causing them to become even more amused. A part of you felt like this was some sort of prank. “It doesn’t look like much, but I promise you, this is the place to go.”
You raise your eyebrows in suspicion. Your friend shakes their head in a joking manner, lacing their arm through yours and guiding you to the line that has begun to form.
Your friend spent most of the time in line on their phone trying to get a hold of their friends, who are supposed to be meeting the two of you there. One person wouldn’t pick up, so they’d call another person, only for the first person to call back. It was a mess, but in your eyes, it was an entertaining mess watching your friend struggle between the calls.
The two of you finally make it into the bar. Dim, red lights barely illuminate the large building, and you are immediately met with a humid heat and the smell of sweat and pure alcohol. Your nose twitches at the smell. The music, at least, is good; you can feel the thumping of the beat in your chest.
As you’re taking in the atmosphere, your friend grabs the back of your arm, pulling you in close to them and tilting their phone away from their mouth.
“I think I know where they are, I’m going to try and find them,” they shout into your ear, and you simply nod in response. Your eyes are locked onto the small, but crowded, dance floor straight ahead of you. “Why don’t you go get a drink at the bar? I’ll be right over, okay?”
They point in the direction of the bar, and you follow with your eyes. A drink will surely help with the nerves you’re feeling right now. Your stomach feels like a scrambled mess. Your friend quickly disappears in the opposite direction, still trying to reach someone on their phone.
You have to push your way through the crowd to make it over to the bar, situating yourself between two men. As you wait for the bartender to come over, you tap your fingers along the edge of the wooden top, looking around at the people surrounding you.
"Well, aren’t you a pretty lady?” The man to your right sneers at you, causing you to snap your head in his direction. You immediately notice his eyes are locked on your chest, not even trying to hide his obvious obsession with your cleavage. A feeling of insecurity comes over you as you begin to regret your outfit choice. Sure, you wanted attention, but not this level of creepy attention and definitely not from this man.
Not wanting to cause a scene, you just give the man an unauthentic smile, positioning your body away from him. You can feel him lean in behind you, and as he begins to say something, the bartender, a girl who barely even looks old enough to work at an establishment like this, promptly comes up to you from the other side of the bar. She gives a deathly glare to the man bothering you, causing him and his friends to leave.
“What can I get for you?” She says with a sweet smile.
“Tequila soda, please.” You rest your palms against the edge of the wooden top, leaning in toward her as you speak. “With an extra lime, too.”
She gives you an assuring nod, quickly turning on her heel to begin her work. As she’s walking away, your body is firmly slammed up against the bar top, the edge ramming into your ribs and knocking the wind out of you. Your body rocks back and forth as some sort of commotion unfolds behind you, with someone keeping your body pinned down and making it impossible for you to straighten upright.
Watch where the fuck you’re goin’.
Why don’t you watch your fucking mouth, old man.
Old ma– you wanna take this shit outside, you fuckin’ punk? Huh?
Your ribs get slammed against the edge again before you are finally set free, pushing yourself upright. You feel a hand glide along your lower back, making you turn your head from side to side, trying to see who is touching you.
“I’m so sorry ‘bout that, miss,” a faint voice says, obviously directed toward you. “Are you alright?”
You nod your head slowly as a tall and quite handsome man appears off to your side, making you turn around to see him fully. His dark hair is messily tousled on top of his head, a few half formed curls peek out from the nape of his neck. He is staring at you intensely with kind yet very obviously tired eyes. You can feel your mouth grow unbearably dry as you take his good looks in.
“Ye—yes,” you stumble on your words, continuing to marvel over the man before you. His eyes are wide as he darts all over you, bringing up his hand to gently move a strand of hair out of your face. He gives you a genuine, kind smile before letting his hand drop.
“People are...” He lets his voice trail off, sucking in some air through his teeth. He quickly looks around him. “I'm—”
Although he’s shouting, you don’t catch his name over all the noise, bringing your eyebrows together and turning your ear toward him.
“Joel,” he said louder, leaning in closer. You pull back, nod your head and shout your name back to him. His lips curl up into a charming smile. “That’s a beautiful name, miss.”
His compliment makes your heart flutter, and you drop your gaze down to your feet for a short moment before meeting with his eyes again. Joel nudges the man who was standing to your right out of the way so he can take his spot; your arms brush up against each other’s in the process, causing a chill to run up your arms. You slowly turn to face him, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes. The bar light illuminates his face a bit better than before, he is absolutely beautiful.
“You from around here?” Joel asks and cocks his head slightly to one side, tilting himself a bit closer to you.
“No, just visiting a friend,” you respond, lifting yourself up ever so slightly on your tiptoes and angling your chest toward him. This is exactly the kind of man you want attention from. “You?”
His throat bobs, and his eyes quickly dart down and then back up to your eyes.
“I— I am from around here,” he says with a slight chuckle, which causes you to giggle alongside him. You can see a bead of sweat beginning to form alongside his temple.
Suddenly, his attention shifts away from you and he subtly points to behind the bar, causing you to turn your head. It’s the bartender from earlier, and she has your drink in hand with an apologetic smile showcased on her face. You were so wrapped up in the essence of Joel that you completely forgot you even ordered a drink.
“So sorry, we had some issues at the other end.” Her voice is high pitched and sweet sounding. “Do you want to pay or open a tab?”
As she slides your sweat clad glass across the bar toward you, Joel leans across you, closer to the girl on the other side. You can feel his hand find its way between your shoulder blades, running it up to the backside of your neck. A chill runs down your spine, causing a hitch in your breathing.
“Put it on my tab.” He shouted, and although he was just mere inches away from you, his voice still sounded so distant over the music and people talking.
The bartender raised her eyebrows and gave him a curt nod, quickly making eye contact with you and giving you a sly smile. Your heart fluttered at the gesture, even though a part of you knew this probably meant he wanted something in return. At this point, it was something you were definitely willing to give if he continued to play his cards right.
“Thanks,” you say quietly, not even sure if you spoke loud enough for him to hear you. As he pulls away, the two of you lock eyes, and you tuck your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to suppress your smile.
“A lady as pretty as you should never pay for her drinks,” he responded confidently. You could feel your cheeks fill with heat.
Joel is now peering down over you with dark eyes, his left forearm laying against the wooden bar to support his body, and his other hand still loosely wrapped around the side of your neck. Goosebumps spread across your skin as he slowly rubbed the pad of his thumb over your soft skin.
You look up at him with wide, innocent eyes. He has his lips slightly puckered as he traces his eyes along your skin. You watched as the muscles in his chest twitched. A burning sensation begins to burn deep inside your chest; you didn’t know how much longer you could take this. At this point, you didn’t want him, you needed him.
He let his hand glide down the side of your neck, over your shoulder, and then down your arm before retracting it, grabbing his glass of whiskey off of the table and taking a smooth, long drag. You continue to watch him with your swollen bottom lip tucked between your teeth, subtly bobbing your head along to the music.
“What do you do for work?” Joel’s voice has changed now, it’s much more lustful than before, and you can tell that he’s trying to hide his desire. His throat bobs as he swallows. You were glad you weren’t the only one feeling this way.
“I work in an office.” You try to steady your breathing, not wanting your words to come out shaky. “I’m an assistant to the company’s CFO.”
Joel’s eyebrows twitch as he nods, looking down at his drink and swirling it around a few times.
“That sounds—“ His voice is hesitant.
“Super fun,” you cut him off and say in a sarcastic tone. “It totally is.”
Joel breaks out into a wide smile. You’re positive he chuckled, but it’s hard to be certain over the noise. You look down at his hands and see some dirt clinging to his arm hair. Construction? Maybe a contractor?
“And what do you do?” You say, grabbing one of his wrists and running over the dirtied spot with your index finger. He quickly pulls back, rubbing off the dirt with his other hand. Pink spreads along his cheeks.
“Christ, that’s embarrassin’… seems to never come off no matter how much I clean m’self.” His tone is flustered as he continues to try and remove the stubborn dirt. “I’m a carpenter, though; I work alongside my brother.”
“Mhmm,” you hum, chewing slightly on the inner flesh of your cheek. “So… does that mean you’re good with your hands?”
You question him flirtatiously, looking back down towards his big hands. Your comment makes Joel choke on his drink, his cheeks growing an even brighter shade of pink now. Your eyes dart back up to his face, this time you don’t break your gaze away from him, watching as he tries to hide his smile from you.
“I— I guess you, you could say that,” Joel manages to get out, bringing his hand up to the back of his neck and rubbing the side.
His well fitted shirt strains against his bicep, causing you to become distracted by Joel’s physique again. He is well in shape, likely due to his line of work; he has toned arms, broad shoulders, and nice chest muscles that the fabric of the shirt clings to. Without much thought, you begin to run your eyes along his body, your eyes meeting with the sliver of skin just above his pant line that’s exposed. Your eyes wander even lower when Joel suddenly hooks his finger under your chin, a smirk planted on his face.
“You’re trouble.” He leans in close, only leaving a few inches between your faces. You look up at him through your brow line, the corners of your lips curling upward. You love where this is going, soon all of your desires will be met, and he will be all yours.
Just as your eyes flutter shut, Joel is yanked away from you. A man with dirty blonde hair has his hands around Joel’s shoulders and is shaking him back and forth. Joel is very clearly perturbed, his face twisting up in frustration.
“Joel,” the man drags out his name with a wide grin, clearly he’s had one too many drinks tonight. “I’ve been lookin’ everywhere for you… a couple guys from the job site are here ‘n wanna play pool. Whatdya think?”
Joel flashes you a quick smile before turning away from you and saying something to the man. Whatever he is saying appears to be causing conflicting emotions between the two of them. As they begin shooting back and forth, a feeling of insecurity quickly comes over you, causing you to turn your head away and look out into the crowd of people dancing.
As you take a small sip of your drink, Joel firmly places his hand on the small of your back, making your stomach jolt. You quickly turn your head back toward him. His mouth is near your ear, and you can feel his hot breath tickling your skin. The sensation causes heat to begin pooling in between your legs. You gulp.
“It was a pleasure talkin’ to you, darlin’,” his voice is smooth as honey and seductive. “I hope to see you around.”
Before you could think of anything to say back, Joel already had his back toward you, walking away accompanied by his friend. You’re stunned by his quick exit, your fingertips pooling with blood as you grip onto your drink glass. There’s no way I misread that entire situation, you think to yourself, left somewhat confused. Why would he leave like that?
The conversation was just as quick to end as it started, but it— he— left you wanting more. A sense of clarity came over you, a fire burning deep in your chest. You wanted more.
A voice inside your head echoed with “no, don’t leave” as you watched Joel disappear into the crowd. You could not move to make your deepest desires come true, and even if you could, did you really want to be the sex crazed person chasing after someone you had just met? As he fully disappeared, his scent lingered where he once stood—a faint smell of dirt, whiskey, and sweat. You thought it was strange that the combination was quite a turn on for you, but it was the indication of a hardworking man— and that was sexy to you.
All you could think about was how badly you wanted Joel. The way your body reacted every time he touched you was unlike anything any other person had been able to make you feel. The way his voice drew you in and his eyes hypnotized you. All you wanted at this moment was to see him bare, hovering over you while sweat dripped off of him and his face twisted with pleasure as he filled you up with his girth. You want to moan his name over and over as he explores your body, desperately wanting to know how his tongue would feel swirling around your swollen, throbbing clit that begged for his touch.
Closing your eyes, you bring yourself back to reality. You let go of the air that you had been holding in your lungs, your chest burning as it escapes. Being this attracted to someone was definitely not on your bingo card for this trip. Bringing your glass up to your lips, you steadily draw in the liquid, desperately trying to calm yourself down.
“Bitch,” the faint sound of your friend’s voice comes to you as a relief. They come up to your side, looping this arm around your waist. They have their eyes narrowed at you, a slight smirk appearing the longer the two of you look at each other.
“What?” You feel your eyebrows twitch.
“Who was that handsome fella you were just talking to?” They’re full blown smiling now, looking past you in the direction Joel went. You try to fight your smile, but ultimately fail. Your bestie begins to laugh, grabbing onto your arm and causing the heat to return to your cheeks.
“How long were you watching?” You suddenly feel shy, covering your face with one of your hands.
“Well, I wasn’t just going to come up and ruin whatever was going on… unlike that bastard that pulled him away from you.” They narrowed their eyes once again, obviously upset about what happened. “So, what’s his name?”
“His name’s Joel,” you say, leaning in closer to them.
“Oh,” their eyes widened. “And are we hoping we see Joel again tonight?”
You tuck your bottom lip between your teeth, dropping your eyes down to your glass as you run the moistened tip of your index finger around the rim of your glass.
“Yeah,” you nod, smiling to yourself. “I hope so.”
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dividers are from @saradika | link
banners were made by me :)
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presidenthades · 3 months
I just got into your House full of daughters series and I'm crying laughing at Jeff and Daeron being the "me and my hot witch wife" meme.
Also I'm sorry if you've answered this already but how does Alicent feel about the Velagirls and by extension their relationships with her sons?
(I'm also a bit curious about Otto's thoughts on them or if he truly doesn't think about them beyond the guaranteed promise that his line will always sit the Iron throne?)
That meme describes them perfectly. 👌🏼
Alicent is generally less antagonistic in the ficverse than in canon. She doesn’t have a hangup about bastardy, and the girls’ improved relationship with the bros makes her feel less threatened and worried about their lives.
It wasn’t always smooth sailing, though. When Jace was born, Alicent and Rhaenyra were still having a rough patch, and Alicent was one of the people who initially made snide comments about Jace’s hair color. I like to think that Aegon and Jace’s Great Iron Throne Escapade helped turn Alicent’s opinion around, and that was when she began seriously thinking about them as a match. Jace shares a lot of similarities with Alicent, so overall Alicent likes her a lot.
Alicent is less fond of Luce. She was mostly OK with Luce before Driftmark, even if Alicent disapproved of Luce’s unladylike behavior. But Driftmark and Aemond losing his eye worsened Alicent’s opinion of her. I’m planning on fleshing out Luce and Alicent’s relationship in Compromised, so I won’t say too much right now.
Joff… 😅 Until about age two, Alicent felt pity for Joff more than anything. Joff was a sickly baby, and then she was seemingly slow to develop as an infant/toddler. But once Joff started talking and showing more of her personality, Alicent got weirded out real fast. 😂 Sometimes Alicent worries about Daeron possibly ending up as one of Joff’s experiment subjects.
Of all the Velargirls, Otto is most focused on Jace. He’s been the Number One Jacegon Shipper since she was born. Once he actually met her, he liked her even more because she comes off as very reasonable and cautious. TBH he probably thinks she’s too good for Aegon, but he’s gonna do his best to matchmake them anyway.
Luce and Joff are more secondary in his opinion. Luce being heir to Driftmark is interesting to him, but once Jace is securely married to Aegon, Otto feels confident in the Velaryons’ loyalty to the bloodline they will eventually produce together. If Aemond weren’t so interested in Luce, Otto wouldn’t think about her so much.
Otto is occasionally concerned about Joff’s weirdness, but usually he ignores her. She doesn’t have any inheritance of note, so she’s even less interesting than Luce on the political game board.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Omgg I saw a request for like ballerina reader and miggy and invites everyone to her show. Can’t really remember what they requested srry but that sounds cute. Like everyone gushing over her 🤭
it's okay !!! i did like that req too tbh, i was planning on making a separate one for the ballerina one, thanks for giving me motivation to make it rn >:DD
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⋆⭒✮⭒⋆ like a graceful swan. — miguel o'hara x ballerina!reader
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though you invited the whole spider society to watch your ballet recital, only one of them couldn't rip their eyes away from you, was glued to their seats, and constantly hitching their breath every time your pretty face looked so focused in dancing—your flexible arms curving with every movement of your fragile, yet fortified body. you tiptoed and moved your arms and legs in sync with the beat, with the harmonious melody of the gentle piano notes and dulcet rhythm coming from the violins, cellos, and basses playing the tranquil song numbers that prompted you to dance and entertain the audience with the story your body language and facial expressions were delivering in an angelic, pure, innocent manner.
some of the audience were already yawning, though many remained awake and in awe at your performance—enjoying how lovely and graceful your movements and how reactive you were to the right times, practically seeing the cues of the time signature change by listening intently to the orchestra playing. gwen was enthralled by the tenderness of your dancing, with her considering practicing her ballet once she'd have the time. pavitr was astounded by how flexible your arms and legs seemed, and how long you could hold yourself in the air; he'd ought to ask you for some tips and tricks on how to do that, maybe he will take up ballet himself for a change. jess and peter b enjoyed your performance, though the brunette father had to leave early due to his redheaded daughter fussing in the audience. he didn't want to ruin your evening, so he left; leaving the only two adults that were still watching being jess and... miguel, miguel o'hara.
he was the only one in the audience who gave his full, undivided attention to you and your dancing all throughout the performance. his hazel brown eyes were fixed on your dainty figure, moving so gently across the stage like the wind was carrying you by your invisible wings and practically making you seem like you were soaring while your pirouetted and twirled. with every pirouette and with every twirl, miguel felt himself get more and more hypnotized with your beautiful figure and effortlessly captivating aura as you spun and danced. he had never understood the meanings behind dance or any form of art such as ballet, but tonight, he thinks he's discovered what dancing evokes in him, what art such as this evokes in him: devotion, adoration, and need. he can't explain them all in ways anyone but him would understand in even the slightest, but the bottom line is... your dance moved him, made him feel things he's never felt before, and jess was the firsthand witness to this as she watched miguel's lips part and his eyes soften as they were directe dtowards you and you alone.
the other dancers disappeared into his fuzzy peripheral vision as he focused his gaze solely on you and the way you danced so perfectly; though you made some mistakes and nearly stumbled once or twice, miguel was so taken in by your performance that he forgot for a moment that he wasn't in a fairy tale, that you weren't an otherworldly beauty he could never have—you were real. you were here and before him, dancing your heart out passionately and the best you could; and that made him stand and clap, giving you a standing ovation that began with him, and ended with him as he looked at your gorgeous grin from up above in the audience's seats, with a heat forming in his face and a throbbing in his chest that made him palm his chest to try quelling it himself. "they were beautiful back there, weren't they?" jess asked miguel as he sighed, still watching you and your figure as you exited the stage all dainty and gracefully, not wanting you to leave his sight. "like you wouldn't believe..." he sighed as he felt his heart's beat returning to normal, but his thoughts still conjuring up the many images to form one thought: the thought of you, still and always fresh in his mind.
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tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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carmenberzattosgf · 4 days
Alright then, thanks! Following up on the tmi ask: (Again, emphasis on me being horny and dumb at that moment)
So: in february or march, I think, I was reading some Carmy or Lip smut, getting all worked up and *naturally* I procured my Lush toy (remote controlled vibrator, in case anyone's not familiar) and got to work. You can either control that thing via bluetooth or you can use this roulette sort of function, where you give strangers on the internet time-limited anonymous access to control it. Felt adventurous. Tried it. Was actually pretty hot, tbh. 
Now to the point: there was this guy… who did an insanely good job remote controlling that toy – like, dizzying, toe-curling good. And you can anonymously chat with these people, so while he made me come like 3 times we had a pretty hot chat going on, too. Afterwards, we keep messaging for a bit and he's like: Yeah, I'm currently in Chicago for work, but I don't live here, live on the west coast. And I think to myself Hah, what a coincidence, after reading Carmy/Lip fics, now I have a guy from Chicago here. Then he tells me he has to travel a lot for work, mostly NY, LA and Chicago. I'm like: Heh…heh… so… funny… this coincidence… (not my horny brain instantly going: dude, wouldn’t it be absolutely insane if it was JAW – and yeah it would! I mean logically I KNEW that's not possible, I don’t think the guy hangs out on anonymous sex toy apps, lol, but this was just the headspace I was in, okay? Yeah… I’m hooked anyway. I ask for his name. And he says he doesn't wanna say because he's kind of well known, but his name starts with a J, so I can call him J. … Now, I'm grinning, shaking my head to myself: don't be a fucking idiot this is impossible. But the hope, Jesus, that dumb hope… At some point I ask if he could send me a pic of himself, he says again No, because he has a few tattoos and doesn’t wanna get recognized. …!
Prefectly sensible request for this kind of situation, right? Sure, but brain goes: MUST be him!! I'm sitting upright in my bed by that point, on high alert, stupid as I am and painfully embarrassed by that dumb little fantasy I'm cooking up. Ah, sure, I tell him. Well maybe he could describe himself then, instead, just so I have a picture in my head when I think of him, wink wink? He goes Sure thing, he’s in his early thirties, pretty fit, been working out a lot, but isn’t exactly tall. Curly hair. (I'm planning our marriage by that point) He doesn't share much more personal stuff for a while, asks more about me, until I ask about his family – we've been chatting for almost the whole night by that point.
Says he’s been through a tough time and doesn’t want to go into detail, but he’s recently gone through a separation so he’s not looking for anything new, which is why he gets off on this app, instead.
Dude, I literally thought I was going insane with that whole conversation, felt like I was in a corny fanfic prompt lol.
He was so secretive about what line of work he’s in, he never revealed it. And we kept chatting for days and fucking EVERY answer fit perfectly, lol.
Hey so I would have gone clinically insane if this happened to me and would have to be admitted to an institution. My jaw is dropped rn bc this is way too specific to be someone trolling me.
This would haunt me forever actually. How are you alive rn
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ofmermaidstories · 2 months
i just wanted to say as a long time reader i'm so happy to hear your thoughts on the ending, because i feel like so many people were very "this is the worst ending ever and it ruined the series" or "this ending was perfect and anyone who disagrees just didn't understand the story" when i think neither is really true at all lol... like it's okay to take what you need from the ending and agree and disagree with certain parts! no perfect story exists because if it did then writers would stop writing! but i'm still so excited to see where your love of the series takes you in the future, and i'm grateful that you share your work with us always :) i hope you have a good week!
i love the series too much to swing blindly either way. 🥹 and i understand/can see perfectly how like, there’d be readers who’d be upset with the wrap up, or otherwise feel the knee-jerk reaction to defend it from all criticism. 🥺 i’m not one of them though. 🥹 hori achieved what he set out to do (tell a very specific story about a boy learning what it means to dream, and the cost and responsibility of gaining and losing them), there’s just some pot holes on the road to it. 🥺 and maybe they could’ve (should’ve) been addressed, maybe easily, maybe not (maybe it’s a problem for when the road was first built, in terms of foundation or missing approval plans, maybe) but the road still works. we still get there in the end. 🥹
i had fun the entire time, even with the complaints lmao. i agree with you, anon! like, i don’t think perfect creators/writers exist. we all have blind spots, or biases that otherwise skewer what we try to achieve. i think flaws make creators and their creations interesting!!!!!! if anything i think that tells you more about them and their work than the things they get right does. The way Hori protects and almost babies his hero boys—his men—from their consequences, lmao, like he’s almost too scared to truly hurt them in the long run? He always just shies away from saying things outright—things are always left just open enough that he can back peddle later on, fix things. The complete dry lack of romance, despite him taking pains to hint at it and the way it’s guarded among Ochako and Tsyu like some precious, girlish secret. ��� Idc what anyone says about that last one, I don’t believe he’s deliberately subverting expectations—I think he’s just bad at writing romance (that isn’t unintended 💀) and also a coward, lmao.
But that’s the stuff that’s fun! It’s fun to pick it apart and then it’s fun to piece it back together either by writing fic or trying to find fics that have like, the fix-its you want. 🥹 Hori’s flaws and deliberate gaps are what makes it the perfect sandbox we know and love. and i think he knows that, tbh—there’s so many tiny things he hints at, throughout the story, that we just never get full explanations of. The UA robot uprising, lmao. The cyberwar after the kids leave school, mentioned in this last chapter?? The fact that he’s plotted out the past users lives, and is just kinda like—eh, yeah, i’m never gonna tell. LOL. Maybe what I keep calling cowardice is just a misjudgement of the lines he draws for himself, in the sand. 🧐🥺 I guess we won’t know, lmao.
i’m waffling. Anon, I hope you’re having a good start to your week. 🥹 Thank-you for being so nice, specifically with your last words—there’s a lot I wanna write for MHA!!! I’m excited to start something new that gets to play with what Hori left for us. 🥹 Like Lili said in her earlier ask—I’d like to write them a hundred other happy endings, too. 🥹
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
I'm pretty sure in the next chapter we'll see Akutagawa.
like you know how bsd has problems with showing Dazai making a mistake? Dazai gave Aku the mission that whenever he sees a signal, thats the time he should go help atsushi and together they should end the mastermind. And considering how the events of chapter 84-88 went that looked like Dazai made a mistake.
But again we see a signal flare in this chapter and we do know that there's going to be a sskk team up. This whole situation feels like more than just parallel to chapter 84. This feels like all the elements in the story lining up to show us Dazai wasn't wrong in telling Aku whenever he sees a signal that's the time to attack.. like this time for sure they can do it, and Dazai was right all along assigning Akutagawa that mission.
idk if that makes sense. Sorry, I can't explain things better >.<
No, it's perfectly fine!! I do agree that's how it's going to go… In the long run, that is. Bsd has revealed itself to be pretty unpredictable about what every chapter's pov is going to be (╥﹏╥) I'm sure Akutagawa will show up eventually, and I'm sure that has to do with the signal flare too, we just have to wait for when that is actually going to happen. I have hope for the next month! Tbh I find the theory that Aya is hallucinating Bram, and the person saving her to actually be Akutagawa pretty convincing. I agree the parallels between the last chapter and chapters 83-88 are striking, it's really cool. I've always - always, way before season 5 came out - supported the thematical importance of a rematch between sskk and Fukuchi, and it's so exciting to see it slowly become reality!!!
On the other hand, regarding Dazai possibly making a mistake by sending sskk to fight against Fukuchi the first time... It's a bit of a grim reading, but I don't think to Dazai sskk failed in their fight against Fukuchi, nor that Dazai made a miscalculation. For Dazai, it's like chess, you know? Sometimes you have to strategically sacrifice pieces, even strong ones, to ensure victory in the end. Sskk managed to stall Fukuchi long enough for Atsushi to escape and for the whole agency and their allies to apprehend Kamui's identity: that's probably good enough of a result for him. I think Dazai would have been upset if Atsushi had died, but Akutagawa dying... You know, it IS up for debate if that was Dazai's plan since the beginning. Maybe for Atsushi to survive at the price of Akutagawa dying was Dazai's plan since the beginning; on that note, the conversation between Akutagawa and Dazai from the flashback at the start of chapter 84 does feel a lot like a “I'm not going to give my life to save the were-tiger” “Oh, you'll save him. You know the reason yourself, don't you?” And you know, there's this sequence in the season 2 ending, and sometimes I wonder if that's exactly how it must go– if Akutagawa can only ever obtain Dazai's praise in death, because ultimately dying is what Dazai expects of him.
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midnightbrightside · 5 months
30, 32 for Krisnix
And 9 as well for them. But I guess more along the lines of having more children
Thank you I love your thoughts about them 🙏🏼
i answered 30 here!
32- Who's the better storyteller?
phoenix's entire schtick is bluffing i KNOW he can spin a good tale. also i bet he was into improv when he was in college, goddamn theatre kid. kristoph is better with gossiping and rumours but cant tell a story for shit honestly. not that he doesnt have any imagination it's just that storytelling requires an amount of improvising that kristoph just Can't Do, he usually plans everything ahead down to the last detail.
9- What are their thoughts on having children?
or in this case more children. tbh i think kristoph wouldnt want to have children, he's perfectly content sharing his life with his dog and no one else. of course his feelings about family change slightly when he becomes a cog in the wright family clockwork, but he wouldnt exactly consider himself a coparent to trucy.
also i have this hc that one day trucy makes a mistake like she gets into trouble at school or she accidentally breaks a mug or something, and phoenix handles it so gently, like it's okay trucy, we'll figure this out/clean this up together. no getting angry no yelling or anything.
and kris is frozen by how that's. an option. logically he knows that, but its so different knowing in his head vs seeing with his eyes. he almost wants to tell phoenix to be harder on trucy (because thats how he learned discipline) but he doesnt. he thinks about that moment for days and it kinda solidifies for him that he doesnt think he could have children.
phoenix is the kinda guy who used to be like "i dont necessarily plan on having kids, but if my partner wants them them then im down!" but after adopting and raising trucy for a bit hes so in love w the idea of having more. he wants a big family (like he never had) and knows trucy would love younger siblings. i think, once he gets his badge back and is stable, that fostering would be something he considers. but honestly he should get around to telling trucy and apollo the truth first.....
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
Hi!!! I loved your Roy Harper fic!!! It’s very very sexy!!! Do you have any plans to write more for him or even continue that one??? No problem if your not, I’m just curious!!!! :)
bring me to life
THANK U ANON!! i am so happy you like my work,, tbh i didn’t have any plans to keep writing for him because i felt like no one would read it but obv that’s not true so i’m writing a little bit of smut just for you :))
roy being a softer dom
“what pretty noises you’re making for me”. he remarked , gripping your chin in his hands and placing gentle kisses along your jaw line. “am i making you feel good sweetheart”?
you were much to caught up in your bliss to register what he was saying. the feeling of his girth stretching you out had you on cloud nine.
roy was always a giver. he wanted to watch you fall apart in pleasure time and time again. the sight before him was nothing short of art.
“oh my pretty pretty y/n”. roy cooed, stroking your face gently. “you’re a sight to behold, as pretty as a picture”.
“mm~fuck” you cursed. his soft words accompanied by his perfectly times thrusts - it was driving you insane. “m’ so close roy”.
roy smiled at how desperate you were becoming. “you’re just too cute”.
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cream-stew · 2 years
OHHHH Pierro!! <3 <3 <3 AFAB bratty sub reader, teasing, nipple play and spanking please! - 🧶🧶
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🔞 minors dni
warnings: afab reader, spanking, nipple play, rough sex, brat reader, pussy slapping
// note: the request was sent in 3 asks so I added the other 2 under the cut to keep this preview short. it was really fun to write tbh thank you for requesting✌️
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That man EXUDES pride. And as the person closest to him, there's nothing you enjoy more than making him lose control while he works. He frowns at how your snugly (perfectly) your uniform hugs your body, obviously a size too small. He can't look away from how your nipples peak through your clothes, and the knowing smile on your face only enrages him more. But even as his calloused fingers itch to roughly twist those nubs, Pierro WILL remain civil, his face chilly as always. - 🧶🧶 It's only when you happen to bend over, and he catches the outline of your perfect ass and pussy through your skin-tight pants, that he snaps. You both know you won when he throws you over his shoulders and rushes to his chambers. You have a strict (and pleasurable) punishment ahead of you and you will eagerly take it. - 🧶🧶
he stares at you, scowling the whole time, as you do your usual charade of pretending his office is just soooo warm, and that you just have to shed your uniform. it's way too hot in there to be wearing your coat, how could he accuse you of doing this on purpose? :(
(except he does, of course, because you are doing it on purpose……)
still, he knows pointing it out will only mean you succeeded in distracting him, so ignores you entirely, like he does every time this happens.
today you came prepared tho! you've ordered another uniform, one size smaller, and when you're down to your undershirt there's just no hiding the lines of your bra, and the perky nipples under it !
you can feel his eyes on you as you get through your tasks, organizing paperwork for him, and even bringing him a little snack when you come back from your break. a few hours in, you think it's time to use the ace up your sleeve: you "clumsily" drop something, and kick it under his desk "by mistake". he huffs as you apologize profusely, but you hear him take a sharp breath when you drop to your knees and pretend to reach for whatever it is you've dropped.
you can feel the item under the tips of your fingers, but you pretend like you can't get to it as an excuse to keep your position, rising your ass higher and flattening your upper body to the floor, even letting out some whiny moans for good measure.
he's definitely looking at you, you're sure of it, he couldn't possibly look away at how your skin-tight pants frame your ass so nicely, and at how you know your fat pussy lips are visible as well.
exactly according to plan, you hear him scoff as he stands up, and walks closer to grope your ass.
you moan again, louder, and rub back against his hand, giddy. his other hand settles at the back of your neck to push your head down as he spanks you so so harshly, finally making you moan for real, and you know you won.
he gives you a few more spanks mixed with hearty gropes, even reaching down to rub over your pussy lips until there's a damp patch on your pants, and you're whimpering by the time he picks you up by your waist, then drags you out of the office with him. you keep stumbling after him, both due to his brisk pace and longer legs, and to how distracted you are, already imagining what he's going to do to you🥺 so he just picks you up again and throws you over his shoulder, carrying you the rest of the way, clearly too impatient to bear with it any longer.
he dumps you on his bed carelessly, then he's immediately over you to strip you completely, ripping up your tight shirt and bunching up your bra, to finally play with your nipples without any more obstructions.
you whimper as he pinches and twists, and you uselessly grab at his wrists. he's still frowning at you when you look up at him, your lips parted so prettily, and he scoffs again.
"you brat", he scolds you, "are you happy now? happy that I have to use you until I'm sated, then punish you so you won't do this again?"
you pretend to look remorseful at his words, and he seems to like it… he keeps fondling your chest harshly, squeezing your tits until it hurts, and reveling in the way you squirm and whimper without ever trying to get away from his grip.
when he's had enough of it, he rolls you on your stomach and rips up your pants, tearing a large hole right over your plump asscheeks, and all the way down to your dripping pussy, the fabric so flimsy that it gives way as if they were nothing more than stockings.
he spanks you again, and it stings harder now that it's hitting your skin, and you just keep moaning even louder, laying flat on his mattress, your clothes torn to shreds as he punishes you🥰
his next spank lands on your pussy, making you gasp at how good it feels, and he lets out a disapproving noise. "look at how wet you are, brat, just what should I do to teach you a lesson?"
you're tempted to beg him to fuck you, but you know he'd just deny you out of spite :( you just jiggle your asscheeks instead, enticing him to grope them again. he pulls off your ruined pants and underwear, then finally gets rid of your bra too. it feels so good to be completely naked under him as he's still fully clothed, joining you on the bed to crouch over you. you hear him unzip his pants, and the fat head of his cock prods your wet pussy, parting your folds and sliding inside in just one thrust.
he mounts you so easily, pressing you firmly against the mattress and holding you still by your shoulders. he starts fucking you immediately, his cock dragging in and out of you and stretching you until you feel sooo full and pliant under him !
tho you cum twice from it even if this is supposed to be punishment for you, so he has to spank you again :( he's so displeased with you that his pace keeps getting rougher and rougher, and you just can't help cumming a third time🥺
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silverskye13 · 7 months
(sorry if this got sent twice, internet is very spotty at the moment) Rotating RnS Helsknight in my mind. I keep debating what dnd paladin oath he'd swear. Glory is fitting but also seems TOO obvious. I almost want to say Devotion just for the irony/contrast of it, and since he genuinely wants to make Hels better, and it would make RnS Wels lose his entire mind if he found out
Oooo I have a soft spot for this, because in my Curse of Strahd campaign right now, my paladin Ashborne is just beginning-of-RnS Helsknight. I couldn't think of a good character so I just built Helsknight as a fire genasi, except instead of Tanguish he has a shadow god sitting on his shoulder telling him to kill people, and instead of a crippling fear of death its a crippling fear of never being used to his full potential by his god.
........ Anyway.
DnD Paladin Helsknight rambles under the cut!
In my opinion, I kind of have to agree that Helsknight best matches Oath of Devotion. The oaths especially line up almost perfectly with his knightly tenets:
Courage. Never fear to act, though caution is wise. [May you meet every obstacle with courage, for just as all that emits light must endure burning, all the courageous must make a brother of their fears.]
Honesty. Don't lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise. [May your word be binding as chains.]
Compassion. Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom. [Any sword raised to the innocent or unarmed in cruelty is blackened by its shame.]
Honor. Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm. [May you respect the honor of your fellow helsmet, that none may know you cruel or slave to vice.]
Duty. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you. [May you persevere to the end of any enterprise begun, for the folly is theirs that, through unfinished business, never gain wisdom from deeds done.]
There's also stuff that hasn't been breeched in the plot yet that are... Eerily similar to plot points I have planned. Holy Weapon, for example, I think in the Colosseum Helsknight uses a flamed sword, which is functionally the same as enchanting your weapon with holy damage for the coolness factor [Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon]. And if you outright asked Hels if he was inspiring, he would probably say no. But anyone within 10ft of him probably wouldn't be charmed against him by someone persuasive like the Demon [7th level Aura of Devotion]. Given how handily I think Helsknight fights Welsknight, and how I think he negates Wels's... For the sake of DnDing I'm going to say fey energy and persuasiveness, Purity of Spirit is a good match.
[Don't have a lot to say about the Lvl20 Holy Nimbus, because tbh that's one of the weakest level 20 paladin boons I think there is. Flat 10 radiant damage every round for enemies within 30ft of you is handy, but the saving throws only have advantage if the spellcasters are fiends and undead, and there are many, many big angry critters in DnD that are neither of those two monster types.]
I do think a Helsknight with access to the spell Flamestrike would be absolutely terrifying though lol.
On a more vibes level, when I started the story, I thought Helsknight was a lot closer to Oath of Conquest, with how he treated Welsknight specifically [which is, incidentally, why my CoS paladin Ashborne is Oath of Conquest]. The tenets don't match Helsknight's too terribly well [they're mostly to the effect of "kill all your enemies so dead that everyone is too terrified to stand against you."] However the Channel Divinities of Conquering Presence [everyone you can see is terrified of you now] and Guided Strike [I'm so pissed at you specifically that I will kill you supernaturally easily] align well with angry chapters 1-8 Helsknight. And one could argue every time he's angry, Tanguish is cowering under the Aura of Conquest [anything scared of you is now too scared to move and takes psychic damage.] And I think in text Helsknight does Scornful Rebuke on the regular [anytime something hits you, they are psychically punished for their audacity up to your Charisma modifier.]
[Level 20 Invincible Conquerer basically turns you into a barbarian paladin, which is badass. Helsknight can't do that, but that's so so cool.]
For the spells, Armor of Agythis as Helsknight's thorns armor is compelling to me, and Command, Hold Person and Fear are just things Helsknight can do to people when he's angry enough [also Compelled Dual, but all paladins get that].
If anything, I feel like Helsknight started RnS as Oath of Conquest, and then when he became friends with Tanguish, switched immediately to Oath of Devotion.
[Meanwhile if I had to make Tanguish a paladin, I think he would be Oath of Redemption, but I'll save that rant for some other time.]
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