#grey parrot males and females
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#which is better male or female african grey parrot#african grey parrot gender identification#how much is a parrot that talks#How to Determine Gender of African Grey Parrots#how much is a african grey parrot#how much is african grey parrot#how long does african grey live#grey males and females#grey parrot males and females#Gender of African Grey grey gender#grey male or female#for sale african grey parrots#gender#feathers#how long do african grey live#how to determine gender of african grey parrot#african grey parrots cuteness#how to determine the gender of an african grey#how to tell african grey gender#how to tell gender of african grey parrot#how to tell if african grey is male or female#How to Visually Sex African Grey Parrots#is my african grey male or female#male female african gray parrot#male or female african grey#male or female african grey parrot#male vs female parrot#males and females african grey#parrot african grey price#parrot buy
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What’s the proper tail to wing size ratio? How big do the tail feathers have to be to match the size of the wings?
it's a very good question! but in reality, i'm not sure it has a straightforward answer! if you look at real birds of all shapes, you'll find that sometimes their tails look weirdly small compared to the rest of them. a prime example are the long legged water birds, like herons. you'd think, with their legs so long that they just kinda hang there in flight, that these birds would benefit from having a larger tail to provide more lift around their legs. but no, they have very short broad tails instead.

(image description: a heron in flight. its long legs are held out straight behind it as it soars. its wings are large and broad, and its tail is short and wide. end description.)
and then you have birds like the scissor tailed flycatcher, with a V shaped tail that's very short in the center and long on the corners.

(image description: two photos of scissor tailed flycatchers. one has more dull grey coloration while the other is brighter orange and white with black accents. they both have shorter, narrower wings compared to the heron, and their tails are V-shaped, with the center very short and the corners having feathers that seem to be the same length or longer than their primary flight feathers. the brighter colored one has extra long tail feathers that are basically the length of a whole wing. end description.)
the main difference between these bird species and why their wings and tail shapes are so differently shaped and sized is because of how they fly. herons do more long distance soaring than fancy aerobatic maneuvers, and flycatchers are high speed fliers that need to make sharp turns.
from what I can tell on research, the grey one here is either a juvenile or a female and the orange one is most likely a male. male birds of many species tend to have flashier feathers than the females, which is why the tail is extra long.
and then you have birds like parrots, where the tail is quite long compared to that of other birds.

(image description: a blue and yellow macaw in flight, flaring it's long tail feathers in a fan shape. the tail feathers are equal to or longer than its primary flight feathers and spread so far they barely overlap when fanned out. end description.)
in fact, parrots tend to keep their tails folded when they're soaring and spread them only when they want to slow down, like for a landing. so the tail doesn't do much lifting on a long distance flight, but it can be used for tighter maneuvers, which makes sense for a bird that lives in dense forests. their tails are a very effective flight brake.
so really, if you want a realistic wing:tail ratio for any creature or people design you're making, it's probably best to figure out how they fly and then research what real birds meet that description to give you inspiration.
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if anyone would like to see what an intersex parrot looks like this is it :) i dont have any of my own pics of her anymore since my old phone broke but i worked with this bird millie for a couple years before she passed away. there was never a conclusive answer for what exactly was happening to her but she spent many years with completely normal female plumage and then spontaneously started turning green. my theory is that her ovaries stopped working, and birds' sex works differently to mammal sex in that male is the "default" sex for birds rather than female in mammals. this means that when her body stops producing enough estrogen for whatever reason (such as sudden failure of her ovaries) a female bird will pretty much default back to male (in the same way that, in humans, if a typical male body stops producing enough testosterone, the body will default to female characteristics). this actually isnt super uncommon for birds and its most widely seen in domestic fowl like chickens and ducks. there are arguments you could make over whether this means a bird is really intersex because it wasn't born this way, but we don't know what millie's deal was for sure and as an intersex person i always liked identifying with her in a way lol. but this is also what a bird with a congential hormonal imbalance might look like as well. anyways she's definitely the most beautiful bird ive ever worked with and she was just such a joy. she was also pair bonded with an african grey (which is also unusual for eclectuses, as theyre the only parrots that are not monogamous) who passed away shortly before she did. his name was flint and they were just the cutest together :)
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Episode 3 (Unless the episodes are boring, I'm probably going to a blog for every episode of Magic Kaito).
So Jii is the owner of the Blue Parrot. I thought he was but I wasn't really sure. Keeping note of that for future fanfics.
Why is Gosho or his anime writing team so goddamn bad at writing even friendship between male and females who he intends to be "romantic"? Don't they know the foundation for a good relationship is a strong friendship?
They're not even bad at writing friendships. Most of the time, it's very good. But between the main couples, it's so bad it makes me dislike his "ships" even more.
Kaito: I like chocolate, so I'm eating chocolate. Adults are allowed to eat chocolate.
Poor Aoko didn't even get to have her chocolate.
Why even bring Aoko? Oh, let me guess, so she can be a damsel in need later.
Kaito is so childish XD I love him so much!
Kaito: I'll bet the bar!
Poor Jii T-T If he wasn't already grey in the hair, he'd be getting them due to him.
The bad playing of the piano is quite funny. But I know Aoko is also going to need saving so I am annoyed about the reason she's being used.
They didn't even use her to be saved T-T What was the point?! She was there just for the perverted jokes with Kaito?!
Jii, at least you get to be a proper character. That's more than the female characters get most of the time.
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The Wuggthea
I love making up weird birds for this game of bestiary telephone. (Design partially inspired by the very aptly-named Magnificent Frigatebird, which I only just found out about when looking for inspiration. Birds are already so weird.)
The Wuggthea
The Wuggthea, also called the Large-Throated Woodpecker or the Chatterbox Woodpecker, is a species of bird that migrates from eastern Europe in the summer to southern Asia and parts of Africa in the winter.
Female and male Wuggthea have vastly different appearances. Females are slightly smaller, and their feathers are a mottled pale grey across their entire bodies, and they have light grey beaks. Males, on the other hand, have solid grey or black feathers with white shoulders and underbelly. The undersides of their wings and tail are bright red, as is the tuft of feathers on the back of their head and a spot on their forehead, the tip of their black beak, and their featherless throat sac.
Wuggthea eat mainly invertebrates. Though they are often called woodpeckers, and do drill holes in trees, they are just as likely to search for their prey in the soil, or to seek out infested corpses and eat the insects that gather around them. Occasionally a Wuggthea will also eat small vertebrate animals, particularly frogs.
A Wuggthea is capable of making a wide variety of noises. Their most common vocalisations are "chattering" or "chuckling" sounds, which are used for communication. There is also a range of "shrieking" or "screaming" sounds, which are used as alarm calls, and a "cackling" noise which signals the discovery of a rotting log or corpse rich with invertebrates. Males can also use their throat pouches to amplify their "croaking" or "thumping" calls, which are used to vie for mates—those with more impressive calls and more prominent throat sacs are more likely to win partners.
Wuggthea can also make some imitations of sounds they hear, though they are not as clear as those of a raven or parrot. There were some attempts in the 12th century to domesticate Wuggthea, train them to mimic particular human speech sounds, and present them as exotic pets in parts of Europe where they were not native, but their capability for inflicting damage on wooden buildings and producing all manner of unappealing, loud noises when confined made these ventures short-lived.
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it's just another day in minecraft.
But you are a possessed evil tactician.
and you're not immune to wardrobe malfunctions.
(With apologies to Okuma Yugo.)
Next up on the three runner-up winners of the previous poll is Robin! And as promised, he might be slightly haunted.
While I might do a more fleshed out Grima skin some day, for now, the idea was on having a set of Robin skins with gradual shifts to them along the lines of the way the Life series SMP participants gradually change their skins as they dwindle from green life, to yellow life, to red life. So now all of you get green life Robin, yellow life 'something seems off' Robin(/Grima), and red life 'something's definitely wrong' Robin(/Grima).
While the poll initially planned for male Robin specifically, as a bonus...
There's a female variant as well. (Give or take changes to keep things PG while keeping the spirit of the joke). Instructions on how to install these skins are below the read-more as always, but to use these skins, download the following images:
Okuma Yugo Grima
Robin's robes (to add as a layer to your own skin)
Okuma Yugo tattered robes (to add as a layer to your own skin)
Next up is our third and final runner-up, Alfonse! Stay tuned.
(Also for anyone curious, the world featured this time is the Purple Parrot Party bedrock world, made by Minecraft as a free map.)
To install all the skins, you must have Minecraft, and you must do the following (Note that all skins shown here assume it's proportioned to the Steve/wide style skin and has not been tested on Alex/slim style skins.):
Save all skin files you want as a png and make sure to name them and save them where you can easily find them.
Log into your minecraft account in the hub
For Java players, go to the Skins tab, and click on New Skin. Browse and upload the skin file, name it however you like, and make sure to set it to Wide. Save or Save & Use the skin.
For Bedrock players, go into your Bedrock game and go into Dressing Room. Choose any skin slot that you don't mind using for your new skin (note that you can only save one custom skin and multiple skin slots featuring a custom skin will default to whichever current custom skin you were currently using last). Click on Change Classic Skin (if this is not visible, click on Edit Character then click on the coat-hanger icon on your left). Click on the grey, blank model under "Owned Skins", then click Choose New Skin. After uploading the skin you want, click on the right model and exit out of the menu to save this current skin.
Note for Bedrock players: Custom skins cannot be used in console, and custom skins will NOT work in official minecraft event servers, examples including the previous mob vote worlds, or the MCC Bedrock world that recently passed. This is not the same as a marketplace skin (which is selectable outright in its own group) and custom skins will default to one of the OG Minecraft skins in event servers.
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Paging Doctor Duck Ch. 5
“So much for clear skies for the rest of the week…” Donald grumbled softly, massaging his war-injured shoulder as rain fell heavily from dark grey skies.
It was a late, chilly, wet Friday evening and Donald had just finished doing his rounds, checking up on his resting patients and the nurses. Everything seemed to be in order, but the doctor, for some reason, felt uneasy, on edge.
“Is everything alright, Doctor D?” asked Roxanne as she fell in step with her senior colleague. In one of her hands was a clipboard and in the other was styrofoam cup filled with her usual pick-me-up green tea. “You seem more agitated than usual.”
“Hey Pop-rocks. I’m okay, just feeling a bit…I dunno…nervous? Anxious?” He couldn’t think of the right word at the moment but shot the younger doctor a reassuring grin all the same. “I think it’s just the rain getting to me.”
Roxanne’s gaze fell on the window that displayed the powerful thunderstorm raging outside. The rain fell in slanted sheets which made visibility nearly impossible. She bit her lip, worried about possible power outages and flooding. “I understand. Dreary weather like is never fun. Especially since it causes us to tend to more patients here.”
“Case in point…” muttered Donald, yanking out his beat-up pager to see the alert, Roxanne doing the same.
“Looks like duty calls,” said the female doctor with a shrug and smile.
“Looks like it…” the duck replied with a sigh. “Good luck, Pop-rocks.”
“You, too, Dr. D!” she looked back out the window at the driving rain. “…Something tells me we’re in for a busy day…”
Just as Dr. Roxanne predicted, the floodgates opened, and the hospital was flooded with patients due to the raging storm. Doctors and nurses were all scrambling to tend to the rapid influx of people, shouting over each other as they worked desperately to help their patients.
Donald ignored the increased pain in his shoulder as he worked hard to treat his current patient, an older, unconscious hound with a profusely bleeding arm. His hands moved quickly, yet steadily as he wrapped the unconscious man’s arm with a thick bandage. But just as he finishing up, Nurse Clarabelle’s voice rang through his ears.
“We need any available doctor and nurses to room #133 for a multiple stab victim in critical condition! Male, species: parrot, race: Brazilian! Please inform Dr. Roxanne when she finishes up with her current patient!”
Donald felt himself freeze up upon hearing the cow’s words, hoping against hope that she wasn’t talking about who he thought she was talking about. Worry and dread filled him, and he wanted nothing more than to check, but was stopped by Nurse Minnie’s soft voice.
“Are you okay, Dr. Donald?”
The duck snapped out of his stupor and immediately resumed his work, though his hands now held a slight tremble. The only thing he could do now was have faith that Roxanne or who was available could help him.
‘Please be okay, Joe…’ Donald offered up a silent prayer. ‘Please, please be okay…’
Two hours later, and the storm and the people just kept coming.
Donald choked down the rest of his apple cinnamon muffin and near-scalding coffee (courtesy of Max, who was bringing quick refreshments to the haggard medical staff) as he allowed himself five minutes of rest in the hospital’s breakroom. He had just checked in with his nephews’ babysitter, and besides the temporary power outage, the triplets were fine, which was a load off Donald’s already over-burdened mind.
José was thankfully out of surgery, but was still heavily sedated for the time being, his condition unfortunately, still unstable. Donald made plans to see him after he was finished with his other patients. A nauseating amount of regret of him transferring care to Roxanne was starting to hit him.
‘Nothing I can do about that now,’ the duck thought sullenly, crumbling up his trash and tossing it into the garbage bin. He rose from his chair just as the breakroom door opened.
“…Dr. Donald…”
Donald looked up to see Roxanne making her approach. He started to smile until he saw the distraught look on her normally cheerful face. His anxiety instantly sky-rocketed.
“W-What? What is it?!” the duck asked with caution.
“Oh, Dr. Doctor Donald…!” the red-head began tearfully. “It…it’s Panchito…!”
The news nearly floored Donald to the point where he had grab onto the armchair to keep himself upright. Not only was José injured, but Panchito was as well?! He forced his mind to focus as Roxanne tearfully tried to explain his injuries and how he was being prepped for surgery as they speak. Her shoulders shook as she struggled to keep to calm, tears pooling in her dark brown eyes. This was one of the pitfalls of working as a medical professional; one day you’ll have to save a loved one from a life-or-death situation. The additional fear of having their life in your hands, knowing that at any moment you could feel them take their last breath was something Donald had dealt with all the time back in the war. He had years of experience from his time in the service and at the hospital to draw from to maintain the cool, iron control for dealing with such stressful situations.
The younger doctor did not.
She would, in good time, gain the ability to compartmentalize one day. Until then, he as the senior doctor would help her through this. The duck stepped forward and gently placed his hands on Roxanne’s quivering shoulders. “Breath, Dr. Roxanne. Remember the breathing exercises that you had me do whenever I need to keep my temper and not punch an already injured person?”
His comment thankfully got a wet giggle out of her before she followed his instructions. Deep breath in, hold for five seconds, and then exhale. They repeated this process until the trembling in Roxanne’s body finally faded. “You got this, Dr. Roxanne,” encouraged Donald, squeezing her shoulders again.
“…Thanks, Dr. D,” she said. The light in her eyes now shining once again. “I’ll make sure José and Panchito will be okay. All our patients will be okay!”
Donald smiled proudly and pet her on the head. “I know you will.”
In between patients, Donald made a quick visit to the waiting room and sure enough, Panchito’s mother was there along Señor Martinez. Upon seeing him enter the room, they rushed over to him with tears in their eyes. Donald accepted the bone-crushing hug and slobbery kiss as he did his best to comfort them.
“Oh Donal’! This is muy terrible! Nothing like this has ever happened before! It was raining so hard and one of the staff members was trying to take the b-bulls back to their pens! But, but the rain made them lose their grip on the r-ropes and Panchito wasn’t able to get out of the way fast enough...! A-And to hear that poor José is also hurt! Please tell me they will be alright!”
“Both of them will be fine,” Donald reassured. “They’re currently being treated by a colleague of mine, and I trust her more than any other doctor here to treat them!” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his handkerchief for her to dry her eyes. “Please have faith that they’ll be okay.”
The mother hen wiped her eyes and nodded. “I-I will.”
Seeing that the mother was still distraught, Donald wracked his brain to give her a distraction while they waited. An idea soon came to mind. “Hey Mama Maria, do you think you could help me with something? In fact, you’d be helping the hospital and making your son very happy.”
“I am happy to help with anything, Donal’. Just say the word.”
The duck took her hand. “Then please follow me.”
In no time, the doctor led them to the hospitals cafeteria, where the cooks were working tirelessly to provide food for everyone. Despite his complaints about their lack of skills in the kitchen, he knew they were trying their best.
“Mama Maria, I’d like you to meet our kitchen staff. They could use a lesson or two in making tasty meals for our guests, so I give you permission to command them as you see fit, because they really, really, need the direction. Can you do that for us, Mama?”
The Mexican female’s eyes seemed to sharpen now that she had a task and gave a firm nod. “I can. I will have this place ship-shape!”
“I know you will, “ Donald replied with a smile before turning to the kitchen staff to get their attention. “Everyone! This is Mama Maria, and she’s going to be helping you guys out in the kitchen! Treat her well, and listen to her instructions, okay?”
They all nodded, no doubt fearful of what would happen to them if they were to disagree. Satisfied, he wished everyone good luck before taking Señor Martinez’s reins to lead him to their next destination. “Oh, and Mama Maria, please try to make the dishes as mild as you can; not everyone has your son’s spice tolerance!”
The next stop was to the children’s ward. Donald spotted Minnie and several other nurses tending to the children there. It broke his heart anytime he saw kids hurt, but thankful despite the terrible weather none of the children were seriously injured and were in high spirits due in part to Max bringing in his video games for them to play. The female mouse glanced up at him and smiled before her eyes went wide upon seeing the horse.
“Oh my!” she squeaked as Señor Martinez happily greeted her with an affectionate nuzzle.
“Hey Minns, I brought the kids a special guest.”
“I can see that!” Minnie replied with a giggle, softly stroking the horse’s muzzle.
Donald led the beast further into the room, the clopping of the horse’s hooves easily gaining everyone’s attention. They all gawked as he brought the horse into the center of the room. “Children, I like you all to meet Señor Martinez!”
Predictably, they all squealed in delight and gathered around Señor Martinez, happily petting his soft fur.
“Be nice and gentle with them and I promise to give you all the snacks you want, okay?”
The old, grey horse nickered and gave him one last lick before Donald had to leave to make 14 different phone calls to a certain group of females to let them know of José’s thankfully improving condition.
It was 01:45 am when the tide of people finally ebbed. Donald was dead on his feet, and yet he kept himself moving as he peeked into each room to make sure his patients were resting comfortably; the great news that both José and Panchito both were in stable condition and were recovering nicely in a shared room giving him the energy to continue.
Mama Maria was taken home by Señor Martinez once the skies cleared and made Donald promise to let her know if there were any changes in Panchito and José’s conditions before giving him a bone-crushing hug. Donald made sure to thank her and the horse both for all their help today.
As he made his way through the lobby, the duck spotted Max and Roxanne huddled together on one of the couches, Roxanne’s head resting on Max’s shoulder. They both looked completely worn out, unsurprisingly after a day like today.
“Hey Doctor D,” Roxanne greeted with an exhausted smile. “We managed to survive today…”
“We sure did, Pop-rocks,” the older male replied with a smile, reaching over and petting her head again. “I’m so proud of you. You too, Max.” he added, squeezing the younger male’s shoulder.
“W-What?!” hiccupped Max with wide eyes. “B-But I didn’t do much! You two were the ones who…”
“Max,” Donald interrupted. “If it wasn’t for you and the rest of the cleaning staff working as tirelessly as you did, us doctors wouldn’t have a clean space to treat our patients as quickly as we did. More than that, you personally went above and beyond your duties when you go out of your to entertain the children. Trust me, it’s a lot easier for us to treat the little ones after you’ve played with them.” He squeezed Max’s shoulder again. “Everyone’s job is important here, Max.”
“I told you, Max~” Roxanne teased with a sleepy giggle.
Max nodded sheepishly, his dark brown eyes looking a little damp thanks to the unexpected praise. “I…thanks, you guys…”
Donald glanced outside and stared up at the blessedly clear skies. “Why don’t you two head on home now since it’s stopped raining? We all need to rest after today like this one.”
“Okay, Dr. D,” replied the younger two.
With a smile and wave, Donald departed and made his way to the room where Panchito and José were resting in. The space was quiet, save for the twin beeping of the heart-monitors and Donald tried his best not to disturb that peace while his friends rested. Slowly and carefully, he looked over their heavily bandaged bodies. José’s entire torso was heavily bandaged from his stab wounds while Panchito’s head and chest were bandaged thanks to nearly being trampled to death by an out-of-control bull.
They were both so quiet and still in a way Donald wasn’t used to. It was…unnatural to see them this way. “To think it would take the both of you nearly dying for you to be quiet,” the doctor said with a jaded chuckle. He blinked when he felt something warm and wet on his cheeks, he reached up and was surprised to find tears there. What’s worse, they wouldn’t stop.
To think he almost lost two friends in one night…his two best friends. He felt his body tremble as the stress from last night caught up to him. It had been close, too close. If either one of them had died, Donald would’ve been heartbroken, but if both had died? Donald might’ve just keeled over right then and there. Once again, he silently thanked Roxanne and the nurses for saving their lives; he owed them big time.
Carefully, he reached out and touched their too still hands. “Please, don’t ever get hurt like this again,” he quietly begged. “I’ll listen all your songs, and watch your dances, and attend all of your shows…just please…don’t ever scare me like this again…”
After gently squeezing their hands, Donald made his way to a navy blue recliner chair in the corner of room and settled into it with a world-weary sigh. With the steady beat of the heart-monitors in his ears, Donald fell into a deep sleep.
#donald duck#donald x panchito x jose#the three caballeros#three gay caballeros#fanfic#panchito pistoles#jose carioca#disney#duckverse#duck comics
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Types of pets AOT characters would have
Characters: Erwin, Hange, Miche, Levi, Moblit, Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Connie, Sasha, Jean, Reiner, Bertholt, Yumir, Historia (Christa), Petra, Oluo, Gunther, Eld, Nifa, Abel, Keiji, Tomas, Nannaba, Gelger, Henning, Lynne
Erwin: He'd have a male Chinook dog named Soldier. They're hardworking, which he appreciates, but they're also loyal and family devoted, so that means that they're good with kids. He takes the best care of his dog ever.

Hange: Definitely has a male Leachie Gecko. And a big one. Takes the best care of it and has somehow lived for like 20 years and is still thriving. They named it Bennidect Bartholemu Cambel.

Levi: Hange won him a goldfish at the fair, and they named her Goldie. She's lived for 5 years and is in amazing health. Levi's actually grown to love Goldie a lot, which Hange kind of expected, but Miche and Erwin totally thought he'd give it back to Hange after like a week.

Miche: Has a huge male gray Bouvier des Flandres with longish hair and "bangs" that cover his eyes a bit. He probably named him Sherlock because he has "big locks of hair". Had to have his tail docked months before Miche adopted him, his tail got stepped on and crushed by a cow.

Moblit: Doesn't have a pet cause "Dealing with Hange takes the same amount of work" but he also helps with Hanges lizard because it's high maintenance.
Eren: He has a female African Grey Parrot that he named "Freiheit" which is German for "freedom." He talks to his parrot like it's a therapist. He also gets upset when someone says his Parrot's a girl, and he'll argue back with something like "no, actually he's a guy" even though the parrots a girl.

Armin: He has a male Eastern Box Turtle. He named him Squirt because when he adopted him, the first thing Squirt did was spit water at his face, so Armin thought it'd be appropriate to name him Squirt.

Mikasa: Female Maine Coon named Kiku. Her mother told her that the Kiku flower was her favorite flower and that it's believed the flower can prolong peoples lives.

Connie: Male Hyacinth Macaw he named Destroyer since he thought he (THE BIRD) would be able to destroy anything in its path (A BIRD). He trained his bird to attack anyone he points at while screeching "CA CAW!"

Sasha: Male squirrel she named Squirrelly. She didn't buy him from anywhere. She was literally sitting at the park and a squirrel came up to her and sat with her then followed her, and so she took him home and named him Squirrelly. That was 4 years ago.

Jean: Male Collie named Zeus. He thought Zeus would be a cool awesome name for a dog. He also trained him to chase Eren on his command.

Reiner: Female Boxer he named Rocky. He also specifically tried to find one with unpinned ears and an undocked tail. He takes her on hikes all the time, and she loves them so much.

Bertholt: Male Ferret named Mozuku. He loved to eat Mozuku as a kid, so he named his Ferret after it. Sometimes really late at night he has a dance party with his Ferret, and he definitely has spent hours to teach his Ferret one trick.

Yumir: Female Tarantula named Fang. She loves to scare Reiner with her. Yumir also takes such good care of Fang you'd almost think she loves her more than Historia. It's to the point where if she's at home, she'll take Fang out of her enclosure and just have her on her shoulder while she does stuff like chores or watch TV.

Historia: Female Beagle named Poppy. She dresses her up, and they watch TV together all the time. Sometimes they have "hype moments" where Historia hypes up Poppy by saying stuff like "LETS GO, WE CAN DO IT!!!" and they do it for like 10 min. Poppy is also those dogs that know every trick in the book. Historia has even taught her how to backflip and do hand stands. Poppy can also do a handstand and walk in a handstand.

Petra: Female Norwegin Forest Cat named Camellia. Petra's the type of person who walks her cat, but she loves it. Gives her cat super good food. Literally the happiest cat you will ever meet. Also the sweetest cat ever. Super playful and soooo soft.

Oluo: Male Irish Wolfhound named Captain. Loud as hell. Literally the most talkative dog you will ever meet. Super sweet dog, just very talkative. Also, if you put a bowl of food out in front of him he'll eat like Oluo has been starving him for months. Genital giant. His dog is a literal giant, is not even funny.
(man standing next to dog for size reference on how tall this damn dog is)

Gunther: Female Albino Ferret named Xiomara. When he was looking at ferrets, the people working there told him how Xiomara was turned down for adoption so many times the owner wanted to claim her as "unadoptable", and he was confused when he heard the reason was because of how she looked. But he thought the contrast of her red eyes to her white fur looked super cool, so he adopted her and named her Xiomara, and she's been his best friend ever since. He takes her everywhere is loves her so much, it's adorable.

Eld: Female Duck Tolling Retriever named Penelope. She has total attachment issues. They're basically attached to each other. Eld is going to the bathroom? So is his dog. She also does so many tricks and is so polite. And she attends doggy daycare, and lets just say she may be the teacher's favorite.

Nifa: Female hamster named Sunny. She's a total troublemaker. The food she's eating? Stole it right off Nifas plate. She eats clothes if you don't pay attention to her, she's escaped her cage, she almost drowned herself because Nifa fed her 2 minutes late. If your finger gets too close to her mouth, she will bite you.

Abel: Male Brussels Griffin named Scrappy. Will eat ANYTHING. You left the toothpaste out? That's Scrappys toothpaste now. You forgot your shoes? NVM those are Scrappys shoes. Also wears dog shoes every time he goes out.

Keiji: Female Pointer named Coco. She is the sweetest dog ever. Super gentle, doesn't bite, doesn't scratch, not aggressive, while all the other dogs are outside play fighting Coco's right next to Keiji. Whether it's her laying on the floor, her laying next to him, or her laying on top of him, most of the time Coco is with Keiji. Sometimes he even puts her outside to play with the other dogs because he's so attached to him.

Tomas: Female Texas Heeler named Luna. She's also a super sweet dog. She's also very, very energetic. If you get up even for one second, she'll get so excited. Luna's one of those dogs that will not stop spinning in circles. And every time you see her, she's panting as if she just ran the longest dog marathon ever. If you ask Tomas what she's like when they get home, it's normally the same story how she just is so exhausted she can't do anything.

Nannaba: Female Ferret named Phoebe. Very very energetic and loves to do tricks. She will climb everything. Walls? Climb. Fence? Climb. Furniture? Clime. YOU? CLIMB. Loves cuddling so much, she gets pissed if you get up while she's asleep. Also eats hair. She even eats Nannabas hair, and she has pretty short hair. One time in the winter Miche was growing out a beard for a dare and Phoebe started eating it while he was staying the night at Nannabas.

Gelger: Male rat named Rocket. Rocket is the craziest laziest rat ever. Sometimes Gelger has to hand feed Rocket his food cause he's too tired to get up, then 5 min later he's running around all over the place and sliding everywhere. He also poops soooo much. Gelger even took him to the vet once because he got nervous that something was wrong with Rocket because of how often and how much he would poop. Turns out he just poops a lot. When they go to other peoples houses Gelger has to put Rocket in a diper because hes worried about him pooping everywhere.

Henning: Male Cane Corso named Butch. When he adopted Butch he wanted a Cane Corso that still had it's tail and who didn't have cropped ears. Butch is so scary when you first meet him, but then he becomes the most lovable dog ever. He gives the sloberist kisses and is always drooling, but that's ok. Super strong. He's knocked over the whole barbecue grill before.

Lynne: Female Rabbit named Daisy. The sweetest bunny you will ever meet omg. She never gets in the way of anything and is even potty trained. She always shows off her tricks and is very proud of it. One time she even did a back flip but got scared when everyone cheered. Very unpridectible. One time it was getting late and everyone realized they haven't seen Daisy for a while so everyone was freaking out and when they checked outside Daise was sitting on top of an Opossum.

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Hello, Everyone! I just finished my newest seventh graphic. This time I drew Gang Gang Cockatoos. :)
The gang-gang cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum) is a parrot found in the cooler and wetter forests and woodlands of Australia, particularly alpine bushland.
Mostly mild grey in colour with some lighter scalloping (more pronounced and buffy in females), the male has a red head and crest, while the female has a small fluffy grey crest. It ranges throughout south-eastern Australia. The gang-gang cockatoo is the faunal emblem of the Australian Capital Territory. It is easily identified by its distinctive call, which is described as resembling a creaky gate, or the sound of a cork being pulled from a wine bottle.
The name gang-gang comes from a New South Wales Aboriginal language, probably from one of the coastal languages, although possibly from Wiradjuri.

#kamaarts#kamilawojciechowicz#kamila wojciechowicz-krauze#illustration#wildlife illustration#graphics#grafika#cockatoos#Australian animals#Australia#gang gang cockatoos#animal illustration#illustrator
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~Griffis Supspecies Height Comparison + Info~ ------------------------------------ Just doing this for fun~ I made this so I can use this to design more griffins oc if I want to save time. Also explaining the differences. Not just for these that I show here, also included for other bird species. Of course, I can't filled all in here. Just try and use common senses, if you can.
There's a few things that I explained based in my universe world, so, just want to make that clear.
If the pic is kinda hard to see here, you can view the full and close up image on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/greenmaneheart/art/Griffis-Supspecies-Height-Comparison-Info-in-des-978901373
I will explain more details of what features they had. have fun reading~ ------------------------------------
Very small - HUMMINGBIRD
This also included other small bird species such as kingfisher, kookaburra, cockatiel, parakeet, parrotlet.
They have a certain natural ability based on what bird species they are; kingfisher griffins can catch fish. Kookaburra griffins can make loud and chaotic cry. And more.
Their small size makes it easy for them to fly swiftly or hide in small spaces. ------------------------------------
Medium small - OWL
This included all types of owl species out there.
They can fly without making a slightest sound of their wings flapping while flying.
Their common traits are usually quiet, watchful, sly and deep-thinkers. They seem more active hunting during night time, making them nocturnal creatures.
Owl griffins are considered as the calmest griffin compared to other subspecies griffins.
They are not usually aggressive and only do so when it's necessary like defending their home.
Despite also being considered as a predatory kind, they're pretty calm. ------------------------------------
Medium - MACAW
This included all types of macaw and medium-sized parrots species such as cockatoo, African grey parrot, scarlet macaw, black palm cockatoo and more.
Their habitats are usually in the jungle or rainforest.
Some have the ability to mimic sounds. Their special beak is for macaws, able to crack open any hard nuts easily, without any tools.
Their common traits can come in pretty friendly, intelligent, crafty and creative. They're considered as the smartest and creative subspecies of griffin. ------------------------------------
A common griffin, half eagle, half lion. However, this also included all types of eagle species, including hawk and falcons. Usually predatory birds.
This type of griffin has the biggest wingspan of all other griffins. A strong flier and the fastest flier than all other griffins.
They are also considered the strongest griffin subspecies.
They are also common subspecies and the most populated compare to other subspecies griffins.
Most of these griffins are very well known to hunt any certain food or animal easily. ------------------------------------
Medium Large - PEAFOWL
Male peacock griffins are usually a bit bigger than female peahen griffins.
However, this size can come from other types of bird such as Lyrebirds and birds of paradise.
Usually the royals are a bit bigger compared to it's average size.
Peafowl griffins are considered as the most beautiful creatures in Griffonia due to their unique pattern and colorful feathers.
Peacock griffin can fly but not as fast as other griffins. Peahen griffin cannot fly properly and can only glide.
Certain peafowl families will wear a certain gem on their forehead to easily identify their close relatives and family. This also to show off their beauty and high quality of themselves.
This has been going for many generations and now considered as their tradition.
Most peafowl are from the royal family. They live in a high ground place called The Proud Tree Kingdom.
They're usually very graceful, elegant, and well mannered. They always try to maintain their appearance to stay clean and beautiful to show that they are more superior than other griffins. ------------------------------------
Very tall and large - OSTRICH
Ostrich griffins are considered as the largest griffin subspecies.
They are also one of the griffins that cannot fly.
Females can have pale, pastel, whitish or brown color feathers, while males have dark coloring feathers.
However, as a normal ostrich would have, they're able to run fast compared to other griffins. Their highest speed limit is almost the same speed as the normal griffin's flying speed.
Most ostrich griffins participated in a racing sport game, and so were considered as professional racers.
These griffins can usually be found in many populations living somewhere in the desert western land, which is where the racing stadium for ostriches is located.
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#african grey#african grey lifespan#african grey parrot lifespan in captivity#cute birds#african grey parrot care#african grey parrot website#buying an african grey parrot#african grey parrot#african grey behavior#african grey parrot buy#adjusting cage for male parrot nesting#african grey life#African grey lifespan#african grey website#avian vet for male parrot nesting#enrichment for male parrots nesting#hormonal changes in male parrots nesting#male african grey nesting#male amazon parrot behavior#male and female parrot behavior#male budgie nesting#male cockatoo nesting#male conure nesting#male macaw nesting#male parrot Behavior#male parrot bobbing head nesting#male parrot burrowing for nest#male parrot mating behavior#male parrot nesting behavior#male parrot nesting routine
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Get to know the blogger
Many thankies for the tag, @ruiniel
:D :D :D :D
Share your wallpaper:

I too be a simp-le person. 😜 (Normally go with whatever I'm currently hyper fixating on, but at the moment I'm not entirely certain what that is... so, Al it stays for now 😁)
Last song you listened to: Allstar - Smash Mouth (Ah, catchy nostalgia on loop)
Currently reading: Trying to catch up on fanfics... Brain making it arduous. 😵
Last movie: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Had to cut it short cause I started nodding off - long day 😴)
Last TV show: Pokemon Ultimate Journeys (have to wait for the next episodes to be dubbed)
Craving: Busy eyeing the Tex chocolate next to me. 👀
What are you wearing right now: Long navy and turquoise pyjama top (it has unicorns on eet 🦄), white tracksuit pants, and light blue socks with 'lil penguins on dem. Ultra comfort clothes FTW!
How tall are you: 5'1'' ft (Yes, I'm short)
Piercings: None.
Tattoos: None.
Glasses or contacts: Neither.
Last drink: Rooibos tea.
Last thing you ate: Cheesy Doritos and rice cakes with butter. (Ah, so healthy 😋)
Favorite color: Blue. All shades.
Current obsession: Hard to say at the moment. Maybe Pokemon, but with a sprinkling of Beyblade and Castlevania here and there too. It's weird, and honestly contributing to the current state of feeling lost and almost depressive. I need to obsess over something or else I die inside. 😵
Any pets:
*Clears throat*

Cosmo. African Grey Parrot. Presumably male. Age 5 years. Always up to no good. Good talker. My baby.

Gringo. Blue-crowned conure. Presumably male. Around 20 years. LOUD! Full of bull. Loves to call everyone an ass. Also my baby.

Neera. Leopard gecko. Female. Around 15 years. Can do no wrong, just a 'lil gal. Also baby. ALL MY BABIES!
And for whatever reason, my phone does not want to show the photos of the others, but also have a male yellow cockatiel (Rango) aged 15 yrs, and 3 lady doggos (Misty, Kelsey and Roxy) all Border collie x's, ages 16, 13 and 4 yrs.
Favorite fictional character: Let's make that characters cause you can't have just one: 😁
Shiron, Ranshiin, Greedo (Legendz: Tale of the Dragon Kings)
Kai, Tala, Bryan (Beyblade [2000/Bakuten Shoot])
Kyuzo (Samurai 7)
Ponyta/Rapidash, Mewtwo, Lugia, Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile, Riolu/Lucario (Pokemon) [Throwing in Lance as fav human character]
Sebastian (Black Butler)
Levi (Attack on Titan)
Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter)
Toons/Animated Series~
Alucard (Castlevania [Netflix])
Leonardo (TMNT [2003/2007/Bayverse])
Ripster (Street Sharks)
Ridge, Haxx, Bullseye (Extreme Dinosaurs)
Allo (Dinosaucers)
Cheetor, Dinobot (Transformers: Beast Wars/Beast Machines)
Aaaaand we'll cut it off there, or else I'll be here all night. 😅
The last place you traveled: Bathurst, for their yearly Agricultural show on Friday. Literally a fifteen drive away, but I'm counting it. 😋
And now I shall tag.... @hellovivirose and @fuckiecheeses if you want to do it. 😄No pressure whatsoever.
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I would rather not say
May 16th
The bull one
Purple if I must choose
A cat a rabbit and soon a scorpion
I don't know
I don't know off the top of my head
3 for outside one for working outside and stuff
No idea
I am good at mini painting a being mildly funny
I am not
Crane wives never love an anchor
Godzilla minus one
No idea
The closest I'll get is plants, invertebrates, and cats
Yes for various things
I met an actor from super natural once for my mom to get a signature
Grey with a salt lady saying fuck this shit but my favs are black with taco dinosaurs on them
I mean aside from onetime I had a mildly popular tma shit post no
Yes and no I love being the center of attention but also it sounds awful
Anything but radio country and rap but I can put up with that kind of music
face down t pose
Pretty normal suburb sized I think
During school a fried egg over rice summer like an apple or something easy sometimes jelly toast and tea
Yes I love it
Papagei (pronounced papa-guy) it's German for parrot and it's so fun to say
Like a day
Yes mostly on my knees
I can do a very good stereotypical french accent
Not that I know of as my mom is from somewhere with a different accent then my dad so it averaged out
I don't know
I think my mom's dad's great coat
I was born right handed but I have been using my left more so fairly even
Actually fun fact a girl I dated/am still dating kinda on a break complicated thing really likes spiders and thinks they are cute so I got better around them and now I want a tarantula
I imagine you mean not European/American so like honestly sushi
Messy but some things like floors bring covered in items stresses me out but I have messy desks
The ritual from mag 160 of the Magnus archives as I use it as a grounding monologue thing whenever I get overwhelmed
Hours I am not a morning person and it's summer
Sometimes in some ways yes others no
Sick but if it gets really small or has something inside at the end bite
Yes I love singing
Not really I don't believe
Going downhill mentally
Don't watch them
Med or long
If I have a handful of minutes
Extravert maybe a mix
Sadly no
The future
I try not to but I so
A girl in elementary school who was a stick in the mud rule follower (I think this explains a lot about me)
One in each ear for now
Like med
Brown but I am thinking of dying it maroon or something else
None that I know of
No but I should
Ones a fed ones a teacher
Ya I think so
J.k. rowuling
Kinda I am thinking. Of changing it to lilllith it's only what it is because it's close to my dead name
I mean I want a scorpion and will get one soon hopefully if it's a male Cecil Gershwin palmer female Tamika flin
Neither no child and for my scorp I kinda want to name it Cecil but I am good with either
I am stubborn to a fault there is a reason I play templars in 40k
See above
I wanted it to be close to my dead name and I love nature and it's a gentle name and the other because the religious Lilith is based
Lots on my knees
It's a dinosaur quilt made by my grandma but it's read on the edges
Light blueish grey but I plan to cover it with posters
Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. What is you middle name? 2. How old are you? 3. When is your birthday? 4. What is your zodiac sign? 5. What is your favorite color? 6. What’s your lucky number? 7. Do you have any pets? 8. Where are you from? 9. How tall are you? 10. What shoe size are you? 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 12. What was your last dream about? 13. What talents do you have? 14. Are you psychic in any way? 15. Favorite song? 16. Favorite movie? 17. Who would be your ideal partner? 18. Do you want children? 19. Do you want a church wedding? 20. Are you religious? 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 24. Baths or showers? 25. What color socks are you wearing? 26. Have you ever been famous? 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? 28. What type of music do you like? 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 31. What position do you usually sleep in? 32. How big is your house? 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 34. Have you ever fired a gun? 35. Have you ever tried archery? 36. Favorite clean word? 37. Favorite swear word? 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 39. Do you have any scars? 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 41. Are you a good liar? 42. Are you a good judge of character? 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 44. Do you have a strong accent? 45. What is your favorite accent? 46. What is your personality type? 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 48. Can you curl your tongue? 49. Are you an innie or an outie? 50. Left or right handed? 51. Are you scared of spiders? 52. Favorite food? 53. Favorite foreign food? 54. Are you a clean or messy person? 55. Most used phrased? 56. Most used word? 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 58. Do you have much of an ego? 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 60. Do you talk to yourself? 61. Do you sing to yourself? 62. Are you a good singer? 63. Biggest Fear? 64. Are you a gossip? 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 66. Do you like long or short hair? 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 68. Favorite school subject? 69. Extrovert or Introvert? 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 71. What makes you nervous? 72. Are you scared of the dark? 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 74. Are you ticklish? 75. Have you ever started a rumor? 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 77. Have you ever drank underage? 78. Have you ever done drugs? 79. Who was your first real crush? 80. How many piercings do you have? 81. Can you roll your Rs?“ 82. How fast can you type? 83. How fast can you run? 84. What color is your hair? 85. What color is your eyes? 86. What are you allergic to? 87. Do you keep a journal? 88. What do your parents do? 89. Do you like your age? 90. What makes you angry? 91. Do you like your own name? 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? 94. What are you strengths? 95. What are your weaknesses? 96. How did you get your name? 97. Were your ancestors royalty? 98. Do you have any scars? 99. Color of your bedspread? 100. Color of your room?
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Bio [Crew]
Name: Leta Grey Nickname: Doctor Feelgood Age: 27 Gender: Male Species: Mongoose Trademarks (outfit): Leta sports a dark gray sweater, pale gray hooded overcoat, brown belt, and cerulean skinny jeans tapered at the end, and black boots. For accessories, he dons a pair of green visor sunglasses over his forehead and gold hoop earrings. Occupation: Doctor Alignment: Leta agrees to Leta BIO: Born to a family of medicine, Leta took to the family trade almost immediately. The first steps towards that was the study of toxicology. In his mind Leta figured medicine was just a different kind of poison. Both were lethal in large doses, right? And to his credit, he did find his own place with that in mind. He hadn’t created any groundbreaking medicine, but the various creams and balms worked absolute wonders on those who used them. Originally, Leta’s mother’s face was riddled with wrinkles and dark bags under her eyes. But thanks to her son’s ointments she ended up looking like a spry 20 year old soon after.
Despite this…Leta was never praised how one would expect. It was less so a parents and child relationship between him and parents and more like an employee appealing to their boss. That lack of paternal affection led to Leta simply discarding the desire for it altogether. It wasn’t like he was unhappy with his situation. He still got the affirmation he felt he deserved for his efforts.
Some months later during the Zombot outbreak his parents had trapped one of the infected Mobians with the intention to study them by watching them turn and recording the results. Up unto this point Leta had always been banned from entering his parents lab but today…something compelled him to enter… One detail to note about said lab was the dividing door between the main lab and the holding area. Once he caught wind of what his parents were doing their “parenting” karma finally reared its head. Leta figured “wouldn’t more subjects provide better results?” With that in mind he locked the doors from the outside and released their captive.
He was hoping the virus would give me insight on what he truly desired but seeing the mindless monsters the three ended up turning into he just sighed in disgust as he activated the defense protocols in the lab, torching all three in the holding area before leaving altogether.
Name: Aria
Nickname: None as of yet Age: 30 Gender: Female Species: Ram Occupation: First Mate
Born to a quiet family in the city. Aria admired her father as a child. A professional boxer that, despite her mothers’ protests. She’d do her best to emulate him during his training. The last straw was Aria letting her wool grow over her arms as makeshift gauntlets. Her mother put her foot down and pulled the young ram away from her father for more feminine lessons.
Aria obviously protested the first few months in but her mother was just as hard-headed as her child. Aria was still banned from joining her father during his training, but when the young ram started to show interest in her mother’s desires and wants. The reward for doing so was letting her father’s matches play in the back.
It was then and there when Aria met Atreya. At the end of her father’s championship match the camera caught a little parrot wandering confused into the ring. She clearly didn’t know where she was, and any and all attempts to convey as such was met with equal confusion from those around her. When Aria noticed she couldn’t help but to laugh… Her mother had included language lessons in between cooking and other life skill she felt was important. While Aria couldn’t fully understand her, she could at least piece together bits and pieces. After a call to her father, Atreya was brought home along with him and thus the language lessons began. And the endless hell it brought with it…
Name: Calypso Nickname: None as of yet Age: Has long since stopped, physically in her early 20′s Gender: Nonbinary, but will respond to either or Species: Jellyfish Occupation: Cook
Prior to the world resetting Genesis Wave, Calypso ruled her native Zones. To those who obeyed her commands, seldom as they were. She’d return that devotion with equal blessings and fruitful bounty unto the residents of that Zone in particular. And to those who would meet her mercy with aggression and ire, Calypso made use of her knowledge of magic to tear the very soul from their physical form and seal them for eternity in the tides. After the events of Robotnik absorbing the power of the Master Emerald, effectively becoming a God in his own right. Calypso closed off her kingdom as a whole. Using the countless souls she had laid claim to as a battery source. For a time, she and those under her rule lived a fairly undisturbed life. Gazing only ever so often beyond the seal to see how the world outside had turned before going back to her usual.
What Calypso couldn’t account for however…was just how deep the Doctor’s own disdain and wrath towards Sonic truly went. Because she had no knowledge of the massive device Robotnik has created to reset the world as a whole. Calypso had no countermeasure set. In the wake of the blast her kingdom, her prisoners, her people…all of it was ripped away from her.
The Jellyfish found herself wandering aimlessly. The cruel tyrant now gone and what remained was a simple woman with a penchant for the culinary arts. Calypso couldn’t put her finger on it but being in front of a stove brought her a peaceful joy. It didn’t take long before she made a name for herself, small as it was. She soon sought out guidance from the Sea Witch Circe in order to further perfect her craft. During that time Calypso slowly started picking up the pieces of her former memories. Nothing major, but the basic knowledge of magic came trickling back little by little. She could’ve used this to fall back to the woman she was but instead, Calypso choose to heal. Weaving magic into her cooking to help ease aches and pains of those who ate it.
Before she departed from Circe’s temple, Calypso made a promise to send her teacher jugs of wine every now and again. Just little gifts of thanks.
Name: Snowy Grey Nickname: None as of yet Age: Perished at 20 Gender: Female Species: Rabbit Ghost Occupation: Nurse
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Watch this video before reading: Ta-da
(you actually don't have to I just think it may provide background info)
So, birds, yeah.
Anyway, I watched that and had a few ideas. Sorry it's taken a while I've had no motivation and a really bad writer's block, and 'Trying to write too much fanfic guilt'
First - Second - Third - Sophia - Micheal - Fourth - MCs
-So instead of the True Army being based on 5+ birds, it's down to 3 (maybe four). The Crested Caracara, African Grey Parrot, and Giant Petrel (With hints of the Bearded Vulture mixed in)
-So, I will be adding things to the lore, taking inspiration from all these birds. Let's begin.
-I probably should've mentioned this before but the True Army has both male and female soldiers in it, a little less than half are female.
-And unlike many real-world birds there are no obvious gender differences. The only difference is that the females are a little smaller and less agressive (slightly).
-SPEAKING OF AGGRESSION, it's quite common for two (or more!) to have full-on battles for dominance, often ending with someone visiting Sophia to get stitches.
- Michael usually breaks it up, but if he doesn't the soldiers will just keep whaling at each other until someone dies. Sophia says that she's trying to breed out the aggression, yeah, it's not working
-And despite, y'know, being Angels and having wings, most of the soldiers prefer to fight on the ground instead of in the air
-They still can beat your shit when in the air but they can beat your shit easier on the ground, it's easier to balance on the ground
-if you recall one of the first posts I made on the True Army I said that your standard soldier has talons but I didn't say that they had tails. This means the entirety of the army has a hard time balancing and maneuvering while flying
-And a few incorrect quote starring Michael and Sophia (when they were younger)
*while waiting outside Sera’s office* Sophia: What are you in for? Michael: Oh, they just want to know if it’s cool if I miss a meeting tomorrow to run sound and lights for a presentation in the auditorium. What about you? Sophia: I stabbed a kid with a screwdriver. Michael: Michael: Michael: We live very different lives. Sophia: Yes we do.
Michael: You think you're smarter than everyone else. Sophia: I don't think I'm smarter than everyone else. I know I am
-Also if a soldier gets hungry enough they can and will resort to cannibalism, BYE!!!
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bird breeders in US
If you're looking to find bird breeders in the United States, there are numerous reputable breeders that specialize in a wide range of bird species, from parrots to finches, canaries, and exotic species. Breeding birds is a skilled and responsible practice, and it's important to choose a breeder who prioritizes the health, well-being, and ethical treatment of their birds.
Here’s a guide to bird breeders in the U.S., categorized by species, along with ways to find breeders and tips for choosing a reputable one.
1. Parrot Breeders
Parrots are among the most popular pet birds in the U.S. They come in various species, including macaws, cockatoos, African greys, Amazon parrots, and conures.
Popular Parrot Species:
Macaws: Known for their large size and vibrant colors (e.g., Blue and Gold Macaw, Scarlet Macaw).
African Grey Parrots: Famous for their intelligence and ability to mimic human speech.
Amazon Parrots: Known for their playful personalities and bright green feathers.
Cockatoos: Recognized for their charming personalities and crest feathers.
Conures: Smaller parrots that are very social and colorful, such as Sun Conures and Green Cheek Conures.
Top Parrot Breeders:
The Parrot University (California): Specializes in breeding African Grey Parrots, Cockatoos, Macaws, and more.
Birds of Paradise (Florida): Focuses on a variety of exotic parrots, including Macaws and African Greys.
R & R Birds (Texas): Known for breeding a wide range of parrot species, including Amazons and Conures.
2. Canary Breeders
Canaries are small, songbirds that come in various color varieties, including yellow, red, and even orange.
Popular Canary Species:
American Singer Canary: Known for its beautiful song.
Red Factor Canary: A colorful variety known for its vibrant red feathers.
Gloster Canary: A unique variety with a round, puffy crest.
Top Canary Breeders:
Canary Connection (California): Specializes in breeding various canary species, particularly American Singers.
The Canary Shop (Michigan): Focuses on high-quality American Singer Canaries and other varieties.
3. Finch Breeders
Finches are small, colorful birds that make great pets for smaller living spaces. Popular species include zebra finches, society finches, and Gouldian finches.
Popular Finch Species:
Zebra Finch: A small, hardy finch with a beautiful song.
Gouldian Finch: Known for its bright, rainbow-colored feathers.
Society Finch: Known for being very social and easy to care for.
Top Finch Breeders:
Finches & Friends (California): Breeds a variety of finches, including zebra finches and society finches.
Gouldian Finch Aviary (Florida): Specializes in breeding Gouldian finches.
4. Exotic Bird Breeders
Exotic birds are often those that are not as commonly kept as pets, and they may include species like cockatiels, lovebirds, or even larger species like the eclectus parrot.
Popular Exotic Bird Species:
Cockatiels: Small, affectionate birds known for their crests and cute whistles.
Lovebirds: Small, colorful birds that are very social and affectionate.
Eclectus Parrots: Known for their striking sexual dimorphism (males are green, females are red and purple).
Top Exotic Bird Breeders:
Lovebird Aviary (California): Specializes in breeding a variety of lovebirds, including the Peach-Faced Lovebird.
Eclectus World (Texas): A breeder specializing in eclectus parrots.
5. Pigeon Breeders
Pigeons are a unique category of bird breeders, with some breeders focusing on racing pigeons, while others specialize in ornamental or pet pigeons.
Popular Pigeon Breeds:
Racing Homers: Pigeons bred for competitive racing and long-distance flying.
Fancy Pigeons: Decorative pigeons bred for show, including breeds like the Show Racer and the Jacobin.
Top Pigeon Breeders:
National Pigeon Association: Offers a breeder directory for racing pigeons and ornamental pigeon breeders.
Pigeon and Dove Farm (California): Specializes in ornamental and pet pigeon species.
How to Find Bird Breeders in the U.S.
National Bird Associations and Clubs:
American Federation of Aviculture (AFA): The AFA is a major organization that supports bird breeders, and its website provides breeder listings and resources.
National Finch & Softbill Society (NFSS): For finch lovers, this organization offers resources and breeder directories.
The Parrot Society USA: This society lists parrot breeders and provides resources for potential bird owners.
Online Marketplaces:
Websites like BirdBreeders.com, BirdsNow.com, or Petfinder offer databases of bird breeders and rescue organizations across the U.S. where you can search by bird species and location.
Local Pet Stores and Bird Shops:
Many pet stores partner with breeders and may have birds for sale or offer breeder referrals.
Specialized bird shops often have a network of trusted breeders and can provide valuable advice.
Expos and Bird Shows:
Bird expos and shows, such as the American Bird Expo or National Pet Bird Show, allow you to meet breeders directly and even purchase birds on-site.
Social Media Groups and Forums:
Facebook groups, Reddit forums, and other online bird communities often share breeder recommendations and allow members to connect with reputable breeders.
Tips for Choosing a Reputable Bird Breeder
Health Guarantees: A reputable breeder should be able to provide proof of the bird's health, including vaccination records, DNA testing, and health checks.
Ethical Practices: Choose breeders who prioritize animal welfare. Make sure that they breed birds responsibly and don’t contribute to overbreeding or unethical practices.
Visit the Breeder’s Facility: If possible, visit the breeder’s facility in person. This will allow you to check the conditions in which the birds are raised and ensure they are in clean, safe, and healthy environments.
Customer Reviews and References: Check online reviews or ask the breeder for references from previous customers. This will give you insight into their reputation and the quality of their birds.
Whether you’re looking for a playful parrot, a colorful finch, or a peaceful canary, there are many bird breeders in the U.S. that can provide healthy, well-cared-for birds. Be sure to research breeders thoroughly to find one that prioritizes the health and ethical treatment of their birds. With the right breeder, you can find a companion that will bring joy and companionship to your home for years to come.
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