oclovingmaniac · 1 month
*when they were in the dungeon*
Gren: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.
Runaan: You need to stop.
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The season is kind of a blur for me at the moment, and I'm sure I'll have a lot more to talk about as I rewatch it more slowly and with less hysteria, but here are my current overall thoughts! Under the cut for spoilers
Beginning with the things I liked, because there were many of them:
The voice acting was phenomenal. Everything with Claudia? Soren's tirade at Viren? Every single speech of Janai's? Top tier. I've rarely been moved by a performance as much as I was this season
Additionally: the music was on another level, especially in the final episodes. It made already-breathtaking scenes absolutely haunting, and I'm praying they do another soundtrack release soon
I adored everything about the janaya wedding. Their outfits were so good, their expressions were so full of love, and their speeches were absolutely adorable. I also loved Kasi and Gren as officiants, Gren's little "what are they going to do? Come with an army?" joke made me cackle. (Also: hearing "and her wife, Queen Amaya" made me cheer so loudly my throat still hurts a day later)
I've been a passive sorvus shipper since season 4, but episode 2 ratcheted that up about ten levels. Every one of their interactions was so good, I love how they have the stoic/silly dynamic but also establish that Soren understands Corvus's sense of duty and Corvus has just as much of a ridiculous streak as Soren. They have to get together next season, please please please
Rayla and Callum! Back together at last!! And we have (hopefully) a full season of them being together to look forward to after this. It was really nice to see them fully on the same page at last, and the mix of ease and nervousness in their affection felt really cute and authentic
Speaking of things I've been waiting for forever: RUNAAN IS FINALLY FREE. I'm so happy that plotline was finally resolved, and I'm very intrigued about where he's going to go from here in regards to his relationships with Ethari, Rayla, and Callum. I really like that they addressed how he treated Rayla during their last encounter and established how deeply he regrets it
In general, I really liked how many loose ends we came back to this season. It was great to get the whole story of Viren, Lissa, Soren, and Kpp'Ar, especially for people who haven't read the comics or novelizations. I was thrilled to see Aanya again and loved her prowess in battle and her friendship with Ezran
I love that Claudia's hair actually looks like it got cut by a knife. No magically even cut for her. Somehow she really pulls it off, though, so good for her
Things I wasn't as much of a fan of:
I wish we had gotten to see Callum and Rayla actually talk the whole leaving-for-two-years thing out. Callum seems to think he was in the wrong for giving Rayla the cold shoulder when she first came back, but in my eyes he did have a right to be upset, and I wish they would acknowledge that. I was thrilled when they got back together, but I think it would have landed a little better for me if I felt like their "breakup" had been fully resolved
Has Sol Regem's mate ever been brought up before? It felt like a weird thing to pull up in the middle of the climax. His scene with Aaravos was written and presented very powerfully, but I didn't really feel the impact of it because I was busy going "where did this come from?"
And finally, this is really just a nitpick, but if you wear a blindfold for your entire life, you will not be able to suddenly see when you take it off because your brain doesn't know how to translate the shapes and light around you into cognitive images. I know I can suspend my disbelief, it just kind of bugged me
Overall, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, and I think it was the most completely engrossed by a season so far. I'm begging and pleading for season 7 to be released sooner rather than later, because I need more and I need it now
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If you don’t find any of them attractive personally, no worries! Go with who you think has the objectively best design, or just who you’d like to see win!
Yes, there are some handsome gentlemen missing from the list 😔 unfortunately, Tumblr only allows twelve options per poll, so I had to go with the characters that seem to be the most popular in the fandom.
Reblogs are appreciated!
Female edition here!
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apogean-tides · 1 year
Someone please tell me this was real
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owlphibiansprite · 10 months
okay so there's this tag on ao3 and it's really funny because there were enough precendents (four, all by different authors) for it to become tagwrangled.
so here's the tag they all show up under:
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and here are the synonym tags:
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anyways this made my day. image description in alt text
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ftvs-cm45 · 1 year
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Pride Month (2023)
The Dragon Prince - Season 5 will stream this summer on Netflix.
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 5 months
Do you have any ideas about what each of the TDP character’s music taste would be like?
This can include music from literally any era and/or culture
OH MY GOD I've been waiting SO LONG to have this asked to me, SO
First things first, I remember commenting somewhere on a post about Soren and Corvus' "song" that to Corvus, their song was something by Mitski, and to Soren, their song was like. I Am A Gummy Bear so write that down for them
In all seriousness I feel like Soren would like exclusively parody, joke songs. Weird Al, Danny Gonzalez, etc etc. And his ass has definitely listened to the Beast Mode Spotify playlist before
Claudia- Taking a page out of 2018 Tumblr's interpretation of Claudia as her being super goth and saying she listens to MCR or smth like that. idk I know nothing about goth music. Either that or TV girl
Terry- it would be low-hanging fruit to say he listens to Cavetown. It would be less low-hanging fruit to say he does not pay attention to lyrics in the slightest. Only tune. His playlist is the most chaotic, genre-free mess you'll ever see. It has several Christmas songs on it. He listens to it year round. Everyone is terrified of him
Callum- he's one of those queer teenage boys who listen exclusively to 80's rock. He defends the Beatles with his life (Rayla is the one he has to defend them from)
Rayla- Sneers at Callum for his love songs. Laughs at him for grinning while walking around blasting soft rock. Looks down on everyone who listens to non-instrumental music. Does not listen to lyrics music. Definitely has NOT cried to sad Conan Gray and Harry Styles songs at 1:00 am before, please stop asking
Ezran- he just listens to whatever everyone else wants to listen to tbh. He has had to mediate music-related arguements in the car before
Runaan- only listens to classical music from the Renaissance era
Kazi- idk what they'd listen to exactly (maybe like, dark academia shit) but the important thing is that they have a different playlist for everything. Going to a cafe? There's a playlist for that. Taking the bus? There's a playlist for that. Watering their cacti? There's a playlist for that. Anyone can ask them for a playlist with any concept and they'd have it, as well as a lengthy anecdote as to why.
Gren- I absolutely hate doing this to him but. Gren listens to the most agressively white man music ever. Cotton Eyed Joe is his favourite song. He knows all the lyrics to Sweet Home Alabama. He's also one of those people who never makes a playlist, just listens to music raw and randomly. You could tell him you made him a playlist and play one of those "songs that excite the white folk" and he would be ever so thankful that you made him this playlist that caters exactly to his taste. Gren I am so so sorry I did this to you but it was needed
I want you to know I have agressively slapped my hand over my mouth several times while writing this like some sort of cartoon villain
OKAY it is now the next morning and I would like to add:
Viren- hates all music. Like he thinks it's a distraction from more important things and just despises it. If there's music playing in a room he'll leave that room, no matter what
Harrow- Swiftie dad
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domxmarvel · 1 year
The dragon prince bingo 2 (Closed)
I’m back for the new season with another bingo,please check my Guidelines before sending a request.  You are allowed to combine slots (max 4 per fic)
This is exclusively for The dragon prince (You can find the characters in the guidelines)
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Horns Janai x Female!Reader
 Avatar AU+ Half elf  Aaravos x Half elf!Female!Reader 
 “My love will be with you even when the moon is not” + Soulmate Soren x Female!moon shadow elf!Reader
Love potion Aaravos x Gender neutral!Reader
“Why should I trust you?” “You shouldn’t” Aaravos x Gender neutral!Reader
Castle+Princess/prince!Reader+primal stone Soren x Tide bound elf!Female!Reader
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breadsandwiches · 7 months
Lots of terrible stuff happens in that dungeon
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ruthari-preacher · 1 year
Gren: Do you support gay rights? Runaan: I’m literally gay. Gren: You’re avoiding the question!
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kat651 · 11 months
hello, could you do a head cannon with Corvus, Gren , and runaan with a quiet s/o? Thank you!
Ok, here we go!
•always knows when you’ve had too much and quietly pulls you away someplace quiet
•encourages you to speak up whenever he can, never pushes you to hard though. 
•gives you lots of praise whenever you stand up and speak out. UwU 
•loves to cover your face in kisses because he knows it makes you red. 
•will literally do anything for you
•he’s a little shy to so you both end up encouraging one another 
•loves when you smile at him. He just melts it’s so cute!
•loves when you tease him for being shy even though your just as shy (maybe even more)
•loves to snuggle up to you for no real reason
𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐚𝐧: •is bold and outgoing so he can speak for you if your to uncomfortable
•gives you more praise than you think you deserve
•tells you how proud he is every time you speak up
•puts an arm around you or grabs your hand whenever you are particularly shy about speaking up.
thanks Anon this was fun to write :)
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33 notes · View notes
Did you and Gren talk/befriend each other while you were in the dungeon, and what do you think your and Gren's reaction to seeing/hearing each other again would be?
Ah, Gren. Yes. The overly cheerful human had far too much to say to me during our days in that dungeon. Everyone deals with imprisonment and their impending doom in their own way, so I did not hold his attempts at conversation against him. But I did not answer him, either, as I was busy engaging in my own choices.
I wouldn't know him on sight, and he wouldn't know me, but if he spoke, I would recognize his voice.
I am not sure that would please me, since I only know him from the darkest period of my life. But if he and I both survived that dungeon, against all odds, I suppose that would be something we could be relieved about, together.
He was trying to be kind, in his rambling way. I should not like to find myself on opposite sides from him, after that.
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wheretwofacesmeet · 10 months
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14 notes · View notes
J = Jealousy for Runaan, Gren, and Aaravos?
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Runaan: He’s not a particularly jealous person; he leaves home for weeks at a time, so he can’t afford to be. Your relationship would never survive. If he were to catch someone else flirting with you, he’d just walk over and stand next to you, glaring them down. He’s an intimidating man and well aware of it.
Gren: Gren would like to be more secure than he is, but how can he be when he’s surrounded by tough, rugged soldiers? He’ll never admit it because he feels like it would imply he doesn’t trust you. Still, you can tell—especially when he starts talking about his rank and accomplishments to anyone he thinks is getting too friendly.
Aaravos: Oh boy, you’re in for a treat with this one. If you like feeling owned, he’s the man for you. Aaravos will not only tell someone off for hitting on you, he’s liable to teach them a more permanent lesson. And he won’t bother trying to hide his feelings, crooning that he can’t help but get possessive over his darling.
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golden-flute · 2 years
Dragon Prince continues to amaze me
Why hello there! I’ve been AWOL on Tumblr for a hot minute, but I finished season 4 of Dragon Prince at like 4:30 a.m. and now have to break down my thoughts or I’ll explode. Sorry if it ends up kind of long and disjointed. Buckle up, buttercup! Spoilers, obvs.
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First, Soren and Claudia’s Confrontation Deep Dive
So this is what has taken up most of my brain’s bandwidth since I watched episode 7. Soren is one of my top favorite characters (others include Amaya, Gren, Runaan, and Bait), so I’m totally invested in his growth. Claudia is also very high up on my favorites list and her negative character arc is so amazing to watch. I’m a sucker for complex character stories where not everything ends up tied into a perfect package. This sounds a little sadistic, but I love watching characters struggle and fight for every morsel of happiness they can get their hands on, especially when their desires conflict with each other’s. Just like Soren and Claudia!
I suspect that this is not going to be the only confrontation these two have with each other throughout the remaining seasons. By the end of their conversation in episode 7 of season 4, nothing had really changed, and I think a part of that is due to how Soren approached Claudia. He painted everything in broad strokes, saying that understood how she felt because he had been on “the wrong side,” implying that Claudia was still on the wrong side and, by proxy, a bad person. But he also wanted to make it clear that change was possible. She could still be saved, in a way.
Soren was being aboslutely genuine and heartfelt. He clearly loves Claudia or he wouldn’t have tried to talk to her at all. And from our perspective, he’s absolutely right in his convictions! He’s basically telling Claudia what we, the audience, have been saying for the last three years. But, as we know, Soren is not exactly a “words guy,” and his desperate attempts to make her see things the way he does fall short. Claudia isn’t in the headspace yet where she’s ready for the sort of self-reflection that Soren had already undergone.
Claudia is an incredibly complex person with different motives and world views than her brother, even before they grew apart. Soren, I think, is more comfortable with seeing the world in black and white, and that’s how he explained himself and his thoughts to Claudia. But if/when he speaks with her again, he will have to get on her level and take all of her thoughts, feelings, and motivations into account without talking down to her from a pedestal of righteousness (which is how I think how Claudia would have perceived the episode 7 conversation to be). Only then will Claudia be able to listen and not feel as though he’s trying to take advantage of her, or making her choose sides--something she clearly has an aversion to.
Which brings me to my other thought: I think Soren is going to have another crisis of conscience before the end of the final season. Maybe not as big as the one he had in season 3, because I think that moment fundamentally swayed his morals. But we still have three seasons to go, and I don’t think all of it will be filled with an unchanging, flower-child Soren, beautiful as he is. That wouldn’t necessarily be interesting, and I don’t think Aaron Ehasz would let such a fantastic character off the hook that easily, lol. I’d honestly be fine if Soren stayed in his pure boy form, because he’s so fun to watch.
Buuuut where he’s at right now reminds me a lot of Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender season 2, after he recovered from his illness. At that point, Zuko believed himself cured of any and all bad feelings ever, but it only took seeing Azula again to bring all the trauma back. I don’t think we’ll see as big of a change for Soren (after all, he’s already seen Viren--the primary source of his trauma--again), but there are still a lot of unresolved aspects of his life that need to be ironed out before he truly earns his peace. A big part of his future character changes will revolve around his relationships with Claudia and Viren.
All I really have to say at this point is that I’m so amazed and delighted by Soren as a character. At first, I sort of wrote him off as guy who filled the stereotypical, comical “dumb jock” role, but he’s so much more complex than that, and I really can’t wait to see how his story progresses, whether I’m right or wrong in my guesses.
Next, Soren and Viren
One of my main disappointments from season 4 was the lack of any sort of progression with Soren and Viren’s relationship. And I don’t mean that I expected them to resolve all their differences and decide to be bffs or anything. But... I didn’t expect to get... nothing. If the creators had kept the two separate for the entirety of the season, I would have honestly been fine with that. But they had them meet again, face-to-face, only to have no confrontation at all.
It felt really unsatisfying to go from the end of episode 7, where Soren had such a visceral reaction to learning about Viren’s resurrection, to the start of episode 9, where they’re just quietly walking side-by-side with no context for what happened in between those two moments. Did they talk? Did Soren shut down? Did Viren give him the silent treatment? Did Claudia keep them apart until they entered the Rex Igneous’s lair? We don’t know, all bets are off! And then afterward, Soren acted like it hadn’t happened. I just hope that they don’t just put any conversations in a comic or something, because I think it’s such an important part of Soren’s character. It would feel almost disrespectful to banish their relationship development to a different media format that not everyone may read/see.
I’m hoping this means the writers plan to have a little fun with the whole scenario in future seasons. Soren, Rayla, Callum, and possibly Ezran all have seen Viren alive now, which puts a huge target on Team Aaravos’ backs. Buuuuuut, if Viren kept mum during his and Soren’s reunion, there’s a chance Soren may think that Claudia was conjuring an illusory version, the way she did in season 3. Perhaps they may try to manipulate Soren into thinking it was an illusion to both put Team Ezran off their scent and diminish Soren’s reputation, just like when Viren threw Soren under the bus before about their murder-the-princes “misunderstanding.” At the very least, this sort of scenario would make for an interesting AU fanfic, lol.
I’m trying to keep myself open-minded about this particular issue. I think I feel a bit more rushed about it because I’m imagining the wait between seasons 3 and 4 and thinking of how long we’d have to wait to see anything more from father and son. But the creators have said in recent interviews that the three-year wait was an anomaly caused by the pandemic, and that they’ll be resuming a more regular schedule again. When I think about only having to wait 5-9 months for the next installment, my frustration about the lack of progress in this particular vein subsides a bit.
But still, it would have been nice to get a little more from those precious few Soren/Viren moments if they were going to bring them up at all this season.
Ezran’s Speech
I’m actually really surprised I haven’t seen more people talking about Ez’s speech in episode 3! But then again, after binging the entire season, so much had happened that I’d forgotten about it myself until I went back to watch a bit more carefully. But it was a really powerful moment.
Once again, I saw some ATLA parallels, but I figure if they’re deliberately putting them in anyway, I might as well call them out, lol. I got major Zuko vs. Azula Agni Kai vibes when watching Claudia and Ibis get into an absolutely gnarly fight while Corvus played the fantasy-cello. Something about string instruments playing over really bitter encounters really transforms the moment. It becomes sad rather than epic. Paired with Ezran’s speech about holding love and anger at the same time adds another layer to it as well.
The thing I found most interesting about Claudia and Ibis facing off is that these are two characters known for holding the prejudices that Ezran speaks about. In season 3, Ibis initially brushed Callum off for wanting to learn magic as a human. And even when Callum proved he knew the Sky Arcanum, Ibis told him to run. I think, given, time, he may have changed his tune, and perhaps he did. But from what we saw, he did carry some bias against humans. And then there’s Claudia, who hates so thoroughly that humans are looked down upon by elves and dragons. At first, I thought that might have been Aaravos’ influence on her, but as I re-watched a few key moments in previous seasons, I found a moment that she and Callum talk at the start of season 2, where she also voices similar opinions--that humans were born with nothing but that’s why Dark magic levels the playing field. I think Aaravos just fed that belief in her, but it already existed. Also the fact that Claudia is currently dating an elf! So, in a way, she is also holding her love and anger at the same time. I can imagine it gives her complicated feelings. Brings me back to Rayla calling Callum out for saying that she may be an elf, “but a good elf.”
To have these two particular characters who feel so strongly in their convictions fight while Ezran talks about old wounds just hit the mark. It was a really poignant, if not slightly heavy-handed moment. I don’t feel totally equipped or at rights to find the parallels in today’s world, but I felt them pretty hard during this scene. “Sobering” is a good word to describe it.
Other, less composed, out of order thoughts
Season 4 was very much a transitory season. It was setting up the final three seasons, so it’s understandable that we got more questions than answers this time around. I’m just glad we (hopefully) won’t have to wait another three years for the next season!
The animation was SUPER clean and beautiful this season! There were a few moments that really stood out to me, particularly in the way that Callum gesticulates. Tiny, subtle movements that they could easily leave out but don’t, such as him accidentally knocking his hand into the Tome of Translation when he asks Bait “now what?” Or rubs his face in frustration. Callum is just a jittery, hyper guy, and it’s especially noticeable when those quirks are suppressed by Aaravos’ possession of him. Callum is all about short, quick movements, but as Aaravos, he was slow, fluid, and confident. It was just the perfect amount of unsettling to watch and I loved it.
I love Zubeia so much. We’ve seen badass human moms, and a badass elf mom before, and now we can add badass dragon mom to the list. Honorable mention to the badass aunt!
Corvus is a musician, and I love it so much!
Terry has been adopted by the fandom and I am HERE. FOR. IT. Before the season came out, I saw exactly one (1) comment speculating that he was trans, and I’m so glad they confirmed it in the show! Especially since the comment pointed out that there’s very little representation for trans people who are actively in the transition process. I can’t speak for the trans community, but I feel like Terry could be much-welcomed representation in that regard.
I really love how pure Terry is. I feel like he sort of filled Soren’s vacant role in Claudia’s life as “her doof.” I’m willing to bet we’ll see a comic of Claudia’s travels in those two years, and their subsequent meeting. I’m curious how they found each other and discovered their attraction for one another.
Terry’s megane-shine picture in the credits gave me evil scientist vibes and I love it so much. His curiosity about creating mystery flubber out of Sir Sparklepuff’s chrysalis goo (a string of words as weird and random as the situation which prompted them) was really fun as well.
Viren is a lot of things, but he’s not transphobic. Yet another example of complex, layered characters. Even the “bad guys” can have decent qualities.
Trees to meet you is a thing, lol.
I’d never really shipped Soren with anyone before, but after watching his and Corvus’ interactions in episode 1, I would not be mad at their ship sailing if they felt so inclined. TBD.
More Gren and Amaya friendship! I love seeing those two together, they add years to my life.
Janai’s proposal actually made me cry, it was so cute. And their “two cakes” conversation was so tender and sweet.
The whole conflict between the Sunfire elves and humans in the camp could be an entirely other essay, but again, I don’t really feel equipped to write about it (also it’s like 1am now and my brain isn’t braining well enough to go in-depth about it). But I did notice the parallels with our own current societal problems, and appreciated that, in the end, the answer wasn’t to decide between right and wrong, but to find a way to learn and grow together. (But also that the offender had to show up for her actions and resolved to make things right--though it would have been nice to also see her apologize directly to the elf that she wronged and not just his leader).
Sir Sparklepuff is half creepy, half adorable, and half bizarre. And yes, I know that’s three halves. He gave me major Gollum vibes when he first crawled out of his chrysalis.
I appreciated that Rex Igneous apologized to Zym when he realized he’d been talking shit about his late papa.
I also appreciated the dragon saber-rattling contest at the end. Again, Zubeia is awesome.
Soren spending half the season in floral pajamas was something I didn’t know I needed.
Also, Soren with the butterfly was pure and delightful. And also a great contrast to Viren and Claudia, who would have seen the butterfly as a means to gain magic. Soren saw the magic of its life, throwing him into sharp contrast with his family.
People have already spotted the parallels between How to Train Your Dragon and Soren befriending Squeaky, but I also KNOW in my heart that we’ll see fanart of Soren in the Chris Pratt Jurassic World pose, like he’s "taming” a bunch of widdle dragons/velociraptors, lol.
RIP Ibis. I talked shit about him a bit, but he really was a cool character.
I swing between being amused by the fart jokes and tired of them. Claudia’s season 1 “It wasn’t the hooooorse” still cracks me up to this day, but I may have to draw the line at “It smells SO good when he farts!”
I really like that they kind of nerfed Viren in this season. He’s obviously recovering from actually being dead, and he’s also dealing with trauma over how he died. So few adults admit to having similar troubles, so it was neat to see an adult in a show display some vulnerability, even if he’s objectively an evil adult, haha.
I’ve seen some speculation about whether Rayla is actually fully Rayla or not. I’m kind of inclined to agree. Something about her is off. The best argument I saw for this hypothesis was someone pointing out that she argued NOT to defend Squeaky from the Earthblood elf guy, even when Soren was raring to jump in. Season 2 Rayla would have absolutely slapped the bejeezus out of season 4 Rayla for walking away from a dragon in need. Miss “It’s not just the right thing to do, it’s the right thing for ME to do” did not show up that night, and it’s... suspicious. Also the fact that she didn’t remember Ibis’s name? What changed? Signs point to Stella, with her... giant, unblinking eyes that give me Furby vibes, lol. Did she affect Rayla somehow? What happened to Rayla in those two years? She just showed up with no explanation. I think she is actually Rayla, at least physically, based on the fact that she also gave up chasing Viren and Claudia to save her parents and Runaan and also made a very heartfelt speech about how Runaan and Ethari were like fathers to her. That felt super genuine, so... I don’t know where the cutoff is for where the Rayla we know is and who we hung out with for most of season 4.
Soren recognizing the mirror and trying to offer Callum advice on his obsession with magic to avoid seeing him go the same way as Viren.
Also Soren suggesting to Claudia that the world might be better off without magic. I wonder if that’ll be foreshadowing for something?
I can’t believe this is so far down on my list, but Aaravos possessing Callum was SO intense! I actually gasped when Callum turned his head to show his blackened eyes. Aaravos knew exactly how to get to each of them, and I loved it. But then after Aaravos released Callum, it was KIND OF discussed a couple times, but it was just like they were talking about the weather or something. I don’t know... between this and dropping the ball on Soren’s reaction to Viren, this season kind of went wild when it came to following through on some of the most interesting talking points of the entire plot.
I’m surprised how little Aaravos showed up this season, especially since they rebranded it “Mystery of Aaravos.” At least we got a little of his sexy, sexy voice. Erik Dellums, you’ve done it again.
I’m SO excited to see what the creators have got planned for Callum. He was talking to Rayla about his concerns on whether he’s on a path to darkness. One thing I love about this series is that they also explore the concept of “too much of a good thing.” Like I said before, Soren is just too happy and pure for it to last three more seasons--I bet his beliefs will be challenged at some point and he’ll have to defend them. And I think Callum will face a similar challenge when it comes to his obsession with magic. I TOTALLY understand feeling like you can never do anything right and finding that one thing you’re good at and latching onto it. But then when it becomes your entire personality, you run the risk of narrowing your life path to just one, inevitable end. His greatest strength has also become his greatest weakness. I have a feeling that Callum will have to explore that concept a bit in later seasons, with the help of Aaravos, of course. I don’t think he’ll go Claudia-level darkness--he’s pretty self-aware of this potential danger--but I wonder if he’ll become a bit more morally gray as the series progresses. I’m here for it, if that’s the case! I love me some dark character development, after all.
God, how long is this list? I didn’t realize I had this much floating around in my head.
I adored the rock golems! Their designs were GORGEOUS! Did anyone else catch the Over the Garden Wall Easter Egg in the credits? My friends and I adore OtGW and try to watch it every year, and I got way too excited by that find, lol.
Zubeia and Soren’s friendship is so wholesome.
I wonder if we’ll ever see Soren and Claudia’s mom? IS SHE THE NEW URSA? ;P
I’m kind of glad that they backtracked on Callum and Rayla’s relationship. Watching two fifteen-year-olds admit their undying love for each other at the end of season 3 left me with kind of a bad taste in my mouth. That probably sounds a bit unfair, since I know there are plenty of high school sweethearts out there who become each other’s endgames, but... I guess it felt rushed. Season 1-3 covered the span of... what? A few weeks, maybe? A month, at most? In that time, Callum and Rayla went from mortal enemies, to strangers, to friends, to romantic interests. My guess is the writers did that so there would be some sort of closure in case they didn’t get renewed for more seasons, which is fine. But it always just felt off. So I’m glad that a) they backed off a bit this season and are working through a bump in their relationship, b) said relationship is still being worked on at the end of the season, and c) Rayla and Callum communicated their concerns with each other and respected each other’s boundaries. It makes it feel much more realistic and less cookie-cutter. And I’m glad they were renewed for all seven seasons so they don’t feel pressured to rush the relationship development again.
The Earthblood elf designs are so cool! I really love all the elf designs, but the Earthblood elves are really fun and different! Also Terry in activated Earthblood elf mode was so badass! More, more, more! ;P
Sad that we didn’t see a glowed-up Queen Anya!
Or Ellis and Ava. Or Lujanne. Didn’t she meet a human while she was on her prank war tangent?
I wonder how our favorite blind, narcoleptic ship captain, Villads-with-a-silent-D, is doing.
Congrats to the Associate Crow Lord on his promotion and his... um... excitement over rare Xadian birds, lol.
At the end of the day, Dragon Prince is a kids show, but I really appreciate that they don’t shy away from real-world issues. They offer a chance for us to view our world through the (more comfortable) lens of a fantasy world. We can see ourselves reflected in these characters, who are incredibly complex and three-dimensional. No one is fully good or fully evil, not Claudia or Viren, or Soren, Ez, or Zym. Maaaaybe Aaravos, lol. I love it when content geared towards kids recognizes that kids are a hell of a lot smarter than they’re given credit for and they don’t talk down to them or avoid covering more difficult subjects. It’s shows like this that will shape today’s kiddos in the same way that shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender shaped my generation.
Okay, I think I might actually be done.
If you’re still reading, you rock! What were some of your favorite part of Dragon Prince?
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fritoley · 8 months
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Warrior's Honor - Masterlist
Status: On-Going
Ultimate Masterlist
Description: Ten years ago, a mother and daughter walked into the throne room of Katolis' castle in search of aid. The daughter peeked out from behind her mother's skirt at the others, feeling overwhelmed by the grandeur of the space. Suddenly, a woman named Sarai approached the mother, speaking with her briefly before turning her attention to the child. Sarai kneeled before the little girl, asking her what she wanted to learn. The girl replied that she wished to learn how to fight. Now, Emelyn works hard in the Katolis Crownguard, protecting her beloved kingdom from the wretched elves and dragons of Xadia. But when a band of Moonshadow elves invade Katolis and kill King Harrow, she and her companions are thrown on a journey to take the Dragon Prince, who was presumed dead, back to his mother. As they embark on this perilous quest, Emelyn begins to question the true intentions of those around her and wonders who her allies really are.
a/n: i'm gonna try and finish posting everything that I have already written and then do some major edits while waiting for the s3 novelization so pls bear with me :P you can expect all of s1 and 2 <333
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Season 1
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
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