#midnight rambles
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eira-kuso · 11 months ago
If anyone wants me to say my opinion on a character with this bingo
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kidspawn · 1 year ago
something about jason being a friend to nico for no other reason than wanting to help him, to befriend him, to protect him. no ulterior motive or malicious intent, just a desire to help out a troubled kid. trusted nico for his character and resilience, not because he needed anything from him. jason sticking up for nico even amongst the other quest members. jason seeing past the stigma of hades and death and the underworld and seeing a kid who needed someone in his corner.
something about nico becoming a friend to jason because of who jason is as a person. not because of who his parents are, or his heroic feats, but because jason was privy to a traumatic event, knew nico's best-kept secret and chose to stick by his side. nico trusting jason to keep his secrets to himself until he was ready for everyone to know, and jason sticking to it with no hesitation. nico seeing who jason was and being his friend because he saw jason's character and compassion.
something about jason and nico being each others first genuine friends. jason and nico chose to befriend one another when no narrative or underlying intentions pushed them together. nico could have hated jason, but he didn't. jason could have been terrified of nico, but he wasn't. they just... chose to stick by each other. jason, whose entire support structure was decided by juno and the prophecy. nico, who had never really had someone choose to stick by his side before.
nico losing his first genuine friend and being so distraught and gut-wrenched, he can't share this grief with anyone else. nico feeling, once again, abandoned by the first person who chose him.
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flightlessaugury · 1 year ago
Just started Mark of Athena, and I'm holding Leo and Jason so tenderly in my hands. Someone give my boys a break. Jason needs to stop having head trauma, and leo needs to stop having trauma period.
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midnightanxietytm · 9 months ago
Thinking about this one specifically
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Because it seems to imply that not only the Goat is from an alternative universe, but they were also a Lamb there
Maybe because "a crown cannot sit upon two brows" they changed when crossing over
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petrichor-poet · 4 months ago
your could-have-been presence still haunts me, in a way I never expected to be haunted
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midnightfrappe · 9 months ago
lime pie at midnight with the sillies
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its small and they stare like theres enough to share, smh 🙄
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sareen-momos-stuff · 2 months ago
SuperBat x MDZS meme
Jason (because I'm sure among the Batfamily he is the one who has read the MDZS novel), after reading MDZS realised that WangXian sounds very familiar. Almost too familiar.
While he was trying to figure out who, he saw Batman come down the Cave with Superman chattering his ears out. Batman is silently listening like Superman hung the moon. That's when it him!
Batman is Lan Wangji and Superman is Wei Wuxian! BruceJi and ClarkXian!!!!
Bruce like LWJ. He doesn't know how to flirt and would just stare at Clark until he marries him!!!
While Clark in Wei Wuxian fashion doesn't understand Bruce is "trying" to flirt. He can't take the hint! He gotta be straight (ha!) with him!!!
Jason stared at these idiots for a long while until Batman finally noticed his presence. But rather than sticking around and helping them he just decided to opt out. These idiots can't be helped by him. He doesn't have the patience to handle them.
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larsons-shattered-eyeballs · 2 months ago
Been thinking about William and James lately
The only two “friends” Arthur ever had before Parker
Where are they now? Did they just forget about Arthur after some time or do they still remember him? Did they ever meet in a strange twist of fate? Or are they just two stars in the same man’s sky? Never crossing paths. Never knowing that they both tried to help the same man that just couldn’t be saved. A man who didn’t want to be saved. A man who never thought he deserved to be saved.
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mightdeletelatr · 9 days ago
For context, I'm writing a doc for Hyrule where all of my headcanons for him are in one place and my fic writing can be more consistent. We all know that Hyrule grew up in a cave, but (I say with an evil grin) it was never specified *how* big the cave was or what kind. I present Son Doong cave in Vietnam.
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This is the largest cave in the world nearly 9 km long and the volume is up to 38.5 million cubic metres to its name. The cave notably has two sinkholes, one of which sustains a primaeval forest called, the Garden of Edam. This immediately set off ideas, cus not only does this have all the underground bits you'd expect, it also has a forest that looks like you are crossing into the fairy realm. This cave in Hyrule's era could technically be bigger, something that people either don't know exists from the entrances being overgrown or purposefully hidden, and/or completely avoided because anyone who goes in gets horribly lost and never comes back. Very fae fitting. The important bit is, once you get past the underground part, there is a giant forest surrounded by mountains (whether a closed in valley situation like what is seen in Encanto, or an extremely large divot in the peak of a mountain) that keeps everything out. When everything went to hell and everyone from Hylian and monsters were attacking and capturing fairies, the fairies retreated where they could never be found. Something out of a fairy tale. perhaps there was a fairy fountain near the entrance of the cave that kinda spills into the rest of the cave, and the Great Fairy of that fountain and her fairies just moved deeper into it? And ofc, there would be other fairy fountains, but this would probably be the one that had the best chance of actually surviving. So, we circle back to Hyrule. I agree that he probably was born from a great fairy. From what I am imagining with what little brain power I have atm, either that Great Fairy made her way to that sanctuary herself, or if that couldn't be possible, have someone else do it, like say her Hylian lover or something. Either way, Hyrule ends up getting raised by his aunt. This all would relatively mean that Hyrule grew up in a peaceful place, a sort of bubble from the chaos of the rest of the world. Only hearing about what the outside world is like from his aunt and the other fairies. So when he eventually does leave, it's very much a "there is no return to the security of sleep /ref" situation. God forbidden Kingdom Hearts isn't on the brain. Most of the cave I'd imagine appearing like a lush cave from Minecraft, fuck ton of foliage and flowers. Wanted to share this since I don't think anyone has talked about something like this? Anyway, caves are cool as hell.
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fruitsofhell · 1 year ago
I used to be one of those guys when I first joined the Kirby fandom, but everytime I hear a discussion of the series writing that starts with "So the Lore is InSaNe-" and not like, "Kirby has a fun writing style that takes advantage of its cute exterior to tell cool stories that reward player's curiosity and leave lots of room for imagination-" I cringe so goddamn hard.
I kinda just hate that people approach things that encourage investment when they don't expect it as inherently absurd. Like it is fun to joke about how absurd Kirby lore can be, but it really often comes with an air of disrespect or exhaustion rather than like, appreciation that these games are made by people who want to tell interesting stories when they could easily make as much money just making polished enough fluffy kiddy platformers. And when it's not met with exhaustion, it's met with - like I said before - that tone that it's stupid for a series like this TO have devs who care about writing stuff for it. Which is a whole other thing about people not respecting things made to appeal to kiddie aesthetic or tone.
Maybe the state of low-stakes YouTube video essays just blows cause people play up ignorance and disbelief for engagement, but like I STG I hear people use this tone for like actual narrative based games sometimes. Some people don't like... appreciate when a game is made by people who care a shitton in ways that aren't direct gameplay feedback. And they especially don't appreciate it when it comes from something with any sense of tonal dissonance intentional or not.
Anyways, I love games made by insane people. I love games made by teams who feel like they wanna make something work or say something so bad. I love that energy, especially when invested into something that could easily rest on its laurels or which obviously won't be taken seriously. I love this in a lot of classic campy 2000s games, I love this in insanely niche yet passionate fanworks, and I love it in the Kirby series and its writing. Can we please stop talking about it like it's an annoyance or complete joke?
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weremadeofbadcode · 1 month ago
Camp Here And There episode 22 rambling
I have some thoughts ab ch&t's episode 22 because oh my god Elijah,, I don't know if I like how much he uses affectionate nicknames or not. Because from a listeners point of view the contrast between Elijah and Jedidiah is clear, Jedidiah basically sacrificed his own life to help Sydney to keep on living, but Syd is clearly miserable with said life. Jedi doesn't really use affectionate nicknames or nicknames at all, he does loves Syd very much but it's very hard for him to actually show it TO Syd. While on the other side, we have Elijah- who represents the COMPLETE opposite of that. He's obsessive to Syd in a ridiculous amount, throws affectionate words like candy, he even cooked Syd BUTTER cookies because he knew he could only eat buttered bread. Dude's a simp. I only started the episode so I don't know his motive yet (so bare with me please) but Jedi's motive is clear. He loves Sydney. Truly loves him. The fact that he can't communicate it to Syd is a very different problem but that's the kicker. Because to Elijah it seems like it comes quite naturally and the thing Sydney craves the most is validation in any kind or form so unfortunately for Jedi Elijah is very good at validating Syd's "need" for affection. I don't know if Elijah knows that and manipulates him or that he's genuinely just like that but it's. Let's just say I'm suspicious
I love these complicated relationships sm but as a person who struggles with bpd Syd's situation hits too close to home pfft I had to let it out
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eira-kuso · 11 months ago
If i get to be annoying about my love for people, then aromantic people get to be annoying about their not love for people. Its only fair
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kidspawn · 1 year ago
Jason Grace's lack of personality is an intentional choice on Rick's part to deconstruct what makes the "perfect hero" or the "ideal guy."
Jason's entire character revolves around having everything but still feeling incomplete. Being the golden child and still unfulfilled. Being revered by all but not intimately knowing anyone. No one really knows him.
He's never gotten to chose for himself. Juno plays with his life from day one. His name has already determined his fate. His future is set in stone and it isn't until the end of Heroes of Olympus he makes the choice to veer away from the path he was given - that of praetor, of hero, of the leader.
Jason is intriguing because of his relation to others. Thalia's brother. Nico's friend. Percy's foil. Piper's (comphet) boyfriend. He provides padding for others. His introduction into the universe is meant to help the reader feel Percy's absence. He was never meant to replace Percy, but he constantly feels like he has to.
Jason Grace, who forms connections with the people around him. Who inspires Hazel, befriends and protects Nico, supports Leo, aids Piper in her progression. Jason, who refuses to chose a single camp to stand with. Jason who is constantly held to perfection. Jason who carves his own path despite being consistently stripped of his humanity and agency.
Jason Grace, who died a hero.
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alexandraisyes · 8 months ago
I’m honored to call some of you friends. The rest of you are going in the box so I can ogle you like shiny rocks.
You’re going in the box @polaris-stuff @dragoncxv360 @turbotasthick @itzholly2 @thera-theadventurist @lemoncavitie @ayyy-imma-ninja
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aarafox · 3 months ago
I just saw one (1) episode of Hawaii Five-0 and in this one single episode I’ve ever seen I barely saw the two main guys interact but the small bits during which they DID interact made me think “I bet these two are shipped on tumblr” and turns out there’s a whole fandom for them!!! I’ve gotten a keen eye for tumblr faves 💕 bless them
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petrichor-poet · 2 months ago
I’m embarrassed to show vulnerability. All I can think of is how it could be used against me.
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