#greg page instagram
personinthepalace · 11 months
Greg and Jeff on instagram!!
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I adore their friendship so much 🥺
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rwrbmovie · 5 months
📌 rwrb la screening
It's May 9th, the day of RWRB's royal screening in LA! Many enjoyed the post I made on the Prime Experience (which now has a part 2 so check it out!) event yesterday, so I thought I'd do the same for the next ones. Again, this is all I know.
All posts tagged with #la screening
What's happening?
Prime is hosting a special screening of RWRB open to fans! Tickets are no longer available. Prime announced there will be special guests, giveaways and more.
Where and what time?
6:30pm at The Culver Theater, CA This time is in PDT (GMT -7). To see what time it will be in your timezone, use this website. We also have a page with a countdown to the event.
Who will be there?
Taylor, Nick, Uma, Rachel, Matthew, Casey, Greg Berlanti, and Sarah Schechter were all present at yesterday's event at Prime Experience. There's a great chance they'll all be at tomorrow's screening as well. Sarah Shahi confirmed on her Instagram story that she will be attending. Taylor teased that he will be there.
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somethingvicked · 2 months
True love of mine part 12
warnings: female reader, angry fans, harrassment, angst, fluff, Eddie being a sweetheart
Chapter 11.
The next day was a work day for you, but you had stayed with Eddie for the night. It felt like you couldn’t be without him more than necessary after being apart for so many years.
He had held you close, seemingly not wanting to let you go this morning and you knew exactly how he felt. “I… I can come pick you up after work,” he suggested. “I’ll take a car, be more subtle.”
You frowned. “Why? Are you… you bothered by being seen with me?”
Eddie gave you a look. “You should know me better than that, Y/N. No, I just don’t want it to get out just yet… you don’t know… being famous like I am has its downsides too. Among them that my privacy is invaded constantly. As soon as I’m seen with a woman, regardless if it’s someone I work with or my hairdresser, the gossip tabloids wonder whether I’m screwing her or dating her, or both. While my fans… well, while they love me they hate anyone that might get too close to me and ruin the dream they have that they will some day be that person.”
You nodded, seeing the point he tried to make.
“Alright, I suppose that makes sense. But… we won’t have to hide this forever, do we?”
Eddie shook his head. “No, of course not. I don’t want us to hide it at all. Just that we are a bit discreet in the beginning. I lost you for so many years, I’m not ready to share you with the whole world yet.”
You laughed. “I feel like I already am sharing you with the world. But yes. This – us… we’ll stay at it just being ‘us’ for a little while longer, enjoy it.”
You took your coat and then frowned. “By the way, Eddie… what are we now?”
Eddie raised an eyebrow at you. “Nothing has changed for me, kitten. I think ‘dating’ isn’t enough of a word for what we are. But let’s just say we’re in a relationship for now. Until...”
Eddie quieted then and your heart skipped a beat. But you didn’t want to force it out of him.
“That’s good. For now,” you said and saw his head snap up, kind of like your reaction earlier, his eyes lightning up.
“For now,” he repeated and then hugged you again before you stepped outside.
You had barely stepped outside though when there was a message from one of your co-workers, telling you to check out the latest article among the gossip pages.
You gasped as you did. There were photos of you and Eddie outside the club he had played at the other night, and you getting on his motorcycle. The headline read “Munson’s mystery ‘true love’?”
Somehow they had dug up all the information about you, where you worked, where you lived, even your Instagram account – although that was private so they hadn’t been able to tag you.
It didn’t stop there, though. There were more than a hundred comments, most of them from other women or young girls:
“Who’s she?”
“She’s ugly.”
“What?! How dare she take my man!”
“Eddie deserves so much better!”
“She’s old! Why would he want her when he can have someone young and hot?!”
“He’s so out of her league. She should crawl back into her hole and let him go.”
“Go kill yourself, whore.”
“I bet she’s a gold digger.”
“Bitch. I hope she dies.”
And so on and on.
You felt sick. In that same moment Eddie called you and you answered, your voice trembling.
“By your tone I assume you’ve seen? Greg just told me. I’m so sorry, kitten.”
“I…” you started but you didn’t know what to say. You didn’t want to care about what they say and some of the comments didn’t bother you – that they called you ugly and old, that was expected when some of his fans were barely eighteen. It was the blind rage and hatred that had affected you.
Who the hell wished that someone they didn’t even know would kill themselves? It was horrible!
“Kitten?” Eddie said and you took a deep breath.
“Look, I don’t think you should go to work today. They clearly know where you work, there’s a good chance that the paparazzis try to crowd you there. Or, that some crazy fans stalk your there. Come back up and I’ll call Greg over to see how we should handle this.”
“Alright,” you said, walking back to the building you had just left.
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“Jesus, what are we going to do?” you mumbled, clutching a cup of tea in your hands.
“I don’t know, kitten,” Eddie said. “The thing is, it’s out now. But there’s a possibility it will die down if we ignore it. They say there’s no smoke without fire but if we turn that around and there’s no more fire, then they will eventually move on to the next scandal.”
You raised an eyebrow. “This is a scandal?”
Eddie shook his head. “No, of course not, but you know what I mean.”
“Well… how are we going to prove there’s no fire then?” you wondered, “there is a fire, we are together after all! And we’ve been together before – if someone goes digging enough, they will easily find proof of that.”
“Yes, I know that,” Eddie said, running a hand through his hair. “But there’s a possibility it will all die down if we aren’t seen together for a while. Then they will just assume it was a one time thing and…”
You jerked, looking at him with wide eyes. “What?! You want to… are you suggesting we break up again?!”
Eddie looked both horrified and offended at the same time. “What? No, of course not! I just meant that we shouldn’t be seen together publicly, so that it will…”
“Well, that’s the same thing, by omission,” you all but yelled. “You say you will never let me go after all that’s happened, but what is this? One little ‘scandal’ as you so eloquently put it, and you’re ready to bail?!”
Eddie’s face paled even more. “Y/N, I’m trying to protect you! Did you see what they wrote about you this morning?! You really think that will go away? Because I can tell you right now, it won’t. I’m so glad of what I have accomplished and I’m grateful to all of my fans, but… at the same time, it’s as much a curse as a blessing. I’ve had women and men following me to hotels, crowd me outside restaurants, getting up on stage to try and touch me and refusing to let go until security forced them away! I’m used to it by now. But you’re not. And they will go after you even worse, because I haven’t showed interest in anyone for so long, and suddenly, here you are.”
You realized what he was trying to say and wiped the tears away. “I don’t care,” you said with a small voice. “You left me once. I understand why you did it but I won’t go through that again, Eddie, regardless of whether it’s fake or not. Don’t you understand how humiliating this is? Not because of your fans but because I have to be your dirty little secret. Well, I won’t.”
You walked toward the door and looked back, seeing Eddie actually panicking.
“Kitten, please don’t go!”
“I have to,” you said, turning to look at him. You loved him. You loved him more than anything else in the world, but because you did, he had the power to hurt you more than anyone else, even if he didn’t mean to.
“Eddie, look. Maybe we jumped into this too quickly. You’re clearly used to do everything alone, making every decision on your own. But you did that fifteen years ago and it broke us. And now you want to do it again, regardless of what I want. I won’t be your dirty little secret, or your mistress, coming and going through secrets passages or in different disguises every time. I don’t know much about how it is living in the spotlight with fans that could turn around and wish you dead within the span of two seconds. But I would be willing to, if you were there with me. Yet you didn’t even consider that, did you? I think you need to think long and hard on what you actually want from me and what you are willing to do. Until then I guess I’ll do just what you wanted me to. Pretend like this was just a one time thing.”
You were angry. You knew you would regret those harsh words sooner rather than later but right now you couldn’t find it in you to care.
The old story about how Eddie had decided to leave without even trying to talk to you or anyone of his friends, or Wayne before – and after that, shut you out when he finally reached out to Wayne again – still stung inside you even though you understood why he had done it. But the fact that he once again did it… it was just too much. It couldn’t go on if you were to be together again.
You opened the door and then turned around and raised your hand. “Don’t follow me. I want to be alone.”
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A few hours later you were sitting on your couch with a coffee cup and reading a book. You didn’t want to use your phone or watch TV, fearing to be reminded of the new mess you’d found yourself in.
You missed Eddie already, but you were still upset with him.
Or were you the one in the wrong? You couldn’t exactly expect that Eddie would be the same as when you were teenagers, right?
But that wasn’t what you wanted. Of course you missed those days, when things were so easy and uncomplicated. It wasn’t what you expected now though – you just wanted to be with Edde.
But you wanted to actually be with him. Not in secret or some fake pretend.
You weren’t worried any more about him wanting someone else, a younger fan or some model that would throw themselves at him. If he had been more celibate than you during these years because he missed you, that said something.
And at the same time, if he ignored this, pretending like it was nothing, didn’t that send a message too? That it was nothing. You were nothing.
You sighed and wiped your eyes, refusing to cry over this when there was a knock on the door.
You got up from the couch and went into the hallway to open the door.
Outside stood Eddie. He looked upset.
“What’s wrong?” you wondered, and Eddie stepped inside, holding his phone up to you. It was a picture of the outside of your building. The gate to the building was locked, you needed a code to enter and right now you were deeply grateful for that because Eddie’s pictures showed the front wall of your building, and the word ‘whore’ sprayed in angry red letters. You gasped.
“This is what I meant, kitten,” Eddie sighed, running his hands through his hair. “You’re the one they will be coming after. But I also realized you were right. You’re more than some mistress and I refuse to let this happen to you without doing something. So… I did. I hope you won’t get angry with me for not asking you – again – but… well, you can see for yourself.”
He gave you his phone. It was all over social media and the gossip pages. Eddie had made a statement about the pictures taken, confirmed that you were his girlfriend, that he had known you from before he became famous and that the song he had written was indeed about you and you two reconnecting. He had also said that he asked his fans to be kind to you, because he loved you and needed you in his life and if they supported him, they should support you, because you made him happy.
There were still some angry comments, some claiming that the timing of you coming back into his life when he’s at the height of his career seemed rather suspicious.
You didn’t care about that, though, because they didn’t know the whole story. Let them draw their wrongful conclusions.
Eddie was watching you, waiting for a reaction. You smiled at him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Thank you,” you whispered. “That’s all I wanted. You to acknowledge me as someone you love.”
“You’re more than that, kitten,” Eddie said. “You’re my forever and a day, remember? My first and last. Always.”
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Hawkins, 1984
Eddie hadn’t given the meeting with Deborah Wallace any more thought until Y/N came to him one afternoon, very distraught even though she tried to appear calm.
It was after gym class and apparently Deboarah had humiliated Y/N in front of the whole locker room, saying that Eddie had practically begged her to fuck him, and he would give away the weed to her for free, that she, Deborah had asked if he didn’t have a girlfriend and that Eddie had replied that Y/N was boring as hell in bed, that he might as well do it himself – at least then it would be done thoroughly, unlike when Y/N did it.
Deborah had finished with how she had jerked Eddie off and that Eddie had said that just her hand was better than Y/N’s pussy.
Eddie had never gotten so angry in his entire life. For the first time ever he seriously thought about harming another person, regardless of whether she was a girl or not. He wanted to slam Deborah’s stupid face into the lockers, making nosebleed spurt from that pretty nose that she had to stick everywhere.
But he would never do that and he had more pressing matters to take care of.
“Oh, kitten,” he cooed, wrapping his arms around Y/N. “She’s lying. I promise you, it’s all lies. She came on to me last time when she bought from me, saying that perhaps we could make a deal. I told her no, that I had a girlfriend and I loved you, and she said you wouldn’t have to know. I told her I was done dealing with her, because she disrespected you. I promise you, kitten. I would never do  that to you. I love you. Only you.” He looked into Y/N’s eyes, begging her to believe him.
It seemed she was struggling, like she wanted to believe him but something else bugged her.
 “Why didn’t you tell me she did that, then?” Y/N asked, wiping her eyes. “It feels like you tried to hide it from me.”
“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to upset you,” Eddie said, realizing that that had come back to bite him in the ass, “and since I told her to find another dealer, that it would be the end of it. I clearly underestimated her level of bitchiness.”
Y/N snorted. “You don’t… you don’t want to be with her, Eddie? She’s like… the hottest girl in school. All the guys wants to either hook up with her or be in a relationship with her, even if they have girlfriends.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “No, I don’t want to be with her. I’ve never have, kitten. She’s rotten to the core, she’s talking shit about everyone, even her closest friends. How could anyone want to be with someone like that? And why would I, when I have the best girl ever by my side already?”
Y/N finally smiled and let him hug her. “Really? So… even if they offer you wouldn’t pick a cheerleader over me?”
“Not even if Miss Universe herself showed up and told me to pick,” Eddie promised her, kissing her forehead. “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’d be more than stupid to fuck that up. I’ve neve claimed to be particularly bright, but I’m not that dumb.”
“You’re not dumb at all,” Y/N said, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder.
That being said, Eddie wouldn’t let Deborah Wallace get away with trying to split him and Y/N up or humiliate Y/N like that. The next day the principal called Deborah to his office through the school speakers. An anonymous tip had come in that Deborah hid a large amount of weed and alcohol in her locker – enough for the school to suspend her for a month and call chief Hopper to take her to jail until her parents came to bail her out.
A woman scorned is a dangerous thing, but love conquers all.
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taglist: @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @mewchiili @melodymunson @ches-86 @jenniquinn @eddiemunsonfuxks @stolen-in-moonlight @alastorssimp @pandemoniusstuff
(let me know if you want to be on the taglist!)
please, like, comment and reblog!
Your likes are wonderful but reblogs expand my reading circle.
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rpgsandbox · 7 months
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FÄNGELSEHÅLA is the Swedish word for "dungeon." 
We are inviting you to play an epic adventure with the elegance of the instructions from everybody's favorite furniture store!
This tabletop role-playing game takes a minimalist approach, offering an immersive experience without the complexity. Forget thick rulebooks and intricate character sheets – FÄNG is as easy to grasp as connecting the dots in an instruction manual. 
Designed for new players and one-shots that allow you to embark on quests with mechanics so straightforward that you can be up and running in minutes. 
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Make characters within minutes using d66 tables and jump right into the adventure!
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You can choose from character options of Alv, Dvärg, Krigsman, Tomte and Trollkarl. (Elf, Dwarf, Warrior, Gnome & Wizard) Each character option providing some unique benefits in the game. 
Each character also receives a heirloom and curse to help round out their back story and make the game play a little more exciting!
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Attributes of Will, Tinker, Agile and Tuff ranging from 2-4 that are the base pool of white Action Dice as well as any extra dice added from character benefits
Top two Action Dice are totalled to beat a Difficulty score on a scale of 12
Jinx is a tie, and there is success with a complication
Use Luck Dice to improve failed Action Rolls
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Difficulty Scale
<6 - Don't bother rolling... characters just do it! 6 - Pretty easy, you had better be able to do it 7 - Expected outcome, unless you mess up 8 - Pretty hard task, but not surprising that you did it 9 - Damn hard, but with all your concentration, you can do it 10 - Very difficult, to the point that pulling it off is surprising 11 - Almost Impossible... don’t kill yourself in the process 12 - Impossible... best you can hope for is a Jinx
The "DOOM STACK" for Tactile Game Play
Character damage and trauma is tracked with black Doom Dice which you stack on the table - or track on character sheet if you are on a wobbly table, camping, or just think it's too gimmicky (it's fun though... you should try it!)
Difference between the Action Roll and Monster Difficulty is Doom to the loser
If your Doom Stack tumbles during battle, the character is unconscious, or you trigger a trap if you accidentally knock them over while getting a snack!
Risk using Doom Dice to help Action Rolls but then add them to your Doom Stack
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* Dice are not included as part of the game, but hopefully you have some extra lying around, or can find some at your Friendly Local Game Store. It's not necessary to have different colors of dice (white, black and a third color for luck), but it makes game play a bit more clear! Dice with dots tend to work better than numbers, for quickly determining success.
* The base game mechanics were inspired by the d6 system first developed for Ghostbusters RPG by Sandy Petersen, Lynn Willis & Greg Stafford, which has been foundational for dice pool mechanics across many TTRPGs
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Each adventure is minimal game prep from random d66 tables that provides the dungeon rooms and its contents. It's so easy that you can probably even run it without a Doomsayer (Game Master).
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In true ZineQuest fashion, you will receive a 36-page saddle-stitched landscape digest-sized zine (5.5"H x 8.5"W), with black and white interior pages and heavyweight card-stock color cover and inside cover pages.
This format was chosen to lie flat and be accessible while you roll on the d66 tables. It has the bonus of looking like an instruction manual!
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Wed, February 21 2024 3:05 AM UTC +00:00
Website: [Dieku Games] [facebook] [twitter] [instagram]
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sharadaprincess · 11 months
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My last illustration for October is sleeping Wirt and Greg :> You can color this illustration yourself! 🖌 Download this and another Over the garden wall illustration as colouring pages from my Ko-fi!
Instagram | Kofi
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GASP?! YOU LIKE STAR WARS????????!!!!!!!!!! FAVORITE PARTS/CHARACTERS/FILM/SERIES/DROID/PLANET/GROUP/ ECT.???? cool if you don't like it as well no problem :)
Yes, I very much enjoy Star Wars.
Favourite movie: Revenge of the Sith
Favourite character: Anakin Skywalker
Favourite book: There are TOO many. I can't really decide on just one. I love the Republic Commando novels by Karen Traviss, the Revenge of the Sith novel by Matthew Stover, literally anything about Thrawn by Timothy Zahn
Favourite TV show: Bad Batch
Favourite droid: R2D2 I'm a loyal bitch.
Favourite species: the oswaft
If we talk ✨️lore✨️:
Favourite Era: Prequels AND the High Republic
Favourite planet... hard to say, but I do like the dying "solar" system "Cerberon" around a black hole in the Alphabet Squadron Series by Alexander Freed (HOW AMAZING IS THAT, it'll all die but c'mon, to experience THAT-)
I also enjoy the kind of sentient/living planet in the Legends Novel "Rogue Planet" by Greg Bear
Another location I like to visualise in my mind is the Starcave of ThonBoka (from the Lando Calrissian Trilogy): it is a very big nebula with many stars & it is home to a sentient intergalactic species - the oswaft. They are giant rays floating in the interstellar medium! I'm just- 💜
Anakin is my favourite character because of all the lore about him, especially the tale of the sundragon that was invented by Matthew Stover & has been picked up by many other authors. He is so complex & I can identify with him
You see, I am VERY DEEP in the Star Wars universe. ✨️
I also run a Star Wars book review page on Instagram & I go to conventions as my own Jedi OC. I am that kind of cringe. But hey! A book publisher knows me & I get free review copies from them.
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 3 months
Part of the story is on the wattpad (I originally put it there but I open to new pages), I put a link to every page where you can find the story. Choose where you like to read best No which history is not inserted yet on other pages such as Noebook or Tumblr
You can place orders for One-shot, I'll take anything. I'll write when I have time. Orders can be written on my profile or in pv messages (on any platform) If I didn't notice your message please don't be mad at me! I may have missed your message, or it was spammed.
List of characters on one-shot at the bottom
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Heimdall x OC
,,Until Odin Separates us"
One-shot coming soon
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Captain John Price x oc
,,Maybe you're not a bad person"
John ,,Soap" MacTavish x oc
,,A piece of child"
One-shot coming soon
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,,I will never leave you again"
One-shot coming soon
Plan for the next fanfics
☁️The Witcher universe (Game)
Vernone Roche, Iorweth, Eskel, Ge'els, Avallach, Eredin, Vesemir
☁️ Call of Duty universe
Alex Keller, Rudolfo Parra
☁️ Tales of Arcadia
Vendel, Angor Rot,
In the order put for whom is the one-shot (which character from the game/series/movie) briefly described what is to be included in the one-shot
You can ask for anything. I'll do my best to fulfill your requests.
Heimdall - God of war Ragnarok Captain John Price - Call of duty Johnny "Soap" MacTavish - Call of duty
Avallach - The Witcher
Eskel - The Witcher
Vernon Roche - The Witcher
Eredin - Witcher
Ge'els - Witcher
Angor Rot - Troll Hunters Tales Of Arcadia
Gunmar - Troll Hunters Tales Of Arcadia
Bular butcher - Tales of Arcadia
Iorweth - Witcher
Alex Keller - Call of duty
Rudolfo Parra - Call of duty
Vendel - Troll Hunters Tales Of Arcadia
Vesemir - Witcher
Negan Smith - The walking dead
Captain Robert ,,Bobby" Nash - 911
Captain Owen Strand - 911 TEKSAS
Philip Graves - Call of duty
Doctor Greg House - Dr. House
Tim Bradford - The Rookie
John Nolan - The Rookie
David ,,Deacon" Kay - S.W.A.T
I will not write one-shot/stories about actors, I do not feel comfortable with it, I prefer to describe fictional characters who play/voice. Give me time to write one-shot/stories, I'm human and I get busy because I have school and other private things…
Age differences (Too much age difference above <7 is no longer an option) Stories with Actors (Fictional Characters Only)
About me:
I come from Poland so English is not my first language, sorry for typos or incorrect grammatically sentences. I'm trying my best but I'm a man I've made mistakes
A head of great imagination and infinite. Keeping you in suspense and leading the reader into the good clouds of carefree life I have been writing since I was 10 years old, only now I gather my courage and insert my works Who knows? Maybe someday I will release my book on paper.
If you have questions find me here
Found me on instagram _kane_kii_ Tumblr: @ksiondzkanexkiii Neobook: https://neobook.org/ksiondzkanexkii/
or ask a question here (as you prefer)
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nodynasty4us · 8 months
The tragedy in all of this is that Ivanka speaking out against Donald would have mattered. Ivanka speaking out would have had real power. Ivanka speaking out would have saved lives. Yes, there was a price she would have had to pay for speaking out—her father is a petty, vengeful fuck—but there is also a cost for staying silent. All those preventable COVID deaths brought on by Trump’s and Jared Kushner’s negligent mismanagement of the pandemic response? The officers who died on Jan. 6? All the pregnant women with inviable pregnancies who can’t get abortions? All the teenage rape victims in the red states? That blood is on her hands too. And no amount of the fancy beauty products she touts on her Instagram page will wash it off.
Greg Olear, Ivanka Trump Instagram: The former adviser to the president has slipped back into her rose-colored bubble.
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simply-sharon-tate · 1 year
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In 2016, Kate Bosworth and Michael Polish purchased the film rights to Greg King’s book, ‘Sharon Tate and The Manson Murders.’
In 2018, she announced on Instagram that they would be making a film simply titled ‘Tate.’ The film would focus on Sharon’s life, and Sharon’s sister Debra would be a producer. Subsequent IG posts and articles implied that production was imminent, if not already underway.
Multiple IG fan pages said that they had DM conversations with Polish in which he claimed the film was finished and a trailer would drop by Thanksgiving 2018. I had one DM conversation with Polish which basically consisted of him sending me an article criticizing Quentin Tarantino’s “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” which hadn’t been filmed yet. It had only been announced and plot details were still being kept secret.
By 2019, Bosworth and Polish stopped talking about the film altogether. Debra Tate made a few cryptic statements on her social media in which she said she didn’t know what was happening with the film.
In 2021, he was sued by art director Jack Renner who alleged he was assaulted by the director during the filming of “Bring On The Dancing Horses” in 2020. The suit also said that Bosworth witnessed the alleged assault and screamed at Renner’s wife, the COVID coordinator on the project, when she and her husband were leaving the set.
In her 2022 court documents, Bosworth said that she and Polish separated in 2021. Their divorce was finalized this year.
Since 2019, people have asked Bosworth about the state of ‘Tate’ on her IG page on a semi regular basis—and never received any reply.
Today I received a DM from her on IG finally confirming what I’ve believed for over three years, the biopic is not happening.
You can follow my Instagram at:
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quakerjoe · 9 months
Mothers Against Greg Abbot
Please go here to donate to help us get these ads on the air. Donate here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/noc...
Website: https://www.mothersagainstgregabbott.com
Vote Abbott Away: https://www.abbottoutadventcalendar.com
FOLLOW Mothers Against Greg Abbott and join our cause. TWITTER:   / momsagabbott  
INSTAGRAM:   / momsagabbott  
FACEBOOK Group:   / mothe.  .
FACEBOOK Page:   / momsagabbott  
TIKTOK:   / mothersagains.  .
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrcG...
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sempaigreg · 1 year
꧁༒☬𝓦𝓮𝓻𝓮𝔀𝓸𝓵𝓯 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓻𝓼☬༒꧂
Are you afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
You should be.
You will be!
Supernatural thrillers by Gregory Alexander Sharp, links and reviews below.
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Get yours here:
A gripping supernatural thriller with deep messages!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 15 May 2023
Wow, I wasn't expecting all the things this novel throws at you and I loved it!
Supernatural thriller is not a genre I usually read but I'm glad I took the plunge with this as I thoroughly enjoyed all the vicissitudes of the protagonists and the various backgrounds between the UK and Italy.
We follow the story of Charlie and Nicholas (Nick), two friends that after losing touch for some years, get the chance to reconnect after the death of Nick's father. As Charlie is clearly struggling with anxiety whilst Nick wants to grief his dad properly, they launch into a journey to the Amalfi Coast where Nick's family owns a home where many holidays where spent during his childhood.
But during this journey is where the more serious problems begin and not only Charlie starts experiencing severe panick attacks but they both get involved in a series of accidents that will end up changing their lives forever!
Full of folklore and vivid descriptions of the places the characters end up, such as Pompeii and the Scottish Highlands, this was such a page turner and the story took always an unexpected turn whenever I felt confident of its direction.
I loved all the characters, and I felt sympathy even for the antagonist! The writer's ability to create such deep characters is what impressed me, together with the great description of the places and their atmosphere that it was like being there! As well as the writing flow, resembling a play with the action unfolding in front of my eyes as I was reading.
Thanks to the author for the opportunity to read it and this is my honest review.
What I enjoyed is also the deeper messages of this novel which explored mental health, grief and life's changes and the importance of addressing them and taking care of oneself, highlighting that anyone can be affected and money don't make you immune, but friendship can help, which really transpired through Charlie and Nick.
I really recommend this book and I hope for a sequel as we're left with a nice cliffhanger!
An edge of the seat ride
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 7 September 2023
I read Il Lupo 2.0 with the idea that it would be like the first. I was looking forward to returning to the big sweeping storyline of the last book, a rolling literary piece. This was not the case at all. Il Lupo 2.0 was vastly different in so many ways. This, I have to add, was not a bad thing. This was great. I was constantly engaged constantly on the edge of my seat, trying to work out what was going to happen and did not guess all. The Author was now working with established characters and their relationships, and they worked through a new set of problems raised by the Werewolf curse. If you work out the twists, you are a better person than I. Especially the big one that got me totally.
This Author has written two great books with differing writing styles. What is so impressive is that he has done so, so very well. He realised that the two books needed these differing styles, and both worked so well.
He also shares a love of the subject material and brings personal experiences to his work. He deals brilliantly with personal interactions between his characters, the difficulty of friendships and mental health issues carefully and with an understanding whilst chucking a werewolf in the mix for furry fun.
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eclipsefangirl · 5 months
Page 8
The next day, the moon rose and the dark night sky shined. Luna Girl did not have anything much to do so she decided to just chill. She laid on her bed, scrolling through her phone, looking at Greg's Instagram Profile. Suddenly, her phone began to emit a loud, irritating shrill. She groaned. It was her ringtone, and she regretted putting such an annoying ringtone. Luna Girl looked at the caller ID. Romeo? Again? No one ever called her. What was so important that he had to call her? She attended the call, and was alarmed to hear Romeo's agitated voice.
"Luna Girl! Night Ninja's in trouble. He texted me. There's something going on at Mystery Mountain. It's the PJ Pains again." Romeo seemed to be in a hurry, and his voice was shaky. Seemed like he was running and talking at the same time. Luna's brows furrowed, and she told him that she will be coming. She hopped onto her Luna Board and exited out of her house using the big window in her room. Luna Girl zoomed past several trees. On the way, she saw Romeo running in the same direction.
"Romeo? Why are you running? Where's your Lab? And where's Robot?" Luna Girl questioned. Romeo never ran around like this. Either he would drive his Lab or he would have Robot carry him around.
"Robot's gone and I can't take my Lab. It's charging." Romeo replied, huffing and puffing.
Luna Girl shot him a confused look.
"Wanna catch a ride?" She asked.
"Uh, no thanks, I am not riding that thing with you."
"Like I'd ever want you to. I meant−" Luna Girl held up her Luna Magnet. Immediately, a pink ray engulfed Romeo and he was lifted up into the air. "−this" Luna Girl finished. She was using her Magnet to help Romeo move faster. The two of them reached an alley. The duo stopped in front of a wall.
Suddenly, there was a yellow glow in the middle of the wall and the wall split open. Out emerged Night Ninja.
"Finally! Faster, the Splatcano won't be waiting. You've gotta help me! My Ninjalinos are in danger." Night Ninja said anxiously.
"What's going on?" Luna Girl questioned.
Night Ninja ran up the stone stairs with great agility and Luna Girl was once again carrying Romeo using her Luna Magnet.
"What do you mean the PJ Masks triggered the Splatcano?" Luna Girl asked, brows furrowed in concern.
Romeo looked equally anxious. This was not good. Something was definitely wrong with the PJ Masks.
"I was training in one of the caves below the Splatcano when the PJ Pests came here. Then they started to fight us. We weren't even doing anything bad. An Yu came along and did something to the Splatcano. It started to gurgle and rumble. It's going to erupt now, and my Ninjalinos are trapped in the cave. The PJ Masks used my own Sticky Splat against me!" Night Ninja ranted.
"Are they still there, or have they left?" Romeo questioned. He still could not understand why they wanted to do such things to the villains.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
A Georgia university coach sparked online rage this week when a Black baseball player recorded him berating him over his hair, vowing the athlete wouldn’t play until he cut his locs.
In a TikTok video posted Tuesday by Asher Akridge, the athlete can be heard conversing with Valdosta State University Baseball Head Coach Greg Guilliams.
“I never gave you any attitude about my hair,” Akridge says. “I tried to comply.”
“No, you didn’t. No, you didn’t,” Guilliams is heard telling Akridge. “If you complied with what I said, you would’ve gotten your hair cut and I wouldn’t have to keep talking to you about it.”
Akridge explains to the coach about his interpretation of a hair grooming rule having to be under a certain length and how he would keep his hair tied up.
“It wasn’t hanging down,” Akridge says, defensively.
“What I should’ve said in the beginning was, ‘This is what you gotta do with your hair. And then once you do that, I’ll let you come out there,’” Guilliams responds, supposedly blaming himself for not explaining the rules better.
Akridge attempts to bring up how other players on the team wear their hair, but Guilliams cuts him off.
“We’re not talking about other guys,” he says. “We’re not going down that route! …This is between you and me; I’m the head coach. It doesn’t matter what any other player says. …So, again, why would I want you back on the team when we’re right back on the same conversation again?!”
Akridge explains that his hair is cut, within the length policy, and that some teammates have hair longer than his.
“But it’s not short enough to be on the baseball team,” Guilliams says. “I’m willing to set some rules. I can set whatever rules I want. …We’re not talking about anyone else on the team. I don’t know why you can’t get that through your head.”
“I want to be treated just like everybody else!” Akridge demands.
“If you want to be treated like everybody else, then follow the rules I give ya.”
Guilliams ends the conversation and tells Akridge there’s nothing that could put him back on the baseball team.
At the end of the video, Akridge showed a picture of his thin locs that barely hung past his ears.
The video had garnered over 440,000 views by Thursday afternoon.
Social media users rushed to the comments to explain what they considered racially biased unequal treatment.
“It’s not that the coach has a rule. It’s that he’s not enforcing the rule with everybody on the team,” a TikTok user wrote.
“It’s not the length of his hair,” another TikToker commented, “its [sic] the style that his racist ass don’t like.”
“Valdosta State University as an Alumnus, this is completely unacceptable! Valdosta State Athletics we expect an equitable and fair reaction to the shame and disgrace that this coach has brought onto our team and program,” Brandon McCrae posted on Facebook. “There is NO rule that only applies to ‘certain’ demographics.”
“Are you a college that allows the ‘Head Coach’ of your Baseball team to openly discriminate against players?” a Facebook user commented on an unrelated post on Valdosta’s page.
“How about addressing the racism and discrimination exhibited by your head baseball team!” another wrote. “The racism he demonstrates is unacceptable on every level. You should be ashamed and embarrassed by this situation!”
Comments also flooded Valdosta State University’s Instagram page on a post advertising the school community ahead of the upcoming academic year.
“VSU is aware of a viral video and is currently reviewing the situation,” the school replied in the comments.
In a statement posted on Twitter Thursday, Valdosta State University said that in order to keep in line with its non-discrimination policy, the school “is committed to a fair, respectful, and non-discriminatory environment for all.”
“The VSU Office of Human Resources is conducting a comprehensive inquiry into the current matter and will address any personnel actions that are deemed to violate university policy if the inquiry reveals anything,” the post read without providing any specific details. “We are progressing through the required due process procedures.”
According to Guilliams’ profile on Valdosta State University’s athletics website, he has been coaching for 26 years and has been awarded on numerous occasions. “Energy, discipline, resolve” are his coaching words of inspiration.
Neither Guilliams nor any of the baseball coaching staff, athletics directors, or Valdosta State University administration immediately returned The Daily Beast’s multiple requests for comment Thursday.
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patrickjonesblog · 9 months
Top Albums of 2023
Hey, how ya doing? I got sick the last week of 2023 when I intended to write this so here I am in 2024 looking back on some of my favorite long players last year.
I saw so many of my favorite acts in 2023, it was probably the best live music year ever. So much so I spent what felt like a whole morning creating a "reel" on "instagram". The fruits of which you can watch here.
Enough about live music though, this is about wonderful studio recordings, so here's what's made the long list and then we'll kick straight into the top 10 with accompanying videos.
16 - Romy - Mid Air
15- Jessie Ware - That! Feels! Good!
14- Gracie Abrams - Good Riddance
13 - Lana Del Rey - Did you know there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd?
12 - Bombay Bicycle Club - My Big Day
11 - The Bug Club - Rare Birds: Hour of Song
10 - Young Fathers - Heavy Heavy
If you haven't seen Young Fathers Glastonbury set in 2023, I recommend you do so after you've read this blog. Gutted they cancelled their brooklyn show, but I hope to catch it this year.
9 - Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want to Turn Into You
Caroline Polacheck is the closest we've got to Kate Bush in 2023, the detail she puts into her visuals and the choreography of her performances, its high art. The track below isn't on the album, but it was the moment I realized her brilliance.
8 - Gorillaz - Cracker Island
This felt like an under the radar release from Gorillaz, at least here in the states. It's the first time Albarn has worked with Greg Kurstin (Adele, Mccartney, Kendrick) and you can hear his influence as it's a bit more poppy than previous releases.
7 - Jeff Rosenstock - Hellmode
If you've read any of my blogs over the past decade you will have seen a lot of appearances from US Punk / Ska legend Jeff. The reason being; he doesn't make bad records.
6 - Sleaford Mods - UK Grim
How do you follow 2021's career highlight Spare Ribs? With more of the same, that's how. 12 albums in to their career now and they're still gathering pace. Blistering, acerbic, hilarious as ever.
5 - The Hives - The Death of Randy Fitzsimmons
The first new music from The Hives in 11 years and they return with a literal bang. This album is as good as anything they came out with when they first charmed their way onto the scene in the early 2000's. The bellies may be podgier, Pelle's kicks aren't as high, but the riffs are as spritely as ever. Still one of the greatest live bands around.
4 - Blur - Ballad of Darren
I always get a bit anxious about a new blur album, they don't have to release new music, they have a back catalog that guarantees them legend status already. Releasing new music risks tainting that legacy so far into their career. I needn't worry, Ballad of Darren is a beautiful record with a legitimate brand new stadium filling anthem to add to their repertoire.
3 - Olivia Rodrigo - GUTS
Bit of a surprise this one, maybe more for me than you dear reader. I didn't get the fuss of the first album (still don't) it sounded like any one of a million young pop darlings. But GUTS is different, it's eclectic, it's beautifully written, it tears at your heart, it raises your fists, it makes you dance. It has everything really. She's the real deal. It's objectively not made for a 42 year old man, but great music is great music and I bloody love this.
2 - Jenny Lewis - Joy'All
It was a tough call between this and Olivia, but i've given it to Jenny for the 20+ years experience she has on the young upstart. Jenny Lewis is maturing into a fine groove, she's replaced Ryan Adams as a much more palletable country-folk spot in my heart. Her songwriting continues to get better with age.
1 - The National - First Two Pages of Frankenstein | Laugh Track
Stadium filling, Taylor Swift collaborating, David Letterman approved super band The National. It's a wild trajectory my favorite band has taken over the last few years. No longer critically acclaimed everyones favorite unheard of band, they're rightly at the upper table of indie-rock and its fully deserved. Not satisfied with releasing one beautiful record this year they follow it up soon after with the surprise Laugh Track an equally brilliant album in its own right. Most bands would kill to have one record this good in their whole career, its frankly not fair they can do two this good in a year. A joint number one for me as I can't separate them.
There you have it, 2023 all wrapped up, full of BIG acts with a smattering of newbies thrown in for good measure and probably the most female representation I've had in an end of year list.
You can hear these and LOADS more in my 2023 playlist.
And if you like any of this and trust my judgement follow my 2024 playlist which I curate throughout the year adding newly released tracks.
Aaaaaand away...
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roomeight · 2 years
Graham Coxon's support of Jordan Peterson & Greg Ellis
Graham has followed Jordan Peterson for a long time, even after Jordan Peterson was revealed to be a misogynist and transphobe. ***As of today, Nov 19, Graham continues to follow Greg Ellis and Jordan on twitter and Instagram.*** As a reminder, Jordan Peterson was recently banned from twt for this transphobic tweet: ([] used to retract deadnaming/misgendering)
"Remember when Pride was a sin? And [Elliot Page] just had [his] breasts removed by a criminal physician."
Thank you to kattdotter for writing this thread to give more context.
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Sadly Tumblr won't allow me to post more photos here but you can view kattdotter's thread on twitter (so long as twitter still works.)
To anyone questioning the timeline, here are ss showing the time date of Graham still following Jordan Peterson as of today - well after the transphobic comments about Elliot Page and Peterson's very public displays of misogyny.
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simplespirits · 2 years
First post on Tumblr! Simple Spirits is a comic that Greg (artist) and Thomas (writer) are making together. Socials : https://linktr.ee/simple.spirits
What is the comic about?
The comic is a slice of life story of five (for now) characters living together. The story is mostly about personal growth, dealing with personal issues and experiencing things together with your chosen family.
Where can I read the comic? All currently released pages are available on Instagram here : https://www.instagram.com/simple.spirits/guide/simple-spirits-comic/17856507167580248/ We plan on releasing the comic on other platforms in the future, as well as having physical copies once it's completely done! WIPs can be found on our Patreon.
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