#green trucking
blueenergymotors · 2 months
Blue Energy Motors Has Established Itself As Leaders In The Field Of Clean Energy Trucks
Blue Energy Motors was established in the year 2022, and the company is involved in the logistics sector. The company is currently working towards addressing the critical need for decarbonization in the logistics sector but also in line with India's carbon goals. The company has cut over 4,250 tons of CO2 thus far, which is equal to the planting of 170,000 new trees. Let's delve into how Blue Energy Motors became the best truck company in India. 
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The Urgent Need for Decarbonization in Logistics 
Logistics presents a substantial challenge, particularly for hard-to-abate industries such as cement and steel, which rely heavily on trucking for their supply chains. Blue Energy Motors, recognized as one of the best truck companies in India, offers a compelling solution with its clean energy trucks, driving a substantial reduction in carbon footprints. 
The best commercial vehicle in India to achieve National goals 
Blue Energy Motors is not just another truck company in India; it is a key player in the global mission to achieve carbon neutrality. The company supports the vision set forth by India’s Prime Minister at the COP 26 Summit. Mr Modi has talked about how India will become carbon neutral by the said date. Experts reckon that green trucks will play a huge role in this goal. By manufacturing LNG-powered trucks, Blue Energy Motors contributes directly to this goal, offering a practical and scalable solution to reduce emissions in the logistics sector. 
Sustainability and Profitability: A Winning Combination 
Customers frequently ask if green trucking is expensive. The answer is no. Blue Energy Motors is proof of this as their trucks are not just eco-friendly but also cost-efficient. Opting for green trucking not only helps in reducing emissions but also improves your public perception. Consumers are often known to prefer companies that look beyond profits. They rely on businesses that bring value to the society. By becoming the manufacturer of the best commercial vehicle in India, BEM has helped corporate India achieve peak fuel efficiency. Their trucks offer incredible mileage and cover up to 1400 km per fill. This is proof that using eco-friendly technology is not a burden but a viable strategy. 
Cutting-Edge Innovations for a Sustainable Future 
The trucks offer outstanding technological features that guarantee safety and protection. The Driver State Behavior Monitoring is one such system. How the system works is rather neat. It provides instant alerts in case the driver indulges in cases of overspeeding or harsh braking. This system plays a crucial role in reducing the chances of accidents. The trucks also include an advanced telematics system which can reduce truck breakdown by a large margin. 
Blue Energy Motors: Leading Truck Manufacturers 
Blue Energy Motors is leading the way in promoting green trucking. The company’s commitment to sustainability does not need further proof and we are proud to witness their carbon reduction efforts. By offering a range of LNG-powered trucks, Blue Energy Motors provides an effective solution for industries looking to decarbonize their logistics operations. 
In conclusion, Blue Energy Motors is more than just a truck company in India. It is a catalyst for change in the logistics sector, driving the transition to green trucking. As the logistics sector continues to evolve, Blue Energy Motors remains at the forefront of this development.
For more: Blue Energy Motors Has Established Itself As Leaders In The Field Of Clean Energy Trucks
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itsbansheebitch · 5 months
Rants at the Hairdresser
her, behind me trimming my hair: "it's so wild how big cars are. Seems a bit dangerous, ya know?"
me, enjoying the smell of the stuff she sprayed in my hair: "Yeah, apparently that's because it's cheaper to have a car classified as a 'light truck' since you can get past safety regulations and they have different frames."
her, who has paused working on my hair: "Wait, are you serious?"
me: "Yeah, apparently it's a lot cheaper for companies to do that. And it really sucks since driving one of those cars is super dangerous, but it's even more dangerous for other people, especially if they're in a smaller car. Since it would be more safe to be another driver if they ALSO have a 'light truck,' everyone is caught in a cycle of getting bigger and bigger cars. All of which are extremely dangerous and have made being a pedestrian even more dangerous."
her: deep in thought, silent.
me, happy that someone is letting me rant about this: "Oh, the new Cadillacs are the size of tanks. That's not an exaggeration, by the way."
her, stunned: ???? "what the actual hell???"
we're silent for a bit
her, hesitantly, since I look like white trash and she has at least 10 piercings and pink hair: "I feel like America has been that way for a while... ya know?"
me: "Oh yeah, I totally get what you're saying, like, putting profit over people's safety?"
her, assured now that she knows we're both too commie pilled for this kind of conversation with someone else: "Yes! Exactly! It really sucks, right?"
me: "God, tell me about it"
I was very happy with my haircut, btw. She's so good at her job. :D
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coolthingsguyslike · 11 months
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soongtypemutant · 2 months
Just bros being dudes.
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stillness-in-green · 2 months
The thing that doesn't make sense to me if Izuku resolved to kill is how it doesn't let them prove AFO wrong? AFO did his big reveal which only makes it clearer how deep the grooming went and it should've been time for Izuku to understand Tenko and Tenko to understand the abuse then reject the mindset forced onto him. But Izuku killing Tenko doesn't do that. Tenko just dies. It feels very wrong.
I guess Izuku just wasn't very interested in proving AFO wrong! Honestly, the only thing I immediately remember Izuku disputing the guy on was the same thing he disputed Shigaraki on: that he was anything more than a human being. AFO isn't a Demon King, but just a lonely man. Shigaraki hasn't transcended humanity; there's still a human somewhere deep inside of him. Izuku won't correct his allies' use of dehumanizing language for Villains, of course, but he's quick to push back when the Villains themselves self-aggrandize.
Sorry, I really only have withering disdain for Deku at this point. And I guess I don't really see any evidence that Deku was ever particularly driven by "proving AFO wrong." He wants to stop AFO, certainly, but that's because AFO is a monster who takes advantage of vulnerable people to maneuver them into doing Bad Things that advance AFO's Bad Plans and sets them onto Bad Paths that are difficult to walk back, not because he expressly opposes AFO on this or that ideological point about the nature of humanity and society.
(Hit the jump for the rest of a somewhat rambly reply.)
If anything, current evidence is that neither Deku nor the manga itself really do disagree with AFO about the frailty of humans, as expressed by Tsukauchi answering Deku's question about how to prevent future tragedies by shrugging and saying, "You don't, because life fucking sucks sometimes and that's just how it is. Our hands are completely tied on improving the system as we have it, so all we can do is punch out the Villains that appear in front of us to stop them from causing more harm."
That's also me being a bit harsh, of course. The fact that Deku is even still asking that question in the epilogue suggests that the manga hasn't reached its final answer yet, and maybe it will yet come up with something better! It doesn't have much time left, but it's still possible!
All the same, Deku is still having to ask that question in the epilogue because he never truly faced it over the course of the story. Never thinking about what Shigaraki as a person said in favor of fetishizing the Crying Child, never coming up with any kind of non-violent plan of attack or conversational approach, I have to ask what exactly about Shigaraki did Deku ever disagree with AFO on?
AFO, in the end, characterized Shigaraki as a puppet he molded exactly as he desired, a doll who he sculpted and programmed to act as he wished, a feeble child who has never made a single decision that AFO didn't cultivate him to make. So far as I can tell, Deku never really contested that framing. He didn't know the extent of it until the full reveal, of course, but Deku, like AFO, insisted on approaching Shigaraki solely through that "Crying Child" lens. He seemed to believe that nothing Shigaraki said or did on the surface really mattered (save as a reason that Shigaraki had to be stopped and potentially killed), that the "truth" of Shigaraki was that feeble little weeping boy who never grew up.
How could Deku possibly "prove AFO wrong" in that context? He doesn't even disagree with him! I mean, he's got some nice talk about how people deserve a second chance, sure; he says that people doing wrong doesn't make them Villains for the rest of their lives. What does do that, however - insofar as I can tell from how opaque the series keeps Deku throughout the final war - is refusing the hand out of the darkness. You stop being a victim and become a Villain for the rest of your life by choosing to remain a Villain even when offered an alternative (no matter how patently awful that alternative is).
Shigaraki chooses to remain a Villain and Deku doesn't have a counter for that because Deku never really got past the false binary represented by Villains and Victims to begin with. And I think the same goes for people who expected Shigaraki to just fold when he realized the extent of the grooming he'd undergone. Disallowing Shigaraki any agency in who he is and what he's done is defining him the same way AFO and Deku both did; when Shigaraki refuses to accept that framing, refuses to be a passive victim, the only thing left for him to be is a Villain. And when a Villain refuses to stop...
Well, Hawks already told us what the Heroes' answer to that is. "Someone has to die." As no one ever stepped up to prove him wrong, as far as the story is concerned, he isn't.
AFO always knew that victims can be turned into Villains with the right nudges; that's the whole reason for him cultivating "warped seeds" whenever and wherever he found them. Hero Society is - and always has been - much too rigid in its enforcement of the Hero/Villain/Victim narrative to effectively combat him. Crucially, Deku - the boy who wants to bring everything back just the way it was - doesn't disagree with him. He thinks AFO is an asshole for setting people up to fail, but he doesn't disagree about what failure means. So if AFO, Deku, and the story itself are all in agreement, what's even there for Deku to disprove?
Now, there is something that would prove AFO wrong, but it isn't something you can do while insisting on drawing lines to separate sad manipulated woobie victims who just need to be saved from awful unrepentant villains who just need to rot. It isn't something you can do while infantilizing Shigaraki Tomura.
The way to prove AFO wrong is to make room in society to help all Villains. Even if they aren't asking for it, even if they never ask for it, and even if they're jolly bastards who don't really deserve it! As long as there's a point at which it becomes okay to give up on trying to save Villains, Shigaraki will remain unsavable. He will insist on being unsavable. He could no more let that go than All Might could step aside and let AFO's attack kill an innocent at Kamino.
That's what it means to be a Hero for Villains.
Ultimately, what makes AFO right is that he knows that Hero Society makes it difficult if not impossible to uncross the victim-to-Villain bridge, and so anyone who does cross that bridge (with or without his influence) is that much more susceptible to him. Deku, in turn, thinks the only Villains he can save are those who drop everything and come sprinting as fast as they can back to the Hero side, so anyone who won't do that is someone he can't help.
Shigaraki refused to stop trying to create a better world for Villains. Toga refused to live in a world that would imprison her. Twice refused to give up on the friends no Hero would help. It's the same with every other Villain who refused to quietly endure their status quo: in a society that refuses to change how it treats Villains, anyone who won't submit to suffering in silence cannot be saved.
That's the paradigm AFO exploits, and Deku will never prove him wrong without resolving to change the paradigm first. We'll see if the last two chapters get him there.
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phopollo · 5 days
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Ft the cartoon idea designs, as per usual /j
Bonus doodle of trying to verbalize my interpretations of the engines bc I haven't actually seen the wembley production
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mg-aesthetic · 1 year
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linusbenjamin · 7 months
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The Walking Dead 4.08 — Too Far Gone
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vamprisms · 3 months
one does not simply walk into mordor? thank fuck i hate walking. tell sam to pull the 1998 nissan micra around
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mhalachai · 1 year
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she thicc
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blueenergymotors · 2 months
Have You Heard India’s Best Commercial Vehicle Manufacture?
Have you heard about India's best commercial vehicle manufacturer? Read this blog to know more. The buzz about sustainability does not seem to be dying down and we couldn't be happier about it. After all, this gives companies like lue Energy motors an opportunity to make a name for themselves. Established in 2022, Blue Energy Motors has emerged as the preferred choice of logistics for corporate India. As the best truck company in India, we are watching them break the pre-established standards within the logistics sector. 
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The Promise of Going Green 
Blue Energy Motors has been consistently working towards helping corporate India achieve its sustainability goals. The company has made a significant contribution to India's decarbonisation journey. To date, the company has successfully cut over 4,250 tons of CO2 emissions—an achievement equivalent to planting 170,000 trees. This substantial reduction in greenhouse gases underscores the company's dedication to environmental stewardship. The logistics sector urgently needs effective decarbonization solutions. By focusing on green trucking, Blue Energy Motors is addressing this critical need head-on. This serves as an inspiration to other truck companies in India. 
The company's efforts align with the Prime Minister's ambitious goal of achieving carbon neutrality within the next 36 years. The Prime Minister has repeatedly emphasized the role of developing countries in advancing toward a greener future on the global stage. Blue Energy Motors supports this vision wholeheartedly, showcasing how innovative green trucking solutions can contribute to a more sustainable world. 
Truck Manufacturer Par Excellence 
Though the company has always prioritized sustainability, its vision goes beyond just that. Investing in eco-friendly trucks not only improves ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scores but also attracts investor interest, driving long-term profitability. By opting for LNG-powered trucks, businesses can enhance their ESG performance, which is increasingly becoming a key factor in investment decisions. More and more companies in India need to invest in Blue Energy Motors’ heavy trucks to avail these benefits. 
Commercial vehicle manufacturers like Blue Energy Motors are rare in India. The company’s trucks offer exceptional fuel efficiency, with an impressive range of 1,400 kilometers on every fill. The company has also made it a point to ensure that businesses can get the best fuel optimization. This has made green trucking a smart financial choice. 
A Truck Manufacturer That Delivers Innovative Features 
Blue Energy Motors has made it a point to prioritise innovation. The company also delivers technologically superior features. One such feature is the Driver State Behavior Monitoring System. This feature ensures that the client receives immediate alerts in case the driver engages in over-speeding, harsh braking, and abrupt acceleration. This system enhances safety and operational efficiency, ensuring that drivers as well as your fleet remain safe. 
Additionally, Blue Energy Motors employs a state-of-the-art telematics system that significantly cuts down on truck stoppage and repairs. The company also provides real-world tracking as well as constant monitoring. As a result, businesses can rely on Blue Energy Motors' heavy trucks in India to deliver exceptional performance and reliability. 
Why Choose Blue Energy Motors? 
Choosing Blue Energy Motors means aligning with a company that is not only committed to sustainability but also excels in delivering top-quality, innovative trucking solutions. As the best truck company in India, Blue Energy Motors offers a unique blend of eco-friendliness and profitability, making it a standout choice for businesses looking to enhance their logistics operations while contributing to a greener planet. 
The company’s focus on green trucking reflects a broader commitment to addressing climate change and promoting environmental responsibility. By choosing Blue Energy Motors, businesses can be part of a transformative movement that prioritizes both economic and environmental well-being.
For more: Have You Heard India’s Best Commercial Vehicle Manufacture?
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savagebeautyqueen · 9 days
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coolthingsguyslike · 4 months
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textless · 3 months
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53v3nfrn5 · 4 months
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