#green idiot💚💚
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Scenemo Herbert on a walk idk
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trecoolsdick · 11 months
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aeolianblues · 2 months
If you are seeing a deluge of Green Day reblogs on your dash, that is my fault. I queued a lot of them. A LOT. Of them. In what I can only describe as post-gig induced hysteria. It is like 2:40 AM and I SHOULD sleep because there’s one more day of Osheaga to go, and there are bands I want to see on Sunday!! I am Going to see RAYE! I came to the festival literally only for her! But then also I rediscovered my love for Green Day, I’d forgotten how this was one of the first guitar bands I’d ever been exposed to (/English pop music I’d ever paid much attention to?) They didn’t play this, but 21 Guns, a little performance, way back in 2011 or 2012, I can’t even remember now. That, to discovering power chords aged 13 (as you do), to the downtuning and Dookie. To Billie’s frank discussions of sexuality and mental health. To both, Green Day’s unadorned rage to unbridled joy. From all the love Billie has to show and how he wasn’t afraid of being an atypical boy. How his refining of what a man can be helped me redefine and become comfortable in what I as a girl could be. Billie on his own terms? Me on my own terms. ‘I found out what it takes to be a man, my mom and dad will never understand’, but we did! He did it for himself, but what it meant to us!
Billie continues to redefine America for me. I’m not American, so I can’t even imagine how much more this must mean to American Green Day fans. I keep thinking back to those American Idiot photoshoots, the band with the green-tinted US flag behind them in the pictures and the music video, those shoots of the band sat together, wrapped up in the American flag. Many musicians have tried the patriotic route, most have failed. Spice Girls Union Jack? Cringe. Noel’s Union Jack guitar? Meh. If anything, a bit confusingly contradictory. Most bands trying to do the American flag these days. 👀 is the most common reaction. But not with Green Day. They continue to be the defiant laser pointer dragging your eyes away from other interpretations of the flag. As time goes on, I find myself thinking about how the only positive representations left of this flag, the ones I want to see, remain sports/Olympics and by Green Day. Rejects all-American indeed ✊❤️
And so here I am, rambling at 3 AM. Sorry. I’m queuing this too, so that the spam apology comes when the posts are flowing and not at 3 AM now, but I’m going to hold this experience close and cherish it and go to bed before the light comes up. Long day tomorrow, and I’ll upload the videos when I’m back home. Hope you’re enjoying the Green Day spamming, haha. I feel like I’m 13 again, in the best possible way. Viva Green Day! 💚
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rubycooki3 · 4 months
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"we're two halves of a whole idiot" 🩷💚
I love pink n green duo sm ❗👹
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bitchimasnake-sss · 6 months
tryin' his best ft. roronoa zoro!
i am once again thinking about zoro as a clueless boyfriend, completely new to the dating scene. no imagine, just imagine with me 😳😳
[modern au; zoro is a martial artist]
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dont talk to me, im too busy thinking about the roronoa zoro as a confused husband boyfriend🤭 like can you imagine? the greatest martial artist of all time, the beast, the demon, the lord of the underworld. and yet, when you say, "i'm so tired, babe", he stands in all his 5'11 ft glory and goes blank. blank.
roronoa zoro was the sweetest man alive but holy fucking shit he was such an idiot clueless. for the past few days or so, the man had witnessed first hand how tired you were. your eyes were puffy, face dull and spirit broken. all those meetings at work; the relentless late-night calls, stay-backs and what nots had left you a mere husk of the woman you usually were. and so, he had decided to try his best to make sure his failing actions could comfort you when his words couldn't. and that started the chronicles of roronoa zoro's day of fuck-ups.
💚 zoro can't cook for shit. he knows that, you know that and your neighbour sanji (who is a chef by profession) knows that too. and yet one of these mornings, while the dew still clung helplessly onto the green leaves, he had gotten up and slipped into the kitchen. his plan was to surprise you with some breakfast. nothing too extravagant, maybe some easy mix pancakes? but all those plans came burning down when you were awoken with a shrill crash. hair knotted, face puffy, shirt slipping off of your shoulders and the first thing you see in the morning is zoro standing with flour on his chest and on the floor. and there lay an upside down steel bowl on the floor at the edge of his feet. "zoro?" you mumbled sleepily, assessing the damage, "what are you even upto? it's seven on a sunday." "yn- uh, you go back to sleep-i'll deal with this mess." if he was trying to appear nonchalant, he was failing. his eyes were blown out, forehead creased, lips pursed as if he had committed the worst atrocity mankind had witnessed. in a way, he had. he knew it was a sunday. he also knew it was your only day off so you should have been sleeping in instead of picking after his dumbass in the kitchen. "zoro?" you asked again but he refused to say anything more. when you gave him a look of steel, the moss-head carefully avoided your gaze before sheepishly admitting, "sorry. i was trying to figure out how to make you some pancakes." your gaze softened, "were you? that's so sweet of you, zo." you walked towards him, careful as to not step on the mess. your casual touched dusted off the flour from his navy shirt that had he slept in. once you were satisfied with the state of the shirt, you had resorted to an honest smile, "come on, let's clean this up first, yeah?" "but you should sleep-" "babe- with all due respect- if i leave you to clean this, i think you will set the kitchen on fire"
💚 on his next attempt to cheer you up in the afternoon, he planned on giving you a massage. you both had been dating a good few months and he had certainly touched you in more ways than just hand-holding but... this was new. he had never really done this for anyone before and so, what if you hated it or he did it wrong? but the man had put all his wayward thoughts aside. maybe his hands could knead away the stress from your aching muscles where his words failed to comfort you? and so, the bed dipped next to you as he came and sat down. you were lying on your stomach, scrolling on your phone. his fingers lightly skimmed your back and you jolted involuntarily at the intrusive touch. looking back, you muttered, "zoro? baby?" "just um, try to relax okay?" his palm flattened against your back. he applied some force, moving his hands up and down against your tank top, kneading the flesh underneath. you seemed to melt under his earnest touches, allowing your muscles to go slack under him. dropping your phone on the bed, you carefully had tucked your head under your arms and then, you yelped, "zoRO-" "yeah?!" he stopped all movements, panicked at your sudden reaction. "it hurt." you gave him a pained look before sighing, "you put too much force, babe." "did i? sorry" he chewed on the inside of his cheek, "sorry, really. do you want me to try again?" you gave him a kind smile before tucking your head back in under your arms and stuffing your face against the pillow. "it's okay, i am just gonna lay down for a while okay?"
💚 as truly a last resort, he called up nami and told her his problem (all grumbling and shit). after the red-head had laughed for five minutes at the martial artist's inculpabilities, she finally decided to help. she pondered for a second, staring at the screen intensely before saying "i dunno? me and vivi usually get like our favourite take out and just re-watch a comfort movie. it's pretty cozy and an easy way to deal with the general stress of life, you know?" "should i do that?" zoro mumbled, resting his head against the headrest of his car. he sighed, "did she tell you anything else if it's been bothering her? other than work i mean?" "she didn't say it out loud but having you as a boyfriend must be a pain in the ass anyways." "has anyone told you you're a royal bitch?" the words were harsh but his lips were pressed into a easy smile. "hah, yeah they have. but anyways, aren't you her boyfriend?" nami snapped back although she sported a smile of her own, "shouldn't you know what you should be doing to cheer her up? honestly she doesn't deserve an idiot like you." "hey, i've had a rough day okay? lay off of me." zoro bit back. "fine, whatever. just surprise her. i am sure she'd like it."
💚 and so, roronoa zoro's final mission had begun. he had picked up your favourite food from the chinese restaurant that you always ordered from. he had picked up a huge bouquet of flowers. and he had picked up a chocolate cake as desert. on the ride back home, he had even thought about what movie you both would watch. yes. yes. there's no way he could fuck it up now. he was ready to do his best. he opened the door with a wobbling right hand while his left held onto all the things. the cake carton was perched on his fingers, the takeout on another two fingers, the bouquet tucked between his bicep and chest. he wouldn't lie. it was a struggle to get everything in in one trip (especially with his level of patience when it comes to small, annoying things like this.) but it was all for you, so, it had to be worth it. tumbling in, he set everything on the coffee table in front of your tv. and then, he walked into the bedroom where you lay sleeping in the same position he had left you in the afternoon. it had been over three hours and you hadn't stirred even one inch. god, how tired were you? slowly closing the door behind him, he stepped back into the living room.
💚 your eyes were hazy and throat unusually dry when you stepped into the living room. your muscles were somehow even more tired and you were sure your body, mind and soul were incapable of doing anything but curling up and falling asleep again. on instinct, you searched for your boyfriend. "zoro?" you squinted at the man in front of you as he was in the process of setting down food on the table. and looking around, you noticed the huge bouquet perched on the sofa. "hey-" he turned towards you wide-eyed as if you had caught him doing something wrong, "uh- hi? hey? you're up already?" "whatcha doing? what's that?" you mumbled as you walked over to him, still not processing reality. as you stared down at the table, you wondered aloud, "food?" he sighed, defeated, "yeah." your brain fog cleared up and you looked up at his blushing face wide-eyed, "wait! you bought me food?" you turned on your heel to look at the bouquet and picked it up, "and this?" rubbing the back of his neck, he looked away from you, "it was actually meant to be a surprise cause i thought you were sleeping. but-" "zoroo!!" you practically lunged at him. your hands closed in around him as you rested your head against his well-built chest. hearing his quickened heart-beat, you eased even more against his familiar, scorching skin. you buried your face even deeper against him, "thank you!" his fingers danced over your scalp. his husky voiced was accompanied by calculated strumming of his finger over your hair, "i am sorry, it was meant to be a surprise, really." you pulled away from him to look at him in disbelief, "why are you sorry?!" he swallowed thickly, eyes scattering away from yours, "because- i dunno, i suck as a boyfriend?" he winced at his admission but continued nonetheless, "i tried making you breakfast, ruined it. i tried giving you a massage, ruined that too. i tried to set up a surprise date and fucked that shit up too." "zo." your fingers are delicate against his cheek, bringing his eyes back to yours. you gave him a small smile, "you tried. for me. that's what matters." although a smile blossomed on his lips, he washed it away with another sigh, "you're just saying that 'cause you don't wanna admit i'm a fuck-up in the boyfriend category." you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, "i am saying this because i love you. and you make me feel loved." "really?" you laughed, "i mean your massaging skills can use a bit of work but... yeah, other than that you're good. really." "i'm glad me being an idiot is endearing to you." he gave you a grin, "so, wanna eat? i'm kinda hungry." "yesss!!" you mirrored his smile. you paused for a second then wondered aloud, "you know what? i think i'm gonna call in sick tomorrow. we can hang out, just you and me." "oh, really?" he scrunched his nose up as if in deep thought, "then we gotta celebrate. you know there's cake in the fridge." "OMG I LOVE YOU!!" so, yeah, roronoa zoro might be kind of an idiot. but he was your idiot.
i wanna take domestic zoro and trap him in a bottle. i wanna just keep him like that. i really liked how this turned out lol. hope you guys did too <3
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king-dumbasz · 7 months
Hi🫶🏻🫶🏻 could u do a mammon oneshot that takes place after fizz quits.(pretending the twins don’t exist) Like the reader is like the new face of his brand. Ppl start shipping the reader and him online, so he goes along with it for clout and money. But they both eventually end up catching feelings. ( ik it’s rlly specific but I keep thinking about it) also I like ur writing 💜
The internet is a magical place💚
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I immediately liked the request and had an idea in mind. It's not something too difficult so my mind was happy Lmao
TW:why do I even put it in if there's never anything to worry about except for swear words, but c'mon, it's Helluva Boss
Mammon x GN! Reader
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The news were full of what happened at the last clown pageant. Everything was about Fizzarolli and his relationship with Asmodeus and how Mammon was ridiculed...
Mammon was FURIOUS
He needed a new face, a new someone to put everywhere and make money. He did everything until he finally found it... He found you.
You were perfect! You were funny, good looking and great for the audience! The perfect clown to replace Fizzarolli!
Mammon immediately made plushies, cereal, service bots (you choose what kind of service), hell, even a body pillow of ya!
Phone cases... Halloween costumes for kids... Lamps... Everything!
You became a star!
But like every star, you were a victim of the internet effect of the rule too
For some unknown reason, people shipped you and Mammon
No one knew why, but when you opened your phone, on Envybrl (Tumblr), on Sintter (Twitter or X), there were fanart of you and Mammon
All kind of Fanart! (I know I don't do NSFW, but when I say any kind, I mean any kind)
Mammon saw it too, a lot of it too
"What is that? Wh- why are we hugging in this one?"
He says, pointing at his phone, looking at a fanart of him and you cuddling
"i don't know, sir... The internet scares me"
Mammon didn't understand why. When Fizzarolli was there no one made these things, but with you it was different
The more Mammon watched, the more he realized how beautiful you looked, and how he liked these fanarts
Mammon started to like every post and imagine these things were true...
Every day, you find a new gift at your door from an unknown person, even if it wasn't that unknown because the wrapping was green black and yellow
One day though, Mammon decides to Rizz you up, because obviously he won't do it normally
"Sir, you wanted me here?"
You said after being called in his office, only to find Mammon in his special valentine outfit (It's just the old one but pink and with hearts)
"Hey, Are you a Wi-Fi signal? Because I’m feeling a strong connection"
That was horrible, adorable, but horrible
"Sir... What?"
"oh, shit uh... Well, I'm out of lines"
"What is happening?"
"Well, I never thought that would've happened, since you're a lower class and shit- but, I found myself liking these fan arts mentally unstable people post of us.."
You were stunned. Mammon. THE Mammon... Likes you?"
"Well... If I'm gonna be honest... I also found myself liking some of those posts..."
Mammon didn't realise at first and looks at you confused (Idiot)
"I like you too"
Just after you tell him he realises. Mammon smiles widely and hugs you with his four arms, so tightly you couldn't breath
"oh, you're a bloody legend, Y/N!"
"Eh... The internet is really a magical place..."
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talaok · 1 year
I love your dad Pedro! Could you please do a cute fluff piece of a him just loving being a girl dad? Maybe he and baby girl just spending the day together, hom singing purple rain and dancing in the living room with her and trying to teach her to walk? Ooommggg 💚
Pairing: Pedro pascal x f!reader
a/n: i think dad pedro is my all time favorite so thank you for requesting it (and i do not know shit about babies or when they start walking or talking properly so just pretend this is accurate pls)
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He still couldn't believe that this was his life.
that he was living in a home that he shared with you, the most amazing and incredible wife he could have ever dreamed of, and with your daughter, with his beautiful daughter who happened to be holding onto him, singing or, more accurately, mumbling sounds resembling the words of his favorite song: Purple rain, desperately trying to keep up with him as he softly sang it for her.
He couldn't believe that the angel looking up at him, with her mom's beauty and his attitude, was actually his, that he had helped create her, that she was standing on his feet and gripping his shirt as he guided her around in a makeshift slow dance.
He couldn't believe any of it, but god was he grateful.
He had everything he ever wanted, and every day felt like a dream, it didn't matter anymore if he didn't get cast for a role, if he fought with a director, if the guy beside him skipped the line at the grocery store, nothing simply mattered anymore as long as he had you, the two loves of his life.
And yes, every day was perfect, but today especially.
It was a beautiful sunny Sunday
he didn't have to work, and he didn't have anything to do so he could spend all his time with you.
He woke up with you curled up close to him, and a wide smile couldn't help but pull at his lips as he watched you sleep so peacefully.
After a few moments, he decided not to wake you, and only allowed himself a soft kiss on your forehead, before sneaking out of the room.
And that's when he walked by your daughter's room and heard those cute noises he knew too well, so he knocked, opened the door, and found her exactly as he had predicted, sitting up on her bed with two of her dolls in each one of her hands.
And again, he smiled, he smiled that happy smile he seemed to constantly have on his face lately.
So then he offered to go have breakfast, but she counteroffered to stay in her room and play instead, and of course, she had won.
You always made fun of him for how easily he agreed to whatever your daughter said, and as much as he liked to protest, he too, knew it was the truth.
God only knows how many tea parties he had attended with her stuffed animals, or how many times he had ended up with a full face of makeup because those big eyes of hers had gotten him to fold.
But anyway, after some time she eventually got hungry so they moved the party to the kitchen, he cooked some pancakes and cut some strawberries and he watched, as she ate everything on her plate, smiling like an idiot the whole time, and forgetting all about his own breakfast.
And then you had woken up and he had gotten to actually kiss you, and then somehow, he was dancing in the living room with his daughter.
And he still couldn't believe it.
The day only got more perfect as he watched his daughter stumble barefoot in your backyard as he tried to teach her how to walk.
He'd been at it for what felt like hours, guiding her with his hands at first, then trying to hold a toy with her, and letting go when she walked, but nothing seemed to really work.
"c'mon peach, you can do it" he encouraged her, luring her with one of her dolls "Come to daddy"
But all she did was crawl back to him, smiling widely as he reached him.
He let out a soft chuckle as she gave her the doll and watched her sit back to play with it next to that green ball she also adored.
"you know... she doesn't have to learn how to walk today" you murmured, walking beside him to put your arms around his torso as he stood up "She'll get there in her own time"
Your eyes were both on her as you spoke to one another.
"I know" he nodded, "I just..." he sighed, not able to finish
"I'm just scared that she'll get there when I'm not gonna be there to see it" he confessed, his voice suddenly thinner
"baby" you cooed, urging him to turn towards you "that's not gonna happen" you shook your head "and even if it does, it's not the end of the word, what matters is that she does it"
"I know, you're right" he breathed "I'm just scared that with work and everything I'm gonna miss all her important steps"
"but you haven't" you murmured "You were there when she said her first word, and you were even there when she ate all her food without throwing it on the ground for the first time" You couldn't help but laugh at the memory
"I know" he smiled too now "You're right... as always," he said, leaning in to kiss you.
You chuckled softly "You're an amazing dad, baby, you need to stop worryin-"
But your words died in your thought and your eyes widened as they focused behind him.
He took your expression in and turned in an instant, worried sick,
But when he expected to see the worst, to see something happen to his angel, what presented itself before him, was actually the opposite.
She was walking.
She was stumbling behind the ball as it rolled away from her to try and catch it like it was nothing.
She was walking. His daughter was walking
"Is she...?" you stuttered
"she is"
And once again, he couldn't believe it
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acidburnsthings · 5 months
FEAR FOR NOBODY//FA14\\ part two
pairing: fernando alonso x soldier/military!reader
description: When the Circuit of the Americas joined the list of races for the 2012 season, no one expected it to be such a monumental day for a certain Spaniard...
faceclaim: Olivia Cooke; various pinterest girls
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2021 user y/username has gone public
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liked by fernandoalo_official, y/bro/user and 5,467 others
y/username back in austin <3
y/bro/user aaaahhh, i can't wait for you guys to come to huston, i miss the three of you so muuch
y/username since when are you this whiny?? y/bro/user omg, you're sooo annoying
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liked by kimimatiasraikonen, y/username and 978,451 others
fernandoalo_official feels good to be back
lewishamilton welcome back, mate!
sebastianvettel welcome back to the grid, nando!
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liked by fernandoalo_official, y/bro/user and 15,467 others
y/username No.4 <3
y/bro/user congrats idiots, tell little theo i miss him!!
y/bff/username congrats!! can't wait to third wheel again!!
y/username gurl, you have your own husband y/bff/username yeaaah, but i preffer third-wheeling my parents (jk baby i love ya)
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liked by fernandoalo_official, y/bro/user and 16,512 others
y/username the boys like it when they go vroom (but it seems theo preferred running around)
y/bro/user little man had more fun than you, it seems
user1 honestly, her life seems to be so much fun
user2 how fun can it be when you're a part of the military??? user1 well, i'm just going off of her insta
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liked by fernandoalo_official, y/bff/username and 17,512 others
y/username tbt -> our prep for the 2012 USA Grand Prix can't belive it's been 10 years
officer_friend1 girlie I remember the way you looked at that one driver, can't remember his name tho
officer_friend2 👀 officer_friend3 👀 y/bff/username 👀 y/username ya'll... nvm
y/bff/username still remember my moms excitement when she saw you, she almost cried
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liked by fernandoalo_official, y/bro/user and 17,512 others
y/username green has always been my color 💚
y/bro/user rb is better
y/bff/username agreed y/username both of you are wrong, aston martin is the best
user3 uhmmm, why is this random lady popping up on my feed??
user4 omg same, but hey, she's an aston martin fan so she's welcome to stay on my feed user5 not only a fan, but it seems nando is liking her post
user6 that second pic is sooo cute
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liked by fernandoalo_official, y/bro/user and 19,572 others
y/username on break and he still drives like there is no speed limit, but he bought me coffee and cake so i forgive him for the heart attack <3
y/bff/username a BMW? disgraceful... tsk tsk
y/username its your car.... y/bff/username shhhhh...
user7 why is she on my feed and why is nando in the likes???
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liked by fernandoalo_official, y/bro/user and 190,572 others
y/username i am apparently married to a war criminal???
fernandoalo_official te amo mi hermosa reina <3
y/username i love you too, criminal <3 fernandoalo_official please don't, love y/username ok, i won't <3
user8 MARRIED??!! YOU'RE HIS WIFE??!! i think i might pass out
user9 this was honestly so unexpected, tf is happening??
user10 is everybody just ignoring the FACT THAT THEY HAVE A KID TOGETHER???
user11 i was just about to say, but honestly, they're cute together, the three of them
astonmartinf1 thank you for providing new pictures of fernando, one of them WILL be our new contact photo, also welcome!
y/username you're very welcome, will provide more if needed astonmartinf1 i'll DM you a number for you to send them to us fernandoalo_official NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!
user12 not y/n and aston martin admin teaming up to embarrass nando LOL
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liked by kimimatiasraikonen, y/username and 972,751 others
fernandoalo_official my piece of heaven, te amo hermosa <3
y/username i love you too <3
fernandoalo_official <3
user14 i like how all the pics of her are candids of her just drinking
user15 what can we say, a girl likes her drinks y/username i second that user15 OMG YOU ANSWERED??!!
user16 imma start calling her mother now
user17 me too user18 me three astonmartinf1 me four user16 admin is wildin' out here astonmartinf1 i'm being honest and real out here user17 based fr
lance_stroll can't wait to meet her!!
fernandoalo_official next race, kid!
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@yllomhej @walldemons @shelbyteller
if anybody else wants to be tagged, send me a DM or an ask!
I have also made a Google form to fill out if you want to be added!
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Name Day Gifts - Team Green
prompt: my friend's birthday as coming up and she asked if I would do some headcanons for what the Team Green boys would get their partner for their birthday/name day.💚 --------------------------------------------
As the King, Aegon had the right call any number of feasts & tourneys to order, for whatever reason he chooses. What better reason than your Name Day? He would be extremely involved in the planning. From the music, to the entertainment, to even having your favorite foods catered for the event. He even has a dress made, embroidered with his own personal dragon sigil, as a gift for the party. All of this is for you, and he is happy to see you enjoying yourself. But there is a part of Aegon, later in the evening and after too much wine, that he is jealous over all the attention you are giving others. The needy King will eventually spirit you away all for himself.
Aemond is not one for celebrating Name Days. Any idiot can be born. It is true achievement that should be praised. But, he is neither cold hearted enough nor foolish enough to realize not everyone feels this way. He would give you your gift in private. Handing it to you like any other prize, with no more flourish than “for another year older”. He would have the royal jeweler craft a sapphire pendant for you, suspended on a white gold chain, with facets as intricate as a dragon’s egg. “To act as my eye when I am not around.” He would tell you. To watch over you. To protect you. The promise is the real gift, the necklace is just flare.
Gwayne is terrible at picking gifts. Completely hopeless, if one were being honest. His heart is in the right place, as he often gets things based on some innate fact of trivia his partner has given him. Example? You once mentioned you liked persimmons, so he procured a whole crate for you, by which you could never finish them all before they rot. He leans on his sister for advice, which are all practical and traditional gifts for a Name Day. In the end, however, he gets them a horse. As Alicent mentioned something they could do together and he thought ‘I like riding’, so Gwayne presented them with the most beautiful white mare he could find so they could go riding together.
He of course cannot let their relationship be known, due to his oath, but he remembers all the same. With the power of his position, Criston would sneak into your chambers and leave a small parcel on your bed or dresser for you to find. A small trinket of a golden spear cloak pin. Seemingly innocent, but the meaning is clean. Gold for his cloak. A spear as the symbol of his Dornish heritage. And finally, a cloak pin so you can wear it over your heart. Though he can never say it, Criston swells with pride every time he sees you wear it; which is almost daily after your Name Day.
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cherrygummycandy · 2 years
Roommate wanted
DHMIS main trio x Roommate!Reader
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(I lied, I was going to post a different pic but forgot I had this in my drafts!)
Bright colors shine through the windows of the small pink house, cascading off the checker print tiles. This light however, was suddenly dashed with a grunt from a green feathered bird as he slammed shut a curtain. "Ugh, can't the sun move somewhere else, it's ruining my light..." The bird grumbles, readjusting the mirror he has set up on the kitchen table. "Y'alright?" A tall red man asks absentmindedly from the other side of the table, not bothering to look up from his paper. "No! I'm not alright. I'm trying to brush my hair, and the sun is blinding me." The third and final member of the table perks up at this, now interjecting.
"But, you don't have hair, you're a bird." The yellow boy says, head tilted in confusion as he shovels cereal into his mouth. "Feathers are hair for birds, idiot." Duck snaps, The yellow one looks down sadly at this, a slight whine as he goes back to his cereal.
After a few minutes, Red sighs and puts down his paper. "Y'know, I thought something would have happened by now." He says. Duck's brow furrows as he looks up from his mirror, setting down his comb. "You're right, I'm bored. Someone do something. Call someone." He orders. "Call someone? Do we have a phone?" Yellow asks. "Nah, I think that electric person took it a few days ago, remember?" The three shiver at the memory of the small electric girl, and the sounds she made when they swapped her batteries. Duck snaps out of it first, and throws his mirror off the table. "Well, find something to do-" "What's this?" Yellow interjects, picking up the newspaper.
"DON'T INTERRUPT ME!" Duck screeches, only to be ignored by Red. "It's a newspaper." "But what's this say?" Yellow points to an ad, that reads 'Roomate wanted, apply at address below'. Red takes the paper from him, looking closer. "S' a roommate ad. Y'know, for people you live with, like us." He explains, before pausing. His eyes narrow. "Huh. This is our address." Duck snatches the paper. "Our address-" He looks up, even more annoyed. "You put out an ad for another roommate? Am I not enough?". Red shakes his head. "I didn't put out an ad, and he probably didn't either." He glances at yellow. "I don't even think he can read." Red continues to examine the ad, trying to ignore Duck's squabbling. In all this noise, Yellow seems to be the only one to hear a knock on the front door. He hops down from his chair, and heads out of the kitchen. "Where's he going?" Duck asks. The two follow him and peek around the doorframe, watching as he opens the door.
"Uhm, hello?" You greet, looking down at the odd yellow fellow. "Hello!" He greets you, staring up at you blankly. You wait a few moments, but he doesn't go on. "Oh, for god's sake-" A green bird in a tweed jacket pushes him aside with a grunt. "Who're you?" He asks, eyeing you up and down with furrowed brows. "I'm Y/N, I saw an ad in the paper." You reach into the bag hanging at your side and pull out the scrap of paper. "Yeah, says here 'Roomate wanted'.". You try to hand the bird the paper, but he swats it away. "We've seen the ad, we didn't send it! Go away!" He squawks, attempting to shut the door. A red foot stops it from closing all the way, and a much larger red figure looks down at the bird. "Hold on now, come on. You wanted something to do today, maybe we could use a new roommate." The red man proposes.
"What, No! There's three of us! Just three of us!" The bird exclaims. Once more, the two characters argue back and forth, leaving you confused and feeling awkward on there doorstep. "I'm Yellow. It's nice to meet you, roommate!" The yellow man says, extending a hand happily. "Wha- Oh, no! My name isn't roommate, my name is Y/N." You correct, shaking his hand gently. "So Roomates your last name?" Before you can respond, the duck coughs loudly to get your attention.
"Alright, Roommate. We have decided to allow you to stay here, as long as you're entertaining to me." Duck says. "No, I made the decision you could stay, I pay the rent." Red says. "Do you?" He rolls his eyes. "We've got a spare room, upstairs, to the left. You can set up there." Red offers. "We can have bunk beds!" Yellow exclaims, and Red shakes his head. "No, they'll have their own room." Duck nods in agreement. "But... how can you have bunk beds in two different rooms..." Yellow trails off.
"Thank you! I'll go drop my stuff off now." You thank them and head past the duck, into the house and up the stairs. "You think they'll last?" Duck asks, glancing at tred. "W-what?" Yellow asks, worry evident in his voice. "I mean, anyone new we meet pretty much leaves at the end of the day, so they probably will too." Red shrugs. "I mean, I guess it's possible. Just enjoy it while there here." He heads back into the kitchen. "But, I don't want them to leave, I like Roommate." Yellow whines. Duck only scoffs. "Please you just met them." He moves to follow Red, before stopping and turning back to say,
"and there name isn't roommate."
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trecoolsdick · 2 years
literally where did all the fuckin green day blogs go!!!!!!!!!!! i used to follow like a hundred of y’all and now i barely seen anyone actively and consistently posting about them. what the hell and fuck. going through my list of people i follow is like walking through a graveyard. and i Know y’all didn’t just up and stop liking green day. any ppl still active here can take this post as your invitation to follow me because i still love green day and i’m gonna keep this blog going as long as i can!!!!
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11bobear · 2 months
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My experience with SP (Sleep Paralysis)
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I’ve notice that SP has been becoming popular as a method for shifting so I wanted to share my experience because why not !! ✌🏾
Things to keep in mind : 🐇
(For the people who are afraid of SP)
- It’s only scary if you let it be.
- It’s harmless.
- Disrupt your sleep schedule will most likely be the cause of SP.
I’ve seen people talk about how scary sleep paralysis is and then they’ll say they avoid sleep so they won’t get it and I just sit there like 🧍🏾.
you are basically self sabotaging yourself because lack of sleep is one of the common causes of SP.
Now let’s talk about my experiences with SP :
The first time :
I didn’t see any figures the first time I got sleep paralysis, the only strange thing I saw were the walls in my room because they were glowing green.
The second time :
The second time I got SP was on August 26th, 2022. I was really tired that night and of course I decided to sleep on my back <3. I woke up to growling in the corner of my room !!! I couldn’t see the creature but it was terrifying especially since I always sleep in complete darkness. I kept my eyes closed and waited for it to end and it eventually did.
The third time :
I was binge watching a Sally Face gameplay by Kubz Scouts til like 4 am-ish. I fell asleep on my stomach and woke up to the same growling creature AGAIN but this time the noise was even louder. This was the first time I had gotten sleep paralysis in a position that wasn’t me laying on my back.
The fourth time : The strangest one
This one happened not too long ago probably like almost closer to the end of school year but It was a school night and I got like 3 hours of sleep. This was the first time I had gotten SP during the day time. I woke up and was in SP for like a minute or two and then I remember getting out of bed somehow and opening my closet door and walking in. My closet felt like a portal as I walked inside. I didn’t go far because I ended up falling backwards into one of the shelves in my closet. Instead of cracking my head I fell through the shelf and into some sort of void. It’s hard to explain but It felt like reality was literally breaking apart around me and I couldn’t do nothing but sink in deeper. I don’t remember how long I was falling for but I eventually woke up back inside my bed…
The fifth time :
This happened either on the 21st or the 22nd which was when I first heard about using SP as a shifting method. I was listening to Alunir’s (void + raven + heartbeat) method but I didn’t have the intention to get SP that night I decided to stay still while I did my method and relax. After I finished the method, I decided to go to bed and had the intention to wake up in my DR. I could not fall asleep even if my life depended and it was so frustrating (I looked like a hotdog rolling around in my bed). When I finally fell asleep I woke up on my side and I was in SP. Being the idiot that I am I immediately started affirming and then not even 2 minutes later I was out of SP. I didn’t see anything weird that night but while I was affirming I started seeing the outline of a persons face.
Final Thoughts :
This post is low-key random but relevant ig.
It’s important to remember that YOU control YOUR reality and I guarantee after you experience sleep paralysis a few times you’ll realize that SP is not as scary as people make it seem.
Don’t let fear win
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Thats all
Happy shifting !!
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idontknowreallywhy · 5 months
FishTank Week Day 1 for prompt “Wingman”
This started silly and got sillier. I make no apology because I am horribly sleep deprived and writing anything at all under (self-imposed) prompt pressure is usually impossible so even nonsense is better than nothing 😂
Featuring my headcanon that Virg is not in the same drinking league as the military bros…
And also a terrible cheesy earworm.
Everybody’s lookin’ for that SOOOOMEEEETHIIIIIING…
Virgil’s forehead sank onto the bar and squelched slightly. One of the saturated green-and-yellow-striped spill mats (the very ones his little brother had insisted were A SIGN that this was the place they should spend their rare evening off) oozed stale beer into his eyebrows.
He’d been adamant, despite the fact the place’s kitchen was closed for renovation and was almost empty as a result..
In retrospect three handfuls of peanuts plus the many lime wedges from the many beers he had consumed were insufficient stomach lining for a night out with an ex-WASP. He wasn’t even a massive fan of pale lager, particularly not by the bucketload. But, again, Gordo had been militant about his theme and had been so adorably excited about the “little green ship in a big yellow glass! It’s us in opposite-se-sez-sies!”
Yeah that should probably have been their cue to go home.
Well to the hotel.
Which was sort of home. Temporary home? One-night home? Where was the hotel anyway? Had they booked one? He frowned and there was another distracting squelch.
Virgil sat himself up and tried to subtly wring out his eyebrows.
Ooof, may have poked himself in the eye a little there… he blinked rapidly.
The barmaid gave him a look and Virgil did his best effort at a charming grin straight out of the Scott Tracy handbook.
She did not appear charmed.
Damnit. Stupid dimples. Dimples was cheating.
The barmaid walked past and unsubtly removed the glass containing the last third of his 13th pint. 14th? What even was a pint anyway? Imperial measures made zero sense.
Wait! He waved frantically and she returned with a wary expression. Virgil inserted his index and middle finger into the glass and extracted the lime wedge before giving her a wonky thumbs up and dropping it on the bar.
He shrugged and ate it anyway. Interestingly they weren’t even sour anymore.
When you’ve found that special thiiiiiiing…
His brother had covered at least three keys in one line there.
Maybe Virgil should have saved the limes to cram into his ear canals?
He rested his elbow on the bar and propped his chin up on his first and tried to give his brother a Look that meant “stop torturing my ears and let’s go back… to wherever.”
Gordon winked at him theatrically and refused to understand the Look.
Realistically Virgil was sleeping here anyway.
Because his tiny little baby brother who frankly should still be sleeping in a cot and wearing diapers could apparently drink like a fish as well as swim like one and he was in no way done yet. And Virgil had to keep up because he was bigger and it was a matter of pride and he had to keep an eye on the fish. Because the fish was very precious.
A precious fishy idiot who Virgil couldn’t help but love.
A fishy idiot that was now doing his utmost to drive the few remaining customers from the bar by monopolising the karaoke machine.
A simple line can make you laaaaaaugh or cry
The annoying thing was that Gordon could sing. Properly. Well, actually. Virgil enjoyed listening on the rare occasion Gordon didn’t realise he was being overheard.
But he refused to do it when he was in public. Instead they got… this.
Virgil had to acknowledge it took some skill to deliberately remain that out of tune.
At least he’d moved on from the rapping. Virgil’s eye twitched. Some therapy would be required to recover from that.
Although the ballads were not much better - the combo of the twinkly synth string backing and a screeching squid was a match made in hades.
The music swelled and Gordon caught his eye, stood up from the stool he’d perched on, boy band style, and pointed a slightly wobbly finger at his big brother. Ah ha! He wasn’t invincible after all! He was beginning to succumb.
Virgil was jolted back into the present with the realisation Gordon had suddenly forgotten to sing out of tune:
You'll find it in the deepest friendship
The kind you cherish all your life
And when you know how much that means
You've found that special thing
You're flying without wiiiiings.
Virgil sniffed and cursed his drunken brain for being cheesy. Gordon grinned at him then turned to lead a group of middle aged ladies in a passionate and atonal rendition of the middle eight.
He was impossible. Irascible.
Completely idiotic half the time.
Not quite invincible enough for Virgil’s liking.
As he slid slowly off the barstool, Virgil smiled sappily and proudly told the barmaid that Gordy was HIS special thing.
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lady-lunaaa · 1 year
"just say you want me"
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x f!reader
Rating: MATURE, minors dni
Warnings: idiots/rivals to lovers that's literally it (oh and this is set during the Arabasta Arc because that's where I am in the anime k cool)
WC: 2.1K
Thank you to my beloved @gixxie for this request, I AM OBSESSED WITH IT. It's like twice the length it was supposed to be, oops. This idiot has my heart + soul, wanna bicker with him every day till death do us part 💚
You were currently crouched behind some barrels in the dirt in the middle of Nanohana's marketplace. It was as hot as Satan's asshole in Arabasta, not helped by the overcrowded streets and local delicacies being cooked over open flames at various stalls. Not even the obscenely skimpy dancer outfit Sanji picked out for you could placate the devilish heat. You hated it here. And you hated the one crew member you happened to be stuck with.
It was his fault you were hunched over supplies of what could only be perfume, the sickeningly sweet scent causing an ache to form between your brows, hiding from a couple of Marines - a woman carrying a sword and some newbie in full uniform. Zoro always managed to make your life more difficult. And more irritating. Somehow you always got stuck with the agitated swordsman. To the disgust of you both.
You peeked over Zoro's shoulder as he peered out from your hiding place to watch the woman converse with a local, no doubt asking if they had seen your pirate Captain or any of his crew. He looked panicked and very uncomfortable, brows pinching in the middle of his forehead, the longer he watched the interaction.
You rolled your eyes at his theatrics and couldn't help the scorn that slipped past your lips. "Unbelievable. Scared of a pretty little Marine."
Zoro flinched at your voice as if he hadn't realised you were so close and turned to you with a scowl, "I'm not scared, and she's tougher than she looks." He mumbled the last part, eyes flicking back to the blue-haired woman. You had no idea who she was but clearly Zoro did. And knowing him he probably pissed her off to some degree, if his cowering was anything to go by.
Nothing ever went simply for your crew...as if facing off against Crocodile wasn't a daunting enough task. The Marines just had to follow you here and get involved.
"Nawhh, does Zoro have a crush?" You put on your best simpering voice, pouting at your crew mate and making kissy noises. You doubted he actually did, the oaf was always too busy trying to be the world's greatest swordsman to ever entangle himself in romantic feelings (something that made you feel horribly relieved), but your words had their desired intention. Zoro's face grew red with anger as he clenched his jaw to hold back the tirade of insults you knew he wanted to spew at you.
"Shut. Up." He growled at you, a warning in his tone. You'd both been at it all day, bickering back and forth over nothing, the heat prickling at your waning patience. The two of you were even more impossible to be around than usual that even Sanji had made a comment to you about laying off Zoro. And he never defended his green-haired nemesis. It had been very disturbing, indeed.
You just smirked at him, wholly unaffected by the underlying threat simmering in his gaze. "Who knew the greatest swordsman in the world" - you put heavy sarcasm into the title making Zoro bristle further - "could be so shy? Maybe I'll call her ov-"
Just as you pushed yourself to your feet and raised a hand- you were yanked back down again. Your head narrowly missed the metal edge of the barrel and you hissed at your companion, rage bubbling in your gut.
"Idiot!" Zoro seethed, his grip around your wrist tighter than it needed to be, but you wouldn't let him know that. "If she's here, then Smoker isn't far behind."
Oh, you definitely pushed too far this time. Zoro looked as if he was about to throttle you. Good. Now he knew how it felt being around him all day every day.
"Pussy," you scoffed, wrenching your wrist from his fingers with a sniff.
"You're so fucking annoying, yaknow that?" He sighed, dropping his hand to rest on his sword's pommel. Clearly, you'd won this round. The old-man-at-heart had run out of steam. The thought made you immeasurably proud.
"The great Roronoa Zoro finally too afraid for a battle," your tone was light and voice low, testing the waters of his patience. He was faced away from you again, checking the situation in the street, but he stiffened at your persistence - the grip on his swords was so tight that his knuckles turned white.
You decided to be less of a brat and give him an inch. Only one though.
"Besides, you could beat him easy. Don't see why we have to hide." Your voice sounded petulant, like a child's, to your own ears. But the words seemed to breathe new life into your crew mate.
He glanced back at you from the corner of his eye, gaze flicking over your face for a second too long, before he trained it on the Marines once more. "I must be hallucinating because that almost sounded like a compliment."
It was your turn to tell him to shut up. The ghost of a grin pulled at his lips hearing the embarrassment in your voice.
"Shit!" Your quiet sulking was dashed with the panic in his voice. He scrambled backwards further behind the obstructing barrel pulling you with him.
"Fuck, what?!" You shot at him irritatedly, doing your best not to land on your ass in the dust.
"They're coming this way!" He whisper-shouted at you, dark eyes wide as he reached to pull one of his swords from its sheath at his side.
This was bad. All teasing aside, it was a smart choice to stay hidden and out of the Marines' way until you made it back to the ship (hopefully, with your Captain in tow sooner rather than later) -- as Luffy once told you, not everything can be solved with violence. And you were too darn hot to be engaging in battle right now. The crisp sea breeze aboard the Merry was calling to you.
The Marine didn't know your face, most people didn't, for despite your earlier protests at hiding you preferred to fight from the shadows (you were the ship's assassin of sorts). She only knew Zoro's. And since his most prominent feature was hidden behind a large hood all you had to do was make sure she couldn't see his face. So you did the only thing you could think to do.
You pulled Zoro up by his shirt and backed him against the nearest building behind you. He let out a strained 'oof!' as he hit the limestone wall. You didn't give him a chance to protest before you were pressing yourself into his front and smashing your mouth against his.
Zoro went rigid at the action, his shock evident in the way his hands shot up to grip your shoulders, holding your body a hair's breadth away from his despite the hand fisted in his shirt and your lips mushed against his. He could have pushed you away entirely if he wanted to but he knew what you were doing.
You could hear the Marines behind you questioning another citizen. You moved your mouth against his clumsily, trying to communicate through touch that he needed to look less like he was being attacked, and more like he actually wanted this. You cupped the back of his neck with your free hand and traced your fingers over his skin in an oddly comforting gesture to loosen him up.
Zoro hesitantly kissed you back, lips moulding to your own, as the tension left his posture and he relaxed into you slowly. You hummed into his mouth as his calloused hands slid from your shoulders and came to rest on your hips. His hands were so hot against your bare skin that it was chilling. Sweat trickled down your spine as your whole body flushed in response to his touch.
It felt nice. Too nice. And clearly Zoro agreed because he deepened the kiss, nose bumping yours as he changed the angle, exploratory tongue flitting out to request permission. You wanted to protest, push him away, but instead your lips parted instinctually. Obediently. You felt him smile against your mouth, and it made your stomach flip, heat pooling between your legs.
You felt as if you were swimming underwater, the sounds and sensations of the world around you muffled and far off. All you could feel and taste was Zoro. Instead of shoving at his chest you gripped his shirt tighter, so tight that you couldn't feel your fingers, grounding yourself so you didn't get completely lost in him.
His face was warm and his lips surprisingly soft, in harsh contrast to his rough hands pawing at your waist. You weren't a small woman but he still dwarfed you in size -- his frame curled around you as he dipped to better accommodate you against him. It was a soft gesture that made you feel giddier than it should.
He tasted like sea salt and ale. You inhaled his earthy signature of spices and sandalwood, the scent clinging to the inside of your lungs.
Your consciousness bubbled to the surface as a loud crash sounded behind you, your ears ringing harshly as you re-entered reality. The realisation of your predicament and the current position you were in slowly sank into your brain and you pulled gently against the hands holding you.
When Zoro failed to let you go you sank your teeth into his bottom lip, the man cursing you loudly as he reared back and away from you, bumping his head against the wall behind him in the process. You held in a laugh, placing your hand flat against his chest, and smoothing out the wrinkled fabric you had clenched so tightly only seconds before.
You shook your head at him slowly and turned your face to the side to surreptitiously check your rear. Zoro stilled in place as it dawned on him that you were supposed to be stealthy, his long fingers flexing against your bare skin where he still held your waist, keeping you flush against him. Thank fuck your remaining crew mates hadn't been here to see your little show, they'd never let you live it down.
You slumped in relief as your eyes confirmed that the Marines had moved on -- your plan worked. You turned around to smugly announce your victory only to find yourself chest to chest and almost nose to nose with Zoro. Your hand was still pressed against his sternum right over his wildly thumping heart. You flushed, your cheeks heating despite your wishes, as you blinked up at him.
The irritation that had been twisting his face only moments before morphed into a cocky smirk. His arms were still around your waist and he took the opportunity to fondle the tie at your waist that held your skirt up with a thumb and forefinger. You tensed, unprepared for the familiarity of the action. Your thighs clenched together involuntarily seeking friction.
This was the closest you'd ever been to Zoro minus your sparring sessions. But this felt very different than when you were trying to knock him on his ass.
"What the fuck was that?" He asked gruffly, his voice lower and thicker than usual. You admired his lips as he spoke, kiss-swollen and flushed a pretty pink.
You forced your eyes to look anywhere but at his face, worried your staring would betray your internal feelings.
"I-" Any snarky comments died in your throat, because honestly you were as curious as he was. "I don't know," you mumbled, staring hard at the rings decorating your fingers as they lay splayed against his chest.
You sucked in a breath as he crowded your space this time.
"Well, they say the second time's the charm." Zoro mumbled against your cheek, his nose brushing your temple. You swallowed thickly and tried hard to work a scowl onto your face as you pulled away to look up at him.
"Pretty sure it's third time's the charm, dumbass," you sassed with a roll of your eyes . He was such an idiot. You ignored the thought that flitted through your mind that it was sort of endearing.
It wasn't until you finally looked at his expression that you realised the implication your words held and you gulped, blinking up at him rapidly, heart rate skyrocketing.
His shit-eating grin widened, all white teeth and tanned dimples. You didn't even have the energy to be mad about it because he was so stupidly gorgeous when he smiled. If it wasn't for the ruddy hue working its way onto his cheeks you'd be self conscious about your own obvious attraction to him. He let out a puff of air as he looked into your eyes, his breath fanning across your lips and making you shiver in his hold.
He was close again, so close his lips brushed your own when he spoke, "Just say you want me."
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Velvet and Veneer headcannons cause I saw an edit of them on tiktok and i have wanted to do this for ages so- 💚
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Veneer is actually a few years younger than Velvet, the just pose as twins to be even more unique and because of their similarities (Veneer totally didn’t want them to think he’s a baby-🤭)
so technically, I think Velvet is 19 and Veneer is 16 (which is why he acts a bit childish and follows velvet around a lot)
velvet is a Scorpio making her birthday October 24th, and Veneer is a Taurus so his birthday is April 28th
velvet was really protective of veneer as a kid, but it went down the controlling road
veneer is gay (you can’t change my mind)
veneer can actually sing, which is why he used way less troll than velvet did (I can’t remember the movie but I feel like he used Floyd like 1 time 😭 I remember velvet going wild with it tho)
velvets favourite cake flavour is red velvet (lol)
veneer is a Ariana grande fangirl - he’s on her twitter can accounts, on her subreddits, literally made posts insulting people who said someone is better than her, etc
velvet grew up having a crush on Robert pattinson and Tom Felton lol
velvet LOVES Selena Gomez
veneer was a icarly child - he knows the theme song off by heart
velvet watches keeping up with the kardashians
the both watch love island lol
veneer is a just dance child
their last name is faux 💀 (Velvet Diana Faux, Veneer Louis Faux)
veneer sleeps with 100 plushies on his bed (most of them are childhood ones)
veneer has that fear of letting something go, which is why he has all his childhood toys still (I have this too)
velvet got kicked out of her school because she kept skipping lessons
velvet grew up wearing wedges so she never doesn’t wear heels
velvets nicknames for veneer: ven, bro, baby bro, beautiful idiot, goody two shoes (when they were younger)
veneers nicknames for velvet: vels, sis, hun, love
veneer has a crush on harley Quinn lol
velvet was favourited by their parents as kids
velvet is always on the newest tiktok trends, she does them instantly (most of the time she makes the trends lol)
veneer had a wattpad account as a kid and wrote the cutest but cringiest stories ever
veneer is autistic since he struggles understanding sarcasm, he repeats actions a lot, he finds it hard to say how he feels, etc (I’m not autistic even tho my friends think I am so I am so sorry if I have anything offensive or not true here)
velvet has a purple lambo and veneers lambo is green
veneer was such a goody two shoes as a kid
velvet was not happy when veneer was born cuz she thought she was being replaced and wouldn’t be the favourite anymore - but she loved veneer as soon as she, in her exact words: met him
veneer is dating kid ritz
velvet is single - she thinks she’s too good for anyone lol
veneers Disney plus profile pic is Kermit the frog and velvets is maleficent
velvet as a meme:
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veneer as a meme:
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veneers fav movie is shrek 2
velvets fav movie is the hunger games catching fire
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blade-ranger-301 · 19 days
Character Sheet
I've yet to complete reference sheets for all characters and OCs, and I'm going to start posting my Planes 2 fanfic series.
So I'll put some information about 'em here :)
Blade Ranger
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Blade is a young male AW193 hybrid originating from the county of Lancashire, in north England. He's known for having a northern accent. He's about "as broad as they come" - and as a 'northener', he's known for skipping t's and h's and the like when it comes to pronouncing words in a sentence. Typical for people around these parts 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
His dialect often jumps between Lancashire and Mancunian 🐝 as he had spent a lot of time growing up around these areas.
He's strong, attractive, handome, hot, suave, has the most gorgeous blue eyes, and he's known for his grumpiness and short temper. As a typical Brit, he's incredibly stoic, downplays his misfortunes, and he swears...a lot
He's also the chief of Piston Peak Air Attack team, and is one lucky man to have bagged himself the most loyal AW109, who's the queen constantly by his side. He takes no shit off anyone. Anyone new who visits his base will quickly know their place in his territory. This hot ball of anger fuelled by raging testosterone is not someone you want to mess with...ever 🔥🔥🔥
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A young female AW109 with the most beautiful lime green eyes 💚
She's a whole bag of personality. One moment, she's shy, timid and polite - the next, she's passionate, flirty and sassy. Her signature sass look is the rose tinted sunglasses 🕶🩷
She's the PPAA's drop-dead gorgeous secretary - who also happens to be in a fiery relationship with the Chief 😏🔥
She's gentle, caring and loving - yet smart, forward, confident, cocky and annoyingly sassy.
Bravo and Echo
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Ah, the twins...Double trouble
These two Superhornets were born as identical twin brothers, raised by a pair of Superhornets from the Jolly Wrenches squadron.
This handsome pair follow their family lineage and join one of the best of the UK's Navy squadrons, the Jolly Wrenches, learning just what it takes to be with the best of the best and fighting to protect their country.
Bravo is the callsign belonging to a calm and reserved Hornet named "Steve". His modex number is 113. Echo is the callsign belonging to his twin, Daniel: a bouncy, energetic boy who's just a big kid. He has the modex code number of 210.
Bravo is known for his stoicism, calm nature and reserved temperament. Though, he can be grumpier and a little frosty ❄️ Echo is the complete opposite. He's a goofball and a total lovable idiot - but that's why we all love him. For identical twins, they sure have their differences on occasions.
The twins use their stellar instincts and honed-in skills to become two of the squadrons' best troops, taking after their parents, especially their father, who was one of the Wrenches' best Superhornets when he was in his prime.
These twins have it all. The military lineage, the best genetics, the handsome looks, amazing service records, heightened flying skills, and that toned, muscley fuselage (think Top Gun volleyball scene but plane-ified)
Delta and Sierra
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Delta and Sierra - sisters from another mister. These girls are actually cousins, but they've been close their whole lives and consider themselves as sisters.
Delta is the callsign belonging to Daisy. She wears a yellow helmet adorned by loads of small daisy flowers. Her modex number is 222.
Sierra is the callsign belonging to Emily. Her helmet is the same yellow as her cousins, but decorated with small, white polka dots. Her number is 124.
These two become head over wheels for the Jolly Wrenches' most top troops, Bravo and Echo. Delta eventually becomes a pair with Echo, whilst Sierra can't resist the stoic, cool-as-ice Bravo.
These two blue-eyed babes are also pretty decent within the squadron. Not as many missions as their male counterparts, but still a fair few sorties that they've experienced together.
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Micheal is a male British Airways Concorde with blue eyes. He's young, male, handome, suave, and insanely rich. This posh supersonic jet is a certified billionaire, though he's very humble about it. He's not one of these posh snobs with a 'Buckingham Palace' London accent, oh no. Despite all the money at his disposal, he's still humble, caring, decent, and a gentleman. He loves to help his close friends if he can. He loves to treat himself and his loved ones, but will occasionally donate a little bit to charities every so often.
He's fast as well as rich. He set the world record for the fastest Concorde to travel from London Heathrow to New York airport.
He loves speed, but upon meeting a Ryanair 737 and unexpectedly falling in love, she teaches him that there's more to life than going fast. Sometimes it's good to slow down; both materially and physically.
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Amy is a female Boeing 737 Max 8 with light blue eyes. She has the sexy split scimitar wingtips that are nornally seen on the 737-800's, and she wears the Ryanair livery.
Amy may be cute and small, but she has a huge heart and a big personality. She's headstrong, forward, confident and sassy.
Nothing annoys this sassy little lady more than the stupid 'Ryanair hard landing' memes, but she doesn't need to speak to stand her ground. Her perfected buttery landings are all that's needed to be said 🧈
Amy eventually meets the most humble, genuine, most handome Concorde in her life. When they eventually fall in love and become a pair, Amy learns to keep this white rocket on a short leash. She's the only one that can slow him down 🚀
Stella and Logan
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The proud parents of identical twins, Bravo and Echo.
Before the kids came along, Stella and Logan were active members of the Jolly Wrenches squadron in the 1990's.
Back then, Logan was one of the best Hornets of the Wrenches in his prime, with an impeccable service history and performance record. Stella obviously saw potential in this particular male, yet still played hard to get when they first met. Now, they have two beautiful children to call their own, something that they always wanted. A family.
(I haven't created helmet designs, callsigns or modex numbers for these two yet 😭 hoping I will one day)
Other characters may be mentioned in future posts, art and fanfics. Typically the Jolly Wrenches, staff at Piston Peak, and the rest of the PPAA crew. I have no developments for them as of yet
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