#aegon targaryen hc
Name Day Gifts - Team Green
prompt: my friend's birthday as coming up and she asked if I would do some headcanons for what the Team Green boys would get their partner for their birthday/name day.💚 --------------------------------------------
As the King, Aegon had the right call any number of feasts & tourneys to order, for whatever reason he chooses. What better reason than your Name Day? He would be extremely involved in the planning. From the music, to the entertainment, to even having your favorite foods catered for the event. He even has a dress made, embroidered with his own personal dragon sigil, as a gift for the party. All of this is for you, and he is happy to see you enjoying yourself. But there is a part of Aegon, later in the evening and after too much wine, that he is jealous over all the attention you are giving others. The needy King will eventually spirit you away all for himself.
Aemond is not one for celebrating Name Days. Any idiot can be born. It is true achievement that should be praised. But, he is neither cold hearted enough nor foolish enough to realize not everyone feels this way. He would give you your gift in private. Handing it to you like any other prize, with no more flourish than “for another year older”. He would have the royal jeweler craft a sapphire pendant for you, suspended on a white gold chain, with facets as intricate as a dragon’s egg. “To act as my eye when I am not around.” He would tell you. To watch over you. To protect you. The promise is the real gift, the necklace is just flare.
Gwayne is terrible at picking gifts. Completely hopeless, if one were being honest. His heart is in the right place, as he often gets things based on some innate fact of trivia his partner has given him. Example? You once mentioned you liked persimmons, so he procured a whole crate for you, by which you could never finish them all before they rot. He leans on his sister for advice, which are all practical and traditional gifts for a Name Day. In the end, however, he gets them a horse. As Alicent mentioned something they could do together and he thought ‘I like riding’, so Gwayne presented them with the most beautiful white mare he could find so they could go riding together.
He of course cannot let their relationship be known, due to his oath, but he remembers all the same. With the power of his position, Criston would sneak into your chambers and leave a small parcel on your bed or dresser for you to find. A small trinket of a golden spear cloak pin. Seemingly innocent, but the meaning is clean. Gold for his cloak. A spear as the symbol of his Dornish heritage. And finally, a cloak pin so you can wear it over your heart. Though he can never say it, Criston swells with pride every time he sees you wear it; which is almost daily after your Name Day.
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gojuo · 2 months
sunfyre's singing 🥹 he sounds like he belongs to the seas 🌊
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franzkafkagf · 3 months
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the fact that aegon (presumably) went to the same brothel for his first time he took young aemond to later… something about how abuse begets abuse and how we perpetuate these cycles without realizing the harm we‘re causing and the abuse we suffered ourselves…..
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Sitting In Their Lap
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Aegon: He is pleased that you are showing affection towards him by sitting down on his lap. He would likely put his arms around you and hold you close, maybe even kiss you. He would also take note of how you were dressed, if you are wearing something revealing then he might even try to peek down your clothes.
Aemond: If you seated yourself upon his lap, it would no doubt bring forth a sense of warmth within his heart. The feeling of your weight, of your closeness, would bring him immeasurable joy. And as you shifted about on his lap, he would not hesitate to take an opportunity to wrap his arms around you, to bury his face into the crook of your neck, to nuzzle your cheek and nibble your ear.
Jacaerys: "Ahem." He cleared his throat, feeling the weight of you on his lap. Slowly, he'd wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer. His eyes linger on your face, a small smile creeping up his lips. He can't help the wave of affection that ripples through him. After all, he'd been longing for your touch.
Lucerys: His reaction to you sitting in his lap would depend greatly on the context of the situation and your level of commitment to each other. In general, he would welcome the physical closeness and intimacy, and be open to any type of affectionate physical interaction that you desire. However, if he felt that the intention of you sitting in his lap was more about control and dominance rather than love and affection, then he would likely respond in a more reserved and guarded manner. Overall, he would aim to communicate clearly with you and be receptive to whatever feelings you might be expressing through your actions.
Rhaenyra: In truth, she finds it quite pleasant. She enjoys the warmth of the contact, as it makes her feel connected to you. There is also something intoxicating about feeling the weight of her partner in her lap. The feeling of your curves against her is exhilarating. She has also quite enjoyed having her lap used as a pillow by you after a long day.
Daemon: To set the scene, he would find it most stimulating if his partner were of his choosing, preferably a beautiful person such as yourself. If you were to sit on his lap, he would gently caress your hips and thighs while his other hand found its way to somewhere more private.
Alicent: A surprise to be sure. A welcome one. A fine way to pass to the afternoon, mayhaps with you leaning back against her. And she does hope you don't get up anytime soon so that she might have the opportunity to nibble your neck and plant a few light kisses on your soft skin.
Helena: She'd be shocked at first. She's not used to such boldness, as many would be. After a moment to recompose herself, she'd run her hands up your arms and pull you close to her if you were receptive. She'd run her fingers through your hair and give you a long, sweet kiss. Then she'd whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
Harwin: He would react with a small smile and a light chuckle. He would be happy to have you so close to him, and the physical contact would feel like a warm embrace. It would be a small, intimate moment between the two of you, and it would likely be an indication that you feel comfortable and secure with him.
Cregan: With a sly, smug smile, Cregan slowly wraps his muscular arms around your waist, drawing you closer. He'll pull your body tight against his, letting you feel the warmth and subtle power of his body. He'll slowly tilt his head so that your foreheads are touching, looking directly into your eyes with a sly smirk. He'll gently nibble and kiss your neck, while teasingly whispering in his charming voice: "Why so eager, my love?"
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annwrites · 13 days
being aegon ii targaryen's personal chambermaid (which he falls in love with) would include:
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a/n: i am not anti-helaena. she's one of my favorite characters. but i found, in the show, how quickly they had her get over "the boy's" (gods-forbid she call him his damn name) death, to be really distasteful & disrespectful to her book counterpart, so, reader is gonna be aegon's babies' loving step-mommy now. ♡
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he would be wary of you at first.
he'd be acting under the assumption that you're dyana's replacement which has been hand-chosen by his mother to spy on him. especially since you are assigned to him & him alone, he later comes to discover when you tell him.
"Who are you?" "Your new chambermaid, My Prince," you reply with a polite curtsy, folding your hands in front of you while keeping your eyes downcast. "Dyana's replacement. Y/N, if it pleases you." He hums in feigned interest for a moment. "Did my mother send you, then?" You waver. "She did. I was hand-selected by her—" "To spy on me?" He interrupts, crossing his arms. Your brows furrow and you hesitantly meet his eyes. "No, My Prince." He rolls his eyes. "No, of course not. She sent you to what, then? Change my sheets and bathe my children?" "She...assigned me solely to you, My Prince. It was requested the maid be young and modest. Devoted wholly to you and your needs." He raises a brow. "Devoted? My needs?" He takes a step closer. "And did she disclose to you, what, precisely, 'my needs' are to be defined as?" You blink at him. "I assume tending to your chambers, My Prince. Cleaning and organizing them. Fetching your meals, and hot water for your baths. Tending to your clothing when necessary. Building the fire within your hearth and so on." His violet eyes trail along you while he chews the inside of his cheek. "Are you, then? Devoted to me?" He asks with a sarcastic snort. You nod slowly. There is no other acceptable way to reply than with agreement. "Of course, My Prince." He huffs, stepping away, pouring himself a glass of wine. "I shall leave you to it, then." You step over to his bed and begin stripping it of last night's linens—his gaze remaining upon you all the while.
he would act quite indifferent to you, initially. nevertheless, he watches your every move as you flit about his room, tidying & cleaning.
it takes awhile before he bothers with attempting conversation with you.
and when he does, it's 'innocent' enough in nature. he's always careful of keeping in-mind, that, when he speaks to you, he may very-well be speaking—by proxy—to his queen mother.
"You're very pretty," he remarks, feet propped up atop his dining table while he sits near a window, sipping idly on sweet wine. You slowly turn round to him from the mantle you'd been dusting. "M-me, My Prince?" He gestures toward the vacant room. "Who else might I be speaking to?" You nervously wring the small towel you hold between your hands, your cheeks warming, which causes him to smile slightly. "Thank you, My Prince." He takes a sip from his chalice. "Aegon," he offers. "No need for all this ridiculous formality when we spend near-every waking moment together now." You nod, unsure that it's appropriate to begin addressing him by his given name, but the two of you are alone. And you're meant to obey him. To please him. "Aegon," you reply with a nod, and a sweet smile. He raises his cup. "Better."
unable to help himself, the vow he made, internally, to keep his distance & make minimal conversation with you, falls to the wayside in his unhappy loneliness.
he, in time, will send for you for you when it is late and everything is too quiet because—oh, would you look at that?—the tunic he'd intended to don tomorrow needs a button replaced.
or—he's hungry and wishes for something sweet from the kitchens. he needs you fetch it for him.
but, before you can leave, he offers you some wine, or merely to share in his meal. all an excuse to keep you longer, you both know, but neither of you acknowledge it aloud.
eventually, he begins following you around his chambers while you're cleaning—so close that when you turn with arms full of sheets, you slam right into his chest.
he'll briefly apologize, tucking some hair behind your ear, before continuing on with his babbling.
"I went up on Sunfyre just this morn with Jaehaerys—it will be some years yet before he is able to ride his own, Shrykos, by himself. He laughed, though, the whole while. Helaena hardly bothers with ever leaving this damn place. Someone has to take the boy outside. She's so fucking dull. I wish mother had let Aemond have her, but I'm instead stuck—bound to her in matrimony," he states with a mocking lilt to his voice. He follows you over to his wardrobe while you hang up his freshly-washed tunics, trousers, and cloaks. "I mean, she talks in riddles when you do try conversing with her, so what's the point in even attempting? Do you want to know what she told me the other day?" You glance to him, then back to your current task. "She said that I will 'take up objects like a king of old' and 'so, too, shall Rhaenys come again'. What in Seven Hells does that even mean? Objects? What bloody objects? And we have a Rhaenys now. Is she planning a visit?" He grips your hip, so you turn to him. "Do you've any idea what she's on about in her madness?" You close the doors to his wardrobe, leaning back against it. "Maybe—" He cuts you off short, waving his hand, taking your own within it, walking you over to his dining table so you can tend to it next. "She's simple, is what she is. I pray our children turn out far different. Jaehaerys seems, already, to take more after me. Jaehaera looks more like her, but it's just as well: she's her mother." You begin gathering plates from when he broke his fast. "Have you ever been near a dragon?" He asks. You look up at him. "I've not." His lip twitches. "Do you wish to ride one?" "I'm not su—" "There is always the option of riding one without wings," he states with a wink, walking across the room, throwing the curtains to his balcony open, looking at you over his shoulder. "Fine day for it." You smile nervously, returning to your chores.
the day aegon introduces you to sunfyre, you're terrified, until he takes your hand in his, pressing it to the golden dragon's neck, and he practically purrs in contentment.
and then he has the two of you climb atop him, and you are given the honor—a singular experience—of riding through the clouds on a dragon.
aegon holds you close with a wide smile upon his lips whole he laughs contently with you in his arms.
the longer you're in his company, the more flirtatious he grows toward you. and, quite shockingly—even to him—loyal as well.
he ceases late-night trips to the street of silk, instead wanting for you to remain by his side late into the evening, until he manages to finally get you to stay long enough that you fall asleep in his bed while the two of you are conversing.
he'd honestly planned for you to stay so late that it's where you end up sleeping, but the thought of asking you to stay the night makes him feel even mildly pathetic. so, waiting until you were so exhausted that you merely passed out had seemed the next best option.
he still has yet to receive any sort of sign or confirmation that you feel similarly toward him as he does toward you: affection and fancying and all.
so, the next morning, right after you've woken is when he asks it.
"Do you like me?" You blink open bleary eyes which quickly widen when you realize you'd spent the night in the prince's bed. You shoot up—your hair a wild mess as you stare at him. "W-What?" "Do you like me?" He repeats, gently tucking tangled locks behind your ear with a shaking hand. "Yes, of course I do," you say, leaning the least bit toward him. He frowns slightly. "It is your job to say yes. Of course you would." He makes to get out of bed, until you grab his hand. He instantly turns back to you with a hopeful look in his eyes, much like a puppy might do its beloved owner. You scoot toward him, gently cupping his cheek. "I like you a great deal, Aegon. It surprises me, with all the time we spend together, you need me confirm it." He shrugs, lacing his fingers between yours. "It is your duty to be loyal to me. Kind and...what-not. It can be difficult to dissuade where that duty ends and true friendship—or otherwise—begins." Slowly, you slide a hand up his warm, bare arm, smiling softly. "All I do now, I do out of devotion which comes from me and me alone." He blinks at you, his face growing warm. "Devotion, hm?" You nod. He glances down to your hands—considering—remaining silent for a considerable amount of time whilst his heart pounds in his chest at the mere thought of asking his next question. But he does it anyway, despite his nerves, because he needs hear the answer. He has wondered for weeks. At the very least, has wished to hear it for that long. He's wished to for far longer, in truth, from anyone. But none utter it. Not his mother, or father, or siblings. Mayhaps...you will. "Do you...love me?" He asks, glancing to you from under silver lashes, wanting to crawl out of his skin, or take to the skies upon Sunfyre and disappear above the clouds for a few hours to escape this Gods-awful embarrassment. You smile widely, which he quickly matches—heart leaping and bounding in his chest at the hopeful sight. And then, most unexpectedly, you crawl into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. "What gave it away?" He crushes his lips to yours in elation.
He deigns you are to spend all your time at his side from that moment forward.
you are to eat together, sleep together, take walks together. he wishes deeply to take things in a more intimate direction, but doesn't want to scare you off when he's only just earned your love.
nevertheless, he's a young man & can't help himself. he wants what he wants & what he wants is to be buried inside of you as much as possible.
"Have you ever...known a man?" He asks with a raised brow of interest. You still—your hand hovering over the game of Cyvasse you are currently winning—as per usual. "Do you mean—" "Are you still a maiden?" He quickly asks, thus elaborating. You settle your hands into your lap, heart fluttering at the knowledge he's after. "I am." He grins. "That pleases me greatly to hear, Y/N." You flush, growing warm between your thighs. "It...does?" He nods, resting his arm atop the table. Slowly, he begins to slide it to the left, knocking everything off the surface and onto the floor—game pieces, tiny elephants and dragons and trebuchets tumbling across marble. He stands then, as do you, and he leans over, grabbing your face in his hands, and he begins to kiss you passionately. And then he breaks the intimate embrace for only a moment. "May I have you?" He whispers, cock straining against his trousers. You smile lovingly. "You already have all of me, Aegon. I would deny you nothing when it comes to myself. Including this. I am, as ever, wholly yours. In every way." He grins widely before walking around the table, scooping you into his arms, and carrying you over to your now-shared bed.
aegon is painstakingly gentle with you in bed.
very slowly, he rocks his hips against yours, gazing down upon your face all the while.
he loves seeing the expressions you make—the flush across your cheeks and naked skin.
it makes him impossibly harder when you whine and whimper and moan and sigh.
gets him ever-closer when you call his name while he's deep inside you.
he tells you how much he adores you. how he loves and cares for you. that he'd do anything to make you happy.
He never bothers with asking you to drink moontea after he's spilled his seed inside of you.
You're the one, instead, who procures it for yourself, even if he actually—secretly—wants to get you with child.
He loves the three little ones he already has, so he'd very much like a fourth. Maybe a fifth, and so on. And the thought of it being with you? It fills him with inexplicable joy.
especially since the children he has now already enjoy your company just as much as he. and he knows you adore them in return.
You hold Jaehaera in your lap while Aegon plays with his boys across the room—Maelor slamming wooden blocks together and Jaehaerys giggling as his father makes a wooden dragon soar over his head, breathing fictional dragonfire. You read quietly to the little girl as she sucks on her thumb, staring at the illustrated pages before her with wide, violet eyes that much resemble her father's. Maelor stands, walking over to you, and then he gently tugs on your skirts. You smile down at him while he raises his arms, wanting you to pick him up. You set the book down, shifting Jaehaera to your other knee, and just as you make to retrieve the little boy, he utters it. "Mama." Your head immediately jerks in Aegon's direction, and his in yours. You remain still, staring at him with unsure eyes, unknowing of what to do—what he must be thinking. And then Aegon smiles, and he calls the little boy's name. Maelor turns back to him, and Aegon's eyes flit to you for a moment as he nods in your direction. "Say it again, my boy." You open your mouth to tell him he should not be encouraging it—he already has a mother—but are interrupted. "Mama." You lift him into your lap, pressing a kiss to his forehead. You look back to Aegon and he beams at you in return.
unknown to you, aegon has been encouraging his children in secret to begin calling you as much.
helaena seems, at times, grossly indifferent to them—more interested in her bugs and riddles than anything else.
whereas you've always been attentive.
he knows you would make a wonderful mother to fruit of your own womb.
it is something he very much desires, so he begins hinting at it eventually.
"Is it not distasteful?" You raise a brow, dabbing at your lips with a cloth after having finished a small mug of moontea. "Hm?" He nods to the cup you hold. You shrug slightly, settling it atop the dining table. "It's a necessity." A muscle in his jaw feathers nervously as he comes closer to you, threading his fingers in your hair. "What if it wasn't?" Your eyes flit between his own. "I don't underst—" He rests his free palm against your belly, his eyes studying it for a moment before meeting your own once again. "What if it wasn't?" He repeats. A small smile crawls across your lips.
when you finally conceive, the two of you keep it a secret between you for as long as you can manage, until alicent one day catches the two of you in a private hallway.
aegon is smiling, caressing your stomach, telling you how the two of you should begin discussing names soon.
filled with fury, she returns to her chambers, then summons him to them to confront him on what he's done.
"With child, Aegon?! As if you have not sullied your great house's name enough—have not dishonored your father and I enough, as well as yourself time and again—you get a serving girl with child?" She shouts, her voice echoing across her chambers. Aegon sits silently upon a plush green lounge, his sweating palms tightly gripping his knees while he keeps his head slightly bowed, not wishing to meet her disapproving eyes. "Have you nothing to say for yourself?" She asks in exasperation. "I love her," he states quietly. She mumbles something incoherent, pinching the bridge of her nose, wrapping her other arm around herself—her opposite hand coiled into a fist. "You've a wife—it is shameful I need keep reminding you! How could you've let this happen again, you fool? What of Helaena, or your children—" "Children she barely acknowledges?" He asks, interrupting. His eyes meet hers then, continuing on. "Y/N acts far more a mother to them than she does. She acts wife to me in all but name as well—gives me the love my own never has. That you never have." Alicent remains silent. "I know you are disappointed in me. Perhaps you've always been. I'm not what... Whatever you'd envisioned for yourself for your first-born son. I'm not like Aemond. And naming me after a Conqueror was never going to make me one, mother. My children, Sunfyre, and she are all that bring me joy. I won't let you take her from me." Alicent throws her hands up in exasperation, resting them on her hips. "What do you think to do, Aegon? Take her as your official mistress? It will humiliate all of us." He shakes his head, face screwing in confusion and irritation. "You chose her for me!" "To be your chambermaid, not your whore!" He stands then, fuming, hands bunched into fists as his sides. "Mayhaps you should've been more specific in your commands when you assigned her to me, then. 'Devoted wholly to my needs'? You mean to pretend you never intended this? For me to—to take her solely to bed so I'd stop visiting the Street of Silk, so I'd stop flirtations with random serving wenches? I give you what you want, and still I am punished for it! We are devoted to one another. Just leave us be!" Alicent seats herself, resting her face in her hands for a moment. "I will make arrangements. She and the child will be well-cared for. But this stain must be hidden. If not wholly washed from history altogether. No one can know. I won't allow it." Her eyes meets his then, which are filled with tears. "Please," he pleads as they begin to slip down his cheeks. "I don't want to live without her." Alicent stands, clasping her hands before her in finality. "It is done. I will give you an evening to say your goodbyes. Come the morn, she will be sent away to a location undisclosed to you." He roars in anger, throwing a wine glass against the wall, staring at her with a look of utter loathing before stalking out, slamming the door behind him.
come the next morn, however, alicent's plans never come to fruition when viserys is found dead in his bed.
aegon begs his mother not to make him do it—he does not wish to be king—but his wishes, are, as ever, not considered.
he keeps you close to him all through the day for comfort and reassurance, even if you yourself are frightened.
he will not allow alicent so much as near you.
he tells her that she gave him a conqueror's name, he lives in his home, has bestowed upon him his sword, coronated him with his crown, will be given his armor, and will sit his throne, so he—just like his forebear—will take a second wife for love.
"I know what my first measure shall be once I am crowned king," he whispers, his forehead pressed to your own, his eyes squeezed tightly shut as he holds your face in his hands. You rest your hands against his chest. "What might that be, my love?" He leans back, gazing into your eyes with a look of certainty unlike you have ever seen—utter seriosity. "I mean to take a second wife."
and so, not but a couple days after he is crowned, the two of you are joined as one in the sept, much to his mother's dismay.
and so begins his employment as king of the realm, even if he is scared out of his wits and wants naught to do with it initially.
the clear disregard his small council has for his opinions becomes quickly apparent.
so he confides in the only person he knows actually respects him: you.
and you council him from the position of someone who is a commoner, trying to guide him toward mercy. not that he does not wish that for himself.
he just...wants his people to love him.
he wants to be a benevolent king.
but then aemond kills luke.
and then they come for his own children.
and he loses his little boy. his jaehaerys.
and he goes mad with grief.
you are heartbroken yourself—so distressed you fear losing the babe you carry inside of you—but you know you must calm your husband, even if you are frightened of him in this moment as he screams for war, and fire, and blood as he destroys his father's life's work.
"My love, please!" You cry through blinding tears, clutching at your pregnant belly, your little one stirring madly within your womb, as if it can sense your and its father's shared agony. And then Aegon holds Blackfyre in your direction—his eyes wild—and he presses the tip to your stomach. "My Jaehaerys is dead! That fucking whore took my boy! And you wish for me to what? Quell my rage?! You common whore! I see it now! I see what you are!" You back away slowly, terror filling you at his words—his unspoken threat toward your and your child's life. You shake your head, cradling your belly, your tears near to drowning you as you choke on them, unable to so much as speak in reply. "Get out!" He cries, reigning down on white stone spires. "Get out! I cannot look at you! Out! Out!" Ser Arryk grabs you by the arm, wrenching you away, toward safety. He spirits you away to vacant chambers, where he stands watch for your protection. And so you sit and wait—trembling in fear, terrified of what may happen to you now. He'd...he'd turned on you so easily. Had called you...what he did. Has he always seen you in such a manner? You try not to think on it too long. Tonight is not about you and your feelings. Jaehaerys is dead. He has been brutally murdered. And you want Rhaenyra to pay. Dearly. What happened to Lucerys had naught to do with Aegon. If she wished to punish, why had she not, instead, targeted Aemond? That little boy... Your little boy—for you have come to regard him as such. You will never hold him again. Will never sing or read to him again. Will never watch Aegon play knights and dragons with him again. You cradle your head in your hands, and weep. You've nearly cried yourself to sleep when Ser Arryk enters, telling you that His Grace is asking after you. And so you follow silently behind him, holding your belly, your chin wobbling in fear of what's to happen to you. You've never feared Aegon before. Never. But tonight...you fear for your very life. You enter his chambers, the doors shutting softly behind you, and you glance to them over your shoulder, wishing a guard had stayed. Mayhaps he ordered them out for what is to occur. You steel yourself, padding closer, tears slipping down your cheeks as you keep your eyes focused on Aegon who sits before the room's hearth, trembling and quietly sobbing. His head shoots up and you still. He stands and you clutch your belly impossibly tighter. He comes toward you and your heart hammers between your breasts. And then he falls to his knees, clutching at your skirts as he howls in agony. "Forgive me! Forgive me, please! I'm so fucking sorry! I'm so sorry! My boy! They killed my boy! You have to forgive me!" He suddenly stands then, taking your face roughly between his hands, his eyes flitting rapidly between your own. "Y-You have to forgive me. You have to! You're—You're my wife—Queen. You have—You can't leave me!" Gingerly, you wrap your arms around him and the two of you sink to the floor while you gently rock him. "My boy!" He hollers, echoing through the halls and into the night. It's some time later before you manage to coax him into bed. And once the two of you have lied down, dawn has just begun to grace the horizon. He wraps himself around you like a child would its mother for comfort, whimpering and sniffling and shaking in fear. So you sing to him the Song of the Seven. And he falls asleep in your arms, begging for Jaehaerys to come back to him.
aegon is very, understandably, sullen after jaehaerys' death.
he returns to keeping you at his side at all times—even during small council meetings—so you can soothe him.
and then otto suggests a procession where his baby's body will be put on display for the people.
and you watch the distraught look on your husband's face grow with fervor as the people in that room talk about his little boy like a prop to bastardize rhaenyra.
so you hold your husband, cradling his head as he cries against your breast, glaring at any who dare glance in your direction with questioning looks.
"You would dare use the corpse of your King's son for political benefit? Have you no decency? No honor? Have none of you children yourself, or is it hearts you do not possess?" Otto stands tall when he replies simply. "Your presence here is a mere courtesy to His Grace in his hour of need. You hold no seat at this table." "Your Grace," you hiss. "I am your Queen. You should remember that next time you mean to address me, along with whom is whom's better. The roles are now reversed, ser. And my position comes with a great many benefits. Including utilization of obtaining justice. In various forms." The King's Justice is the unspoken threat that hangs in the silent, taught air. None speak in his defense—including the King—leaving him suddenly without allies as you wield the metaphorical sword that is your tongue. He knows naught that you have done so before within this room—your husband serving as proxy as you gave him council on how to handle the very vipers which have made their nests all around you. He should have cut them off at the head. Then again, there is always time. Otto bows his head. "Your Grace."
read my post here on reader counseling aegon on what to do after alicent tells him to do nothing, in regards to politics, bc he is an "inferior king", essentially (it doesn't entirely match up with this post, bc when i wrote it, i hadn't entirely fleshed out my idea of aegon's & reader's relationship (as in: she becomes pregnant & subsequently, his queen).
after rook's rest, you remain vigilant by aegon's bedside, watching over him, doing whatever you can to help, or to soothe his pain.
he tells you he is a hideous beast now.
you assure him otherwise. that he is & will always be beautiful to you. inside & out. that he holds your heart entirely until it stops beating.
he "jokes" that he is fortunate he "got you with child before he lost his manhood".
he tells you he will never be able to pleasure you again. that you should abandon him and start your life anew with a new man. a man in general.
you assure him—as you trail your fingertips lightly along his body—that there are other ways you may pleasure each other. many things which you one day may explore together in intimate moments.
he begins to weep at your undying love for him.
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a/n: more to be added, perhaps, when we get the next season. i'm not going to follow the events of fire & blood with this post since the show has stopped doing as much itself, which this post is based off of.
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jelloholic · 1 month
HotD Characters at School Headcanons
(That I may or may not have also posted on other apps)
Super senior
In the yearbook committee for fun
Skips most classes
Surprisingly chill once u talk to him
Most hated tutor
Head of debate club
Says cringe quotes to look mysterious
A common 'hear me out' crush'
Wears cat ears to school
'Popular loner' because she's very nice
Has a palm and tarot card reading side-hustle at lunch
Victim of many "ur mom" jokes
Guy every girl has a crush on
He gets in many fights despite trying his best to control his temper
Star football player
Teacher's pet
Still bullied for calling a teacher "mom" a year ago
In science concentration
No one dares fight him because of the 'eye incident' with Aemond
Older girls dote on him
Surprisingly high grades
He cried on the first day because he didn't want his momma to leave
Best track athlete
She gets into a huge amount of political arguments
Every lesbian's first crush
Theater kid
Befriends losers because she feels bad for them, it always ends badly
A secret stoner, everyone freaked out when she got caught
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cmhcny · 3 months
there’s something so poetic & tragic about dragon riders tying themselves to their dragons- it explains their bond so well. they fly together and they will have to die together
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mothdoly · 2 years
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local king visits the north, is miserable
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kentstoji · 8 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤparing. platonic hotd x reader. + male!oc x reader.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤsetting. house of the dragon. ㅤㅤ
ㅤㅤㅤㅤtype. headcanons (tw. future yandere)
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤthe battle of a woman was waged in her birthing bed, surrounded by blood and sweat. alicent hightower forced herself to accept this reality when her father officially made her a political pawn in an endless game of manipulations. the prize was the hightower blood immortalized in the twisted metal of swords forming the iron throne.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤaegon was an easy birth, without concerns. fragile helaena presented herself to the world silently, carrying a tranquility that would follow her later. and y/n was fire and blood —perfectly embodying the words of her house, her father's house.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤconsidered a jewel in the eyes of the court and engraved in the memory of popular imagination, y/n was the third child of the union between viserys targaryen and alicent of house hightower. she inherited her father's gentle and pacifistic nature, trying to cling to blood ties to avoid conflicts.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ(and when her mother whispered in her ear that helaena—or even she—would be the queen, the young girl looked away, coldly ignoring the treacherous poison. however, in her heart, she lacked the strength to stop loving her mother.)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤshe was often seen in the company of her siblings, helaena and daeron. despite loving and respecting her relatives equally, aegon made her feel disproportionately uncomfortable, and aemond easily left her aside, seeking acceptance from rhaenyra targaryen's children for not having a dragon.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ"no, thank you!" y/n declined with a plastic smile when her mother suggested accompanying aegon to keep him in line. "i promised to help my sister, with little joffrey."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤand, as usual, she pretended not to feel the dissatisfaction emanating from the queen at the mention of the realm's delight.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤcriston cole made it his personal mission to escort the princess to the vicinity of princess rhaenyra's chambers. and she had to admit that he at least tried to conceal the growing disdain in his stern features. he even managed to control his cruel tongue, much to the young princess's relief. deep down, she was aware of the vision cole had crafted regarding her: immaculate, chaste, and flawless.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤthe maiden herself.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤy/n's confidant, addam celtigar, chuckled upon hearing the youngest princess's account. his broad shoulders shook violently as whispers flowed through her lips, revealing an unpleasant revelation.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ"and who will protect our little princess from criston cole?" addam inquired, not losing his characteristic good humor.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ"you're terrible!" there were no courtesies or falsehoods between them. there never were.
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nxpthys · 3 months
Aegon: Sleep is the body’s best safety mechanism. Jaehaera: How so daddy? Aegon: It keeps you from screwing up for 8 hours.
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
I NEED more of the aegon x older sister AU!
Like what if Otto tried to send reader on a betrothal tour like Rhaenyra did? Or what if at a Tourney another knight asked for readers favor? Otto would be doing everything he possibly can to contain Aegon lol
Would Aegon still become the type of person he was in the show/books? Or would he try and become the best version of himself to impress reader?
What if, to try and separate Aegon and reader, Viserys sent reader to live with Daemon in Essos? Or sent to ward somewhere else? I bet once Aemond had Vhagar Otto would try to use him to keep Aegon from flying to reader.
This somehow took a wholesome turn???
The beautiful unwed Targaryen princess??? you best believe noblemen and knights alike are lining up and down the block just to get a glimpse. Yours is always the first favour to be asked for. I'd imagine there would be people willing to move down in the lists for the opportunity to get to you first.
Aegon goes fucking feral every single time and it's getting harder and harder to keep him on a leash. He is practically sitting on top of you at this point. No matter how hard Otto or Viserys try Aegon will never accept any seat other than the one next to yours. Fingers entwined with yours, head resting on your shoulder- breathing in the oils you'd been bathed in.
He has no shame, the moment you sit back down after offering a favour or even speaking to another man he's either pulling you back down into his lap, or leaning in to place kisses against your face, neck, hands anything he can reach. All the while glaring murder at whoever had the audacity to even look at you.
Gods forbid Otto ships you off to be a ward somewhere or even worse on a tour like Rhaenyra's. He's been plied up with wine so he doesn't notice your departure until you have long since been shipped off.
It's a miracle that King's Landing doesn't burn that day.
Aegon's screams echo through the keep and anything that he can get his hands on is destroyed. rip Otto's belongings.
In the dragon pit Sunfyre is having his own fit. He eats three people and burns a lot more and for once your dragon isn't interested in stopping him.
The second he figures out where you are he is making a break for the dragon pit and it takes a surprising amount of the King's guard to prevent it. He has to be locked in his own chambers which amounts to days of screaming and a completely trashed room.
Luckily Aemond is all too happy to offer his assistance. He’s grown up seeing how you are with Aegon and even to a lesser extent him and Helaena and he thinks it normal. So he’s also quite upset big sis got sent away.
The arrival of Vhagar at whatever poor Lord's keep you've found yourself in is enough to deter many of the more cowardly lords. Aemond is also smart enough to play up his time with you and is content to sit in your lap like a baby instead of the 13-year-old he is.
Being the dutiful princess you are, you finish the tour. Though it quickly becomes more of a strained formality as Aemond has become your personal glaring necklace and Vhagar looms threateningly.
As for the kind of person Aegon is. You would never allow your beloved baby brother to fall into the pit he has in the show. You keep him away from wine and ale, he is not even allowed to drink a few glasses until he is past 16.
He has no desire to indulge in whores, that just means more time spent away from you after all. But I do imagine him getting frustrated/wanting to know how to bets please you and as such will pay a few visits to the streets of silk. He'll never finish inside any of them though. You are the only person that will ever bear his children.
With your constant stream of adoration and reassurance he is nowhere near as bad mentally as he is in the books/show.
You are just as scary as Aegon and the first time you catch Alicent yelling or laying hands on him he is still young and after you threaten grievous harm to her person she will never do such again.
You also aren't above whispering into your father's ears. Turning him and your younger siblings against Alicent and Otto. It takes you a while but you get Otto sacked and by some miracle you get Corlys to replace him.
Your close relationship with your younger siblings has given Rhaenyra a lot of forced exposure to them too. And though she is concerned about Aegon's possessiveness she understands how he feels.
She comes to adore Helaena and Jace being the sweet boy he is does too. so that's two pairs of children enamoured with each other and I think this is when Alicent starts to break free from Otto's brainwashing.
Everyone always hcs Aemond and Daemon as becoming close in these kinds of aus but I'm gonna say it. Aemond and Rhaenyra are a top tier pair. He loves his mother, but her love has still always been somewhat conditional and now he has this mother figure that simply loves him for being him and he can't get enough of it.
Rhaenyra and Alicent reconnect thanks to your machinations and now Aemond's like sweet, two mums!
But now there's just this whole clan of overly freakish possessive Targaryen's that you have accidentally allowed to reign free. Daemon comes back and is pissed, this is kind of all he's ever wanted and his family has just done it without him???
don't usually tag on these kinds of posts but cause this is so long:
@etherily @psychwardsiren @mihrimahsultan03 @bbyaemond @krispold @hyperfixated-freak @eudximoniakr @deadstarkblacksoul @thelittleswanao3
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fandomsoverlife · 1 year
Modern!Aemond with a s/o who speaks so softly to everyone, and smiles at anyone who makes eye contact with them. Someone who’s sweet to grocery store clerks and random people in public, who just naturally pulls people to them and responds warmly.
While Aemond stands next to them stoic as ever, only changing expression when his gaze falls to his s/o, a completely lovestruck man who wears a smile.
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
on aemond and aegon's relationship
i think the evolution of aemond and aegon's dynamic, as siblings, over the course of the show is so interesting. you start off with aegon the bully, who humiliates aemond in front of others and allows their nephews to join in humiliating him. there is no sense of a united front here; aegon doesn't care about the optics of rhaenyra's children seeing aemond's weakness. meanwhile, i think this drove aemond even further into his mother's arms, and contributed to their ongoing codependency during the show.
but then aemond loses his eye. i think this was a turning point for aegon. first, he probably felt responsible; he'd encouraged jacaerys, lucerys, and joffrey's hostility towards aemond, thinking it harmless, but then they cut out his eye.
setting aside aegon's guilt, you get to one of the single biggest turning points of the show, from whichever way you look at things: everyone's reactions to the eye incident. chiefly, you see viserys clearly capitulate to rhaenyra, and side against his own sons. aegon and aemond both come to that realization that night, when viserys yells at aemond, caring more about the source of the rumors than his son's injury. when alicent is unable to convince him to care about his own sons' safety more than rhaenyra's reputation. they realize what their mother has been telling them all along: that they need to stick together, and protect each other, because literally no one else in westeros will lift a finger to help them.
and that profoundly changes their relationship down the road. in the scene at the dinner table, they protect each other without hesitation. when jacaerys becomes annoyed with aegon's taunts and he stands, aemond immediately stands as well and intimidates him into backing down. and when jacaerys attacks aemond, we get a split second shot of lucerys trying to get up to help his brother- before immediately and violently getting his head slammed down into the table by a smirking aegon.
the dinner shows that aemond and aegon each maintain an awareness of the other's surroundings, and will be the first ones to notice and step in whenever anything goes awry. they do not trust others to protect them, not the way jacaerys and lucerys trust daemon to protect them at the dinner. they know that their mother was right, and no one will help them but themselves. it's a small thing, but it's a big turning point in terms of the formation of the green-black divide.
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moonshine999 · 1 year
Top 15 Helaegon scenes (that we will probably never see)
Note that these are my opinions and preferences and if you don’t agree with them, just ignore it and scroll away 
As much as I love these two and team green in general, it is obvious that the writers of hotd clearly have a bias towards team black. ( That especially sucks when you consider the fact that the team green castings are utter perfection ) But with what they have done in s1, I highly doubt s2 is going to give the greens anything and instead just make them comically evil and rush their plot lines and what not
So this is basically a list of scenes I would have loved to see for Helaegon in both seasons (I may do the other characters as well) 
The list is organised from most likely to happen/ to have happened (it won’t/wouldn’t have but I need a system) i.e. 15 and least likely to happen / to have happened i.e. 1 
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15.a scene after blood & cheese
🕯️him approaching her after/during the funeral 
🕯️them trying to not cry in front of the other but all in vain
🕯️them seeking comfort with each other (even if doesn’t last long)
14.hurt/comfort conversation/ argument about Aegon’s drinking and whoring 
🕯️could tie into no.13 
🕯️them arguing at the top of their lungs 
🕯️or having a conversation through tears 
13.a heartfelt conversation about how they are handling being king and queen
🕯️them talking about the pressure
🕯️how they are not ready for it/cut out for it
🕯️them promising each other that they’ll look out for the other and keep their family safe 
12.them at the green counsel together 
🕯️just to watch them glance at each other when a counsel member says something stupid/questionable/ about their kids or them
🕯️them holding hands when tough news is presented 
🕯️them listening intently whenever the other speaks 
11.dragon riding 
🕯️(flashback) Aegon asking her if she would like to go dragon riding with him as she has just claimed dreamfyre 
🕯️them flying around king’s landing with their kids saddled in on their dragons 
10.family dinner
🕯️just the greens having dinner together to welcome daeron and/or gwayne 
🕯️them keeping a close eye on their kids but slowly letting their guard down when they see how comfortable they are with their uncle
🕯️them being the older sibling menaces they are and teasing the hells out of Aemond and Daeron 
🕯️Helaena having to leave early as the kids want only her to get them to bed and Aegon bringing desert to her in their room
09.their younger versions interacting with Rhaenyra 
🕯️either separately or together 
🕯️Helaena being closed off at firsts but then they start discussing all sorts of things from bugs to jewellery to how both of them loved to hear stories from Alicent 
🕯️Aegon and Rhaenyra initially wanting to keep away from each other but they have a small talk before his wedding about Helaena, their dragons and their father before they are rudely interrupted by either daemon or Otto or both. 
08.scenes with their kids 
🕯️Helaena comforting Jaehaerys after someone made a comment about his fingers
🕯️Aegon having some self reflection after Jaehaera says they threatened to rape her (obviously in the show, would not have included the rapist thing if I was writing it but if they wanted to “redeem” him, this is the best solution imo)
🕯️them trying to decide what to name maelor along with the twins 
07.Helaena’s pregnancy 
🕯️either with maelor or a 4th child (according to some leaks) 
🕯️Criston whispering to Aegon during a counsel that it’s a boy/girl 
🕯️him looking around the arguing members and quietly slipping out of the room before rushing to his wife 
06.dance/ballroom scene 
🕯️after the jace debacle, his insecurities skyrocket 
🕯️just him getting fully intoxicated by his wife as they dance 
🕯️them laughing as they spin around 
🕯️them getting applause and cheers as they make their way to the floor 
05.them gifting each other stuff 
🕯️necklaces, brooches for not being around as often 
🕯️chalices with various dragon imagery for his nameday 
🕯️her stitching his favourite flower onto his nightshirt
🕯️them getting their kids to help when they want to surprise the other with something 
04.(flashback) where they get into trouble and collectively decide to blame Aemond 
🕯️Alicent interrogating the shit out of them 
🕯️one look and they were at the library reading mythology about the Seven and the last person they saw at the crime scene was Aemond 
🕯️Alicent gives a disappointed sigh and they are both dismissed and as they walk away- a casual “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” from the other side of the door 
03.wedding flashback
🕯️Both are initially against it, they think of it as a punishment 
🕯️but a talk with their mother or half-sister makes them understand that this is for the betterment of the family  
🕯️they dance together, they talk shit about what the lords and ladies are wearing, they soften up at their mother’s wide smile 
🕯️Perhaps their father is smiling too. They can’t tell. But right now it doesn’t matter, they don’t care.
🕯️Aegon wearing white with gold details and a gold cloak with his hair tied up
🕯️Helaena wearing white with silver details and blue jewels on her dress and her crown 
02.bathtub scene 
🕯️domestic helaegon all day EVERYDAY 
🕯️her cleaning him up with his burns
🕯️he starts crying but they work through it together until it’s over 
🕯️him cleaning her during her pregnancy
🕯️them giggling like their kids 
🕯️them helping each other get dressed afterwards (like just imagine them in what seems to be a hug while he laces up her dress and she pins in his cloak) 
01. A sex scene 
🕯️enough said really.
Alright I hope you liked it
Since the writers for hotd won’t, send me the number and I’ll write a drabble 
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Love Languages
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Aegon: His love language is physical touch. He shows his love to those close to him through physical contact, which is a big part of who he is. When he is in love with someone, he likes to be close to you, to touch and hold you, and to express his affection for you through hugs, kisses, or just being close. He feels most loved when he is physically close to someone, and touch, to him, is the ultimate form of connection.
Aemond: His love language is Acts of Service, and he appreciates it when his partner goes out of your way to show him that he is important to you. He feels most loved when you take care of practical tasks such as running errands, doing household chores, or picking up food for him when he's busy. He also appreciates when you show him your appreciation through words, gifts, and quality time together.
Jacaerys: His love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. He seeks physical intimacy to know that he is cared for and desired, and words of affirmation to reaffirm his value in the eyes of his beloved. But perhaps the most important thing in a relationship for him is quality time, where he can spend time one-on-one with his partner and really get to know each other on a deep level.
Lucerys: His love language is words of affirmation. He appreciates it when someone takes the time to tell him how you feel and what you think about him, as well as giving him compliments and expressing admiration. He likes it when people show that you appreciate and value him.
Rhaenyra: Her love language is physical touch. She loves to cuddle, hug, and kiss her loved ones and show her affection through touch. She enjoys spending quality time with those who matter to her, as well as making you feel seen and appreciated. She's a very passionate person and she loves to express it through touch.
Daemon: His love language is violence. He is not big on flowers or compliments. He does best in situations that require a strong hand and a swift blade. He is always on his guard, and he tends to lash out in anger when he feels threatened. He does, however, have an affinity for animals, and he does appreciate kind gestures from them.
Alicent: Her love language is a combination of physical touch and acts of service. She enjoys receiving hugs, kisses, and other physical forms of affection from her partner. When it comes to offering affection, she often does so through acts of service such as doing chores or tasks for you. She believes that showing someone you care about them through action is a key component of any healthy relationship.
Helena: Her love language is physical touch. She enjoys cuddling and being close to her loved ones. She finds it comforting and soothing to hold you in her arms and give you little kisses on your forehead or cheeks. It helps her express her feelings towards you and convey what you mean to her. It also helps to ease her stress and makes her feel safe and loved.
Harwin: His love language is acts of service. He appreciates it when his partner takes time out of your day to do small favors or complete tasks that benefit both of you. He also values receiving gifts, as they are thoughtful tokens that show him that someone was thinking of him and going out of your way to do something special for him.
Cregan: His love language is acts of service since he's not much for flowery words or romantic gestures. He shows his love through his actions - he does what he can in order to protect and honor you, both in word and in deed. But he's not above a good compliment from time to time. He can also appreciate the art of a good burn or a cutting remark.
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jelloholic · 29 days
Team green characters at the beach
Wearing a beach robe while judging other women for their immodesty
Made sure everyone had everything they needed, all fav snacks, drinks, and sand toys packed
Reads in the shade and enjoys the breeze
Indulges the young ones and Halaena in their conversation of choice
Barbecued super well, the hotdogs were so good Jaehaerys asked to have some everyday for the next week
Acting like a simp towards Alicent, bc she's slaying in her swimsuit, much to everyone's annoyance and/or amusement
Reminding his nephews and his niece to reapply sunscreen regularly, bc he knows Targs burn easily in the sun (reapplied it himself on the twins)
Went to get everyone some milkashes and smoothies at a boardwalk cafe bc he wanted some, and no one else would get up to do it
Flirting with the beach babes
Went to every tourist trap and found a gag gift for each person (he insists it's for a joke, but he wanted to give them lil gifts)
Walked along the beach to spot bugs in the sand
Taking lots of pictures of everyone and everything to remember the day fondly
Wears a baseball cap, stays in the shade and keeps reapplying sunscreen on his face to avoid getting a sunburn in the shape of his eyepatch
Fav beach snacks are Alicent's homemade sandwiches paired with sweet fruit juice
Spending a good chunk of the day in the water with his sister and her children, helping her teach them how to swim
Joined Gwayne on his errand run to take a break from the fam for a bit
Stayed by her momma on her walks and collected sea glass, shells, and pretty rocks
Rambled on about what shapes she thinks the clouds are to Otto
He's that kid that digs a huge hole in the sand and shows it off to his family
Joined other kids at the beach in a game of tag and got whiny when he was 'it'
(Requested by @mrs-starkgaryen )
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