#green curry soup
producewithamy · 10 months
Green Curry Coconut Soup with Shrimp & Vegetables
“There is nothing like soup. It is by nature eccentric: no two are ever alike, unless of course you get your soup in a can.” — Laurie Colwin Today it is the middle of June and I just got home from the Skandia Farmers Market. My booth was brimming with purple Lupine flower bouquets and garden plant starts. It was cold tonight and I could see my breath. The weather has been typical for the UP this…
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goshyesvintageads · 1 month
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Campbell Soup Co, 1962
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withclawandvine · 1 month
i am sick and thinking about bakugou taking care of me. i think it would go something like this
The heat of the bowl in your hands radiates through your clammy fingers, and you wonder what Katsuki would say if you asked him to spoon feed you the red curry while you held onto it.
He’d likely scoff and ask if you wanted him to make airplane noises too. He would also, likely, do it anyway, and the thought fills you with so much affection, you feel like your chest is going burst. Then again, that might just be the congestion.
You can’t really taste it, but that doesn’t stop you from appreciating how comforting it is to eat something made by hands that love you, something warm and —
You gasp, and the gust of cool air soothes your tongue a little, but does nothing for the tears already pooling in your eyes.
“If you’re trying to put me out of my misery,” you say after gulping down half of your juice. “Thank you, but I already can’t breathe through my nose, so I think just holding your hand over my mouth would be a lot quicker.”
Katsuki’s confused frown looks an awful lot like his regular frown, if not for the little divot between his brows. “You askin’ me to kill you?”
“Is that not what this is?”
“No!” He barks, either appalled or offended. Although neither would explain the faint blush crawling up his neck. He picks up your abandoned spoon and shovels more curry and rice onto it. “It’s for your nose.”
“The capsaicin’ll clear your sinuses,” Katsuki explains, voice softening. He folds your fingers around the spoon, somehow bullying and gentle at the same time. He doesn’t let go; his thumb smooths over the delicate skin covering your knuckles. “Help you breathe for a little bit."
In the end, it’s an offer you can’t refuse.
He sits with you, eating the same curry without having to blink away even a single tear. He snickers when you swear to yourself, outright laughs when you beg him to bring you more juice.
But when your nose starts to run in earnest, he’s right there with tissues and doesn’t flinch or grimace at the sound of you blowing your nose while he eats.
In that moment, you don’t think you could love him any more — it doesn’t have anywhere else to go. And that feeling in your chest? It’s not just the congestion.
He presses the back of his hand to your forehead. “Any better?”
You successfully inhale through your nose for the first time in two days. But you shake your head anyway. “I think my heart’s gonna explode.”
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fattributes · 6 months
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Green Coconut Curry Noodle Soup with Mushrooms
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morethansalad · 5 months
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Green Curry Rice Noodle Soup (Vegan & Gluten-Free)
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tastyreceips · 10 months
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Thai Green Curry Chicken with Coconut Rice
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willthecuratorfood · 11 months
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Delicious!! This fine spicy butternut squash and green curry soup was the bomb.com!!
Coming to us from the renowned New York Times Cooking (not a shill, I swear!), this recipe was thought up by Samin Nosrat and just grand!!
Chopping some butternut squash fresh is a pain, but I think it's well worth the hassle. The freshness of the pre-chopped variety is always suspect, after all! While you're cooking the squash, your mixture will look a little grey at first, but worry not! After 20 or so minutes (and a good long time in the blender thereafter), it will gain that rich yellow-orange hue! I would recommend not skipping on the topping garnish, though I did primarily only use coconut flakes and pepper, as it is an excellent vehicle for adjusting spice levels on the fly. I had vegetarian fish sauce on hand, but I'm not sure how much of a difference having it at all made. Your choice! I served this with a creamy half-slice of French onion and gruyere grilled cheese, which really completed the meal.
My family said they couldn't wait to have more! My hands are NOT looking forward to more squash peeling, however! Haha!
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hellodarjeeling · 11 months
Alchemy is real and it’s making soups and stews
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aurora--sky · 1 year
10 potraw od RobinKLocksley | Polskie Tłumaczenie
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Tłumaczenie 10 potraw od RobinKLocksley
Postanowiłam przetłumaczyć kilka potraw od tego twórcy. Planuję przetłumaczyć je wszystkie, ale zobaczymy 😅
Nie lubię tłumaczyć tak krótkich modów, ale tak zbiorowo jest o wiele wygodniej.
🍲 Miso Soup - To zupa miso, tradycyjna japońska zupa, która może składać się z wielu różnych składników, ale najważniejsze są bulion dashi i pasta miso. Ta wersja wykorzystuje wegetariański bulion dashi i jest wypełniona tofu, aby wszyscy twoi wegetariańscy Simowie mogli się nią cieszyć.
🍗 Chicken Katsu Curry - To kurczak katsu, japońskie danie curry (czasami znane jako kurczak panko lub tori katsu). Danie składa się ze smażonego kurczaka panierowanego w bułce tartej panko, podawanego tutaj ze smażonymi warzywami z cudownym sosem tonkatsu (zrobionym ze smacznych pomidorów, soku z cytryny, marchewki, cebuli, suszonych śliwek, daktyli i selera).
🍛 Thai Green Curry - To tajskie zielone curry, danie pochodzące z Tajlandii. Główne składniki składają się zwykle z zielonych papryczek chili, ziaren białego pieprzu, szalotki, czosnku, galangi, trawy cytrynowej, skórki papedy, kolendry, kminku, mleka kokosowego, pasty z zielonego curry i cukru palmowego. Ta wersja jest zrobiona bez pasty rybnej, aby Twoi wegetariańscy Simowie mogli się nią cieszyć!
🍚 Vangi Bath - To południowoindyjska potrawa, która prawdopodobnie pochodzi z regionu Karnataka. Jest zrobiona z proszku masala i miąższu tamaryndowca zmieszanego z bakłażanem i czasami innymi warzywami, zmieszanymi z ryżem.
🍝 Linguine al Pesto - Tutaj mamy linguine, klasyczny włoski sos. Oryginalnie stworzone w Genui pesto jest wytwarzane z połączenia oliwy z oliwek, czosnku, orzeszków piniowych, soli, bazylii i sera, a wszystko to zmieszane z oliwą z oliwek. Ta konkretna wersja dodaje odrobinę pietruszki. Doskonałe danie, które zasmakuje każdemu.
🧄🌶️ Spaghetti With Garlic, Oil and Chilli - To danie jest świetne, gdy Twoi Simowie chcą po prostu opróżnić lodówkę i nie mają zbyt wiele do gotowania. Dokładnie to, co jest napisane w tytule: spaghetti, czosnek i olej. Pochodzące z Neapolu „Spaghetti Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino” to tradycyjne danie z makaronu w okolicy. To proste, ale gdy zrobione z wprawą, bardzo smaczne.
🍮 Lemon & Ginger Crème Brûlée - Crème Brûlée (czyli palona śmietana) to deser na bazie budyniu. Jest podobny do crema catalana i creme caramel, ale z kontrastującą twardą warstwą utwardzonego cukru dodaną na wierzchu, nadając potrawie niemal twardą skorupę. Tutaj jest aromatyzowany cytryną i imbirem.
🍪 Pumpkin & Spice Cookies - Ciasteczka z dynią i przyprawami to kruche ciastka zrobione z ciepłych jesiennych przypraw (gałki muszkatołowej, imbiru, goździków, cynamonu i ziela angielskiego) oraz z puree z dyni, aby stworzyć bogatą, lepką i smaczną sezonową przekąskę, idealną na początek jesieni.
🥮 Pumpkin Spice Macarons - Makaroniki to słodki przysmak na bazie bezy z Włoch i Francji, dostępny w wielu smakach i rozmiarach, te są aromatyzowane mieszanką przypraw dyniowych, podawane z małymi ozdobnymi dyniami.
🥚 Egg Drop Soup - Chińska zupa z jajkiem to zupa z delikatnych ubitych jaj gotowanych w bulionie z kurczaka. Rzeczy takie jak tofu, szalotki, sól i pieprz są często dodawane do zupy, aby nadać jej dodatkowy smak. To krzepiące danie dla bardziej mięsożernych Simów, którym mogą się cieszyć, gdy nie czują się najlepiej.
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Miso Soup
SFS | 13.4.23
Chicken Katsu Curry
SFS | 13.4.23
Thai Green Curry
SFS | 13.4.23
Vangi Bath
SFS | 13.4.23
Linguine al Pesto
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Spaghetti With Garlic, Oil and Chilli
SFS | 13.4.23
Lemon & Ginger Crème Brûlée
SFS | 13.4.23
Pumpkin & Spice Cookies
SFS | 13.4.23
Pumpkin Spice Macarons
SFS | 13.4.23
Egg Drop Soup
SFS | 13.4.23
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garyjcahills · 2 years
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Green Curry Spinach & Zucchini Soup
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Spicy Sea Bass Noodle Soup
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This beautifully fragrant Spicy Sea Bass Noodle Soup makes a delicious dinner on a chill Autumn night, even more so if you feel a cold coming. A steaming bowl of this, and you’re as good as new! Happy Friday!
Ingredients (serves 1):
1 /2 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
1 thumb-sized piece fresh ginger
1/2 fresh lemongrass stick
1 tablespoon dried curry leaves
1/3 long green chili pepper, rinsed
the green part of a small Leek, thoroughly rinsed
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 lime
3 cups water
75 grams/ ounces egg noodles
1(90-gram/3-ounce) sea bass fillet
In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, heat toasted sesame oil.
Peel ginger, and cut into thin slices. Add to the oil, and fry, a couple of minutes.
Cut lemongrass into chunks, bash them with the back of a wooden spoon, and stir into the saucepan. Cook, 1 minute more.
Stir in dried curry leaves.
Thinly slice green chili pepper and two-thirds of the Leek, and stir into the saucepan, as well. Cook, 2 minutes.
Deglaze with soy sauce.
Thoroughly squeeze the juice of the lime, and pour three-quarters of it into the saucepan. Stir in water, and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to medium, and simmer, 12 to 15 minutes, allowing the flavours to infuse the broth.
Then, stir in the egg noodles, and cook, 3 minutes.
Drizzle sea bass fillet with remaining lime juice, and cut into chunks.
Once the noodles are softened, stir in sea bass chunks.
Finely chop remaining Leek, and spoon on top of the fish. Cover with a lid, and cook, a couple of minutes more.
Enjoy Spicy Sea Bass Noodle Soup very hot.
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tvslashers · 3 months
listen i love sushi as much as the next guy but you probably couldn’t even pry Tom yum goong from my cold dead hands
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booksandbrimstone · 7 months
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Green Curry Coconut Chicken Soup
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morethansalad · 8 months
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Creamy Golden Milk Ramen Noodle Curry with Tofu (Vegan)
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kentucky-daisey · 8 months
Dear internet! Every year, I learn how to make a new dish. Anyone have any good suggestions?
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creedtimeline-br · 11 months
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Green Curry, Pumpkin, and Coriander Soup You can make a homemade curry-flavored vegetarian soup by boiling fresh pumpkin in vegetable stock. 1 tablespoon butter softened, 1 carton sour cream, 1 tablespoon green curry paste, water as needed, 1 tablespoon chopped fresh coriander, 1/2 fresh pumpkin - seeded peeled and cut into chunks, 1 cup vegetable stock, 1 clove garlic minced
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