#greek nicknames yay!!!!
cccc-hahb-au · 28 days
hey guys what do you think about some names
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don’t call essence “aphrodite”, though. they don’t like that very much
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leotheponderer · 6 months
My chaotic process of coming up with a name for the Keeper in real time! (Sorry, Keeps, I kinda forgot about you woops)
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Picture of the Keeper
Usually I start out with a translator, in this case it's English to Greek.
Keeper - Fylax
If I like how it sounds I will then do some research on its meaning (and make sure it's relatively accurate).
Ok, so Fylax means keeper and guardian, someone who tends to something.
After that, I will reasearch similar spelling names depending on how normal this character is. The scale is ''The Old World Trio (Halcyon, Kato and Basile) -> Normal person (Carl)''.
Keeper is/was a normal humanoid before gaining the title (like Carl who became the Boatman), so let's try researching the name 'Felix'.
Felix means lucky! (The Latin origin is fine since Keeper is not as tied to their Greek inspiration as someone like Kato - Thanatos)
I will go check if Keeper's inspiration (Hermes) has anything to do with luck.
So apparently Hermes is the god of 'trade, wealth, luck (yay), fertility, animal husbandry (livestock, so caring for animals for a purpose. In this case, since souls don't eat the animals Keeper just keeps them happy for atmosphere.), sleep, language, thieves, and travel (Keeper travels a lot, so yeah it tracks)' copied from Google. Neat.
Keeper's gender reveal: She uses she/her pronouns, so either I use the name Felix as is or I can use it as a nickname, depends if I can find a full name which sounds good and correlates to the inspiration.
Well, in this case I like Felix! It's a cute and simple name and really suits the mischievous Keeper with her iconic flaming robes.
That was fun, and actually the least amount of brainstorming I did for a name so far. (The last easy name was Halcyon - Hypnos)
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(Feat. My dog Bruknė respect her or get nuked, also my water bottle in the background that I respect and love more than the church, river Styx bless that water bottle 🙏)
Prolly should say something…..
Hi name’s Ray (that’s a nickname I gave myself)
I’m an INFP, my enneagram is 2w1 :]
I love poetry, art and music plus dancin my cultures traditional dances!
I finished art and dance school and I have the gifted kid burnout syndrome (yay 😭)
Perfectionist since birth, lonely since kindergarten, the weird and sensitive kid who cried way too much in elementary (still do)
(@rosees3ray cause man you’re my nr. 1 bro for life)
Prolly touched starved not sure tho, I like painting! My favourite band is Arctic monkeys. And queen, the Beatles, ABBA shaped my childhood (along Lithuanian artists and singing tales)
Orange 🍊 juice 🤝 apple 🍎 juice
I am a daughter of Apollo
I like Greek mythology! If you couldn’t tell heh ^^
Cat person 🐈🐈🐈🐈
Capitalism can kiss my ass 🤠🔪
A poet/philosopher who has an existential crisis at least 7 times a week (I’m on meds dw my overthinking goin brrr)
A proud Lithuanian 🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
I had a butterfly phase during covid and now I remember some weird facts about butterflies 🦋
ALSO had and origami phase during covid so now I remember how to fold a Crain like it’s nothing
(heh I’m so swag and amazing and swag😎)
I had panic attacks for almost 2 years. THEY GONE NOW MOTHERFUCKERSSS (If anyone need help or advice with that or anything in general I’m all ears!!!!)
I do believe that every person has a colour (no I will not elaborate 🤠🔪)
A hufflepuff (I’m not really into Harry Potter but I just like knowing I’m a hufflepuff)
My favorite shoes are converse! <3
A marvel girl :] (dc fans fuck off)
My first comfort character was puss in boots
Hope you got to know me a little ☺️ I love tumblr and you guys so much I feel like at home on this site <3
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redtail-lol · 1 year
Jupiteric Microlabels yay
Mspec lesbians are lunians, mspec veldians are solians, and mspec gays of any kind are stellians. What about mspec straights? They're called Jupiterics! I made some labels based off the Galilean Moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) + the famous Great Red Spot. I'm gonna nickname them zeus's microlabels for the tag because Jupiter is the roman equivalent of the greek god Zeus.
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#1: Ioan Jupiteric (may be shortened to Ioan)
Meaning: A jupiteric who considers themselves jupiteric because they are attracted to multiple opposingly, neutrally, xenically, and/or unaligned genders
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#2: Europan Jupiteric (may be shortened to Europan, but be prepared for confusion on being a europan vs european)
Meaning: A jupiteric who considers themselves jupiteric because they are mspec, however their attraction towards opposingly, neutrally, xenically, and/or unaligned genders is significantly stronger, and the feel somewhere in between mspec and straight; using Jupiteric as an alternative to heteroflexible
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#3: Ganymedean Jupiteric (may be shortened to Ganymedean)
Meaning: A jupiteric who considers themselves jupiteric because they use the split attraction model and are straight in one form of attraction and mspec in another
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#4: Callistoan Jupiteric (may be shortened to Callistoan)
Meaning: A jupiteric who considers themselves jupiteric because they are mspec, but they call themselves straight. They may choose to identify this way because of being in an m/f or other different-gender relationship, and/or reclaiming "straight" being used to erase their mspec identity (being called straight passing, basically straight, excluded from queer spaces for being in an m/f or m/f appearing relationship). Reason for use is up to the user!
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#5: Galilean Jupiteric (may be shortened to Galilean)
Meaning: A jupiteric who's jupiteric experience is fluid and ever changing. They may be a Ganymedean jupiteric one day, then in a week find themselves to be an Ioan.
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#6: Great Red Spot Jupiteric
Meaning: A jupiteric who's jupiteric experience is either in somewhere in between these microlabels or completely outside of it. A non-moon was chosen to represent the latter. Like I've always said, people I missed are valid, I'm just not all-knowing. You can coin your own jupiteric microlabels for your experiences!
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COLLECTOR RAMBLING (now with images!)
cool how collector is both evil and, yk, a child. bc children are not always innocent. they can be some of the cruelest creatures on the universe (i would know)
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ok it seems like collector was…surrounded by titans. baby titans, and then a group of older collectors took him in, seeing as theyre smiling and reaching out a hand, instead of banishing him away. they dont look friendly, but it might just be the portrait.
although those first two portraits repeat themselves, at the very end there’s something else
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unfortunately i have no idea what it is. i dont think the repetition is an animation error or shortcut. if it were, why only repeat two times and change at the very end, where it is unlikely to be noticed??
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again, portraits repeat, except for a star in the middle.
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i wonder what the second to last image (the one that has a purple smiling (??) moon is
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conflict w titans yay!
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interesting what they're doing to that planet, and just how threatening they look. from what i gather, collectors are supposed to preserve dying creatures so that, in a way, they might live forever, but that arent supposed to meddle in mortal affairs, so it's odd that they look so.....imposing there, less like an observer and more like an actuve participant, like the greek gods, yk? plus t's interesting how big they look in comparison to our collector, might be just our collector's perception of the others (since ours is, yk, a child, and when you're a child everyone else looks big , also how they look to stare only at the planet, paying no mind to our collector (should i come up w a nickname for him?). i have to far-fetchedly wonder if there are other children collectors, or if they're all born all grown up, if that might be the reason they seem so dismissive of ours. they dont care for child-rearing, they arent made for that, they have no empathy towards children bc they have never been children, tehy've always been adults and expect our collector (comet. his nickname is comet now, fuck it.) to act like an adult too.
a fun extra: i like how the collectors are drawn. reminds me of rascal from glitter force and dimentio from mario. also a particular 'the jester' animatic that i like. it's the eyes i think.
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datshitrandom · 2 years
stole this from @special-bc-ur-part-of-it (cuz i'm one of her tumblr crushes and i cry 🥺🫰)
nickname: elita (but u can't call me that lol)
favorite musicians: Darren Criss, Miley Cyrus, Stevie Nicks, Kelly Clarkson, can i just say Coldplay or I need to name each member? ...
favorite sports team: I don't follow sports 😅
other blogs: two more (but I'm not going to tell you the names)
how many people I follow: 306
tumblr crush: my lovely @na-page (but thats obvious right?), @hkvoyage (you know you are my favorite ever), our klaine queen @quizasvivamos (love ya' with my everything queen ), @tomdarryecs (now i have you in every platform yay!) and @twinkkurt (your art takes my breath away)
lucky numbers: i don't believe in those things sowy
dream vacation: Costa Rica 🌊🌴🌅🐚🌺, Greek Islands (Paros, Naxos, Ios, Kea and Kythnos) or Disney World (cause i’m basic af)
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dream car: i can't drive cuz four of the meds I take cause unsteadiness, dizziness and drowsiness, I love the Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon tho.
favorite food: everything mexican 🤤
drink of choice: a Grande Caramel Macchiato with Nonfat Milk, but since we are in the holiday season (the holiday season 🎶) i'll take a Grande Peppermint Mocha with Nonfat Milk and No Whip please and thank you
instruments: I do not play any instruments
languages: Spanish, intermediate-ish English, I can understand Portuguese but my conversation level is ZERO.
celeb crushes:
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fun fact: i'm a crazy star wars/superheroes nerd that loves luxury makeup brands
tagging: @na-page, @grlnxtdr30 and anyone else who wants to play
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tsoanatural · 3 years
wait for your tsoa edits why is buck achilles?
hi anon! so i originally picked based on who worked best for what scenes but eventually i rambled into this whole meta thing that poor @phantomqueenmorrigan and @trashbaget had to listen to but the short version of why i picked what i did based solely on onomastics is under the cut!
Ἀχιλλεύς ( Achilles ) has many meanings, but directly translates to “ distress, sorrow, and grief” from ἄχος ( áchos ) and “ of / from the people “ from λαός ( laós ). This means his whole name can directly mean “ he who comes from the pain and sorrow of the people “ and if that isn’t Buck then I don’t know what is. λαός can also mean “ from the corpse of soldiers “ which could yield an argument that Buck comes from the corpse of either Daniel and / or his asswipe parents.
A proto-indo-european translation of his name and surrounding legend can also yield the meaning of “ sharp and swift-footed “ or even divine specifically when one is doing heroic battle, something that could parallel Buck being the “ hero “ on calls if you use the homeric definition of a hero.
An additional name Achilles bore was the nickname Pyrisous which means “ save / saved from the fire “ ( yay for fire parallels!! ). This name is where the legend splits, some say he was named that because Thetis burned his ashes after his death in a divine fire, but others claim it was Achilles himself that was the fire — that he was born from it — and that it was that birth fire that gave him his near immortality.
Both of these versions agree though that Achilles had an interesting relationship with fire* both as its capability to birth and cleanse ( becoming a firefighter and turning his life around ) but also to destroy and hurt ( ladder truck bomb = bad fire ) and subsequently makes Buck’s word choice of “ walk[ing] through fire every day of [ his ] life “ even more notable.
*fire meaning here one of the 4 elements known as fire that would include anything that gave off heat or flames
Eddie time!
Πάτροκλος ( Patroklos ) comes from the greek word πατήρ (pater) which means " father " and the word κλέος (kleos) which means “ glory ” and so his name ironically translates directly to “ the glory of the father ” in Ancient Greek.
Patroclus’s father’s name is also important, Μενοίτιος ( Menoetius ) comes from menos which means “ doomed ” and oitos which means “ doom ” and fully can be translated into “ doomed might ” which is apt since Menoetius only has the one son, something that shouldn’t be ignored.
The connection of the doomed might and the glory to the father is directly paralleled to Eddie’s father wanting him to be someone he isn’t ( the entire “ don’t drag him down with you ” scene ) and Eddie always subconsciously trying to please him ( all the times he brings up his dad re - trauma and moving forward “ like a man “ ) and inevitably failing every time because like Patroclus, any attempt to bring “ glory “ to his family is fated to fail.
Nothing Eddie will ever do can be good enough so it will constantly to push the " be better for Christopher " mantra engrained into him that will end up leading him to Ana and away from Achilles - the part where Thetis tells Patroclus that " You will not disgrace him. Do you understand? " comes to mind for some reason.
Eddie, like Patroclus, is the only son of his father, and as far as I can recall is the only one in canon who has a blood claim to the Diaz patriarchy ( even though Abuela is running the family totally fine on her own badass-y way and needs no help ).
Both Patroclus and Eddie disappoint their fathers and inevitably are exiled because of it since having Christopher before being married can theoretically be paralleled to Patroclus’s murder of the boy since both are accidents that end up changing their lives forever. Eddie’s exile is different from Patroclus’s because an argument can be made for Eddie’s ‘exile’ to be of a willing nature — an argument that I will disprove at a later date when I get angry enough — but either way, they’re both exiled unfairly since half of the blame lies on Shannon and the asshole who was bullying Patroclus.
That very exile will actually be the best thing that ever happened to both boys ironically. Eddie will get Christopher who will lead him to LA and to the 118 ( and Buck but we haven’t gotten there yet ) where Patroclus is lead to Achilles.
I would like it noted that I am in no way implying that Christopher was a mistake or that Eddie thinks he was, I am merely saying that having Christopher significantly altered Eddie’s life plans and put him on a completely different path than the one he would have been on without Chris.
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atmo-spherique · 4 years
Kaminoan: Phonetic Inventory and Counting System
While discussing clone things with @daitoshi​, they offhandedly mentioned the weirdness of the number of clones in a batch (and incidentally the general structure of the GAR). Apparently this was all the inspiration I needed to decide I was going to create base-4 counting system for the Kaminoans. 32 clones per batch seems pretty random, but it is just 2 x 16 (2 x 4^2), so in a base-4 system, it’s no more random than say 200 (2 x 10^2) is in base-10. Base-4 also ties in thematically with DNA irl, so that’s fun for a bunch of cloners!
I’ve put together a guide to my process and rules for the enjoyment of all. And by enjoyment, I mean frustration because this counting systems it incredibly upsetting.
We normally assume most human counting systems are base-10 due to our (standard) number of fingers. How the heck to do count to four with three fingers, then?? Well, this is how Imma say the Kaminoans count on their fingers:
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Does it make sense? I guess. Does it seem probable? Not really. But the joy of conlanging and worldbuilding for aliens is you can always just be like, “Whatever, their alien brains are built differently.”
Anyways, we’re gonna want some names for these numbers, so we gotta come up with some mouth sounds to represent them.
We do not have a lot of canon (or legends) words for Kaminoan stuff, and what we do have is of course plagued by the same issue that every collection of made up words in SW suffers from: absolutely no internal consistency. Okay, well maybe there is some internal consistency, so let’s look at what we got:
Taun We Lama Su Kina Ha Ko Sai Nala Se Erla Halle Burtoni
Tipoca Timira Derem Baran Wu Su Des Slici Tal An Glascretia Razoral
aiwha nahra
Protas Melkorr Kikla Thalina iiaa oii sso uded
Sre Len
Taun We, Lama Su, Nala Se: these are iconic of the vibe I want the phonetic system to embody. So, what features from this data set should I keep for the phonetic inventory?
I dismiss Glascretia and Razoral outright since they have a very “fake English vibe.” Same with Protas and Melkorr, since they just seem to be plays on Proteas (Greek myth) and Melkor (Tolkien) respectively. Also, I throw Halle Burtoni right out the window because every other Kaminoan we meet sounds like their name came from the same language. What the heck happened here?? Whatever language she’s named in, it’s not the one I’m building.
Get rid of thalina, too; I don’t like the <th> just because. Additionally, I’m not sure what the <h> in nahra represents (is it silent? pronounced? part of a digraph with <r>????), so we’re gonna ignore it for now. Finally, the terminal <d> in uded doesn’t fit the vibe I want to go for. I consider keeping the terminal <s> in Su Des but eventually decide against it.
From Tal An and Erla, I decide that approximants can occur finally.
I take <c> and <k> to represent the same phoneme.
For absolutely no good reason, I have always assumed the <wh> in aiwha was inspired by Maori, so I’ll count that as one phoneme. However, I decide to have all approximants have a voiced and voiceless form. So, I end up not using the Maori rendering anyways.
Great, overall we’ve got what looks like it could be a very CV syllable structure. In order to match the vibe I’m going for, I won’t complicate that too much.
We have several C<l> consonant clusters, so we’ll say that it can occur initially. And since we said all approximants can occur finally, we’ll just say all approximants can occur in this position, too. Plus, since I’m mostly just doing this project to amuse Daitoshi, this also allows for their OC’s name to be permissible in the system.
Now, what is going on with these words from the Aiwha Pod short story?? Suddenly double letters. Okay. We’ll say <a> and <i> have long forms, and then we’ll say <u> does as well for a more balanced system. Same with <s> and then <h>, again for balance. Do these words represent diphthongs? Meh. I’ll say no, they’re bisyllabic because I want them to be.
After all that, we’re left with :
m /m/ n /n/
p /p/ b /b/ t /t/ d /d/ k/c /k/
s /s/ ss /sː/ h /h/ hh /hː/
lh /l̥/ l /l/ rh /ɻ̊/ r /ɻ/ wh /ʍ/ w /w/
i /i/ ii /iː/ u /u/ uu /uː/ e /e/ o /o/ a /ä/ aa /äː/
ai /äɪ̯/ au /äʊ̯/
C1 = -approximant if occuring in cluster
C2 = +voiced approximant
C3 = +nasal or +voiced approximant
Yay! Let’s work on naming some numbers now.
We’ll obviously want unique names for 0-4. Additionally, the number 9 is very significant in the GAR; squads consist of nine troopers, so every other division ends up divisible by nine. Cool, let’s give 9 a unique name and let it play a role in counting. I also give 36 and 144 unique names, thinking of things like “dozen” and “gross” and “score” in English. Aside from these, we’ll want the various powers of 4 to be something simple.
Futz around with the phonemic inventory, maybe drop it into a word generator, and here are the unique number name around which all other numbers will be based:
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And there you have it! The basics, at least. I’ve worked out the names of number 0-64 with which, as long as you know the powers of four, you can work out any number you’d like up to 206 billion~!
Additionally, I decided to create a numeral system (I mean, it’s only four characters, so why the heck not?) very loosely inspired by the structure of the DNA nucelobases (adenine, guanine, thymine cytosine), so here’s that:
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And here is a list of the names of all of the numbers through 64! The general rule is simply that if the smaller integer appears first, it is multiplied by the following. If the larger integer appears first, it is added to the following. Aside from a few of the earlier numbers, it’s pretty regular! 9 lends its name to its multiples, and of course 36 (and 144) have unique names, as mentioned above. After hitting 64, the numbers repeat (the same way that they do in English after 100).
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*both rai hhel and kwado lho are used, though the latter is rarer
Aaaand for examples in this system, I thought I’d convert some clone designations into it :3
Rex 7567 → 1312033
each digit: lho hhel lho kwa abo hhel hhel
full number: rai hhelto lho whenau kwaiil hhelte hhel
abbreviated: tehhel tekwa abo hhelte hhel
wooooow you can immediately see why they wouldn’t go with base-4 designations haha
Fives 5555 → 1112303
each digit: lho lho lho kwa hhel abo hhel
full number: rai te lho whenau kwaiil hhelrai hhel
abbreviated: telho tekwa hhel abo hhel
maybe we will just call him “Telhon” in Kaminoan :)
Cody 2224 → 202300
each digit: kwa abo kwa hhel abo abo
full number: kwate whenau kwaiil hhelrai
abbreviated: kwate dokwa abo abo (or perhaps “abora” for “double zero”)
I accidentally made his name start with “Kwate” which sounds enough like his nickname I suppose :)
And that’s it! If you read this far, um, thanks (unless you’re Daitoshi: curse you for inspiring me to create this). idk why you would, but anyone is welcome to use this for whatever purpose. Would love to see what you come up with if you do, though, so hmu~! ;)
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okkottsus · 4 years
Tagged by @gojosattoru ana thank u, ily 💞💞💞
Nickname: Angie ajsdjsk my actual greek name is a bit hard so i dont use it here
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5’2 / 1.58cm (ana we have the exact same height yay!)
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff 💛
Last thing I googled: “machi kuragi”cause i wanted a new header ajsdjk
Song stuck in my head: the op for snk season 4 ahhhh
Amount of sleep: 7-8 hours if dont have to wake up early
Lucky Number(s): 6(?) i guess if i had to pick one
Dream Job: i dont want to work...ever ajksdjk 
Wearing: a black hoodie and black sweatpants
Favorite song: nope. there’s no way to pick just one asjkdk
Favorite Instrument: the guitar 
Aesthetic: light pink/ light blue and pastel in general 
Favorite Author: do manga authors count;;; cause if not i have nothing akjskk
Random: i play otome games! (too random? 🤣)
tagging @sstarphase @ackernen @kagehjna @porco-galliard @honeymeh @mafuyuh @shinixgami @rorronoa @roronoazooro @labomi
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Yay! More tag stuff! Thanks for thinking of me @ahufflepuffhobbit. I’m like you. I like to see what’s changed.
Nickname: So Sunny actually is a nickname of mine. I’m a morning person and a guy I worked with took to calling me Sunshine. And then all throughout high school my nickname was Klutz which I wore like a badge of honor.
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 5′10″
Last Movie I Saw: I’m pretty sure it was My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It’s been awhile anyways.
Last Thing I Googled: “What’s the acronym for giving people free information?” For whatever reason, I was not getting to PSA fast enough. 🙄
Favorite Musician: I have tons of favorite artists, but I think my favorite musician specifically is Lindsey Stirling.
Song Stuck in My Head: Well it wasn’t in my head before hand, but now it’s “Stuck in Your Head” by I Prevail.
Other Blogs: No other active blogs.
Blogs Following: 86
Amount of Sleep: During the work week it usually averages 6 hours, but I rarely sleep longer than 8.5 anymore.
Lucky Number: 22
What Am I Wearing: black basketball shorts, a Hamilton T-shirt, and a light teal hoodie
Dream Job: Honestly, I love teaching, but I think I would enjoy creating standards-based virtual curriculum and tutoring a lot more. 
Dream Trip: I’d love to go back to Denmark and then on to explore the rest of the Scandinavian north. I hate the cold, but it’s so pretty in a soft way.
Languages: Only English right now. I took basic Spanish in college and would love to expand on it along with ASL.
Favorite Foods: BBQ Brisket, Mexican food, and chocolate chip cookies. 😋
Play an Instrument: I learned the clarinet in HS and I took piano for five years, but that’s really about it.
Favorite Song: Right now it’s “Monsters” by All Time Low.
Random Fact: Why can’t I think of anything? 😩 Umm...okay, yeah. So I’ve mentioned before that I like to bake, but I was taught without measuring tools so very rarely do I actually use them. My recipes consist of “add flour until it’s thick and homemade paste like” or “pour three glugs of milk”.
Alright tagging: @lordoftherazzles, @ragsweas, @mathelaw, and @nightshade-blues
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cee-of-thoughts · 4 years
Aight so i guess i'm gonna introduce my sides (if this blows up thank @zebrabaker she told me to post it lmao Liza ily)
I made them on picrew (Djarn's picrew because it is too perfect i-) because me can't draw (especially my own face)
I had already did Marisa (Imagination) before but i did her again on picrew just to get the whole gang
Imma do it fast because i'm tired rn lol but if you want to ask me anything about them go for it i love answering asks (seriously. I LOVE IT.)
Anyway let's start
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Pronouns: She/They
Side: Imagination
Light or Dark: Light
Color: Orange
Origin of name: It's a character's name from a rp im doing and i liked that name so here we are
Personnality: She's a very energetic person. They have self-esteem issues but hide it with laugh and jokes. If they have too much imagination, she can have an influence on the other sides and create a total mess (yes i copy pasted it from the first post) also she's the mom of the group
Lloyd (why is there no yellow when we need it)
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Pronouns: She/He/They (mostly by they tho)
Side: Loyalty and Impartiality (They're a fusion of two sides)
Light or Dark: Light
Color: Yellow (why no yellow yellow is a good color :()
Origin of name: Lloyd,,,Loyalty,,,Lloyd,,, you see what i did there?? (If you don't, it's because those words kinda look alike)
Personnality: They have tired wine parent energy. Also they are blind because justice is blind *wink* and they have all my braincells (which is like only a quarter of one but hey)
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Pronouns: She/Her
Side: Compassion
Light or Dark: Light (yes i do have dark sides dw)
Color: Green
Origin of name: Eleos is the name of the greek Goddess of mercy, pity and compassion. And it's pretty.
Personnality: A litteral ray of sunshine. She baby. Everyone loves her. She's everyone's big sister. Even yours. Even if you don't want to.
Euphy (it is supposed to be light grey so uh yeah)
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(i wanna wear this)
Pronouns: She/They
Side: Optimism
Light or Dark: Neither (you can say that she's...grey lmao)
Color: Light grey (BECAUSE THEY GREY U SEE (yup i made the same joke two times in a row))
Origin of name: Euphy is the short version of Euphrosyne, greek goddess of good cheers, joy and mirth
Personnality: She's a pretty optimistic person (would be weird if she wasn't) and is the one who helps when one of the others has a panic attack. Also they have a twin sibling (who is,,,,)
Pessy (yay purple)
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Pronouns: She/He/They
Side: Pessimism
Light or Dark: Dark
Color: Purple
Origin of name: That's actually not their name, it's a nickname but Pessy is the short version of pessimism
Personality: They're a fucking gremlin. Also you know in those horror movies when there's this one idiot who screams "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE" during all the fucking movie? Yeah that's Pessy
Oiz (if you're in light mode (what) it's already black)
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Pronouns: She/They
Side: Anxiety
Light or Dark: Dark
Color: Black
Origin of name: Comes from the greek goddess Oizys (Misery, Anxiety, Grief and Depression)
Personnality: She is edgy. One time she cried with makeup on so it was all smudged (is that a word) and she liked the vibe so she kept it
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Pronouns: She/Her
Side: Anger
Light or Dark: Dark
Color: Red
Origin of name: Short for Rabbia which means anger in italian
Personnality: A fucking queen. She's pretty much like Sleep from Thomas' short vids but once you make her angry oh boy u ready for a ride
And that's it!
i probably should go to sleep now
nah jk
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miikkkkkkkka · 5 years
I have to address all the people that hate annabeth because she calls percy “seaweed brain”
‪“Wise Girl” and “Seaweed Brain” were used by Percy and Annabeth in the first book, wherein they’ve only just met. The only things they knew about each other Is “oh she’s so smart” and “wth he blew up a toilet and drenched me in toilet water” They used those nicknames as a way to mock the other but as they grew closer, “seaweed brain” and “wise girl” eventually turned into affectionate nicknames for each other. Remember when Thalia called percy a seaweed brain? He said that for some reason, it’s okay that annabeth calls him that. And plus, throughout the franchise, we see Annabeth try to get rid of the “dumb blonde” stereotype. And for her, the way to do that is to show people that she can read, memorize stories of Greek, Roman, and etc. So that mindset has been etched into her brain.
Put yourself in her shoes. Annabeth grew up with a family that treated her like an inconvenience. She ran away at the age of seven, met Luke and Thalia, lost Thalia, and then got to camp half blood. She was never granted a quest so she spent her childhood trying to prove to other people that she is smart, wise, and strong enough to accomplish one. And then Percy comes in, doesn’t even spend a lot of time at camp, and then he gets a quest. So as said, her hubris is her fatal flaw. Her pride. So in her mind she’s thinking “why did this guy get a quest so easily and not me? I have to prove that I’m good enough”. So she has to prove to herself first that she is smart. She is wise. A daughter of the wisdom goddess. So to do that, this prideful 12 year old, put percy down using her words. But then as they spend more time together, she realizes that “oh he’s actually pretty smart” and begins to learn. BUT. Keep in mind she developed feelings for Percy when she was 12. And he just can’t see it. So then she calls him obtuse. Skip to the time they’re already dating. Yay percy has finally seen her feelings. In MOA, we finally see into Annabeth’s head. And it’s literally 60% of “percy is so amazing. What would I do without him?! He better not leave me again or I swear to all the gods-“. PJATO was in Percy’s POV. We didn’t see what Annabeth was really thinking. It’s like “the little boys pull the little girl’s hair cause they like them” thing.
This is getting too long. But my main point is, Annabeth thinks highly of her boyfriend, she’d do literally anything for him. And those who make her flaws the reasons to hate her should be ashamed.
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smarti-at-smogwarts · 4 years
Names for all of them please!
Marta Beatrice Venturi
For Marti -as well as her siblings- I sorta took a lot of inspo from the tv show  Life With Derek. So her first name and last name come from there. ( as well as her siblings sans Jacob ) since while I was thinking about starting the game I had also been talking with a friend about how the show was a big comfort as a kid. Although the characters have become more or less my own as I write for them ( in my head lmao)  and play the game, I kept the names. 
I did look up what Marti could be short for tho and came up with Marta 
Marta: is a name that that is the form of MARTHA used in various languages. 
Meaning: From research the meaning behind the name is  (Latin from Ancient Greek Μάρθα, from Aramaic מרתא (martā) "the mistress" or "the lady", from מרה "mistress", feminine of מרי "master").
Beatrice is the middle name I picked for her. I knew I wanted the name to be of English origin as when I looked up the name Marta it told me that that was it’s origin. I was trying out different names and really liked how Marta Beatrice sounded together.
Meaning: The meaning also sold me though as it’s   a name derived from the French name Béatrice, which came from the Latin Beatrix, which means "she who makes happy" or ‘’Bringer of joys and blessings’’ Since I see Marti as a fairly cheerful kid I really liked it and thought it fit.
Venturi is an Italian name which I also took from LWD.
Meaning:  It’s meaning however    comes from the Italian "bonaventura," meaning "good luck" or "good fortune." which I find really freakin ironic considering Jacob and his family’s story with the plot of the game and I kinda really like that tbh. 
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Theodosia Jane Abott: 
Theodosia: For Theo I wanted a name that was unisex/androgynous. I sorta picked her face claim because I had always seen Jo March from Little Women as genderqueer. I had the name Ted/Teddy stuck in my head and kept thinking of names that sounded similar.( theodore...theo..) Finally I landed on Theodosia. Partly because I was stim singing Hamilton. 
While Theodosia isn’t an unisex name it did lent itself to a nickname so I was happy.
Meaning  The name Theodosia means Divine Gift and is of Greek origin.
Jane I got from Jane Austen just because the period of time game took place in had me thinking of her. I do like how it contradicts Theodosia in it being short and more simple tho. 
Meaning:  The name Jane means God Is Gracious and is of English origin.
Abott: I wanted her to be a pureblood but also not pick a super known last name though I did toy with the idea of naming her Black ( i might change it between now and future game updates but for now Abott she remains)
Meaning:  English and Scottish: from Middle English abbott 'abbot' (Old English abbod) or Old French abet 'priest'. Both the Old English and the Old French term are derived from Late Latin abbas 'priest' (genitive abbatis), from Greek abbas, from Aramaic aba 'father'.
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Tatiana Aguillard-Ambrose
Tatiana: I picked Tatiana’s first name as a callback to one of Nina Dorev’s roles in Vampire Diaries ( Tatia) 
Meaning :  Tatiana is a female name of Sabine and Latin origin, a feminine derivative of the Sabine-Latin name Tatius. Titus Tatius was the name of a king of the Sabines, an Italic tribe living near Rome, presumably from the 8th to the 1st century BC.
Her last names I picked going from the fact that I wanted her to have a french surname ( as I conceptualized her as having french and Russian lineage) 
Aguillard: I picked the name Aguillard because I liked the sound of it
Meaning:  metonymic occupational name for a needle maker from Old French aguillard, a variant (with a change of suffix) of aguillier, from a(i)guille ‘needle’
Ambrose I  also liked the name. In particular because it reminded me of Merlin from an old rp where Merlin’s descendant had that last name.
Meaning: its of greek origin and means Inmortal. 
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hopelikethemoon · 5 years
get to know me game
i was tagged by @longitud-de-onda
Rule is to tag 21 people you wanna get to know better. 
Nickname: Maggie
Real name: Maggie 
Zodiac: pisces sun, sagittarius rising, capricorn moon 
Favorite musicians or bands: taylor swift, the fray, hozier, halsey, evanesence, the mandalorian soundtrack, bastille, florence & the machine, musical theater, 80s music, tons of different alt-rock and classic rock.
Favorite sports team: lol 
Other blogs: none
Do I get asks: not really! 
Tumblr crushes: ah yisss, my senpais are @rzrcrst and @tarrevizslas. 
Lucky numbers: 7, 17, 13, 3, 93, 19
What am I wearing: star wars pajama pants and a very dirty sleepy hollow tee
Dream vacation: london. I miss it. 
Dream car: A Ford Dually.
Favorite food: Mexican or Italian food. Basically anything.
Drink of choice: Greek wine.
Instruments: I can play piano and violin, I just choose not to. 
Languages: none outside of english. YAY learning disabilities. 
Celebrity crushes: Pedro Pascal, Adam Driver, Jon Bernthal, Diego Luna, Santiago Cabrerra, Manny Montana, Oscar Isaac, Ana de Armas, Phoebe Tonkin. 
Random facts: I’ve been writing fanfiction since I was six years old. 
21 tags of people who I’d like to see play along:  WHOEVER WANTS TO!
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starlitcrows · 5 years
Okay i kinda went through the oc name tags because I loved that art so much, could you possibly talk about Nyx and Alexander and what exactly Akari and Naoise mean for them please? I'm super interested!
nyx merahem, a.k.a akari hisakawa. (pronouns: they/them, occasionally she/her)
alexander beramson, a.k.a. naoise xander. (pronouns: he/him)
nyx is a time-traveling shapeshifter/borderline god-like mage, who’s basically just doing whatever the hell they want now centuries after working as an assassin and frontline mage for a war between kingdoms (a lot happened before that but that’s basically the gist). alexander was their partner, who perished shortly after the war ended due to mages being hunted down to pretty much near extinction.
“akari” is the nickname/identity nyx created for themself a few centuries down the line to fit into modern day standards. eventually, through use of 200% forbidden magic and 300% “i can’t let go of the past” e.g. literally not letting go of alex’s soul, they succeed in resurrecting him. yay!
nyx is the goddess of night in greek mythos. merahem is a word scramble of the name “hemera,” the goddess of dawn. “akari” means both “light” and “vermillion red/white jasmine”, hisakawa meaning “river/stream”, so if we stretch it, it’s technically something like “red light over the white jasmine by the stream.” again. stretch.
alexander means “defender of men” in greek. beram is a english surname, with the suffix -son. because that was his mentor. lol. naoise is the name of a man who was killed for eloping with deirdre (not the fe character obvs) in irish legend, xander is short ‘alexander’.
and that’s the EXTREMELY short version!
ty for showing interest in them honestly i didn’t think anyone would ;; gotta get back to drawing fire emblem content………..
here’s some (older) art of them under the read-more lol
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(i’ve drawn more of nyx tbh)
(and yes, they’re the one who inspired kiran’s sunset eyes)
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omgselinabeckendorf · 5 years
Tag, You’re It!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 people, either mutuals or followers you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @wonderfulfanofall Thanks for tagging me! These are fun, when I have time to do them, lol
Name/Nickname: My Online Alias is Selina! I don’t feel comfortable sharing my real name online, so I go by Selina
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Taurus (Moo)
Birthday: May 12th (I’m fifteen!)
Height: 5′1″ (I’m like an inch taller than my mom)
Sexuality: Bi and Proud (Biphobes go away)
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Blanket Count: Three, and if you count my Hufflepuff robe I sometimes wear to sleep, which I do, then four
Nationality/Country: American (Yay...)
Occupation: None (As I am Babey and also a minor)
Hobbies: Writing, singing, daydreaming, making cookies, being a supportive friend, and getting obsessed with cartoons
Other blogs: None. I considered making a Self-Shipping side blog, but then decided against it and just made my main blog a mix both, if that makes sense?
Favorite Book: Woof, why must you make me choose? I particularly like three book series: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and the Virals. Of Harry Potter, my favorite book is Prisoner of Azkaban (I actually have a wallet I got from Hot Topic that is Sirus Black’s Azkaban Prisoner ID, and it’s amazing), of Percy Jackson, I think the Lightning Thief is my favorite, and of the Virals, it’s the second book, Seizure, that’s my favorite.
Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride. I can know all of Westley’s lines, it’s insane.
Favorite Color: Blue. When I was a kid, it was yellow, then it was pink, and now it’s blue
Favorite Season: Probably Spring or Summer, I prefer warmer seasons
Favorite Food: Turkey Ham or Shells and White Cheddar. If you don’t know what Shells and White Cheddar is, since almost nobody I meet knows, it’s basically a type of pasta that I love. I love pasta, okay?
Favorite Animal: Probably a cat. But dogs are a close second
Last Movie I watched: Monster High: Friday Night Frights. Don’t judge me
Last Song I Listened To: A Million Miles from the Aladdin Broadway Musical. Fun Fact: Aladdin was actually the first musical I’ve ever seen. I’ve listened to soundtracks, but have never seen a musical until this past Friday night, and it was magical.
Last Book I Read: Uhhhhhh, Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods, I think
Last Fun Thing I did: Go see the Aladdin musical. Again, it was magical and I loved every second since I got in the theatre
Inspiration or Muse: Typically, when I get inspired to write, it’s because of a song that gives me a certain idea or daydream that I have to write out. I inevitably end up looping it as I write
 Meaning of URL: Okay, funny story about this: My Username is actually homage to Silena Beauregard and Charles Beckendorf from Percy Jackson. On Discord and Wattpad, my username is SelinaBeckendorf (And no, I didn’t realize I spelled it wrong until it was too late, so whoop-), but the name was taken on Tumblr, because apparently I’m not original, and it changed it to omgselinabeckendorf and I didn’t realize it until I clicked okay, because I’m a dumb-dumb like that.
Dream Destination: Disneyland. Or Universal. I know they’re huge corporations and Disney’s trying to monopolize every entertainment industry like ever, but I’ve never been to either DisneyWorld or DisneyLand, and I’ve always wanted to go. I wanted to go to Universal because of their Harry Potter World.
I’m from a family of awesome nerds, what do you expect, lol
Dream Job: Probably a writer, since that’s what I want to do, but I also wanna be an actress, so I’m still a little conflicted between the two
Tag 20 people: Oh goodie-goodie, let’s find out just how sad my life is by how many people I can think of to tag. (BTW: Literally don’t feel obligated to do this if you don’t want to, absolutely no big deal, love you all 💖)
@spookylovesboba (I love your edits, by the way, they’re so funny!)
@frenchymusicman (Hey, hey, miss u)
@bossidiotart (By the way, have I ever told you how great your user name is? Because it is)
@sukiethechameleon (I don’t even know if he’s still active, but oh well)
@marionette-j2x (I know we’ve literally never talked before, but I follow you because you’re art’s amazing and I wanted to know that)
Also, I am literally so sorry if I end up bothering any of you by tagging you, and again, do not feel obligated to do this too
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