#buddie + tsoa
skylessknights · 5 months
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“That is — your friend?" “Philtatos,” Achilles replied, sharply. “Most beloved.”
― Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
Author's Notes: I actually did this post all the way back in 2021 but I've learnt so much since then and so I wanted to recreate it!
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gibuckaroo · 6 months
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achilles and patroclus; he is half of my soul as the poets say.
[original text in post: When you took Patroclus from Achilles— is this what he felt? When he saw him lifeless and pale and unmoving in another soldier's arms as they delivered the very reason he was here on earth—did he feel the ground move from under him? Did he feel time cease? Did he feel the way I do now? Out of breath, out of life, out of time, out of love. When you took his person, did he also want to dig a hell of his own?]
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hippolotamus · 7 months
Inspiration Saturday 🖤
Tagged by @daffi-990 for today and @thekristen999 @loveyouanyway @wildlife4life for Friday (tagging you back if you haven’t already for today)
I’m in my post publishing do what I want era. So have a new little something inspired by a devastating cocktail of T Swift and TSoA 😘
“I’m with Patroclus,” Eddie says, interrupting Buck’s meandering thoughts. “No matter what happens, I would know it was you.”
Buck sets his book down and reaches for Eddie’s hand, threading their fingers together. “Oh, yeah? What if I like, get splashed by acid and become horribly disfigured?”
“Is that going to be your villain origin story?”
“Maybe.” Buck shrugs playfully.
“Even then,” Eddie insists, kissing their linked hands. “We’ve been through too much shit for me to not know you.”
“It would be the same for me, too, Eds. I’d recognize you anywhere. In any condition, in any universe.”
“You better. I’ll haunt you for eternity.”
Buck pinches Eddie’s side. “Thought you didn’t believe in that stuff.”
“For you, mi amor, I’ll make an exception. I, Eddie Diaz, do hereby promise to haunt one Evan Buckley for eternity should he fail to recognize me anywhere, in any condition, in any universe.” He pulls Buck down for a kiss, managing as best they can with the awkward angle. “Deal?”
Buck rolls his eyes fondly and brushes their lips together again. “Deal.”
He startles awake at the sound of Bobby’s voice, wincing at the crick in his neck. When did he fall asleep?
“How long have you been here, kid?”
“I, uh, haven’t been home yet,” Buck answers sheepishly. He scrubs a hand through his hair, then down his cheek and over the bristly stubble starting to fill in already.
Bobby sends him a knowing look instead of giving him a lecture on how he promised to get some proper rest.
“How is he?” Bobby asks softly, his gaze drifting towards the hospital bed.
np tagging @stereopticons @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @actuallyitsellie @apothecarose @barbiediaz @buddierights @chaosandwolves @diazsdimples @elvensorceress @eowon @fortheloveofbuddie @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @heartshapedvows @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @indestructibleheart @jesuisici33 @ladydorian05 @lemonzestywrites my love @lizzie-bennetdarcy @loserdiaz @monsterrae1 @rmd-writes @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @statueinthestone @steadfastsaturnsrings @the-likesofus @theotherbuckley @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @thewolvesof1998 @tizniz @vanillahigh00 @watchyourbuck @weewootruck @welcometololaland @wikiangela @your-catfish-friend and anyone else who wants to 😘
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wutheringmights · 4 months
Do you have any random ctb lore that you couldn’t fit into the story for any of the characters/plotlines?
I've been kicking around the idea of doing a short one-shot about Icarius and Nephus's backstory in the style of STP, just to explore their fucked-up dynamic. Neither of them are really main characters, so I can't really derail the whole story to go into more detail than I have already provided.
Here's a few scattered ideas involving them:
Icarius is probably 2-3 years older than Nephus, which meant that Icarius was Nephus's caretaker and much more the one in charge of Nephus than he should have been
Nephus's friends and family refer to him as Vas (I think this is in the story somewhere, actually)
Nephus is the youngest son in a huge family, which basically meant that he had a lot of money growing up but no responsibility to go along with it-- because all of his siblings were so much older than him, he really clung to Icarius as a peer
Nephus's fascination with Hyrule began when he read a book of myths about the various Heroes of Hyrule
Everything Icarius learned was so that Nephus would have a partner/assistant for all of his activities, which includes education (like learning Hylian) and sports (Icarius ended up being much better at boxing and wrestling than Nephus)
That being said, Icarius has always had a smart mouth that has gotten him in trouble. Nephus always had to bail him out
They both have always been a little possessive of the other. Icarius was jealous of Nephus's friends and flings while Nephus was suspicious that anyone who was nice to Icarius would try to take him away
Icarius was very isolated from the rest of the thralls; like Nephus, any other thrall of his station would have been much older than him and those who were his age saw him as narc
Icarius did have a family though: mom, dad, grandparents, and siblings
Nephus's mentor in school was his father's political enemy. That relationship ended up saving him. When a house is sentenced, it's traditional to leave a member alive so that it doesn't die out completely. This mentor advocated for Nephus to be spared both because he was perceived as harmless and because he could be controlled.
Icarius was almost executed with his family-- he was yanked out of the execution line at the last minute because he was deemed Nephus's property
After he was spared, Nephus and Icarius made a bloodpact to exact revenge and rehaul Faovaria in their image-- this of course meant Nephus got his shit together and grew the fuck up
(dialogue that should have happened:
warriors: fuck faovaira! foavaria sucks!
nephus & icarius: we know that and we want to destroy it too)
Nephus's power nowadays comes from that mentor who spared him
Because Faovaria is a military state, Nephus and Icarius joined the military in order to gain more social power
Nephus's campaign in Hyrule is literally just a stepping stone for gathering enough power in Faovaria-- conquer the unconquerable Hyrule and bring back a weapon that no one has seen yet
Oh, remember when Ganondorf said that Nephus had sent a woman to ask if he could look at the library? That was Icarius in drag
Nephus and Icarius saw a lot of places in Hyrule on their travels, including Castle Town, the Zora's Domain, and the town surrounding the Knight's Citadel. They were smart enough to not ping Lincoln's attention, but they definitely attended a sermon at the same temple Warriors went to that one time
Icarius did not tell Nephus who Link was until they were hundreds of miles away from Kakariko, and only because he knew it would piss Nephus off
(Nephus, trying to flirt: aren't you glad you didn't run away with that Hylian loser?
Icarius, who has been a little pissed off all day: oh, you mean the Hero of Hyrule?
Nephus: the
Nephus: the WHAT?????)
Nephus's worsening treatment towards Icarius was a gradual change; like boiling water, Icarius didn't really realize that things were getting dangerous for him until it was too late
The day Icarius realized that Nephus wasn't different from any other Faovarian, that Nephus's feelings for him weren't anything as dynamic or complicated as his own-- that Nephus didn't see him as anything other than an object to possess... it genuinely destroyed his whole world
Philo was literally this orphan Faovarian kid they found on the streets; Icarius was the one who insisted they take him home. It took a while for Nephus to warm up to him.
Icarius could tell his relationship with Nephus was falling apart, and taking in Philo was a way for him to fix things. Like getting pregnant to fix a broken marriage.
That was a terrible analogy. Basically, if Nephus wouldn't value him then Icarius wanted someone who will
As you can probably guess, their dynamic greatly resembled the Brothers' at first. Icarius cared and doted on Philo, and Philo relied on him for love while seeking Nephus's approval. Meanwhile, Nephus was just annoyed that there's this brat ruining his life. Things changed when he realized Philo was a dark magic prodigy. Icarius didn't want Philo to get involved in the fighting while Philo wanted to be useful, and add that Nephus's treatment towards Icarius was always worsening...
Philo witnessed Icarius getting his tongue chopped out. Philo did not take it well, and he tries to rationalize it as being something Icarius deserved
The thing is that nothing special triggered it. Icarius was being his usual smartass self when Nephus just snapped
Philo clings to Nephus as much as he does because if he doesn't make Nephus happy, then Nephus might do the same to him
Meanwhile, Philo has picked up on how Nephus and others treat Icarius; so while Philo had previously regarded Icarius like a brother, he often treats Icarius like he is below him now
And poor Icarius is more isolated than ever: he can't talk, he's all alone, he can't trust Nephus, and Philo won't listen to him
Nephus waffles between knowing he's irrevocably fucked up and believing he was 100% right-- either way, he bulldozes through Icarius's feelings to continue acting like everything is normal and it's still them against the rest of Faovaria, and they only need each other
He does not know he is exactly the thing he hates
It's all a big mess
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alabamasuhn · 2 years
"I could recognise him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world."
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Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller // Buck and Eddie, 911 on fox // TK and Carlo's, 911 Lone Star
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doitforadamparrish · 2 years
anybody interested in doing a buddy read with me?? Love reading & discussing as we go. No awkward getting to know me phase I’ll launch right into it just pretend we bonded over coffee and cigarettes at a book fair or something.
My TBR for December:
- ninth house by Leigh Bardugo
- a little life by Hanya Yanagihara
- Atlas six by Olivie Blake
- the song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
- vicious by V E Schwab
- alone with you in the ether by Olivie Blake
- they both die at the end by Adam Silveira
- sea of tranquility by Emily Saint John Mandel
Keep in mind they’re not rereads for me but if you’ve read any of these before & want to reread that’s fine as long as you don’t drop any spoilers!! We can communicate through iMessage, Snapchat, WhatsApp, or whatever really. Lmk if you’re interested in reading any of these w me!! In the unlikely scenario where more than one person is interested I’ll make a gc. Would like to start after December 12th since I’m super busy before that
A lil bit abt me: 18+ pls, i live in France so european central time (but tbh if time zone doesn’t matter to you then it doesn’t to me either), I’m v likely to completely lose it & obsess & cry (particularly about a little life from what I’ve heard…), other series I love and cannot stop thinking about include trc/tdt and aftg, as for stand alones: iwwv, datvd, dorian gray, anything hermann hesse, slaughterhouse v
Anyway if interested just drop a message or dm❤️‍🔥
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edsbacktattoo · 1 year
i think you're in love with me ❤️💜🖤
babe we invented it??? like the wedding ceremony only became a common practice after they saw us do it 10 times. you’re welcome earth btw for all the love that we invented for u 🖤💜❤️
assume something about me
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Currently (re-)Reading...
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
I first read this... oh, many a year ago. It must have been a year or two after it first came out, I'd think, almost a decade ago. I was just out of my teens, and still lived at home.
I remember when I finished this the first time round, I was on a train home after work, and I spent the entire journey noisy sobbing. I finished the last few pages once I got home, and then cried for, I kid you not, six entire hours. I couldn't stop.
Every time I've tried re-reading this since, I've stopped right before the end, and just put the book down, while they're still happy and fine. And literally just, not picked it back up. I never managed to read the end again.
It's probably been about six years since I've attempted to read it again, yet I do recommend it to pretty much everyone I meet.
After finishing our first buddy read (All for the Game) my friend asked if we could go straight into another one. We decided on The Song of Achilles, because it was one of the first books I recommended to her, and I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to experience it alongside her.
We spread it over four days, and it was going so well, up until that bit. Once again, I stopped just before it got bad. Ellie let me know that she, also, had ended up ugly crying on public transport.
After a week, I finally bit the bullet, and read those last heartbreaking chapters. I cried like a baby, again. But it's every bit as good as I remember it being.
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f0xgl0v3 · 6 months
Talking about Characters from the Iliad/Odyssey that I liked a lot :3
(Alternative: I just talk about people who were on the page for like. A minute and then nothing because I really just wanted to talk about characters who weren’t like. As well known as others?)
Every day I fight the urge to talk about how much I dislike Song Of Achilles-
Okay anyways I wanna talk about characters from the like Iliad-Odyssey (sadly not Aeneid because I haven’t read that yet) that I really like because they always balance out the anger I feel when thinking about the artificial divide that had to happen between Pat and Achilles over Breisis is TSOA because-
Okay, okay aaa that’s not what this is about. If anyone wants to hear my thoughts feel free to tell me because I’d gladly give my take as someone who just kinda knows the myths and vibes with them (there’s a reason the Iliad is my favorite book)
Anyways characters/probably historical figures(??) from the Iliad/trojan war era and the odyssey that I really liked beyond like. The main crew. While I ramble note that I am just someone that likes these guys. I’m not giving amazing riveting new information. I just don’t really want to write out the SoN re-imagining nor do I want to try and revisit the Machaon and Podalirius concept work I was doing (or potentially mess around with some Ulysses dies at dawn concepts because aaa-) okay- okay,
I (obviously) like Machaon and Podalirius. Like I said I have some concept sketches of them buried in my Ibis paint somewhere. I really liked seeing them mentioned in the Iliad when they were, and the two of them just feel like an interesting concept to explore if I ever do more like. Actual mythology not just Pjo stuff here on the blog. Also this is devoid of anything but they have good character to bounce off each other and they live in my brain.
Palamedes! He’s not actually in the Iliad but was a prince who was in the Trojan war. He was the dude that had to fetch Odysseus and he’s also really interesting and I like thinking of him as the ‘straight-man’ to all of Agamemnon’s stuff before Odysseus took over the roll. I also really like his story :3
Is Sarpedon one of the more well known characters? Idk. I talk about Hector on here too so really I break my own rules but I like Sarpedon as a concept (you can tell I like a lot of these characters for the ideas they give the brain.) He’s an interesting fellow. Maybe one day I’ll actually have something insightful to say about him.
Okay Hector. I really like Hector, I like seeing him in conflict with his brother. I like the ideas and how Hector acts and how he like does stuff narratively. I like him for the same reason I like Demetrius in Midsummer nights dream. They’re both kinda just guys who have to put up with everyone around them and it’s silly. He also has the whole really big stone thing during the siege(?) of the Achaeans camps that was fun.
Now are the Odyssey guys and it’s literally just two people who caught my attention in the Odyssey.
Antinous. He was really like ahfiakfbsjjs in my mind. Between getting off the high that was reading the Iliad and being like gently laid down in the Odyssey I really liked him? He sucked don’t get me wrong, but I liked that he sucked. He was a little trash guy and I liked that, hand him over.
Peisistratus. For anyone who forgot him or doesn’t know who he is this is Telemachus’s friend and traveling buddy from Pylos. He just kinda appears at some point and I really like him. He feels scruffy in my head and I think he’s a really interesting character! Also I like the friendship between Telemachus and Peisistratus.
Also shoutout to Antilochus who I didn’t put down but he was also really fun.
Okay wow! I said literally nothing this entire post. But uh. Maybe I’ll actually post things more often about stuff like the Iliad and Odyssey? I’m obviously no like classics expert but hey. I like random people that are in my stories. Also Antinous. I genuinely didn’t think I liked him that much but now that I’m thinking about him he’s really silly- haha funny scruffy man. If anyone asks he is synonymous with the like-
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This cat right there. Make it have an ego and boom. Antinous deserves like everything that’s coming to him in the Odyssey and it’s really fun to just watch him rampage
Okay I’m really tired goodnight
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about me :)
hiii <33 welcome to my blog!!
ella, minor, bi, she/her, and a cancer
a swiftie since i was 6( fun fact: first ts song i heard to was blank space) (also i miscalculated bc i mixed it up with smth else lmao 😭😭)
hyperfixated on many things
young royals, heartstopper, aogg, tsoa, tshoeh, greek mythology, banana fish, pjo, hoo, toa, tfota series, buddy daddies, sk8 the infinity, spy x family, yuri!!! on ice, not so shoujo love story, howl's moving castle (both the book and the movie), given (anime)
achilles apologist (he’s a babygirl ok)
fic writer
reputation, speak now, and evermore are my top three ts albums (debut supremacy!!)
i love watching anime so recommend me some of ur favs!!
we stan eiji okumura in this blog
sometimes i affectionately insult my fav characters
curses sometimes
could speak english and tagalog (im learning how to speak swedish because of my obsession with young royals adjkasjkadjk)
sometimes i make playlists for my beloved blorbos
sometimes hp and the marauders
comfort characters: achilles, prince wilhelm, ash lynx, nick nelson, ginny weasley, annabeth chase, percy jackson, jude duarte, rei suwa, mateo torrez, yuri katsuki, reki kyan, sophie hatter
if i don’t like u i’ll just block u
will block any jkr enthusiasts
i also have a side blog: @itsjusta-thousandcuts which you can go and follow if u wanna see stuff that i write :D (and also some nonsense stuff lmao) and my AO3 just_a_local_fangirl
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skylessknights · 2 years
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You're scaring us and all of us, some of us love you. Achilles, it's not much but there's proof.
                                                   — Achilles Come Down, Gangs of Youth
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hippolotamus · 1 year
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Buddie TSOA quotes 1/?
We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake loving him in silence. - The Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller
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monsterrae1 · 2 years
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I have returned to the realm of tsoa x buddie to personally cause you the most terrible heart ache and grief 😭💔✨
you're doing a great job at it 😭😭😭 i love it 😭
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tsoanatural · 3 years
wait for your tsoa edits why is buck achilles?
hi anon! so i originally picked based on who worked best for what scenes but eventually i rambled into this whole meta thing that poor @phantomqueenmorrigan and @trashbaget had to listen to but the short version of why i picked what i did based solely on onomastics is under the cut!
Ἀχιλλεύς ( Achilles ) has many meanings, but directly translates to “ distress, sorrow, and grief” from ��χος ( áchos ) and “ of / from the people “ from λαός ( laós ). This means his whole name can directly mean “ he who comes from the pain and sorrow of the people “ and if that isn’t Buck then I don’t know what is. λαός can also mean “ from the corpse of soldiers “ which could yield an argument that Buck comes from the corpse of either Daniel and / or his asswipe parents.
A proto-indo-european translation of his name and surrounding legend can also yield the meaning of “ sharp and swift-footed “ or even divine specifically when one is doing heroic battle, something that could parallel Buck being the “ hero “ on calls if you use the homeric definition of a hero.
An additional name Achilles bore was the nickname Pyrisous which means “ save / saved from the fire “ ( yay for fire parallels!! ). This name is where the legend splits, some say he was named that because Thetis burned his ashes after his death in a divine fire, but others claim it was Achilles himself that was the fire — that he was born from it — and that it was that birth fire that gave him his near immortality.
Both of these versions agree though that Achilles had an interesting relationship with fire* both as its capability to birth and cleanse ( becoming a firefighter and turning his life around ) but also to destroy and hurt ( ladder truck bomb = bad fire ) and subsequently makes Buck’s word choice of “ walk[ing] through fire every day of [ his ] life “ even more notable.
*fire meaning here one of the 4 elements known as fire that would include anything that gave off heat or flames
Eddie time!
Πάτροκλος ( Patroklos ) comes from the greek word πατήρ (pater) which means " father " and the word κλέος (kleos) which means “ glory ” and so his name ironically translates directly to “ the glory of the father ” in Ancient Greek.
Patroclus’s father’s name is also important, Μενοίτιος ( Menoetius ) comes from menos which means “ doomed ” and oitos which means “ doom ” and fully can be translated into “ doomed might ” which is apt since Menoetius only has the one son, something that shouldn’t be ignored.
The connection of the doomed might and the glory to the father is directly paralleled to Eddie’s father wanting him to be someone he isn’t ( the entire “ don’t drag him down with you ” scene ) and Eddie always subconsciously trying to please him ( all the times he brings up his dad re - trauma and moving forward “ like a man “ ) and inevitably failing every time because like Patroclus, any attempt to bring “ glory “ to his family is fated to fail.
Nothing Eddie will ever do can be good enough so it will constantly to push the " be better for Christopher " mantra engrained into him that will end up leading him to Ana and away from Achilles - the part where Thetis tells Patroclus that " You will not disgrace him. Do you understand? " comes to mind for some reason.
Eddie, like Patroclus, is the only son of his father, and as far as I can recall is the only one in canon who has a blood claim to the Diaz patriarchy ( even though Abuela is running the family totally fine on her own badass-y way and needs no help ).
Both Patroclus and Eddie disappoint their fathers and inevitably are exiled because of it since having Christopher before being married can theoretically be paralleled to Patroclus’s murder of the boy since both are accidents that end up changing their lives forever. Eddie’s exile is different from Patroclus’s because an argument can be made for Eddie’s ‘exile’ to be of a willing nature — an argument that I will disprove at a later date when I get angry enough — but either way, they’re both exiled unfairly since half of the blame lies on Shannon and the asshole who was bullying Patroclus.
That very exile will actually be the best thing that ever happened to both boys ironically. Eddie will get Christopher who will lead him to LA and to the 118 ( and Buck but we haven’t gotten there yet ) where Patroclus is lead to Achilles.
I would like it noted that I am in no way implying that Christopher was a mistake or that Eddie thinks he was, I am merely saying that having Christopher significantly altered Eddie’s life plans and put him on a completely different path than the one he would have been on without Chris.
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alabamasuhn · 2 years
"I could recognise him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world."
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The song of Achilles, Madeline Miller // Buck and Eddie, 911 on Fox // Carlos and Tk, 911 Lone Star
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aashiqeddiediaz · 2 years
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there is no law that gods must be fair, achilles.
— The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
[Image ID: two square gifs of Evan Buckley from 9-1-1 episode 3.15, "Eddie Begins" after the well collapses on top Overlaid over each gif is transparent text in the corners from The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller:
GIF 1: Buck bowing his head in defeat as he digs through the earth fruitlessly to get to Eddie. Off-screen, Bobby reaches for him before drawing back, and reaching again. The gif is colored with a pink hue. The text reads, "perhaps it is the greater grief, after all,"
GIF 2: A close-up of Buck's expression as Bobby outlines a rescue operation for Eddie. He looks absent, emotionally numb and devastated as he stares off into the distance. The gif is colored with a light-blue hue. The text reads, "to be left on earth when another is gone."
/end ID]
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