#alexander beramson
starlitcrows · 5 years
Okay i kinda went through the oc name tags because I loved that art so much, could you possibly talk about Nyx and Alexander and what exactly Akari and Naoise mean for them please? I'm super interested!
nyx merahem, a.k.a akari hisakawa. (pronouns: they/them, occasionally she/her)
alexander beramson, a.k.a. naoise xander. (pronouns: he/him)
nyx is a time-traveling shapeshifter/borderline god-like mage, who’s basically just doing whatever the hell they want now centuries after working as an assassin and frontline mage for a war between kingdoms (a lot happened before that but that’s basically the gist). alexander was their partner, who perished shortly after the war ended due to mages being hunted down to pretty much near extinction.
“akari” is the nickname/identity nyx created for themself a few centuries down the line to fit into modern day standards. eventually, through use of 200% forbidden magic and 300% “i can’t let go of the past” e.g. literally not letting go of alex’s soul, they succeed in resurrecting him. yay!
nyx is the goddess of night in greek mythos. merahem is a word scramble of the name “hemera,” the goddess of dawn. “akari” means both “light” and “vermillion red/white jasmine”, hisakawa meaning “river/stream”, so if we stretch it, it’s technically something like “red light over the white jasmine by the stream.” again. stretch.
alexander means “defender of men” in greek. beram is a english surname, with the suffix -son. because that was his mentor. lol. naoise is the name of a man who was killed for eloping with deirdre (not the fe character obvs) in irish legend, xander is short ‘alexander’.
and that’s the EXTREMELY short version!
ty for showing interest in them honestly i didn’t think anyone would ;; gotta get back to drawing fire emblem content………..
here’s some (older) art of them under the read-more lol
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(i’ve drawn more of nyx tbh)
(and yes, they’re the one who inspired kiran’s sunset eyes)
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starlitcrows · 6 years
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alexander “naoise” beramson and nyx “akari” hisakawa.
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starlitcrows · 6 years
Mun? Who is nyx & alex ?
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full names: nyx  alexandrius/drayus and alexander drayus/beramson
nyx is nonbinary (who needs gender when you’re basically god) and alex is a guyconsidered making a blog for all 7 of my mages but yeah here’s these two
i wanna show all of em now…
(click read more for short infodump)
nyx is an unspecialized mage (dabbles in all kinds of magic) and alexander is a hurricane mage (one weather boi)
they’re in love and also nyx calls alex ‘cheri’
technically though nyx is ‘unspecialized’ they’re basically a god at all basic offensive style magic
they’re also assassins and yes they are partners
nyx is rather quiet and reserved, speaking little due to a very traumatic past. they smile rarely and frankly they give off a creepy aura (and also may or may not be cursed) alex doesn’t push them on their past. he’s hella formal about everything and very sweet, and also fucking terrifying lmao. works v hard for the team
alexander calls nyx: nyx, dearest, partner, love
nyx calls alexander: alexius (due to a mistake since he reminds them of someone they once knew), cheri, my storm
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