#FtF toh
enigmajaython · 2 years
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I tried to hold out but I needed everyone to look at this
Og meme under cut
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azural83 · 1 year
For a show that got shortened,they sure did waste a lot of time
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sherbetyy · 2 years
Owl House ships be adorable and wholesome, then we got THESE bitches:
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haystarlight · 2 years
"I liked For the Future because of the plot"
The plot:
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cowardlybean · 2 years
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Anyway, lab pictures for those who want them
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crazycartoonnerd123 · 2 years
I want to start off by saying that this episode was absolutely fantastic. It was overall amazing and I have little to no criticism for this episode. But something I especially loved about this episode was that it had a specific focus on Willow, which honestly, I wasn’t expecting. I love Willow so much. She's probably my favorite character and I loved that they gave her this time to kinda rap up her arc. I loved that they took a dive into Willow's hidden anxiety for the situation and her trauma from years of bulling. It's discussed in this episode how Willow is considered the reliable friend. She makes sure that her loved ones and peers are protected and safe. That's how she was able to make a connection with her Palismen. She's considered the strong friend both physically and emotionally. She will do anything in her power to make sure that her friends are protected and emotionally okay (-ish none of them are 100% mentally okay). She does that even if the consequence is that she has to ignore her feelings. Plus, let's not forget in "Understanding Willow" that her motto was "out of sight, out of mind" which means she has a history of ignoring and bottling up her feelings. When Camilia asks Willow how she's handling everything, she simply replied with "I'm fine" which never means you are fine. Camilia continues by telling her its okay to be scared, but Willow is persistent and still continues to ignore her feelings. And to the audience, it is so obvious that she was not handling that well. It's obvious that she's upset and anxious because as she walks away, she leaves a trail of vines.
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And then we start to get the true cracks in the glass. When the group is searching for Eda and King, Willow sees one of her dads in puppet form, and we get a really heartbreaking scene where Willow is trying to get her dad's attention and Hunter had to pull her away so she wouldn't get hurt. It probably broke her heart because that's the first time she's seen one of her dads in months, and she's not even able to talk to him or hug him because he's a puppet.
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Then the next crack comes when their at Hexside and she sees the Christmas picture with her dads in it. She begins to cry but shakes it off.
She finds the picture of Hunter and Flapjack and gifts it to Hunter to attempt to cheer him up. Gus tells Hunter that they were all going to miss Flapjack but they knew Hunter loved him the most. Then Willow proceeds to tell Hunter that they didn't care who he was because he was one of them now and to never forget that. This causes Hunter to get very emotional and Luz asks if he's okay and Hunter replied with I don't know. This caused Willow to think that she made things worst, making her very upset. And she starts growing vines, which is foreshadowing a breakdown.
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She excuses herself and runs into Bosha, which is probably the worst person she could have encountered at this point. Bosha calls her captain half a witch and talks about the pressures of being a leader, which does not help Willow in the slightest amount. She then says she wants to offer Willow some advice, and that is when Willow snaps. She tells Bosha that all she had only ever been petty and mean to her and that she couldn't give her good advice. Bosha said she was going to tell her to watch her back, and puts her to sleep with sleeping nettles.
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When Hunter and Gus find Willow, she's completely broken, but she's still trying to act like she's okay. She keeps repeating to herself that she can do. She's so overwhelmed and stressed that she can't even control her own powers. She's trying so hard to keep her self calm and reassuring herself that she can do this, but it's to no avail.
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She keeps repeating to herself that she can do it until she's so consumed in self dobt and blame that she just lets her vines consume her. Hunter, seeing just how much pain she has been hiding AND seeing that Willow could be in danger, is able to free himself to save Willow. When he does this, he reassures her that she did nothing wrong. He that she and the rest of their friends mean the world to him and to never belittle herself again and ends with saying that she's been holding in a lot. Gus also chimes in by saying that reliable people need people relie on too. After that, she finally allows herself to break down and admits that she misses her Dads.
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They are able to escape and Willow is able to control her powers again. She's a lot happier for the rest of the episode except for a brief moment before she tells Hunter he means a lot to her.
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She looks really sad here. And I think it's because she's finally okay with not being the "strong one" all the time. She knows it's okay to be vulnerable and open for support. And that makes me really happy for her and her character. This episode made me even more of a Willow kin. Her arc in this episode was just perfect and heartbreaking.
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this scene was so cute 🫶🫶🫶
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losingvenus · 2 years
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Huntlosers come get your food
6 days left ‼️
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Ok but, should we take it as a sign if anything regarding 'For the Future ' comes out during #HuntlowWeek or the worms ate already too much of my brain?
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sherbird-art · 2 years
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hunter 🥺 i love him and his stupid little wolf shirt <3 (noceda siblings 1/3)
(do not repost)
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enigmajaython · 2 years
Screaming and cheering and raving like I'm at a soccer match and my team is winning as I watch Willow Park have her mental breakdown
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rainbowangel110 · 2 years
We gotta get the official video to new heights so we can show our support for the show!
Link just in case that doesn't work for you: https://youtu.be/iOMu86yxneA
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COLLECTOR RAMBLING (now with images!)
cool how collector is both evil and, yk, a child. bc children are not always innocent. they can be some of the cruelest creatures on the universe (i would know)
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ok it seems like collector was…surrounded by titans. baby titans, and then a group of older collectors took him in, seeing as theyre smiling and reaching out a hand, instead of banishing him away. they dont look friendly, but it might just be the portrait.
although those first two portraits repeat themselves, at the very end there’s something else
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unfortunately i have no idea what it is. i dont think the repetition is an animation error or shortcut. if it were, why only repeat two times and change at the very end, where it is unlikely to be noticed??
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again, portraits repeat, except for a star in the middle.
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i wonder what the second to last image (the one that has a purple smiling (??) moon is
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conflict w titans yay!
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interesting what they're doing to that planet, and just how threatening they look. from what i gather, collectors are supposed to preserve dying creatures so that, in a way, they might live forever, but that arent supposed to meddle in mortal affairs, so it's odd that they look so.....imposing there, less like an observer and more like an actuve participant, like the greek gods, yk? plus t's interesting how big they look in comparison to our collector, might be just our collector's perception of the others (since ours is, yk, a child, and when you're a child everyone else looks big , also how they look to stare only at the planet, paying no mind to our collector (should i come up w a nickname for him?). i have to far-fetchedly wonder if there are other children collectors, or if they're all born all grown up, if that might be the reason they seem so dismissive of ours. they dont care for child-rearing, they arent made for that, they have no empathy towards children bc they have never been children, tehy've always been adults and expect our collector (comet. his nickname is comet now, fuck it.) to act like an adult too.
a fun extra: i like how the collectors are drawn. reminds me of rascal from glitter force and dimentio from mario. also a particular 'the jester' animatic that i like. it's the eyes i think.
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bluebellcandies · 2 years
wanted to cry over this scene oml
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cupcakeshakesnake · 2 years
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If not me, someone else would have done it
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