yellydany · 4 months
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GRAYHORSE/CINDERHORSE (Equus Velocitas Diabolos)🖤❤️🏇
"A wild species with both canine and equine traits. Being one of the fastest creatures in the land has granted them the title of “devil of the prairies” surpassing even 200 mph with an acceleration rate of 0 to 80 mph in just a couple seconds. To achieve this astounding speed their bodies adapted to be slim and airborne, developed strong muscles and a steady exoskeleton that protects them from the harsh environment and winds. Amusing sightings involve them running through wildfire and coating themselves in flames to use against both predators and prey, leaving a path of ashes where nature once stood.
Training them however is no easy task. They are in constant movement, show aggression, barely breed in captivity and rarely do they incline to be tamed. And yet it is highly rewarding for the most skilled riders as they can compete in races with them or hunt and travel around the dangerous and infernal areas of the land with a highly reliable all-terrain companion."
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(John) Doe Eyed Ch2 Doe Eyed
(This will be heavily based on and references the 'YOU LIVED Doe Eyed' ending from the game House Hunted by Mortisfox. Art and OC by me.)
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"Ugh...What a long ride, but I'm glad I'm finally here."
The first step off the bus and right into Sinister City. This was it. The first day of the rest of her life. The air was immediately filled with the sounds of other people talking, vehicles, and the reve of engines and car horns with the distant sounds of footsteps as people walked around her im front of the bus stop. Ah. It was good to stretch out her numb legs and sore back. She looked around her surroundings. Tall buildings and streets or sidewalks and shops and cars of all kinds with tons of people walking around. Definitely the smaller parts of a city. She coughed though smelling the nauseating scent of oil and exhaust from the bus behind her as the doors slowly closed and with a wheeze, the vehicle slowly pulled away from the bus stop. She coughed and waved a hand to blow away the smoke and shook her head. Well there's obviously not much to look at at the Grayhorse bus station. 
"I'm sure the inner city's more beautiful." At least according to the brochure Rose had sent her along with the map. Besides she should be getting to her new apartment. The sun wouldn't stay in the sky all day. Now where did she put that map? "I hope the apartment company was honest about having my apartment ready to live in. I'm so tired I could be a corpse." 
Now where was that map? AHA! Said gigantic map was pulled from a side pocket on her backpack and carefully unfolded to avoid tearing. Soon it was displayed in both hands stretched out nearly a yard in length printed right on it was the entirety of the Uncanny Valley. Hoo boy. It was..a lot bigger than you thought but luckily for her the map simplified the area she was in and even listed the name of the street she stood on... granted it was little and took her ten minutes of squinting to find it but she knew where she was! Pink eyes narrowed at the lines connecting to the Streets she was on before looking around at the buildings around her again stopping at just a small cafe across the street. A waitress was outside delivering a coffee mug to a happy looking man and she nearly crumpled the map. She hadn't eaten anything for a while. The plane made her too nervous to eat on the flight over and there obviously wasn't any food venders on the bus. Maybe she should grab something to eat?...Then again she promised Rose she'd go straight to her apartment once she arrived, and she was pretty tired from the lack of sleep and the stressful trip here. It might just be better to get home and just sleep in for the rest of the day.
"Then again...I do kinda wanna see the city. It might be better to look around first in case I get lost or something." Pink eyes looked up and squinted at the giant blue sky. A few fluffy clouds rolled across it but nothing suggested bad weather and the sun wasn't too far along the sky. "...I should have enough time if I'm quick, and it'd be better to get a lay out of the place." 
Plus she had a map! And a phone! So it wasn't as if she was helpless. She also could ask someone for directions! She should be perfectly fine! With a smile she half folded up the map and placed it in one hand. One other hand on her backpack straps, and off she started walking down the street with a smile on her face. The buzz of the city was present with each step her legs walked and different smells wafted with the different buildings. A cigar a man was smoking, food inviting people to walk into the different restaurants or step up to the few food stands on the street she saw, diesel from a passing car, flowers from a flowering bush she passed by- In a way all of the sounds and smells was comforting to the senses. Perhaps it was the fresh feeling she had being in a new place? Or the weight of the past being pushed to the back burner now? Either way the calming feeling was amazing. It made a smile spread on her face and a light step in her walk. Her eyes took in all of the new sights but every so often made sure to check the map to be sure of her location.
She was new not stupid.
However she was surprised when she somehow ended up looking up higher and stopped. Wait a second...This wasn't the right way. 
Gone was the smell of food random buildings and shops. In their places was tall sky scrapers towering high in the air with a few casting some large shadows on the ground and across the base of other buildings. The sight caused her to pause and blink around at the sidewalk she stood on. The building wasn't the only thing that changed around her. The people that walked the streets did too. The wide and colorful variety of people in different clothes was gone and replaced by the sameness of men and women in professional looking tuxes and suits. Most carried briefcases or papers and she saw one or two on a phone looking to be having a very serious conversation of some kind. Most everyone had the same expressions on their faces being serious or calm looking...Other than one tall man in a nice looking blue suit whom seemed to have a somewhat upset look on his face. However she didn't dwell on it too long and shook her head and looked back down. The map unfurling again in her hands. Where was she right now? Judging by everyone's looks this seemed like a business district of some kind but Rose didn't mention anything like that on her way to the apartment.
"This can't be right," a mumble escaped her throat. Pink eyes scanned the map in search of where she could possibly be. She couldn't possibly be lost right? It's only been an hour or two at most!
Was she on this street?...Or maybe this street here? The name of the street there sounds business-y ish. Pink eyes continued to scan the map in her hands, until something dark passed over the map. A cloud passing over the sun and blocking out the light. Or..it would've been that..If she didn't suddenly get a shiver down her back and felt like eyes were suddenly on her. Pink eyes turned up-
A loud gasp and yell left her throat as she instinctively lea back a few feet, the map pulled to her chest and her eyes coming face to face with a man. A man in a red suit coat. ...She blinked. Before shaking her head and looking at him again. The man was definitely an older gentleman if the grey hair was anything to go by. He was much taller too. Six foot pushing maybe even seven feet! He had literally bent at the hips to stare at her nearly eye level. Was he looking over her shoulder?! The thought made her grimace. But what was the most... strange was the expression he had on his face. A large toothy grin smiled at her widely and small black eyes bore into her own.
"...oh.. I'm sorry. You startled me," her slowly said lowering her arms and raising a brow looking him over. He certainly looked different from all the other people around you both. He wore a bright red coat with some kind of pink near the breast pocket, black pants and turtleneck underneath, and ... were those..heels? Her eyes darted back to his face as to not be rude, and she curled back a little more seeing he hadn't moved. "Am I...In your way, Sir?"
"On the contrary!," He spoke in such a cheery tone it made her jump a bit. His hands, which were previously behind his back, reached out to straighten himself and push back the hair in his face as he straightened to his full height and she just now noticed how much taller he actually was. "You're new in town. Lost and wondering. You need a place to call your own." 
He sounded rather... smooth and confident. Like he gave this line over and over again. It caused her to raise a brow to which he chuckled at. Who was this guy?
"Allow me to introduce myself." One hand returned to his back while another reached for the breast pocket by the pin on his coat. She flinched as all of a sudden his hand was thrusted into her face. "I'm Maison Talo, the number one REALTOR in all of the Uncanny Valley. I can help you find your dream home today! My card."
...She blinked slowly realizing the object in his hand was a business card. A brow rose looking between his face and the card before a hand of hers slowly took it from him and his hand retreated. A...realtor? OH! Yes. That makes sense. She supposed that a person like a realtor would be in a place that looked like they were nothing but corporate businesses. A glance at the card confirmed that. On it was labeled with his name and a series of numbers underneath. A phone number no doubt.
"Give me a call and we can get you set up in a new house. Today guaranteed!"
"Oh...Thank you?" She looked back to him. "But I think you're barking up the wrong tree here." She looked at him and held the card back out. "I already have an apartment lined up so I don't need a house. No offense."
For a moment it seemed like his smile strained a bit before straightening out and chuckled. "Hehehe. It's quite alright." His hand pushed hers lightly away. "Keep it. I'm sure you'll be giving me a call. I'm the number one REALTOR in Uncanny Valley after all." Both hands returned behind his back. "I've never had a disappointed buyer. You'll love the house I picked out just for YOU!"
She... slowly nodded. "Thanks. I guess. Hey. Could you maybe point out where I am here?" The card forgotten now, the map was turned around and held up at the much taller blinking man. "I'd appreciate it if I knew where here was."
The man, Maison she guessed, blinked a moment before smiling wider. "But of course! I pride myself on excellent customer service even to only potential buyers." His eyes glanced down to the map. "I believe you would find yourself to be right here." A single red nailed finger reached out and poked at one spot.
The map was turned back around. She looked. And she smiled. Hey. That wasn't too far from the address she was looking for! "That's great help! Thanks! Although..I probably won't be calling you."
"Oh we'll see. I'll be waiting." 
Then he just casually stepped aside from her and just started walking away. Pink eyes blinked at just how fast he walked away from her and in heels no less,  but she shrugged it off. At least she knew where she was now. Huh. But now the crowd had thinned out a bit too. Guess that was her signal to move on too. But first her bearings. It took just a few minutes for her to follow the streets and trace it to where she needed to go. THERE! That's where her building should be! It was only a few streets away. If she hurried then she'd be able to get there before noon even. Smiling the map was closed and the woman started walking.
A few streets later and she had finally found it. Her apartment building. The tall tan building was a few stories high and and had a large patch of grassy land in front of it. This must've been a more suburban part of the city because mostly houses, shops, and other establishments were around here.  It was nice. That just meant plenty of job opportunities! This was looking better and better by the second! A warm feeling of happiness was in her chest at the much needed change in her life. The first start of everything. She just had to find her apartment number which wasn't hard. Apartment one on floor one. Kinda simplified but it worked for her. The moving company mentioned her door would be left unlocked and a key would be delivered first thing the next morning so she should be all good to just walk on in. The woman walked right inside the front door and looked around her. There was a flight of stairs to the left, a hallway of doors in front of her, and at the very end of said hallway was the doors of an elevator presumably leading to the upper floors of the building. Finding her own door wasn't hard. It was the first door in the hall with the number one placed on the wall next to the door. This is it. Her new home. With a smile of excitement she instantly reached a hand out to grab the handle and turned.
.. Only to find it locked??
She blinked. The door handle was turned a few more times. It didn't budge. Only making clicking noises in resistance to her efforts and not opening at all. It was locked.
"What the-...HEY!" The map was dropped and left to flutter to the floor as now two hands wrapped around the knob and more force was applied to try and force it open. "What gives? This isn't funny." Using her shoulder, she rammed her body into the doors hard surface in a failed attempt to get it opened. "Open up!" When turning the handle and ramming into the door didn't work, she switched to just pounding a fist furiously on it as if someone was in there. "Open the door! I'm supposed to be here!" 
"HEY!" The pounding stopped and she looked up at an angry man glaring at her from another door. He must've stuck his head out hearing the commotion. "Knock off the noise! Some people enjoy the peace and quiet!"
 The door was slammed back closed with an angry snort from the man making her since. Not a good start to her neighbors. But..there has to be a mistake! She was SURE This was the right building and the right apartment! So why wasn't it open?! We're the movers playing a sick joke on her. What now?! She needed to get inside or else she'd be sleeping on the streets! Or in the hallway! A worried hand shoved through pale hair worriedly. That wouldn't be a good idea. She didn't know the area yet! ....She better call that housing company! Hands quickly fumbled about for the phone in her pocket nearly dropping it. What was that number again?! Numbers were dialed and rings were given as she held it to her ear. Come on come on. Pick up! To her relief there was an answer!
"Hello. Uncanny Valley Apartment Hunters. How can we be of service today?," A woman's voice asked. An animalistic screech sounded out next which made her pull her head back.
She blinked. .. Must've had a pet parrot or something. "Uh..Yeah! I'm supposed to move in literally today and I'm locked out of my own house! I don't have a key or anything so what am I supposed to do?"
"May I have your name please?" 
"Fae Briar. I paid for everything a month in advance so I should be inside unless I'm at the wrong apartment."
Paper shuffling was heard and..was that a..blender?? Nah. Must've been a paper shredder. "Oh yes! Ms. Briar. We had a little issue with your apartment and it won't be ready until tomorrow. Our apologies."
"What?!" She felt like she'd been slapped across the face. "What are you talking about? What issues?!"
Some typewriting sounds followed by a loud annoyed sigh. "We've been having some issues.''
"Yeah? What issues?!"
"You're apartment will be ready tomorrow. Will there be anything else, Ms. Briar?"
Her teeth grinded together in annoyance and the grip on her phone grew. "No. Just ...Tell me when my dumb apartments ready."
"Of course. Have a nice day."
They hung up on her. And she stood there for a long moment staring blankly at the door. Before growling and grabbing her head as she let out a yell of frustration. GREAT! JUST GREAT!! She just got here and she can't even get into her own apartment she paid for DAYS ago!! What now?! She didn't have enough money for a hotel! She was lucky enough to be able to have enough money for the plane and bus ticket just to get here!! Her hands again fumbled with the phone in a desperate attempt to call possibly the only other person here who might help. However after twenty minutes of just standing there and calling Rose with no answers she gave up. It'd be better to save the phone battery just in case she needed it.
"This is just great! Just my luck this would happen!," She shouted in frustration. She felt like kicking or throwing something but she wouldn't resort to that. Instead she leaned defeated on the door and just.. flopped her arms uselessly to her sides. "Great. Just great. Now what am I supposed to do?"
There wasn't enough money leftover for a hotel, she was locked out of her apartment, and Rose wasn't answering her cell. There wasn't any choice but to hunker down here and camp outside her apartment until tomorrow came. ..her eyes wondered back to her map. Maybe there was a shelter or something else nearby she could stay at for the night? She bent down to pick up the map however noticed something else along with it. A small business card with- Oh. Mr. Talos business card. Forgot about that. Not like it'd be helpful anyways.
"Yeah right. I was lucky enough to afford this apartment. No way I can buy a house." Discarding the card once more the map was picked back up and opened as she annoyingly stared at it once more. "Right. Hotel it is then. I can get Rose to help me pay it off later."
So once again she set off only this time more annoyed than usual. And not noticing the watchful eyes following her. Down the streets she walked to no place in particular and looking between the buildings and map the entire time making sure to not get lost again. Soon she came upon what she thought was must've been the heart of the city. There should be hotels here right?
"Ok. Hotel. Hotel" her pink eyes looked around as she stopped. "Downtown areas usually have hotels right?"
Not seeing any forms of hotels, she looked back to the map in worry. At this rate she'd never be able to get settled in. Some great first impressions. She didn't notice the much taller figure approaching, until she felt something looming over her. She paused, looked up, and then squealed seeing Brady eyes and a too wide grin staring right back at her. Causing her to jump away.
"Lost? Lovely? You didn't call me, Ms. Briar."
She blinked. "Mr. Talo?" What the-...Where the heck did he come from?! She looked around before back to the tall man still smiling too widely at her. A shiver going down her spine. You weren't near where you last left him. "We're you following me?!"
"How silly." He waved her off. "No no. Dear buyer. I'm simply that good. Number one REALTOR in Uncanny Valley after all. I'm very sure you remember this. Right, Ms. Briar?"
"...How do you know my name?" Pink eyes widened as that fact set in. She never told him her name! How would he know that?!
"You clearly need a place to go and I have the PERFECT HOUSE just waiting for you to be inside it," he continued on not even answering her question. 
"Listen. I'm just looking for a hotel. Y'know...HOTEL." Fae gave a frown that almost could be a scowl at this point. This guy gave her the creeps. Who even was he?! She never told him her name and now he was suspected to follow her? "I can't even afford a house alright? I spent the last of my money getting here and I'm petty tired. So thank you but no. I just want to get a hotel for the night." She stressed out to him. Hopefully he got the hint 
He slowly frowned with a hum. "Hmm. A hotel." He seemed to be struggling with what she told him. Something was even creepier when he frowned then when he smiled which was shocking. Before he smiled again. "Oh. Oh my dear pooy buyer. You are so confused and lost I see."
Her mouth dropped open. "....Did you not hear what I just said? Even if I did agree to buy a house from you, I wouldn't have ANY money to buy it with! I might as well be trying to cook without a stove or any frying pans! Why would I agree to anything you're offering?"
"Listen. Just come with me and look at this lovely three bedroom home. If you don't absolutely fall in love with it, I'll personally pay for your hotel stay while I search for a house that suits your... personal needs."
She didn't like how his last sentence was almost a purr. But...If he was being serious about the hotel what did she have to lose? It wasn't like she could afford a hotel by herself anyways, and it might just get him off Fae's back. She could just humor him for an hour and tell him no once he's done showing her around. 
She sighed. "Alright. I will look at the house but-" she pointed a firm hand right at his face sternly. "-you better stop invading my personal space pal. Seriously. It's creepy."
"Perfect. Perfect." He said happily not even giving an indication to anything else she said. "I can assure you that you'll love this two garage domcile that's just STARVING to meet you!"
She was about to comment on his choice of words when she was abruptly cut off by the sensation of a long boney hand wrapping around her forearm, almost dragging her along as he quickly walked to gods knows where. She gasped at the grab and nearly fell over from stumbling to catch up with his quick pace. Maybe she made a mistake. Buildings and people passed by as they both walked like that. It felt like they had been walking for an hour in awkward silence, struggling to keep up with Maison's long and fast strides, when he stopped abruptly letting her go at the same time. She ended up colliding with his back before stumbling back a few steps, shaking her head, and looking back up at him in question. He didn't even flinch at that. 
"We're here!," He announced and tilted his head in expectation. "What do you think?"
She blinked looking around. Most of the big buildings were gone and replaced by just plain suburban homes and lawns. The house in question was in front of her and looked...just like a plain house? It looked to be a story tall, the standard size of a one floor home, with a garage, driveway, and cut grassy lawn. A 'For Sale' sign was mounted clear as day right smack dab in the front lawn close to the sidewalk. 
"....Oh. it's.. certainly a house?"
"Oh. Do you see something you like after all? I'm not surprised. After all this house is in VERY good condition." He sounded very proud of himself. 
"Um. It looks..Very nice." She complimented politely before looking at him. "But you don't seriously think I can afford this place right? This place looks way too expensive for me."
"Hehe. Quite the flatterer I see. I assure you the price is very reasonable and I'm willing to haggle greatly. The...'seller' is simply looking to sell fast."
Something felt off. Narrowing her eyes, she looked back to the nice looking house. Something had to be up. It was sounding more and more fishy like a scam by the second. There was no way she could be able to afford this no matter how much he haggled. There had to be a big catch. 
"Ok. What's the catch?" 
Her arms crossed at this point as she deadpanned looked at him. "The house is haunted isn't it? Or was someone murdered in there?" She noticed his smile seemed to strain again after she asked that second question. Interesting. "Or is the owner some kind of criminal? There's no way it's this good unless it's a scam or something's wrong with the house. So which is it, Mr. Talo?"
".....Of course not. Nothing like that happened."
Ok. The pause was totally suspicious. A realtor was supposed to disclose that info to customers right? But this guy was shady and creeped her out from the get go. Something was definitely up here. 
"Simply come inside and look around.  No strings attached. You'll LOVE the insides.  You won't be able to walk away from a deal like this, Dear Buyer." 
Fae stood there unmoving looking slowly between Mr. Talos smiling face and the house. Something definitely wasn't right. The house looked plain but something was...off about it too. She just.. couldn't quite place it. The thoughts of Fae alone with no one but Mr. Talo too also seemed to put her on edge. The man was...too peculiar. It waved a few red flags in the air and she clearly saw them. But...She couldn't really afford that hotel either. Where was she supposed to stay? She didn't really have much of a cho-
She flinched snapping out of her thoughts. What?
A loud woman's voice called out somewhere behind Mr. Talo clearly angry. The man blinked for a moment before looking over his shoulder and seeming to both perk up and look slightly worried. 
"Ah. My dear provider!" He fully turned around with his back to Fae to now face whomever was yelling at him. "How are you doing this fine day? I've been doing rather well myself! Almost sold to a potential buyer-"
"Don't try to change the subject." Footsteps approached and a figure stopped in front of the taller man. "I tried calling you and walked around the city all day. You know we were supposed to talk about your 'selling strategies' this morning. I knew I should've just followed your lure but unfortunately work took up a few hours of my time."
"Ah. My apologies. You see I was a little preoccupied with a few 'possible sales' and wanted to keep the line open. I hope you can forgive me, my dear." 
This was...awkward. But perhaps now would be a good time to skip away without him noticing. But..why did that new voice sound so familiar? She slowly stepped sideways to look around Maison and froze on the spot when the new figure was revealed.
"You knew I wanted to talk to you this morning! You slipped away from me on purpose again. You know I hate it when you do that!" A red headed woman with blue eyes stood there scowling up at the man. "Are you trying to get me in trouble with the Mayor? He's already on my case about you hanging around the bus stops again when that's off limits to REALTORS." She looked over at Fae. "What's he going to do....if..."
She froze seeing Fae. Fae stared right back silently. Maison blinked confused at the redheads silence suddenly before raising a brow and followed her gaze back to Fae. Curious he continued to look between the two women as the silence continued on.
"What are you doing here?!" The woman, her cousin, asked. Suddenly shocked that to see her standing there. "You're supposed to be at your apartment!!"
"I WAS!" Her arms were thrown up in defeat. "But then I got locked out and the stupid company won't let me in until tomorrow morning! What are YOU doing here?! I've been trying to call you!"
"I live here. You're locked out?! Who did that?"
"I dunno! The movers I guess! I can't get in and I couldn't reach you!" She then threw a hand in the man's direction. "And this guy has been trailing me all day trying to sell me a house no matter how many times I say no!"
Again there was silence before her cousin instantly scowled and slowly looked up at the man who instantly strained his smile wider. "Oh. ..So the dear buyer knows you?"
"She's my COUSIN, Maison!," Rose said with a deep scowl, "The one that I had told you was coming soon!"
If possible Mr. Talo looked like he suddenly wanted to disappear as he chuckled nervously. "Oh my. ..What a small world."
"Maison." A voice that sounded threatening with a growl escaped from Rose as she pointed to the house he had previously insisted on selling Fae. "Home! NOW! I'm going to have a VERY serious talk with you later!"
"A haha .. It's not what you think, Dear."
"I. Don't. CARE. You REALLY crossed a line this time!"
The two were arguing so loudly she almost didn't hear the rings of her phone. It startled her and stopped the other two into watching as she fumbled about to grab her ringing phone and hold it to her ear.
"Fae Briar?"
"Yes. Who's this?"
"I'm calling from the Uncanny Valley Housing Office. We solved that little issue we were having, so if you'd like to go ahead and go into the apartment it should be all ready for you!"
Pink eyes widened. "Wait. Really?! That's perfect!" She smiled widely. 
"We apologize for any delays. We look forward to your business and remember! Uncanny Valley Apartment Company is dedicated to finding the perfect home for you! Our REALTOR free guarantee since nineteen ninety two!"
She rolled her eyes at the cheesy catch phrase before simply hanging up and smiling wider. "That was the housing company!" She smiled back to Rose. "I can go back to my apartment right now!"
Rose blinked before nodding with a sigh. "That's good. You should go straight there then and then tomorrow morning I can help you unpack and get settled in. Do you need a ride back there?"
Fae held up the map as her answer. "I can just use this to get back. It's really not that big of a deal." 
Rose slowly nodded before narrowing her eye back to the still nervous looking man. "Ok. But I suggest you go straight back now. It's almost dark. I need to have a talk with Mr. Talo here about sales." Mr. Maison looked uncomfortable now.
Oh well. Not her problem anymore! She had a home now. "Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow, Rose. Good night."
Without another word to Maison, she started stepping out towards the direction back towards her apartment building. It felt like hours before she finally made her way back through the city. The sun looked like it was just about to set within an hour.  She was just happy she could go home and rest her weary head and get off her sore feet. Following the map she made sure to keep on course with her route recognizing some of the places that Maison dragged her past. Alright then. Shouldn't be long now. Crossing a street, she looked at the route she intended to take. Passing her by was a random man- Her leg collided with another's and she stumbled a step. However the person who she accidentally tripped over stumbled a few more steps before stopping.
"Crap!" Pink eyes blinked over to the man whom blinked back to her. He was dressed mostly in black clothes and had unkempt long black hair cascading around his shoulders and down his back. "Sorry!" She held up a hand. "I must've not been paying attention. You're not hurt are you?" She looked him up and down. He didn't seem harmed. 
His eyes widened..and he slowly shook his head no. She smiled widely at him.
"I'm happy to hear that. Would've felt bad if I accidentally bowled you over or worse, made you get hurt. Sorry again. Have a good day."
With a small wave his way, she didn't give him another thought as she continued walking. Already her mind had forgotten about him in favor of getting home to the promise of the bed. The man stared at her watching her go...no one had...ever asked him that before. Or had been kind to him other than Ms. Ivy. A smile appeared on his face and pupils beat the symbols of love.
The apartment building was very quiet when she reentered it just as the sun was setting. Her nerves rising up as she made her way to the door. Would it really be open? She hesitated but grabbed it again and turned. There was no resistance and it turned fully allowing the door to swing open surprising her...And she smiled. The home was dimly lit up by the last rays of sunlight shining in through the windows illuminating the inside of the building and what little boxes and furniture was scattered about. It was peaceful and it was hers. 
She entered the apartment swinging the door closed behind her as she just stood there taking in the sights. Finally..Home. A backpack was dropped to the floor with a loud thud and tired footsteps approached the sofa in the middle of the room. She didn't give any other thought as she just threw herself onto the soft cushions. Finally. Peace.
Slowly eyes closed and she allowed sleep to claim her after so long.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
(John) Doe Eyed Ch2 Doe Eyed
(This will be heavily based on and references the 'YOU LIVED Doe Eyed' ending from the game House Hunted by Mortisfox. Art and OC by me.)
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"Ugh...What a long ride, but I'm glad I'm finally here."
The first step off the bus and right into Sinister City. This was it. The first day of the rest of her life. The air was immediately filled with the sounds of other people talking, vehicles, and the reve of engines and car horns with the distant sounds of footsteps as people walked around her im front of the bus stop. Ah. It was good to stretch out her numb legs and sore back. She looked around her surroundings. Tall buildings and streets or sidewalks and shops and cars of all kinds with tons of people walking around. Definitely the smaller parts of a city. She coughed though smelling the nauseating scent of oil and exhaust from the bus behind her as the doors slowly closed and with a wheeze, the vehicle slowly pulled away from the bus stop. She coughed and waved a hand to blow away the smoke and shook her head. Well there's obviously not much to look at at the Grayhorse bus station. 
"I'm sure the inner city's more beautiful." At least according to the brochure Rose had sent her along with the map. Besides she should be getting to her new apartment. The sun wouldn't stay in the sky all day. Now where did she put that map? "I hope the apartment company was honest about having my apartment ready to live in. I'm so tired I could be a corpse." 
Now where was that map? AHA! Said gigantic map was pulled from a side pocket on her backpack and carefully unfolded to avoid tearing. Soon it was displayed in both hands stretched out nearly a yard in length printed right on it was the entirety of the Uncanny Valley. Hoo boy. It was..a lot bigger than you thought but luckily for her the map simplified the area she was in and even listed the name of the street she stood on... granted it was little and took her ten minutes of squinting to find it but she knew where she was! Pink eyes narrowed at the lines connecting to the Streets she was on before looking around at the buildings around her again stopping at just a small cafe across the street. A waitress was outside delivering a coffee mug to a happy looking man and she nearly crumpled the map. She hadn't eaten anything for a while. The plane made her too nervous to eat on the flight over and there obviously wasn't any food venders on the bus. Maybe she should grab something to eat?...Then again she promised Rose she'd go straight to her apartment once she arrived, and she was pretty tired from the lack of sleep and the stressful trip here. It might just be better to get home and just sleep in for the rest of the day.
"Then again...I do kinda wanna see the city. It might be better to look around first in case I get lost or something." Pink eyes looked up and squinted at the giant blue sky. A few fluffy clouds rolled across it but nothing suggested bad weather and the sun wasn't too far along the sky. "...I should have enough time if I'm quick, and it'd be better to get a lay out of the place." 
Plus she had a map! And a phone! So it wasn't as if she was helpless. She also could ask someone for directions! She should be perfectly fine! With a smile she half folded up the map and placed it in one hand. One other hand on her backpack straps, and off she started walking down the street with a smile on her face. The buzz of the city was present with each step her legs walked and different smells wafted with the different buildings. A cigar a man was smoking, food inviting people to walk into the different restaurants or step up to the few food stands on the street she saw, diesel from a passing car, flowers from a flowering bush she passed by- In a way all of the sounds and smells was comforting to the senses. Perhaps it was the fresh feeling she had being in a new place? Or the weight of the past being pushed to the back burner now? Either way the calming feeling was amazing. It made a smile spread on her face and a light step in her walk. Her eyes took in all of the new sights but every so often made sure to check the map to be sure of her location.
She was new not stupid.
However she was surprised when she somehow ended up looking up higher and stopped. Wait a second...This wasn't the right way. 
Gone was the smell of food random buildings and shops. In their places was tall sky scrapers towering high in the air with a few casting some large shadows on the ground and across the base of other buildings. The sight caused her to pause and blink around at the sidewalk she stood on. The building wasn't the only thing that changed around her. The people that walked the streets did too. The wide and colorful variety of people in different clothes was gone and replaced by the sameness of men and women in professional looking tuxes and suits. Most carried briefcases or papers and she saw one or two on a phone looking to be having a very serious conversation of some kind. Most everyone had the same expressions on their faces being serious or calm looking...Other than one tall man in a nice looking blue suit whom seemed to have a somewhat upset look on his face. However she didn't dwell on it too long and shook her head and looked back down. The map unfurling again in her hands. Where was she right now? Judging by everyone's looks this seemed like a business district of some kind but Rose didn't mention anything like that on her way to the apartment.
"This can't be right," a mumble escaped her throat. Pink eyes scanned the map in search of where she could possibly be. She couldn't possibly be lost right? It's only been an hour or two at most!
Was she on this street?...Or maybe this street here? The name of the street there sounds business-y ish. Pink eyes continued to scan the map in her hands, until something dark passed over the map. A cloud passing over the sun and blocking out the light. Or..it would've been that..If she didn't suddenly get a shiver down her back and felt like eyes were suddenly on her. Pink eyes turned up-
A loud gasp and yell left her throat as she instinctively lea back a few feet, the map pulled to her chest and her eyes coming face to face with a man. A man in a red suit coat. ...She blinked. Before shaking her head and looking at him again. The man was definitely an older gentleman if the grey hair was anything to go by. He was much taller too. Six foot pushing maybe even seven feet! He had literally bent at the hips to stare at her nearly eye level. Was he looking over her shoulder?! The thought made her grimace. But what was the most... strange was the expression he had on his face. A large toothy grin smiled at her widely and small black eyes bore into her own.
"...oh.. I'm sorry. You startled me," her slowly said lowering her arms and raising a brow looking him over. He certainly looked different from all the other people around you both. He wore a bright red coat with some kind of pink near the breast pocket, black pants and turtleneck underneath, and ... were those..heels? Her eyes darted back to his face as to not be rude, and she curled back a little more seeing he hadn't moved. "Am I...In your way, Sir?"
"On the contrary!," He spoke in such a cheery tone it made her jump a bit. His hands, which were previously behind his back, reached out to straighten himself and push back the hair in his face as he straightened to his full height and she just now noticed how much taller he actually was. "You're new in town. Lost and wondering. You need a place to call your own." 
He sounded rather... smooth and confident. Like he gave this line over and over again. It caused her to raise a brow to which he chuckled at. Who was this guy?
"Allow me to introduce myself." One hand returned to his back while another reached for the breast pocket by the pin on his coat. She flinched as all of a sudden his hand was thrusted into her face. "I'm Maison Talo, the number one REALTOR in all of the Uncanny Valley. I can help you find your dream home today! My card."
...She blinked slowly realizing the object in his hand was a business card. A brow rose looking between his face and the card before a hand of hers slowly took it from him and his hand retreated. A...realtor? OH! Yes. That makes sense. She supposed that a person like a realtor would be in a place that looked like they were nothing but corporate businesses. A glance at the card confirmed that. On it was labeled with his name and a series of numbers underneath. A phone number no doubt.
"Give me a call and we can get you set up in a new house. Today guaranteed!"
"Oh...Thank you?" She looked back to him. "But I think you're barking up the wrong tree here." She looked at him and held the card back out. "I already have an apartment lined up so I don't need a house. No offense."
For a moment it seemed like his smile strained a bit before straightening out and chuckled. "Hehehe. It's quite alright." His hand pushed hers lightly away. "Keep it. I'm sure you'll be giving me a call. I'm the number one REALTOR in Uncanny Valley after all." Both hands returned behind his back. "I've never had a disappointed buyer. You'll love the house I picked out just for YOU!"
She... slowly nodded. "Thanks. I guess. Hey. Could you maybe point out where I am here?" The card forgotten now, the map was turned around and held up at the much taller blinking man. "I'd appreciate it if I knew where here was."
The man, Maison she guessed, blinked a moment before smiling wider. "But of course! I pride myself on excellent customer service even to only potential buyers." His eyes glanced down to the map. "I believe you would find yourself to be right here." A single red nailed finger reached out and poked at one spot.
The map was turned back around. She looked. And she smiled. Hey. That wasn't too far from the address she was looking for! "That's great help! Thanks! Although..I probably won't be calling you."
"Oh we'll see. I'll be waiting." 
Then he just casually stepped aside from her and just started walking away. Pink eyes blinked at just how fast he walked away from her and in heels no less,  but she shrugged it off. At least she knew where she was now. Huh. But now the crowd had thinned out a bit too. Guess that was her signal to move on too. But first her bearings. It took just a few minutes for her to follow the streets and trace it to where she needed to go. THERE! That's where her building should be! It was only a few streets away. If she hurried then she'd be able to get there before noon even. Smiling the map was closed and the woman started walking.
A few streets later and she had finally found it. Her apartment building. The tall tan building was a few stories high and and had a large patch of grassy land in front of it. This must've been a more suburban part of the city because mostly houses, shops, and other establishments were around here.  It was nice. That just meant plenty of job opportunities! This was looking better and better by the second! A warm feeling of happiness was in her chest at the much needed change in her life. The first start of everything. She just had to find her apartment number which wasn't hard. Apartment one on floor one. Kinda simplified but it worked for her. The moving company mentioned her door would be left unlocked and a key would be delivered first thing the next morning so she should be all good to just walk on in. The woman walked right inside the front door and looked around her. There was a flight of stairs to the left, a hallway of doors in front of her, and at the very end of said hallway was the doors of an elevator presumably leading to the upper floors of the building. Finding her own door wasn't hard. It was the first door in the hall with the number one placed on the wall next to the door. This is it. Her new home. With a smile of excitement she instantly reached a hand out to grab the handle and turned.
.. Only to find it locked??
She blinked. The door handle was turned a few more times. It didn't budge. Only making clicking noises in resistance to her efforts and not opening at all. It was locked.
"What the-...HEY!" The map was dropped and left to flutter to the floor as now two hands wrapped around the knob and more force was applied to try and force it open. "What gives? This isn't funny." Using her shoulder, she rammed her body into the doors hard surface in a failed attempt to get it opened. "Open up!" When turning the handle and ramming into the door didn't work, she switched to just pounding a fist furiously on it as if someone was in there. "Open the door! I'm supposed to be here!" 
"HEY!" The pounding stopped and she looked up at an angry man glaring at her from another door. He must've stuck his head out hearing the commotion. "Knock off the noise! Some people enjoy the peace and quiet!"
 The door was slammed back closed with an angry snort from the man making her since. Not a good start to her neighbors. But..there has to be a mistake! She was SURE This was the right building and the right apartment! So why wasn't it open?! We're the movers playing a sick joke on her. What now?! She needed to get inside or else she'd be sleeping on the streets! Or in the hallway! A worried hand shoved through pale hair worriedly. That wouldn't be a good idea. She didn't know the area yet! ....She better call that housing company! Hands quickly fumbled about for the phone in her pocket nearly dropping it. What was that number again?! Numbers were dialed and rings were given as she held it to her ear. Come on come on. Pick up! To her relief there was an answer!
"Hello. Uncanny Valley Apartment Hunters. How can we be of service today?," A woman's voice asked. An animalistic screech sounded out next which made her pull her head back.
She blinked. .. Must've had a pet parrot or something. "Uh..Yeah! I'm supposed to move in literally today and I'm locked out of my own house! I don't have a key or anything so what am I supposed to do?"
"May I have your name please?" 
"Fae Briar. I paid for everything a month in advance so I should be inside unless I'm at the wrong apartment."
Paper shuffling was heard and..was that a..blender?? Nah. Must've been a paper shredder. "Oh yes! Ms. Briar. We had a little issue with your apartment and it won't be ready until tomorrow. Our apologies."
"What?!" She felt like she'd been slapped across the face. "What are you talking about? What issues?!"
Some typewriting sounds followed by a loud annoyed sigh. "We've been having some issues.''
"Yeah? What issues?!"
"You're apartment will be ready tomorrow. Will there be anything else, Ms. Briar?"
Her teeth grinded together in annoyance and the grip on her phone grew. "No. Just ...Tell me when my dumb apartments ready."
"Of course. Have a nice day."
They hung up on her. And she stood there for a long moment staring blankly at the door. Before growling and grabbing her head as she let out a yell of frustration. GREAT! JUST GREAT!! She just got here and she can't even get into her own apartment she paid for DAYS ago!! What now?! She didn't have enough money for a hotel! She was lucky enough to be able to have enough money for the plane and bus ticket just to get here!! Her hands again fumbled with the phone in a desperate attempt to call possibly the only other person here who might help. However after twenty minutes of just standing there and calling Rose with no answers she gave up. It'd be better to save the phone battery just in case she needed it.
"This is just great! Just my luck this would happen!," She shouted in frustration. She felt like kicking or throwing something but she wouldn't resort to that. Instead she leaned defeated on the door and just.. flopped her arms uselessly to her sides. "Great. Just great. Now what am I supposed to do?"
There wasn't enough money leftover for a hotel, she was locked out of her apartment, and Rose wasn't answering her cell. There wasn't any choice but to hunker down here and camp outside her apartment until tomorrow came. ..her eyes wondered back to her map. Maybe there was a shelter or something else nearby she could stay at for the night? She bent down to pick up the map however noticed something else along with it. A small business card with- Oh. Mr. Talos business card. Forgot about that. Not like it'd be helpful anyways.
"Yeah right. I was lucky enough to afford this apartment. No way I can buy a house." Discarding the card once more the map was picked back up and opened as she annoyingly stared at it once more. "Right. Hotel it is then. I can get Rose to help me pay it off later."
So once again she set off only this time more annoyed than usual. And not noticing the watchful eyes following her. Down the streets she walked to no place in particular and looking between the buildings and map the entire time making sure to not get lost again. Soon she came upon what she thought was must've been the heart of the city. There should be hotels here right?
"Ok. Hotel. Hotel" her pink eyes looked around as she stopped. "Downtown areas usually have hotels right?"
Not seeing any forms of hotels, she looked back to the map in worry. At this rate she'd never be able to get settled in. Some great first impressions. She didn't notice the much taller figure approaching, until she felt something looming over her. She paused, looked up, and then squealed seeing Brady eyes and a too wide grin staring right back at her. Causing her to jump away.
"Lost? Lovely? You didn't call me, Ms. Briar."
She blinked. "Mr. Talo?" What the-...Where the heck did he come from?! She looked around before back to the tall man still smiling too widely at her. A shiver going down her spine. You weren't near where you last left him. "We're you following me?!"
"How silly." He waved her off. "No no. Dear buyer. I'm simply that good. Number one REALTOR in Uncanny Valley after all. I'm very sure you remember this. Right, Ms. Briar?"
"...How do you know my name?" Pink eyes widened as that fact set in. She never told him her name! How would he know that?!
"You clearly need a place to go and I have the PERFECT HOUSE just waiting for you to be inside it," he continued on not even answering her question. 
"Listen. I'm just looking for a hotel. Y'know...HOTEL." Fae gave a frown that almost could be a scowl at this point. This guy gave her the creeps. Who even was he?! She never told him her name and now he was suspected to follow her? "I can't even afford a house alright? I spent the last of my money getting here and I'm petty tired. So thank you but no. I just want to get a hotel for the night." She stressed out to him. Hopefully he got the hint 
He slowly frowned with a hum. "Hmm. A hotel." He seemed to be struggling with what she told him. Something was even creepier when he frowned then when he smiled which was shocking. Before he smiled again. "Oh. Oh my dear pooy buyer. You are so confused and lost I see."
Her mouth dropped open. "....Did you not hear what I just said? Even if I did agree to buy a house from you, I wouldn't have ANY money to buy it with! I might as well be trying to cook without a stove or any frying pans! Why would I agree to anything you're offering?"
"Listen. Just come with me and look at this lovely three bedroom home. If you don't absolutely fall in love with it, I'll personally pay for your hotel stay while I search for a house that suits your... personal needs."
She didn't like how his last sentence was almost a purr. But...If he was being serious about the hotel what did she have to lose? It wasn't like she could afford a hotel by herself anyways, and it might just get him off Fae's back. She could just humor him for an hour and tell him no once he's done showing her around. 
She sighed. "Alright. I will look at the house but-" she pointed a firm hand right at his face sternly. "-you better stop invading my personal space pal. Seriously. It's creepy."
"Perfect. Perfect." He said happily not even giving an indication to anything else she said. "I can assure you that you'll love this two garage domcile that's just STARVING to meet you!"
She was about to comment on his choice of words when she was abruptly cut off by the sensation of a long boney hand wrapping around her forearm, almost dragging her along as he quickly walked to gods knows where. She gasped at the grab and nearly fell over from stumbling to catch up with his quick pace. Maybe she made a mistake. Buildings and people passed by as they both walked like that. It felt like they had been walking for an hour in awkward silence, struggling to keep up with Maison's long and fast strides, when he stopped abruptly letting her go at the same time. She ended up colliding with his back before stumbling back a few steps, shaking her head, and looking back up at him in question. He didn't even flinch at that. 
"We're here!," He announced and tilted his head in expectation. "What do you think?"
She blinked looking around. Most of the big buildings were gone and replaced by just plain suburban homes and lawns. The house in question was in front of her and looked...just like a plain house? It looked to be a story tall, the standard size of a one floor home, with a garage, driveway, and cut grassy lawn. A 'For Sale' sign was mounted clear as day right smack dab in the front lawn close to the sidewalk. 
"....Oh. it's.. certainly a house?"
"Oh. Do you see something you like after all? I'm not surprised. After all this house is in VERY good condition." He sounded very proud of himself. 
"Um. It looks..Very nice." She complimented politely before looking at him. "But you don't seriously think I can afford this place right? This place looks way too expensive for me."
"Hehe. Quite the flatterer I see. I assure you the price is very reasonable and I'm willing to haggle greatly. The...'seller' is simply looking to sell fast."
Something felt off. Narrowing her eyes, she looked back to the nice looking house. Something had to be up. It was sounding more and more fishy like a scam by the second. There was no way she could be able to afford this no matter how much he haggled. There had to be a big catch. 
"Ok. What's the catch?" 
Her arms crossed at this point as she deadpanned looked at him. "The house is haunted isn't it? Or was someone murdered in there?" She noticed his smile seemed to strain again after she asked that second question. Interesting. "Or is the owner some kind of criminal? There's no way it's this good unless it's a scam or something's wrong with the house. So which is it, Mr. Talo?"
".....Of course not. Nothing like that happened."
Ok. The pause was totally suspicious. A realtor was supposed to disclose that info to customers right? But this guy was shady and creeped her out from the get go. Something was definitely up here. 
"Simply come inside and look around.  No strings attached. You'll LOVE the insides.  You won't be able to walk away from a deal like this, Dear Buyer." 
Fae stood there unmoving looking slowly between Mr. Talos smiling face and the house. Something definitely wasn't right. The house looked plain but something was...off about it too. She just.. couldn't quite place it. The thoughts of Fae alone with no one but Mr. Talo too also seemed to put her on edge. The man was...too peculiar. It waved a few red flags in the air and she clearly saw them. But...She couldn't really afford that hotel either. Where was she supposed to stay? She didn't really have much of a cho-
She flinched snapping out of her thoughts. What?
A loud woman's voice called out somewhere behind Mr. Talo clearly angry. The man blinked for a moment before looking over his shoulder and seeming to both perk up and look slightly worried. 
"Ah. My dear provider!" He fully turned around with his back to Fae to now face whomever was yelling at him. "How are you doing this fine day? I've been doing rather well myself! Almost sold to a potential buyer-"
"Don't try to change the subject." Footsteps approached and a figure stopped in front of the taller man. "I tried calling you and walked around the city all day. You know we were supposed to talk about your 'selling strategies' this morning. I knew I should've just followed your lure but unfortunately work took up a few hours of my time."
"Ah. My apologies. You see I was a little preoccupied with a few 'possible sales' and wanted to keep the line open. I hope you can forgive me, my dear." 
This was...awkward. But perhaps now would be a good time to skip away without him noticing. But..why did that new voice sound so familiar? She slowly stepped sideways to look around Maison and froze on the spot when the new figure was revealed.
"You knew I wanted to talk to you this morning! You slipped away from me on purpose again. You know I hate it when you do that!" A red headed woman with blue eyes stood there scowling up at the man. "Are you trying to get me in trouble with the Mayor? He's already on my case about you hanging around the bus stops again when that's off limits to REALTORS." She looked over at Fae. "What's he going to do....if..."
She froze seeing Fae. Fae stared right back silently. Maison blinked confused at the redheads silence suddenly before raising a brow and followed her gaze back to Fae. Curious he continued to look between the two women as the silence continued on.
"What are you doing here?!" The woman, her cousin, asked. Suddenly shocked that to see her standing there. "You're supposed to be at your apartment!!"
"I WAS!" Her arms were thrown up in defeat. "But then I got locked out and the stupid company won't let me in until tomorrow morning! What are YOU doing here?! I've been trying to call you!"
"I live here. You're locked out?! Who did that?"
"I dunno! The movers I guess! I can't get in and I couldn't reach you!" She then threw a hand in the man's direction. "And this guy has been trailing me all day trying to sell me a house no matter how many times I say no!"
Again there was silence before her cousin instantly scowled and slowly looked up at the man who instantly strained his smile wider. "Oh. ..So the dear buyer knows you?"
"She's my COUSIN, Maison!," Rose said with a deep scowl, "The one that I had told you was coming soon!"
If possible Mr. Talo looked like he suddenly wanted to disappear as he chuckled nervously. "Oh my. ..What a small world."
"Maison." A voice that sounded threatening with a growl escaped from Rose as she pointed to the house he had previously insisted on selling Fae. "Home! NOW! I'm going to have a VERY serious talk with you later!"
"A haha .. It's not what you think, Dear."
"I. Don't. CARE. You REALLY crossed a line this time!"
The two were arguing so loudly she almost didn't hear the rings of her phone. It startled her and stopped the other two into watching as she fumbled about to grab her ringing phone and hold it to her ear.
"Fae Briar?"
"Yes. Who's this?"
"I'm calling from the Uncanny Valley Housing Office. We solved that little issue we were having, so if you'd like to go ahead and go into the apartment it should be all ready for you!"
Pink eyes widened. "Wait. Really?! That's perfect!" She smiled widely. 
"We apologize for any delays. We look forward to your business and remember! Uncanny Valley Apartment Company is dedicated to finding the perfect home for you! Our REALTOR free guarantee since nineteen ninety two!"
She rolled her eyes at the cheesy catch phrase before simply hanging up and smiling wider. "That was the housing company!" She smiled back to Rose. "I can go back to my apartment right now!"
Rose blinked before nodding with a sigh. "That's good. You should go straight there then and then tomorrow morning I can help you unpack and get settled in. Do you need a ride back there?"
Fae held up the map as her answer. "I can just use this to get back. It's really not that big of a deal." 
Rose slowly nodded before narrowing her eye back to the still nervous looking man. "Ok. But I suggest you go straight back now. It's almost dark. I need to have a talk with Mr. Talo here about sales." Mr. Maison looked uncomfortable now.
Oh well. Not her problem anymore! She had a home now. "Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow, Rose. Good night."
Without another word to Maison, she started stepping out towards the direction back towards her apartment building. It felt like hours before she finally made her way back through the city. The sun looked like it was just about to set within an hour.  She was just happy she could go home and rest her weary head and get off her sore feet. Following the map she made sure to keep on course with her route recognizing some of the places that Maison dragged her past. Alright then. Shouldn't be long now. Crossing a street, she looked at the route she intended to take. Passing her by was a random man- Her leg collided with another's and she stumbled a step. However the person who she accidentally tripped over stumbled a few more steps before stopping.
"Crap!" Pink eyes blinked over to the man whom blinked back to her. He was dressed mostly in black clothes and had unkempt long black hair cascading around his shoulders and down his back. "Sorry!" She held up a hand. "I must've not been paying attention. You're not hurt are you?" She looked him up and down. He didn't seem harmed. 
His eyes widened..and he slowly shook his head no. She smiled widely at him.
"I'm happy to hear that. Would've felt bad if I accidentally bowled you over or worse, made you get hurt. Sorry again. Have a good day."
With a small wave his way, she didn't give him another thought as she continued walking. Already her mind had forgotten about him in favor of getting home to the promise of the bed. The man stared at her watching her go...no one had...ever asked him that before. Or had been kind to him other than Ms. Ivy. A smile appeared on his face and pupils beat the symbols of love.
The apartment building was very quiet when she reentered it just as the sun was setting. Her nerves rising up as she made her way to the door. Would it really be open? She hesitated but grabbed it again and turned. There was no resistance and it turned fully allowing the door to swing open surprising her...And she smiled. The home was dimly lit up by the last rays of sunlight shining in through the windows illuminating the inside of the building and what little boxes and furniture was scattered about. It was peaceful and it was hers. 
She entered the apartment swinging the door closed behind her as she just stood there taking in the sights. Finally..Home. A backpack was dropped to the floor with a loud thud and tired footsteps approached the sofa in the middle of the room. She didn't give any other thought as she just threw herself onto the soft cushions. Finally. Peace.
Slowly eyes closed and she allowed sleep to claim her after so long.
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Killers of the Flower Moon - Was die Osage zum neuen Scorsese-Film sagen
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Der Film, der wortwörtlich aus dem Buch "A Pipe for February" des verstorbenen Osage-Autors Charles Red Corn stammt, beginnt damit, dass die Osage beschlossen haben, ihre alten Bräuche und ihre Religion aufzugeben und ihre zeremonielle Pfeife zu begraben, um eine neue Lebensweise in der Welt des weißen Mannes zu beginnen. Die Szene ist herzzerreißend, aber wunderschön gefilmt. Der Nonhonzhinga (Medizinmann), gespielt von Talee Redcorn, betet in Osage, während zwei Frauen, Margaret Sisk und Moira Redcorn, weinend hinter ihm sitzen. Diese Szene ist ein Vorbote dessen, was als nächstes kommt.   Der Film springt dann in die Roaring '20s. Die Entdeckung von Öl auf dem Land der Osage, der Reichtum, der die Osage zum reichsten Volk der Welt macht, und die ungelösten Morde an den Osage bleiben unaufgeklärt, während ihr Ölgeld ihren Mördern und Handlangern überlassen wird. Frisch aus dem Krieg und direkt aus dem Zug kommt Ernest Burkhart, gespielt von Leonardo DiCaprio. Er wird von Henry Roan, gespielt von William Belleau, abgeholt und zu seinem herrschsüchtigen Onkel William Hale, gespielt von Robert De Niro, gebracht. Hale zieht es vor, dass sein Neffe ihn "König" nennt und Ernest beugt sein Haupt in Unterwürfigkeit. Es ist von Anfang an klar, dass Ernest das ist, was die Osagen Waux.pah.thi^ nennen, was so viel bedeutet wie erbärmlich. Auch wenn die Eröffnungsszene des Films wortwörtlich aus "Ein Rohr für Februar" stammt, ist der Film, den Scorsese gemacht hat, definitiv keine einfache Adaption von Granns Buch, sondern eine Adaption, die vergrößert wurde.
Mollie und Ernest Burkhart
Der Film wird aus der Sicht von Mollie und Ernest Burkhart erzählt, als ob der Zuschauer eine Fliege an der Wand in ihrem Leben wäre. Mollie ist eine Vollblut-Osage-Frau aus Grayhorse mit drei Schwestern und einer Mutter, als sie Ernest, ihren gut aussehenden Taxifahrer, kennenlernt und sich in ihn verliebt. Mollie wird von der unvergleichlichen Lily Gladstone gespielt. Sie stiehlt jede Szene, in der sie mitspielt. Ihre Präsenz, ihre Tiefe, ihre Beherrschung, die Nuancen, die sie in die Rolle einbringt - sie ist brillant. Persönlich ist sie so nett wie schön. Sie verdient jede Auszeichnung, die sie erhält. Wenn du dich fragst, ob du dir diesen Film ansehen sollst, dann schau ihn dir zumindest wegen Gladstones Leistung an. "Es geht nicht darum, wer es getan hat, sondern wer es nicht getan hat" Das Drehbuch war ursprünglich 200 Seiten lang, sagte Scorsese. Im Mittelpunkt des Films stand vor allem Tom White, der Texas Ranger, der die Ermittlungen zu den Morden an den Mitgliedern des Osage-Stammes leitet. Ursprünglich war DiCaprio für die Rolle des White vorgesehen, aber als der Film die Richtung änderte, ging die Rolle an Jesse Plemons. Scorsese sagte, das ursprüngliche Drehbuch habe sich wie ein Film gelesen, den er schon oft gesehen habe. Er beschloss, dass er nicht der richtige Regisseur für diese Aufgabe war. Zumindest bis er 2019 die Osage-Gemeinde Grayhorse besuchte. Bei diesem schicksalhaften Abendessen hörte er sich an, was die Gemeinde erlebt hatte und was sie über Ernest und Mollie Burkhart wusste. Da wusste er, dass die Geschichte mehr als nur ein Kriminaldrama war, es ging um Mitschuld. "In dieser Nacht war es so weit. Das war es, was den Ausschlag gab, als sie aufstanden und sprachen, alle von ihnen. Ich glaube, Brandy Lemon stand auf und sprach über Ernest und Mollie und mir wurde klar, dass ich mich fragte, warum dieser Typ das getan hatte", sagte Scorsese. "Und wie weit war er mitschuldig? Hatte er als schwacher Mann das Gefühl: 'Gut, ich mache es nur dieses eine Mal. Sie werden mich nicht mehr darum bitten, es zu tun oder noch einmal zu fragen. Das sagen sie ihm, und dann sagen sie es ihm wirklich, und er hat einfach Angst. Ich will ihn nicht entschuldigen ... aber wie weit war er mitschuldig? Scorsese sagte, als sie weiter recherchierten und immer tiefer eindrangen, wurde eines klar: Es ging nicht darum, wer es getan hat, sondern wer es nicht getan hat. "Haben wir die Kraft, wenn wir in unserem Leben so geprüft wurden, dieser Art von Leben zu widerstehen, nur um still zu sein", sagte er. "Man könnte es bis zum Weltkrieg in den 1930er und 40er Jahren zurückverfolgen und Menschen, die auf subtile Art und Weise mitschuldig waren, und nicht so subtil, wie wir wissen, aber sogar auf sehr subtile Art und Weise, und es trotzdem geschafft haben. Das war für mich sehr interessant." Aber was anders ist, ist, dass Scorsese dich in ihre Freundschaften, ihre Beziehungen und ihre Familien mitnimmt. Du beginnst zu verstehen, warum Mollie Ernest lieben und ihm vertrauen konnte und warum Ernest in einem Konflikt zwischen Pflicht und Angst vor seinem Onkel und der Pflicht und Liebe zu seiner Familie stand. Der Film lässt dich noch lange nach dem Ende nicht los, du denkst über dieses und jenes Gespräch nach und suchst nach dem Moment des Verrats, um dann festzustellen, dass er sich auch bei dir eingeschlichen hat.
Warum dieser Film wichtig ist
In einem Gespräch mit Gladstone nach der Premiere sprach sie darüber, warum dieser Film wichtig ist. Warum die Bewegung für vermisste und ermordete indigene Frauen (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women - MMIW) schon bei der Kolonialisierung hätte beginnen sollen und wie unsere indigenen Frauen immer noch jeden Tag in Gefahr sind. "Ich kann mich kaum an einen anderen Film erinnern, in dem indigene Frauen so stark und real vertreten waren. Ich liebe meine Schwestern, die Schauspielerinnen, die meine Schwestern spielen, und die Liebe, die Mollie für sie hatte, denn wir verbringen so viel Zeit mit ihnen und sehen sie als Familie in der Geschichte, dass wir die Auswirkungen spüren", sagte Gladstone. Mollies Schwestern, Anna Brown, Reta Smith und Minnie Smith, werden alle für ihr Kopfgeld getötet, ebenso wie ihre Mutter Lizzie Q, die von Tantoo Cardinal gekonnt gespielt wird. Die Schwestern werden von den einheimischen Schauspielerinnen Cara Jade Myers, JaNae Collins und Jillian Dion gespielt. Die Szenen, in denen die Schwestern Zeit miteinander verbringen, die Sequenzen mit der Mutter und der ersten Tochter, während sie in der perfekten Osage-Sprache sprechen, sind sehr schön. Ganz ehrlich, jede Szene, in der die Osage-Sprache und -Kultur gezeigt wird, ist fesselnd. "Ich kann mir keine andere Geschichte vorstellen, in der sich das Publikum so in eine indigene Frau verliebt hat, dass sich die Menschen für all die vermissten und ermordeten indigenen Frauen interessieren, mit denen wir uns jetzt beschäftigen und nach denen die Menschen nicht suchen, außer für Suchtrupps und Familien", sagte Gladstone. "Wir müssen das selbst in die Hand nehmen, denn wer hilft uns? Das ist keine Geschichte, das ist modern, das ist zeitgenössisch und die Chance, nicht nur über diese Liebesgeschichte zu reden, sondern auch darüber, wie sie sich abgespielt hat, ist eine wirklich gute Analogie für die Beziehungen zwischen der Regierung und den Ureinwohnern, zwischen der Menschheit und dem Planeten. "Als ich den Film sah, war es eine Sache, ihn zu machen, aber ich vergleiche es damit, dass man für seine Freunde eintritt, bevor man für sich selbst eintritt. Es hat mich fast mehr berührt, Mollie zu sehen, als die Schauspielerin zu sein, die versucht, sich in den Szenen zurechtzufinden, aber wenn ich sie dann als Ganzes sehe ... habe ich mich auch in sie verliebt. Wir haben so viele umwerfende einheimische Schauspielerinnen, die ihren Platz auf der Leinwand so stark und schön gehalten haben, und ich kann mich an keine andere erinnern, in der man diese Liebesgeschichte sieht, die auch das Publikum mit einbezieht. "Mollie hat überlebt, aber drei der Kyle-Schwestern nicht. Wir alle kennen jemanden, jemanden aus unserer Familie, jemanden aus unserem engen Umfeld, jemanden, mit dem wir aufgewachsen sind, und wir wissen nicht, wo sie sind." Regie bei "Killers of the Flower Moon" führt der Oscar-Preisträger Martin Scorsese nach einem Drehbuch von Eric Roth und Scorsese, das auf dem Bestseller von David Grann basiert. Mit einer Laufzeit von 3 Stunden und 26 Minuten feierte der Apple Original Film seine Weltpremiere bei den Filmfestspielen in Cannes am 20. Mai im Grand Théâtre Lumière unter 9-minütigen stehenden Ovationen. Der Film wird in Zusammenarbeit mit Paramount Pictures am Freitag, den 6. Oktober, exklusiv in begrenzten Kinos weltweit veröffentlicht und am Freitag, den 20. Oktober, in die breite Öffentlichkeit getragen, bevor er weltweit auf Apple TV+ gestreamt wird. In "Killers of the Flower Moon" spielen außerdem Jesse Plemons, John Lithgow, Brendan Fraser, Tantoo Cardinal, Cara Jade Myers, JaNae Collins, Jillian Dion, Tatanka Means, William Belleau, Yancey RedCorn, Talee Redcorn, Everett Waller, Jason Isbell, Louis Cancelmi, Scott Shepherd, Sturgill Simpson und viele andere. Nach Angaben von Häuptling Geoffrey Standing Bear ist für den 8. Juli eine Osage-Premiere in Oklahoma geplant. Details werden noch bekannt gegeben. Weitere Artikel über die Premiere des Films bei den Filmfestspielen in Cannes und exklusive Interviews mit dem Regisseur und den Darstellern findest du bei Osage News. Originalartikel Das könnte Sie auch interessieren Read the full article
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cavenewstimes · 11 months
Inside Scorsese’s Meeting With the Osage That Changed ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’
O n a November night in 2019, Oscar-winning filmmaker Martin Scorsese and about a lots members of his production group for Killers of the Flower Moon settled into collapsible chairs in a wood-paneled neighborhood hall in the Osage Country in Pawhuska, Oklahoma They had actually flown more than 1,300 miles after members of the people’s Grayhorse neighborhood composed to Scorsese to reveal their…
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vespertineblue · 7 years
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We are finally feeling ourselves again! What a long and painful journey this was! I'm so glad my girl can run again! 😍 .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #arabian #arabianhorse #horses #ilovemyhorse #straightegyptian #pferde #ichliebepferde #recovery #lifeontheranch #riding #horsebackriding #grayhorses #asilaraber #alkhamsa #behindthescenes #horsephotography #photography #reiten #reitenmachtspass #weissepferde
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thesdcowgirl · 4 years
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“No one knows what you have been through or what your pretty little eyes have seen, but I can reassure you ~ whatever you have conquered, it shines through your mind.” . — Nikki Rowe — . It is “National Domestic Violence Month” and as a survivor, I can say this: if I can get out and over come my past, so can you, if you’re in that situation. . It took me decades to become whole again. But, I did it. I learned that loving me has to come first. . If you or someone you know is in this situation, please reach out to me, a hotline or someone else that can help you find your way to whole again. . #domesticviolenceawareness #domesticviolence #october2020 #grayhorse #blueskies #findyourself #youareenough #loveyousomeyou (at The DX Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGsfd_wAxIf/?igshid=1vrhksetqplbm
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infamousstitch · 4 years
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Smokey's coming along. Hopefully I don't 🤬 it up. #art #artist #horse #horses #horseart #horsepainting #equineart #equineartist #illustration #horseportrait #petportraits #animalart #animalpainting #cowhorse #mustangs #quarterhorse #grayhorse #cuttinghorse #astelairgallery #infamousstitch (at Infamous Stitch) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG3mIMJp8Ow/?igshid=1ar1qyj9cav0x
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xlarssonx · 2 years
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Showmeyourheaven ❤️💚 #fastart#sketch#pen#thoroughbred#racehorse#grayhorse#gray#horse#mare#stable#szybkiart#szkic#długopis#folblut#końwyścigowy#siwykoń#siwy#koń#klacz#stajnia https://www.instagram.com/p/ChNUGzVM3Y1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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practicallysimplee · 3 years
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As much as I love this image, I've gone back and forth on sharing it. Let me tell you why: This image is from the last session I did before I decided to take a break from horses and my photography. While it may seem mundane, making the decision to take a break completely shattered my world. I had sold my horse, moved in with a group of people, and I had no clue who I would be without horses.... But let me tell you something I learned that I was - Strong - Passionate - Inspired - Loved to Inspire and Uplift others All while I was taking a break, the things I loved were right there in front of me! As I look to moving across the country in a few months, I've been considering picking up the lens again. Until then, enjoy my musings and the pretty ponies. - - - - #eventinghorsesofinstagram #equinephotography #equineportrait #blackbackgroundphotography #horseportrait #greyhorse #hunterhorse #grayhorse #warmblood #ottbsofinstagram (at Southern Pines, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVON-FwvR5a/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bookreaderlady · 5 years
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Heard David Grann speak today about writing “Killers of the Flower Moon. “ #killersoftheflowermoon #osage #atrocity #murders #oklahoma #pawhuska #pawhuskaoklahoma #milliondollarelm #grayhorseoklahoma #grayhorse (at Church of the Servant) https://www.instagram.com/p/B80vjSZFxGB/?igshid=r9g4a9m28uuv
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lordandemon · 5 years
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Gray horse Size: Height - 5cm, length - 9cm Material: Velvet clay, acrylic paint, Wire. For sale in my shop: https://www.etsy.com/listing/713998849/gray-horse-figurine-original-creature?ref=related-2
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monocerosarts · 5 years
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Girl power pony is available on kids’ and adult T-shirts: https://monocerosarts.threadless.com/designs/tough-girl-horse-and-cardinal #horse #horses #dapplegray #gray #grey #grayhorse #drafthorse #drafthorses #animals #cuteanimals #animalsart #digitalart #tshirts #customtshirts #horsetshirts #horsetshirt #tshirthorse #horsetshirtdesign #horseclothes #girlpower #girlpowerquotes #girlpowershop #girlpowershopping #girlpowerclothes #girlpowertshirt #tshirtgirlpower #girlpowershirts #girlpowerkids #womenofinstagram #horseart #cuteanimals #cuteanimalsplus #cutehorses #cutehorsesofinstagram #bird #birds #cardinals #cardinal #cardinalbird #cardinalbirdsofinstagram #animalfriends https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkCJb2jSUx/?igshid=v7tv6sd6ojtp
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marasmanifesto · 6 years
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Gray horse 🐎 #lovefree #breathfree #runfree #livefree . . . . . . . . . #grayhorse #poemoftheday #prosepoetry #shortpoem #poetsofig #poetryisnotdead #blackpoetsociety #marasmanifesto https://www.instagram.com/p/BtCuoZeFapV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e6anmieyyvhq
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reowwwww · 7 years
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Horse Horses 馬
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Protect those white muzzles from the extremely strong spring sun 🌞🌞🌞 K9 Nose & Mule Guard 50 - - - - #k9horsesweden #k9horse #k9horsecare #pinkmules #pingnose #grayhorse #grayhorses #whitehorse #horseproducts #k9horsesunblock #whitehorseproblems #horselife #horsesofinstagram #horselove #horsegrooming #k9noseandmuleguard #pinkmules #greyhorse #grayhorses #grayhorsesofinstagram #whitehorse #whitehorses #whitehorseskincare #rosamule #skimmel #schimmel #grayhorseproblemsblog #schimmelpower https://www.instagram.com/p/CP_FGADnw01/?utm_medium=tumblr
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