#grassroots innovation
corporateintel · 5 months
Sniff for Myth
The mantra of modern business decision-making is often tied to the basic concept of data-driven reasoning. If you hold a leadership position within an organization, you know that understanding data is a mandate. Data is the foundation for supporting a thesis, building consensus around a point of view, or building an argument for change. Data won’t tell us everything we need to know, and data can…
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omegaphilosophia · 2 months
The Philosophy of Punk
The philosophy of punk is a distinctive blend of cultural rebellion, DIY ethos, and anti-establishment attitudes. Emerging from the punk rock music scene in the 1970s, punk philosophy has since evolved into a broader subcultural movement that encompasses music, fashion, art, and social commentary. Here's an exploration of the core tenets and influences of punk philosophy:
1. DIY Ethic
At the heart of punk philosophy is the "Do It Yourself" (DIY) ethic. Punk advocates self-sufficiency and creativity without reliance on mainstream institutions or commercial interests. This ethos encourages individuals to create their own music, art, and fashion, often using limited resources. It fosters a sense of empowerment and community, as punks produce and distribute their own records, zines, and merchandise.
2. Anti-Establishment and Rebellion
Punk philosophy is deeply rooted in anti-establishment sentiments. It rejects conventional norms, authority, and societal expectations. Punk often criticizes political systems, corporate greed, and social inequalities. This rebellious stance is reflected in the raw and confrontational style of punk music and the provocative nature of punk fashion, which frequently includes ripped clothing, bold hairstyles, and symbolic accessories like safety pins and leather jackets.
3. Individualism and Authenticity
Punk values individualism and authenticity, championing the idea of being true to oneself. It opposes conformity and encourages people to express their unique identities and beliefs. This focus on personal authenticity often translates into a rejection of polished, commercialized aesthetics in favor of raw, unfiltered expression.
4. Anarchy and Libertarianism
Many punk subcultures are influenced by anarchist and libertarian ideologies. Punk philosophy often promotes the idea of a society without hierarchical structures or authoritarian control. Anarcho-punk, a subgenre of punk, explicitly incorporates anarchist principles, advocating for direct action, mutual aid, and community-based alternatives to state power.
5. Social and Political Activism
Punk philosophy is not only about music and fashion but also about activism and social change. Punk bands and communities frequently address issues such as anti-racism, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and environmentalism. Punk's activist spirit is evident in its support for grassroots movements, protests, and various forms of direct action.
6. Cultural Innovation and Subversion
Punk is known for its cultural innovation and subversion. It challenges mainstream cultural standards and pushes the boundaries of artistic expression. Punk art, music, and literature often employ satire, irony, and shock value to critique societal norms and provoke thought.
The philosophy of punk is a multifaceted and dynamic ideology that encompasses a wide range of attitudes and practices. At its core, punk is about rejecting conformity, embracing individuality, and striving for authenticity. It promotes a DIY ethic, challenges authority, and seeks to create a more just and equitable society through activism and direct action. Punk's enduring influence can be seen in various cultural and social movements, making it a vital and vibrant part of contemporary philosophy and culture.
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pebblegalaxy · 1 month
IAMGAME: Revolutionizing India's Sports Ecosystem with a Unified Platform @Iamgame360 @iamgamesport
In the dynamic world of sports, where talent often battles against fragmented resources and scattered opportunities, IAMGAME emerges as a beacon of unity and innovation. Conceived by Mandeep Malhotra and Karan Chettri, IAMGAME was born from a profound recognition of India’s untapped sports potential and the need for a cohesive platform that integrates the diverse stakeholders within the sports…
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Bridging Continents: A Canadian Initiative for Regenerative Sustainability at UNEA-6
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citizenv2pt1 · 8 months
Website: https://www.citizen-v2pt1.us
CITIZEN Version 2.1 is an initiative focused on enhancing the American democracy by empowering citizens with direct participation in national policy decision-making. Advocating for a reformed democratic process, it proposes the establishment of the Citizenry as the fourth branch of government. The platform offers insights into political reform, encourages civic engagement, and provides resources for understanding and participating in the democratic process, including a series of novels titled "The Democracy Saga."
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CitV21
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/citizen_ver2.1/
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/citizen-v2pt1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CitizenV2pt1
Keywords: Participatory governance Community engagement projects Accountability in governance Building civic capacity Civic engagement strategies Good governance practices Government transformation Grassroots involvement Political innovation Political restructuring Accountability in public office Citizen-led initiatives Civic engagement platforms Decentralized decision-making Effective decision-making processes Evidence-based policy-making Policy reform advocacy political reform initiatives reforming political systems progressive political changes modernizing political processes legislative reform efforts structural political changes enhancing democratic values democratic principles advancement democracy building strategies empowering democratic institutions democratic development programs democracy strengthening initiatives fostering democratic culture promoting democratic ideals advancing participatory democracy active citizen involvement empowered citizenry inclusive citizen participation citizen led initiatives encouraging civic participation public involvement efforts open government initiatives government accountability measures transparent policy making enhancing government transparency open decision making processes public access to government information transparent political practices promoting government openness evidence based policy making effective decision making processes policy formulation strategies democratic policy decisions public participation in policymaking inclusive policy discussions transparent policy choices decentralized decision making participatory policy processes strategic national policies national governance strategies policies for national development coherent national policy framework policy alignment with national goals inclusive national policy dialogue national policy effectiveness holistic national policy approach national policy implementation effective democratic governance strengthening democratic institutions democratic governance models inclusive democratic governance strengthening democratic leadership democratic governance reforms democratic governance best practices sustainable democratic governance active civic participation strengthening civic involvement fostering civic responsibility empowering civic leaders civic participation programs inclusive civic initiatives strengthening political accountability transparency and accountability in politics political accountability mechanisms enhancing political responsibility citizen oversight in politics political accountability reforms political responsibility initiatives
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reasonsforhope · 17 days
"Samuel Onyango’s office at Kibera Primary School is serene and spacious. His table is neatly arranged, with an assortment of files and an array of books. One side of his cream-colored office is decked with aggregate performance scores, and another shows off several trophies in a glass cabinet. Last year, Onyango’s school performed a traditional dance and scooped third place in the National Drama and Film Festivals, where schools across the country competed for the top prize.
But today Onyango, the school’s principal, is bragging about something much more basic: Thanks to an innovative community program, his students and teachers are no longer getting sick from dirty water.
Onyango’s school, with a staff of 30 and a student body of about 1,700, is in Kibera, a neighborhood in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi that is widely known as Africa’s largest informal settlement. It is a community of houses made from mud or tin sheeting where residents have to hustle to meet even their most basic needs, like electricity or clean water.
It is also a community where creativity and innovation, at the heart of any hustle, are changing how some people can access clean water — and making major ripples in public health.
Onyango’s school has long gotten its water the same way many people in Kibera do: by buying it from independent suppliers, who truck water in and sell it for around $30 per 10,000 liters (about 2,650 gallons). But trucked water can be contaminated, despite suppliers’ promises, and Onyango’s students and staff were often using unclean water at home, too. It was common, he says, for both teachers and students to get sick and miss school because of waterborne illnesses.
Last November, Onyango’s school got connected to an aerial clean water system built by a local grassroots organization called SHOFCO, which stands for Shining Hope for Communities. “Once we got connected to SHOFCO’s water,” Onyango says, “cases of these ailments reduced to nil.”
SHOFCO’s water distribution system currently reaches about 40,000 people and distributes more than 3.7 million gallons of clean water per month.
Access to safe drinking water — and its equitable distribution — underpins public health. But for the estimated 250,000 people in Kibera, who live without any government infrastructure, clean water is often a luxury. Many people are using illegal water connections, which proliferate among the poor — there are nearly 130 in just three lesser-resourced Nairobi neighborhoods. But those DIY hookups can mix clean water with raw sewage, and Kenyan officials have recently warned of a looming public health crisis if water access is not prioritized.
Shifting weather patterns also increase the risk of waterborne illness, government officials say. The Ministry of Health and the Kenya Red Cross Society have called out severe flooding during the El Niño weather pattern as a source of a recent major cholera outbreak in parts of the country. Kibera was not spared this risk: The floods led to the contamination of various sources of water in the sprawling neighborhood.
But the aerial piping system SHOFCO built in 2012 — the one that brings water to Onyango’s school — saved some Kibera residents, quite literally. With collaboration from health and county authorities, SHOFCO has all but eliminated diarrheal disease in the communities that use its aerial piping system, according to Gladys Mwende, a program officer at SHOFCO. In the health facilities SHOFCO runs, the incidences of diarrheal infections have also gone down, she adds.
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Pictured: People in Kibera’s Makina section pass by the signature blue pillars that hold up SHOFCO’s aerial water piping system. Visual: Sarah Waiswa/Harvard Public Health Magazine
“[Poor sanitation is the reason] that our water is aerial piped,” says Kennedy Odede, the founder and CEO of SHOFCO. Piping water in helps clean water maintain its integrity without interference from elements including tampering. In a huge community with no major infrastructure, piping seemed impossible — there was no money and no will to build a disruptive underground system connected to the city’s main water supply. Instead, Odede and his team put the pipes up in the air. “As somebody who grew up in Kibera, to see this clean water — which I have also drank — is powerful.”
SHOFCO’s water distribution system currently reaches about 40,000 people and distributes more than 3.7 million gallons of clean water per month — nearly 46 million gallons per year — at community water kiosks, which residents access with tokens linked to the mobile money platform M-Pesa. The water kiosks are pre-programmed to fill jerry cans that hold about five gallons at a cost of 3 Kenyan shillings, or about 23 U.S. cents.
A recent evaluation of SHOFCO’s clean water efforts, undertaken by the African Population and Health Research Center, shows diarrheal disease among children under age five have decreased by 31 percent where community members used SHOFCO water kiosks and received SHOFCO’s sanitation messaging.
“We don’t get as many cases of diarrhea even though now we are in the middle of the floods,” Mwende says. “Communities have not reported any outbreaks within the areas where we are working.”
Mohammed Suleiman is grateful for the change. Suleiman, 25, was born here, and it’s been his job for the last 18 years to fetch 135 gallons of water daily for his family’s personal needs and for their samosa business.
Two months ago, Sulieman contracted typhoid from the unsanitary water he was consuming. Once he recovered, he says, switching to SHOFCO water kiosks was a no-brainer.
“I don’t know where the other independent vendors get it from,” he says. But he trusts SHOFCO water. “Water sourced from SHOFCO is cleaner than that of other vendors,” he says. “I don’t have to treat water from [SHOFCO] kiosks before consuming it.”
And he’s the living proof: Since switching to SHOFCO water, Suleiman hasn’t been sick even once."
-via Undark, August 13, 2024
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unityrain24 · 4 months
email i got today not sure if this is news??:
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Breaking news: a top Democrat in the House has highlighted the problem with the “duty of care” model in the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA).1
During the markup last week, Rep. Frank Pallone said, “adopting the duty of care could cause social media companies to over-filter content out of an abundance of caution about legal risk, and as a result some young people could lose access to helpful and even life-saving content.”2
This is exactly what dozens of human rights, civil liberties, racial justice, and LGBTQ+ groups have been saying for years about why KOSA’s duty of care is so dangerous.3
Our grassroots campaign is working and it's getting the attention of top lawmakers. Can you help us continue the fight to ensure that KOSA is only passed if it gets fixed?
Pallone rightly went on to say that he doesn’t trust Big Tech companies to make determinations about what types of content recommendations cause mental health disorders, noting that our understanding of the science in this area is still evolving.
Here’s what this means:
It’s working. Your phone calls, emails, the videos you’ve made and shared, the small $5 and $10 donations that enable us to run online campaigns, display your comments on billboards in DC4, and keep the media and lawmakers staff as informed as possible about our concerns have made KOSA less likely to pass, at least not without major changes. The top Democrat on the House committee is speaking out against it,  and that wouldn’t have happened without all of our work together.
We still have a ton of work to do. Rep. Pallone’s alternative proposal is to try to address the harms of Big Tech by going after Section 2305, which would lead to many of the same harms he’s worried about with KOSA’s duty of care. So we still have to work to educate his staff and other members on and off the committee, and drive emails and phone calls urging Congress to adopt strong privacy and antitrust protections instead of stalling out again and again with bills like KOSA and EARN IT that raise serious human rights concerns. APRA, the privacy bill that also advanced at the hearing, has some positive features, but there’s a lot of work needed to make it strong enough to actually protect the most vulnerable people.
KOSA could still pass, and we need to keep up the pressure. Despite the surprise blowback KOSA faced at last week’s hearing, the subcommittee still voted to advance it to a full committee vote. That means it’s one step closer to passing, and there is still a very real possibility that it could be snuck into a “must-pass” funding bill like the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). There is a big push from backers of KOSA including full page ads, op-eds in major papers, and several large tech companies have already come out in support of it. We have to take it seriously as an ongoing threat.
There is also still a chance that KOSA could be amended to address our concerns. Senator Wyden has proposed some helpful amendments. One of the good parts of KOSA is its ban on targeted advertising to kids. That could be imported into a strengthened version of APRA, for example, while leaving the harmful duty of care model behind. There are lots of ways Congress can address the harms of Big Tech and protect kids without enabling censorship and surveillance.
So, we gained some ground, but the fight is far from over. If you’ve read this far, you must understand how important this is. If you’re in a position to donate, please click here.
Help stop KOSA
If not, seriously don’t worry about it. We’ve all been there. Thank you so much for being part of this movement demanding Internet policies that don’t throw marginalized people under the bus. We can fight for an Internet where kids aren’t just safe, but have basic human rights, and the ability to speak out and shape the world around them. 
Let’s do it,
Evan at ❤️ Fight for the Future
Fight for the Future, PO Box 55071 #95005, Boston, MA 02205  Don't like these emails? Unsubscribe.
Sent via ActionNetwork.org. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Fight for the Future, please click here.
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sexymemecoin · 3 months
Meme Coins: The Fusion of Humor and Cryptocurrency
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In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, a new and exciting trend has emerged: meme coins. These digital assets, inspired by internet memes and cultural phenomena, have captured the imagination of investors and enthusiasts alike. Meme coins represent a unique fusion of humor, community engagement, and financial innovation. Among the rising stars in this vibrant ecosystem is Sexy Meme Coin, a project that exemplifies the potential of meme coins to revolutionize both the crypto world and internet culture. You can learn more about this exciting project at Sexy Meme Coin.
The Origins of Meme Coins
The concept of meme coins began with Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency that started as a joke but quickly gained a dedicated following. Launched in 2013, Dogecoin features the Shiba Inu dog from the "Doge" meme as its mascot. Despite its humorous beginnings, Dogecoin has become a serious player in the crypto market, demonstrating the power of community and social media in driving value.
Inspired by Dogecoin's success, a wave of new meme coins has emerged, each with its unique twist on the concept. These coins leverage the viral nature of memes to build communities and create value, often with a playful and irreverent approach.
What Sets Meme Coins Apart?
Community-Driven: Meme coins are built on the strength of their communities. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, which often focus on technological innovation, meme coins thrive on community engagement and social media presence. This grassroots approach fosters a sense of belonging and enthusiasm among users.
Humor and Culture: By incorporating elements of internet culture and humor, meme coins appeal to a broad audience. They are not just financial instruments but also cultural phenomena, reflecting the zeitgeist of the digital age.
Accessibility: Meme coins are often more accessible to the average person than other cryptocurrencies. Their playful nature and low entry barriers make them attractive to newcomers to the crypto space.
Potential for Rapid Growth: The viral nature of memes means that meme coins can experience explosive growth in a short period. While this can lead to significant gains for early adopters, it also comes with high volatility and risk.
Sexy Meme Coin: A Case Study
One of the most promising new entrants in the meme coin arena is Sexy Meme Coin. This project exemplifies the innovative spirit of meme coins, combining humor, community engagement, and cutting-edge technology to create a unique platform for meme enthusiasts and crypto investors.
Key Features of Sexy Meme Coin:
Decentralized Meme Marketplace: Sexy Meme Coin offers a decentralized marketplace where users can buy, sell, and trade memes as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). This platform ensures that creators are rewarded for their originality and creativity, turning viral content into valuable digital assets.
Community Engagement: The platform places a strong emphasis on community involvement. Users can participate in meme contests, vote on their favorite memes, and interact with fellow meme lovers. This active participation not only enhances the user experience but also strengthens the sense of community within the platform.
Reward System: Sexy Meme Coin's unique reward system allows users to earn Sexy Meme tokens ($SXYM) through various activities. Whether it's creating popular memes, participating in community events, or staking tokens, users are incentivized to contribute to the ecosystem and are rewarded for their creativity and engagement.
Exclusive Content: The platform offers access to exclusive meme content and special editions for token holders, providing added value and a unique experience for the community.
Charitable Initiatives: Beyond creating a fun and engaging platform, Sexy Meme Coin is committed to making a positive impact. A portion of the platform’s profits is dedicated to charitable causes, demonstrating the project’s dedication to social responsibility and community support.
You can explore more about this exciting project at Sexy Meme Coin.
The Future of Meme Coins
The rise of meme coins like Sexy Meme Coin signals a shift in the cryptocurrency landscape. These projects are not just about financial speculation; they represent a new way of thinking about digital assets and community engagement. As meme coins continue to evolve, they have the potential to influence mainstream culture and finance in unprecedented ways.
However, it's essential to approach meme coins with a level of caution. Their high volatility and reliance on social media trends mean that they can be unpredictable. Investors should do their due diligence and be prepared for the inherent risks.
Meme coins are more than a passing fad; they are a testament to the power of community, culture, and creativity in the digital age. Projects like Sexy Meme Coin are at the forefront of this movement, demonstrating that humor and blockchain technology can coexist to create something truly unique. As the meme coin ecosystem continues to grow, it will be fascinating to see how these projects shape the future of cryptocurrency and internet culture.
For more information on Sexy Meme Coin and to join the community, visit Sexy Meme Coin and become part of the revolution in the world of meme coins.
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leveloneandup · 8 months
Christen Press and Tobin Heath Visit Zambia with Grassroot Soccer
In November 2023, Grassroot Soccer Global Ambassadors Christen Press and Tobin Heath traveled to Lusaka, Zambia to see how Grassroot Soccer Coaches are using soccer, fun, and mentorship to connect young people with life-saving health information and services.
Grassroot Soccer SKILLZ Coaches are mentors from the communities they serve who care about and connect with adolescents so they are inspired to take action on their health. Christen and Tobin spent time speaking with Coaches and also joined them to witness the Community-Based Distribution (CBD) program: an innovative, peer-to-peer approach to adolescent health in which Coaches provide adolescents with access to family planning services in a safe space free from judgment or stigma.
Following their time in Zambia, Christen and Tobin reflected on their time with Coaches and participants on stage at the Ninth Annual Grassroot Soccer World AIDS Day Gala in London.
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world-of-wales · 6 months
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The Prince of Wales visited Sheffield to unveil major commitments, securedthrough The Royal Foundation's Homewards programme.
He paid a visit to The Learning Zone in the Northeast of the Sheffield, one of the areas of the city where families aredisproportionately at risk of homelessness.
During the visit, William joined parents, carers and young adults from local families who have experienced housing insecurity and homelessness, alongside community representatives from grassroot organisations, as they took part in a workshop to co-design Homewards Sheffield's innovative housing project.
He had a meeting of local landlords, convened by Homewards, to discuss how they can work together to end family homelessness. Landlords in attendance have made an initial commitment to provide thirty-one homes for families at risk of or experiencing homelessness in Sheffield.
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therapeutic007 · 25 days
🌟✨ MAGA Vibes Only! ✨🌟
Okay, fam, let’s talk about what happens if President Trump makes his glorious return in 2024. 🇺🇸🔥
America First, Always: If he comes back, expect a major revival of the America First agenda! We’re talking about prioritizing American jobs, energy independence, and securing our borders. Imagine a new wave of policies designed to bring manufacturing back home! 🏭💪
Draining the Swamp 2.0: Trump knows the deep state is still lurking. You can bet he’ll double down on rooting out corruption in D.C. and dismantling the bureaucratic nonsense that holds our country back. This time, he’s got allies in Congress ready to help him clean house! 🧹🚫
Economic Boom: Remember that pre-pandemic economy? If he returns, expect tax cuts, deregulation, and a stock market that soars! Trump will likely push for a massive infrastructure plan to create jobs and revitalize cities across America. 💰📈
Foreign Policy Reboot: Get ready for a firmer stance on China and a renewed focus on our allies. Trump might even revive his peace initiatives in the Middle East, showing the world that America can lead without endless wars. 🌍✈️
Constitutional Rights: You can count on him to defend our freedoms! Whether it’s gun rights, free speech, or religious liberty, he’ll be a staunch advocate for our Constitutional rights. It’ll be all about empowering the American people! 📜🔒
Grassroots Movement: Trump knows the power of the people! Expect to see him rallying his base like never before, utilizing social media and public appearances to energize his supporters and bring them into the fold for local elections too! 📣🤝
Innovative Tech and Trade: Watch out for a focus on American tech innovation and fair trade deals that prioritize American workers. Say goodbye to unfair competition and hello to a thriving tech sector that benefits us all! 💻🇺🇸
So, what do you think, MAGA fam? Ready for a comeback that will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN?! Let’s keep the energy high and stay united! 🔥💥
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The tree cutting has started
How to help:
Support the work of the Forest Justice Defense Fund a broad coalition dedicated to saving the Atlanta Forest by donating here
The Atlanta Solidarity Fund bails out activists who are arrested for participating in social justice movements, and helps them get access to lawyers. Donate here
You can donate to the lawsuit challenging the Dekalb County movie studio land swap here
Call Brasfield & Gorrie (678.581.6400), the Atlanta Police Foundation (770.354.3392), and the City of Atlanta (404.330.6100) and ask them to cancel the project and to remain peaceful with tree-sitters and other on-the-ground protesters
You can organize protests, send phone calls or emails, or help with direct actions of different kinds to encourage contractors of the various projects to stop the destruction. You can find some of the contractors here: stopreevesyoung.com
You can form an Action Group in your community, neighborhood, town, city, college, or scene. Together, you can host information nights, movie screenings, potluck dinners, and protests at the offices of contractors, at the homes of the board members, on campus, or elsewhere. You can post and pass out fliers at public places and shows, knock on doors to talk to neighbors and sign them up for text alerts, fundraisers, or actions, or you can innovate new activities altogether.
If you want to protest like the French NOW is the time to show that you will support and protect people on the Frontline!!
These protesters are protecting ALL of us after all! Cop city will be a training ground for police across the USA.
Let's show them our gratitude and give them that spark of morale that solidarity and support brings.
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Things to script - nature or status of realities
This is something I recently started inputting into my DRs to make them better and safe. I got much help from ChatGPT too to categorize all these things. I wanted to share it with you guys too :) feel free to use anything for your scripts. Happy Shifting!!!
All of the below discriminations does not exist in any of my DRs
Environmental injustice
Religious discrimination
Ethnic discrimination
Discrimination based on immigration status
Discrimination based on language
Discrimination based on nationality
Discrimination based on indigenous status
Discrimination based on political beliefs
Discrimination based on marital status
Discrimination based on parental status
Discrimination based on veteran status
Discrimination based on HIV/AIDS status
Discrimination based on neurodiversity
Discrimination based on mental health status
Discrimination based on physical appearance
Discrimination based on cultural practices
Discrimination based on regional or geographical origin
Discrimination based on caste or social status
Discrimination based on educational background
Discrimination based on housing status
Discrimination based on criminal record
Discrimination based on economic status
Discrimination based on access to healthcare
Discrimination based on access to education
Discrimination based on access to employment opportunities
All of the below issues have been solved many years ago and they do not exist in the times of any of my DRs
Economic inequality
Environmental degradation
Climate change
Political instability
Armed conflicts
Civil wars
Humanitarian crises
Global health challenges
Infectious diseases
Inadequate healthcare systems
Lack of access to essential medicines
Educational disparities
Limited access to quality education
Child labor
Child marriage
Gender inequality
Women's rights violations
Child labor
Human trafficking
Forced labor
Modern slavery
Lack of transparency
Ineffective governance
Authoritarian regimes
Suppression of free speech
Violations of human rights
Arbitrary detention
Indigenous rights violations
Land grabs
Cultural appropriation
Technological and digital divides
Ethical dilemmas in technology
Privacy concerns
Data breaches
Cybersecurity threats
Food insecurity
Water scarcity
Access to clean water
Sanitation issues
Housing affordability
Urbanization challenges
Aging population
Elder abuse
Mental health stigma
Lack of access to mental health services
Substance abuse
Disability rights violations
Accessibility barriers
Stigmatization of disabilities
LGBTQ+ rights violations
Discrimination based on sexual orientation
Discrimination based on gender identity
Family rejection
Reproductive rights violations
Access to reproductive healthcare
Maternal mortality
Child mortality
Access to clean energy
Energy poverty
Fossil fuel dependence
Renewable energy transition challenges
Wildlife conservation
Endangered species protection
Animal rights violations
All the DRs I shift to are abundant of the following things 
Environmental stewardship
Conflict resolution
Critical thinking
Cultural diversity
Cultural respect
Ethical leadership
Service to others
Health promotion
Healthcare access
Mental health support
Social support systems
Social justice
Human rights
Freedom of expression
Freedom of assembly
Democratic governance
Rule of law
Accountability mechanisms
Community empowerment
Grassroots activism
Civic engagement
Sustainable development
Responsible consumption
Renewable energy adoption
Biodiversity protection
Animal welfare
Gender equality
Women's empowerment
LGBTQ+ rights
Disability rights
Indigenous rights
Racial equity
Anti-discrimination policies
Social welfare programs
Poverty alleviation
Economic empowerment
Access to education
Access to clean water
Sanitation infrastructure
Housing rights
Food security
Global cooperation
International aid and development
Humanitarian assistance
Conflict prevention
All of the DRs I shift into are currently successfully overcoming the following challenges as they rise
Sustaining Progress: Maintaining the momentum of positive change and preventing regression into previous discriminatory attitudes and practices.
Ensuring Equity: Addressing lingering disparities and ensuring that the benefits of progress are equitably distributed across all communities.
Adapting to Changing Circumstances: Remaining flexible and responsive to evolving societal needs, dynamics, and challenges over time.
Balancing Interests: Navigating competing interests, values, and priorities among diverse stakeholders in society.
Preventing Backlash: Mitigating potential backlash from individuals or groups who may resist or oppose efforts to eliminate discrimination and promote positive change.
Addressing Unforeseen Consequences: Anticipating and addressing unintended consequences or side effects of interventions aimed at addressing societal issues.
Managing Complexity: Dealing with the complexity of interconnected social, economic, political, and environmental systems, which may require interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration.
Maintaining Engagement: Sustaining public engagement, participation, and support for ongoing efforts to promote equality, justice, and well-being.
Ensuring Accountability: Holding individuals, institutions, and governments accountable for upholding principles of fairness, transparency, and ethical conduct.
Resisting Entrenched Power Structures: Challenging and dismantling entrenched power structures, systems of privilege, and institutionalized forms of discrimination.
Addressing Global Challenges: Collaborating internationally to address global challenges such as climate change, inequality, and conflict, which require coordinated action across borders.
Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting and accommodating diverse cultural norms, values, and perspectives while promoting universal principles of human rights and equality.
Managing Resources: Efficiently allocating resources and managing competing demands to sustain progress and address ongoing needs in society.
Promoting Inclusivity: Ensuring that marginalized or vulnerable groups are included in decision-making processes and benefit from positive changes in society.
Building Trust: Fostering trust, cooperation, and solidarity among individuals, communities, and institutions to sustain positive social transformation.
Addressing New Challenges: Remaining vigilant and adaptive to emerging challenges and threats to equality, justice, and well-being in an ever-changing world.
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sunshinesmebdy · 7 months
From Pennies to Progress: How Pluto in Aquarius is Shaping the Music Industry with the Living Wage for Musicians Act
A recent bill introduced in Congress, the Living Wage for Musicians Act, is shaking things up in the music industry. But this isn’t just about fairer pay for artists — it’s a potent symbol of the astrological shift we’re currently experiencing with Pluto in Aquarius.
For those astrologically inclined, Pluto — the planet of transformation and revolution — has been transiting Aquarius, the sign of innovation and community, since 2023. This transit signifies a period of deep change for social structures, particularly those that have become outdated and inequitable.
The music industry is a prime example. Streaming services have revolutionized music consumption, but for many musicians, it’s a race to the bottom. Current royalty rates mean it takes millions of streams to earn a meager living. The Living Wage for Musicians Act proposes a minimum payout of one cent per stream, a significant increase that would offer a crucial lifeline to countless artists.
This act embodies the Aquarian spirit of progress. It challenges the status quo, prioritizing fairness and collective well-being over the profit margins of a few. This aligns perfectly with Pluto’s transformative power. The current system, where a select few reap the rewards while the creators struggle, is being dismantled.
Here’s how the Living Wage for Musicians Act reflects the influence of Pluto in Aquarius:
Strength in Numbers: How Aquarius Fuels the Collective Action Behind the Living Wage for Musicians Act
The Living Wage for Musicians Act isn’t just about a single politician championing a cause. It’s a powerful symbol of collective action, a concept deeply rooted in the astrological sign of Aquarius. Aquarius, with its emphasis on community, progress, and social change, thrives on collaboration and working towards a common goal. This collective spirit is precisely what’s driving the Act forward.
Here’s how the Aquarian influence manifests in the fight for fairer pay for musicians:
Uniting Diverse Voices: Aquarius transcends individual differences. The Act isn’t just about musicians; it’s a collaborative effort. Legislators, artist unions, and individual musicians have come together, recognizing their shared interest in fair compensation. This united front increases the Act’s visibility and strengthens its impact.
Community Power: Aquarius celebrates the collective. The Act isn’t a top-down decree. It’s a grassroots movement fueled by the collective power of the music community. Musicians are using their voices and platforms to raise awareness, garnering public support for the cause. This community power is a potent force that legislators can’t ignore.
Progress for All: Aquarius is a humanitarian sign. The Act isn’t just about individual gain; it’s about creating a fairer music industry for everyone. By securing a living wage, musicians can focus on creating art without financial anxieties. This ultimately benefits music fans who get to enjoy a richer and more diverse musical landscape.
The Aquarian spirit that encourages collaboration, community building, and social progress is what’s propelling this Act forward. With musicians, unions, and legislators working together, the fight for fair pay becomes a powerful force for positive change in the music industry.
Reimagining the Model: How Aquarius Embraces Tech to Drive Fair Pay in the Living Wage for Musicians Act
The rise of streaming services revolutionized music consumption, but for many musicians, it’s been a double-edged sword. While their music reaches a wider audience, current royalty rates make it nearly impossible to earn a living wage solely through streaming. The Living Wage for Musicians Act acknowledges this reality and embraces the power of technological innovation, another hallmark of Aquarius. This astrological sign thrives on progress and isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo. The Act leverages existing technology to create a new, more equitable compensation model for the digital age.
Here’s how the Act embodies the Aquarian spirit of technological innovation:
Adapting to Change: Aquarius is all about embracing the future. The Act recognizes that streaming is the dominant form of music consumption and doesn’t try to fight a losing battle. Instead, it proposes a solution that works within the existing technological framework.
Harnessing Existing Tech: Aquarius encourages using technology for good. The Act doesn’t require complex new systems. It proposes a tweak to the existing streaming model — a higher per-stream payout — that leverages the same technology platforms musicians already use
Building a New Future: Aquarius is a visionary sign. The Act isn’t just a temporary fix. It aims to create a sustainable model for artist compensation in the digital age. By ensuring musicians earn a living wage through streaming, the Act paves the way for a more vibrant and equitable music industry for years to come.
The Living Wage for Musicians Act isn’t a rejection of technology. It’s a testament to the Aquarian spirit of embracing innovation to solve problems and create a better future. By leveraging existing technology in a new way, the Act proposes a solution that’s both practical and forward-thinking. This innovative approach could revolutionize the way artists are compensated in the digital age, ensuring that music continues to thrive.
Challenging Power Structures: Pluto dismantles what’s no longer working. The Act challenges the current power dynamic in the music industry, pushing for a fairer distribution of wealth.
Disrupting the Status Quo: How Pluto in Aquarius Fuels the Fight for Fair Pay in the Music Industry
This isn’t just about raising artist compensation; it’s a challenge to the very foundation of the music industry. This audacious spirit aligns perfectly with the astrological influence of Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto, the planet of transformation and revolution, is currently transiting Aquarius, the sign of innovation and social justice. Together, they create a potent force for dismantling outdated systems and demanding a more equitable distribution of wealth.
Here’s how the Act embodies the transformative power of Pluto in Aquarius:
Shifting the Balance of Power: Aquarius seeks equality, and Pluto dismantles what no longer works. The Act challenges the current power dynamic in the music industry, where a select few streaming platforms and record labels hold immense power over artists’ livelihoods. By demanding a fairer share of revenue, the Act aims to redistribute wealth and give artists more control over their careers.
Exposing Inequalities: Pluto shines a light on hidden truths. The Act exposes the current royalty system’s unfairness, highlighting the disparity between the massive profits generated by streaming services and the meager payouts received by artists. This awareness is crucial for building public support and pressuring the industry to make a change.
Building a New Paradigm: Aquarius envisions a better future. The Act isn’t just about fixing a broken system; it’s about creating a new model for artist compensation in the digital age. By establishing a living wage for musicians, the Act paves the way for a more sustainable and equitable music industry where artists are valued for their contributions.
The Living Wage for Musicians Act isn’t a small-scale reform. It’s a direct challenge to the status quo, fueled by the transformative power of Pluto in Aquarius. By dismantling the existing power structures and demanding fairer pay for artists, the Act paves the way for a more just and sustainable music industry for everyone involved. This fight isn’t just about musicians; it’s a symbol of a larger societal shift towards a more equitable distribution of wealth and power.
While the artistic fire burns bright within creatives, neglecting the business side of things can leave them vulnerable. The music industry, for example, is full of cautionary tales of talented artists who are financially exploited simply because they lacked the knowledge to negotiate fair deals or manage their finances effectively. Building a strong business foundation doesn’t diminish the creative spirit; instead, it empowers it. By understanding basic business concepts like marketing, budgeting, and intellectual property rights, creatives can take control of their careers, secure fair compensation for their work, and ensure their artistic endeavors have a sustainable future. This allows them to focus their energy on what they do best — creating — without the constant worry of financial instability. In essence, a strong business foundation becomes the essential toolbelt that allows creatives to translate their artistic vision into a thriving and sustainable career.
This act is just one example of how Pluto in Aquarius is playing out. As this transit continues, expect to see more social and economic reforms that prioritize equality and innovation. Whether you’re a music lover or an astrology buff, this is a fascinating time to witness a transformation that could reshape the way artists are valued and compensated.
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cognitivejustice · 1 month
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 ECOLISE, the European Network for Community-Led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability. Founded in 2014, it emerged from a group of activists as a response to the need for a collaborative platform that could bring together the myriad community-led movements and climate action initiatives scattered across the European landscape.
Recognizing the inherent strength within decentralised grassroots efforts, it aims to create a metanetwork to harness this collective power: building an enabling environment, connecting, inspiring and leveraging the potential for social innovation by community-led initiatives (CLIs), ultimately catalysing eco-social change.
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In order to weave European CLIs together, ECOLISE created the action programme Communities for Future, which focuses on 4 distinct and interwoven areas.
1) Building Bridges and fostering collaboration
2) Knowledge Sharing, Research and Capacity Building
3) Advocacy and Policy Influence
4) Inspiring and Amplifying Impact Through Collective Action
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haveyoureadthispoll · 4 months
Mutual aid is the radical act of caring for each other while working to change the world. Around the globe, people are faced with a spiralling succession of crises, from the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change-induced fires, floods, and storms to the ongoing horrors of mass incarceration, racist policing, brutal immigration enforcement, endemic gender violence, and severe wealth inequality. As governments fail to respond to—or actively engineer—each crisis, ordinary people are finding bold and innovative ways to share resources and support the vulnerable. Survival work, when done alongside social movement demands for transformative change, is called mutual aid. This book is about mutual aid: why it is so important, what it looks like, and how to do it. It provides a grassroots theory of mutual aid, describes how mutual aid is a crucial part of powerful movements for social justice, and offers concrete tools for organizing, such as how to work in groups, how to foster a collective decision-making process, how to prevent and address conflict, and how to deal with burnout. Writing for those new to activism as well as those who have been in social movements for a long time, Dean Spade draws on years of organizing to offer a radical vision of community mobilization, social transformation, compassionate activism, and solidarity.
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