#graf zahl
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@rockingpeeble GRAF ZAHL GRAF ZAHL
Behold, one of my best friend's Halloween costumes, recorded and uploaded by a complete stranger with over a million views on tiktok! (I'm so proud!!)
#er ist es#graf zahl graf zahl#yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay#count von count#graf zahl#sesame street#halloween#sooooooo coooooooool#video
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I have a CVC fic I've been sitting on for a while and I might finish it today since I'm in a NON ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRY and can type all that without anyone really noticing
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Eins (acht), eins (acht), fünf, sieben
Fünf, sieben, vier, vier, vier, fünf
Vier, fünf, drei (drei, drei)
Drei (drei, drei), acht, vier
Null, drei, vier, drei
Eins (zwei), sechs (sechs), neun (sechs), drei
Neun, vier, neun, sechs
Neun, vier, sieben, acht
Neun, acht, fünf, null
Vier, drei, sieben, fünf
Null, neun, null, neun
Eins, drei, sieben, fünf
Null, neun, null, neun
Eins, drei, acht, sieben
Acht, neun, null, neun
Eins, acht, fünf, neun
Vier, sechs, vier, acht
Eins drei, sechs, eins
Fünf, sechs, vier, sechs
Vier, fünf, vier, sieben
Acht, sechs, drei, sechs
Zwei, eins, null, neun
Drei, sechs, acht, fünf
Sieben, null, neun, sechs
Eins, neun, null, drei
Eins, vier, drei, acht
Drei, acht, fünf, acht
Neun, eins, neun, vier
Fünf, sieben, sechs, fünf
Eins, null, fünf, drei
Null, vier, sechs, vier
Fünf, drei
Null, eins, sieben, vier
Drei, null, vier, drei
Sieben, acht, vier, null
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I was right, very easy 2 draw
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Ich wollte meiner Oma zu Weihnachten ursprünglich Portraits ihrer alten Shi Tzus zeichnen. Ihre Hunde sind in meinen frühen Kindheitserinnerungen allgegenwärtig, sind aber inzwischen schon echt lange verstorben. Egal, ich hab mich also sehr auf meine eigenen Erinnerungen berufen, um die Tiere zu zeichnen.
Leider hatte ich am Ende vier Skizzen vor mir, die ich meiner Oma so beim besten Willen echt niemals, niemals zeigen darf. Jesus fucking christ, ihre geliebten Haustiere sehen bei mir aus als wären sie für mein vierjähriges Ich Albtraum-Material gewesen.
Hier jetzt aber die Skizzen- damit zumindest irgendwer die sieht.
Batumi war die älteste im Rudel. Durch fortschreitendes Alter, und den niedlich länglichen Shi Tzu Rücken wurde sie von Jahr zu Jahr krummer. Dieser Hund bestand irgendwann hauptsächlich aus Buckel. Batumis ganze Persönlichkeit lässt sich mit dem Wort "alt" zusammenfassen. Dieser Hund war bestimmt Teil des Designkonzepts von Friedhof der Kuscheltiere
Gizmo, ein fetter, schlecht gelaunter Rüde. Der weltweit einzige Hund der gleichzeitig einen Über- und Unterbiss zu haben schien. Das einzig niedliche an seiner niemals endenden Wut waren die kleinen Grummel-Geräusche, die er immer als erstes Zeichen von Unzufriedenheit vor sich hin murmelte.
Natamo, der Sohn von Gizmo und Batumi, war auf seine eigene Art so stumpfsinnig, dass er wenigstens immer glücklich wirkte. Mit fortschreitendem Alter wurden seine Zähne weniger, sein Unterbiss schlimmer, und alles an ihm sah mehr und mehr nach Graf Zahl aus. Dieser Hund war ein Sesamstraßencharakter.
Panima, Natamo's Schwester. Sie war groß, naturblond, und einfach nur dumm. Dieser Hund war so unfassbar dumm. Ich habe schon Meerschweinchen mit mehr intellektueller Tiefe getroffen.
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Invisible Club 29
Intro 00:00 Silentwave–TAMATEBAKO 01:19 Actress–Pluto ( a 2 ) 07:35 gribbles–And Where Did You Come From 10:14 Mike Dickinson–Feedback 14:14 Pulselovers–Cleeve Hill 18:32 Veryan–Cross Hands 21:13 iNFO–Resolute 25:28 Fabio Borgazzi–Marcia Stonata 3 31:36 Gravité–Elation 33:05 Einseinseins–Graf Zahl 36:38 Neil Cowley Trio–Garden of Love 38:59 Site Nonsite–Moss Garden 42:18 The NRG–Megadog 47:29 Hverheij–In the Outland 54:36 Beefus B–Little Funk Hammer Stuttered as a Child 57:00 Onepointwo–Throbbing Motor Lifeforms 59:30 Outro 1:03:07
#Silentwave#Actress#gribbles#Mike Dickinson#Pulselovers#Veryan#iNFO#Fabio Borgazzi#Gravité#Einseinseins#Neil Cowley Trio#Site Nonsite#The NRG#Hverheij#Beefus B#Onepointwo#Móatún 7#Ninja Tune#Castles In Space#quiet details#Intellitronic Bubble#Four Flies Vaults#H��ga Nord Rekords#echodelickrecords#Hide Inside Records#Muzan Editions#Surface Reality#Triplicate Records#Subexotic Records#Osaka
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🔥Tagged by @dandysnob to spell out my url with song titles ❣️ thank you ✨️tagging @reiinraus @rammstein4everandever @medohamali 🔥
R - Rev:20 by Puscifer
A - Ask The Angels by The Distillers
M - My Favourite Game by The Cardigans
M - Mutter by Rammstein
I - Idoless by The Distillers
N - Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance
G - Graf Zahl by Feeling B
T - Turpentine by Hole
H - Happy Ending Story by Hole
E- Engel by Rammstein
S - Smother by Daughter
T - Twist by Korn
E - Everlong by Foo Fighters
I - I'll Stick Around by Foo Fighters
N - Nass by Till Lindemann
#this took about 50 years like i NEED to just use tumblr on my laptop#if you saw how i contort my hands and wrists in bed when i'm on my phone you'd die#rammtag;
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Party in der Ex-Vst/Hvt
Neben meinem Haus in Berlin wohnte das Internet.
Foto: Wikimedia Commons, Gunnar Klack, Telekom-Hauptverteiler-Weserstr-Berlin-Neukoelln-03-2018, CC BY-SA 4.0
Es gab kein Schild an der Tür. Dass in diesem hässlichen Gebäude das Internet zu Hause war, habe ich erst 2015 oder 2016 von Moritz Metz erfahren, als wir dran vorbeigingen. Moritz hat erforscht, wo das Internet lebt und bereist öde Orte an deutschen Außengrenzen, wo das Internet in die Nachbarländer läuft. Er wusste deshalb erstens, wo man nachsehen muss:
Screenshot-Ausschnitt aus einer Liste “Deutsche Telekom AG: DSL-VST Standorte in Deutschland“
Zweitens sieht man es, wie er mir erklärte, auch an den in den Gehweg eingelassenen rechteckigen Deckeln mit Telekom-Logo.
Foto: Moritz Metz
Ich habe seit 20 Jahren keinen Festnetzanschluss mehr und erinnere mich deshalb nicht mehr so genau an meine ehemalige Telefonnummer, aber ich glaube, sie fing mit 623 an, der Zahl, die auf dem Screenshot zwischen der 30 (Vorwahl von Berlin) und der Postleitzahl zu sehen ist. Meine Nachbarn hatten Telefonnummern, die genauso anfingen wie meine.
Wikipedia: “In früheren Zeiten hatten alle Telefonanschlüsse, die über einen Hauptverteiler geschaltet waren, teilidentische Rufnummern. So hatten z. B. alle geschalteten Anschlüsse des HVt35 eine Rufnummer, die mit 35 begann. Dies war durch die elektromechanische Technik bedingt. Mit der Einführung der digitalen Vermittlungstechnik und der damit verbundenen Möglichkeit, eine Rufnummer auch über verschiedene Anschlussbereiche zu portieren, entfiel diese feste Anschlussbereichszuordnung anhand der Rufnummer.” (Wikipedia: Hauptverteiler)
Das Gebäude war also eine Vermittlungsstelle und muss innendrin voll mit Schränken* gewesen sein war, aus denen für jeden Anschluss in der Nachbarschaft, bis 2003 auch für meinen, ein Kabel führte.
* Bitte auch den schönen ersten Satz dieses Beitrags beachten: “Telefonieren und surfen gehört mittlerweile zum täglichen Umgang.“
Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich von Hanna Engelmeier erfahren, dass das Gebäude jetzt einen Club enthält. “Aber wo ist das Internet hin?”, habe ich Moritz Metz gefragt, und er hat mir die Antwort seines Spezialisten für solche Fragen weitergeleitet:
“Die braucht’s halt nicht mehr, wenn die letzte EWSD oder S12 aus ist.”
In diesem Dokument von 2017 heißt es noch: “Die Deutsche Telekom AG als Eigentümerin des Grundstückes wird das auf dem Grundstück bestehende Fernmeldeamt mindestens weitere 10-15 Jahre in Betrieb halten.” Anscheinend ging es aber doch schneller als gedacht. Siehe Korrektur unten.
Das, wofür man früher ein mehrstöckiges Gebäude brauchte, passiert jetzt in den Kisten am Straßenrand. Die Kisten heißen MFG wie Multifunktionsgehäuse, sie enthalten Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM). Damit werden Telefon und Internet aus Glasfaserleitungen für das letzte Stück bis zum Hausanschluss in Kupferkabel umgesetzt.
Und deshalb ist im ehemaligen Internetgebäude Platz für einen Club frei geworden.
Korrektur: Marco Graf ergänzt Anfang 2024 “Hallo, der Artikel liest sich so als wäre die gesamte Technik aus dem Gebäude ausgezogen. Das ist aber nicht der Fall. Durch den Rückbau des klassischen Telefonnetzes (EWSD/S12) ist zwar mehr Platz frei, dennoch stehen die technischen Zentral-Komponenten weiterhin dort. Dies sind neben DSLAM (Nahbereich der Vst.) auch Netzelemente wie der OLT (Herzstück bei Glasfaseranschlüssen) bzw. Glasfaser-Verteiler (auch für Mobilfunknetze) usw. Daher ist die Nutzung auf 10-15 Jahre aller Telekom-Vermittlungsstellen weiterhin vertraglich geregelt.”
(Kathrin Passig / Moritz Metz)
#Kathrin Passig#Moritz Metz#Vermittlungsstelle#Internet#Hauptverteiler#Umnutzung#Multifunktionsgehäuse#Telefon#Telefonnummer#DSLAM#EWSD#System 12
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Kaum meint die Union, wieder etwas Oberwasser zu haben, taucht auch Graf Zahl aus Iserlohn wieder auf. Sehr unangenehm, allerdings scheint er das ganz anders zu sehen.
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Invisible Club 29
Intro 00:00 Silentwave–TAMATEBAKO 01:19 Actress–Pluto ( a 2 ) 07:35 gribbles–And Where Did You Come From 10:14 Mike Dickinson–Feedback 14:14 Pulselovers–Cleeve Hill 18:32 Veryan–Cross Hands 21:13 iNFO–Resolute 25:28 Fabio Borgazzi–Marcia Stonata 3 31:36 Gravité–Elation 33:05 Einseinseins–Graf Zahl 36:38 Neil Cowley Trio–Garden of Love 38:59 Site Nonsite–Moss Garden 42:18 The NRG–Megadog 47:29 Hverheij–In the Outland 54:36 Beefus B–Little Funk Hammer Stuttered as a Child 57:00 Onepointwo–Throbbing Motor Lifeforms 59:30 Outro 1:03:07
#Silentwave#Actress#gribbles#Mike Dickinson#Pulselovers#Veryan#iNFO#Fabio Borgazzi#Gravité#Einseinseins#Neil Cowley Trio#Site Nonsite#The NRG#Hverheij#Beefus B#Onepointwo#Móatún 7#Ninja Tune#Castles In Space#quiet details#Intellitronic Bubble#Four Flies Vaults#Höga Nord Rekords#echodelickrecords#Hide Inside Records#Muzan Editions#Surface Reality#Triplicate Records#Subexotic Records
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Okay I NEED to sleep now I dunno why I'm still up. GOOD NIGHT 💥 GRAFZAHL WILL NEVER DIE💥💥
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Doom WADs’ Roulette (2007): Knee-Deep in ZDoom
Welp... I’m done with my rather short hiatus. After taking a break, I think I’ve come up with the idea of how not to experience another burnout. Simply, I will take at least a week-long break after every review/post related to Doom WADs. That will give me time to experience other games that I have in my Steam library or read some magazines.
And now, without any further to do, let’s take a look at, from my point of view, one of the more controversial WADs/partial conversions that came in the second half of the 2000s.
G6: Knee-Deep in ZDoom
Main author(s): Various (project lead by Tormentor667)
Release date: June 2nd, 2007 (original release)/December 27th, 2008 (version 1.1)/June 16th (version 1.2)
Version played: 1.2
Required port compatibility: ZDoom (obviously)
Levels: 10 (typical episodic structure plus one super secret map)
Knee-Deep in ZDoom – another case of trying to remake/reimagine the original first episode of Doom I, and quite possibly the most recognizeable one (for good and bad reasons).
Many of the WAD makers behind this one were encountered in my previous reviews. Among the people who were the core team behind KDiZD, there is Tormentor667, who was the project leader behind ZDCMP1 (likewise with this WAD); Graf Zahl, the creator of GZDoom; Pawel Zarczynski, who created the GZDoom port of 2000’s ZanZan; and Nick Baker, who helped with both Darkening installments, RTC-3057 and ZDCMP1.
The WAD’s development was in shambles for lack of better words, earning it not only the regular Cacoward but also the Mordeth Award for the WAD with the longest development cycle.
So what actually happened? From what I’ve gathered, the development went on for around three years, so I can only guess that it all started in 2004. It was originally supposed to be released somewhere at the end of 2005/beginning of 2006, but the ambitions of the team members made it constantly delayed, with the WAD’s release becoming a joke in the community. KDiZD was hyped to the level only Action Doom was capable of, with posters, testaments, and other similar stuff the other WAD did, but of course, it was more mocked rather than celebreated. There was even a time when the beta version of this WAD leaked. Not to mention new team members being added and dropped like flies.
The funniest thing about KDiZD is that when it was finally released, the biggest reasons why this WAD was delayed ended up as the biggest cons in the eyes of the Doom community.
Nowadays, it’s probably even more disliked/polarizing than it was back when it was released, but I will try to take a look at this WAD with my 2007 glasses. To see what a casual Doom WAD player would think about it without thinking about all of this controversy shit back then.
So, without wasting any more time, let’s finally take a look at Knee-Deep in ZDoom.
If there is one thing where this WAD is legitimately good at is the visuals. It looks great. It might get too far with tiny details and ambient sound effects in some places but by 2007, this was the shit. The best part is, of course, the locations from the original levels; they might look unrecognizable on the first look but for people who were sniffing Doom coke for over a decade at this point, it feels like how people in 1993 saw them for the first time.
Even the original locations that extend the maps aren’t half bad, whenever it’s the new techbase rooms, hellish corruption showing up much more frequently than in the original episode (if those were there at all), or the outside/underground areas.
There is even an option to launch this WAD with rotating sprites for items. Originally it was hard-coded, but since version 1.1, it’s in a separate file. Honestly, you can skip these since these sprites sometimes make it harder for an item to be found.
The music tracks are stocks from the original game, which makes sense since it’s another interpretation of Knee-Deep in the Dead. I still prefer playing this WAD without music since the original tracks feel too short for these extended maps.
There are, however, two custom tracks that play at the end of Phobos Anomaly Z; During the prologue to fight with Bruiser Demons and during the actual fight itself, and during the final boss fight. I recognize these two tracks since the first track was used in Scythe’s MAP26, but I’m not sure where I heard the second one (maybe it was in Scythe 2; I don’t know).
Now playing this WAD – this is where the bigger cracks start appearing.
As I mentioned earlier, the maps are now extended; there are completely new locations on each map, like the mine section in Toxic Refinery Z, or the tower in Central Processing Z.
Most of the time I was fine with these, but some of these, particularly the ones in the fourth and seventh map, overstated their welcome, feeling like I was walking in circles in another mangled maze.
On the other hand, each map has at least one interesting thing to offer, whenever it’s related to the level progression or finding secrets/items.
For a couple of examples, there is restarting the generator in the water where the water turns into toxic slime, using the keys to unlock the doors by flipping the switches in the center of the map rather than by using them on the doors, using a bomb on a timer to blow up some rocks, or turning off the other generator to deactivate force fields.
Since the original episode focused on a human base on Phobos, this WAD changes the skulls into silver, green, and orange keycards to make more sense tonally.
There are also two new items. The first one is a Megasphere from Doom II; it functions the same while looking different. The second one is completely original – Terrorsphere; it makes you see orange and enemies run away from you (they still fight back occasionally, though). I wish it was more frequent.
Now aside from remastered levels, there is a tenth one, super secret map – Penultimate Evil. And you can’t get there by finding a secret exit on one of the regular maps. There are two ways to get there.
The first one is speedrunner’s delight – finishing all levels under the par time. Perfect for people who are into this stuff.
The second one is aimed closer towards regular players – get at least 90% of kills, items, and secrets on all levels before E1M8, even on E1M9. Now I have a problem with this, particularly with collecting items. Not only you would have to waste some very valuable items that you would like to save for later, but you also need to lick every floor tile to be sure you won’t end up under 90%.
And I know that no person with a brain would like to suffer through going to all of the locations to search every corner of them just to find one tiny health/armor bonus that was under their nose when they were having the big fight with demons just to reach 90% of collected items. Sure, on (G)ZDoom, you can type summon [item] enough times to reach that percent but still.
The new intermission screen looks kind of cool though... and offers more than the regular one... even though it feels unneeded.
Coming back to Penultimate Evil, at least I can say it’s the best map in KDiZD. On the foundation level, it’s a Frankenstein’s monster made out of locations from the later episodes of Doom I, and yet everything fits in place. Asides from the E2M2’s crate maze that almost always sucks, I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this map was dragging out. If you ever want to try this WAD, you can at least play this map.
Now, how hard is this WAD? It’s kind of challenging but I wouldn’t say it’s hard. There are moments filled with bullshit like corridor fighting and hitscanning snipers here and there, but these were rather rare from what I’ve experienced.
Although, I wasn’t a fan of how ammo-starving the first 1.5 levels were, especially Z1M1. Even if you know where the secrets are, you will end up without shells, forcing you to kill enemies with your peashooter (at least it’s slightly faster here than in the original games).
Also, some numbnut decided to remove infighting in the WAD. Like, are fucking shitting me?! Infighting is hilarious in Doom WADs. There is at least one fight where it begs for some infighting but no. Whoever came up with this must be an asshole that wants to be threatened seriously but fails in at least 50%.
Oh, and by the way – hard-coded falling damage. Because fuck you.
Changing the subject, it’s time to introduce you to the new roster of enemies, at least doubling the amount of enemy types in the first Doom.
Starting with new zombie variants, we have Rapid-fire Trooper, who’s basically Wolfenstein SS if he was an actual Doom enemy; Chainsaw Zombie who requires no description of what he does, and Obituary’s Rocketeers, coming back to show you once again that they will kill themselves more frequently then you.
Oh yeah, Hoovies also join the fun, now looking like an aging old fart... great... -_-
As for the Imp variants... oh boy... we have seven of these.
We already met three of these variants in Cheogsh. Shadow (renamed Howler in that map) is the Class 2 Imp from STRAIN if he actually looked and sounded more like an original monster. Soul Harvester is basically a mini-me Revenant with projectiles that almost always hit you if there is no cover. And Nightmare is complete and utter bullshit filth to fight that thankfully only appears in two sections of Phobos Anomaly Z.
And as for the original variants, we have Stone Imp at the start; a slow, melee enemy that’s rather easy to defeat.
There are also three variants of the Dark Imp. The regular Dark Imp has yellow eyes and shoots homing projectiles (that turn slower than Revenant’s missiles). Skulltag Imp has red eyes and shoots much faster projectiles (it might feel like you were fighting regular Imp on Nightmare). And Void Imp has orange eyes and functions like Undead Warrior from Heretic, AKA has a chance to shoot a red projectile that deals much more damage.
Pinky aside from having Mauler whom we already met in Cheogsh (that charges at you like the Lost Soul), also has a variant titled Blood Demon, which is basically half-robot Pinky that is twice as tough to kill.
Hell Nobility has five additional variants in the roster. We already met Satyr, Hell Warrior, and Bruiser Demon AKA the one who’s a melee-type enemy, the one with the shield (that often uses it right as he’s about to get shot), and the one that’s basically a boss version of Baron.
As for the new variants, Hell Knight joins the game, now with a slightly different color and sounding different (for some unexplained reason). There is also Hell’s Fury, a tougher variant of Baron, that shoots red, faster projectiles and three homing projectiles (same ones as Soul Harvester). When he dies, his head comes off (it looks like a beta Lost Soul).
As for the original enemies, the last map introduces two of these. The first one is Hell Cube which is basically an enemy version of the summoning cube Icon of Sin spits out from his forehead.
The second one is actually a boss – Magmantis, who defends the portal to Deimos. He can summon portals that shoot fireballs or Lost Souls, and sometimes he dives back into lava, summoning Imps in between. He feels like a filler, not gonna lie. The final area with hell nobles felt more like a proper finale than he was. Not to mention how easy he is when you constantly shoot him with a BFG replacement.
To fight all of these new monstrosities, you get three new weapons to use:
There is the Super Shotgun, and at first, having this beast from Doom II added might make you think that it’s a Christmas miracle, but it feels like another pair of socks to the pile of these that your nanna bought you. It looks off, it sounds off, and the worst of all, it reloads slower than the original version! Like, come the fuck on man! Who’s coming out with these ridiculous nerfs in gameplay?!
At least it’s not completely useless... Good thing the other two weapons don’t feel like that.
The Grenade Launcher feels like a Super Shotgun answer to the Rocket Launcher. It fires slower, the blast radius is much higher, but the damage is around 1.5-2 times higher. It has two fire modes, each changing how far the grenade flies.
The Rifle, on the other hand, feels like if a hitscanner weapon became the BFG. Its bullets are as hard as rockets, it fires rather fast, can kill a couple of enemies in the line, and can easily stunlock them. The only thing that makes it not completely overpowered is the ammo capacity; you can hold up to 75 bullets only without a backpack. So use this gun only on the toughest bastards in tight areas.
Another pro about this WAD, is that it doesn’t have game-breaking bugs, only the visual ones (at least from what I remember).
Knee-Deep in ZDoom is a WAD that took a hit in quality due to the ambitions and questionable decisions made by the team behind it. With falling damage, nerfed Super Shotgun, worthless final boss, and infighting removed as some of the bigger cons of this WAD. It might be seen nowadays as a laughing stock by the Doom community... but I would be lying to myself if I didn’t say that I was having (at least) some kind of fun while playing it.
It’s not a bad WAD, but honestly, I think I would recommend other episode 1 reinterpretations.
Next WAD on our list is another community project. It’s the return of Community Chest. I wonder how many of the maps won’t bore me.
See you all in the future.
#doom#doom wad#review#doom mod#doom 1#doom 2007#2007#knee deep in ZDoom#doom knee deep in ZDoom#doom wads’ roulette#cacowards#top ten wads of the year
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Sonntag, 5. März 2023, 14 Uhr, Slippery Bay
Zum ersten Mal im Meer seit, oh gütiger Graf Zahl, Ende August. Es war Ende August. “Sicher hat er viel geschnüffelt”, schrieb ich damals, und heute war es ganz genauso. Seit ich den Hund habe, ist mein Zeitgefühl anders, die Tage gleichförmiger, strukturierter, weniger Abwechslung, aber dafür auch insgesamt besser. Baden ist beinahe unnötig geworden. Heute ist es windstill, aber die Trägheit baut weiterhin schöne, lange Welle, die sich an der Ostseite der Klippen brechen. An der Westseite ist Ruhe. Ich bade nur sehr kurz, nichtmal eine Minute, und ergebe mich den Schmerzen, so ist es, wenn man den Winter verpasst. Draußen am Ufer kämpft Kathrin mit Bunny um einen Algenstrunk, ein bizarres Spektakel. Das pelzige Monster gewinnt am Ende. Ich trockne mich mit meinen Sachen ab, ziehe sie dann an, und fertig.
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