#gow scenarios
izthepup · 1 year
During Your Period
it’s part of my book I PROMISE
[edit: I totally didn’t put peridod what are you talking about]
Gals suffering for at least a week
Plenty of cramps
Just so that we could have A KID GRRR
- He might know about it from having two wives before
- But he still wasn't sure what was needed
- So he asked Mimir and got the supplies
- But if he didn't, he'd be confused
- If you told him he would ask what was needed
- "Hm. What is needed for it?"
- He managed to get all the supplies and give them to you
- She knows how to deal with them
- She's a woman too duh
- So she got you the supplies you needed
- She either might have used a spell to get rid of the cramps
- Or she would've just made you some tea
- End of story.
- (But if she didn’t know, basically the same except for the knowledge part.. she’d ask what to do.)
- He didn't know what to do
- He just acted like he understood
- "Ohhhh.. a period, alright. I'll get you what you need."
- He thought you meant the ending of a sentence
- Then he asked Angrboda 
- I mean
- if she even has them—
- She told him
- "Oh. OH. What do I need to try to help?"
- He got all the supplies needed and gave them to you
- He probably already knows about it
- Both because
- 1) Smartest man alive
- 2) He had a girlfriend before
- He'll ask Sindri to make tea, or just boil some hot water
- "Why though? I mean, I will, but I'm just curious."
- "Brother, I'll tell you another time. It's a sorta private thing for ladies."
- When sindri found out he was a little embarrassed yet grossed out
- "Oh. Ew- sorry, it just sounds like there are SO many germs involved. And sorry for asking if it was private, I was just wondering."
- You told him how you were on your period
- He didn't know what it was
- When you told him you were bleeding for a week, he was grossed out.
- "No offense, but EW- I'm glad I'm not a woman. Also, are you alright?"
- He thought it was just very slowly killing you
- You told him how it was fine and how you just got cramps- and how it felt like your insides being scraped out
- "Eeugh- you want a snack? No, how about tea? Yeah, I'll make tea."
- He shuddered a little
- He made you your favorite tea
- He'd make sure you have enough (Pads? whatever they had for them in God of War / back then if pads hadn't existed for the characters yet) but would wash his hands after touching the box / small chest they came in.
- (He would do this both before and after... his... death. HIS IS NOT SINDRI, ITS ANOTHER CHARACTER)
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something-in-the-seas · 8 months
"Kratos, Mimir, and Angrboda are going to leave Midgard because Atreus will need their help against enemy gods-" okay, but consider that Kratos, Mimir, and Angrboda are gonna leave Midgard to seek out Atreus because they need his help.
Think about what Kratos said before Atreus left: "we survived today because your choices. Who to trust. Who to call friend. Son, you are ready."
I'm not saying that Kratos saving Atreus from the next Big Bad wouldn't be a good story, but it just feels too predictable and not what SSM is setting up. Kratos sees his son as an equal now. By the time Atreus comes back, he's going to be a young adult. Atreus immediately getting captured by the next pantheon (mostly seen this with the Egyptian pantheon which... the series has established they're not really like that) and needing his dad to go rescue him just feels kinda lame. It also kinda proves Kratos' old viewpoint right.
I think it'd be a perfect bookend for their relationship if it was Kratos coming to Atreus for help, especially when their whole tension in Ragnarök was about Atreus wanting to protect Kratos (and them both hiding the truth from each other). I think when Kratos is inevitably at his lowest point, he's going to need Atreus to raise him up. Everyone will need the hope and light Atreus brings.
And I think that lowest point is going to be Tyr dying. Listen, I love him, but Valhalla gave him so many subtle death flags: him wanting Kratos to take his position as God of War, him helping Kratos find peace and enlightenment, the overall Jesus vibes... I think he's going to heroically sacrifice himself when fighting the next Big Bad and ascend to the Higher Plane of Existence.
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 10 months
God of War Ragnarok DLC Incoming??? 👀👀👀
Apparently, it's gonna be about Atreus finding the living giants scattered across the realms. I think (or at least what I would want to see), we'll get to play as Atreus most of the game and we'll get to journey along with Angrboda (as their love grows UWU) (with Fenrir of course UWU), and with Thrud perhaps? (with Mjolnir UWU)
Now. Here's what I've been thinking. I've read some Norse mythology, and I found out that, as well as Baldur's death would sign the beginning of Fimbulwintr (which heralded Ragnarok), it's said/prophecied that Baldur will come back to life/return after Ragnarok.
Will Atreus get to meet the risen Baldur? 👀👀👀 With a whole new body where he can eat, drink, and feast however he wants across the realms? Will Freya get to fix his relationship with her son? I know this is such a wishful thinking, but I LOVED BALDUR IN GOW4 😭😭 I want to see him possibly banter with Atreus LMAO now that their families aren't on their way anymore. I bet in Asgard Baldur was actually funny as FUCK-- and plot twist: Baldur and Atreus become besties as they find the giants (Baldur was Odin's tracker so that counts as something).
Will we get to see Kratos? Maybe yes maybe no. The title is God of War, yes, but this is a DLC after all. Maybe Kratos' gonna be referenced here and there and his voice and way of thinking will guide Atreus along the way (kind of like Faye in the GoW4. She's literally dead but she's always with us along the way). Either way, I'm very excited to see it.
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redsparko · 3 months
Now that the Legacy of Gods books are done I’ve come to bestow everyone with my rankings of all six books.
6. God of Pain
Starting with GOP, it did not touch me like the other books did, I don’t hate but don’t love it, but compared to the others it’s definitely my least favorite. Plus his nickname for her? Little purple? Rina, please. If anything little annoyance. No but seriously, this may have been a unique nickname, I give props but the nickname does not hit for me.
5. God of War
Do not come at me with the pitch forks and knives. I do not hate Eli or Ava, in fact, I love them both very dearly. It’s just that their book confused me the most and that a lot of the buildup I had for them was just… meh.
The amnesia trope with Ava was confusing as fuck. The psychosis and praise kink however? Good shit. But compared to how the others books made me feel? Meh.
But him calling her beautiful? Has me feeling some sort of way.
4. God of Wrath
People will def hate me for this one. I know Jeremy and GOW is a BIG fan favorite, if not, second/first to GOF. But first reading GOW it did not touch me the same way a few of the other books did y’know? Like after rereading it like 5 more times I got a little more attached but Jeremy somewhat just didn’t do it for me.
This book however has the best parent-male love interest interactions
Lisichka as a nickname lowkey be cute but don’t got me feeling anything much
3. God of Malice
When I tell yall Killian and Glyndon are > I mean it. Killian is so—hot. Like actually has me on my knees. He’s most hated by Levi? Has lowkey all of the King men at his head? Hello? What’s not to like? Also obsessed with her? Plus the little scenarios they have together, the picnic scene where he kisses her forehead? Tells her to be good? The way she kissed his chest after telling him she just wanted to sleep? That sort of intimacy with a psychopath? Damn.
The use of “Baby” and “Sweetheart” has me fucking fluttering. Little Rabbit however? Made me feel nothing, pussy dry. Feel like it could’ve been substituted with Bunny, feels cuter, little bunny, adorable bunny, cheeky lil bunny. Bunny rolls off the tongue better but may be more on the nose, still better than Little Purple.
2. God of Ruin
I have a bias for Mia and Landon, they’re so perfect. I’m an artist, too, so like,.. the flattery of being someone’s muse is so touching, specially when Landon just,.. can’t stop observing every slope of her just to sculpt her, the fact he’s a genius sculptor yet believes nothing he’s made is worthy of the attention he gets. He’s not humble by no means but his menace energy is just funny.
Like this dude is asking for whatever he’s getting.
And the risk of choosing her over his own art? Thags dedication that’s everything. Him choosing his love over his passion? Which is badically the equivalent to his love? I can’t even. Landon the most annoying and unfeeling mother fucker? Chooses Mia over his passion? The best.
Don’t get me started on the running, primal kink anyone?
Y’all saw this one coming, yall had to. My absolute favorite (though some scenes make no damn sense). It’s very dramatic, I eat up dramatic. I have a physical copy of it, gifted by a friend and I will be rereading that shit word for word.
Nikolai is my type. He’s green forest galore. He’s hedonistic and doesn’t care abt what anyone says, but still extremely caring and obsessive of those around him and he’s EXTREMELY PROTECTIVE of those he loves, (THAT GARETH SCENE GMFU). Thats just everything I want, plus he’s got big muscles and his fan cast is universally accepted as Mike Debeer. I love my well built, tattooed, muscled men.
Please, I want myself a Nikolai. He’s so loving, caring, obsessive, and funny. To others he’s got the cold sheer personality of a Doberman/Cane corso, but to his one and only, he’s a golden retriever.
Lotus Flower best nickname, fucking FIGHT ME.
Also? Landon and Nikolai? HELLO? BEST PAIR? Canon Landon is best brother. Landon and Brandon best brothers.
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hey can I Request a headcannon of how the dragons (and if you like the other cookies) would react to a Kratos like reader who is the child of Longan?
Scenario: It's taking place near end of the age of dragons story like around the part Snake fruit is getting their crumbs handed to them. but then Longan gets tangled by chaineds and slammed into the island. everybody look at who did that and it was the cookie wearing a old cloak then the cloak cookie says "Longan" As they take off their cloak revealing who they are. "your child has returned. I bring the destruction of your reign!!"
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Sure! I love GOW, so much. This will be so fun! Prompt: Headcanons. Pronouns: GN (masc leaning) reader, they/them for all dragons! Characters: Longan dragon, pitaya dragon, ananas dragon, lotus dragon, and lychee dragon. AN: Longan gets their ass beat not click bait(I love the dragons so much this was so fun to write) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You come crashing down into your parents back trying to land a hit on them but failing as you get thrown off. The other dragons gasp some in awe some in amusement. but then longan turns to you, rage in their eyes. You throw off the cloak you had been wearing, smiling widely at your former "parent" if thats what they could be called "YOUR CHILD HAS RETURNED YOU OVERGROWN FUCKING WYRM!!" Pitaya bursts out laughing rolling on the floor, ananas looks terrified, lotus begins to leave, and lychee joins in on laughing until they hear longans deep growl on anger "YOU. I THOUGHT YOU KILLED. YOU DARE SHOW UP HERE. AND RUIN EVERYTHING?" You just nod. and smile again, gods. you've waited for so long. let's show the dragons how strong cookies can truly be.
sorry for being short hope you enjoy!
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fandom-blackhole · 2 years
Can I get some hurt/comfort with Joel. ❤️ you can choose whatever scenario
You can get whatever you want my lovely anon <3. I hope you like this! Sorry it took me so long, school keeps me busy and I got a little side tracked with my GoW obsession lol. Thanks for the request!
Warnings: MAJOR SPOILERS for both tlou p1 and p2, just spoilers in general, not edited, reader has no gender or physical description, no y/n
WC: 1.8k
Summary: Reader comforts Joel when he comes back to Jackson.
You didn’t know much. You knew that Ellie had left in the middle of the night, not saying a single word to anyone and only taking a horse and a few supplies with her. You also knew that she had left a small note behind for Joel to find, and once he had, every drop of rationality in his body flew out the window as he flew out of Jackson on the back of his own horse, his own supplies and weapons haphazardly packed. You’d watched him leave with an ache in your heart, a feeling of foreboding gripping your very being. 
And you stood there watching the long closed gates that Joel had disappeared though. You’re not really sure how long you stood there, worry etched on your features, no one bothered you, just walked past you as if you were merely a statue, cold and frozen. Of course, at some point you heard the tell of whispers behind you. They weren’t good whispers however, you could make out just enough to piece their conversion together.
“How long have they been standin’ there,” Tommy’s voice carried over to where you stood. The second voice hesitated, but once they spoke up you recognized it as a local named Chris, you assumed he was probably on guard duty for the day.
“Since Joel left. Hasn’t moved a muscle. I’m not even completely sure they’ve blinked.”
A tired and concerned sigh followed before Maria’s voice answered, “Thanks Chris, you can return to your work now. I’ll go talk to them. Tommy, think you can take care of things without burning the town to the ground until I get them settled?”
From the corner of your eye you watched Tommy lean down and press a quick kiss to Maria’s temple and reply, “I can make no promises, but I sure will try not to.”
You heard more than saw Tommy leave as your gaze focused back onto the gate. You knew deep down that both Joel and Ellie were going to be gone for a few days at least, but you couldn’t pull your eyes from the wooden frames. Something also told you that both of them would come back unharmed, at least physically, emotionally you weren’t so sure. Something was going to be shifted when Joel and Ellie got back, for better or worse you weren’t sure.
So as Maria’s hand came to rest on your shoulder, you looked to her with a half hearted smile, one you knew she could see through. She did not acknowledge it however, instead she only gave a small knowing smile of her own and offered, “How about we go round up some lunch for ourselves?”
A week passed, and a few more days on top of it. Each day you found yourself taking the long way to and from your daily work around town just so you could pass the gate, and with each disappointing pass your heart squeezed in worry. 
They're both fine, if anyone can survive running around out there it's Joel and Ellie, you find yourself repeating in your head over and over in attempts to overshadow the doubts and anxieties that have kept you up at night and have you zoning out while working during the day. Tommy and Maria have often had to come and break you from your thoughts, both showing their worry for you and sharing reassurances, but each time your heart aches and whispers saying, they'll come back but they aren't going to be the same. 
And you can't break the anxious cycle. So here you find yourself now, curled in the corner of your faded and worn couch, eyes fixed across the room on the mantle of your unlit fireplace, on a small wooden duck carving which Joel had gifted you while almost bashfully brushing away your praise at his craftsmanship. You could still see the light dusting of red across his cheeks as you had told him how much the gift meant to you. Now though, as you looked at the carefully carved feathers, your eyes started to swim, your anxieties louder than any reassurance tonight.
You sat there for awhile, night long fallen and light disappearing from the room and limiting your view of the room, of the carving. You now you could stand, could cross the room and turn on the lamp that stood there and brighten the room once more, but instead you find yourself unwilling to move, unable to even let the tears clouding your eyes fall. Repeatedly you tell yourself to just move, to go to your room and at least lay down and try to rest.
The calls to rest finally started to settle deep in your bones. The exhaustion of very little sleep over the last few days cause you body to sag and limbs feel as heavy as they truly are. So with a sigh to muster what little energy you have left in your creaking joints, you slowly unfurl yourself from the corner of the couch and start towards your room. You find yourself pausing at your door frame though, as the soft sound of footsteps on your porch reach your ears in the deafening quiet. You stand there, ears searching for more noise and holding your breath and just as you have made up your mind that your sleep deprived state has managed to get out of had and made you start to hallucinate, that is when a hesitant but sturdy knock echoed from your door and you find your mind quiet for the first time in over a week as you slowly approach your door and pull it open. 
There standing there with his head down and shoulders slumped you find Joel. When you open the door he lifts his head enough to meet your gaze, and in those swirling hazel eyes you find a broken and sad man, and you find that in the shock and worry of seeing such an emotion on Joel’s face energy fills your tired body once more.
"Tommy…Tommy told me that I should come tell you I made it back. He said that after I'd left in a rush you'd been in a constant state of worry over me n' Ellie," Joel manages to say, his voice obviously thick with emotion and tiredness. 
Without a word, or much thought, you stepped aside and motioned him to come in. Joel hesitates for a moment at the threshold but crosses into your home. 
"Sorry if I woke you," he says as you walk over to turn on the light you'd been trying to convince yourself to turn on for most of the night. You just shook your head at him and gave him a tired smile, "You didn't."
Quiet surrounded the two of you after that, both standing on opposite sides of the room and both unsure how to broach the thickness standing between the two of you. Eventually, after a few too many quiet moments, you find yourself unable to resist the draw towards Joel. So gently and slowly, you take a few cautious steps towards him until you finally find yourself standing in front of him. 
"What happened Joel," you gently whisper.
It seemed whatever composure Joel had had at that moment was broken by your soft question. A single tear dropped from one of his eyes and he opened his mouth to try and speak, but all he could get out was a stuttered, "I-i…i…," before his head dropped and he shook his head, his chest rising and falling with silent sobs.
Heart in your throat, you reached out and cupped both sides of his face bringing Joel to look at you once more. You didn't say anything, knowing it better to just wait and let Joel speak for himself, so you wiped his tears away as he leaned into your comfort for a sense of support with closed eyes and you watched the strong man crumble in a way you never thought he could.
"I've lost her…I've lost Ellie, and I don't think she'll ever forgive me," Joel finally manages to choke out once his tears stopped only a few minutes after they began.
Heartbreaking at his sorrow, you continue to rub soothing circles into his cheeks until he opened his eyes and met your own.
"Joel," you whisper full of worry, "what happened out there?"
He stared into your eyes for a few moments, his thoughts flickering across his eyes as it was clear he was grappling and hesitating with something, but eventually he only shook his head with a sigh and pulled back out of your hands. When he finally spoke again, his voice was clearer, closer to what it usually sounds like, less emotion slipping through the cracks of the high walls he had built.
"Ellie…she learned the truth…of a lie i have been telling her for-for years," he pauses and looks down at his boots, "And because of that lie, she hates me now."
You want to reach out for him again, you want to tell him that that can't be the case, that Ellie does love him, but you can't because you don't know what all has happened between the two of them, it's been a secret the two had always guarded closely. So instead, with a heavy heart, you grab his hand, squeezing it in what you hope will feel reassuring.
"I…Joel, I won't ask for you to tell me more, but I want you know I am here to listen…I don't care what's happened in your past, I only wish to help. So…so I am here, for you, whenever you need…"
You squeeze his hand again seeing his eyes lock with yours easier now, his emotions and hurt still echoing in their depths. 
And after a few seconds he nods, squeezing your hand back, gripping your hand in a way that seemed to ask you not to leave him, to stay. So you smile softly and reach forward with your free hand, cupping Joel’s cheek, and say, "Stay…tonight? Here with me?"
Joel doesn't say anything, his eyes flickering between your own before nodding. 
After that neither of you speak. You lock your door and Joel removes his coat and boots, leaving both by your couch before turning off the lamp. Both of you move quietly to your room. You crawl onto your bed first and once you're fully situated Joel follows you. Once both of you are under the blankets and facing each other, he hesitates before curling into you, he buries his head into your neck and you move your one of your hands to bury in his hair at the nape of his neck, tracing circles and press your nose to the top of his head. 
Just as you are drifting off to sleep, Joel's own soft breathing matching your own, you whisper, "Goodnight Joel."
And as you're consciousness is fading away, you feel Joel intertwine his fingers with your free hand and whisper back, "Thank you."
Requests are open! Please send them to my askbox! <3 Thanks for Reading!!!
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samieree · 2 years
Goddess of Muspelheim || GOW Ragnarök
Heimdall x OC
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-> Chapter 2
*Chapter 3 || Baldur*
There was no denying that they didn't get along very well, but they were doomed to each other's presence. Well, at least in theory, because Heimdall seemed to have made plans to stay away from Amaris for as long as possible.
That day, he said it was a great time to visit his pet. He seemed much nicer to him than to people...
"Gulltoppr...! Who loves me very much? Yes, you love me very much!" she stopped when she saw him walk over to him and pat the animal on the side.
"You prefer... Animals?" she asked uncertainly, not knowing what to do with herself. She was about to ask if they needed a moment alone, but she didn't only because that's what he probably wanted - to get rid of her.
"What's up with that empty head, kid?" She said nothing as he turned to her.
Because what was she supposed to say? She didn't feel confident enough to question his... Likes? Taste? Besides, he'll probably figure out what she meant anyway, and...
"Okay, now you made me laugh!" Of course he started laughing at her right after he read her mind or guessed what she was talking about. "And when they said that children are extremely creative, I didn't believe them!" He shook his head, still laughing. "But I'll satisfy your curiosity so you don't accidentally imagine some dirty things in your limited mind. Animals are so much better than humans: They don't lie, they don't cheat, they are always straightforward in their actions." and they are easily controlled... "Yes, that too."
"Is there any moment when you don't read my mind?"
"When you're silent, but not long enough to concentrate on some complicated scenario in your head, sunshine. Any other maybe smart questions?" He clasped his hands in front of him, leaning in slightly and smiling too sweetly.
"I want a ride!" A grimace appeared on his face, which appeared so often in her presence. He pursed his lips a little and closed his eyes for a moment, then sighed heavily and looked up at the sky.
One of them won't survive her time in Asgard, and he wasn't going to be the one to say goodbye to life. One fine day, he'll get over his nerves and gag her, tie her to a pole, and finally rest in peace.
Animals are definitely better than humans or gods. First of all, they aren't complicated. True, they can have character, but they don't annoy that much.
Heimdall didn't like Amaris, she was... Well, mostly too positive and lively. For a while, he considered having some races to get her to run around in a field and leave him alone for a while.
But basically, he really had nothing against her. She even amused him at times how she would start arguing with him, and then when she couldn't come up with a good answer, she would get offended. She always seemed to have clear intentions, but what else could he expect from a fourteen-year-old?
Only when she grows up he'll find out how she really is and form a complete opinion about her.
"Or would you rather spend time with my dear little brother Baldur, hm? He will definitely find himself in babysitting." he offered, resenting the fact that Amaris began petting his animal.
"You said you love taking care of children. And Gulltoppr likes me." she replied with a shrug. "You could give me a tour around Asgard, you're not doing anything anyway."
Please, someone give me patience. A lot of patience.
"You didn't think there was a reason for that? Maybe...”
"Are you old and tired of a boring life?" She cut him off, turning to face him again. Seeing how he was probably counting to ten in his head again so he won't hurt her, she smiled sweetly. "Please, take me on a trip! If you're so smart, show off your knowledge!"
"I can already see your interest in the history of Asgardian architecture, for example." He replied skeptically, eyeing her carefully.
"If you tell me something interesting, maybe I'll tell you something too, about my realm."
"What new can you tell me, child?" He still had the same expression. Why did she care so much? Did she really just want to spend time on productive things with him somehow? It's hard for him to believe...
"I'm sure there will be something..." She lowered her gaze only realizing that it might be hard for her to surprise him with anything. Then she came up with another idea, something she was sure he'll like. "Or... I will be quiet for the rest of the day?"
"Aside from the fact that if I want to learn something, you should appreciate it. Especially since I want to learn it from you." she pointed out, lifting her head to meet his penetrating gaze.
He stared at her for a long time, considering all the possibilities in his mind. He didn't like being a teacher, and personally felt he wasn't very good at it. Anyway, just like at babysitting.
Finally, he sighed heavily and spoke up, presenting his proposal.
"We'll do this... We'll go for a ride and maybe I'll tell you something interesting, but since I have something to do afterwards, I'll leave you with my brother for a while, hm? Won't you cry, sunshine? May be?"
"Yes!" She tried to come closer and hug him in her excitement, but Heimdall quickly took a step back. "No touching, yeah... 'I'm not a cuddly'" she said, trying to imitate his voice as she walked away towards Gulltoppr. She didn't notice it, but those words made Heimdall smile, barely noticeable, but still.
Let it be, make her a day of kindness to animals, let her remember at least one day, however well. Even so, that morning, for fun, when she wasn't looking, he moved her cup on the table so that, turning around, she nudged it with her elbow and splashed herself.
So... Let's say it's compensation for a shirt and pants that had to be washed.
By the way, it was even quite nice to see that someone was happy because of him. He was used to rather hateful looks, so something like this was... An interesting change.
But he won't make much effort to make people rejoice over him. Not when they don't deserve it with their fakeness.
With a typical sigh, he helped her into the saddle, and soon after mounted the Gulltoppr himself, sitting behind her and grabbing the reins.
"Why am I sitting in the front?"
"First: I don't want to pick you up off the ground if you fall. And two: I don't want you touching me when you're in the back seat. Now stop complaining or I'm about to change my mind." She said nothing more, determined to enjoy the ride she had persuaded him to take.
* * *
As Heimdall mentioned earlier, he had to leave Amaris with his brother, Baldur, and go do something for the All-father.
Surprisingly, his brother had no problem with it, claiming that he would be happy to take care of the fourteen-year-old girl.
And it was like that...
When Heimdall returned, he found a sight that surprised even him. The teenager sat on Baldur's shoulders, using her fiery powers to roast the chicken that his brother held in his hands.
It was unprecedented, but he was literally at a loss for words. He stood there and stared at the whole scene, unable to process what was happening before his eyes.
"Something wrong, brother?" Baldur asked, turning with Amaris still perched on his shoulders. Since he felt no pain, he wasn't afraid to hold the chicken in his hands when the girl finished grilling it.
"No, I see you're getting along great." he replied, still confused. He'd expected a lot, even to find her gagged because Baldur couldn't take her talking, but...
That they get along? Seriously? He was surprised like never before.
"Jealous?" Baldur spoke again, a slight smile on his face.
"Never." Heimdall muttered in his usual tone of voice and started to walk away. Looks like he's off from being a babysitter for a while...
"But wait, we can share the chicken with you!"
"There's no need to! You don't have to give the brat back to me either, as long as she's in one piece and gone to bed by the ten o'clock!" he replied to his brother without even stopping. He just waved his hand and went in the direction only known to him.
He had to digest what he had just seen. Definitely.
"But ten in the morning or in the evening?" Baldur asked again, but got no answer, so he just shrugged. "What's the point of it anyway, right?"
For him, taking care of Amaris for the last few hours was even... Funny. Especially considering the powers the girl wields.
Perhaps he was already so desperately thirsty to feel anything that he pinned his hopes on this special fire?
"Mr. Grumbler will come himself if there's a problem." She replied with a shrug. In fact, she was even glad that Baldur would be taking care of her for a while longer today.
"I heard it!" Suddenly, they heard Heimdall's voice, which obviously hadn't gone that far...
~Author’s note~
Another chapter from the past 😄 Is Baldur right, his brother is... Jealous? 🤔 Maybe he's starting to like being a babysitter...?
-> Next chapter -> general masterlist -> God of War: Ragnarök masterlist
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love-is-a-pearl · 3 months
I just realized something abt Gates of Warp that I’m pretty sure a lot of people already realized…
If GoW!Dawn was just as much a battler as Original World Ash, wouldn’t that mean that she’s gonna become a regional champion at some point in the futureand maybe even a member of her world’s Masters 8? I dunno, that just sounds like a really cool scenario to put her in lol-
I mean, I remember there being some theories about her taking Ash's place and vice versa in that universe, but we were never really told what AU Ash actually did 🤔
So I guess she could indeed be the one doing the "ash storyline" in that universe.
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izthepup · 1 year
If You Were a Valkyrie
(I have copied and pasted this from my wattpad, hehe— again, my wattpad is Izthepup. I may add more scenarios, but for now I’ll just paste a few on here, if it’s liked enough, or if someone does want more of the scenarios on there, I’ll put more.. ANYWAYS.)
In this, you Freya helped find a spell to keep your corporal form (human form with wings) without you going insane from being in it. Also sorry this is like, only for gals. If you are a guy and don't wanna be left out, just imagine that you're a masked person. You can pick if you have any sort of wings.
- You had probably known that he killed other Valkyries
- Your sisters, unless you were from a different Valkyrie sort of family. 
- He apologized once
- You understood because you knew that they had gone insane from Odin cursing them into their corporal form. (CURSE THAT ODIN)
- If you didn't know then he would hide it for a little while...
- Or one day he would just straight up tell you, "Y/N, I've killed other Valkyries."
- Don't worry he apologized 
- You were a little upset, but understood why. 
- He never— or rarely— asks you to take off your helmet / mask. 
- You do take off the helmet / mask behind closed doors sometimes. Mainly if he asks, or if you just wanna-
- He doesn't say so, but it makes him a little happy when he sees you without the helmet / mask
- You tried taking him along for a flight a few times but he refused.
- "Hey, wanna go for a  fly?"
- "No." 
- or
- "The flying boat works better." 
- You tried to get him to fly, but overall he was too heavy
- He doesn't admit it, but he actually likes how soft your wings are under the armor. 
- Once you let him touch your wings, and he just grunted. Very few understand his language of grunts—
- "Hm. Soft. Grunt."
-She's a Valkyrie too...
- Yes I know it's not from the same family, but I'm still counting it (like it's not actual sister x sister but like close friends that you were trained with)
- She never asks you to take off your mask / helmet, she understands why.
- "My sisters never took their helmets off either. You'd think that they were scared to show their faces."
- You do take off the helmet / mask behind closed doors, that's the only time she might ask 
- Sometimes you two practice flying 
- Neither of you actually need practice 
- "You guys already fly so well though, why do you need practice?"
- Reasons Atreus. Reasons.
- She enjoys teaching you different spells
- You two practice sparring, both on the ground and in the air
- You two enjoy giving each other hugs with your wings— or protecting each other with them
- Who needs blankets when you have wings?
- This boi doesn't pester you, but he does ask every once and a while.
- "Hey, Y/N?"
- "I'm not taking my helmet off right now."
- "Oh. Hey, how'd you know I was gonna ask you?"
- "You ask me once every three days."
- Alright so maybe he does ask a lot
- He just wants to see your pretty face
- You do take it off pretty much every time behind closed doors, because he asks
- Sometimes you fly with him
- By that I mean you flying and holding him somehow.
- His wrists? Sure.
- On your back? Sure, it might be a little tough for him to be on your back while you are flying.
- Bridal style? Of course, especially if you wanna confuse or fluster him.
- Sometimes when you are in Midgard you cause snowball fights 
- You found out that if you have a bunch of snowballs in your wings, spin, and open your wings you become a snowball shooter.
- "Sorry not sorry Atreus" 
- :]
- When he gets tired after a long trek you carry him bridal style.
- "Y/N how are you so strong-"
- He used to have a Valkyrie love
- You remind him of her, but you are probably a little better than her ngl-
- He asks for you to take off your mask / helmet every so often
- "C'mon sister! You don't need to hide your face, I bet it's pretty. Look at me, I don't hide my face!"
- You remind him that he literally is just a head
- "Sister, I'm one step A-HEAD of you. Nobody is going to attack your face, we're inside a safe house!"
- You take it off but as soon as you do a snowball hits your face.
- "Oh I wasn't expecting for you to take your helmet off— sorry Y/N!"
- Atreus you'd better run boi-
- But when you two are alone, mainly behind closed doors, you take off your helmet / mask
- Sometimes you have Mimir hanging from your waist
- It's kinda funny when you fly, cause he gets kinda scared that he is gonna fall off
- "Mimir, you scared?" 
- "Sister, of course not! It's not like I have a very good chance of falling off your waist, and getting smushed on the ground!"
- There he goes, babbling when he's nervous
- Sarcasm
- Sometimes when you have him on your waist, and you have your wing armor off, his nose gets tickled
- "Sister, mind moving me? I- ACHOO- it's unpleasant getting my nose tickled."
- He asks every so often for you to take off your mask
- "Oh c'mon Y/N, your face is beautiful."
- You say no half of the time
- Other half you say yes
- Mainly though when you say yes you'll say something like
- "Alright, but only if we're alone."
- Pretty much every time, he says alright and you two go to his room and hang out
- You take off your mask / helmet of course
- It sometimes cheers him up
- When you take off your mask / helmet, he likes kissing your nose, that's the one of the main reasons he asks for you to take it off
- He's glad that the helmet keeps your face clean- mainly clean, at least
- He loves it when you hug him with your wings. When they don't have armor.
- They're just so soft, it's like a blanket.
- But he is careful, he heard birds have a bunch of germs
- He is pleased though that your armor kept your wings mainly clean
- Watch out, he might just.. pour water onto your wings to clean them
- Probably made new armor for your wings and just armor overall 
- The armor is probably better than your old armor after he learned how it worked
- He used to refuse to fly
- You literally grabbed him, put him on your back, and took off.
- At first he was terrified
- Then he loved it
- He still does, he asks you sometimes
- "Hey Sindri, how was it to be a bird with your lady friend?" 
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All the time travel and Greece theories that happened before Ragnarök released missed out on the funniest possible outcome…
Atreus accidentally releasing Skoll and Hati in Greece.
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teecupangel · 1 year
God of War and Assassin's Creed crossover? Where Evior or the Brotherhood come across Kratos and Atreus and basically they form a strong bond where they all come together to fight in the end. Or even Desmond dropping into Kratos' life and they form some kind of brotherly bond. Hell even Kassandra meeting younger Kratos in Sparta?
This reminded me of this idea
The idea is Desmond gets transported into GOW with a deaged Eivor who doesn’t have all her memories, only that her name is Eivor and this man who found her would be able to ‘help’ her. So they start looking around this strange forest (strange in the sense that Desmond can feel something in it but he can’t understand what it is) and that’s how they meet up with Kratos and Atreus who are just getting ready on their journey.
Whether their journey is the plot of GOW or GOWR is up to you but GOW would give Desmond and Kratos more chance to bond since they’re now both single parents. Not to mention, Eivor likes to kick Atreus even though she can’t understand why. Whenever Desmond asks why she likes to kick him (who just goes “knock it off!” but doesn’t try to hurt her), Eivor just gets this little frown on her face before she says, “I don’t know. I just… want to…”
Desmond, being raised in an isolated cult, thinks this is that thing called ‘pulling the pigtails of one’s crush’ that he had seen in media before and Kratos just agrees to it because Desmond said it with such confidence and it wasn’t like he had any other reason he could think of to why Eivor liked to kick Atreus.
In this idea, Eivor’s inclusion would make her the ‘anomaly’ that Odin wants to kill because she is Odin but not Odin at the same time.
Also, Eivor and Atreus’ relationship would provide an additional plot point of how they don’t have to be as they have been prophesized to be.
Now, if you want Desmond to meet up Kratos while he’s in Greece, things would be much more complicated. While Desmond would have no qualms with Kratos raging on the gods, he would definitely not approve of Kratos’ destructive methods, especially when his beef with the gods ends with the suffering and death of innocent people.
In this scenario, Desmond would appear out of nowhere and has no idea why he’s there. Maybe even assume that he had been transported after saving the world. He joins with Kratos because, if anyone knows why he’s there, it would be the gods. Although, in this scenario, he just wants to talk to one of the gods but the gods want him dead as well so, okay then, enemy of the enemy is a temporary ally.
He tries to pull Kratos’ destruction a bit, with varying success.
In the end, once Kratos gets his ‘happy ending’, Desmond finally learned why he had been summoned.
Athena had summoned him to kill Kratos and take his place as god.
This entire time, Athena had been planning for Kratos to attain godhood and Desmond’s status as anomaly gives him the ‘power’ to kill Kratos and take his godhood because, as far as the world they are in is concerned, the Isu genes in his body had been transformed to those of gods, meaning Desmond was a demigod in this world.
But the real question is…
Will Desmond kill Kratos, the man who had destroyed the Greek pantheon, leaving mountains and mountains of corpses on his wake?
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wearekatastrofys · 2 years
If the game is meant to accurately depict what has inspired it, then you are correct that Agrboda should not look like she does in GOW: Ragnarok. Though she was depicted of having particular skin color in her source texts, we need to remember color was not the same as it is today during the time the stories were created. For example, the color “blue” did not exists in those times (people did not come up with the idea of blue and instead used the color black to depict things that we today would call blue. In other words, thousands of years ago, people called the daytime sky something like “light black” instead of “sky blue”). But, it has been stated that Jotuns basically look like anything the Norse mythology requires them to look like for the story. Jotuns as a race of people in Norse Mythology do not have one set appearance.
I do not think the game is trying to accurately depict any of the sources that inspired it, they are just taking inspiration from sources to create something new and different. So yes, they are indeed picking and choosing what things should look what way, and they can do whatever they want because it is essentially something new. New gods, new stories, new characters etc… in this scenario your opinion on what she should look like would be pointless.
As for Agrboda being a race swapped character or a Token, you could be right. More than likely the studio is tying the Jotun oppression with the Aesir Gods to the real life oppression of Minorites. Jotuns in the game are treated as minorities so I guess the studio made them look like minorities in the game.
This however, does not mean it is a bad thing. It is a subtle way to make satire of real world issues and values in an otherwise fictional space. So there IS some leeway with the race swap given that particular context of “oppression of minorities”.
This is because given the context, Agrboda as a character now serves more than simple “representation and inclusion”, - she is more than just her appearance - she actually becomes an allegory for the horrible flaws in Ethnic based systems. That is, she doesn’t just look the part for nothing- her appearance is a direct comment on the oppression of minority groups and may be better than other race swapped characters like say, if they changed Tony Stark into a black man.
I will be frank, if Agrboda DID look white in the game as many believe she should, then she would look too much like the Aesir gods (like Thrud) and as a result the allegory for “Oppression of Minorities” would be lost since we would understand that Jotuns do not look like a minority -> therefore they are not oppressed.
Sadly that’s just how we as a society analyze things when it comes to the appearances of people. If we see a man in a suit, we assume he is rich. Never mind the idea that he may actually be poor and could be struggling through job interviews. We are very “surface level” observers.
So to conclude everything:
1) The game is set in its own mythology that is inspired by Norse mythology - therefore they do not have to be accurate with their depictions of their characters.
2) depictions of what Jotuns should look like according to Norse mythology is not set in stone and could be wrong since thousands of years ago ideas of color were different.
3) The studio is indeed picking and choosing certain things to be accurate and certain things to have artistic liberties.
4) Agrboda in the game could be more than just a cheap race swap meant to do the bare minimum in terms of “representation and inclusion” - her appearance actually adds depth to the suffering of Jotunheim by subtly tying it to the oppressions of real world Ethnic based systems unlike other race swaps like say “Starfire in TeenTitans on HBO”.
In response to:
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slutforln4 · 2 years
i turned my asks on so if anyone wants to suggest what to write for the heimdall x reader fic/what gow scenario to doodle, you can submit your ideas there :P
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neechees · 1 year
if sigyn in god of war ragnarok could that be possible and if she do appear i want her to be black just like angrboda
Honestly Im kind of hoping Sigyn doesn't make an appearance in the next (or any) game, just because of a fear that they'd use her character to sidestep Angrboda's character & her relationship with Atreus. I honestly don't know what they would've done if they included her in Ragnarok, because I feel like they didn't want to bite off more than they could chew.
It's a very common thing where Black girls are rarely main love interests in their own right, and even when they are, sometimes they're very temporary & get replaced by another character, usually one who isn't Black. They promised that Angrboda & Atreus would be a couple in the next game if they continue on, but I'm even afraid that wont end up happening. I don't think Cory Barlog would do this, and he's been very protective of Laya De Leon Hayes as Angrboda, but we don't necessarily know that he'll be working on or directing the next game.
But even so, I'd hate to see any cheating or break up or (god forbid) death scenarios for adult Atreus & Angie for the sake of including Sigyn into the mix, regardless of who they get to play her. I honestly don't know what they'll do, but I don't think it's impossible. If she's included, maybe the best we could hope for is them all getting along or Sigyn having a one sided crush on Atreus.
On the other hand, I can potentially see them not including Sigyn at all and combining her character with Angrboda. There's already a theory within Norse mythology that Sigyn and Angrboda are the same mythological figure, but with various names/epithets. Evidence pointing to this are that both women have a child associated with wolves, and the other associated with snakes, and both are married to Loki. I can potentially see gow taking this route for simplicity's sake, and the fact that they already did this with Freya's character & combined her with Frigg (& Freya/Frigg are also theorized to be the same figure in mythology). So I'm kind of hoping for this outcome & I'm thinking its not at all impossible
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portellini · 9 months
Awakening <3
Hi :)
I abandoned this blog and had no regrets. I was busy trying to get a degree and decided to drop out and pursue the arts. Thank god I only attended uni for a year.
Anyways! I've been writing again lately to help me improve with writing stories for comics and storyboards. Most of what I wrote is fanfics... mainly scenarios.
So far I got
-> GOW Heimdall scenarios
-> HXH Adult trio headcanons
-> More Heimdall scenarios
I will be posting some soon and hope everyone finds them entertaining.
Yall can request, but I won't guarantee a reply or that I'll do it. I'm shy and don't like interacting online, I can't even comment on TikTok. rip.
The following is my new list of things I write for :
-> GOW (two new games only, so just the Norse verse)
-> HXH
-> Land of the Lustrous
I'll write suggestive stuff but not anything explicit. I lean towards scenarios, prompts, and headcanons rather than full-on fanfiction books. I also won't write anything weird with characters who are minors. Also no abusive scenarios. Idk, reading that shit messes with your thoughts. So the lowest I'll go is heated arguments and breakup-like stuff.
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More GOW crack
More scenarios, hope you enjoy, warning you now it's kinda long.
Sigyn: There's a spider!
Atreus: So what do you want me do?
Angrboda: kill it!
Atreus: You saw it first! YOU kill it!
Sigyn: You kill it, you're the man!
Atreus: Since when?🤨
[·] "Food is sacred"
Angrboda & Sigyn: Do we have boyfriend, girlfriend, or partner today?
Atreus: Considering you ate the last of the mushroom quiche, you have a fuckin enemy...
[·] "Sigyn has the impulse control"
Looking at a thoroughly destroyed Asgard:
Atreus: I was left unsupervised.
Sigyn: But wasn't Angrboda with you!?
Angrboda: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised...
[·] "Wedding day"
Kratos: This day brings me immense joy, if your mother was here, I am certain would be overjoyed to you see how you have grown Atreus.
Atreus: 😊
Mimir: Sigyn and Angrboda, we couldn't ask for better daughter in-laws. And we hope your marriage is rich and fulfilling
Angrboda & Sigyn: ☺️
Kratos: Yes, we hope this union brings bliss. More importantly...
Atreus: Wait-
Kratos: Through the binding of legal marriage, Atreus is now YOUR problem!
Brok: HAH!
Sindri: Goodness sake!
Atreus: Aww, you know I'll always be your problem father...Until the day you die. Even then I'll probably drag your ass back from Hel.
Kratos: I do no doubt it.
[·] "I miss my wives"
Atreus: I miss my wives Tyr, I miss them alot. I'll be back...*leaves*
Tyr: Atreus we're in HEL-
[·] "Which is it?"
Brok: Atreus c'mere, got a question fer ya.
Atreus: what?
Mimir: Someone turn me around...
Sindri: Wait you're seriously asking!?
Brok: shut yer shit! He's the only on who can answer!
Kratos: Do you seek death dwarf?
Atreus: Now I'm intrigued, what did you wanna ask Brok?
Brok: Which hurts more, gettin kicked in the sack? Or childbirth?
Atreus: I actually have an answer.
Sigyn: Wait really?!
Atreus: yeah
Angrboda: Sooo...wich is it?
Atreus: ...Yes
Brok: ...you lil shi-
Angrboda: Wait I actually wanna know-
[·] "Or what?"
Kratos: Atreus! You must stop this madness!
Atreus: Hah! Or what?
Mimir: We'll tell you wives!
Atreus: WAIT NO-
Sigyn & Angrboda: LOKI LAUFEYSON
Atreus: SHI-
That's it for now, next batch might involve their kids. Until next time
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