#gotta live them 80s bops
Backburner 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your boss is easy going until he’s not. 
Characters: Sam Wilson, this reader is known as Dizzie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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“Diz,” Sam strolls up to your desk, startling you so your chair tilts dangerous, “what are you doing tonight?” 
Your lips open and you blink, turning your dumb expression into a weird smile. You sputter, surprised by the question. You take a breath and fix your posture. 
“Drinks,” you blurt out. 
“You asking me out?” He tweaks a brow and smirks. 
“Oh, no, me and the girls. It’s cocktail night!” You can’t help but clap your hands. 
“Cocktails? Get an appletini on me,” he says. 
“I’m more into mimosas,” you say sheepishly, “is there--” your smile twitches, “is there something tonight? For work? Did I forget--” 
“No, I was curious. Was gonna offer you some tickets to this hockey game. I’m not much into it but a vendor sent them.” 
“Mm, no, I’m not very sporty. I did play badminton in high school but I don’t really know about hockey or whatever,” you shrug, “sorry.” 
“That’s fine, I’ll ask Marty. I think he’s a Habs fan. Go figure.” 
You nod and wait until he strides away to go back to your work. Well, you were playing solitaire when he walked up but it’s been a very dull day. You sigh and check your phone. You’re still on for tonight. The girls all seem jazzed for it. Except for Izzie but she’s living her life up in some confidential location. 
You piddle away the day. Sam can’t seem to sit still as he comes in and out of his office several times to chat or just to ask you the same questions over and over. Admittedly, it’s a slow day. When at last you’re free, you’re eager to get home and get into something cuter. 
Your commute goes quickly as you listen to a podcast about animal facts. You get off at your stop and hurry to your building. That feathered sweater is going to look so cute with your mini skirt. You put on the loud red top over the primary blue sheath and pick out your platform loafers. You’re a bit topsy turvy and a few mimosas won’t help that but you’re ready for fun. 
You get to Retro’s at the same time as Rosie and jump her with a surprise hug from behind. You giggle as you enter and give your reservation to the hostess. She remembers you from all the other times and gets you seated. The 80s hits bop from the speakers as you wiggle in your seat. 
“I love Whitney,” you vibe along. 
“You’re silly,” Rosie chides. 
“Come on, get funky,” you clasp your fingers through each other and do the wormy thing with your arms. 
““Hey, guys,” Missie appears in a cluster of polka dots and frills, “how’s it going?”  
“Miss Missie,” you greet her with a giggle, “waiting to get the party started.”  
“Ah, yes,” she sighs and rubs her shoulders, “after today, I need a double! My boss... well, let’s leave work at work.”  
“Izzie’s not coming,” Rosie says.  
“Yeah, too bad. I can’t remember the last time I saw her,” Missie tuts. “Excuse me, I gotta hit the bathroom.”  
Missie walks off and you and Rosie chatter about the new knitting pattern she found on pinterest. She shows you on your phone as the din fades into the back of your mind. You’re a bit too talented at blocking out the world.  
“I feel better,” Missie proclaims as she sits down, “been holding my bladder since work.”  
“The others on their way?” Elfie asks as she appears behind the other girl. You flinch in surprise, ripped back into reality.  
“Georgie’s running behind,” Rosie says, “she just messaged. And Billie’s been quiet today.”  
Elfie sits and you all reach for your phones in unison. You open up Izzie’s video message and show the table her recording of a parachute jump. Wow! You wouldn’t mind trying that one day.  
Billie shows up shortly after as the chatter around the table continues. You sit with Rosie and Georgie joins you soon after, looking defeated as she explains she’s going away tomorrow. It all sounds so exciting. Izzie’s jumping out of planes, Georgie’s going to Barbados, and Billie got a new position. Your job is so boring. As fun as Sam is, he’s predictable. 
You get into the music again, swaying and bouncing, as Billie gives you the side-eye. The waitress approaches with a full tray but you don’t remember ordering. Elfie crinkles her nose, “I don’t think that’s for us.” 
You eye the bright green drinks in stemmed glasses. 
“Some gentlemen sent them,” the server nods over her shoulder. 
You sit forward to see through the crowd and a hand waves over the heads. You stand slightly as a few other girls raise themselves up. The waitress hands out the appletinis and Billie mutters about her tequila. 
“Who is that?” Rosie asks. 
“That’s my boss,” you exclaim and wave back at Sam. 
“What the hell is he...” Billie starts then quickly turns around and hides. “Shit, he’s with my boss!” 
“Your boss?” Elfie wonders. 
“One of them,” Billie growls. 
“And... is that... Mr. Rogers?” Rosie utters. “What are the odds?” 
You purse your lips and look down at the glass. Well, you did tell him you’d be there so you’re not so sure of the coincidence. You’re not going to tell them though, Billie looks ready to fight. 
“It’s so nice of them to send some drinks though,” you say. 
“Yeah,” Rosie agrees. 
“But why?” Elfie wonders. 
“I won’t deny a free drink,” Missie slurps and her cheeks pinch, “oo, sour.” 
Georgie drinks silently and checks her phone. She quickly tucks it away and takes another deep gulp. Elfie doesn’t taste hers, staring at it in disappointment. Well, you’ll enjoy yours. It’s about time you switched it up. 
“Should we buy them some drinks?” Missie suggests, “it only seems nice.” 
“No, it’s girls’ night,” Billie insists, “that’s just an invitation and I think we can all agree, we’re done with bosses tonight.” 
“Here here,” Elfie raises her glass for a cheers, “fuck work.” 
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ad-astrah · 27 days
Finally Watched Cinderella's Castle Digital Ticket (Twice) and I Gotta Get My Feelings Out Somewhere, Somehow (Part I)
Feel free to light up my DMs to chat about it!
And now, for my personal highlights/live reactions:
immediately I'm drawn in by Nick Lang's silly narrator voice and the way he warns us of what's coming. Especially the "muRrrDder!"
Jeff Blim cut his hair. JEFF BLIM CUT HIS HAIR. Not that I didn't like the long locks, but something about his Aladdin Era short hair gets me, man.
Jeff Blim literally getting to own the stage like the man was born to
Jeff Blim's slutty bard getup with the artfully messy hair and the heavy guyliner. That sinful bastard.
"Let's go." I'll follow you anyway, slutty bard.
Okay 80s rock jam! Hell yes.
idk why but I just love the line "There are tales in those walls, are they true or are they tall?"
THIS SET, THO. 80s vibes. Muppets vibes. Princess Bride vibes. Spooky, ethereal fairytale vibes. I love it! Props to the team who designed and built it.
prance, slutty bard boy, prance around that stage.
Jesus Fuck, I've only seen Joey's puppet but I'm already SOLD. Nick and Matt Lang and whoever else had a hand in making these puppets fucking OUTDID themselves! Did they use the Black Book and resurrect Jim Henson?
Throughout the show, the muppet vibes just absolutely amaze and delight me. Makes me feel like a little kid, spellbound by this fairytale. Except it's much darker, more gruesome, way more explicit, and extremely horny.
Oh look, it's Joey's Jingle/Jangle (whichever elf he was) voice from Black Friday.
Love me some o' dat non-binary representation from Ragweed. Starkid once again screaming GAY RIGHTS bitches.
I'm getting some of Jeff's Aragog from AVPS in this Narrator. Anyone else?
Stupid STUPID butcher!
Jon Matteson's accent. *giggles madly*
Angela IMMEDIATELY having to pause for applause before she finishes her first freaking line. The queen deserves it all, though.
The foreshadowing of the Stepmother cutting off Ella's feet. O_O
"It's furryyyyy and fouuuuul and full o' maGOTTTSSaaaaaggghhhh!"
Angela doing the little spinny finger thing in a guy's face to fluster them just like Max did to her character in Nerdy Prudes. I love these physical running gags. My fave being the Smoke Club, though.
OIIIINK oinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoink
Sir Preston asking for help from the audience. His "ELLAaaaaa....nooooo....."
The lighting in this entire show is SO COOL.
Again, Jeff just louging like a whore about the set like its his bitch. I live for it.
James' COSTUME. He looks SO FUCKING GOOD. Props to the costume folks...and to James' rockin' genes.
"But nothing compares to the juice and the hairs..." Oh no. Ohhhhh no I see where this is going. Don't say it, James, don't-- omg he said it.
er ee er ee er ee *window rolling down*
I thought the Prince drawing bewbies on the frosty window was funny already, and then he goes WAH WAH WAH and pretends to pinch them and I fucking lost it.
The Prince checkin' out DAT AZZZZZZ XD
"I'd wager she's wetter now than when I first found her bobbing in the river." OH MY GOD. PRINCE. THAT'S HER NOT-MOM.
If his highness has had every STD and beaten it, that's so fucked up but also damn, that boy's immune system is killin' it. Literally.
"Poor mad EllaAH"
"This is one thirsty FUCKING house." For real, omg.
"The offer stands firm. Come calling if you are!" *screams*
Jeff miming being crew and pulling the ropes for the curtains.
*audience member sneezes* "Bless you."
Angela's diction is next fucking level. PUNY. PINK. KIND.
The epic troll reveal! The puppets are SO GOOD.
This bayou boogie song of Ella's is an absolute KILLER BOP. Holy shit. And it's SO perfect for Bryce's funky, sassy voice.
Speaking of which, BRYCE'S VOCALS. I'm gonna scream about them for forever and ever and ever. I love her voice SO FUCKING MUCH. I could listen to nothing else for the rest of my days and die a happy little gay.
"ohhhh woah woah waohhh" *flips the bird* She's such a queen for that.
"It needs oregano" WORK BITCH
Bryce's stage presence is fucking INSANE. I dunno how she's not on Broadway, but thank goodness we got her!
GOD I love this absolutely depraved, horny little bastard of a prince.
It's amazing Tadeus hasn't murdered the prince yet. The man deserves a medal for the literal shit he's put up with.
Bugette?! I thought you choked on shit died and were consumed by the Hive Queen?
Rancilda being a typical troll and loving lurking under bridges and telling riddles.
Schuyler Sister vibes from the song with Justine and Lucy. So cute.
Justine and Lucy are SUCH real ones for IMMEDIATELY believing Ella about her family being trolls and for saying "fuck the ball, we're leaving NOW."
Shake dat ass, Mariah!
Lauren's physical comedy as Rancilda is NEXT LEVEL. I'm wheezing over here!
iSNn'tT it A BiiIItTcH?!
I LOOK GOOD IN THIS. What an absolute fucking BANGER. This song is gonna play in my head on repeat for the next decade. What a next level villain song.
Also this gives me some strongass Joan Jett vibes. "I love wearin' the skin of dead girls rock 'n' roll!"
and I hEEeaARr yoU'Re RiiiCCHhH
Seriously, is this the next Top Chart breakup revenge song? It should be.
"I really LIKE that song!" XD Putrice. I love how much of an absolute BIMBO she is.
Rancilda singing the song again. "SHUT UP STUPID BITCH, THE SONG'S OVER." "Okaaaaiiii"
Matt Dahan's ability to riff off the main songs and create motifs is otherworldly.
General MacNamara? Is that you?! Oh wait, nope. Still my slutty, slutty bard.
I LOOOOOOOVE this badass electric guitar intro, holy shit.
Kim Whalen, the queen, getting the bitchin' entrance she deserves.
Starkid is so, so good at their sound design to help immerse you in a scene without blowing a big budget or doing anything elaborate.
...Kim. My girl. Your arms must be tired.
She's just standing there, but Kim's stage presence is still so strong.
I can't get over how Jon's Sir Hops-A-Lot's voice is just a small...ahem. Hop, skip, and a jump away from Wiggly's.
JOEY. THAT ACCENT. You ABSOLUTE genius idiot. I love you for this stupidass voice.
Joey's bowl cut makes me giggle like mad.
I love these two puppets SO much.
The call and response bit with Ella and the Goddess reminds me of Hamilton when Washington is dictating his Farewell Address. I know it's gotta be in other musicals, too, but that's the clearest comparison for this nerd at the moment.
Jeff sneaking in the "castle on a hill" song reference in this song.
Kim and Bryce dueting together is just Power incarnate. Holy cow. It's so good.
"You shall be as radiant and terrible as I." Ooooooh. Yes. Gimme.
The Narrator sneaking out from amidst the ensemble to finish off the song was really neat.
That fading spotlight before curtain for intermission with just Ella's face in view is so beautiful and haunting. What an epic close to Act I.
Also, it seems like this was also a strategic way to imply Ella's outfit being transformed there on stage during the song without actually having to do the tricky costume designing quick-change theater miracles of an ACTUAL outfit transformation. Which is really brilliant. Leave the audience to wonder until post-intermission about what Ella's starlight dress will look like.
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cloama · 3 months
Now that I’m an insideforeverbitch I like to search for concerts on YouTube. I like to see who is playing the festivals or sets and catch some songs or artists I haven’t thought of in a while. And I gotta tell you, stars from the 80s and 90s are beating our asses in stamina and stage presence.
That mf from Toto still sounds amazing and Hold The Line is still a big bop. Toto! Bless the rains headass! Tears for Fears still sound exactly like their records. Still. The vocal clarity is scary. They’re old as hell but their voices are steadier than my hands. Someone needs to explain it.
Speaking of vocal clarity, I love all the newer R&B singers but that not a single new girl can muster the clarity of SWV. Nobody is seeing Coco. Nobody is seeing those harmonies. Why is that? I would love to see that in newer artists.
All the songs are well composed so the live arrangements just sound better. I got a little sad and jealous about it.
Not a single vocal backing track on any of them. And all of them trust their in-ears. They’re all working. Everyone’s singing and playing so clearly. It’s driving me crazy because we’re just not gonna have that from our artists in a 30 years. They’re putting out music too fast and aren’t giving themselves enough time to really get comfortable with their live show. Live shows now feel more like a singalong. It’s cute but when I’m 50, I’m gonna wanna hear the songs.
We gotta fight back. Them latchkey, three channels having, survivors of reaganomics are outperforming everyone…drinking out the hose on weekends must have strengthened their vocal cords. The lead paint must have had a lil talent in it.
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innsjovide · 5 years
17 on the music asks?
Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for fears
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albatris · 2 years
[sidles on over] hi hello yes i am Interested in receiving some Rental Car tunes........ i too enjoy tune sharing for wips :3c i don't have anything specific in mind i just wanna know some songs you associate with rental car
ooh hello hi thank you thank you!! I love talking about tunes SO much :D :D :D
okay alright okay tunes time tunes time. I will select for you Some Tunes. I have a Lot Of Tunes in general and you will receive Some. probably more than I needed to give you. I am. incapable of restraining myself. I love tunes. the tunes, the tunes, here they are:
hmmmmmm OKAY so Grenadine by Dreadlight is such such SUCH a fun little Nat vs Garble tune
What a big heart I have I'll be your saviour now What a real catch I am All the more to pull you down It's not vengeance, it's just a game And the winner gets to keep my name You'll get my crown to pass around All you gotta do is play
yes it's edgy. yes it's dramatic. yes I adore it. it's just so uhhhhhhhhh. idk it's intense but it's not fearful, y'know, it's also just almost a gleeful sort of reveling in the thrill of it all, it's kind of cocky and self-assured, it's just a super fun vibe. like. the single fuckinnnn three chapter window in which Nat has any self-confidence at all LMAO
I'll be the king of it, the queen of it The god of it, all of it Eat your heart after I lick it clean Tastes like blood and grenadine
n hmmmmmm what else, what else have I got for you, hmmmm
Inside of You, In Spite of You by Thoushaltnot and SPRORGNSM by Superorganism are also some funky Garbley tunes. Garbley tunes hit at varying levels of existential terror..... If We Live by Disparition also for. uh. Reasons
Did you pray today? Have you said the names? Did you question your own purpose?
Those we lost will come back to us Their faces filled with gold Their tongues bound by cloth Their true words gone
call me pretty by elliotly is a top tier Nat/Quinn tune!! though for way dicier vibes re: early power dynamics there's This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller :3 of course I have options for much more tender way less alarming Nat/Quinn tune experiences but these r cool 4 now
other general Rental Car vibes are uhhhhhhhh
Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears the obligatory funky 80s bop of the playlist n Brighter Than the Sun by Brick + Mortar because. yeehaw
Scare Me by Ludo! fun funky campy horror vibes, just such a fun energy :D
Absinthe by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME is currently my only Zeke tune but it's a banger...... Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte has Yvonne energies but in ways I shall not be discussing today...... Yvonne is a very sweet young woman but also she IS a Rental Car MC so you know she's just a lil bit fucking unhinged, right
no Alex tunes today. I have already shared most of them. and also if I start talking about Alex I will never stop. god I want to share Alex tunes though. this post is already long enough. eahhghdhehgh
I will leave you with City of Lights by The Music Tapes :)
Oh, here you are And you're all you wished to be You're alive and you're not alone Not alone in this
So close your eyes Hear the whole world call your name And you answer Please don't go Please don't go away
thank u for tuning in to this episode of Logan Mercilessly Throws Tunes At Its Beloved Friends <3 please have an excellent day!!
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Goof Week: Goof Troop: Forever Goof Review (Everything’s Coming Up Goofy, Good Neighbor Goof, Gotta Be Gettin Goofy) (Commission for WeirdKev27)
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Yahhahhooooeeeey all you happy people!  WELCOME TO GOOF WEEK! Now normally when a character who got their start in theatrical shorts has a birthday, I do a marathon of them. I have since last year with Donald and it’s one of my favorite things: it allows me to explore Disney’s rich history of them I was largely unaware of till Disney+, and allows me to revisit the shorts I grew up with in the case of The Looney Tunes or Tom and Jerry while discovering new favorites. SO naturally with Goofy’s birthday in two days I intended to do the same for him, especially since I’d covered Donald and Mickey the same way.
But fate had other ideas. Not thinking about this tradition, Kev, my patreon, friend and the guy who commissions a LOT of reviews from me ($5 an episode if your curious and I WILL make room on the schedule so your commission gets done as soon as possible), suggested reviewing the Goof Troop pilot movie Forever Goofy, later split into the episode Everything’s Coming Up Goofy and Good Neighbor. I loved the idea since I genuinely loved Goof Troop, and decided to do both that week.
It’s then I got a great idea.. why limit myself to JUST doing two things? I hit my 15 dollar patreon stretch goal, so a review of the Goofy Movie was on the Horizon anyway, and for it’s anniversary year Kev has been commissioning House of Mouse Episodes, so it wouldn’t be THAT much of an ask (and it wasn’t) to simply randomly select from a pool of Goofy-Centric episodes instead of all the episodes. 
Thus GOOF WEEK was born, and Kev once again proved vital to all this by suggesting the special Sports Goof from the 80′s. I’d like to give him special thanks as outside of the Shorts Special, which as a patreon he still got to pick one and if you’d like to pick one for Donald’s special, sign on up even one dollar patreons get the honor. , this week is either entirely paid for by him or in the case of A Goofy Movie, is partly thanks to him. I wouldn’t be able to do NEARLY as many reviews nor make money off this without you bud, so thank you. 
So naturally given the idea to do this two parter gave me the idea for this week and that Goofy Movie makes a logical finale for said week, it only made sense to start the week with Goof Troop. Bop-dop-da-da-do-bop, YEAH. 
Goof Troop is the first Disney Afternoon show I ever watched and the only one I watched when I was younger, as Disney Channel used to play it ocasinally when I was younger and Toon Disney would do the same and I even got to Marthoon it when Disney XD did a weekend marathon. Given it starred my faviorite Disney Character, Donald hadn’t worked his way up to tying with him quite yet, I loved what I could grab of it. And as an adult.. it still holds up. It has problems i’ll get into, but it is a real good time so I was exastic to get an excuse to watch some of it and much like with Darkwing wish I had sooner. 
Before I can h-h-h-hit it though, I have to talk about the series history. I ALMOST didn’t find anything: much like the other Disney Afternoon shows there really wasn’t much on the Disney wiki nor wikipedia, google turned up nothing... it wasn’t till I went to the Tv Tropes Trivia Page for the series, where i’d remembered reading about some early versions of the show, that I hit gold: A two part behind the scenes blog post by series co-creator Michael Peraza. You can find part one HERE and part two HERE. It’s a short but fascinating read. 
Speaking of fascenating Peraza himself is someone i’d never heard of till reading this article but damn if he isn’t a legend. Seriously the guy’s career is as an unsung hero, starting work under the Legendary Nine Old Men, and working on some of disney’s greatest films: The Great Mouse Detective, Aladdin, The LIttle Mermaid, and Beauty and the Beast, along with live action cult classics Tron and Return to Oz via concept art. And concept art is where he’d hit his stride: he did conceptual work for all the big Disney Afternoon shows apart from Gargoyles, being one of the key guys in the early days of Disney Television animation. He didn’t stop at just designing things either as he worked as Art Director for Ducktales, The Proud Family and of course given how vital he was to it’s creation, Goof Troop, and to this days gives lectures with his wife to aspiring animators. He even did some guest work for the 2017 Ducktales Episode “Treasure of the Found Lamp!”. So yeah dude’s awesome
So how did he come to be a key part of this show’s creation? Well he’d just finished up some concept work on some other Disney Afternoon shows, and being a company man was glad to report to the Goof Troop..ers to help as the show was having trouble getting off the ground. The reason for this was the creative exec, who Peraza didn’t name out of kindness as the guy wasn’t a BAD person.. just a clueless one, this being his first job in film and tv.  As such rather than work hard to develop around goofy or focus on his strengths the kid threw out one concept after another: The series got it’s name from a pitch that had Goofy as a scoutmaster, something I was glad to finally know. To quote Peraza
“ Although while I was doodling versions of the show that were destined to never see the light of the TV screen,  the pitch date remained etched in stone and kept creeping closer. Various versions would find their way to the surface only to sink again into the wasteland known as the roundfile (trashcan). One moment Goofy was the Captain of the Fire Department, the next day a detective out of the Maltese Falcon mold, or a swash buckling hero fighting The Flying Dutchman. 
The supporting cast he came up with really wasn't very supportive when you consider they sometimes included alien dragon babies with wings along with a large gorilla. Somebody at Walt Disney Television Animation must have really had a thing for giant gorillas around this time as they were plugged into almost every concept we  assembled.”
It was clear that while Goofy COULD fit into just about anything, this exec was just throwing everything at the wall, nothing was sticking, and rather than try to refine his supporting cast, they kept having to throw them out and start over. And dont’ get me wrong, cartoons go through a lot of development and changes as they go.. but it’s usually born from a concept and usually by this point, they at least have what the show will be ABOUT in stone. While i’ve had the same creative changes and what not when coming up with projects that ultimately never saw the light of day, and currentlly some I hope to but might not, I’m not being paid by a studio to do this nor had a hard deadline. I was just spitballing trying to get something anything off the ground before reviewing gave me a steady outlet for my creativity and thus ballanced me to take my time with stuff. Peraza WAS turning out amazing art, like this concept art for the fireman pitch that honeslty makes me want to see it as a series. Who DOSEN’T want to see 9-11 with Goofy as the main character? Throw in Donald and grown up versions of Max, PJ and PIstol (And even not THAT much for the former two, as they did go off to college and all), don’t forget Roxanne this time out and you have a worthy goofy movie sequel. 
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So yeah this wasn’t working and the latest pitch was not great: Putting Goofy in ToonTown as a cabbie driving the Cab from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. As Peraza TRIED to point out to the exec, putting Goofy in a naturally goofy setting didn’t really play to the characters strength, his whole shtick being a goofus in a normal world. Enough of an every man to root for but also a slapstick joly weirdo. 
The executive’s INCREDIBLY douchey response, especially since Peraza was a Disney Vetran at this point and had spent quite a lot of time on Ducktales, so he knew what he was talking about was “Do it anyway and leave the “Visionary” part to me”
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As you can tell by MR. OOC there, this might be one of the most punchable sentences i’ve ever read. 
So Peraza wasn’t in a great place and was naturally terrified when he got a call from Gary Krisel, president of Disney TVA, asking about the show and to see him about it. 
Turns out though Krisel was a nice guy who already had a great working relatinship with Peraza, and genuinely wanted to know what was going on there and wanted his honest opinion. It’s why i’m not AGAINST executives in animation as sometimes they can come in when somethings clearly not working or allow a smooth transition of power if a propelmatic creator has to be booted off their own show so the show and i’ts crew don’t suffer as a result. It’s just more often than not they cause headaches or cancel shows for entirley stupid or self motivated reasons. But I will give credit where it’s do and point out times where there NOT stupid or homophobic or what have you and this is indeed one of those times. 
Peraza was indeed straight with him: pointing out all the concepts they’d gone through, and like with the other guy honestly gave his opinon the ToonTown Pitch wasn’t working.. and he not only agreed but asked Peraza himself, actually respecting his experince instead of yelling at him that he has a vision that wouldn’t last the end of the day probably. 
Peraza was HOPING this was where this was going and gladly gave him a far less high concept pitch and one truer to the character, quoted in full bellow:
“ My spiel went as follows, "Goofy is a recognized star of Disney animation, so why re-invent the wheel? His son is an average kid dealing with many of the usual issues they face: peer pressure, young love, grades, school bullies, and so on. On top of all that, he has the zaniest, wackiest GOOFIEST dad to live down. No matter how insane the situations get though, they will always love each other. They're a family." Gary asked how I would pitch it and I replied, "It's ONE day in  the life of Goofy and son. From getting up in the morning to fixing breakfast, we see their difference side by side as his son tries to distance himself. No matter what though he knows deep inside that his father will always be there for him, whether he likes it or not."
If your wondering if Peraza noticed that that original pitch line is basically the peremise and emotioinal core of The Goofy Movie down pat.. your extremley correct and he notes that the film was based on said pitch even if he had no involvment with it that I could tell. The series would still use this but the whole embarasment aspect was toned down, and honestly fit a teenager better than an 11 year old.. 
So the exec loved it and Peraza shaped the core of the series: the idea of having Pete as his nemisis, pete having a nuclear family including a gorgeous wife, and the show being more slice of life and what not. He made some great sketches, got roaring approval and then pitched it to rousing success and the rest is history. Goof Troop was a moderate success and The Goofy Movie after it is a classic beloved by all. We have this wonderful man to thank for all that and I also thank him , on the offchance he ever sees this, for bringing Goofy into modern times in a way that did the man-dog justice.  It’s thank to you we got this fun series, two great movies, and a goofy the way he is today: the best of everything about him rolled into one. Thanks man, free review.. not htat you NEED It since you’ve worked on things i’ve covered and what not, but I feel like I should offer.  Outside of Peraza, I found one last bit of making of stuff before I get to the premiere proper. These two early concept shots:
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The first has Max who both looks older and has red hair like he did in the shorts. Honestly I see a lot of his Goofy Movie self in thiis design, the only diffrence obviously being the red hair which was wisely changed to make the boy look more like goofy, something kept for the movie. 
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The more intresting one is this shot of the Pete’s. Starting with Pete he’s more athletic and has a perfectly tacky outfit. While changing him to be a bit more slovenly honestly fit this version of the character better, I do wish they’d kept hte outfit as the tacky gold and green jacket, the gold chain, the open ollar.. it all fits this version of pete so well, as well as his illusion of being a big shot when he is in fact a medium one. Peg is both slightly younger looking and far more doting and is so different I swear this picture looks like Pete remarried after the divorce and got some lipo. Pistol has about the same design but with a vastly different, more Isabella-ish outfit. Finally we have PJ who looks the same, but has a diffrent outfit and a far more sour demeanor, probably meant to be a bully. My best guess is sthis stuff comes from the pitch, and was likely made to simply get the basic premise across before fine tuning the characters for series
So with all of that out of the way i’m calling eveyrone to join in the fun under the cut and report to the Goof Troop. 
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Everything’s Coming Up Goofy:
Our first episode opens in a small but cozy trailer, where Goofy’s cooking up lunch as only goofy could: by making osme meatballs then serving them to his son over a game of table tennis, with Max doing the same. It’s really freaking adorable, and a dynamic i’m not used to since i’m more familiar with Teen Max. Seeing Max genuinely get into his dad’s hyjinks and enjoy them.. it just warms the heart and adds weight to The Goofy Movie by knowing there was a time the two really were thick is thieves before the stygian hole that is high school drained all that out of him. 
So the two are like buddies and pals until the Mailman arrives, not even phased at this point. Turns out it’s a Diploma, and with this Goofy can get a job he’s been up for in Spoonerville and plans to move immediately. Max is devisated he’ll loose his friends and runs away to use a magical mystery box to keep them together only to end up in a land full of frogs with an old man who sounds like his dad minus the drawl and two other tinier frogs and ... I may have the wrong show. In fairness you try dislodging a finale where Keith David runs a 13 year old through with laser sword and then talk to me. 
Goofy is sympathetic though: While he seems a tad oblivous to Max’s worries, it’s very clear he’s jumping on this job and this move so far to give his son a better life. Sure he runs through all the cartoon moving away talking points that don’t work in real life or most other cartoons such as there being a nice lake and that max can make new friends, and Max accepts it weirdly fast because this episode is only 22 minutes and they don’t have time for that subplot... but it’s clear the idea of a better paying job, a secure home not in an alleyway, and some stablility for his son is the real reason Goofy’s doing this, and he probably wants to simply give the boy the childhood he had growing up. 
Meanwhile in Spoonerville, we meet Pete. To my shock this is where Jim Cummings took over the roll he was born for and has played since and with good reasons as Cummings is just amazing with Pete no matter the incarnation and excels here  his penchant for playing jerks, hams and gravely voiced guys all coalesicing. Pete is planning on building what modern toxicly masculine weirdos such as himself would call a Man Cave on his lawn, because Pete is a very SPECIAL kind of douchebag. He also plans to stretch it into the neighboring property, tear down the house there and set it up. 
This is news to his wife Peg, played by fellow voice acting Legend whose stillg ot it, April Winchell in her star making role. Peg is Pete’s strong willed wife who dosen’t put up with her husbands crap.. you know that trope that infected sitcoms for kids and adults of the doofy husband whose either a manchild , a skeevy self serving quipy asshole or some horrible combination of the two. The kind that has still been so prevealant the wife from one of said sitcoms helped produce a show about the wife finally doing the logical thing and plotting to kill the bastard. No really.. that’s an actual thing that’s happening. It’s even got a Little Bit of Alexis as Anne Murphy plays the poor, poor wife. 
And why yes the series is called Kevin Can Fuck Himself. And why yes said former sitcom wife was the same one on a sitcom called Kevin Can Wait who was fired because they wanted to retool the show with the wife from Kevin James other sitcom. That also is very really a thing that happened. Payback is a bitch aint it? Fun too. 
But yeah from minute one Pete is a terrible husband: Peg is a realtor and thus is trying to sell the house because it’s her fucking job instead of letting her husband throw their family deep in debt to very likely illegally demolish a house so he has a giant yard to play in. I mean even if this is all played for jokes i’ts just not funny enough to not make him an utter bastard. The fact his response to her VERY valid criticism and subtextual worry he doesn’t’t take her career seriously is to fake a panic attack, from a very REAL tendency he turns out to have giant breakdowns under stress, to try and guilt her into letting him have his giant public man cave just backs this up.. as does the fact she simply glares at the camera as he’s clearly DONE this before. 
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Since I have to put up with this version of him for the rest of this episode, the next, AND a portion of the movie, i’m proudly introducing the Pete Sucks Counter. This will carry over to any other appearances of the guy from here on out. So that’s one for his insane plan, one for disrespecting his wife’s career and one for faking a panic attack to try and win an argument Pete Sucks Counter: 3
So because this episode ran short Peg caves and compromises: He can have the property if it isn’t sold by 9. So Pete does what ANY husband would do: uses his spy camera and booby traps he’s set up in the other house to try and scare away prospective buyers. 
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Yeah.. while the show TRIES to have Pete not as his old-timey villian self.. they traded in for him being fucking MODOK. I mean he is a grotesque monstrosity who has a nuclear family and spends all his time in a chair thing and can barely function as a Husband or Father. Though at least I can belivie MODOK LOVES his family which not so much with Pete. 
To prove this Pete tries using a fake spider to scare some buyers then CALLS THEM TELLING THEM PEG IS A CON ARITST. I.e. something that if they mention to her bosses could get her FIRED. He respects his wife’s autonomy, what she wants and what she’s asked him for, which is a fair shot to sell the place before he tries to wreck the place, as well as likely what his neighbors want. I mean I can accept breaks from reality for comedy, snakebird is my boy. 
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So I can accept pete has this stuff.. I just can’t find it funny when these shenanignas very transparently show that while he surface level loves his wife he dosen’t respect her or actually listen to her except when she gets angry. He IS the villian so he’s still a slight step among monst sitcom dads but i’ts not great. I can find it funny that his den also functions as a super villian lair though. That shit will never not be great. Also Pete Sucks Counter: 6 For the record: one for the spider itself, one for having traps set up in a property hat both isn’t his and his wife is trying to sell and another for threatening her job and her self esteem as she is baffled at what she possibly did wrong. 
So Goofy and Max get on the road, leaving moving the rest of their stuff to an old coot whose a friend of theres. So it’s goodbye Duckburg, Hello Spoonerville! And yes I headcanon this as Duckburg. Goof Troop is one of two shows that very clearly happened in SOME form, the other being Tailspin, the only difference being the time period (Goof Troop taking place in the 90′s and Tailspin in the 30′s or 40′s) and any adjustments for clashes with the 2017 verse. So going off that, we also know Donald and the boys KNOW goofy and didn’t remotely question his presence, as did the rest of the cast. 
So figuring out the timeline, Goofy likely met Donald in college, even if he never finished college as per an Extremley Goofy Movie, which may not happen the same exact way given Goofy still has his old job and may not loose it in this timeline, though i’d like to think he still meets Sylvia. But point is he drops out, possibly to marry Max’s mom, they end up moving to Duckburg for her work, she sadly dies, and Goofy is left raising Max alone. Donald and Goofy likely bonded as single parents struggling in low paying 9-5 jobs. Goofy left here, likely said goodbye to Donald and the 5 or so year old boys offscreen , and left. As for how anyone else knows him that’s simple: he probably visits whenever he can.  He’s a good friend, genuinely loves Donald like a brother in all continuities, and of course would show up with a progressively more then less grumpy Max every time. As for what I think the rest of the cast would think of him: Scrooge would hate him for his disaster area ways, but at least respect him as a hard worker, he just wouldn’t personally hire him which is.. it’s fair. Beakley would be aggravated by him. Webby would of course like him because she’s essentially him but competent and gay, and Launchpad and him .. god that’d be a joy to see. And drive up Scrooge’s insurance. Della would also like him obviously. I”m really disappointed we didn’t get a season 4 if for nothing else the fact we probably would’ve got another Goofy episode. It also feels weird he’s not in the finale in any way shape or form you know? Why have such a big guest spot for him and then just not bring him or Max back? GIVE ME MORE MAX DISNEY DAMN YOUUUUU So they move right along with Goofy excited to get back to where he once belonged, and to call Pete with the good news on his 90′s cell phone. Pete is utterly TERRIFIED finding out Goofy Comin and tries to send him off course to prevent it. Naturally despite nearly running into a truck, Goofy makes it to Spoonerville by evening anyway and we get a delightful bit that shows off BilL Farmer’s comedy skills as he rapidly lists off all the things in town while driving Max through town. It’s so damn smooth. This also is notable since before this farmer had just played the character in some DTV music videos, which stands for Disney not Denton but god I now want Shock Treatment with the Disney Crew. I mean who wouldn’t want Donald as Brad, Daisy as Janet, and Gladstone as Farley Flavors I ask you. Not sure who every one else would be i’m sorting that out. And if you don’t know what Shock Treatment is, here have this trailer with a nightmarish opening. 
Dammit now I want to watch Shock Treatment again... so I am. Found it in full on YouTube, and I feel no shame in sharing that as it’s not on VOD, nor any streaming service, the DVD, which I own, is out of print, and the Blu Ray is a UK exclusive. This film both needs to be seen more and needs another proper US release damn it!
So naturally Goofy somehow finds Pete’s house.. I dunno maybe Peg’s been sending him letters. Can’t blame her for having a wondering eye long as she dosen’t act on it. She’s married to a walking lump of ego, selfishness and cholesterol and likely only held on as long as she did for the kids. Which for the record Peg as a child of divorce whose parents got divorced rather than keep up a sham marriage or anything.. it’s not worth it. I was MUCH happier that way in the long term. 
Anyways Peg and Goofy happily reunited while they awkardly try to get the kids to meet, with Goofy and PJ not warming up to each other at first, likely because Max just lost all his friends, and PJ clearly had none going into the series from context we’ll get later in the pilot. We also get a hilarious bit where Peg alternates between warmly greeting the goof’s and hilaroiusly shouting at Pistol to not play with worms.. in what honestly sounds like a protype for Miss Finster’s voice. 
Meanwhile the kids try to hide a small crack in Pete’s boat.. which he notices as he’s just about to steamroll the house despite NOT having asked Peg if she sold it yet and just assuming, possibly opening himself and her to a lawsuit
Pete Sucks Counter: 7
Discovering his boat is trashed, he has a comical panic attack, which I can forgive since this was 1992 and they weren’t as well known as a serious problem. Seriously while pete is a bastard man.. the animation on him is GORGEOUS as it is HILARIOUS, while Jim Cummings brings the hell out of it. He’s kept the roll for three decades as of next year for a reason. Goofy ends up accidently destroying his boat in the process of trying to help him as you’d expect. 
So Pete reluctantly lets the goofs sup with them.... and by reluctantly I mean he don’t wanna but Peg’s forcing him, which is pretty much the other half of their relationship in a nutshell: When pete isn’t lying and betraying her, Peg is forcing him to do stuff. As you can probably guess by how harsh i’ve been this aspect has aged INCREDIBLY poorly for me. This is your standard sitcom setup: asshole or dumbass or both dad, put upon wife who has to keep him in line.. but it’s just not how a GOOD marriage works and got so damn draining over time. Again and again we got things saying marriage is awful, comitting sucks unless your young, again and again. It’s why i’m REALLY happy we’ve been getting far better sitcom dad’s and marraiges lately. Bob’s Burgers is naturally the example, with the wife being the less sane one but both having their quriks and neither being so entirely dysfunctional you ever question the marriage. The Louds are another good example: Lynn Sr. And Rita NEVER right with each other that i’ve seen, have a perfectly happy relationship despite 11 kids, and wholly support each other, with Rita happily giving her husband the go ahead to quit his soul draining desk job so he could pursue his deream as a chef, and later letting him take a massive fincial gamble and open up a restraunt, purely because she belivied in him. Finally we have the Williams from Craig of the Creek who are easily one of the best married couples i’ve seen in western animation and one of them’s played by Terry Crews so that shoudln’t be a shock. I could prabobly find more but my points made: this trope REALLY ages the show poorly, more than any of hte 90′s specific tech or swinging theme song I just realized I forgot to talk about. Eh i’ll save it for the next episode. 
I have NEVER liked this trope anyway: only simpsons has really made it work for me and Family Guy did until they just stretched it too far, and with Simpsons at least they freqeuently have episodes pointing out how unehalthy it is. It dosen’t help this trope somehow STILL isn’t dead, as evidenced by the fact Rick and Morty has it in spades and for SOME damn reason got them back together.. I mean they don’t fight anymore but it dose’nt fix the problem. So yeah while I’m not holding against the show TERRRIBLY as this trope wasn’t as widespread at the time, it still dosen’t make it GOOD even at it’s core. 
Things get worse for Pete though as while Goofy praises him (And the Pete Kids rightfly wonder if Goofy is from space given the logic of ANYONE being that fond of pete. ) Pete finds out GOOFY bought the house he was going to demolish and will be staying with them till they move in. I have only one response to his misery....
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Max also futzes with the tv which you THINK would lead to Peg finding out her husband is the antagonist of a Blumhouse movie but instead just does nothing. 
So then we have Dinner where we find out SUPRISINGLY, Pete actually has a somewhat valid reason for resenting Goofy: Goofy cost him the big game in high school as Goofy and Peg were on the cheerleading squad together and Goofy accidently kicked pete in the face at a crucial moment, which Pete got the blame for. Granted I did say SOMEWHAT: Goofy is genuinely apologetic and says Pete shouldn’t of been blamed and Pete’s apparently been hiding the truth from his kids this whole time. I do call bullshit on that as while admittedly i don’t get into local football or any sportsball, Pete works at a dealership. At least one asshole would bring it up to either rile him up or out of genuine rage at something that happened at the very least a decade and a half ago. Pete hasn’t let go of this footbullshit DESPITE owning a successful dealership, having two wonderful children, an even more wonderful wife, and a friggin nice boat.  But really.. it speaks to Pete’s character in any version: His ultimate undoing is his greed, his tendency to keep going and never settle. It’s something he oddly shares with Donald but Pete lacks Donald’s’s heart or redeeming moments. Pete just wants and wants and wants no matter who gets hurt because he’s inehently selfish and will simply TAKE It if he can’t get it. But it’s why he’s miserable, and ultimately ends up divorced: He can’t be satisfised so he often looses what he has. 
So with Pete on the rampage Peg sends the boys upstairs. It’s here we get PJ’s first Woobie Moment: He has a room FULL of cool toys, comics and what not but his dad is such a greedy asshole he refuses to let the kid actually use them. He even knows this isn’t normal but is just resigned to it. Rob Paulsen is phenomenal as PJ, being funny and energetic, snarky and off to the side or depressed and fearful all with grace and ease and all making this all feel like the same sweet kid. 
I mention this because Paulsen’s action is so good it highlights an issue with PJ: the writers lean way too hard into how much a hardass Pete is, to the point the series, likely intentionally, HEAVILY implies he physically abuses pete and the stuff on screen isn’t over the top enough, at least for tehse episodes, to get away with how he emotionally abuses him either. He talks down to him, doesn’t let him play toys and as seen by various episode synopsis and the next episode, uses mind games to keep him in line. THIS is why I can’t stand this version of Pete. He’s an abusive monster to this poor boy and I won’t stands for it, nor it being played off as a joke, especially since they try to ping pong between using it for comedy and using it seriously which just.. doesn’t work. 
So Max earns his future best pals’ friendship by trying to help him.. and succeeding by pointing out that while he said not to use the Tank anywhere on the ground.. he didn’t mention the celling or walls and has the tank going up the walls. And clearly by the fact PJ is seen sleeping with it later, despite Petes’ss anger at this, Peg presumably ripped him a new one once she found out about the toys thing. 
So that night Pete can’t sleep with Goofy tromping around the house and tries to whack him with a Golf Club. I’d give him another sucks count.. 
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But given my brother lives in the basement and I sometimes accidently wake him by tromping overhead without meaning too, I DO get getting a bit fed up with someone clomping around and waking you up, and it is a slapstick cartoon so trying to physically assault someone is less of a crime here and more a setup for a punchline. 
So get an UTTERLY hilarious scene as teh combination fo tripping on golf balls and Goofy singing his family lullabye, camptown races with lyrics
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So Pete proceeds to have another freak out this time RUNNING ALL THE WAY TO DUCKBURG, THROWING THE OLD MAN OUT OF THE CAR AND THEN BRINGING IN THE GOOF’S BEDS AND BOXES BEFORE TOSSING THEM IN THE HOUSE. It is truly an amazing combination of Jim’s utter talent as he babbles hialriously and the animators as they just make it sing. It’s a great climax to part one. So with that the goofs are home and Pete semeingly gets to go to sleep.. until they start working on unpacking. 
Final Thoughts On Good Neighbor Goof:
This is an excellent start to the series. The jokes are really well paced, the characters well introduced and the humor top notch> I had my complaints obviously.. but i’ts more systemic issues with the series, and stuff that honestly it dosen’t hamper my viewing experience for the most part. The PJ stuff does, but it’s not as big a deal this episode as he barely interacts with his Dad, but otherwise it’s stuff that just hasn’t aged well and they can’t be faulted for not seeing a deluge of terrible sitcoms a comin. The cast is top notch: I didn’t get to them in the proper review so Dana HIll deserves praise as Max, giving just the right amount of 90′s TV Kid mixed with real honest emotion and i’ts a tragedy she’s gone. She would’ve been right up there with the rest of this amazing cast in history. Though at least she got a worthy succesor.. but that’s not for now. For now we’re taking an interlude to look at the wonderfully 90′s music video that was aired along with this special:
Gotta Be Gettin Goofy:
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This was my raw reaction to this video. Now is it bad? No the song has great flow it somehow manages to scratch Bill Farmer’s goofy vocals with the beat, the rapper makes the cheesy lyrics work, and the chorus of “gotta be getting goofy” backs a great bit. It’s not a bad SONG.. but the video is a hilariously insane mess. We have two of the poor dancers forced to wear just.. HORRIFYING looking Goofy costumes that look like the Dog based sequel to cats that thankfully only exists in my nightmares
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I pityt hose poor dancers. Meanwhile the rest of the dancers are wearing Goofy Baseball uniforms and letterman jackets for some reason. is it beause Goofy likes sportsball. I thoguth they just had them lying around but now I see the g’s on the uniform. They CHOOSE to do this. Max also does a shredding guitar solo, not the max up there the animated max. Combine that with LOTS OF random clips from the show and you get this thing.. and i’ts worth a watch> it’s just hilarously what the shit.. not the most hilariously what the shit thing i’ve seen.. not even this week... that would be this thing from the Eurovision Song contest...
Your welcome. So moving on because this is already badly behind. 
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Good Neighbor Goof:
So our second episode opens with the Goof’s trying to move in and pete being upset their being loud. Now being upset your neighbors are being loud is one thing: Mine set off fireworks all week around fourth of July. Granted Pete would probably be the one doing such nonsense but still, I get it.. but it’s fair to have a lot of noise when your moving in and in Goofy’s case also trying to patch up a massive hole in the place. 
So he does what any reasonable man would do and activates the earthquake machine he hid in the basement. 
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I wasn’t kidding about the MODOK comparisons. Granted the thing uses a belt to somehow do this.. but it’s designed to SIMULATE AN EARTHQUAKE AN DDOES SO WELL. The only reason Goofy’s not dead is that pete uses a low setting that instead ends up unpacking everything. IT’s a neat gag but again... PETE HAS AN EARTHQUAKE MACHINE.
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Which Goofy accidently destroys his boat with. Meanwhile the boys try to talk over tin can phones only for Pete to notice and try to stop it because he’s a dick and doesn’t want his son to be happy because he hates Goofy. So Pete’s idea of a punishment is for PJ to wear the family shoes to go crush cans while wearing a helmet and given Pete mutters to himself about this keeping PJ away from Max i’ts likely something that he made up to torture his son soooo..
Pete Sucks Counter: 8 Max being a good pal agrees to help his friend crush the cans down to recycle for money and comes up with a zany scheme to do so
Meanwhile we get a few scenes of Pete trying to eff with Goofy’s day: Peg is making food for Goofy like a good neighbor/someone planning for their eventual divorce, so Pete makes him some too with tons of hot sauce. By the laws of classic cartoons, naturally Goofy loves it and wonders if Pete has hot sauce, while Pete trying it explodes his head Scanner’s style. 
He then tries giving Goofy a chainsaw loaded with some kind of explosive or something... so yes he’s esclated to MURDER over.. Goofy annoying him a bunch as he’s apparently given up on the whole taking over that lot thing. 
Pete Sucks Counter: 9 But it is hilariously petty and naturally backfires again by cartoon law as Pete ends up starting it for Goofy who can’t get it going. 
Meanwhile PJ and Max inact the plan which is to drop a bolder with a rope on the cans, but end up having to ride the cans down when PJ lets it go too early and it ends up sweeping both boys on top of the box. They have fun though, with PJ actually getting to enjoy life for once and loving having a new friend.
So as his lot in life Pete has to ruin it by yelling at PJ for getting diryt, then for hanging out with max as he can SMELL the goof on him.. which means he’s either exaggerating or he knows what goofy smells like. 
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So he forbids PJ to see him insluting max.. while Max is hanging out the window and ends up crying. Oh and Peg never gets involved in any of this across both parts, likely because she dosen’t know.. which makes it even MORE horrifying as it gives off the implication Pete gets away with his abuse of his son because he hides it, like a real world abuser. But even then some things like trying to break up his and Max’s friendship or the toys thing you’d THINK she’d notice. 
So we get more untetionally telling stuff as PJ says he’ll treasure this day and the only time he was happy.
Pete Sucks Count: 14 2 for the last scene, 3 for ALLL this one implies. But Max won’t give up the ghost no he won’t give it up. They haven’t the strength to hold on for long but if they both hold on together they can make each other strong. So he has a plan: have Goofy throw a Luau and invite the petes.
Peg naturally forces him to attend and Pete is a dick about it at first, but eventually enjoys himself when they do a conga line. The pets, Waffles and Chainsaw get into some antics. I do love Waffles because I love a kitty. Chainsaw is okay even though I love me a good doggo. Especially this one.
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You are a Good Boy, Good Boy. But eventually while playing a party game about passing coconuts, Pete considers the coconut and considers the trees but dosen’t consider Goofy kicking him in the face AGAIN
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So Pete is naturally a dick about this despite it being you know, an accident. But he takes it a step further by insulting Max Pete Sucks Count: 15 So Goofy gets mad. But here’s where a rather sizeable flaw shows up in the episode as Goofy.. acts exactly like Pete does about the insuing feud. He forbids Max to see PJ makes up rules and is generally petty and vindictive. And look Goofy could be in the shorts. He’s endlessly adaptable.. but here nothing about his character has shown he’d sink to this and it feels forced to bring abotu the climax. 
Thankfully said finale salvages thing: That night Max pulls PJ into his room via the cans, and comes up with a plan.. weirdly asking PJ to hit him with a muffin to save their friendship... but it’s not random it turns out. His plan.. is brilliant. While I really don’t like these types of feud between neighbors make our kids suffer by making them not be able to be friends because we’re being petty children plots, this one has a REALLY clever solution to that: Max and PJ FAKE an oversclated fued similar to their parents, starting with insutls and throwing mulch and escalting to taking down each others fences and then throwing food at each other, before injuring their dads with planks and stuff, nothing serious just slapstick stuff, all to get both to settle down and try and get the boys to stop fighting.. it works like a charm, it’s full of great bits like Peg offering the boys pie only for Max to use it as amuination and i’ts just a great way to end one of these episodes. Not that I WANT more of these episodes but if your going to do this stock plot you might as well be creative with it.
So we end on the Petes and Goofs having a BBQ, all friends again, with Pete having his marina and Goofy nearly burning Pete’s house down and us getting a photo to end the episode.
Final Thoughts:
This one was a step down. Pete’s abuse is REALLY highlighted here and the plot is very paint by numbers and forces Goofy to be out of character for the last act for it to work at all. He just strikes me as too genuine and noble to hold onto a grudge this easily. Peg is also reduced from her usual feisty self to being oddly useless, not stepping in at ANY point to stop any of this depsite it being grossly otu of character. There’s a few great gags and a great climax, but the whole product is just okay
Later Today: Goof Week and Goofy’s birthday continue as I complete the trilogy of Shortstaculars with one about my boy! Featuring Goofy’s first apperance, his first short and the first apperance of what would eventually become Max! 
If you liked this review, follow me for more and consider joining my Patreon which you can find RIGHT HERE. Even a buck a month helps me keep doing these and more gets me to my stretch goals, the next one up being the two remaining ducktales mini series, a darkwing duck episode a month and a reivew of the danny phantom film the ultimate enemy. And even a buck a month gets you access to exclusvie reviews, my patreon exclusive discord and to pick a short any time I do one of my shortstaculars. My next one is for Donald’s birthday next montha nd there’s only 6 days left to get on that pay cycle so if that sounds good to you get on in NOW while you still can and i’ll see you at the next rainbow. 
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nunc-flore · 5 years
have some concept playlists !!
chill in various moods and genres!
chill in classickal [ when music gets so good u wanna straight up eat it ]
chill in celthicc [ breeng thy begpeipe lass ]
chill in archaic [ enjoy your symposium lads ]
chill in swing [ feelin pretentious today? i got u fam ]
chill in techno [ when the world sucks. no exceptions. ]
chill in arab [ beautiful tunez from the lands of the sun ]
chill in lo-fi [ beep boop bzzt? ]
chill in medieval ballads [ smasheth thou instrumenth, brother]
chill in funk [ funk up lads]
chill in indie [ your raw tenderness starter-pack]
don’t chill in punk [ oi! oi! oi! ]
chill in 80s bops [ what is technicolor if not a digital rainbow ]
chill in norse [ Heill þú farir! heill þú aftr komir! heill þú á sinnum sér! ]
chill in soul [it’s not the waking it’s the rising // nina cried power]
chill in 70s wood-chopping jams (still a stub) [chill, man]
chill in opera [ angelic crowds chanting "he needs some milk" ]
chill in jazz (still a stub) [ sweet music playing in the dark ]
chill in 20s-to-50s music that's not jazz nor swing nor soul [dance and drink like it's the 20s y'all (please stay clear of all the nationalism and the crippling sense of collective doom, thank you) ]
chill in yeehaw [ april is the cruellest month, ain't it? ]
chill in ye olde shanty [ a-hoy captain! ]
and many more, as time goes by!
actual concept playlists
summer indie - guitar themed tracks about life and death and all that’s in between
ingenium voluntatis - r e d  y e a r n i n g  but make it existential. it starts well but something happens. probably society and its non-sense rules. 
the apocalypse and other related catastrophes, merrily told by yours truly - the world is ending and shit is going down. but is it? are you certain this is the world and not some other unnameable thing? are you already dead? is it the apocalypse you dreamed, the one you’ve been waiting for, or is it too slow-boiled? deathly, rotting acceptance of the end of times, with a hint of child-like storytelling.
gotta go FAST -  it’s 34°C. the streets are a desert. you’re 20 minutes late. run.
daydreaming on main - can we stay like this forever? lost in a neo-classical painting, full of celestial things, and symmetry, dreaming away.
dreamy drum pop - is it a dream? are you in love with a dream, in the street of some ancient, modern city, following their shadow? or are you just having a bad case of hypotension? we may never know.
an evening in beige - cruelly posh but in a classy, bitter, hollow way
ready for the lazarus pit, shaka-brah! - a collection to sell your soul to a demonic entity of your choosing to. mostly dark techno, but with a classical twist.
chillin! - or the "dude put on some good music" playlist - when you’re chilling with laid-back pals and they ask you to put on some music and you need a quick, safe, society-tolerable playlist to hit shuffle on and leave there
sweet music playing in the dark - jazz n stuff, some old gems. also, the songs quoted by Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier.
time. - feel the flow of endless thing going by. the clock is ticking, but what the hell is time, anyway?
audiobooks!! - it’s what it says on the tin, my dudes. including: macbeth, metamorphosis, orlando, the call of cthulhu, iliade, the time machine, the tell-tale heart, the black cat, dr. jekyll and mr.hyde, pride and prejudice, black beauty, treasure island, the phantom of the opera, de profundis, frankenstein, carmilla, beowulf, dracula, the raven
fuck this, keep running - from society. from civilization. it’s just you and your ideas against the world, kid. let’s go give them hell. they will never take us alive. 
oh gee golly what a disaster - oh, this is bad. //  that's so sad alexa play this playlist
a witch in the woods - in the throat of the forest, whispered chants and incantations. it’s the voice of the survivors, the ones that escaped the pyre. hush now and dream.
till the end of the world and back - it’s ride or die. the cavalry's here and it's here to stay. 
italian oldies - italian culture. every italian i've ever met knows every single one of these by heart somehow.
:))))))) - am i happy? am i on the edge of a mental breakdown? have i gone completly insane? gee golly! who knows
stars, who am i? - did someone say existential crisis?
personal hyperuranium - my happy, serene place. when everything is too much close your eyes and listen to this. 
young punks, get off my lawn - wreaking havoc with ur gang  / girl gang.
self torment - me @ myself: why r u like this
razzle dazzle jazzle - you like jazz? 
knightess in a shining armor - heroines with swords, here’s to you
playlists inspired by stuff!
songs to be a flamboyant asshole to - swag walk. i blame anthony jantony crowley for this. 
the mad prophet - loosely inspired by friedrich nietzsche’s theories
the star traveller - laugh hard, run fast, be kind // inspired by the thirteenth doctor
getting to it, that's not the hard part. it's letting go. - i left my heart, 3 friends, and 37 gold bars in the sierra madre // inspired by Fallout New Vegas - Dead Money
pew-pew // (i'm three ounces of whoop-ass) - "Another female operative broke into my house and attacked me." "What did she want?"  "Dinner." | a killing eve playlist
les mis, les amis - those brave fellows. honestly, squad goals.
prince(ss) of verona - inspired by a theatrical performance of Romeo and Juliet, in which the prince of verona was. well. she was powerful.
can't stop, won't stop - healing boost of healthy, uplifting electro music comin your way! ispired by Overwatch’s Lúcio Correia dos Santos 
chloe eliz4bet2 price m0od - hella punk but also hella sad // inspired by chloe price, from life is strange
rachel amber mood - hey i've just met you and this is crazy but heres my number so let's burn down a forest maybe // inspired by rachel amber, from life is strange
musical journeys!
a Comedy. | a musical journey. - someone falls from grace and gets thrown into the world. lands in a forest. confused, resolves to survive at any cost. killing, stealing, partying, fleeing, living. eventually, with time, discovers a gentler, happier way to live. they still throw the best parties. doing no harm, taking no shit.
calliope bae gimme a hand wouldn't ya: a musical journey - a tale of poets: young tragedies and cursed gods; laughs and fights; transcendental roadtrips and hellhounds; parties and their aftermath.
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babygirlwolverine · 3 years
hi Sophie ♡ I made time to send you this because you had your exam and your surgery today. I hope it went awesome, sorry to hear that surgery didn't go quite as expected because of what happened to teddy but I'm sure you did awesome anyways.
now to answer...
oh my sweet Sophie, pls don't apologize for taking your time to answer. I work, study and try to be here for most spn news, i get it and you're working in becoming an amazing vet and you write beautiful stories and manage to even do events like the one for your milestone, so don't worry ❤ that being said... my heart skipped a beat when I saw your answer and I was eager to send you this too
I'm 100% in with cinnamon and apple!
I adore Rapunzel! Tangled was awesome and I love the song I see the light. It's just one of thee best scenes ever with all the lanterns (can we have lanterns???).
Yes to mountains, it'll be the perfect view, specially in autumn.
Your writing is perfection, I know I'm only one person and is not much but I love it ❤ and I know I'm not the only one, people just tend to love what you write.
I think I won't stop blushing for the rest of the month after you called me your fiancé ajsndjdks 🥰 I'm melting over this, your vows probably will end me.
Now music. I listen to almost all music. I'm more a soft songs girl but I listen to almost everything. Being able to do that made me discover some beautiful songs from small artists. Sleeping At Last is my favorite artist right now. I love Ed Sheeran and JB too. My favorite song from Ed is Perfect and from JB is Hesitate, makes me weep everytime. Just the I'll thank the oceans for giving me you and then is the all I won't hesitate for you, like is everything. I really love love songs. Oh I love Taylor Swift too.
I had an stressful weekend and week but it's ok, thank you.
I hope you get to rest a little bit this weekend
hello my sweet darling angel <33 my sincerest apologies that it’s taken me so long to reply to this message! thank you so much for sending this message to me when i had my exam and surgery (funny thing was i literally got the message from you as i was leaving the clinic after surgery and i was exhausted and then i saw your message and i couldn’t stop smiling and i sat in my car and read your entire message before i drove home hehe <3) that exam did go well (i got an 80% on it) and lucky the surgery went well too despite the last minute change in patient. I did get to help out a little during the procedure which was awesome. Our next surgery is this upcoming Thursday and I’m going to be the anesthesiologist (lots of pressure) but I’m excited!
yesssss, answer time hehe!
oh my sweetiepie! I really am so sorry it takes me so long to answer sometimes, but i really appreciate that you’re so understanding of everything i’m balancing! also can i just say how amazing you are with balancing working, studying, and being online for a majority of the spn news, like holy hell you’re a superhero for managing to keep on top of all those things. you thinking I’m gonna be an amazing vet has got me crying omg thank you so much! gosh, i dont think my stories are that good, but hearing you say they’re beautiful makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. awww shucks, thank you for liking the event i hosted for my milestone. I just wanted people to feel included and to share that special feeling with other amazing people in the fandom. ❤️ wait wait omg i made your heart skip a beat??? that’s literally so precious i want to wrap you up in warm blankets!
yessss im so happy you agree with cinnamon and apple scents for our wedding! gotta bring in those lovely rich and comforting smells!
omg i may have just giggled with happiness over you saying you love rapunzel! that’s my favorite song in the film omg that whole scene with the lanterns and the way her and eugene sneak glances at each other because they’re falling in love is so soft. (OHMYGOD yes yes yes we can have lanterns at our wedding i swear i literally just went 🥺🥺🥺 at your adorable idea!)
ooooh yay, I’m so glad you like the idea of mountains for the wedding. you’re so right the view will be perfect in autumn with all the changing leaves!
you’ve just made me blush for the hundredth time by calling my writing perfection. Trust me, coming from you, that literally means everything. Gosh, i dont know how i got so lucky to have people who love what i write. I just never thought my writing would connect with people, and to know it brought us together, that’s like a dream come true ❤️
ajdflkjadfkjssa I MADE YOU BLUSH!!! you’d better get used to it because I’m loudly proclaiming you’re my fiancé to anyone and everyone heheh! okay but literally every time i think ’you cant get any cuter’ you literally get CUTER and I cannot handle it! you melting? precious. knowing my vows will mean so much to you? adorable. your reactions? lovable. your sweetness? perfection.
oh yay, I’m so glad you’re so open to music of lots of genres. soft songs are my weakness. just another thing we have in common <3 I’d love to hear some of your favorite small artists so that i can listen to them too. I’m going to search Sleeping At Last as soon as my exam is over on Tuesday! <3 omg I’m so glad to have found someone else who also loves Ed and JB! omg Perfect is an amazing wedding song hehe. also omg Hesitate is literally one of my absolute favorites (I cried when they played it live on the HB tour before covid)! You plucked out my favorite lyrics I’m gonna sob omg i literally tear up every time I hear joe sing “i thank the oceans for giving me you, you saved me once and now i’ll save you too” because that’s the kind of love i want 🥺❤️ love songs are my favorite they’re just so pure and honest and raw, like you can actually feel the love in every single word in the song. I’m not much of a taylor fan, but i do admit she has some great bops and she’s a super talented artist.
oh no, my love, I’m so sorry to hear that you had a stressful week and weekend. I hope you’re doing okay now? did you have a better weekend this past weekend? did you do anything fun? can i do anything to make you feel better?
ilysm 🌷💍💖💜🥺
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Riding High Ch 17: Welcome To Miami
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Chapter Summary: Frank, Fliss and the Circle Of Truth take a Road Trip….
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW) No under 18s!!!
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: As always, gotta thank @icanfeelastormbrewing for her help and suggestions with this!
Chapter Song:   Live Forever by Oasis
Series Masterlist  // Main Masterlist 
Maybe you're the same as me, we see things they'll never see, you and I are gonna live forever
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June 2018
“How’s Fliss?” Gregg asked as Frank leaned back in his chair, hand curled round his bottle of beer. 
Frank looked at his friend and took a deep breath “She says she’s ok. I think it’s the waiting that’s the worst. Knowing the board’s been held is one thing, not knowing the outcome….” “I know it’s hard and easy for me to say this but…well, even if he gets out he won’t be allowed anywhere near her. As I explained to her likely hood is he’ll be tagged and on a curfew and movements restricted to the state of Mass.” Gregg took a sip of his drink “And if it isn’t done automatically, through the appeal process I can file for further restrictions as well around him contacting her in any way, shape or form…but I’d be surprised if that isn’t a condition.”
“I know.” Frank said, “And she gets that…I think it’s more anger about the whole thing now you know?” “It sucks.” Gregg nodded “He spent so long abusing her and he’s still managing to do it in a way through all this.” Frank raised his eyebrows and took a drink of his beer, nodding to Jake and Simon as they approached their table.
“I know I don’t need to ask but…” Frank started but Gregg raised a hand.
“You’re right, you don’t.” he said, understanding immediately that Frank was asking him to keep quiet, and he nodded as their two friends arrived at the table. After the greetings they all settled down reaching for a beer from the bucket that sat in the middle of them all, the conversation easy. Frank was happy to see the boys, he hadn’t in a few weeks so he’d grabbed the opportunity for a few beers happily, Fliss and Mary practically shoving him out of the door as they had some girly night in planned with Roberta consisting of popcorn, pizza, facemasks and a Marvel DVD, Fliss and Roberta assuring him whole heartedly they were watching it because it was a good film and not merely to perve on Chris Hemsworth or Evans or whoever the hell the Chris was in this particular one.
Whatever, sweetheart.
“So…” Simon said, looking around the table “Are we still on for a weekend somewhere? 22nd to 24th June?”
They all made noises, and Frank nodded. “Schedules cleared, baby sitter lined up…we just need to decide where we’re going.”
“Well, I got something to suggest to y’all…” Jake grinned “Greg already knows about this, but basically, the Company we’re doing the promotional work for has offered us up to 10 each for the Miami Rocks Concert which runs that weekend....so if you’re interested.”
“Rock music?” Simon looked at him, and Jake shook his head. 
“Not just rock.” he said, leaning forward “It’s a combination of tribute acts and the real deal…and there’s different stages each with a different genre, and the main stage which contains the big acts.” “Ok, I’m interested…” Frank leaned forward.
“So the Friday night is a rewind to the 70s, 80s and 90s… headlined by none other than Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, Mr Will Smith himself…” Frank let out a snort and looked at Simon who had started bopping in his seat, clicking his fingers.
“That finishes about midnight and then Saturday is the big one. You got 5 Seconds of Summer, George Ezra and Liam Gallagher from Oasis headlining that night.” Jake continued “The other stages rage from all sorts. Mo-Town, Indie, Chart, Reggae…and then there’s a party after which continues until early hours, run by Hot Dub Time Machine.”
“Shut the front door!” Simon snorted “Hot Dub?”
Jake nodded.
“Dude I saw him one New Year’s Eve in New York a few years ago.” Simon said “He was brilliant!”
Frank sat and listened as his friends started to discuss the concert in more detail. He had to admit, it sounded like a pretty good idea, and just the distraction Fliss could do with.
“Hate to be the voice of logic…” Simon said. “But if it’s only like three weeks off, wont’ we have trouble getting hotel rooms?”
“Fuck that, I’ll sleep on the back of the truck.” Frank said, causing the rest of them to laugh. “No need Frankie-boi, I work for the Hyatt Group man.” Jake shook his head “Three rooms already reserved out in the Regency, about 10 minutes’ walk if that from Bayfront Park where the concert is…just in case you fancied it. $100 a room for 2 nights, including a late checkout on the Sunday coz, well, we’re gonna need it.”
“Three?” Frank frowned.
“You and Fliss, Simon and Bonnie, and Me and Greg…” “What about Zara and Lisa?” he frowned “I thought this was a couple’s thing, not a boys weekend away…”
“Well it was going to be…” Greg shrugged “But Zara’s away with the kids that weekend, decided to go back to California as her sister is being taken in for a C-section, and of course she has to be there…”
“And it’s Lisa’s idea of hell…” Jake supplied.
“So why don’t we re-arrange?” Simon asked.
“Fuck that!” Jake snorted “I’m got a child and fiancée free pass for the weekend.” “Amen brother!” Gregg hi-fived him.
“But you two can bring your girls, no problem…they’re cool” Jake gestured between Frank and Simon with his beer bottle. “Thanks for your permission…” Frank raised an eyebrow.
Naturally, Fliss was over the moon with the promise of a music festival, especially when she looked up the acts that were on. So, when the Friday in question rolled around, after dropping Mary at school, with strict instructions she was to behave herself as Frank WOULD be checking, they set off in Fliss’ jeep, Frank driving as she lounged in the passenger seat, eyes hidden by her aviators, hair pulled into a loose side pony tail as they made the four hour down the coast and across state to Florida, stopping half way for some food at a roadside diner.
Given that Simon and Bonnie weren’t due to arrive until just gone 5 ish, Bonnie having to finish the morning’s classes before she could leave and that Jake and Greg were here having come down the night before, when they had checked in they decided to freshen up and go for a walk, Fliss eager to hit Lincoln Road Mall. They spent a few hours just walking and looking in the shops, eventually finding a Pandora one which Fliss headed into wanting a new charm for her bracelet as a memory of the weekend. She paced the shop eventually settling for a silver palm tree with a small diamond in the middle of the trunk and Frank batted her hand down when she went to pay, instead producing his card. The usual argument about who was paying ensued, which eventually Frank won by telling Fliss that he wanted to be the one that filled that bracelet for her, and she relented, smiling softly. Frank didn’t miss the relieved look on the shop assistant’s face as she finally waved the out of the store.
They met Jake and Greg in a bar not far from the hotel, and they were joined by Bonnie and Simon for a drink before the two girls announced they were heading off to get changed and ready for the evening.  Frank left it until about 20 minutes before he needed to be ready and headed up to their room, pulling on one of his infamous hideous Hawaiian shirts which he had brought especially. Fliss looked at him, shaking her head with a fond smile on her face as he innocently asked her what the problem was. She laughed and told him nothing at all, before she gave him a kiss and they headed down to meet the others.
The walk down to the Park took them 10 minutes. Fliss was walking slightly ahead with Bonnie, her braid swinging down her back, gently brushing against the yellow off the shoulder top she was wearing. Her bottom half was dressed in denim shorts, a pair of pink converse boots on her feet. She’d certainly embraced the Festival Vibe, opting for bright colours in honour of the fact they were heading back musically a few decades. They arrived and joined the queue to exchange their tickets for wrists bands which took them about 15 minutes, and then they joined the lines to get through the main gates. That didn’t take long at all and once they were through they followed the crowd before Greg stopped, and looked around.
“We get split up…” “We all got phones!” Jake snorted “What are you, 50?”
“Sorry, force of habit with the kids…” Greg let out a groan as everyone laughed.
“So the main stage is that way…” Jake said, pointing to his left “Right at the back. DJ stage is there, and the other stages are dotted about…anyone got any preference on where we go?” “Other than Will Smith I really wanna to go the 80s stage!” Fliss grinned and Bonnie Hi-Fived her.
“Yeah we got some Duran Duran to dance to.” she agreed. “And Erasure.”
“And Wham.” “And Culture Club….” “Yeah, we get the picture…” Simon rolled his eyes.
“Oh and I want to see the Queen and AC/DC tributes.” Fliss finished.
“Anything else?” Frank looked at her.
“Beer.” she nodded “We need beer.”
“Well we need tokens.” Jake said, “No cash at the bar, tokens only so…the tent is over there…”
They all set off, Fliss and Bonnie hanging behind chatting away, but it wasn’t long before their chatter died down and Frank turned to see that, actually, it hadn’t died down, they’d disappeared. “Where the hell are the girls?”  Simon asked, looking round as he realised they were missing.
“Knowing Fliss in some tent getting her face painted…” Frank paused, turning on the spot before he spotted them. Fliss was stood as Bonnie was sat on a stool, having some sort of Festival glitter painted around her temple and eye socket. “Yup, there you go…” Simon followed his gaze and snorted. “Fucking hell…what are they, 8?” “Leave ‘em be.” Frank said fondly “Come on, let’s go get the drinks sorted.”
He waved at Fliss, before pointing to where they were going and she gave him a thumbs up to show she understood, before Bonnie stood up and she sat down. Frank smiled at her face as it lit up and he headed off after Simon.
By the time they had gotten the tokens and ordered beers for them all, the girls still hadn’t joined them, and it didn’t take long to realise why. They were both in a tent which contained 2 electronic dance mats, right in the middle of a very energetic dance off.
“It’s like having a pair of kids…” Simon mumbled the boys stood by the entrance to the tent whilst Frank simply grinned. As they watched Bonnie made a mistake, the mat flashed red, and then another one, before Fliss made one too. The two girls’ foot work was ridiculously fast as the song gathered pace and finally the routine ended. Fliss grinned and hi-fived Bonnie as their scores flashed up, Fliss winning by 60 points.
“Yesss!” she grinned punching the air as Bonnie shook her head and the man handed them both some really tacky bright pink beaded necklaces for taking part.
“Re-match…” Bonnie said, looking at Fliss as they both dropped the necklaces over their heads.
“Maybe later, I’m fucked now…” Fliss said, bending over, hands on her knees as she drew her breath “I need a drink!”
She turned and saw the boys in the doorway, Frank raised an eyebrow and held up the beer and she grinned.
“I knew I bought you for something.” He rolled his eyes and then Greg suggested they head off to the first stage for the start of the 80s Tribute acts. They only intended to stay for a short while but Fliss begged Frank to stay longer, and was backed up by Bonnie as the Duran-Duran band came on. Fliss told Frank if he wanted to go and meet up later he could, but truth be told he didn’t want to. This was as much a weekend for him and her as it was for him and his friends, so with that in mind Simon and Frank both decided to stay with the girls and that they would find the others later.
And Frank was glad of his decision, as about 20 minutes later, when Hungry Like the Wolf started to play, Fliss was bouncing around like a lunatic. He knew it was one of her favourite songs, and seeing her cutting loose was making him a little horny if truth be told. He moved up behind her and grabbed her hips, swaying with her in time to the music as he dropped a kiss to her shoulder, gently singing along as she danced in front of him, occasionally brushing up against the front of his shorts, which was doing nothing to help his current situation.
“Someone’s definitely on the hunt down…” she teased, pushing her ass back into his crotch whilst she turned her head to face him as the song morphed into Rio. He grinned and gave her a kiss.
“Not hunting, I already got you.” “Hmm, yeah you did…” she murmured against his lips.
The continued dancing with one another, Simon and Bonnie doing the same before the 4 of them all decided they were ready for another drink. As fate would have it, they found Greg and Jake already at the bar. They muscled their way in, grabbed another beer and then all turned to head towards one of the tall, standing tables which were dotted around not far from the bar. Frank waited for Fliss as she had ordered a bottle of water too, and the guy serving had forgotten it. When he came back, apologising, Fliss waved him off and thanked him as Frank picked the bottle up and stuck it in his pocket. He reached for Fliss’ hand, and they were making their way over to their friends when suddenly he felt Fliss yell out and she stopped dead. He turned to face her, seeing someone had bumped into her and her beer had spilt all down her top.
“Hey, come on man…” Frank looked at the guy as Fliss pulled her hand out of his to wipe at her top “Be careful huh…” But the man wasn’t looking at him, his eyes were fixed completely on Fliss. “Yes, wouldn’t want an accident now would we, Felicity?” At the sound of her full name Frank instantly knew this had to be someone to do with her ex-husband and he reached out for Fliss as he saw her stiffen and slowly she raised her head to look at the man, her eyes widening and she swallowed.
“Richard.” she spoke softly.
“Fancy seeing you here. Must be nice to be free to do what you want.” “Yeah, well, making up for lost time I suppose…” she said, “I didn’t exactly get a lot of chance to have fun when your brother was beating the shit out of me.”
Her chin raised a little defiantly and Frank felt a surge of pride as she stood up for herself, the anger evident on her face.
“You’re a fucking liar…” Richard said and Frank immediately stepped in.
“Ok that’s enough…” he said sternly, looking at the man “We’re not here for any trouble, we’re just out for a good time with friends, and I’d like to keep it that way. So, if you don’t mind, we’re done here.” he turned to Fliss and slid his arm round her waist, making to steer her away.
“You need to be careful.” Richard spoke to Frank’s retreating back. “Now she’s got her claws into you, you’re done…first sign of trouble she’ll be accusing you of all sorts.”
Frank sighed, he’d tried to be reasonable, but the anger felt like it was bubbling from his feet and he whirled round, placing himself in between the man and Fliss. “Listen, asshole, why don’t you just fuck off?” he spoke, tone laced with venom. “Your brother is a nasty, wife beating, rapist piece of shit.”
At that Richard stepped forward, drawing himself to full height, still a good 3 inches shorter than Frank. His fists balled as he clenched his hands at his side, his mouth curled up into a snarl.
“She’s a liar.”  Richard pointed at Fliss, before his attention turned back to Frank. “She lied and because of her, John’s life and career is ruined…” “His life? Ruined?” Frank barked out a laugh “Your brother got nothing more than he deserved, and so will you if you don’t get the fuck outta my face.”
“Frank…” Fliss pleaded with him, pulling on his arm and desperately looking around for help before this descended into a fight. Thankfully, she caught Jake’s eye who hit Greg on the shoulder, who in turn tapped Simon, and the three of them plus Bonnie hastily started to jog over.
“If he was that bad why has he been considered for parole?” Richard shrugged “An appeal his lawyer is convinced he’ll win…” Richard said, taking a step back as the other men approached. “And that’s all because they finally saw through her lies…” Frank made an angry noise but Greg pushed himself in between the two men, patting Frank on the chest.
“Come on buddy…” he said. “Whatever it is, leave it…” Jake went to grab Frank’s arm, but he jerked it out of his grip.
“I’ll tell you this…” Frank said, pointing at Richard “If he gets out, you can tell him from me, he stays the fuck away from my girl, and the rest of my family, you got that? Or I’ll put him in a hospital, see how he likes it.”
“Big man making all the threats huh?” “It ain’t a threat, it’s a god-damned promise.” Frank snarled. Richard gave a snort of a laugh before he allowed his wife to steer him away, shooting one last contemptuous glance at both him and Fliss.
“What the fuck?” Simon turned to Frank, who completely ignored him and moved to where Fliss was stood, her arms wrapped cross her front, hugging herself, Bonnie gently talking to her.
“You ok?” he asked her gently and she gave a nod as he took her in his arms, hugging her tightly, hand falling to the back of her head.
Gregg gave Frank a questioning look, which Frank answered with two words “His brother.” Gregg’s mouth fell open and he gave a nod of understanding.
“Who’s brother?” Jake pressed, “What just happened? I’m so confused.” “To be fair that doesn’t take much…” Frank heard Gregg say which earned him a “Fuck you” in response, and the two men began to bicker as Fliss stepped back from his arms. Frank looked down at her, taking her face in his hands.  “You good?” 
“Yeah…” she nodded “You shouldn’t have risen to him.” “Probably not.” he shrugged “But I’m not having that piece of shit or anyone associated with him trash mouthing you.”
“My hero…” she rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face told him he wasn’t in too much trouble. He gave a snort of a laugh and dropped a kiss to her head. “Can we go back to the dancing now please? And I need another beer, that ass hole spilt mine.” “Is it time for tequila yet?” Bonnie asked, offering Fliss a drink of her beer. Fliss took a sip, shaking her head 
“I swore after last time I would never drink that shit again.”
“But that was a lie, right?” Bonnie looked at her as she passed her pint back over.
“Yup, a very big lie…” Fliss agreed, causing the rest of the group to laugh.
So they did their tequila. Several shots of to be intact and spent the rest of the night wandering stage to stage, lapping up the atmosphere. Frank kept a close eye on his girl who seemed none the worse for her encounter as she danced the night away with him and Bonnie, the 2 of them disappearing at one point for a walk around the various stalls that were around the outside, coming back with a packet of interlocking glow sticks which they proceeded to activate and make head wear out of.  
Will Smith took to the stage at about 10 pm and Frank was beside himself with laughter as Fliss reverted to some kind of school kid. She seemed to know every single word to every goddamned song he had, and when it came to Men In Black she launched expertly into the dance routine that half the crowd were doing, in time to the video showing behind the stage.  Simon and Jake tried to copy her before they both gave up and when she finished she turned around and Frank raised his beer to her and she bowed, as they all laughed. Deciding that they didn’t want to stay for the after party, considering they knew it was going to be a really late one the next evening, instead they agreed to head down to the beach. They managed to find a guy who was walking round with a cool box selling beer and they bought 2 bottles each, for twice the price they should be but, whatever…
When in Miami…
As they walked across the sand, Frank looped his arm round Fliss’ shoulder whilst they weaved themselves through the various mini-parties which seemed to be going on as people were set up all over with small fires, beer, drinks and music playing. Frank had a sneaking suspicion half of them were probably intending on sleeping there too. Eventually they found a clear spot and flopped down onto the sand, under the illumination of one of the boardwalk lights and then Simon stood up, heading over to a group of teenagers sat a bit to their right.
“What’s he doing?” Greg asked.
“I think he’s reverse bootlegging.” Jake said and Frank gave a snort of laughter.
“What?” Fliss frowned, “What’s that?” “Instead of selling alcohol to underage kids he’s buying it off them, look.” Frank said, nodding to him. Fliss watched as Simon slipped one of the kids a twenty and took the bottle of vodka he was offering to them, raising it up as he walked back.
“What the fuck man?” Greg snorted “That’s…”
“Shameful.” Jake nodded before he chuckled, shaking his head. “I love it.” With a grin Simon dropped down next to Bonnie, standing the bottle of vodka up in the middle of the circle they seemed to have made as Fliss sat between Frank’s legs, leaning back against his chest. His spare hand ran up and down the outside of her thigh softly as they all sat chatting about the evening, comparing their best bits and what they were looking forward to tomorrow evening. Eventually, someone, Frank wasn’t sure who, decided that they should play Never Have I Ever, and Fliss eagerly agreed, jumping in with the first question.
“Ok, never have I ever driven a boat…” Fliss smirked.
“What, that’s a crap one!” Frank snorted “Everyone here’s probably driven one…including you.”
“Bullshit!” he snorted “On our first date, and several times since…”
“I sailed it Frankie, I didn’t drive it…”
He paused for a moment and then looked up as everyone in the circle grinned.
“She’s right man…” Simon conceded “I sailed mine too…” “And me…”
“And me…”
“Oh fuck you!” Frank spluttered as they all laughed at him. Fliss handed him the bottle, which he took from her with a glare taking a mouthful. Fucking hell, he could tell it was cheap as it burnt like paint stripper as he swallowed, wincing.
That was basically the way the game went. Each trying to deliberately catch everyone else out. Simon caught Jake spectacularly, forcing him to reveal a tale about how he got locked out of a hotel room, naked on the balcony and climbed down 2 storeys to go and get a spare key from reception, Simon repeatedly got Bonnie on a number of occasions before Frank caught Fliss out with the tale of how she had once called her University Lecturer “Daddy.” by mistake.
“Ok, Never have I ever…”  Fliss paused, before a wicked grin spread on her face and she looked at Frank “Called anyone else’s name during sex.”
“Oh God…” Frank heard Bonnie mumble from where she was sat, but before he could even open his mouth to call Fliss an ass hole, he saw Greg reaching for the bottle.
“No WAY!” Fliss spluttered, looking at Greg “What? When!”
“I was about 21…” Greg said, scrunching up his face. “I was in bed with a girl and, well, I called her mom’s name.” The entire group fell silent before Jake, Frank and Simon all let out a roar of laughter, and Fliss snorted, grinning from ear to ear.
“That’s…impressive.” Frank nodded as Greg put the bottle down and Fliss picked it up and handed it to Frank. Everyone turned their attention to him as he narrowed his eyes and grabbed it from her.
“Spill.” Simon pointed at him.
“I err, well…look, it…” Frank stuttered over his words “I was…look we don’t need to discuss this…” he said, knocking back the vodka and avoiding Bonnie’s eyes, shaking his head “I plead the 5th.” There were various groans around the group but when they realised Frank wasn’t going to budge Greg shrugged, calling him a pussy, and picked the next category.
“Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex.” he said, with a raised eyebrow. Both Fliss and Bonnie moved for the bottle at the same time, and the boys all cheered. 
“Was it each other?” Simon grinned “Please tell me it was…” “Ok,no…that…” Frank began to protest, hiccupping slightly.  “That would be weird…”
“No it wasn’t each other.” Bonnie grinned at Simon “I was 17, playing spin the bottle and had to kiss this girl called Eva…” “And that’s it?” Simon asked. 
“Yeah…” she nodded, taking a drink from the bottle before she passed it to Fliss.
“Spill…” Frank instructed her, his hand on her hip where she was still nestled in between his legs.
“I was 19…and, yeah, well, I experimented” she shrugged. “A few times…”
“Wait, there was…” Frank looked at her as she turned her head to grin at him “You did more than kiss?”
“For me to know and you to find out Sailor…” she winked. Well fuck me!
Another 15 minutes or go they’d exhausted the bottle of vodka and decided to call it a night. Bonnie was faring the worst out of them all, her and Simon walking a little behind everyone as he kept his arm round her to keep her steady. Frank noticed Fliss was remarkably with it considering what they’d drunk, but then for such a small person she did have quite a high tolerance, and she’d drunk a hell of a lot of water as well.
At the hotel they bid everyone goodnight and headed up to their room where Fliss decided she needed to shower to get rid of all the glitter and sand and sweat from dancing. Frank was inclined to agree so let her go first, swapping over after 10 minutes or so with an exchange of a soft kiss in the bathroom doorway. By the time Frank got out of the shower Fliss was sat cross legged on the large bed dressed in a camisole and boy-shorts set which was white with multi-coloured polka dots on it. It was the set he had bought her for Valentine’s Day, along with a set of baby-pink lace underwear. He loved seeing her in lace, but there was something about the lounge sets like the one she was wearing now that gave her an innocence, made her look so comfy and so settled that he adored seeing her wearing them around the house and to bed…even if they didn’t stay on long.
She grinned up at him as he smiled, crossing to drop a kiss on her head.
“You raid the minibar?” he asked, nodding to the packet of chips she had ripped open.
“Yeah.” she shrugged “Figured fuck it, why not?” “Well…”he crossed the room and opened the fridge which was under the TV unit “In for a penny…” he pulled two beers out, popped the tops and passed her one.
“Don’t you think we’ve had enough?”
“Can you see straight?”
“Then no.” he said and she laughed, taking it from him.
“You’re a bad man Frank Adler.” “I try.” he quipped. She shook her head, smiling before she reached for her phone which had just gone off. Frank whipped the towel from around his waist and stepped into a clean pair of boxers before he roughly dried his hair.
“Bonnie says her and Simon are hitting the beach during the day tomorrow…do you fancy it?” “Sure.” he nodded, dropping to the bed, laying down on his side, propping himself up on his elbow as he reached for a Dorito.
“At least I think that’s what this message says. ‘Going to the Bitch…’ I mean that’s gotta be beach huh?”
Frank snorted as Fliss scrunched up the empty chip bag and tossed it across the room where it settled just besides the bin. They both looked at it for a second before Fliss shrugged. ”She was trashed.”
“I’m not surprised.” Fliss said, moving to toss her phone onto the night table before she too settled on her side, facing Frank, elbow on the pillow “Simon was deliberately asking questions in that game where he knew she’d have to drink…” “Oh and you weren’t…” he looked at Fliss who shrugged, grinning cheekily “Never have I ever called anyone else’s name during sex, I mean seriously! She was right there!”
“I know, which is what made it so funny.” “Funny is not the word I would use…” “Oh whatever, and as if Greg has done that too!” she said, chuckling as she also settled on her side “He’s a dark horse…” “So are you…” he looked at her taking a long drink of his beer. “In fact….I think you need to tell me more about these lesbian encounters you experienced whilst experimenting aged 19."  
"They weren't proper lesbian encounters, I was teasing you...."
"I don't care, make em up." He said and she let out a laugh.
"If I do will it get me something nice?" she grinned.
"Something very, very nice."  He raised an eyebrow suggestively.
Fliss grinned and then launched into a clearly made up bullshit story about some girl called Candy and Frank completely zoned out. He was simply too caught up concentrating on the childish, teasing expression on her face as she spoke. Her eyes were shining in the dim light of the room as she talked and grinned in the same manner she had been doing all night. Not even the encounter with that asshole’s brother has dampened her spirit. She was just enjoying herself, freely. And so was he. She said she couldn't remember the last festival or concert she had been to, and Frank had admitted the same. It had to have been easily 10 years ago. It felt good to be recapturing that part of their lives they had both given up (albeit for very different reasons) and making new memories together that he knew would last a lifetime.
A lifetime...huh, how about that?
He zoned back in just in time to hear Fliss' very risqué story telling, and dropped his head with a sight that was half laugh, half groan at her filthy tale.
"...and her thighs were so strong, it was ridiculous, my ears were squashed so hard, I felt like my head was in a vice. Still, I managed to-"
"Ok..." he said, taking her beer off her and setting it down on his nightstand along with his, before he leaned over Fliss, caging her with his arms "I'm getting kinda jealous...and a bit turned on...it’s kinda confusing.
“You asked…” she muttered as his face dropped her hers.
“Yeah, I did…” he said softly, his lips brushing against hers “And I promised you something nice…” “Very,very nice…” Fliss said, her hands sliding up his arms to his shoulder.
“Well, I’m a man of my word…” he grinned, lips pressing to hers harder this time in a soft, deep kiss which he pulled away from and ran his nose against hers.
“Turn over…”
“What?” she looked at him, her eyes widening slightly.
“You trust me?”
“Of course I do…” “Then turn over…”
She took a deep breath, and looked at him and he looked straight back, fully understanding what she was thinking. He’d never asked her to do that before. “Lissy, I promise I’m not gonna hurt you.” “I know you’re not…” she said, shaking her head, before she bit her lip and he moved back so she could turn over onto her stomach. With gently finger tips he brushed her hair off her shoulders, sweeping it to one side gently dropping soft kisses down her neck as his hands traced down to her hips. He gently grasped her top and she moved to allow him to slide it up and over.
The sheets on the bed rustled slightly as he moved downwards, pressing his lips to the small of her back, watching her reaction carefully as he saw her fingers clutching softly at the pillow. He continued his affections, lips and hands exploring every part of the soft skin on her back until he was fully led over her, thighs bracketing hers, his mouth gently sucking at that spot behind her ear that drove her wild. And right on cue she let out a low groan and he felt his groin twitch at the noise. Fliss could feel his hardness against her back and as his teeth gently grazed her ear she felt her spine arch slightly.
He moved away, and his hand gently slid to grasp at the hem of her shorts, and she tilted her hips up slightly so he could pull them down, hurriedly departing with his own boxers before he resumed his previous position.
“You good?” he asked her softly and she nodded in response.
With gentle hands he reached down between her legs to finding her hot and wet for him already. At his touch she arched her back again. Frank let out a grin and moved slightly so he could part her thighs with his knee. Repositioning himself, he led flat, his arms sliding up hers so he could lace his fingers with hers, palms resting on the backs of her hands and he gently pushed into her, the pair of them giving a groan at the feeling and tightness of this angle. He gently thrust, his chest sliding up over her back, and she moved ever so slightly with him, her head tilted back slightly and she turned her face towards his where he caught her mouth in a slow, sloppy kiss. Frank continued his languid, deep movements, listening to the quickening of her breath and eventually he felt her hips beginning to rise in slow circles, her whimpers increasing.
He gently knelt up, and pulled her hips so she was perched on her knees, pushing into her slowly, deeply, letting her get used to the position that they’d never tried before because Frank knew it wasn’t one she had good memories of but right now, her body was relaxed and she was giving him everything. His hand reached up and he traced down her spine before he leaned over and placed another soft kiss on her neck before he moved and grasped at her hips again, his pace gently quickening, a low moan escaping his mouth as Fliss pushed back onto him, wordlessly telling him she wanted more. He thrust forwards again and again, pulling her back onto him at the same time, his eyes focussed on where they were joined, the sight of him sliding in and out of her made him moan with desire.
“Don’t stop…” he heard her half pant, half whisper and he picked up the pace ever so slightly, leaning over to gently nip at the back of her neck, causing her to shudder, a deep growl rumbled in his chest as her walls briefly squeezed around him.
“Fuck, baby…” he groaned as her hands clutched at the bed sheets whilst he buried himself deep inside of her stilling for a moment.
“Frankie…” she whined and squirmed as she turned to look at him over her shoulder. Once glance at his clenched jaw and she knew he was trying to fight back his high as he picked up his previous movements, just a little bit faster. She was close, quietly moaning his name as she dropped her head back down, forehead against the pillows, her spine arching as he continued to thrust.
Frank groaned again “Come on sweetheart...” his voice deeper like it always was when he was in the throes of desire, “let go for me.” He rolled his hips forwards, five or six more times before she was done.
“Fuck, Frank, I…” she let out a broken cry as her core spasmed again and again and her entire body trembled as a loud lament spilled from her lips. He was done himself, and with a groan of her name his relief washed over him with an intensity he couldn’t even begin to describe.
Fliss collapsed forward and Frank tumbled with her, his chest onto her back, his weight crushing her in the best way possible for a second ot two before he rolled onto his side. Reaching out, his hand gently across her bare back as Fliss face, which was pressed into the pillow turned to face him.
He leaned over and gave her a soft kiss, brushing her hair off her face.
“OK…” she mumbled, nodding at him “I’ll concede. That was very, very nice…”
******* “You behaving?” Frank asked Mary as he and Fliss lay in bed the next morning, the phone held at arms-length so they could both see her.
“Yeah, of course…” Mary rolled her eyes “Bill took me to the yard last night and Joanne helped me tack Monty up and then Bill walked round the field with us so the dogs could have a run and it was awesome!”
“When I get back we’ll do the full trail ride.” Fliss smiled at her “Takes a good hour, we can go one evening before it gets dark.”
“Cool!” Mary grinned, bending down and then suddenly Fred’s bemused face filled the screen. Frank snorted as he was instructed to say hi to Fred, which he did, before the cat settled down on Mary’s lap and she continued to chat to him about what she had done the night before…which was basically staying up until gone midnight with Bill watching Harry Potter in the movie room.
Eventually they got her to pass the phone over to Verity, who assured Frank she was no trouble, and then they cut the call and decided to get up and head down for breakfast to meet everyone.
The day was spent lazily on the beach. Fliss hardly moved at all, simply soaking up the sun as Frank and Simon continuously brought her and Bonnie a supply of drinks as the man remained by the bar at the top of the sand.
“I gotta ask…”Bonnie said, turning to look at Fliss “And tell me to shut up if I’m outta line but yesterday, that guy Frank looked like he wanted to kill…who was he? Simon says he’s never seen Frank that angry…” “Oh, err…” Fliss rubbed her head “It was my ex-husbands brother, he was being an ass hole.” “Oh.” Bonnie frowned “I take it you don’t get along…nasty break up?” “You could say that…” Fliss said, taking a sip of her drink, tapping the straw lightly on her lips. “John…my ex…he er…he used to beat me. Badly. He’s actually in prison, well, for how long we don’t know as he had his parole hearing about 4 weeks ago so..” “Oh shit…” Bonnie dropped her gaze “Sorry, I didn’t…” “It’s ok.” Fliss said, waving off the usual apologies that came when she told someone about her past.
There was a moment of silence before Bonnie sat up and looked at Fliss.
“Wanna go for a dip?”
Fliss glanced at her, then down to the ocean and grinned, nodding.
Yelling to the boys to watch their stuff they headed down to the waves, Fliss happily diving straight in, simply allowing herself to float. She was calm, relaxed, and couldn’t remember a time she’d ever felt so happy before.
Eventually, it hit 5pm and Fliss was hungry. So they decided to pack up, grab a bite from the bar and then go change ready for the evening. Fliss had to smile as she saw Frank and the rest of the boys stood at a table by the beach bar all clutching pints and laughing. He was dressed in a pink shirt, black shorts with a baseball cap on the wrong way, glasses shielding his eyes.
“I never realised what an overgrown Frat Boy I’m dating.” Fliss mumbled to Bonnie who snorted as they made their way up the wooden boardwalk, beach bags in their hand.
“Hey pretty girl.” Frank smiled as Fliss slid under his arm, reaching for his pint. With a roll of his eyes he watched as she took a huge drink. “You know if you want one I’ll get you one…” “Tastes better when it’s someone else’s…” Fliss shrugged.
“Yeah, why is that?” Bonnie asked.
“Because it’s stolen.” Simon looked at her “Well known fact, forbidden fruit just tastes better.”
Fliss went again for Frank’s drink and he jerked it out of her reach “Piss off, look, here…” he said, reaching into his pocket and handing her his wallet “Go to the bar…” She grinned and dropped a kiss to his lips, turning away, Bonnie following.
“Dude you’re so whipped.” Jake snorted at him.
“Yeah, I don’t much care.” Frank shrugged, burping slightly as he looked at Fliss, taking in her appearance. Her hair was falling around her face and down her back in a mass of long, messy salt and sand tangled waves and she was wearing a pink crochet slip over her black bikini. He would happily admit he was well under her spell and that she could whip him all she fucking wanted to.
They grabbed a bite to eat, headed back, changed and made their way to the park for their second night of music. It went much the same as the night before, Bonnie and Fliss taking off on their own adventures, and Frank keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of John’s fucker of a brother, but he didn’t see him.
By the time Liam Gallagher came onto the stage, Fliss was drunk. And so was he. But it didn’t stop her from going wild. Once again she knew every single word to every single song and when he launched into Rock and Roll Star she started pogoing like a person possessed. Mind you, so was everyone else on the dance floor in front of the stage, so Frank joined in. He quite liked this song and, well, if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em…
He ended the set with Live Forever, Frank’s favourite song that he had done and Fliss sighed happily.
“He’s sooo good!” she said, “Why does he have to go?”
“Because his set has finished.”
“But why?” “Because it has!” Frank laughed “He’s been on for almost an hour and it’s 1 am!”
“Hey, Liss, don’t worry…” Bonnie hiccupped “Hot Dub starts in 20…just enough time for a drink…” “Yes…” Fliss agreed, pointing at her. “But I think I need some water too.”
“Pussy…” Frank looked at her and she narrowed his eyes at him.
“I’ll carry on drinking beer if you want, but you’ll be clearing up my puke later…” He snorted and held his hands up, palms out “Water it is…” Hot Dub Time Machine was surreal. He was on for about an hour and took them through a load of the best party songs from the 60s right through to the present day. One minute Frank was doing the Twist and Shout with Fliss, and the next they were all in a circle air-guitaring to Immigrant Song by Led Zep.
By the time they left the park it was almost half 2 in the morning and Fliss decided that she didn’t want to walk and insisted Frank give her a piggy back. He rolled his eyes but crouched down and she took a jump onto his back as he carried her the 10 minutes or so back to the hotel, Simon groaning at him as Bonnie kept complaining he wouldn’t carry her.
“You’re showing me up, dude!” he glared at Frank who simply shrugged as Fliss smirked.
“I like riding him…” she hiccupped, as everyone burst into laughter and Frank shook his head as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“You’re a fucking nightmare” he sniggered and she shrugged.
The next morning everyone was feeling the effects of a heavy weekend, and Frank was pleased that they had the late check out option. Eventually, after dragging themselves out of bed they managed to shower, pack up and head down to check out. There was another argument about who was paying for the room, this time Fliss winning as she put her foot down telling him he was paying for New York and that she really wanted to pay for this. She’d told Frank before about John never letting her have any financial control over anything and Frank knew that it meant a lot to her so he relented, and instead bought them brunch before they set off home.
They got back in time for a roast dinner, and then they headed back to the annex to watch a film, Fliss crashing out halfway through. She left them to it and headed to bed and was flat out by the time Frank made his way upstairs.
“I can’t believe you got the day off!” she moaned at him over breakfast on the Monday morning.
“I can’t believe you didn’t” he shot back
“I can’t…clients and stuff.” she pouted, biting into her toast before she groaned again. “I’m too old for partying all weekend…I can’t hack it anymore.” Frank snorted and took a sip of his coffee before Fliss grinned at him. “Can we go again next year?”
Frank laughed “The Circle Of Truth have already decided it’s going to be an annual thing from now on.” he said, standing up and with a kiss to her head he moved to the stairs yelling for Mary to get a wiggle on. She came down the stairs, Fred and Thor following before she ate her cereal and then Frank bustled her out of the door to drop her off for the last Monday of the school term.
Wednesday lunchtime, however, their happy little bubble burst.
Frank was actually in the sales part of the shop, discussing the benefits of different types of engines with a customer, having been asked to give some advice. He spotted Fliss’ jeep pulling up and as soon as she climbed out and turned towards him, he could tell from her face what was going on.
“Excuse me for just one second…” he politely told the customer, and glancing at his boss he jerked his head towards Fliss. His boss, a nice enough guy called Andy, knew vaguely what was going on and nodded in understanding as Frank stepped outside.
“Baby?” he asked tentatively as Fliss stopped in front of him.
“He did it….” she said softly, stepping into his arm, pressing her face into his chest.  “He made parole. They let the fucker out.”
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Little things I loved about Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)
(Haven't done one of these since Venom but I just really love BOP)
Harley breaking the fourth wall (she's the perfect DC character for it)
the animated opening sequence with a nod to her original black and red scheme
her outfits are fantastic and hot af
Harley doing roller derby
Harley not taking shit from men and breaking that fucker's leg
the blowing up Ace Chemicals scene was beautiful
Dinah Lance is fantastic and I'd die for her
Helena Bertinelli is hot af
Cassandra Cain is fantastic and I appreciate that she's as foul mouthed and sassy as a kid her age would realistically be
Renee talking like she's from a 80s cop movie
pointing out that Renee's partner stole her credit, highlighting sexism and reinforcing the fact all cops are bastards
Renee Montoya's ex being played by Ali Wong
Harley stopping in the middle of getting chased to grab a sparkly fanny pack is peak chaotic bi representation
I love the very organic ways all their lives overlap (Cass living in Dinah's building, Renee knowing Cass from getting pinched, Renee knowing Dinah's mom)
also, I know ppl were talking about Roman Sionis and Victor Zsasz being gay but wow, they're really GAY
ngl Black Mask showing Dinah around was kinda cute
esp when Zsasz clearly got jealous
Harley in the police station was fantastic and beautiful
Harley being genre savy enough and having experience as a psychiatrist to read Sionis was delightful
"You're not the only one who steals from dumb white people!"
I'm a little disappointed they didn't include the "never call a woman broad" line from the trailer bc it's so good
the grocery shopping scene was adorable
again, B R U C E
"That's a beaver"
Bruce laughing with Harley and Cass while they watch cartoons
Helena practicing in the mirror to say "They call me Huntress"
Harley dealing with losing her apartment and Bruce then immediately finding out Doc sold her out and her trying to do the whole "it's just business" thing
A+ setting for Harley to kick ass
"Right in the tit!"
"You killed my sandwich!"
Zsasz's death was so satisfying!!!
especially Harley continuously stabbing him
and getting one last stab in after Renee told everyone to freeze
"I killed him so I'm just gonna go"
Helena proudly smiling when Harley pointed out she killed Black Mask's bestie
"We need firepower" "Will this be enough?" "No."
the whole exchange between Dinah and Helena (and then Harley)
the appearance of Harley's horrible shirt from Suicide Squad
"Gotta protect your girls"
Helena killing the guy in the tunnel!!!
Harley saying "You are so cool" and everyone else immediately agreeing
"When did she have time to do a shoe change?"
Helena giving Cass the same car she held during the Bertinelli Massacre and telling her to close her eyes
just Helena being so hostile towards everyone but immediately being gentle with Cass
the cute vest Harley let Renee borrow saving her
Dinah using her powers!!!!!
Helena showing up like a knight in shining armor on her motorcycle
the way Harley looked at her when she did
"Because I'm Harley fucking Quinn!"
Harley wasting her only shot
Harley apologizing to Cass
"You made me wanna be less of a shitty person"
Black Mask's death was PERFECT!!!!
the post fight brunch with margaritas and tacos!!!!
Dinah and Harley supporting Helena going by Huntress
them pointing out that Renee talks in cop cliches
Harley stealing Dinah's car and running off with Cass and the diamond
sometimes a family can be a chaotic bi anti-villain, her adoptive pick pocket kid, a hyena named after Bruce Wayne, a stuffed beaver in a pink tutu, and egg sandwiches
In conclusion, please go see Birds of Prey!!!
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ificanthaveu · 4 years
Dani Reviews Wonder
hello, I'm well aware no one asked for this but this is the only way I can order my thoughts on an album and when Romance came out, someone literally asked me to fully review it and I've never forgotten about that and I loved writing a full review so hello here I am
I hate that I have to do this but DISCLAIMER: these are my opinions. I get that you may not agree with them and that’s totally cool, but if you come into my inbox attacking my opinions on a song, I will not answer it and it will be deleted without a second thought. Let’s discuss the songs, not tear each other apart 
and LET’S GO
Ok so I typically do nothing with intros because I usually think they’re a waste of time. HOWEVER, I really like this one. Now that we’ve heard the whole album, it really encapsulates the entire feel of the rest of the album. It’s been on my playlist since it’s been released and I'm obsessed with it. The soft little piano in the beginning is just perfect and I really love the build up. (not many lyrics to chose from here ope)
You have a million different faces, but they'll never understand unless you let them in
I never did a full analysis like I was going to for this song. However, I’m going to do like half of one here. I honestly feel like he can be talking about himself, his fans or a girl. You can see it in all 3 ways. I also just feel like there are some lyrics in this where I'm like YES. It reminds me a little bit of Mirrorball by Taylor Swift in the fact that we expect so much from celebrities and like.....why??? It’s just kind of fucked. I think this is honestly such a good single and I really really love it. I feel like it’s just really pure?? if that makes sense. Like he’s just being like “I wonder why it is like this.” and the BRIDGE ugh she's so beautiful.
I wonder why I’m so afraid of saying something wrong. I never said I was a saint.
A CERTIFIED BOP. It’s just so lively and upbeat and I wanna dance and I CANNOT WAIT to hear this live. It’s going to be absolutely insane. Blasted it on my way to get coffee this morning. And the lyrics are so lovey and cute but the beat is just too fkn good. I feel like it’s a very common theme in this album to be like “with you, nothing else matters” and like...can’t relate but ALAS I love the music about it anyway.
All eyes are lookin' at us but I can't stop fallin' in love
4. 24 HOURS
OH BOY time to FKN CRY. I absolutely love how old timey it feels. Especially the beginning, it makes me think of 50s music and I’ve been on a big 50s kick recently. Again he’s just so loud about being I don’t care what anyone thinks because I love you and I know it’s you and like YES PLEASE. and just being so in love that you’d throw it all away to come home to that person every day. I really love how the lyrics start with him being like I don’t know how to do this at all but I love you so lets go from there and then figure out the rest. And quoting “only fools rush in” made me so emotional. I love how simple the music is behind it because I think it really encapsulates the feeling of the song. It’s so hard to pick a favorite lyrics for this song my god.
(Besides the entire chorus) I paint the world that you deserve, every color you'd imagine
UMMMM OK???? Very Justin Timberlake vibes for me personally. Very 70s. Very vibey. “Draw a map for me laced with strawberries” ???? HOMIES I cannot I genuinely cannot. As sexual as this is, I also think it’s just so PURE. Like just teach me what’s best for you and I’ll do it. Also like...Shawn say “fuck” challenge like homie you could’ve just said it. Please. I also feel like if I was in love with someone, it’d hit different but for me it is just so FUN and I love the guitar parts a TOn. Like Idk how you can’t just get up and dance to this. Also this one live is going to be other worldly. And “babe I won’t stop til you feel the rush” I MEANNNN
F'ing me up, I'm what you dеserve
Ok, so idk what to really say about this one. I like the concept. I think the concept itself is really sweet and fuck it hits different when you’re away from all your friends especially during quarantine and college in general. Like I was (still am) on the phone with my friends constantly, because like Shawn said, they know me better than any one else ever will because they watched me go and grow through it. It’s also just sad because we grow up and grow apart and fuck it’s HARD. I’m not a huge fan of the chorus and I think that’s the main thing for me. The verses are sweet, but idk really about the chorus. I’m just indifferent about the chorus. But there are just lyrics in here that really hit me like “I miss how it was when we we wished we were older.” that one really gets me. 
I know you gotta make some sacrifices, I don't wanna be alone for one more night
Ok I LOVE THIS SONG but I have to first get something off my chest. The first time I listened to it, I could only think of the dream song from shark boy and lava girl. I don’t know why. But I’m done with that now. Moving on. This song is just so sweet and lovey and I’m obsessed with it. I really like the rhythm of it?? I think that’s the word I’m looking for idk. ALSO him talking about their little touch bracelets like wtf why is no one in love with me. I honestly don’t have much to say about this except that I’m thoroughly obsessed with it. I kinda feel like this song could be in a movie?? you feel me??? The echoey “dream”s are also just GORGEOUS, also how it gets so soft at the end fuck I love this song. And if I think too much about it I’ll cry, but the parallels between Dream and Dream of You
I don't wanna wake up without you laying next to me
This song makes me sad. Very sad. God, just the feeling of having a notification and wanting it to be that one person and it just never is but every time you’re like ok but what if. I was thinking about this last night and the way I see it is that he’s made it clear all of his songs are for/about Camila. So I feel like this one is very guard up, being like “no no this isn’t about you, I swear I’m not writing songs about you. it’s about no one. it’s just something I made up” which just makes it all so much harder. Also the use of “someone” instead of “her” or “you” is also very like “I’m not going to say it.” It’s just all very sad because you have to imagine everyone asking him all the time who his songs are about and he just had to keep saying “no one.” This is the first time where he’s actually been able to say “HEY THEY’RE ABOUT MY GIRLFRIEND.” And like fuck, finally. Also imagining Shawn drunk calling her and her having to say she doesn’t feel the same. AND when he's like it’s fine I’ll be fine anyway as his voice kind of trails off like GOD that feeling HURTS. I just have way too much to say about this song because I think you can go really deep into it on what the years before Camila and him started dating were really like for him. 
Close my eyes, things are better in my dreams, 'cause I'm with someone, someone I adore
I won’t say too much about this bc this song has been out for a little bit, so I’ll make this a little more personal. my friend Han is a HUGE Justin fan and I am pretty obviously a HUGE Shawn fan. and we’d always be like “omg what if” but we thought it was never going to happen so when rumors started circulating about this, we were fucking freaking out. This song is literally our dream collab. I think Justin was the perfect person for this song because of his time in the public eye. And just the whole song being like “you put me up here, so I guess you’re the only one who can push me off.” And it is pretty fucked how we put celebrities on these pedestals and expect them to not make any mistakes at all when we are constantly making them. It’s just hypocritical. It’s also hard to pick a favorite lyric for this one because I think there are a lot that hit hard so I’m doing a fave Shawn and fave Justin
Raise me up into the sky until I'm short of breath // ‘Cause unforgiveness keeps them in control
10. 305
This one surprised me in the best way. I have no idea what I was expecting for this song but god I LOVE IT. I’m obsessed with it and want to jam forever. Just very boppy??? and so HAPPY. I get so smiley when I listen to it. “Waiting for the moment that you’ll let me down” just stuck out to me because I feel like that’s such a universal feeling. Like when everything’s going so good and you’re like....ok what’s about to go wrong. I’m literally dancing in my seat to this baby. The chorus is so catchy and I really wish I was in love pt 358933. I think this may be crowned as my favorite on the album. It’s just so fun and full of love. 
Would take my heart with you if you walked away
I have been looking forward to this one and she did not disappoint!! Again, this man is screaming about how in love he is and yes, sir I’m listening. You’re the only one my heart keeps coming back to!!!!! And just the very loud instrumental with the soft “always been you”s is SO GOOD. The boy who’s really underneath all the scars and insecurities!!! God, I just feel like this one is especially raw about love. And for the thousandth time, really wish I was in love to fully feel this but STILL it has such a good beat but is still so so soft. 
Full of words I don't know how to say
Heavily reminds me of Jealous by Nick Jonas and I am HERE FOR IT. I feel like we haven’t gotten a ton of this blatant jealousy from him and the HONESTY of this is very like yes I'm possessive. I’m so into you it hurts!!! The counting is also.....hot. Idk why but I love a song that’s very like “yes I'm protective and pathetic and reckless and what about it???” Again, love the beat. A little 80s in my opinion (here’s me remembering it’s MJ inspired lmao). 
From the second you walked in the room, my night is ruined
*deep breath bc I love this song so much* ok so I read the lil things Spotify had underneath before each song and I cried immediately when I just READ that it was for the fans and then listening to it in that light just killed me. ALSO if you saw his insta live last night he was literally like “look up at the stars!! remember that one!!” and now I'm like OK THANKS. Anyways, It is so soft and fuck it’s so meaningful. This is one of my favorites for sure. It’s literally like he’s sending you away from the concert and this would be such a good closing song (I know it won’t be but I can dream). I’m crying again but “I'm not going to let you down”??? PLEASE I JUST. Calling us angels!! I’LL NEVER BE ALONE Y’ALL I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS TOO MUCH. Never Be Alone has very much turned into our song with Shawn as his way to be like hey I’m always here so YOU’LL never be alone, and now here he is saying because YOU ALL are here I am never going to be alone. AND FUCK IT HITS DIFFERENT. AND SPENDING THE NIGHT IN WONDERLAND WITH YOU!!!! God I’m just a puddle after this one
the streetlights are all saying your name, they always say your name
he wrote this on his own and yes I'm emotional about it. I don’t think he’s released a song he’s written on his own since handwritten revisited??? (correct me if I'm wrong) but even that alone is enough for me to know he’s getting way more confident in his music. I think it’s a really good closing because it’s so soft and acoustic and very true to him as he started. The raspiness and realness of it even with the lil thing he says at the end. AGAIN, why tf have I not felt a love like this yet??? Of course, I’m just going to not think of it romantically but just having those people where you can’t even begin to even think about what your life would be like without them. Like I think the lack of descriptors is actually really powerful because like...he can’t imagine it, he can’t explain it so let me just tell you that I genuinely don’t know what would happen if you weren’t here. It closes out the album perfectly (not many lyrics to pick from here lmao)
Without you, all things right would feel so wrong
OVERALL - I honestly really like it there are a bunch of songs I can see myself listening to for a WHILE but there are a few that I'm very eh on as well. I really like the sound of it and the production and just the ~feel~ of the whole album
1. 305
2. Look Up At The Stars
3. 24 Hours
Honorary mentions: Dream and Teach Me How To Love
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thesassiestcolor · 4 years
RWBY7 Soundtrack first impressions :D
I do this every year for the past 3, so considering how excited I am for this one, I couldn’t possibly skip it! (and yes, some YT channels have okay quality of the songs up already) 
Disclaimer: I am musically inclined but by no means a music theory person. Don’t come at me about keys and chords and shit
Trust Love: This is totally gonna be my “Cheer” song for the rest of the year lmao there’s GREAT rising moments you can’t help but scream along with!!! Very hope punk of Jeff Williams!! And I love the recurring theme of Ruby (and all the characters in general) waiting and wanting Something to make everything easier (to live in a fairy tale, defeat evil and safe everyone) but they ultimately know that it’s up to THEM to do it! Not Ironwood or anyone else, YOU gotta be the good person!! 
Be the positive influence you want in the world!! The way’s uncertain but we’re together!!! Trust love babey!! 
Touch the Sky: You know those upbeat songs you hear the beginning of coming of age comedies?? This is that song. I will probably wake up to this song for the next month lol it is SPEWING positivity. 
I was hoping it to be a total Blake song - which it TOTALLY could be, if there was more of her piano motif - but there is a totally awesome riff and piano solo! near the end that hints at it. Not to mention the lyrics are all about being surprised at your own potential, your own greatness and lovable traits. It’s perfect for anyone really, in or out or rwby that’s learning to love themselves and I’m gonna make myself tear up omg but it’s amazing! 
Let’s Get Real: Okay, I wasn’t really looking forward to the total pop, semi club-songs we heard at Robyn’s rally, but I gave it a chance. And yeah, it’s sort of a generic, happy love song. I’d equate it to Neon or Dream Come True - pure fluff that’s a good bop but meh (I’m more for the really heavy fast songs anyway, but I won’t bash this one for not being my thing lol)
Celebrate: this one is pretty similar to Let’s Get Real ^ only I don’t even get the point since we already have the sort-of pop song for the volume XD (not to mention that this volume isn’t really the one I would think of as super up beat happy times lol) Also a rap section! I can’t tell just by ear if it’s Lamar Hall, but I’d be surprised if it was anyone else 
But I will say it’s got way more of a funk feeling, lots of horns and low bass, almost like an 80s song lmao. I could see this being a great karaoke song 
Brand New Day: Okay we’re still on the happy up beat section, but it’s with music I actually LIKE!! YES!
Also Jeff’s lines are about Qrow and you can fight me on THAT: “drunk loser hall of fame”? “trapped inside this place I made”?? “I know I’ve failed so many times, drowned the troubles in my mind, burning everything in 100 proof”?? “All this self destruction can be rearranged” “PUT A FULL STOP ON THE TRAINWRECK THAT IM IN??” The general classic rock feel of the bridge?? STFU ITS A QROW SONG WE GOT ANOTHER ONE BOOYSSS HALLELUJAH 
Also it’s strange to hear Jeff belting to a happy song lol it’s so refreshing!! This might be my favorite but War is coming up sooo I just love it!!
War: This slowly became my most anticipated because oh my god the fast paced belting ones are my shit!! TBH I’m having a hard time understanding all of the lyrics (and there’s a few strange tempo changes) but it’s still awesome!
The drums!! They’re changed a bit and the lyrics and clearer, but HOLY SHIT THE ENERGY! THE RIFFS! This is a workout song in it’s purest form, I just want to GO when I hear it!
Hero: Did I scream when I heard Caleb Hyles during the episode? Yes I did. Did I scream when I heard the haunting, slow buildup of this song? YES I DID
The buildup is so ATLAS I can’t believe it, very This Life is Mine. Say what you want about Ironwood, but this really is the perfect song for him. Very self assured, heroic type (but not as glorifying as Adam, Ironwood does at least want to save SOME people :/) But it also shows that Ironwood is a bit messed up in his total shutdown of emotions, his admittance that he “lacks a heart” which 1. amazing tin man references!! Yes!! and 2) we really should have seen ep 11 coming huh. I got played at least
Again, I’ll probably be using this as a great workout song, because DAMN the confidence this injects into you is crazy!! 
Until The End: So I always say I don’t get into the slower songs very easily (I’m still not that into Forever fall a year later lol) but when I heard this mixed with Ozpin’s speech that basically summed up the whole volume, I knew it was gonna hit different. and holy shit does it hit different
Casey brings probably her best performance in my opinion. The mixing and echoes with the piano helps a ton, but the lyrics also fucked me up too shit. I think that all the happy songs we’re to balance out how absolutely desolate this one piece is. Think In the Arms of the Angels level of crying
There are a few lines that could lead to great speculation from the fndm, I think I have to recover first, but “A spark fills my eyes. I’ll picture me beside her, and pray that I inspire. I promised I’d be here until our story has been told.” My first thought is Summer? I’ll have to take a few more listens, but yeah. This fucked me up.
Fear has been out, and I’ve screamed about it already, but it is still one of my favorites out of everything. Perfectly encapsulates the major fault in the volume, fucking rocks, has great lines to sing along to, can be interpreted for Raven, and also asks for a bit of self reflection. 
So I wasn’t blown away by the two pop songs, War was a bit more repetitive that I would have liked, and the opening was alright, but the ones I were looking forward to the most hit HARD. Definitely not disappointed, definitely will listen on repeat for like, six months
Jeff really gives us everything huh lol
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In A World of Grey🎶🎼
Chapter One
Adj: A color intermediate between black and white
Adj: Pale, as through tiredness, age, or illness
‘Didn’t even notice, no punches there to roll with.’
Grey raced down the sidewalk, popping her hips to the music in her ears, grey hair swinging around her hips. She knew she should’ve left the house earlier but, the music was so distracting.
As always, Grey danced to the beat that no one else could hear. A few people sent her dirty looks but, she was too focused on the voice. Today was the day she was going to take the entrance exam for U.A., a prestigious high school for aspiring heroes. She’s dreamed of being a hero for so long and this is her chance to make this a reality. As long as she’s alive her dream of being “Musicality”, a pro hero of sound, will be achieved.
Her breath caught in her throat as she stared up at the entrance of U.A., a few happy tears pooing in her light grey eyes. Grey walked through the entrance, looking around in awe at all the students that came. Some had mutation quirks while others appeared to be normal teenagers.
‘You’ve got to keep me focused, You want it? Say so.’
‘It’s so inspirational,’ she fawns at the lyrics. While a lot of people would hate to have music constantly buzzing, it makes Grey feel happy, almost like she’s never alone. Plus, it’s good for her quirk!
“Get out of my fucking way, extra,” she was pushed to the side by a boy with blonde spiky hair. His fists were bunched at his side as he kept going, leaving the girl to wonder what his face looked like.
“Sorry for being in the way,” she smiles brightly, waving at his back. He seems to go rigid for a second before he continues on his path to the school’s front.
Time seems to blur for Grey because one moment she’s standing outside and the next she’s inside a large auditorium sitting at a desk with a pamphlet as she stared at the pro hero known as Present Mic. She wonders if she’d ever get to train with him, wondering if her quirk can be affected by pitches of voice.
‘It’s been a long time since you, fell in love.’
“...ALSO, THAT GIRL KEEPS HUMMING! IT’S DISTRACTING AND DISRESPECTFUL TO THIS HERO,” Grey came out of a small stupor to hundreds of eyes staring at her. She cocked her head to the side, a lip stuck out to form a pout.
“Sorry,” the shouting boy, she would come to know as Iida, tensed the same way the blonde did earlier. It was almost like he could feel how sorry she was and that made him feel like a monster for yelling at the sweet girl. Before he could apologize, Present Mic asked him to sit down so he could continue with the directions for the exam.
“OKAAYYY LISTENERS! DO YOU BEST,” she looks around as people start to leave the auditorium. She giggles when Present Mic seems to get louder; a fellow enthusiastic spirit was found that day.
“Little listener, what are you still sitting there for for?” Grey waited till everyone cleared out. She was reading over the exam information since she hadn’t heard any of Present Mic’s speech. “Were you the one doing the humming? Great tone by the way but wrong place, mini missy.”
“Sorry,” she’s been saying that word a lot lately; it’s becoming her favorite. “My quirk distracts me alot but, that’s okay! I can do this! Heroes always have to adapt so this must be another step for me,” she sprinted out as she was saying her impassioned blurb. “And GREAT SPEECH...well, I wouldn’t know but I bet it was good. BYYYYE.”
Present Mic watched the girl retreat, entranced by her words and adorable presence. “I’ll be watching out for that one.”
Grey manages to make her way to her designated, her peers already ready as they face in to the fake city scene the school prepared. She didn’t know if her quirk would work on the robots but, she sure as hell was going to try.
She could still feel the music flowing through her brain; the melody had repeated so many times she now had it memorized. This was her chance to prove herself. Now, she just had to find the robots.
“Helpppp,” well that was quick! She followed the wailing voice to find a short, brown-haired girl surrounded by three of the robots. It looked like the robots were closing in quick so, she had to act fast.
‘What if it doesn’t work on the robots?!?! I could get her killed and eaten...well not eaten but killed for sure. Uhhgh no no no, I can’t think this way. I’m going to help,’ Grey runs up behind one of the robots, preparing to use her quirk.
“And we can dance all day around it, if you frontin’, I’ll be bouncing,” Grey starts busting out her funky fresh moves while she sings, the lyrics pushed to the surface of the robots. The girl in trouble notices how as she dances and sings, the robots try to copy her moves, only for them to topple over as she continues to dance and sing, having too much fun to notice how it affects the other robots.
“If you want it, scream it. Shout it, babe. Before I leave you dryyy,” Grey bops to her sound, her round hips swaying in circles, her arms in the air as she gyrates to a rhythm unknown to them all. Consequently, the girl gnaws the attention of some robots (a couple which were almost destroyed by her peers before she caught their attention), the robots trying to copy her but short-circuiting from the high energy that radiated from her, leaving the teachers that were watching the exam baffled.
Grey continues her escapade of dancing, not even noticing as the same girl she saved earlier was being saved by a green-haired boy with cute freckles that almost destroyed his entire body.
The boy smashed the top of the robot, leaving it to topple forward, moments away from crushing both of the students.
“Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment. I’d let you had I known it, why don’t you say so?” the robot freezes midfall, stuck in that position. Why? How? Well, it was all because of Grey shimmying her way up the robots back, eyes closed as she still was unaware of the sheer pressure she gave off. Her eyes were closed and her tongue was lolled out the side of her mouth as she smiled.
“Didn’t even notice, no punches there to roll with. You got to keep me focused, you want me? Say so,” by now? She was on its head, doing an 80’s American disco move as she stomped on its head to the beat of the song. She was stomping so hard, a hole caved in from her foot, the robot falling to its side.
Grey stumbled as the robot fell to the ground, not really knowing what had happened. All she knew was that everyone was staring at her and a robot was shaking its metaphorical ass behind her.
“Hehe, uhh, sorry?”
Meanwhile, the teachers didn’t know what to say. Grey literally danced all over the robot’s ass while still keeping an aura of goofiness. What in the fuck? Why in the fuck did they just witness?
“Mini Missy, definitely didn’t expect that.”
‘I know I fucked up, I’m just a loser.’
Grey was antsy for the arrival of the acceptance letter from U.A. It seemed like she already knew she would attend the school yet, she didn’t stop worrying over the facts.
Her eyes strained up to the ceiling, staring at nothing in particular, just listening to the music. She mumbled the lyrics out loud for the universe to hear. It was a song she created herself.
At first, Grey was hesitant to make her own music, scared that she could hurt someone. But, she figured she may as well if she even considered going to the school of her dreams. The song was upbeat yet, the lyrics echoed her somber thoughts.
Yes, she was lonely. Her father had jumped at the opportunity to ship her off to Japan once she told him that she wanted to attend the same high school that Present Mic taught at. She needed help controlling her quirk and he was the only option other than her father that she could think of to help her.
Her relationship with her father had been strained for a long time, both of them never acknowledging what had happened. He tried to be there for her but, the combined tasks of being a hero and dealing with his own emotional baggage proved to be too strenuous for the man.
For the most part, Grey was content with living by herself. She wasn’t happy (then again, she hadn’t really been happy for a long time) but, she wasn’t upset. Although, being alone took a toll on her she often forgot to eat when she got too wrapped up in the music. Sometimes, the music wasn’t pleasant, inducing nightmares that kept her in a coma-like state for hours. She’d scream at what the sounds suggested, trapped in her mind. Blood would pool in her mouth. So, yeah, it would be nice to have someone around to care for her when that happened.
‘Shouldn’t be with ya, guess I’m a quitter.’
This was one of those times. As much as she loved the music, she couldn’t deny the price it took from her. Immobilized by something she couldn’t see, forced to feel what the music chose for her to hear.
As for friends, Grey didn’t have any.
As for family, Grey didn’t have any.
As for emotional support, Grey didn’t have any.
All she had was herself and she had learned to be happy with that; she learned it’s easier to accept the facts rather than deny them.
Eventually, the music dulled from a lion’s roar to a kitten’s mewl but, Grey didn’t move. Her own blood was choking her yet, it felt like a normal suffocating feeling. It seemed into her clothes m, sticking to her skin and assaulting her senses with a copper smell.
‘Now I’m in the bathroom crying, think I’m slowly sinking.’
Grey got up to answer her front door and came face to face with the mailman. She probably should’ve tried to clean the blood from her face though.
“M-Ma’am, are you okay? Where are you bleeding from? Do you need an ambulance?” the mailman reached out to touch her. It felt good to be touched.
“Ohhhh, this looks worse than what it is,” she giggled. “I’m actually great. My quirk kinda does this from time to time! I still gotta control it. Sorry for scaring you,” she scratches the back of her neck, sheepishly grinning.
The mailman tensed as many people do when they encounter her, not really knowing what to do as the girl dazzled him. He kinda just pushed the envelope into her hands and dashed to the elevator with a red face.
‘Maybe he’s constipated,’ she thought as she closed the door.
This was it; the moment she finds out if she’s going to get the help she needs to be the hero she’s dreamt of.
“MINIIII MISSSSY, IT’S ME, PRESENT MIC. IM JUST GONNA SAY, you’ve got some moves and that voice,” hologram Mic does a chef kiss and gives her a Cheshire grin. “MUAHHH, DELICIOSO. THERE’S NO QUESTION YOU’RE DEFINITELY ACCEPTED. Between the rescue and attack points, you’ve scored 98 points!!! Some of them weren’t counted, seeing as you stole some points from others but, STILL THATS A LOT. I LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING YOU. PEACE OUT, MINI MISSY,” she blinked.
“Huuhahwhuahh,” Grey kept staring at the hologram, still not believing what he said.
Seeing as Grey couldn’t even remember what happened during the exam, she didn’t think she did good. Apparently, music once again comes to her aid.
She decides to call her dad, hoping that he’ll answer for once. The first call, he doesn’t answer; he never answers the first time. The second call, he doesn’t answer; she expects that. But, the third call, he actually picks up.
“Hello, Grey. Is something wrong?” Her mouth dries. Hearing his voice makes her throat scrunch, her tear ducts getting ready for the flood. “Grey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all. I just wanted to tell you I got accepted to U.A.,” she fiddles with the carpet at her feet. “I got 98 points on the exam too although, I did kinda daze out so I don’t remember much.”
“That’s good but, you need to stop blanking out. You need to be more considerate of the safety of other,” what about her? “Hopefully, you can get control of it. Listen, I have to go. I have a mission so, I won’t be answering my phone for a while.”
“WAIT...how is she?”
“She’s fine,” he hangs up.
She stared at the floor, music coming back. The phone’s still in her hand as she drops her arms to her side. She just stands there.
‘While you’re out there drinking, I’m just here thinking, bout where we shoulda been. I’ve been lonely.’
‘Snogglefuck, music always has to make me late,’ Grey was running down the sidewalk to U.A., dodging the reporters that stood at the entrance. It’s bad enough she can’t stay in to dance so there’s no way she wants to deal with those paid vultures.
‘Don’t we look good together, there’s a reason why they watch us all night long.’
‘Well, there shouldn’t be any harm in a little bit of music,’ she thinks as she shuffled side to side. Oh, poor adorable dancing bean.
She kinda loses track of time, somewhat aware of the world around her but still, shaking her body. She’s bumbled into a few people that give her a few dirty looks (in their defense, she is dancing with no music or humming) but, that doesn’t deter her from walking into Class 1-B, mistaking it for 1-A.
“Missy, wrong class,” Vlad tries to tell her but, she really isn’t listening. “Aizawa’s gonna have his work cut out with this one,” he corrects his mistake by gently grabbing her and placing her at 1-A’s door. He goes to walk off but sees she’s once again dancing towards his class.
“Aizawa, she’s dancing and she keeps trying to follow me back to my class,” Vlad’s tone may be gruff but, he’s amused. He has to nudge her into her assigned class, all while observing that her dancing is increasing in energy. In all his career, he’s never wanted to dance as much as he did then. “Get your little idol.”
“I APOLOGIZE FOR MY CLASSMATE’S MISTAKE. WE HAVEN’T SEEN OUR SENSEI YET. PLEASE EXCUSE HER,” the same boy that reprimanded her at the entrance exams is bowing before the two of them. Vlad just grunts, sporting Aizawa’s sleeping bag underneath his desk but chose not to mention it.
“Just keep her on track,” he turns and ruffles her hair which pulls her out of her trance. “Don’t go dancing off alone before we have to call a search party.”
Grey blushes once she understands that music once again blurred her. But, you can’t really blame her. It’s so catchy!
“Gahhh sorry,” she bows to Vlad and Iida. “The music is awesome though. I’m sure you’d throw it back to the song if you could hear it. Then again, it’s in my head so it’s not like you can unless I made it but, still it’s good. You know I-I’m just gonna go find my seat,” she scurries off.
“What’s your name,” Iida asks. Vlad left him in charge of watching her for the time being and he intends to watch like a hawk.
“Keenum Grey, yeah I see the look on your face. I’m American,” she twirls, not really for Iida but to the beat again. She’s trying to fight the urge.
“YOU OVER THERE WITH YOUR FEET ON THE DESK, REMOVE THEM,” and Iida’s back to yelling. She notes that his yelling isn’t really to be rude so, she’s knows it isn’t bad. “And Keenum-san, I apologize for yelling at you. I didn’t stop to think the humming was for your quirk. It was amazing how you fought those robots and I have noted you to be a worthy rival.”
“Huah? Rival? I didn’t even do anything,” she pouts and stalks over to her desk, slamming her head into it which effectively drives away the music.
‘Why is a saggy banana on the floor?’ she thinks of getting up to kick it. ‘Noooo, don’t do it. What if it moves? I’m not prepared for that possibility. But, I’m curious...I’m gonna do it.’
“Cutie?!” a hand waves around her face to catch her attention. “Are you ignoring me? Aw c’mon, I haven’t even done anything...yet!”
Grey turns to looks at a boy with honey blonde yellow hair, a fringe in the front with a lightning bolt design. His yellow eyes dance with mischief and it makes the music loud once again.
“Oh! No, sorry! I daze out sometimes but hai,” she waves as she sticks her tongue out for her signature greeting (she knows it’s not proper but since she literally shakes her ass every ten minutes, she might as well do what she wants). “I’m Keenum Grey. I look forward to being friends.”
“Kaminari Denki. Oh my god, you really are cute. You have a music quirk, right? Wanna be my songbird?” she bursts out laughing, making a few people around the two laugh as well. “Woooah, you can control emotions too.”
“Kaminari, you’re hogging her,” a boy with three purple balls for hair pops up on her side. He’s playing with a piece of her hair.
“You must like Dutch braids?...Aren’t they just dutchtecular?” Grey says it with such a straight face that Kaminari tries so hard not too snort. “C’mon, you like em. You wanna dutch with the dutch! Kaminari, you know you wanna laugh at the pun. Succumb to the laughter,” she waggles her brows.
“That’s not the only thing I like,” Mineta’s Hans grazed Grey’s exposes thigh.
“Did-DID YOU JUST TOUCH MY aSsEtS?” Grey gasps. Kaminari sounding like a dying whale beside her. Mineta eases away when Iida comes up to her desk, eyes narrowing in on the boy who tried to touch the innocent girl.
“Are you okay?” He asks her to which she nods. “Good, YOU CAN’T TOUCH WOMEN LIKE THAT.”
“I could’ve handled him. I was gonna yeet him out the window,” a determined look crossed her face as she smashed a fist to her hand. Iida gives her an exasperated look. “Hey, it’s yeet or be yeeted in this world. And, he was empty.”
At this point, Kaminari and another boy with black hair and unique elbows were cracking up. Hell, most people in the class had found the girl entertaining. The class had been somewhat quiet (other than Iida’s yelling or Bakugou’s yelling) before she showed up.
‘When I walk in with you, I watch the whole room change. Shut the shit down on sight, that’s right. We out here dripping in finesse.’
Grey hit her head down on the desk to drive the music away.
“Hey, hey, don’t do that. It’s dangerous,” the black haired boy told her. “Also, I’m Hanta Sero. Nice to meet you.” Grey decided that she liked his smile.
“Keenum Grey! And, sorry, I kinda gotta do it or the whole class may be dancing if I don’t,” that got the attention of the two you were sitting beside.
“I ain’t dancing to shit,” the blonde with spiky hair said. Grey can finally see his face m (there’s no way she could forget hair like that). His carmine eyes make his face seem even harsher but, they don’t hold the same malice as his voice would suggest.
“That’s what she said,” Grey high-fives Kaminari. “But, who are you? I bumped into you at the entrance exam.”
“Bakugou Katsuki; not that it should matter to you, shitty girl. I’m going to be the best,” she nods her head.
“You must be really strong. I hope you’re able to be the best,” the people in the room go steel. She’s so heartfelt and wholesome that they all want to give her head pats. Hell, even Bakugou can tell she’s being sincere.
“Tch, whatever, shitty girl,” he turns to look out the window to hide his soft eyes.
“That was manly,” the redhead behind Bakugou says. His teeth are sharp and remind her of shark teeth, making her want to touch them to see if they’d hurt her. He had red eyes too but his are a bit happier than Bakugou’s.
‘Why is everyone so good looking? And fit? It’s like being surrounded by webtoons!’ Grey thinks to herself. She’s fits as well but she’s always had a thicker frame with wide hips, making her an hourglass shape.
“...WHY THE FUCK IS HE HERE,” and she oops. She hears Bakugou yelling at a greenette that walked through the door. This is when the banana starts to move, drawing a scream from Grey.
“IT’S MOVING!!! SOMEONE PEEL IT, PLEEEEASE. IT’S GONNA...ohh wait, it’s a sleeping bag. False alarm,” Aizawa facepalms. This girl reminds his mmm of Yamada.
“EVERYONE. IN YOUR SEATS,” he proceeds to tell them not to only focus on making friends and that’s he’s going to test them. Grey, however, it too busy chilling with finesse in her brain.
“Whoever comes last, gets expelled,” gasps ring around her and she nods. Now is the time to prove herself. She’ll show everyone she’s a force to look out for. Now, she just has to ignore the jamfest in her heart.
I’m really excited for this new series😁
Chapter Soundtrack: Say So by Doja Cat, SupaLonely by Benee, Finesse by Bruno Mars ft. Cardi B
@sinclairsamess @sakurashortstack
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moviediary · 4 years
Grease 2
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So, this movie kind of slaps in the worst way ever. You have to watch it with the knowledge that it’s terrible, it makes it a lot better. The songs are pretty underrated, a lot of them are low key bops and I would probably listen to them without watching the movie. It’s a product of its time so of course it’s aggressively heteronormative even though the main guys are very queer coded just like most 80s movies. The main girl is a fine singer, but her character is kind of boring and really just an ass most of the time. She also has no business being in a movie about the 50s (or maybe the 60s it’s not very clear) she is so obviously a quintessential 80s chick from her hair to her leather pants, she’s basically Sandy’s makeover as a person. In my opinion the main love interest could have done a lot better. He spends the whole movie doing the reverse of the first movie, going from geek to biker??? Yeah, they all ride motorcycles now, but they’re still called T-Birds which really doesn’t make sense but nothing in this movie really does. Oh! And Frenchy is in it, she came back to high school to complete her chemistry credits?? The whole movie is a mess but honestly, I enjoy watching it. I’ll watch it again, I already have.
Basically it’s the first movie but gender swapped and with a talent show and biker gangs.
The T-Birds really make this movie, they’re the most interesting characters in it. Their leader Johnny is funny and likeable despite being a dick, he has very obvious vulnerability and growth during the film which makes the audience not hate him. His goons are hilarious, they have some of the best lines in the movie and I actually laughed out loud at some of the shit they said. I could do without the gratuitous sexualization of high schoolers but what can you do. I don’t really understand why they have beef with this 20-person biker gang of full-grown adults that apparently have nothing better to do than antagonize 4 teenagers but hey I get it they need a common enemy. I also get that they were going for anger and jealousy when Johnny looked at Michael every time he was being his sexy mysterious biker persona but maybe they should have told him that because that definitely isn’t what’s coming across in his face. He has the biggest man crush I have ever seen I swear.
Michael, who is apparently Sandy’s cousin even though he’s British and she was Australian, really drives the story; everything happens because he wants to date Stephanie even though the only real conversations, they’ve had are just him being nice and her being a dick the whole time but I guess she’s pretty? So he becomes a biker to be what she wants because she wouldn’t date a hot smart guy with a British accent, no way he’s a loser. I guess. So instead he spends the whole movie trying to live up to her standards which is more than a little infuriating but lets be honest the plot isn’t really why you watch this movie. It really only starts happening in the 3rd act anyway, most of it is taken up by talent show hijinks and motorcycle themed music numbers. And a surprising amount of bowling. I wasn’t expecting the coolest kids in school to have their own bowling league but that bold choice did lead to a very confusing but fun musical number in which we see that Johnny sings high sometimes because he’s basically Danny in even tighter pants (somehow) and Paulette (a pink lady played by Judy Garland’s daughter) has an amazing voice that doesn’t get used enough in the songs.
There’s a lot of odd running gags in the movie that really don’t need to be there. Rhonda’s obsession with her “huge nose” even though it’s really not that big. The random teacher that had a nervous breakdown and keeps almost dying. The teacher whose whole gimmick is that she’s hot and maybe sleeping with her students? But definitely sleeping with the substitute teacher. The fact that Johnny’s right-hand man’s name is Goose? A reference to a movie that hadn’t even come out when this movie take place? I think anyway, like I said it’s really hard to pinpoint when this movie is supposed to take place. Also the T-Birds are on the football team I think? Or they’re running drills during PE which also doesn’t make sense with their characters. I don’t know man the whole movie is so strange they say stuff and then never bring it up again.
The ending is where I think the movie really lets you down. After a very weird talent show scene Where Steph has a very boring song and is all sad because she thinks Michael is dead, they have a party. And the party is a Luau and it’s quite possible one of the whitest things I’ve ever seen its so embarrassing. They have a long song about how they’re having a Luau and then they have a bunch of shirtless guys carry Steph and Johnny into a pool on a big throne/raft thing? And then the biker gang bursts in because they have nothing better to do and everyone’s screaming and throwing things it’s very chaotic. The continuity errors in this scene are absolutely outrageous. Then Michael shows up out of nowhere and Johnny literally quivers when he sees him (yeah he’s straight) and he singlehandedly kicks out all those hardened criminals. Then there’s a very long and awkward moment where they initiate Michael into the T-Birds even though school is basically over at this point and then Steph and Michael make out. One of my most hated scene tropes in movies, the very intimate confession and make out in the middle of a crowd. And then finally we have the last song of the movie in which Steph and Michael start off with a duet and their voices sound terrible together (it’s a sign and I refuse to believe otherwise) and then everyone else joins in and they try way too hard to tie up all the character’s storylines even though as the audience you weren’t really all that invested in greaser number three and pink lady number three’s sex life and most of these things didn’t really need to be sung out loud they were pretty minor parts of the movie. And oh, okay, everyone now ends up in a relationship even Paulette’s younger sister who I thought was in like, middle school but now I guess she’s dating the dumb guy from the T-Birds but they’re all seniors?? Okay…yeah, the ending fucking sucks it’s the worst part. The song is long and boring, and the choreography is bad but then they recap a bunch of the better songs during the credits and it’s all fine again!
Overall, the movie isn’t nearly as bad as I’ve heard other people say, I’ve seen much worse. And the thing is, the bad parts are kinda what makes it great in the first place. It’s kind of like when they made mean girls 2. It’s not really a sequel because non of the actually important characters are in it (except for Frenchy but she’s only there for like 10 minutes tops). It’s a cash grab but not the worst one. The songs are fun, and the characters are pretty fucking funny if you ignore how weird it is that they’re all like 30. I’d say watch it if it’s free to stream, don’t rent it. I probably get more out of it than a normal sane person because I read into character’s and their emotional connections way too much I basically am rewriting it in my head. I doubt anyone would be interested but I definitely broke down all the characters and their motivations and tried to figure out their actions, also known as me trying to create queer characters off of very unstable reasoning. Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyway, the people in this movie are pretty hot and most of the songs kinda slap so even if the plot is questionable other things make up for it.
As of now this movie is available for streaming on Amazon prime.
Final Verdict:
On my scale 7/10
Actual good movie scale 4/10
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Like father, like daughter, like granddaughter; current!Brian May x reader
*Author’s note*
So after watching an ASMR video I got a few ideas in my head at first I was gonna do a parent fic with this but then it got me thinking that what I hardly see enough fics of is Rog and Brian being grandparents so I figured why not? So I hope you all enjoy a bit of grandpa Bri in this fic and enjoy all the fluffiness that entails with this :)
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I’ve lived a long life.  From touring one of the biggest groups throughout the 1970’s-80’s, dealing with my own personal struggles, and losing a very dear friend of mine.  But I’d say it wasn’t all too bad for a man of 72, still touring with my dear friend Roger Taylor and a young talented fellow known as Adam Lambert, continuing to help fellow artists produce their music, and watching my family continue to grow.
I think the last part is especially important to me.  Without my kids I—I don’t even wanna think where I would be after all the shit I’ve been through in my life.  I would’ve missed them growing up, achieving their dreams, and even becoming…..
“Papa! Papa!” Parents of their own.  Because I’ve now been promoted from parent to grandparent.  And it seems my youngest granddaughter needs me.  I quickly got out of bed and headed over to her bedroom to see her trembling in fear.  Tears were glistening on her cheeks, a sign that she had been crying.
“Hey, hey now.” I soothed her as I came up to her and sat down in front of her. “Oh Gina darling what’s wrong?”
“It—it was….it was…..” she started choking out but I gently soothed her with gentle coos and wiping away her tears as I brushed away her curly hair she not only inherited from me but from her mum as well.
“Shhh, it’s okay. It’s okay. You can tell me.” I brushed my thumb across her cheek comfortingly and she looked up at me with those doe-like eyes her mum had when she was her age.
“Nightmare again.”
“Ohh another one? Oh my poor little badger, I’m so sorry.” I cooed as I stroked through her mess of dark brown curls.  Yeah she was definitely her mother’s daughter.  When (y/n) was around her age, she somehow would always get frequent nightmares which was hard on me because I would always be away on tour, and all I wanted was to get on the next flight and be there by her side and hold her in my arms.
Now Gina was going through the same thing while her mum was away with her father filming somethings for her nature program she does for the BBC (which I’ll be honest I wasn’t really crazy she got hired by them but since it was BBC Nature, I overlooked it).
“I’m sorry papa. I—don’t mean to have nightmares all the time.”
“No, no don’t say that poppet. It’s alright. Your mum was the same way when she was your age.”
“She was?” she whimpered with a sniffle.  I hummed a nod as I wiped away a tear from her cheek.
“Yep. So never feel bad about it again, okay? Just like with your mum I’ll be there to help you, always. No matter what.” she nodded with a soft whimper.  I smiled softly before asking her, “Do you want to tell me what it was about?”
“A scary clown monster.”
“Oh no the clown monster again? Aww my poor badger cub.” I stroked her cheek and rubbed her shoulder comfortingly. “Do you want me to check under the bed?”
“I already did that.”
“You did? Well I’m very proud of you for doing that. God you’re getting so brave.” I praised.
“Yeah but it didn’t help.”
“Did it not?” she shook her head. I hummed as I continued to rub her arm soothingly. “Well what do you think will help? What can I do? Can I—tickle you?” I reached out but just before I could begin tickling her curled up into a ball giggling already and proclaiming no. “No? You don’t want that? Okay. Then can I—give you lots and lots of kisses?” I then started repeatedly kissing her cheek making her scrunch up and she cried out through her giggles.
“No! Not that either!”
“No? Okay, okay I don’t have to do that either. Then what can I do love?” she looked down and fiddled with the sheets before finally saying.
“Mummy.” I looked at her sympathetically and said.
“Ohh lovie you know she’s still away at work.”
“Yeah. She’s in Africa with your dad, remember?” she looked down sadly and said.
“Can’t we Facetime with her?”
“Well she said they may not get good signal for a Facetime, but we can try to call her.”
“Yes, please can we call her.”
“Okay. But just a heads up she may not answer because she might be out in the field getting the footage that she needs.” That girl was always a perfectionist just like—well just like her Uncle Freddie.  And I guess like me in a way.
“Okay.” She muttered.
“Okay love. I’ll give her a call.” I put my glasses over my eyes so that I could see as I unlocked my phone and scrolled through to find (y/n)’s number. “Let’s see here. Alright, now we’ll see if it’ll ring.” I pressed her number and it went silent for a moment but then I heard it ring. “Yep it’s ringing love.” She adjusted herself and that’s when I heard my daughter’s voice.
“Hey darling.”
‘Hey dad. What are you doing calling me so late?’
“I’m really sorry to bother you darling. We—had a little trouble sleeping again.”
‘Oh. I see, I see.’ She hummed.
“Yeah nightmares.”
‘Oh no are you kidding me? Another nightmare.’
“Afraid not love. Poor little one’s been taking it hard.” I said as I stroked Gina’s cheek. I heard my daughter awe sympathetically.
‘Well I can chat for a couple of minutes.’
“Oh that’s great love. I know she would love to hear your voice.”
‘You wanna tag team this?’
“Well you did learn from the best.” She laughed and said.
‘That I did dad. Alright give her the phone okay?’
“Okay.” I then handed her my phone and said, “There you go Gina.” She took the phone and held it to her ear.
‘Hey sweetie, how are you?’ I could hear my daughter say.
“I’m scared mummy. The clown was chasing me with a knife and taunting me.” Oh my poor cubby.
‘Oh my god that’s just awful. I mean that clown actually had the audacity to just chase you around like that. That’s awful.’
“So terrible.” I added as I stroked her cheek soothingly and tucked her curly hair behind her ear.
“Mummy don’t make fun of me.”
‘I would never make fun of you baby and you know that.’
“You promise?”
‘I promise. In fact I double pinkie promise.’
“Wow you are serious.” I smiled softly as I chuckled and I could hear (y/n) chuckle as well.
‘So what’s your pops doing now?’
“Stroking my hair.” I smiled down at her as she said that.
‘Ahh stroking your hair. Just like he used to do with me when he was home and I was in your spot.’
“Yeah but I don’t like it.” I gave her the puppy dog pout as I kept stroking through her hair.
‘You don’t? Why not?’
“Because my hair is too curly and messy.” Ahh the never ending cycle of curly hair insecurity.
‘Now, hey, hey, hey. Don’t say that Gina love. I think you have beautiful hair.’
“Why mummy?”
‘Why? Well because not only did you inherit your hair from me, you also got it from your lovely pops that’s in front of you.’ At hearing that I smiled.
“He always had the curly hair?”
‘Yeah. He was born with it.’ I grinned.
“So you like where you got your hair from?”
‘No wait, wait you can’t say that out loud.’ Too late she already said it. And now I officially know it now, even though I’ve had my suspicions that she slowly grew confident in her curly hair just like I did.
“Why mummy?” That’s my girl Gina.
‘Well because I don’t want your pops to know that he was right.’ Knew it!
“Worst kept secret ever.” I whispered to Gina which made her smile.
‘So if you wouldn’t mind just keeping it a secret between us girls? Mummy to daughter.’
“Okay mummy. I won’t tell pops that you love your curly hair too.”
‘No you—you can’t just go around telling him that!’ she laughed which made me laugh.
“Oh whoopsies.” She smiled cheekily at me. Oh she definitely was her mum’s daughter. We softly high fived each other and I gave her a thumbs up as we both heard my daughter moan embarrassingly. “Are you blushing mummy?”
‘Yeah I’m blushing a little bit.’
“It sounds like your lobster red right now.” Gina teased with a giggle.
‘No. Sweetie this, this—this is not about me and your pops. This is about you and you getting to sleep. Okay?’ To which I nodded cause now it seemed like Gina was trying to diverge herself from getting back to sleep, and she was too young to be staying up at 2 in the morning.
“Why can’t you and daddy be here with me?”
‘Well we’re at work sweetie.’
“Aww.” Gina solemnly whined softly.  I smiled sympathetically at her before playfully bopping her small little nose. She smiled and looked up at me just as I did it again and grinned down at her.
‘Yeah. We gotta make all that money. All that cheddar cheese as your father still likes to call it, for whatever reason. Can’t live off your pops forever.’ Well that’s not true, I’d always still support my daughter even if she gets too grownup. Every one of my children as gotten financial support from me if they were ever in a tight spot.
“Why does he say that mummy?”
‘Well sometimes grownups say that to describe money.’
“I wish you could really get paid with cheese.” At that both my daughter and I laughed softly.
‘Yes sweetie, it would be great if we could get paid in cheese.’ I heard (y/n) laugh again as she then said. ‘Are you hungry or something sweet pea?’
‘Well unfortunately you’re gonna have to wait until breakfast.’
“That’s for sure.” I whispered to her.
“Can I have chocolate cake?” Ohhh so much like her mum.
‘No sweetie you can’t have any chocolate cake.’
“Can I ask pops for a chocolate cake?”
‘No. You can’t ask pops for chocolate cake either.’
“I bet he would.”
‘Okay, go on and ask him. See what he says. Go on ask him.’ She then took the phone away from her ear and asked me with the sweetest puppy dog face that she could muster.
“Can I pwease have some chocolate cake?” I cupped her face in my hand and I said.
“What do you think?” At that point she knew what that meant as her puppy face turned to a kicked puppy face.
‘What’d he say?’ I heard (y/n) say.
“He said no.”
‘Oh what? Are you for real? Gosh who could’ve predicted that?’ she said sarcastically.
“I’ll tell you what poppet. If you can go make a chocolate cake, then we can have some.” I told her.
“I don’t wanna.”
“You don’t want to?” I asked her teasingly.
“No I don’t feel like making it.”
“You don’t feel like making it? Well, neither do I. So I guess it’s gonna have to be bedtime then ehh?” I said as I leaned in close to her so that our foreheads touched as well as our noses and I gave her an Eskimo kiss.
‘Ohh I love you so much lovie. And you know that I would give anything to be right there with you and your pops. To just hug and kiss you guys.’
“Yeah I know mummy. Can I get more kisses than pops when you come back?” I grinned at her.
‘Oh you want more kisses than pops when I come back? Okay I’ll allow that.’ I nodded in agreement and whispered to her.
“I’ll allow that.”
“Really?” she asked.
‘Yeah. He—he and I have an understanding when it comes to you. I give you more kisses than him, and he spoils you more than your father and I.’ I shook my head.
I did have a right to spoil all my grandchildren don’t I?  It was then I heard Gina sniffle and saw her eyes tearing up again.  I looked down at her and stroked through her hair trying to comfort her as her mum said.
‘Oh honey shhh. I want you to go to sleep now okay?’
“Your mother’s right poppet. Just shut your eyes.” I softly told her.
“Now?” she whimpered.
‘Yes now love.’
‘Because you’re a good girl. And nothing can ever hurt you or scare you anymore.’
“But it was so real mummy. What if the clown monster comes back?”
‘I promise sweetie, it was nothing but a bad dream. Nothing can hurt you or harm you in anyway in a dream. And if that mean ol clown does come back. He’s gonna have to deal with me.’
‘Mm-hmm. I’ll come into that dream of yours as a protective mama bear and tear that nasty beast limb from limb like all mama bears do.’ That’s for sure. (Y/n) was quite the protective mama bear.  
In fact she’s always been like that with your younger sister Emily, her cousins, and any of her friends.  Should anyone do her loved ones wrong, hell better have a spot waiting for the attacker cause there is no hiding from the wrath of (Y/n) Genevieve May.
‘And your father’s the same way too.’ At that I couldn’t help but raise my brow.
Now don’t get me wrong I do love and respect Rico but as the general rule of every father, we always feel protective of our little girls.  I think sometimes that Rico likes to brag about the fight’s he says he’s been in much like Roger did back in the old days (and Rog never won even when he claims he did).
‘Yeah. We’re quite the fighters. And again if you don’t believe me you can ask your pops. Go one ask him.’ As I stroked her cheek Gina asked me.
“Were mummy and daddy ever in fights?”
“Your mother, more than I can count. And she wins every single time. Your father on the other hand—” I shook my head. “He never won.” I whispered before shushing her as I heard (y/n) say.
‘What did he tell you?’
“He says you win every single fight but not daddy.”
‘What? Oh really?’ I heard (y/n) laugh. ‘Are you serious baby girl?’
“Yeah.” I chuckled and ducked my head down.
“He’s a bragger like uncle Roger.”
“He says daddy’s a bragger like uncle Roger.”
‘Oh does he now?’
‘Mm-hmm. Oh yeah your father will definitely hear about this love.’ I heard her laugh. ‘Don’t you listen to pops. Well I mean listen to him about other things but not that. He gets jealous sometimes.’ Oh that’s how she wants to play it huh?
“Don’t listen to mummy. She’s on my team.” I whispered to Gina teasingly.
‘But seriously though love. If you ever need a monster taken out. Like out, out. You call me and your daddy, okay?’ I then mouthed out to call me and only me.  Gina nodded and said.
“Okay mummy.”
‘That’s my girl.’
“So you sure you both can’t come home right away?”
‘Afraid not sweetie. Daddy and I are stuck at work.’
“Well can we do something fun together as a family together when you and daddy come back?”
‘What did you have in mind love?’
“A picnic.”
‘Yeah. Yeah we can go on a picnic.’
“That sounds like fun. We can even have it out near my forest.” I agreed.  Gina nodded and she asked her mum.
“Can you ask pops to come with us?”
‘Oh you want me to ask him? Okay. Put me on speaker sweetie.’
“Wait you could talk to both of us besides Facetime?” at that point both her mum and I laughed.
‘Yes there was a way long before Facetime to talk to more than one person. Give the phone to pops and he’ll do it.’ Gina handed me my phone and I pressed the speaker button and said.
“Okay love you’re on speaker.”
‘Alright can you guys hear me?’
“Not that I couldn’t hear you before.” I could just hear chuckle and feel the eyeroll she was doing and that’s when she asked.
‘Daddy. Would you and Anita like to go on a picnic with the three of us? I know, I know you would rather take your grandbaby out.’ At that statement I softly chuckled and shook my head. ‘But I just figured since—well I am still your little girl as you claim that you would want to spend the day with both your girls.’
“How dare you use my words against me.” I teased her.
‘Oh come on you’ve been taunting me with that for years.’
“Making me to be the bad guy here.”
‘After all these years I finally have leverage over you. So don’t you dare embarrass me in front of my kid.’
“Oh but that’s the best part.”
‘God and I’m not even there to defend myself.’ The two of us softly laughed as Gina just smiled at our playful banter.
“I would love to go on a picnic with you and your family (y/n).”
‘Great I win.’
“No I win. You know I always win.”
‘Dad!’ she whined out which made me chuckle.  God even at 35 she was still that stubborn little girl that always wanted to outdo me. ‘Okay then, I guess you’re still kinda a cool dad.’
“You guess?” I asked accusingly.
‘Yeah I guess.’
“After all I’ve done for you?”
‘Yep. I mean unless you do come to the picnic with us then maybe. I could learn to think you’re cool again. Or in current slag stan you. Right sweetie?’
“Oh stan me well then. Is that how it is huh?”
‘That’s exactly how it is you aging Queen.’ I grinned and shook my head.  Oh that (Y/n) May-Rodriquez.
“You need to get back to work?”
‘Yeah as a matter of fact we’re just about to leave the station right now.’
“Okay love. That’s what I thought.”
‘Yeah. Long day in the Serengeti. When all I really wish is to be there, seeing my dad and hugging and kissing my baby girl again.’
“Well you know we’d rather have you here too. But that’s okay.” I said as I stroked Gina’s cheek.
‘Okay. Well give them a big kiss for me please?’
“You got it love.” I then leaned forward and kissed my granddaughter long and lovingly on her cheek which made her giggle.  As I let out a ‘mwah’ I heard (y/n) softly chuckle and she continued.
‘And Gina baby, will you give your pops a kiss for me?’ I gestured to my cheek and she gave me a long and sweet kiss which made me feel warm and toasty inside.
“I did it mummy.”
‘Good. Now will you both give me a kiss to say goodbye.’ It was then both Gina and I made a long kissing sound before letting out a mwah. ��I then heard my daughter moan warmly and I could just picture her being all gooey and making that mushy face that she used to call it. ‘Oh I love it. So much! Alright.’
“We love you darling.”
‘I love you too dad.’
“Please be safe out there.”
‘Always am. Get my baby back to bed okay? And I’ll see you at the airport in—two days?’
“You got it love.”
‘Great. Oh hey. Don’t start watching Doctor Who without me okay?’
“Oh I don’t know.” I taunted her.
‘Hey no dad seriously. Don’t watch the new Doctor without me! I’ve been waiting for this day since forever.’
“I guess I could wait.”
‘I don’t believe you.’ My daughter bluntly stated which made me laugh.
“Well you went and saw the 50th special without me. You’re not one to talk.”
‘Okay yes, yes I did but only because Rico wanted to see it for our date. Plus you were on tour the day it came out.’ She tried to reason her excuse to which I shook my head.
“Bye (y/n), love you darling. Say love you mummy.” I told Gina.
‘I love you too dad.’
“Love you mummy.”
‘I love you too sweetie. Daddy and I will be home soon.’
“Okay love, bye.”
‘Bye.’ And with that we hung up.  I removed my glasses and had them hanging around my neck and I looked back up to Gina as I put my phone aside.
“Did that help at all poppet?” she nodded.
“You looked more relaxed so I know it did. But in all seriousness, if you ever do need a monster taken care of. While mama bear is fiercely protective over you. Pops Fox is twice as protective.” I pointed to me and gave her a wink.  She softly giggled and nodded which made me smile at her. “Okay now, let’s get you settled back into bed love.” She adjusted herself back down onto her pillow and I tucked her back into bed. “There we go, snug as a hedgehog in a log.”
“Papa Brian.”
“What is it dear?”
“Will you—sing me a lullaby?” she looked up at me with those big doe eyes of her that she inherited from her mum and it was like seeing her as a child once again.
“What shall it be tonight my love?”
“The astronaut song.” I smiled.
“39 it is then. But before I sing, I want you to shut your eyes okay?”
“You promise you won’t leave if I do?”
“Of course. Now come on, close those pretty little tired eyes of yours.” I said as I stroked her cheek with my thumb.  She then closed her eyes and that’s when I began to sing to her the song that not only helped comfort her after a nightmare, but also the song that won her mother over every time, even when she was a baby.
It wasn’t until I got to the second refrain that I took notice of the deep breathing coming from my granddaughter.  I smiled softly and leaned forward and very lightly kissed her cheek.
“Goodnight my little badger. Sail across the cosmos and dream only good dreams.” And with that I softly closed the door and headed to be myself.
*Extended ending*
It was the next day and as Gina was watching some telly, it was then her mum’s program was now being advertised.
“Papa! Look it’s mummy’s voice!” I smiled as I came over from the kitchen and I watched the trailer alongside my granddaughter..
“Many tales have been told of the African lion. But this is her story. A drama set in the heart of her homeland. Experience as you live and breathe it, through the eyes of one brave lioness. Every day she is put to the test. By the elements, by the seasons, and by constant threat of not only her enemies, but her own kind.”
Each shot of the trailer for (y/n)’s new show showed beautiful shots of various locations of the African savannah or closeups of various animals.  I’ll admit Rico was an excellent filmmaker, just the way he can get the HD film shot and make you feel like you’re actually there is just—phenomenal.
“Mummy!” It was then I saw my daughter on screen now as she spoke.
“Join me and my team as we venture deep into the heart of Africa. In a place that is known—as the Serengeti.” Then her show’s theme song started playing.  I saw the credits of her team and of course BBC Nature pop up on screen as various footage from her previous episodes came on.  From her riding an elephant in the Indian jungle, to swimming with a pod of dolphins in the Pacific coast near Hawaii.
I saw her name “DR. (Y/N) MAY-RODRIQUEZ” appear on screen as she put down her binoculars with the wind blowing her hair (like she was a true action film star on the big screen) before cutting to various faint shot around her interacting with different animals.  Like holding a fox in her hand, having a snake wrapped around her shoulders or dodging a crocodile’s attack.
It was then Rico appeared on the screen being credited with the filmmaker’s status.  I saw as my little badger cub was entranced at seeing her parents on the telly and their show’s intro.  Various shots of where they’ve done a show came on from climbing a rocky mountain or deep in the jungles.
Until finally the show’s title “MAY-RODRIQUEZ EXPEDITION” came across the screen with a silhouette shot of their jeep acting like it was driving over the top of the title card.  Then the premiere date came below which was this summer.
“I love their show.” Gina said.
“So do I love.” From the day that (y/n) found that nest of baby hedgehogs when she was just 7 years old, she had always had a love for animals much like myself.  I educated her on my knowledge of certain animals like foxes, badgers and hedgehogs but as she grew older she got more involved with studying animals.
So much so that she went to the same University as her uncle Roger and majored in animal and marine biology.  From then on she got closer and closer with getting up close and personal with the animals and has loved every second of it.  
Even when I still fear for her life when she handles the deadliest animals like sharks, and reptiles like crocs and snakes (I’m a papa bear to her what can I say?), I still see her on screen handle them with such bravery and respect knowing that it was her and not them and remaining absolutely calm.
It was then the door suddenly opened and I heard a familiar voice say.
“We’re home!”
“MUMMY! DADDY!” Gina quickly raced out of the living room and soon coming in holding her was my beautiful daughter (y/n) and her husband Rico.
“Hey sweetie, were you good for pops and nana Anita?” her father asked.
“Uh-huh. I was.”
“Mama told me you had a nightmare again mija, you okay?”
“Sí papa, pops and mama helped me last night.”
“Well this is a surprise, I thought I was going to pick you both up at the airport tomorrow.” I said.
“Well we actually got done a day early so we figured a surprise visit was in order. Especially after last night.” (y/n) said as she came up and the two of us hugged each other. “Thank you so much dad for helping her.”
“Hey, I always look after my girls don’t I?” I said as she grinned up at me and laid her head on my chest.  Oh I was happy to have my girl back safe and sound, and I know her daughter was happy to have her mum back.
“Mummy, did you bring me anything from Africa?” of course Gina would ask that, because just like her mother, she always wanted souvenirs.
“I sure did, but first come here you little secret sharer. I promised you I’d deal with you for spilling out those secrets the other night to pops.” It was then I saw (y/n) swoop in and take her daughter in her arms and began tickling her and giving her raspberries onto her cheek.
As I watched the loving sight, I couldn’t be more proud of all that I accomplished in my life. Sure I achieved the rock and roll dream, formed an Animal activist voice and got my astrophysics degree.
But the real prize was right in front of me.  Seeing my daughter achieve her dreams, and seeing her raise her own child and find someone that loved her just as much as I loved her.
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behappykeepclassy · 5 years
LOVER Track-by-track Impressions
1. I Forgot That You Existed
catchy AF with the da-da-da in the beginning
“Free rent, living in my mind”
love how she sings “and quieeeetttt”
“It isn’t love, it isn’t hate, it’s just indifference”
“I forgot that you sent me a clear message, taught me some hard lessons”
The “So, yeah” at the end is gold, like vocally shrugging
2. Cruel Summer 
Pure BOP!
Feeling that bass in my soul
“I’m always waiting for you to be waiting below” - 80s John Hughes movie style!
“Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes” is perfect
The whole chorus floats and soars and I love it so much
“You say that we’ll just screw it up in these trying times, we’re not trying” - SUCH A GOOD LINE
“So cut the headlights, summer’s knife, I’m always waiting for you just to cut to the bone” Ouf!
“I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you”
The raspy roar in her voice when she sings “He looks up, grinning like a devil”
3. Lover
Quiet and precious and sweet and lovely and cozy
So happy we have an album with a title song again
4. The Man
“They’d say I played the field before i found someone to commit to”
“Every conquest I had made would make me more of a boss to you”
“I’m so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I’d get there quicker if I was a man” - MY MOTTO FROM NOW ON, just running through my head constantly
“What I was wearing, if I was rude” - I feel like this also doubles for her sexual assault case against that radio DJ (blaming the victim)
“I’d be just like Leo in Saint-Tropez” LOL
The whole bridge, when she switches from “And getting bitches and models” to “If I was out flashing my dollars, I’d be a bitch not a baller” OUF
5. The Archer
This is one of my favourites, even though I’ve had it longer than most cause it was released earlier
Lyrically, best or second best on the album
Destroys me every time, goddamnit
6. I Think He Knows
“I am an architect, I’m drawing up the plans”
I love how she sings “skipping down 16th avenue”, like so specific and wonderful but universal
I like how she owns how much of a catch she herself is in the second verse - like yassss girl
“Lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh, we can follow the sparks (SPARKS FLYYYYYYYY), I’ll smile”
7. Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince
The way it starts, it made me think of The Killers “Well somebody told me that you had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend…”
“American glory faded before me” - her fall from the spotlight
“I saw the scoreboard and ran for my life” - hiding away from media and everyone
I like how she incorporates the “OKAY” school chant in the background of the chorus
This has a lot of “I Know Places” vibes, especially second verse
The switch in the bridge from “And I don’t want you to (Go), I don’t really wanna (Fight), ‘Cause nobody’s gonna (Win)” to “And I’ll never let you (Go), ‘Cause I know this is a (Fight),” That somebody we’re gonna (Win)”
Wish she’d held the the last note that she started before entering back into final chorus (it sounded like it was going to go on longer
8. Paper Rings
Makes me think of the happiness of “Stay, Stay, Stay” with a dash of “Holy Ground” energy
Easily one of my faves
Jack Antonoff counting us into the chorus, just love him
Just such fun, every lyric and beat
“I like shiny things but I’d marry you with paper rings” and “I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this” SO CUTE
“Honey, without all the exes, fights, and flaws, we wouldn’t be standing here so tall” - so mature and wonderful and she’s so happy now!
I love that she brings it up an octave starting at the bridge and into the final chorus
I can’t help but smile listening to this over and over again
Like, I want Lover as my wedding song and Paper Rings as a choreographed 20s swing dance with my future husband
9. Cornelia Street 
Hit me the second time more than the first, like wow I actually love this
“‘I rent a place on Cornelia Street,’ I say casually in the car” CUTEEEEE
“That’s the kinda heartbreak time could never mend, I’d never walk Cornelia Street again”
Second half of the chorus makes me think of Dress
“Windows swung right open, autumn air, jacket ‘round my shoulders is yours” - ALL TOO WELL callback
“Back when we were card sharks, playing games, I thought you were leading me one, I packed my bags, left Cornelia Street before you even knew I was gone” - makes me think of when she sings “If I had known what I know now, I never would have played so nonchalant” in Come Back, Be Here
“Barefoot in the kitchen” - makes me think of All Too Well “dancing in the refrigerator light”
I also think Cornelia Street doubles for love itself, like this is it for her, this is the one big love for her and there won’t be another so she wants to get it right and keep it safe
10. Death By A Thousand Cuts
Ignore the lyrics and you almost think it’s a happy song (classic Jack Antonoff Bleachers thing to do)
“I look through the windows of this love, even though we boarded them up, chandelier still flickering here” - brilliant
THE PIANOOOOOOOOOOOOO (very Bleachers ‘Wild Heart’ outro)
She goes from “We were a fresh page on the desk, filling in the blanks as we go” in Cornelia Street to “But if the story’s over, why am I still writing pages?” in Death By A Thousand Cuts, and that kills me
“My heart, my hips, my body, my love, Tryna find a part of me that you didn’t touch”
“Our songs, our films, united, we stand, our country, guess it was a lawless land”
“Why are my fears at the touch of your hands? Paper cut stains from my paper-thin plans” - some of the best lyrics on the album right there, IMO
“My time, my wine, my sprit, my trust, Tryna find a part of me you didn’t take up” - this destroyed me more than I thought it would because it was so unexpected and raw, especially the second half of the line, like she’s realizing that he took too much and it hurts but it wasn’t good to lose herself like that
11. London Boy
Is the voice talking in the beginning Idris Elba?
“They say home is where the heart is, But that’s not where mine lives” - she says the second half like a secret she’s sharing with us over wine
Gotta go back to London STAT
“Doesn’t have to be Louis V up on Bond Street” LOL fancy baller line
12. Soon You’ll Get Better
This and The Archer are the two songs I cried during, just gutted
“The buttons of my coat were tangled in my hair” - how we think of the mundane things when the worst things are happening to try and distract ourselves
“Holy orange bottles, each night, I pray to you” - I don’t know what to say
“…’Cause you have to”
I love that the Dixie Chicks are lightly assisting the chorus without taking the song away from Taylor and its focus
The bridge and pre-final-chorus have me crying the most and I don’t know what to do
This remind me a lot of Ronan mixed with Never Grow Up and Fleetwood Mac’s Landslide
13. False God
Sax is a bit like the sax in Bleachers’ Everybody Lost Somebody (not complaining at all)
“We were stupid to jump in the ocean separating us
I get Dress sexy vibes from this (“The altar is my hips”)
The feathery way she sings the second “this loooovee)
Reminds me of “So It Goes…”
14. You Need to Calm Down
Still a bop, and always will be a bop - just so fun
15. Afterglow
I like that she owns up to her mistakes and destructive tendency
Makes me think of the Lover lyric “And I’m highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you” and in the music video it’s her jealousy that leads to a fight
“Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves”
“I lived like an island, punished you in silence”
16. ME!
Lyrically and musically, exactly like what happened with Look What You Made Me Do and Reputation - almost like a red herring to put us off the sonic trail of her album until single 2 came out
17. It’s Nice To Have a Friend
We get a story again! I’ve missed story song! (think Mary’s Song and Everything Has Changed mixed together)
Lovely chill indie vibes
“Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand”
Love me some trumpet
“Church bells ring, carry me home” (like third verse of Mary’s Song)
“Rice on the ground looks like snow” - poetic cute
18. Daylight
“My love was a cruel as the cities I lived in, everyone looked worse in the light” - like Cruel Summer and Getaway Car and even Back to December, she wanted something and got it, only find it wasn’t what she wanted and she ended up hurting someone in the process
Chorus makes me think of You Are in Love floating synth
“I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked” (Back to December, Getaway Car, I Knew You Were Trouble)
“Clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke” harkens back to The Archer’s “The room is on fire, invisible smoke”
“Threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it’s morning now” - she no longer needs I Know Places, no fear or hiding
“I once believe love would be (Black and white) But it’s (Golden) […] I once believed love would be (Burning red) But it’s golden” - Burning red calls back to Red (duh!), Golden calls back to Dress “Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo”, End Game “It’s like your eyes are liquor, it’s like your body is gold”, So It Goes… “Gold cage, hostage to my feelings” and Dancing With Our Hands Tied “Deep blue, but you painted me golden”
“You gotta step into the daylight and let it go” - remind me of the poem The Trick to Holding On that she wrote for Vogue (“The trick to holding on Was all that letting go”)
The talking outro is very Jack Antonoff/Bleachers’ Strange Desire, cause he threads introspective talking throughout, especially when she says “I wanna be defined by the things that I love” and he sings “I wanna be grateful for the experiences that I’ve had” in You’re Still a Mystery
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