#gotta get that protein
wings-of-ink · 2 months
To be fair, if someone tried to eat my fingers when I offered a piece of cake, I would think they are very hungry too.
But that's probably my autistic brain.
I think that is perfectly reasonably, honestly.
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petits--oiseaux · 2 years
I made my first jars of overnight oats last night - chocolate peanut butter. The texture is tolerable for now but I think I'll get used to it. The flavor is really good! And it definitely keeps me full. I had half of the jar/serving for breakfast and just finished the other as my morning snack. Excited to try more recipes!
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dudes. i saw a tiktok about a sugar free gummy worm and why tf did they have 30 grams of fiber a pack
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andreilslovechild · 13 days
Dark AU please?
Pt1 Pt2
nathaniel has proven himself to be a good butcher. a good little follower for the main branch and a good bodyguard for Riko. and because of this on occasion, he is called away to do a job for ichirou. the older brother seemed to have a soft spot for the younger redhead and Nathaniel was absolutely one to take advantage of that.
He does it well when hes calls out to kill someone for ichirou. taking his time using his tools to create another beautiful piece of art. The man's screams are music to Nate's ears, and he can't help but smile.
he hums to himself as he works, carving letter after letter, and pattern after pattern into the man's skin. nathaniel didn't know what the man had done, and honestly, he didn't particularly care. hes never been one to have too many morals, and ichirou wouldn't have summoned him if he hadn't done something to make him mad. Nathaniel reflects on this as he works. perhaps he had stolen money? or maybe disobeyed a direct order? he could have tried to kill ichirou...but if that was the case his father likely would have been the one to take care of him. It is possible he could be a rival yakuza member. or mafia member. there are multiple after all. hell, Nathaniel's mom was from one of them!
by the time his musing is finished Nathaniel backs away, admiring his work. and then without a second thought, he turns, leaving the man dead and his blood pooled at his feet, his body a mess of knife points that create a pattern only Nathaniel can see.
on his way back he stops at a store, buying a package of Rikos favourite protein powder. he learned his lesson from the last time. his chest still itches from the healing skin. he hums to himself on the way back to Riko, idly wondering what the future has in store for them.
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missszena · 2 months
heket gets to be chubby because to induce famine she actually just takes the food. There's nothing magic about it. A bishop just stole your crops what are you gonna do about? Fight her? Yeah didn't think so.
To me Heket is like that one scene in spirited away where No Face is just shredding through absolutely giant servings of food while throwing gold around at the bathhouse workers
Girlie eats good and her feasting rituals were probably absolutely wild
(Also frogs just are like that they will try to swallow your fingers if you let them)
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thrashersasuke · 24 days
i hate you greek yogurt i hate you
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zdf · 6 months
just ate the fattest burrito of my entire existence
Tumblr media
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thawthebeez · 2 months
sick and fucking tired of seeing people kagehina-posting to the song I Don't Smoke by Mitski as if any of those lyrics fit them at all. "if you need to be mean be mean to me" and it's always the s2 ep5 fight where hinata is the victim as if that argument was kageyama patronizing hinata and not the two of them having a minor disagreement and hinata ultimately fighting for what he knows is right. "i can take it and put it inside of me" in reference to hinata internalizing any shitty thing that's ever been said to him as if he hasn't been glued to kageyama's side ever since day one when kageyama was calling him a 'klutzy piece of shit' on the regular and not giving a single fuck. "just don't leave me alone wondering where you are" as a form of hinata angst because kageyama went to the world stage, where he definitely won't be found, because his face definitely won't be on the TV screens in restaurants in hinata's new home town because STILL the universe refuses to keep them apart for some fucking reason. hell, if anything that line should be told from kageyama 'i have abandonment issues' tobio's perspective, because at the end of the day HINATA was the one to leave for some foreign country on the other side of the world (but even then, they still most definitely kept contact. like you're crazy if you think that a mere ocean is going to keep them apart). but, yknow, the haikyuu tiktok community just loooooves to demonize tobio any chance they get, because, well, they can't baby the autistic coded character so they gotta make him seem like a horrible person instead! i can't do this anymore .
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raspberryusagi · 6 months
Anyone else almost make it a point to watch the week's Dungeon Meshi episode while eating a meal of some kind? Last week and now this week I've been watching at breakfast.
Part of it I'm sure is the Millennial/Gen Z thing of "oh I'm having a meal better put something on to watch." But it just clicked as I watched the opening with half a freezer pancake in my mouth. "Wait, this really is the perfect show to watch while eating." (Well, with some episodes it depends on how strong your stomach is in the face of the more visceral scenes, but ya know)
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bunnihearted · 6 months
#soo blah blah need to vent again abt my health issue situation 💀#yuh so like im so sick nd tired of whats going on. nd not being able to just eat whatever i feel like whenever#it's emotionall draining tbh. im always thinking abt what i could maybe try nd im always like ohh gotta make sure the portion is small etc#it's annoying me sm bc i can def feel the effects of me not getting the right nd enough nutrients nd vitamins etc etc#i get dizzy nd my vision is hazy sometimes. nd im like forgetful bc the other the when i walked home i kept getting lost nd had to walk back#nd forth several times nd i was like ?!?!? what?! i've lived here for 25yrs nd now i just cannot for the life of me rmbr the way#also i am so weak in my body. like carrying even a small amound or books nd groceries nd walking for 30min makes me exhausted#my legs are actually shaking when i get back home nd every step feels like im walking in cement#plus i just wanna be able to go to the gym nd build muscle. but if i dont get enough protein in me i cant build muscles T-T#what else... yeah also i do miss food bc of comfort. like my coffee + chcolate everyday makes me genuinely happy lmao#but i just want the food situation to be normal bc even w veggies im like oh no that is too gas building that is too hard to digest etc etc#it's mentally gruelling to not know how tf to get all the important nutrients!! i def have several deficiences lmao :((#im so over it. but theres nothing i can do. i wish i could just not think abt it 24/7 tho#also. im the thinnest i've ever been BUT. i am constantly bloated so i look fkn pregnant. so i cant even enjoy looking the skinnier
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theadventurek9 · 1 year
Aayla's ideal weight: 43lbs (which is more on lean side)
Aayla at the vet two weeks ago: 47.2lbs
Aayla this morning after having her food reduced for two weeks: 48.4lbs
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Tfw you know toy need to go shopping but The Outside is Loud and Bright and Painful and also you cannot fuckin conceive of what ingredients you need to make meals
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furnace-arden · 9 months
so I'm having a hard time eating lately. I'm looking for advice on bland foods. So far I have oatmeal, rice, couscous, chicken nuggets and ramen.
Basically, I want nutrition I can sneak into my body without my stomach getting upset but I'm not really sure what to buy
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youthdecayenjoyer · 1 month
so the wound closures were 10 dollars. haven't had to get them since winter and then I could just put it in my coat pocket but it's too warm out and the box was too big for my shorts pockets. still got them bc what else am I supposed to do but damn.
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moony-ghoul · 10 months
swiss ghoul morning protein shake recipe:
6 raw eggs
1 cup soy milk
sprinkle of cinnamon
3 cubes of rains frozen cum
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jessaerys · 11 months
the only meats i buy from the grocery store nowadays are cold cuts from a brand that's certified humane but this week i got a little bit of pork for the cats (as a treat) and i got sooo sooooo sad thinking about how smart pigs are and how cruel the meat industry is. and although i don't think there's anything wrong with eating meat from animals that have been humanely raised it dawned on me like a brick to the face that becoming vegetarian is inevitable
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