#gotta draw them at some point when I'm not lazy
tiddie-taylor · 2 months
I need to see more ennui X Sadness Lowkey, they'd be a terrible couple /pos
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moonstruckme · 10 months
So, obviously you don't gotta do this request if you are not comfortable, and you can totally delete it, don't feel like you gotta, really.
I was wondering if, you could write some like angst-comfort-fluff type thing with poly!marauders? Where they have been dating reader for a hot minute now, but during (and long before they started dating) reader has been on-and-off cutting herself? And the boys don't know?
Like I said you do NOT have to write this, and just like any request do NOT feel like you EVER have to write a request.
Have an amazing day <3 <3
Hi lovely! I appreciate the disclaimers. I was a bit hesitant to do this because I feel like I'm not always sure where the line is between comforting/validating people who experience this and inadvertently glorifying self-harm, but I hope the general message of getting support and help comes through. Thanks for requesting and hope you're having a good week <33
cw: self-harm scars, mention of current self-harm
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.4k words
James doesn’t see so much as feel them, hands roving under your clothes as has become his favorite pastime when you’re both feeling lazy. A series of neat, raised lines starting at the skin of your hip. Curiosity moves his hand upward, following the rows up to your waist. It’s impossible to tell how many there are. They just feel like vague ridges to James’ touch. 
His heart takes on a too-familiar heaviness, and he strokes the lines absentmindedly as he thinks of what to say. 
In the end, he doesn’t have to. You’d been on the precipice of sleep, your form lax between James’ legs, but suddenly you’re startling, an almost imperceptible jolt and your hand covering his own. 
“What’re you doing?” you ask dazedly. 
You sound panicked, and James hurries to placate you. “Sorry, I should have asked before touching you there.” Your alarm attracts Remus’ attention, and he peers over the top of his book from where he sits on the opposite end of the couch. James isn’t sure what to do. He wonders if you’d want this to be a private conversation (based on the fact that you haven’t brought it up yourself, he doubts you want it to be a conversation at all), but he can’t just not mention it and have you think he doesn’t care. He does what he can to keep the wariness from his voice. “Do you want to talk about it, lovely?”
Remus lowers his book as you slide down James’ torso, shrinking yourself. “Talk about what?” he asks, concern already infiltrating his tone. 
James won’t speak for you. You’re quiet for a few long, heavy moments, and he can feel you growing tenser with each one. Finally, you say, quietly so that Sirius can’t hear from the kitchen, “It’s okay. I was going to tell you at some point.” 
“Tell us what?” Remus asks again. 
James sends him a look that begs for patience, bringing his hand to your shoulder to knead tenderly at the taut muscles around your neck. “Okay, thank you sweetheart. Would it be alright if I pulled your shirt up a little?” 
He knows he’s handling you in that extra-gentle way that sometimes frustrates you. You resent kid-gloves, and he can’t tell for certain if this situation is an exception or if you’re just too embarrassed to say anything. You only nod, and James pinches the hem of your top between his fingers, bringing it up to just below your ribs. 
The lines look thinner than they’d felt against his fingertips. Remus sets his book down, forgetting to save the page as he leans forward, palm moving up your leg as if to keep you in place while he looks. He fingers the waistband of your shorts, looking to you for permission before drawing it down until the lines stop where your hip bleeds into your upper thigh. 
“When—” He swallows, voice painfully quiet. “When were you going to tell us?” There’s a sound from the kitchen which signals Sirius has finished preparing his snack. 
Your eyes are almost frightened. James can tell there’s a myriad of placations vying to be the first to leave your tongue, but what makes it out is  “Please don’t be mad.”
“Ooh, what do we have?” Sirius hears and comes running at the first whiff of trouble, perching on the armrest and sidling up to Remus. “A secret tattoo or—” You turn your hip into James’ thigh, and he doesn’t try to stop you, but you’re too slow, and Sirius’ voice seems to run out of air. Usually mirthful gray eyes flit up to yours looking almost betrayed. “Baby.” The word sounds as if it’s been hooked from some wretched part of him and dragged forcibly out. “When did…how long has this been going on?” 
James can feel your ribs expanding and contracting faster as your breaths come quicker. You feel cornered. He puts his hand over the marks on your waist protectively, and you flinch. 
“Hey,” he shushes you. “You’re alright, darling. Nobody’s upset with you, okay?” He lets his eyes flit up to meet the other two boys' warningly. Okay? “We’re just a little worried.”
“I’m sorry,” you say, and your tone is so fraught James’ heart very nearly shatters. “You don’t need to worry about me.” 
“We don’t mind worrying, love.” Remus’ voice is still quiet, but the gentleness in it is more apparent now. “But whatever you’re comfortable sharing, we’ll take it. Has this been going on a long time?”
You nod. James begins stroking up and down your side. 
Remus’ lips pinch, but he doesn’t waver. “Is it still going on?”
Your shoulders stiffen and your breathing stops. James’ insides fill with concrete, but he forces himself to peer around the back of your head to see your face. You’re biting down on your lip, hard. 
“Even now?” Sirius sounds devastated. Remus reaches behind him, setting a pacifying hand on his knee. 
Silver lines your eyes, but you take a slow, shuddering breath, and your voice comes out calm. “I’ve almost got it under control,” you say. “I’ve slipped up a few times, but…but I’m working on it.” 
“Alright,” Remus replies, giving Sirius’ knee a squeeze and you a kind, if thin-lipped, smile. “Is there anything we can do?” 
You shake your head immediately, but Sirius shoots you a look. “Don’t,” he says, and his voice is so uncharacteristically stern that even James startles, hand faltering on your side. It’s quiet as Sirius can manage, though still strained with emotion. “Don’t try to shelter us by keeping it to yourself. There have to be things we can do.”
James recollects himself, wrapping both arms around your middle and drawing you closer until the back of your head rests against his collarbone rather than his stomach. “Maybe,” he suggests, “you could let us help by telling us when you think you might slip, and we could try to find ways to distract you. Does that sound alright, lovely?”
You turn your head to look at him, and James steals a selfish kiss to the skin just near your eye. The corner of your lips twitch, and he hits there too, the little peck aiding the spread of your smile.
“That might help,” you say, quiet, tentative. Your smile fades as you turn your gaze to the other two boys. Sirius’ eyes have gotten stuck again on the scars lining your side, but he looks up when you speak. “Are you…do they bother you?”
Remus’ eyebrows stitch together, but he lets Sirius answer. The raven-haired boy looks almost surprised. “The marks?” he asks you, and despite James’ sympathy for the shock of all this, he sort of wants to kill him. He couldn’t make it easy on you, could he? Your hand finds James’ where it rests against your side, fingers worming between his, and he gives them an encouraging squeeze. You nod. “Baby, of course not,” Sirius says, ardent, and James swears he can feel you relax against his chest. “It bothers us—it bothers me that you’ve been upset, and that you’ve been dealing with it by yourself for so long, but I couldn’t give less of a shit about the marks. I care about you, your pain, not how it—how it looks on your body.” 
“I agree,” Remus says, smiling a little as he pats Sirius’ knee like settle down. “Honey, so long as you’re doing what you can—and letting us do what we can—to help yourself feel better, the scars don’t matter.”
“Thanks.” Your voice is quiet, but more bashful now than ashamed, which James considers to be some improvement. “It’s just awkward to talk about, you know?”
“It’s not,” James tells you. “Or, it doesn’t have to be. Listen, we don’t have to talk about it like, every day, but you should be able to tell us when you’re feeling down, okay?” You rest your head against his shoulder, and it feels nice, but James gives you a playful little jostle to let you know his question wasn’t rhetorical. “Okay?” 
“Yeah, okay.” The words leave you in a sigh, and Sirius rolls his eyes amusedly while Remus watches you with a knowing look. You were on the brink of a nap before, and the weight of this conversation has thoroughly tuckered you out. 
“Good,” James says, mock stern as he tucks his chin into the juncture of your neck. Wordlessly, Remus pulls Sirius down from the armrest and into his lap, picking up his book again. Your breathing slows, and James’ thumb strokes at your side underneath your shirt, indiscriminate between smooth skin and scars.
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ckret2 · 5 days
@marsupials-of-mars submitted:
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I was planning to do maybe a fic and more doodles of this but now I'm busy with school so I might as well show what I did do!
Based on how the goldilocks fic seems to posit that Bill at his best is a silly professor who loves to teach his own way
Introducing Professor Locke!
Things about this idea:
-post redemption, however that will go. I'm calling it an AU because I imagine it is not your plan for what happens after lol, but currently canon-compliant.
-Bill is at first not very on board with the idea of working in the higher education system. It's a scam and it's dumb that they tell adult people how to think.
-He's eventually convinced to bless Backupsmore with his tutelage, on the grounds that they're less stuck up there, they seem to care about giving their students opportunities despite their backgrounds, and the kids there care about learning rather than going to college just because their parents said they should.
-Ford uses his academic connections to vouch for Bill even though he is very mysterious and has no academic records. This is another reason why they picked Backupsmore: i's a little more lax when presented with a shockingly smart mystery professor. Bill gets an interview and charms the pants off the university president.
-He teaches "astrophysics" in theory (that's the job description) but he ends up teaching a little bit of everything.
-He's one of those professors you either adore or despise. He's very loud, often outright mean, and if you're too shy to speak up in class he does not give a SHIT about you. You gotta want it!
-However, his class is notoriously easy. He thinks homework and tests are facist, but he's required to have a curriculum, so his "quizzes" are like a few true or false questions and then a short answer where he asks something he thinks would be funny or wants to hear about, like "what's the dumbest thing another student has said in class since the last test and why was it dumb" or "fashion advice: what's the coolest thing I wore this last week? Extra credit: draw something cooler I SHOULD wear."
-as a result, students who have completely unrelated majors will take his class. If they end up being interested, he deems them worthy. If they're just there to be lazy, he will bully them into dropping out.
-Mabel buys him stickers to put on people's tests when they pass, or to just hand out when they something he likes. He gets along most with the college kids who know how to appreciate a classic gold star.
-He really wanted a big pretty lecture hall, where his voice would echo and he could point at a big chalkboard. But all Backupsmore could provide was a cinderblock and linoleum basement classroom. The lights buzz very loudly and it smells musty. They have stools and folding tables. Bill finds he enjoys the more intimate environment where he can walk between the tables and also sneak up on people.
-He's broken multiple folding tables by trying to do the cool professor thing where you hop up onto your desk and cross your legs and talk all casual. He is able to do this on his own desk thankfully. It's aluminum.
-Ford gets a bit nervous if he did the right thing when bill tells his school stories at the dinner table, so he finds an excuse to accompany Bill to a campus event where he can meet some of his students.
-His fears are quickly assuaged when he sees how beloved Bill is and how well he gets along with the kids. When he eventually joins in on one of these conversations, one of the students asks if he's Sixer. The students are excited by this. Bill tries to shut them up, to partial success.
OK I guess I just ended up writing the fic more or less so enjoy I guess lol.
Aww, this is adorable! Thank you! (And the fact that you're imagining a future for Bill makes me so happy.) He's absolutely be the weirdest professor in the school and he'd ADORE having a crowd full of trusting impressional minds whose parents are paying him to change the way they think. Talk about playing to his strengths.
Your idea is so wholesome, meanwhile the moment I saw "Professor Bill" I went,
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divine-misfortune · 1 year
Kinktober, day 1. High sex.
Pairing: Zephyr/Mountain/Phantom
Words: 1,100
Contains: Spit roasting, shotgunning, intox play (i mean obv), sort of objectification if you squint
Summary: Zephyr and Mountain share a blunt and a Phantom.
Starting off kinktober strong - huge shout out to @kroas-adtam for pulling this together I'm excited <33
Read on Ao3
Phantom felt full, fuller than he'd ever been. Even as his lungs screamed to swell and draw breath, devoid of oxygen or relief, their emptiness was a concern best kept at the back of his mind. 
Though as if sensing his lungs silent plea, Zephyr's lithe fingers drifted from their place on his waist. Skating along the curve of his spine as graceful as they'd ever moved, Phantom could feel the burning cry simmer to a subtle heat at best. Not entirely satiated but quieted for the moment. 
He moaned lowly, appreciative as he could manage around the girth of Mountain's cock stretching his jaw to its limit. With it sat right before the point it'd make him gag, dripping pre down his throat, Phantom couldn't offer up much more sound than that. Mountain's hand had abandoned his hair at some point, no longer guiding him, Phantom couldn't make himself move. His arms were barely keeping him upright. He didn't trust them to support much shift in weight but Zephyr did the work he couldn't. Every lazy thrust forward sent him nearly gagging around another inch of the earth ghoul.
Phantom blinked slowly, sluggishly, to clear the blur of tears away as he heard Mountain's lighter click uselessly. Only putting off sparks much to his chagrin. 
"Dew's never around when you need him." Mountain grumbled as the sparks finally caught, and behind him Zephyr laughed.
"You're the one too stubborn to buy a new lighter, sapling." They pointed out as their nails dug into his hip, tone bored enough it hardly sounded like they were balls deep in him. Something so unnaturally calm about them as they pistoned forward again, cock dragging against the most sensitive parts of his inner walls. Phantom made a weak muffled sound. "Don't tell me you're going to hog this joint too." 
"If you want me to share you just gotta ask baby." 
The earthy scent was strong and thick in the room, windows and doors shut tight, leaving the smoke with nowhere to go but straight to his head. Phantom hated admitting to being a lightweight but he had next to no tolerance, a single joints worth of secondhand smoke left him dizzy. He didn't know if he could blame the floaty sensation on the weed outright, the two older ghouls and their actions certainly weren't helping him keep to solid ground. The haze behind his eyes, while mostly artificial, was entirely their fault. He dared to suspect the smoke to be purposeful, a ploy to ease him from his typical shy demeanor. Inhibitions were easy to forget when they'd effectively hollowed him out, emptied out just to be filled again to their liking. 
Mountain inhaled deeply and settled an encouraging hand on the back of his head, and he did his best to let his jaw go slack like they'd taught him.  
"That's it bug…" He exhaled and scratched lightly at his scalp. Just when he thought his head couldn’t get fuzzier the mere semblance of praise sent him further. "Just breathe through your nose, know you can take it. Taken more of me before, haven't you?" Mountain chuckled, laughter low and rich as honey. 
"And he takes you so well...Don't you wisp?" Zephyr purred as they bottomed out. Skin to skin they spread his cheeks apart to watch the way his body clenched around them, groaning aloud. "Fuck you're still so tight, starting to think you don't want me to last."
Part of him doesn't. He selfishly wanted to feel the way their cock swells at the base, wanted them to tease him with the stretch of their knot before spilling hot and sticky inside of him. The idea alone makes his toes curl with excitement...But part of him does want it to last. Phantom had grown so accustomed to this state that his aching jaw was almost entirely forgotten. Masked behind a wall of bliss that ran vein deep, made his blood run hot and his muscle turn to puddy. Pliant barely described how he felt. Truly content to remain a shared toy between them, an afterthought if they wanted him to be, as long as he stayed stuffed full of cock he couldn't care less. 
Above him, the joint changed hands and Phantom sank further along Mountain's shaft. 
He could imagine the way Zephyr's lips closed around it, the red glow of the cherry as it burned away for them, pinched carefully between their fingers. He could also imagine the ruby tinged stare Mountain fixes them with, soft and nothing short of pure adoration, as well as the smile that surely split his face. He'd spent so long watching them watch each other. Fallen in love with how they loved one another, and how beautiful it was to love something and have it love you in return. 
Fingers tangled through the back of his hair and he briefly debated how sweaty his curls must have felt before he's pulled. Phantom mewls sadly as he's tugged off Mountain's cock, eyes glued to it as the earth ghoul takes to stroking himself. 
When did they swap the joint back?
Zephyr's other hand rested loose around the base of his throat while the other remained twisted in his hair. Seeing them, they're not as composed as they sounded, lip bitten red in an attempt to remain stoic. 
The angle is different. New. And lets them fuck into the part of him they'd yet to seemingly mold around the shape of their dick. One thrust had his mouth falling open, his head tipping back to their shoulder, and they smiled coyly.
Smoke spilled out from between their teeth before they moved to catch his lips. It's hardly a kiss, but Phantom melts into it all the same, stomach swooping low with desire. Licking both the shallow moan and smoke from their mouth made his cock twitch. It kicks despite the hours of neglect. Still stood at attention and dripping onto the sheets, he almost reached for it until they abandoned his lips abruptly. 
They pressed a warm, sweet kiss to his temple before they forced him back down to the mattress by the back of the neck. His head spun as he caught himself on his elbows. Mountain laughed again and cupped his jaw, lifting his face up to rub the wet head of his cock to his pink and swollen lips. 
Phantom glanced up to his wide crooked smile as he pressed back into the heat of his mouth, smoke trickling out as Mountain moved to fill him once more.
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genericpuff · 1 year
Hello. I wasn’t the anon from last time but I realized my question came off as rude and standoff-ish. it was actually just a genuine question of whether you think all webtoon original creators are/should be held to the same level of scrutiny as LO is. You said before that its okay for indie comics to look messy or unprofessional because they’re passion projects. But I was just thinking of all the webtoon originals that are overworked and under paid. Kind of makes me feel bad because webtoon presents them as professional works— yet treats them like indie projects. And its throwing them under the bus because they dont have any of the same resources as traditional print. When rachel gets called out for reusing panels/artworks, adding filler, and taking shortcuts it sets a precedent that all webtoon originals shouldn’t do that.
Oh you're good!!! Sorry if I came at you like a flying monkey, it was just very similar to the last set of asks so I made a faulty assumption LOL
I do think there's a lot of responsibility on WT's shoulders to do better by their creators. A lot of them are burnt out, underpaid, overworked, as you said, and I'm definitely not looking past that. The only reason I get on Rachel's case as much as I do is because she has WAY more assistants than others, people who are literally industry professionals (seriously, look up their socials/art pages sometime, some of these people literally work in the larger entertainment industries like movies and gaming, it makes it feel like their skills are being SEVERELY wasted on LO with how bad it looks week after week) and there's just a lot of evidence that points to how much Rachel lies about how much she contributes (she's also definitely one of the top earning creators on the platform, at least here in NA). That's not even getting into how much WT carries Rachel and LO on their shoulders, from giving LO extensive ad space every week (ad space that's constantly being fought for by other Originals creators who are lucky to get even a couple hours per season in the ad roulette) to outright paying for awards and articles to be written about it. Like, far be it from me to make assumptions as an outsider looking in, but I don't get the sense that Rachel is in the same ballpark of struggling that a lot of Originals creators are. If anything there are probably creators struggling to be seen right now because of WT constantly giving her and her comic preferential treatment over others. And yeah, that's on Webtoons, but you don't exactly see Rachel doing anything to lift up her peers or talk about her experiences with Webtoons the same way many other creators are and that says a lot IMO.
And, speaking as a creator and as a reader, I'm definitely not against the notion of webtoon creators using whatever shortcuts they need to use, but I still feel like there's a line you gotta draw somewhere before those shortcuts become definitively "lazy" low quality crutches. Those kinds of shortcuts can become a very slippery slope between "doing the best you can" and "making no effort at all". If I can use a creator who's not Rachel as an example, Let's Play has a LOT of this kind of thing going on.
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I can totally empathize with needing to use shortcuts, I use them all the time and I'm not being burnt at both ends the same way Originals creators are, but while there is the concern that criticizing them sets a precedent that people shouldn't use them ever, there's the opposite concern that not talking about it when it's very obviously cheap sets a precedent that it's okay to give your audience garbage and still expect them to stick around and pay money for your work.
It's not really a battle that sits squarely on the shoulders of the creators, though, a lot of it does come down to Webtoons. But I think there are also creators who are just sorta like that. See Snailords as an example, they use WT underpaying them all the time as an argument/excuse for their behavior, but they're a genuinely shitty person with a nasty attitude who very blatantly manipulates their young audience (literally made up of children!) and they've been like that since before they joined WT as an Originals creator, so it doesn't matter if WT is in the picture or not, Snailords is just like that.
When it comes to Rachel, I genuinely believe that she wasn't always like this with her work, there was a time when she put actual effort into her art - but that time has been long gone since 2019/2020. And I don't think WT paying her more or loosening the strictness of her deadlines is the solution, I just think LO should have ended a long time ago before it got to that point. When LO's art and writing started to turn, there was that initial concern that it was her taking these shortcuts out of necessity for her health and work/life balance... but then there's a point where it becomes abundantly clear that the creator just doesn't care anymore and I think that's a point Rachel crossed a long time ago, probably around the start of S2 if I had to try and guess exactly where.
When it comes right down to it, Webtoons Originals is still a form of publisher, and if you sign that contract, you're going to be held to higher standards than creators who aren't because you're no longer a hobbyist, you're doing this as your job. That's not to say you don't deserve empathy ever, especially in the working climate that WT demands, but if you're gonna be working as a professional in an industry that's begging to be respected among its peers, you gotta hold yourself to higher standards. To really get across what I mean by that, if the webtoon/webcomic industry wants to be taken seriously, especially here in the west where it's competing with DC and Marvel, maaaybe it should at least have some modicum of quality control to ensure there's a mutual level of respect between the audience and the creator. I think that's something WT needs to be taking more seriously and, by extension, they should be doing more to both provide assistance and accommodations to their creators as well as quality control to ensure they're holding these works to a standard they expect people to pay for. This is especially true for a comic like LO which they're insisting still has a show in development (they aren't but that's another topic lol), of course people are gonna have higher standards for a comic that's won as many awards as it has and has gotten television and merch deals.
And aside from all that, I don't think anyone gets mad right off the bat at a comic that isn't "perfect", usually they'll just go "oh okay, this is what the comic is, it's not for me" and move on (Religiously Gay is an example of a comic like this, there was already a lot of controversy surrounding it when it came out but it was pretty clear that was just what the comic was so I didn't bother reading it further). It's when a comic starts off on a good note and builds that rep and then becomes a cheap reproduction of what it used to be that audiences tend to get more upset - because the creator has built that rep with them and set those expectations, which they're now failing. Look no further than S8 of Game of Thrones. It's often WAY more disappointing than a project just never improving in quality in the first place because you're seeing, in real time, a project you know can do better fail at that and even get worse.
I'll also mention, on a personal note, that I've found shortcuts that I tried and ultimately didn't end up liking, even if they technically improved the output of my work. I started using 3D models last year for my main project, and while they improved my anatomy consistency, now they're making my poses feel very stiff, lifeless and boring, and my characters just don't feel alive anymore. So I'd MUCH rather have expressive art that's a little messy sometimes than stiff art with an accurate hip to torso ratio. I still aim for consistency as best I can, obviously I don't want my characters' appearances to be morphing from panel to panel, but in practice, most people don't care or notice if an arm or leg is a little out of place.
All that said, when it comes to LO, I don't call that stuff out as like, a genuine legit criticism. It's more just because it's hilarious and I often can't believe I never noticed those things (which is exactly the former point I just mentioned at play, most people don't notice these things). So that's where I'll repeat, don't confuse my shitposting of LO and how silly it can look in hindsight with like, legitimate criticism that I would blanket apply to every project I read. Apply common sense where necessary. Don't ever punch down.
And maybe also just don't use me as a monolith for these things, I'm literally just a guy talking shit on the Internet and participating in some of the worst that fandom culture has to offer LOL Time will tell if I will ever pay for my crimes(;´д`)ゞ
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wizling · 2 months
Hi, sorry I was going through your art tags and I've just gotta ask - what's the momswap au? it seems really neat!
hi, thank you for reading my blog!
I'm going back about a decade here but i will do my best to answer: it was a very loosely defined project to swap the stable parent of the awakening future kids to imagine how their lives would've been different that because I am who I am mostly exists as cynigowain shipping art. (cynigowain is VERY real in momswap and it's important)
for example, Nah in momswap au is Miriel's daughter. while Laurent is interested in extending and understanding Miriel's work by using scientific principles, Nah will only do the experiments her mother recorded exactly as they were written in her book, and really struggles when she finds out that Miriel was kind of making things up as she went along. Nah's coping method was to deify a loose collection of notes and believe it revealed a truth about the universe because Nah is kind of a teacher's pet at heart and she needed to believe that Miriel's notebook had some kind of authority because she didn't have Miriel around to teach her anything directly
Inigo in momswap is Cordelia's son, and he carries a lot of resentment towards his mother because she made everything look effortless while he had to try and still couldn't do what she did. while Olivia shared his shyness and insecurity and could commiserate and try to help him with it, Cordelia can't understand it at all, and is equally frustrated that her future son is a lazy useless flirt with no ambition.
Momswap Cynthia is Panne's daughter and she's reached the mistaken conclusion that because she's made it this far she won't ever die, because she's special. Panne is struggling to find a starting point for the reality check.
Owain as Nowi's son has all his chuuni suspicions confirmed and he's insufferable for it. he's disappointed that even after time travelling he can't find out much more about their great and noble dragon lineage and that his mother mostly wants to have fun instead of brood about their (obviously incredibly important) destiny
I had a full list of who went where at some point but all I can remember is that Kjelle was Chrom's daughter (which kind of worked, except Lucina is a very patient person who just doesn't like other women and Kjelle has no patience and hates all men), Laurent was Tharja's son/lab tech, Sumia had Noire i think? Noire had a lovely childhood at least
if i find the list it would be a fun project to draw them all out.....
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demeterdefence · 7 months
since persephone is supposed to be "plus-sized", i wonder if that's the reason her boobs are prominent everywhere
like having larger breasts doesn't equal being chubby (though of course, like other parts of the body, they can grow thicker as we gain weight) but i wonder if rachel thinks this is an easy way to draw a supposed fat woman whilst also keeping her within sexy proportions for the male gaze (i guess? male gaze in the sense of sometimes continuing to internalize what a proper woman should look like)
totally get what you're saying here and we can't rule it out because truly who knows what goes on in rachel's mind. i will say though, i've never been sold that rachel legitimately intended from the beginning to make persephone "plus size"
i'll come back and add screencaps when i'm not lazy but waaay in the beginning when she was posting these to tumblr, she mentioned how much she enjoyed drawing "curvy" figures, and that's pretty apparent in how persephone is drawn in the first couple of episodes - huge breasts, no waist, big butt. like, this was supposed to be plus size?
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i know at one point the critique around persephone's chest being so unnecessarily centered made rachel go back out of spite and edit some panels so it was less pronounced, but overall, rachel has actually been increasing the chest size of all the female gods, not just persephone. minthe, demeter, hera, the furies, even hecate got a boob job over time, and since persephone has been the center focus for so long, her chest is going to be the most pronounced. it's just wild because rachel almost goes out of her way to show it off, and like - we saw in this recent chapter that persephone was still wearing her same dress; she hadn't changed her outfit. she had simply taken the sleeves off and let them hang down so (presumably) the doctors could draw blood from her? or something? but then she never brings them back up? so she's literally walking around with her chest hanging out. because why not, husband is gone gotta air out the goods i guess.
like if rachel truly, sincerely believes that panel is plus sized representation, i ... am very concerned for a number of reasons lol but at the same time who knows! this narrative is insane!
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riftdancing · 1 year
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I'm insane but on my toes I could keep the world balanced on my nose I had a slumber party wit' all my foes Now I wear them like a badge of honor on my clothes
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If I'm crazy, I'm on my own If I'm waitin', it's on my throne If I sound lazy, just ignore my tone 'Cause I'm always gonna answer when you call my phone...
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Where do I start with this woman? At some point on Tumblr I stopped talking about my characters and I want to start breaking that starting with this post. Because I haven't filled most of Tumblr in on this character this is going to come with a little bit of backstory?
I love flavor abilities for characters. Ones that aren't over powered, often shadowed by some sort of weakness or draw back... and Blink's nickname unironically comes from her own flavor ability.
This woman can short range teleport up to three times within a rested cycle. While this potentially has the availability to be incredibly over powered I have always roleplayed it very respectfully. Something my roleplay partners seem to really enjoy about Blink's ability is the fact that it comes with a strong set of consequences.
The first 'blink' is pretty inconsequential. She might feel a very mild bit of fatigue from it, but not enough to hinder her combat prowess.
The second, however, will wind and stop her for a hot moment. She's gotta recover from it a bit, and she will absolutely be feeling a substantial amount of more fatigue.
The third is a last ditch effort. Rarely has anyone pushed her to this state. This is a fight or flight response, most commonly used as flight- but I have seen her use it once for the sake of combat to try and land a finishing blow (which, for the record was a preplanned fail). After this charge is spent, she's incapacitated if not knocked out cold entirely. And it usually messes her up for a day or two afterwards. This is a life or death situation use for her.
But it takes a basic understanding of this 'ability' of hers for me to describe where the inspiration for these screenshots comes from, ha.
Blink loves a good free fall. She lives for the sky, and nothing makes her feel at one with it more than a free fall moment. Heights do not scare her. Why? Because more often than not if she's managed her ability right she can blink before she hits the bottom.
The amount of times she's pulled this stunt as a get away has lead it to almost become an art form for her. So much to the point that she's learned how to blink inside of moving ships flying in to 'catch' her. (Though not with some mishaps... oops- ask me about that later if you want. Legitimately. If you're reading this and want to know, shoot me an ask. Its a funny story.)
But just...
A lil cocky half ass salute to the people chasing her, then arms outspread, she just leans back, and suddenly she's gone...
That's my gal. Ex-sky Pirate extraordinaire. sksksksksks.
I love this woman with my whole chest.
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raccoonfallsharder · 8 months
The Other Side of the Window. [est 1/25] ❤︎
18+ only MDNI | rocket x oc | upcoming: 26/27 chapters | wip | word count: pending.
NSFW under the cut
It’s another circumrotation before Jolie finally gets the idea she’s been waiting for. She mulls it over for a couple cycles and then, one morning, she wakes up to Rocket asleep on top of her belly: head between her breasts, tail twitching against the seam of her thighs. She stretches beneath him, then winds her arms around him, tucking him in closer. She loves when he sleeps like this, curled on top of her torso. He’s better than a weighted blanket: fur and warmth and probably heavier than he should be thanks to all the metal augmenting his insides, squishing her into the thin mattress in the best possible way, compressing her lungs. She can feel her heartbeat against him, and smells that musky, woodsy scent he always carries with him, lanced through with the sharp bite of electricity like a lightning strike. 
She could lay here forever. 
Eventually he stirs, realizes where he is, and stretches against her in a way that makes her melt. He yawns, mouth working as he flexes his narrow jaw, waking himself up.
“Morning, baby.”
He mumbles something she can’t quite pick up, rubbing his furred cheek against her breasts. Rocket is a snuggler: a fact that’s never-ever surprised her, except for the idea that she gets to be the lucky person he snuggles. 
He stretches again, this time uncurling to lay his full length across her vertically - head pressed into her chest, knees pressing between her thighs till she opens them and she can feel his dick nudging into her abdomen. She strokes her hands carefully over his back, fingers rippling over scar and metal and fur, then runs her fingers through the fur behind his ears and scratches. A few more moments of comfortable, dozy quiet, and then he shifts. 
“Coffee?” he offers raspily. She smiles against the top of his head.
“In a minute,” she agrees, her hands continuing their leisurely stroll over his shoulders and down his flanks. “I had a question to ask you. A favor, really.”
He snorts, one narrow hand coming up to cup the breast currently in front of his face. Her nipple hardens immediately. “Don’t gotta keep me in bed to ask me for somethin’,” he tells her dryly. “We both know I’m a frickin’ pushover for you at this point.” He draws lazy circles around her areola with his blunted claws, and she can feel him grin against her skin when her breath hitches. He blows a cool stream of air over her nipple and chuckles when she shivers and her nipple stiffens further. “There’s my sweet little slut,” he purrs. 
Jolie tilts her head back, staring at the ceiling while the faint prickling sensation radiates from the sensitive skin of her breast. 
“You can say no,” she reminds him breathily. “I just wanted to see if you wanted to help me. With an art project.”
She feels him shift, and now he’s looking up at her. He noses the soft underside of her chin, warm and light and tickling. She shivers. He knows exactly what he’s doing, of course. 
“What project?” he asks, breath stirring against her skin.
Window Across the Galaxy ✧・゚:*preview
excerpt from Chapter XXVI. The Other Side of the Window. [est 1/25] ❤︎ in which old friends are reunited.
i'm posting window across the galaxy ✧・゚:* previews ahead of each upcoming chapter to like. keep me motivated. because this has been such a long journey and i'm feeling all bittersweet about it coming to a close in the next few weeks.
Chapter XXVII. The Most Beautiful Thing in My House. [est 2/6] ❤︎ [END]
some explicit statements or references ✩ explicit scenes or fantasy sequences ❤︎‬ long, detailed, and graphic explicit content ❤︎‬❤︎
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toughbunnyforever · 1 month
So I came from your insta and saw that you improved quite a lot over two years. I’m in an art rut right now and was wondering your tactics for learning to draw different positions and poses? And fabric? I’m just curious since you don’t have speed draws on YT.
oh thank you!
in the past two years, i think what's helped me improve the most is learning the balance of keeping consistency without taking myself too seriously. i find that when i'm in a rut or i feel like i've stagnated, it's bc i'm too in my head and i'm forgetting to have fun. bc yes, technical skill is good to acquire, but creativity is, in my opinion, more important of a priority because that's where the art comes from. the technical skill is just the tool to help the art get made, so hone it, but don't treat it like it's everything. it's no good being able to draw a bunch of cool stuff if you don't have the spoons to draw any of it or if you're so burned out, you can't even come up with ideas.
on the more technical side though, for me, study and practice time are when i focus on repetition so i can build muscle memory. if i'm studying from references (and not feeling lazy lol) i'll draw each ref at least 2 or 3 times to get those reps in, drawing fast and sketchy, just doing as many as i can. this really helps with things you'll draw over and over again like clothing folds. my hand will start to just have a better intuitive sense for the shapes instead of agonizing over each one cuz i've drawn it enough times. when i'm sketching, it helps me to fall back on that muscle memory so i can put more focus to other aspects of whatever it is i'm drawing.
it's about finding a balance really.. if i study too much, i never actually implement the things i learn but if i study too little, then my work stagnates and all looks the same. finding that balance for yourself will go alone way! when i'm in an art block, what i need just really goes back to remembering to enjoy the process and finding that spark again. if i'm not enjoying my art, then i gotta switch something up.
here are some other things i like to do for practice:
redraw screenshots/stills from my fav shows or manga (good way to study poses, anatomy, and scene composition w/o it feeling too serious.)
or pick a show/movie/comic and choose a character i like. draw them 3-5 times, copying the art style to a T then draw them again in my own style to see what elements i wanna take away from it. (again, a good way to study without Studying. i end up leaving the experience with new staples for my art style)
find fashion photo references and draw my ocs in the outfits.
switch up what i'm drawing with. like if i'm mostly draw in pencil, switch to only pen. if i'm doing digital, i put my go-to brushes in a new folder, don't touch them, then sketch with a brush i never reach for. just change one little thing and see how it affects the process. usually i discover something new.
i wrote a list of things i like to draw on the front page of my sketchbook (just stream of consciousness, wrote down like 100 things i like to draw. ex: oranges, apples, snails, leaves.) and when i don't know what to draw, i close my eyes and point to something then draw whatever i comes up.
hope this helps!!
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bluevaractyl · 7 months
Your vent post sounds like classic ADHD. Or maybe burnout. Or some kind of chronic fatigue. Either way, remember there's no such thing as laziness. It's legitimate tiredness. Or it's a physical or mental disability that's disabling you. It isn't your fault. Whatever you're doing right now IS your best and that's okay and you should be proud of yourself for the little victories you do like eating dinner or making a phone call.
You aren't a coward or weak willed, you're a rabbit. You are designed to be a survivor, to lead a life you enjoy. You shouldn't judge yourself harshly for not being a kingly lion, or a mighty bear, or a focused falcon, or a swift fox. Being a rabbit is a-ok! You're smart, you know how to avoid things that will hurt you, you know how to slow down and enjoy the simple quiet parts of life, like reading and drawing and being nice to people.
Maybe you aren't meant to be bold and ambitious (or maybe something is disabling you so you physically can't be) and that's okay. Don't fault yourself for it. You have value just by existing. You don't have to do anything to be worthy.
You'll have to figure out what the root cause is. Is it physical? Like a medical issue? Is it mental like ADHD or anxiety, depression, or shutdown due to chronic stress and pushing yourself too hard? Usually the best (and sometimes the only) fix for this kind of thing is taking a break.
Strategically drop assignments as long as you can still pass the class with a C (C's get degrees!). Cut any corners you can. Do disability/chronic illness lifehacks like having groceries delivered, using paper plates and plastic utensils, sitting in the shower instead of standing, listen to your reading assignments with an audiobook.
Also, this part is super important: take all the breaks you can. Do all the fun things you can. Healing doesn't just mean band-aiding the problem or merely removing your exposure to the trigger, you gotta heal yourself with medicine for the mind and soul: read lots of fics, watch lots of shows, draw lots of things. Only when your mind/body have the space to heal can it reset back to the point where you can cheerfully do your tasks.
You should try the Finch app. It is a no-stakes self-care app that rewards you for doing things like getting out of bed or taking a shower. It's fun! You play dress up with a baby bird and take them on adventures.
Aw Anon, you made me cry. I needed this.
I do have ADHD, and I still forget what that means. I didn't know until starting college. I can't take medication for it right now because of some health stuff I'm trying to figure out. I am starting to think I might have anxiety too. Definitely feeling a little burnt out.
I withdrew from one of my classes last week because I was so overwhelmed. It helped a little, but I've still been missing assignments left and right. Maybe that's okay.
I'm a rabbit, I suppose, and I can learn to accept that. Thank you Anon <3
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uglywizardhat · 3 months
wait how do you "train" your sense of direction??? i thought that was something that was just like part of how your brain works
oh you got me right as my vyvanse kicked in prepare for a wall of text. a year or two ago i read a book called 'the lost art of finding our way' and it rewired my brain. the book is more overall geared towards like...hiking and wilderness navigation, but there was plenty about urban navigation, and it made me think about how differently i approached the places i lived when i was exclusively riding a bike (just Go) vs in a car (gps).
he talked about navigation as a Skill, and a skill that can be learned. and while i felt like i had Learned well on a bicycle (more time to process the environment, using GPS is just kind of a pain in the ass, etc), i definitely hadn't in a car. i felt like i'd regressed in my ability to navigate, after i started driving. i knew the rough shape of the area, but that was it, and that felt bad compared to my bike era, where i was confident.
so one of the exercises suggested in the book was to make a map of the places you go within an average week or so completely from memory. the idea was to focus on their relationship to each other rather than specific directions. and my first map wasn't great, but it really did key me into how what i thought of as 'islands' (workplace, friend's house, etc) are all part of the same mesh. iirc it looked something like this
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which isn't terrible, and was honestly a really good starting point for thinking about the most optimal routes between places. so i started looking up directions to other places i needed to go, and thinking of them as relative to landmarks i already felt confident getting to without gps. if i got lost, i'd pop open the gps, but not until i at least tried to get un-lost, the same way i'd operate on my bicycle. so now if i repeat the exercise...
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this took like an hour and it's still not super accurate - i know my mom is way further north than the mall and some of these proportions are WACK, but in terms of like...knowing what connects where? i'm actually confident about it now. and a lot of it comes down to trying different routes and seeing what happens. if you have a basic idea of which direction you need to go, you can just keep going in that general direction and odds are you'll hit a main road you're familiar with. i'm a bit spoiled on having the Big Fucking Lake as a landmark, but try and find something you can triangulate yourself with.
also it's not about memorizing names. if i really thought about it, i might be able to label like 2/3s of the streets on my drawing? that's a ymmv thing, if names help you a lot, keep track of them, don't just let your gps announce them. but otherwise, notice and use landmarks. sometimes those are businesses, but sometimes they're cool trees or painted transformers.
it's genuinely super rewarding to actually know where you are beyond the most basic 'A Building'. what i drew isn't even everything i know - i got lazy drawing the south end of town, and i can easily navigate to any of the major cities within a few hours. you feel so much more Aware of the world around you when you're thinking 'gotta pass the elm tree inn and then it's about four miles' instead of just occasionally glancing at a little screen and not having to use your brain at all.
that's another ingredient: distance estimation. if you know something is 10 miles away, and you're going 60mph, that's about 10 minutes, or two and a half-ish songs. it's something that you have to consciously make yourself notice, but with time it becomes second-nature. it's also an easy way to impress your friends.
you really do have to learn to trust yourself. your brain wants to be used like this, i promise. if you're thinking 'no it doesn't, i don't even know left from right' stop it! i still dont reliably know left from right! that can be annoying if you're trying to give directions (my friends can attest), but when you're just going somewhere, with some practice you just know 'turn towards [your destination]'.
and it is a skill. it's one that's easy to build on your home turf, and then when you go somewhere new, your brain is already primed to think about locations in terms of their relationships to each other. you can even backwards-extrapolate directions! i visited a place i lived as a wee child and was able to navigate without gps because i had one (1) landmark that i could relatively place locations by. and that was in an actual city. i remembered one (1) street name. ALSO an easy way to impress your friends.
anyways whoops i spent 90 minutes answering this instead of doing my job. tl;dr, put down your gps, it'll be okay, i promise. we got by just fine for like a hundred years without everyone having one.
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
That's true they won't get our friend any money and they locked him in here and they plan on bring him W and W and then they plan on bringing him W and then they plan on bringing him to Cheyenne Mountain Complex and threatening him and we don't like that our plan is a little more involved and he knows about it and it has to do with DC I'm just saying they want to do that too well we wanna do both as well and it looks like we end up moving Cheyenne Mountain or Tommy F and it's not a bad idea they're smoking self we'll have to fight over it and we do believe it's coming up he keeps saying we're stupid and I look he relies on government check and and we're kind of the government I've got these funky acts funky Max who are flunkies. So I said to myself why is that such a pain and it's directing a lot of attention to us there are tons of foreigners in DC on occasion there are and we are suffering because of it and the Mac Flunkies are two so here's the deal we suffer and we're supposed to do things it gets the job done so we're thinking of getting more funding from the government to him to apply pressure and yeah we're not really the government right now it's these idiots and it will kick their **** but they won't do it because they know about it. So we're telling them to do it and they won't and we decided that we have to step in'cause nobody is doing anything for him and he is starting to grow. Real. And the way he thinks is very dangerous this whole family was at West Point and he's no dummy. Right now we're trying to arrange to remove trump from the seat and he really needs to be he is a puke and a loser says things in there and he should not and is getting us in trouble with foreigners and minorities all over the place. With that said we looked at it and we said you don't want him to move quite yet because it would draw attention to yourselves and we hear him talking about it and he says we're draining the bottom out from roots down there so it goes down and he's giving out reports and we know the answer it's like 95% intact or more and he moved the stuff himself it's like nobody has gone down there. So his ego is through the roof and his mouth is way out there right in checks and he can't cash and he plans to use the root system to go to the Midwest and pop up and thinks that it's gonna be easy and we're saying it's not and they won't listen and we're the ones who gonna stop them. This is going to happen he's going to get his **** kicked and for Christ sake he's **** **** so that being said the **** people who are going to be in charge and are in charge need to feel the pain and their counterparts need to get here and some did and they're dying fast and that'll keep going and minorities might we need that to happen once not and they're lazy and it's because they wanna take over the planet so they let him sit here and rot and they've been trying to do this for like 20 years and it's disgusting they're trying to do it in the Midwest and just drove around and it was awful and there's such queer gay boys they don't wanna do it and we're trying to figure out why and it doesn't make sense no it does we know why. So they're moving out today and they're trying to get things done and they're leaving and they're gonna come back it's a better style they say and it really is for them and we said this. Cannot stand you moving around we cannot stand looking at you and we don't want to we don't want to see this **** you're you're **** goofballs and **** you see how you're a dumb faces in the windows. Boot your dumb **** **** with you garbage bags mostly and you have backpacks you're disgustingly stupid. I gotta hand it to you when you get to campus **** and **** everywhere everyone has to plow through it all the time it's disgusting you're so **** dumb. Is right we have these puppies as kids and it's not impressive and we might get our **** kicked because you losers so I'm getting to the point. Point is you need punishment and we got it for you. Coming. We're not gonna let you take over the world at all.
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blueempty · 9 months
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Sky was lookin kinda underwater today
I tell ya hwat, i didnt sleep enough last night, and I had to leave the house even though I was planning on being lazy at home all day, but I did some big productivity when I got home. I visited my moms house for Christmas today instead of going to visit her partner at his place tomorrow. Which like, tomorrow wouldve been better cuz he lives across the street from my great grandma who I never see, and again I didn't expect to be leaving the house for dinner at 3pm today, but we had fun. We played Bomberman, Dino Rex, The Rumble Fish, and Star Trek scene it. I was kicking ass in Dino Rex and I won our Star Trek game. I dont think I fucks with bomberman. The Rumble Fish is really good but I would need to spend some time with it to really understand whats going on in there. If you dont know what Dino Rex is you should google that, its a fighting game
But I'm home now, I'm settled in, and I'm probably gonna play Monster Hunter for an hour or two before I sleepy. Tomorrow I wanna work on hiragana, and draw, and maybe even draw hiragana. Im getting better at reading them, so I really wanna hit the point where I have all the basic ones and variants done so I can move on to katakana. And I'm gonna try to pick up kanji wherever I can on the way through. I was learning chinese in highschool and I really enjoyed the writing part, but chinese doesnt have kana, its all kanji, so even the bigger japanese kanji arent that scary to me. I'll probably learn a lot of food ones since I was inspired by the big tea kanji on my hojicha bottle yesterday. I gotta find a kanji keyboard too I guess
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Heres Bug
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Peace and Long Life
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averlym · 4 years
Hi! I hope you’re having a good day! So I do a lot of drawing on paper, and I’d like to start doing more digital stuff but don’t really know where to start. I have an iPad I can draw on, do you have any recommendations for drawing apps I can use? Thank you so much 💕💕 -double heart anon
hi!!!!! I’m having an amazing day because of @you-need-a-jello-shot‘s art it was like the first thing I woke up to and I went !!!! thank you very much and I hope you have an absolutely brilliant day <3
For drawing apps, I use autodesk sketchbook on both the iPad and my laptop, photoshop on my laptop and procreate on the iPad. I’ve also heard good stuff about firealpaca and medibang and clipstudio paint. hope that helps! :D
#I have no idea how to recommend stuff#I use my laptop for drawing mostly because the iPad belongs to my dad I just... steal it sometimes muehehe#uh so these may seem ex but i think there are shadier free things off the net if you don't want to pay#autodesk is free though#and i think firealpaca too#autodesk also has a flipbook function on the desktop and I have been having fun by animating bouncy balls#because this girl's too lazy to draw anything else#oddly enough I have different styles when it comes to each app.#if you see pencil-like kinda grainy textures it's probs procreate and if you see like a more digital painty style it's likely photoshop#if the outlines look soft it's probs autodesk#I have favourite brushes for each app and it shows#I think it's also why each app has a different style for me? it depends on the brushes ig#my first introduction to digital art was a really sad default app on my phone which had no brush choices and max 3 layers#what did i want to say oH right I think you can import brushes and stuff from somewhere or edit yours a bit to customise them but#it's never really occurred to me to find out how#brush-wise the one with the least default brushes is photoshop and I usually go with hard brush with pressure opacity and flow#the brushes I use are often pressure opacity it's like a little comfort zone#that said yay drawing on paper I have not drawn traditional for quite some time and oh gods I'm rusty#which you can see from my attempt at parr- gotta get back to practicing that at some point#not art#I just realised that most of these are for the computer last I checked#in which case my personal fav is procreate on the iPad but it was ex as heck#more reason to use it I suppose XD#some of them have been adapted to be on the ipads but i think they'd work best on the computer?#ah well anyway I hope you have a spiffing day anon this ask was very fun to ramble in the tags about#<3 *sends hugs*
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violetlilysunshine · 3 years
Oh my gosh I just had the cutest idea for your 900 celebration! Maybe chris and the reader have a daughter whose really young. And one day chris isn’t feeling well but the reader has to go to work so he has to watch their daughter even tho he has a cold. He falls asleep on the couch without a shirt on and the reader comes home to their daughter coloring in Chris’ tattoos while he’s napping 🥺
okay I did my best! I didn't name the baby so you can name her as you wish :) Also I naturally imagine Chris shirtless (because why would I picture him any other way) so I didn't include that, but keep it in mind when you're reading :)
Warnings: talk of mom and dad [mama and daddy], sick Chris, pet names between Reader and Chris [bubba, love, darlin'], Dodger [yes that's a warning in and of itself]
900 Celebration
"Okay, now you have to behave for daddy. You're gonna be good right?" you asked your toddler as you were packing your purse.
She was sitting on one of the barstools next to you, handing you things you were putting in: your snack for later, your office keys you'd dropped on the counter last night, your umbrella because it's supposed to rain and if you don't take one in your bag you'll undoubtedly leave the one in your car in your car, and that won't do you any good when you're walking out of the building.
"I'll be good, mama, promise," she answered, nodding her little head.
"Daddy will probably just want to watch movies and be lazy today, so you'll have to give Dodger some cuddles and draw lots of pictures okay? Don't try to make daddy chase you around the house. And no airplane even if he says he wants to do it. Don't even ask," you warn her, poking at her sides, "he doesn't feel good, we have to be nice to him."
"Okay, mama, I'll color for you and you can put it on the fridge!"
"Sounds good, sugar plum," you kiss her head. You pick her up and swing her on your hip, "alright, should we go get him so I can leave?" you ask her already walking to your bedroom.
You open the door gently and walk over to the bed, "Chris?" you try to wake him gently, "bubba?" you shake his arm.
He stirs slightly and groans.
"Love, I have to go," you whisper, "you've gotta wake up."
"I'm up," he grunts, "I'm up."
"Dodger's outside, he'll probably want in soon, and here's the sack of potatoes," you say, gently dropping your girl on the bed.
"Hi daddy," she whispers, crawling under the covers with him, "mama said we had to watch lots of movies and color today."
"That sounds fabulous," he says, voice scratchy and eyes droopy.
"Are you sure you can handle it?" you ask, "I can always tell them I can't make in it today, or we could call Scott and see if I can drop her off."
"Nah, I've got it, have a good day," he answers, finally sitting up, "I'd kiss you goodbye but, that's gross."
You kiss the top of his head, "see ya later."
"Bye mama!" your baby calls, crawling across the bed to get her kiss too.
You come home later that evening prepared to find the house a wreck and one exhausted Chris in the kitchen making an afternoon snack that your girl probably requested. But when you enter, you find something completely different. You can't see anyone in the kitchen or living room, but The Little Mermaid is playing on the TV. Dodger perks up at the end of the couch and looks at you, but is quick to lay back down telling you something's happening over there.
You drop your bag, keys, and umbrella on the island and walk over to the couch. Once you get close enough, you can see over the back of the couch.
"Hi mama!" your kiddo greats you, dropping her markers.
"Hi, baby! What are you doing?" you laugh, looking down at Chris sleeping on the couch.
"Coloring daddy's tattoos! He falled asleep and I ran out of color books but I still wanted to color so I made them pretty!" she smiles and points to the "DODGER" across his chest that is now brighter than the rainbow.
"Very pretty," you laugh, "I'm glad I bought washable markers."
You pet Dodger's head quickly, letting him continue to nap on Chris' feet and walk over to the kitchen. You begin making dinner with your little helper, who drops the pan on the floor causing Dodger to bark and Chris to shoot up on the couch wide awake.
"Sorry, bubba," you call, "everything's fine."
"Oh good," he sighs, lays back down and rubs his eyes for a second, "when did you get home, darlin'?" he asks as he gets up and walks to the kitchen.
"Just a few minutes ago," you answer, "feel any better?"
"Yeah, that nap helped," he says, "but I didn't love the rude awakening."
"Sorry about that," you say, leaning in for a peck since he's feeling better, "but I think you should go shower," you whisper against his lips.
"Do I stink?"
"No, but you make a great coloring book," you answer and tap his chest.
He looks down seeing his new art, before turning to your baby, "now when did you do that you little monster?" he yells, running after her.
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