#got s8 promo
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Let’s not spread false information - it’s never been said it WAS supposed to be Tommy & Eddie. It was said it was a possibility, not a guarantee, but it quickly fell through.
Then Tim revisited the idea of bisexual Buck that got shot down (by Fox, I assume cause, well, Fox) and he then made the effort to specifically get Lou, because he is fond of him and yes there would be no need to introduce a brand new character and thus Tim started writing his lil romcom as he calls it.
Well if you wanna get technical let's get technical...
Tim Minear confirmed that he wanted Lucy in the very beginning but since Arielle was not available THAT LEFT TOMMY. So no, he didn't get Tommy because he was revisiting the idea of bi Buck. It was the other way around. BECAUSE Lou was available and Arielle wasn't, Tim decided to revisit the idea he had had during s4.
So no... He didn't make the effort. Lou just was available and Tim didn't want to introduce a new character to explore Buck's sexuality and therefore Tommy

They even let us know in the show that Hen requested for Lucy and Tommy just happened to be there

And then he had to choose... Ryan himself confirmed during my previously mentioned podcast interview that he didn't know to which one of them that storyline was gonna go so yes it was a "possibility" but it went to Buck because Tim (and maybe Ryan) didn't believe that it was a storyline that fit Eddie so Tim went to Oliver instead. Oliver also confirmed that he was approached with the Tommy idea in the early days of preparing either eps 2 or 3 so it was something that was decided as they were filming so Tommy definitely wasn't the original plan

It was ALSO confirmed yes that the main reason Tommy was chosen to be Buck's first male love interest is because Tim didn't want to introduce a new character which doesn't go into bt favor since Tommy's place could literally be filled by any other man

So yes Tim chose him but trust me when I say he's no Endgame. Especially after all the trouble bt have been causing. Tim called it an entry relationship and yes Tommy is important to Buck because he's his first boyfriend. But there are no wedding bells in the horizon...
ALSO LET ME ADD! Thanks to the lovely @/fiooredimaggioo on Twitter that Buck was supposed to have a big storyline involving Natalia and their break up that was gonna go throughout s7 but because Natalia's actress wasn't available this was scrapped

And as we've been able to see in canon... there is nothing tender and positive about their relationship because Tommy doesn't actually listen to Buck or understand him. So yes... bucktommy is canon now but with the way he's been excluded from every promo/bts/content since they started filming (even though we all know he's coming back) well that doesn't sound good, does it???
AND because I'm petty I'm gonna add this. During the days previous to S7 Tim kept posting buddie stills on his Facebook account (the first one he ever posted was of Eddie himself)

Clearly you can tell Tim has a favorite right??? And I shouldn't even bring up the first still of s8 he posted just a couple of days ago...
Oliver liked a couple of bucktommy posts yes but after 7x04 he never liked a bucktommy post again and just kept liking and posting buddie content

And to finalize...
The ONLY post he liked post 7x10 was a buddie one so... if Oliver himself had to choose Buck's Endgame well the choice is pretty clear

Hoped this helped...
#buddie#911 on abc#evan buckley#buck#eddie diaz#buck and eddie#oliver stark#ryan guzman#911onabc#eddie and buck#tim minear#anti tommy kinard#anti bucktommy#tommy kinard#bucktommy
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I know not everything the actors say in interviews is accurate but I’m pretty sure in the beginning of the season Oliver talked about how Buck was going to have to work for his next relationship. He talked very deliberately about how Buck has always had relationships come easy. In that he’ll like someone and then end up with them without having to really fight for them. He said Buck's next relationship was going to be different, yet things with T*mmy feel exactly the same as how it’s felt with most of the women Buck's been with. Where the relationship comes easy and it’s mostly based on sex and the person doesn’t really know who Buck is at his core.
I can’t help but wonder if Tim told Oliver that he was planning on making Buddie happen this season or at least moving them closer to happening and it got pushed into s8. In the beginning of this season we had a lot of joint Ryan and Oliver interviews more so than in previous years. Oliver also did a lot of posting/liking about Buddie and Ryan on insta. He also talked about Buddie in all his interviews more than in previous seasons. Given how Oliver has said multiple times in the past that he didn't want to lead people on about Buddie I can't help but feel like he thought things were going to play out differently.
If you watch the beginning of s7 it feels like we’re heading towards something important happening with Buddie. We had a lot of Buddie scenes including the locker room scene, the scene where Buddie talk about underlying sexual tension, the scene where Buck is showing how much he's like Chris' other dad, Buddie working together on multiple calls including rescuing Bobby together. Then of course there was 704 which was like a flashing neon sign saying Buck has feelings for Eddie and is scared Eddie is going to replace him.
Then in 705 it was Eddie who interrupts Buck's first date with a guy. It's Eddie that is the focus of the conversation where Buck comes out to Maddie, where she tells him that if he has something he needs to tell Eddie he will in his own time. Then we get a very intimate scene where Buck comes out to Eddie, including a lot of shared looks between them and a hug. Also of note that Buck only had two coming out scenes in the whole season and Eddie was chosen to be one of them. There was also the gym scene where they talked about Eddie's sex life.
To me it feels like Tim changed course around 706 when he cut a lot of Buddie stuff from the ep especially the karaoke scene. I know a lot of things were likely cut for time but still they shot a scene of Buddie being all touchy feely singing a karaoke love song for the Madney wedding ep. Karaoke was one of the first things Madney did when they were falling for one another it was too much of a parallel for it not to mean something.
I think 706 was really supposed to be a bigger Buddie episode than it turned out to be. This may also be why so much of the promo stuff was about Buddie. I think originally this was going to be the episode to start officially letting the audience know there was something there between them. You can also see parts of the original story where they had Buddie joined at the hip after the bachelor party (helping Maddie and looking for Chim) everything came off very coupley.
This may also explain why Abuela is at the wedding and Marisol isn't (more about Marisol later). I wonder if originally we were going to get some kind of scene with Abuela and Eddie where she says something about Buck. There's no way they brought her in to just stand in the background like an extra there had to have been a purpose for her character originally.
I think Tim changed course when he decided he wanted to do the Kim/Shannon Vertigo mess. Which I don’t get why someone didn’t step in and tell him how ridiculous this idea was especially in this short of a season. I feel like Tim wanted to do something artsy and also get Devin Kelley back on the show and this was how he chose to do that. Unfortunately though the story turned into a mess and worse I feel like parts of Eddie's emotional journey that deserved more focus were lost. Like even the general audience didn't know what to make of that scene where Kim was dressed up as Shannon.
The Vertigo story might also be a part of why there were rumours that Edy had finished filming prior to this storyline starting in 707. Maybe she thought she had but was brought back in for this storyline. Who knows? This season was basically being written almost as they were filming it and I'm pretty sure Tim was changing things left and right. You can see that more in some episodes vs others and definitely more the later the season goes on.
I also think that would explain why so little thought and time was put into both Eddie's relationship with Marisol and Buck's thing with T*mmy. I don't think either relationship was supposed to last the entire season. There was talk early on in s7 that Lou was only supposed to be around for something like four episodes definitely a short run. In interviews Oliver also made it seem like B/T wasn't going to last and that T*mmy eventually was going to be more of a mentor type figure for Buck.
Lou also used the word rom-com when referring to B/T. Although take that with a grain of salt because it may have been on one of his cameos and he said all kinds of stuff on there. But you can see rom-com love triangle type stuff being set up in 704/705/706 between Buck, Eddie, and T*mmy and then T*mmy just kind of disappears (until 709) and the Kim/Shannon thing happens.
This would explain why there is so little development in s7 for T*mmy and B/T's relationship to the point that they never even defined that relationship by the end of the season. They never even had Buck call him his boyfriend. Which I'm glad for that in a way but it just goes to show how bad the writing was this season. And as much as I want Buddie and as much as I dislike Lou and T*mmy I'm also really sad for Oliver because this is not the coming out storyline Buck deserved.
In 707 there was zero mention of T*mmy and this is also when the Kim/Shannon storyline started so I think this is when we see some significant changes to the storyline from wherever things were originally set to go. Though the scene with Buddie and Chris I think some of that was from whatever had been originally planned. It's too flirty to explain otherwise. Maybe originally it was going to be something where Eddie and Chris spend time at Buck's loft but because there was the Kim storyline they wrote it with Eddie leaving for the date.
The thing is Buck's feelings for Eddie throughout this whole season have been louder and more apparent than we've ever seen them be before. Oliver is clearly playing Buck as in love with Eddie. Go back and watch the scene in 704 where Eddie talks about clicking with T*mmy and see how Buck looks like his heart has broken into a million pieces. Or the way Buck watches Eddie in the coming out scene in 705. Or Buck's face in 709 after he said he was worried about Eddie. It's just so obvious that man loves Eddie and would do anything for him.
This is why I really thought there was a good probability of us getting an oh moment feelings realization from Buck in the finale or at the very least a moment where they hugged and consoled each other over losing their son. But we didn't even get that.
I'm honestly not surprised that Oliver went quiet on social media during the back half of s7. Throughout the whole season Oliver wasn't really showing support for B/T and he talked very little about the ship in his interviews. I think this was originally because the plan was for B/T only to be a short term thing and Oliver didn't want to lead anyone on about that ship. I also personally think Oliver has wanted to see Buddie happen for years so he's not going to be rooting for another ship.
I also get the vibe Oliver's not crazy about working with Lou. Anytime you see behind the scenes video and pics of the cast Lou isn't in them or if he is no one is interacting with him. You can also see in the one interview Oliver did with Lou that the chemistry between them just isn't there. They feel more like coworkers just doing their job vs how Ryan and Oliver always appear like giggling besties in every interview and behind the scenes thing we see them in.
Like others have said I'm just sad for Oliver. I think once Tim told Oliver about them wanting to do the bi Buck storyline he must have been so excited. He's talked in interviews about how he's always seen Buck as bi so he must have been thrilled when they said they were finally taking his character there. And for all the issues this season Buck's coming out is still an incredibly important storyline and has meant a lot to so many people. Oliver has even talked about all the people that have messaged him and how deeply they've been affected by a character like Buck coming out.
Still I'm sure Oliver wants more for Buck's love life than the lackluster relationship that he's been stuck with. You can tell in how he talks about Buddie that he wants to see that relationship happen and that he wants to make sure it's done right and doesn't play into stereotypes.
I just hate that T*mmy is the first guy they've stuck Buck with. I hate that Tim and the show have done nothing with this relationship. We don't even really know by the end of s7 how Buck feels about T*mmy or how he feels having been dating a guy for months. Some of that should have been revisited maybe with a talk between Buck and Maddie. But it's like others have said they made Buck bi and then just kind of forgot about him. I think though that's because like I said Tim pushed everything to the side to focus on the Vertigo plot and also all the stuff with Bobby to the detriment of everything else. Buddie was the original plan and Tim didn't really have much else for Buck to do so they left him in this nothing relationship.
I really hope s8 is better all around not just for Buddie but for Buck and Eddie as characters. I hope that Tim plans to follow through and actually make Buddie a reality not just because so many people ship them because of how important for queer representation a ship like Buddie becoming canon could be. I also want to see Oliver actually get to play Buck in a relationship he's proud to talk about.
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Hi! How's it going? Ready for s8? I sure am. Anyways, do you happen to have any fic recs featuring Jealous!Buck, please? Maybe Eddie makes a new friend or reconnects with an old friend and Buck gets jealous? Or maybe Eddie starts spending more time with another firefam member and Buck doesn't like it? Something like that. Hope you can help with this. Thank you in advance and have an awesome day!
hi! i am good, hope all is well with you! i've kind of lost my 911 beans i can't lie, but i'm still trying to do what i can with this blog 🫶🏻
oooh jealous buck my most beloved! i'll put some recs below and as always, anyone is free to add on 🩵
if i risk it all (could you break my fall?) by Princessfbi @princessfbi
pining and anticipation (I don't want you like a best friend) by heartbeatdiaz @lonelychicago
using his words by mansikka @redlightsandicedtea
not only in the movies by ColorMeParanoid @color-me-paranoid
and a lil self promo <3
you've got my attention by browneyedgirl6
high on the way you look at me by browneyedgirl6
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S8 opening disaster predictions
I was patiently waiting for more bts material before making my predictions, but due to recent events, it seems like we're not going to get much more before the premiere, so here goes nothing, I'm making wild guesses out of what we've got so far. (No, we're not going to Oz.)
We've all seen the constant reference to bees in promos, the latest official teaser seems to indicate a bee-nado as well. I don't think it's an actual tornado with bees in it, or even a The Swarm style large scale bee disaster. In that film the bees crash 2 military helicopters, derail a train and contribute to a nuclear meltdown. I don't think ABC would greenlight The Swarm parody or an actual bee-tornado, especially after how widely mocked Lone Star was for that frozen man CPR scene.
I can see it being a severe bee infestation with multiple bee sting emergencies. Whenever a swamp of bees is reported by media, it's often described as... you've guessed it, a bee tornado. I can totally see the 118 dealing with bee attacks in 8x01.
I can't think of how the bees alone would be a major disaster though. A couple unfortunate people might get stung by a swamp, some more unlucky firefighters might have to fight through the bees to get to the patient, but it's hardly a city-wide catastrophe. I highly doubt the opening disaster is just about the bees.
I've already written why I think S8's big disaster would be aviation related, judging by the few photos and clips uploaded by the crew.
Every international airport in the US is required to have enough resources to deal with regular aviation incidents like bird strikes, hot brakes, engine failures, minor runway excursions, etc. There must be a very real possibility of a catastrophic mass casualty event for the fire department to send in engines from outside the airport for support.
The emergency vehicles we see in the hangar seem to be parked neatly in rows, so I don't think it's the case of a plane rapidly dropping out of the sky, looking for a place to land as soon as possible, or a sudden accident happening within the vicinity of the airfield. Emergency services have already been notified before the aircraft's arrival, so the trucks are just waiting on the side.
One real life example I can think of that matches these 2 conditions would be JetBlue Flight 292 in 2005. The A320 was flying from Burbank to New York when the pilots realized they couldn't retract the landing gear after takeoff. The crew tried troubleshooting while hand-flying the plane in a holding pattern (the stuck gear prevented the autopilot and the auto-throttle from engaging) to no avail, so they decided to divert to Long Beach and suggested doing a low fly-by for airport officials to assess the damage to the landing gear before attempting to land. It was reported back that the nose gear of the A320 was rotated 90° to the left, meaning it was completely perpendicular to the direction of the fuselage.
In the case of unsafe landing gear, pilots would usually attempt a gear up belly landing instead, as most modern airliners are designed to handle that. Since the nose gear was sideways in this case, retracting it was not possible, so the pilots decided to hold over the city for more than 2 hours in order to burn fuel (A320s can't dump fuel), then attempt to land at LAX, since its runways are longer and wider.
The LAFD mobilized over 100 firefighters all across the city to the airport and positioned them at different locations along the runway on standby. On the other hand, news stations sent out flocks of helicopters to broadcast the whole incident live on TV. Not only their loved ones at home, but the passengers themselves could utilize the in-flight entertainment system to tune in and witness the very plane they were on circling over LA, with aviation experts on air discussing the potential disastrous scenarios they might encounter.
At around 18:00, the flight crew turned off the in-flight entertainment system and gave the passengers a few minutes to call their loved ones. After that, the plane successfully landed at LAX with 1000 feet of runway to spare. No one was injured.
This is what's left of the nose gear wheels.
I'm not saying it will be exactly like this incident, but a major mechanical failure that hinders an aircraft's ability to land safely would fit the most.
Apparently Athena will be on a flight escorting a prisoner in 8x02, at least according to that person working at ONT who posted the photo with Angela on reddit. Naturally, some theorized that the prison would have something to do with the plane going down. I've seen nothing to disprove this theory so far, so it's absolutely a possibility. Although, that would make it the second time in a row a sort of transport vessel with Athena in it runs into a disaster caused by criminal sabotage. It's predictable and repetitive. I also haven't seen in bts stuff the amount of cops required for a hijacking scenario.
What I've noticed from crew photos is that the plane outside of the hangar during filming is a Boeing aircraft, while the cockpit we see earlier at the studio is an Airbus. If there are indeed two different airplanes involved in 8x02, then I can see maybe an impending emergency landing shutting down the airport, the prisoner being stuck inside of a plane on the ground decides to open an emergency exit and makes a run for it. Athena tracking down the prisoner would be the B-plot or something I don't know. I have 0 evidence to back it up, it's just a wild guess.
Sankes Bees on a plane?
Bees swarm airplanes all the time, but getting inside is a different story.
It's kind of hard to miss a swarm of buzzing bees inside an airplane. After pre-flight inspections by technicians and the flight crew, security checks by the cabin crew, the time it takes for the passengers to embark and the baggage to be loaded. then pushing back and taxiing, if a swarm of bees somehow still goes unnoticed, I guess everyone has to be blind and deaf.
Also, if the nature of the disaster is merely a bunch of angry bees attacking people on a plane, it would be quite boring? It would just be a lot of first responders triaging people and applying first aid.
What if the the bees are in the cockpit and the pilots are stung? Well, do both of them just happen to be allergic to bees at the same time? If so, I can maybe see a passenger onboard having to land the plane listening to instructions from the ground. I say 80% chance it'll end badly, thus needing fire rescue. But still, it's a very improbable scenario that requires way to many coincidences.
Bee strike
Airplanes accidentally hit wildlife in the air all the time, the most common one is bird strike, but there have also been locust strike, bat strike, even fish strike.
A swarm of bees is not like a flock of geese, bees don't have bones and are much lighter in mass, so while they can still cause some minor damages to the engine(s), it's usually not a big deal. The leftover bee goo on the windshield might affect visibility, but modern airliners have so many automated systems and navigational aid in place that they can pretty much land in 0 visibility.
So the bees have nothing to do with the plane?
Not exactly, bees and wasps are actually a serious hazard to aviation safety, but not in the way you would think.
Some species of bees and wasps like to build their nests in small, exposed cavities belonging to an aircraft, especially the pitot tubes.
A pitot tube is a crucial instrument on the fuselage of an aircraft that measures its airspeed. If it becomes clogged by foreign objects, in this bees, wasps and/or their nest, the pilots would be left with unreliable airspeed indications. If they unknowingly fly too slow, the plane risks stalling and crashing, like Birgenair Flight 301 in 1996. Air France Flight 447 also stalled and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean due to blocked pitot tubes, but this time not caused by insects, they were blocked by icing.
Brisbane Airport in Australia struggles with wasps infestation particularly badly. In 2013, some mud daubers managed to clog the pitot tubes on an Etihad A330 in under 2 hours, resulting in an overweight emergency landing. For that, airport authority recommended the use of pitot tube covers for aircrafts on the ground, but that causes a whole new problem.
Although the pitot tube covers are big red things with "REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT" written on them, ground crews forgot to remove them before pushing back... twice! The 2022 incident was luckily caught just in time by a refueller nearby, but in 2018, the Malaysian Airlines A330 actually took off with all 3 pitot tube covers still on and the flight crew had to circle back to the airport with no airspeed indications.
While pitot tubes seem to be the most popular among bees and wasps, there have been cases of other openings on an aircraft being blocked by wasps. This Gulfstream business jet had its cabin pressurization relief valve clogged by dried dirt from a mud dauber, leading to a cabin over-pressurization event.
There shouldn't be a catastrophic crash because of unreliable airspeed if the pilots are well trained, but I can imagine a TV show finding some even more crucial flight instruments to be clogged by bees.
Bees as indirect contributors
Of course it can also be the case of bees just happen to sting the one person keeping the aircraft safe. Maybe bees distracted a small aircraft or drone pilot, causing a midair collision.
Or it could be an important airplane mechanic missing work to recover from bee stings. Just last week, an article was published on the Seattle Times detailing the timeline leading up to the Alaska Airlines 737 Max 9 door plug blowout incident. It was revealed that there was basically only one single mechanic who would work on door plugs. On the 2 days when the door plug in question had to be opened and closed back up to replace damaged rivets, the mechanic happened to be on vacation. His replacement, a young trainee, had no idea what they were doing, and the 737 with a ticking time bomb of a door plug rolled straight out of the shop.
Aviation experts have commented that if the door plug exited the aircraft at a higher altitude, the result would be much more catastrophic: some parts in the cabin could be ripped off, objects would fly out of the plane and possibly ingested into the engine, and if the plane hit cruising altitude, unbuckled passengers and flight attendants up and walking around the cabin would be sucked right out.
Tommy's role in this disaster
The 217 truck is right there next to the 118 one, so Tommy's house is definitely involved. It probably happens at the airport where the 217 is located as well. We've already seen Tommy working on the ground in 7x06, he'll be needed in this kind of all hands on deck situation at his station's airport too.
He could also be airlifting seriously injured patients to the hospital. One service Air Ops provide that is often overlooked, is VIP transport. Tommy may be asked to fly higher ups of the fire department around the airport to assess the situation. LAFD helicopters were deployed for the JetBlue 292 incident in fact.
There’s also a chance that Tommy’s helicopter will crash. One crashed in New York back in July because its fuel vent was clogged by a wasp nest.🫣
But I hope not, not so soon. Let me see them be cute and sweet for a while first, that’ll make the angst more delicious.
My predictions are probably super wrong, I don't have a lot to work with, so take them with a grain of salt, maybe think of this as simply a fun read about planes. These all are about as accurate as the Wizard of Oz theory, only I didn't grow up watching classic fantasy musical like a normal person, I watched all 24 seasons of Mayday.
I guess we'll find out in a month.
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Low key on Oliver and Ryan. Since we know they watch us. I think he was offended at people turning on Ryan. Sure they probably don't have scripts yet but they know the direction and were probably already told you know? It's why he never promoted the pairing or followed Lou. Especially when the other side made the attacks on Ryan so personal. It's a double offense really. They built this ship. Do you think Oliver is cool getting all the accolades and leaving Ryan behind for a wal mart version of Eddie??? Just know the other side, Oliver is judging you!!
That's my Roman Empire 😂
Full conspiracy theory, but I keep saying Ryan has known where it's going and that's why he was locked into pr jail, and Oliver was just brought into the inner circle and that's why he looks so frustrated, but here's the thing, Oliver and Ryan know what they have in their hands when it comes to the impact buddie could have, there's no way they don't, and obviously, they would want that, the amount of exposure they could get from this is insane, and Oliver seems annoyed, just look at the way he refuses to talk about bt long or like you said, didn't follow Lou, or the absolute insanity of opening his Instagram after 710 just to like a video of the thumb thing and nothing else. Realistically dude is probably frustrated that Buck being bi stopped being about Buck, trapped him in a ship war and made people turn on the thing they've been working on for yeaaaaars and the way Lou was encouraging it probably didn't help. I don't blame Lou for capitalizing, if people wanted to pay me 145 dollars to talk out of my ass about a ship I would be doing it too, hell, I'm running this blog for free kapakapka. But my thing is, the plan was Eddie going first and that got switched mid production, so, again conspiracy theory, my thought process here is that Oliver and Ryan were told "okay abc is cool with it, we're pulling the trigger" because that would explain the way they were acting that week leading up to the season premiering, the way Ryan was just saying shit and Oliver was in a perpetual state of blushing, but then T was better received than expected and the showrunners decided to capitalize on that for longer than anticipated, because looking at it from a business perspective, they already had s8 confirmed and they are probably expecting the same level of exposure they got from Buck being bi to come from Eddie being queer, especially because Eddie being queer means buddie going canon, so delaying Eddie's arc because they want to make the most of the publicity makes sense (rip Eddie confirmed queer by family feud, we will make it true, I promise), it would explain why Ryan changed his tune during the promo for 707 and 709, but switch back after 710 and it would also explain why Buck was pushed to the background during that space too. Tim keeps saying he doesn't have a plan, while I do believe he doesn't have the exact plot, I REFUSE to believe someone can manage to setup a love story like buddie accidentally and just going with the flow. A show is a living organism in a way a book or a movie won't be because it needs to adjust to the circumstances in which it's airing, but I cannot believe they don't have some sort of outline with the ideas they want to give, the general way they want to get there and the endgame of the situation. And I've been saying this since s6 and the very blatant switch in tone with Buck and Eddie in 6b when they thought they were gonna get cancelled that they promptly pretended wasn't there once s7 started. If I, a girl with a blog in the middle of nowhere Brazil getting absolutely nothing out of it, can see that buddie can accomplish something that doesn't exist in media, there isn't a slow burn queer relationship where both characters were not introduced as queer that go through so much together they can't help but falling in love in a media that isn't about queer themes, hell, I can't think of one from something about queer themes, you think people who have been working on this for years can't see it too? Come on, Oliver knows that Buck ending up with walmart Eddie is worst case scenario when compared to the thing he could have if buddie goes canon. And Ryan is his friend, Buck is this thing he pours his soul into, of course he will want the best possible thing there. He so is judging the other side. Dude admitted to crying in the shower to buddie edits. They read fanfiction. Like, come oooooon, they are driving the clown car, cocaptains of the ship.
#i am also very passionate about this kspakspkapaa#911#i really need a tag for asks#anon 😌#anti bucktommy#maybe?
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okay with that first promo i am ON the murder hornet theory for s8 so hard
here me out:
the thing with murder hornets are that the stings are SUPER painful, and getting multiple stings could potentially be lethal even if you aren't allergic
(also apparently, there's some reports of them being able to spray their venom?? in people's eyes??? what the actual FUCK)
anyways, thinking about one of the 118 being allergic to bee stings, and gerard ordering them to go out on a call anyways. gerard doing the whole "it's just a bee sting, don't be such a wimp" (or, more likely, insert some derogatory statement) thing
like i could just SEE him refusing to take it seriously and endangering the team!! especially if one of them got stung, even if whoever it is isnt allergic, i feel like he would refuse to let them go to the hospital, going on about how "this is all a bunch of nonsense, they're just a bunch of bugs what are they going to do?" or even "afraid of a little sting? if you cant handle that, maybe you can't handle being a firefighter"
(bonus points if someone makes a "sure, you know all about little pricks joke", cause i would lose my goddamn shit)
im not convinced gerard is only going to be there for the opening emergency - i have a feeling he'll be around til the mid season finale at least - BUT it still could be a great way to show his blatant reckless endangerment for the 118
...also can you imagine the shenanigans of them freaking out if a single bee made it into the station?? it'd be maurice the chicken and the alpaca on hollywood boulevard all over again 🤣🤣
plus, we could see more of them in their bee outfits from 6x08!!! why are they so adorable!!!!
anyways, apparently im ✨manifesting✨ murder hornets for s8 2k24??? lets go!!!!!!
#MURDER HORNETS ON SEASON 8 I GUESS#i fucking love this for us#this show is so silly sometimes and it makes me so happy#thank you tim for this blessing i cant fucking wait#we got both angst potential and shenanigan potential - what more could we want??#what a time to be alive#911 season 8#911 s8 speculation#911 s8#911 on abc#911 abc#911 spoilers#?? i guess??#em speaks#mine
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I’ve always found it odd that in s8 Sansa started wearing her hair more like d@ny. Like that bun braid she’s got going on in the promos & those two little braids that frame her face at the dragon pit. I can head-canon that she chose to wear her hair like that in king’s landing for the sake of the unsullied. Perception is everything & their leader wore her hair that way—a strong woman capable of commanding an army; an intimidating woman. Sansa likely felt she needed to project an intimidating level of strength if she had any hope of securing Jon’s release & the braids could’ve been a way to subtly influence their perception of her. Meant to recall images of their leader & paint her as someone to be feared.
As far as wearing her hair the way she did at the start of the season…the best I could come up with is that she was doing it for Jon. And while it’s an answer I can accept (be still my jonsa-heart!) it doesn’t feel quite satisfactory. I’m wondering if you’ve put down any thoughts on this & might have something more for us to consider? Or perhaps a head-canon you’d like to share?
I remember this debate and there’s even an article about it,
But the idea that Sansa was copying Dany never made much sense to me because Sansa starts wearing the hairstyle before she’s met Dany? I think that Sansa's hair was meant to be a Northern style, and worked with the association of Sansa & Lyanna the show created (link).
Here’s a pic and another post about it:

And then in s8, looking at the hairstyles, even though there are braids in both, it looks to me as if they attempted to keep them distinct. Look how soft and loose Dany's is in contrast to Sansa's. Also, Sansa has a bun while Dany's braid is like a crown sliding off her head (ba-dum-ch!)

Even when I look at “Sansa’s war braids” at the dragonpit,

It doesn’t make me see Dany at all. She susually had two curls down by her face, but that was to soften her look, whereas Sansa's braids have the opposite intention. My main thought is that it’s weird the girl who wasn’t fighting got the armor-ish dresses while the two who were out there with the army of the dead did not! This may have been an effort to give her a totally unique hairstyle from the Northern cast, in prep for Queen Sansa?
I think the Jonsa implications would be in the Lyanna connection and the NedCat cosplay from s6-7. The fact that the finale rested on Jon’s (Targ) love for Sansa (Stark girl) makes me think there was some story-related reasoning back in s5-7 that carried through to the end even if they didn't really wanna follow-through on the implication. Making Jon appear as Ned and Sansa as Cat (the hairstyles are similar, not exactly the same but the script referenced the Cat thing at one point so it was intentional) also feels like something that was still present in s8 storywise. They were a unit, they did trust each other, but there was a lot of anxiety about that trust and pain about a perceived betrayal.
And in-world reasoning, I’d say that when in the South Sansa was trying to fit in at court so mimicking to greater or lesser extent the fashion made sense, and when she returned home, it made sense for her to start wearing styles she’d worn or seen as a girl.

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there’s so so much still to explore s8 like I have so many thoughts oh my god
Mara !!!!! and that bitchy councilwoman
Gerard obvs 😒 sidenote: do we think he’s in cahoots with the councilwoman from hell and why did the chief do fuck all to protect the 118?? do we think the chief is also in cahoots bc he wants to run for office? the speculation is speculating
Mr. Eddie Diaz absolute menace to himself and others: still needs to accept that a) Shannon wanted a DIVORCE and B) THE WILL and C) Christopher coming back and repairing their relationship omfg pls put them in family therapy I beg I want my faves reunited D) I want him speaking more Spanish !!!!! we got a tiny little ‘dios’ this episode but still
Buck ??? pls for the love of god let this man exist outside his love interests I wanna see him succeed in life and hobbies and work and peace and NO ROMANCE FOR A MINUTE for gods sake give him a dog or something but not another LI
Bobby like,,, can we get some confirmed closure idk like man’s was suicidal one episode then almost died and now is back within the next episode has he PROCESSED HAS ATHENA HAVE I
MAY AND HARRY back together again!!!! pls expand their storylines like how was Harry??? Not home during the fire was he having a sleepover like omg
Madney. Let them live. Let them remain happy moisturized at peace. I want a goofy gossip episode of the dream team and Jee like keep them wholesome it’s the least you can do after their bs wedding
I miss captain mehta I wouldn’t mind a visit from him. or Linda in dispatch. oh my god or Josh??? we haven’t seen most of dispatch since the wedding? I’m sad
just. idk fighting actual fires lmao. I miss when they all did their actual jobs. I miss when we got the goofy 9-1-1 calls at the start of the ep and the super emosh voiceovers at the end of the episode like that’s when we were a real country
will we ever circle back to Denny’s father storyline? will Hen’s mom ever return?
is sperm donation baby gonna make a comeback? bc the top 5 recap promo before this season started brought that up and I haven’t forgotten 911 Instagram I haven’t forgotten 10 bucks says it serves to remove Tommy when Buck learns he doesn’t want kids
okay that’s it thank u for reading my brain blast
#whew I think that’s if#it#god that was a lot#9-1-1#911 spoilers#eddie diaz#christopher diaz#bobby nash#henrietta wilson#chimney han#maddie buckley#madney#bathena#harry grant#may grant#evan buckley#ravi panikkar#karen wilson#denny wilson
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I had actually thought about writing some kind of "You see your past/present/future" kind of universe. Like Arizona and Callie seeing different things and then meeting again in their S8 present, talking about stuff and figuring it out. Possibly understanding the problems they had before (children, Mark's presence, Arizona's need to figure it out on her own vs Callie's need to talk it out and so on) and also "make a plan" on how to deal with the future together. But I have also seen some time travel fics on ao3 and have been scared to write it because people could accuse me of copying them even if I only have like the trope together but I follow my ideas
oh are there calzona time travel fics? i genuinely never go into the calzona tag and really only read fics that get actively sent to me. my general stance is that as long as you feel like you have an original take on the characters you’re probably in the clear. it’s not like time travel is some new trope. it’s been around forever so as long as your take is somewhat unique i think you’re good. it’s only going to be a problem if you’re using the same very unique concept (like the he ain’t heavy ripoff with tim having a traumatic leg injury like that’s blatantly the same thing)
but yeah that concept is super interesting! it’s a really good twist on what i’d probably deem like a “scrooge” au. i’m also very into the idea of calzona getting the chance to actually sit down and discuss everything since as we all know that’s one of their major problems. i’d be curious to see what kind of scenes you choose for everything to really make them understand. and are you thinking of doing like some sort of ghost of past/present/future?
in fact the only multichap i’ve ever finished was somewhat similar directionally where the main character got to go back and see his partner’s past and why she acted the way she did and then their present and then a few versions of the future based on his choices. and yes you read that right i’ve written straight fics.
honestly if you do write this please flag it to me either here or on discord. like i said i never go into the calzona tag so have zero visibility on new fics. but id love to read it and promo it!
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atp I'm asking what did oliver do to tim that his karaoke scene got cut, his story was pushed in the background and buck/bobby in the finale was cut too even though the story desperately needed some emotion... his dead silence is hilarious but I feel bad for him? eddie's ghost wives got more screentime
when you put it like that 😭
only liking that thumb post is such a funny way to deal with it but we can't blame him if he didn't feel like sharing promo
I would've loved to see those scenes. and then some. I don't want to seem too negative because I loved every single moment he had this season but as I said before, I think they missed some chances and cut at the wrong ends, and s8 has to deal with eddie & chris, henren and bobby's comeback first, so..
I hope it was just an unfortunate time issue and he has a blissful hiatus 🙏
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Not sure if you are still looking for things to yap about, but I can’t help thinking about the production meta of it all:
(1) S7’s promo heavily focused on Buck and Eddie and (2) LFJr’s cameo shitstorm revealed that Tommy was meant for Eddie’s queer storyline, but was switched at some point around when production started, with Tim clarifying the switch-up was due to Natalia’s actress no longer being available – which, if it didn’t matter if Buck or Eddie came out first, then was buddie originally supposed to happen in 7b?
But then the show was renewed and they ended up making massive re-writes so Tim could shoehorn in his pet-Vertigo story (yikes) and thus possibly pushed other storylines (buddie) to S8…?
I don’t want to get into the way OS and RG talked about their characters’ storyline pre-renewal and post-renewal. But I also have Thoughts.
And don’t forget the Family Feud of it all! The team composition is literally the openly queer characters of 9-1-1… plus Eddie, which was supposedly set to air in July (and now pushed back to who knows when) – so was buddie already meant to be canon by then?
Have I connected the dots??? does this mean anything???
I am always looking for things to yap about!! This whole thing is gonna be a little bit all over the place, but I love your points
First of all, I don't think buddie was supposed to happen in s7b, but I do think they might have planned to actually start the mutual pinning or have feelings realisation scene for both of them and then do the actual getting together arc in s8. I do think it would have made sense if Eddie came out first (or instead of the Vertigo storyline).
Also, I think LFJ's cameos kinda put the show into a bad position. It's clear he was talking about anything he wanted without checking it with like Tim if that info can be public or not (the whole he was supposed to be Eddie's LI thing, or that he spoiled it will be a medal ceremony) and I don't think the show actually wanted to reveal that the queer storyline was originally supposed to be Eddie's. Now that people know about it, we expect it. It almost happened once, so it will have to happen again kinda thing. And if both Buck and Eddie are into men, Buddie is the only satisfying conclusion of their arcs
For me, it seems like after they got early renewal they decided to change everything. Tommy was originally supposed to be in like only 4 episodes, but instead they kept him the whole season (and did nothing to make him a loveable love interest, they actively made him a worse character), they brought in the Vertigo storyline (which was just a mess and I don't think more episodes could have made it better) and everything.
I'm really curious about the Family Feud episode too! I have no idea why it hasn't aired yet, but it's possible that they picked out who will represent the show before the rewrites started and it actually contains spoilers? (I'm not really familiar with FF)
So, yeah I agree with you, while I don't think we would have gotten an actual relationship between Buck and Eddie in s7, i'm kinda convinced the original plan was to have then both be out
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Everyone who watches 911 is entitled to have their opinions on the show. Good, bad, or indifferent. This goes the same for Buddie. But don't assume you can make posts talking about how "willfully delusional" you think people in your own fandom are simply because we're talking our cues from the show (and the people involved in it) and seeing the signs of Buddie canon without any push back.
I‘ve been watching this show for years and in my opinion we have never been closer to Buddie canon than we are now. This isn’t just fans seeing what we want to see this is everything that’s gone on with the show, it's creators, and cast since the promo for s7 started.
Before s7 even started Ryan and Oliver were doing tons of press together. There was more talk of Buddie than had ever been previously. We had Ryan and Oliver talking at the s7 premiere about how Buddie's relationship was changing and how they were going to be getting even closer.
During s7 we had more Buddie scenes than we had in recent seasons and not just like scenes of them working together but scenes that cemented their relationship and showed them becoming even closer than they'd been. Scenes like Eddie relying on Buck to help with Chris (multiple times during the season). Scenes like Buck talking about how worried he was about Eddie during the Kim stuff.
It's even more clear that Buddie canon is where things are headed when you look at how Tim chose to handle B/T vs Buddie in s7. If Tim was planning on making B/T a long term ship there were so so many times he could have done more to develop them and he didn't instead the development was put into Buddie.
704 was not about Buck trying to get T*mmy's attention it was about Buck having these big intense emotions he didn't know how to deal with or really understand (because they were about his best friend) and misplacing them onto T*mmy. If Buddie wasn't a part of the plan I don't believe Tim would have ever even included Eddie in that episode especially not the way he did. It would seriously be one of the stupidest moves the show could make. They know how much of their audience ships Buddie, hell people who don't even watch the show talk about Buddie.
Plus it's obvious that Buddie's karaoke scene in 706 was supposed to be a parallel to Maddie and Chim starting to realize their feelings for one another in 208 (when they did karaoke). But the karaoke scene was pulled once they were renewed for s8 when they likely decided to pause on Buddie happening and Eddie coming out until they had more time. Why else would they have them singing a karaoke duet to a love song (in Madney's wedding episode no less) if Buddie canon was never going to happen?
Then you had the very domestic scene in 707 with Buck commenting on Eddie's cologne and throwing food into his mouth. And zero mention of T*mmy in the entire episode. Then in 709 you had Buck looking at Eddie (not T*mmy) when he got his award. In 710 it was Eddie by Buck's side the whole time Bobby was at the hospital and the only scene B/T got was that dinner scene which didn't do one single thing to further develop that relationship.
Back to the bts of it all. Oliver liked and commented on Buddie stuff throughout s7. He also posted Ryan often on his stories. Most importantly he posted a pic of him and Ryan on the basketball court after the B/T kiss in 704. If I remember correctly after the B/T dinner scene in 710 he also posted something to do with Buddie too.
You also had Oliver saying in interviews that he sees what Buddie fans sees and we're not wrong. He also talked about Buddie as how it could work if it happens. Ryan also talked about Buddie happening and said it was baby steps for them to get there. Ryan also said in one interview (can't remember the exact wording) but it was something about who should lead like who should come out first and it was decided it was going to be Buck. But the way he worded it was very clear that both of them are supposed to come out not just one. Lou also talked about how it was originally going to be Eddie getting the queer storyline (with T*mmy) and instead they decided on it being Buck. Lou also talked early on about Buddie and B/T as T*mmy being someone that is basically getting Buck ready for Buddie.
I firmly believe that Oliver would not be interacting with Buddie stuff nor talking about Buddie as much as he has in interviews if he knew Buddie was never going to happen. He's said point blank before he stopped talking about Buddie in the past because he didn't want the fans to feel led on. I think this is part of why he hasn't really interacted with B/T shippers or anything much to do with that ship. He knows it's not meant to last and he doesn't want those fans to feel like he's lying to them.
I know people look at Ryan calling Eddie heterosexual during some of his s7 interviews as a sign that Buddie isn't going to happen but as soon as s7 was over and he had a couple of interviews he started using gender neutral phrasing and saying things like "partner". There was also an interview where he talked about how Buck is basically taking Shannon's place.
Now as we've started to get promo stuff for s8 a lot of the social media stuff has been revolving around Ryan and Oliver with it leaning more towards Ryan. This is similar to how it was for s7 only things were leaning more towards Oliver because of everything that took place with Buck. It's clear that Eddie is going to have a big storyline this season and it can't just be that he's missing Chris or going back to religion.
ABC and Tim know how popular Buddie is and they know how huge it will be for the show and their network to have Buddie go canon. It's why they're handling this very carefully. Honestly I don't think they would have even had Buck come out if they weren't at least considering Buddie because they would have known that the fans yelling for Buddie would only get louder once one of them was confirmed queer. And like I said earlier if they had no intention of Buddie they would have at the least been distancing Buck and Eddie and certainly wouldn't have made Buck's entire coming out episode all about him.
They also would have told the actors to limit talking about Buddie in interviews and the journalists wouldn't have been allowed to ask about Buddie. If you look back at previous seasons and the kind of interviews Ryan and Oliver had Buddie was rarely if ever talked about. That's because Fox did not want it to happen and networks can control what is talked about in official interviews. There's a reason Buddie was talked about so much during the s7 interviews. It's the same reason B/T has barely been talked about even though it should have been a much bigger deal being Buck's first relationship with a guy.
Oh also there was the person on twitter who claimed to have inside info for the show and proved that at different times during s7 with how they seemed to know stuff long before the episodes would air. They said that people behind the scenes had been trying to have Eddie come out in s5 and again in s7 it just hasn't worked out yet. This also fits with what Oliver said that Buck was originally supposed to come out in s4. This fits too with the shooting storyline and the panic attacks early on in s5. Buck would have had his bi awakening in s4 and maybe his feelings realization after the shooting. This would lead to Eddie having his queer awakening during the whole Ana storyline in s5. But Fox shut all of that down.
My point in all of this is that there's a lot of evidence to back up why Buddie fans are so sure about Buddie canon this time. More so than any other season. It's not just us seeing the show through our buddie tinted glasses. It's the most logical outcome at this point. Sure we could all be wrong and the show could leave us heartbroken but at the same time it's still fun to be excited and hopeful about the show.
Oh and one more thing. I get it if you don't like Eddie's mustache, we all have things we find attractive or don't for whatever reason. But continually comparing Eddie, a Mexican man who many lgbtq people relate to and see as queer coded, to characters you describe as "violent and abusive" or a "corrupt cop" just feels all kinds of wrong to me.
Again like I already stated above Buddie canon and Eddie being queer might not happen but there is plenty of evidence to back up why people see Eddie as a queer character. In some ways he's been far more queer coded than even Buck has been. To get upset at people for seeing the mustache as another sign of queer coding makes zero sense to me. You can think it looks unattractive but mustaches have a long history of symbolism in queer men's culture. This isn't just about thinking it looks like Freddie Mercury it's that mustaches (especially ones that look like Eddie's this season) have often by used by queer men as a signifier of their sexuality to other queer men. So the idea that the show is using it as an early sign to the audience that that's where they're taking his character isn't totally out of the realm of possibility.
You are free to disregard all of the facts I just pointed out. You are free to see the show how you want. But you're not free to insult the people in your own fandom and then act surprised when people don't want to follow you or even go so far as to block you because they're tired of the negativity. I mean we get enough of that from B*mmy stans we don't need it in our own fandom too.
If the fandom and the show is causing you to be unhappy it might be time to consider taking a break.
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i agree that s7 was all over the place with pacing but considering the first three and last three episodes were bobby (and athena by extension) focused, and rightly so as angela and peter are far and away their most bankable stars, i don't think it's fair to say it was all about bi!buck and buddie.
could they have done more with buck's arc? absolutely! but i think in this particular case, they were testing the waters to see how the general audience took to buck's realization. for lack of a better term, they kept his relationship with tommy as palatable for the GA as possible without over-sanitizing it. i don't agree that they made it all about sex but i do think they didn't make the time to show buck and tommy getting to know each other as much as they could have. knowing that scripts were being written and tinkered with right up until the end, i also think they were prepared to pivot away from buck x tommy if the overall reaction by the GA was poor, which thankfully, it was not. but it's also not the buck x tommy show; there's a large main cast that also needed screen time, which again, i think was a challenge with a shorter season.
the only thing i have to say about a focus on buddie is that it was the fandom and so-called internet 'journalists' looking for clicks that were making it about buddie, not the showrunner, writers or actors. the former couldn't stop frothing at the mouth about it, and the latter barely talked about it (unless asked by said 'journalists').
anyway, i hope s8 is better, with more time for fleshed out stories for all the characters. i know they wanted to start off the new season on a new network with a bang in the form of a lengthy cruise ship disaster arc, but i sorely missed the weekly, run of the mill rescues and firefighting, tbh. hopefully we'll get back to that in s8 too.
Hey nonni. Thanks for the ask!
I agree that 911 isn't the Bi!Buck show (even if hes one of my faves 😊)! It absolutely is an ensemble, and you're correct to point that out.
My perspective of the promo/PR for this season was that it was heavily skewed towards Buck's story from the network on purpose, more so than Bobby and Athena, but perhaps that's because of my fandom goggles. I dont see a lot of promo outside of what falls into my lap randomly scrolling the internet. So it felt unbalanced and like the PR machine was using bi!Buck as buzz and pushing it super hard above and beyond the other storylines (Bobby/Athena, Hen/Maya, even the Madney wedding).
Obviously this is subjective!
Regarding the Buck/Tommy stuff - I hear your point about testing the waters and making sure it was palatable to the GA. And again, it not being the Buck/Tommy show (which for the record...would not watch, but I digress).
However - the show did a huge disservice to EVERYONE by biting off more than they could chew this season. Buck came out as bisexual, Bobby relived his trauma as both a child and an ex-addict, Athena was dealing with her son coming back (like did that even happen? Was that this season?), Maddie and Chimney got married (and for some reason he had to have a brain disease??! Like why??), Hen and Karen lost Maya, and Eddie spiraled HARD and ultimately lost Chris.
That is SO MUCH to tackle in what is ultimately only about 380 minutes of story time! Add to that an open ended, seat of the pants writing approach and frankly they set themselves up for disaster.
Anyway, I too want s8 to return to run of the mill rescues and firefighting, and give our characters room to breathe and grow in a way that makes the show watchable again.
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hi, i love your blog. can you help me with something? when the got s8 promo started, hbo made videos about the main houses: stark, targ and lannister. do you remember the title of the videos? I didn't find them in the official youtube channel.
Here you go:
More here!
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in my personal opinion, i do think they’re hiding lfj being on set. not in the sense that ‘they’re going to dramatically reveal him later down the line bc he’s just so so important and the anticipation will create buzz’ or ‘they’re protecting him from buddies uwu’ like They are suggesting lmao because literally nobody cares but them
i think they’re ‘hiding’ him in the sense that he caused so much drama both in fandom and probably behind the scenes so they’re keeping him quiet for ease. it’s not some big conspiracy like They are suggesting, they’re not pretending he isn’t in s8 at all (we’re all expecting he will be for some undetermined amount of time), they’re not hiding him for dramatic effect… they just want him on the down low
or SHOCKER but maybe he’s not a main character nor has he had much screentime in the entire series so why would he be that important to show… they don’t use josh in promo or bts? (i’m so sorry to compare you josh xx)
which is why i don’t agree with the ‘he hasn’t been seen so he’s not been filming’ argument that a lot of buddies use. like you said, it’s schrödinger’s cat, until confirmed otherwise, he might be there but he also might not be. just because something isn’t seen on camera, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening, so for my personal sanity i’m assuming he has been filming or will be filming soon but he’s just not been included in bts content yet. tracie has been filming too but we haven’t seen her except for one selfie 🤷♀️
Oh yeah, in my head, when I think "maybe they are hiding him" I don't go for some conspiracy/reveal angle, because he is expecting to come back, the surprise here would be him not coming back, is more on the sense that they are keeping his presence on the down low as much as possible to avoid fueling the fire. His presence won't bring good conversation and the whole "there's no bad publicity" thing is a lie, especially when you're talking about a show that abc invested as much in as 911. It's not about dramatics, it's about protecting the peace of everyone involved (and honestly, I'm starting to worry about the guy's safety lately considering they are messaging his sister and agent, so a level of protecting him, not from us or them as a whole or even from attacks on the internet, but a "we're no longer sure lines won't be crossed" type situation could be happening, because we reached a point I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to sneak into set). He's not a lead, so he's not expected to be in promotion, but he could be being removed from the background for fun cast videos, to avoid starting a conversation. Just because we're not seeing him, it doesn't mean he's not there, but if he is there it doesn't mean he would be involved in cast videos, so it doesn't prove anything if we can't see him. The question is if they are purposefully keeping him out of production related stuff or if he just went in on a day we got nothing and we don't know because we didn't see it. We won't know until we know.
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You know what I think we should all take away from the show right now, is that they’re very purposefully not closing the door or buddie.
It’s being talked about in interviews. Tim has admitted to wanting to showcase that relationship as much as possible. Oliver has clearly said the fans aren’t wrong.
I think it’s a waiting game now and seeing what the network green lights and how things progress.
I know people feel it’s been seasons upon seasons of slow burn for buddie, but it hasn’t. They’ve had other on screen relationships and they never pushed it in promo to the GA like they are now so I think we should see this almost as a re-launch.
I don’t think people need to feel threatened by Tommy or Marisol. They don’t even have arcs or real character development. Ana at least had a lot more screen time, and Taylor had a decent sized storyline of her own. Marisol and Tommy literally show up, kiss the boys, move the guys’ character development along and then disappear for two weeks.
And maybe I’m wrong and I know we’ve been been burned and baited before, but they’ve got the S8 renewal and I think this is the most vocally open to it all the cast and Tim have ever been so let’s enjoy it for now!
I’m so enjoying it. I mean we’re literally getting Buddie in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. We even got them together in Bathena’s episodes. Crazy.
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