#got her kitchen ruined just for a dumb prank
jowbokitten · 1 year
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Thus, Peach decided to never let any of them step foot in her kitchen ever again
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nothomegal · 1 year
“The little owl family” (Part 3)
(RZ!Michael Myers x GNReader)
Summary: your and your little sister’s life had an 180° turn when your parents got into a severe car crash, dying on the spot. You, being already past 18 had to figure out how to keep things afloat and give yourself, specially your sister, a good future. And you did! It was hard but you did it and became the absolute hero in the little girl’s eyes. People would often involuntary smile at the dynamic of your two, so wholesome and supportive, the perfect family bond.Bond that a certain Boogeyman noticed as well…
Warnings: typical mentions of murder, Mikey being obsessive and violent.
Word Count: 4k. (Sorry for so much text- )
Additional info: Gender Neutral reader. (S/N) = sister’s name.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
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Both siblings have returned home after making a visit to the plice station. (Y/N) was a bit moody but mostly relieved that the police finally listened. They already visited the station, the day after finding the dinosaur drawing, but of course everyone thought they were crazy for freaking out over a scrible, saying that maybe some teens saw them around the Myers house and decided to prank them. They had non of it yet couldn't do much, the only advice the cop gave them was to close the doors and keep the inside of the house private.
Now however, when the police heard (S/N)'s testimony that's when they took it more serious. Sure, the probability of it being some dumbass dressing up to be funny was there, yet it worth checking just in case, specially when knowing that the real Michael Myers kidnapped his sister. And who knows, maybe he'll do the same but with some random child...
(S/N)'s gentle voice shut all overwhelming thoughts inside (Y/N)'s mind. They slowly put the knife next to the cooking board and look at their sister.
—"What is it songbird? Still scared?"—
The girl fidgets with her fingers a bit while staring on the tiled kitchen floor. Eventually she sighs and her arms drop.
—"I'm sorry..."—
(Y/N) blinks a couple of times, confused with their sudden apology.
—"Sorry? For what?"— you ask, genuinely confused.
—"For starting all this mess... I think Terry is right, I'm just a scaredy cat that overreacted."— she says, her expression guilty.
Their eyes widened slightly, they walk over to their sister and kneel in front of her.
—"You did nothing wrong sweetheart, you actually did the right thing! The police is there to help, to protect us."— you say softly as you cup her cheek. —"And you better get ready because tomorrow I'll say Terry some not-so-nice things to that goblin so he leaves you alone."—
—"It's... It's not about Terry anymore, it's about you (Y/N)."— she lowers her gaze even more. —"I- I don't like how much you have to worry now, and it's all because of me! If-... If I just stayed quiet, if I didn't ask to see that dumb old house we would be okay and happy, and we would be able to celebrate Halloween!... I ruined it all I- "—
Before (S/N) could continue with her rant, her sibling wraps their arms around her form tightly, holding her close in silence for a few seconds.
—"I said you did nothing wrong. This situation could've happe to anyone, and we got the unluky number. I know you're worried about me and I admit that I may not be at my best state, but it will pass eventually and everything will be right again."— you lean back a bit, your gaze warm. —"We just need to hold on a bit, until the police catches that scary man. I'm sure it will be soon."—
(S/N), more calm, nods as she wipes the little tears that were threatning to slide down her cheeks.
—"Was that man Michael Myers?... Is he the Boogeyman?..."—
(Y/N)'s body goes stiff as they think what to answer. They haven't told their sister about the stranger's identity, not wanting to scare her even further but it seems like (S/N) started to figure out the whole situation by herself.
—"I-... I don't know."— you sigh, but she doesn't seem convinced. —"Myers is supposed to be in the asylum and- "—
—"He escaped... Did he?"— she glances at you.
After a little pause, their sibling nods, their expression a bit sad, even ashamed for trying to keep her oblivious. But the girl had no anger or resentment in her eyes, but a desire to know.
—"What did he do so everyone are so scared of him?..."—
—"I'm... I'm not sure you want to know that... Long story short; very scary and bad things."—
—"What things? Please tell me (Y/N)! I promise I won't get scared!"— she begs you in a childish tone.
(Y/N) remains quiet, thinking. Eventually they sigh and stand up.
—"You better take a sit, I'll go get you a poptart."— you simply say.
The girl gets a little spine chill, both excited and worried about what her sibling is about to tell her. Ones the girl took her sit on the dining table and was munching the sweet treat, (Y/N) starts speaking while resuming their cooking.
—"Last year, a few days before Halloween, all grown up Michael Myers escaped. He killed people while doing it, and not in a pretty way..."—
(S/N) freezes mid bite.
—"Yes... Killed. One of the victims was one of his caretakers, a sweet old man that was there since he was a kid..."—
(Y/N) could see how physically uncomfortable their sister got, even if the details of how he killed him weren't mentioned. They began to feel bad for the little girl and were ready to stop the 'story telling', but the girl proved to be tougher than expected.
—"And what happened after he escaped?..."—
—"He... He tracked his little sister, that is now a teen. He murdered her adoptive parents, a friend and then kiddnapped her, nearly killing her as well in the process. The sister survived though, and Michael Myers supposedly died when she shot him, but as we can see he didn't..."—
The little girl listens quietly, taking in the information and shrinking on her sit every second, the munched poptart still untouched in her shaky hands.
—"Is he... Is he coming to kills us?"— she finally asks.
There are a few seconds of silence, until (Y/N) breaks it, their tone loud, strict, cold... Yet burning with anger and determination.
—"I won't allow it."— and you meant it. —"If he dares to come, I will break every single limb of his. He's not touching you while I'm still breathing."—
Such tone took (S/N) off guard, she never saw her sibling be so cold and serious about anything.
—"But... But what if he hurts you?..."—
—"He won't. Mom and dad won't allow him."— you reply with a softer tone and then turn towards her. —"Even if they're not here, they still taking care of us. We'll be okay, songbird. I promise."— you smile.
The girl remains silent, observing their expression to see if they're just pretending, but (Y/N)'s look and words seemed genuine. She eventually smiles back with a toothy grin.
—"You're right! Bet the ghost of mom and dad are going to haunt him if he dares to come!"—
—"Oh they definetely will! Dad was scary but angry mom was even scarier!"—
And the dull atmosphere from before vanished in a blink of an eye, the siblings talking about random topic which would make them either laugh or argue. The tunes coming out from the speaker only made their afternoon even better, singing or even dancing, anything to keep the dark thoughts away.
But of course, they weren't enjoying it alone. The dark presence was outside, hiding in the shadows. Even though he couldn't see (Y/N) through the windows anymore, due to the curtains they strictly maintained closed, their tone alone was enough to make him feel the same adrenaline spike, his chest heavy with some sort of excitement. The way their cold voice managed to penetrate and shake every single bone and muscle inside of him was an indescribable feeling, yet so, so adicting. They knew who he is, the atrocities he commited and how much of a threat he is, yet they made it clear how many fucks they give about it, only worrying about the safety of the little one.
And now... Now that the atmosphere inside of the house changed, so did his mood. The way they both laughed, chanted, danced... Every single interaction between these two radiated with warmth, warmth strong enough to keep the crude outside world away from their little happy home.
From their little happy family...
Happy family...
He should be envious of them, he should be mad at them for having what he could never have, she should try to destroy it, to destroy the both of them so he stops feeling bad...!
But... He doesn't. He doesn't feel bad at all, none of these negative and destructive feelings are haunting him, not ones. It's the oposite, he actually feels warmth whenever he observes them, some alien coziness that unknowingly to him would make his body relax and gaze soft. He's not sure why he feels like this, but he can't deny the fact that if feels good... Peaceful, he feels at peace for ones in his wretched life.
He should be content with that, with what he has it should be enough, it should... But he knows that his mind will crave for more...
And it's only a matter of time before he loses control.
. . .
October 28th.
The last couple of days been pretty uneventful, the 'Boogeyman' wasn't mentioned anymore and didn't appear ones, even the owl family resumed their carefree lifestyle and were already teaching their babies to fly!
But unfortunately, tonight the siblings couldn't observe the birds due to a hard storm outside. Rain, wind, thunder, you named it all.
(S/N) was in (Y/N)'s room, she was quite scared of thunders so of course she would ask to sleep with their sibling who, unlike the young one, was probably having the best sleep of their life.
The bed was quite wide so they both fit without any issue, each one with their own blanket.
At some point though, a particulary loud thunder resonated, which made (S/N) cuddle closed to (Y/N). The mentioned sibling woke up due the loud sound but thought nothing of it, ready to close their eyes and go back to sleep.
But suddenly, an alarming feeling striked in their gut. Something felt wrong, is the air colder? Heavier? Is their heartbeat too loud? Is the house too silent? It's hard to tell what exactply isn't right, but they know something is.
They suddenly sit up, their eyes wide and staring at the door. The little girl felt the sudden movement and also sit up, though her form sleepy and confused.
—"Uh?... What's wrong?"— she mumbles before yawning.
—"...I don't know."— you reply, still staring at the door.
The girl blinks a couple of times and also looks at the door. They both remain in this position completely still, barely breathing, until a very faint thud resonated somewhere downstairs. Sure, the noise could mean whatever, but the sense of dread inside of (Y/N) only increased, demanding them to take actions.
—"{Songbird.}"— you whisper, your tone urgent. —"{I want you to tiptoe towards the closet and hide in there, do not come out until I say so.}"—
—"{B-But- }"—
She has no time to ask questions because (Y/N) had stand up and was already searching under their bed for something. They eventually find what they've been looking for, a hunting rifle.
They then look up and glance at their sister, who was completely frozen on the bed with a horrified expression.
—"{Just go hide, please. And if things get ugly...}"— you pause, glancing at the door briefly. —"{Then run away, run towards our next house neighbors and ask them to call the police, okay?"}—
—"{But (Y/N)!... Y-You-...}"—
They nudge her side gently, silently telling her to stop talking and hide. With a huge effort the girl manages to make her body move again and as quietly as she could she made her way towards the closet, hiding her form inside and gently closing the door.
(Y/N) remained in place, near the bed with the rifle already pointing at the door. For solid five minutes absolutely nothing happened, the wind kept howling, the rain pouring and the thunders striking, but nothing else, there were no more odd sounds inside the hou-
Footsteps, the unmistakable sound of footsteps resonated from the stairs. Whoever was walking was doing it slowly, casually even, as if they owned the place. (Y/N) kept their posture, pre aiming at the door and simply waiting, if the intruder is bold enough to enter into their room they'll shoot without thinking twice. Sure, the idea of killing another human is scary and definetely puts their mind even more on edge, but it's either their and (S/N)'s or the intruder's life.
The footsteps eventually stop right in front of the door. There are another good few minutes of silence but it's suddenly interrupted by a loud and bright thunder, which illuminated the whole room and the hall. And right there, through the door crack, they saw an unmistakable shadow of a human.
With no time to waste and with enough evidence that there is an intruder, (Y/N) pulls the trigger.
A faint line of smoke is coming out the rifle, but there was no thud or screams of pain at the other side of the door, nothing.
They remain in position for a while but after not hearing anything, or seeing through the tiny hole they just made, (Y/N) slowly lowers the gun, questioning if there even was someone or it's actually their unhealthy paranoia getting the best of them.
They got their answer when the door practically flew off it's hanles and a giant dark mass charged at them. They try to aim and shoot again but the intruder is way faster and manages to grab the end of the rifle and tilt it up the moment (Y/N) pulls the trigger again, making them shoot at the ceiling.
They both struggle, (Y/N) desperately trying to get the gun free but the intruder is way too strong, he's also big, which makes it nearly impossible to push away.
Realizing that things are actually about to get ugly, they shout.
—"(S/N)! RUN!"—
The closet door swings open and the little girl sprints out the room, quietly crying and extremely scared. The massive stranger stopped for a brief moment when he heard the girl, it was just a moment of stillness that ended up with him practically ripping off the rifle out of (Y/N)'s grasp and throwing it agains the wall with great force.
The next thing they know is that the intruder managed to get to their neck. Ones has a firm hold of it, he stands up to his full height and slams their body against the wall, knocking out any oxygen left in their lungs. It didn't stop (Y/N) from struggling though, doing their best to land a kick on his stomack or the lower (and more painful) parts, yet their attempts were cut short when the stranger began to squeeze their neck with both hands, making their struggles weaker.
Eventually, the lack of oxygen began to affect (Y/N) and their arms drop and their body goes numb. Only when they nearly fainted, is when the stranger lose his grip, not enough to let go but enough to let them breathe as they're kept in place.
Durning this little moment of calm another thunder striked and illuminated the room, allowing them to see the emotionless face of the stranger, staring right into their sould.
—"{Myers...}"— you mouth breathlessly.
A sudden little thud followed by a rubber squeak got their attention. (Y/N)'s eyes wide and fill with terror when they see (S/N) standing in the doorway with a little pile of toys in one arm.
—"Leave them alone! You ugly monster!"—
She exclaims as she throws another toy into Michael's broad back, the toy making little to no harm. The man merely glances over his shoulder, his gaze now focused on her little frame.
—"You're mad at us because we visited your home, are you?! (Y/N) did absolutelly nothing wrong, we went there because of me! I am the guilty one! You should've punish me instead!"—
She exclaims again, tears sliding down her cheeks like rivers yet she didn't care. The girl stood high and threw another toy.
—"Or you want to take them away?! I know you have a little sister too, I- "— she hiccups a bit. —"I can be your new little sister! Please take me! Punish me! B-But please! Please leave (Y/N) alone!"—
The girl ends up desperately sobbing, both scared of the man in front of her and the fact that her sibling may disappear forever. Michael slowly turns towards her as he lets go of (Y/N), their body falling into the floor as they gasp for air.
The man starts to slowly and menacingly walk towards (S/N). The girl suddenly realized the mess she just got herself into as she starts to back away, throwing the rest of her toys at the man in a desperate attempt to slow him down, but all they did is bounce off his body into the floor.
—"W-Wait! Ne-Never mind! I- I ch-changed my mind! I don't want t-to go anywhere!"— she lets out a squeak when her back hit the wall in the hall.
The massive man gets even closer, his shadow making the already dark house even darker, darkness that threatens to engulf anything and never let go. The girl lets out a terrified cry as she shields herself with her hands.
The desperate cry of their name made them regain their conscience quickly, they see Michael Myers being just two feets away from their sister, blocking any escape with his broad figure as he extends his hand towards the little girl. Oh god he's about to strangle her just like he attempted with them!
(S/N) is in danger.
They must save her.
No matter what.
But what both siblings failed to see, was the way Michael moved his arm towards the little girl. His movements where slow and smooth, no aggression reflected in them.
When he was about to brush his finger agains (S/N)'s arm, a spartan-like war cry resonated behind him and something cold was wrapped around his neck. (Y/N) tugs the thick wire back rougly, causing the behemoth to stumble backwards, leaving enough room for (S/N) to escape.
—"RUN GODDAMNIT!"— you yell.
And this time (S/N) listens, sprinting through the stairs as fast as her body allows, leaving the house and not return.
The struggle between Michael and (Y/N) continued, they held tightly into the wire, trying to squeaze it even more while Michael attempted to get them off his back. The man eventually gets the solution and slams his body, back first, agains the wall, but (Y/N) doesn't give up. He repeats this maneuver a couple of times until their grip is lose enough to peel them off him and throw them into the floor.
The fall didn't go well, (Y/N) ended up going face first into the floor, but whatever pain they felt is quickly overshadowed by the adrenaline rushing through their veins. They know they won't be able to kill this monster, they know they're going to die, they know they have no chance, they know... But they refuse to go down so easily.
Durning the struggle, it seems like the man dropped his weapon, which (Y/N) had already grabbed as they stand up again. They hold the knife tightly as they stare into the man’s eyes, blood was leaking through their nose down their chin like a river. And despite this, despite all of these disadvantages, they stand hight and ready to keep fighting.
The killer must think they’re insane for even daring to get back to their feet, that they’re delusional for attempting to fight back… But (Y/N) does not care, not when their most loved one is in danger.
Michael remains completely still, looking at (Y/N)’s form. The moment their eyes made contact again, the same spine chill jolted through his body. The feeling was electrifying, so adictive, it began to intoxicate his mind, his eyes half lidded and breath heavy. He shouldn't be like this, (Y/N)'s eyes should not cause his body to react like that, but he can't help it...
Their eyes... There was no fear on them, only cold rage, a burning determination to protect and fight back. This gaze could be compared to the one of a wild wolf protecting an injured member of their pack.
The sacrifice they were ready to make in order to protect their sister caused Michael to feel a bit of respect towards them... Maybe even admiration, no, obsession. He was obsessed with their eyes, with their voice, with them... He was obsessed with (Y/N).
They both remains still, but eventually, and to their misfortune, Michael makes a move. He charges at them but (Y/N) seemed to learn from their previous mistake as they step aside and make a clear slash on his shoulder, causing the man release a low groan.
They attempt to stab him on the neck but Michael quickly grabs their wrist mid attack and tightly squeezes it, to the point that he felt something pop inside and right after that the knife was released from their grasp. But (Y/N) still refused to give up, this time they attepts to land a hit on his face or grab his mask, attempt that was cut short when Michael pushed them into the floor and practically tackled them.
(Y/N) glares daggers at him, their gaze hateful.
—"Don't you get it you sick fuck?!"— you exclaim, voice full of anger.
Michael only tilts his head, action that only pisses (Y/N) off.
—"I am not stopping, I won't stop fighting, not when my sister is in danger! Not while I'm still breathing!"—
And after these words they start struggling under Michael's large body, as the man himself got entranced with them again. Their bloodied visage looked so beautiful to him for some reason, their eyes filled with hate, not only towards him, but towards everything in the world made his breath shake. If it was any other victim he would be frustrated with such behavior... But not with (Y/N), never with them.
At some point, their struggles began to morph into quiet sobs, desperate and disappointed. They were disappointed with themselves, their helplessness and their inability to protect (S/N), not from this monster. They failed her...
They look away and bite their lip, holding their cries as best as possible, not wanting this beast to see them cry, to give him the joy watching them slowly break. This new picture of (Y/N) caused something inside of Michael's chest squeeze painfully, this new broken and vulnerable (Y/N) was very different from the previous one. It may not cause him the same thrill, but in ignites a new emotion, something he though he lost very, very long ago...
The same one he felt when he saw Angel cry, when she cowered away from him before he tried to reveal himself... And even after she tried to escape, he still felt protective of her in his own way... And now he feels it towards (Y/N).
Michael's head then straightens as he began to lean down, closer to them. (Y/N) tries to use their last bits of strength to push him away, slow him down, anything to keep him away from killing them in that same instant. When they feel his large arms wrap around their form, they shut their eyes tightly, expecting to feel pain at any second as he breaks their body limb by limb... But that doesn't happen.
They keep their eyes closed for a solid minute, and when still nothing happen, they open them just to be greeted by Michael's large form holding them in a tight embrace. His body warm despite his clothes being wet, the heat slightly soothing any pain in (Y/N)'s body, but not their mind. Being this close they can feel how powerful and strong Michael's body is, even embraced they can barely move, he could easily break their spine at any moment with enough force if he wanted to...
But (Y/N) had no time to question it or had any strength to push him since the adrenaline started to worn off and their vision and senses to slowly black out.
They're not sure how long Michael held them, but eventually he let go and stood up as the plice sirens got closer. He throws one last glance at (Y/N)'s nearly unconscious form before grabbing his knife and walking away.
But, it wasn't the last time they will see him...
Because the monster inside of him will force him to return…
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For @dandylion94, based on the prompt: “Camilo and Mirabel are trapped together somewhere and have a heart to heart while waiting for rescue.”
Post rebuild, Camilo tries to prank Mirabel but it ends up backfiring on himself as he accidentally locks them both in the laundry room. While waiting to be found by the family, the two get to talking and learning stuff about each other.
Change Your Mind
Mirabel yelped as the door suddenly slammed shut behind her. The action and noise almost loud enough that it made it the walls tremble. Her knuckles gripping white against the basket, she turned around. Only to find a snickering Camilo, waiting beside the wall by the recently closed door.
“You’re an idiot,” she muttered.
“Uh, no, you’re the idiot, primita. You’re the one who just freaked out over a door.” He remarked. “My sister’s gonna be mad.”
“Your sister is also going to know exactly whose fault it is and is going to inform the adults of such.”
Camilo groaned a little. “You’re so boring. It’s just a dumb joke you don’t have to take everything so seriously. Would it kill you to find the fun for once?”
“I can have fun,” she countered, setting down the basket and beginning to sort through the laundry. “And I can manage to do so without insulting or humiliating someone in the process. Not that you would know anything about that. Would it be so difficult for you to take something seriously?”
“I took the rebuild seriously.”
“Your first comment was quite literally about us no longer having a house.”
“That wasn’t my first comment, actually. You weren’t there for it because you ran off.”
“Well, I was present for the rebuild and I can confidently say you weren’t much help.”
“You weren’t either, thread-head. All you did was sew something for the kitchen. I carried a few bricks, babysat several kids and, as horrifying as it is to you, actually got my hands dirty!” He insisted, lifting his hands and waving his fingers, dramatically.
“And there you go again, acting like a child,” Mirabel clicked her tongue.
“Uh, newsflash, I am a child,” Camilo commented. “We are both children. I can be silly and messy and loud and annoying and vulgar and reckless and whatever else you complain about it if I want. You’re the odd one out, prima. Not me.”
Mirabel glanced up from the clothes she was sorting through. “This is all very concerning as it’s coming from someone who is meant to be a role model and guardian to young children. I dread to think what kind of awful impression you are leaving on the children you babysit and the messed up futures they’ll have,” she said, as though she was merely talking about the weather.
That struck a nerve in Camilo.
And he wasn’t going to leave without getting the last word in.
His hands fell to his sides in tight fists as he stepped away from the door, wanting to fully stand down his cousin. “Yeah, but I’m clearly a better person than you are, seeing as you’re the one here who wasn’t good enough to get a gift!”
Mirabel slowly dropped the blouse she had been holding. She turned back to him, eyes narrowed up at him, pushing herself away from the counter.
He’d grown a lot recently - and though he already has a vision from Bruno has guaranteed he’d end up taller than his sister - he has clearly never stood so close to Mirabel in a while. Because she was really, really short and maybe that ruined some of the conviction in her words.
“You don’t know when to quit it, do you?”
“Clearly not if I’m such a kid.”
Apparently done with this argument, Mirabel turned away sharply and returned to her work, ignoring him entirely. Camilo gave one final scoff before stalking back to the door. He reached for the doorknob and tried to twist it, but nothing happened.
Getting more frustrated, he jiggled the doorknob harder. Twisting one way and then the other. Pulling and pushing with all his weight. Kicking at the door and then bashing his shoulder into it. Trying anything to get it loose. Nothing worked. Even Casita tried helping with the floor tiles and a wooden beam, but nobody was strong enough to free the door. He slowly came to the realisation that during his earlier prank, he must have slammed the door too hard and gotten it jammed.
“What is it?” Asked Mirabel from behind. She didn’t sound as upset as she had a moment ago.
“The door’s jammed,” Camilo admitted in defeat. “We’re stuck in here.”
Mirabel shook her head. “Only temporarily. Lunch can’t be that far away and my absence will be noted by—”
He couldn’t help himself from bursting into laughter at that. And he was mildly surprised that Mirabel didn’t immediately chastise him for it. “People don’t notice when you don’t show up at meals, just guess you’re off sewing or that you are there. You’re quiet. It’s the same with Dolores. It’s why I use you two if I want seconds.”
“Then surely someone will notice your absence…” she trailed off from her question, realising. She sighed heavily. “Or no, they won’t. They’ll assume that you have shapeshifted into somebody else or have gone out to town to see your friends without informing anyone.”
“Dolores is having a day off in her room,” Camilo said, after a beat. “And there’s no windows in here.”
“…Looks like we really are stuck here then.”
“I guess so.”
The first hour or so passed with no drama. They remained on opposite sides of the small room and said nothing to each other. Mirabel continued with the chores she was meant to actually be here for without compliant (cleaning clothes, darning holes, etc), while Camilo was slowly losing his mind. There was nothing to do in here.
The second hour came and went. And then the third. And then… well, Camilo stopped counting by then. His stomach was really starting to growl and though he kept checking through the gap at the bottom of the door, he couldn’t see any sign that the family had come back. Though surely they had eaten lunch by now? Wouldn’t Dolores have to leave her room at some point and would hear them? The small source of light outside of the room, slowly faded.
He thinks he must have fallen asleep because, when he next opens his eyes, the entire room was pretty much pitch black. Mirabel had to stop what she was doing as she could no longer see much beyond the slight glimmer of her needle. He could just make out his cousin’s figure in the same place - has she even moved at all? - her knees huddled up against her chest, the same way Antonio does after a nightmare. It’s too dark that he doesn’t even notice Mirabel is looking over at him until she breaks the silence.
“I’m sorry,” she says. “I shouldn’t have said those things about you. You are wonderful with the village children and Antonio.”
Camilo shrugged a little. “Eh, I probably deserved it. I went out of my way to prank you, even when I know you don’t like ‘em and scare easy. I mean, that’s not setting a great example to kids.”
There was a pause. “Well, neither is what I’m doing,” Mirabel continued. “I can be cold, stubborn and very closed off about my feelings, which can’t be the best impression for Antonio. I never thought being so levelheaded and responsible would be a bad thing, but… I just spent the last eight hours, trapped in a room, working.”
“Why? Why would you do that? What’s wrong with you?”
“If I were to guess a lot of anxiety, trauma from Casita’s collapse and a crippling need to over-compensate for not getting a gift. Aside from the literal answer, it feels wrong to be not doing something productive.”
“Yeah, you're the weirdest sixteen-year-old I’ve ever met. And I’m me.”
“Apparently, I’m also a hypocrite to Luisa.”
“Yeah that as well— wait, it’s been eight hours!?”
“Eight hours and twenty minutes, I think; I could be wrong. That is what I counted. Isn’t that what you’ve been doing?”
Camilo stared at her in shock.
“You aren’t human.”
“It’s just counting. It’s not impressive—”
“You kept count of time for like almost half a day in the middle of doing that sewing and shit, how the hell is that not impressive?” He exclaimed, gesturing to the clothes. Or where he assumed they were.
“The counting was the more challenging bit, but only because mathematics isn’t something I care about. Stitching is all second nature to me at this point, as simple as mere breathing,” Mirabel explained.
He slowly picked his jaw up off the floor. He had always thought Dolores wasn’t completely human - as a child, he was convinced she was some higher being because of her smarts. He’d never really paid much notice to the fact that Mirabel easily caught up as her equal. Sure, he knew his prima was smart; his teachers use to complain about his grades being appalling in comparison to his “baby, female, giftless cousin”. But like… what the actual hell?
“What else do you know?” He asked.
Mirabel blinked. “What do you mean?”
“Like, off the top of your head, what else is in there? Wait, that’s a dumb question… um, you know how my sister claims she can play any instruments she touches, could you do that?”
“First of all, Dolores can actually do that. I have seen it with my own eyes and that is something to be regarded as impressive. Could I do that? No. Having only tried the piano, accordion and a few woodwind instruments, I don’t have enough knowledge on the other families of instruments to even know where to begin. Anyone could try, but not many instantly gain understanding of a new instrument.”
“You can play the piano? What? Since when?”
“Since about three? Pa taught me the basics and, with the aid of Dolores’ music books taught myself the rest.”
“How did I not know about this? I’ve never heard you play!”
“You never asked. I only play when the rest of you are at work.”
He nodded in understanding. “I guess now I should share some facts about me that you don’t know. Just to make it equal.”
“Is there something I don’t know?” Mirabel questioned, unconvinced.
“Probably not, I’m very loud and open about myself.” He chuckled. “Uh… yeah, no, I got nothing. What is there to say? I babysit, I act, I play football, pull pranks, have a boyfriend, am the weird kid in my class. Oh no, actually, wait! I got something! When my parents first moved me into the nursery with you, I wanted to be your friend.”
Nobody said anything for a long time.
“You what?”
“Yeah! You were the only other child in the house who wasn’t going to school at the time and we’d be roommates.” Camilo went on to say. “I remember being excited for our play dates, I remember Mamí telling me about a new friend and thinking it was the best present ever. I couldn’t wait. And then… you clearly weren’t as interested, maybe scared of me and my energy, and we had two very different ideas of what ‘play’ meant. And rather than help, our mothers just kept trying to force us together which made it all worse. No wonder you eventually burst before I started school, begging Luisa to put an end to it. That really hurt, by the way. I started school thinking nobody would want to be my friend.”
There was another quiet moment as Mirabel shifted. “Well, now I feel bad,” she mumbled. “I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just couldn’t understand why the adults were doing this; I was convinced I was being punished for something.”
“Don’t be. We were kids,” he waved off. “We weren’t the second Isabela and Dolores, no matter how hard they tried to force it. We probably would have turned out completely hating each other if things didn’t happen the way they did. And I made a ton of friends within ten minutes of getting dragged into school.”
“I know… I’m still sorry I disappointed you. But, I suppose that is very consistent for me.”
He was going to ask her what she meant by that because she’s one of the last people who disappoint someone. Always polite, always helpful, flawless behaviour and grades, and— oh. That. That makes a lot of sense.
“You’re not as bad as you seem to think you are,” he ventured. “You’re not as bad as I thought you were. Still an abuela trapped in a school girl’s body, but you… I don’t know. I don’t want to see you get punched in the face anymore. It’s just nice getting to talk about all this shit, you know?”
“I concur. You aren’t the court fool I thought you were.” Mirabel hummed, softly.
“…I’m just gonna pretend I know what you said.”
“I said that I agree with you.”
He cackled for a moment. “That’s a first.”
He thinks she might have chuckled a little too. “Savour the moment, for I doubt it will happen again.”
“We’re not gonna go back to… all that arguing, are we? When— if we get out of here?”
“Of course, we will get out of here. Dolores will hear us and get Luisa any minute now.” Mirabel answered. He could almost hear her roll her eyes. “But, to answer the first question, I wouldn’t mind it if we stopped with the arguing. Perhaps we could try being civil?”
“Great! I don’t know what you mean, but same!”
As if on cue, the room was suddenly flooded with light as the door was smashed clean off its hinges. Camilo scrambled back into the wall, only narrowly avoiding being hit by the thing. Mirabel slowly crept towards the light from the other side of the room, smiling in relief at the two figures - of their older sisters - stood in the doorway.
“I told you so,” she remarked.
“But how did you know?” Camilo whispered in horror, then gasped. “Witch!”
Dolores just held a hand out to the room. “See, Luisa? I told you they weren’t dead.”
She was immediately shoved aside as Luisa shoulder-barged her way through the doorway, running into the open room and drawing Mirabel into a tight hug.
“I was so worried about you!” The strongest was saying, maybe she was crying. “My poor hermanita! I’m so, so sorry! I didn’t realise you got locked in here! I had— well, I thought I was having a conversation with you for a full ten minutes until Bela asked me ‘what the fuck I was doing talking to myself’! And Dolores wanted to leave you in here until the morning because she was busy writing poetry, so I dragged her here to make sure you didn’t die. I’m never letting go of you again!”
“That’s wonderful, Luisa, and I have missed you very much too, but I can’t breathe,” Mirabel winced.
Camilo scampered out, heading straight for the kitchen, as Dolores followed after him, dusting down her dress.
“I can’t believe that food is the first thing on your mind,” she complained. “Not even a thank you.”
“Hey! I’ve not eaten since breakfast! I’m actually starving for once!” Camilo yelled back. He gratefully sank his teeth into some of the leftovers. Shovelling spoon after spoon into his mouth. “Thanks for coming to get us, hermana. You couldn’t have done it sooner?”
Dolores scoffed, “Nobody told you to lock yourself and your cousin in the laundry room, hermanito. I fetched Luisa as soon I realised what had happened! Though… it sounds like something good has come out of this and it means I will get to hear less of you arguing with people, so I don’t really have any regrets. In all honesty though, I am glad that you and Mirabel have made up. If you can get along with me, you can do it with her. Besides,” she added, smirking, “I was going to need you two to work together to plan my wedding.”
“But Mirabel wouldn’t know romance if it smacked her across the head?”
“You will bring the romance and dramatic elements, she will bring everything else. It is a flawless plan—”
“You couldn’t use Isabela and Luisa because they would embarrass the shit out of you?”
He had a light bulb moment, dropping his spoon into the bowl. “Maybe I should the jam the laundry door on you three and get you lot to make it up to each other!”
“Camilo Valentino Estrada Madrigal—”
“What? I’m only kidding!”
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
He cheats and gets someone else pregnant
Haikyuu Boys Drabbles
The one where you finally realize your worth and don’t forgive a cheater
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It was inevitable, he supposed. You weren’t a dumb person- you’d figure it out soon enough. You’d pick up on the signs- notice how much he’s been going out lately and staring at his phone. Laughing at things you hadn’t sent him, becoming distant, slowly but surely.
Suna knew you’d find out.
He just wasn’t expecting it to be soon.
He had come home one evening and took a shower like normal. While he washed up, he made the terrible mistake of leaving his phone in the kitchen, thinking that there was no way she’d text him. Their relationship was dwindling, after all. Suna was beginning to let the guilt get to him.
After 3 long months, he finally realized what he had wanted. He wanted you, forever and always. He wanted to marry you and spend the rest of his days traveling and experiencing new things with you.
Unfortunately though, he figured it out too late. A boys mistake, thinking that the grass was greener on the other side. And he’d soon pay the price for that wishful thinking.
While you were cooking dinner, you couldn’t help but notice how often his phone was going off. It kept dinging every few seconds, quickly causing you to become irritated.
Suna’s phone never went off that much, and so you thought surely it must be the boys. They probably added him into a group chat, you figured.
Oh how wrong you were.
The minute you walked over to the device and picked it up, you could truly feel your heart break. Searing pain burst through you like a rocket, a gasp leaving your lips as you scrolled through the messages.
8:53 PM
Unknown: Suna? Do you think we could talk?
Unknown: I know you said that you were going back to Y/N, but I...I’m pregnant. And it’s yours
Undeniably, you were shocked and confused. Pregnant? Who was this that was texting his phone? And why the hell did she think she was pregnant by your boyfriend?
A sickening feeling began to bubble in your stomach. Putting the phone down, you clenched your fists and took deep breaths.
In and out, Y/N. In and out.
Surely there was an explanation for this, right? You’d ask Suna as soon as he got done showering, and he’d laugh and tell you how this was all a misunderstanding. Some prank by Atsumu, wanting to get him back in his own cruel way.
One look at his face, though, and you knew everything.
“Tell me you didn’t,” Your bottom lip trembled as you stared at Suna, his eyes widened as he looked at the phone in your trembling hands. Once again, it pinged, but you didn’t even have the energy to look. The only thing you were focused on was your heavy breathing, and the fact that you were becoming light-headed as Suna stepped forward.
“Y/N, baby, I can explain.”
As soon as those words left this lips, your entire world shattered. Letting out a sob, you dropped the phone and used your hands to cover your mouth in horror.
“So you did.”
Suna became panicked as soon as you started crying, holding onto the kitchen table to keep yourself from falling over. The pain that you felt was indescribable, not to mention the absolute betrayal. You had given everything up for Suna- and he repayed you like this?
“Y/N/N, please,” Suna was begging as he moved closer, trying to embrace your crying figure in his arms but you pushed him away, sudden anger taking over you.
“Don’t touch me!” Suna flinched as your damn near threw him off, backing up so far from him. The look in your eyes nearly killed him as you made eye contract, “I don’t want your filthy hands on me now that I know where they’ve been!”
“Shut the fuck up Suna!”
You could no longer control yourself as rage began taking over your body, slowly but surely replacing the tears. The more you processed it - the more you looked at that bastards face and realized that he had went and knocked someone up while you were at home, cooking his dinner - the more infuriated you became.
“I cannot fucking believe you. Like are you serious right now?! I spend all day, all fucking day waiting for you Suna. I cook your food, I run you baths, I do everything I can to make your life less stressful and then you go and do this shit?”
“Baby just listen me, it’s not like that, okay?Whatever you saw- it’s in the past! Me and her- it meant nothing. I realize that now. It’s me and you baby- just us. That’s all I want,” Suna felt tears trailing down his cheeks as he desperately pleaded his case. Desperately grabbing at you, trying to hold you as if that would make everything okay. As if a simple “I’m sorry,” could fix what he broke.
Instead, you found yourself laughing bitterly and fought the urge to smack him in the face. No, you decided you’d have more dignity than that. You’d pack your stuff, peacefully, and leave this asshole here to rot.
That was quickly decided in your mind and within seconds, you were shaking your head, scoffing as you pushed passed him and practically ran to your shared bedroom.
“Wait-! Y/N, what are you doing? No, no, no, no!” Suna panicked even more when he followed you and saw that you were hurriedly packing your stuff in a suitcase. It was messy, and you barely had half of your shit but you decided that it’d do. At least until right now. At least until...well, you didn’t really know anymore.
You and Suna, you guys were supposed to be each other’s forever. You were supposed to be endgame, but as it turned out, Suna ruined that before you could even get a ring.
You scoffed again at the prospect of ever marrying him. Now, you began to think about why you even wanted him in the first place. How did you not notice the signs? The lack of effort for weeks until Suna suddenly warmed up again and began treating you like you were his world.
How did you not catch on? How did it completely slip your mind that you were dating a cheater, until the facts suddenly smacked you right in the face?
“What does it look like I’m doing, Rintaro,” You rolled your eyes, zipping the suitcase and then booking it to the bathroom. You quickly grabbed your body wash, all your hair products and then your toothbrush. You lazily threw them in a another bag and then stood up, glaring at Suna who tried to block you from exiting the door.
“Move,” You stared him down, venom lacing your words. “I don’t fucking have time for this.”
“Baby, please,” You flinched as he reached out to touch you, to stroke your cheek with the same hands that had touched her. They were slightly wet, presumably from wiping his tears away, but all you could think about was that you weren’t the only one he had been coming home to. You weren’t the only one he had been fucking and touching.
The thought made you absolutely sick. You were sure that if you didn’t get out now, then you’d puke all over your- his expensive furniture.
“You have to listen to me,” Suna silently cried, his body shaking as he stood there, begging for the one person he needed in his life to stay. “I told you- she means nothing. I don’t want anything to do with her, I only want you, Y/N.”
“And the baby?” Dammit. You couldn’t help yourself. Once again, your anger began to fade as tears gathered in your eyes.
Suna had a child. He had a fucking child with some stranger he’d known less than six months. She was carrying his blood, something that was supposed to be your moment. You were supposed to give him his first child. You were supposed to be the one he shared that part of life with, not her.
“I- what?”
From the looks of it, you’d almost think that Suna didn’t know. His eyes were wide, his whole body stopping as he stared at you incredulously.
And then it hit you.
He didn’t know.
He didn’t even know that she was carrying his baby. He was completely clueless. Both of you were blindsided.
At this, you couldn’t help it. You did laugh, a bitter sound that sounded almost like you were mocking him.
“Wow Rintaro. How fucking stupid could you get?” You let out a watery chuckle, shaking your head as a tear ran down your face. “If you’re gonna cheat and fuck someone else, then at least be smart enough to wear a condom.”
“But I...that’s impossible,” Suna whispered, mostly to himself. “I don’t...I mean she can’t possibly...how did you...?”
“She was blowing up your phone while you were in the shower. How did you think I found out?” You gave him a fake smile. “For someone that doesn’t like putting in a lot of effort, you sure did put a lot into making sure you fucked this relationship up. And then your own life too.”
You hated to say it, but you silently enjoyed the way Suna was going to suffer. At the very least, it was absolutely what he deserved for cheating in the first place. Now, his life was probably going to be ruined. His career, his dreams, everything he had planned...
It was gonna go down the drain.
And you for one were grateful he wasn’t dragging you down with him.
“I...” Suna was at an absolute loss for his words. His whole body slumped, seemingly going numb as he just stayed in the doorway, looking shocked. It gave you the perfect opportunity to push past him, a small smirk on your face despite the searing pain in your heart.
You knew it was serious when he didn’t even try to stop you when you opened the front door.
“I left your phone on kitchen floor. Maybe you should call her. I’m sure you’d like to know more, seeing as it is yours. For your sake, I hope it’s a bouncing baby boy. That’s what you always wanted, right?”
You spoke one last time, making sure to rub salt in the wound before taking a final glance at the man you loved.
He looked broken, a sheer sobbing mess as he still stood in your bedroom door. A part of you couldn’t help but feel bad. You couldn’t help but want to go over and embrace him, dropping everything and tell him that things were gonna work out.
That was the part of you that still loved him.
But the other part...
The other part of you told you that it’s what he deserved. He cheated, and now he has to live with the consequences. Loosing you, and becoming a father at the age of 20.
That was the part of you that gave you the extra push. That was the part of you that gave you the strength to close the door, forever walking away from the man that broke you and the empty house that held all of your dead dreams.
——————————— ☁️ ——————————
You didn’t believe it. Or more like, you didn’t want to believe it. You didn’t wanna shatter your fantasy world, one that you had been living in for four years.
You didn’t want it to break, because if it did...
You didn’t know what you were going to do.
For the last four years Bokuto had been your world. Your absolute rock, your sunshine on a cloudy day. He made you laugh, he made you feel welcome and special like nobody else had before.
Surely...your Bokuto wasn’t capable of this. Surely didn’t...he couldn’t have...
You didn’t even wanna think about it. Bile rose up in your throat every time you thought about it...his lips on hers. Caressing her and holding her the way he was supposed to only hold you.
You didn’t wanna think about it, but yet-
You had no choice as you stared at the pregnant woman before you.
“I’m sorry,” She had tears in her eyes as she sat on your couch, sobbing while simultaneously holding her belly. While holding his baby.
She had come to you only a few hours before, taking you by complete surprise. Never in your life did you ever think you’d come face to face with your boyfriend’s baby momma.
But that’s exactly what had happened.
Apparently, she and Bokuto had both had a one stand a few months ago. It was when he had traveled to Tokyo for a game and you stayed behind because you had school.
It was the one weekend you weren’t there to support him. One weekend...and you had lost him forever.
“It’s not...it’s not your fault,” You told her somewhat awkwardly, although you didn’t really mean it. She had slept with your boyfriend, after all. And now she was pregnant, claiming the baby was 100% his.
That wasn’t even the worst part though.
The worst part was that you couldn’t even be mad at her, because she didn’t know. It was a one night thing. She had told you Bokuto had left in tears the next morning, rambling on about how she meant nothing and that he had you to come home to.
She claimed that he regretted it the minute he realized what happened. Crying out about how he was going to propose and then rushing out without so much as a goodbye.
Oh how stupid he was to name drop you.
You almost wished he hadn’t, because that was how she had found you. After finding out that she was pregnant, she tried to reach out to Bokuto only to realize that he was telling the truth. He’d been with you for four years.
But did that really even mean anything anymore?
“It’s just- I just-” The girl shook her head. “I just want you to know that I never meant to hurt you. If I had known...if I had any other choice...”
“Actually, I’m sort of glad you reached out to me. Thank you for that. That was good on your part, seeing as I doubt he would have told me,” You smiled numbly, not capable of feeling anything at the moment.
It was like...your entire body was on shut down mode. It had become numb, desperately trying to block out the pain you were sure that was coming. And you, for one, were absolutely grateful. You didn’t wanna think... you didn’t even wanna fathom how broken you were gonna be.
So you didn’t. Instead you kept your thoughts quiet and relished in the numbness.
“You know...” You laughed bitterly, sadly shaking your head as you sighed, “Bokuto’s always wanted a kid. He kept begging me a few weeks ago to have one, but I said no. We’re both so young, you know? We had our whole lives together.”
You hadn’t meant to make her cry even more, but that’s exactly what your words did. They cut a knife through this random girl’s heart, causing her pain that she had stolen that from you. Bokuto, he had taken that from you as well.
“I’m sorry,” Once again, she apologized, but you weren’t much focused on that. Instead, your attention snapped towards the front door as you heard keys jingling outside. With a sharp push, your stomach dropped.
Bokuto was home.
“Hey hey hey! Babe whose car is that-”
Bokuto’s smile suddenly dropped as he walked into the scene, your dull eyes and the girl’s tearful ones ones trained on him. Immediately, his whole demeanor began to crumble down and he nervously looked between the two of you, his shoulders dropping.
“...outside. What’s this?”
“Bokuto, I believe you know her,” You were eerily calm as you pointed towards her, showing no emotion as Bokuto’s eyes flickered to her stomach. “This is Kayla. From Tokyo, right? I think you guys have much to discuss.”
Bokuto was at a loss for words as you rose from the couch, gesturing for him to take your seat. But instead of listening, he decided to make things difficult and run after you like a lost puppy as you made your way to the bedroom.
“Babe, babe wait! Y/N, please baby I can explain. I can explain, I can explain, I swear! Just let me, just please let me-”
“Bokuto,” You stopped him, holding up your hand and shaking your head. “I’m not in the mood, really. Just go talk with her alright? She came all this way to find me, so it’s rude not to.”
“But baby-”
“Go,” You suddenly became firm, gritting your teeth as you stared him. For a second, you took a small pause, and then Bokuto heard the words he never wished to hear his in life. “And don’t you ever call me that ever again, Koutaro.”
“K-Koutaro...?” Bokuto stuttered slightly, reeling back at the use of his first name. “But baby...y-you never call me that. Ever.”
“Oh yeah?” You couldn’t help but laugh on how clueless he was. I mean honestly, you never thought that Bokuto was stupid but now...“Well what the hell else am I supposed to call you? Read the fucking room Bokuto. Your pregnant fucking mistress is sitting on my couch, crying her eyes out and you’re worried about me calling you by your first fucking name? Get a god damn grip.”
For the first time that day, emotion began peaking out from your eyes. Pure anger bubbled up inside of your body, finally manifesting after holding it in for so long.
It felt good, in your opinion, to finally feel something. A delayed reaction, sure, but late was better than never.
“Shut up,” You rolled your eyes at his trembling form. “I don’t wanna hear anything else from you. So go talk to her. Figure your shit out while I pack mine.”
“No!” Panic was evident in his voice as he suddenly grabbed your arms, preventing you from entering your bedroom. Shocked, you siteuggled in his embrace but Bokuto was extremely strong.
“What the hell? Let me go!”
“Y-Y/N! Baby y-you can’t leave me! You can’t! What about our plans? What about forever and always, you and me?”
“Did you think about that before you got drunk and fucked her?” You snapped harshly, causing him to whimper. “Exactly. So don’t come pulling that bullshit out on me, Bokuto. You’re the one that ruined that.”
“But-” At this point, he was searching for something, anything to make you stay as you shoved him off and then stormed in your shared room. “But baby I- we had this whole plan...I was gonna propose! Please, I...I even got the ring! Here I’ll prove it to you!”
While you were busy running around the room throwing all your stuff together, Bokuto suddenly dashed to the kitchen and retrieved a box he had been storing for a special occasion. He completely ignored the girl that was sitting on his couch, not even sparing her a second glance as he rushed back to you and dropped to his knees.
“See?” He hurriedly opened the box and desperately grabbed your hand, slipping the shiny diamond on before you could even protest. “I had it made for you, Y/N! Pure diamond, princess cut. It’s even engraved with your name baby! Please...”
You had to admit, you wanted to break down as Bokuto began to cry, looking awfully small as he kneeled by your feet. To make matters worse, he kept kissing your hand and mumbling tearful apologizes that yanked at your heartstrings.
By now, your initial exterior had began to crumble. Pain began to surround your heart, squeezing it so bad it almost felt like you were burning. A swell of tears gathered in your eyes, and you almost, almost gave in.
You almost sank to your knees and cried with him, almost pulled him into your arms because you didn’t wanna let go. You loved Bokuto, you truly did, and you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with him.
He was a good man, that probably made an honest mistake. He was everything you had ever wanted. And you were so tempted...so tempted to give in. Until you realized that you deserved better.
“I’m sorry,” Sniffling slightly, you yanked your hand out of his grasp and shook your head. “But I need to go. I can’t stay here anymore Bokuto...you ruined this. You ruined us, and now you have a woman in there carrying your child. You have the family you’ve always wanted. Don’t ruin that too.”
Hastily, you leaned down to press a bitter kiss on his forehead and then stood back up. Bokuto sobbed as he watched your figure retreat, standing high despite the heartbreak.
It was then that he realized that even though you were letting him go, you’d be just fine. You’d pull yourself together eventually, you were strong like that. You didn’t need him, but god, what about him?
He wasn’t sure if he could survive without you. He could barely even breathe and you hadn’t even walked out yet.
Was this what it was going to feel like from now on? Empty, hollow...meaningless?
One last time, he cried out of you. He begged you to stay.
But you knew you deserved better than that.
“I’m sorry.”
And with that, you left him behind. Forever.
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Stupid J. - Mason Mount x Reader
summary: In which the reader tries to mess with Mason by ordering red roses with a suspicious note
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„I think you should take the red roses.“ your friend Amy giggled, pointing at the low quality picture on the screen „I mean they just are the most romantic ones.“
„Hmm…“ you sighed, scrolling through the flower delivery services online website „I don’t know. Maybe this is a dumb idea?“
Maybe? Of course this was stupid idea.
Amy and you had hung out at your place for the whole day and with it raining outside you two had nothing better to do than watch Tiktoks. And as people know, Tiktok was basically full of stupid ideas.
And sure enough you eventually came across the pranks. After you had watched at least a hundred videos, Amy suggested that it would be incredibly funny to pull one on your boyfriend. Mason, your boyfriend. Your extremely overprotective boyfriend.
„What?“ Amy squealed, rolling her eyes as she grabbed the laptop out of your hands „This is a great idea.“
You looked over the girls shoulder as you cosied up in your grey fluffy blanket.Both of you sitting on the white couch as you could see the rain outside pouring through the glass doors.
„You clearly don’t know Mase.“ you chuckled as you watched Amy add something to the cart „He will totally flip out. Plus you won't even be here to see his reaction.“
„Well that’s what makes this fun, duh! And you can tell me how reacted later.“ Amy smacked her lips together, typing something into the laptop „What should the note say?“
You sighed, looking at her mischievous grin „I don’t know. Something subtle?“
„Maybe…“ Amy pursed her lips, thinking about what would set Mason off as her fingers started typing „Had a great time last weekend. Maybe we…“
„No way!“ you interrupted Amy, who was putting on her best advertising voice „That’s already implying that I cheated.“
„That’s the whole point Y/n.“ Amy chuckled as she typed something into the computer again „But I have a better idea…“
You watched her write something before she showed you the screen of your laptop. You chuckled, seeing what she had written.
"I miss you - J"
„What do you think?“ the blonde girl grinned, making you sigh before nodding.
„Well, I guess it’s a little more subtle.“
Saturday was supposed to be the day, where you and Mase would get to spend some quality time together. Both of you having incredibly busy schedules during the week. Sometimes even on the weekend when Mason had to attend games. But luckily this Saturday you were both free.
If it wasn't for the fact that the whole day, all you could only think about was how the door could ring any second and a bouquet of red roses could ruin your day.
You did regret ever agreeing to this but also you were really quite curious. You wanted to see what Mason would do. Like any girl, you did like a healthy amount of jealousy and drama.
So when you were just chilling on the couch with Mason next to you, watching some cheesy movie on Netflix, the doorbell rang.
„Can you open it?“ you asked, looking at your boyfriend with puppy eyes. Knowing he already had a hard time to say no to you.
„Alright…“ Mason groaned, releasing you from his grasp as he got up. Making you already miss his touch.
Mason readjusted his grey hoodie, his hair extremely messy from cuddling, as he made his way over to the door. Trying not to look like he had just woken up.
You could feel your heartbeat rise when hearing Mase talk to the delivery guy. Clearly he seemed confused about what was being delivered. Asking the guy three times if he was sure he had the right address.
Then the door fell shut and next thing you knew, Mason walked into the room with a bouquet of red roses wrapped up beautifully in clear wrapping paper.
„Did you order flowers?“ Mason asked, putting down the flowers on the marble kitchen counter as you stared at the television again.Not being able to face him or you‘d immediately start laughing.
You weren't really good at lying. But maybe in this case it was good thing as Mase was supposed to think you were lying.
„No.“ you answered shortly, trying not to already give yourself away.
„Well, there’s a note…“ you turned around to watch Mason open the white letter that had been attached to the bouquet.
Your boyfriend pulled out a card before reading what’s on it with furrowed eyebrows, clearly confused on what was written. He tried to puzzle everything together as he thought about if he knew anyone that would send him flowers who’s name started with a J.
That’s when it hit him; maybe he didn’t know anyone but you could obviously do. After all you did spend most of your time at his house, so it would only make sense for someone to send them here. It did seem quite weird to him though.
„I think these are for you.“ he cleared his throat, still fixated on the note as he tried to understand the situation. His mind going through all the worst case scenarios.
„Really?“ you tried to act suprised but failed, making you even more suspicious.
„Yes.“ Mason muttered, staring at the red roses. There was a moment of silence before Mason took all his courage to ask the one question that was lingering on his mind „So who's J?“
You grinned as you chewed on some popcorn, shrugging as you looked over at you boyfriend „Jay? I don’t know any Jay.“
„No I mean the letter J.“ Mason sighed, slowly starting to lose his patience as you continued to act oblivious.
„Well, I know a lot of people who’s names start with a J…“ you now stood up, taking the empty glass bowl with you as you walked over to the kitchen isle „But so do you. Like James, Jesse or even Jack?“
Mason stood there, the note tight in his hand as he tried to read your face. Still not sure what to believe.
„Now why would any of them tell me they missed me?“ Mason slid the note across the countertop to were you were standing.
You picked it up, furrowing your eyebrows before clearing your throat „I don’t know?“
By now Mase totally knew you were lying. Only in his mind the lie was a whole different one.
„That’s…“ he shook his head, trying to calm himself down and not curse. Knowing that if he lost his temper now, you would never speak up „Who sent you these?“
„Honey, I told you…“
„I don’t believe it though!“ he crossed his arms, biting his bottom lip as he watched you check out the roses „So you might as well just tell the truth.“
You fake gasped, looking into Masons mad face. Pretending to be offended by his accusation.
„Is it a guy?“ he now hissed, leaning over the counter and shoving the bouquet away with his hands „Who has the audacity to send flowers for my girlfriend to my house.“
„Well, I do basically live here so…“
„So it is a guy?“ your boyfriend raised his eyebrows, clearly pissed off but also kind of hurt.
„No… I mean yes…“ you stuttered, pretending to be nervous as you started fidgeting with the note in your hands „I don’t know…“
„What?“ Mase hissed, shaking his head in complete confusion „You don’t know who would write you a note saying that he misses you?“
You bit your lip looking at the roses. Should you stop it now? But it was just starting to get fun. Plus Mason didn't seem all that mad yet.
„His name starts with a J! Doesn’t that maybe ring a bell?“ Mason now asked, pacing up and down the kitchen in attempt to calm his nerves. He didn't understand why you were acting so oblivious.
„Well…“ you tried to come up with something „Maybe Jadon?“
„Sancho?“ Mase asked, stopping in his tracks as he stared at his girlfriend like she was a ghost.
„Yeah, well I baked the lads cookies last week, remember? Maybe this is his way of saying... thank you?“
„What?“ is all Mason said, feeling like he was about to lose his mind „Why would he write that he freaking missed you because you baked him cookies?“
„Maybe they were good?“
You had to try so hard not to start laughing. Your boyfriend looked like he was questioning his whole life choices. And you obviously would feel the same in his shoes.
„Are you nuts?“ Mason now asked, believing there was something seriously wrong with you. He walked over to placing his palm on your forehead, to check your temperature„I mean you have to be. Your talking absolute nonsense.“
You chuckled, as you gently pushed your boyfriend away. And when looking up at his face you couldn’t help but start laughing. Mase furrowed his eyebrows, looking at his girlfriend that was laughing her ass off
„What’s so funny? If Jadon really sent these I will…“
„Mase…“ you laughed, tears filling your eyes as you held on to the kitchen counter "I’m just messing with you.“
„Huh?“ the guys face softened as he stood there with crossed arms. A small grin appearing on his lips.
„Of course Jadon wouldn’t send me flowers!“ you giggled, still amused by his reaction as you wiped your tears away „I ordered them myself.“
Mason looked relieved but confused at the same time „What?“
„Yeah, Amy and I saw this trend on Tiktok. Where you order flowers to see how your boyfriend reacts. And Amy had the great idea to add the note.“ you put your hand on his shoulder as Mason shook his head, now also chuckling „But I haven’t seen one video where the guy checks if his girlfriend has a fever!“
„Well can you blame me!“ Mason laughed, watching you try to catch your breath as he rolled his eyes.
„I love you.“ you chocked in between laughter, as Mase pulled you close to him. Your boyfriend tried to kiss you as all you could do is laugh.
"I'm sorry..." you chuckled, trying to calm yourself down.
Mason was trying not to laugh but in all honesty he was also quite amused by the situation. He looked at you, licking his lips before grabbing the note on the counter and walking over to the trashcan. He threw it away and stared at you with the pettiest look on his face, only to say;
„Stupid J.“
You watched your boyfriend, a big smile on your face as you nodded „Yes. Stupid, stupid J.“
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name of a stranger [1] (camilo x reader)
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Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
kinda nervous about this so let me know your thoughts so ik whether to continue or not !!
summary: (y/n) and camilo share their bodies and lives with each other, trying to figure out how to navigate this new magical connection. but what happens when they've only got so little time left?
notes: this series is based off the movie 'your name'! it's very good so i suggest you go watch
the beginning of this doesn't really feature camilo but after the first half he'll show up. not in the way you think, though ;) and yes it's a romantic camilo fic, trust me!
and reader is gender neutral! if i make any mistake with that please lmk and i'll fix it.
warnings: bad writing lmaooo enjoy <3
“his name is camilo. he told me to give it to you. do you know him somehow?” your mother questioned, handing you a yellow pile of fabric.
letting it unfold you discover it’s a ruana with chameleons skillfully woven on it.
“no? thanks, though… i guess,” you say, more confused than anything else.
despite how nice you thought the clothing was, you put it away under your bed. it wasn’t exactly your style and the fact that it came from some boy that you didn’t know gave you a weird feeling. something, however, kept you from giving it away for a long time.
“(y/n), wake up! mami wants you to pick up your stuff before we leave,” you dear sister yelled, knocking on your door obnoxiously before opening it.
“valentina get out of my room, you rat!” you groan tiredly, throwing a pillow at the crack in the door.
“oh, so you’re normal, now?” she asks, putting a hand on her hip.
your sister tends to say a lot of dumb things, and you expected this to be no different.
“what the hell do you mean?”
“you were acting weird yesterday. actually, nevermind, you always act weird,” she hummed. turning in her place, she walked off into the hallway. “i guess if you’re not getting up then you’re letting me have your special markers for today!”
sitting up abruptly, you pulled off your blanket and scrambled to get your clothes on. there was no way you were going to let her touch your birthday present, her grubby little fingers would ruin them!
“val i swear you touch those markers and you’re dead!”
the idea that you had been acting weird yesterday didn’t really leave your mind. especially when your mother had something to say about it.
“you feeling better today, dear?” she asked as you walked into the kitchen, setting down a box of markers on the table.
“yeah? why are you guys being weird?”
instead of answering you in the way you had hoped, she just put on a small smile and gave you and your sister your lunch, murmuring quietly, “have a good day at school, kids.”
since she didn’t try and elaborate you told yourself it meant you shouldn’t care. and with that, you opened the door to leave with your sister.
the air was cold and almost suffocating. there were people everywhere, bumping into you at least once every five seconds. the walk was usually thirty minutes because of its distance but you had come to not mind it, instead taking it as an opportunity to daydream.
this city of yours was fine. your family was alright and your life was anything but terrible. this didn’t stop you from wishing, though, for some sort of change.
when you got to school your classmates had been giggling and pointing at you all day. leaning your head to the side you whisper to valentina, “why is everyone acting like that?”
your little sister scoffed, “what, do you have amnesia or something? you were being weird. you stared at yourself in the mirror for at least 10 minutes in the morning, acted nice to maria, forgot where your first class was, and told manuel to go screw himself!”
“what? no way!” you deny, sitting down at your desk.
maria, the rudest girl you’ve ever met didn’t even deserve a decent smile. and manuel? the guy you’ve had a crush on? you being rude to him? that was rich. you were sure now that there had to be some sort of prank going on.
you flipped to your most recent notes to see where you left off when something catches your eye: a simple phrase written in a handwriting that wasn’t yours.
‘who are you?’
the next day you woke up to the sound of your door being knocked on (again).
“stop it, valentina! i’m up, jeez,” you yell, your heart stopping when you hear your voice. was that you speaking?
“what the hell…” you whisper, the voice the same. it was your voice! but it was different.
“i don’t know who valentina is but camilo madrigal you better get up for your chores or abuela will be on you in a snap!” someone yelled.
abuela? your grandmother passed away two years ago. and who was that yelling at the door? wait a minute.
you sat up.
this wasn’t even your room!
it was way bigger than yours, chameleons placed around everywhere in subtle ways. across “your” bed was a mirror, and the face that stared back at you certainly wasn’t yours.
your normal hair had been traded in for a head of brown curls, your eyes big with surprise and face suddenly yours?
were your eyes tricking you or did you just turn back into yourself? was the boy you were before camilo? you had no clue what was going on.
“ay, i need an answer! get up this instant or-” a woman with light skin and reddish brown hair barged into the room. she already looked ready for the day, with a yellow hairband and dress to compliment her features. “hijo? are you okay? who did you transform into?”
the mention of the name of this boy allowed your body to turn back into him as you realized that woman was the mother of this person. coughing, you made up a lame excuse.
“nobody! i’m fine. lo siento, mami,” you stutter. “um… what are my chores for today?”
“what are your chores? you’ve been doing this for years, you should already know…." she paused. “are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
taking this as an opportunity to get out of doing some stranger’s chores, you shook your head.
“i’ll get julieta, okay? just get yourself dressed and we’ll see what's going on,” she continued, closing the door behind her as she yelled for said woman.
oh boy, you had a feeling you were in trouble.
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canadadrye · 3 years
I saw you were asking for requests, so could you do an Adam Davenport fic where the male or gn(but preferably male) reader gets in an argument with Adam for some dumb reason, and Adam gets all pouty, so reader gives him cuddles and kisses as an apology?
adam davenport x GN!reader
request: yep!
note: okay i might have gotten just a bit carried away with writing this one- but it was just so fun!!
warnings: none really except some small fighting over something minimal, and my language ofc
word count: 0.9k
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you had finally gotten a moment alone with adam. no chase, no bree, no leo, no one. you decided to spent this time doing the only sensible thing you could think of; watching a bunch of movies and eating piza. you put adam in charge of picking out movies while you called in a pizza for the two of you. you hadn't eaten anything yet because you got incredibly carried away with your work and stuff, so you really needed this. you headed back into the living room to see which movies adam had picked out for you to watch; and you settled on 'captain marvel' as the first one.
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flash forward to the end of the first movie, you reach your hand into the pizza box to find nothing. you immediately look up towards adam, and what you see was not what you were wanting to. him with the last slice already 3/4 gone, an absolutely clueless expression drawn on his face. "what? is there something on my face?" he asked you, still not clicking in his mind that you weren't exactly happy with him. "adam, i wanted the last piece! i'm starving and i haven't ate all day!" you guess it came out a bit more aggressive than you intended, because the next thing that came out of his mouth was unexpected. "well gee, i'm sorry i upset you! you know you could at least try telling me these things before you get all angry with me!" you were honestly thrown back by his response, your boyfriend was usually a huge teddybear to everyone other than chase, but especially you. he'd never acted this way around you before and it was really pissing you off. in the heat of the moment, it didn't even cross your mind that it could possibly be your fault for acting hostile towards him in the first place. you didn't even bother responding to him, you just stormed off to the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it once in.
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about 30 minutes or so had gone by and you were finally ready to confront him. you knew the fight was stupid and you shouldn't have gotten angry at him for something so small in the first place, but at the time it felt so big. you exited the bathroom and headed back to the living room, where you found a pouting adam sitting on the couch. you tried to approach him but when you entered his line of sight he just turned over to the opposite side. so when that didn't work, you just decided to sit down next to him. when you did, he stood up and made his way over to the kitchen and sat down at the bar. words couldn't make their way to your mouth, even if you wanted them to. you had no idea what to say, you hadn't ever gotten into an argument with him like this. you quickly made your way back to the bathroom, washing your face in hopes that some brilliant idea would pop into your brain. alas, that did nothing and you decided you'd just have to apologize the good old fashion way.
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"look-" you still kept a bit of distance from him in case he was still upset. "-i'm sorry for the way i acted, okay?" you rubbed the back of your neck, hoping he would understand where you're coming from. "mhm, keep going" he had a sly smirk on his face, like he was getting some form of enjoyment from his. "and i was a complete jerkface-" he rolled his eyes "uh-huh, what else?" his smirk turned into a full smile at this point and it became exceptionally clear to you, he totally was getting enjoyment from this. "-and i'm sorry about being a big idiot, mkay?" he just laughed and shook his head. "well-" he made sure to extend the end of his words extra long, "-i can think of a few ways you could make it up to me" you exhaled out of your nose, shaking your head. "c'mere you dumbass" you knew exactly what he meant when he was talking about 'making it up to him'. "yay!" he exclaimed and pumped his fist up in the air victoriously. you pulled him over to the couch, allowing him to snuggle into you. you placed a gentle kiss on the top of his head, feeling yourself grow a bit drowsy. "you might be a big idiot-" he said sleepily "-but at least you're my big idiot" all you did was hum in return, a light smile on your face before you dozed off.
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"you think we should wake them up?" leo asked to the others crowded around the couch. "no! let them sleep, guys" bree whined as she snapped a quick photo on her phone for later blackmail, but admittedly she was really enjoying looking at the passed out couple in front of her. "oh i so want to wake them up!" chase on the other hand, was having a very hard time not ruining the perfect moment. he really wanted to get payback on his brother for the most recent prank that was pulled on him. adam wouldn't admit it, but chase just knew it was him who did it. "he really pulled a good one didn't he?" mrs. davenport said as she passed into the kitchen to get something started for dinner. let's just say you guys woke up to an audience admiring the tooth-rottingly sweet moment in front of them.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
The whole time traveling children has me feelin some type of way tbh. Imagine Mirio, Kaminari, and Tamaki walking into their respective rooms and there are just small children vibing. Mirio with his daughter, Kaminari with a daughter and Tamaki with a son. 😭
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as i said, parent!bnha is SUPERIOR
A/N: So, instead of making these separate asks, I’m just going to make it one giant post. I thought it would be easier that way. Probably the only post that’ll have more than three characters lol
Warnings: none
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Kaminari Denki:
when kaminari walked into his room, he didn't expect to see two children on his bed fighting like wild animals
the younger girl was totally beating the boy’s ass tho
kinda embarrassing bc she’s gotta be like, seven, at most
as if it’s not the weirdest thing he’s seen (bc it’s not) he rushes in to break them apart
he manages to separate them with his arms 
the boy with yellow hair snaps his jaws at his sister’s fingers
“hey! bad! no biting!” he scolds
the little girl blows a raspberry and taunts “yeah! papa says no biting!”
the older sibling just rolls his eyes “rat”
meanwhile, denki is literally malfunctioning
the only person’s pants (and heart) he’s been trying to get in to for the past three months was y/n’s and he sure as hell would remember if he did
he didn't have kids
especially one that was his age
“sorry! you two are cute, but i’m not your pops”
thus, they begin to tell denki about how they mayhaps followed him and their mother into a dangerous mission and got hit with a time travel quirk
denki just nods his head
tbh, he’s not that weirded out
weirder things have happened
but, he does have one question
“who’s the lucky woman?”
coincidentally, you bust into his dorm room, wet from a recent prank and head steaming with anger
“Kaminari Denki!”
his son juts a thumb over to you
“the woman that’s about to murder you”
“oh say less”
his life literally couldn't get any better
before you get the chance to throttle him, the little girl jumps in your arms and your anger is immediately quelled 
“hey mommy! i just wanna let you know that it was [son’s name]’s fault that we followed you when you told us not to”
you’re to busy trying to get them from killing each other to comprehend anything that’s going on
kaminari is in a love-struck gaze bc hot damn, he won the jackpot, huh?
if he wasn't in love with you before, he’s in love with you now
you and your feral children
it was nice being God’s favorite
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
funny thing was
kirishima woke up from his afternoon nap with his mini-me in his arms!
at first, he was really confused as to why there was an 8 yr old boy with spiky teeth and (your hair texture) black hair on his bed
he thought he was dreaming
then the little boy bit his nose and grinned like he had done the funniest thing in the world 
did he get hit with some duplication quirk?
and what was that he said...daddy?
as in, father?
kirishima is wide awake now, but before he can ask the kid what’s going on, the boy is up and making use of his punching bag
he decides it wouldn't hurt to get a morning work out in, so he decides to humor the kid
after a mini workout, kirishima is in near tears as the boy tries to flex the little muscles he has 
eventually, he gets the kid to tell him what happened and finds out he was hit with a time travel quirk of some sort
instead of being weirded out, kirishima is ESCTATIC 
he has a family in the future 
he’s so excited and proud that he just has to show his son off to his friends!
the first thing he does is go and bother bakusquad in the common room
he’s bragging like shit to them and his ego swells as they all swoon over how cute and handsome the kid is 
you and bakugo come out of the kitchen to see what all the commotion is about and the little boy excitedly runs to you and jumps into your arms 
“momma! you’re here! you’re so pretty! why’d you marry daddy when he looks so unswol?”
it’s silent before bakugo fucking dies of laughter 
“y-you finally let shitty hair hit it? and got knocked up?? LMAO”
everyone’s dying and kirishima wants to die
he can’t believe this was how his long-term crush on you was getting outted
by an 8 yr old boy
so not manly
you look confused before you put the pieces together
the kid did look like you and kirishima
you want to console kirishima about the crush that you lowkey knew he had on you, but your son was one step ahead of you
with a gracious smile, he hits bakugo’s head
“what the fuck kid!?”
“don’t make fun of daddy, uncle bakugo! at least daddy didn’t faint at his wedding″
Bakugo’s contemplating murder and everyone’s rolling on the floor
even ten years later, bakugo still holds a grudge against your son
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Togata Mirio:
i’m about to kill y’all w this one
since year one, mirio has been feigning over you 
but 1) you were too dumb to notice 2) you both were really busy with, y’know, school and 3) he lowkey gave up bc he thought you deserved better
so imagine his surprise when he sees this four year old girl on his bed
and she looks like you with his features
mirio might not be the brightest crayon in the crayon box
but he’s got eyes
and it wasn't like he’s memorized your features to the T
the tiny girl is swinging her legs absent-mindedly before exploding with happiness when he sees him
she runs to mirio and he catches her with open arms 
“daddy! daddy! i got hit with the coolest quirk at school today!”
proceeds to tell him about her best friend discovered her quirk and it was a teleportation quirk 
mirio can’t help but giggle along with her even tho he knew it was a scary situation for the parents
speaking of which...
he innocently asks her who’s the mom
“mommy is the prettiest mommy in the world! she has e/c eyes, hair like me, and the most beautiful s/c skin! her name is togata y/n!”
if he wasn't geeking before, he’s geeking now
not only did he manage to marry you, but you let him be your baby daddy?
big bet
mirio doesn't even care at this point
he’s parading around UA with the fattest smile as he introduces his daughter to damn near everyone 
everyone’s freaking out bc wtf when did mirio get someone pregnant??
maybe he should've explained himself, but he sees you at your locker and makes a b-line for you
“good morning, y/n!”
he doesn't notice that you slam your locker close and hide the confession letter you wrote to him behind your back
you’re a stuttering mess and he’s too busy basking in the fact that he’s holding y’alls child 
y’all look like a mess
but he’s ready to lay it on thick when the little girl kisses your nose and cheers,
“mommy, i missed you”
he explains the situation 
you cant help but smile, “you know this could potentially ruin the timeline?”
and you feel like melting as he gives you the softest smile 
“there’s no way I’m letting that happen. not when i end up with the woman i’m in love with. we’ll just have to twist fate together”
and twist it you did
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Tamaki Amajiki:
tamaki wasn't the bravest person ever 
and he knew his crippling anxiety got in the way of a lot
but he had never been more proud of himself for managing to invite you to his room
it was supposed to be a study date
despite how bold you normally were, he took comfort in how nervous you seemed 
now, you two were leaning in, about to kiss
and then a voice from behind interrupts 
“uh, am i interrupting something?”
you two let out the ugliest squeal and jump 50 feet away from each other 
you’re all over the place, trying to explain the situation
tamaki’s heart is barely beating at this point
it takes the kid, who looks about 16, about thirty minutes to calm you down and revive tamaki
explains that he’s from the future and a descendant of tamaki’s family
decides to leave out that you two are his parents so he doesn't risk possibly erasing himself from the space continuum 
that would be bad
despite how surprised you two were, you two take it rather well 
you three spend the day together bc you and tamaki feel this weird sense of responsibility for the guy even though he’s only two years younger
the boy is trying his hardest not to expose himself, but it’s so hard
you two are asking him everything from his favorite food to if he has any siblings
he’s good at pretending that he’s cool, calm, and collected, but he wants nothing more than to jump into his parents’ arms and cry about how scared he is of messing up
but he won’t 
bc he’s a strong boy
but he slips up
“how far are you down the future?” tamaki asks
“uh, about like 100 years or so--”
“you’re lying”
the kid nearly chokes on his food as his father blinks at him
you try and scold tamaki but he continues
“i don’t mean to be mean, but your nose twitches when you lie. y/n does the same thing”
that’s when the jazz record stops and everyone is staring at one another
this time, you nearly pass out
y’all had a kid together???
the boy, coincidentally, starts fading and he thinks he fucked up
now he’s full out sobbing into the both of your chests, scared that he’s disappearing
despite the news, you and tamaki calm down, look at each other, and hold your son
“don’t you worry, baby” you coo, kissing his fading hair
“i have a feeling we’ll see you quite soon” tamaki comforts, closing his eyes
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Bakugo Katsuki:
bakugo finally understood when his mom said
“the meaner you are to your parents, the nastier your kids will be to you”
he regretted being such a demon bc his kid was literally the spawn of satan
katsuki didn’t need an explanation to know that that...thing was his kid
he looked damn near identical to him with features that he couldn't quite place
but anyways, that wasn't the focus rn
rn, he was trying to figure out a way to keep that animal caged
as soon as katsuki took his eyes off him, the six yr old ran out the door as fast as his little legs could carry him
“catch me if you can, you old bastard!”
yup, it was his kid
his son is blasting his way through the halls, skillfully evading Katsuki’s grabbing hands 
he’s wildly laughing as he flips and turns through the doors, watching with glee as his father falls on his face
multiple times
the small boy latches on to a cupboard and smirks
“no wonder mom always beats your ass! you weak!”
katsuki nearly looks like the devil, eyes white, and face red with fury
his pride suffering by the second
he’s about to cuss the kids to hell when you come out of the kitchen, confused
you were about to ask why katsuki looked like a rat with rabies before you caught sight of a basket of fruit teetering on the edge of the cabinet, above the little boy’s head
“look out--”
the basket falls on the kid’s head and he’s on the floor, reeling from the hit
katsuki would've normally laughed his ass off, but he felt kind of...concerned?
he watches you run towards the child who’s trying his hardest not to cry
the boy holds his head, fat tears in his eyes as you pick him up and coddle over him 
“i’m sorry, baby. I'm sorry i didnt get there in time” 
cue the waterworks 
the boy is full-on sobbing into your chest about how his head hurts
you bounce him and kiss his forehead as katsuki checks over the red bump 
“you’ll be okay, brat” he comforts, voice softer than usual
in that moment, katsuki can’t help but notice how much a family y’all look like rn
then the dots start connecting and he goes 
oh shit 
so, maybe, he’s had a tiny crush on you
and it didn’t help that you two were friends with benefits bc yall were horny teenagers
but who knew he’d get the balls to ask you out on a proper date one day
he was such a simp for you gosh it was ugly
“you have to be more careful from now on,”  you say to the boy 
the brat suddenly looks innocent and katsuki wants to throw him
“sorry, mommy. i’ll be gooder”
the look on your face is priceless 
bakugo uses it as a chance to kiss you 
“i guess now’s a good time to tell you that i want to be your dick on demand but with feelings and shit, dumbass”
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 15
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: Peter and you have started another prank war. Who will come out on top?
Previous Chapter here | Next Chapter Here Or click here to: Start From Beginning
Author’s Note: Thanks to anon for submitting this idea for a cute fluffy scene to include in the story! Also, for my records this chapter ends on day 29 of the Guardians living with reader. Enjoy!
Word Count: 6,812
It soon became clear that the prank war was back on.
Just as you had resolved to the previous night, you squirted lemon juice in Peter's coffee when he wasn't looking.
He made a face upon tasting his ruined coffee, but just gave you a look of sleepy contempt as he dumped it in the sink rather than complaining. He knew what he had done to deserve it. However, that didn't mean he wasn't going to get you back.
He had his revenge later in the sitting room. He called you over, stating he had a question about a book. When you got closer to him, he then asked, "Hey, do you smell popcorn?"
You raised an eyebrow, and of course took in a big whiff. Big mistake.
You immediately gagged, your nostrils having been assaulted by the rankest smelling fart you think could have ever been expelled from a human body. It even rivaled Yondu's incident with dairy.
Peter lost it, doubling over with laughter as you backed away with your mouth and nose covered.
"Ugh! You nasty fecker! Oh my god!" you cried out, still backing away. "What's wrong with you!"
Kraglin, Drax, and Rocket were now also laughing from their places near the television. Drax laughed the loudest, saying, "Quill! That was brilliant! I'm not even mad that I lost the bet! HAHAHA! I'm going to try that!"
The bet he was referencing had happened moments prior, when Peter saw you in the hall and hurried into the sitting room whispering to his friends that he bet 20 units he could make you willingly smell his farts. Ah, what an immature lot they are.
You would have smacked Peter, but that would mean getting closer to him and the smell and you thought better of it, instead turning with the intent to leave the room completely, leaving them still laughing in your wake with only revenge on your mind.
You tried to think about what you had at your disposal, and remembered that you still had the whoopee cushion after you had snatched it back from Kraglin during the last prank war. You kind of wish you knew where your spider went though. It proved marvelously effective last time. After Peter threw it at you and it resulted in your arm getting injured, you hadn't really thought about what happened to it afterwards until now. You obviously hadn't taken it, so you just assumed that it must still be with Peter. You momentarily considered looking in his room for it, but the thought of searching through his stuff felt strange to you, even if you would be looking for your own toy.
You remembered the sticky notes in your desk up stairs and thought if worse came to worse, you could always pull a classic "Kick me" sign.
You decided a walk might help you consider your options better and so you collected your earbuds from the hall table and made your way towards the back door. You noticed Gamora in the kitchen on your way, and realized she might actually have the answer to one of your questions.
"Um, hey, Gamora?"
She turned to give you her attention. "Yes?"
"I was wondering..." You suddenly felt ridiculous for asking, but pushed it down, "if maybe you had seen if Peter still had that toy spider of mine? I was wondering if I might have it ba-"
"Nuh-uh. That ain't happening."
You raised an eyebrow in surprise, but not at her, for she hadn't been the one to answer, and she was just as surprised by this sudden third-party interjection.
It had been Yondu who had spoken, and he spoke again. "I'm the one that's got it, and I ain't givin' it back." He sat at the table looking at you with his arms crossed and wearing a smirk, as if daring you to complain about it. He had snatched it the night you dislocated your elbow, around the time he was scolding Peter and Kraglin and calling an end to that prank war himself after it had resulted in an injury.
You raised both eyebrows in surprise now. "Excuse you?" you say, surprised at his boldness and a bit irritated at how he now seemed like a scolding teacher who had confiscated contraband from a naughty child.
"Yondu, you can't just steal her property." Gamora chided.
"Ya heard me. Last time she and Quill had it that happened," he gestured to your arm. "So I'm keeping it since clearly neither of the two of 'em seem to have any sense. She wouldn't be askin' for it back if they weren't gettin' into it again."
You exchanged a look with Gamora. Her expression told you that she seemed to agree with his argument, but didn't want to risk saying so, and that she now seemingly regretted being involved in this situation.
Deciding you were on your own you opened your mouth to tell him off, but before you could he spoke again.
"Don't try denyin' it either. I saw ya putting that sour juice stuff in his coffee. I know the two of ya are back at it again with that prank war stuff," he said almost smugly. "Ya ain't getting it back." He didn't want another prank war to result in more injuries, and if he was honest, he was still slightly salty about having been caught in the crossfire of one of your pranks that had been meant for Peter. He thought outright admitting to confiscating your spider toy would hopefully send the message to you to knock it off before you got started.
You bit your lips and narrowed your eyes at him, half embarrassed at being called out like that. You then shook your head. You were not about to demand or beg for the return of a rubber spider like a child. You straightened your back slightly and said, "Whatever. Keep it then. Don't care." in your best flippant tone. You turned away, putting in your earbuds and added, "Going for a walk. Try not to burn the house down," as you exited out the back door and left the two of them in the kitchen.
You didn't need that spider anyways.
It was a cooler day out, overcast in a way that made you think it might rain that night, and you were glad you thought to grab a jacket before you left for your walk. You thought you might visit your old tree, and assess that old door while you were out there. There wasn't a whole lot you could do with your arm still in a brace, but you knew you could still at least open it and give it a general look to see what you might need to build a new door for it.
However, when you got there you quickly realized that the door was simply too awkwardly big and slightly too flimsy due to decay from the elements to risk trying to open it with just one arm. You didn't want to risk falling in it and either causing further injury and/or not be able to climb back out if it turned out the ladder rungs descending into the tunnel were bad too. You were now kicking yourself for not having fixed it months ago when you first noticed how bad it had gotten. At least at that period of time your arm wasn't in a brace and you didn't have eight houseguests to worry about.
You sighed. For now you settled on making a list in your phone of the different materials you'd need to make a sturdier door in the future when you were less... indisposed. No big deal. The world wasn't going to end if you couldn't fix it immediately, and honestly it was probably dumb of you to come out there right now in the first place. Sure, maybe you could get the door built in your current state. Maybe. If no one was around to see you breaking the doctor's orders on the weight restriction and then tell on you to Fury. But that didn't change the fact that you'd then need to carry it out there somehow. Something you definitely couldn't do in your current state. There was perhaps the option to bring the materials out there and assemble them on-sight, but you knew you couldn't carry them out there in a timely fashion either. Could you if you asked for help? Absolutely. Were you going to? Not a chance.
You hung out around the tree for a bit, just listening to music before deciding to head back, and that's when you noticed some pine cones littering the ground.
This gave you an idea. You remembered once when you were little and your dad took you and your brother camping. Your brother had hidden pinecones in the bottom of your sleeping bag. Your feet came in contact with the foreign objects, and being met with weird almost scaly feeling forms instead of the softness of your sleeping bag made you jump right out of said bag with a shriek.
You grinned. You had found your revenge prank. You only hoped that it would have the same effect on a grown man finding these at the foot of his bed as it did on seven-year-old you finding them in your sleeping bag.
Now you had another reason to be glad you wore a jacket. You could hide the pinecones in the pockets as well as hiding them inside the jacket itself and zip them inside.
You loaded up several pinecones. Enough to be sure he'd notice when crawling into bed, but not so many that they'd be noticed as you snuck them into the house.
You arrive back at the house to find the house mostly quiet, and it made you worry that Peter might be in his room and you wouldn't be able to place the pinecones.
However, just to your luck, you managed to catch a glimpse of him and a few others out front through the kitchen window. Perfect.
You quickly make your way upstairs and headed towards Peter's room. The upstairs seemed to be empty and you were just about to congratulate yourself on your good fortune as you already started pulling pinecones out of your pockets, until you noticed Rocket standing in Peter and Gamora's room.
Seeing him caused you to start and you dropped a couple of your pinecones on the ground due to your arm brace hampering your ability to reflexively catch them before they fell. The sound of the pinecones hitting the floor caused Rocket to startle in turn.
"Uh..." you said awkwardly, stepping into the room and picking up your pinecones, "What you doing?"
Rocket, who had been digging through a dresser drawer, responded with, "...Nuttin. What are you doing?" He eyed the pinecones in your hands.
"Nothing." You responded.
An awkward silence fell for a moment. You both knew the other wasn't really supposed to be there, that the only reason for being there right then was mischief of some sort, and you both knew that the other knew that you knew. There was only one thing for it.
Rocket spoke again. "Right..."
You nod. "Yes... good. So... carry on then?"
Rocket nodded slowly. "Yeah..." He turned back to looking for whatever it was he was snooping for.
Taking the hint, the unspoken 'I won't tell if you won't," you carried out your plan, removing the pinecones from your jacket and placing them at the foot of Peter's bed under the blankets.
You finished quickly, catching Rocket's gaze again before you left. A silent nod was all that was exchanged and you were on your way.
The rest of the day was mostly uneventful. You read, you listened to music, you got roped into a game of Monopoly that went on far too long because Mantis kept needing reminded of the rules. You didn't entire blame her. It was pretty obvious that it was everyone but Peter's first time playing.
Speaking of Peter, you were surprised he hadn't tried to mess with you the entire game, and you wondered if Gamora might have got on him after hearing Yondu say he could tell that the two of you were starting in on another prank war, or if Yondu had scolded him himself.
Sometime after the game had finished- Gamora won, and Peter pouted- you went to get a drink from the kitchen. When you returned to the sitting room to grab another book to bring upstairs to read you saw Drax approach Yondu and ask, "Yondu, do you smell popcorn?"
Not wanting to sit through another round of what Peter had done to you that morning, you quickly grab a random Sci-Fi/Fantasy book from the shelf and turn to get out of there just in time to hear Yondu reply with, "What the hell is popcorn?"
This was immediately followed by the sound of a very loud fart along with Drax's booming laughter.
In startled surprise you sharply turned in their direction to see Drax laughing and Yondu's face scrunched in both confusion and what was likely disgust.
Peter was laughing too, but at Drax rather than Yondu's misfortunate proximity to his offender. "Drax! Buddy, the fart's supposed to be silent."
Drax didn't seem to mind his mistake, just simply responded with "Ohhh!" and continued to laugh while Yondu shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
Taking in the sight you couldn't help but giggle too at just how ridiculous the situation was. You brought a hand up to your mouth to suppress it, but the sound caught the attention of Yondu and Peter anyway. Yondu's eyes narrowed and Peter was pleasantly surprised that you found the situation funny as well.
You broke their gaze and retreated to your room. Better to escape before you risked smelling anything awful.
It wasn't hard to tell when Peter found what was waiting in his bed that night. However, instead of girlish screams like the night he found the spider, he let out a cry of, "Gah! What the hell!?"
You grinned as you sat on your bed reading your book. Mantis was already fast asleep in her bed, and she stirred at the sound of Peter's cries just on the other side of the wall. After looking toward you and seeing you sitting calmly she determined there must not be any danger and soon fell back to sleep.
A few minutes later, though, you were surprised to see Peter walking into your room.
Startled at the sudden intrusion you jolted and as he approached you, rather quickly at that, you said, "Hey- what are you doing?"
He stopped in front of you with a smirk and raised his arms. It was then you realized he had been carrying a shirt bunched up as if it were being used as a sack.
Unceremoniously he emptied the shirt/sack over your head, showering you with all the pinecones you had hid in his bed.
"Hey!" you complain, raising your good arm to shield your head from the coniferous onslaught.
Mantis stirred again, lifting her head to see what was going on.
"This is for leaving those in my bed." he laughed, turning to leave. "And don't think that counts as me getting you back!" he added as he stepped out the door.
Mantis yet again laid back down to rest upon seeing the disturbance was just Peter's shenanigans. You got the feeling that she must be used to it.
The next couple days were mostly spent with you and Peter battling back and forth via small pranks.
Yondu obviously noticed, and despite him acting like he didn't want the two of you to get started again, he didn't say or do anything to stop it. It was clear it was keeping your mind off what what had been bothering you, so he just let the two of you be. Especially as it seemed to be harmless.
Kraglin mostly stayed out of it this time. Sure, he helped Peter some, but he was still more likely to bend to Yondu's orders of "This prank war is over!" from last time. That, and he still felt bad about what happened with the incident with the spider, even if it had been mostly Peter's idea.
Peter got you with the old 'shoulder tap misdirection' a couple times, where he'd tap one shoulder and either be on the other side when you turned to look, or have walked away completely.
You hit back by turning the batteries backwards in the remote, knowing he'd likely be the first to use it that morning.
After he finally figured that one out, he decided he'd retaliate by turning all your books backwards on the shelf. When you walked in that evening to see him mid-prank, you simply sighed and rolled your eyes. Seemingly embarrassed to have been caught mid-prank he laughed nervously and straightened up, rubbing the back of his head.
You rolled your eyes and left the room, hoping that since he'd been caught he'd then turn them back right way round. Knowing it was unlikely, you decided to shove some newspaper in his shoes. You could hear Drax in the background laughing at Peter for getting caught as you walked away to retrieve an old newspaper from the table in the hall.
He clearly must have found it at some point the next morning because he got you back around lunchtime by pouring just a little bit of water in your seat right before you sat down to eat.
You jumped from your seat the moment you felt the cold water soak the left side of your ass and after a few seconds of reaching back to feel the wet spot and checking the chair you looked over to where he was sitting and narrowed your eyes.
He simply grinned at you like he had pulled the best prank ever.
Taking a breath, you straightened and just shook your head, warning him that he shouldn't escalate unless he wanted you to do the same.
He didn't seem to take your warning seriously.
The next morning when getting ready you saw that Peter had struck again. You didn't know when, or how he had managed to find the time to both sew a pair of your socks shut halfway down with sloppy grey stitches and place them back in your dresser (on top so they'd be first picked, of course) without you noticing, but you did know that this meant double war.
He had pranked you twice in a row, without waiting for you to have retaliated against his last prank first. Or, more likely, he had set this prank and then pulled another without waiting for you to find the first one. Tsk, Tsk, Peter. Bad form.
You found another pair of socks, luckily he had only bothered to adulterate one pair, and then went to confront him.
"You're really asking for it." you say, thrusting the socks towards him in the hall.
"What?" he asked. Trying to act innocent, no doubt.
"You sewed my socks shut. I warned you, don't escalate unless you want me to do the same."
There wasn't really any anger in your voice despite your warning tone, which Peter took as a good sign. "I didn't escalate-"
"Oh-ho! Don't try that with me! You double pranked!" As the words left your mouth you internally cringed. This reminded you of how the two of you had bickered like children in the grocery store. You pushed the feeling that you sounded like a teenager in a Disney sitcom aside for now.
Peter eyed you for a moment before crossing his arms and smugly replying, "Technically no. You interrupted my book prank and then stuffed paper in my shoes. So, because I technically didn't finish my prank, you double pranked."
"No-" you started.
"Yes." He laughed. "So if anyone escalated, it was you." He said in a teasing voice, aiming a couple pokes to your abdomen and making you flinch back at the touch.
"I did not!" you argued, smacking his hand away.
"Eh... ya kinda did..." he drawled out with a grin. "So, I think that means you gave permission for all unwritten rules of pranking to just be thrown out the window." He chuckled, a mischievous glint to his eyes.
"No-" you said warningly. "I did not." You could tell he was just trying to piss you off, but you weren't going to let him win.
"Yeah, I think you did..." He lightly laughed. "So anything else that happens... you'll only have yourself to blame." He said the last bit in a sing-songy voice and went to walk into the kitchen. He stopped momentarily and turned back to you with a grin. "However, you can always avoid any further annoyance by just declaring me the prank master..."
You blinked at him. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me. Declare I'm the prank master and you won't have to worry about what I'll do next."
You scoffed at him. "You're dreaming."
Peter grinned wider. "Nope. I'm just 'The Prank Master.'"
You narrowed your eyes and walked past him into the kitchen. "You're gonna regret that," you warned, earning only a chuckle from him. There was no way you were going to declare him master of anything.
You made your way to the pantry to find something quick for breakfast and Peter went to pour himself some coffee.
That's when you found it. Your next prank idea. And boy, was it going to be good.
While grabbing a pop-tart from the pantry, you happened to notice a certain box of gel food dye sitting next to your spices. Your eyes lit up, knowing exactly what you would do with it. You quickly pocketed the blue vile and hid the rest of the box behind the spices where it couldn't be seen for security purposes, just in case Peter would happen to have the same idea. You weren't going to do it right away, but knew it couldn't hurt to have the little bottle on hand just in case...
After breakfast you decided to head out to the shed to survey the pile of spare wood you had.
In the shed you found Rocket. This wasn't surprising as he spent a decent amount of time tinkering in the shed since you showed him the workshop. You still hadn't gotten around to finding the spare key for him, just letting him continue to use yours since there wasn't a lot you could do out there anyway until you got the brace off anyway.
You greeted him with a simple, "Hey," that Rocket returned as you made your way back to the spare wood to look over what you had on hand as far as repairing the old tunnel door to get an idea of what might you need to pick up from town.
Was it useful to look now seeing as you likely wouldn't get the brace off for at least a couple more weeks? No, but you were restless and you were really just looking for an excuse for something to do until that night when you could enact your prank.
"Whatcha doing?" Rocket asked, barely looking up from whatever plans he was drafting up on the old pad of paper you left out in the workshop.
"Nuttin," you reply, finishing up your shifting around of the wood and determining that you might have just enough of the right cuts already out there to make a full door, but you might need to pick up some more wood for it, as well as some brackets, later.
Rocket grunted in response and you start to walk back out when something caught your eye over by the long workbench.
You looked down to examine it, and a slight smile played on your lips.
"Did you fix my stool?" you asked, turning to him.
He didn't look up. "Nope."
You raise an eyebrow, mouth twitching upwards in humor. "Oh really? Then who did, if not you? Other than me, you're the only one who comes out here."
Rocket's gaze remained on the notebook. "Dunno. Must have been a 'stool fairy.'" Those last two words were laced with sarcasm.
You smirked. "Ah. I see. Well if you happen to see this 'stool faery,' be sure to tell him I said thank you." You turn and begin to walk out of the shed.
Rocket's ears twitched back for just a second and he grunted out in response, "Uh huh. Sure thing."
Unfortunately the stars didn't align that night for you to use the gel coloring on Peter. You had to time it just right to both make sure no one got caught in the crossfire and to not make it obvious you were up to something.
This, however, was probably for the best because Fury's visit the next day caught you off guard. You had been so busy pranking and being pranked and researching door construction and tunnel maintenance that you had managed to lose track of the days and didn't realize it was time for another weekly check-in until you heard him knock at the door that late afternoon. The sound actually startled you at first, and you mentally cursed him for insisting on keeping the times he'd show up a surprise.
Again, probably for the best you weren't able to pull that prank. You weren't sure how pleased Fury would be with you if he saw what you had planned to do to Peter if you had succeeded in going through with it.
The visit was brief. Same old news about the Guardian's situation; nothing changed, little to no progress made. It was time to re-stock the rations again and the guys helped Maria with that like last time. The doctor also accompanied them, and of course he ignored your case for removing the brace and instead just set the hinge to a slightly increased range of movement. He did say that as long as you continued your 'good behavior' it might be ready to come off the next week. You weren't going to hold your breath. Oh, and he also increased your weight restriction to ten pounds. Yay...
At one point Agent Hill pulled you aside like last time, wanting to check in to see if matters regarding your mental health had improved since the last visit.
You answered honestly that they had, but didn't bother to mention that the reason why was likely because Peter had managed to keep you annoyed enough that you didn't have time to dedicate enough thought to what had previously been bothering you.
She tried to pry more, but you weren't really giving her anything, so she just resigned that what she had been able to garner was good enough and the two of you rejoined the group just before Fury announced they would be leaving.
It didn't take long after they left for Peter to resume being his annoying self.
You were in the sitting room trying to read, but Peter kept singing along to a song on his Zune that he had come to realize you absolutely hated. To make matters worse, it seemed that he was intentionally singing as poorly as he could just to annoy you. He even got Kraglin to join in with him.
How could you tell it was just to annoy you? Well it didn't start with the singing. It started with tapping. Constant tapping. With his foot on the floor. With his knuckles on the coffee table. He even came up behind you at one point after you refused to react and started tapping you on the head as you sat curled on the sofa attempting to read. That one finally got you to react and scold him to knock it off, and that's when he switched to singing.
Of course, you told him to take it somewhere else. Did he listen? No. He instead moved to sit right next to you and sang louder.
You threatened to chop him in the throat if he didn't take his annoying self somewhere else, and while that got him to stand up, he didn't leave. Instead that's when he recruited Kraglin, who had walked in just a few moments prior to see what all the racket was, and who also didn't hesitate to accept an earbud from Peter and follow his lead.
You tossed your head back on the sofa in frustration and let out a growl as you gritted your teeth.
Peter broke his singing to laugh and tell you that he warned you, all you had to do to make it stop was admit his was the master.
And that's when you threw the pillow at him.
Well, you had been aiming for him, at least. You would have hit him too, had he not dodged at the last second, allowing for the pillow to instead smack Yondu, who no one had noticed had walked into the room, right in the face.
Your eyes widen, as do Peter's and Kraglin's. Only they're trying not to laugh as Yondu's stony face stares at you.
In your startled shock you stammer as you attempt to make an apology, but as he picks the pillow up from the floor all you are actually able to get out is, "I- Uh- I didn't mean-" and a nervous giggle.
Yondu stands back up, pillow now in his hands, and cocks his head at you. "Oh so ya think that's funny, huh?" He starts to walk towards you.
You of course deny it, trying to set the record straight that it had been meant for Peter, but the glint of a playful grin mixed with his grouchy façade made you unable to suppress a nervous grin as he approached. He then tossed the pillow back at you and you deflected it back onto the sofa.
"Nah, I think ya thought that was funny, even if it was meant for my boy." He was standing over you now and Peter and Kraglin were snickering as Peter encouraged him, saying that he thought you definitely thought it was funny to have hit Yondu with the pillow.
"Looks like someone needs to teach ya a lesson in manners, missy." Yondu said as he reached out and squeezed rapidly right above your knee.
Caught off guard you instantly throw back your head and cackle, your hands instinctively reaching for his as you kicked out. "No! Stop it!" you cry out between giggles before managing to free yourself and stand up from the sofa.
Abandoning your book you attempt to escape, but Yondu just grabs you by your good arm and pulls you back, effortlessly succeeding in securing you in a headlock and purposely arranging it so that your good arm was between the two of you and your braced arm was out to the open. He knew with the limited range of motion the braced arm had available you wouldn't really be able to use it to help free yourself in any meaningful way. He then proceeded to give you a noogie.
"Hey! Cut it out!" you complain, uselessly pushing against his shoulder from behind with your good arm. You cursed your arm brace. Without it you could have gotten out of this hold in 3 seconds tops. You still technically could, but didn't want to use that method unless you had to. You didn't want to risk hurting the older man, after all.
Yondu paused a moment and pretended to think. "...Nah. I didn't get an apology yet."
"Ugh! Fine! I'm sorry about the pillow! Happy? I already told you I meant it for Pe-TER!" You squeaked when Kraglin cheekily couldn't resist coming up to pinch your ribs in your current vulnerable state. "Knock that off!" you ordered. It of course only earned you another tickly squeeze from the first mate and the three men to laugh as you commanded Yondu to let you go before you made him.
"Ya ain't gonna make me do nuttin, missy." Yondu laughed, clearly believing he could take you in a fight any day even if your arm wasn't injured. "Where's my apology for when ya pranked the sink and it sprayed all over me?" Yondu asked with a mischievous chuckle. He then pinched your nose shut just to mess with you further. This prompted you to smack his shoulder with your good hand, but he did let go, laughing about how you were a 'feisty one.'
"Yeah," Peter egged on for the sink comment, laughing. "He yelled at me for that!"
You huff out a sigh. "Fine. Sorry for that too. Now this is your last warning to let me go!"
This only made Yondu and the other two laugh and Yondu went to noogie you again. Clearly they were underestimating you. Well, you did try to give him a warning...
In one quick motion you positioned your foot between his so that your leg was locked behind his thigh, reached your good arm up to rest your hand on his forehead, and threw your weight backwards, sending you both to the floor.
Yondu went easily, clearly having been caught off guard and landed on his back with an "oof!" and subsequently released you. Surprisingly though, he didn't seem angry about landing on the floor.
As you both sit up he was actually chuckling, to your surprise.
"Damn, didn't think ya had that in ya." Yondu laughed as he stood up.
Peter and Kraglin, who had went momentarily silent when the two of you fell, were now laughing again. Kraglin made a joke about how he didn't know you could actually fight.
You just grumbled and grabbed your book, deciding you would retreat to your room to finish reading for the night where you were less likely to be annoyed.
Ironically, the whole ordeal actually caused you to forget about the prank you had intended to pull on Peter until you again missed your chance to do it. Oh well, there was always tomorrow, right?
The next day you announced to those in the kitchen that you were making a run into town and told them if there was anything they needed to let you know now while you were making a list.
They didn't list-off much. Again, SHIELD provided them with pretty much everything they needed. Some razors, hair conditioner, lotion, and a couple requests for some Earth snacks they had come to enjoy were among the items requested. Simple stuff.
Then Yondu decided to be cheeky and claim his request was for you to take Peter with you again.
"No way," you say flatly, remembering the last run into town. "Not happening."
Yondu just grinned and leaned against his chair. "Fury said ya got to. Ya can't leave without a buddy 'til yer arm is healed up." He elbowed Kraglin and added, "Didn't he, Krags?"
Kraglin, clearly not expecting to be suddenly roped into the conversation said, "Uh, yeah. When you was in the other room talking to that Miss Agent Hill lady when they was here yesterday. He-uh- he told us then." He wasn't exactly the best liar.
You narrowed your eyes. "He did not." You looked to Gamora, who seemingly then immediately realized she had anywhere else to be before you could ask her to confirm.
"Ya can always ask him yerself." Yondu smirked, sure that like last time you wouldn't dare call Fury to confirm.
"Or I can not do that because I know he didn't," you countered.
"I wouldn't be too hasty girl," Yondu drawled. "'Cause what if I'm right? Ya leave without a buddy, and we can just call him and tell him ya broke his rules... and well, we all know what he said he'd do with ya if ya did that."
"You know, I didn't really take you to be such a snitch." You say, irritation clear in your voice. You knew it was at best childish, and at worst fighting words, but you were too frustrated to care.
Instead of being offended, Yondu just laughed and leaned back with his hands folded behind his head. "Gotta do something to pass the time. 'Sides, I think 'blackmail' has a nicer ring to it than 'snitchin'."
You glare at him, not giving him the satisfaction of telling him that he was technically right. This wasn't him being a snitch. This was blackmail. You just didn't understand why this was the hill he decided to die on.
He continued. "Yer better off to just save yerself the trouble and take Peter."
You eye him for a bit before deciding this time you would call his bluff. Partially because you knew he was lying, but also because a tiny part of you was afraid he wasn't, and you knew what would happen if he wasn't.
You dialed up Fury, knowing that the consequences for possibly annoying him with a dumb phone call were vastly less than what they'd be if you disobeyed an order, especially since you were already skating on thin ice. He also seemed to be less upset with you lately due to your 'good behavior,' so at least you had that going fo you. You almost thought you saw Yondu's smirk falter when you started dialing. Almost.
To your surprise, Fury answered after only a couple rings. You put the phone on speaker, and inform him your reason for calling was to confirm something that had been said.
"They're trying to tell me that when Agent Hill pulled me aside yesterday you instructed them to tell me that, under your orders, I am not allowed to drive into town without taking someone with me until my arm heals. Is that correct?"
Fury was quiet a moment before he answered, his voice seeming neutral. "I did not say that."
Yondu and Kraglin's faces fell slightly, and like a child you made a quiet, "Ha!" noise and stuck your tongue out at them, but before you could thank him, Fury spoke again.
"But I am now."
Your eyes widened and shot back to the phone, as if you'd be able to see your director in there. "I'm sorry, what?"
Yondu burst out laughing at your expression, and Kraglin joined in with a grin.
"Effective immediately I'm requiring you to bring a companion on any trips you make into town. Mr. Quill would be the safest choice, but as long as they pass for human, I don't care who it is."
You tried not to sputter. "Sir-... that-... Why-??"
"It's not a bad idea," he said cooly, adding, "and if you're gonna call me to settle a petty squabble then you better be prepared to get an outcome you aren't going to like." He didn't sound angry, more just matter-of-fact.
You blinked. Did he really just imply he was doing this just to annoy you? "Sir, I ask you to reconsid-"
"If you want to keep going, Agent, I can easily make this decision permanent."
This set off another round of laughter from the guys, including Peter from behind you who had walked into the kitchen with Gamora at some point. You didn't know how long they were standing there, but it seemed he had also heard Fury's decision.
With slight heat in your cheeks, you respond to your director. "No, sir."
"Good. Have a good day, Agent." Fury replied, and then hung up. If you didn't know better, you'd say his tone sounded almost amused.
You put the phone back in your pocket and rubbed your hand over your eyes while the others teased you.
"That's what ya get for not just listenin' to me in the first place, girl. Now ya really do have to do it!" Yondu laughed.
"I hate you," you say bluntly.
He only grinned in response and called over to Peter. "Ya heard the man, boy! Looks like yer takin' a trip!"
Peter grinned cheekily at you and you roll your eyes. "Fine. Get ready," you order as you walk past him and out of the kitchen. Then, seeing an opportunity to let out some frustration (probably misplaced in this instance, honestly) you turned back with a smirk and added, "This time don't forget to go potty before we leave!"
You turned away again, but not before being able to see the cheeky grin fall from his face and hear him yell back, "Not cool, dude!" along with some snickering from the others in the background.
Little did you know, though you probably should have, that decision to embarrass him would seal the fate of your nerves, and possibly your sanity as well, on the trip to come.
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unnecessarywriting · 4 years
Loneliness is Not an Option - Remus Lupin
A/N: Here is my last Christmas fic for this year. I hope you all enjoyed all of them that I uploaded. This is one that I’ve had on my mind for a week now. It’s short and sweet, although it starts a little angsty. It came from the song “Please Come Home for Christmas” and I couldn’t help but give a little love to Remus. Thank you all and I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
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Loneliness is Not an Option
How do we define loneliness? Such an existential question comes with a backstory, so here it is. It was Christmas night. Yes, you had spent the holiday completely on your own, but it wasn’t Remus’ fault. It also wasn’t the fault of any of your friends. It was quite depressing how you had no one to comfort you, or send you fun Christmas cards, or even just wish you a Happy Christmas. They all had duties to the Order. You tried to join, but Remus was insistent that he keep you safe. You still participated in certain activities, but he had wanted at least one person from the friend group to live their dreams. That’s what you were supposed to be doing, except it wasn’t going as planned.
You and Remus had bought a house right out of school. You were excited to start living with the love of your life, but you hadn’t anticipated how often he would not be home. You knew it wasn’t his fault. You honestly thought that he wanted to be home with you more than you wanted him home with you. In the beginning of the holiday season, you thought that you would be lucky, but when he walked into the living with a sunken look on his face, you knew he wasn’t going to be around often. You were rightfully disappointed that you wouldn’t be able to celebrate your first Christmas outside of Hogwarts with Remus, but you understood that the war was a bit more pressing. 
The sadness didn’t really sink in until you decorated the tree. You had always dreamed of the situation being filled with laughter, playful kisses, and new memories, but that isn’t how it happened. You were alone, drunk, and singing along to muggle Christmas songs that came on the radio. It was about a week before Christmas when you put the tree up. You tried to put it off so you could decorate it with Remus, but when a letter came from him telling you that he might not be back until after the holiday, you stopped waiting and pulled out the firewhiskey. When everything was on the tree except for the star on top, you sat down on the ground. Your eyes traced over the outline of the tree, but the Christmas spirit avoided your soul. You sighed to yourself.
“This next one is a new release from the Eagles. Here is “Please Come Home for Christmas,” you heard the radio spit out. You laughed at the irony, but listened anyway. As the lyrics flowed through your ear, you felt the first tears of the holiday season start their journey down your face. You were completely alone. 
The following days, it seemed like the world was playing some sort of prank on you. Everytime you turned on the radio, you heard that song’s melody flow through your body. It was catchy, you were not going to lie, but the words haunted you as you dreamed of being reunited with your love. Christmas Eve, you sat alone in your home, thinking about Remus. You hoped he was safe, but you wanted to be selfish. Just this once. You wanted him home with you. You stared into the fire and thought back to the last Christmas you spent with him.
“Moony, stop eating all of the chocolate. Share some with me at least.” He smiled with a bit of guilt. He was like a puppy who just got caught tearing up someone’s slippers. He was absolutely adorable. You fell into his embrace on the couch.
“I can’t wait until next Christmas,” he spoke earnestly. “It will be just the two of us, in our home. We will decorate the place to be the most comforting and joyful place. And, we will have plenty of chocolate on standby. Then, we will exchange gifts, and just spend the day with each other. No one to interrupt us.” You giggled at his plans. He was simple, but he meant the best. He wanted the both of you to just have each other. You knew that it was likely that a certain group of boys would ultimately crash your day, but you weren’t complaining. You were just excited to have a future with the man who was holding you.
How naïve you two were. If only you could see yourself and tell you to not get your hopes up. Your bitterness was ruining the holiday. You wanted to turn it all off, and you did. You unplugged the lights, and took down the stockings. The tree remained in its place, but you took off the star. You would take care of the tree the following day. You then went to bed.
The following morning, you slept in. You had no reason to get up early. The rest of the day was filled with moping around the house. You looked at some of the photos that rested above your fireplace. One in particular caught your eye,
“James! Sirius! I swear, if you break anything, I will make your life a living hell. Remus, stop them. I don’t want to have to clean up after them. Thank you for being a good guest Peter, I just wish the other two would learn.” You face palmed as Lily handed you a glass of wine. 
“I would try to stop James, but he is truly impossible.” You looked at her with misery written on your face. She laughed at your expression. “On a different note, I love this place Y/N. It is absolutely gorgeous and perfect for the two of you.” 
“Thank you Lily, although I don’t think it is going to remain in one piece so long as those two are still here.” You giggled as you heard Remus try to lecture them on what it means to be a respectful guest.
“Do you think you’re gonna have everyone over for the holidays?” You thought for a moment. 
“Maybe, although I think Remus might just want it to be the two of us. I will say that if you did decide to just pop by for dinner or something, I certainly wouldn’t object,” you hinted at her. She caught on and nodded as if she was already making plans. 
“Darling, those two are impossible. I don’t know what to do.” Remus looked exhausted from trying to stop the other two. You laughed at him and pulled him in for a hug.
“Aww, did the two children break you? What was it, two hours? Lily, I think you owe me 5 galleons,” you joked. She laughed with you as Remus rolled his eyes.
Lily looked at the counter and saw a camera sitting there.
“Hey, let’s get a picture of you two to commemorate your moving in here.” You both agreed with her idea, and got ready for a cute pose. What you didn’t see was the two troublemakers sharing a knowing look. 
That photo was one of your favorites. You and Remus looked so happy. That looked changed to one of both fear and confusion as Padfoot and Prongs entered. Yes, the deer and dog made their way into one of your favorite photos. You still hadn’t fully forgiven James for almost denting your walls with his antlers. 
You walked into the kitchen that night to start cooking dinner. It wasn’t going to be anything given that you were alone, but you needed to eat something. You reluctantly turned on the radio to hear that dreaded song. At this point, you just sang along to the song that defined your Christmas. Alone, and hoping that the love of your life would return in time to end all of your sorrow and fill it with happiness. 
“You know, I think I can make the sorrow, grief, and pain disappear.” You whipped around at the sound of his voice.
“You’re home,” you said as more of a statement than a question.
“I’m home.”
“For real?”
“Yes, for real. We finished earlier than expected, and I rushed home to be with you. I promised you a Christmas featuring me, and well, chocolate. I brought both.” He had an awkward smile as he held up some chocolate.
You ran over to him and practically jumped into his arms. He held onto you as you quietly sobbed into his sweater. You had never been happier. The only sounds in the house were your quiet sobs, and the sounds of muggle Christmas music.
“Dance with me,” he muttered. You pulled away and adjusted your body as you two silently danced to the tunes. It was a peaceful bliss. Some time passed as you two enjoyed each other’s company like he promised the year before.
“You know, I told Lily that she could invade our Christmas, but now I kind of hope she doesn’t.”
“Why is that, my dear?” You looked into his eyes, and then looked at what was left of the Christmas decorations in the living room.
“Well, as you can see, there isn’t a whole lot of joy left in this room.” You were feeling a little guilty for taking down everything.
“I guess it’s a good thing that none of us really care. We just wanted to be together anyway!” Sirius was standing with the rest of the group. Everyone looked happy to be safe in the same room. You smiled and got up to hug all of them. 
Was it late? Yes, but none of you cared. You had enough room for everyone, and you weren’t about to kick out the people you desired to see most. Your night was filled with tears from the constant laughter that the group brought, firewhiskey to loosen everyone up, joyful memories that came from the dumb things you all began, and passionate kisses with Remus as the muggle tunes continued to play from the radio.
“You know, as long as I have you, loneliness is not an option. I promise that when this war is finally over, you will never spend another Christmas alone, or any holiday for that matter. I love you so much Y/N. Happy Christmas!” 
“Happy Christmas Remus. I love you too, more than you’ll ever know.” You smiled as you kissed him with all of the love in the world to power it.
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smilexdrarry · 4 years
If your parents were ✨Drarry✨ Part 2
- Going into your 6th year at Hogwarts Harry had bought a new house. You were so excited about this because the last one was a tad small but this one was huge and you where so excited. You most definitely excited when you found out you would be getting to paint your own room. You had started to paint with Harry's and Draco's help when you couldn't help yourself but flick paint at Draco because you were just in the mood to piss him off. Harry turned around at your giggling and found himself laughing too at Draco's face covered in paint. "It's not funny, Potter." Draco had growled. "Who do you mean? We're all Potters here." Harry had said smiling. "Both of you!" Draco had yelled. You then looked at Harry and just by the look on his face he knew exactly what you were thinking. "Don't you dare." Draco had said but too late Harry had already threw paint in his direction, you laughed and picked up a bucket of paint and threw it a Harry. It was full on war then. About 20 minutes later you all came out of the room dripping with paint. "We'll have to go buy some new paint I guess." You had said sheepishly. "Yes and your paying." Harry had said putting his painted hand onto of your hair getting it more gross. "Ugh stop dad!"
- You loved to cook like Harry, but you were always self-conscious about it, so Harry and Draco never ended up tasting any of your dishes. But one day you decided you wanted to cook with your dad so you asked Harry if he would help you prepare dinner that night. You thought his eyes couldn't go any wider, he hopped off from the couch and ran to the go his keys for the car. "Uh dad what are you doing?" You had asked. He responded: "well to get ingredients to cook, silly." He seemed to excited about this. When you guys got back home you told him you had a new idea about a new dish, he agreed and he helped but he wanted you to do most of the work, letting you do your own thing. That night at dinner Draco had said, "oh my Merlin, this is so good! One of your best dishes Harry!" Harry looked at you across the table and smiled at you, you smiled back then went back to watch Draco eating the food like he was starving.
- Draco and Harry loved you equally, but even tho Draco was more strict and would yell at you more, he loved you the most, and this was because he was the one who suggested to Harry they would adopt you and he always secretly wanted a kid. Harry of course wasn't opposed to the idea, but he never thought about it. And so Draco was more hard on you then Harry was because he wanted the best for your well being, and then lastly he always had this fear, his deepest darkest fear was that you would end of like him, the path that he had taken. That mark still burned into his skin haunted him. You had heard Draco talking to Harry in a room, crying silently, saying that fear. You came around the corner tears streaming down your face saying that you would never end up like him and told him not to worry. You ran to him and flung your arms around his neck, repeatedly saying you loved him.
- When you were little, and even now sometimes, you would always ask your parents for stories about when they were at Hogwarts together. They would tuck you into bed and sit on either side of you and tell you all these stories about how they would sneak around Hogwarts in the middle of the night with Harry cloak rapped around them and how they would prank Snape constantly, soon they would go on forever till you fell asleep. "And then your idiot father-" "Draco." Harry had said quietly, "what?" Harry pointed at you sleeping. "Oh." Draco had said. They both kissed your forehead and turned off the lights. You smiled after they left then actually fell asleep.
- One time when you were at Hogwarts you had to write a paper explaining about what your favorite part of Hogwarts history was, and since you love to be stubborn, you didn't do a actually history thing you learned about but instead you wrote a 10 page essay explaining Hogwarts best love story. You ended up getting the highest grade in the class. And Harry and Draco cried when they read it then hung it up on the wall.
- One day you were sitting with your parents at dinner when Draco had announced that he and Harry wanted to renew their wedding vows, he reached across the table and held Harry's hand, looking at him fondly. Your jaw had dropped and then you screeched getting up and running around the table to go hug them. Every time you would look at parents wedding photos you would always say you wished you were there. So therefore you were the most absolutely thrilled when they had said that. Harry had laughed, "we thought that we would do it again, since it's been years since our wedding, thought that it would be nice to say our vows again and specially now that we have you." You we're already crying, you hugged Harry again and then Draco, who kissed you on the cheek and had said: "we love you." Draco and Harry were crying too, just so happy that you were happy.
- The last day before you had to back to school from Christmas break you were all ready and packed and then you sneezed and coughed, Harry shot up from the couch and ran over to you feeling your head, "are you ok? Do you feel sick? Can you not go back tomorrow? Is your stomach hurting? Is-" Harry had said before you interrupted him, "dad dad dad! I'm fine, gosh!" "Harry, calm down." Draco had said from the kitchen. Harry then had turned his head so fast you sure it snapped, then glared deadly at Draco then Draco's eyes went wide and quickly said, "oh right...um are you ok honey? You look sick?" You looked between them and squinted your eyes, "ok what's going on here?" You had asked. Harry rolled his eyes and said to Draco, "you ruined it dumb ass." "Sorry." Draco mumbled. It turned out that Harry and Draco wanted to have a family road trip. You weren't opposed to it all, you had ran up stairs and packed your bags and was already getting in the car. You definitely living your best life.
- One day you were enjoying a walk with Draco when you had spotted a tiny white puppy on the side of the road. "Father, look! It's a dog! Do you think we could keep it?" "I'm not sure what Harry would think?" Draco had said bending down and petting the tiny dog, which barked cutely. "I think Dad would be fine with it." You said, picking up the dog in your arms, while Draco scratched behind it's ear. "Yeah I think he would too but I'm not letting him name it Severus or Albus or something." You laughed, "I'll think of a name don't worry." Later when you guys went back home you tried to hid the dog as long as you could until it barked and then Harry had walked in and saw the small puppy running around. "What- hold on can I name it?!" Harry had said, "NO!" Draco and you said at the same time.
- Draco had suggested to you that if you wanted to meet his mom you could. Draco was always touchy on the subject of his mother, she lived alone in the manor doing nothing all day. You always was quite curious to meet Draco's mother, so you agreed. He took you to Malfoy manor with Harry of course. Draco had written to his mother in advance before you guys would show up and Narcissa was more then pleased. When the door opened everyone stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say first, but then Narcissa said, “could I- could I hug you my dear?” You didn’t really know how to respond, Draco’s hand gave your shoulder a tight squeeze. You smiled at Narcissa and opened your arms. She hugged you, it was weird but at the same time you could feel and see how much it had meant to her, I mean it was her boy’s child. She hugged Draco and kissed him on the cheek the same with Harry. You guys all hung out that day, it was actually quite fun to here about all the stories Narcissa told about Draco when he was little. When you guys left, you looked forward to the next time you would see your grandmother.
- This time when you were at school, you had got into a fight with this girl because she was calling Draco a death eater and said that he deserved to be in Azkaban, (what a bitch) you had gotten your wand out and pointed it at her, and she mocked you saying you would get in trouble if you used your wand. You thought about it for a minute before putting it away, the girl smirked, but then you punched her in the face.
That’s all for now, hope you like 😭
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plusultrachaos · 4 years
So this is definetly not because of that tiktok we saw BUT izuku hasnt had a birthday party outside of him and his mom since he was like 4 and it slips out one day as his birthday is getting closer when his friends ask what his plans are and all of class 1a bands together to throw him the best birthday party
it absolutely is because of the tiktok (but also because the ideas that you give me that make me write the most) that i got 1.3k out of this prompt. 
"Guys, really… It's. It's not that big of a deal." Izuku turns to see that Ochako and Tenya have already gotten the evil look in their eyes. He sighs and looks down. "I'm used to not having a party. It's fine if I don't do anything for it." He watches as Ochako gets her "I have a plan, but there is no way that you're going to find out about it" look. 
Izuku fears nothing more than he fears that look coming from Ochako. 
"I'm not going to stand for that, Deku!" Tenya nods along with her. "You stay here. Don't go into the lounge." As she and Tenya leave him in the kitchen, Izuku can hear her mutter, “did he really wait until two days before his birthday to tell us this? I mean we already had one planned, but like damn.”
Izuku just sighs, knowing that no one in his class is just going to let him have a small birthday. And don’t get him wrong, he wants a party; one where everybody is celebrating him, all hanging out with him. Laughing because they are having fun, not because he started rambling about something again. He wants one where he’s not being bullied on a day meant for him.
He’s used to the birthdays with just his mom, where he knows that everybody there cares and loves him. Maybe they will all forget his birthday is coming up and he can just make due with a cheap, stale convenience store cookie. 
Izuku leaves the kitchen and he sulks on his way to the couch to watch the movie that his class started playing moments before. 
— — — 
They hadn’t forgotten. He feels very dumb for thinking that they would. He should’ve known that, especially Class 1-A, they would’ve just gone more chaotic about the plans. 
Izuku had woken up on his birthday like any other day, his hair a curly, knotted mess, his All Might onesie rumpled and so comfy. He didn't want to take it off in lieu of other, regular clothing. There was one difference in his morning routine compared to others though.
There was a folded up note sitting on his desk. 
“Happy Birthday, Izuku!” was written in Ochako’s scribbly handwriting on the top of the folded note. Opening the note up, he starts to read the rest of the note, noticing and setting aside a second note that fluttered to the top of his desk. “Starting off, Tenya shows his concern for you leaving your bedroom door unlocked. Next, Todoroki keeps calling you a cute sleeper and that you in an All Might onesie is also very cute. I have to agree with him there. ;)” Izuku feels his face heat up with the compliments from his friends. He ignores the fluttering of his stomach with the knowledge of one of them, specifically, complimenting him. 
“Also when you wake up, don’t worry about getting ready in a rush. Actually feel free to take your time doing what you need to do. When you do end up going downstairs, go to the kitchen first.” He reads the rest of the note, a small smile coming across his face as reads the little sign off from Ochako, their names followed by a small gentle heart. His hand coming up to his face to wipe away the tears he hadn't realized started falling.
He set the first note down and picks up the small slip of paper that is covered in Todoroki’s messing handwriting. “Keep your door unlocked again and fear getting All Might merch stolen for an Endeavor related prank. - Todo Shouto” His smile glows a bit more after reading Shouto’s note, a small laugh bubbling out from his throat.
He could feel the appreciation for his friends growing as he had read the notes grow even more. He is so grateful for the things that they have done for him in the past year of traumatic attacks and everything else that they’ve had to experience.
Maybe the party wouldn’t be so bad…
He sends a text out to Shouto telling him, “bet” in response to his note. And since they told him to take his time, after changing, he calls his mom to talk to her for a bit. 
It goes as any call with his mom goes, filled with excited rambling from both of them and leaving Izuku with a sort of sadness. It's the first birthday he’s really spending without her and although he knows it's going to be a good birthday, he misses having katsudon and hearing his mom’s out-of-tune singing. There’s something about missing this tradition that takes the small smile from his face. 
The tears that follow are short lived, they staryslow and leave quickly. He wipes at his face, hoping it wasn’t noticeable that he had been crying. He didn’t want to ruin the fun that his friends worked so hard to plan for. He gets up from his desk, hiding the notes somewhere he will see so he can put them on his walls. 
He goes to his door, savoring the quietness before the chaos begins. 
— — —
“Do you think he’s actually going to take the message of taking his time seriously?” The question comes from above Shouto, the string in his hand tugging as Ochako moves. The banner she is hanging is something that Momo and Hagakure worked hard to create, the detail showing just how much effort they put into it. There is yelling coming from the kitchen, a blast shortly following. Shouto watches as Kaminari and Sero run out of the kitchen, Bakugou screaming from behind him. 
“Maybe for a bit. He doesn’t take breaks often so I think he won’t take very long to himself.” It’s Jirou’s soft voice that chimes in from the couch, her guitar propped up on her leg as she strums out a entle tune. Shouto looks down for a few seconds before he feels the tug to bring Ochako down to the ground. 
She nods once her feet hit the ground at him before looking up at the banner. “That’s true.” 
“I expect he will be calling his mother. If he hasn’t had a birthday party before, he’s probably only spent it with her.” It's a logical assumption from Tenya that has Shouto thinking harder and doing what he thinks are very hard calculations. 
“So a few more moments.” He keeps his voice quiet and looks down, only Ochako and nods at him again.
“Yeah, probably.” She looks out at the rest of the class, yelling “someone tell the Bakusquad they only have a few more minutes. Deku should be down soon.” There are a few yells in a response before the chaos causers file out of the kitchen, Bakugou the last to come out.
A few moments, there is the dinging of the elevator and Ochako is signalling the class to get into position. Everybody hides in easy to see places and Shouto turns the lights out to the lounge, staying close to the light switch. He can hear the sounds of Izuku shuffling (and sniffling) around in the kitchen before everything calms for a few moments. He assumes Izuku is reading the third (Ochako thinks it's only the second) letter saying Happy Birthday to Class 1-A’s sunshine boy. Shouto waits until he hears the footsteps approaching the lounge before he gets ready to turn the lights back on. 
When he sees Izuku come into the lounge is when he flips the switch . What he didn’t expect to see was Izuku holding his hand to his mouth as tears streamed down his face. Everybody yelled out a loud “Surprise!” not knowing he was crying. 
They should’ve anticipated it, and that is why SHouto’s immediate response to the sight that Izuku is,  isn't to yell out the surprise. It’s to go over to him and hold him as his legs give out underneath him when the class yells. Shouto slides Izuku to the ground gently, holding him as he cries with a small smile. “Happy Birthday, Midoriya Izuku.”
tagging groupie: (let me know through ask or note if you would like to be added or removed) @theghosthybrid, @12redsky34, @stardustsys, @koifishkiss, @worst-bunny, @faelwenholdsthelight, @demumbrigde, and tagging you even though you left the ask, (happy early anniversary, babs) @tired-taro 
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angelbabyszn · 4 years
Do you do request and if you do can you do a spooky x reader where reader where red lipstick and when she has to a girls day with whoever it is, and she leaves kisses all over him and the santos and gang all tease him ... sorry if it’s long 😶😐
Make Up (Oscar X Reader)
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OMB Masterlist
B/F/N: Best Friend
You woke up on a Saturday morning with the sunlight hitting your face. You flutter your eyes repeatedly until your eyes get used to the sunlight.
You were trying to get out of bed to check your phone that was next to you on the bedroom table but something was stopping you from moving.
You turned back to see Oscar was laying beside you as he slept with his arms around you. You forgot you slept over at his house.
"Oscar?" you whispered but Oscar continued to sleep. You said his name again and he didn't move.
You turned your head back and tried to move out of Oscar's arms again but he wouldn't budge. Whatever you tried to move, Oscar's holds you closer to his body.
"Oscar, let me go. I have my girls day today." you said as you tried to wiggle out of his arms.
"Y/N, stop before you start something." said Oscar in a deep hunky voice as he slept, making a warm feeling go through your body. 
"I'm not trying to start something. Now, let me go." you said as you wiggle again and Oscar pulled you even closer than ever with his arms. 
"Babe, second warning. You're definitely starting something and I'm willing to start now." whispered Oscar in your left ear and your eyes widened.
"No!" you said and quickly moved his arms, grabbed your phone, clothes to wear today, and your towel to run out of the bedroom.
"Y/N!" shouted Oscar and you poke your head back in the bedroom to see him upset.
"Oh, you're awake now. Good, I'm going to have my girls day with B/F/N so you'll be fine without me for a few hours right? Good, bye!" you said quickly and went to the bathroom.
"Y/N!" shouted Oscar and you poke your head into the bedroom again to see him with a pout face.
"Oh, you'll live." you said and left the bedroom to start getting ready in the bathroom.
Two hours later, you and your best friend, B/F/N, were at the mall eating lunch at the food court after you two shopped for new clothes.
"So...how's it like dating a Santo?" asked B/F/N with a grin, leaning in waiting for your answer.
"Should I be asking you that too? You're dating Sad Eyes." you said as you took a bite out of your food.
"I know but I already go for guys like that. You, on the other hand, are different because you're dating a gang leader. A leader of a f*cking gang." said B/F/N and took a sip of her soda.
"I know. I still don't understand how I got him as my boyfriend." you said and took a sip of your soda until your phone moved a bit on the table and lit up. You looked over to see Oscar texted you.
"Is that Spooky now?" asked B/F/N as you picked up the phone and entered your password to enter your phone to see the message. 
spooky 👑❤️: i miss you.
"He's obsessed with you. He has been blowing up your phone every hour ever since we were hanging out...today." said B/F/N as she grins. 
"I know but that's one of the reasons I like him so much." you said as you text him back and sent your message back to him
You: I miss you too ❤️❤️❤️
spooky👑❤️: can't wait for you to get home 😍
"Well, did he pass the boyfriend test?" asked B/F/N and you looked up from your phone and looked at her like crazy
"What now?" you asked with a puzzled face.
"The boyfriend test. Yes, it's a real thing if you're asking." said B/F/N and you rolled your eyes. Another message from Oscar pops up on your phone.
spooky👑❤️: what time you're coming home? i'm going crazy over here without you in my arms.
"Don't you roll your eyes! I'm serious! The boyfriend test determines if he's actually a good boyfriend to you!" said B/F/N with wide eyes while leaning in to you as you sent a message back to him.
You: be back in a few hours okay? don't miss me too much❤️
"I can already determine that. He's already a good boyfriend. He's actually really sweet on the inside and texts me back quick. What's more to ask? He's doing better than 98% guys today." you said and took another bite of your food.
"Yeah, that's good and all but how is he when both of you are in public or you did something you weren't supposed to do and how does he react?" asked B/F/N and you sat back on your chair thinking.
You just realized you never really go out with Oscar in public. People know that you are dating him but not convinced enough. 
"You're kinda right. Maybe I should test him." you said as you put your phone back on the table.
"Yes, finally. You're actually listening to me!" said B/F/N excitedly and you rolled your eyes.
"I have the perfect idea. Let's go." said B/F/N as she started to get her wallet out of her purse and a moment later, you do the same.
You and B/F/N split the bill, put the money on the table, cleaned up, and walked away from the food court. Both of you leave the mall with your bags of new clothes and belongings.
"Tell me why you have your makeup out?" you asked in the passengers seat in B/F/N's car.
"Getting you prepared for your Santo's boyfriend test." said B/F/N sitting in the driver's seat and she moved your hair away from your left side of your neck and started putting makeup right there.
"PLEASE don't tell me you're making a fake hickey on my neck." you said with a whiny voice. B/F/N hit your left hand making you shocked and you held it with your right. 
"I am for your information. This is one of the ways to see if Spooky is loyal to you." said B/F/N as she put more makeup on to make it more realistic.
"He ain't going to believe this. He's gonna laugh at me once he found out this was fake." you said and B/F/N rolled their eyes and sat back normally in the driver's seat.
"There. Check it in the mirror." said B/F/N as she shut her makeup bag and put it behind her in the back.
You pull down the mirror in front of you on top of the car and gasp as you turn your head to the side to see B/F/N's work.
"Wow, this surprisingly looks real." you said as you looked at the details of the makeup on your neck. You were about to touch it until B/F/N slaps your left hand again and then you quickly put your left hand down.
"Don't ruin my work! That's for your Santo. Put your hair back in place so he won't see it. I'm taking you to him." said B/F/N and she starts to drive. 
You entered Oscar's house kinda nervous but kinda hopeful that it would work because the hickey looks so realistic.
"Baby?" shouted Oscar from another room in the house.
"I'm here." you said and a moment later, Oscar came rushing into the living room to see you smiling with your bags of new clothes.
Oscar quickly went up to you, put your bags on the coffee table in the living room, and kissed you passionately.
You quickly kissed him back the same way. You love when he kisses you like that.
"Hi baby." Oscar said softly as he held you close and his arms wrapped around your waist with your arms wrapped around his neck.
"Hi." you said softly and you and Oscar kissed again. After the kiss, Oscar walked into the kitchen with you following him to see dinner already being cooked. 
"Baby, you're cooking? You didn't have to." you said as you put your right hand over your heart melting. It was so sweet to you that he's cooking for you.
"Why not my reina? I want you to feel special." said Oscar as he stir pasta in a pot. You walked behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"You already make me feel special." you said softly and Oscar turned off the heat, put a top on the pot and kissed you again.
You kissed him back and continued to kiss passionately. He quickly picks you up and puts you on the counter. 
Oscar starts to move down from your lips to your sweet spot on your neck immediately. You start to tense up a bit because that's where the fake hickey was.
He kept kissing you on your neck until he saw the fake hickey making him stop. Oscar slowly moved back in front of you and moved your hair to expose. 
"Y/N, what's that?" asked Oscar with a puzzled face.
"What's what?" you asked acting innocent and he exposed the fake hickey more by moving your shirt down a bit to your shoulder. 
"That's nothing. Just a bruise."
 Oscar crossed his arms against his chest and looked at you with a furious face.
"It wasn't there this morning. Where did it come from?" asked Oscar seriously, making you scared inside.
"It was always there. You just never notice it." you said and you looked down. Oscar lifted your head towards him. 
"Y/N, you're lying." said Oscar as he looked deep into your soul. 
"No I'm not." 
"Yes you are. You always looked down and touched your hair by the ends down repeatedly when you lied." said Oscar.  
You noticed that you were still touching your hair by the ends down repeatedly and fast so you quickly stopped.
"Y/N, did somebody hurt you?" asked Oscar.
"Did somebody else touch you?" 
"Did B/F/N do this? Is she gay?" asked Oscar and you looked at him crazy.
"Oscar, no. Oh my god." you said as you started to laugh your butt off. You took a glance at him and quickly stopped.
"Okay, look. I basically pranked you. B/F/N wanted me to test you for this dumb boyfriend test to see if you're a good boyfriend to me. This fake hickey is actually make-up." you said.  
You quickly got off of the counter, went to the sink, put water on your left finger and dragged your finger across the fake hickey. You turn around and put your finger in front of Oscar's face to show him. 
Oscar put his left hand over his mouth and rubbed his chin as he looked at you frustrated. After he takes his hand off of his face, he slowly walks up to you and bends down to your left ear.
"You were so wrong to do that to me. Since you did this to me AND ran away from me this morning...you gotta make up for it." whispered Oscar in your ear making your eyes wide. 
Before you could respond, Oscar kisses you again passionately and rough. 
"Wassup fools." shouted Oscar as he walked out of the house the next day.
The boys in the gang who were sitting out on the front lawn like usual looked back at him and started to laugh hard.
"What y'all laughing at?" asked Oscar aggressively.
"So, you decided to dress pretty and wear make-up like a little girl?" said Joker and the gang laughed even harder.
"What do you mean?" asked Oscar furiously. He was starting to get mad.
"Seems like his hyna became the man last night." said Joker and the gang started to fall out laughing.
Oscar quickly walked over to Joker and grabbed him by his shirt to pull him closer furiously. 
"What did you say about my chica?!" yelled at Joker aggressively making the whole gang stop laughing almost immediately. 
They know Oscar can probably kill the whole gang in one move if somebody talks bad about you.
"Spooky, have you looked at yourself in the mirror today?" asked Sad Eyes and Oscar turned his back to see Sad Eyes looking at him sitting on the edge of his poach. 
"You might want to check yourself out." said Sad Eyes and Oscar let go of Joker and went back into his house.
He went into the bathroom and his eyes widened as he saw a lot of lipstick marks and hickeys all over his neck and arms. 
"Y/N! What happened when Spooky saw it? Was he mad? Upset? Please tell me the details!" said B/F/N over the phone. You were talking to B/F/N over the phone in Oscar's bedroom.
"He started asking me serious questions including if you did it and asking if you was gay." you said and B/F/N started to laugh their butt off.
"I know right. And then I told him it was just make up and after that we kissed for a long time." you said nervously.
"Y/N! Wow, okay."
"Yeah...anyways, I hope he checks what he looks like now right before he goes out. Cause that would be embarrassing." you said as you laughed and you heard your laugh fade away to see Oscar standing in front of the bedroom doorway with a straight face.
"B/F/N, I got to go." you said quickly and ended the phone call as you looked at him.
"Hey baby, how are you doing today?" you said nervously in his bed and Oscar enters the bedroom and shuts the door.
“Spooky, my handsome-”
“Too late for that, hyna.” said Oscar and then he starts going over to you slowly with a smirk ready to give you his revenge. 
"I'm sorry. I never wanted to do that to you. I knew you were better than any boy I encountered. I love you." you said as you wash his neck trying to clear up his skin two hours later. 
Oscar turned his head to start looking into your eyes, making you stop washing off his marks.
"I love you too. Don't do that to me again. I hope I learn your lesson." said Oscar.
"Trust me. I have.” you said still trying to breath regularly again. You kissed each other in your little bubble of happiness with him. 
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buckysmischief · 5 years
Mission Report: Laundry Day
Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: You and Bucky have been secretly dating for over a year, what will it finally take for the others to find out?
Word Count: 900
Warnings: language, loads of fluff 
AN: this is for @chloerinebarnes 200 writing challenge, the prompt is in bold. i hope y'all like it! & thank you @perpetually-tuned-out for always helping me out when i need you!
“Everyone go get cleaned up and meet back here in an hour. Fury will be waiting to hear about the mission.”
Steve gave his orders and you, Sam and Bucky went to clean all the dirt and sweat off. Not twenty minutes later Bucky is sneaking into your room like always.
No one knew about you and Bucky’s relationship, it was something you both wanted to keep secret for a few months. But before you both knew it a year had passed and no one figured it out, so you both decided to see how long it would take your friends to figure it out.
“There’s no way you showered that fast” you walk out of the bathroom to see Bucky shirtless, looking through a pile of clothes.
“Have you seen my hoodie? The black one-”
“With the dark gray hood and sleeves? Yeah, you left it the other night. It’s in the closet, I washed it for you.”
He walks over and gives you a kiss, “You’re the best, babe.”
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t sweet talk me. What do you want?”
“Why do I gotta want somethin? Why can’t I just tell you how amazing you are, huh?”
“I was just kidding, now go, I gotta get ready.”
Not long after Bucky left, you walk to the kitchen and find him, Sam and Steve already there. You’re not sure what they’re arguing about, but you can tell it’s nothing serious.
“You boys are going to have to get over your history and just get married one day” you laugh while sitting next to Steve, who is trying not to laugh himself.
“Yeah well, History is just full of dumbass people. World War One for example.” Sam says, gesturing to Bucky.
Steve can’t hold back his laughter anymore and loses it, “How old do you think he is?”
“I was one when that war ended you dumbass” Bucky somehow responds in his fit of laughter.
“You’re both dumbasses, now let's go meet Fury before we’re late.” you state, walking to the conference room.
Fury walks in right after the four of you sit down and the meeting takes place.
There had been rumors that HYDRA was setting up in South America, so Fury sent the four of you to check it out. After landing in Rio, you split into two teams. You and Bucky were to run surveillance while Steve and Sam got familiar with the area.
It has been a week and it seemed to be the rumors were just that, rumors. For the past six months you had been all over the globe, studying each city for something off in attempts to finally end HYDRA.
You had asked Steve once “How will we know when this mission is over for good? They hid in plain sight for how many years until DC?” to which he replied, “That’s why we follow up on every tip and rumor we hear, you never know when they’ll decide they want to be seen.”
Steve was finally wrapping things up with Fury when you noticed Bucky trying to get your attention but you ignore his advances. He was probably trying to get you to help him prank Sam when this was all over, they were currently in a prank war and Sam was winning. The two shake hands and you are all dismissed.
“This prank war is dumb and I want nothing to do with it” you say, walking back to the kitchen.
“It’s not dumb, it’s an art” of course Sam feels that way.
“No, it’s dumb. Who is helping me make dinner tonight?”
Thankfully it was Steve who volunteered, he was the only one yet to ruin a meal. Bucky and Sam are walking toward the kitchen island when Sam continues, “Okay, it’s a little dumb. But not as dumb as Steve looks when he’s trying to flirt with Nat.”
It’s true, Steve was terrible at it, but it wasn’t exactly his fault. He was a gentleman about it and made his intentions very clear. But Nat, who you love very much, was an asshole. She liked Steve too, but her ability to make everything into an innuendo without trying would inevitably make Steve blush and trip over his words.
“Hey man, Wanda does the same thing to you.” Bucky defends Steve, but that doesn’t stop Sam.
“Oh and I should get Mr. Relationships advice, right?” wait, what did he say?
You lock eyes with Bucky for a moment before he asks, “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You and YN are dating,” Sam teased, “it’s obvious. She’s been wearing your clothes and doing your laundry for a month now.”
You and Bucky looked at each other and couldn’t help but laugh. “I told you you wearing my hoodies would be obvious!”
“Fuck that, they think we’ve only been dating a month!”
Sam and Steve looked at each other in complete confusion, which only made you and Bucky laugh more.
“We’ve been dating for over a year,” you said, “and you only caught on a month ago? He sleeps in my room at least three nights a week.”
“Wait, what? How did none of us notice?”
“Probably because everyone is wrapped up in missions and trying to get in their own relationships,” Bucky pulled you close to him, giving you a kiss, “and now that everyone knows I can finally do that.”
Permanent tags: @sociallyeneptbarnes @valkyriesryde @buckysdumbmetalarm @rogvewitch @infj-slytherclaw @whimsicalatbest @readeity @nea90sweetie @aestheticrelated @pinknerdpanda @justabitoverobsessed @imsoft-barnes @actualdpshuri @goalexis123 @https-bucky @stuckyandsciencebros @moli1497 @agentpeggybarnesfanfics @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam @screaming-fridge @geeksareunique @rhymesmenagerie @brokenthelovely @ivoryhazlewood @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @mushyjellybeans @sebbbystaaan @rayche776 @buggy-blogs @estillion14 @perpetually-tuned-out @stuckonjbbarnes
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ctay21 · 4 years
The Scavenger Hunt
             (Marco x Fem s/o Reader)
Hey guys! I wrote this for @mooshs-crack-headcanons​ 300 follower special! I am still new to writing fanfic but also still feel new to the fandom. So, I hope you guy’s enjoy! I had a ton of fun writing this and kept giving myself mini fangirl heart attacks. My prompt was Ideal Date. Just call me spontaneous, Whoops! Also there’s no trigger warnings other than big fluff. Also anything in italics is a memory/flashback. Enjoy!
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It was a regular day on the Moby Dick. You had gotten all your baking done a little early in the kitchen. So Thatch asked you to take inventory of the stock because we were approaching an island. Knowing you can’t say no to your commander, you grab the clipboard to start inventory and head to the storeroom.
Grumbling to yourself because you had to yet again recount the same thing you were trying to count five times already. Mainly, people kept interrupting you and you were starting to get really frustrated because all the interruptions made you lose count. Thinking to yourself the next time someone dares to interrupt you. Let’s just say it wasn’t going to be pretty. You were crouched down counting vegetables. When out of the corner of your eye you suddenly see Thatch’s face. 
Seeing his face so suddenly scared you and made you jump up really quickly. Also because it scared you so much you instinctively turned and punched his arm. Trying to calm your heart rate down you slightly scream “What the heck Thatch, a little warning would be appreciated next time! You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“OW! I was talking to you when I walked back here, I thought you heard me!” Thatch said while holding his arm pretending to look wounded.
“Well you know how I get when I’m focused. Also I’m not apologizing for punching you, you probably deserved it.” You said while crossing your arms, over the clipboard you were holding. 
“Well excuse me. I guess I’m not gonna tell you what I just saw then.” Thatch said while turning back around to walk out of the storeroom.
“Wait!! Fine, I’m sorry! What were you gonna tell me?” You quickly yelled before he could walk out the door.
“Ahhhh.. I knew that would get an apology out of you. Anyway, I saw Ace walk out of your room about twenty minutes ago. I think he set up another prank. You should go check your room before something either explodes or something bad happens. You know how he is.” Thatch said while grabbing the unfinished inventory list from you. 
“Ugh! He’s the worst! He either goes way to big, or way to small with pranks. Why people call him Prank Sinatra, I will never understand. Thanks for telling me, are you gonna finish up or do I need to come back?” You asked Thatch while letting go of your clipboard.
“Nah, I’ll finish up. Be careful, who knows what Ace did this time.” Thatch called out to you before you walked out the door.
“Ok thanks! I’ll be careful.” You called back before heading to your room. 
Being on the lookout for things that aren’t supposed to be there, you cautiously approached your bedroom door. Seeing nothing tied to the handle or anything sticking out of the door. You turned the handle and pushed the door open quickly, thinking something might splash on you from the top. Nothing happened, walking all the way in the room you’re still searching for something out of the ordinary. You’re so focused on some dumb prank and looking for something small around your room that you failed to notice what’s on your bed. When you finally turn around and look at your bed, you gasp and cover your mouth really quickly. 
On top of your bed is the cutest romper you had ever seen along with a pair of matching converse and a note on top addressed to you. Walking over to the bed you admire the outfit first. It’s white with a red and pink rose floral pattern, it has a halter top neckline, and the shorts came halfway down your thigh. Picking it up you noticed it was open-backed. Smiling at your new favorite outfit, you lay it down and pick up the note with your name on it. Written in your amazing boyfriend’s doctor handwriting. Opening the note you look down and start reading.
“My dearest, (y/n). I have a surprise waiting for you. Please put on the outfit I laid out for you. I hope to see you at 7. Follow the clues to find me. Good luck! Love, Marco   Your first clue is: Go to where we shared our first kiss.” 
Looking at your clock, you notice that it’s already 4:30. How many clues are there, you think to yourself. Hopefully you can find them all and especially find him by 7! Rushing around your room, you quickly get changed. Looking in the mirror one last time you realize how cute this romper looks on you and how amazing it is that Marco found it just for you. Putting on your new converse because he knows that you’ll never wear anything else, even if it’s supposed to be fancy. You can put the girl in a nice outfit, but you can’t take her out of her converse. Which is something you have told him multiple times. You look at the clock one last time before you rush out of your room. It’s 4:45 which means you have two hours and fifteen minutes to finish Marco’s surprise scavenger hunt. 
Remembering clue number one, you start to head to the stern of the ship. While on your way you reminisced about your first kiss. You were in the middle of passionately telling Marco about something. You couldn’t even remember what it was because all you can remember is the next moment. Marco had grabbed you with both of his hands, one on each side of your face and immediately kissed you. That first kiss took your breath away, just thinking about it takes your breath away all over again. He was so passionate and gentle all at the same time, his lips were as soft as you always thought they’d be. When he pulled back he just smiled at you and pretended like nothing happened and even motioned for  you to continue your story. Like you could even think after a kiss like that.
Shaking your head at the memory you finally reach your destination, Izo is standing there waiting for you. 
“Well (y/n), are you ready for clue number two?” Izo asked while smirking and holding out another note addressed to you. 
“Izo, you’re in on this too? Can’t you just please tell me where he is, I’m too anxious! I need to know!” You exclaimed, while reaching for the next clue.
“Aww. Where would be the fun in that. It’d ruin the surprise! I’m not telling you, also I think if I did Marco would throw me off the side of the ship. So you’re just gonna have to figure it out (y/n).” Izo said as he walked away from you, leaving you with the note. 
Rolling your eyes at Izo because you should’ve known that he was gonna say that. You open up your next clue. It said
“When you were talking that day, the passion in your eyes was so beautiful. That I couldn’t help myself but grab your face and kiss you. The blush you had went on for days and I thought you had never been so cute. Now head to where we both said “I love you” for the first time.”
Smiling at the clue, you take off towards Marco’s office. Remembering that day like it was yesterday, you think back to that moment. The Whitebeard Pirates had just fought a group of marines that tried to ambush them on an island that we had just docked at. Within the hour the marines were defeated and we had already sailed away and lost them. You unfortunately got a deep cut on your right shoulder from a stray sword you couldn’t block in time. You headed to Marco to get stitches and as he was treating you he was yelling at you about how careless you were and seemed to be about your injury. Which led to a major fight. In the middle of the fight he yelled out.
“I LOVE YOU! Look (y/n), I know you are really strong and a great fighter. Just please be careful and more aware. I just can’t lose you.” 
You started crying and pulled him into a hug. 
“I love you too. I do take this seriously and you won’t lose me.” you whispered in his ear. 
Pulling yourself out of memory lane, you walk into his office and sitting on the table where Marco gave you your stitches was Ace. 
“Wow.. So did you really go in my room or was Thatch just saying that to get me to go in my room looking for something?” You accused while walking up to Ace reaching for the next clue. 
“Nah. It wasn’t me who did that, but pranking you is something I do enjoy doing. So Thatch had a great excuse.” Ace laughed while handing you the next clue.
“Yea, too bad you do the worst pranks. I wonder how many clues there are, it’s already 5:30 and he expects me to find him by 7.”You muttered to yourself. Breaking the seal and opening the third clue.
“Hey! I do great and funny pranks! You just don’t have a sense of humor. Honestly I don’t know how many he has (y/n), but read the note aloud! I wanna know what it says!” Ace said excitedly bouncing in his seat, while also trying to defend his subpar pranking abilities.
“Fine, It says. I was so upset that day, because I felt a fraction of what I think it would feel like to lose you. I never want to feel that way again. I promise to always protect you and love you. Let’s go back to where this all began. Your next destination is the spot where we first met.” You read out loud as you tried not to cry over Marco’s sweet promise.
“Wow. Marco is way smoother than I gave him credit for. Also he’s super cheesy. So where did you guys first meet?” Ace asked while he hopped down off the table. 
“We actually first met on the deck, he was sitting next to Pops. Thatch brought me to the ship wanting to bring me on as his Sous Chef/Pastry Chef and when has Pops ever turned someone who needed a family away.” You said as you started walking out the door headed for the deck to see Pops, turning your head and looking at Ace as you said the last part.
It was a dreary day on a random island on the grand line. It was pouring down outside the little cafe you owned. Two men ran into the cafe to get out of the rain, you later found out their names were Thatch and Jozu. Since there were no other customers you decided to take them up on their offer and sit down with them and get to know each other. When you started talking about how you were all alone on this island with no family and no one really to call friends both Thatch and Jozu demanded you come join their crew and be a part of their family. Thatch especially after he tasted how delicious your cooking and baking were. You were a little weary just because, well they were pirates but so far they seemed like really good people. You also had always dreamed of adventure and a place far away from all these bad memories. So you packed your essentials and took off with them and never looked back. You finally had a family and a dad who loves you and all his children unconditionally. 
While on your way to see Pops, you couldn’t help but think about how different your life would’ve been if Thatch and Jozu never ran into your cafe all those years ago. You wouldn't have the family or friends you trusted. All the adventures you’ve been on wouldn’t have happened. Most importantly, you would have never met the love of your life, Marco. That is what you would’ve missed out on the most. 
Stepping out onto the front deck, you noticed the sun was starting to go down and the sky was starting to turn a bright orange. 
“Pops, please tell me this is the last one. It’s almost 7 and I still haven’t found Marco yet. Ace completely sidetracked me and I lost precious time. I’m worried I’ll ruin the surprise because I’ll be late.” You worried while walking up to your dad and hugging him. 
“Yes my daughter, you can stop worrying now because this is the last clue and you will find him before 7 like I knew you would.” Pops reassured you as he handed you the last clue. 
“Ohhh! Thank you!!” You exclaimed while ripping open the note to see where you can finally find Marco. Reading the note it said.
“I remember the first time I saw you. You didn’t notice me at first which is fine but you instantly captivated me. You had flour smudged on your face and it was clear you had just been pulled out of a bakery of some sort. I knew then just by looking at you that you were different and I had to get to know you. So that leads me to the final spot. Where we connected every time we sat and talked together. Go to where we eat every meal together.”
“What, this makes no sense. Why would Marco be at the table we eat at everyday? What’s the significance?” You asked confused while looking up at Pops. Who merely just shrugged his shoulders. 
“Only one way to find out (y/n).” pops called out as you had already started walking towards the dining hall. 
“Also when are you guys gonna start having KIDS?” Pops yelled out.
“POPS!! Stop!!” You yelled back flushing with embarrassment as some of the crew around heard what was said and started laughing.
“WHAT? I’m ready to be a grandpa!!” He yelled back at you, joining in with everyone laughing at the situation.
Feeling even more embarrassed all you could do was start running to where you knew you would find Marco.  
Stopping right outside the dining room doors, to catch your breath from running all the way here. You continued to ponder on why here specifically. After catching your breath, you knew the only way to get an answer was to walk in and ask Marco himself. 
Pushing open the doors to the dining room, you see him sitting exactly in the same spot he always sits in while eating. Although most everyone was here and had food in front of them, no one was eating. Everyone was patiently waiting to see what happens next. You slowly approached Marco and sat down in your seat opposite of him. Looking at him you couldn’t help the smile that graced your face. He had dressed up just for you, he was wearing a white button down shirt and black dress pants. He also had on a red tie that complemented the outfit he gave you. Looking back up at Marco he grabbed both your hands from across the table. 
“Marco, I don’t understand. Did I miss an anniversary? I know I’m super forgetful but I never thought I would miss an important date.” You asked as you looked at him, all he did was lightly smile and shake his head. 
“(Y/n), it was this very spot six months after getting to know you, three weeks before I kissed you, and two months before I told you I love you. It was this very spot that I first knew I was deeply in love with you. So in love with you that I couldn't get you out of my head and everyone was tired of me talking about you or asking about you. So they forced me to do something about it. That was one year ago today, that I came to this realization. I just really wanted to do something special for you and I know you love surprises and scavenger hunts.” Marco professed as he looked into your tear stained face. While the whole dining room is fangirling over their OTP being so cute. 
“Why are you crying (y/n), I’m so sorry!” Marco panicked thinking he did something terribly wrong and trying to wipe your tears away. 
“No No! Don’t be sorry! This is just the most sweetest thing someone has ever done for me and it makes me love you even more, which I didn’t know was even possible.” You said as you tried to hug Marco over the table.
“Hey, there’s more planned. Come on, follow me!” Marco said as he grabbed your hand and started walking back out onto the deck.
“Where are we going?” You asked once you were both on the front deck. By this time the sky was in full sunset mode and it was so beautiful.
“You’ll see, I don’t want to ruin the surprise. Hop on, we gotta fly there.” He said while he was helping you climb onto his back. 
Flying with Marco was an experience you think you’ll never get used to. He’s so warm and the flight is always so relaxing that you have a hard time not falling asleep because you feel so safe and comforted with him. Getting to fly during sunsets was always your favorite. All the beautiful colors mixed with Marco’s phoenix coat, never failed to take your breath away. 
Finally getting to your destination, it’s a cliff side picnic. Overlooking the ocean with the Moby Dick in the distance. There were a few candles around the blanket for light, since the sun was going down. It was simply picturesque and you still couldn’t believe that Macro did all this for you.
“I love you so much, but you really didn’t have to do this.” You told him, while you both were starting to eat the meal Thatch had prepared for the date. 
“Yes I did, you deserve to be spoiled every once in a while (y/n). Also I wanted you to know about the significance of this day. I love you too and I can’t wait to spend many more years by your side.” Marco confessed, while grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it. You just smiled and shook your head at him.
The night went on very peacefully. After you both finished dinner it was finally dark outside. You blew out the candles and laid back on the blanket. You guys stargazed for about two hours, just cuddling and whispering about dreams and life in general. When it got too cold for you even with Marco’s heat. He packed everything up and flew you back to the ship. After changing and crawling into bed, right before sleep was about to take you. You turned over and looked at Marco. 
“This was the most perfect date I think we’ve had yet. Thank you, Marco.” You whispered, Marco smiled and simply leaned forward and kissed your forehead. Then you drifted off into a blissful sleep next to the sweetest man you know.
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normieexclusive · 4 years
How My MC wins the boys over:
Ah, um, this really went off from the original story line. This was also supposed to be a short simple thing but then I started thinking and two hours later Im left with a bunch of messy notes and thoughts
The first to fall victim is:
Mammon turns out to be easy, literally MC just shows him an ounce of kindness and he takes it and runs. 
Unconsciously MC gets much softer around him then the others (A combination of total trust in him and wanting to show how much love he deserves despite his brothers treating him harshly) 
 hes the one that gets the most kisses, the most hugs, and its great for them at first because they get to make fun of the dumb ass second born getting doted on but some silly little human and (while denying it constantly) loving it. 
But then the others start to actually like MC and Mammon can nearly feel the six pairs of eyes glaring him down as his Human showers him with all the affection before going about their day. 
(There’s one moment where, while Mammons sitting on the floor and MC is on the bed and he's making fun of one of his brothers that MC just grabs him by the back of his shirt collar- with only a finger- pulls him in between her legs (So his back is to her) and gives him a kiss on the top of his head as she coos "Mammon, be nice to your brothers" and he shuts down for the rest of the day) 
Second, but the bestest of friends!:
With Levi its by being a grade A nerd and overthinking.
 She reads all of TSL for their big quiz, and watches the movies with Beel and mammon, but on top of that the nerd goes back to the books and starts to annotate everything. 
She starts digging for any bit of subtext she can find and jotting down notes in the margins, in her notebook, on sticky notes. 
It becomes enough of an issue that she has to buy a new set because the first (Old and used) ones she got off of akuzon are ruined with her messy scrawling.
 During the quiz they are evenly matched (if only because shes given such easy questions. Shes pissed but at the same time oh gosh she is really not up to Levis level) and somewhere along the way she just... Goes off about this theory of hers and reading the subtext because she needs to get this out and it seems like Levis the only one that can really keep up with her 
(She tried to talk to Mammon and Beel but, honestly, they're as helpful as you'd think)
 She forgets about the whole quiz and yanks out her vandalized book in order to debate with Levi about a part. Levi is horrified at the state of her TSL book and nearly goes apeshit right there, but then she shows just how much of a nerd she truly is by showing him the much nicer version she brought along
("And its even signed! Can you believe that! I didn't order a signed one cause they were too expensive but somehow the boxes must have gotten switched up! Ah! Levi! You have a shrine in you're room for them right! You should have these copies, I think you'll take more care of them then I can!")
Whenever they have a conversation its gibberish to everyone around them but they get it and that’s what matters.
(They spend nights just in his room and no one knows what they're doing so they assume the worst. The others always send Levi dirty looks when it happens, and Levi always looks a little more refreshed after every one.
They're having anime/gaming/TSL marathons but Levi lives for the jealousy that rolls off his brothers so hes not telling them anytime soon)
Somewhere starting after her pact with Levi and after the Lucifer/Satan Body switch:
The whole fiasco with Levi actually leads to Satan warming up to her!
 He had initially brushed her off as a soon to be Lucifer Lapdog (and also kind of dumb) but now he's interested. 
Someone whos capable of dissecting a book like that has to at least have some ability to reason, he just cant figure out if that moment was a fluke or if shes actually smart. 
He refuses to start a conversation with her like a normal person and instead resorts to pranking her at every opportunity hoping to see if she’ll think her way out of it (He does leave some hints for when ones about to happen, but gets frustrated when she walks right past them)
 It backfires on him tremendously because, somehow, they never seem to work! it goes to the point where it becomes rube goldberg levels of pranks that are always almost-but-not-quite misses because she bent down at just the right time to pick up a shiny rock. 
Satan is at his wits end and ready to rip someone apart
 his pranks start to extend to the others, it’s only after mammon mentions such that it finally clicks in her...
That same day she willingly walks into a pie in the face and Satan nearly cries. 
After he starts to rile her up more often with words. He learns very quickly that she is a fantastic debate partner and, if he can find the right button to push, he’ll get her going for hours as they go back and forth
(And!! Even better!! Not only does she listen to everything he says and waits her turn! But Shes willing to change her opinion when she thinks he has a better point. When she loses She’ll come back hours later to drag more information out of him.
That’s usually not the case though, because Satan finds way too much enjoyment out of playing devils advocate and will simply choose whatever is opposition her POV. 
He tried to argue about how she couldn't possibly like a flavor of candy she was eating because he didn't like it and nearly gave her an aneurysm)
(To his complete embarrassment, though, he has gotten hard during one of their debates and nearly lost because she looked fucking amazing as she shouted at him)
A bond that starts right at their first meeting and grows throughout her entire time there:
Beel is scary at first, and Lucifer- for some forsaken reason- made it her job to make sure Beel doesn't clean out the fridge every single day.
Shes scared of the man that seemed more then willing to eat her, but shes more scared of whatever punishment Lucifer would deal if she didn't at least try.
 So she goes
 It only takes her one run in with Beel and his puppy dog eyes (Because how could she just stop him like that!! How awful of her!!) for her to figure out that
 A: this man is harmless and...
B:she knows what hunger pains feel like and the guilt wells up
Still she knows she can let him go so she spends her grimm allowance on buying ingredients to cook with and makes him huge meals as "offerings"
 It doesn't always stop him from eating half the fridge, but sometimes it seems like he's willing to actually savor what she makes. 
It gives her enough time to save the ingredients for dinner that night. (and If Beel sometimes wanders over to the kitchen while shes watching so shell make something for him, well there’s no harm done
The bastard pavlov dogged her and shes none the wiser) 
Slow and steady, the pieces fall into place naturally:
Asmo turns out to be another easy one, to her shock.
Even with MCs jealousy over how stunning Amso looks and how easy it is for him... they just seem to drift to each other
Starts with a comment on Asmos sharp eyeliner one day, and Asmo asking MC what shampoo she uses. 
Then the next day the same brand shampoo (And conditioner) will be left outside his door. And after MC will walk into the bathroom first thing in the morning only to wonder whom the fuck applied eyeliner to her in her sleep
It starts with days where they greet each other in the morning, to Stopping to chat for a few moments before heading on with their morning routine, to them walking down together, to Asmo fussing over her disheveled look after just waking up ‘-seriously Asmo not everyone can just roll out of bed like some Demons and look stunning’ - to ‘MC move over a scooch I need more room’ ‘Asmodeus this is my bed’ ‘Well how are we both supposed to fit when its so small!’, to weekly spa days and Gossiping about the others.
Its such an smooth transition that they both feel like it had always been as it was- two friends whispering secrets to each other late at night, pinky promises made over arbitrary things, laying so close that they can feel the others breathing. If maybe he leaned in a little closer they would--
--Oh... She fell asleep again. 
And he curls up next to her, blanket wrapped around both of them (That is, until Asmo hogs it later) and sleeps peacefully
A build up of trust, and a moment of venerability that finally knocks down his walls:
Swallows her pride for Lucifer
Its hard to explain in words for her, but she tells him of her family.
A family that is good but dosnt care, that used to leave her alone for hours on end when she was far too young. She says it with a smile too, admits that it helped her become as independent as she was, that she could cook for herself before she was 10.
She tells him of her younger brother. Someone she tried her best to love as much as she could only for him to, one day, just stop talking to her. Years trying to build back an abruptly cut connection only for him to snap one day and change his tune to something much worse. A family that watched as he screamed at her, berated her and never did anything. How she still stood tall, how she swallowed back every tear and tried to talk to him with a steady voice- only for him to become angrier.
How, when he did try to snap at other members, she was always there to stand between them. How she was the one to chase him off or take the yelling despite her family never doing the same for her. How she was the stable rock of the family where no one was for her.
Physical violence was only once, but it was enough for her to know things would never change.
She was like him in a way, same but different.
and She cant bear to see the same thing happen to him.
She wants to help, she knows shes just a little, useless human but please she needs to help. She cant bare leaving another broken family behind without helping. Her life had been stagnate before them, unbearably lonely, and she just wants them to be happy, even if that means without her
 even if it means she has to shove her nose where it doesn't belong
So... please... Please... Talk to Belphie. Please. He said he just wants to tal--
(She had earned Lucifer's respect not too long ago, and - to everyone's shock- the revel of what she came upon does not bring upon Lucifer's fury. Instead, he feels a deep understanding that he’ll never say aloud
Shes still going to get lectured, though. But he is too.) 
It takes time:
Spends what probably amounted to most of her time in Devildom with that little fu--
(No, No. Belphie needs help, she needs to reel it in for now.)
She gets what it means to be lonely. Despite her distrust of the man who caged up in a place where the bad people are, you know, supposed to be caged up and tutored feels like she needs to do something- if only to make sure he doesn't lose his mind from the isolation.  
(Rethinks a lot of her life and how she spent just hiding away from everything. How she would lock her door and never come out unless the sounds of another fight reached her. Thought about how it probably messed her up more then shes willing to admit and refuses to let the same thing happen to him
Oh sweet summer child)
Less trusting of him when its reviled that hes the seventh born, but more willing to help. If only for Beels sake
Brings stuff up to his room, a toy, a fluffy blanket, food that she snagged last minute. He complains hes cold one day and she yanks off her own sweater for him
(It all gets flushed down the toilet when she leaves, he scrubs his skin raw thinking about how his room smells disgustingly like that fucking human now) 
And then, one day, it just... changes: 
A human stands between him and the fucker that locked him up in there, his brothers that never knew he was there. All of them watching him with such pity in their eyes and he didnt want it- he didnt want their p-
The door was unlocked.
He was free.
Just like that.
it made no sense. He learns that they-- She-- spent hours dancing around Diavolo, deals were made. A room where it was just her and The Prince of Hell, promises not even Lucifer knew (And some part of Belphie relished in the fact that it was eating away at the fucker) 
("All those hours shouting at each other paid off” She looks to Satan with a smile. A joke he was not privy to. Lucifer huffed but said nothing. 
How much had changed since he was locked up?) 
A slow, downward spiral 
They're never alone, someone is always with her or with him (Beel sticks to his side like glue. after so long he finally gets to sleep next to his brother again) 
He finds food in the fridge with the words “For Beel <3″ in this awful chicken scratch handwriting. Mammon’s screaming interrupts his naps one day and he wakes up to see her smothering the second born in kisses. Her shouting wakes him up as her and Satan pass, her voice becoming high pitched as they argue about... the number of toes humans are supposed to have???? (she sits down next to him and rips off her shoes in a fit of rage, demanding that Belphie count with her because what the fuck-
Satan sneers at her feet and tells the only actual toes are her two big ones, the rest are just digits.)
There’s traces of her everywhere. Layers of clothing haphazardly thrown about after a day at RAD and then neatly placed away. A mention of her name at the dinner table before shes there. Not even his and beels room is safe from her- he can smell her scent on Beels pillow. Faint, but a awful reminder of the human down the hall. 
He hates it, he wants to throw it all away. He wants to erase her memory from his home, he wants to ripe her apa--
A blanket is draped over him one day, and he cant bring himself to open his eyes to see who did it...
She talks to him, Or more like at him. The longer he stays freed the harder is it to hide his distaste towards Humanity and- especially- to her. He thinks shes dense, because he knows his brothers sense there’s something wrong (Levis tail wraps around her when hes too close, Lucifer stands between them, Amso pulls her by the waist. Close to him, further from belphie) But she doesn't. She pushes closer. She asks him questions.
She never touches him, one small blessing in Hell. 
Beel believes him when he bashfully admits one night that he may start to enjoy his time spent with human. And for a moment he feels guilty about the lie but its all for a greater goal
When its just the three of them, Beel leaves for a moment too long. To get snacks, to grab something from another room, it doesn't matter. This was the moment he waited for. 
She smiles at him, all kind and gentle (And the words that leave her lips are unheard through the blood rushing through his ears) and leans forward
He puts his hands around her neck
She goes limp.
He needed to-
He couldn’t squeeze.
Beel comes back with the biggest grin on his face, arms full of snacks (”Here MC I got your favorite”) He sits on the opposite side of Belphie, leaning into him with enough weight that his own shoulder presses against MCs, mushing her against the wall. 
Despite her smile he can feel her shaking.
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