#gosh I'm so not ready
annicaax · 7 months
KICHO ROUTE COMING 21ST FEB! The moment I'd (we'd) been waiting for since ages! ahhh
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elenadoeslife · 2 months
I'm now at the point in life where people constantly question me about having kids. It's really bugging me, because we aren't even sure yet if it's something we want and we both got a late start in life. We only just started to bloom, in our (almost) early thirties.
I never quite understood why people struggle so much with this question, but now I do
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libra-cant-just-dance · 5 months
The wait is over! Come and get it!!!! I'm very excited for this fic and I hope you are too :)
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flowery-laser-blasts · 6 months
Showing BF the KP live action.
Athena: *pulls on the apple*
Bf: Why is there a bellpepper growing from that tree?
Me: What? No, that's just a very fake looking apple.
Bf: No, it's a bellpepper. A door bell... pepper.
Me: ...
Bf: the secret 'door-bell'peper to the secret door entrance.
Me: ...
Bf giving me this look:
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Bf, points at screen: That is NOT how Ron met Rufus!
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zappedbyzabka · 10 months
Notice how he speaks to Johnny with the same tone he spoke to that “red-hot like you, doll face” waitress with? So what's that mean? He sees him as weak ?
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a while ago I was like 'hmm i'm sick of trying to call out the church using words and sentences surely it would be more fun if i made a pop punk album to send the message instead'
then i told a couple people who do music i know basically begging for help, they were all busy but wished me luck (one offered to record the drums for me once i'd written the rest)
then today i dug out some old ideas i wrote down and ??? this could go somewhere? with the music knowledge I have now?? but i kind of need someone to excitedly infodump to to help this happen. i will give you songwriting credits if it goes anywhere if it could be you
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queenofbaws · 2 days
Hi Queenie!! How are you? I hope better!💚
May I ask something with Ashley and his friend Andrew? I'm so curious about this friendship!! =D
"Here," she said, and somehow his brain registered that before it could make sense of what she'd set down in front of him, "I don't know if this makes us even, I mean you did let me copy like, a lot of your notes, but I thought it was, y'know, a start anyway."
'Uh, thanks:' that's what Andrew meant to say, the words he was already shaping with his mouth, the conscious equivalent of an automatic email reply...when he saw the sticker on the side of the cup. What actually came out of his mouth was, "You remembered my order?," bewildered, shocked, stunned, insert additional adjectives here.
"Yeeeah...?" Ashley began, meeting his confusion with her own; her hand had been on the back of the chair beside his as if preparing to pull it out, but now it paused, uncertain, the situation having clearly gotten away from her (from both of them, really).
The silence stretched on for...it was impossible to say how long, really, just that it was too long, and so he scrambled to fill it, managing a tight smile and a tighter laugh as he explained, "Just not used to people paying attention when I talk, I guess...this is, uh, thanks."
Across the classroom, Taylor raised her hand, the suddenness of her voice making them both jump as she called, "Hey John - any chance I could get some extra credit for not barfing all over the floor, watching these two discover what it means to be social?"
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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joyfullyacat · 2 years
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Y'all really enjoyed Unordinarily Foolish!! I did too!! So I re-arranged some projects I had going and now we have an AU for it properly! (With two Y/Ns since I didn't want to scrap sugarsnap at the time but didn't want two megaplex AUs so >>;;) Bunny is the Y/N present in Unordinarily Foolish, Sugarsnap will have their own fic with their interest being ??? undecided. EDIT 2/27/23: i, foolishly myself, couldnt get behind fool's heart so we're going back to unordinarily foolish and the mastertag will be UFAU The fic will likely not be available for a time but there'll aBSOLUTELY be doodles!!!
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lledra-fanstuffs · 2 years
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
Is it even possible to feel this tired and sleepy?
Like- what.
Idk how people who work 8 hours every weekday for months do it.
I'm dying. I'm so tired.
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i-am-become-a-name · 10 months
December 5 (I'm still alive, promise, just swamped!) prompt - Recognition.
It was his skin, he was sure, had regenerated before, many times. But oh, it felt wrong, looking at once familiar things from a new height that now made them strange and unwelcoming. The shape of Adric’s shoulder under his hand, now too wide, and it surely couldn't only be that the boy was growing, they didn't change that quickly, did they? But perhaps they did, because Adric now shrugged away his touches, did not look at him for the same affirmations of pride as the Doctor remembered from his last regeneration. He wasn't sure if that hurt, or whether it was simply the disconnect between now and then, between who he definitely had been, and who he possibly could be now. 
He was thankful it was at least not the outright hostility he faced from Tegan, the unhappiness underlying every tense motion,  an anger that lay too close to the surface in any reasonable discussion he attempted to have with her. He could admit to himself, from a detached stance (ie, not in any proximity to Ms Jovanka) that he tended to feel the same angers, one of the very few noticeable emotions that seemed to stir in him these days. He knew feeling that anger toward her was not fair, that she had experienced more unhappiness in his presence than should have been experienced in such a short lifetime, but could not seem to help himself, and the sniping and abrasiveness let him feel more- well, personality than these scant days of existence had so far allowed him to. The Doctor (and he was the Doctor, wasn't he? the mirror didn’t answer him as certainly as it once did) wasn't sure he liked that aspect of himself. Days rather than hours now, and he still didn’t fit within his own skin, within his own TARDIS. His own name. So many seasons lived out, and he knew not what name to call himself. 
The hardest he had come to find was neither oldest nor youngest, neither the lack of familiarity nor someone he saw uncomfortable flashes of himself (who he once was? who he could become?) in, but the most calm and quiet of them all. They had all suffered losses, and he should ache for all of them, feel blood pumping through what could be his hearts but that still felt too cold for such grief, but Nyssa had seen it done in the name and face of her father. Had seen what he had once been then take the hand of her father’s body and work with him. She had too much dignity to scream at him as Tegan did, he surmised, a scientist’s too strong a grasp on necessity being the mother of invention to condemn who he had once been for such an action. But, though still unadept at reading his own emotions, he could see in her eyes sometimes a distant fear that never translated itself to her voice, the recoil from his hands that had touched what had once been her father's.
Strange, he thought absently. Disappointment, anger, fear he could recognise in other’s faces. But then, perhaps, he had not yet had a chance to see joy, pride and comfort in the faces of those that travelled with him. Seconds, hours, days that ticked away and all he could be sure of, all that retained of his identity from the nebulous line of past and present was that time ticked away in his brain, in his hearts, with the surety it always would. Perhaps time would become kinder to the four of them, this disparate little group all so far away from home. 
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tvrningout-a · 10 months
i know a lot of people said they associated kaiya with wind, but peach convinced me that kaiya is a water gal so :' ) that's that for now!
on a more important note, i think?? i'm pretty much ready to move blogs?? i've finished all the bio's, stats, and verse pages of the muses i 100% wanted to keep and focus on. i do need to do another tag drop or two, but as far as the blog having the important stuff for interactions, i think we're done!
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mostlyihyperfixate · 3 months
Noooo I don't wanna start the final trial portion of this case!
When I'm done, that means the game will be over!
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knightkaito1412 · 5 months
After a lot of grinding and in-between playing during the past few months, I am about to face off the final boss for the first time on P3P.
I got to level 94 with my team consisting of Akihiko, Junpei, and Ken. Though I think I am too overpowered now...
[!Spoilers Below!]
I've been told multiple times that Nyx was an insanely difficult and long boss fight, so I overprepared in my worry and panic. I mean, having 12 phases with different affinities and abilities being switched around, not to mention getting constantly affected with status ailments, sounds insanely stressful! I've never beaten an RPG/JRPG boss like that at all!
But then I absolutely wiped both Takaya and Jin in like two turns! Doing 7000 damage with a physical attack was just insane! I honestly felt bad for them...
But I don't know. We'll find out soon enough...
Anyway, wish me luck! 🫡
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waterme-stories · 5 months
My entertainment tonight is window-shopping PetFinder and scoffing at the cats listed as colorpoints.
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She's sweet, but her ass is NOT a lilac point!
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
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i'm so happy with this guys you have no idea GHFKDHZ
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