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lornainthewoods · 1 year ago
Just an appreciation post for this Crowley look as I rewatch S1……
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 10 months ago
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Can I hear a wahoo?! :D <3
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idliketobeatree · 1 year ago
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i'll give you a boop, anywhere you wanna go.
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daily-crowley · 1 year ago
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Crowley Of The Day: you’re welcome. I already know you’re going to thank me for this photo, so again, you’re welcome.
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ineffablyruined · 1 year ago
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Good Omens + Text Posts
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allysdelta · 1 year ago
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I'm told Crowley can do really weird things with that.
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cunn1ngboy · 2 years ago
ITS AN RPG WITH PUZZLE ELEMENTS!!(excited nerd noises) i suppose there is a possibility for a terribly sad ending, but i wont risk my sanity to play it.. There is a let's play, too!:)
Some gameplay pics from the itch.io page:
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THAMK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MASTERPIECE, @oemuff!!! i feel like this is just what the fandom needs right now
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antlerx-art · 2 years ago
So rescuing Aziraphale makes Crowley so happy, yes?
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Well then not rescuing Aziraphale…
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…must make him so sad.
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wolviestars · 1 year ago
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This photo saved me from heart disease but i lost my mind
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ineffable-suffering · 1 year ago
The Curious Incident of The Flaming Sword in Good Omens
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Just like so many other Good Omens red herrings, hints and *Aziraphale voice* clues, the question of 'What the fuck ist the deal with Aziraphale's flaming sword' has been absolutely tormenting my mind ever since S1 dropped all those years ago.
And while many of my other questions about S2 (like 'What the fuck is the deal with the Eccles cakes' or 'Who the fuck made the Gabriel statue') remain unanswered and could, possibly, just not matter at all and I should just get the fuck over them– the unsolved case of Aziraphale's flaming sword in S1 has always seemed like a weirdly important blind spot to me.
So, in an attempt to finally solve this knot in my brain, I made a timeline for the bloody Flaming Sword because what else would I spend my Friday evening on. Here goes nothing, I thought:
Aziraphale gets issued the sword by Heaven to guard the Garden of Eden in 4004 BC, and gives it away to the humans.
God asks him about it right after they humans have left Eden, Aziraphale lies to her and before even finishing speaking, God just loggs off and doesn't seem to care anymore.
The sword seems to be lost for the next 6000 years to follow and, once again, no one really cares.
The first time we see it again is when the International Express Man delivers it to War in the present day.
The next time we see it after that, is when Pepper effectively kicks war in the shin, makes her drop the sword and proceeds to anihilate her with it.
Brian and Wensleydale do the same to Famine and Pollution.
Aziraphale then wields the sword once more, despite never having to really use it (but hey, it looks capital-B Badass).
Lastly, our Holy Delivery Guy then picks up the sword together with the other (now deceased?) Horsmen's artefacts and they once again vanish.
Needless to say, I found myself nothing the wiser after making this timeline. It seemed completely useless. I still had no idea why the sword even existed and why they kept making such a big fucking fuss about it all throughout Season 1. So, I decided to make another list, this time with all the random ass questions I had about this random ass sword:
Why was it issued to Aziraphale in the first place? Since when does an angel need a random flaming weapon to protect two (2) humans that are already being guarded by a hundred-meter-high wall, when he could very well just miracle away any and every threat to both himself and them?
Was he given the sword to defend himself against demons? If so, why would they give him a burning blade instead of, for example, a Supersoaker full of Holy Water? (Sure, I'm fairly certain Supersoakers hadn't been invented yet, but you catch my drift)
Is the sword actually burning with hellfire? If so, it would a) still be a pretty useless weapon against demons, but also b) possibly explain why Pepper, Brian and Wensleydale were able to kill or at least temporarily get rid of three of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (who, be they whatever they actually are, surely count as some sort of immortal entities just like angels and demons do)
Did the sword actually kill War, Pollution and Famine? After all, the World as we knew it did get reinstated by Adam again once they managed to stop Armageddon. Does that mean that the three Horsemen were revived again too? Unless Season 2 takes place in a war-less, pollution-less and famine-less world, they must have somehow made their return (or never really died in the first place)
Where. The Fuck. Is. The Sword. Now? And why does it bother me so much???????
Alas, just like so many other questions, these too seemed to remain unsolved. And since the fucking sword didn't make a comeback in S2, I guessed that it probably just wasn't more than ... well, a randomly flaming, randomly misplaced, randomly unexplained Flaming Sword.
Nothing more than a plot device.
Hmm, right. A ... plot device.
Hang on. (And that's when it finally hit me.)
It's a fucking plot device.
Most authors and consumers of media are familiar with the use of plot devices in story telling. However, I personally had only every seen characters be used as such, to merely bring an important point across or further underline or advance a story's or main character's development or plot.
It wasn't until I was about to simply give up because I couldn't see my way out of the seemingly unlimited sword-related questions anymore, that I realized: There are no answers to those questions. Just like there are no deeper meanings to any other plot devices. Their sole purpose it so shine some light onto another, more important thing, story or character.
And in this case, that character is Aziraphale. Or more so Aziraphale's choices and his relationship with and belief in God and Heaven. The Flaming Sword (or more so Aziraphale's giving-away of it) is the first way of showing us that Aziraphale:
doesn't always aka pretty much never obey God's will (even all the way back in The Beginning),
will lie to God about disobeying Her
and possibly, just like Crowley joked about, was the one who by trying to do a Good Thing, accidentally gave away something that would later somehow become a literal War weapon, lmao
It also tells us that:
God apparently doesn't always care or cast them out of Heaven when an angel actively disobeys and lies to Her. Or, for all we know, Aziraphale giving the sword away and not admitting to it was somehow part of Her Ineffable Plan anyway.
Heaven is apparently absolutely useless at keeping track of its very few ethereal belongings. That's what you get for outsourcing work, you capitalists.
Right at The End, the sword returns to its owner who had it right in The Beginning too: Aziraphale. And not just that: It actually ends up saving the humans. For the second time. First all the way back in Eden, when it was just Adam and Eve. And now, 6000 years later, at what would have been the end of the World. Very poetic, *wipes away tear*
So yeah, there you go. That's the big revelation I have come to. Would I have preferred to uncover yet another sneaky Gaimanian easter egg just so I could wave it in your face like some sort of a puzzle solved at a scavenger hunt?
But hey, sometimes flaming sword plot devices are just that. And I'll make my peace (or War?) with it.
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lornainthewoods · 1 year ago
Just me sitting here thinking about how the kid that Aziraphale and Crowley helped raise turned into an absolute brat (who would have probably ended the world), while the one they lost who was raised by actual humans away from immortal influence was the one who made the right choice.
“Imagine how bad it might have been if we were at all competent” indeed.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year ago
Another memento in Crowley's flat? 👀😊
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I noticed that the wooden cobra in magic shop seems kind of familiar! :) I mean, it is there in the modern times as well so Crowley couldn't steal/buy it, but he could have miracled the same one as another memento from 1941 (together with getting the eagle statue? :))
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idliketobeatree · 1 year ago
The lighting in the S1 1941 flashback is so painfully dark I was rewatching it on a 150% brightness and perhaps I am five years late, but how come I've never noticed that this
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is how Aziraphale gazes at Crowley before the "little demonic miracle of my own"???
This is him before the love realisation, just after Aziraphale miracled them both safe from the bomb exploding on the church with the Nazis. No heartwarming acts of service yet — best to his knowledge, Crowley was only there for moral support, because he "didn't want him to get embarassed". And his gaze is— I don't know what to say. Like it would kill him to look away. So fond, so immersed, "oh God, there you are", like hundreds of years have passed, not decades since they saw each other last. Books? What books? What air raid, what war?
Arguably the best part of the scene happens literal seconds after. If you pay close attention to the whole shot, you'll spot the brown satchel on the side. Which Aziraphale would notice earlier too, if he could focus on anything other than Crowley.
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daily-crowley · 1 year ago
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Crowley Of The Day: we all know Crowley panicked when Aziraphale said he felt love.
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rada-76 · 2 months ago
Sandwich, Nina, Muriel and Crowley's Memory
Сэндвич, Нина, Мюриэль и память Кроули
По-русски ниже. / In Russian further.
If we look at the connections between the second season and the first, we can find another sequence of facts that will close in a beautiful circle. Last time, the fact that Miranda Richardson plays both Shax and Madame Tracy helped us close the circle. Do you remember the silver and gold mirror?
And I wondered if there was a connection between the roles of other actors who played different characters in the first and second seasons? And yes! The roles of Nina Sosanya (cafe owner Nina and nun Mary Loquacious) came in handy!
I will give the sequence at the end, but I will present it briefly, so that all its beauty can be seen. But first, I will remind you of the details of several scenes that we will need. I have highlighted the words that echo each other.
Scene “Nina and Mrs. Sandwich discuss Muriel’s first appearance.” (S2E3)
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We need this scene mainly because it connects Nina and Muriel. Nina and Muriel are like the top and bottom of a sandwich, and Mrs. Sandwich is the adhesive layer that holds it together. She’s the one who brought Muriel to Nina’s attention. It also helps that Mrs. Sandwich mentions an “interesting kink” in the conversation.
Scene "I'm Not Nice" (S1E2)
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Crowley gave people real guns instead of paintball guns, but prevented people from dying. Aziraphale called him nice, Crowley got angry and pinned him against the wall.
A: "I've always said that deep down, you really are quite a nice…" C: "Shut it! I'm a demon. I'm not nice.”
Like the weapon swap, this was a case of violence that did no harm. We see that Azi is not afraid of Crowley's wrath. Many viewers believe that he even enjoys the accidental intimacy (an interesting kink). 
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They are distracted by Mary Loquacious, a former nun and now a paintball owner. Aziraphale and Crowley learn from her that the monastery, along with the records about the babies, was burned by Hastur.
Scene “Crowley won’t arrest Azi for lying.” (S2E2)
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Aziraphale lied to the other angels about Job’s children. Only Crowley knew about it. Azi expected Crowley to take him to Hell. I’ll change the meaning of their lines a little so that they mean what they imply.
A: “Take me to Hell, I lied, and I’m ready to be arrested.” (I’m a demon now. I’m not nice.) C: “No, you won’t like it in Hell.” (…) C: “I’m a demon. I lied.” (I’m still lonely.)
Scene "Crowley does an apology dance" (S2E1)
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This is an interesting kink. After the dance they say:
C: "Okay?" A: "Very nice.”
Scene "Crowley asks Muriel to arrest him." (S2E5 and S2E6)
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To paraphrase a bit:
C: "Take me to Heaven, I'm ready to be arrested." (interesting kink) (...Crowley explained to Muriel how to arrest him.) C: "It's all right, officer, I'll come quietly." (...Muriel escorted Crowley to Heaven.) M: You're not really under arrest, are you? C: Not really, no.
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I'll change the meaning of their phrases a little so that they mean what they imply.
M: "Did you lie to me?" C: "Yes" And a little further: C: "Mm, nice office." M: "It's a bit lonely.”
Now that the necessary information has been downloaded into your brain, you probably feel like Crowley, who narrowly dodged an oncoming truck when the task about the Antichrist was downloaded into his brain… 
So, a ring of related scenes. I advise you to read first, and then compare the highlighted ones.
This is how Nina (the paintball nun) leads in the "I'm not nice" scene and to the lost records.
1. Sandwich, Muriel, Nina. (S2E3) 2. Nina is Mary Loquacious, she owns a paintball business. 3. Azi and Crowley in the paintball office. (S1E2) (Crowley showed power in season 1) (Crowley: "I'm a demon. I'm not good") 4. Crowley and Azi didn't get the nuns' records about the babies. 5. Records.
(My personal conclusion. The loss of the records is a symbol: at some point in the past, Crowley lost and was unable to regain his memory.)
This is how Muriel leads to "Crowley's arrest" and the recovered records.
1. Sandwich, Muriel, Nina. (S2E3) 2. Muriel won't arrest Crowley. (S2E5 and S2E6) (he does, but pretending, playing) (Muriel: I'm lonely) 3.1. Azi won't make Crowley dance. (S2E1) (he does, but pretending, playing)  (Azi showed power in season 2) 3.2. Crowley won't arrest Azi for lying. (S2E2) (Aziraphale: "I'm a demon. I'm not good") (Crowley: I'm lonely) 4. Crowley and Muriel got the records of Heaven about Gabriel. 5. Records.
(My personal conclusion. The records found are a symbol: in the future, Crowley will be able to keep his memory and even learn something else, new and important, perhaps he will be able to get his memory back.)
“Point 5” connects the lower ends of these two sequences into one.
And the wonderful Mrs. Sandwich is a layer, a link, connecting the upper ends of the two sequences into a ring with the help of “point 1”.
More amazing finds in Good Omens S2 are here.
Если рассматривать связи второго сезона с первым, можно сложить еще одну последовательную цепочку фактов, которая замкнется в красивое кольцо. В прошлый раз нам помогло замкнуть цепочку то, что Миранда Ричардсон играет и Шакс и мадам Трейси. Помните серебряное и золотое зеркало? 
И я подумала, нет ли связи между ролями других актеров, если они играли разных персонажей в первом и втором сезоне? И да! Роли Нины Сосанья (хозяйка кафе Нина и монашка Мэри Таратора) мне пригодились!
Цепочку я изложу в конце, но изложу ее кратко, чтобы было видно всю ее красоту. А для начала я напомню вам подробности нескольких сцен, которые нам для этой цепочки понадобятся. Я выделила слова, которые перекликаются.
Сцена “Нина и миссис Сэндвич обсуждают первое появление Мюриэль”. (S2E3)
Эта сцена нам нужна в основном потому, что она связывает Нину и Мюриэль. Нина и Мюриэль - как низ и верх сэндвича, а миссис Сэндвич - скрепляющая прослойка. Это же она обратила внимание Нины на Мюриэль. Нам также пригодится, что в разговоре миссис Сэндвич упоминает “интересный кинк”.
Сцена “Я не хороший”. (S1E2)
Кроули дал людям настоящее оружие вместо пейнтбольного, но предотвратил смерти людей. Азирафель назвал его хорошим, Кроули рассердился и прижал его к стене.
А: “Я всегда говорил, что в глубине души ты действительно очень хороший…” (I've always said that deep down, you really are quite a nice…) К: "Заткнись! Я демон. Я не хороший (Shut it! I'm a demon. I'm not nice)”. 
Это, как и подмена винтовок, был случай насилия, которое не принесло вреда. Мы видим, что Ази не боится гнева Кроули. Многие верят, что он даже наслаждается случайно полученной близостью (интересный кинк). 
Их отвлекла Мэри Таратора, бывшая монашка, а теперь владелица пейнтбола. Азирафель и Кроули выяснили у нее, что монастырь вместе с записями (records) о младенцах сжег Хастур.
Сцена “Кроули не арестует Ази за ложь”. (S2E2)
Азирафель солгал другим ангелам о детях Иова, о чем знал только Кроули. Ази ожидал, что Кроули отведет его в Ад. Немного изменю смысл их фраз, чтобы они значили то, что подразумевали.
А: "Отведи меня в Ад, я солгал, и я готов к аресту” (Я демон теперь. Я больше не хороший. ~ I'm a demon. I'm not nice) К:  “Нет, тебе в Аду не понравится” (…) К: “Я демон, я солгал” (I'm a demon. I lied.) (мне все-таки одиноко)
Сцена “Кроули исполняет извинительный танец” (S2E1)
Это интересный кинк. После танца звучит:
К: “Сойдет?” (Okay?) А: “Очень хорошо” (Very nice).
Сцена “Кроули просит Мюриэль арестовать его”. (S2E5 и S2E6)
Немного перефразируя:
К: “Отведи меня в Рай, я готов к аресту” (интересный кинк) (...Кроули объяснил Мюриэль, как его арестовать.) К: “Все в порядке, офицер, я пойду тихо” (It's all right, officer, I'll come quietly) (...Мюриэль провела Кроули в Рай.) М: На самом деле ты не под арестом, да? (You're not really under arrest, are you?) К: Нет, на самом деле. (Not really, no.)
Немного изменю смысл их фраз, чтобы они значили то, что подразумевали.
М: “Ты мне солгал?” К: “Да” И чуть дальше: К: “Мм, хороший офис” (Mm, nice office.) М: “Тут немного одиноко” (It's a bit lonely.)
Теперь, когда ��ужная информация в ваш мозг загружена, и вы, наверное, чувствуете себя как Кроули, который едва увернулся от встречного грузовика, когда ему в мозг загрузили задание насчет Антихриста… 
Барабанная дробь!
Итак, кольцо связанных сцен. Чтобы глаза не разбегались, сначала прочитайте, а потом уж сравните выделенное.
Вот как Нина (пейнтбол-монашка) ведет в сцене “я не хороший” и к утраченным записям.
1. Сэндвич, Мюриэль, Нина. (S2E3) 2. Нина - это Мэри Таратора, она владеет заведением для пейнтбола. 3. Ази и Кроули в заведении для пейнтбола. (S1E2) (в первом сезоне Кроули проявил силу) (Кроули: "Я демон. Я не хороший”) 4. Кроули и Ази не получили записи монашек о малышах. 5. Записи (Records).
(Мой личный вывод, что это символ: когда-то в прошлом Кроули утратил и не смог вернуть свою память.)
Вот как Мюриэль ведёт к “аресту Кроули” и к полученным записям.
1. Сэндвич, Мюриэль, Нина. (S2E3) 2. Мюриэль не арестует Кроули. (S2E5 и S2E6) (арестует, но не по-настоящему) (Мюриэль: Мне одиноко) 3.1. Ази не заставляет Кроули танцевать. (S2E1) (заставляет, но не по-настоящему)  (во втором сезоне Ази проявил силу) 3.2 Кроули не арестует Ази за ложь. (S2E2) (Азирафель: "Я демон. Я не хороший”) (Кроули: Мне одиноко) 4. Кроули и Мюриэль получили записи Рая о Гаврииле. 5. Записи (Records).
(Мой личный вывод, что это символ: в будущем Кроули сможет остаться при своей памяти и даже узнать что-то ещё, новое и важное, возможно, ему удастся вернуть свою память.)
“Пункт 5” соединяет нижние концы этих двух цепочек в одну.
А чудесная миссис Сэндвич - это прослойка, звено, соединяющее в кольцо верхние концы двух цепочек с помощью “пункта 1”.
Больше удивительных находок во втором сезоне здесь.
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ineffablyruined · 2 years ago
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