feeshies · 1 month
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The people's pint-sized princess, Kozda Aeducan
I don't think I'm going to have her romance everyone because my heart belongs to the doomed bodyguard romance from the prologue
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datannapanda · 5 days
I am super late to the party but oh well.
I'm playing DA: Origins for the first time as a female Aeducan and I very much like it. The whole Aeducan/Gorim thing is very nice and also a little sad.
But one thing had me thinking like, from a story perspective, what was stopping Gorim from just...waiting outside the deep roads for you to come out with the Grey Wardens? Or maybe finding the Grey Warden camp? If he can somehow find his way to a city he's never been to like halfway across the map, it shouldn't be too hard to find Ostagar. I mean, he made it clear he wanted to go with/be with you. Why is his first thought, "I'm gonna head to a kinda far away human city all alone even though I know I'm not great with 1 on 1 combat and also don't know if either of us will survive to make it there."
If he waited, he'd probably be able to ask the Grey Wardens if you survived and if they didn't see you, if they all can go back to find you.
Anyways I have an alternate universe in my head where he waits and they become Grey Wardens and fight together again.
And in canon she's glad he was able to find happiness and finally be his own man on the surface, even though she's sad about it and misses him. She plays it off with, "It's fine, I don't have time or energy to deal with matters of my heart outside of making sure it's still beating anyways." Then cries while killing stuff.
Both of these she is very frustrated with how bright it is outside and her eyes hurt.
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catebees · 22 days
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The fine dwarven crafts guy????
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illusivesoul · 1 month
Hey everyone. My community about Dragon Age dwarves got approved.
Interact with this post if you would like an invite.
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camelliagwerm · 8 months
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vigilskeep · 8 months
we need to start romanticising the dwarven concept of seconds. NOW.
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attractthecrows · 2 months
thinking about. Gorim. who did everything he could. he did his absolute goddamn best to help you, to save you, to give you every single chance to survive your death sentence. he fought on your behalf. he did everything in his power and still failed. and as one last desparate effort - he told you where to find the Grey Wardens.
and then he had to leave. he couldn't so much as watch you walk into the Deep Roads. he had to make his way to Denerim without the person he'd so loyally served and cherished, on the surface for the first time on his own. and he hears nothing of you. why would he? you're with the Wardens now, ancestors willing.
maybe he clings to that. you, the Commander of house Aeducan, surely would not succumb before you found them. you must be with the Wardens. you're a Grey Warden, you will survive, you will find Denerim and Gorim. You will meet again.
But then Loghain returns, with his troops, without the King, without the Grey Wardens. With them comes news: Ferelden's army was decimated by the darkspawn horde, Ostagar overrun.
The Grey Wardens wiped out.
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eliphasgraham · 1 month
Not even the murder of the entire Cousland family could compare to the suffering of the Aeducan warden. You survive through all of THAT just to see that your situationship got married + impregnated the culprit like 6 months after you got exiled AND you can't get his fucking marketing slogan out of your head.
" Fine Dwarven crafts " yeah same as my heart before you broke it, Gorim.
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biancadavri · 1 year
it's sad how little aeducan/gorim got in terms of screentime but i understand why they had to nerf it somehow. like oooooooooh my god the forbidden love between the king's favorite child and their trusted bodyguard? and it'll always end in heartbreak? i just know they would have taken early 2010 youtube by storm with multiple amvs set to carnival of rust
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ghost-bard · 15 days
Playing through the aeducan origin rn and im immediately enamored with gorim so obviously hes either going to die or betray me
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nohr-selphias · 3 months
Kinda crazy that Bhelen at some point clocked that his sister and Gorim have A Thing, something he could have used at any point to ruin her. But instead he played a longer game, knowing that she trusts Gorim implicitly, and Gorim is so well-read and devoted to serving and bettering House Aeducan they would become their own ruin with only a little nudge. Bhelen knew she’d never say yes to killing Trian if he took her aside alone. Gorim had to be there. And so he was… and the rest is history.
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patissonthepumpkin · 9 months
I've read so many posts praising Gorim as the good romance, and good companion, and good man in general.
Don't get me wrong - he is well written secondary character.
It's just... the aftermath of the Blight what is bugging me about him. And I don't see it talked about enough if at all.
We remember, that there's a new noble house made in the name of our Warden, and Gorim will join it (all unconditionally, I believe). There's also an optional choose for him to be your second again and fight alongside you, if you survived.
Good to have our buddy back. What's wrong? A couple of things:
1) Wasn't it mentioned, that he was badly injured and unable to properly fight because of it, so that's why we can't recruit him? Wouldn't it make him not suitable for the role of the Second?
If we consider it more like a title and less like an actual function, it's solvable. But not satisfactory enough.
2) What troubles me the most, from role-playing reasons, is that - he has a family now. It is not fare to leave them behind just to again join his former commander. Sure, the game can simply choose not to mention it because of the lack of detailing, and it partly apologises it, I get it. Just... One time he's too injuried to join the fight, and the second he can be reinstalled in his knightly position he remembers duty again. And for f! Aeducan it doesn't feels right even more that that. The second he could be restored in titles and in honor he throws out of the window the people who depend on him now.
Maybe I'm a little touchy about it, because my girl went to Denerim pretty early in the game and meeting him just after a few months after the break-up to discover a child on the way felt a bit Jacob-like (if you know you know).
Given more time before meeting is morally fair for him to move on. But still not fair to shift his allignances so suddenly.
Imho, obviously. But I can't seem to shut my brain about this and the Aeducan origin in general so there you have it.
Thoughts? Would appreciate someone's opinion too.
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invinciblerodent · 3 months
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Oh yeah, the Veilguard trailer does look excellent, I sure love that deeply charming, yet unromanceable dwarf man voiced by Brian Bloom!
(something something weird that it happened three times)
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zundely · 4 months
Aeducan fam gather- so taking into account what Gorim says about thr Proving's in f!Aeducan's honor being made with hope some noble will sweep her of her feet... how high were the chances that it was actually Harrowmont and Endrin trying to set her up with one of Harrowmont nephews?
Argument in favor- think how funny it would be if king Endrin was doing all this to make sure his favourite child marries into his best bro's family and it all goes unnoticed while his heir Trian is doing his best to impress one girl and failing miserably.
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illusivesoul · 1 year
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"Rumor has it that Harrowmont hopes you'll be swept off your feet if a well-placed young nobleman wins the Provings in your honor"
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rosella-writes · 1 year
currently consumed whole by gorim x m!aeducan who goes on to take another manservant in zevran, who maybe did see the assassin as only good for one thing, who let zevran fill a gorim-shaped hole (heh but no seriously), who held out hope until he met gorim again in denerim and knew that that was it, it was the end, and then zevran chose aeducan over taliesen anyway i’m just sooOooooo normal about it
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