#gop frauds
sher-ee · 1 month
While Dr. Fauci is subjected to the lunacy of the GOP fuck wits, they conveniently forget who brought Dr. Fauci to The White House and who promoted the vaccine and who shut down the country.
Trumps GOP henchmen only align with him when they can use his rhetoric to enrage the Trump supporters and show their loyalty to him. This part, the very few times Trump told the truth, not so much.
They bank on the stupidity of the Republican voters not to know the difference or do the research.
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izooks · 1 month
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Says it all!
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Here’s another one for the atheist crowd.
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deadpresidents · 7 months
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Just to point out that while George Santos was finally expelled from the U.S. House of Representatives after being charged with 23 felony crimes, committing astounding levels of fraud, and fabricating absolutely stupid amounts of his background, it still required the heavy-lifting of Democratic members to close the deal, and a majority of Republicans voted to allow him to remain.
House Speaker Mike Johnson -- who was unanimously elected as the Republican leader of the House by GOP members in October -- continued to demonstrate his moral leadership by voting to let Santos hold on to his seat in Congress.
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animentality · 1 year
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odinsblog · 2 years
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George Santos lied about his mother’s death
George Santos lied about working on Wall Street
George Santos lied about graduating college
George Santos lied about being mugged
George Santos lied about having employees die at the World Trade Center on 9/11
George Santos lied about losing employees at the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando
George Santos lied about being gay
George Santos somehow went from being too broke to pay rent, to paying his own campaign $700,000
“I never claimed to be Jewish,” Mr. Santos told The Post. “I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background, I said I was ‘Jew-ish.’”
(source) (source) (source)
Are we even sure his real name is George Santos? Is he even a U.S. citizen?
Feels like election fraud being perpetrated
As much as Republicans need to explain this, the DNC and the DCCC also need to be held accountable for not finding out about any of this until after they lost to another Trumpian-level grifter. It’s nothing less than malfeasance and gross incompetence on their part
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doubly-dateable · 2 months
reblog if you think treason is bussin and fire
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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Ron DeSantis right now:
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onenakedfarmer · 3 months
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Live from the courtroom.
Jesus Fucking Christ.
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sher-ee · 1 month
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Read here ⬆️
Sigh. Another day in Republican fuckery.
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nando161mando · 19 days
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RepubliKKKlans lie, cheat, and steal. They have no moral compass, no family values, no dignity or respect. How can anyone continue to support such a group of criminals.
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dougielombax · 1 month
Get FUCKED!!!!!!
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Throw the book at him!
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izooks · 4 months
Wow, does the Republicans look like total losers here with their impeachment of Biden blowing up in their face
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mudwerks · 11 months
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(via Exclusive: Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach | CNN Politics)
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is expected to seek charges against more than a dozen individuals when her team presents its case before a grand jury next week. Several individuals involved in the voting systems breach in Coffee County are among those who may face charges in the sprawling criminal probe.
Investigators in the Georgia criminal probe have long suspected the breach was not an organic effort sprung from sympathetic Trump supporters in rural and heavily Republican Coffee County – a county Trump won by nearly 70% of the vote. They have gathered evidence indicating it was a top-down push by Trump’s team to access sensitive voting software, according to people familiar with the situation.
Trump allies attempted to access voting systems after the 2020 election as part of the broader push to produce evidence that could back up the former president’s baseless claims of widespread fraud.
shit’s getting more and more real EVERY DAY
this is serious Anti-American criminal activity here
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