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writingoddess1125 · 23 hours ago
We Missed You pt. 2
Welp- Didn't expect this to be liked so much, So to keep with theme. Wrote during a lecture. (After late night brainstorming)
Nikto x FemReader + OOC
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<<< Part 1
Warnings: Creepy shit, Stalking, Awkwardness
NOTE: If you've never seen Nikto from COD before he does have acute dissociative disorder, so at times he will refer to himself as 'Us/We' a bit randomly.
Let's see..
'How to share custody with a shady military parent?'
1. Seek legal advice
Yeah that wasn't going to work, Doubt that you even knew Nikto real name. Let alone could think to afford a lawyer nor wanted to legally deal with whatever he was tied into-
2. Prioritize child's care- make sure other parent wants to be involved.
Well- Nikto had seemly wanted to be involved in some way, He hadn't done anything wrong yet...
So far you'd only seen him once more but it had only been two weeks since he seemed to just appear in your home- of course at night which seemed to be his prefered hours of life, Having dropped off a about a 2000 dollars randomly then Once again creepily looked at Ava who has awake that time and the two having this weird game of staring at each other.
Which was something you suppose-
3. Create a Military- Specific Parenting Plan
You sighed, Doubting once again if a guy who literally didn't show his face would really want a legit custody agreement.
'Oh Hey, I'm gonna be gone foorrrr however long in a country I can't talk about- But can I have Ava for the weekend?'
Yeah No-
Welp Thanks Google-
Snapping from your disappointing phone search as you hear the shrill cry of Ava in her crib- Having woken up from her nap for needing to be changed it seemed.
It still baffled your mind that you had started to understand the cries of your daughter- biology is fucking wild..
"I gotcha I gotcha pretty girl"
Rolling up from bed you grab her to bring to the changing table. You are quick to change her and put her in a fresh onsie. Her bottom lip still poked out and eyes watery as she looked up at you still coming down from her crying fit.
"It's okay Ava, All better hm?"
Grateful she was fast to calm down this time around. After a moment you looked to her, seeing how now calm was rocking herself side to side a bit- Something your recently learned was the signs of her eventually able to roll over.
"Welp, looks like its tummy time"
You smile scooping her up you do a quick walk to the livingroom, sliding the little foam mat to you and lay her down on her stomach, Seeing how she babbled and made some random noises- adding some spicy kicks it seemed.
Laying down next to her you can't help but smile at her random noises. Deciding to just have a made up conversation with her random vocals.
"Oh wow, You're a scholar in the making? And dancing?.. Triple threat right here"
Handing over toys that had random fruit and vegetables on it, seemingly the corn one had caught her attention this time as she held and shook it repeatedly.
"Yeah its Corn-"
She grunted some and continued to shake the toy a little as she gave a loud gargled squeal.
"I know right, It's absolutely A-mazing"
You hum out in a stupid voice, Earning another little babbled squeal from her. As you go to reach for another toy for her you see her gaze go up suddently, Looking behind you as she lifts her head more to look at whatever had caught her attention.
Your face scrunched up at this as you turn and see a dark figure standing over you, Drawing a small shriek from you before you quickly realize who it is.
"God Damn it Nikto!"
You rub your face, Coming down from the spike of adrenaline you'd just experienced. Nikto staring you down, you could practically feel him smirking at you.
"Must you always just appear? You can knock on the door or something-"
Grunting as you get up from the floor rather ungracefully, and glare at him. Nikto crossing his arms as he glanced around the room a bit almost inspecting it before looking back down at Ava clearly ignoring your complaint.
Once again starting his odd staring contest with the current baby who was trying to wiggle in what almost looked like poorly executed swimming.
"I gotta know- What's with the staring game?" You couldn't really help but ask.
"She is my daughter. We can look"
He mumbled rolling his eyes. Smartass..
"Yes. But why do you only look at her?"
Nikto is quiet again, moving his head side to side slowly- A habit you were starting to pick up on when he seemed to be conflicted.
"....She is small..."
You hear the tone in his voice change slightly at saying that as it clicks. He was nervous to pick up his child?
"Well, if you want you can hold her"
He grunted, Shaking his head 'no' almost too fast. You couldn't help yourself as you gave a bit of a dramatic shrug.
"Well, Thats unfortunate. Someone who can break into a apartment but cant hold a baby.. What a shame"
Nikto casting you a intense side glare as he knew damn well you were giving him a small jab to his ego. A hella dangerous game but, You needed some sort of win.
You cackle at this- bending down you scoop up Ava to bring to her Father. Who was currently holding out his large gloved hands like how one would go to hold a pet, and seemingly unsure of how to even take her from you.
Your as hesitant as Nikto for a split second as he awkwardly picked her under her armpit from your hands, which makes her head bobble and your fast to support it. Nikto seemingly catching on quickly as he pulls her to his chest so she was rested against him.
Ava was able to be easily secured by just one of his hands which almost took up her whole back and bottom, Leaving the other hand just hovering near her like when someone guarded a flame from going out.
He stood almost perfectly still then.
You see a flash of absolute terror in his eyes as he feels her pressed gently to him. Like processing that the child he'd been staring at was actually real and currently breathing and moving against him.
He looks down slowly at her while she stares up at him, Her legs kicking a bit as she did so and still a bit bobbly. The two having that weird game of staring at each other again.
It was like this for a solid minute or so-
Before Nikto turned away from you rather suddently, His back to you completely as you see his free hand shift up to his mask and he slowly pulls it up. His body language was awkward at best as he seemed to be letting his daughter see his face and waiting for a reaction.
For a second your thought you saw a peak of dark brown hair. However you didn't dare go to actually look, Ava babbled a little as she stared up at him still- Drool coming down her chin as she gave a gummy sorta smile and continued her squeals. Her tiny hands grabbing at his hoodie and looking around overall before back to his face. Nikto shoulders seen to relax then.
You hear him mumble something in his native tongue seeming a small conversation- It was impossible to hear really by how soft he was speaking. However it seemed to keep Ava attention slightly, another to were she gave another odd drool filled squeal.
A soft chuckle leaving him as you only seeing his head dip slightly in what you assume was him kissing the top of her head before retracting and pulling his mask back down, Securing it in place before turning back to you to hand her over very carefully. Clearly only willing to hold her for a short period of time.
"You Okay?" You can't help but ask, Seeing the way his gaze seemed to be locked onto Ava still however much softer, almost spaced out. He nodded sharply.
"..She has a middlename right?"
Blinking at the suddently whiplash question- it feeling like there was only pop-ups of weirdness or terror from Nikto everytime he was here.
"Um, Yes? It's-"
"I want add Igorevna to it-"
"What?" Now just confused. Curious how him holding his daughter for a few minutes now was leading to a very minor name change of all things.
"Adding Igorevna to her name. Is that fine?"
"What like a second middle name?"
He gave a 50/50 sign at that, Which you have to surpress the eye roll on. Figuring you shouldn't bother asking what it ment. He probably wouldn't tell you anyway.
This was not a battle you wanted to get into- Besides adding another middle name wasn't terrible. You didn't really understand why this was something he wanted but seemed easy to give at least-
"Sure. I'll call the Vital records office this week an-"
He held up a hand to stop you quickly.
"Dont. We'll have done by the end of the week-"
Ah Yes, You'd forgot that soft terror that plauged you about this man- Of course he would have some magical way to change your daughter's middle name in a week.
"Also I gave you money to get more things."
Setting Ava back down on the mat now on her back with another toy toy.
"Well I used it to get Ava stuff and put the rest to the side incase of emergencies for her-"
"Yourself too. Its ment for you to take care of Ava and You. You need better care, youre terrible at it"
He said casually, Shaking your head mildly offended by him.
"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself thank you very muc-"
"(Y/N) you are unable at drinking water, you have had 'snacks' for lunches, you have not done your laundry nor showered in 2 days, all vegetables are frozen and 70% of diet is from the microwave or from box- You care for Ava, not yourself"
"Did.. Did you bug my house?"
You manage out, Staring him dead in the eyes at the painfully detailed critiques. He didn't say anything, just stared at you in return with a blank look. A cold shiver doing down your spine at the silent confirmation of his actions.
"Wait how many times have you been in here without me knowing?-"
"We will give more to you. Get better food and all you need-"
He said calmly, Brushing your question off casually as if he hadn't just told you he had been spying on you hard core. Pulling once more a tight wad of cash that was tossed to the near by coffee table. Before Nikto walked off without another word, Leaving you both terrified, shocked and heavily conflicted over what to really do next?..
Oh what the fuck is your life..
You did however comply with his wishes, Honestly too worried at what hed do otherwise- better food was purchased, as well as some clothes that weren't sweatpants, a big waterbottle too and other basic things you had been needing.
It was rather terrifying to know someone was watching your every move though. That and not knowing where he placed the cameras (You had tried to see if you could find at least one but utterly failed) or what he'd already seen..
That was here nor there at this point.
Later that week you went down to the mailbox units to sort through the forgetten avalanche of paper, (youd forgotten in your paranoid frenzy of Nikto watching you) Ava in a stroller currently blowing spit bubbles at you as you sorted through it all- However what stuck out was the rather massive manilla envelope which you had a inkling of what it was.
You open it quickly and sure enough, all new copies of your daughter's information was there. This time with the added Igorevna taxed on.
Looking through the rather impressive display of new documents your face couldn't help but scrunched up a bit- Pulling up a new birth certificate specifically which you see the father was now filled in. Only a Nikto as the front. Which from a Google search you knew ment 'Nobody' and what looked like a redacted last name.
Oh that's so comforting..
"Good Morning (Y/N)!"
You turn to see your landlord walking towards you, Most likely having gotten back from touring an apartment by the slightly winded look she had and one of her braids down from its usually neat neat headwrap.
"Morning Miss Rolle. How are you doing?"
Ms. Rolle was a nice women, a decent property manager and loved to stop you for chats especially when you had Ava. Always cooing at your daughter and offering helpful advice on small children.
Truthfully a godsend the first month of your daughter's life.
"Oh Im good Love just the same old. I just came over about your new unit, it will be ready in a few weeks just to keep you in the loop- Im sure packing is annoying with a baby. Just let me know if you need help, I know one of the maintenance men would be happy to help"
Ms Rolle said as she adjusted the tent of the stroller so it covered your daughter more. However you looked to the women fast and in confusion.
"New Unit?-"
She now looked at you both confused and clearly a bit worried. Probably sleep deprivation getting you.
"Yeah. You had sent an email wanting the 3 bedroom unit- you already gave the deposit and a years worth of rent and paid to break the current on your 1 bedroom too.."
Immediately you rubbed the bridge of your nose as you felt that acute pain of realization hit you in that moment.
However the irritate was short lived by a sudden thought.
Why was there three bedrooms?-
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stardustamaryllis78 · 3 months ago
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luulapants · 2 months ago
25 ways to be a little more punk in 2025
Cut fast fashion - buy used, learn to mend and/or make your own clothes, buy fewer clothes less often so you can save up for ethically made quality
Cancel subscriptions - relearn how to pirate media, spend $10/month buying a digital album from a small artist instead of on Spotify, stream on free services since the paid ones make you watch ads anyway
Green your community - there's lots of ways to do this, like seedbombing or joining a community garden or organizing neighborhood trash pickups
Be kind - stop to give directions, check on stopped cars, smile at kids, let people cut you in line, offer to get stuff off the high shelf, hold the door, ask people if they're okay
Intervene - learn bystander intervention techniques and be prepared to use them, even if it feels awkward
Get closer to your food - grow it yourself, can and preserve it, buy from a farmstand, learn where it's from, go fishing, make it from scratch, learn a new ingredient
Use opensource software - try LibreOffice, try Reaper, learn Linux, use a free Photoshop clone. The next time an app tries to force you to pay, look to see if there's an opensource alternative
Make less trash - start a compost, be mindful of packaging, find another use for that plastic, make it a challenge for yourself!
Get involved in local politics - show up at meetings for city council, the zoning commission, the park district, school boards; fight the NIMBYs that always show up and force them to focus on the things impacting the most vulnerable folks in your community
DIY > fashion - shake off the obsession with pristine presentation that you've been taught! Cut your own hair, use homemade cosmetics, exchange mani/pedis with friends, make your own jewelry, duct tape those broken headphones!
Ditch Google - Chromium browsers (which is almost all of them) are now bloated spyware, and Google search sucks now, so why not finally make the jump to Firefox and another search like DuckDuckGo? Or put the Wikipedia app on your phone and look things up there?
Forage - learn about local edible plants and how to safely and sustainably harvest them or go find fruit trees and such accessible to the public.
Volunteer - every week tutoring at the library or once a month at the humane society or twice a year serving food at the soup kitchen, you can find something that matches your availability
Help your neighbors - which means you have to meet them first and find out how you can help (including your unhoused neighbors), like elderly or disabled folks that might need help with yardwork or who that escape artist dog belongs to or whether the police have been hassling people sleeping rough
Fix stuff - the next time something breaks (a small appliance, an electronic, a piece of furniture, etc.), see if you can figure out what's wrong with it, if there are tutorials on fixing it, or if you can order a replacement part from the manufacturer instead of trashing the whole thing
Mix up your transit - find out what's walkable, try biking instead of driving, try public transit and complain to the city if it sucks, take a train instead of a plane, start a carpool at work
Engage in the arts - go see a local play, check out an art gallery or a small museum, buy art from the farmer's market
Go to the library - to check out a book or a movie or a CD, to use the computers or the printer, to find out if they have other weird rentals like a seed library or luggage, to use meeting space, to file your taxes, to take a class, to ask question
Listen local - see what's happening at local music venues or other events where local musicians will be performing, stop for buskers, find a favorite artist, and support them
Buy local - it's less convenient than online shopping or going to a big box store that sells everything, but try buying what you can from small local shops in your area
Become unmarketable - there are a lot of ways you can disrupt your online marketing surveillance, including buying less, using decoy emails, deleting or removing permissions from apps that spy on you, checking your privacy settings, not clicking advertising links, and...
Use cash - go to the bank and take out cash instead of using your credit card or e-payment for everything! It's better on small businesses and it's untraceable
Give what you can - as capitalism churns on, normal shmucks have less and less, so think about what you can give (time, money, skills, space, stuff) and how it will make the most impact
Talk about wages - with your coworkers, with your friends, while unionizing! Stop thinking about wages as a measure of your worth and talk about whether or not the bosses are paying fairly for the labor they receive
Think about wealthflow - there are a thousand little mechanisms that corporations and billionaires use to capture wealth from the lower class: fees for transactions, interest, vendor platforms, subscriptions, and more. Start thinking about where your money goes, how and where it's getting captured and removed from our class, and where you have the ability to cut off the flow and pass cash directly to your fellow working class people
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fastandcarlos · 5 months ago
Since Day One : ̗̀➛ Lando Norris
summary: since the very beginning you’ve been by lando’s side supporting his career
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liked by ynusername, georgerussell63 and 3,850 others
landonorris: goodbye karting, thank you for everything. looking forward to getting into the world of formula racing next year ❤️
username1: can’t believe you’re moving on from karting, big things are coming!
ynusername: so proud of you, even if I’m gutted not to be riding around in a go kart every week from now on 💔
landonorris: @/ynusername you haven’t seen nothing yet, just wait for those f1 hot laps 😘
username2: only a matter of time until we see you line up on that f1 grid now ☺️
charles_leclerc: end of a karting era, but hopefully many more races for us to come!
landonorris: @/charles_leclerc we’ll both be on that podium one day…I’m sure of it!!
username3: so deserving of the new things coming your way ❤️
georgerussell63: hopefully be lining up on the grid with you very soon 🤞🏻
olivernorris1: congrats bro, looking forward to the free trips to some more hot destinations 😂☀️
landonorris: @/olivernorris1 and here i was thinking you were flying out to support me…
username4: still gonna be your biggest fan!!
maxverstappen1: about time you gave someone else a go at winning a karting race 😂
username5: can’t wait to see where you go from here 🫶🏻
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liked by alex_albon, charles_leclerc and 13,968 others
landonorris: buzzing to get my first formula 2 win, thanks to the whole team for all your support so far this season. hopefully the first of many 💪🏻🏆
ynusername: you’re incredible, my race winner 🥺
landonorris: @/ynusername can’t wait to show this trophy off to you when I get home 💞
username6: first win of many gotta good feeling for this season ❤️
charles_leclerc: turns out you’re just as good at karting as you are formula 2 😂👏🏻
username7: so deserved lando, hope you celebrate hard tonight!
georgerussell63: yes lando!! a jolly good race indeed my friend 🏆
username8: a white race suit and champagne, someone in the team needs speaking to 🤦🏻‍♀️
alex_albon: someone get zak brown on speed dial asap 📞
landonorris: @/alex_albon let’s not get too excited, it’s only one race…so far!
alex_albon: @/landonorris the first of many my friend!
username9: if driver of the day was a thing, you’d get my vote 🤩
username10: that smile is my new favourite thing in the world!!
adam_norris_pure_electric: good job son, so proud of you back over here at home 🤍
username11: can’t wait to see how many more wins you get this year 🥺
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liked by carlossainz55, alex_albon and 58,402 others
landonorris: first couple of weeks with mclaren done, safe to say carlando is off to a good start 😝🧡
username12: carlando are officially my otp btw 🧡🫶🏻
charles_leclerc: it’s a miracle you two get anything done when you’re in the same room!
username13: i can already tell this pairing is gonna be trouble!!
alex_albon: looks like you don’t need me anymore 😭
landonorris: @/alex_albon team rookies forever 💯
username14: whoever decided that these two should be on the same team deserves a pay rise immediately 😂
mclaren: admin thanks you both for constantly giving her such a headache 🧡
username15: have you ever met two more well paired drivers in your life??
ynusername: *currently googling what to do when you feel like the third wheel in your own relationship…*
carlossainz55: @/ynusername he’s mine now 😘
landonorris: @/ynusername ignore him, I promise you’re still my number one 💞
username16: forever refreshing my feed in search of carlando content 🥺
username17: can we get these two to sign lifetime contracts at all!?
zbrownceo: you’ve been awesome so far and ik you’ll continue to be too!
username18: i love how carlos us taken lando completely under his wing in f1 😭
carlossainz55: couldn’t imagine my life without you sweetie ❤️
landonorris: @/carlossainz55 stop otherwise you’ll make yn jealous again!!
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liked by landonorris, carmenmmundt and 28,048 others
ynusername: finally managed to get to my first f1 race, so proud to see you do your thing in person lan 💞
landonorris: so glad you were able to come and cheer me on, you’re definitely a good luck charm now 🫶🏻
username19: you looked stunning in the paddock, lando is one lucky guy!!
alex_albon: you’re not allowed to leave it so long next time, I didn’t realise how much i missed you!!
carmenmmundt: so happy to finally meet you, hopefully see you again soon girlie!
ynusername: @/carmenmmundt who cares what the boys say, we’re double dating asap 🫶🏻
username20: you two are just beyond stunning together 🤩
charles_leclerc: i still remember you being one of a handful of people watching us in karts all those years ago 💭
ynusername: @/charles_leclerc so proud of all you guys 💕
username21: silently praying for a yn appearance at every race from here on in 🙏🏻
carlossainz55: still secretly think you were coming to spy on me 👀
ynusername: @/carlossainz55 gotta find a way to stop you stealing my boyfriend somehow…
username22: from karting to f1, she’s really been by his side through it all!
mclaren: thank you for helping us keep lando under control for the weekend - admin 🧡
username23: hope you had the best time yn 💞
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and 174,494 others
landonorris: first podium baby 🏆🥳
thank you to everyone in austria and back at the mtc for all your hard work. fans, friends, family and yn for always cheering me on and reminding me that i can do this 💕🧡
username24: I don’t think I’ve ever been this proud in my entire life 🥺
alex_albon: the little go karter on an f1 podium 🤧
username25: idk how you did it but that was incredible, fastest lap too!!
carlossainz55: I feel like a proud father rn 🥺
username26: thank you for reminding us that mclaren can achieve podiums again 🧡
maxverstappen1: gutted I couldn’t be up there with you today
landonorris: @/maxverstappen1 next time we’ll be up there together like the old days!
mclaren: everyone at mclaren is so proud of you lando 🧡���️
username27: only got the podium thanks to a time penalty anyway 🙄
username28: @/username27 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
ynusername: have I mentioned yet just how proud I am of you?? 💞
username29: love how he gave a special mention to yn too 🥺
zbrownceo: the perfect stepping stone to get you to p1, I know we can do it 💪🏻
username30: hope you get used to being up on that podium, you’re gonna be there often!
georgerussell63: super drive buddy!!
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe and 38,497 others
ynusername: turns out monaco is the life after all, a whole new world but absolutely loving it 🥺
username31: just goes to show just how much lando means to you remember!
landonorris: thank you for making such a huge sacrifice for me, i promise we’ll have the best time living out here together 😘
ynusername: @/landonorris anything to help make your dreams come true ✨
username32: look at them out here living their best lives
carmenmmundt: our next coffee date is when??? ☕️
ynusername: @/carmenmmundt I’m omw to you rn 🏃🏻‍♀️
alexandrasaintmleux: @/ynusername @/carmenmmundt make that three 🫶🏻
username33: the muscles in that first photo, yn you can’t do that to us without warning…
georgerussell63: thank you for finally giving me some proper competition playing padel 🏸
ynusername: @/georgerussell63 I did try to warn you that lando was rubbish
username34: yn always happy to satisfy the boyfriend lando fans ✨
adam_norris_pure_electric: we are so relieved that you’re out there with him 😂
ynusername: @/adam_norris_pure_electric this apartment would not still be standing without me 😂
username35: I cannot stress how obsessed I am with these two!!
maxverstappen1: I love that you’re now on our doorstep so I can constantly annoy you 😂
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 42,950 others
ynusername: first holiday in a while with you 🛥️🏝️
carlossainz55: missing my two favourite people right now
ynusername: @/carlossainz55 thank you honorary third wheel 😘
username36: no one deserves this rest more than you two 💞
danielricciardo: it’s not a true holiday cause I’m not there 🤷🏻‍♂️
landonorris: @/danielricciardo that’s what makes it such a good holiday
username37: summer break looks good on you two!!
maxverstappen1: so glad you guys are enjoying that place!
ynusername: @/maxverstappen1 thanks for such a great reccomendation! ☺️
username38: remember when everyone was obsessed with these two as karting teens, now look at them… 😭
oscarpiastri: shame he doesn’t look like he’s missing me at all 💔
iamrebeccad: wishing that I could look as good as you rn 🥺
username39: it’s not fair how good two people can look…
landonorris: the best time away with you 💕
username40: forever refreshing my feed for another gorgeous update of these two
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liked by oscarpiastri, carlossainz55 and 2,968,573 others
landonorris: the moment I’ve dreamt of for so many years, officially a race winner! thank you to every single person who has contributed to my career over the years, this one’s for you 🏎️🧡🏆
username41: apologies to my neighbours for screaming so loud the entire street could hear
ynusername: wish I could’ve been there more than anything, can’t wait to celebrate with you when you’re home 💞
landonorris: @/ynusername I still felt you here cheering me on 🫶🏻
oscarpiastri: awesome drive, the only way for us right now is up
landonorris: @/oscarpiastri we’re chasing them down brother 💪🏻
carlossainz55: I always knew this moment would come one day for you 👏🏻
username42: asking for a friend…is it acceptable to cry when it’s not even you on the podium???
danielricciardo: about damn time 😂 super race today brother!!
username43: words can’t begin to explain how proud I am to be your fan lando norris
alex_albon: who’d have thought those two kids almost a decade ago would end up here 🥺
username44: so proud of how far you’ve come since the beginning lando!
zbrownceo: could barely contain myself on the pit lane, congratulations lando 🧡
charles_leclerc: such an honour to be up there with you 🏎️
username45: it’s been a long time coming, hopefully the platform for many more wins now ☺️
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liked by landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux and 60,597 others
ynusername: second time’s the charm! so proud of you lando and so proud to be there this time cheering you on with all your family. you’re so deserving of this moment…I couldn’t be any prouder of you ✨💕
landonorris: I could never have got this far without you, thank you for always loving me angel since day one 🧡
georgerussell63: he’s not stopped telling people all weekend how happy he is to have you here btw 😂
username46: how do you two still manage to melt my heart like this!?
lilyzneimer: so happy for lan 👏🏻 and so happy you got to be there to see him win this time too!!
lilymhe: you looked so cute during those celebrations bby
username47: only yn and cisca would stand out in that crowd to surprise him 😂
oscarpiastri: at least I didn’t have to listen to him mope about how much he wanted you there this time
username48: I love the relationship yn has with all his family 🥺
mclaren: admin would also like to reiterate what oscar had to say too 😂
username49: I can’t begin to imagine how excited lando must’ve been to have his whole family there
danielricciardo: was it ever in doubt??
ynusername: @/danielricciardo that’s cause he learnt from the best 😉
username50: you must be so proud yn seeing his hard work firsthand ☺️
carlossainz55: so good to see you and catch up under such awesome circumstances 🧡
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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harrysfolklore · 9 months ago
charles leclerc answers the internet’s most searched questions
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gif by @countingstars-17 <33
"Hi I'm Charles Leclerc and today I'm going to be answering the web's most searched questions about me."
Charles said to the camera, he was wearing his typical media day outfit, a Ferrari half zip up jacket and his baggy jeans, ones that no matter how hard his girlfriend tried to get rid off it was just impossible because he liked them too much.
"First question, what is Charles Leclerc's number?" he read on the iPad the Sky Sports team had given him to read the question, "I hope we are speaking about the driver number, because my girlfriend won't like that people are searching for my phone number on the internet and I'll be very worried if you can find it," the crew laughed at his comment, "But it's number 16."
"What is Charles Leclerc's favorite song?" he read the next question, "I think overall, it's Where is the Love by the Black Eyed Peas, but recently I've been loving Sabrina Carpenter's songs, and that's thanks to my girlfriend."
"Did Charles Leclerc retire?" he couldn't help but let out a laugh at the question, "Are people really asking this question? The answer is no, I'm not that old and I hope I don't look that old. I've still got many years in me I hope."
"Did Charles Leclerc win in Monaco?" a small smile played on his face, "The answer changed just a few weeks ago but yes I did. It was a really special moment, my mum cried, my brothers cried, my girlfriend cried. It was beautiful."
"Did Charles Leclerc adopt Oscar Piastri?," he couldn't help but laugh again, "That answer also changed a few weeks ago and yes I did. He's one of my sons now."
"Does Charles Leclerc speak Italian? Yes I do."
"Does Charles Leclerc have a sister? No I don't."
"Does Charles Leclerc have a girlfriend?" he could feel his cheeks blushing as he read, "Yes I do. And as you can tell, I talk a lot about her, so much that there are compilation videos of me just talking about her, I've seen them."
"Will Charles Leclerc win a championship?" he made a thinking face, "I'm curious to know what Google says about that one, but I'll say yes. At least if I work day and night for that, so I hope it will happen one day."
"Is Charles Leclerc good at cooking?" Charles chuckled. "Well, I like to think I'm decent. I can make a mean pasta and I really enjoy it, but my girlfriend is the real chef in our relationship. She loves baking, and her cookies are the best."
"Can Charles Leclerc play the piano? Well I'm not a pianist but I have enough skill to really enjoy it. So yeah, I can play the piano.
"Does Charles Leclerc have any pets?" he smiled warmly, "Yes, my girlfriend and I have a dog named Leo. He's a an absolute sweetheart. He even comes to some of the race weekends with us."
"What is Charles Leclerc's favorite date night activity?" he chuckled, raising an eyebrow, "Did my girlfriend search that?" the crew laughed, and Charles continued, "If she did, she knows I love our cozy movie nights at home, eating whatever we want and just chilling on the couch."
"Alright, last one," he said, looking back at the iPad, "What does Charles Leclerc do in his free time?" he read, "When I'm not racing or training, I enjoy spending time with my family, friends and my girlfriend of course. I love going to the beach, traveling or just relaxing at home."
He set the iPad down and looked directly into the camera. "Thank you for all the questions! I hope you learned something new about me. Until next time, ciao!"
did i reference my own fic here? anyway i hope you like thisss
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f14fun · 9 months ago
pixelated love (!simmer x mv1) - chapter 1
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synopsis: in which the famous three time world champion max verstappen wants to learn how to play the sims 4. except, he doesn't really know how to. so what does he do, search up a youtube tutorial. low-and-behold, y/n's video is the first he watches.
smau ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ profile | masterlist ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆ next | series index ˚୨୧⋆。
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liked by user1, user2 and 18,102 others
yourusername: the infamous sims 4 tutorial is official out on yt 🔐😈💟 (pls guys u spammed my dms so hard for this one i was SWEATING editing 🙄🙄)
view comments
user2: me when y/n releases a new video 🫠🫠😵💦💦
yourusername: now... ayo...
yourusername: (in the dms only, we talked about this guys...)
user3: pookie your so hawt hahaha (viscerally sweating)
yourusername: just u, babes xxx
user4: LMFAO in the video where she goes "wow, i didn't know you could make boobs this big in cas (create a sim), huh..."
user5: HOLLERINGGG, she said that?! ☠️☠️
user4: YUPPP. then she preceded to say, "mmm, mommy milkers"
user6: she is not real this is insane 😵😵😭
user4: what makes it even funnier is that there is always some type of smooth jazz playing in the background, so every time she says unhinged shit its accompanied with the most nonchalant whatever music 🫨🫨
user7: literally this is why she is my fav simmer ytber 4 reallz
liked by yourusername
user10: wait pls fill me in max who
user10: is he some gamer?
user8: LMAO not really ☠️
user8: we r talking about max verstappen, he's an f1 racer who occasionally games
user9: tbf he seems to game and sim race more than he actually races 😭😭😭
user10: ahhh ic
user10: wait so then what was he doing watching mother y/n's video 👁️👁️
user8: he was trying to learn how to play the sims 4, so ig he clicked on the first tutorial on yt and it j happened to be her video 😍🫠
user11: omg it's the girl max watched on stream yesterday, she was hella funny im ngl
user12: wait yeah, she's so pretty in this post
user14: FR DOWNBAD.
yourusername: max you say... drop his @ 😁😁
user13: @/maxverstappen1
user15: girl you are NAWT ready for the shit u r ab to go thru w the formula one community
yourusername: wait he's a formula one racer???
user17: HUSBAND? let's gatekeep our wife, shall we
user18: @/maxverstappen1 @/maxverstappen1 @/maxverstappen1
user19: @/maxverstappen1 i found the woman of ur dreams 😈
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author's note: ty guys for reading this fic! 😍🫶🏾 part two will be out sometime within the next week, comment if you want to be added to the taglist! ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆
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wolfiesmoon · 1 year ago
A cat is a cat
Leona x gn!reader
Caaaan you feeeeel the looove toniiight~~♪
ok i'll stop
School is stressin me the f out but but i'll survive for leona🫡🫡🫡🫡
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"Are you okay? Why are you just staring at me?" You ask, confused at Leona's staring. He's been sitting next to you and just... looking at you for a while now. You made eye contact with him and somehow you've just been sitting there for 10 minutes as he slowly blinks at you every now and then.
His face scrunched up at your words and he looked a little hurt for a moment before looking away. "It's nothin'."
"I saw that." You were reffering to the 'kicked puppy face' and you know he knew what you meant. But alas, he just crossed his arms and insisted he doesn't know what you mean.
"Ouuukay then." You looked in front of you, not knowing what else to say or do. But you couldn't get the way he looked at you or the way he got offended over your nonchalance out of your head. What is up with that? Is it a beastman thing? What does staring at someone mean to lions?
This calls for a beastman behaviour research session, you suppose...
Even after various google searches of the phrase "what does it mean when your lion boyfriend stares at you for a long time" and its variations, you couldn't come to a conclusive answer.
The point is, this must be one of those things which you're just supposed to know in a relationship. There's no guidebook for it out there.
Which puts you in a tough spot since you don't know what to apologise for. Leona seems unbothered around you but Ruggie did tell you he's been sulking and asked you if you know the reason a few days ago.
Grim even had to snap you out of your thoughts a few times during class because you were so bothered by it. Yeah, the same guy that's practically asleep as soon as Trein opens his mouth.
Speaking of Trein, you were staring at his cat during magic history class and suddenly remembered something. You watched a 'cat facts' video out of pure boredom a few weeks ago and in that video they mentioned that cats show affection by slowly blinking at eachother. And that it applies to big cats too.
Oh my god, it all makes sense now!
Suddenly you're seeing Leona in a more adorable, pet cat-like way. You can't believe that lion beastmen actually kept that aspect of their cat counterparts, but it's a very cute surprise for sure!
You also realise now why he looked so hurt. During that whole blinking session he was wordlessly telling you how much he loves you only for you to go "Why are you staring at me?". You'd be sad if that happened to you, too.
Suddenly you can't wait for history class to be over. You've got a stubborn lion man to apologise to.
But now you can't help but wonder what other instincts Leona took over from his animal counterpart.
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wolfgirl-sister · 10 months ago
He starts stealing estrogen from his older sister because he's curious.
The first couple don't actually do anything but make his heart race, so he steals a few more. She wouldn't notice if she ran out sooner than expected, right?
Two weeks in, and he's beginning to notice changes. He feels softer, in nearly every respect. His chest is starting to feel sore.
It's not until a month has passed that he begins questioning why he's still doing it. That doesn't mean he stops.
His sister has to know by now, right? And yet he always finds the bottle in the same place, and always full. She's never said anything, never confronted him.
His parents notice that he's finally entered puberty. They don't notice that it's the wrong one.
Two months in, and he sees himself in the mirror. It's become obvious that his chest is growing. He blushes, but puts it out of mind. It's going to become a problem if he's not careful.
He steals a bralette or two out of his sister's room, and, on a whim, a pair of panties. This is the first time he's felt ashamed about any of it.
Six months later he starts needing to "bind". That's what Google called it, at least, when he searched "how to hide boobs". He's started wearing two shirts, but summer is coming and he'll need an excuse. The next time he goes to steal pills, there's a note with them.
"Cleared your search history. The box is for you."
The box is addressed to his sister, not him, but contains a binder and instructions on how to use it.
The next note is shorter.
"Do you want new clothes?"
He does, but he can't say yes. Not yet. He takes the note with him.
"Do you have a name?"
He doesn't think so. He just wants his body to change, not to become a girl. He touches his chest, it's become habit, and pauses. "Give me one," he writes.
The next note has a name, and a heart. He doesn't want to keep the note, but he can't imagine throwing it away either. He takes it with his pills.
He reads stories on the Internet, porn where girls forcefeed their little brothers birth control and put them in dresses, in maid uniforms, in swimsuits. He's still never tried on the panties. He feels like a pervert, putting them on for the first time. He feels like a degenerate. He's never cum so quickly.
"Is there something wrong with being a boy who wears panties?"
He leaves the note by the pills.
The next week there's six pairs of panties, each with different patterns. The box is addressed to the name he was given. His heart flutters.
He doesn't know what he is. He doesn't know what he wants. He needs to touch, to be touched, but there's no one he can turn to.
"Will you hold me?"
It's an embarrassing thing to ask, but in a way he's never felt so close to his sister. They've never voiced anything like it to one another in person.
She knocks on his door late at night. He's only wearing panties, but he doesn't cover his chest. She's surprised when she sees, but she just smiles and hugs him tight. They sleep together, her hand gently cupping one of his boobs. She gives him a kiss on the cheek when they wake up, earlier than their parents, and she calls him the name that she gave him.
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allywthsr · 2 years ago
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summary: you are bored in your hotel room and find Lando Norris on Raya, what will happen if he texts you?
wordcount: 5.7k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: smut, oral (f and m receiving), p in v
notes: seeing that video, did things to me, my first smut so please be gentle!! Comment your thoughts please also please pretend that you don’t need to be a celebrity to see others
You were in Amsterdam for a work trip, discussing business with possible new clients. The client that was scheduled on your last day, canceled the meeting the night before, because of some emergency that came up, so you being bored in your hotel room during the early afternoon, you checked Raya. You downloaded the app with your friends back in London to see who comes up and check out celebrities that had a profile there. You weren’t big on dating apps, you had Tinder but only to make fun of the jerks that were registered.
Nothing serious ever came out of the dates you had, Raya was your new hope. Maybe going on dates with celebrities would be better, maybe they wouldn’t be such idiots, in the end, you could always talk to tabloids and tell them what an asshole he was. They knew that risk and they wouldn’t just send dickpics out of the blue.
Going through the profiles you found some Instagram celebrities, but non caught your eye, you could clearly see the fuckboy in them.
You almost wanted to close the app, but saw a brown-haired boy named Lando Norris. You followed Formula One and watched as many races as you could, always keeping a close eye on the younger drivers, who just looked absolutely delicious. With Lando getting P2 in Silverstone and Hungary, you shifted your attention to him, stalking him on Instagram and finding him legs clenching sexy. You never would’ve thought you would find him on such an app. He could just scroll on his Instagram followers, chose a random person, and hit her up, she would open her legs in seconds, not that you were any different.
You clicked through his pictures, a black and white one of him looking like the dessert he is, one of him partying, and one of him with his friends and pulling a weird face. The three pictures showed his personality perfectly. Sexy, outgoing, and funny. You analyzed the profile further, looking at his profession which said, Formula One driver, age twenty four, wasn’t he twenty three? After a quick Google search, you checked that he was indeed twenty three years old. Lando Norris cheating his age, you saw what he was doing.
Visiting Amsterdam from London, just like you.
You didn’t hesitate for a second but clicked straight on the heart, hoping that maybe he liked you as well and before you could blink, a page popped up, and the words: ’You and Lando like each other!‘ flew across your screen.
You couldn’t believe it, he liked you as well. What? How?
What should you do now? Text him? Ignore it? You couldn’t ignore him. Meeting Lando was a one in a million chance. You wondered what he was like in real life, was he as funny as he appeared in all of the videos? You tapped on his chat and thought about what you wanted to say. Something sweet? Something funny? Something flirty? Or did you text him something about Formula One? You were about to exit the app and text your best friend, but then you saw a bubble appear, indicating that he was typing.
/////////////////// Meanwhile at Lando’s //////////////////////
He sat in his hotel room watching something random on Netflix when his phone made a sound, a sound that he specifically set for Raya. He removed his eyes from his MacBook and took his phone in his hand, he recognized your name from earlier. He looked for some fun on Raya, wanting a quick fuck to forget the busy weeks he had. So when he scrolled through the profiles and found yours, he was kind of drooling. You looked stunning in the pictures you put up, one of you in a park, sitting on a blanket and enjoying the sun, the next one was you, sitting on some random stairs in front of a house you found in Notting Hill and the last one was one of you sitting in front of a cake, made for your birthday. A big pink twenty two was piped on the white frosting while you smiled at the cake. You were surprised by the whole day your friends had prepared for you. Due to you moving to London for your job, you had no one at first, because of your job you got to know a lot of people and some stuck with you, surprising you for your birthday.
You looked super hot in all of your photos, choosing them with a laugh with your friends, saying how many creeps were going to slide in your dms.
So when Lando read: ’You and Y/N like each other!‘, he didn’t waste a second of not answering you. He thought you were perfect, from London and in his age range and not ugly. Lando clicked on the private chat and typed in his usual message, every time he used this, not one girl said no.
Hey there! You look absolutely gorgeous
What are you up to babygirl?
You almost let out a scream. He was a flirt, a big one. What should you do? Text your best friend and ask for help or just handle this like a pro and see what the outcome is. You decided to go for the second, if he wanted to meet up, then it was because of you and your texting and not because of your best friend that basically wrote the text for you. So you replied to him, if he was flirty, you would be too.
Hiya Handsome
Not much, chilling in my hotel room
What about you?
You wanted to keep the conversation going, so you obviously wanted to know what he was up to. If someone would have told you weeks ago, that you would be texting with Lando Norris on your Amsterdam business trip, you would have laughed at the person. You dreaded this trip, of course, it was fun traveling at the cost of the company but it was also lonely. Maybe texting Lando wasn’t that bad after all, he could be your company for the last day.
You didn’t have to wait too long for a reply from him, after seconds he had read the message and the bubble appeared again. He was not only fast at driving then.
The same
I‘m bored as hell
What are you doing tonight?
Oh god. What now? That was practically him asking you if you were free later. Of course, you were but that was not him asking for a date where he would kiss you on the cheek good night. That was him asking for a quickie and you knew it. But would you still meet him? Obviously! It’s not every day you get to meet one of your celebrity crushes.
Not much, had a client meeting but he canceled so now I‘m free
Thought about going out and seeing the city but am not sure, they said that rain is coming later
Why you asking?
You knew why he was asking, but you wanted to seem innocent. In your head you already started planning your outfit, you had a lot of serious outfits for work and barely anything nice to wear for a non formal meeting. But you were so happy you packed some lingerie, you had to because almost all of your normal non sexy underwear was in the laundry, which you forgot to put into the washing machine. Typical you.
It’s my lucky day then
The clouds are already really dark, seems like you can’t go out tonight :(
Wanna come to my hotel and maybe we could order some food? I‘m kinda craving some McDonald’s
You seem lovely
And it happened. What are you gonna do now? In the end, he was still a stranger, someone you did not know. He could be fully different from what you saw and knew of him on the internet. Oh god, what if he had some weird kinks and was going to pee on you or something? You just hoped he was normal in and out of bed. And McDonald's? Isn’t he an athlete that had to follow some strict diet? Did fastfood even fit in there? What were you going to answer to the ’you seem lovely‘? That was probably something he texted every girl, so you chose to ignore it for now.
That’s a bummer
You could be a serial killer and kill me before I get the chance of saying goodbye to my loved ones, but McDonald’s does sound nice
But does it fit into your strict diet, mister McLaren’s number one driver?
Were you actually going to meet him? You needed advice from your best friend. She knew what to do, you were sure, she always did. In the end, she was one of the humans that pressured you into downloading that app in the first place.
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The serial killer existence is not giving me the kick as it used to, so don’t worry, I‘m over it
I also don’t have any more space for the corpse in my basement
McDonald’s it is then
Someone did their googling, I see
It’s the break, I can do what I want
Also, my trainer will not know about this, and what he doesn’t know, he won’t get mad over
Are you still there?
Where did you go
The serial killer text was only meant as a joke, I would never do something like that, it would ruin my career
You chuckled, did he really think you were scared by the obvious sarcastic text? Cute.
If you retired from the serial killer being, then fine
I watch you drive around in circles every weekend, don’t get your hopes up, I didn’t google you
And what if I already texted your trainer and told Jon about this? ;)
Are we impatient? Am I that special that you can’t go a minute without me? Atta boy
You let out a sigh, it’s official now. You were going to meet up with Lando Norris. Then you could see how he really was and compare him to all the fan fictions you‘ve read. You really needed to sort out some outfit.
You comin‘? That’s sweet
So I got myself a fangirl? Just don’t be a Max Verstappen lover, I want you to be on my side
And if you did text him, you will get punished later ;)
You are gorgeous, just wanted to make sure that I was the only one inviting you for dinner tonight
Oh god, hallelujah. Now you kinda wanted to text Jon and see what his punishment looks like. You could feel the heat and the pulsating between your legs already and you haven’t even talked with him face to face yet. You needed to get there soon.
Sure, I always take a free meal, sent me your address? :)
Nah, I actually like George Russell but he didn’t answer me on Instagram… :(
So you‘ll do it
Now I kind of want to text him and see what that means… maybe I’ll send him a picture of you biting into a burger later
And no, no competition for you
Ah btw, what’s the dress code? I didn’t pack much fancy clothing except for my work stuff. Are we thinking sweats? Or else I’m gonna turn up in a work dress
The George Russell comment was made up, you never texted him but wanted to play a little with Lando. You didn’t know how to put the dress question in a flirty comment, you weren’t even sure if he was actually trying to get you into his bed. Maybe he was just looking for someone to accompany him for eating McDonald’s.
It’s the Hilton in Amsterdam, there‘s only one
I‘ll send you someone to pick you up, don’t worry
And that’s sad, I can’t get George to come here so quickly, guess I’ll be your only company tonight
Do it and you won’t be able to walk tomorrow
Please come in your sweats!! That’s the most comfortable for eating McDonald’s and chilling, besides, I won’t look at them when they‘re laying on the floor, so put on whatever you feel comfortable in
Yep, that was not just an ’I‘m bored’ dinner. Alright. You could feel your panties getting slightly damped when you stood up and walked to your suitcase. Fishing out dark grey sweatpants and a white crop top. You needed to shower before you went there, get cleaned up, and shave. What color of lingerie would you put on? You had no idea, maybe you should ask him since he‘s also not subtle about dropping hints about where this night would lead.
That’s nice, thank you!! What time will he be here?
Alright alright, sweats it is then, what color are we thinking for lingerie? I have some red, blue, yellow, burgundy and white
You were bold here, that wasn’t normally your case of flirting but he was just as forward as you were, so why hold back? And you really needed help choosing the color. What if he didn’t like yellow?
He‘ll be at yours at 6:30 pm if traffic is alright
Baby, I won’t make it through dinner if I know what you‘re wearing underneath
You‘re making things very hard for me already and I haven’t even touched you yet
But I love the color blue, babygirl
Put on whatever you feel comfortable in
He was the sweetest even while flirting. And him sending you a driver? Was this the princess treating your father always talked about when you were younger? But you were sure he didn’t have in mind what was coming for you after dinner if you would eat dinner before the sports session Lando had planned.
I‘ll see what I can do then
See you later handsome ;)
You hoped into the shower, washing your skin twice with the summer like smelling shower gel. Peeling your skin to make it super soft as well as shaving every hair you saw. You knew that men shouldn’t care if you had hairs on your body or not, but you felt better if you did. You were also happy, that you washed your hair yesterday evening so you did not have to worry about it now.
It was very difficult, to not touch yourself. The pressure that build up down there was almost unbearable, but you wanted to wait for Lando, it was his job now to make you feel good, you just hoped 6:30 pm would come soon.
When you got out of the shower you dried your body and tapped the screen of your phone, it was 4:48 pm. Enough time to get your makeup done and stress yourself. So before you did anything else, you applied some body cream to make your skin super silky.
Now sitting down in front of the hotel window with your travel mirror in hand, you started on your makeup. You didn’t want to overdo it and ruin this night, but you also wanted to look like something. So you did a light makeup, only applying products that weren’t heavy on your skin and looked almost natural.
The next time you took your phone in your hands to check the time it was 5:29 pm. Only an hour. You could do that. You decided to text your best friend the new details.
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So you did just that, applying Parfum on your ankles, between your thighs, and even spritzed some behind your ear. You just hoped he would like your Parfum. Packing together some things you would possibly need for sleeping over. New underwear, makeup remover, your face cream, and your phone charger, you doubt he had two. You put on your sweats and the crop top over the blue lingerie, was that even the right thing? Meeting up with him just for a quickie? He won’t remember you by next week, did you really want to go through that? You would get attached to him and he is never going to text you.
The next time you tapped on your phone it was 6:24 pm, you spent the last twenty minutes wandering around in the hotel room trying to get rid of the butterflies you felt. It was exciting meeting up with someone when you knew you would have a good night, ending it with pleasure. So you gathered everything and made your way downstairs to the lobby, you waited there for a car to roll up to your hotel.
When a black Mercedes rolled up, you made your way outside and the driver got out of his car.
”Are you Miss Y/N Y/L/N? I am here to pick you up on Mister Norris‘ behalf.“
”That’s me, thank you.“
You got into the car and waited for him to start driving, he wasn’t very talkative which you were thankful for, the nerves were getting the best of you, and you weren’t sure if you would even be able to talk a normal sentence without stuttering.
When you arrived at the hotel, the driver turned to you.
”I wish you both a good evening. His room is number 1283, the left elevator and then you need to press button twelve for the twelfth floor.“
”Thank you so much for picking me up!“
With that, your door got opened and you looked at the person with a disturbed look, seeing that it was only a Portier you relaxed. You weren’t used to this luxury. Thanking the guy that opened your door, you got out and went into the hotel to the left elevator, pressing floor twelve. The doors closed and you looked at yourself in the mirror one last time. This was really happening. Before you knew it, the doors opened and you stood on the twelfth floor, now you only needed to find room number 1283. You followed the signs that were everywhere on the walls and a minute later you stood in front of the door.
With a thumping heart, you knocked at the door waiting for Lando to open it.
He answered with a big smile and tousled hair, he was dressed in some black sweats and a black T-shirt, looking handsome as ever.
”Hey, come in.“
”Hi, thank you.“
You stepped in and Lando opened his arms for a hug. Hugging before fucking, alright. He loosened the hug and his eyes scanned your body.
”You look absolutely gorgeous, Baby. Even better than on your pictures.“
”Thank you, but you aren’t that bad either, you look very handsome, I like your hair like this.“
You nodded.
What now? The sexual tension was already unbearable, you wouldn’t survive dinner. You both were practically eye fucking the other.
”Let’s sit down first?“
With that you went to the cream-colored couch, sitting on it and having the perfect view over Amsterdam.
”But if you are a serial killer, do tell me. At least I want to say goodbye to my family.“
You had no idea what you were saying, you wanted to lighten up the situation but what should you do?
”Nah don’t worry, not anymore. And you‘re here for work? I read you’re from London?“
”Yes, had some meetings with clients. I moved there for my work, I love it there. And what about you? Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be in some exotic place for holiday?“
”Kinda, I visited Tomorrowland yesterday to see my friend Martin Garrix and tomorrow I have tire testing for Pirelli, so no holiday for me just yet.“
”Ah that’s fun, what are you doing for the holiday?“
”I rented a yacht for my friends and family, you should come!“
”Oh, yeah“, you blushed, ”let’s see if I still want to see you after tonight, maybe you have a small dick.“ you smirked. You wanted to get to the point of why you were here. The wet panty proofing it to you, dinner could wait, the wetness between your legs not.
He looked at you with an open mouth.
”Me and a small dick? Baby, you have no idea what’s coming.“
With that, he put his hand on your thigh dangerously close to your core. You let out a shaky breath.
”The thing is, I joked about not making it until dinner, but I really don’t think I can resist you that long, knowing you’re probably wearing sexy lingerie under your sweats and crop top.“
You could see his eyes getting a shade darker than they were when you first saw him.
”Why don’t you find out for yourself?“, you wanted to sound sexy and just prayed to whatever lord, that it did.
And before you could think about it for another second, he took you and placed you in his lap, putting his hands on your waist. His lips looked absolutely delicious, you wanted to taste them, feel them on yours. As if Lando could hear your thoughts, he pressed his lips on yours, moving them, and slipped his tongue into your mouth searching for yours. You let out a quiet moan and nudged his tongue with yours. Your hands found their way into his hair, slightly pulling on the strands, hoping that that was something he was into.
Your lips creating the loudest sounds, every time they smacked together, taking deep breaths in between. Lando left your mouth and his kisses wandered slowly down your neck, leaving a trail of wetness behind (not only on your neck) and he slightly bit the skin of the side. Without you realizing it, you moved your hips against his, dryhumping him. Lando’s hands wandered under your crop top and slowly pulled the material up, to remove it, you held your arms up to make it easier for him. When the dark blue lace appeared, he let out a breath.
”Fuck babe, you’re killing me. Even better than I imagined.“
You could just hum because he immediately attached his lips to your chest, sucking on the skin that was now freed. That felt so fucking good. Your hands went back into his hair, attaching themselves to the brown curls.
”Le-Let me“, you pressed out, wanting to explore his neck as well. That was one thing you always found sexy, his thick neck, you wanted to touch and kiss it and now you finally could.
He let go of your chest and looked at you with big eyes, you pressed a kiss on his lips and did the same then he did minutes prior. Wandering down his neck and slightly sucking, you didn’t want to leave a hickey but some sucking never hurt anyone. Satisfied with what you did, you let go of his skin and licked over the said area, feeling him shivering under you. You could also feel something hard under you, and if you were correct you wouldn’t be disappointed. It felt the right way, thick and long enough but not too long.
With a quick heartbeat, you left his lap and slowly made your way in front of him, you wanted to see for yourself if you were correct. So you sank to your knees and looked up at him through your lashes, he groaned and his head fell backwards.
”Fuck babygirl, you make it so hard for me, I could just burst right now.“
”I make things hard for you? Oh Lando, trust me, I know.“
With that, your hand slipped across his bulge, giving it a gentle squeeze. His eyes focused on you again, he could almost see how hungry you looked at his dick as if it would be your last meal.
”I want this off.“
You tucked at his sweats, impatient to finally get to his member you haven’t met yet.
”Impatient are we?“, Lando acted all cocky now, but you both knew, that when you touched his dick with your delicate hands, he would turn into a puddle. With that, he lifted his hips and you were able to pull the sweats down, seeing him wearing no underwear.
”No underwear?“, you asked with crooked eyebrows.
”Figured I didn’t need them since you were going to remove them anyway.“
When his sweats was finally pulled lower to where his dick was, his member sprung towards you, he wasn’t fully hard yet but you could work with that. You gave his sweats the last pull and they were pooling at his feet, you immediately got to work. Not wasting a second of not touching him, you grabbed his member, which laid heavy in your head, and let a thread of saliva fall onto his head, moving your hand up and down, spread the fluid evenly, feeling him hardening with every stroke you gave him.
”You‘re killing me. That feels so fucking nice.“
The praise made you smile. At least he felt satisfied, that was already good.
”Put it in your mouth babygirl.“
So you did just that, you opened your mouth and gave it a long lick, from the bottom, to the tip. Your lips closed around his head, circling it with your tongue. Looking up, he had an open mouth and his eyes looked satisfied, you wanted to do more, slowly taking his member down your throat. Lando let out a moan and reached into your hair with his hand, making a messy ponytail to hold on to.
When you reached your limit, you grabbed the rest of his dick with your hands, following the movements you did with your mouth.
”Fuck baby, that’s enough, or else I‘m going to cum down your throat, I want to taste you first.“
With an unsatisfied hum, you let go of his dick and pouted.
”Let me take you to the bed.“
You nodded and he pulled you back onto his lap, standing up as if you weight nothing and walking with you into the bedroom. The bedroom was nicely decorated and from the window, you could see a beautiful sunset, but that wasn’t something you wanted to pay attention to. He sat you down on the soft bed and you shifted to the end of his bed, laying your head on his pillow. You inhaled the scent that came across your nostrils, fully smelling Lando. If you wouldn’t be up to different things right now, you would turn around and never stop sniffing his pillow. Was that creepy? Probably.
”You need to tell me, when I need to stop, yeah?“
You nodded, not being able to say anything, excited for what was about to happen. He laid on his chest between your legs, tugging your own sweats down. With a groan he let his head fall onto your thigh, seeing your lace panty made him weak in the knee, thank god he was laying down.
”Did you put Parfum on your legs? God baby, you‘re so fucking sexy.“
”You like it?“
”Are you kidding? Fuck yes.“
He placed kisses on your thighs, and with each kiss, he got closer to where you needed him the most.
”I can smell you from here baby.“
You propped up your legs and he removed your panty with a swift move. Seeing your glistening core, he almost drooled.
”You‘re so fucking wet and I didn’t even touch you properly yet.“
”Ever since you texted me, I was almost not able to resist touching myself.“
”Fuck Baby.“
Before you could respond he licked with his flat tongue over your pussy, collecting most of the wetness that left your core already.
”You taste so sweet, Angel.“
With a groan you placed your hands in his hair, pulling on the strands again.
He flicked your bud of nerves several times then went back to toy with your entrance. A moan escaped your mouth when he inserted his tongue inside of you and with his nose he nudged your clit.
”Go on, cum for me Y/N.“
Without a warning he inserted his pointer and middle finger into you and focused on your clit with his tongue, moving everything in a rhythm together.
”Fuck Lando, I‘m gonn-“, and before you could finish that sentence, your back arched and the pleasure washed over you, leaving a pulsating feeling in your core. With one last lick, Lando got up and positioned himself over you, his face glistening with your juices.
When he pressed a kiss on your lips you could taste yourself and let out a groan.
”Your skin is so fucking soft Y/N“, Lando said while he caressed your sides.
”Are you ready to take me?“
You just nodded, not being able to say a word. He already made you feel so good and he wasn’t even in you yet, you needed him, you needed him bad.
”I need you, Lan.“
”Good girl. Do you have a condom?“
”No but I‘m on birth control, you don’t have to use one, as long as you’re clean.“
”I sure am.“
His dick twitched at the thought of feeling you without a rubber, the skin on skin contact making him feral.
Taking his cock in his hand, and moved his tip through your folds, wetting his member. He looked you in the eye, silently asking you if you were ready. You nodded your head and pulled his head to yours to press a kiss on his lips, which he returned, sucking your lower lip into his mouth before pulling back and focusing on the cock in his hand. Slowly pushing his tip to your entrance, you closed your legs around his back and nudged him to push more into you. He slowly slid fully in you, as you gasped at the new sensation and felt full. He filled you up perfectly, it was like you were made for each other, stretching you in all the right places. He stood still and waited for your nod of approval to move. You clenched around his cock.
”Fuck Y/N, do that one more time and I won’t be able to hold back.“
You giggled and nodded your head, indicating him that he could move. He pulled his dick out and forcefully pushed him back in. You both moaned at the sensation.
”I hope you know how good you feel, it’s amazing.“
Your eyes rolled in the back of your head at this compliment. You loved this dirty talk he did, complimenting you. He took his hand and started to play with your clit while still pounding in you. You could feel yourself getting dizzy, the new stimulation giving you the perfect pleasure.
”Fuck Lando, you’re making me feel so full.“
He grunted at that statement. Speeding up with his movements, as well as rubbing and flicking your clit. Your moans getting higher with every thrust.
You could feel your release getting closer.
”Lando, I‘m gonna cu-”
”Baby cum for me.“
With that you felt your inside snap and the orgasm taking over your body, your eyes rolling in the back of your head and your legs started shaking. While you were on your high, Lando went and left kisses on your neck, slightly sucking, leaving faint purple bruises behind.
When you came back down you focused on Lando, clenching around him, trying to get him to cum as well. Sinking your nails into his shoulders and leaving little crescent moons on his skin, they would probably still be seen tomorrow. He groaned and his head fell down on your shoulder, panting. You could feel him painting your insides white, you moaned at the feeling.
”Fuck darling, you feel so good.“
He did some last thrusts to ride out his orgasm and then almost let all of his weight fall down on you. Your hands immediately went into his hair, stroking it while he still had his now softened dick inside of you. He lifted his head and pressed his lips on yours, moving them and creating smacking sounds.
Slowly pulling out, you could feel his and your mixed cum dribbling out of you, enjoying this sensation, Lando sat up and swiped his thumb over your labia, liking how it looked. He wiped his cum covered thumb on the white bed sheet.
”I‘d love to stay here with you, but I need to pee. It’s not very romantic but I don’t even wanna know what happens if I don’t.“
You sat up and Lando replied with a: ”Yes, please go, it’s important. I don’t want you getting a bladder infection after having mind blowing sex.“
You scoffed and got up, ”Mind blowing?“
”What is that supposed to mean?“
You turned around looking into his face, you both were smiling brightly, still having that post sex glow, but also because you joked about the sex you just had. It was fantastic. You started walking towards the en-suite bathroom.
”You were good Lando, but mind blowing? I don’t know.“
”My cum dribbling down your thigh is saying something else.“
You blushed and looked down at your thigh, seeing the white drips rolling from your core. You didn’t know what to say to that and went to the toilet to do your thing. Returning just shortly after, you sat in the bed next to him.
”You want to order some McDonald’s and stay over?“
Part two
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rigelmejo · 22 days ago
Let's suppose you want to learn Chinese mainly to read webnovels (or other reading material).
Now, personally, I recommend some study of pronunciation like pinyin, and watching some videos or reading some articles on tones and tone sandhi, grammar, hanzi and hanzi structure. Because at some point you'll probably want to listen too, speak too. So you know - use other resources to study the other skills! If you plan to do anything besides read eventually. Also, I think some pronunciation study actually helped me with remembering hanzi (the sound components in them) and reading skill.
But lets suppose you're studying mainly so you can read webnovels. Which is what I did in my first year. And you can set a goal to start reading webnovels within a year. For some people it takes as little as 3 months to start reading webnovels, for others like me it took around 6 months to start reading webnovels and 12 months to feel comfortable.
Download Pleco app and Readibu app. These apps will be your best friends. Pleco app is a dictionary tool so you can look up unknown chinese words, and it's Clipboard Reader area is where you can paste any chinese text into and then click-translate any words. I recommend the first time you look up any word, you press the dictate/speaker tool so you can hear how it's pronounced. You can save words in Pleco and study them using Pleco's built in SRS flashcards if you wish. Mainly though, the important part is using Pleco to look up words, read example sentences, and to use the Clipboard Reader area to read any Chinese text you find online. Pleco has an area to purchase graded readers, these will probably be some of the first things you read (if you choose to use paid resources). Readibu app is a click-translation Reader app for Chinese, you can browse the app for webnovels, or you can go to the Search area and paste in a url of a chinese webnovel, then Readibu will say it's not in the database so click 'search with Google' then you'll see the url as a result and click it, then bookmark the webnovel page in Readibu. From there you can click the open book icon on any webnovel, and it will make it just click-translate text and provide you the Readibu app features. Once you're reading a lot of webnovels, you may wish to use Readibu to read, for some people it will be more convenient than Pleco for going chapter by chapter.
Make a plan to start studying hanzi. I recommend you focus on the most common 1000-2000 chinese words, or the HSK 4 vocabulary, or both. The goal here is to get your vocabulary and hanzi recognition around HSK 4 level. I used this book (Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters: (HSK Levels 1 -3) A Revolutionary New Way to Learn and Remember the 800 Most Basic Chinese Characters) because it just clicked with me, I just read through it over a few months. You can use SRS flashcards (like Anki or Pleco) collections that people have made (I recommend this Mnemonics Simplified Hanzi Deck, or Mnemonics Traditional Hanzi Deck). For common words, I recommend Spoonfed Chinese anki deck (note it has some mistakes but I like that it has audio and sentence examples), but there's a ton of anki decks and common word frequency lists (you can genuinely just study a list) just pick a resource you like with either 2000 common words or HSK 4 vocabulary. Literally just pick any study materials where you can learn roughly 1000 common hanzi and 1000 common words or more. Whatever materials work for you. Study however you want - some people find anki flashcards useful (I just cram studied 1000 words for a few weeks each then never looked at anki again), some find books useful, some find textbooks useful, some use vocabulary lists, some use videos, just pick something. Your goal is going to be to study these words/hanzi in 3-6 months. 8-10 months if you want to wait to read longer, or need more time to study. I studied 800 hanzi in the book I linked for the first 3 months, then 1000 words the next month, then 1000 words the next month, then about 500 more hanzi the next month. It is okay to cram study! It is okay to not memorize these hanzi and words! Just get a basic familiarity! You are going to fully learn these common hanzi and words when you READ later.
As you are studying common hanzi and words, start reading a grammar guide if you would like some knowledge of grammar. Or watch some grammar videos on youtube, whatever clicks best with you. Basic Patterns of Chinese Grammar is a good grammar guide summary book, AllSetLearning Chinese Grammar Wiki is an excellent website you can read. I read another grammar guide summary, the website no longer exists. Again, do not try to memorize and drill this stuff, just go through it and get a basic familiarity. You can move on if a particular grammar point makes no sense right now. Learn about grammar the same time you're studying hanzi and common words, so the first 3-6 months.
Okay it's been 3 months! You know some hanzi (maybe 50-500), you know some words (maybe 50-1000 depending on how intensely you've been studying)! Start reading! You're going to start with Graded Readers, which are reading material made for learners. Heavenly Path's Comprehensive Reading Guide suggests some free graded reader resources in the Below 1000 characters section. I used Mandarin Companion Graded Readers and other graded readers I could purchase in Pleco. Mandarin Companion has some graded readers with 50 unique characters. I started with some Pleco graded readers that had 300 unique characters, then moved up to graded readers with 500-800 unique characters. Read graded readers! Reread them! Look up any words you don't know (using Pleco or something else). Listen to the pronunciation of any new words. If reading in Pleco, you can use the Dictation tool to hear the sentences read aloud. When using graded readers in general, use any audiobooks that accompany them. Mostly though just read, read, read, and look up anything you want. Look up grammar points in something like AllSetLearning Chinese Grammar Wiki if you are now starting to see some grammar that confuses you while reading. The reading practice is what is going to teach you the words you've been studying in other materials.
Now it's been 6 months. You've been working your way through graded readers of increasing unique character count (and are now reading graded readers of at least 800 unique characters or more). You've been working your way through studying common hanzi and words, and now have studied at least 1000 words or more. (If you cram like I did, you probably have studied over 2000 words but only the 800-1000 words in your graded reading material have been 'fully learned' and the other words you studied are only vaguely familiar, this is perfectly fine). Go to Heavenly Path and start reading the stuff they recommend for people who know 1000-2000 characters. I think @秃秃大王 by 张天翼 is perfect for people who know around 1000 characters to start with. You can keep reading some graded readers like those that go up to 1500-2000 unique characters if you'd like, but start trying to read novels for native speakers too. Again, I recommend anything in the easiest 'recommendations' from Heavenly Path's recommendation list of webnovels, a lot of novels for children will be perfect at this point. You'll gradually work on increasing the unique characters of your reading materials. Read in Pleco or Readibu so you can use the click-translate tool. To find webnovels online, paste or type the chinese name of the novel (and author if you know it), and then 'zaixian yuedu' like this '秃秃大王 张天翼 在线阅读'. It is very easy to find novels online in chinese.
From here you just continue reading more difficult novels! Go at the pace you choose! Once you're reading stuff with 2000 unique characters, then if you wish you can stop studying hanzi and common words outside of just looking them up in reading. You can of course continue to study hanzi and words outside of reading. But if you'd rather just learn words by looking them up as you read, you can start doing that as soon as you switch to novels for native speakers (1000-2000 characters). Congrats, you are reading webnovels!
Some people start reading webnovels within a few months, and you can start with a higher unique character count if you wish. Such as starting with MoDaoZuShi or Zhenhun or SaYe as soon as you go from graded readers to regular novels. The difficulty curve will be a lot steeper, and you'll be looking up a LOT of words for a while. But other people have done it. I started reading webnovels around 6 months, after doing graded readers for a while, and it took picking several easier and harder reading materials until I found a comfortable reading level to continue from.
So it boils down to: start studying very common words and hanzi (a list, a book, anki, whatever works for you, and you don't have to memorize just get some Exposure some Basic Familiarity), read about grammar if you wish (again just get some Basic Familiarity so later if you need to look up a grammar point in depth as you read, you know what to look up), and START READING ASAP. Use Pleco and Readibu to read with click-translations of words. Start with graded reader materials, then as soon as you can tolerate move on to novels for native speakers. Heavenly Path's website is a great resource for finding reading material at your level if you have no idea what to pick and don't want to trial and error different webnovels until something is doable. For anyone who finds sounds help with memory (like me) or who plan to eventually learn to listen to chinese, listen to the pronunciation of any new words when you look them up. If you watch cdramas, cdramas often have chinese subtitles on them, those can be good practice for reading as well.
You can start reading within a year. You can read graded readers within a few months, as soon as you feel it's tolerable. And then you can just learn new words BY reading, review words you've looked up before BY reading, review grammar BY reading, and work your way up to reading whatever webnovels you want. I find learning words BY reading much easier for myself, doing what I want to do in the language as I'm learning to read, much easier to stick to and enjoy than anki flashcards or word lists or textbooks. So from me, the suggestion to push yourself to read graded readers ASAP is so you can get to the part of learning BY reading quicker.
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jujutsubaby · 1 year ago
🫧 skin care daddy 🫧
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☆ pairing: satoru gojo x afab!reader ☆ summary: your skin's been breaking out recently and you're stressed at work and you have your sister's wedding to attend in a week. according to the internet, this is the best spa in town, and you're lowkey desperate at this point...it can't be that bad right? ☆ tags: modern au ☆ warnings: penetrative sex, unprotected sex, oral sex (f!recieving), facial, dirty talk, fingering, flicking the bean?? idk ☆ a/n: guys i swear i am cooking in the kitchen with the asks from my follower event AND other shit OK!! sorry for the wait on everything but here is a little crumb bc i love u all!! i was feeling unhinged bc i saw two things: 1) a spa called skin care daddy and 2) a post or one shot where the reader got a facial from gojo and it cleared her skin. idk i just felt inspired to make this bc it felt the universe was asking me to. not proofread some plot with corn u know the vibes babes xx ☆ word count: 7k+
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"sorry, we're all booked for this weekend and the next. we usually recommend that our customers book 3 weeks in advance for our services at the ritz carlton luxury spa." the lady on the other end of the line was objectively speaking very politely, but you were far too frustrated with your situation to notice.
"great, yeah, no, thanks." you say quickly, hanging up the phone and groaning into your pillow.
"no luck at the ritz?" you turn to face your best friend, nobara.
"they're all booked, what a surprise!" you say sarcastically, your voice still slightly muffled by the pillow.
"i mean, c'mon, y/n. your face is not that bad..." nobara tries and deeply fails to comfort you, making you chuckle half heartedly.
you get up from your bed and walk over to the full body mirror of your closet in order to get up close and personal with your face. your fingers stretch on the skin around your breakouts as you study them with determination, as if just willing them to be gone will do the trick. it doesn't.
"it's bad enough that all the aunties will say something snarky to me all day."
you're usually one to always follow through on your skincare routine, am and pm, and watch what you eat carefully so that you don't get breakouts. but you recently went through a rough patch (read: a hellish period) and your face took the brunt of the damage. it wasn't your fault you were having massive cramps and craved hot cheetos the entire week (it was so worth it) but now, a week before your sister's wedding, you're facing the consequences.
you sigh. the ritz was the fifth place you guys called that didn't have any space for an all day facial, but you couldn't run out of hope. back to the drawing board.
you open up your laptop and get back to searching on google maps, as nobara does the same thing. you're grateful she's helping you out during your, albeit, dumb crisis, but what are girl friendships for? a spa you've never heard of before suddenly catches your eye and you zoom in. skin care daddy? you read the finer print underneath it. best day spa in tokyo.
you snort. best day spa in tokyo my ass. if it really was the best day spa in tokyo, why have you never heard of it?
nobara laughs, almost on cue. "wait, dude, are you seeing this spa?" she turns her phone around and you see she's also looking at skin care daddy. "this has to be a joke, right? no way would they be allowed to open up a spa named that, right?"
"ohmygod, i was just looking at that!" you say excitedly. "it literally sounds like a sex bot made it for unsuspecting horny losers to click on and get like, a crazy virus." you both laugh at how ridiculous this place sounds.
nobara's laugh almost abruptly stops as she scrolls down the place. "wait, stop. this place has like...over ten thousand reviews and a 4.9 star rating..."
you immediately click on the place and take a closer look at the reviews and ratings and see she's right. "i don't think i've ever seen a place have this many reviews with consistent ratings?" your brows scrunch as you read aloud some of the top reviews.
"this spa has given me the some of the best facials of my life. i always come to this spa whenever i'm in the area, and the people working there are obsessed with taking care of their customers. 10/10" you're baffled by the review sounding so...weird but you think nothing of it. you make a mental note that you are kinda desperately looking for a miracle facial to help with your breakouts, so maybe you shouldn't count this place out just yet.
nobara half heartedly scoffs as she reads the next one. "i've had chronic acne and back pain for years until i saw someone from here who made me feel soo good. you'll be coming here all the time once you go. maybe even multiple times a day."
"how good can this place be if you have to go multiple times to make sure your spa treatment worked?" you say, rolling your eyes at these reviews. "these can't be real right?"
"they sound incentivized or like someone paid them to write it or somethin'" nobara surmises.
"maybe it's a cult or something," you say, causing both of you to double over in laughter.
"a cult disguised as a spa is a bit too insane, even for tokyo." nobara says as she scrolls through and skims more reviews. "aren't you looking for a facial anyway? everyone's saying they're really good here...you know...despite the..." she gestures with her hands the reviews on her phone.
"ugh, am i for real that desperate for clear skin that i'm willing to go to a shady ass day spa?" you roll on to your back on your bed and stare at the ceiling, contemplating.
"can't be that shady if it's ten thousand reviews. say what you want but that's a lot of reviews to pay money for."
nobara has a point. you grab your laptop and try to look for a link to their website and see they don't have a website. interesting. not a red flag but just interesting. maybe i have to call for bookings? you search for a phone number, but fail to find one.
"wait, are you able to find any contact for this spa?" you ask noabra and you see her squinting her eyes at the phone.
"no i wasn't but i saw a review that basically said this spa is a walk-in type of deal?"
"it's a walk-in but has thousands of reviews? how does that even work? people are probably waiting years in line to get in?"
"dunno," nobara shrugs, and puts her phone back in her pocket. "maybe it's like a 'if-you-know-you-know' type of thing so it's like popular through word of mouth of somethin'"
damn. even more shady, then. you chew on your lip and stare at the ceiling again, trying to imagine all the things your aunties will say to you at the wedding.
"27 and still unmarried? shame."
"oh, you really need to watch your diet, the breakouts will never go away otherwise."
"clear skin is the first step to find a man who will desire you, y/n."
you feel like your skin is burning thinking about the so-called "advice" you're likely to receive at the wedding. normally you wouldn't care, but your hormones have been kind of out of wack with the new birth control you started recently, and you're not sure if you can really take any form of bullshit other than your sister's this weekend.
your thoughts are interrupted by nobara getting up from your chair. "alright, i'm off to work. need a ride to skin care daddy?"
"yeah, actually," you say as you slowly get out of your bed and change our of your pajamas.
"wait, what?!" nobara says with wide eyes. "i was actually joking when i said that. are you seriously gonna go? y/n, i dunno about this one..."
"c'mon! it's like you said, it's weird but it's not necessarily shady..." you say, mostly trying to convince yourself as you put on a pair of your favorite lazy girl black flared yoga pants.
nobara seems to consider it for a moment before responding. "kay, fine. but if i take you there and it's some abandoned warehouse-"
"then we'll drive away. no way in hell i'm about to die for this place." you assure nobara, putting her at ease.
you quickly don a thrifted gray hoodie and put your hair up in a messy bun. you don't care to put on any makeup, since you're probably gonna have to take it off anyway. if the day spa isn't shady and in an abandoned warehouse.
you quickly grab your keys and wallet before gesturing to nobara to leave. she sighs, looking at her phone one more time.
"fuck it, let's go before i change my mind."
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"okay it says it's just right around the corn-"
"OH MY GOD?!" you're unable to hold back your disbelief as nobara took the corner to, what you think, might the chicest and prettiest boutique you've ever laid eyes on. the front was adorned with a gorgeous light blue awning with european style bell-shaped pendant lights making it almost glow during the day time.
"what the hell...ain't no way..." noabra is at a loss for words for how fancy it looks. "they have the money to rent out a place like this but no website?"
"or have a phone number." you mumble as you open nobara's car door. you turn around and give her a quick wave. she tells you to give her a call and tell her how it is after and you promise to do so. as nobara drives off, all the skepticism evaporates from your body looking at the dainty and cute decor all over the place.
you walk in to a fairly large lobby, with a desk in the middle and waiting chairs surrounding it. the calming scent of lavender, green tea, and patchouli hits your nose, and your guard immediately drops; the aroma relaxes you almost instantly.
you look around and are surprised to see only two other women in the waiting chairs on their phone. one of them seemed older, kind of like a mother, and the other seemed to be your age, but far more demure.
"hey, there! welcome to skin care daddy! we're determined to take care of you all your needs, no matter what! how can i help you today?" your head whips around to the guy sitting at the reception desk, and you feel a bit embarrassed; he must've noticed how lost you looked here, and you force yourself to straighten up and regain your composure as you slowly walk to the front desk. you take a closer at the guy with shaggy black hair sitting in the chair in front of you.
"hi..." you squint to see the faint print on his name badge. "yuta".
"yup! that's me!" he chirps. you know he probably has to exaggerate his good mood for the sake of the job but it kind of irks you. "what can i do for you today, miss?"
"yeah, uhh...what services do you guys offer? i tried looking online but you guys didn't have a website and..." your wandering eyes can't help but look around skeptically around the front desk and the doors on either side of the lobby.
"well, we offer whatever you need, miss. just tell us what you're looking for and we'll have it. i guarantee it."
"okay, well. my sister's getting married next weekend and..." you gesture to your face. "my life has been all sorts of stressful and hormonal so honestly, i'm just looking for something that can help me feel refreshed-"
you're interrupted by someone entering in from the right side of the lobby door. it's a woman who, you must say, looks glowing. her skin is bright and she quite looks like she's almost levitating. guiding her out of the spa is a young man, around your age, with blond hair and round glasses. he's unbelievably built, with strong hands rubbing her back softly and a chiseled jaw. he's wearing what you think is the uniform of this place: white dress shirt with the top two buttons undone and black slacks.
your breath gets caught in your throat momentarily. no fucking way. this guy works here? he's so fucking...hot. you have to force your eyes to tear away from him as you try your hardest to focus back on your conversation with yuta.
yuta chuckles as he follows your gaze. "ah, yes, mr. nanami is a customer favorite esthetician here. anyway, seems like you're going through a rough time and you came to the perfect place! normally, i would recommend the oxygen facial, but since you said you have a wedding..." yuta types something on the computer for a bit. "personally, i would recommend the full body tokyo special."
you're not entirely what an oxygen facial is, nor what the tokyo special is, and you feel even more stupid asking this guy who seems to be in college for more information.
"um, sorry, what's a full body tokyo special? i think i just need a really good facial."
"oh no worries, miss. i apologize. the full body tokyo special consists of a hands-on full body aromatherapy massage and our famous milkbomb facial, which'll do wonders for your skin." he winks at you. why did he wink at you?
you're unable to think about whether or not you even wanna do anything here when a group of men barge in through the left door of the lobby, laughing loudly, before lowering their voices.
one of the men is a dark haired man, seemingly a little older than the other two and yourself, but also very much ripped just like mr. nanami. you tried not to stare at the skin tight black shirt he wore that attenuated his pecs but miserably failed. he took the quickest glance at you and gave the faintest smile, revealing a slight scar on the left side of his lip. a scar that makes him sexier? you've gotta be kidding me. you follow his gaze to the older woman you saw sitting here when you came in, who know looks completely enamored by the man.
"there's my favorite mama," the man coos, holding an arm out for her as she skipped to him. he leads her to the other door, and you could hear them giggling and talking, as if this wasn't the first time they've seen each other.
"aight, see ya later, man." the other dark haired man said to his friend, before making eye contact with you, and then giving a slight smirk to yuta. he heads straight to the demure girl you saw when you walked in, and holds his hand out to her and she blushes and grabs it.
"th-thanks for seeing me again, geto-san." the girl says so softly that you have to strain your ears to listen.
"i told you to call me suguru..." you hear him joke as they disappear behind the door.
"like what you see?" you turn your head to the last guy, who now is far too close for your liking. you take a small step back, which makes him chuckle.
"yuta-kun! who do we have here?" the man asks boisterously. despite being indoors, he's wearing dark circled sunglasses. what a douche.
"oh, hey gojo-sensei. this is..." yuta looks at you, waiting for you to say your name.
"y/n." you say a bit too late, still trying to process the barrage of attractive men that just showed up all at once and what they had to do with the spa.
yuta starts filling in the man about what you were looking for, as you take in the man who's intently listening to him. he has white hair, and is wearing the same uniform as mr. nanami was, with three buttons undone and his hair slightly disheveled. he's also really tall. like really tall. like he towers over you easily tall. but also, just as well built like everyone else.
what is this place? you knew men could work in salons and parlors and spas, but this place seemed to be exclusively run by them. and not just any men, really attractive men. and what's worse is that you were not complaining. sure, it's a bit weird but there's really no other choice for you at this point.
"ahh, the tokyo special, huh?" he says, turning at you and giving you a bright smile which you suspect he gives to everyone who comes in here. "nice choice."
"he's the one who chose it, and i'm not even sure if i want it." you say, pointing to yuta, and trying your hardest to stand your ground. you have to really make sure this spa treatment is actually gonna help and not just a scam for your money.
"well, he chose right. i've never seen you here before, so you must be new here, right?" you nod, suddenly feeling really small and embarrassed about your attitude before. god, you're never one to behave badly in front of service workers. the hormones are really doing a number on your mood. maybe you could benefit from this "tokyo special".
he leans down to meet your eyes and takes off his sunglasses, and you’re face to face with the most gorgeous ocean blue eyes you've ever seen. through an almost hypnotic effect, you feel much calmer than you did before, and more trusting of him. "well, lucky for you, i've got an opening right now. i'll help you feel right at home." he gives you a wink, and you can't help but feel there's some other hidden meaning behind what he says.
"umm...well..." you say, holding on to the thin strings of your resolve.
"gojo-sensei is the best masseuse and esthetician here, especially for first timers like yourself, miss y/n. i guarantee you'll leave the establishment more than satisfied with his work." yuta assures you with a smile.
and with that, your resolve completely dissolves and you nod and hand him your credit card and he takes the information. gojo touches the small of your back ever so slightly, and you hope he doesn't feel you shiver at his touch.
"he just loves kissing up to me so he can get a full time job here after college. i'm his favorite cousin, after all." he says, making you giggle as you walk through the two panel doors into the spa.
"thanks for taking me in during your opening, mr. gojo." you say politely, feeling grateful as he leads you down the corridor of the neat, clean, and minimally decorated hallway.
"i think you're gonna be the one taking me in," gojo mumbles under his breath while opening the door to a room that looked like a doctor's office. a single lavender massage table greets you with small cabinets on either side.
you're unable to catch what he said. "what? did you say something?"
"i said call me satoru. no need to get so formal with me, i'm just some dude who works here." he chuckles. he locks the door as you sit up on the massage table awkwardly, unsure of how you should be positioning yourself or what exactly he was planning.
gojo goes to the corner and pulls out a fluffy white bathrobe and hands it to you. you're blown away by how soft it feels in your hands -- luxury at it's finest, you guess.
"okay, i just have a quick questionnaire i need you to fill out, probably will take around a minute," he says, as he grabs a clipboard with a pen attached to it from another drawer and takes a seat on a padded lab stool. he rolls closer to you until his long slender legs are almost touching your calves.
"alrighty here...okay, first question…” the questions gojo reads off are normal enough, with various clauses consenting to the spa treatment, confirming your age, and so forth. they don’t start getting weird until later. “ok last three, we’re almost done.” you notice a shit-eating grin on his face as he scribbles your answer to the previous question. “okay, are you a virgin?”
“are you a virg-”
“i heard you the first time. what kinda question is that? that’s so invasive, what the hell are you play-” you’re ready to give an entire speech to this guy about how inappropriate and irrelevant the question is. 
“it’s fine if you don’t wanna answer it, i just can’t continue the treatment if you don’t.” gojo says this so simply and nonchalantly, as if the question was about your favorite color, and not an intimate detail about your sexuality. 
“okay, fine. not a virgin.” you cross your hands in irritation. 
“not…a...virgin…” you hear him say under his breath as he scribbles something you cannot see on his clipboard. you try leaning forward to see what he’s writing (and if there really was a question like that on the questionnaire but he quickly pulls it closer to his chest, giving you a teasing smirk. “are you on birth control?”
“good to know. last question: got any STDs i need to know about?”
oh, for fuck’s sake. this is ridiculous. does he think you’ve never been to a spa before? the usual thai place you go to never asks this many questions. “do you have any STDs i need to worry about? what is this? 20 questions?”
“you can ask them to me back, i’d be happy to answer them.” he says calmly with a coy smile. “in fact, i’ll answer them right now. no, no, and no.”
you sign in defeat. “no for me too.” maybe this is what happens when a place has like, ten thousand 5 star reviews on google maps. they just ask the weirdest questions. there’s a small voice berating yourself for folding so easily regarding his questions, but whatever. you’re ready to get this treatment over with. 
“okay, take off all your clothes and wear the bathrobe. do you want me to step outside?”
what the hell kinda question is that? of course, he’s supposed to step outside? “um, yeah?” you say it almost obviously, not feeling bad about the attitude that’s coming out of you. 
gojo raises his hand in surrender. “sorry, just askin’...” he grabs his clipboard and steps out of the room, saying he’ll be back in five minutes for the warm up massage. you quickly undress yourself. you have a feeling he’s the type to come in within seconds of knocking on the door without checking to see if you’re decent. you’re unsure where to place your clothes other than the table next to the cabinet so you neatly fold them, hiding your underwear and bra within the folds of your yoga pants and sweatshirt. 
just as promised, gojo shows up five minutes later with one knock before welcoming himself in. he’s holding a dark colored glass bottle filled with a calming essential oil for massaging, and turns on the diffuser in the room. 
“thanks for undressing,” he says, looking at the neatly folded pile of clothes on the counter. “alright, here’s how this is gonna go. i’m gonna give you a nice full body massage to loosen your muscles up, and then we do the facial last, sound good, princess?” 
your skin tingles at him calling you that nickname, but you ignore it. there’s no way i can let my mind wander like that when he’s giving me a massage. you nod your head in agreement, and lay on your back slowly, fidgeting with the ends of  your bathrobe so that you’re not totally exposed to him. gojo slowly hovers his hands over you and lightly touches your stomach, patting it to get your attention, but it causes you suck in a breath a bit too loudly. 
“gotta go on your stomach for me for this one,” he says, urging you to flip around. “gonna undo this, okay?” he tugs at the knot you made on your bathrobe and you nod. he slowly undoes it, and you feel exposed as your breasts peek out through the sides. you cross your legs almost immediately, feeling incredibly exposed in front of a fully clothed gojo. 
you quickly turn on your stomach before he has a chance to take in your body. you feel his cold fingers slowly expose your back, as he stops right before the hump of your ass. you hear him squeezing out some of the oil and warming it up in his hands as he gets to work on your back. 
you suck in a sharp breath between your teeth as his cold fingers explore the knots on your back. 
“cold isn’t it? you’ll get used to my fingers, promise,” he says sweetly, as he hits a spot on your back that’s been particularly bothering you as of late. it’s too late when you let out a moan, and you hear him chuckle. “hit the right spot, didn’t i?”
he continues to undo the knot on your back, and moan back a breathy affirmation as you continue to try (and fail) to hold back your noises. “f-fuck, gojo, that feels s-so good…” you say in between his movements. 
you feel his hot breath in your ear. “told ya to call me satoru, don’t forget it next time, princess.” this time, the nickname goes straight to your pussy. it’s hard to cross your legs when you’re on your stomach and feeling delirious with the pleasure that came from the pressure of his slender fingers. 
unbeknownst you, your soft moans are slowly making their way down to gojo’s member, as he gets harder by the second. he doesn’t want to make it so obvious just yet – he’s just getting start after all. he can’t just blow his load this close into the session, but you’re sure as hell giving him a run for his money. 
“feel good?” you moan in response. gojo slowly inches his fingers down closer and closer to your ass, until it reaches the hem of your bathrobe covering it. “gonna move this down so i can do your legs, yeah?”
gojo will admit, he was a bit too excited to see your ass as he removed your bathrobe down before you could give a proper “yes” but it didn’t matter when you’re soft breaths were giving him the answer he needed. it takes everything in him to not knead the rounds of your perfect ass (he swears your cheeks were made for his hands) and move straight to your calves. 
he slowly massages the soles of your feet and calves with the oil as he moves closer to your thighs, all while relishing in your sweet moans. once he’s at your thighs, the real fun begins. gojo knows this routine like the back of his hands. 
you hear him sigh in confusion. “is everything okay?” you turn your head slightly to see him. 
“sorry about this princess, but you’re gonna have to spread your legs a little bit for me. it’s hard to get every inch of you warmed up, otherwise.”
you obey him almost too easily, and shift your thighs so that there’s more room for him to touch with his fingers. gojo’s hands reach up to slightly cup your ass, before his thumbs slowly slide into your inner thigh, lightly massaging you.
your breaths are getting shallower and louder, and you pray he doesn't go any closer to your pussy so he doesn’t see how soaked you are. you’ve never had a massage like this before, but you also don’t want him to stop. 
gojo’s fingers play with the space of your inner thigh before he spreads you apart, exposing you. you breath catches in your throat, and he performs the next part of his act. 
“we’ve got a pretty unconventional way of massaging our clients, princess.” you hear his voice straining. “gotta make sure you’re relaxed everywhere, but you gotta let me take care of you. think you can do that? all you have to do is relax, and let daddy do everything for you.” you can hear the lust dripping from his voice, but to be honest, you couldn’t give a shit at this point. 
“y-yeah, please, satoru, whatever you want. please, i just…i just feel so good right now,” you say, your eyes shut tight, and your hips practically squirming under his touch. you think you might go insane if he doesn’t touch you there in the next second. 
hook, line, and sinker. who’s gojo to deny your request? he graduated top of his class at his cosmetology and esthetician university, after all. his fingers glide almost too easily between your folds as he starts playing with your throbbing core. he can feel how needy your pussy is for his hands as he spreads your slick all over your core. 
the pleasure immediately gets caught in the pillow that muffles your moans. fuck, so this is what all the reviews were talking about. you feel his fingertips dancing around your clit and you want to shout at him to pay attention to it. 
“s-satoru~ p-please…i need you right there…” you say in between your moans. 
“where? here?” gojo’s finger taps your clit lightly, and it makes your entire body twitch with pleasure. he has to press down on the small of your back to keep you place as his fingers rub circles around your bundle of nerves, making you whimper. you unconsciously grind your hips against his fingers, trying to get close to your release. 
“need a better angle. face down, ass up.” gojo commands, and your body conforms to his words. you prop your lower body up with your knees while your face is sideways against the head of the massage table. he uses this now better angle to really rub his fingers into your folds and bundle of nerves, sending electricity throughout your body. you feel the dam building up inside you and threatening to break. 
“satoru~ i’m-i’m getting c-close…ah~” you hands grip on to the sides of the massage table as you brace for the earth shattering orgasm to rip through you, and with gojo’s deft fingers, you’re on cloud nine in no time. 
your body slumps back down and your eyes roll back as the vibrations of your release still radiate through your body. you hear  your pulse pumping through your head as you try to catch you breath, but you feel gojo’s now warm hands flip you on your back, and his face inches from yours. 
“you took that so well, princess. we’re not done, yet. there’s still another part of your body that needs to warm up.” you don’t have time to process what he means as he inserts two fingers into his mouth and then deep inside your entrance. your gasp is muffled by his mouth connecting to yours, hard, teeth and all. his fingers are long, and they easily find your sensitive g-spot as they curl upwards and bully your internal bundle of nerves. it’s quite embarrassing how quickly you’re ready for another release, and how hungry your entrance was for his finger, practically sucking them in and clenching around them immediately. 
“f-fuck~ i’m about to-” you don’t get to finish your sentence, as another orgasm rips through your body. gojo kisses you again to block your moans, and your hands wrap around his neck to pull him even closer to you. he playfully bites on your lower lip as you ride out your release on his fingers. 
gojo’s kisses turn into soft quick pecks as your breathing steadies and your eyes can focus again. “we’re not done yet,” he teases, slowly taking his slick coated fingers out of you. 
you don’t even have the energy to respond back as he flips you on you back. through heavy eyes, you look back up at him, biting back a moan as he restarts rubbing circles on your extremely sensitive clit. he needs to take off his shirt and fuck you already. 
“need something?” gojo teases, sensing your neediness from just your eyes. 
“take off your shirt, dumbass.” you say through gritted teeth. 
“try again.” he presses harder on your clit, and you let out an unsanctioned yelp through your teeth. 
“f-fuck~ please take off your shirt, dumbass.”
he smiles. “well, if you insist…” he rolls his eyes, feigning inconvenience, but the slowly growing tent in his pants says otherwise. gojo unbuttons his shirt, revealing a perfectly sculpted torso. now this is just unfair. 
“geez, my eyes are up here.” he teases, smirking at you as you quickly meet his eyes and feel your face flush. he unbuckles his belt and you slowly sit up from the massage table. you’re overcome with the urge to touch him, everywhere. you hook your finger to the belt loop of his pants and pull him closer to you. 
gojo smirks as he wraps his arms around hips and leans down to kiss you deeply. you feel your core ache for his touch again as his tongue explores your mouth again. you trace his perfectly sculpted torso, the indents of his abs slightly sweaty to your touch. your hands slowly make their way to the zipper of his slacks, but gojo immediately grabs your wrist to stop you from taking them fully off. 
“not just yet…” he murmurs in between kisses. while his lips are still locked on you, he slowly pushes your body back on the massage table and starts kissing down your bare stomach, the measly bathrobe long since discarded somewhere on the floor. gojo leaves small wet kisses along your body until he reaches your inner thighs. 
you suck in a breath as you involuntarily spread your legs for him, earning an enthusiastic hum from gojo, who’s still continuing to leave a trail of kisses that are inching closer and closer to where you need his mouth to be the most. “p-please~” you moan, your eyes closed in bliss. 
“please what, princess? use your words,” gojo coos, coming face to face with your soaking wet core. he blows on the sensitive bundle of nerves, causing your legs to twitch.
you can’t stand his fucking teasing but you need to be eaten out, so bad. “f-fuck y-you, gojo~” you say, pushing your core up to his face, trying to aim for his mouth before he easily pushes your hips back on the table. you hear him tsk in disapproval, and tears welling up in your eyes in desperation. “please, your tongue…inside me…please~” you whimper weakly. 
“since you begged so nicely…” gojo says before he immediately plunges his tongue inside you, almost making you scream. his tongue expertly explores your folds and sucks on your clit, making you inadvertently grind on his face. “y’taste so delicious, princess,” he says between licks as he eats you out like it’s the last pussy on earth. 
his ministrations with his tongue has you teetering on the edge in record time, and you’re threatening to spill within minutes of him eating you out. as the third wave of pleasure washes over you, you don’t have the energy in you to ask for permission as you feel your body tingle in the aftermath of it. you think you made a mess all over the massage table and gojo’s face, but you don’t have it in you to care as your eyes roll back. 
you feel gojo unbuckle his belt and take off his slack and underwear, exposing his hard member in his hands. you can see the precum leaking out the tip as you weakly lean on your elbows to prop yourself up. 
“see, princess, all those questions did have a reason after all…” he says in between breaths as he strokes himself, looking at your naked glistening body. you spread your legs further in anticipation of feeling him. “but there you were, being such a fuckin’ brat about answering them…” gojo says, eyebrows furrowing as he brings his tip closer to your core and you bite your lip in anticipation. 
“guess you better fuck the attitude outta me, then?” you say, looking up at him through heavy lidded eyes filled with mindless lust. you don’t even care about the consequences or who hears or even if you get your facial – you just need him. every part of your body craved him. 
gojo wastes no time at your suggestion, his tip entering you as you let out a lecherous moan. you feel the initial pain of his larger than average member tearing your tight entrance apart, and bite back a moan. gojo grits his teeth as he lets out a steady throaty groan. 
“fuck, princess. so fuckin’ tight. sure you’re not a virgin?” 
“s’too much satoru, y-you’re huge…ahh~” 
“too bad, princess.” he says, surprising you as he starts thrusting agonizingly slowly into you, bottoming out and effectively reaching the sensitive spot inside you. pain slowly turns into pleasure as you indulge in the feeling of your g-spot getting kissed by his member – the spot that you can never reach by yourself using your own fingers.  
“f-faster, please~” you urge gojo, and he obliges almost immediately, quickening his pace. he bullies your sloppy and wet core, as he watches your titties bounce with every thrust. unlike most people his age, it’s times like this where gojo realizes he really fucking loves his job. 
he reaches out and gives your titties a rough squeeze while he remains unrelenting in his pace. he feels your pussy clench around him, and he knows you’re close, and if he’s being honest, so is he. but he cannot cum just yet, and definitely not before you do. gojo abandons your titties and slides down his fingers to your clit as he starts rubbing inelegant circles around it, getting you closer and closer to the edge. 
you feel the dam breaking once again as the combination of him rubbing and fucking you comes to a climax. the orgasm travels to every corner of your body, as you see stars in your vision while gojo fucks your brains out. you hold on to his shoulders to steady yourself. based on how sloppily gojo is getting, you can tell he’s about to get close, too. you’re about to brace for him to finish inside you, when he abruptly pulls out, earning him a confused look from you. 
“lay down,” he commands more than asks, as he hastily pushes your chest down on the massage table. your sweaty skin sticks to the faux leather, but you don’t pay attention as he moves to the side of your face, holding his soaked member near it. 
gojo starts stroking his throbbing leaking member sensually, and you innately open your mouth and stick your tongue out. so this is the facial? the dots connected in your head at the same time gojo’s ropes of warm cum decorated your face – chin, cheeks, mouth, and all. you hear gojo’s throaty groans as he finishes on you and make sure not a single drop that gets on or near mouth gets wasted, swallowing pridefully. 
gojo leans closer to your ear as he catches his breath from his climax. “that’s the milkbomb facial,” he says cheekily, and you can’t help but giggle. you both take a couple more seconds to catch your breath. you watch gojo as he puts on his pants and tucks in his shirt, looking like he didn’t just fuck the shit out of you. he runs his fingers through his hair quickly as he goes to the counter and pulls out a warm eucalyptus towel as he takes his time to gently wipe your face and body. 
“that was fun,” you murmur, looking at the ceiling, finally understanding what the reviews you read about this earlier place meant. you definitely came here, multiple times in one day for sure. 
gojo chuckles as he goes over to wash his hands and you notice his forearms are glistening with your release. “that’s why we’re the best spa out here, princess.”
you notice your legs shaking slightly, but you manage to hop off the massage table, slightly dazed. gojo notices and helps you get on your feet and put on your clothes. the entire activity is soft and gentle compared to how he was just a couple minutes before. 
everything that you both have done in the past hour finally dawns on you, and you suddenly feel very shy despite whatever the contrary happened on the massage table. it’s so awkward now, like, what do you guys even talk about now? does he do this to everyone? is this their entire schtick?
“do you…do this with all your clients?” you whisper to him as you follow him out into the hallway to the exit. you cross your hands tightly to your chest, as if it’s shrouding you from other people finding out what happened in the room behind you. 
“ah, i’m not one to kiss and tell.” gojo puts his hands in his pockets and glances back at you, giving you a quick wink as you follow behind him, trying to keep up with him as he turns corners.s
“oh, so you do do this everyone, huh?” you challenge, your shyness slowly melting away with gojo’s playful tone.. 
“did you enjoy it?”
a pause from you.. “yes.”
“then don’t worry about it, kitten.” gojo pauses before he opens the door and turns to you. “listen, i wouldn’t mind if you came here again for the tokyo special, you know. i’ll even give you a discount, too.” he says earnestly. 
you let out a giggle. “oh? a discount?”
“yeah, the tight pussy discount.”
“shut up!” you say, and you playfully smack his shoulder, and you both laugh. 
“so… is that a yes? i’ll see you next week?” 
you bite your lip. “maybe, i dunno.” you give him a wink before opening the door, and you both know fully well that you’ll be back on the massage table again in no time with gojo pounding into you. 
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needless to say, gojo wasn’t lying when he said they were the best spa in town because by the time your sister’s wedding came around, your face was quite literally glowing. 
“wow! y/n – you’re just looking so radiant today! what’s your secret?” an auntie who’s name you cannot remember gleams, looking at you. 
you smirk, and try to hold back the heat from flushing your cheeks. “oh, just a really good facial,” you say. technically, you’re being honest, right?
“jesus, dude. is this all from skin care daddy?” nobara says, as the tenth person from the wedding compliments your skin. 
“you have no idea. they really know what they’re doing.” you say nonchalantly. you pull out your phone and text a recently saved number. 
you: got any slots for a tokyo special tomorrow?
within minutes you get a response: 
gojo: u know i do babygirl. btw a new guy just joined our spa. hope it’s cool sukuna joins to observe  😈
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mapiforpresident · 1 year ago
24 with lessi russo please <3
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Flirting 101
Alessia Russo x reader
warnings: none
summary: Alessia is terrible at flirting so she resorts to google.
I changed the prompt a little bit, but I hope you like it.
Alessia had had a crush on you for months, but it especially got bad after she joined Arsenal. You had been playing for Arsenal for five years now, and the club was your home. You had a very flirty personality, and you were really close with Leah and Katie, always trying to see who had the most charm. Although you were a very flirty person, you also didn't believe in one-night stands and only dated people that you saw a real future with, something Alessia admired.
Alessia had been trying to hint to you that she was interested for weeks now, but Alessia's flirting skills were non-existent and awkward. You always knew exactly what to say to make her weak in the knees and speechless, and she usually wasn't able to form a coherent sentence past an awkward hello and wave. She was getting very frustrated with herself and didn't know what to do. She absolutely did not want to ask for help on how to flirt with you or admit she had a crush on you if she didn't know if you felt the same way.
She had no idea that you, in fact, very much did feel the same way but were waiting for her to work up the courage to ask you out. You thought it was incredibly adorable whenever she was an awkward, blushing, clumsy mess around you. You would watch her work up the courage to come over and approach you, but as soon as she was near you, her mind would go blank, and she would blurt out "hi" before usually turning and walking away before you even had the chance to respond.
This was why she decided to resort to good and trusty Google. She lay in bed one night searching for hours for different ways to flirt, even practicing with the stuffed bear you had given her for Secret Santa a month prior. She decided she would try out one of the ways to flirt tomorrow and then a different one the next day and so on.
The next day at training, Alessia decided to approach you during a hydration break and try out her first method: compliments.
"I really like your boots," Alessia said awkwardly, grinning at you. She had decided last night that this was a good compliment to start with, not too personal but still nice. You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at her compliment.
"Thanks, I like yours too." You pointed to her boots as you said this. Alessia looked to see why you were pointing at her boots to realize that you both were, in fact, wearing the exact same boots, which wasn't that odd considering you were both Adidas athletes. Alessia blushed as soon as she realized this, not thinking about this scenario when she had planned out the conversation in her head. You smiled at her as she was saved by the whistle being blown, calling for the next drill to start.
Alessia continued with different flirting attempts for the next two weeks, each of them not going the way she hoped, but she didn't fully quit yet because every time she approached you, you smiled brightly at her. She would rather embarrass herself to make you smile than to not have that smile directed at her.
After two weeks, though, you decided to approach Alessia after practice and finally ask her out because her attempts at flirting were getting painful for both parties at this point, and you wanted her to be yours already, knowing Alessia might never actually ask you out by herself.
You entered the locker room and saw the blonde intensely reading something on her phone. You slowly walked over to her, but she didn't sense your presence, so you sat down in the cubby next to hers and glanced over at her, thinking she must have been reading a text. What you didn't expect her to be looking at was an article titled "Flirting 101: Do's and Don'ts When Flirting with Someone."
"Are you googling how to flirt?" you asked with a small laugh. Alessia practically jumped ten feet in the air, startled at being caught. She didn't know what to do. She knew she couldn't deny it because you very clearly saw what she was reading. She was staring at the ground blushing and having an internal debate when you said, "you know, asking the person out on a date might be a good start."
This time she looked up at you.
"Ask me out on a date."
"What if you say no."
"I don't think I could say no to you."
"Y/n, will you go on a date with me sometime?"
"I would love that, Alessia. Is this why you have been randomly complimenting me and told me that cheesy pickup line?"
"Maybe," Alessia said as she looked down shyly. She couldn't believe that you actually said yes to her.
"I think that that's adorable. I can't wait for our first date. I have to get going because Katie is my ride and she will not hesitate to leave me behind, but text me the details of the date and I will be there." You told her as she was still looking down, not believing this was actually happening.
"See you tomorrow." You said as you lifted her chin up and left a lingering kiss on her cheek before you stood up to grab your stuff and leave.
"See you tomorrow, y/n," she called after you a second later after she recovered from the unexpected kiss.
"God, that was about the most awkward thing I have ever witnessed, Lessi," Leah said as she appeared from where she had been in her cubby.
"Oh my god, were you in here the whole time?"
"Unfortunately," Leah replied but with a smirk, happy for her friends.
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footygirl114 · 6 months ago
Fuegos Artificiales (Alexia Putellas X Reader)
So Part #3 to this one, we are getting somewhere with these two but there is sooooo many unanswered questions ;)
Let me know what we think and if we want part 4, and what we want to see next?
Previous Part
As she finishes yelling at you, you can see her body deflate almost like she had been holding that in for awhile. Before your mind has a second to process any of it you watch as she reaches up and wipes a tear that had fallen from her eye. Its like your body is on auto pilot as you move closer to her, place both hands on her cheeks and you use your thumb to wipe another tear as you guide her to look into your eyes. 
“Alexia look at me” you softly start waiting till you know you have her full attention. “I am right here, I am safe and right here in front of you” you continue to softly remind her as you pull her into your arms, guiding her head into your neck. 
The next few minutes you continue to softly whisper reassurances in her ear, while rubbing her back. You finally start to feel the tears slow down on your neck and you can feel her getting her self together. All you can think about is how much you missed her smell, and the feeling of her being in your arms. 
After a moment she pulls back and looks into your eyes and you know whats coming next. She breaks eye contact and whispers a soft “I can’t Y/N” and she turns and gets in her car and you are left standing there watching her drive away. 
The role reversal doesn’t go unnoticed by you and you can understand a bit what she was talking about when you did the same thing 8 years ago and left her standing watching you leave. 
The interaction plays on your mind for the following week, you don’t see or hear from her during that time, but both her mom and Alba had checked in on you a few times. You had been picking up a few extra shifts at the station to try and keep your mind occupied, which lead you to today. You were working the front desk, and it must have been a fun moon cause it was busy with the crazies coming in to complain. 
You were currently dealing with an older lady who claimed she had proof of an alien spacecraft landing on the beach and kidnapping people. You had been trying not to laugh and when she tells you she has video proof but tells you to wait a moment while she finds it on her phone, you have to look away. 
You take a moment to look around the room again and when you hear something from the two teenage girls sitting not too far from the counter looking at something on their phone it piques your interest. 
“did you see Alexia Putellas has a girlfriend now?” the one girl asks the other, this sentence is what caught your ears and keeping one eye on the older lady looking for the evidence and the other on the two girls you continue listening in. 
“no way, she’s always so private how do you know?” the other one asks her friend who said the original statement. 
“Look she’s clearly making out with someone in this photo!” the original girl exclaims and moves to show the other girl her phone. 
“holy shit! Isn’t that the singer she’s been rumoured to have been dating?” the other one asks her friend.
You can see the nodded answer and your heart drops, but before you can react the older lady has finally found the video she claims to have. Pulled back in to helping her lodge her complaint, then working for the next hour with multiple other complaints you finally get a second to take a step away from the desk. 
You duck into the locker room, and immediately you open google and search if what the teenagers were saying was true. When you spot the pictures, they are grainy and clearly taken from the paparazzi but you would recognise Alexia anywhere. When you make this realisation you can feel the disappointment flood your body, you were half hoping it wasn’t true but seeing it on a picture you know its true. 
Being gone for 8 years you know that this was a strong possibility, that she would find someone else. You just never really expected it to happen just as you came back, you had seen that she was never photographed or connected to anyone before but now that your back of course she was. When someone else enters the locker room it knocks you out of thought and you move to go back to work, but first you shoot a text to Alba asking to meet her for drinks later. 
When you get off off of work you head towards the place you agreed to meet Alba at and when you walk in you have to laugh when you see her sitting at the bar clearly flirting with the bartender over the bar. You decide to have some fun with this and you walk up to her and slide your hand across her shoulder pulling her into you with a “hi babe.” 
She looks up at you with a smile and says “Hola Hermana” and you can hear the cough from the bartender listening to the exchange. 
You pull back and whack her arm and say “you are a jerk.” 
She winks at you and turns towards the bartender and asks “another round for me and my sister, and when you are off shift I will be here waiting for you” finishing with a wink. 
The bartender smiles and moves off to make the drinks, you settle aside her and state with a smile “you haven’t changed a bit Albs, I missed you.” 
She answers with a smile “I missed you too, we all have.” 
“I am not so sure your sister has though” you smile and nod a thank you to the bartender when a drink is dropped off in front of you. 
You watch as she takes a sip of her drink and then she turns full towards you and says “Y/N, I need you to listen to me okay?” 
Nodding you say “i am listening.” 
“Alexia loves you, she has always loved you and that has never changed. I know what happened 8 years ago, and she was an idiot but she has suffered for all those years living in the what ifs, but the one thing that has never changed was how much she loves you.” she says all this firmly and makes sure she is looking into your eyes the whole time. 
Taking a moment to take it in, you take a sip of your drink and you say softly “I think I will always love her Albs.” 
“I know you will, and she still does too.” 
Before you can chicken out you open your phone and show her the article you still have open and you place it in front of her as you tell her “she’s moved on Albs.”
She looks at the phone with a chuckle and she says “no she hasn’t, they’re friends and sometimes they hook up when they’re both in town. Trust me they are not an item.” 
“oh” you say softly. 
“Y/N she loves you, and I think you both just need to talk” she says to you. 
You shrug and say “I’m just giving her space right now, let her get used to me being back in town.” 
“fuck that Y/N, you need to talk to her” Alba says firmly. 
“Nope, I wont force that on her Albs” You say again, and you finish off your drink and you stand up, pulling out enough cash to cover both your drinks. “I gotta go Albs, I am on shift again in the morning, but thank you for meeting me” You finish and lean over and give her a hug and press a kiss to her temple when you pull away “I appreciate you Albs.”
“Always here for you Y/N, and I mean it when I say I am so glad you are back” She smiles at you. 
“Bye Albs” You say as you walk away, and when you turn at the door you see she’s already back to flirting with the bartender and you cant help but to smile to your self as you head out. 
A few days later you were walking into a nightclub after Alba had called you and told you that you had no choice but to come out with her and a few friends to let off some steam. You were never good at saying no to Alba, which is why you were dressed the part and you weren’t too upset about having to be out past your bedtime. 
The desert didn’t allow for much time to let loose and dance, and one thing you loved to do was to get lost in the music and just dance. Walking through the throngs of people you moved towards the VIP area where Alba said she would be and you can feel the spanish beats and you know it should be a fun night to let loose. 
What you should have done was to ask who would be there, but you secretly hoped you would be able to spend more time with Alexia, so you didn’t ask. When you lock eyes with Alexia you cant help but to feel slightly giddy at the chance to spend more time with her.
“Y/N!!!” Alba screams when she sees you and she comes up and pulls you into a hug. 
You smile and squeeze her back and you let her pull you around the group and introduces you to most of her friends there, you settle in the booth across from Alexia when Alba pours you a drink. You sip on it and make small talk and when the music becomes more dance music you meet Albas eyes and you both bee line it for the dance floor. 
You let the music move you, eyes closed dancing with Alba and a few of her friends who came with you to the dance floor. When the music slows down you blink your eyes open and you immediately look towards Alexia, her eyes are dark and locked on your body as she remains seated in the booth. 
Your body heats up and you keep moving to the beat while keeping your eyes locked on Alexia’s. A few songs go by as you keep your eyes locked with hers and you keep dancing, when you finally have enough you move your hand out and gesture for her to come out on the dance floor. When she doesn’t move you gesture again and she stands up and moves towards you. 
When she’s within arms reach you move to grab her and pull her closer but before you can she recoils and basically runs off the dance floor towards the bathrooms. Without thinking you follow her down the hall and you grab her arm before she can get into the bathroom. 
“Alexia wait” you plead with her. 
She shakes her head and says “you cant just come back here and do this Y/N.” 
“do what?” you ask dumfounded.
“this Y/N, it is not fair to me” she says firmly. 
You let her go and take a step back and ask softly “what am I doing Ale?”
“you left Y/N, everything is not the dame.” she says and before you can respond she darts out the hallway and you watch as she disappears into the crowd. You stand there conflicted, unsure what to believe. Alba says she cares, Alexia’s actions prove she doesn’t want you to try. Shaking your head you shoot Alba a text that you were leaving and you head out of the crowded club. 
You spend the next week confused and when you are in this state of mind the best thing you can do is throw your self into work and avoid the thoughts swirling in your head. It also means you were avoiding Alba and any of her scheming, wanting to figure out what you want to do first. When Eli calls you and invites you to the families celebration to watch the upcoming fireworks you are left with no choice when she all but tells you that you have to go. 
When you walk into the park you agreed to meet at, you at least are surrounded by people and some of their extended family, you stick close to Alba and try to not make any eye contact with Alexia either. The evening goes pretty smoothly and you settle on the blanket with Alba and Eli to watch the fireworks. Alexia is sitting with a couple of the cousins in front of you, which means you can watch her without her knowing. 
You were so distracted by everything and your thoughts you didn’t think about the fact that there would be live fireworks going off. When the first one goes off you are prepared and you jump slightly but you remain okay, Alba reaches a hand over and rubs your thigh when she feels you jump and you remind yourself where you are. 
When another cluster goes off in succession, you can feel the flashbacks trying to fight their way in, and when you meet Alba’s eyes you smile at her. The next one goes off and you know you need to get out of there. You stumble up and when they look at you with a concerned face you smile and mouth ‘bathroom’ before turning and moving further away. 
When you get past the crowd of people you stand there trying to figure out your next move, so caught up in your head and trying to fight the flashbacks you don’t hear Alexia approach, but just like when you were younger you can feel her. She places a hand on your lower back and when you meet her eyes you can see the concern in them. 
She smiles at you and you get lost in her eyes, but when another round goes off you jump again, and the flashbacks start creeping in. 
Before you can get lost in them, she says “Y/N, here put these in” as she hands you her AirPods.
You look at her with a question and ask “what?” 
“Put the AirPods in and come with me” she says firmly. You place them in and she turns the music up and she pulls your hand to follow her. She takes you behind a wall, where its mostly covered from the flashing lights and she pushes you to slide down the wall and sit. 
She sits beside you and places a hand on the back of your head scratching her scalp, which is something she knows calms you down immediately. Her other hand reaches over and grips your hand squeezing every so often. You keep your eyes closed and listen to the beat in your ears and focus on the feeling of her touch. 
Unsure how much time goes by you come back to it when the music stops and you look over at her and she smiles and says “its over Y/n.” 
“Thank you for doing this Ale, Im so glad you had those AirPods on you.” you chuckle. 
She smiles and says “I brought them in case you needed them Y/N.” 
“You did?” 
Nodding she says “I figured it might be too much for you.” 
Smiling softly you say “you’re very sweet.” 
“I want to help you Y/N” she says softly. 
You realise how close you are and you lean in and you feel her breath on your lips, you go to close the distance when you are startled by kids running by your hiding place screaming. She pulls back with a smile and stands up holding her hands out to help you up. 
“We should go find my family.” she says once you move to follow her. 
You follow her back to her family and all you can think about is how much you want to have that happen again, how that maybe she wants it to happen too. 
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asdfghjklmals · 2 years ago
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff, angst. no smut. mentions of pregnancy, sex, injury, blood, and abortion. suggestive comments. WORD COUNT: 4.5k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc, boyfriend!gojo, pregnant!oc, established couple.
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SYNOPSIS: during oc gojo girlfriend's yearly check up with shoko, she finds out she's pregnant. how will satoru act when he finds out? AUTHOR'S NOTE: i did make some changes to the beginning compared to the preview that i posted! thank you @mdnxghtjj for staying up late with me to try to make up scenarios on how oc gojo girlfriend would be pregnant by accident lol my google search probably thinks i'm the pregnant one. here is the official start to my version of dad!gojo and the official start to the baby gojo chronicles 🥹 REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions, instead please do!
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your least favorite time of the year was when shoko had everyone visit her office for a yearly check up. that was a full examination for everyone.
“here, pee on this.” shoko handed you a pregnancy test. you looked at her with confusion written all over your face.
shoko saw your facial expression and reassured you, “it’s just part of the protocol, (y/n). would you rather pee in a cup? last time you told me you hate peeing in cups because you don't want to accidentally pee on your hands.”
“fine... it’s gonna be negative anyways.” you said confidently. you took the test from her hand reluctantly and went to the bathroom.
as shoko gave you a thorough examination, you couldn’t help but peer at the white and blue pregnancy test sitting in the corner next to the sink. it wasn’t your first time using one, but it was always strange taking one. especially for no reason.
"alright, you're done. have you been feeling better since you caught that cold?" shoko asked as you hopped off the examination able. she went back to the sink to remove her gloves and wash her hands. you had caught some horrible cold or stomach bug over a month ago, and it left you with fever, chills, and non-stop vomitting for weeks. you were so sick that you told satoru you wanted to write a will to leave everything to megumi and tsumiki because you didn't think you were going to make it.
“yeah. i haven’t been that sick in so long. i was vomitting like every other hour. satoru thought he was going to die when i wouldn’t let him sleep in our bed. he slept in tsumiki's old room for two weeks, poor guy. i didn't want him to catch whatever it was,” you chuckled at the thought of your 6’3” boyfriend sleeping in a baby pink decorated room.
“yeah?” you turned to face shoko.
shoko asked you cautiously, “are you on birth control?”
suspicion filled your eyes as you peered at the amber-eyed doctor, “yeah, i’ve been on birth control since i was 21… why?”
“your pregnancy test came back positive.”
you stared at the digital screen. the words “pregnant” screamed at you inside your head. were you really pregnant? this was something you never thought would happen, at least not right now.
“that’s not possible, shoko.” you laughed nervously in disbelief.
“according to the test, you are.” shoko looked confused. as a doctor, she was determined to figure out how one of her bestfriends, who was on birth control, got pregnant. she studied your charts and medical records as she chewed on the tip of her pen.
you tried to retrace your footsteps for the past month. you had a very specific routine, and you took your birth control every morning after brushing your teeth and washing your face. your package of pills sat in your bathroom drawer just below the sink as your daily reminder to take your birth control.
shoko folded her arms and cleared her throat, “uhm, i hate to ask you this because i truly don’t want to know, but when was the first time you and gojo had sex after you got sick?”
you thought it was a strange question because wouldn’t shoko want to know when the most recent time you were intimate with satoru was?
“well…” you looked at her sheepishly, a face full of embarrassment, “we had sex right when my cold symptoms went away.” it would’ve been uncomfortable for your aching body, so you made satoru wait. and yes, he complained about it for two weeks.
shoko massaged her temples as she realized what the problem was, “god, (y/n). remember you were literally throwing up all the time when you were sick?”
your jaw dropped, “does that mean i threw up my birth control…?”
“that could’ve been the case, but if you throw up 1-2 hours after taking your birth control, your body might not have the chance to absorb it. your body was technically missing dosages since you were vomiting almost every day for a week…” shoko explained.
you stared at the doctor. your heart was racing and your mind had a million thoughts running through your head. you couldn’t believe that you were pregnant. there was just no way. as much as you and satoru joked about having kids, you knew deep down that satoru wasn’t ready. and you didn’t think he’d ever be. but you were okay with that. you had spent most of your young adult life raising two kids, so you felt like you weren't missing out on much.
“please, don’t tell satoru.” you quietly pleaded with shoko.
“don’t tell gojo-sensei what?” megumi asked from the office door. he dropped his backpack and his gym bag on the floor, walking towards you and shoko.
your eyes widened as you discreetly shifted the pregnancy test under your thigh, “hi kiddo, don’t tell gojo-sensei that i bought him his favorite kikufuku as a surprise.” that was a horrible lie, you're usually better than that.
shoko cleared her throat to try and change the subject, “hi megumi! you’re early for your exam.”
“yeah, i finished jujutsu practice early.” he replied back to shoko as he reverted his gaze back at you, “(y/n), what’s going on?”
“nothing, i just finished my exam. shoko says i’m as healthy as a horse!” you laughed nervously.
“you’re pregnant, aren’t you?” megumi asked you straightforwardly, “you were complaining about your boobs hurting the other day, you felt sick yesterday morning at breakfast, and you complained about being bloated at lunch today. not to mention, you’re always throwing up in my bathroom at home.”
you stopped to think about the symptoms that megumi just listed. you didn’t even consider that being pregnant was the reason why you were experiencing those symptoms. you always thought you were in the clear with those stupid tiny birth control pills.
you sighed, lifting your thigh to grab the pregnancy test. you showed it to megumi. “satoru doesn’t know… and we’re going to keep it that way.”
“why don’t you want to tell him?” he asked you, “are you guys fighting?”
“no, we're not fighting. this whole thing was an accident because of my cold last month... and to be honest, i don't know if your sensei even wants kids.” you smiled halfheartedly at megumi.
“i won’t say anything.” megumi promised. he couldn't imagine satoru gojo not wanting to reproduce and to have mini-satorus running around to terrorize the jujutsu world.
you warned him, “that means you can’t tell tsumiki either, i don’t want her to rush back home from her study abroad program just because of this.” (read 'wherever you are' here)
megumi reached his pinky out to you and you locked yours with his, both of you kissing your thumbs to seal the seal. he wrapped his arms around you in a warm hug. you needed that comfort right now.
“if i do the math, you’re about 5 weeks pregnant, (y/n).” shoko said, “so stop taking your birth control if you want to keep your baby.” megumi’s green eyes peered over at you, interested in what you had to say about that.
“what if i want to get an abortion…?” you asked quietly. megumi’s eyes now wide in horror. 'how could you even think about abortion?' he thought.
shoko sighed, “i think that’s something you should have a serious talk with gojo about. it would be unfair for him not to know.”
you weren’t sure if you should feel excited, nervous, or scared. you were excited because who wouldn’t want to have a child with the love of their life? you were nervous (and scared) because you didn’t know how satoru would react if you told him. you were scared because your unborn baby would be a target to all rival clans, inheriting all of yours and satoru’s enemies. not only that, but also a target for all intelligent curses as well.
later that night: the gojo/(l/n) household
“how was your yearly check up?” satoru asked as you poked at your medium rare steak that you probably shouldn’t be eating now that you were pregnant. he watched you as you rolled a roasted baby potato around your plate with your fork.
“it was fine. healthy as a horse.” you recycled your joke from this afternoon. satoru furrowed his brows, he sensed something was wrong. you were fine this morning, so what happened between the time you went to work and the time you got home?
“are you sure…?” he started to pry.
annoyance starting to rise in your tone. you kissed the back of your teeth, “i just don’t feel well… and the steak is too rare.” you lied. you always ate your steak medium rare. rareness did not bother you, the cow could still be mooing and you’d eat it.
“i can always put it back on the grill, babe. want it medium?”
“well-done, please.” you mumbled, “thanks, sweetheart.”
satoru picked up your plate, extremely confused on why all of a sudden you would eat a well-done steak. it was very unlike you. he kissed you on the cheek to try to ease whatever it was that was bugging you. you wanted to tell him so badly that you were pregnant. you never kept secrets from each other. you watched him slide on his slippers, opening the door to the patio with catoru following behind him. he slapped your steak on the grill again while looking out at the tokyo skyline.
during this time, you wondered what kind of father satoru would be. you imagined he would be the carefree type of dad. he would be the fun, loving, lenient father while you were the one to lay down the rules. that’s how it was when you were both raising megumi and tsumiki. your eyes started to well up with tears at the thought of satoru possibly becoming a father. was this the pregnancy hormones getting to you?
you quickly wiped your tears as satoru made his way back into the apartment with your steak. he closed the door behind him and sat down next to you at the dining table.
“why were you crying just barely?” he asked softly. he could sense your cursed energy wavering from the patio. he knew every mood you were in just because of how your cursed energy looked to his six eyes.
“i wasn’t crying,” you said adamantly, “my eyes were itchy.”
satoru understood that whatever was bothering you, you didn’t want to talk about it. normally, he would pry and pry until you would finally tell him what was wrong, but tonight, he felt that he shouldn’t. he cut your steak into bite-sized cubes for you, just like how you always did before you started eating.
you caressed his cheek with your hand, giving him a soft smile in appreciation.
“should we go get some ice cream with the kids tomorrow? i promise i’ll treat.” he asked, knowing that ice cream always made you feel better after a shitty day.
“yeah. i need that dairy-free double scoop of chocolate ice cream right now.” (read ‘seeing red’ here)
the next day
you had taken half a day off to meet satoru, nobara, yuji, and megumi in shibuya to grab the ice cream that satoru promised you last night. you and satoru walked next to each together as your spirit birds flew overhead. the students were following behind you with their ice cream cones.
“i still can’t believe gojo-sensei has been dating (y/n)-sensei for over 10 years.” nobara hissed at her two partners as she watched you and satoru walking together in front of them.
“why is it hard to believe? sensei is a pretty good looking dude.” yuji said nonchalantly.
megumi sighed and explained, “that’s not the point, itadori. the point is that (y/n)-sensei is way out of his league.”
“you seem pretty close to her, fushiguro.” yuji pointed out, noticing that megumi always defended you no matter what the topic was.
“i kinda owe her and gojo-sensei my life.” megumi grumbled, “they took me in when i was five.”
nobara looked at him, wide-eyed, “you mean… they adopted you when they were 18?! and (y/n)-sensei is basically like your mom?! oh my god! he needs to put a ring on her immediately for all he puts her through!”
megumi knew the reason why you two weren’t married yet. it was for your safety, not because gojo-sensei didn’t want to. he would’ve married you right after high school graduation if that was the case.
you giggled to yourself as you scooped chocolate ice cream to feed to satoru. he grabbed the spoon from you, licking it clean.
“their conversation is so funny.” you said to him.
“are you listening to them with your shikigami? you’re so nosy.” satoru playfully chastised you.
you called back your birds with your hand signal as they flew closer to you and satoru. they seemed to be flying happily as no danger was around. “your students are wondering why we aren’t married yet.”
“you already know why.” satoru put the spoon back into your ice cream.
“you don’t want to make me a target.” you recited back to him. satoru gojo believed that if you were to marry him, you would be a target and gain all his and the gojo clan’s enemies. that would make you the achilles' heel to the strongest sorcerer known to man.
“it’s not like people don’t know that we’re together.” you rolled your eyes, “i can take care of myself, satoru. i'm pretty sure the kamo clan is out for my head as we speak.” (read ‘love at first fight’ here)
“i know you can take care of yourself. i just think it’s safer this way.” he shrugged.
“but i want to have kids too. i’m not getting any younger.” you inserted, hoping he’d take the bait to talk about having kids.
“what are you talking about? we have two kids, megumi and tsumiki.” satoru said nonchalantly, you wanted to face palm your forehead to how oblivious he was.
digging deeper, you added, “i want kids with white hair and blue eyes running around.”
“hate to break it to you sweetheart, but they won’t be getting blue eyes. there can only be one six eyes in a lifetime, you already know that.”
“what about your white hair?” you tip-toed to ruffle his hair as he laughed, grabbing your hand.
“what about your black hair and beautiful green eyes that i love so much?” satoru grinned at you, “if you want, we can practice reproducing later tonight?”
you threw an ice shard at him, hitting his infinity. “no inappropriate jokes around the students, please.” you chastised him as he winked at you. you scooped another bite of ice cream into your mouth as you frowned.
“so feisty… i’m in for a world of trouble if our future kids ever get your attitude.”
“if that’s the case… you better get ready.” you muttered under your breath.
satoru didn’t hear your comment. “hmmm? what’d you say?” he asked.
“nothing, eat your ice cream.” you replied, quickly shoving another spoonful in his mouth.
"ouch, brain freeze." satoru grimaced.
one week later
time was ticking as the baby in your stomach was growing. you had to tell satoru you were pregnant.
your morning sickness was horrible. you didn’t want satoru to catch onto anything, so whenever you felt sick, you ran to the bathroom near megumi’s room across the apartment instead of your master bathroom. (see the apartment layout here)
“babe?” satoru found you in the guest bathroom, hurled over the toilet, dry heaving. “are you okay?” he crouched down to pull your hair back, “do we need to go see shoko?”
“no, it’s fine.” you pushed him away, “leave me alone, please. i don't want to you see me like this.”
“and why would i leave you alone? there's clearly something going on with your health again.” he comforted you, rubbing firm circles on your upper back.
after your morning sickness session in the bathroom subsided, you miserably dragged your feet back to your bathroom to brush your teeth. satoru leaned against the bathroom door frame, arms folded. you turned to face him.
“don’t you have a mission today?” you asked him, hoping that he'd leave soon.
“yeah, i do. but don’t change the subject. what is going on? are you sick?” satoru asked. the past week you had unintentionally become distant and avoided having deep conversations with him. he felt the cold shoulder from you emotionally and he hated it. he was starting to get fed up.
“no. i’m not sick.”
“do you have some type of terminal illness or something that you’re not telling me about?”
“no, satoru!” you scoffed in disbelief. he was so smart and cunning in battle, how could he not put 2+2 together for something as simple as this?
“do you want to break up with me? is that it? are you tired of me?” he asked quietly.
how could he ask you that after 10 years of putting up with him?
“no!!!” you shouted at him.
“then what is it, (y/n)?!” he finally snapped after a week of trying to be patient, “what are you hiding from me?” satoru’s voice raised an octave as he got more frustrated as the conversation was going nowhere.
you couldn’t handle it anymore. you clenched your fists, water started pouring out of the apartment faucets and showers from your raging cursed energy.
“i’m pregnant!” you shouted back at him.
satoru lifted his blindfold, his blue eyes widened, jaw dropped. it was as if time stood still for him. the only thing he could hear was the sound of your angry breathing and all the faucets flowing throughout the apartment.
“what…?” satoru whispered, “that can’t happen. you’re on birth control.”
“that’s what i thought too. but shoko confirmed it.” you told him as tears started to form on your long dark lashes.
“damn it… damn it. damn it!” satoru hissed. he ran his fingers through his hair, pushing off his blindfold and throwing it at the bathroom counter. “why didn’t you tell me?”
his reaction hurt your feelings, “because i didn’t know what your reaction would be and clearly you’re not happy about it.”
“how far along are you?” he asked, ignoring your comment. he walked towards you to stand beside you, putting his hand on top of yours. you flinched as you took your hand back to wipe your tears away.
“6 weeks. it’s early enough that i can get an abortion.” you sniffled.
“just… don’t make any decisions right now.” he said. it sounded like he was begging you, “we can talk more when i get back from this damn mission.”
satoru leaned towards you. he grabbed the side of your head to kiss your temple, “i love you, (y/n). i'm not mad at you.” he whispered.
satoru’s mission
it took everything in satoru not to leave you behind at the apartment alone after the way he reacted. why did he have to be assigned such a lowly mission? any of the students could’ve handled it, so why did it have to be him out of all people and out of all the days?
he teleported to shinagawa where it was reported that a curse was terrorizing an elementary school. it looked deserted when he arrived at the front gate.
satoru raised two fingers to put up a veil, “emerge from darkness, blacker still. purify that which is impure.”
he walked into the school, his six eyes sensing the curse right away. it couldn’t have been more than a grade 2 or 3. he heard a bloodcurdling scream, leading him to the gymnasium.
“please help!” a woman’s voice screamed and begged as the curse towered over her. satoru teleported in front of the woman and swiftly blasted the curse away with sheer force, exorcising it immediately.
“are you alright?” satoru turned to ask the woman. he stopped dead in his tracks.
she was pregnant.
“please sir, save my baby.” she begged as she was bleeding from her abdomen. her hands and arms shielding her womb protectively. the curse must’ve already injured her before satoru arrived. he kicked himself for his late arrival. he could’ve prevented this if he came earlier.
he lifted the injured woman in his arms, “don’t worry. i’ll save you. nothing will happen to you or your baby.” he promised as he teleported to the closest hospital.
tokyo shinagawa hospital
“it looks like the patient and her baby will be fine. she was close to full term. if she lost any more blood, her and the baby would’ve died.” the doctor reported back to satoru as ijichi stood next to him, documenting everything for the report that he would have to fill out later.
satoru was deep in thought about how this woman begged him to save her baby and not herself. it was the fact that she so selflessly put her baby first that really got to him.
he thought about you and what you would’ve done if you were in that woman’s shoes. he knew that you would protect your baby with your life because he would do the exact same thing. satoru felt his protective instinct skyrocket now more than ever.
satoru’s heart felt heavy. he immediately felt guilty knowing that you thought he didn't want to have kids and how hard this must have been for you the past week. he wanted to be there for you, but he was terrified of the unknown. would he be a good father? would he be able to protect this baby? and were you even happy being pregnant with his child?
“ijichi, can you take care of the rest? i have somewhere i need to be.” satoru asked impatiently.
ijichi complained, “are you sure you’re not just trying to pawn off your work to me?”
“there are two people who need me right now.” satoru waved as he teleported back to the apartment. the two people in question? you and the baby that was growing in your belly.
back at the apartment
you felt satoru’s cursed energy appear as he teleported back into the living room. he walked towards you and hugged you tightly, surprising you.
“can’t. breathe.” you said as your face was squished into his firm chest.
he immediately let go of you, scared he hurt the baby by embracing you so tightly.
“i know what you're thinking, the baby is fine.” you said as you hugged him back even tighter in return, “did you know the baby is the size of a sweet pea according to my baby tracking app? so they wouldn't have even felt that hug.”
“that’s pretty small.” he said, chuckling softly. he paused to take a deep breath, he then looked down at you, “can we talk?”
you nodded as he guided you back to the couch, sitting down in the soft white cushions as he sat on the floor in front of you, holding your hands.
he looked you in the eyes, “don’t get an abortion, (y/n).”
you blinked twice, “well, that’s not what i was expecting. what changed your mind?”
“i never said i didn’t want kids, babe.” satoru said defensively.
you mumbled as you folded your arms, “you made it sound like you didn’t. and your reaction when i told you i was pregnant earlier today doesn’t support that statement.” avoiding eye contact with him.
he grabbed your hands again and explained his point of view, “i was upset that you hid it from me. and i was surprised because you were on birth control which is supposed to prevent pregnancy. and i was really fucking scared.”
“scared? the satoru gojo scared of a baby the size of a sweet pea?” you emphasized. he furrowed his eyebrows at you.
“i had a come-to-jesus moment during my mission.” he started to say, “(y/n), i’d do anything for you. just like you would for me. but now… we can’t put each other first anymore. we have to set our priorities elsewhere.”
“what do you mean by that?”
“we have to think of this baby and how this baby will always come first now.”
you were quiet, processing what satoru just said. yours and satoru's lives were going to drastically change. this baby would be your number one priority in life. you and satoru spent the last decade caring deeply for each other and being each other's prime concern, now this baby would come first.
you realized that he was terrified of having this baby be the center of his universe, knowing that the baby would be defenseless without you and him. satoru wanted to protect this baby with his life, just like the mother he saved today who wanted to save her baby's life.
being a parent meant that you would always have your heart living outside of your body, and that would make you vulnerable to extreme pain, but also let you experience indescribable love. and that was something you were willing to risk experiencing in life with satoru.
“you're right, babe. i agree.” you said softly, you held his cheek in your hand. “you really want to do this? you really want to be a dad?”
“hell yes i want this.” satoru said confidently, holding your hand against his cheek.
“how dare you get me pregnant, satoru gojo.” you jokingly reprimanded him.
he kneeled forward into you as he kissed you softly, “sorry, it was an accident.”
“babe! show me this baby app you’ve been using this past week.” satoru demanded playfully as he pulled you into his lap. you grinned as you grabbed your phone to pull up the ‘what to expect’ app.
“so! baby gojo is the size of a sweet pea or a nail head. and they’re .25 inches small.”
"baby gojo... i like the sound of that." he smiled at the thought. he nodded, a signal for you to continue.
“it says that baby gojo’s face is forming and taking shape! i hope they don’t get your big head...” you laughed as satoru frowned.
“my head is not big!” he defended himself, “moving on.”
“it says that the heart starts to pulse around this time and we should be able to hear a heartbeat at my first pre-natal appointment…” you said with a smile.
“i’ll make sure i request that day off.”
“you better! or i’ll have a word with principal yaga.” you smacked his chest playfully with the back of your hand. “baby gojo supposedly looks like a tadpole with a tiny tail. and i won’t feel any movement for awhile.”
“so you can’t feel it move or anything?” satoru asked curiously.
“no, but i’m feeling these pregnancy symptoms.” you complained, “my boobs hurt, my heartburn is worse than usual, and the morning sickness is killing me.”
“okay, so basically, don’t touch your boobs anymore, carry extra tums for you, and hold your hair for you when you throw up in the morning. got it.” satoru noted.
you glared at him with your emerald green eyes, “please stop talking.”
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wanna know how the rest of oc gojo girlfriend's pregnancy goes? read the next chapter, ‘milestones’ here.
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Since tgr is coming out next week, here's some long random thoughts I have:
-Jean only has a driver's licence so he could travel on away games. Tetsuji took/ locked away Jean's passport when he arrived in the US, but he needed government ID to fly for away games. It is given to Ichirou with the new deal. The perfect court were never taught any other life skills, so I don't see why they would've been taught to drive if they weren't taught to cook.
-When he starts traveling to away games with the Trojans, they find it odd that he doesn't have a passport. This finally leads them to a Google search that leads to a human trafficking page. Then they realize Jean ticks off most of the boxes (name change, no passport, forbidden interaction with the public, forbidden language, deferring to another (Tetsuji and Riko when he was a Raven), physical wounds/ scarring, etc). (I also imagine Jean to have a Moriyama brand on his heel where no one can see who didn't know to look there. . .)
-Jean is 100% an exy prodigy. Tetsuji wouldn't've just bought some random kid from a foreign country. Jean must've been incredible to catch his eye and make the money and the fuss of international adoptions worth it. And that was him as an untrained child. With the training from the Ravens, he's one of the best players in the game. When he plays healthy, unhurt, and supported with the Trojans, I think he's the best in the game. I'd love to see him easily scoring from the backline. It becomes a trademarked move that no one else can pull off. The ERC has to have special meetings at the end of the season to assess if they should alter the official rulebook to forbid backliners from scoring. (They don't.)
-I can't remember who first posted the idea, but I do think that Jean's father sex trafficked him as a child. (One doesn't jump straight to selling their kids to the mafia without building up to it first). Riko finds out and is upset that Jean is 'used goods'. This is what Jean is begging forgiveness for when Riko sends him into the other Raven's beds. (Also for looking at Kevin in the changeroom, obvs)
-Jeremy is just a normal dude with normal dude problems. He isn't allowed out during the week. Maybe his big scandal is just that he's not that academically inclined. If he was into drugs or hard-core partying, he wouldn't be allowed out on the weekends. Maybe he was on academic probation, or maybe his grades just weren't up to his parent's standards. At most there was a sex scandal in his first year when he was in first year and exploring his sexuality, resulting in the 'floozies' jokes. His mum and stepfamily are definitely homophobic, though.
-Elodie's death occurred at vaguely the same time as Jean's first suicide attempt. When he learns this, Jean blames himself for her death. He believes that because he 'forgot his place' and tried to escape his fate as a Moreau, Elodie was punished for it.
-Jean will attempt suicide in tgr. Nora said she'd drag Jean back to life, no matter how much he didn't want it. She also said tgr is sadder than tsc. It will happen for one of two reasons. 1) he's too low now. Being with the Trojans shows him that he is a person and he can decide his own fate. Kevin and Riko don't get to tell him when to live or die. Maybe he realizes that he didn't deserve everything he's been through, and feels trapped by the deal with Ichirou. 2) he makes an infraction against his addendum to his contract with the Trojans. Maybe he is rude to a reporter. Maybe he gets a yellow card (I don't really want any red cards. . .). Either way, he feels like his contract is void and that he'll be kicked off the team, and therefore his life is forfeit, so he decides to beat Ichirou to the punch.
-If that does happen, and if Jeremy does have a sibling who committed suicide, he's the one to find Jean. But Jeremy freezes and panics, and it's up to someone else to call EMS/ provide first aid. And then neither Jean nor Jeremy are in positions to help eachother through the aftermath. Cat and Laila carry them both.
-If Jean acquires a new hobby (other than pottery, cooking, and motorbikes), it should be gardening. That boy clearly loves the outdoors, and appreciates life. He should get to grow some pretty flowers, and enjoy the soil beneath his nails and the sin on his skin.
-The Ravens blame Jean 1000% for their downfall. This results in death threats/ mean letters from Ravens fans. At the regular season Ravens v Trojans, they injure Jean to the point of hospitalization (he plays throught the match and it isn't until a few days later that the team realizes something is wrong. This is when the Trojans realize Jean can't be trusted regarding his health status, and that he was playing every game as a Raven injured). At the championship game, it results in straight up attempted murder. (The Ravens still get knocked out in the early rounds) (I'm not the same as I was by perchancetosleep is probably my favourite fic ever, and goes along with this idea)
-I don't really love the idea of us knowing the person Ichirou is engaged to. However, someone posted that they thought maybe it was Elodie. I don't love that, nor do I think a Moriyama would marry property. However, he might marry someone with more influence, say, a Senator's daughter. If Ichirou marries someone we've already been introduced to, I could see it being Annalise. Because of their slightly estranged relationship, Jeremy had never met his future brother-in-law, and was seeing him for the first time on TV. I don't really think this could nor should happen, but it would make for some very interesting family get-togethers when all the ?Knoxes bring their plus ones. . . (Obviously Jean goes with Jeremy)
-my random headcanon: Jean only really heard other team's fight songs in his time as a Raven. He doesn't understand the floozies' love of TV, but he gets really into music. When he's happy, he sings softly to himself.
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hongjoongscafe · 3 months ago
Episode: 1 <Oh!>
☕︎Pairing: vlogger!jungkook x photographer!reader
☕︎Genre: fluff, smut, angst, influencer au.
☕︎Summary: amid their own separate journeys, they stumbled across each other and began a new journey together.
☕︎Warnings: none for this episode:)
☕︎Word count: 3.4k+
☕︎Note: lemme know if you wanna be added to the permanent or specific taglist! This is more of a free-mind series. I'm just going to build up the plot, make them be in love and then you guys can request stuff later on keeping in mind the aesthetics and plot of this series. This is going to be a relaxing day-to-day life thing-y.
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“Welcome back to my YouTube channel, everyone! It has been a while since we last spoke.” I, a passionate vlogger or videographer by passion, speak to my dearest camera.
“It was just last week,” Sullivan, my partner slash manager, grumbles sassily beside me.
I chuckle, being beyond used to his sassy self. “Don’t worry about him, you all. He has been constipated for two days and is now a grump.” I wink at the camera with mischief.
Sullivan snarles and hits me on the head, playfully. “Hey, that’s not true!”
“I’ve got the receipts,” I wiggle my eyebrows at the man who in return shakes his head in disbelief and walks faster to get to the stall of fruits they were going at. “Anyway, we are now in Milan, Italy! My last trip to Paris was nice but this place is what I’m most excited about, honestly. I’ve always wanted to visit Italy, and you all made it possible. So thank you guys for watching my vlogs and subscribing to my channel.”
I lower my camera and try to catch up with Sullivan, but he is fast. The market is a bit stuffy but I love places like this where the beauty of life shuffles around. I look around the market.
I smile widely as I see a little kid clinging to his mother, sulking about something in Italian. A couple are walking hand in hand and giggling about something. “Ah. Sometimes I feel super jealous of these couples. They are always so cute and lovey-dovey. It is so cute…” he spoke to the camera. “I want that,” I pouted but chuckled but was not really jealous. This just gives me hope that filmy love is possible.
My previous relationship could have been better (for the sake of a few years which we have spent, I'm gonna put it nicely, lol). It has been four years now since we parted ways. After my then-girlfriend broke my heart, I started to vlog my daily life as an escape from the pain. I have always been a hopeless romantic, believing in movie-like love. Some romance movies are based on real-life events so why not believe in that kind of love?
Maybe one day, I’ll get my own customised filmy happy ending with a beautiful bride in a white gown, where I am clad in a dashing tuxedo. All the while there are swans in the lake behind us forming their signature heart as my bride and I kiss under a perfect romantic sky and people who love us cheering for our love and future married life.
I sigh at my imagination. Now my heart is jealous of my own imagination of myself.
Catching up with my partner, I see some delicious, and fresh figs. Sullivan picks some up fills his bag and hands them to the vendor. “I have heard that figs in Italy are popular. I may be wrong tho. My quick Google search could be wrong,” I mutter while eying the fruits. “Look at them!” I turn my camera to the pile of fruits. “Although June to October is figs season, they still look so fresh in December.”
Sullivan pays and then turns to the next stall and then next. Like this, we spend the next hour jumping from one market stall to another, not really buying stuff but just looking at how everything works.
Currently, we are resting at a hotel but we have booked an Airbnb for the rest of the trip but the owners said that unfortunately, we couldn’t use it until the next three days as there have been some unexpected issues. On the bright side, they are giving us a good discount for the inconvenience. Win-win!
Honestly speaking, will there be any inconvenience to two bachelors of age 26 who have spent their time sleeping in the car when the other one needed the dorm room for the nasty?
I know you must be wondering, “JK, why didn’t you sleep at your girlfriend’s at such a time?” Well, the short answer in even shorter words– roommate.
So, basically, what I am trying to say is we don’t need much to bring back to the hotel as we can simply order food even in the middle of the night for some extra price (what? Anything for food. There is nothing between me and my late night munchies).
“Did you guys know that the world’s oldest shopping mall is here in Milan?” I say while looking wide eye into the camera. “It is called The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Quite surprising, no? I think we will go there tomorrow to check it out.”
“It is really beautiful. It opened in the 1870s if I am not wrong. This mall is frankly very famous. A great tourist attraction,” the grump adds. “I think we will be able to get some sexy clips there of the architecture. In this cold minimalist era, it is difficult to see such wonderful structures.”
I nod in agreement. There is a reason why both of us get attracted to places where we can see older, breathtaking architects. France was wonderful, too. It had many places to be where we could bless our eyes with such antique beauty.
“Everything is so beautiful here,” I gape like a kid as we walk through the beautiful streets of Milan. “I must say, I like the vibes here. Everything is so alive. Look!” on the other side of the street, there was a cute flower shop where a man was sitting and playing an organetto. I turn my camera and capture the scene. Then I turn it back.
I keep talking to the camera about how I like the tune the man is playing with my undivided attention. Because of that, I don’t realize when I run into someone by mistake.
“Oh!” I huff. “I’m sorry!” I quickly apologize with a slight bow. Without looking up.
“It's okay,” a sweet voice softly mutters. I try to look at the face of such a honey-like voice but I am met with a curtain of hair hiding her face. She was fiddling with her camera.
Without looking at her face, I move along. The embarrassment crawled up my spine but it soon was replaced by joy when we crossed the road to take a better look at the organ player.
Using my Fujifilm X-T3, I take some shots of the man and the shop.
We spent the next couple of hours recording and exploring the local market. It was refreshing but soon we retired to our hotel to get some rest. After we landed in Italy, we were both on our feet looking around.
It is around 7:30 in the evening as we walk down the famous Navigli street. The canals are stunning and the streets are shining with the warm lights and filled with the delicious scent of food.
My mouth waters as we pass by the tables full of food. I pull out my vlogging camera to record myself and the street for my viewers. They are like me. I guess, that is why they like to watch my silly vlogs. “It is now evening here. We took some rest but for you guys, it was only a second,” I point out. “You people are so lucky that you have me to show you around. See, the canal is so pretty!” I show them around. “After having dinner, we will take some shots from that little bridge. Hopefully, we get some good angles.”
I turn off the camera for now.
“Ugh, I’m starving. Honestly, I’ll eat anything at this point,” Sullivan musses.
I had to agree with him. It was our fault that we went back hotel and ordered only one pizza. It was not even filling enough for both of us. But we were too tired to care and just shared it before hitting the bed.
While looking around, we find a cute restaurant there. There were still some empty tables so we rushed in and sat on a table for two which is right by the window overlooking the canal. I roll my vlogging camera and record some quick clips and then on my Fujifilm. We order some local special meals and wait.
The brick walls are painted white and there are some cool posters of some old classics and paintings of the city and the canal. The name of the place is engraved in the middle between two wine racks. This place was comforting. Even the background music was adding to the vibe of the place.
Shortly, the food arrives at our table. The waiter fills our glasses with fine wine and water in the other glasses. After taking a quick video of the meal I place the camera on the table facing me. Being a vlogger wasn’t easy especially when hungry. I still had to record for my viewers even tho I know they would mind looking at my half-eaten plate.
I take one bite of my meal and my Costoletta Orecchia D'elefante brings goosebumps to my skin. The red wine is also silky smooth. The vibes and the delicious food add to the whole new cosy feeling of the restaurant. I order some Risotto all’onda after I finish my first dish. It makes me oddly feel at home.
I yap about the place and food to the camera, without paying any mind to the people around. Everything was in front of me anyway.
Sullivan took out his camera and proposed to click some of my pictures for the thumbnail of the ‘Day 1 vlog in Milan’. It is always funny to take some thumbnail pictures. Somehow, I find it hilarious to take an exaggerated shitty picture that my lovely people love to laugh about. And after that, he took some random pictures to add to my random Instagram posts thread.
“I would 10 on 10 recommend you all to visit this place. I’ll leave the address in the description box for you all.”
On the cold December night, the streets are filled with fairy lights and Christmas magic.
Everything looks so romantic. I wish I had some to kiss here, in the middle of all the magic. I look at my partner and scoff as he adjusts his camera for my pictures. He is not the best at camera but still finds a way to be good at stuff. He is mainly an editor. He edited my videos other than my vlogs.
I love editing my vlogs. But he edits the videos for my other channel for my Travel Montages. And my pictures as well. He works as a freelancer for many other projects as well. I learned to edit from him. He is best at that.
As much as I love him as a friend, I am envious of him sometimes. He is still in a relationship with his high school sweetheart.
I remember quite vividly how he used to roam around Luna like a love-sick dog with his tongue hanging out and two gigantic hearts for eyes. His static attitude always used to melt into a puddle.
Nothing has changed. He is still that love-sick dog around her. Honestly, they both deserve each other. Just two blondies loving each other.
But it does not dull the longing ache in my heart. I have had some freaky one-night stands here and there. And if I find a chance to get laid here then I’m all in.
But c’mon! I wanna be a love-sick dog, too!
Sighing, I say, “Take some good shots of me, okay? Who knows maybe my future wife is drooling at my pictures.”
“Have I ever told you that you are full of shit sometimes?” he grumbles.
“Many times. But Luna says I’m a delight and that she loves my company, Ivan,” I cheerily smile.
“She would say the same thing to a goddamn gutter rat she saw while waiting for her train at the subway,” Ivan rolls his eyes and stand in position and jerks his head to me to pose for the camera. “Now be an actual delight and smile for me, sexy,” he taunts with a cringy smile.
Yeah, we are like this. Dont ask anything, okay? Just… get on with it.
There is my vlogging camera in my hand which is rolling, I will probably not be cutting out our sweet-sweet banter. It is what keeps them all entertained. Just two cool dudes having banter under a romantic sky.
I pose in different poses. I also made one of my favourite poses where I click a picture of the camera clicking my picture so it imitates a mirror selfie.
I return the favour by clicking his pictures. He is photogenic. His dusty blond hair compliments his light grey-ish green eyes with a dark sea green ring around them. In all honesty, he is a handsome man– not that I will ever say that to his face. The bastard is already cocky enough.
I do record him for my travel montages. His rosegold-rimmed wire glasses and winter attire just add to the fantasy of the viewers. I like to add myself and my friends in these videos as well, it gives a perfect personal touch of warmth.
It is around one in the morning and I still haven’t gone to bed. I use this time to edit my vlog. My vlogs are not that big. I try to keep them minimal as I post almost every day. They are usually anywhere between 6-15 minutes. It is rare when they exceed that limit and make a part two out of it.
Vlogging is therapeutic for me so is videography. I thought about cinematography but it takes a lot. And I don't like that kind of pressure. I do own two high-end cinematic cameras but I pull them out if we take any wedding-related project or maybe some other high-end projects where we need to pull them out. But most of these cinematic shots are possible to take on other relatively cheaper and smaller cameras.
In short, I love what I do. And I won’t change it for anything.
As I am editing my vlog, I reach the clip where I accidentally run into someone. In the clip I, without looking at the person out of embarrassment, apologised and looked elsewhere but now I notice how the person looked at my back and muttered a cute little it’s okay. And then lowers her head and fiddles with her camera.
I quickly pause the clip and rewind it. Then I zoom into the face of that lady. My breath hitches when I see her.
“What the…” I trail. I don’t know how to describe but dear lord she is beautiful. Her brunette hair is shiny under the pale sun and long. Her pouty lips are tinted with a perfect hue of red which matches the blush of her cheeks. She is utterly adorable. She has some acne around her cheeks which just makes her adorable nonetheless.
In the clip, I was only a second late to turn around or else I would have witnessed such a beauty in person.
“Fuck you, JK,” I scold myself. “Couldn’t you have seen her just a second earlier or waited for her to turn around, you embarrassed jackass,” I huff.
I know I’m acting like a hormonal teenager but hey, she is so gorgeous. If you were me, you would have been acting like me. But alas, I missed the opportunity to see her.
Concluding that I’m a dumbass, I keep going through other clips and editing them. When I reach the recordings at the restaurant, I curse out loud as I find the same girl sitting behind me. And guess what? ALONE. I wish I had turned around then. But what’s the point in sulking now when I am sitting in this hotel room all by myself and editing these clips full of regret?
While editing, I sent a quick text to Ivan to send me the raw, unedited pictures of me in the restaurant, as I think she has to be in some of those pictures.
I nearly jump and scream out loud when I find her again in my video on that bridge where we are taking pictures after dinner. In the video, I am checking the photos that Ivan clicked and that girl passed by us, briefly looking into my camera lens.
Her pretty eyes widen slightly in surprise. But now I have no idea why. I wish she had stopped there and asked whatever piqued her interest that it brought shining stars in her already sprinkly eyes. Or at least I have paid attention rather than being a fucking narcissistic bitch in those times.
Okay, I know I’m being harsh and ridiculous. But… she is magnificent.
I quickly edit the rest of my video and do a voice-over in the part where I see her the first time.
“I know this going to sound crazy but look at that girl,” I whine. “Why is she so pretty?”
Keeping my hormones aside, I take a deep breath and let the sudden burst of adrenaline die down. I set the timer for the video. It will be up while I am asleep. Closing all the tabs, I shut down my laptop and slid deeper into my mattress.
It does not take long before I fall asleep sandwiched between the warm blanket and bedding.
I jolt wake up as there is a pounding at my door.
“Yo sleepy hoe, wake up! It is time to explore the world, princess. Wouldn’t want to deprive the world of my immaculate beauty,” Sullivan yaps.
I barely open my eyes as I stumble across the room and open the door for the extra hyped man outside my holy chambers. “Yeah, wake up the whole floor, will ya?” I grumble as he enters my room and plop onto my bed.
“I will but they won’t be going out to take some sexy montages now will they? So I gotta wake this hoe up,” he kicks my ass from where he is sprawled on my bed.
“For someone who is usually extra shitty in the morning, you are very much charming today. Why so? Did the beast finally get kissed by the beauty?” I yawn and open my suitcase to pull out my morning toiletries and clothes for the day. I pull the curtain aside and a thick fog is blocking much of the scene. So I pull out my bear jacket.
I look at Ivan who is looking at me with a sparkly glint in his eyes. His smirk grew on his face. I think I know why he is so chirpy this morning. “You had online sex,” I don't ask but state the fact that is written on his face.
My theory is confirmed when his smirk turns into a smile. “I miss her, dude. I wish it was real skin to skin but boy when you wake up with a horny video call, it just hits extra horny,” he sigh, dreamily.
I pause whatever I am doing and look at him. “Are you sure you are making sense?” I chuckle. Happy that at least one of us is happier. Yes, I am happy but just not over-the-moon-in-love-happy if that makes sense.
He just closes his eyes and turns to his side. “Just get ready, princess.”
After I got ready, we left the hotel (we grabbed the smallest breakfast as we were running late plus some coffee. We will have food later on somewhere authentic.), and now we are on our way to the Milan Cathedral. It is about twenty minutes by car. So I open my YouTube to see how my video is doing and to reply to some of the comments.
The moment I open the comment section, I am hit by one main topic. I read the top comment that says—
bigpicturehal: It is funny how you sound so anguished. And I’m surprised you don’t know her. She is Y/N. She has a channel about a bit of vlogging, mainly her photography and tutorials. Her channel is TheCosyTimes. You are welcome;) Oh and what do you mean you got the receipts for constipation?!
My heart picks up speed and I read the comment again and again. She is like me. I mean a person with a camera. And she makes content as well. Fucking perfect.
A silly smile widens on my face which Sullivan notices.
“What happened? Got invited to an orgy?” he askes.
“Better than that,” I mutter. “Do you know who TheCosyTimes is?” I ask him.
“Heard about it. I think I have watched a couple of videos from that channel. I dont recall much,” he thinks about it.
Y/n… I smile widely as I follow her on Instagram and subscribe to her YouTube channel. Now I have a new obsession…
@veneziamadness @cheline @sansmilkbread @jayb17 @constantlydelulusional @8tinytings @tea4sykes @chimmisbae @demonshauntingthedoves
Have a nice day/night💓
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