#google maps satellite view
ceyhanmedya · 2 years
<strong>Google Maps</strong>
New Post has been published on https://bankakredin.com/google-maps/
Google Maps
Google Maps
Google Maps is one of the free to use map services, one of the Google products. Maps provide road information, and they take advantage of real-time traffic to determine the most suitable route to reach your destination. The service, which contains many features, also provides API support, making it easier for other sites to benefit from the service, and google maps also supports three-dimensional viewing. 
The service provides many possibilities such as calculating suitable routes, satellite images, terrain images, a specific route for transportation by vehicle and informing about the traffic situation while processing it, calculating the time to reach the destination and so on.
Google map features
Street View
With the Street View feature of Google maps, 360-degree panoramic images can be created and you can tour the streets with these images. To use the feature,  you need to go to Google Maps  . You can inquire about the place you want to see from the search area, then you can start using it by clicking on the image.
Voice commands
If you turn on voice commands, it is possible to receive important information such as road information and road warnings, but voice navigation is not a service available in all languages ​​yet.
Location Sharing
Google maps service offers the possibility to share any desired location. With its instant location sharing feature, it allows you to meet your friends comfortably in an area you want.
Open the Google Maps app.
Choose a place from the map.
Tap the address of the place.
Find and tap the share icon. If this icon is not visible, tap the three dots and press share.
Select the app you want to share.
Finding Parking Space
Google Maps service uses real data, so it provides information to the users about the parking when they arrive at the destination and it can be known how long it takes.
Seeing Places Nearby
Google Maps allows you to see the parks, pharmacies, restaurants, cafes around or near you, and you can see the feedback and ratings of these places by other users.
Adding a Company
Adding your company to Google Maps makes it easier for your customers to reach you. To add your company, you need to install the Google My Business app. then you can register your company by following the steps on the screen that opens.
Starting or Stopping Navigation
Open the Google Maps app on your phone.
Search for your destination from the map search section and tap on it.
Press and hold Directions from the bottom left.
If you want to add a different destination optionally, click on add a stop in the upper right corner and tap Done when the process is finished.
Choose one of the following options: * Car * Public Transport * Journey * Pedestrian * Bicycle
Click Start to start the navigation.
Setting a Reminder for the Trip
Open the Google Maps app on your phone.
Add a destination.
Tap the blue circle in the lower right corner.
Choose how you can go.
Click on the three dots at the top right and click on the “ Set Reminder ” option.
Set time.
Using Offline
You can use google maps  in an area where you don’t have internet access or when you don’t have internet  . You can save an area on your google maps before and when you are offline you can navigate the area you downloaded.
Open the Google Maps app on your phone
Since you need to be connected to the internet, make sure your connection is strong and you also need to log in.
Search anywhere and click on your download option.
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opendirectories · 7 months
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luckystrike-x · 1 year
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clairegregoryau · 3 months
I've been tracking this down for a while now and I've finally found confirmation of what I suspected: Google Maps imagery for Piha Beach in Aotearoa New Zealand captured the setup for filming of Our Flag Means Death's Season 2, Episode 8!
[EDIT 25 June: the north end current imagery is sadly no longer this version, but I've captured it for posterity here, and it's still visible in the free Google Maps Pro app- read on for more info].
On the left is the north end of Piha Beach with the inn set. On the right is the south end carpark with the film crew base.
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Why is that cool to me? Because it truly was a fleeting moment in time, no more than a handful of days of possibility, and yet it was captured as the image on the map, at least for a period of time. As an archaeologist I love a moment preserved in time, and in this one you can even see the OFMD production crew on the beach and on the path. It's places and people caught in the flashbulb of this aerial image.
The specifics of how I pinned down the imagery and the date are in this Twitter thread, but the short version is, I was hunting for a better visual on the area immediately surrounding the inn while writing Full Fathom Five, and noticed that the carpark in particular seemed to line up exactly with images from the final day of filming.
The final day of filming overall was 13 December 2022, filming at Piha was on 12 December 2022, and this aerial image was taken on 11 December 2022.
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I had already been through the first image to make a comparison to the aerial map and it looked like a match, but Google Maps had 2024 in their attribution. [Noting that I'd put 13 Dec on my image notes, but I'd got that tangled with the last day of filming in the Kumeū studio the next day, and it was 12 Dec on location].
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Thankfully Google Earth came through with the actual date.
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And I just took a further dig into Google Earth Pro, which allows you to switch between previous satellite images, and it confirms a date of 11 December 2022 for the north end image as well.
[EDIT 9 September 2024- thinking about this again and suddenly realised... you know what, very often things will put the date it was in the US when a picture was taken, even when that picture was taken on the other side of the world, in a different timezone. Which made me realise that actually, if this was taken on the 11th of December in the US, that was on the 12th of December in AoNZ. A quick search shows that Google Maps confirms the date can be one day out, so- odds increasing that we're seeing the actual filming of Ep8 here!]
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You can also compare this to a few months earlier in March 2022, right around the premiere of OFMD S1 (everything moved so fast in hindsight!) when there was no inn in that spot.
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Which means we now know that for now, if you hop onto Google Maps (not Google Earth, because they have a different image for the north end that does come from 2024) and zing on down to Piha Beach, you can take a look at a preserved moment in time from the filming of S2Ep8.
[EDIT 25 June: the north end image has now been updated to the 2024 version across all of Google Maps and Google Earth, but the south end is for now still from the filming day. You can find the previous version for the north end on Google Earth Pro].
You can hop straight to the inn here.
And straight to the parking lot here.
And remember to put the layers into Satellite mode to view the aerial imagery.
Everything that was/is shown at the north end lines up with what we've seen both in the show and in behind the scenes content, all of which I delved into in this Twitter thread last month. That goes into a lot more detail about specifics, but the evidence is solid across the board.
The sandy path that runs beside the inn is a distinct feature seen in the show.
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The peak that sits behind it, likewise (from Google Maps user uploads here and here).
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The inn itself, and the way the path gives way to an unseen carpark, from Simone Nathan's TikTok video.
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Based on all of that, it's easy to see that we've got our inn right here circled in red, preserved in that moment in time, even though it was no doubt taken down as soon as filming was done.
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Prep looks like it took a couple of days before filming; filming was pretty much done in a day, according to an article at the time.
So, there you have it- it's a minor little thing and it won't be up forever, but for now you can hop into Google Maps and see an aerial view adjacent to the filming of S2Ep8 at Piha. The other beach scenes from Eps 1, 3 and 8 were filmed at Te Henga/ Bethells Beach.
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boeing-787 · 1 year
which plane is THE most gay in your opinion?
Google maps, copy & paste 55.161313, -1.685411 into the bar, turn on satellite view and zoom in to the Gay Plane above the Morpeth curve.
Thank you and you're welcome.
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octuscle · 6 months
Total and life-changing solar eclipse
Michael was more than pissed off. He had been planning this April 8, 2024 for over two years. Almost all his friends from astronomy class had gone to Mazatlan, Austin or Niagara Falls. Despite all the logistical challenges, Michael wanted to see the solar eclipse at the Epi Center in Nazas. He was on the road for over 36 hours. And now his luggage with all his equipment had not arrived. And he was three and a half hours late. All he had was his special sunglasses. No telescope. No binoculars. All lost somewhere between Dublin and Mexico City… The sky was already darkening. The excursion he had signed up for was long gone somewhere in the mountains. Here, right in front of the airfield, it was full of amateurs. Idiots who didn't understand the significance of this eclipse from the Saros cycle. They probably thought it was a miracle. Michael checked Google Maps. He didn't have time to drive to the hotel first. There was no cab. But according to the satellite image, there was a large parking lot or something similar not far away. Good north-south orientation. Michael should have a good view. And hopefully it was emptier and quieter there…
He cursed the fact that he had to watch the eclipse with the naked eye. He cursed the fact that his sun cream with the sun protection factor was God knows where. His red hair shone in the sun. And he could feel himself getting sunburnt. He probably stank of sweat. The last shower had been during the stopover in Chicago. Maybe he should have flown to Toronto after all. But now he was here. And totality was getting closer and closer.
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Michael had been fascinated by astronomy ever since he could read. And he had taught himself at the age of four. Michael was the epitome of a nerd. Unathletic. No friends. Assistant in the computer science department at Dublin University. And now he was standing here alone in the sweltering heat in this parking lot. His head on his back. Above him, a spectacle that rarely existed in this form. His anger evaporated. His fascination with the play of sun and moon prevailed. He no longer felt the heat. In fact, it was starting to get cooler. Cooler and cooler. And it was also slowly getting noticeably darker. Until it was as if someone had switched off the light. Michael stared open-mouthed at the sky. He was overwhelmed. The Black Sun was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. All his exertions were forgotten. The thousands of euros he had spent on the plane tickets: all a trifle for this spectacle in the sky. He put his head back even further in fascination. And he fell backwards onto the ground.
Maldita sea, Miguel thought. He must have fainted a few seconds after falling to the ground. He held the back of his head. That could be a nasty bump on the head… His sunglasses had fallen off his face… He looked at the sun with a wink. Yes, you could still see the shadow of the moon in front of the sun. And? What was so special about it? It got dark every evening. Today it was also noon. Miserable astronomy crap… Even his kunkels had all gone out to a hill outside the village… He didn't care.
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His ball had rolled a few meters further. Miguel took it and practiced shooting baskets. By the time his buddies got back before that nerd thing, he was in shape. And then he would beat the losers. Like every time. Miguel was simply the basketball star of his village. And he was happy when all the strangers had finally left and things were quiet again.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Google Maps updated their satellite view of Ukraine. Data is from around mid-22.
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I’ve been reading some craft books and online posts about the world building because my story is an urban fantasy set in present day US, in a fictional town, and theres not a secondary world where the fantasy happens, it’s all in the real world, except the magic is a secret that only certain people know about, but all of the resources I find about world building only talk about fantastical worlds that exist by themselves and not the kind of more subtle world building that I’d have to do. Do you have any tips?
Guide: Creating a Fictional Town in the Real World
Step 1 - Choose Your Location - There are two ways to go about choosing a location for your fictional town. One is to go the "Springfield U.S.A." route, ala The Simpsons, and be vague about the specific location (borough, parish, district, county, region, state, or province) and instead give a broader geographic region... "the East Coast," "the Pacific Northwest," "Central Canada," Northern Scotland," etc. The other option is to go ahead and put your fictional town in a specific location. Just figure out where (for example, somewhere outside of Des Moines, Iowa) and go to Google Maps, click on satellite view, then start zooming in on big empty areas. Choose a place big enough to fit a town. Yes, in reality it's probably farm fields, pasture, or someone's property, but that doesn't matter. You don't have to actually show it on a map. It's just a plausible spot to build your town. Now you can measure how far it is to other places, you know what highways to take to get to it. You can even do street view to get the lay of the land, see what the landscape looks like and try to envision the buildings there. You can also use what's there to create parks, popular recreational areas, and anything else your town needs.
Step 2 - Choose Your Inspiration - Even when you're creating a fictional town, it's still a good idea to use a real town (or two, or three) from that general area as inspiration for your town. For a fictional town in Des Moines, I would zoom in on the map to find a nearby town of similar size... like Elkhart, then I can take a look around to see what it's like. Just looking at the map, I can see they have a couple of churches, a couple baseball fields, a very small main street/downtown area with a couple shops and restaurants, a post office, a few different neighborhoods, and a cemetery. This would be a great model for a small fictional town outside of Des Moines. And, as I said, you could look at a couple other sand combine them. Once you have your inspiration town/s, you can walk around on Google Maps street view, go to the town's web site, watch a tour on YouTube (if one exists), or look up pictures in Google Image search.
Step 3 - Start Planning - This is the really fun part! First, you might want to draw a basic map of your fictional town using your inspiration town/s as a guide. This doesn't have to be a pretty map... just a basic line drawing to help you envision where everything is. Think about some of the basic things this town might have, like the ones I listed in step two, and any other things you might want your town to have, like maybe a library, a hospital, a city hall, school, and maybe a movie theater. It might even be helpful and fun to put together a collage of pictures to represent your town so you've got something in mind as you write about it. You can even choose representatives for specific locations in your story, like your MC's house, school, and their favorite hangout.
Step 4 - Naming Your Town - Start by looking at the kinds of town names that surround your town. Look for common naming conventions... suffixes like -ton, -ville, -dale, -burg, -wood, -field, etc. Words in a particular language, like a lot of French-inspired town names, or towns with geographical terms (lake, hill, valley, river, canyon, gap, etc.) My guide to Naming Locations has additional tips.
Step 5 - Populate Your Town and Give it a History - Last but not least, make up a little history for your town, again, using surrounding towns as inspiration. Who founded it? When was it founded? What's the town's main industry? What are the people like in this town? What jobs do they have? What do they do for fun?
Here are some other posts that might help:
Five Things to Help You Describe Fictional Locations Setting Your Story in an Unfamiliar Place WQA’s Guide to Internet Research Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
A team of archaeologists has been rewarded for trekking some 60 kilometers (37 miles) into the dense Yucatan Peninsula jungles of southern Mexico: they've discovered a long-lost ancient Maya city that there are no previous records of. Of course a lot of the city has been lost to time: the archaeologists say that the stone columns may well have originally been entrances to upper rooms. There's also a ball court, for recreational and perhaps religious purposes. Ahead of the field work done by the researchers, overhead LIDAR scans were carried out across the area. The technology uses the reflections of laser beams to detect buildings that are otherwise hidden from view by trees and undergrowth. "The biggest surprise turned out to be the site located on a peninsula of high ground, surrounded by extensive wetlands," says archaeologist and team leader Ivan Šprajc, from the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (via Google Translate).
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
Trump lies constantly and so do his craven lickspittles.
The very first lies of the Trump administration involved inflating crowd size at his 20 January 2017 inauguration.
Kellyanne Conway continues the Trump tradition of inflationary crowd numbers.
Kellyanne Conway tried to draw some distinction between Donald Trump and Joe Biden during an appearance on Maria Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures, noting that Trump was making outreaches to Black voters. “You got Donald Trump in Detroit talking to 8,000 people at a Black church,” she told Bartiromo. However, what Conway failed to note was that Trump did not speak to 8,000 people nor was the majority of the crowd Black when Trump spoke at 180 Church in Detroit on Saturday.
I went to Google Maps and and looked up 13660 Stansbury Avenue in Detroit - the address of the church. Using satellite view and Google's instrument for measuring distance, I measured the exterior of the building which was roughly 160' X 93' or 14,880 square feet. For comparison, a college basketball court is 94' X 50' or 4,700 square feet.
Here's the front of the 180 Church. It's no megachurch., perhaps 8 car lengths wide.
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Kellyanne Conway is asking us to believe that 8,000 people were squeezed into an area the size of 3 basketball courts. Keep in mind that my calculation of 14,800 sq. ft. covers the whole building, not just the church sanctuary where Trump ranted. There are offices, presumably classrooms for Sunday school, a foyer, hallways, storage areas, and bathrooms.
Of course, being an attendee at a Trump event at a "Black church" does not necessarily make you Black.
A Reuters report noted that the crowd was a diverse mixture of white and Black attendees and “numbered in the hundreds, not thousands, and some attendees said they had just happened upon the scene by chance.” The report also said that the event was not at capacity once it started.
The MAGA zombies are impervious to factual reality, so they'll believe that there were 15,000,000 people there if told that by the Trump Mendacity-Industrial Complex. But calling out bullshit by Trumpsters can have a cumulative effect on people who aren't hardcore Trump cultists.
Somebody who has more time than me should devote a blog to actual crowd sizes at Trump events.
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memewhore · 1 year
When I was looking at the old archaeological maps of known (at the time, 100+ yrs ago) Native American sites to help me find good areas to find unknown burial mounds in my home county, I found a site in my current county that was a square enclosed camp site, and when I matched up the old map with google maps I discovered you can actually still see it on both terrain and satellite views. Cooool!
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You can see in these next pics how it's dug into the side of the hill. There's a low earthen berm surrounding it, which would have been lined with log walls for protection (I drew a sloppy re-creation but you get the idea...)
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It's about a half hour drive from me so I marked it down to visit with my friend later. Last night my dad and I were in the area so we took the back roads on the way home and stopped by so I could take a quick look at it. It's all swampy right now but probably will mostly dry up in the summer heat. The pond, which I don't think was there when it was in use, is very shallow. I actually found a few log-sized divets along the front berm, so I don't think the site is ancient like the mounds - it's probably a couple hundred years old, not 2,000. But it was really cool to see it in person, and my friend and I are going to see if the owners will let us look for artifacts. They might not even have any clue they have a Native American site on their property. The old map I was using is 110 years old.
I was there for only about 5 minutes, just long enough to take a decent look and get a quick video for my friend.
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evidenceof · 3 months
16, 18 + 20 for the ask game! <3
As always, thank you for indulging my rattling brain, Bee.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Wouldn't say I don't understand at all why people like this thing only that it is an easy archetype to fall into when writing or characterizing Dick Winters, that is portraying him as this pure, pure virginal, [Nix voice] no flaws kinda guy. Only because all his little oddities, flaws and even his flashes of naivety make him all the more interesting a character to me. All that arrogance and anger tamped down in his head; the way parts of his immaturity come through the way he chooses to portray himself; how his evident desires [eyebrow waggle] come through, very obviously I might add, before they're immediately choked down. I guess what I'm trying to say is that he wasn't just this always the keep-your-head-cool, quiet leader, morally straight teetotaler. He could be mean and pissy, sometimes down right unfair but I just really like that about him? Would knowing it make me less likely to stare at him with heart-eyes ala-Floyd Talbert? Not really, not even a little bit unfortunately.
Haven't fully come around to M/F ships in fics just yet! If ever, and if I do I know I won't read them habitually, just as a matter of preference. But I do enjoy reading OCs very much.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
Rarepairs are rarepairs for a reason but I LOVE reading all these "background" characters slashes. Works/fics under this category are always so thoughtfully written, I've found. Like Liebgott/Tipper, Randleman/Martin, (I need to read Martin/Perconte actually like), and more recently DeEtta/Kathy Nixon. Makes me appreciate them extra too in rewatches of the series, and even in reading all list of RRL's for this fandom lol. 🫵 Take a chance on a rarepair today.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
This is so insanely hard to answer for some reason. But I guess at the top of my head, when I'm researching for a fic and I have to start suggesting at geography and weather post-war. Jesus Christ. I cannot tell you if rolling hills will flank their road trips on either side. And because I live in a tropical country, I do actually have to google the, "Temperature in New Jersey, Feb 1946" and then convert F to C for me to comprehend. I'LL DO IT. I WILL!! But I can't say I'll enjoy cruising through Google Maps satellite view to get the literal lay of the land.
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fuwaprince · 10 months
So there's this book called the secret and it has like 12 hidden casques and each one has a little treasure inside. They're buried underground and the one I've been pondering is in golden gate park! I've been obsessed with it. When I wanna distract myself from shitty thoughts I can always count on it to keep me busy. I heard about it at a book fair and then again at a library but I didn't get into it until adulthood maybe like 2 years ago? Everyone calls me crazy and says I use deductive reasoning to get my conclusions and I disagree! Hopefully you do too
Each poem is paired with a pic and no he didn't say which poem belongs to which pic because that would make it too easy
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^^This is his beautiful pic for the pearl. He hired an awesome illustrator and handed them tons of specific instructions showing hints to where it is. I bought the book recently
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This is the poem that goes with it^^
I think I might have narrowed it down to a very specific spot and I wanna get a permit to dig one day but I'm also very lazy and okay just KNOWING it could be there. I don't need to dig
This is a satellite view of the map!vv
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I sectioned it into 4 bits to make it easier to explain. I also marked it up. I gathered all the pics to one ugly ass looking map covered in all my thoughts that I'll attach soon. It's kind of hard to read tho so I'll save the big map collage for after and explain as if we're on the hunt and starting from square 1!
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You may notice some resemblance of the rose on a table. The leaves represent different locations. The flower bloom is Speckles Lake! The horizontal lines are JFK Drive. Even the little clock is significant since the tip of the top piece is where the north bathrooms would be.
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The red is where we start. At stonewall's door! Hidden on that side of the Angler Lodge is a stone wall and it has this dungeon ass looking door. You can't see it from Google and there's no vids or pics of it. It's super tucked and there's no reason anyone should really stop there to admire it unless they're some architecture freak lol
The door is in the stone wall and I wish I had my old phone because I went and took tons of pics
It looks like that basicallyvvv
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We're gonna go 2 lines at a time here while looking at the poem
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The stone wall's door was surrounded by sweet smelling flower bushes. I actually smelled them on the trail before I noticed the door. Can't miss the scent! It was so so sweet! (I took pics of them too on my other phone)
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I circled the door in red. If you refer back to mini map 1 above you'll see that the white dashes take you down these very stairs!
There's many ways to go but this is the only route I found 3 nearby posts
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Post 1 is that lamp post
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jakemorph · 4 months
i was looking at the hundreds of miles in every direction of perfectly uniform square farmlands across nebraska and kansas on google maps satellite view earlier today nearly at the point of tears
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missdirectiontv · 1 year
tips for finding abandoned places.
- google maps is your best friend for this.
- look for railroad tracks, and look along them for any splits that end suddenly.
- on google maps, change to satellite view and zoom in alongside country roads until you find something that looks like it has holes in the roof. you’ll know it when you see it
- zoom in on a small town and then check the outskirts. no matter how old it is there will always be some evidence of a road or trail to it.
- when on google maps looking for homesteads go for discolored spots, faint driveways, and gardens full of weeds. BE SURE that there are no active farms nearby that could own the property. a lot of these homesteads will be closer to the center of a field instead of the road.
- mines are almost always in mountains. follow the main mountain road and find weathered roads or trails that branch off from it. follow that and you’ll probably find a mine eventually. they’re easy to spot due to the clearings that surround them. most of these can be applied in person as well
- relating to mines, if you see a bunch of trails intersecting that’s often a mining camp. there will always be something there, from my experiences.
- if looking for homesteads, look for a rural area that still has evidence of people around. the more remote the area is, the less likely it’s private property
- farming areas are nice for searching, so look for places near them that are overgrown or areas with trees placed to block off sight from the road (you know, like sometimes you see trees just around this one big house).
that’s the google maps stuff done
- talking with other explorers is nice, though people tend to be a bit cagey with their locations and for good reason, as people tend to graffiti in abandoned places. DO NOT do so, and if someone seems like they might, don’t tell them about the place. be careful. additionally, don’t break anything and practice leaving no trace, and you can build up a bit of a rep for being at least respectful.
- if you get permission, then it’s legal and not trespassing
- quite literally just driving around rural areas is an excellent way to find them
- if you don’t want to get arrested, go remote. the more so the better.
one final bit of advice when looking for ghost towns. when looking for ghost towns, again search on google maps for small towns in the middle of nowhere. towns like these are often the reason why ghost towns exist. sometimes a marker will come up on maps. at least check these out as you know there’s something there
thanks for reading! i wrote all this out for my friend @thatpocketninja and thought i’d share it to the world. feel free to add on with your advice, and PLEASE remember to practice leave no trace. see ya!
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goldmanguyperson · 5 days
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In case you were wondering: No, Palestine’s satellite imagery in Google Maps has not been updated since my last Google Maps adventure. Yes, I have seen new satellite imagery floating around from other sources. It is harrowing.
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“Fun” extra note: The US has laws for taking satellite imagery SPECIFICALLY about Israel. not even joking.
Why is satellite imagery of this nature important, especially on a map service, you may ask? It’s because it makes factchecking much easier, and knowledge about what is going on and crucially, what the things they do know about look like, becomes much more available to citizens.
A good chunk of the public outcry about the American war in Vietnam was spurred on by finally being able to take and see good pictures and video of war. Availability of information, especially when you can get a (literal) bird’s eye view, is SUPER important if you want an informed populace.
A lot of the images and videos from Palestine are very hard to look at. Maps are easier, but they still can pack a lot of punch. Imagine if this is what your town looked like from the sky. imagine if everything you knew was turned to dust. Imagine if you had to navigate streets full of rubble and explosion-sized potholes. Imagine if your house was one of the many brown, dusty squares on this image. Now hope you never have to experience it, and learn how to help the people who are.
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