#goodreads challenge 2023
kkayslibrary · 1 year
This audio was made for this content. You can’t convince me otherwise.
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merry-kuroo · 1 year
"Tomorrow can be whatever I want it to be, which means for the first time in decades, I can look forward to it. Instead of being something to fear, it can be a promise I make myself. A chance to be braver or kinder, to make what was wrong right. To be better than I am today. Every day after this one is a gift. I just have to keep walking until I get there. "
--The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
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I still have to read four books to hit my Goodreads reading challenge goal for the fourth year in a row. I mean, technically I’ve probably read more already because novel length fanfics, buuuut I still have to satisfy the Goodreads.
Like I can’t hit my NaNo goal but not my Goodreads goal. I psychologically cannot.
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werthercore · 1 year
Currently reading "White teeth" by Zadie Smith. I'm enjoying it and disliking it at the same time.
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bookns · 1 year
Me and my friend have been doing the Goodreads challenge together for two years now, and each time we accidentally and ironically choose the same one. I love this tradition
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sapphiretears444 · 8 months
i love the feeling of starting a new book! 📖
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millylouedward · 6 months
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Spotify Wrapped, but for my books <3
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books-in-a-storm · 7 months
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The year is almost over and I have read a lot of books. So far 908 books and still lots more time to read.
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libertyreads · 10 months
Book Review #114 of 2023--
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System Collapse by Martha Wells. Rating: 4 stars.
Read from September 6th to 8th.
Before I get into the review, a quick thank you to both NetGalley and the publishers over at Tor giving me access to one of my most anticipated releases of the year in exchange for an honest review. If you've been here for any length of time then you already know about the Murderbot Diaries, but let me give you a quick series synopsis. In the series, we follow a Security Unit (SecUnit) who has hacked their governor module and all it wants now is to do its job while watching its shows. But SecUnit finds itself getting attached to humans as it travels the universe which inevitably leads to more danger and drama and dealing with more Corporation Rim companies than it would like. In this one, we follow SecUnit and its 'friend' ART who must protect their humans and some how prevent a company from seizing a colony of humans for their own selfish reasons. If only SecUnit wasn't starting to malfunction. This is the seventh in the series and it comes out on November 14th. Available for preorder now.
Discussing Murderbot with people who haven't read the series is hard, especially now that we're on number seven in the series. But we all know the basic premise, right? A SecUnit has gone rogue because it wants to not be controlled by a system that can kill it for disobeying. Oh, and so it can watch its shows. I will always enjoy getting back into this world. I think the author does such a great job with both the human characters and the constructs that always draws me in. This one actually made me like Ratthi way more than I did before which came as a huge surprise and showed me just how good of an author Martha Wells really is. At times I hated that something was wrong with Murderbot and that they weren't on top of their game the way they usually are. But we also got to see how trauma has impacted them and what happens when trauma just keeps getting compounded without any sort of treatment. The thing that I LOVED about this one was that we got both Murderbot and ART while also getting all of their humans. I love that the teams were mixed together based on task and ability instead of who came from where. And I loved that by the end Murderbot found itself attached to all the humans not just the ones it knew before meeting ART.
There were a few moments that felt unclear in the action. There is usually a decent amount of fight sequences/action scenes in this series and usually I can follow them pretty well, but in this one it felt more muddled. I think it might actually be me and not the book. I have a lot of real life stress going on at the moment so I feel like my focus has been pretty split. I'm willing to say it might not be the book's fault here. Just my attention span at the moment. I also wasn't 100% sure where this fit timeline wise for the series. It seems like it would fit after Network Effect and not the latest novella which is Fugitive Telemetry. Please correct me if I'm wrong here.
Overall, it's Murderbot and you cannot go wrong with reading some Murderbot. I will always sing this series' praises. Probably not my favorite but up there for sure.
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supitsgdo · 5 months
Book review: Unwind series by Neal Shusterman
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Unwind: 5⭐
Unwholly: 3,5⭐
Unsouled: 3,5⭐
Undivided: 4⭐
Unbound: 4⭐
The dystopic worlds created by Neal are brilliant. This series in particular approaches some interesting and somewhat controversial topics, such as children/teenagers, organ donors, abortion, etc. Some of it is fucked up, but the way it was developed was 👌
I mean, I had dreams about it after I finished the first book, I couldn't sleep properly 😅 (The chapter 61 was heavy. I mean damn... I'm glad it was included.)
I gave a big rating to the first book because I was shocked tbh, and in the end my reaction was solely, 'damn..... What have I just read?!!?!'
With the second and third books, I didn't have the same feelings. In the fourth book, a lot was happening (actually, there was a lot happening in all books), but in this one specifically, I was already past the middle point and couldn't see the end. Get what I mean? Anyway, I liked how it ended. About the fifth book, I'm a sucker for these short stories. I just love to have more stories packed in one book, and they were all interesting to me.
I think this was a very interesting read, because the subjects were not easy to deal with, and were a bit shocking at times, but were developed and dealt with superbly, and kept me on the edge of my seat for a great part of it. I also think it's good to sometimes face these topics head on and trying to understand them better and how they make us feel.
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wordsifelt · 8 months
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It's that time of the year again
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kkayslibrary · 1 year
2 book for July. Josh isnt my favorite outnof the boys in this series but he grew on me some by the end. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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merry-kuroo · 1 year
"Love doesn't require a future."
-- In Five Years by Rebecca Serle
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Stories to Finish Reading Today
Doctor Who: Origin Stories
Doctor Who: The Christmas Invasion novelization
The Killing Stone
Doctor Who: The Day She Saved the Doctor: Four Stories from the TARDIS
Doctor Who: Inferno novelization
Way of the Cobra by Sean Kanan
four books yet to be decided on, so probably audiobooks or short ebooks
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qu0t3-th1s · 1 year
Being forgotten, she thinks, is a bit like going mad. You begin to wonder what is real, if you are real. After all, how can a thing be real if it cannot be remembered? It’s like that Zen koan, the one about the tree falling in the woods. If no one heard it, did it happen? If a person cannot leave a mark, do they exist?
-Addie LaRue
The Invisible Life of Addie Larue
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formula1squids · 6 months
being irritating (sending excerpts of the book im reading that remind me of piarles to pipit)
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