Dream Beyond the Medium
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Everyone loves a good escapist story. But for some, their curiosity about what precedes, follows, and surrounds a story is insatiable.  **Please DON'T take photos from my blog, regardless of whether you found them on Google.**
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 8 hours ago
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A reminder that this is what censorship leads to and that it wasn’t all that long ago when purity culture was going after ships that antis would consider to be “normal” today.
Also I thought Fiction Alley was that one archive that Msscribe got shut down with her shitstirring
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 8 hours ago
i think a lot about the possibility of clara oswald and ian chesterton crossing paths…
ian was still somehow involved with the coal hill school in 2010s right?? what if he encountered clara in some kind of meeting and just knew there was something off about her
like what if she had an object, like a necklace or something, from another planet and ian recognized. what if she makes some comment that everyone else brushes off as a joke but he picks up on? what if he’s seen the tardis around and noticed clara near it, and smiles knowing that the doctor isn’t traveling alone. he keeps his distance and never says anything to her, but he silently prays for clara’s safety as he knows how dangerous it is out there. he smiles at a photo he keeps of barbara and is reminded of there extraordinary moments with the doctor and susan, and is glad that someone else gets to experience that same thrill
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 21 hours ago
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hey does anyone wanna do the funniest thing ever
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 24 hours ago
H for Steph, X for Meri, and G for Elaine
H) Something they’re exceptionally good at.
Getting people to open up - she's a very good listener and always willing to hear someone else's side of the story, which is why she's usually one of the first people to approach a metahuman as part of the Outreach programme.
X) Do they have a goal in life? What is it?
As a child it was survival, then it became 'help to overthrow the Empire at any cost' which led her to join the Rebel Alliance as soon as she was able. Afterwards, she wasn't really sure and spent some time thinking about it in-between helping with clean-up efforts...only to realise that this could be a purpose - just because the Empire was gone didn't mean all the problems in the galaxy were solved. Slavery's still a problem, for one thing - and her other job was on the Tatooine Freedom Trail so she figures why not continue helping with that, uncovering all the corruption the Empire allowed to run rampant. She thinks she'd be rather good at it.
(Some years later it becomes survival again, when she's given guardianship of Nell Skywalker and told to lie low from the First Order...)
G) Hobbies and favourite pastimes.
She's a very sporty person even outside of school - soccer, basketball, and volleyball being her favourites, and sometimes running if she's in the mood. As with karate it's not something she's interested in doing professionally, but she finds them fun and it's a great way to keep fit
More recently she's started to get into coding because she finds it interesting and she's always been good at maths
OC ask game
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon @rose-of-oz @vexic929 @lady-of-the-spirit
@negative-speedforce @ofbriarandrose
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 24 hours ago
F, G, H, K, N, P, Q for Nicky?
F) Favourite beverage and/or meal.
It's a tie between coffee and soda for drinks - she doesn't really have a favourite meal as she tends to be open to anything and everything (even if she has to steal a bit of someone's food to do so)
G) Hobbies and favourite pastimes.
She loves reading comic books (don't tell anyone), and on her later teens develops a fondness for the local library - even ends up taking a summer job there in '83 and '84. Also enjoys tinkering with things - mainly bikes, but she goes onto dirt bikes later on
H) Something they’re exceptionally good at.
She's a great cyclist - this is why she's good at her newspaper round because she's able to get to places very quickly without taking any risks
K) 1 of their pet peeves.
People not saying what they actually mean - she doesn't have any time for people being sly or two-faced and she'd much rather stuff be out in the open
N) Favourite movie or music genre.
She loves rock and heavy metal
P) Is there something or someone they cannot stand? Why?
Kreese - first because he's a sexist asshole and later because he's corrupting her friends and she can't do anything to stop it...and decades later when he shows up again, she's determined one way or another he's gonna pay for trying to kill Johnny
Q) Did they do something extremely dangerous at some point in their life?
Not so far, no
OC ask game
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @starstruckpurpledragon @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @ofbriarandrose
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 2 days ago
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This snippet is from a scene that may or may not end up in the Star Wars AU aka Kalara fic. I wrote this part today. I don't want to say much more because it could be spoilery.
Then he realizes what she said. He closes the distance between them, eyes narrowing. "You were going to make me a slave? Is that why you were trying to capture me?" She smiles, amusement in her dark eyes. "Well, yes."
Tagging @tempests-of-hope @arrthurpendragon @illegalcerebral @watermeezer @themaradwrites
@shrinkthisviolet @curiousdamage @thechaoticfanartist @witchofthemidlands @wanderingspiritys
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 2 days ago
ABCs of getting to know my muse(s)
Send in a letter and I’ll respond with: 
A) Their full name. B) Age. C) Height. D) Pronouns.  E) Species (if not human). F) Favourite beverage and/or meal. G) Hobbies and favourite pastimes. H) Something they’re exceptionally good at. I) 2 things they really enjoy. J) 2 things they’re not really fond of. K) 1 of their pet peeves. L) Their favourite kind of weather. M) A few interesting facts about them. N) Favourite movie or music genre. O) What’s their dream profession?  P) Is there something or someone they cannot stand? Why?   Q) Did they do something extremely dangerous at some point in their life? R) Is there something they wish they could do/achieve but can’t?  S)  Is there something in their life they regret?  T)  Do they have any siblings? Family? Loved ones?    U)  Are they a morning or night person? V) Do they have a pet? What kind? If not, what kind of pet would they want? W) How would they describe themselves in 5 or less words?  X) Do they have a goal in life? What is it?  Y) Is there anything in their life that’s stopping them from succeeding? Z) Do they have an item that means a lot to them?
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 2 days ago
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A reminder to the "the American government wouldn't..." crowd. They have. They have made their own internment camps before. They have rounded up innocent citizens and immigrants before. The victims of which are still alive to this day and trying to share their stories with the world, they have been trying to warn us for a long time. George Takei (as seen above) is a famous example of this. He has written about his experiences time and time again, even publishing a book talking about his time in these camps. He may be famous now, but at the time he was just another kid forced from his home. To this day he still firmly dedicates himself to trying to educate and inform people, trying to spread awareness with his platform. The American Government can and will do terrible things. Do not let anyone convince you otherwise.
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 2 days ago
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The Trump Vance abuse, gaslighting, victim-blaming, and manipulation were on full display.
The goal was to give Putin the best outcome.
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 2 days ago
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I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway.
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 2 days ago
Which OC has a spring birthday?
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 2 days ago
there’s wip (active development) and wip (stuck in development hell) and wip (oh you’re not even getting funding for this one)
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 2 days ago
How do I write a girldad? Because I saw a severe lack of girldad prompts in your writing prompts.
How to write a girldad
To create a multidimensional girldad character there are some things to consider:
Make the character show love and attention to his daughter(s).
He is proud of everything his daughters do and encourage them to achieve their dreams and simply do what they want to do.
Listening to his daughters concerns, and giving advice if it is wanted.
Being protective of his daughters, but knowing that they also need to respect their independence and the decisions they make.
Being involved in their lives, knowing who their friends are and how they are doing in school and in sports.
Treating other women in his life with respect, showing his daughters the right standard.
That the daughters are getting older may be difficult for the girldad, but he copes and learns to adapt to their new lives.
How to show their good relationship:
Including light-hearted and playful conversations to show their close bond.
Giving them sincere and loving exchanges.
Showing everyday interactions, like discussing school, friends, or plans for the weekend.
Having him give attention and affection to his daughters even in public.
Showing that the daughter's female friends also feel comfortable with the dad.
Having them share a hobby, especially one that is considered more feminine.
More: Masterpost: How to write a story
I hope you have fun with this! I'm thinking about making a prompt list for a girldad, so maybe there is something coming in the future.
- Jana
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 2 days ago
So, I'm looking at my old notes for the Star Wars AU fic that I'm writing. Some things have stayed the same, while others have really changed.
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 2 days ago
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Johnny's Shoebox Keepsakes S3E6 Cobra Kai
Thank you, Y'allywood Props 😍
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 2 days ago
"I want old fandom culture back, but proshippers are disgusting, don't bring them into this" a real life TikTok post that I saw btw.
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