#goodnight my love
fuckandfable · 3 months
I’ve missed you SO much. i have been thinking of you all day. how I can’t wait to type my thoughts into you— and you sit and take it without breaking eye contact and that gets my train of thought whistling.
westerns have been playing as background simulation in my head today. little pieces of gun smoke, little pieces of Yull - (my cowboy lover)— lots of pieces of rawhide. no denying me my Clint Eastwood 🙂‍↕️✨—-
—- baby you wouldn’t believe it— I felt so stunning today. this morning I was fighting myself— I wanted to go back to sleep- like my energy was on autopilot and but I was present and in my body so i felt that tug. I said NO bitch- we want all the fucking dads at the pool to hide their boners this summer— GO TO THE FUCKING GYM.
— well lookie here— a gym full of —-? Of-_. Yep MEN. fuck my favorite— I’m about to fucking be the adrenaline in their work out. I am about to give these morherfuckers a god damn workout. Hahahaha. I couldn’t look— but I could because not one of them were looking directly at me— they were using their keen peripheral vision. all these wolves and this little lamb. i didn’t do anything sexual whatsoever. I didn’t give a fuck- I just wanted to get the fuck out——- end session— unaware man follows me out of the gym— to my fucking car—- he stood there acting like a little boy with heart eyes— his train of thought made no sense— it was awkward as fuck. 🙂‍↕️
my free spirited glowing, neglected ass just absorbed it because I believe everyone deserves love— remember feminine rage is for lovers—-
I went home and fucked myself in the shower so good— I thought of at an Italian restaurant- like mob style with a very high red pleather backing. and k brought my pocket pussy— with remote control——- but you don’t know — until I handed you the remote and whispered in you ear— bet you can make me cum before he takes our drink order ——- fuck it was so good and suddenly — again— I’m high on fucking life and my existence— and I feel like the most beautiful cunt.
I wore the most beautiful floral top— it was cropped with an olive green skirt that was perfectly bonded to my luxurious curves. —— ahhh I got just what I wanted today— just enough souls of men— you know the broken eldest daughter with daddy issues type bitch. I fed my inner beast today, she rewards me with blood filled cheeks. —- anyways still want to fuck the crossing guard— it will never happen but I like to use that sexual energy selfishly for my fantasies— I decided that I am going to introduce myself the next opportunity—
i had to fuck him today— i mean had to? I didn’t enjoy it and i laid there feeling like a kings sex slave — he needed to cum — use me — whatever— then i just carry on with my life so he will leave me the fuck alone. — i wish i felt those eyes from him— i can never feel him— our energy is not connected— and i have spent years— deeply- severely- utterly— devastated about this— i told him “let’s fuck in the name of Satan” simply because this was a “fuck” not my definition of “sex” — so sin it is catholic boy.
—— i am in my hands now. i am in the hands of the creator. i am in the hands of the devil. i am in the hands of the divine. i am in the hands of existence and i am dancing.
no hate today. just cunty little comebacks and alpha energy. —- I have to remember this — I have to remember how this feels— empowering- healthy— I mean I don’t know— i am just letting things happen— no disappointment that way— plus that is when i am most creative. —-
— ahh okay— my bed calls me— i can hear it— i need sleep— i need a good deep fuck— i need to fall asleep naked— i need to be fucking admired.
— I’m sad no one has ever experienced what dreams i could bring them because i am one loyal kitty— if you admire me i give back tenfold— if you fuck me i give back tenfold— if you love me— i will make an alter in my heart— it’s not the fucking hard for one who can handle it.
—-like knights in shining fucking armor—— but your favorite part about me is that I don’t want to be saved.
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Today was stressful.
Thank you for being by my side through it all. I appreciate you more and more every day 💜
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My heart belongs to him alone <3 @imnevernice
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jinx-blackout-84 · 10 months
imma head off to bed guys :) I hope you know that you deserve to be loved. You are like a wildflower, blemishes and nonconforming making you all the more beautiful. I hope your mind is quiet and calm. I hope your shoulders are lightened of the burden that drag them down. Don't let your stress and anxieties pull you to the ground. Some burdens are not yours to carry. I hope that you see yourself The way I see you. Like a match in a dark room. Bright and burning and darting about, magical and wild. You are a wildfire and you cannot be stopped. Burn through the night, devour trees. Rival the light of even the sun and the fury of a thousand man army. You are powerful and beautiful. Watch a flame die on a candle. Smell the smoke. Take in the scent of fire, how it smells of soot and ash. You will do more than burn, though. You are the Clay. You are the sculptor. Your future belongs to you, and only you. I hope you are proud of your sculpture. I you're not that's amazing because art takes time, and you will surely arrive to love eventually. I hope you get what you want from life, I hope you can grasp the golden strings and weave them into a fate, a purpose. One that is kind and majestic. One that is wild, harnessing the rage of a fire. Sleep well my love.
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djevilninja · 1 year
If you should awake in the still of night, Please have no fears, For I´ll be there; you know I care. Please give your love to me, dear, only.
Jesse Belvin - Goodnight My Love
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nonesuchrecords · 1 year
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“I especially like the last half when Vilray also sings, adding a mellow counterpoint to her bluesy voice,” Kareem Abdul-Jabbar writes of Rachael & Vilray’s performance of “Goodnight My Love,” from their new album, I Love a Love Song!, in his latest Substack. “In the last few seconds of the song, Rachael hits some notes that make you lean forward to listen more intently. You won’t realize you were holding your breath until the song is over.” You can read his post here.
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I miss the nights when you would hold me close until we both fell asleep
The nights where it was to hot but you didn’t want to let go
The nights where your lips were pressed to the back of my neck
The nights where our legs would be tangled together and only barely under the blankets
Even just the nights where your hand would be on my hip
It’s nothing but the blanket sandwiched between us as you face the other way
No skin touching, no heat exchange
What did I do wrong
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lovingonarthur · 2 years
Goodnight my love, the tired old moon is descending
Goodnight my love, my moment with you now is ending
It was so heavenly, holding you, close to me
It will be heavenly to hold you again in a dream
The stars above have promised to meet us tomorrow
Till then my love, how dreary the new day will seem
So for the present, dear, we'll have to part
Sleep tight, my love, goodnight, my love
Remember that you're my sweetheart
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sairceketli · 1 year
Time will pass my love Spring will come again
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rastronomicals · 5 months
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6:17 PM EST February 12, 2024:
George Shearing Quintet - "Goodnight My Love" From the album The Shearing Spell (1956)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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fuckandfable · 2 months
hello tuesday — darling— mommys home.
i had a wonderful day. i am feeling very much alive.
it made me even want to share myself today.
went to gym, have been going to the gym—- consistently— can you believe it? i am really proud of myself, i think this is the first time i actually feel like im not lying to myself, and that fucking matters. i feel true. i feel my own love. my head is clear, my muscles are expelling the anguish of an old me- with every day i go- i give myself hope, in a world where there is none left. Plus my gym pet telling me i am pretty everyday helps. HA. fuck— my illness is showing. i keep wondering why i can’t just be Stephanie- and interact with other humans? — why does everything have to have a sexual undertone— is that just me? Is that what i cherry pick out of the world because all i think about is sex. in any aspect? But I don’t want to do anything like that with him, I mean fucking ew, —- he reminds me of my grandfather, so that’s the way I speak to him. I can feel his energy though, there is a dog inside him wanting to tear me the fuck up, he can’t even look me in the eyes— his eyes are brown, dark, illusionary, deep. I never looked directly at brown eyes. scary.
anyways, i read today that a six second kiss will leak naturally produced OxyContin into our brains, same with a twenty second hug. i will never forget this. i hope you don’t either.
i feel like my choices are mine, and I’m observing myself in such a way that i would probably sound insane if i tried to explain——.
Out of body like, but I’m not out of my body——>>>>>>>>I’m out of my head. It is similar to an introvert leaving the house and saying — wow— i made it out of the house— and suddenly you’re drooling, hungry, pushed by animal instincts and you don’t even know it because you —- obey. Obey. Obey. and they keep you inside your head — not knowing that no one gives a shit— because they are not really there— they are inside theirs own prisons thinking about what you think of them.
not me.
i have nothing else to say other than i am gods fucking favorite.
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forestofsprites · 2 years
i'm such a friend lover. i genuinely believe that my friends are the coolest funniest loveliest most ridiculously joyous people out there! im biased as hell!! i think theyre all rad! and the universe just so happened to slip all these beloved people into my orbit! and vice versa!! wtf!
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luyo-mi · 6 months
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jinx-blackout-84 · 11 months
Goodnight guys <3 I hope you sleep well. I hope your pillows are soft and warm, and I hope you rest, the kind of rest that you feel in your bones. I hope the moonlight is cool on your skin and your eyes are light when you wake. I hope your morning is full of the promise of a new day. I hope the sky is grey and calm, and I hope it smells of rain outside. I hope you read a book or write a song, I hope your day is a symphony of life and creation.
I love you <3
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xgermankittycatx · 18 days
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eye to eye... kinda
(rough render :])
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ratajota · 17 days
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(...) but amongst the pastiche of war and desire, beauty and damage, I saw Claudia, in an impossible afternoon light she could never survive in. Claudia as Madeleine perceived her. Resplendent. rendered even more beautiful by her beholder. And I knew then, with all certainity, she would be a better companion to Claudia than I ever had.
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