#good things are happening to me and I am ruining them by accident and also on purpose and I need that behavior to STOP RIGHT NOW
Oh god motherfucker PLEASE get it together your life is going so well right now please don’t ruin it
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sandorsubs · 2 months
How to "actually" reprogram your mind
Code System
Master Codes
Replacement Codes
How your brain is gonna use new codes
Coding Style
Do you have limiting beliefs? You don't think you can have your desire or accomplish things? Even can't manifest stuff how hard you try? Then you might heard about reprogramming your mind. They say change your beliefs, affirm, don't use old story...Yeah but it's not that easy, we all know that.
If you don't know what reprogramming your mind is, it's basically changing your old belief with new one that has more benefits for you. I saw couple exercises for it: making a list for what you believe and adding your desires in it. Robotically affirming everyday. Choose your method. But if you are struggling and searching for more efficient way to reprogram your mind, take a look at my method.
Code System
I take affirmations as codes. Every code has an emotion that will be released before or after your brain runs the code. Some codes have prominent memories attached to them. I know it sounds complicated but let me give you an example of a negative code.
You are going to make a presentation but you had a similar experience before when your classmates made fun of you. Your brain instantly runs the code "i can't speak in public". You feel emotions such as anxiety, fear, worry, shame etc. You keep replaying that experience you had in your mind and feel even worse. This what a code is made of, you can call them affirmations if you want.
(Stop reading now and think for a code you use frequently. It could be simplest thing, look around i promise you'll find one.)
Master Codes
There will be two section in our method: master code and replacement code. Master code is a dominant code on top of code hierarchy. Remember when we feel in danger and make crazy scenarios in our minds but most of the time, they don't happen. Because our brain chooses master code over any other negative assumption. Everyone has master codes, they are just not aware of it.
"I am always protected" is a master code. Even you are in a dangerous situation and feeling extreme fear, your brain is going to choose this master code over a negative code such as "something bad is going to happen". As you can see, master codes are general and strong because you used them a lot in your life. Now write down master codes of your reality. "I have control over my 3d", "i manifest whatever i want", "i am extremely lucky", "everything always works out for me" whatever you want.
Now attach a memory to this code. If you don't have one, first of all think again. Sometimes it can even be a memory you thought it's bad.
For example if you almost had a accident and you feel bad when you remember it. But that's an example for how you were protected. If your master code is "i am protected" when you think about that moment you'll also feel gratitude.
Btw don't force yourself to feel good about a memory, i am just saying change your perception but if you still feel uncomfortable leave it. And take your lessons from a bad experience even if you are still going to revise it, loves
Replacement Codes
So what is replacement code? Brand new code for your brain to use instead of old usuless one. I see a cup of coffee, my brain runs a code "coffee is not healthy". I remember how scientists says coffee damages your brain and ruins your sleep cycles. Then i feel sad because i like coffee and i want to drink more. This is how i unwillingly affirm coffee is unhealthy. Let's replace this code because it doesn't serve me. I want to drink coffee <3
If you have a bad memory attached to it, try to revise or assess a positive memory just like what we did in master codes. I used to drink a lot more coffee back then but i kept saying myself that caffeine doesn't affect me (which was clearly an affirmation lmao). My assumption worked like a charm but i started to read about how coffee is unhealthy then it really became unhealthy. I replaced my assumption with a negative code unconsciously. To replace this negative code everytime i drink coffee i run "i am okay with consuming caffeine as much as i want" code and remember the times i wouldn't get affected even if drank 5-6 cups.
(Btw that's why overconsumption is dangerous because we keep hearing new things, unlock new fears everyday. Be careful about the contents you consume.)
Also I want to remind you don't have to say this code in your mind. Think them like a button that your brain presses. This process will happen in seconds, all you gotta do is realize if you are still using a negative code over master code or replacement. And reverse it.
How your brain is gonna use new codes
Disclaimer: This is my theory, if it doesn't align with your experiences just ignore and jump to next part.
I don't know if you guys realize this but when you affirm something at first you keep seeing the opposite of it in your 3D. If I affirm i am lucky, i find myself in unlucky situations. I used to think i need to persist, i see the opposite because i put my desires on pedestal. Then i realized this is how my brain tests me to see if i really believe i am lucky.
I went to hospital to make an x-ray appointment but system was down, assistant told me to come back a day later. But hospital was a bit far from my house so i decided to wait. I was affirming "i am lucky" in back then so i felt a little bit disappointed things didn't worked out quickly. While i was sitting i realized that's why it's not working, because even if i keep telling myself that i am lucky i didn't have that mindset.
I thought i'll make this appointment today because i really believe i am lucky. System got fixed after almost an hour, i made appointment and went home. But that memory stuck in my mind, i felt like my brain tests me to see if i am really believing it. Like little homeworks. I believe mindset/affirmation is 30% how you think, 70% how you act and perceive the situation in that certain moment. And of course affirming it loud or in your mind keeps you on track.
When you are going to use these new codes, let yourself to become used to it. Did you use the negative code again? Don't worry, at least you are aware of it now.
You started to think you are not enough? Oh i am lazy, i am not good at painting, my friends doesn't like me, my grades suck, i'll never have a good career. Stop. Take a deep breath. Thinking like this doesn't help at all. Use your own code, master or replacement, doesn't matter. Remember that certain memory you assesed the code, feel emotions of the memory and relax.
Using your new code is same as how you normally use negative codes in your life. "My mom said i cook horrible so it must be real. So whenever i try to cook, i ruin it completely and i remember what she said." You can find thousands of examples of codes, you have been using since you were a child. They are keeping you from living this beautiful life and experiencing.
Coding Style
You know what they say about affirmations, use present tense, don't say i want or i need bla bla frickin bla. Have you realized, maybe that person assumes they manifest better with "i want xyz". Maybe they assume they are little brat of this universe and they'll be awarded just by ✨ asking for it ✨
This is not to complain but to realize your coding style. What do you value most? Having it, knowing it, loving it? For me i tried a certain code/affirmation style: bitchy one.
"it's mine" or "this will happen eventually" See? I am not even demanding, i am forcing and 100% sure this will work. If this suits your personality, give it a try. It was 50/50 for me. I liked using it but i also felt uncomfortable for being little aggressive. And "i want xyz" is even harder for me because i still have hard times to demand.
Then i tried present tense style "i am, i have" but it was too bland for me. So i asked myself what do i value? What is highest ranking? Knowing it.
I question a lot, suspect a lot, i don't even trust my own knowledge sometimes. But if i can tell "i know xyz" this is in the highest rank for me. Then i started to use my codes in this style.
For example if you value how you would feel when your desire is accomplished, try using "i love feeling xyz".
I see people using "i decide xyz", use this style if you value control.
Or questions like "why i am xyz" if you always want to know "whys" or "whats".
Try and find out for yourself, even you feel like universe is your sugar mommy/daddy and only thing you need to do is *ask* don't give a f about what community says.
So that's all for now, i know it's long for a first post. Don't mind my writing style, english is not my mother tongue and only thing that matters for me to describe things in my mind. If you have questions go on and ask. I'll also share a reprogramming mind subliminal if you are coming from my youtube channel. Btw i created a table in notion and divided codes in two sections and three categories. Master and replacement code sections both have three categories. Mind, body/environment, spirit. I added emotion and memory to new codes and ponder about my negative codes.
Hey, also this is fun and actually helps me but plsss don't stress like it's actually coding a program and you have to run it perfectly. Give yourself the ✨damn✨ time. I made an observation about how limiting beliefs affect our life and i think "oh negative thoughts have more power☝️🤓" statement is not true. We wouldn't be alive then because i have crazy scenarios and i do actually believe in them for a moment. I just realized negative assumptions have a pattern and we can use it in our advantage!! Yaay (i like how i started serious like putting index or stuff but why the hell tumblr on browser is so shitty??)
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colonelpancakes · 1 month
Watching The Dragon Prince Season Six Part Six! Moment of Truth. Under the cut as per the usual! This episode will reveal my habit of using more pet names for characters the more distressed I become!
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I’d just like to say that every time the intro plays, I experience a few seconds of intense fear as I wait to see if it’s Callum again. They've done it twice now I am fully expecting them to do it again.
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Oh dang, that is a beautiful opening shot of the sunrise. Absolutely stunning.
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Ohh, Callum honey. I know the feeling, it sucks.
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Aww, Raylaaaa. I love her trying to cheer Callum up with the crown, it's so sweet…
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Ohh... poor Callum... Yeah, that would be a blow to anyone’s self esteem. Especially when we know from The Frozen Ship that Callum's been struggling with the idea that he had already permanently ruined himself by using dark magic.
(Also again, the voice acting is amazing.)
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Oh, you know, that’s a good idea! Since they don’t really need to kill Aaravos they just need to stop him from being freed and the main threats to his status as imprisoned are Claudia finding the pearl or Callum getting possessed. If it’s in the Starscraper being guarded by Celestial Elves, then that’s both problems solved! Claudia doesn’t know where it is and it’d be pretty difficult for a possessed Callum to go get it, especially not before anyone could stop him. Good thinking Rayla!
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...On the one hand that’s really bad and a serious problem but on the other hand that is so fucking funny. The magic prison you've been carrying wrapped in an anti-magic blanket through the freezing cold is a giant M&M. Sorry. There is no good way to deliver the news, huh.
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Oh, Callum… The way his voice shakes and he sounds so out of breath like he’s having a panic attack. Poor baby.... 🥺
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Oh, Honey…
And of course it makes him feel worse because to him, if it really was Aaravos influencing Callum without him knowing, then it’s confirming that, not only is there the possibility that he could one day become a threat to his friends safety, he actively is a threat to them. And if it was simply an accident, at the very least, there’s something he can do to prevent another accident. If it's an accident, then it's something that he did and something that he can make an effort to not let it happen again in the future. Whereas if it’s Aaravos, there’s nothing he can do. The thing he could have done to prevent Aaravos possessing him is not use dark magic but that ship has sailed. He’d be entirely helpless and it’d be his own fault.
Also, it goes without saying but I’m going to say it anyways: Give Callum’s VA an award, the voice-acting is so good, the franticness, the hyperventilation. It’s so good.
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Ooh, I love this style of flashback. I love the way that it’s the same artstyle as the credits and how it makes perfect sense since in-universe, Viren’s writing all this down on a piece of parchment. Also, I think that this is first time we’ve heard Lissa’s name in the actual show! I love how you can already see that Claudia got her hair-texture from Lissa while Soren got his from Viren.
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Soren with his little dragon plushy!!!! I'm going to start crying...
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Hmm. I know it’s probably just coincidence, but the fact that Soren seemingly had a terminal respiratory disease makes me wonder if maybe he had the same condition as Callum’s father, since Callum said that Damian had “some sort of terrible breathing sickness.”
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THE QUOTE FROM HARROW!!!! OUGH! “Claudia and I are still searching for a creative solution." "Call it what it is. Dark magic." vs "I found a creative solution. I suppose I should call it what it is, dark magic." The growth.
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Oh?? I’ve always been curious what it is about the staff that enhances dark magic since it doesn’t come from a specific primal source. Usually, it comes from taking the life force of living things, but how does a staff help with that? Hmm…
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Okay, I’ve questioned this before but. What is up with Kpp’Ar’s arm? It’s clearly injured… Is he using his own blood for spells? It feels like such a random detail to add without explanation. I wonder if we’ll find out...
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Ah, so Harrow isn’t king yet. Interesting… I guess that makes sense since Kpp’Ar doesn’t appear in any of the Magma Titan flashbacks.
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I think I remember Kpp’Ar having given up dark magic from The Puzzle House (please forgive me if I'm wrong my memory is shit), but I wonder what could have happened to make him veer away from dark magic and the staff to the point where he won’t consider using them to save a child… The royal family doesn’t have Aaravos’s mirror yet so I don’t think it could be that. I am so curious about this man...
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KPP’AR MAN, COME ON! I get that you’ve seen some things but you could at the bare minimum be a LITTLE more tactful than that! If there’s some reason that the staff can’t be used, you could, I don’t know, EXPLAIN IT to Viren? Instead of just leaving him sobbing in the room with no explanation as to why you are letting his son die? ...I see where Viren gets it from.
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Sksfjalkjslkf  I forgot about the monochrome so when the scene switched back to the Starscraper I was like wait what the hell is happening?
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Kosmo, man, I’m not sure this is helping, but also, Callum petting Sneezles for emotional support… I love themm…
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Callum, honey… Ough... I am going to cry I love Callum so much. Sweetie…
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Ssakljfsalkfj Rayla trying gently elbow Kosmo away from Callum.
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Callum, honey, sweetie, darling, sweetheart, love… The fact that he’s just utterly given up on himself and on his ability to continue. That he thinks he’s just too far gone, that there’s nothing left so there’s no point in even trying… Ough. And the implications of refusing to get rid of Aaravos’s control considering the fact that he made Rayla promise to kill him if he ever got controlled again and she did. Oh, honey… Callum’s arc this season is repeatedly punching me directly in the stomach.
Plus the voice acting, again. The way he sounds so dead and empty and almost apathetic, like it’s already over, like there’s just no point to anything anymore. AHG.
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Once a dumb sibling always a dumb sibling.
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“Truth is everything. But before you give it to another, ask yourself, are you giving them clarity, light, and purpose? Or are you shifting a burden to someone who needs all their strength?” I really like Astrid and I like how they're not going the "lying is always bad, telling the truth is always good in every situation no matter the context" route and instead acknowledging that it requires more nuance! Also, I love how Astrid is animated here, her body language is very expressive and fun.
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OH? Oh that explains why it was monotone I had been thinking that it was just like, a sudden style change to portray the emotions or something skjfaslkj. That make a lot more sense.
Also, I like the clarification of how the future-sight works! It seems kind of like Clearsight’s ability in Wings of Fire where she can see all of the possible futures that diverge from her decision. Kosmo can see the possibilities that arise from his decision of whether to tell the truth or not and then pick the best option once he’s seen the diverging paths. It’s probably my favorite form of “prophetic” ability and I especially appreciate it being used here since it lets Timeblind elves like Kosmo exist while still holding true to the themes in the show about the nonexistence of destiny and how the choices you make impact the future.
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Okay, I still feel like being Timeblind would suck. I can only imagine Kosmo feeling super awkward repeating what he said in the vision and like. I don’t know but I feel like it’d be creepy to have the people around you constantly parrot what you’ve already heard them say like they’re reading from scripts and you know what they’re about to say and the exact tone they’ll say it in a second before the words come out of their mouths. That would entirely creep me out.
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Self confidence restored!!
Continued in reblogs, curse the tumblr image limit
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rootytootypie · 3 months
❤️💨🫘😳🤢🦸‍♂️for Spiderman please. Uhhhh not the Tom Holland one, the adult versions just to be clear hehe
💨: On a scale of gassiness, Peter is definitely a reticient seven. He doesn’t go around tooting his horn at all, but his Aunt May knows this (other) little secret. She thinks it’s the sweetest thing her nephew is so polite, but she always makes sure there’s Gas X, ginger ale, and mint around the house to settle his poor stomach. She also definitely makes sure Mary Jane is in on it once Peter moves out, so even at ESU, he’s well stocked with remedies for his tummy troubles. MJ is super subtle about it, making sure he doesn’t realize she knows until he’s ready to tell her (mostly because he’d be mortified if he know his aunt told his crush all about how he’s not actually an avid tuba player, and in fact has never even owned the instrument). Peter’s actually more shy with friends and family than strangers, mostly because he finds his loud gas so embarrassing, but also because he doesn’t want to worry anyone with his stomach problems.
🫘: Peter and beans have a dangerous, odiferous affair going. He knows he shouldn’t touch them in any form, but in one of the culinary capitals of the world, how can he resist refried beans, bean dip, bean chips, and all the forms it takes that have Peter swinging home tooting like a tugboat? They just smell so good going in? How can they stink so much coming out? Yes, they require a retreat to a fortress of solitude (his bedroom at May’s, the dorm room at peak party times so Harry’s out, or his apartment), but the taste makes it worth it. He pines, he perishes (mostly because he’s a little afraid Triple J will declare Spidey a gaseous menace).
😳: When you’re gassy like Peter, you definitely have a few embarrassing farts in your memory banks. But there only one that can be decreed the worst.
It was Peter’s first college party at ESU, in the extreme ostentatious Alpha Mu Pi mansion on campus. The place was cavernous, with no doors clearly marked and most of the freshman being as clueless to the layout as he was. This was very bad, because his nerves had driven him to packing in the chips and bean dip abandoned in the corner. And after about fifteen chips, Peter’s stomach was bubbling. He was sure it was brewing something nasty.
His lack of direction led him to a door another random guy thought might be the bathroom. Instead, as Peter flung the door open and saw two guys making out, he let out a *BBBBBBRRRRRRbbbbbblllllrllllrllrllllllBBBBB!* that rang out louder than the music pumping on the stereo. Everyone was looking at him, including the gay couple, one of whom happened to be Rodney Worth, the starting quarterback who just transferred from Crofton University.
Peter and his fart had just accidentally outed the quarterback to a packed frat party. For weeks, he hung his head in shame, especially as the news hit the school paper. He not only embarrassed himself, he’d ruined some poor guy’s life (I’m partly picturing the Spideyverses of the past films, so it’s technically always the 2000s/early 2010s in their universe; i.e. Rodney would NOT be in for a fun time). He finally sighed, gathered up his courage, and went to Rodney to apologize.
He found Rodney under a tree in the quad, openly reading James Joyce to his boyfriend. “Can I talk to you, Rodney,” Peter asked nervously. The broad shouldered football player nodded and stood up, following Pete a few steps away.
“I’m really sorry for outing you,” Peter said. “It was an accident, but I know that doesn’t make things better, so I’m just plain sorry that the news spread so much, and-”
“Sorry,” Rodney said, perplexed. “I’ve been wanting to thank you. I’m finally free to be who I am, and fuck anyone who thinks badly of it. Because of you, I’m not burdened by any secrets. I’m gay and proud.”
“Oh,” Peter said, surprised. “Well, that’s great. I’m glad there was a positive side for you.”
“Do me a favor, though,” Rodney asked with a grin. “Lay off the bean dip, okay?”
❤️: Peter was downright terrified to fart in front of MJ. He was afraid one toot would be the thing to make her snap out of dating him and remember him as a geeky neighbor boy instead of a boyfriend. He held it pretty steadfastly…until one night when they end up on the coach together watching a movie - and the popcorn mixed in his belly with the bean chips he ate as a quick snack. Peter shifted, ready to head for the bathroom - just as she rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around his waist. She looked up at him, and her eyes made him want to melt. “I’m so glad we get a night to ourselves,” she said. “No urgent crimes to interrupt, no crazy missions, or jacked up supervillains. Just you and me.”
“Same,” Peter squeaked, his voice breaking from nerves.
“Are you alright,” MJ asked. “You look kinda feverish. Can you still get sick?”
“I’m fine,” Peter protested. “Just…happy. Content. Can’t believe how lucky I am.”
“Yeah…okay,” MJ said. “If you’re sure.”
“Sure as shootin’,” Peter heard himself say, and blushed. Where the hell did come from? At least his embarrassing little problems is under wraps-
“Oh, God, MJ, I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I-”
“Finally showed me your tuba playing,” MJ snarked, giggling.
Peter pouted. “Just for that, I’m gonna point out you toot in your sleep,” he groused.
“Aw, Pete,” she said. “Is it really bad? There’s some ginger ale in the fridge I can get you.”
“…Okay,” Peter agreed. “But if I have to fart more, will you still cuddle me?”
“Duh,” MJ said. “Just stand up if you have to shoot webs out of your butt, because I just bought this couch from Pottery Barn.”
“…I love you,” he said, giving her puppy dog eyes. “And I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sor- Oh, my God, that’s vile! Talk about silent but violent. Apology accepted! …Now come back here, I’m cold.”
🤢: Peter is very easily grossed out by certain people’s farts. Certain people being Flash Thompson on a power trip farting in his general direction. Other than that example of fart torture (not really my scene), Peter is sorta ambivalent to farts. Well, the one exception is when he sneaks up on criminals and one of them farts in surprise. That cracks him up. He’s definitely as much of a worrier as his friends are about him, and happily give out tummy rubs and forehead kisses to any of his girlfriends who are gassy for whatever reason, but especially period cramps.
🦸‍♂️: He doesn’t fart web. That said, his sudden bean intolerance only came after he was bitten by the spider. Before that, he didn’t struggle with any food. There have been times the resulting farts propelled him forward by a few extra centimeters as he swings through the city, so the gas has also definitely gotten more powerful since he became super. It’s as if the bite gave him extra protein farts as a consequence of his newly developed bod.
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dumborangecat · 1 year
Keep seeing people talk about how Betty and everyone else should have loved Ice King as he was and I wanna talk about that.
Its important to mention first that there are 2 main ideas for what the crown represents within our world, addiction or dementia.
If you're going with the addiction metaphor (which I am), then to say that Betty should have accepted Simon as he was just takes away from their characters and their arc.
In elements Betty tries to do just that, get over the fact that Simon's gone now and love him as Ice King but she can't, because fundamentally Ice King just isn't simon. He's crazy and irrational and impulsive and while he shows fatherly traits (to Gunter and sometimes marcy) he isn't nearly as caring as Simon was, especially towards Betty.
Betty says it herself "being with you is like looking at my old life through a fun house mirror. It's driving me mad." Ice King being with Betty and being around Betty is actively detrimental to her mental health, and if she hadn't left when she did It would have hurt ice king too.
Because the crown represents addiction, of course its going to hurt both Simon and his friends/family, because that's what happens with addicts in the real world. For adventure time to push a narrative where everyone accepts ice king as the crazy, unhealthy and not good for anyone (besides maybe gunter) person he is would be very wrong and out of character. It'd be like saying you should accept any loved ones who do drugs as the person they are while on drugs despite the fact that person is hurting both themselves and you. It's not a good message to say the least.
It also takes away from there overall relationship and arc, Betty can't settle for a warped, different and crazy version of Simon, she loves her Simon, and if the roles were reversed it would be th exact same. That's what makes their relationship so special and tragic, they love eachother so much and are completely unwilling to let the other go even when it's the best thing for both of them. For Betty to accept and love Simon as ice king would ruin that.
(I know other characters like finn and Jake accept and befriend Simon as ice king, but that's all they've known him as. Even if they know that's not who Simon truly is, knowing Is entirely different to actually being there and seeing who Simon used to be)
I mentioned the 2 crown metaphors earlier so I'll circle back to that. When talking from a 'the crown represents dementia' viewpoint things do change a bit, which ice kings madness no longer being something horrible he brought upon himself (like addiction) but instead more of a tragic accident. However this doesn't change the fact that ice king is still unhealthy for Betty (and himself) and that her loving him would undermine both their characters and their relationship.
Though it is sweet to think about Betty loving him for who he is now, to say it should have happened and the show would be better with it is just incorrect. Also it would kinda ruin the impact if ice king turning back into Simon at the shows end.
That's all goodbye
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noffy96 · 3 months
Okay. I haven't seen a lot of people talk about it yet. Because I have a feeling a lot of people are dropping of tsams because of what happened in the last arc.
But I really wanna talk about old moon for a second. Because I've been really liking these past few episodes.
But first. I must say i am pretty bummed that I am getting this after how nexus/new moon had been handled. I think it could have been done way better. And I am not surprised it left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouth. No matter how you look at it.
But I am not gonna hold that against what old moons character (for now)
While I would have liked a bit MORE out of a reaction from sun. I am kinda glad they are taking this more calm/detached approach.
It feels like we get a bit of calm after weeks of angst and stress that was surely needed. Also it gives old moon a few times to act on trying to do better in small ways and succeed. Before getting to get put in front of a BIG desission again. And seeing if he will fuck up big time. Small time or not at all.
Personally I would like it if he fell back, but not all the way. But we'll see how it goes.
In absolutely LOVE how awkward he was with earth
Just you could feel it dripping of every second of that conversation. And just the fact that we learned through this that he can't cook was hilarious
. And how he interacted with dazzel as well.
Just being fascinated by her. And just...at the end that sentiment of "I don't know what you are. But I want to help you find out"
I dunno it felt very sweet.
Him getting drunk with Monty was fun. Glad to see them still being friends and have a person he is not so stilled with. (Also hope sun gets to find out and tease him for it. )
And then there is how he is interacting with sun. Sun still seems distant. Sun is seemingly just trying to go through the motions and getting him up to speed. But emotionally not fully checked in.
So far, sun hasn't called moon brother again....at least I don't think so? Just moon. And I think it kinda shows that despite sun being friendly and willing to at least mend things. He ain't there yet.
But old moon seems to be trying, and legit trying. He still runs his mouth and seems to notice when he might even on accident be putting sun down. So much so he might be a bit... overcorrecting with the ' I don't mean you by that' type comments.
And he is involving sun. Telling him about the new lap. Showing him. Giving him the option to get his magic back About what he plans to do for dazzel. Not hiding that he is doing something for Monty. Wanting sun along to look for the thing ruin made.
And him talking to sun about KC and earth misconception despite saying initiallu that telling him might not be the best idea.
(also just most of the lab episode was really nice. Conversations still feeling strained...yet reaching over the smaller. Easier to talk about gaps. When the big ones feel so big)
I just.
It feels to me. That he is LEGIT trying. And while I dont love how we got to this situation. I do like these moments. They feel good.
I am excited to see more of that develop. I am still hesitant on als the stuff that is gonna have to come to pass with nexus/new moon and dark sun.
But right now i am liking this. And wanted to ramble positively about the show for a bit.
This show makes me feel crazy with how contradictory it can make me feel on certain espacts of it.
While sorry for the long rambly post.
Just needed to get it out of my system sorry about any spelling mistakes. I blame my phone. My autocorrect and the late hour.
Also just the whole family doing d and d was fun. And I wanna see more (and as i saw some people say. There is still a spot on that table for solar to join. And yes. Leg him join family game night)
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
WIBTA for getting revenge against the person that ruined my life?
I (36M) am (still am, losing your job doesn't get rid of a persons PHD) a scientist that specializes in theoretical physics and studies of the multiverse. Until around a year and a half ago I had a job at a prestigious science facility, where I designed a device that would transport anything from other dimensions to ours (we had to set it off a little bit ahead of schedule, but overall, I'd say I did a good job with the timeframe I was given!).
This is where a person I'll call SM comes in.
One of the tests I ran on the device involved bringing a radioactive spider from another dimension to ours, but unfortunately, it escaped and bit him, which resulted in him gaining amazing powers, and becoming a superhero (he killed the spider right after it bit him, BTW.) (just thought I should bring that up.) (really stellar guy, takes important moments in his life REAL seriously.) (I don't think text is doing a good job conveying how sarcastic I am being right now, so to clarify: I AM BEING REALLY SARCASTIC.).
My first face-to-face meeting with SM was brief, but impactful. It happened when he and another important-but-not-so-relevant-to-the-story-guy broke in to my (ex) workplace a day before we were going to set off the device for real, all so that they could steal top secret information from us....And a bagel?! Which SM actually used as a projectile to HIT ME WITH (what kind of person DOES THAT? And with so much unnecessary force, too!)
Then, a day later, he blew up my invention WHILE I WAS STILL IN THE ROOM. I wasn't even one of the people fighting him, all I was trying to do was grab a canister of the dark energy my device was generating, but he didn't care at all that I was there!
Because of him blowing up that machine, I was turned in to...Something else. I don't have a face anymore, and my entire body is covered with these holes. Things fall through them all the time, and it leads to all sorts of embarrassing accidents that always cause people to laugh at me.
Not only that, but by doing this, he also made me lose my job, which was practically my entire life. I look so grotesque, my own family won't even LOOK AT ME, and I can't even get a new job to support myself because of the way my condition makes me look!
So that means by the time SM and I finally met again, I was so dangerously low on funds, I had to resort to a life of crime! I decided to jumpstart it by robbing an ATM machine because that's pretty harmless and easy, isn't it? I mean, it's a machine, nobody loses anything from me taking from one of those, besides for the bank, but who cares about them? They steal from people all the time! I'd hardly say it's a villainous act to take from them, except for the fact that robbery is illegal. Anyway, the shopkeeper assaulted me for trying to steal from the ATM machine.
Maybe I should have seen that one coming.
...Eh, whatever.
It only gets worse from here, because then, out of nowhere, SM shows up, makes fun of me, and then cuts me off while I tried explaining to him who I am and why I should matter to him, just so he could read a text. Which is just unbelievably rude, and tbqh, pretty unheroic!
He spent the rest of what was SUPPOSED to be our epic battle on his phone, texting some person. This fight was meant to be a huge deal for both of us, and he didn't take it seriously at all, he barely even bothered to look at me for a majority of it. At one point, he even webbed me up and left in the middle!
Our fight did eventually resume, and midbattle he told some police officer that I was just a "villain of the week", while I was RIGHT THERE!
Eventually, the fight brought as all the way back to the site of the accident, right where our connection first formed. This was finally a point where I had the chance to tell him everything, what I did for him, what he did to me! And even after all that, he still treated me like a JOKE!
I got really mad at that point, which came back to bite me pretty quickly. As in, I accidentally kicked myself in to one of my own holes (like I said before, I have a lot of holes, they go places, one hole took my foot to my own butt, and I fell in to another hole).
But on the bright side, this resulted in me finding out that I'm a transdimensional superbeing. Which gave me an epiphany! I finally know what I want to do now, and how I'm going to do it. There's a lot of science involved, multiversal travel, stuff like that. But the basic idea is that I'm getting payback. The way I see it, he took everything from me, so why shouldn't I get to take everything from him? It makes sense, right? Because of him, I have nothing, so why should he have anything? It's only fair!
So, as long as everything goes according to plan, by the time I'm done, he shouldn't have anything left, and then he'll finally learn to respect me.
....Wow, this came out way longer than I thought it would.
Here's a tl;dr!:
SM ruined my life, WIBTA if I ruined his in return?
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yuraslefttoe · 10 months
nyanyame nyanyajyuu nyanya do no nyarabi de nyaku nyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyan nyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame- or short about how I feel myself for the third wednesday in a row..) 
I’ll say again that I love your work, let’s go. 
1. oke, do your characters have an approximate age? I know you were already replying to a similar question, but you said that it would be a spoiler. soooo... how about now? are you ready to show your cards?? 
2. I remember ferry making headcanons on the voices of pafl characters. do you have something like that? like... are there any songs that you associate with adm characters voices? or maybe the vocaloids that you use would be suitable for this roles? 
3. I would like to know a little more about daily interactions between misha and andrey. what could it have been before misha got into a time loop? these two "hate eachother basically"(©my fav pic), right? was it something like the cold war and them trying to ignore each other's existence, accompanied by contemptuous glances? or maybe frequent and loud quarrels?? OR maybe they pretended that everything was fine and there was no tension whatsoever, but any of them often irritated the other one or threw caustic phrases in order to offend him???
4. and in general, how did this hatred arose? how did it begin? did something suddenly happen, ruining the calm relationship? accident?? or guys didn't get along from the beginning for some reason??? (god I love these two, I need to know everything *NotLikeThis NotLikeThis*) 
(I hope I managed to fit it into less space, huh? . . . okay, but this time there are four sketches! see? no need to hit me, enki, god, please, no!!!) 
(eh.. I kindly ask you not to take these..... concept arts(??) in full high, as well as headcanons(???) on misha's teeth and eyes of boiis(<зз), seriously. these are just silly things that I thought about briefly and my wife and I thought it was interesting (however, if you don't mind these ideas, I'd like to know what you think about them.....!! (*´∇`)ノ)) 
(and also, I had to greatly simplify the design of the dyusha's clothes for myself because... I spent a too much time, trying to copy the horror that happens in the canon art, but I SWEAR TO GOD I almost burst into tears, because nothing worked *laughter that turns into the start of a nervous breakdown*) 
(I.. should probably be very ashamed for the last sketch, and... to be honest, yes, that’s it, I’m ashamed. (IT'S ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE ANDREY IS BEING MOCKED INSTEAD OF HIM GETTING A SINCERE COMPLIMENT) but my wife made me show this to you, so...... *blinks twice*)
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i want to say they are around 20-25 yrs old
after thinking about this for awhile i cant think of any good voiceclaims for my characters..... but i might make one in the future now that i am reminded that that is a real thing
its like a love hate releationship but mostly hate
maybe ill reveal what happened between them in a future song or maybe not. it can also be kinda inferred from the current songs i think
the sketches are so cute!! you have such a fun and silly style and i love seeing my characters come to life :) ty
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kalirarecs · 2 months
Angel's Feather (anime)
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This one will be spoilery.
. . .such as it is, since the plot is a bit of a giant ???
Also kind of long? But without much reflection on the plot, because, as stated, it was a giant ???
I watched this anime (two short OVAs) with @mad-madam-m on a 'let's have fun and watch a couple of short, bonkers BL anime' night. Bonkers anime night was a definite success. XD
I actually thought this one was more likely to be good/enjoyable than the other one we watched that night (Sex Pistols; I'll eventually write a post about that one as well) but man was I wrong!
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This anime is. . .
Fuck. It is very difficult to encapsulate, because it is so very batshit. As I said to M as the end credits were rolling, ‟well, that sure was an anime” and ‟that did not make sense at all, even once, even by accident”. (She laughed, but she did not disagree.)
The description I have seen for this OVA just about everywhere features the tidbit that:
A mysterious earthquake drags Hamura Shou, newly-enrolled in Yuusei Academy, and two other students, into another world, where an attack by a monster causes Shou to unfurl great, white wings.
That scene does indeed happen, but it has no bearing on the plot, it is basically a side-note very early on, before the plot actually begins. Which is not something I would have anticipated of falling into another world and fighting a monster, let alone discovering that one must be royalty of another world.
Because that is what the wings signify - The Winfield Chronicles (never defined) tells us that in the Kingdom of Winfield, the males of the royal family all have great, white wings.
(Me @ M: if all the men of the royal family have giant white wings, I am going to headcanon that the women have bat wings. There's nothing behind this, I just do. I’ve decided.)
It is a total of 1 hour long - two half-hour OVAs. However, watch it, and you will get the distinct feeling that it was supposed to be a full 13-episode anime (with a season 2 of at least the same length to follow). It lulls one into a false sense of security, as we get most of episode one . . . and then 2-10 minutes from episodes two through thirteen, at a guess.
Not ‘should have been a full anime, was rewritten to be shorter’, no no nooo, it was as though we got selected scenes from those never-existed episodes. A scene changes and you get the feeling you have missed 1-3 episodes worth of plot. With no context as to what it might have been.
Friendships and relationships appear to have developed, changed, evolved without any notice; situations happen or disappear without notice; characters appear and are treated as though they're part of the core group even though we have never seen them before.
At one point while watching this happened: he’s new, right? he’s new? red hair? we didn’t have a red hair, did we? where did red hair come from? holy shit red hair has a gun???)
That moment happened immediately after a scene change from the group in the headmaster's office being assigned to hunt down ghost rumours (no context did not make that make any more sense; they’d never been cordial with the headmaster or hunted ghosts, rumours, or mysteries) to them somewhere in a ruin (?) fighting giant werewolf things (not ghosts???).
Oh also? The headmaster? We called him Headmaster Commander Evil Bishie; his assistant was Homeroom Teacher Bad Touch Bishie. (He legitimately stuck his hand down our MC’s shirt at one point, stroking his chest/side, to pluck out his necklace/amulet, then put it back down inside his shirt and lingered, leaning close, to pet his neck.)
The headmaster’s office was the most obviously, blatantly bad guy base it could possibly be. The corridor was tiled in white and green marble, with white walls - and then there was a turn off it where the flooring is dark, with a red runner, the entire length of the short hallway was in dramatic, deep shadow, leading to very dark, looming double doors.
Our other characters included Baby Bard Bishie, The One Not-Bishie, Blue Hair A, Blue Hair B. . .
There’s implied pre-twincest featuring our MC and his long-lost brother? Only . . . not really/quite. Whether that ‘not really’ is that they’re twins or that they want to bang is up for debate. >.> (Regardless of the railing against it by one of the boys? Definitely twins. Their backstory is, of course, never explained.) They are not the pair with blue hair, incidentally.
They would definitely have started banging in S2 . . . but the one of them who vehemently denied he was adopted or could have a brother did immediately start fantasising about being kissed and petted; why are you stepping into my heart? approximately 45 seconds after their reunion *coughs* meeting.
(Also somehow despite almost everyone looking the same, the twins were the easiest to tell apart.)
There was nothing shown how our group even formed or started working together . . . or on what they were supposedly working, I guess; including two teachers (if we count the mysteriously appearing red hair, at best guess) and several students, some of whom are romantically involved, sometimes in unpredictable manners. (But not the twins. Yet.)
Sadly, that full-length anime does not exist, because M and I agreed we would, actually, watch that if it did.
(Maybe it would have had a plot . . . or more with the wings . . . or an explanation of ‘magic royalty’, or Winfield, or the parallel worlds, or what Headmaster Commander Evil Bishie and his right hand were doing, in this world or with/against our protagonists, or. . .)
. . .yeah.
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vanishxcanvas · 9 months
Jesse Cash x F!Reader
Oneshot / Imagine
Content Warning: Fluff
You met Jesse in Los Angeles. It was an accident, truly. You were only in the area to visit a close friend that lives nearby.
It happened at some retail store, which you forgot the name of. The typical story of: guy bumps into you, your things fall, and he helps pick them up, then gives you his number to stay in touch.
This was a couple years ago. Since then, you and Jesse grew closer. Although, there was something you were hiding from him. You had feelings for this man, but you were afraid of ruining what you have with him currently.
Because of this, you chose not to say anything. You tried to hide your feelings well.
You were also best friends with his roommate, Noah. In fact, you knew him before you met Jesse.
One day while you were over at their place, you were sitting on the couch with Noah, watching some anime. Something the two of you had in common.
Suddenly, he shifts his body, turning to you.
"So, I have a question." He asks.
As he was asking this, Jesse had gotten up. Little did you know, he was listening to your conversation with Noah.
"Okay...what is it?" You ask Noah.
"You have a thing for Jesse?" He asks.
"Noooo, where did you get that from?" You reply.
"Because I know you." He says.
"Fine, I give up. Yeah, I have a thing for him." You mumble.
"Why don't you tell him then?" Noah asks, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't want to make things awkward. Pretty much it." You say.
Noah doesn't say anything.
"Can we talk about something else now? Or continue watching this?" You ask.
"Yeah yeah, we can." He says.
A bit later, Jesse walks in and "steals" you. Which Noah was okay with.
You both go to his room, and you're leaning against a wall. Jesse stands in front of you, his hand on the wall.
"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Noah earlier." He tells you, smirking.
"How much did you hear, exactly?" You ask.
"Enough to know how you actually feel about me." He replies.
"Uh, I can explain-" You start to say, before he cuts you off. He presses a finger against your lips.
"Shhh, I know. You're pretty when you blush." He comments, removing his finger.
"I am not." You scoff.
"Want me to prove it?" He says, cocking an eyebrow.
"How?" You ask.
"Like this." He says, before kissing you on lips. You lean into him, putting your arms around his neck.
You both pull away, and you smile at him.
"So uh, you wanna try this? Y'know, us?" He asks.
"I'd love to." You say.
"Good. I'm going to kiss you again, by the way." He says.
"Go ahead, nothing is stopping you." You reply.
He smirks again, then kisses you on the lips once more.
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android-and-ale · 9 months
AU Where Spock Lives Out Both Sides of a May/December Romance
I had an angsty A.U. idea drop into my head where Spock gets to be on both ends of two different May/December romances. Since I am all about lighthearted shenanigans right now, I’m putting it out there for anyone else to use, in whole or any bits and pieces you like. 
TL;DR - The timeline here has changed so Pike and Kirk are separated by 50 years. 
Spock meets Pike when Spock is in his late 20’s and Pike is in his 50’s. They end up together for the rest of Pike’s life. 
After Pike’s death, Spock is only in his late 70’s, which is still younger than Sarek was when he married Amanda. He goes back to the last place he felt belonging and contentment before he met Pike, which, of course, is Starfleet. Within a few years, he’s risen in the ranks to become the Chief Science Officer of the flagship, the Enterprise. A brash young Captain takes over. Kirk is 50 years his junior, not to mention his CAPTAIN, but despite his best efforts to resist, there’s a spark between them. 
The biggest difference here is Pike and Kirk’s personal timelines. Instead of their service overlapping, they’re decades apart. 
Spock meets Pike fresh out of the academy and there is an instant mutual attraction. Since he’s not a predator, Pike decides OH HELL NO, this kid is way too young for me. Meanwhile, Baby!Spock has just ended things with T’Pring and is entering his Slut Era. Pike resists Spock’s charms for a couple of years, but during an away mission gone wrong when they both think they’re going to die in the next hour, they end up furiously making out and giving each other handjobs. 
When they’re rescued Pike says listen, kid, that can’t happen again. Spock is prepared for this. He makes a PowerPoint outlining why this relationship is logical. They’re intensely compatible, mutually attracted, and frankly, their lives will only overlap for a maximum of five years. After all, they both know Spock is on a fast track to being promoted to X.O. of a science vessel, and later his own command. Let us acknowledge the fleeting nature of time by embracing this all too brief opportunity to be mutually beneficial to one another. 
Pike tells himself he’s going to hell for this - a lot - but gives in. 
Over the next decade, Spock does get promoted up to Chief Science Officer, and eventually also steps in as X.O. when Pike’s Number One is offered her own command. Starfleet repeatedly tries to give Spock his own ship, but he’s happy where he is, at his Captain’s side. Life is good. 
And then Pike’s accident happens. 
Starfleet Medical says it’s bad. Really bad. There’s no brain damage, but his body is a ruin. He’s going to spend the rest of his life essentially with locked-in syndrome, only able to communicate with the outside world in a very slow binary. 
Spock calls bullshit. Instead of taking Pike to Talos IV like he did in The Menagerie, he contacts Una and asks for the biggest favor of his life. Transport both of them to Illyria and put him in touch with people who can use their genetic engineering technology to help Pike. 
Una says she’s so glad he called, because if he hadn’t, she was planning to kidnap Pike herself for that very same reason. As soon as they touch down on Illyria, Spock resigns his commission so he can be there for Pike. 
Pike spends the next two years on Illyria getting treatments and therapies. Eventually, they’re able to restore his hearing to 70% of what it was, his vision to about 20/80 (so now he wears sexy glasses), his VOICE, and a limited amount of his mobility. He’s still disabled, but he has autonomy again. He’s able to get himself in and out of his wheelchair, and even take a few steps when absolutely necessary, but he’s never going to walk unaided. He needs at least 10 hours of sleep a night to be fully functional, but when he’s awake, his mind is as sparkling as ever. 
Because of the differences in how much sleep they need, Spock ends up living two lives. When Pike is awake, he’s the center of Spock’s world. When he’s not, Spock maintains a thriving part-time career in the sciences. As far as he’s concerned, this is a very satisfying have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too compromise. 
Pike tries to tell Spock to go back to Starfleet. Pursue his own command. Stop wasting his time with a disabled old man. Spock tells him sorry, it’s too late for that. I told Starfleet we were married in order to get access to your hospital room, and Una backed me up. I meant to tell you, but we’ve been busy, you know, kidnapping you then performing illegal medical aid. According to Starfleet paperwork, we’ve been married for the last 3 years. Our anniversary is in March, and Una will be throwing us a party. Do you really think I would break Starfleet’s (very human-history-centric) laws and bring you here in the first place just to abandon you?
Because of Starfleet’s draconian anti-genetic-engineering laws, Pike essentially loses most of his citizenship rights. He and Spock give zero shits. Sarek steps in and says hey, your husband has a lot of diplomatic experience, having been Captain of the Flagship, and you Spock grew up in my shadow. Let me set the two of you up in a new career. Spock and Pike become a well trusted power couple, frequently sought out by anyone needing fair and impartial diplomats. 
They stay together for the rest of Pike’s life. 
And then, in the worst year of Spock’s life, within three months he loses both his human husband and his human mother. 
He knew this would happen. Human lifespans are so much shorter than Vulcan ones. On top of that, Pike was well into middle age when they met. That doesn’t make it any less devastating. 
He’s only in his 70’s, which for Vulcans is pretty young. Sarek didn’t marry Amanda until his 80’s, and it’s not uncommon for Vulcans to put off starting a family until they’re over 100. Everyone he meets tells him he’s young enough to start his whole life over, and he wants to punch them all. 
The only person who understands is his father. 
Both he and Sarek are devastated. They lean on one another in their grief. After a year, Sarek asks Spock what was his last happy/contented memory before he met Pike. Spock tries to deny it, but when he’s finally able to be honest with himself, the answer is Starfleet. He spent years there before he met Pike, and was well on his way to what everyone expected to be an illustrious career. Sarek says perhaps you should go back there? It’ll be different than it was decades ago, but that too is a good thing. 
Una’s still around. Illyrians have longer lifespans than humans, though shorter than Vulcans. When he asks her advice she says if he didn’t bring Starfleet up soon she would’ve. She’s already reached out to her many contacts in the fleet about putting together an unofficial refresher course so Spock won’t have to go through the academy again.
He buries himself in taking virtual, updated versions of academy classes, and uses his diplomatic assignments on a variety of ships as an excuse to get a real world refresher in modern ship design and culture. When he’s satisfied, he gathers his new transcripts and references and sets up a meeting with an admiral (because he’s the kind of diplomat who can casually do that). They agree to put him on a smaller vessel to get his feet wet again, but with full understanding that he will absolutely be able to rise quickly in the ranks if Starfleet is still a good fit for him.
He spends a year on a science vessel, then a year on an exploration vessel, then is offered the position of Chief Science Officer of the Enterprise - the very post he left when Pike was injured all those years ago. Yes, Sarek and Una are absolutely pulling some strings in the background, but Spock rises to the occasion. 
He’s missed this more than he would admit to himself while Pike was still alive. His duties bring him contentment and peace - but also excitement and adventure. He has no regrets about the decades he spent with Pike, but now his One True Love is space. 
A few years into his service on the Enterprise, the ship gets a brash new captain - James T. Kirk. And god dammit, there’s a spark. Kirk likes what he sees, and flirts mercilessly. Spock tries to tell himself he’s not into it, but deep down, he isn’t sure how long he’ll be able to resist. 
At this point, Spock is 50 years Kirk’s senior. He desperately wishes he could talk to Pike again. Pike would laugh his ass off at Spock getting his comeuppance. Now you know how it felt, all those years ago, when you were a tasty morsel who wouldn’t take no for an answer! On nights when the chess games with Kirk feel a little too intimate, he listens to Pike’s Captain’s Logs from the years when he was resisting Spock’s advances. This mirroring of their lives makes him feel closer to his dead husband. 
Spock gets the biggest shock of his life when his father announces he’s not only remarrying, but taking another human wife. 
Spock rages at him. How can you do this to yourself AGAIN? 
Sarek points out that first, the very few Vulcan widows his age do not want him. Second, he’s used to having a human around. And third, at his age, he and his wife will actually grow old together. Their estimated remaining lifespans are within a decade of one another.
He reassures Spock that yes, he would’ve preferred to grow old with Amanda, but he always knew that their lives together would be cut short. Being with her as long as he could was still worth it. Then he tells Spock not to let the pain of his loss prevent him from seeking out future happiness. That’s not what Pike would’ve wanted. Or Amanda. 
Sarek has seen Spock and Kirk together on assignment, and he knows a lot of Spock’s anger is because he’s repressing his own feelings. He points out that with modern medical technology, if Kirk can avoid getting himself killed in the line of duty, he could realistically expect to live another 70+ years. It’s not a perfect alignment with Spock’s aging trajectory, but they could reasonably expect to be middle aged together for decades. 
Spock says there is no damn way he’s getting involved with another human. The heartbreak isn’t worth it. He’d rather spend the rest of his life dedicated to science. He’s had his Romance Era and now that part of his life is over. 
Until one day, he and Kirk are on an away mission gone wrong. They’re trapped in a cave, and realistically believe that they have less than 4 hours left to live. Kirk says hey, we’re going to die, we should give in to this UST. Spock protests he’s too old for Kirk. Kirk laughs and says they’re both going to be dead in four hours, so who cares? Let’s live a little before we die. 
Spock remembers being the one who said the same thing to Pike. He’s hit with an overwhelming sense of deja vu as he gives in and lets Jim kiss him for the first time. He’s terrified of opening his heart again, but when Jim says his name like a prayer, he thinks yes, I could do this for the next 70 years. It’ll be worth it. He kisses Jim back, and in that moment it feels both like coming home and the start of something new. Losing this man will break him, but not as badly as turning away from a lifetime of love. 
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jade-gemstone · 1 year
Why I think Eden is probably definitely the Mastermind of drdt
Spoilers for everything up to Chapter 2 Episode 11 in DRDT and all of the cannon games (especially V3)
So, I've made quite a few fangan concepts in my time and think I know how to make pretty good mastermind characters. There are a lot of general patterns I've noticed with Eden that make me think that she's a mastermind.
I'm going to start with my weakest evidence and work up to my strongest evidence.
Weakest Evidence (basically just minorly suspicious shit that might have no basis)
She is the first person Teruko meets besides Xander
This one may seem random, but if I recall correctly, in V3, Tsumugi is the first character besides Shuichi that Kaede meets in the prologue. If Eden were to be the Mastermind, it would be an interesting parallel.
Her ultimate is based in proficiency with complex machinery and attention to detail
When building a mastermind character, giving them these traits through their Ultimate makes it easier to explain the construction and maintenance of the monobots and how to game happens without that much going wrong.
The Game and in universe show is called 'Despair Time'
A game called Despair Time with an ultimate clockmaker mastermind just sounds right to me. Also could be clever foreshadowing.
Medium Strength Evidence
Starting drama with Arei in chapter 1
Not 'inviting' Arei to the baking thing in chapter 1, while presented as an accident, also brought out the worst in Arei. It also started the chain of events that led to Arei wanting to be nicer to Eden. This eventually led her to being the victim in chapter 2. As a mastermind, Eden could have planned this in order to keep the game interesting and moving quickly.
Strongest Evidence
She is the ONLY one to actively defend Teruko in the chapter 1 trial
While this could be seen as a demonstration of her kind and naive nature, it is strange that she only brought it up during the trial.
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This line from Hu implies that a full group discussion took place, and that everyone was fully in agreement. Why would Eden only begin voicing her concerns about Teruko's side of the story during the trial? And while she does do the same for Min later on in the trial, this is after much more evidence has been stacked against Min, and is done much less insistently.
A mastermind would want to keep their game going, and the participants voting the wrong culprit in the first trial would completely ruin it. Her defending Teruko is not outside the realm of believability for the persona she puts on, making it not suspicious for her to do so.
The chapter 2 opening
The opening of chapter 2 is literally Eden monologuing to the camera. None of her dialogue is internal, as it is shown through white text, and we are likely seeing this from the canonical audience's point of view. I think it's weird that this is an outward monologue instead of an internal one. Unless you consider that someone needs to open this new segment of the show in context. And who would be best at it and know exactly what to say? The Mastermind.
Possible Detractions
Her emotional arc and heavy involvement in chapter 2
Masterminds are not usually heavily involved in cases or possible culprits, nor are they likely to have emotional arcs. Her involvement in chapter 2 does go against this trend. However, this is simply a trend and not a rule. It's entirely possible that Eden is an exception.
The Entire Literature Girl Insane mv
At this point, David is such an obvious mastermind red herring that I feel kind of sad for people who think he's the Mastermind. No one has their mastermind go batshit before they're revealed as the Mastermind. I do have a different theory about his role in the story that I think is more likely that I might share one day that I believe is supported by the LGI mv.
The Personal Reason I think Eden should be the Mastermind
Autistic Lesbians deserve to be a little bit evil. As a treat.
I am tired of getting all of my insane character representation in characters like David. I want to be able to tell people that I kin Eden and have them completely grasp that I am fun and nice but also a little crazy.
These are just my personal opinion and observations. Watch the Mastermind be like Arturo or something.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 11 months
reading updates: october 2023
hi everybody!!! things (by which I mean everything) have been a little bit hectic lately (by which I mean it feels like everything is one fire 100% of the time), which I guess explains why I'm late posting this AND why I only finished four books in all of October.
I would be very sad about this if the number of books I read had any correlation to my value as a person, but luckily it doesn't! so I don't give a shit, I am literally just vibing and trying to have a good time reading my silly little stories. here's a book report about it.
what I've been reading:
The Goblin Emperor (Katherine Addison, 2014) - okay, so picture this: you're the fucking elf king's least favorite son. you're not a bastard, but he didn't love your mom and after she died he basically banished you to a miserable little estate in bumfuck nowhere with no one but your abusive older cousin for company. probably he was going to leave you out there forever and hope that you would die quietly so no one would ever have to remember you existed. (un)fortunately, your shitty dad and all of his male heirs just died in a blimp accident and now you're the emperor. GOOD LUCK. this book is political fantasy of the highest order, with loads of machinations and intrigue and chewy worldbuilding interspersed with genuinely sweet moments between characters as one very good boy befriends his way to power. blah blah empires are inherently evil, obviously yes but this is a made up empire with 0 real consequences and Maia is my little dude. the only way I could love him more would be if he'd just nutted up and kissed his boy secretary on the mouth.
Happy Hour (Marlowe Granados, 2020) - I kept seeing this book enthusiastically as kind of a light fizzy funtime celebrating being young and free and running around New York City with no plans, and man... that was not my experience! Isa and Gala are maybe the most stressful girls I've ever encountered in fiction: perpetually broke and hungry, absolutely lacking in direction or ambition, always ricocheting listlessly from one situation to another in search of a good time and mostly only discovering disappointment, I need these girlies to get their lives together for my sake as a reader. there's one scene in particular where Isa is crashing with some disgustingly wealthy friends at the beach and keeps getting callously dismissed while sweating profusely and trying to figure out how she's going to convince them to keep paying for her food and it was so visceral that I developed a second, worse anxiety disorder because of it. Granados' writing is stylish, to be sure, but drama was not worth it for me.
The Magpie Lord (KJ Charles, 2013) - this historical fantasy romance is quick, dynamic, and horny. I can't actually say that I'm particularly charmed by the quality of the writing, which is there to hurtle you at warp speed between scenes of homoeroticism and bald exposition about magic, but I do admire Charles' panache. the book opens on a rather gruesome scene of our protagonist, Lord Crane, attempting to slit his own wrist; it quickly becomes clear that this isn't because he's genuinely suicidal, but because he's been cursed by persons unknown in an attempt to drive him to ruin. enter Stephen Day, a magic practitioner who hated Crane's deceased father and brother but is determined to help him all the same. some plot happens, but also a lot of flirting and (spoilers) sex that comes with an actual power-up for Stephen due to the wonders of blood magic. a pulpy good-time all around, and short enough that it doesn't overstay its welcome.
The Fervor (Alma Katsu, 2022) - The Fervor is a historical horror with a tantalizing premise: in the 1940s, Japanese demons begin to manifest inside of an Idaho internment camp for Japanese-Americans, adding a swirl of the supernatural to a situation that's already rife with mundane horrors. the actual execution is... lacking. Katsu's prose is blunt at best; when I call it "unsubtle" I don't mean the way some racist might mean when they inevitably go on a ramble about how Katsu beats her readers over the head with how racism is bad. racism is bad, duh, and it's hardly unrealistic to emphasize the fear and hatred that dogged the lives of Japanese-Americans during WW2. when I say this book is unsubtle I mean Katsu approaches each chapter like her readers have maybe forgotten everything they read leading up to that moment; you will be reminded frequently of characters' names, relationships, and straightforward motivations. and yet, somehow, the actual plot is still pretty murky. much is hinted at in the protagonist's past in Japan, then never actually elucidated, a main POV character falls clean out of the plot without resolution just before the climax, I still don't know what was up with those goddamn demon spiders. disappointing!
there was also one very specific, GLARING thing in the ending of The Fervor that I did not care for in the slightest, but that's tucked away on my Patreon in the monthly hater post. pay me if you want to hear about some CRAZY copaganda!
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
Y'know, I am very interested about Psychic guy (vigdissigritr) who wrote this comment, before wicked witch (Danneel) deleted it. And you say on your post you did speak with psychic guy. I want do know did he say more information anything about Danneel?
Me? I do still believe Danneel will get her karma for all the bad deeds she did during years of messing around with Jesnen's free will and ruining innocent people's lives by her spell works. Trust me, I think Danneel messed up with the wrong person who is protected by god and their ancestors.
I still believe Jensen is good man. I wish everyone would give him chance. I think Danneel is problem.
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. I had a feeling an ask of this nature was coming my way soon and you delivered! :D So, I understand you are concerned about Jensen's well-being and have been made aware of her having done witchcraft from the getgo. Frankly, I believe that any spell used to attract a specific person is in fact black magic because if it's meant to be it'll be. The song "Meant to Be" by Bebe Rexha would be a great thing for Danneel and Gen both to listen and take to heart, as well as anyone else considering doing any love spells.
🎶So, won't you ride with me, ride with me? See where this thing goes If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be Baby, if it's meant to be🎶
and also
🎵I ain't gonna lie, ain't gonna lie 'Cause I'm tired of the fake love, show me what you're made of Boy, make me believe🎵
If it's NOT meant to be... Let. It. Go. Seriously, if you're that desperate enough to do black magic on someone else just to keep or attract them (or should I say lure them in), YOU are the problem not life itself. This life just ain't that serious you guys, let it go for real ha ha. I believe on a personal note, my ex himself used black magic on me, as I overheard him say one night when I was supposed to be asleep "I never pray I know but please, bring Ellie back for good and let me keep her". This is when I was technically moved out in Summer 2018 but only went back because I couldn't get off the lease. From what my guides have told me, black magic lasts at max about 30 years but I feel like somewhere close to 15 years or so is about average. With my ex, it didn't even last a year LOL! I explained here what black magic really is as far as divine blueprints goes and how it relates to the divine plans, along with explaining what divine blueprints and divine plans are. I decided to copy and paste magic in terms of white, gray, and black with respect to divine blueprints from that post of mine below for your reference.
* White magic is the manifestation of so called original divine blueprints, or what was always meant to happen. * Gray magic is the manifestation of so called fixes to one's divine blueprints and plans after someone has tried using black magic after their astral body tried "tampering" with someone's divine blueprints and plans through the computer located in Cloud Nine. Of course, these fixes sometimes come at the cost of someone else. An example of this is if a woman loses a job but shouldn't have. The fix could be where she gets another job; naturally since there's only 1 job, someone else who should've gotten that job does not get it and another version of that person's divine blueprints ends up manifesting or their divine blueprints have to get "fixed" too, and so on and so forth. * Black magic is the manifestation of so called tampers meant to benefit the person using it at the expense of others. For example, someone may use black magic to get revenge on someone else, get wealthy, etc. This is where someone's astral body (the astral body of the physical person who is trying to make a good landmark event or several occur to them at the expense of someone else) "tampers" with someone else's divine blueprints by adding in an unpleasant landmark event or several. In some horrifying cases, this can be say the death of a spouse via workplace accident in order to get settlement money from their dead spouse's former employer. The maximum amount of time someone can benefit from using black magic is about 30 years. All black magic does is ultimately delay the unpleasant landmark events in their own divine plans and making the pleasant landmark events occur sooner. What goes up must come down. People using black magic may have many good things happen to them at once, but they will also experience many bad things eventually.
However, I am going to say this about free will before I carry on talking about what else this psychic said about Danneel. People on Earth assume free will pertains to us being able to make choices, to move how we want, act how we want, etc. without being controlled. Here is the thing, in other places where there is no free will they can still make choices, move how they want, act how they want, eat what they want, all of that. So, what the heck is free will? Free will is more or less being able to make choices that harm or even kill others for selfish gain. Free will is essentially the capability of messing with someone else's divine blueprints in order to benefit themselves. Free will is the capability of doing things like murder for reasons like greed, revenge, etc. Free will is the capability of "stealing from others" as this psychic puts it (in short, like I said making bad things happen to them so good things happen to you).
Here, I am establishing that this guy does not know Jensen or Jared, doesn't follow them, etc.
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Here, he mentions some health issues of Jensen's going back to Danneel. He sometimes says Daniel or Danielle I believe because this is what the translator he uses does but I know he meant Danneel so please read these as such.
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Now, he also mentioned that he doesn't believe Danneel wrote the birthday post but it was Jensen because "it's necessary".
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He also brought up some marriage issues going on as well.
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This is where he talked more about Danneel and Witchcraft.
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These go a little out of order because I'm trying to put similar messages together and also excluded a lot of them out of course as I wanted to highlight the things he said. I did tell him some things of course about things I've written about on here and such. I withheld a lot of info from him to see what all he picks up and see he does pick up a lot as a seer and as someone who doesn't know much about Jensen at all. Below, he talks about world karma and then I wanted to put in this screenshot set below that he mentioned May or June is when he believes things are gonna start panning out and also the said "aftermath" after she is exorcised from his life.
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As for what else was said about Danneel's eventual fate... and yes Gen Padalecki is who he was talking about with regards to who she met with "yesterday" (this past Saturday, 3/30/2024)...
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Hmmm. Even though I believe some of the messages he is receiving require "interpretation work" with what is really meant as far as who is speaking to him goes, I do think he has a lot of things correct about what her fate will be and how things will eventually pan out okay for Jensen. You mess with someone else's divine blueprints for personal gain and you will suffer consequences...
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crazy56u · 7 months
Okay, it’s NASCAR time!
And we start immediately behind the wheel, no recap, just go.
Ben, if you don’t floor it, the episode ends early. Gas it.
And the verdict is… Ben barely almost fucked up the episode from the jump.
Ben, you are doing splendidly at maintaining kayfabe today.[/sarcasm]
“Dad, I think Junior’s lost it.”
And that’s the rub: Ben gets another stab at preventing a heart attack.
“No breaks and no doctors. It’s like he wants a heart attack.”
“Hey, I said I’m good, leave ambulances out of this!”
“Look, either I race today, or I die on the spot, I die either way, but at least I die doing something I love!”
“Son, I know I can be a bitch, but doing that helps me ignore my health problems.”
Oh. Goody. Gideon found out how to make the Imaging Chamber work.
Gideon, stop giving Ben shit, he’s better at this than you.
“Who the Hell are you?” He’s a dick, Ben.
I fucking called it.
Good fucking job, Ben, by having a subplot with Hannah, you fucking caused the antagonist.
Gideon, Ben fucking saved your mom and tried to save your dad, get your head out of your ass.
“Ben, by meeting my mom, you killed my dad, that is how that works, I am a smart man!”
…oh. Ben caused a divorce.
Okay, I still say Gideon is being an idiot here, but I also am on his side somewhat; Ben, you should’ve picked a different date to mail that…
Wow, Ben really did fuck up royal…
This is just the Evil Leaper Project on steroids.
I love how you asked that as if Gideon doesn’t want Ben dead on the spot…
Well, luckily Addison, you have enough wiggle room to fix this.
“Hey, bitches, you all thought I was gone from the show!”
This is now a fucking proxy war.
Ian ran to that computer like a kid running to Toys R Us.
Beth is 100% on board with this shit, I love it.
And now everyone gets to learn about “Mirror Image”, aka “What if Ben didn’t fuck up trying to save Josh”.
And cut to Ben trying to fix this from his end with a payphone.
And Jeffery is even more mad at you, Ben. Why did you call Collect…
“Addison, what the heck-“ “Quick recap, we remembered Janis existed, she set up Bootleg Quantum Leap.” “Okay, cool, Gideon is Jeffery, and I accidentally ruined his life helping Hannah.”
I still can’t get over the fact that Hannah indirectly caused this.
Jenn is gonna use an RC car to Jailbreak the Project.
Oh God, I missed those sounds…
Okay, so God just wanted this to happen then…
That’s the rub: Ben has between 20 to 42 minutes to save the future.
And so Ben steals a race car.
And fucking “Highway Star”.
Ben, causing more car accidents will not help you right now…
“You mean is Ben gonna have to strangle Baby Hitler?” I want that framed on my wall.
“Ziggy says we have to ruin a young child’s hopes and dreams, this will be fucking easy!”
And they forgot Gideon still had access to the cameras.
And Janis points out the elephant in the room: That goddamn chip.
If Ben smashes that computer, it’s a coin flip whether or not a Marty McFly happens.
And while Team A discusses paradoxes, Gideon is about to fuck over the leap.
And Jenn breaks the elevator.
And there’s Tom’s last contribution to the show, ladies and germs.
And as Ben is burning through gas during a gas crisis, Jenn is fighting against the clock.
Okay, luckily this is a time travel show, so Jenn won’t be dead for long.
…okay, so now we have another notch in the “Ruin a child’s life” column.
Addison, Jenn just died, maybe don’t do this now?
He had just enough gas to get close enough to the house. Symbolic.
“He named the computer gaffer his father.” Okay, so is Ben willing to literally kill his dad?
“You think an apology changes anything?” The alternative is Ben using that hammer, Jeffery, and there’s two things he can use that on…
“Look, Jeffery, if it makes you feel better, I ruined my life too.”
Ah, so time is the real antagonist.
I just realized this is technically now A Christmas Carol. Jeffery is past, Gideon is Present, Ben is Yet To Come.
“You want me to help you?” “Well, according to you, you would be better at this than me, so, how about a crash course?”
And Jeffery decides to steal Hannah’s car.
And Ben decides to invent the defibrillator.
“He failed.” “How can you be sure?” “Because we’re still here!” Gideon, the butterfly effect isn’t instant. Ben has to hit 100%.
“Time to meet my destiny.” Yeah, and it’s called getting Marty McFlyed.
And cut to Rick stroking out.
[I love how their solution to “How do we do a NASCAR episode but not have it involve a lot of car racing?” was time travel proxy war meets A Christmas Carol.]
And the noose is tightening…
Ben, any second now!
“Look, don’t ask what I’m doing, I have to save my dad!”
And it’s shaping up to be a buzzer beater…
Okay, Rick is saved, 1 for 2…
“Okay, Jeffery, did this fix things for you?” “…I mean, I guess?”
And there’s that butterfly effect, dickhead!
And the timeline is fixed! Yay!
…and Addison is the only one who remembers Jenn died, oh dear.
And Addison decides to go into the Accelerator anyway.
And Hannah still hasn’t fucking aged.
“Hey, sorry my letter fucked over your family.”
“Ben, your letter gave us more time with him. Granted, yes, he stormed out after finding it, and got in his car-“
And here we have another example of why NBC needs to renew this show.
“Look, Ben sacrificed his life to stop me from leaping, and so say that shouldn’t have happened.”
Ben, I have a hunch that code won’t work, even if NBC is being dicks about renewing the show.
“Home isn’t a place. It’s a person.” …calling it, Ben isn’t going home; Addison’s joining him.
And survey says…
There’s your third season pitch! Reusing the plan for OG Season 6!
And so Ben and Addison have to deal with another explosion.
NBC needs to fucking renew this show, dead serious.
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candy8448 · 3 months
Playing Twilight Princess for the first time
Lakebed Temple and the Master Sword
This was over two sessions a while apart but ill just put it in one post
Got in, nothing much to say, spent a while at the very start figuring out i had to use a bomb arrow to make those steps.
But went thru, not much to say,
But it is kind of a challenge keeping track of where you went and what doors you saw and how to get back to them so you can explore them later once you did this thing,
Its actually kind of fun
Im liking this dungeon
But its a zelda water dungeon (not botw and totk flavour) so idk
Maybe it will get hard
I was also seeing the clawshot holds everywhere and from the begining of entering, i guessed that this would be the dungen item, and i was right >:)
Anyways, what am i supposed to do with this information?
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Got up there by accident but okay
Im so used to the sksw double clawshots so it felt weird to not be able to aim and grab onto the next bit while already hanging
(One more point towards sksw)
Anyways i got stuck in that room with the cogs and the abbys down below, so next time i decide to play ig i will use a tutorial for just that room
Forever later i came back and i finished the temple quickly, didnt end up using a video, safe to say i hate underwater fighting
Anyways, the midna's lamnent (which i thought would be later in the game) was kinda less impactful cuz it kept getting interupted by the battle music which i HATE normally but it was made worse by ruining the sequence. Also it didnt really make sense where to go at first. I did not think of going to telma so i used a tutorial video which told me that.
But midna's ragged, pained breaths and i think her thinking she is going to die, only to tell zelda to help us in order to help our own world instead of the twili realm, the way the music stops... dang, that was good
Anyways i did that and now im writing as i go along
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Photobomb XD
Im in the sacred grove and the sequence to follow skull kid is annoying. Those wooden puppet things dont give ytou a chance to use the [B] attack so i ignored them and just went for the kid. I do like how its like oot where when you face the correct direction, the lost woods theme plays. When i heard it kick in i got so happy, i love that tune.
Anyways im now at the guardian puzzle game and its so annoying >:(
After many times of restarting and failing and figuring how they work andgetting them in this position
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I realised i had to get them both on opposite sides so that took me another ages
Then i realised i had to get them in the rows of three at the top. I got them there but on the same line and then realised i had to be very careful and then i got them into this position
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Then two moves later and i did it!!
I was so tempted to give up and use a video but then my stuborness got me there in my own and now i feel good.
Anyways time to grab the master sword
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Heh i kinda wanna draw this
I can transform when i want! Im so efficient now in both fights and travelling! :D it was so annoying to get somewhere before!
Anyways, ive seen people shipping link with shad so ive been preparing to meet him to see if the ship works. I feel lile an older sivliing trying to make sure that the guy their youbger brother is dating is good for them lol
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DUDE! >:(
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You can RIDE THEM?!?!?!?!? The BOARS?!?!?
Anyways i left it there. This post way way longer since it happened over two play sessions
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