#good omens casablanca
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heohl-art · 4 months ago
This one will ✨BREAK YOUR HEART✨🩷
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The Good Omens x Casablanca crossover NO ONE needed (but I did, because I'm an hopeless romantic)🥹�� 1941 version!!
Don't be mad at me, I love them. But I also love angst. So here it is✨ They'll always have Paris😭 (what an epic ineffable divorce though✨)
notes: it's my first time drawing them "black and white/noir version", I feel so excited!
Bonus: close-ups! (without lines)
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abitch-in-the-matrix · 7 months ago
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Here's Looking at You, Angel
Healing the divide. One ship at a time.
A Good Omens Post-Season 2 story inspired by Casablanca.
After Beelzebub and Gabriel ran away to the stars, more angels and demons are defecting from the upcoming war to join them. The Ritz is in the neutral zone between Heaven and Hell and one of the last stopping points for those seeking refuge in Alpha Centauri. Crowley does his best to manage the restaurant, the new guests, and a curse that keeps him isolated and heartbroken under dozens of empty bottles of Talisker every night as Muriel plays Nightingale for him on the piano. Until one day his angel returns with a young man who looks familiar...
Here at the crossroads of duty and desire stand an angel and demon, a Second Coming, and a second chance to make things right.
Coming in September to an AO3 near you, brought to you by Do It With Style Events Silver Screen Bang!
written by Dragonfire42 / @dragonfire42 on AO3 and Tumblr
art by Sae @saesomewoo on Twitter/x and @saesomesaeni on IG
art by GingerJo @abitch-in-the-matrix on Tumblr
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kingskingsss · 9 months ago
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"If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it."
"Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your life."
"But what about us?"
"We'll always have Paris."
Casablanca. Because it's kind of fitting.
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saesomesaeni · 7 months ago
Here's Looking at You, Angel
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"Healing the divide. One ship at a time."
A Good Omens Post-Season 2 story inspired by Casablanca.
After Beelzebub and Gabriel ran away to the stars, more angels and demons are defecting from the upcoming war to join them. The Ritz is in the neutral zone between Heaven and Hell and one of the last stopping points for those seeking refuge in Alpha Centauri. Crowley does his best to manage the restaurant, the new guests, and a curse that keeps him isolated and heartbroken under dozens of empty bottles of Talisker every night as Muriel plays Nightingale for him on the piano. Until one day his angel returns with a young man who looks familiar…
Here at the crossroads of duty and desire stand an angel and demon, a Second Coming, and a second chance to make things right.
Coming in September to an AO3 near you, brought to you by @do-it-with-style-events #SilverScreenBang!
written by Dragonfire42 / @dragonfire42 on AO3 and Tumblr art by Sae @saesomewoo on Twitter/x and @saesomesaeni on IG and Tumblr art by GingerJo @abitch-in-the-matrix on Tumblr
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geekynerfherder · 1 day ago
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Rory Kurtz.
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snekjoy · 1 year ago
No I rlly am going crazy bc I was in film class today watching casablanca and thinking "oh this is so ineffable husbands" WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU
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penig · 1 year ago
Given the way they communicate, Aziraphale may not even need to apologize for those things, bad as they sound to us. And Crowley has things to apologize for, too. Like blowing the perfectly good chance they had back in S2E1 to have the serious hashing out of their actual (as opposed to perceived) alignment differences offered by the Jim situation. If he'd been honest about why he'd come back they would have started the Final 15 in a completely different place.
Villainizing Aziraphale and woobifying Crowley are equally bad takes, equally disrespectful of both characters. They are deeply traumatized, deeply ridiculous man-shaped beings with a lot going on in a very strange world. Only one of which is figuring out how to be in love.
just for the record, the thing aziraphale owes an apology for is the “you’re the bad guys” and “i don’t think you understand what i’m offering you” etc
the thing he does NOT owe an apology for is his decision to Leave crowley and try to fix heaven despite it all
because why is it okay for crowley to always want to say fuck all and run away together? we saw gabriel and beelzebub, the respective heads of heaven and hell say “i found something more important” and disappear off together leaving everyone else to clean up the mess
why isn’t aziraphale allowed to say “i have something important too but no, i will not leave these people in the hands of a flawed system if there is anything in my power i can do to help”
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bookshopcrow · 1 year ago
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1940s Ineffable Husbands, inspired by the Casablanca poster, as well as the light and airbrushing on Abram Games' WW2 posters, particularly the famous ATS one.
It's been such a long time since I pushed myself to do a full colour, textured illustration and I think a Good Omens one was definitely overdue.
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meatmensch · 1 year ago
the thing is i would not give a single shit if destiel were up against anything less controversial. like if destiel lost to like isla lund and rick blaine of casablanca or kirk and spock of star trek or some dinky couple no one has ever heard of i'd be like ok. ok ok ok i see. i respect it. but the fucking good omens characters of the two season twelve hour long 2019 amazon prime tv show? no. no no no you see if you know them there's no way you don't know destiel and if you like the thing the g.o. gays have going on then you'd fucking love destiel because they have a much more insane and beautiful thing going on. "but we had to fight for the g.o. gays in the trenches" oh you convinced the writer to make ur favs gay? that's really cute. i don't even have time to tell you about the destiel trenches. you will never know the epic highs and lows of hellerism
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sisididis · 2 years ago
Day 2 of @hetaberia-week
Prompt: Summer 
Antonio and João’s friendship is in danger. 
Or at least Antonio thinks it is. 
After their accidental kiss on the football field, which João had shrugged off as Antonio being Antonio, the Spaniard knew that he had to make it up to his childhood best friend. How? By kissing him a second time in the pitch-black parking lot of a drive-in theater. 
Inspired by this adorable animation.
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“What movie did you say that they were rolling tonight,” João asked ten minutes into their uncharacteristically quiet drive to the neighborhood theater, which was a shy distance from Antonio’s childhood home.
July 1st was a summer night like any other in that it made the young restless and the old reminiscent of their olden days. Everything felt suspended in time, and as far as Antonio was concerned, summer break was nothing but an infinite stretch of heat and cricket song.
Except for the humming of the convertible’s wheels and the wind whipping wildly at their hair, the boys sat in stilled silence – João, bored in the passenger seat, and Antonio, lost in thoughts that seemed to evaporate at the older boy’s question. 
“Casablanca,” Antonio chirped cheerfully, and chanced a glance at João to gauge his reaction. 
It was an old crowd pleaser that habitually attracted dozens of couples after sunset. Under the cover of darkness, boys and girls became braver, and their hands and mouths more curious. Sure, there was always a slight chance that the warden would shine a flashlight into your car and tap on your window to leave, but right now there were worse scenarios tugging at Antonio’s mind. Like him losing his best friend over an accidental kiss.
“Hm,” João hummed, content with Antonio’s answer, as if he had picked the movie himself. 
Antonio exhaled softly. 
He took that as a good omen for the rest of the night and began to slow down as the entrance to the drive-in theater came into view. A split second later, they spotted the queue to the ticket booth and gulped, taking in its length. 
“You’d think that they were giving out free tickets,” João whistled, and Antonio nodded in agreement, clutching the wheel tighter. 
It took all his strength not to hit his head against it. 
In the week that followed their kiss on the football field, Antonio sensed that something profound had shifted between them. Unlike before, he found himself torn between craving and dreading João’s company. His chest felt tight with nerves, and something else that he did not dare voice.
He’d decided that it would be best if he kept his distance from João until he made sense of the war waging within, but the older boy was quick to catch onto that. He’d wasted no time in assuring Antonio that the kiss had meant nothing to him, and that he’d shrugged it off as Antonio being Antonio. But knowing João as he did, Antonio could tell that he didn’t believe that. Neither of them did. 
In a desperate bid to save their friendship, Antonio suggested that they paid the old drive-in theater a visit. 
“Finally!” João sighed. ���We’re getting close.”
And a visit they paid.
After moving up the queue with a slowness that put their Iberian patience to the test, Antonio stationed in front of the ticket booth just long enough to pay for two (he had rolled his window shut just in time to avoid João’s insistent bills) then drove to the refreshment stand, where he ordered a bag of popcorn twice the size of his head and two cans of soda. 
As they made their way to their parking space, the Spaniard silently pitied the person who had to pick up all the empty popcorn bags strewn around the parking lot.
“The movie is about to start,” the warden announced, and darkness fell all around them. From the corner of his eye, Antonio noticed how the projector’s beam illuminated the top of João’s dark hair. 
I want to kiss him, he thought, then promptly tucked his hands under him, horrified at how easily the thought crossed his mind. 
He’s your friend, he scolded. 
Your friend. 
He continued to fidget in his seat while João remained seemingly oblivious to his discomfort, pouring all his attention elsewhere. 
“Where were you last night, Rick?”
“That was so long ago, I don’t remember,” drawled the protagonist.
“What a fool I was to fall for a man like you!” Annia cried, and Antonio realized that João and him were almost shoulder to shoulder now. He did not remember his convertible to be so cramped before. His heart hammered in his chest and he wet his lips for the tenth consecutive time. Loudly. 
That tore João’s attention away from the movie, and as he turned to him, there was a touch of a smile in his eyes.
“Just drink already if you’re that thirsty,” he said and handed Antonio his drink.
The drink was cold and tasty, but fizzy. Antonio’s nerves were fizzy, too, bubbling and surging up, up, up, before he forced them back down. He tried to swallow, but the lump lodged in his throat was more stubborn than him. And that said something. 
From above, the voices of the characters rang out again, dripping with sarcasm. 
“Rick is completely neutral about everything, and that takes in the field of women, too!” 
The crowd laughed.
Perhaps a bit of butter could make his throat work again, he thought. A heartbeat later, Antonio reached blindly inside the popcorn bag propped up next to João, and inhaled sharply when he felt something warm against his fingers. 
He froze.
Oh my god. 
That’s his hand, he thought. 
Despite himself, goosebumps sprang on his skin. He was torn. If he drew his hand back suddenly, then that would arouse João’s suspicion, but if he pretended to be absorbed in the movie long enough to let his hand linger on João’s, then…
What to do, what to do?
Sweat began to bead at his temples. 
“Is that cannon fire,” Ilsa whispered against Rick’s embrace, “or is it my heart pounding?” 
Seemingly confused at Antonio’s immobile hand, João turned to look at him.
And green met green. 
Although it was dark, Antonio recognized the startled look on his friend’s face, the blush dusting his cheeks. An unspoken question flickered in João’s eyes. And an unspoken answer flickered in Antonio’s. 
I love you, I love you, I love you, Antonio wanted to yell, but no words passed between them. 
He could see João’s pulse quicken just above his Adam’s apple, and he knew that his did the same. As João began to lean closer, Antonio closed his eyes. His heart was rabbiting wildly in his chest, wanting nowhere but out and inside João. He could feel the older boy's warm breath on his face, almost feel his soft lips on his—!
Then both of them jumped like two cats drenched in cold water, sending the popcorn bag between them flying and landing on João’s lap.
“You should be ashamed of yourselves,” someone shouted.
Antonio’s face suddenly flushed red, and he swiveled around to face the anger of the movie watchers, who must have surely seen them. 
“We want our money back!” 
A chorus of approval soon joined the clamor. 
As the red faded from Antonio’s face, it dawned on him that the crowd’s anger wasn’t directed at them, but at the newly-blank projection screen. He’d forgotten that the older movies would cut right in the middle sometimes, and by the looks of it, João had forgotten it, too. 
After a tense minute of waiting, during which neither João nor Antonio dared to breathe, the projectionist got the movie working again and the whole parking lot exhaled with relief. 
“Madre mía,” Antonio whispered and João echoed his sentiment.    
For the remainder of the movie, neither of them spoke or looked at each other. Instead, under the protection of darkness, Antonio cradled his hand that burned with João’s touch, while João licked his unkissed lips in consolation.    
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After what felt like an eternity, after the crowd had clapped their approval, dried their tears and  started their engines, Antonio finally turned to João and searched his face. He’d expected to see a disappointed João in the passenger seat. Instead, the older boy looked relieved. 
He puffed out a laugh.
“Thank god that’s over with!” 
Antonio frowned. That wasn’t the reaction that he had hoped for. He chewed the inside of his mouth and looked away, but João was quick to notice and touched his shoulder. 
“It wasn’t all bad,” he lied. “I liked the movie.”
You didn’t even watch half of it, Antonio would have retorted had his throat worked. They fell into an uneasy silence.
I want to go home, Antonio thought. He didn’t know how so many things could go wrong at the same time. Before he could continue that thought, João’s voice brought him back to the now empty, street-lamp lit parking lot. 
“What’s that shining in the back?" he asked.  
Antonio followed with his eyes the direction to which João pointed. From a distance, it looked like a man standing behind a ticket booth. As they drew closer and closer, the fortune teller inside the box belted out: 
“Come let Zoltar tell you more!” 
Antonio wondered if the machine was an old carnival attraction that the warden refused to part with. That’s why he must have hid it in the back, he thought, then broke the silence. 
“You like this sort of things?” he asked João.
“Just as much as I liked getting popcorn all over my pants,” João smiled sarcastically. 
That’s right. The popcorn. He’d forgotten. Antonio ducked his head and kicked at the dust. He made to apologize, but the older boy interrupted him before he could. “Come on, ask it a question,” he prompted.
Antonio couldn’t tell if João was joking or not. He exhaled and thought about it for a second, his face illuminated by the crystal ball caressed by the animatronic. João watched the blue light dance on Antonio’s face. Knowing Antonio as he did, he was ready to tease Antonio mercilessly. He could almost hear him.
Zoltar, will I become a famous football player some day?
Zoltar, will I own a farm of turtles? 
Zoltar, will I ever win a lifetime supply of olive oil? 
In reality, Antonio settled on none of those.
“Does João like me, too?” Antonio breathed softly.
And the world stopped. 
Whatever it was that João had wanted to say immediately died on his lips. Antonio felt the older boy stiffen up, saw his mouth part in surprise. He certainly had not expected that. Not even Antonio expected his sudden bout of bravery. But he would not deny himself any longer. He would not fool his heart any longer.
He waited and waited and waited. The entire world was left suspended between his question and João’s answer. Time and its passage had ceased to exist altogether. Even the crickets had stopped their song to listen. 
When at last João’s eyes flickered to meet Antonio’s, Antonio saw that João’s expression had gentled, and his lips had quirked into one of his smiles that he reserved only for him.
You idiot, it said endearingly.
You idiot.
When João stepped tentatively towards Antonio, Antonio was ready. He could feel João’s warm breath on his lips, feel the air in his lungs escape, rush out and leave him empty, craving for João, only João. João brushed his lips softly over Antonio’s, barely there, but close enough for them to know that it wasn’t nearly close enough. Then, leaning in fully, thumbs pressed against Antonio’s cheeks, João kissed Antonio.
Somewhere inside him, everything was exploding at once.
João, his João, loved him back, every inch of him sang. His heartbeat thrummed in his ears. 
Antonio responded eagerly to João’s kiss, gripping his shoulders and twisting his fingers into his long hair. They stayed like that until they grew breathless, and remembered that they needed to breathe just as much as they needed each other. 
Soon after they parted, Zoltar spat out a card. It was Antonio who unfolded it as João looked on from behind his shoulder. 
Love is right around the corner, it said, and Antonio laughed. 
João found the sound light, airy and wonderful. 
The Iberians kissed under the moonlight until the crunch of the scattered popcorn under the warden’s boots was but a distant sound, drowned out by their heartbeats. 
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toonfinatic · 2 years ago
Tag 9 people you'd like to know better
Was tagged by @just-spacetrash THANK YOU SUNNY!!!
Last song: according to Spotify, Stand My Ground by Within Temptation
Currently reading: if comics count I very recently started reading Lackadaisy!
Currently watching: Rewatching s1 of Good Omens! At the time i was tagged I was watching the movie Casablanca. Also watching s5 of WWDITS whenever episodes drop :]
Current obsession: really into the whole Good Omens/WWDITS/OFMD trifecta rn. Also liking Lackadaisy a lot but haven't read it that much yet!
Tagging @mansikka-wizard @esinahkabanjo @willthegreenpistachio @winefeathers @clearcatastrophe @2oppositesidesof1coin @justagirlfromfinland & anyone who wants to do this!
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abitch-in-the-matrix · 6 months ago
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First chapter coming to ao3 today 7 September!
written by Dragonfire42 / @Dragonfire42 on AO3 and Tumblr
art by GingerJo @abitch-in-the-matrix on Tumblr
art by Sae @saesomewoo on Twitter/x and @saesomesaeni on IG
Here's Looking at You, Angel
A Good Omens Post-Season 2 story inspired by Casablanca.
After Beelzebub and Gabriel ran away to the stars, more angels and demons are defecting from the upcoming war to join them. The Ritz is in the neutral zone between Heaven and Hell and one of the last stopping points for those seeking refuge in Alpha Centauri. Crowley does his best to manage the restaurant, the new guests, and a curse that keeps him isolated and heartbroken under dozens of empty bottles of Talisker every night as Muriel plays Nightingale for him on the piano. Until one day his angel returns with a young man who looks familiar...
Here at the crossroads of duty and desire stand an angel and demon, a Second Coming, and a second chance to make things right.
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mistermrow · 6 months ago
intro post :3
(beware of blinkies)
hii :3 this is longgggg overdue
i go by a few names--rhys, isabel, uhh you can basically call me anything, nicknames included and encouraged!!
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important things to know:
im a minor! i dont mind adults interacting just dont be weird or 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 pls. if you dont like minors dont interact with me, ez pz. if you really like minors…GET OUT
im not neurodivergent but i am an absolute nervous wreck and also very awkward and anxious and odd and not in therapy so lmk if im acting too odd or if im accidentally offensive! that being said, i will likely say things such as im going to kms or curse words, despite this you should like totally interact and talk to me pls this blog is only big enough for one shy person and that person is me
im technically a girl but like its whatever you can use any pronouns and gendered terms i wont take any offense. i dont use labels for anything but if i were to label my sexuality i would say aroace BUT just because i say that doesnt mean it cant change, im very fluid
i have a backup blog just in case its @off-world-in-time
my letterboxd is deaththkid, i have a tiktok by the same name!
other random miscellaneous stuff is that im a white american, 5’6, i love cats and reading, and im very silly :3
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my interests jump around a lot but heres a list of things im interested in:
jujutsu kaisen (caught up on manga)
spider-man/spiderverse‼️‼️(im literally peter parker)
anime in general lol
good omens
dungeon meshi (only watched the anime)
bungo stray dogs
911 on abc
the walking dead
marvel and dc (occasionally)
avatar: the last airbender
gay stuff
MOVIES!!!! (i love watching movies)
and LOT more im too lazy to list/forgot atm
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im also a big music lover!
some artists/bands i enjoy are: father john misty, bowie, depeche mode, the strokes, wham!, blur, MGMT, LCD soundsysten, adrianne lenker, wave to earth, etc.
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basic dni applies always (proshipper, racist, transphobic, homophobic, etc)
(these are sum songs i like below)
all blinkies are from the blinkie cafe!!
OKKK BYE BYE ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
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saesomesaeni · 6 months ago
Here's Looking at You, Angel first chapter out now on AO3
@doitwithstyleGO #SilverScreenBang presents...
A Good Omens Post-Season 2 story inspired by Casablanca...
Here's Looking at You, Angel written by @dragonfire42, art by Sae and GingerJo (@abitch-in-the-matrix), first chapter out now on its AO3 premiere!
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nerianasims · 2 years ago
Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca (Airplane Clip) "Here's looking at you, kid.”
I know what’s happening in the Good Omens show only in passing, and I don’t want to know more than that, but I think maybe the fandom needs to watch Casablanca?
“I’ve got a job to do too. Where I’m going, you can’t follow. What I’ve got to do, you can’t be any part of.”
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talea456 · 6 years ago
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Of all the humans in all the world, you boys walked into this one.
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