#good basilisk luzura
salamander-spark · 6 months
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Fanart of @memory-overload 's The Good Basilisk Luzura AU. It's a pretty good fic and a fun read, you can check it out here:
This is my interpretation of what Luz looks like in her human and Basilisk forms. I took some liberties in order for her not to look too similar to Vee, including different ears, tail and she also has more hair, as a unique trait of being part Mammalian compared to the other Basilisks.
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Her human form with basilisk features showing. I found it to be pretty hard to make her basilisk face resemble herself while also not looking wierd, but I sure think It turned out well.
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memory-overload · 4 months
Random Good Basilisk Luzura Headcanons Pt. 3
Luz keeps all of her sheds as little mementos, while Vee just buries hers in the backyard.
When regular humans question why Luz disappears for weeks/months at a time, Vee and Camila say that she’s “studying abroad” (during school season) or “visiting family” (as a fallback if school is out).
When Luz, Vee, and Camila reveal the truth to the rest of the human Noceda family, the reactions vary from fainting (Camila’s mom) to disbelief (Camila’s brother) to “woah that’s awesome!” (The younger kids)
(I really want to make a fic out of that concept.)
Luz and Vee, when they’re both grown up and out of high school, will drop by Camila’s vet clinic to help out
For Luz’s job, after college at UWM, she takes a position teaching her own class on the history of glyphs and BI history in general.
(Lilith will make guest appearances to bring that Bad Girl Historian touch every so often.)
Vee, meanwhile, gets a job at the Gravesfield Zoo teaching humans about snakes and other reptiles.
On Luz’s first day as professor, she’d take on a disguise as a student and play the whole “If the professor doesn’t show in 15 minutes we’re allowed to leave.” thing until she eventually drops her disguise after playing dumb for a few minutes to shock the class.
For people who take higher level courses with her, she makes a game out of “Figure out which ‘student’ is actually Luz.”
If a student can figure out who Luz is in under… three minutes or so, they get a prize.
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memory-overload · 2 months
Why the aftermath of Grom in GBL is going to suck for Luz:
Thinking about GBL!Luz and how much it’s going to suck when her being a basilisk eventually gets revealed to the other students at Hexside.
She had just found her place at the school. She had friends and was doing well in classes and she could make jokes and overall actually enjoy getting her education.
But then it all gets turned on its head after Grom. Now everybody is either scared of her or they just flat out treat her like she doesn’t exist. Nobody talks to her in the hallway. Nobody wants to be her partner on group assignments. She never gets called on in class. The only people who treat her well are her close friends, Bump, and maybe a select few students and faculty.
To have her one good experience of going to school get ripped away from her because of what she is sucks big time, especially given her negative experiences with human schools. Even though she tries to prove to everyone that she’s still the same old fun-loving, nerdy, maybe-a-little-too-excited-sometimes Luz, they treat her as a ticking time bomb that could snap and kill everyone at a moment’s notice.
So yeah the aftermath of Grom isn’t gonna be fun in GBL. :(
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memory-overload · 4 months
Next chapter of Good Basilisk Luzura is finally out! “The Gang Explores the Insides of Luz’s Brain”
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This one took me a while to finish because life and stuff kept rearing its ugly head, but I managed to complete the chapter! It’s got yummy Luz angst about her father, Eda and King worrying about Luz, and other fun things like that!
Here’s the link to the chapter:
On the other hand, if you have no idea what I’m talking about and want some context, here’s the link to the first chapter of the fic:
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memory-overload · 6 months
More Random Good Baslilisk Luzura Headcanons
Since Tre and Ivy are technically Luz's uncle/aunt, they get invited to the Noceda family gatherings, except they have no idea how to act human so they commit faux pas after faux pas
Manny and Papa Titan are both chillin in the In Between, hanging out
Since nobody has any idea when Vee was actually born, they just go with the day that she escaped to the human realm as her birthday.
But since her birth year is also not set in stone, then she can claim to be the youngest child, middle child, or oldest child depending on what best suits her needs.
Every year on Halloween, Luz and Vee go out trick-or-treating in their basilisk forms, passing them off as elaborate costumes.
Hunter, meanwhile, wears a giant wolf fursuit and chastises the other two for "being lazy"
When Camila adopted Hunter and Vee, Hunter thought he was getting pranked and didn't believe it until Camila showed him the papers.
Years into the future, after Luz and Amity get married, the two would travel around the Isles in search of ancient basilisk towns/cities.
Luz routinely plays Creatures and Caverns with Vee and the rest of Cabin 7, with Luz morphing into her player character when the session starts.
Even though Vee could just drain the magic normally from Hexes Hold Em cards, she eats them because she likes the taste of cardboard.
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memory-overload · 3 months
It only took me nearly 40 chapters, but I've finally created a Discord server for Good Basilisk Luzura! (Well it's not strictly about GBL, more fanfic in general but potato tomato.) (Plus I'm just way more active on Discord than Tumblr, so it'll be easier for me to chat with y'all)
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memory-overload · 4 months
The Double Switcheroo (A short "Good Basilisk Luzura" side fic)
Author's Note: I originally posted this on AO3, but it's short enough that I think it can also work as a Tumblr post. (Click/tap "Keep reading" to see the full story. Don't want to clog the timeline.)
“Alright, Hunter. Which one is the real Luz, and which is Vee?” Amity asked the blond. Hunter was mid-bite of his instant maple and ginger oatmeal when he looked up to see two identical copies of Luz standing in front of him, with Amity standing off to the side.
“What.” Hunter intoned, looking up from his breakfast, oatmeal dripping from his spoon.
“Come on! Guess!” the Luz on the left said. “Who's who?”
Hunter just shrugged his shoulders. “I dunno.” He then pointed at the Luz on the right with his spoon before finishing his bite. “You’re Vee. That's my guess.”
Left Luz seemed to take offense at Hunter’s unwillingness to play along. “Really? You’re not even gonna ask us any questions? Drill us on our fondness for Azura? At least try to figure it out.”
Hunter reluctantly sighed. “Fine, I’ll play along.” Pushing his oatmeal to the side, the grimwalker propped his elbows up on the table.
“What’s your favorite food?” Hunter asked as his opening question.
“Maduros with whipped cream and chopped peanuts,” both Luzs said at the same time.
Hunter then realized that that was actually a stupid question since he had no idea what Luz’s favorite food actually was. Maybe that was his stomach taking over for his brain.
“Hmm…,” Hunter thought about his next question more seriously. He needed something that only Luz, the real Luz, would know. “When and where did I tell you my name?”
The two Luzs responded in unison yet again. “After you fought with Kikimora in Latissa.”
Whatever act the two were putting on was starting to wear on Hunter’s nerves. “Are you two going to keep answering at the same time just to annoy me?”
“Maybe. Is it working?” they both said. To their side, Amity was stifling her laughter, clearly enjoying the torment that Hunter was going through.
“What are you even doing here?” Hunter asked Amity, who had a big smile on her face.
“I’m just here to watch you struggle,” Amity answered. “So, have you figured it out yet?”
“No,” Hunter answered with a huff. “Let’s just get this over with. What happens in chapter seven of the sixth Azura book?”
“Azura proclaims her love for Hecate and they officially become girlfriends,” Left Luz said confidently, crossing her arms. “Do you really expect me to get any question related to GWA wrong?”
“No, that scene happens in chapter twelve of book five,” Right Luz countered. “Chapter seven of book six is when Hecate and Azura finally defeat the Sulp-Niarr monster.”
“Alright, I’ve come up with my guess,” Hunter proclaimed. He pointed at Left Luz. “You’re the real Luz. Nice try with the mind games though. Intentionally messing up something related to Good Witch Azura was a good call.”
Left Luz made a buzzer noise. “Ehh, you’re wrong.”
“Okay, then you’re Luz,” Hunter adjusted his guess to the other Luz. “There, I win.”
“Wrong again,” Right Luz responded smugly.
“What do you mean ‘wrong again’?” Hunter asked, dumbfounded. Then, he remembered the third person in the game. Turning to “Amity” he watched as the basilisk morphed into her normal form of Luz Noceda.
“Alright, third and final guess: which one’s me?” Luz, the real one, announced with a laugh.
“Wait, so if you’re Luz, then which one of you is Vee?” Hunter asked, turning to the two fakes.
Left Luz waved. “Guilty as charged.” She then dropped her disguise, returning to her own human form. She then poked Right Luz, causing a poof of illusion magic to dispel, revealing Amity Blight underneath.
“I couldn’t stand Vee lying about Good Witch Azura, so I had to correct her,” Amity explained.
“So was this just some kind of prank to make me look foolish?” Hunter asked.
“Yeah, and it worked perfectly,” Luz commented. She then turned to compatriots and rubbed her hands together. “Who should we prank next?”
Originally posted on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55131493
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memory-overload · 6 months
New chapter of Good Basilisk Luzura: Mind Arson edition!
Since I'm actually using tumblr frequently now, might as well post updates about GBL, so yeah. New chapter is out, and this one was really fun to write, especially for a section that I like to call "drunk Luz" (she's not really drunk, but iykyk) Anywyay, I'll quit blabbin.
Here's the link to the chapter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43706922/chapters/140037076
Alternatively, here's the link to the first chapter if you have no idea what I'm talking about: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43706922/chapters/109904142
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memory-overload · 3 months
New Chapter of The Good Basilisk Luzura! “Gus Proves That Freud Isn’t Completely Wrong”
(The chapter was actually published a few days ago on July 10 but shh…)
The shenanigans in Luz’s brain finally come to an end! Willow learns of Amity’s feelings about a certain someone, Gus helps Inner Luz deal with repressed memories, and Luz and Eda have a very chill conversation about silly things that totally don’t matter in the slightest. (And also King wants revenge.)
Chapter 40 Link:
Link to the first chapter if you have no idea what’s going on:
Also, I created a discord server! It’s in its infancy stages, so it would be awesome if we could get new members!
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memory-overload · 10 months
Random Good Basilisk Luzura Headcanons
screw it, gonna start posting on tumblr dot com about Good Basilisk Luzura spoilers since I've got all these ideas in my head.
Manny and his mom would be super oblivious to earth culture when they were first getting accustomed to the new realm, so when holidays like July 4 came around they'd be super confused about why people are setting the sky on fire and cheering.
Manny would use Luz's dralag name as a nickname for her. She just thought it was just funny name her dad came up with.
Luz's tail acts like a dog's. Wagging when she's happy, tucked between her legs when she's scared, etc. Vee, on the other hand, thinks that is super very childish and not cool.
Luz counters that by pointing out that Vee's tail goes crazy whenever Masha is within 30 feet of her.
Camila carries a pack of Hexes Holdem cards in her purse for whenever one of her daughters needs a quick magic pick-me-up.
When Vee gets introduced to the rest of the extended Noceda family at a family reunion, she and Luz would routinely switch disguises to troll the others before revealing the truth.
Whenever Amity or Masha gets stressed or anxious or whatever, they ask their respective girlfriends for tail cuddles.
Luz calls Stringbean "Mini-Me" as a nickname.
Luz helps Amity when she reads books to kids by providing epic monster voices.
Luz routinely competes in costume contests and dominates them. Her powers aren't cheating b/c there's not a rule saying you can't shapeshift. (Vee raises objections about the ethics of this stance.)
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