#gonna hold myself accountable through this bet
glittter-vamp · 1 year
22 - Thong Song please and thank you 🙏 😂
Here you all go! I did my best to make it funny yet a bit scandalous lol
Based on the song Thong Song By Sisqo
Warnings: 18+ ONLY.MDNI! Sexual themes. Might or might not count as smut. Joe X Reader.
Word Count:1,829
"What do you think? These or these?" You ask your best friend as you hold up two different thongs. "Um...those aren't that cute." She says looking at your weird. "They're not for me." You say looking at the yellow thong. "Did I miss something and you dumped Joe for a girl?" She asks and you laugh. "These are for him." You say and she freezes. "Come again?" She asks. "He lost a bet." You say and she starts laughing. "On what!?" She asks. "We bet on some basketball game and his team lost." You say grabbing the yellow thong and leaving the red one you had also grabbed. "And what exactly is the punishment other than him having to wear that." she chuckles as you two head to the cashier in this lingerie store. "He has to wear it to a work party we're going to tomorrow night." Your smirk. "Oof, sucks to be him." She laughs. You two leave the mall and go your separate ways. You head over to your home that you shared with Joe, tired from the long shopping day you had with your best friend. 
Getting out of the car and grabbing all the shopping bags you make your way inside where you're instantly met with Joe fighting with someone. He was definitely playing one of his video games again. Deciding to leave him alone you make your way upstairs. You drop the bags on the bench that you had at the end of the bed and started putting stuff away. You bought way more than you had thought. "So you're just gonna come home and not say hello?" You hear Joe say as you hang up a new dress in the closet. "You seemed busy cussing someone out." You chuckle as he wraps his arms around you and gives you a kiss on your shoulder. "Ja'Marr made us lose the game again." He says making you laugh. "Nothing new I see." You say turning around and giving him a kiss. "Did you eat?" He asks. "We had lunch but I'm sure I'll get hungry again later." You say as Joe let's go of you and you walk back to the bags. "I'm surprised to see these many bags, I didn't get any notifications on my account the whole day." Joe says and you sigh. "How many times do I have to tell you that I can pay for things myself." You say grabbing another bag. "and that's cool but you do a lot of things for me, it'd make me feel better if you would treat yourself on my dime." Joe says. "You already pay for everything in this house Joseph, I can buy my own clothing and accessories." You chuckle shaking your head. 
"What's in here?" Joe smirks grabbing the bag from the lingerie boutique you had went earlier. "For you." You smirk. "Oh?" Joe smirks back but little did he know they were actually for him. He pulls out the yellow thong and he looks at them. "Not really your style but I'm sure they're going to look great on you." Joe says and you snort. "Someone I guess forgot about our bet the other day." You cross your arms smirking. Joe looks at you weird and then he freezes. "You were serious about that?" He asks. "Uh, yeah! Tomorrow is the perfect night to wear them too." You wink. "At your work party?! No way, nope." Absolutely not Joe says putting them back in the bag. "Hm... then I guess I can invite Sebastian instead." You shrug walking to put the skincare you had bought away in the bathroom. "Woah, Woah...Who said anything about taking your stupid coworker. Stop talking nonsense." Joe scoffs following you into the bathroom. "Then, keep your side of the bet!" You say and he sighs. "You're not going to let this go are you?" He asks. "Nope!" You smile at him through the mirror. 
"Are you ready? We have to go in 5 minutes to get there on time" You say slipping your heels on. It was the evening of the party and you were about ready to go. "I'm actually not feeling too well, kind of have a headache maybe you should go without me." Joe says from the bathroom and you chuckle. "Nice try Burrow, let's go." You say grabbing your clutch. The bathroom door slowly opens and Joe comes out with an uncomfortable face making you smile. "You look nice...turn around." You say and he sighs in defeat turning around and you feast your eyes on his perfect ass in his slacks. "You should of done this a long time ago, you're has has never looked better." You smirk giving his plump cheeks a nice smack. "Do not do that!" Joe say turning around immediately. "Why not? You do it to me all the time. Hope you have an icepack in the freezer because that ass is going to be sore tonight." You wink at him before making your way out the bed room. "What does that even mean? I don't like the sound of that at all." Joe says following you. 
You two make your way to the car and you decide to drive. As you drove Joe kept moving around in his seat and adjusting himself. "Babe, you're kind of distracting me here." You say stopping at a red light. "Well sorry! But my balls are quite literally hanging out and this shit is riding up a little too much in the back." He says making you laugh. "Welcome to my world." You smile. "Can't believe I'm doing this." He says clearly irritated at the situation. "You lost fair and square, you'll be alright." You smirk and you could feel him giving you a dirty look beside you.
It was later in the night now and you were mingling around talking to some coworkers at this party. It was retirement party for one of our supervisor and you were actually having a good time. Joe on the other hand...not so much. He kept leaving to the bathroom to readjust himself and he now believes that my coworkers assume he has the runs. "I'll be back." You tell your coworkers heading over to Joe who was getting a drink at the bar. "Hey there sweet cheeks."  You say to Joe grabbing a butt cheek which made him jump. "Don't do that, you work with these people." Joe mutters giving you a look. "Chill out grandpa, no one is even around or paying attention." You laugh. "Are you ready to leave yet? Between this bet and your co-workers thinking I have to poop every 10 minutes because of it. I think I did my time" He says as the bartender comes over with a water bottle for him. "Hmm...I think you've suffered enough." You say. You say your goodbyes to everyone and make your way home. This time Joe drove home and as he was driving an idea pops into your head. You had music playing from your phone and decided to queue a certain song. As you two drove in silence and the song you chose started playing, a smile played on your face. Joe quickly looks over to you hearing the familiar violin playing. "Here we go." He rolls his eyes making you laugh.
"He had dumps like a truck, truck, truck. Thighs like, what, what, what. Baby move your butt, butt, butt." You sang. "Can you please not!" Joe says trying not to laugh but you continue to sing anyway. "Let me see that thong, baby! That Th-thong, thong, thong! I like when that beat go, I like when that booty go!" You sing as if your life depended on it. "That's enough!" A very red Joe says turning off the radio. "You're such a party pooper! Boooo!" You say rolling your eyes. "I'm never ever doing this again." Joe shakes his head as he pulls into your neighborhood. "Never say never Joseph." You chuckle. He pulls up to the house and parks in the garage and he makes a straight bee line the bedroom and you follow him. Joe makes an abrupt stop right before entering the room which causes you to bump into his hard back. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks and you laugh. "You think you're going to wear a thong and I'm not going to at least see it on you?" You scoff. "That wasn't part of the bet, so...that's exactly what's going to happen" He says turning around and going into the room. "Okay, that's fine." You say and he eyes you suspiciously as you start to take your jewelry off and change. "What's your game here?" Joe asks not convinced that you would just let it go like that. "No game but now that I think of it it's been how long since we've had sex due to our schedules?" You ask Joe and he looks at you with an unamused face. "3 weeks." He mutters. "I was reading that for athletes it does them pretty good to refrain from sex when partaking in their sport...the season is coming up maybe it will do some good if you just only focused on football until February." You shrug. 
"You're threatening no sex because I won't let you see me in this stupid thing?" Joe asks. "I'm doing no such thing, I'm just thinking of you and ways to help you this season." You say grabbing your pajamas and going to the bathroom to wash your face and change. As you changed the bathroom door opens and Joe enters. "Some privacy please?" You say but he ignores you and walks on over to you. "If...I let you see me in this stupid thing. Promise me you won't go to your friends about it." Joe says and you smile. "Promise." You bite your lip. Joe gives you a nervous look before he undoes his pants an drops them. He couldn't even look you in the eye. You smile seeing the yellow thin piece of fabric fail miserably at covering his bits. "Now turn..." You smirk and he sighs before turning around and seeing just how his two perfect round cheeks just swallow the thong. "This is the best day of my life." You giggle and Joe turns his head gives you an annoyed look. "Okay, that's eno- woah woah...the night is just getting started. Give me a minute and I'll meet you on the bed." You smirk inching closer to him. "There's no way this is turning you on right now." Joe says and your hand slowly makes its way to one of his cheeks making him turn red. "Just do what I say Burrow." You say giving him a sweet kiss before snapping the thong on his ass cheek like he's done to you plenty of times, which made him flinch and whimper. This was going to be so fun, you thought to yourself.
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ars-matron · 8 months
The Tarot Sequence Reread
Nothing has given me brain rot in a long while like the Tarot Sequence by K D Edwards has. And since I just finished reading all the supplemental stuff right when my hold for The Last Sun came back up I thought I would do something I have only done once before-and in a much less flattering way for a book I hated-and live blog my reread.
There's just so much in this series I need to pay closer attention to. And usually I would go on here and read some metas, but there is literally nothing!! The only things in the tags for this series is people wishing there were more people reading it, a handful of very wonderful fanarts, and an account of the decline of a discord that evidently used to exist for it. So, maybe this will encourage some people to read the books too.
Because there are some heavy topics in this series anytime I talk about such topics I will tag for them, but if they don't come up in the chapters I'm reviewing, I won't. So if you have certain things back listed you might not see all my posts on it. Anyone who is reading along and is curious about it can DM me.
NOW! Predictions and things I want to pay attention to under the cut for spoiler reasons.
The Tower. At the end of the prologue of the first book my thoughts were, " So we trust NO ONE!!" Except Queenie, because why would Rune and Brand live with her if she was evil? Then the children showed up and I had to trust them, they were too young to be part of the, whole thing, plus they are so cute. You have to trust them. And then Addam came along, and of course we trust him, he's an Addam, he's a giant dancing teddy bear and I love him! So I read the whole series (that's out so far) expecting we would find out the Tower was an evil guy, that he had had something to do with the fall of the Sun Throne. Honestly by the end of the third book I didn't think that any longer, and I was starting to before that after finding out he was also Qunn's godfather because!!! There is no way Qunn wouldn't have seen if the Tower revealed he had been a part of all that. (I'm still asking myself HOW exactly he or Mayan wouldn't have noticed an astral projection listening device being installed in Rune's room at their freaking tower that is super locked down! But then it happened for two other locations that were supposed to be super warded and protected my other companions too. So maybe it isn't his fault. I do think he might blame himself, I do think that some of his stand-offishness might also be guilt for not being able to stop the attack on the Sun Throne to start with. We will see...) I'm going to go into this read through with the assumption he is just lonely and sad and not a bad guy.
QUEENIE!!!! Because, WHO THE FUCK IS QUEENIE!? I was already suspicious because every time someone asks Rune and Brand where she came from, or how long she's been with them, they say "She's been with us forever." Every time! It reeks of mind fuckery. Then Eidolon and the epilogue that wasn't came along. Current theory is that she is the Empress, and also that she's probably Rune's mother. I would be willing to bet she was the woman at the end of the third book who spoke up to the river after everyone else. Edwards did a good job of making her disappear in the background, but I'm gonna be hunting for every mention of her and how she acts around everyone.
Ciaran, just because I love him and at first also suspected him of evil deeds. But he's just your gay vodka uncle and he loves all his adopted family so much and I just want to keep a closer on him at the start of the series.
Kellum. We only see him once in the second book, but he's mentioned in Eidolon by the Fool (Or Queenie pretending to be the Fool, again I'm not sure, there's Queenie interference for sure) And he was in one of the supplemental novellas. I think he will be making a bigger appearance in the next book.
Quinn's prophecies. I'll probably make a list of those for a separate master post.
Tallas. The Atlantean soul mates. This is a MAJOR spoiler. Rune says that Brand and he formed a talla bond the night of the attack. That it was what brought Brand out of the geas and got them to safety. The bond was gone when he woke up in the hospital and he's spent this whole time thinking he's somehow broken their talla bond. Something definitely happened between him and Addam in the Westlands, and I don't think Addam was wrong in assuming it was the budding of a talla bond. Because something sort of bond-like is also there now after the Hourglass Throne, after he used his bond with Brand to get him and Addam back to their time. My theory here is that they might be each other tallas, all three of them. Together. We know that it doesn't have to be a sexual relationship, though I don't think Addam would mind that one bit. Everything is pointing to the three of them being tied together somehow, and my theory is mostly that, before they were together together, no one talla bond could form and take precedence over the other. Now that they are together all the time, going on missions, living together, they have more opportunities for a bond to fully form and take hold. Assuming it involves all three of them.
And with that, I'm going to go read!
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algea · 2 years
A Little Ghoulin'.
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Prompt: You go to a highly aggressive location with Zak and the GAC and you get attacked by a malicious ghost.
Pairing: Zak Bagans x !female Reader
Warnings: girl idk, the GAC being themselves? also vomit
You were at another investigation with Zak and the crew. Everyone knew that you and Zak had something for each other, but the both of you were oblivious to it. This particular location had highly aggressive entities towards women. There were even accounts of demons attacking the women that’ve entered the building. Zak was already nervous bringing you as it was, but with this information, he was not having it. But of course, you insisted on going, even if it meant going against him.
“Are you SURE you’re alright going in there by yourself, Y/N?” Zak asked, gazing down at your face with a very worried look. 
You rested a hand on Zak’s chest and sighed,
“I’m fine Zak, really, I’ll call for you immediately if I run into trouble.” 
He sucked in a deep breath and muttered something too low for you to hear, probably irrelevant to you anyway. You drew your hand from his chest and rested on his cheek, softly stroking it with your thumb. His hazy, blue eyes met yours and the both of you shared and unknown contract, one that you would soon find out.
“I…You know I’m really against you going in there, right? I can’t let you get hurt like I would myself.” Zak sighed, his captive gaze holding yours. You only gave him a soft smile and ran your thumb slowly over his bottom lip. Zak’s lips ghosted a smile, but only before you heard a camera click and various noises of happy cheering.
“Dude! I knew it was gonna be here! Pay up, Billy!” Aaron exclaimed, still holding his phone in the position he took the picture in. Both you and Zak’s heads snapped over to him, only to see Aaron holding out his hand as Billy handed him a 20 dollar bill, and Jay snickering in the background.
“Shut up, Aaron.” Billy sighed, looking over at you and winking knowingly. You rolled your eyes at your best friend and dropped your hand from Zak’s face. 
“You two BETTED on when something like this would happen?” Zak questioned, his eyebrows raised and his head tilting towards them angrily. 
“Oh I am SO beating your ass after we get done here.” He added. All Aaron, Billy, and Jay did was laugh and crack jokes about you two. You snatched your personal camera up and turned it on before saying,
“Well fuckers, I’m heading inside.” 
You started to the door, which was on the opposite side of the large building. Zak followed you to make sure that you got in ok, as well as to be close by if you get in any danger. You stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath. Zak placed his hand on your shoulder, leaned down and said,
“Don’t have too much fun without me.”
You smiled and reached up to place a kiss on his cheek. You then opened the door of the building and entered.
The energy in there was like a hurricane, you felt so off every time you took a step.
“Whoa guys, I feel really off. Like every step I take man. Shit’s weird as hell.” You say as you walk further.
“You’re doing good, Y/N, just keep it up.” Zak’s voice said through the walkie-talkie. You went and sat down on a chair. You pulled out a spirit box and flicked it on, letting the static fill the electrified air. 
“Is there anyone with me right now?” You asked, looking around the almost pitch black room. You thought you could make out a tall black figure standing in the doorway of a room.
“Evil.” A woman’s voice came through, startling you.
“Zak, just as I said ‘is there anyone with me’ I saw a very tall black figure in the doorway of a room, then the voice came in and said ‘evil!’” You yelled, eyes looking at the X camera watching you. 
“Holy shit! We thought it said ‘evil’ too!” Aaron came in.
Just then, a voice came in and said,
But before you could say anything, something grabbed your hair and lifted you up off the ground. You shrieked and kicked, but to no avail because your feet were no longer touching the ground.
“ZAK! ZAK! IT’S FUCKING HOLDING ME IN THE AIR! HELP! HELP! GET ME OUT OF HERE!” You screaming, tears streaking down your face. 
You felt like your limbs were getting pulled apart from all directions.
“FUCKING HURRY ZAK, PLEASE!” You shrieked, choking on the vomit that was bubbling up through your chest. The vomit spewed out of your mouth. Zak slammed through the door and sprinted towards you. 
You crumpled to the floor in a crying heap. He didn’t care about the vomit on the floor, or the ugly crying that continued to come from you, he only cared about YOU. Zak’s hands grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into him, his muscular arms clinging to you like a small child to its mother. 
“I’m here, I’ve got you, I’m right here, shhhh…” Zak muttered into your ear softly, rocking you back and forth in an attempt to calm you down.
“Holy shit, Y/N!” Billy yelled, sliding onto the floor and grabbing your shoulders from behind.
You shook from your sobs, and Billy did his best to calm you down. Zak was silent, his mind at work. 
“Cmon Bill, let’s pick her up and carry her outside.” Zak suddenly said, wrapping an arm around the small of your back. Billy did the same, and they carried you outside. Aaron and Jay rushed over to you, giving you a warm embrace. 
“Dude that was insane! The evidence we just captured was awesome!!!” Aaron exclaimed, withdrawing from the hug.
“Aaron, shut the hell up, it’s not about the evidence right now, it’s about Y/N.” Zak snapped, turning his head and glaring at him. Aaron sighed and nodded his head in agreement after a moment of thinking.
“Aaron, you and Billy go back in there and take some Full Spectrum Camera photos. Jay, you watch them in case something else happens, I’m going to help Y/N clean up.” Zak said, handing the Full Spectrum Camera to Billy. All three reluctantly trudged to their destinations, knowing that leaving you two alone could be very dangerous. Zak took you over to a couple steps and sat you down, holding you worriedly.
“Are you ok?” Zak asked, one of his hands traveling up to cup your face. The tears that rolled down your face slithered down his thumb, which was gently brushing over your cheekbone. You didn’t say anything, you just let the tears keep falling as he examined you further. Zak was muttering something, but you paid no attention to him, you were so mesmerized by him. As he was talking, you just couldn’t stop the urge to lean in and kiss him. 
“Do you need anything? I can get you something if you want, we’ve got plenty of stuff and it’s no-“ Zak rambled, but was cut short by you leaning in and softly pressing your lips against his. Zak’s eyes widened and his other hand flew up to cup your other cheek. He leaned into the kiss, letting himself do all the work, he just couldn’t resist you. Your hand rested on his shoulder, and the other trailing down to the small of Zak’s back. 
It was like the world stopped as you kissed him, everything freezing in place for a moment. Everything felt right, like this was the way it was supposed to be. You were the first to lean away, gasping for air as you rested your forehead against his. You heard the familiar click of a camera and snapped your head to Jay, who was grinning like an idiot. 
“Just wait until the boys see this, this’ll be GOLD.” Jay exclaimed, scurrying away after Zak lunged at him, trying to snatch the photo.
“Oh. Shit.” Is all Zak said, but you only smiled at him, knowing that it’d be fine, just like your spirit guides told you.
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bimboothefool · 2 years
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Just your ℌ℮Ѧґ†
Content Warning!! WEE WOO WEE WOO!! This contains mentions of dismemberment, zombies dying and overall a campy story. What else am I gonna say lol
“First I'm late for college classes and on my twenty second birthday too. This is so lame!!” You pouted using your chainsaw to hack and slash through the hordes of zombies in your way. You lived in the more city-like part of Mobius. It took you by surprise that an outbreak of this caliber was happening.
“Need a helping hand?!” You looked above and saw a familiar blue blur knock the zombies away. Giving you an opportunity to chop the zombies apart. “Hey Sonic! Fashionably late aren't we?” You teased, he huffed out a sigh. “Look I'm just a one man show. Besides, we got bigger fish to fry.” You hummed, agreeing with him.
It's not everyday zombies just up and show up out of thin air. Someone summoned them, the how was definitely itching the back of your brain. “Yeah let's help out as many civilians and maybe through them we'll find a lead!”
“Now you're talking!” Sonic fires finger guns your way. “Also warn the others!” Sonic salutes to you and quickly types up a warning. Good thing he had access to our college's accounts.
As we're helping out, a couple of civilians noted that a certain albino platypus is the probable cause of this mayhem. “Starline..? Why would he pull this kind of stunt??” You asked about walking with Sonic, now joined by Knuckles and Silver. “He's always had a thing for you.” Sonic brought up, pretty much out of nowhere.
“Why bring that up?” You asked, beyond confusion. “He's been trying to get your attention for legit ever since we were seniors in highschool.” Knuckles said, Sonic butts in with. “Wait, you didn't know?!” All three of them stopped to look at you. “Dude, I had no idea. I thought he was giving me my favorite food because he wanted to thank me for saving him.”
“Utterly dense as always (Y/n).. But then again that's what I always liked about you.” A familiar voice purred. The four of you got into fighting positions as Starline stood atop of a statue. He held a pretty old looking book in his webbed hands. “Starline, you really could've just asked (Y/n) on a date. Like a normal Mobian!” Silver yelled, Starline merely rolled his eyes.
“And be ignored again?! No, I'm done leaving hints, especially when my crush is absolutely oblivious.” The three of them sighed. “Whatever, let's just get that old book he's holding.” Sonic said, but before either of you could get a hit in. A powerful gust of wind sweeps you four off your feet. Soon a bunch of orbs are circulating around the statue Starline’s standing on.
“So you're the pipsqueak who summoned us???” A gruff voice asked, Starline smirked. “Indeed I did! I'm your new master!” The different voices murmured master with a couple of them laughing.
“You our new master?” Starline huffs at the gruff sounding voice. “Yes, that's what I'd just said!” The voice starts to laugh. “Sorry Four Eyes, we don't need a master!” The green orb knocks Starline off the statue as Silver uses his powers to catch him and the book. “Gotcha!!”
Soon a bright light shines and once the light dimmed a green decaying hedgehog in a leather jacket with red shades takes Starline's place. “Because we'll be the new rulers of this pathetic living world!” The zombie hedgehog bellowed out as the other orbs cackled and they all went their separate ways.
His glassy blue eyes shoot towards you. “You… You're a Zombie Hunter aren'tcha?!” He hops off and lands on the concrete. Everyone turns to look towards you. “Oh… You didn't tell them, did ya?! I bet you weren't even gonna utter a peep about it.” He smirks displaying his sharp yellowed teeth. “Oh well lemme introduce myself. I'm Scourge, King of the Rotten World!”
“Zombie Hunter…?” Silver murmured, unsure of what's happening. “The Rotten World, the heck's going on?!” Knuckles interrogated Scourge, who merely laughed. “Why don't you ask that chainsaw wielding cutie, they'll fill you in. You wouldn't keep any more secrets now would ya?” Scourge waltzes closer and puts his face in front of yours as if to intimidate you.
You readied your weapon and before you could swing it, he yelled. “BUZZ OFF!!” His words materialize and push you back. “Catch me if ya can Chainsaw Cutie!” Scourge yelled and disappeared into the darkness.
“(Y/N)!!” You tried to get back up, but Sonic and Knuckles helped you up. “You've got a lot of explaining to do.” Sonic said, Knuckles nodded in agreement. “Until then, Silver, let's bring Starline with us. He's got some explaining to do too.” Silver hummed, using his psychic powers to carry him along and hands the book over to you.
“No problem, besides it's the least I can do.” You said accepting it.
“So let me get this straight.” You nodded at Sonic's attempt to repeat that info back to you. “There's three dimensions; The Land Beyond Words, Our dimension Earth and the Rotten World.” You hummed, confirming that. “You also come from a long lineage of Zombie Hunters that have protected the city for a couple decades?” Silver added. “Pretty much.” You replied.
“And the Zombie Lords’ ultimate goal is to decay the earth and everything on it?” Knuckles asked almost in shock by all of the information presented. “Yeah that's the gist. In order to stop them we can either bargain with them or kill them. However Zombies are notorious for being stubborn. Once they're set on something they'll keep going until they're dead for good. The Zombie Lords are definitely persistent with their goals.” You said, the others were utterly flabbergasted.
Especially considering you were the sweetheart who did cheerleading. It didn't change their perspective on you negatively, it was an unexpected surprise to them.
“Starline has a huge price to pay especially for releasing them for a very selfish reason. I know I'm dense, but next time if there even is. Just ask me out straight up or take me out to dinner and movie first, buddy.” You scorned Starline as he looked away. “Right now we need all hands on deck and that book is gonna be our ticket to victory.” You picked up the worn out book and started looking through it.
Scourge was the last of the Zombie Lords and Shadow along with many of your friends came to help. However Scourge was located in a junkyard, which was generally in the outskirts of the city.
Luckily Shadow was able to find a truck you and the others could use. As you were looking through the book, it was practically the Zombie Hunter's encyclopedia for various zombie types and such. Starline enhanced the team by using the book as a way to strategize and how you could go about getting in and out of fights.
Now you and the others were chatting up a storm on who's doing what. Especially since this is the final fight, you and everyone needed to be two steps ahead of Scourge.
“(Y/n) I have to ask you something.” Shadow said, glancing at one of the car mirrors. “Yeah what's up?” You replied, with bated breath. “I've gathered some intel from Rogue and apparently Scourge has something in store for you.” Shadow said looking at the road ahead as everyone in the truck went silent. “Guess he's not going down without a fight, he might be looking towards changing his form…”
Shadow sighs unsure of how to word his response. “Though I have to admit I'm concerned for you.” You raised a brow at Shadow. “Why? I've got the strength from everyone and myself, brains from Starline and Tails. I feel like I've got a good team!”
“I think he means the way Scourge is talking to and about you.” Silver said and starts listing the times Scourge went out of his way to learn about you and give you things like weapon upgrades and even write bloody messages.
“...that makes so much sense.” You mumbled, it was weird how extreme Scourge was when he did all that.
“Still be careful, from what I can gleam, Scourge is a powerful enemy. One who's definitely has his sights set on you. It's best we take him as a genuine threat.” Starline urged holding your shoulders gently.
“...Okay I'll be careful.” You said with a smile.
Once you all arrived, they've all paved the way to make sure you're able to reach Scourge. Who was now the last of Zombie Lords. They all wished you good luck as you entered the Junkyard Maze. The air was filled with the scent of motor oil, decay and punk music.
Though when you first entered here, you swore you heard him. Besides, he was a loudmouth, though even you knew better than to underestimate him.
Finally you made it to the end of the maze, this is what your little adventure has come to. You jumped into the seemingly vacant arena, trying to get a feel for your surroundings.
“HAHAHA! I'M GONNA CRUSH YOUR FACE!!” Scourge yelled out utterly delighted to finally face you. “So Chainsaw Cutie, you've managed to knock down my pawns. Good for you, now you get to fight me.” You and Scourge were ready for the final showdown.
“You know I gotta admit I'm not a brains type of guy, I've always preferred the heart. They're lively and are unique to each Mobian… You really have to go through so much work just to get to it.” You brows furrowed in disgust. “Ah, sick…” Scourge laughs at your reply. “Though if we're being honest here, I don't wanna eat you. Rather I want to make you mine.” You rolled your eyes, Scourge sees this and places a hand over his scarred chest.
“Oh you don't believe me..? Then let me show you how serious about you I TRULY AM!!” Scourge charges at you at full force and you narrowly dodged his attack. You look at him directly and ready your chainsaw.
Soon you weakened him, though he did a couple scratches on you which wasn't a big deal. You had to be bitten in order to be truly infected.
“I… I lost…?” Scourge said in disbelief, especially at the idea of losing. “Yeah, are you gonna go back to the Rotten World quietly or do I have to finish you off myself?” You asked placing the blade under his chin lifting it up so his eyes can meet yours. His eyes widened almost like his undead heart was beating again.
In this very moment he knew, you were his dream lover. The one he's willing to tie himself down to for the rest of his undead life. You wore a confused expression when you saw him look oddly lovesick. His tail wagged with excitement, and he blurted out. “As long as I'm with you I'll go wherever you go…” He replied dreamily as if his whole personality took a whole one-eighty turn.
“You're not mad??” He still smiles lovingly. “Of course not…” You were beyond confused, usually monsters with his personality would've cursed up a storm or reluctantly go back. But this was the last thing you'd expect. “Yeesh you're weird, but as long as you're not gonna hurt anyone… You can stay with me.”
You carefully slid your chainsaw away from his chin and stabbed it onto the ground. Sonic started calling you. You picked up your phone and almost lost your ear drum. “(Y/N) ARE YOU OKAY DO YOU NEED BACK–?” You cut him off with. “Yeah I'm okay and how's our world right now?”
“Seems like it's returning to normal. Though it's strange, the only undead life force I'm able to detect is right next to you.” Tails mentioned and I swiftly explained. “It's a bit complicated, but needless to say Scourge is staying. I think Cupid shot him. Just come pick us up…” You groaned feeling you need headache pills and some comfort food.
“Okay we're on our way!” Silver chimed in over Sonic's phone, you ended the call and soon silence settled in. You sat on the ground and looked up at the sky and saw it looked clearer, you're able to see the moon and stars.
“Pretty isn't it?” You almost felt your heart jump out of your chest. “Jeez Scourge, you scared me… Though yeah it's a pretty view to be honest..” Scourge gave you a toothy smile with a laugh. “Good it's payback for making me wait for so long!” He said, sitting down next to you. “I thought I was gonna die of boredom. Especially with how long it took ya to get here or just you not seeing my messages.”
You shook your head, letting out a small chuckle. “Where would a zombie go at that point??” Scourge shrugs. “Who knows I'm staying with you and I'm your problem now.” He says draping an arm around your shoulders.
‘Hopefully everything's back to normal, or as normal as it could be… My life isn't normal by any means, but eh whatever… Maybe going on a date with a powerful zombie won't be so bad.’ You thought as you looked at the stars that sprinkled the night sky.
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briarborealisocs · 1 year
🧡Sunshine and Warmth!!! For the ask game!!!!
HEHEHE i have a feeeew to answer these two with so i'll add em in
sunshine: a snippet where your characters are having fun outdoors
silly whoopsverse folklore/small town au
It was a few weeks later that it happened. Vas was hanging out with Cris and Jay, skipping rocks over a stream and shoving each other near the water, when Jay brought it up. “Let’s sneak into the farmhouse,” he said, out of nowhere. Cris shot straight up from where she’d been leant over the water, sputtering. “Why the heck would we do that?” she scoffed, flicking ice-cold water at Jay. He ducked out of the way, sticking his tongue out at her. Vas reclined against the rock she was sitting on. “Everybody’s always telling us to stay out, but I want to see what the big deal is, myself!” Jay plopped down onto the muddy stream banks, kicking his feet out into the water. “It can’t be that scary.” Vas thought back to the way the woman’s gaze had almost pinned her in place, and shivered. “What would we get out of it, even?” Cris groaned, brushing her muddy hands off on her knees. Her knees were also muddy, so it didn’t do much.  “I dunno, curiosity?”  “It killed the cat,” Cris chimed. “Satisfaction brought it back,” Vas finished, shrugging. She shielded her eyes against the bright autumn sun. “Maybe if we go, we can finally put an end to our bet, yeah, Cris?” There was a pause. Cris blinked, but Vas could see her resolve crumbling just as much as hers was. “You can’t seriously be considering going.”  “Come on, Cris, don’t be a wimp,” Jay goaded. “Vas is in, I’m in, are you in?” Vas didn’t know why she wanted to go so badly. By all accounts, she should really have been frightened out of her mind like all the other people in Sunfell. It was just… There was something about the way the lady held herself. She seemed so…calm.  Cris looked between Jay and Vas, dismay clear on her face. Eventually she groaned, throwing her hands in the air in defeat. Jay cheered, and Vas smiled.  “Fine,” she grumbled, climbing out of the stream and shaking the excess water off her legs. “But I have to be home before dark, or Mum’s gonna kill me.”
and also
toh oc potion shenanigans
Sol crossed her arms smugly, waiting for the potion to take effect. Seriously, the potion was his idea. Sure, it had been an off-hand comment about beastkeeping magic and potions and wanting to pet a fox, but it was still his idea! He didn't have to be so skittish about it.  "Is it… working?" he asked, looking uncharacteristically nervous. She was about to reply when the bushes rustled nearby. Both of them froze, waiting with bated breath as a small nose poked out of the foliage.  From the red leaves emerged a beautiful little auburn fox. It trotted right up to Goldie and sniffed at his boots. He squeaked, then crouched down, cautiously extending a gloved hand.  "H-hey, buddy," he whispered. The fox sniffed at his fingertips, now. Apparently it deemed them worthy of affection, because it started licking them. Goldie giggled. Giggled! Oh, Solstice would hold this over him forever.  Another set of bushes rustled. Both of them nearly broke their necks with how fast they snapped their heads around to look at it. Out came another fox, who joined its brethren at Goldie's boots.  "Oh, hi," he cooed, clearly taken with the creatures. Sol's brow furrowed. She hadn't thought the potion was long-lasting enough to attract two animals… They must have been close by.  But then the bushes rustled again. This time, only Sol turned to look at it. Out crawled a…tortoise? It slowly shuffled through the grass to bump its face into Goldie's heel.  Okay. Weird. But surely there couldn't be that many animals hiding in this corner of the woods… right?  The bushes rustled. Solstice, you fool. Even GG looked up, this time. He looked nervous again.  "Sol? How many animals is this supposed to bring here?"  She didn't answer, staring in dread at the trees around them. She hadn't noticed it until just now, but about 50 birds had settled silently on the branches surrounding the clearing. One brave soul fluttered down to perch on GG's shoulder, and then another, and then another. Soon, he was swarmed by birds. And there were fiendcats and crawling boas and king deer entering the clearing, too. Before long she couldn't see or hear Goldie past the sheer mass of wildlife burying him. 
warmth: a snippet that gives you the warm fuzzies
keepska wingswap au
It doesn’t stop happening. Every time they’re in a room together, one of Kiska’s wings finds its way over to him, like a fleshy feathered blanket. Or an umbrella. Or-- Well, frankly, there’s just not a good metaphor for it. He’ll say it like it is: Kiska’s sheltering him under her wing like a fretting mother bird, and he’s pretty sure she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it. It’s not like it’s a bad thing. Honestly, Keeper finds it hilarious. Birdbrain, he thinks to himself, in a tone of voice he refuses to admit is unbearably fond. Beyond that, though, it’s…comforting. It really is, in a way he can’t quite put a name to. Even when the wing doesn’t physically rest on his shoulders, having it cupped around him, warming, protecting-- It’s nice. It’s better when it does drape over him, though. Take right now: Kiska has taken it upon herself to disturb his work, and that means she’s pressed up against his side while he sits and tries and fails to write an account of a farmer who invented a new species of wheat. He fails in large part because Kiska has her wings wrapped fully around him, and not only are they getting in the way of his movements, they’re also highly distracting. They’re warm, and they feel heavy and comforting, like the softest weighted blanket you could ever imagine. Mostly, though, they’re distracting because it’s Kiska, with her cheek smooshed onto his shoulder and her wings wrapped around him securely, like protection, like a claim. He puts his pen down and allows himself the indulgence of carding a hand through the feathers. She hums and burrows further against him, her wings flexing around his like a hug.  He ends up falling asleep there, nodding off until his temple is pressed against the crown of Kiska’s head, with the rest of him comfortably nestled in her wings.
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spring cleaning - chainsaw man
synopsis: it's time for spring cleaning, but a certain someone's inability to read might just be the death of aki, denji, and power.
author's note: figured I'd give dialogue a shot! i'm not the best at it though, so forgive me!! i decided i'd clean today, and i got the idea to write this about the little hayakawa family (found family trope will forever be my fave). anyway, check what cleaning products you're using! and don't mix them together! (those vids on TikTok where they put shit loads of product in the toilet bowl always piss me off)
"spring cleaning used to be so easy" aki thinks to himself. of course it was, until a few months ago he was living alone, but now he is reluctantly living with power and denji - two people who had spent so long living on the streets that they didn't truly know what it felt like to have a roof over their heads.
"i'm gonna clean aki's room! i bet he's got tonnes of dirty mags hidden somewhere!" denji's excitement is soon shut down by aki hitting him over the head with the mop he had in hand.
"firstly, i keep my room clean anyway. there's no need for it to be cleaned today, and even if there was, i'm capable of doing it myself. i don't need your help." aki chastises denji for his underestimating of aki's cleanliness and organisation. truthfully, spring cleaning used to be a simple affair that only really involved aki beating the rugs to get rid of the dust that settled in them (though he did that every few months anyway) and taking everything out of every cupboard to wipe all of the shelves down.
"secondly, i haven't the time nor desire to buy shit like dirty magazines.". aki was right. being a devil hunter meant he was constantly on the verge of death, but while some people believed that meant indulging in every worldly desire at all times, aki took it as a motivator to stay on the right track. he had goals which required him to be focused at all times, though his tunnel vision was sometimes criticised by other devil hunters on account of how blunt he was with anything regarding his job.
denji sulks for a moment, he struggles to understand how someone could go through life without wanting to touch or look at or even just think about boobs. suddenly, cleaning the apartment seemed much more boring, and denji decided to take as long as possible doing everything he possibly could in an attempt to get revenge on aki for taking away the one thing he was looking forward to.
aki looks up from the floor to see power cuddling meowy and nuzzling her face against the cat's soft fur. "power, you go clean the bathroom. you're the one who always makes a mess of it."
"huh? humans are so fragile, they can't handle a little messiness. you wouldn't last a day in the wild! but i, the great power, lived like that for years! admit your inferiority!" much like denji, power had been desensitised to uncleanliness. unlike denji, she didn't grasp why people cared about living in clean environments.
"clean the bathroom, or i'm buying meowy the cheap cat food."
"absolutely not! meowy doesn't deserve that crap! she's done nothing wrong!"
power reluctantly places meowy on the floor, grabs a rag and a sponge, and goes to clean the bathroom. aki was thinking about how to try to instil in power a sense of hygiene while scrubbing a stain on the rug, no doubt left there by some orange juice either denji or power spilled during a fight. they might have had somewhat similar backgrounds, but their ways of thinking were entirely different. denji might have had silly dreams, ones that aki felt were too simple and weak to keep him interested in devil hunting, but at least he had goals he wanted to achieve. power on the other hand never had any dreams that she wanted to achieve, at least not that aki could recall her talking about.
"can i put this in the toilet?" power shouts across the apartment, with her hand stuck past the door of the bathroom holding a bottle of toilet cleaner.
"of course. that's it's purpose." aki is exasperated. he realises he'll have to teach power and denji what products to use if he ever wants his apartment to maintain even half of the cleanliness it had before the two not entirely welcome intruders came to live with him.
"what about this?" in power's hand is another miscellaneous bottle of cleaning product from the small collection aki keeps in the bathroom cupboard beside the sink.
aki looks up from the floor but doesn't pay much attention to what was written on the bottle, every cleaning product in the bathroom was intended to be used there.
"yes, that's fine." he sighs, and laments the days when he lived alone. perhaps spring cleaning would have been easier if he had just sent power and denji on some mission and he cleaned the apartment alone. at least it would be a less stress-inducing situation.
wait. aki didn't look at what power held up properly, but he could've sworn he just saw a big, bold letter 'B' on the bottle.
"power, hold that up again quickly."
"why? you said it was fine to use so i've already add-"
"show me what you used and i'll buy you a chocolate bar later."
power complies, and holds the bottle out past the bathroom door. aki moves closer to inspect the bottle. his fears were confirmed, it was bleach.
"everybody out! the ammonia in the toilet cleaner and this bleach could kill us!" panic sets in as he watches the toilet bowl, hoping that power didn't use enough to accidentlly kill them all. sure, her and denji might have been able to survive, but aki was unfortunately a human with only one life, and he wasn't about to waste that on being killed by a gas made unintentionally by mixing some toilet cleaning products.
"foolish human! this is why you shouldn't clean! all of those chemicals are clearly dangerous and-" power can't finish her sentence; aki has already shoved meowy into her arms, and is pushing power and denji out past the front door. he runs back into the apartment, sleeve covering his mouth and nose to open the balcony door and as many windows as he can to let the fumes out. he's running out of breath, but the last window he wants to open is jammed shut. "fuck.". he abandons the pointless struggle, and runs to rejoin denji and power outside his apartment door, which he slams shut behind him.
he leans his back against the cold door, and exhales deeply, slowly sinking down to sit on the floor. he reaches into his pocket to pull out a cigarette and a lighter, only to realise that they had been left on the coffee table in the apartment which he now feared would be toxic for any human to enter. another wave of stress washes over him, and aki looks up to see denji and power arguing about who's fault it was. denji accuses power of attempting murder, but power looks at aki and claims denji was the one handing her the products despite him being sat on the couch near aki.
aki rests his head on his knees, and decides then and there that denji and power are never helping him with cleaning again.
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oogaboogaspookyman · 1 year
For the pride game
2 and 15
2: how do i describe my gender identity?
i. don't know.
im male. a guy. im supposed to be. if not.
what am i?
15: how did i first realize i was queer?
Sooo storytime! With the shitty fucking memory skills i have! It's gonna be very fun!
Okay so i'm at school, there's a recess going on i think?? And at one point i had to get out of the classroom for a bit and go to the room where the big people work y'know- those people that basically control the entire place? Yeah them.
At one point i had to get out and go there for some reason i don't remember, i think it was on a day where i was batshit mad at my mother so i'm guessing it's for help on calming down?? I guess?? Idk- that's not the point- moving on!
I went there and decided to see The Guy, the boss basically (he's a good dude btw, very friendly!), i go to see him and chat with the guy and suddenly, at some point, he brings up his son.
Here's where i learned i was truly bisexual...
He tells me somewhere along the lines of "hey wanna see pics of my son?" and i say "sure why not" and he brings out his phone and starts looking through the pics and he tells me "here's my son, look :D" and then, when i go to see... When i go to see the pics...
My mind was clouded in thoughts of how hot his son was. Deadass my mind was filled, from top to bottom, with "HOLY SHIT HE'S HOT", and "GOD I WANT HIM", and "I BET THE DICK IS INSANE", i felt my heart BEATING SO FUCKING MUCH it was like the liberation of FRANCE, to describe the rush i felt- i was gonna DIE but my soul kept my body up with ropes and chains and everything else that could hold me up and standing.
I don't remember what he looked like, hell i remember fuckle, but i do remember that HE'S FUCKING HOT AND I WANT HIM.
I went back to the classroom after all that jazz and i literally felt like a ventilation shaft spewing out steam and shit- i felt my body fuckin' SMOKING HOT I NEEDED TO PULL ON MY SHIRT (the neck hole y'know what i'm talking about you're smart-) TO LET THAT STEAM OUT AND COOL MY BODY.
Oh yeah- i also took into account a past crush i had with a girl and then thought "well fuck i guess i'm bisexual... Neat!" and then that's that on that.
And that is how i found out i am a fan of both girls and guys! Hurray for me i guess!
And my last note? Nothin' fuckin' changed after i learned that like- yeah i'm bi but i'm still gonna try to find myself a chick (or a guy idk whichever comes first) and start something up, and later down the line have kids (it doesn't matter how).
Soooo that's it! You reached the end of the post! Bye bye now! See ya later! Have a good one man- how do i fucking end this shi
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breezyrainybaby · 1 year
also 9 Mar 2022
A small talk to myself
I’m thinking of taking a break from everything for a while, and I’m thinking of you.
I kinda had a breakdown last Tet lol. Mom and dad and grandma and grandad kept complaining about how late I was staying at night and how bad the light was regarding my working conditions (at their home). Bruh they were sooo annoying that I couldn’t hold back one or two teardrops, because ya already know how much of a mess our thoughts are and how silent we can keep until it’s too late not to burst out. Other than that, mom and dad and grandma and grandad were very lovely and family love was great, but I strongly recommend staying home no longer than a couple of weeks to avoid conflicts and stress lol.
I miss us a lot. Bro your fashion was the worst seriously. We didn’t have a lot money, or it might have been the lack of access to the right supplies, or the courage to go out there to the shops and be like “Miss, how much are those pair of trousers?”. We relied on mom for a living, and would wear whichever she bought. To be honest I prefer to be dead than to wear our style back then.
I wonder if I would have a crush on you if I were not you. I doubt that. Some girl that is not so pretty, and a bit pretentious. Perhaps it’s because I’ve got to understand you too well to love you. I could be proud of our unlike-anybody-else type of personality, but how would I ever fall in love with you?
And hey guess what, you would change a lot as you grow up, but not that much. You would hate the same people you hated, despite how hard you have tried to find a reason behind their actions and to force yourself not to judge. You would always thought you’re special and the world kinda needs a living thing like you, though in fact, the only people that think so that often, are mom and dad. You are shy, and find it hard to express yourself to the world, well, less than in your teenage time, as you have grown comfortable with your flaws somehow, but the struggle would still be real. You feel lonesome sometimes, if not all the time, as the core trait to your existence is being insecure.
I miss us a lot.
You wouldn’t believe this, but I do auditing. Bet you’re gonna be like “Bruh?” because me, too – even I still can’t believe this is happening. Wtf is accounting and what does it have to do with our 24/7 obsessions? Such a weird dilemma it is that in the most pessimistic scenarios, I still appreciate what I am doing in this place and these people around me wholeheartedly.
The thing is it’s not about how your life would change for the better and how accomplished you could be in the future. You are a human being not with a head full of dreams, but rather with lots of unrealistic and unqualified fantasizes.
The moment you breathe, you live, you become what you are, and that’s it.
Like shaking uncontrollably when delivering a 2-minute presentation. Wandering through Vũng Tàu. Suffering through the thesis semester. Playing with the kids in the English center where you used to be a teaching assistant. Feeling ugly. Studying and being indulged in a subject you love for hours in high school. Feeling uncertain and lost in college. Smelling the freshness of the air while seeing the city sparkling in the bright sunlight. Listening to some songs and watching some movies - nothing was real but the experience. End of the day, getting on the bus, floating in the ocean of thoughts like, “How could I ever be a part of this hustling, bustling city?”, and just heading home. All the things that have ever happened and gone without your notice, were the only things that were real.
Why are we realizing this just now?
Btw I don’t know why but I’m listening to some Christmas songs in the middle of February when the peak season is at its peak, after a good cry. Yay. Santa Claus is coming to town~
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kaihoku · 2 years
V22   PROMISE - April, 2000
A promise is neither a huge thing nor a small one. All it proves is a person's nature.
As a kid, pop used to say stuff like, "It's a promise between us men, aite?" and even to a tyke, that sort of thing strangely holds a lot of weight. It's a long time ago but I can remember the feeling I had even to this day. Pop had me at a pretty young age so he's someone I felt very close to and maybe it's because of that, I kind of also saw him as a rival. I know this sounds cringy but there's a certain kind of passion between him and me.
The promises I made to him usually revolves around not causing trouble to others, which in itself is already a Kimura principal rule. But because I have an unyieldingly competitive sort of character, I'm always working desperately to not break it. If I had to guess, I think my folks knew very well this tendency I had and used it to their advantage. For example, back when I was still in high school and things got a bit hectic due to work, there was this day where he came up to me and said, "At the rate you're going, I'm betting you'll either be held back or flunk out." And predictably enough, that had me all fired up, promising myself that I'm gonna make him eat his words. The work I had to put in was backbreaking but I somehow managed it in the end, though it was probably all part of pop's strategy that I played right into.
A promise just seems like such a human thing to make and it also allows for some wriggle room. Unlike contracts and other things with legal constraints, a promise carries more a connotation of "I said I'll do it but I can't guarantee the outcome." Still, that doesn't mean if someone were to break their promise to me, I'd be able to simply shrug it off. At the end of the day, whether or not a person keeps their promise may be able to tell us the kind of person they are.
I've since stopped trying to one-up pop by making and fulfilling promises to him. I reckon that with people close to us, there's no longer a need for promises. Promises are a way to guarantee the future but even without them, we tend to want to do things for our close friends and family because we care and hope that the feeling is reciprocated in kind. I personally prefer outcomes that come about not through any promises being made, but simply through the course and buildup of natural circumstances.
Family and close friends aside, for me, there is still the reality where I find myself feeling compelled to make promises to various people in various situations in the environment that I usually find myself in.  There are also plenty of situations where rather than promises, trades or exchanges are made instead. And of course, there are also times when I thought something has been set in promise only to be disappointed when it turned out differently in the end with some kind of logical excuse attached as to why. Different people deal with this kind of situation differently so I always tell myself that no matter what, if I find myself in such a situation, I will do my best to hear the other party out without prejudice.
Even so, some experiences are tougher than others and thanks to them, I now feel as tempered as a katana that has been pounded on with a steel hammer, stuck into burning hot fire and splashed with freezing cold water over and over and over. But even taking these experiences into account, I do not want to waste a single one of them. With each one I go through, Imma become stronger until I become the most unbreakable katana there is. And I'll become so strong, I'll even be able to break the unbreakable!
Recently, I found myself making one-sided promises to those watching me, that whatever happens, they will all see my response to it through the results of whatever I do next. I feel that this is one way I can repay the people around me. As a single human being, I will absolutely live my life in a way where I have nothing to be ashamed of. And one way I can achieve that is to invest everything I've got into everything I do, even more than I already have been doing. And anything I feel like I want to try doing, I'm going to go at it all with all there is in me. This isn't limited to just work but also extends to when I'm having fun and to every other aspect of my personal life. Everything that I enjoy and all the choices I've made, I don't want to deny or regret a single one of them, Because if I do, I'd be doing a massive disservice to all those who have been behind me all along lending me their support.
At the end of it all, as a base evaluation criteria, what I absolutely do not want is to do anything that'll make others lose their respect for me. Which means I've got to make sure to not take the easy way out and simply fall into the trappings of commonly made choices, and instead carefully consider on my own what action to take before taking it. Of course, in doing that, there is going to be a bunch of things I'm going need to change about myself and it's not going to be easy making those changes. But I hope that in doing this, by my own strength and nature, I'll be able to subtly inspire or perhaps gradually influence a change in the environment around me.
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jjastudies · 4 years
trying to figure out notion,,,,,🧃
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meili-sheep · 2 years
If I may bring your attention to the Bully Brigade Modern AU, as they all have their secrets and there seem to be new additions:
You'll Only Find Yelan When She Wants to be Found
Yelan is not a material girl, but someone with a homestead located far away from civilization.
Shenhe stumbled across it once on one of her week-long excursions away from society.
Her heart jumped a little when Yelan came walking out of this decent farmhouse and proceeded to chill out on the front porch.
This homestead has a world-class security system too.
Yelan totally fucking knew when Shenhe first showed up.
"So how did you like the place?"
"How did you know that I was there?"
"I see everything."
Needless to say, the more unsettling fact of this conversation was that Yelan's place is a day's trek away from hers and she only found it on that day.
When Shenhe asked about this, she simply replied: "I wanted you to find it."
Shenhe is now 55% sure that she's some high-tier world-class criminal on the run from international law.
Thoma vs The Whimsical Wishes of One Kamisato Ayato
"Why is there a charge of 10 million dollars on your allowance account?"
"Promise you won't be mad."
"I promise I won't be mad. What did you buy?"
" Just a little treat for myself."
"Ayato, what did you buy?"
" . . . a tank."
"Because I wanted to."
"And why did you want to?"
"I wanted to see what would happen if I shot an abandoned apartment complex."
"Well, we're not doing that."
"Aw. But this one's from a really cool era that I read about a few days ago and apparently, it can roll over the barbed wire so-"
"Kamisato Ayato."
"Oh no, not my full name . . ."
"Is this why there's an entire order of things that, quite concerningly, are meant for trench warfare that went through yesterday too?"
". . . maybe?"
"If anything from the mock battle of Shiroyama taught you anything, it's that maybe we shouldn't do stuff like this without the approval of the public institutions?"
"Can't I just pay them off?"
Thoma is holding it together by a thread, but he is trying.
There's Money to be Made in the Business of Betting
There is a betting ring at a cafe where two particular men often get into verbal disputes over a wide array of topics.
Some individuals have managed to successfully pin down their respective schedules, habits, and even their orders to create a 'schedule' for this event.
On the days she has selected for these, there will be a certain influx of people that show up and order their usuals at around that time while also waiting for it to begin.
There's an entire online community that even compiled potential topics that can be debated, 'hosts' that watch it and mediate to decide one or the other, and even a few individuals who have volunteered their patronage for the cafe and some of their suppliers to ensure that there are a minimal amount of delays and mishaps.
The way it works is that two select individuals start talking about something, taking whatever stances on it and the two objects of the betting ring pick up on this and talk amongst themselves about the said subject.
They inevitably fall into an argument and become so absorbed in this that they all but notice the people watching, nodding, and the sounds of cash exchanging hands.
These two haven't caught on yet, but it's only a matter of time.
Ayato had impulsed bought a pool table and Diluc happened to be over when it arrived.
"Hey, I had something like this when Kaeya and I were younger. Care for a game?"
They both suck. Terribly.
When Ayaka sees the both of them, she's so taken aback that she's like 'okay, let me show you how it's done'.
And she smokes them like grilled fish. Lovingly, as she's teaching them, but regardless.
After that, Ayato makes it his life's mission (or his hyperfixation naturally running its course) to beat his sister because what sibling is gonna sit there and take that?
He will. Because he still sucks. A lot.
Diluc just took a bit of time to relearn the game, Yelan completely beating him isn't even a question, and even Shenhe mustered the patience and self-control to beat him once she understood the game mechanics.
Kaveh would be just as bad as Ayato if not worse, and Al-Haitham would mercilessly call him out on it the whole time.
"Your position is wrong." "The stick isn't even supposed to be held that way." "The pool table isn't there for you to lean on."
And then Kaveh goes 'as if you could do better'
So Al-Haitham completely smokes all of them out of spite and to prove a point as he is right and Kaveh is wrong. All is now correct in the world.
In the end, the pool table was promptly given to Diluc as Ayato 'never wanted to see a pool table again in his existence'.
I feel like Al-Haitham would be some sort of high-ranked government contractor/specialist that has connections in the right places and Kaveh is rooming with him as he's in public works and public servants hardly make shit until that pension hits.
Don't gamble with Yelan or Diluc.
Yelan just had insane luck. And Diluc is good with numbers and can count cards. He doesn't even mean to do it to start. Diluc in generally is really good at games especially ones that require technical thinking. So I think he'd be pretty good at pool myself. (I have a friend who actually gets better at pool the drunker they get and I think that would be really funny for Diluc maybe sober he overthinks it and is awful but get him a little drunk and relaxed he's amazing.)
As for Al Haitham, I feel he's some kind of an archeologist who works in the preservation of artifacts, Cause that's kind of what he does now.
And He'd totally meet up with the group Either through being picked up by Yelan or Kaveh getting picked up by Yelan and he gets dragged into it.
If he fits.
We still need confirmation he hates and actively bullies the fatui.
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fallout4reactsblog · 3 years
could probably use some lighter courser ask storm prompts after all those whumpy angsty sounding ones, hmm. companions react to sole builds a raider cage but decides to see what happens if they bait it with fancylads, discovering later that it consistently traps coursers. each companion's personal part has them open it to find a different random courser inside, including named ones like x6, z2, & chase (who has some explaining to do). the jarring ooc surreality of the situation is amusing.
Ada: “You seem to be stuck.”
The courser inside glanced up at the sound of her voice, box of snack cakes in hand, and slowly nodded. “I didn’t realize it was trapped.”
“Usually this is baited with chems in order to trap raiders,” she said, beginning to fiddle with the release mechanism. “I am unsure why it is baited with cakes this time, but I’m sure it’s just a mistake. Don’t worry, you’ll be out shortly.”
“Thanks,” they said, slowly getting to their feet.
“Here, another box for your troubles,” she said, pulling one out of her bag. “Though I don’t believe I caught your name.”
They took it with a nod. “I’m X4-18. Nice to meet you.”
“I am Ada. My apologies for the inconvenience.”
“No problem,” X4 said. “Thanks for getting me out.”
In a flash of light, they were gone.
Cait: A rattle from inside the raider cage gave her pause on her way back home. She almost didn’t stop, the raider cage was sole’s problem after all, but what the hell. She was a little on edge today, and maybe beating the shit out of some unsuspecting soul would do the trick.
“Hi there!” A voice said from inside.
That gave her pause, but she went on fiddling with the lock. These things were usually baited with drugs after all. Wouldn’t be the first cheerful raider to come out.
The door swung open to reveal a blond courser, grinning ear to ear.
“I seem to have found myself in a bit of a predicament,” he said, sticking out a hand. “X7-22, nice to meet you. Don’t suppose you’re willing to help me out?”
A courser? Hell no. Slowly, she shook her head and started closing the door again.
“Hey! Wait a second, I’m sure we can come to some kind of agreement.” He shifted to stay visible through the gap in the slowly closing door. “There’s gotta be something I can offer you. Money? Supplies? Anything? Come on, talk to me-”
With a click, the lock re-engaged. She dusted off her hands.
Coursers in the raider trap. Now that was a problem for sole.
Codsworth: “Oh, dear.”
He slowly hovered around the cage. The courser watched him with wary, predatory eyes. Codsworth made a noise akin to a sigh.
“They never learn.”
The courser opened their mouth to protest, but he waved his saw arm through the air, cutting them off. “Sole simply refuses to listen! I told them nothing good would come of this, and now look where we are. A courser is stuck in the raider cage. No good!”
He poked at the lock, still griping. “The raiders I could understand. No-good hooligans need to be disposed of. But this is madness. What is there to gain?”
The courser had shrunk back into the cage, presumably having realized that this lock was not built to be opened by a Mr. Handy, and they were going to be stuck listening to what he had to say for a while.
At least there was snacks.
Curie: “Pardon me.”
An unfamiliar voice made Curie jump, and she spun to see a man with slicked-back brown hair staring at her from the raider cage. She stiffened and turned back around.
“Ah, c’mon,” he said. “Don’t ignore me. I’m harmless.”
“I have no interest in speaking to such an unsavory character as yourself.”
“Not even a little sympathy for a fellow synth?”
She glanced back behind her, eyeing the man in the cage. He gave her a slick smile.
“What is your name?” she asked.
She frowned a little, gears turning. So he was a synth, and a courser at that. And by all accounts, she was a synth that needed to be brought back to the Institute.
...Hadn’t sole said something about needing to kill a courser?
She took one last look at him, still looking every bit like the cat that ate the canary, and put on her best smile. “Oh, but of course I will help you. I simply must find the person with the key. If you will wait but a moment, I will bring them.”
Not waiting for a reply, she went off in search for sole.
Danse: The trap’s mechanism was very simple. The cage was built so that you had to step inside to get the bait, then the weight triggered the door to close and lock behind you. Sole had built it to trap raiders in, usually baiting it with chems, though he couldn’t say how many times they’d sent him to go get Hancock out of there. That ghoul never learned.
Today, though, it was him eyeing the cage from across the street. Yesterday, he’d seen sole baiting it with no less than three full boxes of Fancylads Snack Cakes they’d pulled out of an old vault. That meant they were in pristine condition, untouched by the taste of radiation. He’d been too shy to ask them for one of the boxes, and now seemed to be his chance. He just had to get them out of there.
Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, he approached the trap, bracing one foot against the small step up into the cage and curling his right hand around the doorframe. If he leaned in, he should be able to...
Evidently, lose his balance and fall in.
With an unceremonious crash, he toppled to the floor, door slamming shut behind him. For a brief moment, he stared around at his surroundings, truly confused on how this had happened.
At least he hadn’t landed on the snack cakes. Might as well make the best of a bad situation, right?
Deacon: “Well this is awkward.”
Chase glared up at his mischievous grin as he asked, “So, how’s the weather in there?”
“Exactly the same as it is out there. Let me out.”
“C’mon, Chase. At least finish the snack cakes. That’s what you’re in there for, after all. Don’t tell me you ate them already.”
She glared at him in lieu of a response, and he fake gasped. “Chase, there was, like, three boxes in there!”
“Coursers burn calories very quickly.”
“Probably all that running and shooting and all.” He sighed and started to fiddle with the lock. “Well, no sense in leaving you in there. You’ve got work to do after all.”
“This stays between us. Understand?”
He laughed and said, “Sure. Between you, me, Glory, Dez, whoever they tell...”
“Oh, you’re impossible.”
Gage: The satisfaction he got from seeing a locked raider cage was like nothing else. Commonwealth raiders were stupid bastards, and if they were dumb enough to go into a very clear trap, well, they were dumb enough to die.
He chambered a round in his rifle as he swung open the door.
An Institute courser snarled and swiped at him with a very large, mean-looking knife. He narrowly dodged, shifting to dodge her second strike, and slammed the door in her face. An unholy screech of metal on metal echoed down the street, and he winced.
“Damn,” he muttered. “Coursers these days.”
The whole cage shuddered as the synth inside slammed herself against the door, shouting obscenities. He took a step back, debating whether or not he was willing to open it up again. On the one hand, there was a synth that needed killing. On the other, well, he still had one eye left, and he was keen to not lose it to a very pissed-off courser.
“Overboss!” he shouted up the street. “There’s some kind of feral thing in your cage.”
“What? Hold on, let me come look, just give me a second...”
A second was never just a second with the Overboss. He sighed and resigned himself to a very long wait.
Hancock: "Well, hey there.”
“Oh! Monsieur Hancock. What wonderful timing!”
Curie grinned up at him with a smile to light rooms, and he almost shielded his eyes against the brightness. Geez, this girl was bubbly.
“Whatcha doin’ in there, Curie? I don’t take you for the raider type, and last I checked chems weren’t your style. Mine, yes. Yours, no.”
“It is a funny story, really,” she chuckled. “I saw this box of snack cakes inside. They are in pristine condition, and one of my few vices, so for a moment I simply was blind to the fact that-”
“Snack cakes?” Sure enough, there was a mint condition box in Curie’s hand. “Holy shit, share.”
In a flash, he ripped open the door and launched himself at the second box of snack cakes. And damn, were they good. Untainted by the taste of radiation, they were perfectly balanced between sweet and sour, sponge still moist, coating still soft. Heaven in a crinkly plastic wrapper.
“Um, Hancock? Is it not rather cramped for the both of us?”
Oh, yeah. He’d landed right on top of poor, unsuspecting Curie. “My bad. I got excited.”
“Oh, no, that I do not so much mind. I simply wonder how we are going to get out now.”
MacCready: “The way I see it, this stands to become a mutually beneficial exchange.”
Ol’ Z2 looked disgruntled, but asked, “How so do you mean?”
“I mean we could both gain something from this. I let you out of there, and you offer me something in exchange. Sounds fair, right?”
He rocked back on his heels. “So, what do you have to offer?”
Z2 frowned and dug around in a pocket. “I have some fusion cells.”
MacCready rolled his eyes. “No good. Sole’s got tons, and I don’t use a laser weapon.”
“I have a few bottlecaps.”
He squinted into the cage. “What, like, ten? Yeah, no. Not gonna cut it.”
“Well, then I’m afraid this won’t work out. Coursers travel light.”
MacCready tutted, tapping a finger against his chin. “I don’t know, that coat of yours looks pretty snazzy. Bet it’s well-armored, too, huh?”
Z2 looked almost offended. “Are you suggesting that I hand you my coat?”
“The way I see it, you don’t have much of a choice. You can hand me the coat and get out of there, or wait for a less sympathetic person to come along and shoot you like fish in a barrel. Your call.”
It took only a moment’s hesitation before Z2 agreed.
Nick: "...Danse?”
Former Paladin Danse’s head shot up, and for the first time probably ever, he actually looked happy to see him. “Nick?”
“What on Earth are you doing in the raider cage?” He cut him a sideways glare. “Don’t tell me you picked up a chem habit.”
Danse looked appropriately embarrassed, and held up a box of snack cakes. “No. These were the bait this time, and I rather foolishly thought I could retrieve them from the trap unharmed.”
“Isn’t the whole point of the trap that you can’t get them out without falling in?”
“Of course, and I knew that. I simply allowed my pride to get the better of me. I should have left them alone, but couldn’t resist the temptation.”
Nick just shook his head. “Well, at least you can admit it.”
“Would you mind letting me out? It has been a significant amount of time.”
“Yeah, fine.” He set about picking the lock. “I assume you’d rather keep this between us.”
“If that’s an option.”
“I guess. Wouldn’t want someone spreading it around if it was me.”
“I appreciate that.”
Old Longfellow: There was a long moment of silence. He stared into the raider cage. Reinhart stared back, still slowly chewing on a snack cake. The eye contact seemed to last forever as Longfellow tried to figure out what the actual hell Reinhart was doing.
“Did you need something?” Longfellow finally asked.
“Did you?”
“I’d like to know what you’re doin’ in there.”
“I’d like to get out of here.”
Longfellow folded his arms. “You answer me, and I’ll let you out.”
“I wanted the snack cakes,” Reinhart replied, sliding an open box across the floor. “Here. There’s still a few in there, if you want.”
“I’ll pass, you keep ‘em.”
Reinhart slowly slid the box back toward himself. There was silence again.
“So are you going to let me out, or...?”
“Right, right. Yeah. I guess I’ll go find sole, they probably have the key...”
Piper: Piper Wright looked and felt every bit like the cat that caught the canary.
“Well, well, well, look at what we have here.”
“Miss Wright-”
“For the first time, we have a courser who has embarrassed himself in media res. Incredible!”
“Piper, please-”
“X6, can I get a quote? What do you have to tell the people?”
She held out a fake microphone, which was actually a rolled up copy of the Publick. He just sighed and said, “Could you please let me out?”
“Not a chance!” she laughed. “At least, not until you tell me how you got stuck in there. I mean, c’mon X6, a raider cage? You’ve gotta be smarter than that.”
He visibly deflated. “Unfortunately, Fancylads Snack Cakes are a common vice among generation three synths.”
Piper practically crowed with delight. “Snack cakes! You’re in there for snack cakes!”
“Yes, if you could just-”
“Sole!” she shouted up the street. “You gotta come see this!”
X6 resigned himself to the fact that he’d never live this down.
Preston: The person in the raider cage was not a raider.
She glared at him through the bars. He could only stare back in shock.
“You’re a courser,” he finally managed.
“No shit.”
“How... how did you get in there?”
She hesitated just a moment before replying, “Snack cakes.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered, “Dammit, sole. Everyone told you this was a bad idea, but you did it anyway?” To the courser, he said, “I’m sorry about this. We’ll get you out of there, promise.”
“Thanks,” the courser replied, then added, “I’m X9-96.”
“Preston Garvey, Commonwealth Minutemen. Nice to meet you X9. I’m no good with locks, so I’ll need to go get the key. Will you be okay in there until I get back?”
She shrugged. “So long as no more rifle-toting raiders come by, yeah. No promises I won’t kill him if he comes back though.”
So Gage had been by. Just great. Under his breath, Preston muttered, “Be my guest.”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
The Red Hood (Part 1)
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Summary: While on a job, the reader runs into The Red Hood. She discovers his true identity to be Dean Winchester from one of the wealthiest families in the city. She knows he’s made a few enemies and tries to take advantage of that fact to get something she needs in return...
Pairing: Vigilante!Dean x criminal!reader
Word Count: 1,500ish
Warnings: language, fighting
A/N: Enjoy!
“Oh, crap,” you said, feeling the binding around your torso. You thought you’d made it out clean. But if it was someone using a gadget like that, it wasn’t any security guard. You grunted as you saw a figure emerge from the shadows, a hood up and a mask covering his eyes. “Let me walk and you can have the money.”
“Not my style,” he said. He walked over carefully, tilting his head at you. His cautious approach stopped when he suddenly stepped over and ripped the mask covering your face off. You scowled at him but he simply stared. “I’m taking you in.”
He bent down and you used the opportunity to swing your legs up and wrap around his neck. He went wide eyed and glared at you but you smirked.
“Goodnight Mr. Vigilante,” you said. He tried pulling you off but he lost consciousness quickly. You let him drop to the ground and moved your leg back, managing to grab the knife in your boot. You sliced through the lower bindings and eventually got the ropes off. You almost left when you saw the unconscious Red Hood on the ground. It wouldn’t hurt to have a little blackmail after all. You pulled out your phone and pushed down his hood, ripping off the mask over his eyes. You took a few pictures of the man, something familiar about him.
You grinned when you recognized him as the ward of the biggest tech company in the city. 
If you played your cards right, a week from now you’d be loaded and sipping mai tais on the beach, never having to worry about pulling a job ever again.
“Shit!” you shouted the next evening, jumping straight back into your counter. The Red Hood was standing silently at the edge of your kitchen, narrowing his eyes at you. He threw down a manila envelope on the counter and stalked over to you.
“I don’t negotiate with criminals,” he said.
“I don’t think it’d look too good if Dean Winchester were to be found out as The Red Hood. With all the crimes you’ve committed yourself. I bet that’d ruin a few of your family’s contracts,” you said. You reached up to grab his hood when he caught your wrist. “I felt I was very generous with my offer.”
“Fifty million is generous?” he scoffed. He shoved your wrist away and put his back to you, tugging his hood back. He slipped his eye mask down around his neck and glanced over his shoulder. “I should throw you in prison.”
“For stealing from rich people? They can afford it just like you can afford this. Take it out of your trust fund. I bet no one would even notice,” you said.
“What do you need that much money for?”
“What do you need it for? None of your business.”
“The answer is no.”
“Then I guess your photo of you out cold at a crime scene in your little costume will be on the news very, very shortly.”
“It’s an excessive amount,” he said.
“Your family is billionaires. You got the cash.”
“I can’t move that much without red flags.”
“Figure it out.”
“I could just make you disappear,” he said, stepping in front of you. “You couldn’t stop me.”
“You only murder the bad guys and unfortunately for you, I just steal things and knock people out. It’s not justified. Your old partner, that bat guy, even he didn’t kill people,” you said.
“He let me down, more than once. I do things the way they need to be done,” he said. “Don’t think because you’re a woman you get special treatment.”
“Wouldn’t expect it,” you said. “Give me my money and you will never hear from me again.”
“Five million.”
“No way.”
“Five million a month for the next ten months,” he said. “It won’t raise too many eyes. I can justify a cost for that.”
“Fifty. One payment,” you said, crossing your arms.
“What the hell do you need with that much money?”
“Maybe I want to donate to charity. It’s not your concern. You have three days to get my money into that bank account. If you don’t, you and your entire family’s business are going down. Have I made myself clear?”
“I will find all copies and when I do, you’re gonna have a big problem. Count on it.”
He went out your back door and you rolled your eyes, already making plans to have extra copies out there just in case.
Three Days Later
“You’re good,” said Marcus. You stared at him and he smiled. “You’re clean kid. Debt repaid with interest. Your family is safe again. Any interest in working for me again? You’ll get to keep some of the profits now.”
“I’m not meant for this line of work,” you said. “Lose my number?”
“You’re not as bad as you think. Just got a pesky conscious. Enjoy retirement,” he said. You hummed and quickly left, taking a deep breath. 
Half an hour later you were heading to the airport with five million dollars in your bank account and ready to go start over.
Two Days Later
“Nice view,” said a voice behind you. You sat up from your chair by the pool, staring up at Dean as he smiled. “Nice house. A little smaller than I was expecting for fifty million dollars in the bank. If you had fifty million that was. More like five now, hm?”
“I still have copies,” you said as he sat in the chair beside you.
“Oh, I know,” he said, stealing your drink. “Whoa, fruity and a lot of rum.”
“What do you want?”
“My plan was to hunt you down and get my money back and get you to give up the copies and get you thrown in prison. But I’ve had a change of heart.”
“Really. Just like that.”
“If you told me innocent lives were in danger, I could have been a lot nicer. Marcus is an unforgiving criminal. But even he could let a mistake go for forty five million, right?”
“I owed him ten. The thirty five was interest. I screwed up a job when I wouldn’t kill a guard. He lost the pay. I started working for him most every night to pay it off. If I didn’t, he’d deal with my family over on the other coast. He’s connected enough to have them watched. For forty five million, they are safe.”
“Sounds like you owe me five million dollars,” he said, holding out his hand. “Fork it over.”
“I can’t live there anymore. I need to be out of that city,” you said.
“You’ll come back eventually. But you owe me five million dollars,” he said. You dropped your head and sighed, resting your head in your hands. “Or you can give me every single copy of the photos and agree to never steal another thing in your life and in exchange, I will pretend you didn’t take five million for yourself.”
“Are you serious?” you said, snapping your head up. He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes behind his sunglasses. “Why would you do that?”
“Why didn’t you tell Marcus who I was? That would have cleared whatever you owed and then some,” he said. You shrugged and he smiled. “I have a sneaking suspicion you’re a good person. Don’t worry, I won’t tell the other criminals.”
You reached to your left and grabbed your phone, deleting the picture and then permanently deleting it again.
“You never had copies,” he said.
“Nope. You could have taken my phone and that would have been that.”
“Then I guess that settles that,” he said. “Nice place to retire to.”
“Yup,” you said.
“Mind if I crash here? Considering I bought this place and all.”
“Why are you staying here?”
“I did something yesterday. My old partner called me up, told me I ought to take a break for a bit. He had some valid points,” he said. “No one’s ever knocked me out before.”
“I have many skills,” you said. He chuckled and stretched out his body.
“I bet you do. So am I staying?”
“You can stay if you get me a refill,” you said, taking the glass from him and drinking the rest of the liquid. You held it out to him and he sat up.
“Alright. Don’t go running off on me again.”
“I think this time I’ll stay put.”
“Glad to hear it, sweetheart.”
“For now.”
“Oh really? Where you thinking of going?”
“Home to Gotham. Eventually,” you said. He stared at you and glanced down, nodding to himself.
“How about a nice vacation in the meantime?” he asked.
“After you. Sweetheart.”
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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indelibleevidence · 2 years
Okay, my fanfic might as well be good for something, so here's my take on the cheating through fic lines:
“Jane had a screwed-up childhood that she barely remembers. She doesn’t remember all the mistakes she made while she was growing up, so she hasn’t learned from them. She was brought up by a woman who pitted her against her brother to compete for affection. She’s emotionally stunted as a result, and of course she’s still learning what unconditional love is. She never had it before she met you."
Allie shrugged and sipped her coffee, while Kurt processed her words. Before he could speak, she began again. “But sure, she needs to step up her game. No one’s denying that, not even Jane. And of course you should hold her accountable for her mistakes. I’ve already given her an earful for not treating you better. And if she screws up again, you bet I’ll be helping you find a divorce lawyer. You don’t deserve to be treated like dirt.”
Jane couldn’t help but get teary-eyed again. “You guys can hate me if you want.”
“Opposite, opposite,” Patterson said, putting a hand on her shoulder. Then she hesitated. “Well, not opposite, because I don’t love what you did, and if I ultimately have to pick a side, I’m gonna come down on Weller’s. But I can understand how isolated you felt. Until Roman came up with his little death-faking plan, it must have been hard for you to imagine you’d ever get home. I took a look into finding the bounty holder and I got nowhere. You must have felt pretty hopeless.”
“Come on, Jane. Of all the people you could have called in to go with you to save Avery, you picked the guy you cheated with? It’s like you wanted Weller to find out,” Tasha said. “I would have gone with you. So would Reade.”
“Gotta say, I didn’t imagine her cheating, either. She takes more from you than she gives back, but infidelity is different from that. I’d guess the cheating was because she couldn’t come home. I’ve never seen her make eyes at other guys.”
“You take me for granted, Jane. You walked in here tonight thinking it was a foregone conclusion that I’d let you move back in here. You didn’t ask how I felt about it. You didn’t apologise for cheating. You assumed that I love you so blindly that I can’t live without you, that I’ll forgive any transgression you make and that you don’t even have to ask how I feel about it.”
“But you can’t compare not telling you about Avery to what you did. What happened in Berlin was an accident. But you? You stood in front of another man, and you made the decision to break your marriage vows. Sure, you took off your ring when you left, but you know me, Jane. You knew I could never accept that it was over without talking to you first.”
“I’d been relying on no one but myself for almost a year when I met him. It was being part of a team again that drew me to him. Working alone has its advantages, but you don’t have anyone to back you up. The only opinion you have to go on is your own. And I was going a little crazy. I needed a friend. That’s all he was to me for most of that partnership. A friend who, in another life, could have been more.”
“I know you’re hurting, and I accept that it was my fault, but there is no possibility that I would ever have cheated on you if I’d thought I could go home, Kurt. I’m not making excuses for what I did, but this wasn’t the self-control issue that other couples go through.”
“Really, Jane? You have the most attractive, considerate, ass-kicking husband anyone could wish for. If he were single, and the least bit interested, I’d snap him up so fast, you’d only see a blur before the orgasmic moaning started.”
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beann-e · 3 years
I have a head cannon that bakugou would not be sweet to who he liked or dated and instead deny it and hate on them even more.
The reason being because he doesn’t really understand feelings so, when he’s talking badly about you he just assumes it’s normal and a bit funny at the lies he’s spitting that his just continuously friends are eating up.
he’s been talking bad about people for years so , who cares if your his s/o your no acceptation all people are equal in his mind. Now lemme explain please fall in line and hold a buddys hand kids we’re going on a trip inside my brain
It wasn’t easy getting the spiky haired male to ask you out honestly if someone asked you , which they’d never dare since they’d never know per bakugous request him saying it’s not their business , how you two got together you would shrug your shoulders and walk off.
It wasn’t that it was a boring day or a simple question that you supplied the answer for. It was that it was unusual.
You’d been at quirk practice after school in the gym like you’d usually do only this time bakugou made his way over to you.
You’d been seeing him more often when you were in the gym and you weren’t sure why until he explained that he was interested in your workout routine saying you two could have a contest to see who’s was more grueling
It seemed like fun so like any competitive person you agreed. Only for him to tap out on day two your laughs swirling around the gym as he fought so hard to say he only lost because he just didn’t like how the air would hit his ass crack anytime he did your little girly squats you’d wrote down for him.
You couldn’t say you weren’t both confused and happy when he let the air calm down before he spoke “ i’m kind of conflicted “ his eyes coming up to look at yours from the floor “ could you maybe help me“
“ of course what’s up “
“ i’m at a standstill “
“ more like a sit still “ you joked eyes peering down at his straight face “ yeah ok let’s imagine that didn’t happen —continue “
“ uh yeah anyways — i’m at a standstill because honestly I like your shit workout “ he shook his head to the floor “ but I also like you so I find myself thinking if I couldn’t get through your workout even though I enjoyed it so much could I “
his voice rasped shakily “ could I get through a relationship with you even though I like you even more “
truthfully you’d wish you’d said no because right now you wanted nothing more than to just be friends with the male sitting across the room from you.
It’s not that you didn’t like him of course you did he was hot , smart, and felt strongly about his goals but, he was an asshole.
Not in the aspect of hes just mean and rude but he was an all around prick as he laughed with his friends from across the room.
Their voices only getting louder as you sat alone a few seats away from them trying to complete some work on your desk you’d just been given “ dude gotta admit class 1-A’s got some hot chicks “
“ yeah honestly minas top three if we’re being truthful “
“mina dude come on have you seen jirou “
“ don’t even get me started “ denkis voice came out in a soft groan “ god I would— “
“ yeah yeah all that jazz but “ seros voice came out soft. His hand coming up to point at the seat as you sat in with your head down eyes furrowed in anger at the math on your paper that wasn’t syncing up with your brain right now
“ y/n “ his fist tightened as he groaned “ y/n could get it on all accounts — the car “
“ you don’t have a car “ denkis voice came out as sero continued
“ the school bathroom “
“ but which one ? because one of you would have to go in the wrong sex’s unless its a handicap or family stal-“
“the fucking dorms “
“ y/n ? “ kirishima asked quickly “ y/n l/n ? “
“ fuck yeah “
“ hmm “ kirishima studied you before shaking his head “ honestly kinda hot never really paid attention to that stuff before though “
“ what the fuck how can’t you “
“ uh i’m more so a personality guy “
“ so by personality would you fuck em ‘ “
“ not to be vulgar but of course “ his answer taking no time “ y’know how fun they’d be in a relationship though not just with sex ? imagine cuddles—fuck —what about cuddle monster y/n maybe ? god that’d be so hot “
denki getting restless as he held his thoughts in from the other males. His mind spazzing before finally getting to speak “ i’d fuck her too “ he yelled everyone’s eyes going sharp on the boy before he coughed “ id rock it too — we’re talking about getting mullets “
“ oh boys that’d be kinda hot “ you said laughing sarcastically sero turning to you smiling softly “ oh yeah on who in particular “
“ mm totally blondie over there “
“ the fuck ? “ his eyes shot away from denkis and moved to yours anger pouring through his gaze making you jerk back a little in surprise “ the hell you mean i’d look hot “
your eyebrows creased “ well because I — you do you would “
“ don’t go talking out of your ass you hear me—shit people like you don’t deserve to talk to anyone about looks “ your mouth went dry at his lazer stare.
His lips curling up into a smirk before he shook his head “ these assholes are talking about fucking you yknow “ he whispered to you “ you gonna let em ? you gonna let em right? because that’s the only attention you’d ever get right “
“ bakubro hold up chill out “
“ yeah bakubro chill out “ you said your gaze wavering from the hard one you’d had when you felt the heat radiating off of him no comfort coming from him to you only confusing you more. Had you two been in a secret argument that you knew nothing about
“ whatever “ he leaned back in his chair as the class went back to what they were doing your hands gripping the pencil when the class got even louder but you only searching for your boyfriends voice easily drowning out the others
“ i’d never fuck “ your heart broke at the deep voice youd identified
“ dude seriously come on with the lies —fucking beautiful “
“ correctomundo my friend their absolutely stunning “
his laugh ripping through their claims hand jerking back to point at you “ you think their beautiful much less hot ? “
“ yeah you don’t ? “ denki spat all of them looking at the boy like he was crazy for enjoying this obviously racy topic right now much less taking the wrong side of the debate
“ I literally just sat here and said I wouldn’t fuck em’ pokémon —so you can guess what that correlates to “
“ hey dude why’re you being sucha a dick —the personality’s top tier even if your stupid enough to think their not at least hot“ kirishima putting the ending words in quotation marks honestly a bit upset with his friend
“ hey watch it your over here defending an extra like your gonna make moves on em “ he laughed “ I advise otherwise “
you let out a sigh thinking he’d finally stopped acting the way he was. Your mind preparing to only give him the silent treatment for today and then tomorrow peppering him with kisses until he laughed and apologized for his words
Heart only being snatched away from your body when you heard his deep vibrating voice cut through the room “ probably gonna give you a rash from all the shit that’s on their mouth all the time “
it’s just lipgloss.
Lipgloss bakugou bought you packs of earlier this week after he swore he loved the taste and scent.
moving to wipe at it gently with the sleeve of your outfit him still going causing tears to start building up in your eyes “ bet the bitch doesn’t even shower —had em’ over for a project last night had to wash my sheets and blanket —took hours last night “
“ oh “ denki let out “ I was a bit confused when I saw you at the laundry room at 3 in the morning.
Tears blurring your vision as you thought about his earlier words when he’d given you your favorite sweater of his after saying he’d washed it for you because he knew you wouldn’t do it yourself because in his words ‘ you would never wash it without his help because you were a creep and didn’t want to erase his smell or some shit ‘
“ yeah —smelled so bad im telling you stay away you don’t wanna ask em’ out “
you moved to grab your phone as he kept talking you typing out a message as best as you could before hitting send. His hand moving off the desk and going in his pants pocket to pull his phone out keeping it hidden under the table eyes trailing over the screen
Firefighter >3
baby are we arguing
if your mad at me please just tell me don’t just talk shit about me in front of your friends
him locking his phone and placing it on his desk before you typed out one more message him letting out a sigh as he grabbed for it again
firefighter >3
if you keep going we’re over
“ but imagine whoever bags them apart from bakugou at least since we all know he’s all anti hot y/n “
“ they’d be so lucky “
“ yeah right “ he spoke lowly almost trying to hide his voice from you eyes glued to his phone “ wouldn’t dare “
“ wouldnt dare what bakugou “
“ oh wouldnt dare be —-be lucky “ he locked his phone again “ feel bad for the person dating them all the shit they gotta go through put up with , claims they make through message and not with real words, being too much of a pussy to speak up for themselves“
he shook his head softly eyes twitching “ you wouldn’t put up with that —you couldn’t put up with that your not built for it you gotta have tough skin y’know like me “
he licked his lips moving to sit up straighter when hearing his phone vibrate “ don’t uh “
firefighter >3
one more bakugou
one more bakugou katsuki and were over
his eyes darting over to yours before his eyebrows furrowed and body shook in anxiousness he couldn’t figure out what to do.
He was an asshole you knew this so why the fuck were you being such a crybaby now? did he pick the wrong person to date he thought you were strong
He genuinely just wanted to keep these creeps away from what’s his by scaring them off he wasn’t doing anything wrong? well at least in his eyes
He moved to talk again trying his best to string together a nice sentence “ just don’t uh ask —ask em’ out —-their utter dog shit when it comes to relationships leave it to someone who can handle that y’know “
he relaxed into his chair at his victory when he watched you throw your phone to the table and fix your skirt and standup. Him sighing out when you picked up your stuff to leave “ thank all might “ he whispered head shooting to lean back against his desk chair and look up at the sky blood running cold when his phone vibrated against the table
firefighter >3
all your shits gonna be outside my dorm door. So you might want to come collect it before I have half and half lighting campfires tonight
y’know since i’m such a shit person —gotta hope your bestie deku can give me some after school lessons on personalities. He’s so sweet I bet he’ll fix me right up
screw you katsuki see you in hell
“ the —the fuck what did —the hell did I do wrong “ he screamed when he saw you slam the classroom door after flicking him off
his friends eyes moving from the door to bakugous phone that he’d thrown on the table.
Todorokis eyes going wide when he read his stupid nickname given to him by the steamy male “ I —I uh“ he coughed “ I think i’m gonna go help y/n since their now single—don’t want em’ getting hurt with amateur fire starters again when i’m right here “
his stone face peered down at the red faced boy “ I mean that is ok with you bakugou seeing as though you two were most likely in a relationship by the messages before today “
“ you asshole did you go through me and my s/o’s messages “
“ judging by the series of recent text I don’t believe that’s the case for you two anymore “ he reached to grab his backpack saying a formal goodbye before he spoke “ I feel like i’m needed by a very —very perfectly intelligent unshitty person right now “
seros voice coming out softly as he let bakugous phone fall to the table disappointment in his eyes “ look uh —dude you didn’t have to mess your relationship up just to go against us ? “ he winced at the claim“ honestly you could’ve stayed quiet the whole time —it’s not like we agreed with you anyways “
bakugou leaned back in his chair anger swirling in his stomach as he felt his body sweat at the new heat spreading throughout his whole body.
How the hell did he mess up where the hell did he mess up he explained to you he wasn’t gonna treat you any differently than any other extra here and that went for basic conversations too
Maybe he went a bit far with the dont date em ‘ that was probably it you didn’t like how he said don’t date you because he was the only one who could handle you right ?
He shook his head a bit confused you just wanted him to say that you could handle yourself and didn’t need him right ?
So , why the hell did he feel like he’d done something wrong he wasn’t stupid but he just wasn’t well versed in feelings. He already didn’t know how to handle his own so how was he expected to handle another persons.
To him his words were normal he talked about all people like this hell, he bullied deku for 3 years going as far as to make a special nickname for him
that wasn’t even the worse he could’ve done and you knew that so why was he in trouble and worrying about Icy hot taking his place
He was honestly confused?
Could words really be that hurtful?
could his words really be that hurtful ?
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TUA was on my dash and I remembered I haven’t posted my live reacts. So here they are! Many moons late.
oh so Dot and Herb ARE a thing
Huh emergency briefcase
Dang Lila had her Whiplash moment
Jfc Reggie you asshat what is wrong with you (funny how we always end up here)
Wait something so charming about Lila saying to Grace “lovely to meet you” which suggests her and Diego have talked about her and how important she is and the fact the Brelly’s all called her mom
Luther not knowing where to sit
SO SHE DID KILL HIM. Damn Allison tf.
Ben shushing Five
Damn Allison coming through without even needing the I heard a rumour
Weirdly kinda been waiting for this confrontation bc tbh Viktor does need to be held accountable for some of his actions. Some of them justifiable tho
Ok yeah nah Allison took it too far there and deserved the smack. But shit this was intense
Interesting tho. Same movement as when Viktor sliced open Allison’s neck but he didn’t use his powers
Mmm not your room Vik?? That’s old Bens
Klaus laying into Reggie for just how messed up he was/is is everything I needed
“Do you trust me?” “…Yeah *nods vigorously* I trust you” *looks away eyes wide* (°▽°)
Oh god Klaus is gonna be even more messed up after this. Little Girl on a Bicycle is gonna be pissed
Dang Klaus really did have the greatest potential. Original Timeline!Reggie was correct. Literally dancing in the face of death
Why the weapons cabinet Grace????
Is Viktor just lying in Ben’s bed? Not his brother Ben but Sparrow Ben???
I really think Lila and her abilities is such a clever addition
“The day of vengeance was in my heart and the year of my redemption hath come”
Holy moly the spirits
Damn Five good job. I mean he merc’d his mom but quick thinking.
Hmm now. Good speech Reggie. Will this thinking and helping Klaus develop his powers ultimately be more helpful or harmful bc supportive Reggie is sus.
HAHAHA ONLY CHAMPAGNE. They really celebrating this easy huh. Is Christopher gonna die??
Lila and Five is a fun dynamic
Wow so Luther and Diego seem to have created the most positive relationships so far
“It means you’re dangerous Viktor Hargreeves. The decisions you make impact the entire world. So no matter how benevolent they may seem, you don’t get to make them alone” what a powerful fucking line. Props to Aiden.
A discussion about the inevitable moral grey zone that heroes have to face and how no matter how sympathetic a person is or justifiable their reasons may be, they have to be held accountable for the power they hold. Fucking fantastic. My favourite scene so far. Aiden goddamn killed it. Five acknowledging Viktor’s intentions and wanting to be there for his brother but knowing that what he did by acting alone was dangerous no dismissive of the danger. And also not having enough faith in his family that they could resolve the situation.
“No more going rogue. If you ever need anything, I’m always here for you. But lie to us again, Viktor, I’ll kill you myself”
Do I think Allison should’ve killed Harlan? No? Should she have said those things about leaving Viktor in the basement? No. Allison is also making many dangerous mistakes. But it’s like, Viktor doesn’t need to be coddled anymore or treated as if he can do no wrong just bc he got wronged in the past. The fact Viktor was waiting in Ben’s room for someone to come after him and acknowledge his feelings and let him once again be in the right was presenting a dangerous mindset.
And I think Five was the perfect person (unharried as he is by an impending doomsday) to say all this to him
Aw man poor Fei and Christopher. I figured trapping the kugel in Christopher would have consequences
Five going back for Sparrow!Ben!!
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