#blindspot rewatch 2022
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marv-el-spot · 2 years ago
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Ok, I wasn´t going to do this again this year but then I checked my followers count and very much to my amusement, I noticed that I have exactly double than last year!?? 2200 followers! what were the odds??! So of course i have to celebrate this with you all!! 🥳
Like last year... I’m gonna take your gifsets requests from the Giftober prompts!
How to do this? 
Send to my inbox the following request format: # prompt + a scene that makes reference to it. Ex: #15 + Vision´s grief quote (Wandavision s01e08) *
It’s important to clarify season and episode, bc i don't remember all, and that will speed things up. 😅
Media you can request from: Marvel. TV shows and movies from the MCU (specially, but not exclusively, Natasha Romanoff, Lady Sif, Sylvie, Sylvie+Loki) ** Ted Lasso Blindspot Good omens The Last of Us Wednesday The umbrella academy Better call Saul The Bear (just season 1! no spoilers! 😁) Lost (i recently rewatched so...) Films 2020/ 2021/ 2022 / 2023 (Of course i have watched more films but these are safe to ask. For others, you can ask but I might refuse in case I haven´t watched them.)
I´ll be posting in the correspondent day of the prompt.
Be sure to check this post before asking, bc I’ll be updating the image below as the prompts are taken. At the same time if you see the prompt you asked crossed here is bc I got it.
In case i have 2 or more requests for the same prompt, the first in my inbox gets priority and I will contact the rest to give them a chance to change it.
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(3 first are out already bc I started to make sets ahead for the challenge.)
Thank you!!💖
*No, you can´t ask this one now, sorry 😜
** Except Doctor Strange. Not bc i don’t like him, but bc i keep his content in my main blog. The Marvel Netflix shows are out too. I haven’t watch those. There are other exceptions, but I’ll let you know if the occasion arises.😁
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narvaldetierra · 2 years ago
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Blindspot Rewatch 2022 ~ S03E14 ~
The tattoo club
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indelibleevidence · 2 years ago
We're back! It's 3x13 week!
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ladyriot · 2 years ago
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I'm hard to love, there's no denying If you've had enough, thanks for trying Heavy by Peach PRC
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birdsaesthetic · 3 years ago
Jane: Okay, this girl could have been lying.
Kurt: She wasn't.
Jane: Did you run her DNA?
Kurt: No. But her face... The way she talked...the way she moved. The shampoo she used… Her favorite food. She was stubborn, a badass, and so are you, Jane. She had an ‘A’ in her name, and you have an ‘A’ in the name we gave you! When I asked her “Star Wars or Star Trek?” she said, “can’t it be both!” She’s your daughter, Jane.
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ransomedrogue · 3 years ago
So... back to the catch up game. I wrote a couple scenes for 2.19, then wasn’t sure about them so I procrastinated on editing and posting. But, then I decided there’s no such thing as too much fic for this ep, so at least it’s something new to read :P
This is the first scene - cause I think we can all agree that Kurt needed to answer more questions. 
2.19 - The Polygraph
"I was terrified."
Her answer surprised him, but in hindsight, it should have been obvious. She had almost been shaking in the interrogation room – memory-less and completely alone. At the mercy of law enforcement, without knowing anything about the people charged with her care. But at the time, Weller had been far too focused on what it meant that his name was tattooed on her back. Even then the seed planted by Shepherd had been taking root, stirring up old memories and tugging on his eternal hope. Now though, he could see it from Jane's perspective, and it broke his heart a little bit.
She had been through so much, from the first minute they met, right up to that very moment. Even if it had involved lying to him and had led to Mayfair's death; the pain of that betrayal had finally faded enough for Kurt to realize how hard it must have been on Jane. And hearing her admit to being so afraid when they met just reminded him of all the ways he hadn't seen her struggles, despite his best efforts.
His head was still in the past when it became his turn and Weller had to force his attention back on the game. Having taken so many lie detector tests through his career, he hadn't been nervous until the polygraph had begun. But then, realizing that the subject of this test was quite different than his official FBI sessions had set a few butterflies loose inside him. Answering personal questions about his relationship with Jane was not something he'd ever been comfortable with; and now, after everything they'd been through, he had to be truthful, right to her face.
"What is your partner's best trait?"
Weller relaxed once the question was read aloud, answers already bouncing around in his head. It was a gimme, too easy in some respects. He knew what his reply would be almost instantly, but all of the other things he loved about her also wouldn't stop flashing through his mind.
She's smart. She's brave. She's gorgeous. She's deadly.
All of those replies would probably have passed. But the real truth was simpler than any of that.
"Her heart."
Jane's eyes snapped up to meet his, a tiny grin tugging on the corner of her mouth. And, despite the stakes of the game they were playing, that disbelieving smile was a bigger reward than hearing the sound that indicated another passing answer.
Weller exhaled with relief at having dealt with his first question. He was still annoyed at having to participate in the hacker scheme, but getting to hear what was going on in Jane's head was nearly worth it. Even if he was forced to tell his truths too, that was somehow okay – because it was Jane. She made him want to open up, despite how unnatural it was for him.
When the next question was read, Kurt was still lost in how it had felt to tell Jane what he loved the most about her – even if that wasn't exactly how the question had been put. But then he heard what Jane was being asked next and his anxiety immediately returned.
"If you could change one thing about your partner, what would it be?"
He was instantly nervous to hear the answer but also a bit desperate to as well. What would Jane want to change about him? There were so many ways she could destroy him in that very moment. He didn't know if she had any inkling of that at all.
The serious expression Jane was wearing while considering her answer didn't exactly settle his concern. Kurt wondered about the possibilities running through her mind, while forcing himself to breathe.
"If I could change one thing…"
Jane paused, giving him an uncertain look before continuing.
"He wouldn't have been hurt by the people he loved."
Weller was mentally stunned for a moment, so sure that she would say something about him being too stubborn. The answer was so Jane though. All heart, just like he'd said.
A pang of adoration coursed through him, briefly seizing him in it before spitting him out, emotionally raw. Kurt wondered what the polygraph was reading from him at the moment – if it could read love better than it could read lies.
Because that was one truth he couldn't hide from himself anymore.
It wasn't exactly what the question had meant, but by then Jane had figured out that it only really mattered if the answer was true. Which hers was.
She didn't want to change anything about Weller. No matter if he was stubborn as hell and had hurt her deeply, only recently accepting her back into his life. But she often wished that so many awful things hadn't happened to him, even when one of those things was completely her doing.
Watching Kurt now though, Jane wondered if she'd made the right choice. He was sitting very still, as if taken aback by her answer - which made her think she should have said something less personal.
She was still doubting herself when Weller was asked the next question; and then when Jane heard what was asked, a fresh wave of worry passed through her.
"Name one thing you're afraid to tell your partner."
She wasn't sure she wanted to know anything Weller was scared to tell her; not since that fateful night, so many months ago now. He'd left her a message that day, dancing around the words he had been afraid to say back then, the ones she'd only dreamt of hearing. But whatever he was afraid to tell her now, Jane was pretty sure it wouldn't be something she was eager to know. She had caused him so much hurt; it was easy to imagine he still held onto some of that blame. But hearing him confirm that he could never forgive her would still crush her.
Forcing herself to take long deep breaths in through her nose, Jane focused on each inhale and exhale instead of watching Weller frown at the question, his eyes flitting a bit nervously as he searched for an answer.
Finally, his gaze settled on his feet and he muttered his reply.
"I'm sorry…" he started, his voice low and full of gravel.
"For not letting you explain. And for letting them hurt you."
Jane's head shot up, her heart suddenly thundering in her chest.
Just like that he had sliced an old wound open, yet managed to start healing it at the same time. Neither of them had ever acknowledged what happened that night, and Jane had just assumed it was just another buried piece of their complicated past. She remembered pleading with him, begging him to hear her out. But he had been completely shut down emotionally, behind an impenetrable wall.
Jane was surprised how hard his apology had hit. She'd thought that was all behind her, especially now that they had mostly re-established the trust between them. But her physiological reaction had been obvious; and she really did feel a sense of healing from hearing his words.
Weller was still staring at his feet as his answer registered as true, and Jane felt a smile tugging at her cheek. His discomfort was a bit endearing, especially because he could have given many different answers to the question. He'd chosen to bare himself to her, which wasn't like Kurt at all.
"Next question. Have you ever lied to your partner and was it about something important?"
Well, that was an easy one, Jane thought with a mental eye roll. Hopefully there weren't many questions left – though, irritating as it was to have to participate in the game, there were some perks as well. It wasn't often she got to see this side of Kurt, and she wondered what else he might be encouraged to reveal.
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scottimae94 · 3 years ago
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( 📷: @nachosncheeze )
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mestarunicorn · 3 years ago
Which episode are we right now?
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scottimae94 · 3 years ago
Richard Dotcom, is that you?
she knocked that smug look off my face but luckily i was wearing a second, smaller smug look underneath
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marv-el-spot · 2 years ago
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JANE DOE GIFS 73/100   BLINDSPOT REWATCH | Deductions S03E15
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narvaldetierra · 2 years ago
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Blindspot Rewatch 2022 ~ S03E14 ~
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indelibleevidence · 2 years ago
It's 3x21 week!
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ladyriot · 3 years ago
Blindspot 3x08 Jokes
I didn't have time to rewatch, but I have rewatch notes from my first rewatch about a year ago & some are worth sharing lol
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Rich: "Besides, selling you out destroys any chance of a six-way"
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ransomedrogue · 3 years ago
Okay, now for scene two. This isn’t my usual steeze... but trying to branch out a little with more romance, less angst :P
2.19 - The Bar
All of this. That led me to you, and you to me. And that is something that I would never want to change.
Even with Weller's words still echoing in her mind, Jane refused to think it was possible, until he leaned in so close she could smell the booze on his breath.
They had come so far in their relationship, considering it hadn't been long since he was uncomfortable just being around her. Yet she had been careful not to assume anything, even as they started being friends again. The fact remained that her place in his life was due to circumstance and necessity, not because he wanted her around.
She had messed everything up so thoroughly the first time, right when they had gotten so close. The thought that Weller would give her a second chance had been too much to even consider.
But now there was no doubt about his intentions, even as they were interrupted by Patterson and Zapata, returning with the next round. His wink and sly grin made her cheeks flush as they pulled away from each other and settled back into their seats. Patterson made a quip about finding the answers at the bottom of the round but Jane was suddenly having a hard time focusing on anything other than Kurt's mouth.
It had been an eternity since they'd kissed; she almost couldn't believe what had nearly happened. Except that Weller still had that charming crooked grin pasted on his face and hadn't stopped making furtive eye contact, ever since the near miss. Then, after the next round had been passed around, Jane felt his fingertips searching for hers, under the table. Silently, she hooked his pinky, gripping it tight.
The rest of his fingers followed soon after, slipping in between hers and giving her hand a quick squeeze. Warmth spread up her arm, straight to her spine, and Jane had to pull back on her smile before things became too obvious.
She forced herself to focus on the conversation, and not on the weight of Weller's hand in hers. Patterson had started talking about the Garens and the game they had come up with to pass on their files. She was definitely fan-girling a little over the elaborate planning of the hacker caper, with Zapata interjecting once in awhile to poke fun at how ridiculous all of it was.
"I can't believe they made you guys take a polygraph. Good thing it wasn't me, I always fail."
Jane grinned, even as she cringed a bit too, thinking about the test. She glanced over at Weller, who winked again, offering a knowing look that made her cheeks hot.
"Yeah, what did they even ask?" Patterson asked.
Her heart stopped for a second, realizing where the conversation was headed. Kurt's playful demeanour had also shifted into one of wariness, his eyes meeting hers for a silent congress on how much to say.
While the questions hadn't been explicit, they had definitely been personal. And things were still tenuous between them, so Jane wasn't certain how comfortable Weller would be, revealing his answers to the team. She was sure he'd only been honest in front of her due to the circumstances, and she'd assumed they would never speak of it again.
"It was just basic stuff. Like where did you first meet," Weller replied, too obviously trying to blow off the question.
"Oh come on," Tasha interjected, rolling her eyes.
"There had to be something juicier than that. Give us another one."
"I'm serious," Kurt tried. "It was all like that. They took it from some magazine."
"Jane, fess up," Zapata continued.
"What else did they ask?"
Jane hoped she wasn't blushing, but it was hard not to as she mentally went through the questions and Kurt's responses. Not that the questions had been spicy, but they had touched on truths that wouldn't have otherwise been revealed. Frantically, she searched her mind for another one of the less personal answers.
"There really wasn't anything exciting," Jane tried.
"I mean… they asked why do you choose to work with your partner and why does your partner choose to work with you?"
"And? What did you say?"
Jane sighed internally; apparently was no deterring Zapata's curiosity, no matter how dull they tried to make it all sound.
"Um, I said I work with Weller because he's loyal, honest, and I trust him with my life. And he works with me because he was forced to."
When Tasha didn't reply, Jane thought that was the end of that line of questioning and exhaled a breath of relief. She'd managed a response that didn't involve any of the surprisingly intimate things Kurt had admitted under duress.
But after a moment, both Zapata and Patterson start giggling, and then the amusement passed between them, building up until Tasha snorted with laughter.
"How the hell did that pass?" she spurted.
"That is such BS."
"Seriously Jane, you can't actually believe that," Patterson added.
They both looked so incredulous, but memories of heated arguments cascaded through Jane's mind, along with the words that still wouldn't leave her alone.
"I don't even like being in the same room with her."
She knew it wasn't true anymore, based on the warm weight still grasping onto her hand. Yet it was still hard to believe, even if Weller had tried to refute the same thing just moments ago. And then almost kissed her.
"Forced to work with you," Tasha snickered.
"We were there, Jane. That is not what happened."
Patterson nodded in agreement, and the two women exchanged smirks.
"More like impossible to keep away from you."
Jane couldn't hold back a broad grin, even as she instinctively wanted to deny Tasha's tipsy words. She looked over at Weller, who was doing his best to frown at Zapata but not managing to look stern at all.
"Look. Weller's blushing, that's how not true it is."
The light was dim but Kurt definitely was a bit rosy-cheeked as he turned towards her, and another crooked smile was pushing through. Shrugging at the good-natured ribbing he was taking, he squeezed her hand again.
"See," he said.
"I was never forced to work with you."
Getting called out of the bar and back to the office was never a good thing, especially when they were all already a few drinks in. But years of living an on-call life had taught Weller something about sobering up in the moment – he'd figured out that pressing on his adrenaline made him more clear-headed, despite his blood alcohol level. And sitting in the back of a cab, squeezed up against Jane was certainly driving his heart rate up, even more than a possible lead on Sandstorm.
They took off towards the NYO and Weller told himself to focus on the upcoming task. Even though they didn't know exactly what they would be up against, he had to be ready to lead his team. But, with the warmth of Jane's body pressed up on his side, his mind kept drifting back into moments from the day.
That flirty grin she'd worn as they strolled down the street together casually, plus her adorably awkward probing of his emotional status, post breakup. He'd quickly remembered how much he loved her straightforward sensitivity; and that had only been reinforced by her answers during the polygraph.
Flashes of the cheesy relationship questions shot through his mind, along with the most memorable answers. He had been uncomfortable even thinking about the best thing Jane had ever done for him, let alone admitting it in front of her. But that had been somewhat balanced out by hearing Jane's answers too.
I used to put a lot of walls up. She somehow found a way to get inside them.
He'd never even admitted it to himself before, yet he'd immediately known what the answer was.
I work with him because he's honest, loyal, and I trust him with my life.
It seemed impossible that they had gotten back there, considering how angry and broken things had been after she'd returned. The weight of her wedged up against him, so familiar even after all that space between them.
Weller glanced down at Jane surreptitiously, but the way her head was angled, she caught his eyes easily and flashed him a conspiratorial half-wink. Desire flooded through him, especially when she followed up with a deliberate nudge to his hip.
The urge to throw caution to the wind and wrap his arm around her was fuelled by both arousal and alcohol. But he wasn't drunk enough to give into the impulse, especially with Tasha and Patterson there to witness it all.
Kurt kept his twitchy hand balled up in fist, pressed up hard against his own thigh. Thoughts kept flying about in his head, telling him to focus his energy on the mission ahead, and not on rekindling his romance with Jane.
The moment kept running through his mind though; leaning in closer, her lips so close he could almost taste the bourbon on them. It had been ephemeral, and lost once the others returned. Even if they had sat a bit too close for the rest of the night, right up to that very moment.
With impeccable timing, he felt Jane's fingertips tiptoeing onto his thigh before finding his hand and curling hers over it, pealing his fingers open enough to slide hers in between. Then, while deliberately looking away from him, she picked his hand up and slid it over, until it was touching her inner thigh.
Heat was hammering through his body, shooting from his arm to his spine. His thumb started stroking the inseam of her jeans and it seemed impossible that just touching her through her clothes could set his every nerve cell on fire.
When he had finally gained enough control to sneak a peak at her, Weller saw that Jane had her head turned away slightly, and was doing her best to feign innocence. Yet she was wearing a familiar sly grin, which only turned him on even more.
Instinctively, his hand began to move its way up her leg, his fingers crawling their way up until there was nowhere left to go. Then, for a moment, his whisky confidence wavered and he wondered if he'd pushed things too far.
As if sensing his question, Jane pressed her hand over his again, holding it in place against her groin. Weller almost shuddered audibly from the intimacy of the feeling, and he forced himself to exhale slowly, even though his heart was thundering in his chest.
He was dangerously aroused, to the point where his pants were beginning to feel constricted. But the idea of letting go and sliding away from Jane never crossed his mind. Even if he was playing with fire, it felt far too good to stop.
Thankfully, the cab arrived at the NYO before the situation got completely out of hand. Weller was forced back into reality as soon as the vehicle pulled to a halt; allowing himself just one more squeeze before briskly exiting the car.
By the time everyone was out and the ride was paid for, Weller's heart rate had finally come back down, along with the bulge in his jeans. Still, as they walked into the building, Jane brushed up against him deliberately, and hot blood flared through his body once more.
Kurt shuddered, then did his best to exhale his excess emotion as they got in the elevator. He could see that Jane was wearing just the smallest hint of a grin and he forced his eyes forward, willing his inebriated mind to ignore the effect it had on him.
Sucking in another deep breath, Weller then forced himself to push it out slowly. It was going to be a long day; he could feel it already.
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scottimae94 · 3 years ago
Okay also, (and this one is payback @nachosncheeze), let's think about Jane's face when she walks into Oliver's apartment and sees the dinner he's prepared for her. Like, she's been living with hostility and intensity and uncertainty and fear for so long, truly made to believe that she has nothing but atonements to make, and then someone shows her love. He shows kindness, and care, and an appreciation for her inherent worth as a human being. He goes out of his way to make her feel special. And her response, surprise. Shock. A kind of "he did this for me?" vibe. Like she never expected anyone to take the time, like she didn't even consider something like this ever happening for her, even though it's a relatively simple thing to set up, and could have been done in so many platonic ways by the team.
It's like she's experiencing the beauty of companionship for the first time, and it kills me every. single. time.
(It reminds me of this post)
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scottimae94 · 3 years ago
So, I did a thing…
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(Made with permission from @chibinoyume)
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Kurt is clearly still in love with you. You don’t see this? 
It’s not my day yet on the holiday activity or a friday but instagram let me know that today Ennis Esmer’s birthday! So I had to do a little something ♥♥
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