#gonna have to update my masterpost again real soon
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theweirdestroller · 2 months ago
I am starting another Rescue Bots project! Because apparently two wasn't enough! What's the second one you ask? ... My lips are sealed!
But aside from that and the Grand Adventures of Blades, His Roommate, and That One Guy, I am currently working on something else.
Rescue Bots: LIVE! I'll probably post it to ao3 once the first chapter's done.
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henriiiii-1001old · 1 year ago
coming back/moving blogs
hey, been a while, hasn't it? i hope you're all doing well! this is my official coming-back-to-tumblr post, but it's a little different than i had originally planned.
i've decided it would be in my best interests to move blogs after a bit of thinking. i feel like coming back here would just feel too awkward for both me and you guys, especially with my now deleted drama post. i just wanna move on from all this bullshit, especially since i've had do deal with a lot of other shit, including college.
it's still @/evrydaygets-darkr, just moved to a different account. i still like the name, so i'm keeping it for now. this account will still be up for archival purposes, but it will never be active again. i hope you understand. (EDIT: changed to @henriiiii-1001 bc of shit that happened w ak recently. see this for more info and this for my official statement on it)
as a general life update, i'm done with my first semester of college!! it's been kinda fun so far! i've made a couple friends here and there, and classes (except for math) were super cool!!! i loved most of my professors, and i am honestly excited for the upcoming semester! ive been artblocked to hell and back though, so i don't have much in terms of new art or writing, but i've been trying my best to get out of it. i also gained a new hyperfixation, which is project sekai: colorful stage (abbreviated as pjsk), so i'll probably be posting abt that quite a bit (btw my fav group is wxs and my fav character is tsukasa :3 ), specifically abt stats and achievements w like song completions, maybe some pulls too!
im also gonna put a few updates on aus and oc stories rq:
for my tmc aus: the big ones i'm working on are getting new masterposts and infodumps for the new blog. i would rb posts from this blog to the new one, but due to some personal stuff i don't feel very comfortable doing that. i havent been able to cook much lore-wise for any of them, but i'll probably get back into the swing of things once i start interacting w you guys again. - for specifically father's duty: i'll hopefully have chapter 3 done soon. it's actually been almost done for a while now, i just need to think of the ending. thank you to those who've stuck with me this far <3 (EDIT: all my tmc aus are discontinued. read above for more info)
for murder files: i'm gonna change up the pacing a bit because i feel like i was going a bit too fast with it. i wanna take my time with it and make it feel as real as possible. it might take me a bit to get fully set up bc im probably gonna have to plan a few steps ahead, which i've barely done. i just need time to plan everything out and draw some shit
i will try to post as often as i can to get back into using tumblr like a true tumblrina (even though i see theyve made some more disgusting changes so yay </3 ), though it'll probably take some getting used to.
i really missed you guys. i'll see you on the flipside.
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winchesters-favorite-girl · 5 years ago
Flatline-Part Seven
A/N: Jensen and his sixteen year old daughter get into an argument before she goes out for a night with some friends. A few hours later, Jensen gets a call that is going to change his family’s life forever.
Word Count: 1,703
Warnings: Car accident, angst
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Hours passed before a surgeon came out to speak to your family and give them an update on how you were doing. Danneel broke into tears when the doctor told them that you had survived, that you were stable and that the surgery was considered successful. 
“She’s not out of the woods yet, the next forty eight hours are crucial but if she survives them then we’ll start to focus on her plan of care for the long term.” The surgeon informed your family, “She’s a strong kid, I’m hopeful for her recovery.”
Jensen held tightly onto the doctor’s words, he constantly repeated them to himself as he sat next to your bed holding onto your hand. It had been nine days since the surgery and the doctors were extremely happy with your progress. The swelling on your brain had decreased and they had completed another surgery to repair your spinal injuries as well as your hip. Soon they would be placing a metal rod in your leg and screws in the other ankle. 
Jensen should have calmed down by now, you were out of the woods, you would survive, but a pit had been growing in his stomach as he thought about something else the doctors had said, “She has extensive injuries, there is no denying that. She has a lot of surgeries and months of physical therapy ahead of her; she might never walk again but at least she’ll be alive.”
Running his hand over his head your father thought about what life was going to be like for his family, it was going to be full of changes and adapting but you were going to be there which was all he cared about.
“Hey there Mr. Jensen.” Your nurse Jenny greeted your father as she walked into the room. Jenny was a sweet Texan woman in her late fifties who your family practically adopted. She’d been your nurse the past two weeks whenever she was working, she had even come in a few times on her days off to check in on how you and your family were doing.
“Hi Jenny, what’s the word?” Jensen asked, looking up at the nurse as he continued to hold onto your hand. 
“Good news, Y/N’s pentobarbital levels are down enough so the respiratory therapist is gonna come in here soon so extubate her. She’ll be free to breathe on her own and you’ll see all her reflexes coming back soon now that the pentobarb is leaving her system. No sedation means our little miss should be waking up any time now.” Jenny told Jensen the good news.
“That’s, that’s great.” Jensen said, his voice thick with emotions.
“It is, another milestone down. Before you know it she’s gonna be walking outta this unit ready to go home.” Jenny replied as she hung another IV and checked to make sure she had everything for when they removed your breathing tube.
Jensen gave her a smile, “I can’t wait until you actually get to meet her, you’re gonna love her.”
“I’m sure I will Mr. Jensen,” Jenny responded, “All I’ve heard the past week is how amazing she is. Can’t wait to see those pretty eyes in real life. All the pictures your family’s been showing me, she’s got the prettiest eyes.”
“Yes she does.” Jensen replied, giving your hand a squeeze, “She’s not gonna be able to feel any pain when she wakes up, right?”
“No sir,” Jenny told him firmly, “She’s still getting a little bit of fentanyl for all those surgeries, plus that broken leg. We don’t want baby girl feeling any pain, she might feel a bit of slight discomfort but nothing painful.”
Nodding his head Jensen spoke, “Got it, just wanted to make sure.”
“I understand Mr. Jensen, no worries. You’re just being a good daddy.” Jenny reassured him.
Jensen let out a small laugh at the name, “It’s been a long time since she called me daddy. With my other two girls that’s my name but it’s been years since she last called me that.”
“I bet you twenty bucks that she calls you that when she wake up.” Jenny stated, shooting Jensen a knowing look but Jensen only shook his head.
“We haven’t quite been on the same page the past few months, I’d be surprised if she even wants to see me when she wakes up.”
Shaking her head Jenny shot Jensen a disapproving face, “She’s gonna be scared outta her mind when she wakes up, she’s gonna be asking for her daddy and I know you’re gonna be sitting right here cause your stubborn butt refuses to go home.”
Jensen smiled widely, “Guilty. You can’t-” His sentence was cut off by you rolling your head, your eyelids fluttering, “Sweetheart?” He said, examining your face as he stood next to you, “Can you hear me?”
Jenny stood on the other side of you, looking at your monitors then back at you. Your eyelids fluttered for another moment before they stopped.
“Is she okay?” Jensen asked, worried about your well being. 
“She’s fine,” Jenny reassured him, moving your eyelid up with her fingers before flashing her small flashlight in front of your eye to test your pupillary response which was normal. “Told you her reflexes were coming back. She’s gonna be waking up real soon.”
“That was weird, I’m used to her body twitching, not her whole body moving.” Jensen stated.
“That would be cause of the pentobarb, it’s a super strong sedative, it basically put her into a coma and paralyzed her so that she couldn’t move, now that the pentobarb is finally leaving her system she’s gonna be moving all over the place. It’s a good thing.” Jenny explained.
“Knock knock.” A voice spoke from the doorway before a woman wearing green scrubs knocked on the door.
“Hey Cindy.” Jenny greeted the woman as she started to prep you for extubation, “Mr. Jensen, this is Cindy the RT, she’s gonna take the breathing tube out. We’re gonna get Miss. Y/N ready but I think when we take the tube out you should step outside.”
“I’d rather stay if I can.” Jensen replied, his grip on your hand tightening. 
“I know you would but it’s not gonna be fun to watch,” Jenny explained as Cindy walked over and started getting her items ready to take the tube out. “She’s gonna make some gagging noises and I don’t think you wanna hear that.”
Jensen was quiet for a moment before shaking his head, “I’m gonna stay, just in case she wakes up and if not, this sounds unpleasant and I don’t want her to be alone.”
“Whatever you wanna do.” Jenny said before she returned her attention to helping Cindy.
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After they pulled your breathing tube things seemed to settle down. It was around eight that night when Jensen got his usual FaceTime call from Danneel as she was putting the other kids down for bed.
“Hey kiddos.” He spoke to his three youngest who were all squishing together so that they could be in the camera.
“Hi Daddy.” JJ called to him as she gave him a toothy grin.
“Dah!” Zepplin attempted to say dad.
“How’re my babies doing?” Jensen asked.
“I’m not a baby Daddy, Zeppy and Ro are one now, do they still count as babies?” She questioned aloud before looking at her mom, “Mama are they babies still?” Danneel let out a small laugh before nodding her head.
“You guys will always be my babies!” Jensen spoke, grabbing JJ’s attention again.
“Even Y/N?” JJ said.
“Even Y/N.” Jensen confirmed before asking JJ how her day went.
“Sorry to interrupt,” The night nurse Kristen stated as she walked into the room, “I gotta do Y/N’s nightly labs and I was gonna give her a bath too since I saw it’s been a few days, you mind stepping out for a bit?” 
Jensen chewed on his lip for a moment before agreeing, “You’ll let me know if she wakes up?” He requested as he stood at the door. 
“Of course.” Kristen told him before he walked out and shut the door.
“Alright Miss. Y/N, we’re gonna get you cleaned up so when you wake up you’ll feel as good as you can.
Kristen had finished cleaning you up and was drawing her labs when you started to turn your head and then started to groan.
“Y/N? Sweetheart can you hear me?” She asked before grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze. You responded by letting out another groan and tightening your hold on her hand. Soon your eyes were starting to blink open, causing Kristen to lean over and dim the lights.
“Y/N?” She said again.
“Ouch.” You mumbled aloud before keeping your eyes open and looking around, you were disorientated for a moment before panic started to kick in. “Where am I?” You asked, grabbing onto your neck since your throat was killing you with every word you spoke, tears started to fill your eyes, “Where’s my dad?” You asked in a raspy voice as your breathing began to pick up, “I want my dad, where is he?”
“It’s okay sweetie, you were in an accident, you’re at the hospital. I’ll go grab your dad right now, okay?” Kristen told you, giving your hand another squeeze before quickly leaving the room in search of your dad.
Your breathing continued to pick up which resulted in your heart rate spiking, causing one of the monitors that was connected to you to start beeping. Another nurse walked into the room to check what was happening.
“Oh Y/N, you’re awake.” The nurse spoke, “My name is Ashley.”
“My-my-my dad, where’s my dad?” You asked, your eyes focusing behind the nurse in search of your dad, “Th-the other nurse went to go get him.”
“Kristen is probably searching for him right now, he hasn’t gone far at all while you’ve been here.” The nurse assured you, “He’ll be here any second, okay? I promise.”
“I want my daddy.” You spoke in a small, defeated voice, “I need him.”
“Y/N?” Your dad’s voice sounded from the doorway.
You returned your glance to the door, “Dad?”
“Thank god.” Jensen sighed out as he strode over to you and quickly wrapped you in his arms, “I thought I lost you.”
(Text divider by @writeyourmindaway)
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artnerd1123 · 5 years ago
A Familiar World
Letters To Nettles (Part 2) ——————————————
Recent events leave Journal unsure of himself, so he decides to get a second opinion. Nettles is all too happy to oblige. 
The masterpost for AFW can be found here. The chapter post for AFW can be found here.
I really enjoy writing these little interludes. They’re meant to be casual, so it’s more like writing dialogue for fun than anything super serious. Plus, I get to play around with these two- especially nettles! Always a good day when she shows up. 
hope y’all enjoy~
Nettles,         I have an unexpected update on my roommate situation. I say unexpected for reasons that will be obvious in a moment, but I hope you’ve been doing well since I last wrote. Is the forest alright? How about town? And how’ve you been? I miss our magic lessons. But, anyways, all this is beside the point. Let me tell you what I’m actually writing you for.         Something weird happened earlier today. I’d been running low on coffee for awhile now, and I haven’t had the chance to go out shopping. As you know, I’ve been very busy trying to recreate the spellbooks that were taken  from me at home. It’s been going alright. But it hasn’t exactly left me ample time for going out and exploring a new town. Anyways, I was down to maybe one more cup of coffee, and I was trying to save it for this morning. Then the strangest thing happened. Apparently my roommate and his cat went out before I got up. They ran some errands. That’s not unusual, but what is is the fact that they bought me more coffee. It was the right brand, type... everything. And they got me a whole new bag of the stuff without any prompting. I’m honestly not sure what to make of it.         I thought my roommate was trying too hard to warm up to me, but he’s been giving me space and only gentle nudges here and there? And now this? Maybe he isn’t so bad? What do I do??? I need your advice again.
Signed,  Journal Drapht
Journal,         Hey there, its nice to hear from you again. The forest is doing fine. It’s a little dry out right now, but it’s nothing a rain shower won’t fix. Town’s a little antsy about the lack of rain, too, but otherwise they’re fine. And I’ve been alright, thanks. Plodding along as per usual. Might swing by and give you another lesson- they’re fun, and I’m kinda bored out here. I miss you, knucklehead.         As for the rest of that, it’s certainly a step up. Seeing as the dude’s been letting you take things at your own pace, I’d say it’s a good sign. He and his familiar took note of something important to you. They invested in it, and made sure to get it right. Seems like they’re trying to make you feel more at home, and let you know they’re open if you wanna hang out or whatever. I’d try and take a bit of initiative there. I told you he seemed nice before, and I also said you should give him a chance. The ships are in your harbor now. You oughta try sailing one. Be careful, mind you, but give it a try. What’s the worst that could happen?
Sincerely, Nettles
Nettles,         I’m glad everything’s been ok, aside from lack of rain. Summer’s really bad about casual showers though. Hopefully it won’t end up storming on you guys.         You’re really sure I should try and get out of my shell? I don’t know these people, and it’s not like they offered to protect me for life or anything. They just gave me some new coffee. Granted, it was new coffee that I needed, and their attention to detail was really touching, but I’m just not sure I’m ready for that sort of thing. Can’t I just stay in my room and work? That’s been going well so far. And I’ll see them at mealtimes, when I remember them. That’s enough, right?
Signed, Journal Drapht
Journal,         Kid, if living in your room earned gold, you’d be richer than dragon. You really gotta get out more. Believe me. For Revaew’s sake, you’ve got a whole apartment you’ve barely lived in. That’s your house, mate. You gotta get used to your roomies sometime. I’d say with their latest gesture that it’s more than enough reason to start. After all, coffee is practically your lifeblood. They handed more to you on a silver platter. Sure, it’s not a life protection promise, but they helped keep your head intact from migraines, eh?         But for real. I understand your concern. However, you can’t let it trap you. You’re not gonna get anywhere if you just stay in your comfort zone and never try reaching out. You and I both know that. Again, you’ve said it’s only been smaller gestures and giving you space beforehand. Which is a really good sign. It really looks like the guy and his familiar are trying to respect your boundaries. You just gotta let em know you’re ready to reach out.  You’ll be alright, Journ.         And again, if this fellow turns out to be an asshole, just write me another letter. I’ll take care of em. Could teach you a lesson while I’m at it.
Sincerely, Nettles
P.S. If it storms now, I’m legally obligated to send the clouds your way when they’re finished here. Don’t jinx it.
Nettles,         Y’know, I should’ve expected the ‘coffee is your lifeblood’ jab from the beginning. Alas, I did not, and I’m here now snickering at it. You’re right, of course. You usually are. Maybe I’ll try and reach out a bit. I’m not about to jump right in, mind you. But I could probably do some of my reading in the living room. That’s a good enough start. It’ll give me an opportunity to watch my roommate a bit, in any case. And I’m pretty sure his cat likes to hang around in there too. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.         I’ll have to update you on what happens. Hopefully hanging around Aiden (roommate) and Roo (cat) won’t be… too bad. Thanks again for the advice.
Signed, Journal Drapht
P.S. Nettles, the only thing I’ve consistently jinxed is myself. Don’t worry too much.
Journal,         It’s never a problem. Thanks for the update. I’m always happy to hear from you. Give the Roo a pat for me, will ya? And make sure to thank Aiden for the coffee!         Also, maybe put down the book if you’re fucking a jinx up. Those are high energy spells, y’know? Don’t wanna go using up all your energy in one go. That’s never fun.
Love, Nettles
Nettles,         I’m rolling my eyes, but you can’t see it. You’re such a mom. No guarantees on pats, but I’ve already said thank you. And thanks for the heads up on keeping tabs on my magic- will do. I’ll write you again soon. Hope you have a good rest of your day.
Love, Journal Drapht
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aqvarius · 5 years ago
HLITF: This is not the story of your first night: Soma - otona love - chapter 4 summary/translation
anyway i guess you didn’t have to wait that long for chapter 4 but only because i couldn’t wait and had to keep reading. you can find the previous chapter here, or check my new translations page to read from the beginning. my translations masterpost is not rebloggable or mobile-friendly yet but i will update when i make one! otherwise, you can always just search the tag “summary” or “translation” on my blog or follow the links in my previous chapter posts to find the previous posts. 
previously, soma had just said that what he was refraining [re: verbal attacking] from was... 
naturally, he finishes his sentence outrageously:
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soma: “i’m only refraining ..... in bed”
(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) <-- btw, the mc reacts the same way
he whispers this to you so closely that his lips are basically touching your ears again. 
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soma: “are you displeased?”
keep reading for irritated momose, soma being the best boyfriend ever, and him asking something of you that is so predictable of him...
side note: i know you are probably all sick of me gloating about how well i understand soma that i can predict his behaviour/know what to expect but i’m just so pleased to see all this teasing and manipulation in canon. anyway how dare he ask that with such a sweet smile on his face. he knows exactly what he’s doing. 
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soma: “or is it better to refrain in the workplace after all?”
you say that you’d prefer that he doesn’t [use verbal attacks] in the workplace as well, but you’ll leave that up to his judgement. deliberately letting his breath fall on your ears, soma drew back with an innocent face. you lament that you really can’t win against soma. 
“by the way, shouldn’t you get going soon?” soma asks.
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soma: “tsugaru-san’s loyal dog-kun is about to bare his fangs” (lmaooooo)
you panic that if you wait around any longer, you’ll get bitten. so you “ittekimasu” and soma replies “itterasshai” and you run off after momose. 
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this is a new background!! 
you apologise for the wait and momose flashes you one of these:
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momose hops into the waiting car and glares silently at you. you can’t see his fangs but it really seems like he’s gonna bite you! 
momose throws the case documents from tsugaru at you and tells you to hammer it into your head before you arrive at the site. you try to ask “site-?” but momose just tells you to read it to understand and then he steps on the accelerator. meanwhile i’m here lamenting the fact that we don’t have a momose driving sprite. i guess they are only reserved for real love interests ;~~;
you exclaim “isn’t it dangerous to start [the car] like that?” and momose says that they are late because of you. you apologise but plead with him to drive safely lmaooo this is so on brand. 
while in the car, you start reading the case files on the target. there’s a group that has been showing suspicious movement right as a summit in tokyo is approaching and one of the members is the target this time. you’re going to the apartment that’s supposed to be their hangout. 
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momose doesn’t respond but no response means “yes”... 
you note that there are more than 10 [more than a dozen] targets coming in and out and then momose randomly says “today is friday”. it takes a moment but you suddenly see something in the wording of the case document. turns out that every friday there’s a chance of contact with the terrorist mastermind.
“in other words, today,” says momose. 
“we’ve got to hurry!” you exclaim and momose gives you that silent look again lol. you apologise, saying “who’s the one who’s been saying that...” since you were the one who kept him waiting.  
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“but those eyes... they’re too scary...!”
in order to escape from his accusatory glare, you turn your eyes back to the case material. 
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“momose-san doesn’t say a lot, so the pressure of his gaze is intense”
“in other words... a shisenzeme [”glare attack”] type?” 
you inadvertently returned your gaze [at momose] that had turned away. he asks “what” and you’re like “nothing!!” you scold yourself a little because you have a job to do today and you need to concentrate on your work. 
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i’m just adding these backgrounds here bc i’ve never seen some of them before lol.
it’s late and you couldn’t get any results from today’s work so you return to headquarters at night. you leave the division at 9pm after doing paperwork. 
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“i promised i would go to soma-san’s house tonight...!” (😏😏😏)
i’m gleeful about what’s to come but also worried bc it takes me like 5 mins per slide to translate all the euphemistic sex scenes. you send him a text saying “i’m leaving [work] now!” and rush out and - 
your phone chimes with a reply:
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“thanks for your hard work*. i’m making paella and waiting for you.”
*otsukaresama = good job/thanks for your hard work/you’ve worked hard
i hope you’ve all realised by now that soma is the greatest boyfriend of all time i love him so much 🥰🥰🥰
clearly hlitf mc thinks the same thing:
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“paella! i’m so happy!!”
soma’s immediate reply makes you smile. (same girl, same ;~~;) since soma’s paella is full of seafood, you decide to buy some delicious white wine. 
“you’re arrived so late,” soma says when you arrive at his. he opens the door, looking a little displeased. you apologise and say you bought wine. 
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soma: “taking such a detour...”
you show him the wine but his expression doesn’t change. you wonder if he’s angry... you were working late and you wish you had come straight to his. he asks you if it’s a white [wine] from spain, and you say you think it would compliment his paella. he says it should. 
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soma: “a wonderful selection” 
i’m so happy to be praised by him lol. you’re like “yokatta...!” (i’m glad). soma says it was worth the wait. it’s a little disagreeable when you arrived (not really sure if i translated this bit correctly) but he’s not criticising/reproaching you. 
“let’s go eat,” soma says, and you say yes!!
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“mm~ soma-san’s paella is the most delicious after all”
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soma: “i’m honoured to receive your compliment”
he jokingly bows his head, and you enjoy a late dinner together. he says that the wine you chose is also delicious. you agree, but you apologise for keeping him waiting. he asks you if things went well [at work] and you’re like “um...” and then he apologises for asking about things related to another team’s investigation. 
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soma: “excuse me. i shouldn’t say anything about the contents of another team’s investigation.”
you think that you can’t talk about it even to soma, even though you got no results today. 
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“but [seeing you] in that state...”
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“no, it’s nothing.”
you think that just now, he definitely saw through you [that you got no results]. “is that so...” you say, and soma just continues to eat while smiling as if nothing happened. you’re glad he left it there today. usually he’ll push you a little more or tease you. soma-san is good at listening to team tsugaru’s movements/happenings.
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soma: “if you [eat] too slowly, it’ll be too late to take a bath”
i had to include a screenshot here bc it’s my policy whenever soma talks about baths. i bet he’s gonna ask to go in together too lmao. 
you realise that’s why he didn’t ask you about this and that. you apologise that things are rushed just because you were late. 
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soma: “ahh, sorry... i don’t mean to blame you”
you say that ah no, you don’t feel like he was blaming/criticising you! and he says “that’s good then”. 
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soma: “it’s getting late, so it’ll be quicker if we go in together”
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“soma-san grins flirtily while swirling his glass of white wine”
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soma: “i got new bath salts, shall we enjoy it together?”
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“could it be... i was skillfully manipulated!?”**
**it says “guided”, basically meaning he like led her into this. remember when i said mc’s entire relationship with soma was one big trap? this is what i mean lol!!
anyway, that’s the end of chapter 4! i can’t believe how quickly it went by (maybe my language skills are getting just a little better lol... or maybe i just don’t have to spend ages trying to figure out what parts of whose body are being touched in what manner in these everyday scenes lmao). i can’t BELIEVE WE GET SOMA WANTING TO BATHE TOGETHER AGAIN. i mean i can believe he because he wants to do it constantly but i’m like giddy with excitement seeing it again lmao. i love seeing overly legalistic hlitf mc as well (the fact that she was late but still nagged momose to not start the car so abruptly... sis........) and also how cute that soma made paella and waited for her a;lsjfdlsk supportive boyfriends are the best. 
i hope you enjoyed this chapter, and that you’re as excited as i am for the next chapter and hopefully the inevitable bathing together scene...   
i’m sure i could probably draw more traffic by updating that scandalous kazuomi story but i am selfish and i want to finish this story first bc i just can’t get enough of soma.
i’ve also set up a ko-fi page here and would be incredibly grateful if you would like to support me for translations and being able to purchase more routes to recap in english!
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On the Other Side / Ch15: Movie Night
Last / Masterpost / Next
Summary: For the past thirteen years, a secretive organization has been raising two groups of superpowered children. Half of them, since their very first memories, have been told they’ll grow up to be brave and strong superheroes; the rest were taught a much harsher view of the world, and groomed to become villains. Neither group knows of the other’s existence. But when a certain trio of heroes-to-be meets two future villains who really just want to be left alone, they all realize how much they haven’t been told.
Warnings: non-graphic violence, bullying, child abuse, sympathetic/good Deceit (Devon) is a main character
A/N: And I said, "I'll start updating regularly again." You know, like a liar. (but actually tho im doing a big bang so it's unlikely i'll be able to even try to update anything else regularly until the end of summer :/)
Read on AO3
Late Saturday morning, Thomas regarded the trunk of his car skeptically. “I really don’t think we needed to buy so many tiny flashlights and screwdrivers.”
“Uhm, I really think we did. Who’s the more experienced thief here, Thomas?” Remy’s unsubtle hand gestures made it clear what the answer was supposed to be.
“Just because you stole gum from a convenience store when you were thirteen—”
“I’m now a master criminal, yes, exactly. I’m glad you understand. The tiny flashlights are super important, trust me.”
Thomas sighed, amused. “If you say so. You gonna help me carry these bags?”
“I don’t have time, hon, I gotta go talk to Emile about all this, remember?” He neatly dodged Thomas’s attempt to foist a grocery bag on him. “I know you’re gonna miss me, but I’ll see you later, babe, don’t worry.”
Thomas scoffed and swatted his arm, which backfired a bit in that it nearly made him drop one of his bags. “I’ll live.” His words may have been dismissive, but he was smiling. That smile was still on his face as he made his way into the building and through the hallways to his own room. Most of the snacks were left there to be distributed later. He took the rest, along with the less innocuous items hidden at the bottom of the bags, and went down the hall to Logan, Roman, and Patton’s room.
“Good morning,” he called, after knocking in a pattern they’d agreed on the previous night so they would know it was him. He set the bags down and pressed a hand over his mouth in an effort not to “aww” out loud when he saw the kids.
They were all piled together in the blanket fort, and it looked like they’d been there the whole night. Patton was still asleep, tangled in a blanket, while Logan used him to prop up the book he was explaining to Devon- who, of course, tried to act like he already knew it, but his eyes were wide with interest. Meanwhile, Virgil was still curled up under Patton’s arm, where he’d become trapped at some point in the night, and Roman was telling him some grand story, complete with illustrations and various bits acted out. The smaller boy looked enthralled, if a little wary of all the wild gesturing. Roman paused mid-emphasis when Thomas walked in, just short of smacking Logan in the face, and Devon reached out and slowly pushed his arm back down.
Thomas smiled. “Hey guys, I brought you some stuff.”
“Ooh! What is it? Did you get good snacks?” Roman scrambled out of the fort and almost tripped on Patton, who had started to wake up. He turned over, holding Virgil to his chest like a teddy bear. The latter made a face and squirmed away, causing Patton to finally open his eyes.
“Oh. Sorry,” he laughed. Virgil waved him off with a shrug.
The kids gathered around, and Thomas started to show them what he and Remy had bought. “Of course I got good snacks, who do you think I am? Most of them are staying in my room for now, though, because I know you guys.”
There was a chorus of “aww.”
“Other than that, I got some clean clothes for you two, so you won’t need to keep wearing the same outfits all the time or borrow from the other kids. But I had to guess at your sizes, so if something doesn’t fit, tell me, okay?”
Devon and Virgil nodded shyly and took the clothes, hiding them under blankets in the fort for now. They would try them on once Thomas was gone; changing with him right there would be embarrassing, even if he couldn’t see them behind the blankets that hung down.
“Now… everybody come close, this part is secret. Remember the plan we talked about?” They all nodded. “I know not all of you were sure if you wanted to help, and I’m not trying to push you into it or anything, but I got you all some stuff for it- if anyone decides they don’t want to come, that just means there’s extras for those who do participate.”
“I’m coming!” Roman reminded him, in his version of a whisper.
Thomas laughed. “You made that clear, don’t worry. So, uh, we’ve just got a few little things that might be useful- most of it Remy insisted on, so don’t ask me what the putty is for.”
“Ooh, you were with Remy?” Patton grinned, clearly believing he was being subtle.
“We were just doing boring work things, so shush- and quit doing that thing with your eyebrows at me, Logan.” Thomas blushed, wishing he knew how to stop letting children embarrass him. The shopping trip may have been a boring work thing, but it was very hard to convince himself Remy hadn’t been lowkey flirting with him the entire time nonetheless. “Take the stuff already and leave me alone.”
“How about this,” Roman offered, “we’ll stop if and only if you let us have a movie night! I mean, we really need to- did you know they haven’t seen any Disney movies?!”
Thomas hummed, pretending to think hard about it. “That sounds like a deal I can agree to. I’ll bring my laptop in here for you later, how about that? I know you’d rather use the big TV screen," he said over disappointed protests, "but I really don’t want to risk having Devon and Virgil leave the room when it’s not necessary, alright?”
“I guess,” Roman huffed. “But that means you have to give us more snacks for it!”
“Whatever you say.”
Movie night, naturally, had to wait until it was at least evening- you couldn’t very well have one in the morning. Roman and Patton spent nearly all the preceding time planning it and gushing about how amazing it was going to be, to the point where the other three almost wished they weren’t having it, if only to get some peace and quiet. By the time Thomas came back after dinner to let them borrow his computer, the blankets in the fort had been rearranged countless times, and the kids had a list of everything else they wanted in order to make it absolutely perfect. Thomas went along with some of their requests, if not the ones like ‘a bunch of plastic balls so we can turn the room into a ball pit,’ and they managed to get everything arranged without anyone yelling at each other.
The movie they’d all decided on for tonight was Sleeping Beauty- they should start with a classic, right? Logan was in charge of holding the popcorn, because he was the only one who could be trusted not to spill it or eat it all himself. During the opening credits, Roman bounced in place impatiently, while Patton carefully arranged his stuffed animals so he could hold them all and none would feel left out, ignoring Logan’s reminder that they were inanimate objects and had no feelings to hurt. When he was finally satisfied and looked up, he caught Virgil staring at him, looking conflicted. As soon as their eyes met the smaller boy  looked away, blushing and wrapping the too-long sleeves of his jacket around himself. He and Devon had changed into their new clothes by now, but he’d refused to give up that hoodie any longer than was needed to wash it, and even that had been a struggle.
“Hey, Virgil?”
He looked up again, defensive.
“Do you wanna hold one of my toys?”
Virgil shook his head roughly, retreating into his hood. He didn’t need toys, he wasn’t a baby.
“Are you sure? This one’s all the way on the outside, I’m afraid it’s gonna get lonely… would you mind just holding onto it for me?” He held out a black stuffed cat, clearly well-loved by the fact it was missing an eye. Virgil hesitated, but finally took it, setting it down on his lap just so Patton wouldn’t be disappointed. Maybe it wasn’t too bad to hold it for him, as long as he wasn’t actually hugging it or anything.
“Oh- look, look, it’s starting!”
They both turned back to the screen at Roman’s exclamation. The credits had ended, and the fairy-tale book was opening.
“In a far-away land, long ago…”
Roman watched Devon and Virgil, waiting for them to see how great the movie was. Unfortunately, they didn’t seem too impressed. “Don’t you like it?”
Virgil shrugged.
“It’s kinda boring,” Devon admitted. “Like, oh, there’s a king and a queen and a princess and they’re rich and perfect and everyone loves them- who cares?”
“That’s because this is the exposition,” Logan pointed out. “We need to know who they are before we can get to the real beginning of the story, in which a—”
Roman swatted his arm. “Don’t spoil it!”
The movie continued up to the celebration of the baby Aurora’s birth.
“Those gifts suck,” Devon decided. “Why couldn’t they give the princess something cool? They could’ve given her magic powers and instead they just made her really pretty and good at singing.” Virgil nodded in agreement, making a face. They were both startled out of their snark when Maleficent appeared.
“She’s an evil fairy,” Roman stage-whispered.
Logan added on, “It was a great insult for the king and queen to invite everyone in the kingdom and not her, especially when she’s so powerful.”
It was hard to tell if the intended audience for these explanations was actually listening. They were staring at the screen, wide-eyed, as Maleficent turned around and cursed the princess. Roman took this as a good sign that they weren’t bored anymore.
“It’s just so impractical,” complained Logan, watching the pile of spinning wheels burn. “I mean, has the king even considered what this will do to the price of cloth in his kingdom? Everything will have to be imported!"
“Shut up, it’s a fairy tale,” Roman whined.
Devon looked almost impressed. “You know, he has a point.”
“Oh, just watch the movie.”
The three fairies, at least, were not a point of contention. It was generally accepted that, being fairies, they shouldn’t be expected to make sense- although, really, hiding Aurora away from civilization to keep her safe wasn’t such a bad idea.
“Maleficent doesn’t know anything about love, or kindness…”
When said Maleficent came back, it was hard not to notice the younger boys’ nerves. Logan saw Devon go very still and quiet next to him, no longer making fun even though Maleficent’s weird little minions were objectively ridiculous, and Patton could feel Virgil jump with every angry lightning strike, holding the stuffed cat tightly to his chest.
“It’s okay,” Patton told them in a whisper, “she doesn’t win.”
Roman was beginning to despair. “Don’t spoil it, Pat.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “It’s hardly a massive plot twist, Roman. In movies like this, the good guys always win.”
Thankfully, the tension was dispersed by a transition to a much lighter scene. Even Virgil relaxed and giggled at the fairies’ attempt to create a birthday party. Some of the humor was lost on them, however- they didn’t have the faintest idea how to sew or bake, either. What was a “tsp?” The other kids seemed to know. Maybe it should have been obvious what exactly Flora and Fauna were doing wrong.
The scene with Aurora-slash-Briar Rose and Prince Philip… didn’t go over quite so well.
“Oh, oh, he’s back, look! With a horse! Bet you think he’s cool now, right?”
The prince promptly fell off said horse into a stream, and Virgil snickered, raising an eyebrow at Roman. That was about as clear a wordless answer as he could ask for.
And now, the princess was dancing around singing about love?
“Gross,” muttered Devon and Logan in unison.
“It doesn’t make any sense,” Logan continued as the two finally danced together. “I suppose I can understand her falling in love so quickly, given that he’s not only a handsome prince, but also the first person she’s ever met besides her guardians.”
“So you admit he’s handsome!”
“But what reason does Philip have for suddenly loving her so much, he’d rather marry her than become king? He’s only known her for a few minutes, and most of that was just listening to her sing without even seeing her.”
“The fairies did give her a magically good voice,” Devon mused. “Maybe she enchanted him to fall in love with her without realizing it.”
Roman reached over and gave them both a light shove. “It’s romantic, quit ruining it!”
“I think it’s cute…”
”Thank you, Patton!”
If Devon was oddly quiet after that, it was because he was grossed out by the sappy love stuff, and then worried about Maleficent’s bird finding the fairies- definitely not anything to do with the song about dreaming of having a friend hitting just slightly close to home. At least the kings were funny.
“Okay, maybe he’s a little cool,” Devon finally mumbled, watching Philip tell his father he was going to marry the random girl he’d just met. That was still a dumb decision, but anyone who could argue with a king and not be at all scared was at least slightly impressive.
Nobody really liked the part where Aurora was all distraught about not being able to meet Philip, so after a bit of sad silence, Roman took the opportunity to check in. “Do you guys like it so far?” he asked, clearly needing the answer to be yes.
Virgil nodded hesitantly, and Devon shrugged: “It’s… not bad. But I still think there should be less stuff about love, and—”
He gasped and cut himself off when Maleficent appeared in the fireplace. Virgil pressed up against him, eyes almost as wide as the hypnotized princess.
“Should’ve known she could just make another spinning wheel…” He tried to sound cool and unimpressed, and not scared. “Stupid king. She’s magic.”
Virgil whispered something in his ear.
“Oh, yeah- it doesn’t even matter, anyway, right? They can just get the prince to come back and kiss her, ‘cause they’re already in love.” His face scrunched up at the thought of kissing, but it was a solution.
However, as everyone else already knew, it wasn’t that easy.
Virgil sat up so quickly when Philip was attacked and captured by Maleficent’s minions that he would have fallen over, had Patton not been there to catch him.
“But did you see how many of ‘em he fought off before they got him?!” Roman punched the blankets around him to demonstrate, making sound effects.
If Roman was still happy, that probably meant Philip would be fine, right? Not that Virgil cared what happened to some stupid prince in a movie. Maleficent could kill him, for all Virgil cared. …But she wouldn’t, right? No, that wouldn’t happen, Patton and Logan had said she didn’t win in the end.
That reasoning didn’t stop both him and Devon from remaining tense for… pretty much the entire rest of the movie. Even if Philip was okay, they really didn’t like seeing him in Maleficent’s dungeon. At least in the Room they didn’t get chained up- Virgil shuddered at the thought.
“See!” Roman exclaimed triumphantly, when the fairies finally arrived to help him get out. “I told you he was cool!”
“I guess,” said Devon, sounding a whole lot more impressed than he wanted to let on. “Fairies are still doing most of the work, though.”
Then came the most exciting part of all: the final battle between Philip and Maleficent. From the moment she landed in front of the castle and turned herself into a dragon until the end of the movie, there were no snarky comments to be heard, and hardly even any disgusted faces made when Aurora was awakened by true love’s kiss.
“See? You didn’t need to be so worried, good prevailed in the end!” It wasn’t until Roman turned to face the two younger boys, and saw them still pale and anxious despite the movie being over, that he realized worrying about the ending may not have been the full issue. “Um… Guys? Is something wrong?”
Virgil and Devon had a brief, tense whispered conversation before Devon spoke up- very quietly, almost like he didn’t want to be heard.
“Are we evil?”
In the moment of stunned silence that followed, Virgil climbed over him, conspicuously placing himself between his friend and Roman. He didn’t seem to realize he was still clutching Patton’s stuffed cat.
“Wh- no! Of course not!” Roman jumped to his feet to emphasize how serious he was, and they both flinched a little. “Why would you think that?!”
Devon waited for Virgil’s cautious nod before saying anything else. “It’s just- Maleficent… she was evil, and she looked like us, kind of, and- and she could shapeshift like me.” He touched the scales on his face and remembered the dragon. “So- it seemed like… the movie was saying those things are evil. I dunno, it’s dumb,” he trailed off, shrinking behind Virgil. “I- I mean, we already knew we’re villains…”
“No, you’re not,” Roman said firmly. He pushed the laptop aside and sat down in front of them, so they couldn’t avoid looking at him. “You’re not anything like her! You’re not evil, you’re nice and you care about people and- and if anything, you’re more like Aurora.”
They both looked up, if only so he could see their skeptical faces. How did that make any sense? She was a princess.
“No, really,” he insisted. “Because you didn’t even do anything wrong, but the teachers and everyone are trying to hurt you because they’re the evil ones, but now you’re gonna get a happy ending! Because I’m the Prince, and I’ll fight them for you.” He stood again and struck a pose to demonstrate.
Devon gave him a soft, genuine smile, then smirked as a thought occurred to him. “Just don’t try to kiss us.”
“Ew, no!”
Everyone laughed. As Roman sat back down, he almost didn’t feel the tug on his shirt. He looked over to see Virgil looking not-quite-at him, chewing on his lip nervously. Once he saw he had Roman’s attention, he took a deep breath, squeezed his eyes shut and went for it.
“T-thanks. For saying that.”
In an ironic turn of events, Roman was speechless. Virgil’s voice, now that he heard it, was lower than he would have expected from such a tiny kid, and somewhat rough- maybe because he hardly ever talked. And now he was peeking up through his bangs, waiting for Roman’s reaction, looking like he kinda wanted to run away. Oh, shoot, Roman needed to say something back and not make it awkward, didn’t he?
He pushed through his shock to answer, “Of course. It was all true, after all.” Then he nudged Virgil’s hood back slightly in order to mess up his hair, because he couldn’t let things get too mushy. Virgil hissed and smacked his hand away, and the natural order of things was restored.
“But really though, what did you think of the movie?”
Virgil curled up in the blankets. His heart was still beating too fast just from saying four words- if he talked any more, he was afraid he might die from it. But he gave Roman a shy thumbs-up, and from the grin he got in response, that seemed to be good enough.
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btsandvmin · 6 years ago
Collection of asks - BTSandVMIN
Some of the asks I answer I personally feel are worth saving, for me personally, and perhaps for you as well. But I don’t want to put them all in my Masterpost since there are so many and I am sure the list will grow. So I am putting the ones I feel might have something worth reading in one place. 
Thank you all for asking me interesting questions and liking my posts. Asks are written more in the moment than my usual posts, so they might be less accurate as it’s all mostly from the top of my head. The newest ones will actually be on top, and then they will get older going down the list. I’ll update it regularly as I answer more asks. :)
Jimin was so clearly in need of cuddles from Tae as soon as they saw each other
Odd if none of them shared what they did during vacations
It just feels scripted, just like when they're talking abt what each other did during their vacations
100 days of winter bear and jiminie wears something that makes him look like a baby bear
About BV4, do you think it’s weird that Taehyung only found out about what Jimin did during his vacation on the day Jimin was back?
Dionysus stage as battle of gods and V=Apollo(God of Sun) and JM=Artemis(God of Moon) and their dance and wearing twin earrings(as the gods r twins) and I just remembered your whole vmin sun and moon theory
Is Tae Jm's mirror in bighits's fictional world?
Do you know what is the full video of this youtube video "BTS Jimin chose V ? VMin Moment?
When BV: Malta was airing, Jimin would post pictures of each episode on Twitter and stopped on the episode that Taehyung arrives
I'm like a hardcore Km shipper (romantically) since 2016 but i have to agree every song Tae has written connects with Jm
We don't see vmin together often... so yeah jikook could be more real then vmin
I'm trying to find tweets that vmin send to each other on their birthday but I can't find the one that jimin send for tae in 2017 did he send one? 
The new run bts episode was really filmed in May?
Did Jimin released Promise on Tae's birthday?
I am working on a Vmin analysis which is currently 24 pages just in text. O___o
He calls JM "My Baby" but the subtitles put in by BH say "Good Boy" Why would they change the translation. 
Shipping sometimes seems pointless. Especially when "moments" between one ship can easily be spotted with another. 
I can't believe that some fans thought that vmin were not friends anymore because a game!
It's so cute how Jimin and V talked about arguing with each other over small things because they are close friends
I think people who unfollow you are Multishippers who believe in other ship
Is it kind of weird that vmin has never went on a trip by themselves? 
Seeing all the vmin interactions of this last concert, do you think this might be a reason why BH will not give us vmin duet?
I would love to read ur vmin story
Concerning the nightmare before Christmas thing
The Disney birthday project turned up to be false
Jimin thinks V is "mi bb' What does the question mean?
I don't think we'll get a Vmin song
BTS, 191009_ ICN INT' Airport Departure) at 40 seconds
Where do you write fics? I really want to read your fics...
It's interesting to see the way the bh editors work
Where is the vmin break up mini movie video from?
Do you ship Jimin or Tae with k pop girls?
The members trying to break off a vmin moment on cam?
Is it true that bts don't live together?
What do you think about the concept photos? (PERSONA)
What other vmin blogs do you follow or check regularly?
In an usa interview where jimin was kinda leaning on the male interviewer for a few seconds and suddenly tae was looking kinda tense
Did you catch up on everything for bts or/and vmin before the BS&T era?
You should see @vlovers19 blog
I'm sorry if you think I offended you or judged you
Do you know that Tae hold hands with other member even Suga or they all hold hands with each other so it's not only a VMIN thing
About bon voyage 3 and them not sharing rooms and the car
4 oclock is supposedly dedicated to jimin, why Tae waits for him in the park if they live together?
Imagine my surprise when i saw vk/ook,ji/kook were the most popular. I tried to understand but i still don’t get why
Do you think vmins lack of or th reduced amount of skinship comes from the fact that they are same aged friends? 
Other ships (kpopidols) that you like?
Part of me wanted Taehyung to be in Paris too
The boys being apart of the lgbt community that's unrelated to their relationship
If someone in BTS is gay he will try to date girls or maybe marry a girl in the end?
If vmin are really together and if they were to come out, how do you think they would do that?
I feel like they use the word "friend" instead of, idk, "boyfriend”
You saw the hk concert right?
Unknown nickname in his thank you note for “Dark and Wild”
When did Vmin started dating?
Bv3, I ain't getting over it.
I feel like vmin have been sexually involved for a very long time 
Any thoughts abt Tae's three rings on his right hand and always not wearing one on his ring finger?
In bts festa profile 2015 when jimin wrote tae's profile he drew a character that reminds him of taehyung
Did u see the second trailer for bring the soul documentary series? 
In one of your asks you said jk wasn't having a great time in 2017
Are you gonna make a post about vmin sharing rooms?
What would be your top 5 favorite vmin moments? 💜
Run episode to Jm and JK "Are You Guys dating ?"
Barely getting any vmin content
Sometimes i cant help but feel really weird about vmin and feel insecure
Maybe you should just ignore all the asks about other ships
Sharing a car as proof
Docskim not being allowed to release the behind story of Lie
Getting it out of the way… (about various other ships and “proof“)
What are the moments that seems most like "proof" to you? 
Have you seen the Vlive remember party?
At the end of the day, it mostly comes down to personal interpretations and preferences
Do you know why T/ae and J/imin toxic stans really hate each other?
Is it being "delusional" for some vmin fans to think scenery, promise and 4 o' clock are related to vmin?
When will u start answering anons again i really miss ur insight and wise words 
I feel like jimin is forcing himself the affection he is showing is mostly forced
Do you have twitter?
The Rkive Vmin moment when JM ‘refused’ Tae’s cuddle
They were often looking behind cameras and it really shows like in episodes 59&60
Do you think there's a big reason that vm don't do Vlives together anymore
Vmin shippers spreading misinformation in aid of our ship?
Can I use one of your gifs? (I don’t make my own gifs, sorry)
Did you see what Tae said? ie I miss you even after being apart for 10 seconds
When one is clingy, the other will try to act as if it's bothering him
My friend is convinced Ji/kook is real
About namjoon's vlive, "it's a broadcast"
Oof is it just me or the sexual tension was through the roof between vmin in that vlive?
Tae says "our armys are watching this so... " so uhm was that..?
Where does the soulmate thing comes from with vmin?
Taehyung is more open both physically and showing affection wise with every member except Jimin
Have you seen the moments from today's concert? Fukuoka
They can do whatever they want people will say they're such good bros and won't look into it
Holding each other's hands is probably the least platonic thing that they keep doing
Do you know any good vmin analysis youtube account/videos?
why do you think jk and taehyung might not be straight?
Guys, I love vmin so much!
I really like your analysis!! a lot of good points. Can I add a couple things I noticed?
How long do you think vmin have been dating?
u really think vm is real?
Vmin are really bold these days
We get to see them bicker 
The video jimin posted where he's sending hearts to Tae
Feel conflicted about the rise in popularity
I’m a bit worried about the attention Vmin is getting recently
U answered my jik ask so well
Tae being bold because he's bursting with affection
Jimin admitted he was jealous
About the families (+kimchi ep. mini analysis)
About vmin/ji/ook/tae/kook
The whole maknae line
Never seemed to be in the same team
When people "ship" them?
Showing their bond more
About Jikook
About vmin being the less popular ship
Flustered vmin
Yeontan vlive
About the airport moment
Do you think that vmin live together?
About vmin rising in popularity
Do you have a link for that moment during New Year's 2016?
Platonic/bro label on vmin
More than friendship between vmin
My reply - Making Vmin videos
Thank you! A small reply
About my bias
Opinions above people
Tumblr media
Once again, THANK YOU ALL so much for loving Vmin so much and for coming to me with your lovely messages. <3
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bruciewayne · 6 years ago
they got it right. (the butterfly effect remix)
remix of itsallavengers' the butterfly effect. there's an ao3 link somewhere. and a masterpost somewhere, if you want to check them out.
“Bucky’s alive, and he killed Tony’s parents.”
Loki’s words from earlier spin around Steve’s mind, over and over, he’s hardly paying attention to what Fury’s saying, something about ‘being a team’, making the Avengers official. Steve’s fine with that, he’s pretty much only good for war anyway, but all that’s going through his head are those damn words.
Loki had been disguised as Steve, he’d claimed that he wasn’t Loki, but he’d called Stark ‘Tony’. Steve’s almost certain that they’ll never end up on first-name basis.
None of it made any sense, he saw Bucky die, he saw him fall, he heard his scream, still, most nights, Howard died in the 90s, half a century after Bucky did. But then again, he’s alive, 70 years after he thought he was done, after he should be done.
“The Good Captain, daydreaming, are you?” Stark’s voice cuts through his thoughts, from across the conference table.
Steve doesn’t hate him, not after the battle, after the nuke, after how seamlessly they managed to fight, but he’s not sure that he likes him. Tony Stark is an asshole. By all definitions. But he can’t deny that he’s a hero, Steve was wrong before, he’ll freely admit it, Tony Stark is an ass, but he’s also a hero. Steve respects that.
He also can’t deny that the guy has some sort of inexplainable pull, like he’s the world’s brightest light and Steve’s the world’s most confused moth.
“If that’s what they call thinking now,” Steve says, instead any of the moth-bullshit.
It’s fun to play up to the ‘confused old guy’ shtick. He has to. Find joy in it or let it get to him. He has the chance for a new life, he’s not going to spend it miserable. He might even get a chance to live it with Bucky. If Loki was telling the truth.
Stark rolls his eyes and drums his fingers on the tabletop, “We gotta get you more caught up. Anyway-”
The focus shifts back to something else, and before he knows it, everyone’s standing up and shaking hands and leaving.
“Stark, a word?” Steve asks, just as he’s about to leave, the last person, save for Steve himself, who’s still sitting down.
Stark looks confused for a moment but then sits back down, “Sure, Cap, what can I do for you?”
Tony’s pretty sure that he’s gonna try and apologise again, as much as he was a dick back in the helicarrier, Rogers is exactly the way Aunt Peggy described him, but nothing like the way his dad did. Except that he is.
Tony’s not sure what to think of him, he’d never admit it, but Rogers confuses the hell out of him. He’s just as good as the history books, Aunt Peggy and his dad say, Tony’s never been the best at reading people, but even in the way he talks and holds himself, there’s this unmistakable good that he radiates, pure and simple, but at the same time, there’s a melancholy air about him, like a rain cloud above his head. He’d seen him smile once, we won, and it was bright, sunny, like the rainclouds had gone.
And then he’d never seen it again, even though, in the past few weeks, they’ve seen each other quite a bit, but he’s never seen him smile, he’s seen the horribly fake one he puts on for the press and for people who thank him for his duty, and for some reason that tugs at the heartstrings Tony pretends not to have, more than when he watches Rogers drop completely, when he thinks no-one’s looking. It’s not obvious, but his shoulders go from perpendicular to his neck to obtuse.
It tears Tony apart a little, when he sees him, back ramrod straight, every single muscle tensed, when they’re just talking.
He carries the world on his shoulders, Tony realises, because he thinks that it’s his duty. Even though he doesn’t even really know him, not really, hours worth of bedtime stories didn’t count, it feels like a universal wrong for someone that good to be so, so sad but he’s never met a problem he couldn’t solve.
So even though Steve Rogers is a bit of an asshole, he’s also sad, nothing like the guy Aunt Peggy talks about, and yeah, he doesn’t know him, but, if anything, he deserves to be happy.
Stark gives Steve his undivided attention, and a little part of him is pleased, smug, that he’s managed to capture it, Stark is a genius, Howard and a half, maybe, definitely, more, and it’d been almost impossible to get Howard to focus solely on one thing.
Steve's throat closes up, it’s stupid. But he has to make sure, just check. If Loki was right, Stark deserves to know, if he wasn’t, then it didn’t matter.
“Come on Cap, neither of us are getting any younger,” Tony prompts, Rogers is scared, apprehensive of something, it’s plain on his face. It’s making Tony scared, because, despite everything in the last few weeks, Captain America was his childhood hero, he was invincible, to see him scared…
Steve takes a shaky breath, he can’t break down in front of Stark, he respects him, he’s not too sure the respect is mutual, and he’d lose it if there were any if he broke down now, “Loki told me something, Bucky, my friend from before the war, he’s alive. And, and he killed your parents.”
Stark looks at him for a moment, then stands up and leaves.
Tony leaves, he had to, he, God, he’s not going to have a panic attack in the middle of a SHIELD hallway. He makes it a couple steps down and finds an empty office, full of boxes, he stumbles in, locks the door and slides down to the floor.
He takes a few deep breaths, tries to slow down his heart, presses a hand to his arc reactor, waits for the dark spots to fade.
One of them had to be lying. Rogers or Loki. Loki. Probably, hopefully. God, he hopes.
If it is true, first thing, he has to run checks to see if Rogers’ friend is alive, somehow, and then, find footage of the crash.
He’d tried, before, he’d looked at everything he could, every single tape he could find, through legal and more creative means, he’d tried and tried and tried, countless sleepless nights, running on coffee, Adderall, scotch and other, more creative things, right until Aunt Peggy had come in and held him as he cried, and told him to put them to rest.
Logically, it couldn’t be true, Rogers’ friend would’ve been well into his 70s, not to mention that he’d fallen off a train in the Alps in the 40s. But, by all means, Tony shouldn’t be alive, neither should Rogers.
Tony’s never been the guy to stick to petty things like ‘logic’ anyway.
So he gets himself together and goes back to the conference room, where Rogers still is, facing out towards the city below them, standing at parade rest.
Stark didn’t believe him, Steve didn’t blame him, he had to move on, both of them. It’s unfair to him for Steve to bring back his parents’ death, from over 20 years ago, just because he still has his hangups.
He gets up, and then looks over the city, it’d changed so much, cleaner, taller, bluer, but the people were the same, New Yorkers are just as rude and uncaring as they were. As much as he doesn’t like rude people, he finds it oddly comforting. After losing everything, everyone, his home is still somewhat the same.
Not really. His home isn’t his anymore.
He’s crying before he knows it, tears silently sliding over his cheeks and dripping on the star in the center of his chest. He fucking hates it. Everyone and everything he’s ever known is gone, all he has is Captain America, the next fight.
He wipes the tears away, the leather of his gloves scratch roughly on his face, probably leaving marks that’ll fade in seconds. He reminds himself that there’s no point in crying, he’s here, he has to deal, that or die, and people are counting on him, so that’s not an option.
Deal or die. The ice has already proved that he can’t die, so he has to deal.
He hears the door open after five busses have gone down the same road, probably whoever needs the room next, he turns to apologise and get out, but he sees Stark, a little rumpled, a little breathless, and he gets deja vu, Stark looks like the soldiers after shellshock. He doesn’t ask, it’s rude, and Stark is stable.
“Let’s find your friend,” he says, with a hint of a smile.
“Stark, are you sure, I don’t want to, I don’t want to bring up anything you’ve put to rest, or waste your time, Loki could be lying,” Rogers says, so sincerely, earnestly, fuck he’s such a good guy, through and through.
“Rogers. It’s nothing, I can make an algorithm, have it run, update you on the results,” Tony assures him. He has most of the algorithm already, he just needs to adjust some code blocks and functions, maybe set up auto updates, does Rogers have a phone?
“They gave me something called a Nokia. Agent Barton called it a brick,” Rogers says, out of the blue.
Rogers turns bashful, the tips of his ears glow red, and he looks uncharacteristically unsure of himself, “You asked if I have a phone.”
“I was talking out loud, of course,” Tony mutters, “wait, a Nokia? Sorry Rogers, no can do, come to Stark tower tomorrow, 1500 hours, we’ll get you a real phone.”
Whatever SHIELD were doing to introduce him into the century, they weren’t doing a good job.
This time, it’s Steve’s turn to be confused, “What?”
“My name. It’s Tony. Use it.”
And with that, he spins around and leaves the room again.
SHIELD’s way of introducing him to the century is by giving him a laptop, explaining the laptop. It’s a computer and a typewriter, under an inch thick and has all the world’s information. It blows Steve’s mind.
As soon as he figures out how to use it, he loves it, SHIELD make him take classes on it, what’s acceptable now, what changed, the wars, the politics, who’s who. They’re doing it a decade a week.
Someone, maybe Agent Romanoff, told him that they were going to give him a tutor and books, but giving him a laptop seemed faster, two birds, one stone she’d said. He’s glad they went about it this way, he could put in all the mandatory hours and then explore, all in his own time.
The next day, he took out his motorbike, making sure that his phone and wallet - they’d given him a ‘debit card’ because he has way more money than he knows what to do with, because someone had managed to convince someone else that, technically, wasn’t KIA, only MIA and he has 70 years worth of backpay - were in his pocket and went off to Stark Tower.
Tony’s at the front, sunglasses perched on his nose, doing something on his phone, leaning against the door. He looks up when Steve stops in front of him.
“Afternoon, Capsicle,” he greets, pocketing his phone.
Tony grins, “Yep, Captain and icicle, Capsicle.”
“Yeah okay,” Steve concedes, a smile forming on his face, he misses the camaraderie and friendship of the Commandos, Tony reminds him of them, a little.
“Right, bring the bike ‘round back, there’s an elevator to my workshop,” Tony says straightening up and walking next to Steve as he slowly drives the bike around the tower.
They put the bike on one of the lower floors and then go up to Tony’s workshop.
The elevator ride is awkward, both of them staring at the numbers blinking higher, silent, elevator music hadn’t disappeared, he’s sure of it.
“Tony,” he says, suddenly, “why doesn’t your elevator play music?”
Tony snaps out of his thoughts and turns to face Steve, he laughs a little, “Everyone complained,” he says, shrugging, “JARVIS can play some for you, if you want.”
“JARVIS?” Is there another person in with them? He couldn’t see anyone but himself and Tony, an invisible person?
“Oh, right, yeah, JARVIS say hi,” Tony says, not to Steve.
“Good afternoon, Captain Rogers,” the… ceiling? says, in a smooth British accent. Tony’s elevator is weirder than he thought.
“Tony,” he says slowly, trying very hard not to break down, “why is there an invisible British man in your elevator?” who knows my name!?
“JARVIS,” Tony says, waving his hand about, in lieu of an explanation.
“Captain Rogers, I am an AI created by Tony Stark, I monitor this building, but I can be accessed through most devices, provided certain circumstances, my primary purpose is to ensure the wellbeing of my creator, you can interact with me by speaking aloud.” The ceiling man - JARVIS, says.
“JARVIS, do you know everything?” Steve asks looking up.
“I know as much as I am accessible to.”
“What are you accessible to?”
“Anything online.”
“What’s my middle name?”
“You know you don’t have to look at the ceiling every time you ask him something,” Tony cuts in, a fond smile on his face. He can’t help it. Cap, he’s so curious, and so clearly blown away, and in wonder of JARVIS, he feels a sense of pride, somewhere deep within him, because who knew that Captain America is a huge dork?
He gives Tony a look, “His voice comes from the ceiling, so I’ll talk to the ceiling,” he says, determined.
Before Tony can retort, the doors slide open and he’s greeted with his workshop lighting up.
“Holy shit, Tony,” he hears from his side, in a hushed whisper.
Steve’s eyes are wide as he takes in everything, it’s like he stepped into the future again, it’s- incredible.
Tony feels that tiny spike of pride again, because Captain America swore, that he tries to tamp down, because, yeah, he knows he's great, he’s a classified genius, he doesn’t need some nonagenarian to tell him.
Tony takes Steve and sits him down and begins explaining the algorithm, Steve’s attentive, focussed, he asks questions when he doesn't get something, after, maybe an hour, Tony gets JARVIS to run everything, it’ll take a while, but they have time.
Their conversation ebbs and flows, at a quiet moment, Steve suddenly sits up, “Tony, if he is alive, and he did, cause your parent’s death, what- what happens, I can’t- I--”
“Hey, hey, we’ll deal with it, okay,” Tony reassures, he’s the last guy anyone should go to for comfort, but Steve, he needs the support right now.
Tony gives Steve a Starkphone, a model they’ll release in a couple months, it’s ready, all of it, but something about PR and release times mean that they can’t release it just yet. He shows him how to use it and sets up JARVIS, he’s so full of wonder and gratitude, Tony’s heart aches after him.
They talk about the team, the Avengers, Tony tells Steve his plans, Steve tells his of a road trip, they go out to get dinner together, it’s awkward and stilted, but they might be getting somewhere.
Steve thinks that they’re on the way to becoming friends. He can’t fuck it up. He won’t.
Over the next few months, Tony stays in New York more than he has to, and they become no closer to finding Bucky, but closer as friends. Then Tony dies.
But he doesn’t.
“Can’t kill me,” he’d said, banged up, but with a grin. Because his house got blown up, he had to stay in New York, in the Tower, and then everyone stayed in the Tower, Avengers Tower.
Steve meets Dum-E. This time, it’s Tony who’s absolutely blown away, because Steve smiles so, so bright when he’s in his workshop, playing with Dum-E, it’s ridiculous, and Tony feels a spike of affection, and, love, and fear. Because what if he fucks it up.
When Tony lets Steve meet Dum-E, Steve’s in awe once again, because Tony’s opened up a tiny part of his heart to him, and Steve’s determined to make sure that he doesn’t, won’t regret it.
New York, Brooklyn, it still isn’t really home to him, not anymore, but the Tower, Tony’s workshop, being around Tony, he feels at home.
They become closer, best friends then, something more. They don’t fuck it up.
The first time Tony has a panic attack in front of Steve, it’s from a nightmare, about a month into their relationship.
Steve wakes him up by shaking his shoulder, and Tony lashes out in his sleep, punching Steve right on his cheekbone, the bruise is barely there when Tony comes to, but he still notices it.
“Steve, was that--” Tony asks, voice rough, small. He wouldn’t blame Steve for leaving, for breaking up with him, but God, he hopes that they could still be friends.
“You, yeah, but, hey, hey, Tony, it doesn’t hurt, I’d take a thousand punches to make sure you’re ok,” Steve says, wrapping an arm around him and pressing a kiss to his temple, lingering there for a second.
“Okay, thanks,” Tony mumbles, quiet, because, in that moment, he realises that what he has with Steve, it’s a sure thing.
“You don’t have to thank me, sweetheart, it’s what I’m here for,” Steve says, pulling away to look at Tony, promising him a million different things with one look.
He’s beautiful, in the faint moonlight JARVIS let in, Tony doesn’t deserve him, not in a million lifetimes could he do enough good to ever deserve Steve Rogers, but Steve had chosen him, and he didn’t want to give him any reasons to regret it.
Tony just wraps his arms back around him, holding him tighter, leaning his head just above his heart, listening to it beat, strong and steady, letting it lull him back to a dreamless sleep.
In the morning, Steve kisses his forehead to wake him up, with a cup of coffee, and then asks about what he should do, if Tony has a panic attack again. Tony tells him, what’s dangerous, what he doesn’t want, and Steve listens, pays attention.
Tony tells him what they’re about. The army from space. Steve promises him that they’re ok, that, if he wanted to, he could protect the earth.
It reminds him, strikingly of when Steve’d asked if he has shell-shock, voice curious, not judgmental, a few months into their friendship, when they could easily call each other friends. Tony had given him a crash course in the progress of mental health and attitudes towards it.
They call it PTSD, now. And there’s doctors, head-doctors. To help.
Steve had then, tentatively, asked if he could get him in touch with a head doctor. Which had meant that SHIELD hadn’t bothered.
Yeah, sure.
The first thing Tony had done, after making sure Steve gets the best of the best, was go over to SHIELD and tell them what he thought of bringing a guy 70 years into the future and not even checking him for any trouble upstairs.
Tony loves him. It doesn’t hit him, it’s not like a truck to the face, it’s not violent, loud, it’s relief, finallysomething, somewhere, says.
Good thing he loved him back.
Then SHIELD falls. Oversight, protection, it’s needed, but not like that.
Steve wakes up in DC General, Tony’s by his bedside, with Sam, music’s playing, but he only has one thing on his mind.
Tony hugs him, kisses him, desperately, Sam leaves them with a knowing smile.
“You’re not allowed to die, Steve- I--” Tony chokes out, he can’t lose him.
“I’m not going anywhere, baby, I’m right here,” he says, hoarsely, kissing him, over and over.
He’s not allowed to be discharged just yet, so he convinces Tony to sleep in the hospital bed with him, he has to hold him, and he has to tell him.
His heart is beating a million miles an hour, Tony can probably hear it, feel it, he doesn’t want to fuck this up, he can’t.
“Tony, he was right, Tony, Loki was right, Bucky, he, the Winter Soldier killed them,” Steve rushes out, all in one breath.
Tony sits up, suddenly, jolting the bed. Steve grunts a little. “Sorry,” he murmurs, kissing Steve on the forehead.
Tony looks down at Steve and his heart just breaks, Steve looks nothing short of terrified, something he hadn’t seen on him in, years now, he’s looking him in the eye, his eyes are so, so, blue, bright and unrepenting, guarded, his hair’s a mess on his forehead, flopping over his eyes.
It hits Tony, just how much he’s changed since he met him, Steve was, confused, mostly, lost, scared, he used to pretend that he wasn’t, for fear of seeming weak, Tony remembers Steve telling him, when he thought that he was asleep, quietly.
He was so, so guarded, and tense, all the time, now, he’s vulnerable to him, he’s changed and grown so, so much, Tony’s so goddamn proud of him.
He takes a deep breath, “Okay, thank you for telling me.”
“Tony, he was, he’s brainwashed, it wasn’t--” Steve rushes to say, almost pleading, what for, he doesn’t know. For Tony to not leave him, maybe.
“It wasn’t him, I know,” Tony says, softly.
He’s made his peace with it, he’s had two years to entertain the possibilities, but he knows what it means: his boyfriend's previously-dead, now-brainwashed assassin, killed his parents.
It doesn’t look pretty, but he can’t change the past, and even if he could, he had to let them rest. But he could help Barnes, find him, see how they could help him.
“Tony, I get it if you want to break up,” Steve says, small and scared. His voice breaks halfway through the sentence, and Tony’s hand immediately comes out to cup his face, thumb stroking gently over the bruise on his cheekbone.
“I don’t, Steve, you told me, I’m happy that you did, but I don’t, I don’t want to break up.”
The reaction is immediate, Steve relaxes under his hand and leans more into his touch, “We’re good,” he whispers, mostly to himself over and over, until Tony wraps an arm around him, mindful of his injuries.
“Yeah, baby, we’re good.”
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virmillion · 6 years ago
Ibytm - T minus 37 seconds
Masterpost - Previous Chapter - Next Chapter - ao3
Words: 4,849
In the few days since Virgil walked out (on Logan, on the planning, on everything ), Logan has accomplished next to nothing. There were complications that kept the office closed a few days longer, all of which Logan spent pacing the apartment and sending countless unanswered texts to Virgil.
To get technical, Logan spent the first hour or so sitting at the table, motionless and staring at the papers. Next came a couple hours’ worth of punching the air, punching pillows, punching pretty much anything insignificant enough that it wouldn’t cause concern upon being punched. Following that little rage fest, Logan realized maybe he should try to talk to the runaway would-be groom. It started with one text every few hours, then once an hour, every half hour, and ultimately Logan threw his phone in a rage at (a carefully selected soft spot on) the couch and stormed into the bedroom to sulk.
Cut to now, where Logan is hunched over on the recliner and staring at his silent phone. Not one answer. Not even a read receipt. Nothing so small as social media activity, like a relationship status change from ‘engaged’ to ‘moving on and better for it.’ Logan briefly considers posting wanted signs around the building, but ultimately decides against it—mostly because his printer is broken. Finally, he snatches up his phone and does something he never would’ve expected of himself.
He calls Virgil.
This is an incredibly desperate last ditch effort, since Logan knows how much Virgil hates talking over the phone, but he’s desperate. The phone rings softly in his ear. One ring, two, three, four—
Someone picks up.
“Virgil, oh my gosh, I’m so glad I reached you, I didn’t mean any of it when I—”
The voice that interrupts him does not belong to Virgil. “Hey, Logan, this is Patton.”
“Patton? What—where’s Virgil? Why do you have his phone? Is Virgil okay? Is he hurt?”
“He—he’s fine, Logan. He’s perfectly alright, but he wanted me to ask you to, um, to stop texting him. And I guess to stop calling now, too. Please. Sorry.”
“Can you at least tell him—”
“No, I really—I don’t think that’s my place, really, to share whatever it is you want to tell him. I think you need to tell him yourself, and only when he’s ready to see you. On his terms.”
“Patton, I can’t exactly do that if I don’t know where he is.” There’s a kind of stilted silence, where only the muffled mumbles of Patton’s voice make it over the receiver. Logan can just barely hear the faintest s and t sounds, but that’s it.
A soft inhale makes it across and Logan’s breath catches in his throat, but his hopes immediately falter when Patton’s voice is the one to return. “He doesn’t want to talk right now.”
“But I need to talk to him about—”
“He doesn’t want to hear it. I’m sorry, Logan, but I really have to stick with what Virgil wants here. I think you need to hang up now.”
“Patton, wait, please, I need to talk to Virgil, I need him to hear—” Click.
Logan is pretty sure that’s the sound of his heart splintering into pieces. He glances at the list of recent calls, almost none of them outgoing. Micah, Cassidy, Micah, Joy, the main office line, Micah, Micah, Micah, Cadmium. Micah likes to call him with updates about the local restaurant scene. Logan holds back tears as he switches over to his recent texts, all to Virgil. He slumps on the couch, reaching out a hand to steady himself with every passing Cadmium, Cadmium, Cadmium, a never-ending list chronicling three years that he threw away in a few seconds because he didn’t agree with Virgil’s career choices and drove away the only person who seems to actually like talking to him or tolerate—
Logan switches to his contacts list. It’s not terribly long, and it matches his incoming calls almost point for point. The only additions are his parents and Roman. Alex refuses to give out their phone number when they can just borrow signal from whoever’s nearby. Saving minutes, to put it in their own words. Tough to save what you never had in the first place, but Logan is hardly one to talk.
He quickly rules out most of the people from the office as well as the building itself, as he doesn’t need to bother his coworkers on their day off. His parents certainly don’t need to worry themselves with something so trivial as this, and Cadmium is out for obvious reasons. He could probably bug the newer interns, but he’s felt awkward talking to them ever since the main huddle with Roman, Micah, Alex, Joy, and Cassidy fizzled out. A few years’ work together, all down the drain. He tries Joy first, given that they have that candy bar nickname deal going—or they did, though it’s been a while since they last did that pas de deux—but she doesn’t answer.
“I guess I do talk to Roman sometimes,” Logan reasons to himself. “Nowhere to go but up, right? Rock bottom Roman, don’t wear it out. Already talking to myself, so jot that down, surely I should mark this as being my lowest of lows. Don’t call yourself Shirley.”
He keys in Roman’s number. There’s a ring, another, too many rings, way too many, and just as Logan is convinced he should hang up and sulk in silence some more, someone answers. Hopefully the person he actually called this time, and not a messenger middleman intent on crumbling his soul like a Nature Valley granola bar. Hopefully, even if it is another messenger, it’s not one of Roman’s rotating one night stands or something.
Logan really doesn’t know all that much about Roman.
“Go for Roman, what’s pop-rockin’?”
“Hello, this is Logan Walders, and did you steal that turn of phrase from Micah?”
“Ha! Please, Micah stole it from me. I’m the originator, he’s just a petty copycat.”
“Yes, great, very good, so the reason I called you—”
“Hey, can you believe the office is closed again? I mean, come on, right? Great news, yeah? I’ve been putting off this major project for, like, ever, and it’s not like I’m actually gonna use this free time, but hey, day off, you know? Hope we still get full pay.”
“Plus, I know you’ve got those huge reports due up soon, and weren’t you trying to submit those forms for the training program before the early admission deadline?”
“Yes, but I wanted to ask you—”
“Or no, you already had the forms submitted, didn’t you? You were just waiting for Katie-Lee to give you the go-ahead, weren’t you?”
“ Miss Katie-Lee, and yes, but that isn’t why I—”
“Right, her, isn’t she great? Still can’t believe she gave me that promotion right after you, makes me think there was some kind of nepotism involved, since it came right after your triple boost up, y’know?”
“What’s pop-rockin,’ my good man?”
“Roman, Virgil left.”
A beat of silence.
“Virgil did what?”
“Virgil—he—I said some stupid stuff about how he doesn’t work a quote unquote real job , and he walked out, and I don’t know what to do, and I can’t—”
“I’m on my way.”
“Wait, Roman, don’t just—” Click. Logan wonders whether he’ll ever be able to get through a phone call without having to hear that infernal noise against his will. Probably not any time soon, if ever.
So he sits. And he sulks. And he waits for the world to stop turning. And he sits. And he sits. And he sits and he sits and he sits and he sits and maybe a tiny little tear leaks out of his eye as he sits and he sulks and he wishes he could have Virgil beside him to make it all just go away. Like he did a couple days ago.
Eventually, there’s a knock on the door, and Logan just about leaps out of his skin before he realizes that Virgil wouldn’t be knocking, since he has his own key. Logan is not as fast in getting to the door as he could be once he realizes this.
Seeing Roman on the other side is more jarring than one might expect, until it’s considered what Roman has elected to wear on his day off.
An off the shoulder, deep ruby top, paired with a pale pink scarf, a plaid red jacket tied around his waist, and torn up dark grey leggings. To be honest, the high heeled white ankle boots just pull the whole look together. So maybe you can imagine Logan’s surprise when this is the first outfit he’s seen besides his own in days.
“Roman, what are you—how did you even know where my new address was?”
“Wow, you live like this?” Roman steps past Logan into the apartment, glancing around and ignoring Logan’s protests.
“I don’t—how did you get this address?”
“I make it my business to know where my coworkers live for impromptu surprise parties as well as emergencies, so there’s never time wasted trying to deal with travel apps and messages, y’know?”
“I never gave you clearance to see—”
“And I never asked, which was obviously the right move, as I’m here right now, when you so obviously need me.” Roman stops in front of the couch and turns to face Logan, holding his arms out to the side. Looking for a hug, apparently.
“What are you doing.”
“You need to hug it out.”
“I do not need to hug it out. What are you doing in my home.”
“Hug it out. I’m not leaving until you do.”
Logan throws his hands in the air and huffs, toeing the door shut and trudging his way into Roman’s boa constrictor hug. He freezes, melts into it for a split second, and pushes himself away. He also pushes away the urge to run back to the comfort of Roman’s arms, but we’re not talking about that right now. “So tell me how you got into my secure personal file without my permission or written consent.”
“Not important.”
“I really think it is, though.”
“Okay, but, like, it isn’t, though. What’s important here is what’s going on between you and Virgil.” Logan blinks, unaccustomed to Roman being the one to steer the conversation in the right direction. “So tell me what happened. Start with why you decided it wasn’t important that I hear about you getting engaged sooner, then skip ahead to why I’m here. Leave out the part about me accidentally-on-purpose stealing your address.”
Logan lowers himself to the couch again and lets it all out at once, trying not to notice how awful each word sounds as he hears it fall from his own mouth. “It’s stupid, isn’t it? It’s not like I can judge the jobs he chose to have, can I? I mean, he’s had these jobs longer than he’s known me, let alone how long we’ve been together. It’s all so stupid.”
“That’s not—it’s more complicated than that, and clearly you know it, or you wouldn’t have called me in the first place.”
“But I still shouldn’t have—”
“But you did, and you can’t take it back, and that’s okay, isn’t it? Because you would’ve had to talk about it sooner or later. You got it out of the way, and that’s all that really matters, don’t you think?”
“I don’t know. I just feel like the worst person in the world right now.”
“Low bar, but okay. You had the discussion—”
“More of a yelling match.”
“—and now you have to deal with the fallout. Do you know where he is right now?”
“Probably hating me and every word that’s ever had the misfortune of leaving my mouth.”
“Not a valid or accurate answer, my guy. You need to talk this out with him, and the longer you wait, the worse it’ll hurt when it heals.”
Logan cocks his head to the side and gives Roman a long look. “Since when were you allowed to be smart about this kind of thing?”
“Since it’s in my name. Roman-tic.”
“More like your name is in the word, I would say.”
“Well, anyway, you need to talk to him. Do you have an actual, legitimate idea of where he might be?”
“Somewhere with Patton, probably, since Patton picked up the last time I called Virgil’s phone.”
Roman jumps to his feet and bolts for the door, leaving a very confused Logan alone on the couch. “What’re you waiting for? Let’s go!”
“Go where?”
“Patton’s been my best friend since, like, diapers, basically. He doesn’t like to be on the phone when he’s on shift at the museum, so he’s probably at home. I think tonight’s his night with his kid, actually, but Ariel might be there, too. I’m over there, like, every third day. You should know that by now, I mean, we’ve had coffee together, like, so many times. Come on, man.”
Logan nods absently, his mind prompting him with a vague memory of when he saw Roman hanging out at the museum on that first real date with Virgil. Maybe he’s just a little too hysterical at the moment to keep track of the people he’s been friends with for over two years. It’s not as if Roman didn’t already mention Patton constantly before Logan even met Virgil. Logan just wasn’t listening back then.
He barely remembers to grab a jacket from the coat rack as he follows Roman out the door, shouldering it on as they thunder down the stairs. His new cardigan. How appropriate.
“My car’s right over there, you can hop in the passenger seat. It’s maybe a ten minute drive, tops, but you have to listen to my music. I’ve got a good rhythm going with this playlist right now.”
Logan complies, and most of the trip is just a blur as he runs over the possible scenarios that might play out here. Virgil hates him and dumps him and flees the country. Virgil hates him and dumps him and starts dating Patton. Virgil hates him and dumps him and starts dating Roman. Virgil hates him and dumps him and steals Miss Katie-Lee’s job to hold a sadistic kind of power over him. Virgil hates him and dumps him and that’s just how it’s going to be, and there’s nothing Logan can do about it.
It is not a very fun car ride.
Logan vaguely registers Roman shifting the car into park, but he’s too focused on the lines of cookie cutter houses to react to it. A bunch of prim little gardens along prim little buildings that probably hold prim little families that have never had prim little fights because their prim little parents hate their prim little husband’s prim little jobs.
He traces his eyes down the sidewalk, watching a squirrel chase an imaginary acorn. Maybe he’s actually watching the imaginary acorn roll up the tree looming over the road. Maybe the squirrel isn’t chasing anything at all. Who’s to say? Certainly not him.
“Logan?” Logan offers a vague grunt of acknowledgement. “Logan.”
“Yeah, buddy.”
“We’re here.”
“We are.”
“So you need to get out of the car now.”
“I do not need to do that.”
“You do.”
He does.
He takes his sweet time unbuckling and getting out, closing the car door as softly as possible behind him. “Whoops, ha, didn’t quite close all the way, let me just—”
“Logan,” Roman says firmly. He leans across the seat to close the door himself. “Go.”
Logan blows out a big breath with his cheeks puffed up, turning to face the prim little house—or is this one a little prim house? You know, the one with a cute little set of bright blue flowers around the personalized address sign to match the boxes of plumbagos and hydrangeas.
His feet, apparently more impatient than Roman, carry his body to the front door without his permission, and his finger lifts to the doorbell long before he notices how high his hopes have risen. He wonders whether someone could see them floating over his head if they looked close enough. The bell chimes a bright, lilting melody that rings in his ears, still echoing through the house when the door swings open to reveal Patton in pajama pants and bunny slippers.
“Hey, Logan.” There’s no cheer in his voice, and Logan thinks falling straight to the center of the earth sounds pretty good right about now. “What’re you doing here?”
“I, uh, Roman brought me.” Logan angles his chin toward the car, where Roman is sticking his head out the window.
“Hi, Patton!” he yells, waving his hand excitedly.
Patton waves back, then returns his focus to Logan, his demeanor shifting from cold to cheerful and back in an instant. “Virgil explicitly said he didn’t want you coming around. D’you remember that?”
“I know, I know, but just—can you give him a message for me?”
Patton folds his arms and clicks his tongue, running his eyes along the top of the doorframe. “I guess I could, but I can’t promise he’ll want to hear it.”
“I—I know that.” Logan hesitates, unsure how to say what he needs to say when he knows it’ll have to filter through Patton’s head, through Patton’s voice. Yeah, he trusts the guy, he’s gone out for coffee with him quite a few times before, but personal things are personal for a reason. He swallows. “I know he won’t want to hear it, but I still need to say it.”
“Might want to be quick about it. Think your ride’s getting kind of impatient.” Patton nods at the car, where Roman is enthusiastically dancing to a song Logan doesn’t recognize.
“Just—just tell him I’m really sorry, okay? I know that’s lame, and cheap, and doesn’t even begin to describe how awful and gross and terrible I feel about what I said—well, more how I said it, because I do think it’s a conversation we need to have eventually—but anyway, I need him to know I feel like complete crap for what I said and how I said it.
“I shouldn’t have been so harsh out of nowhere when he’s made it clear before that it’s not a conversation he’s ready to have yet, and I should’ve been more accepting of his terms, and I should’ve just accepted that I was having a rough day, and I unfairly took it out on him, and I shouldn't have blamed him, and I messed up so, so bad, and I know that, and I just really, really, really need him to know that I get that I made a mistake, and I was in the wrong, and I just need to talk to him again, even if it’s for him to yell and scream at me and tell me how awful I am because obviously that’s what I deserve, or I wouldn’t be here.” Logan exhales, a big, loud, broken noise, and shakes his head, and stares at his shoes, and wishes he were on Neptune right about now.
He glances to the side when he feels something soft and heavy come to rest on his shoulder. Patton’s hand. He follows the line up to Patton’s shoulder, his chin, his eyes, and pretends not to notice the water swimming there. Or wait, no, maybe that’s not Patton’s eyes welling up. Maybe it’s Logan’s. Neptune is only about twelve earth years away.
“It’ll be okay,” Patton murmurs, pulling Logan into a careful hug. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” Logan tries to stay stiff, to not accept the embrace from the person keeping him from the only guy in the world he wants to see right now, but he can’t really help himself. He buries his nose in Patton’s hair and sniffs and furrows his brow and tries to hold in the soft sobs as he chokes for air.
“Logan?” Logan is pretty sure his heart stops beating right about then.
He looks up and over Patton’s shoulder to see Virgil standing around the corner, arms wrapped around himself as if to keep warm. “Virgil, I—”
“Don’t, not yet,” Patton murmurs, pushing Logan away. He glances back at Virgil, his gaze a silent question, and Virgil lifts his chin ever so slightly. Patton looks to Logan. “I’ll be out here, give you some privacy.” His voice up until now, save for the initial coldness, has been relatively soft, but his grip on Logan’s arm is suddenly unbearably tight as he yanks him closer. Logan tries not to shudder at the feeling of Patton hissing a warning directly into his ear. “If I hear so much as a peep of distress from Virgil, I will not hesitate to have you thrown to the curb in ten seconds flat, so don’t you dare try me.”
Logan’s eyes go wide and he nods, flattening himself against the wall as Patton strides out. Logan glances at Virgil and is pretty sure he can feel his heart literally imploding. “Hey, Cad—Virgil.”
“Hey.” It’s all Logan can do not to sprint to Virgil and wrap him in a hug, but he manages to restrain himself. For now, at least. “You can come in, I guess.” Virgil turns on his heel and shuffles deeper into the house—presumably to the living room, where Logan follows silently.
In a big room with vaulted ceiling and comfy furniture, Virgil slumps on one of the larger couches and stares blankly at Logan, who stays standing. “Well? Say your piece already so you can go. What do you want to talk about?”
“I—everything, I think. I wanted to apologize.”
“Great. Do that and go.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Underwhelming. Great to see you again. Bye bye.”
“Wait, I didn’t—that’s not how I wanted this to go.”
“Then why don’t you tell me how you did want it to go, because so far, I’m not impressed.”
Logan forces a deep breath through his lungs and prays it’ll be enough to keep himself going. Somehow, he doubts it. “I was wrong to go off at you, and I get that, and I’m sorry. I still think it’s something we do need to talk about, but I shouldn’t have sprung it on you like I did, so I’m sorry for doing that to you.”
“Cool.” Virgil’s stiff response hurts worse than if he would just lash out or scream or something, and Logan kind of wants to scream himself.
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“You don’t have anything you want to say to me?”
“Logan.” Logan hates how cold his voice is. “I’m not going to apologize for walking out on an attack on my life choices just because it would soothe your ego.”
“Well, no, I wouldn’t expect you to do that, but aren’t you mad at me? Don’t you have anything to get off your chest?”
“Why yes, Logan, I am mad. Thank you for asking, and for considering my perspective for once. I’ll make sure not to let it get to my head. Or did you just wear that cardigan to make me feel better? Aw, Logan, you shouldn’t have.”
“Okay, so you don’t want to yell at me? Get loud, blow up, start screaming?”
“Not really. I know you made the choice to be a jerk, so I’ve made the choice not to deal with it. Pretty simple, really. I’d expect a rocket scientist genius like you to be able to figure it out, even without doing any actual rocket science.”
Logan elects to ignore that little jab. “You don’t want to yell, to let it out? It’s not important enough to you that you vocalize your anger? It’s not important enough for you to fight over it?”
“ I’m not important enough to you that you’d want to fight over it?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“That’s familiar, isn’t it? Because when we were twisting my words around, you sure didn’t care about the letter of the language, did you?” Logan can feel himself getting hysterical now, louder by the second, but he doesn’t care. “Does it bother you to have your words twisted around and thrown back at you like that?”
“Sure it does, but why should you care? Not like it’ll harm your precious little office job.” Virgil’s calm, steady voice is only that much more infuriating, and Logan wants to throw something.
“Don’t you want to scream? To yell, to tear me to pieces?”
“Come on!” Logan is desperate now, balling his hands into fists at his sides, working the muscles in his jaw and wishing Patton would follow through on his little threat right about now. “I’m being such an ass to you right now, why won’t you fight back? Yell, scream, tell me how awful I am to say all this shit to you, about you!”
“Do you want me to do that?”
“Stop being so damn calm and just tell me how much I suck, how awful I am, how hard I insulted you, how hard I am insulting you just by being here when you told me to stay away and why I’m in the wrong and you deserve so much better than a pompous perfectionist who can’t handle even the smallest thing going wrong in his perfect world without tearing the whole production to pieces because one single variable has the nerve to go against the arbitrary grain!”
Virgil doesn’t even blink, his expression painfully neutral. Fewer emotions on his features than there are ripples on a frozen pond on a windless day.
“Scream! Yell! Curse or break or something or anything, I don’t care, but give me some kind of reaction, tell me we jumped into this engagement thing too soon and too fast, tell me I was wrong to blow up at you like that and like this so we can just get it over with and you can dump me and tell me how much you hate me and we can both be done with this mistake of a relationship!”
A painful beat of silence. Logan relaxes his fists, breathing heavily and wishing his face weren’t as pink as he knows it is. It always gets so blotchy, so messy, so horrible on the rare occasions he gets all worked up crying like this, an irrational, ridiculous mockery of his usual put-together facade. There’s a reason he doesn’t let himself break down like this when he can help it.
Evidently, he couldn’t help it this time.
He can’t even bring himself to look at Virgil, just trying to focus on a fiber in the carpet and sniffling quietly.
“You think this relationship is a mistake?” Virgil’s voice is soft, gentle, hesitant, and it’s enough to bring Logan to his knees. He sinks to the ground, ducking his chin to his chest and just letting his shoulders shake in the weighted silence. “Logan, do you really think we’re a mistake?” He feels his whole body shudder when Virgil’s fingers graze under his chin. “Logan, look at me.”
“I can’t.”
“Logan, look at me.”
“I can’t.”
Virgil doesn’t seem to hear this, or if he does, he doesn’t care, as he presses his knuckles softly against Logan’s adam’s apple. Logan chokes back a sob. “You think that us being together is a mistake?”
“I—I don’t—I can’t—”
“Hey. Hey, Logan, look.” Virgil waves his other hand in front of Logan’s face, the glint of the light catching on the ring around his finger. “Look at this, look, look here, you see?” He pulls the ring to the tip of his finger, not quite removing it all the way as he holds it before Logan’s eyes to show off the inscription. “‘I’ll bring you the moon.’ Remember when you promised me that?”
Logan hiccoughs. “I—yeah, yeah, I do. I do.”
“So you remember that you haven’t followed through on that yet.”
“I do.”
“So you know that this is just one little road block on a long trip that we’ve agreed to take together, and you know that I don’t think this is a mistake.”
“I don’t—”
“Logan.” Virgil’s voice is soft but clipped, pleading. “I need you to tell me that you know we aren’t a mistake.”
“I know we aren’t a mistake,” Logan tells the floor.
“Tell it to me .”
“I know we aren’t a mistake,” Logan tells Virgil’s left ear.
“To me, Logan. Please?”
“I—” Logan hesitates, his voice catching when he sees that glimmer in Virgil’s eyes. “I know we’re not—I know we aren’t a mistake.”
“Good.” Virgil’s voice sounds about as broken as Logan feels, and he slides off the couch to join Logan on the floor, wrapping him in a loose hug.
It’s not as extravagant as Roman’s, not as steadying as Patton’s, but it feels like home, and there on the floor in Virgil’s arms, Logan exhales.
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zackcornfield · 7 years ago
The Ultimate Zagene Masterpost
as promised, i’ve gone through every official try guys video from the past few years to compile all the Zagene moments (this post also includes The Podcast™). i’ve provided dates and will link to gif sets/tumblr posts for specific moments (because i’m Extra As Fuck). i’ll try to keep this updated with new videos, so check back often (also, please let me know if i forget anything!) 
under the cut, because it’s looooong.
DISCLAIMER: i don’t mean to imply that i know anything about zach and eugene’s personal lives, or that most of these moments aren’t just things between two close friends. was literally just complying this list for a bit of fun, and because i was bored. pls don’t come for me, y’all 
another disclaimer: i’m australian, so some of the dates i use could be a bit off bc i’m something like 18 hours ahead of these two lol
also: i know initially that i said i would include instagram posts and other, non-buzzfeed videos on this list. unfortunately, i did not end up doing so. i’m maybe thinking about doing a part 2 where i include these things? no promises, this list took so much out of me as is
without further ado...
Nov. 13, 2014 - Guys Recreate Kim Kardashian’s Butt Photo
literally first video with these two together (?) and eugene’s already lowkey checking out zach (roughly 0:45-0:47). oh boy.
Nov. 19, 2014 - American Guys Try European Swimwear
zagene riding in the backseat together
“your dick might be huge” - eugene to zach (2:58), followed by eugene staring at zach until he makes a joke. um. ok.
zach checking up on hungover eugene (3:11)
December 30, 2014 - The Try Guys Test The Legal Alcohol Limit
eugene instantly goes to break up the fight between ned and zach (4:41)
during the little bits where they’re testing how drunk they are these two will not stay away from each other… at 4:56 eugene walks from one side of zach to the other to get in between him and everyone else lmao
5:38 eugene reaches out to put his hand on zach’s back for no reason
6:37 (again at 6:54) zach has his arm around eugene, sorta leaning into him. no complaint from eugene “i hate hugs” yang
eugene’s little dance on zach at 7:00
January 18, 2015 - The Try Guys Shoot Guns For The First Time
the boys sittin together at lunch, bein judgey (0:27)
(1:10) whenever i see this, i always think of this post, so it’s making the list
January 25, 2015 - The Try Guys Try ’Fifty Shades’ Style BDSM
the boys beside each other again, this time holding hands! (5:46)
February 23, 2015 - The Try Guys Taste Test Jerky
zach’s lowkey super fond looks at eugene from the backseat throughout the video
March 6, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Magic Mike Stripping
2:15 eugene is sitting on the floor facing zach, rather than keith who he’s actually talking to
“i’ve given lap dances drunk” eugene i’m not even remotely surprised (3:15)
March 11, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Makeup Tutorials
“eugene your hair’s blocking me. eu-eugene? eugene, your hair” (2:27)
April 1, 2015 - The Try Guys’ Naked Sushi Prank
zach stopping to wait for eugene (0:24)
1:05 - ok… love this little bit. eugene smiling, the high five, eugene hitting zach’s glasses off his face, zach’s little giggle. presh.
April 10, 2015 - The Try Guys Try UFC Fighting 
0:00 - not even a second in and already into it. “we love you eugene”
(0:23) - eugene is fully straddling zach. and like… bouncing on him
(0:35) “i feel like zach might squeal like a little piggy and it really excites me”
(2:24) “can we all kick zach real quick” weird way of flirting but if it works for u bud
(3:40) little hard to see but eugene’s leaning on zach
when jessica’s throwing eugene around zach looks thrilled and worried in equal measure
“didn’t come here to fight eugene! he’s fucking crazy” (8:57)
“i landed some pretty solid punches on eugene’s beautiful, beautiful face” (9:12)
eugene like… lifting zach off the ground by his legs? (9:26)
eugene leaning down over zach’s face; keith: “now kiss him like you mean it!” (9:37)
May 6, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Pregnancy Bellies
(4:52) - group hug, but eugene’s got his arm around zach and like,, kinda leans into the back of his neck?
May 7, 2015 - The Try Guys Change Dirty Diapers 
just generally stood suuuper close together the whole video
May 17, 2015 - The Try Guys Try American Ninja Warrior 
“right zach?” (10:14)
10:33 - eugene reaches out to take the towel (offered to zach) to dry him
May 31, 2015 - The Try Guys Hit 90 MPH Fastballs
“goddammit eugene” followed by soft smile from eugene (3:22)
(5:40) eugene reaches out to pull zach’s robe back in place lmao
June 20, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Wedding Dresses
(0:51) “this is my day” - zach, while pointing to eugene, who nods, smiles, and his eyebrows look kinda raised too lol
(1:01) “eugene’s gonna look prettier than any of us”
(1:32) zach’s just like… casually stroking eugene’s legs
(2:27) could they BE pressed any closer together
(2:46) goin in for the smooch… iconic
June 26, 2015 - The Try Guys March In The Pride Parade
the boys at pride…. bless :’)
i have no real specific moments from this vid i just love it so much
June 29, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Not To Die Alone
(1:24) zach: “that’s some good ash.” eugene laughs at this like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard
(11:23) legendary hug/tackle…. the best, unbeatable, iconic,
July 12, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Irish Step Dance
(0:28) shoulder pat
also dance partners, holding hands, bless
(1:55) “i feel like my butt is tauter” zach turns and raises an eyebrow
(3:15) they go in for a group hug and eugene instantly goes for zach. when it’s clear he won’t reach zach, he pulls away from them all. interesting
August 1, 2015 - The Try Guys Watch Anime For The First Time
(1:17) zach compliments eugene’s hair
(3:06) zach: “yeah i guess we’re having a good time again.” eugene has the biggest smile on his face
(4:51) another compliment for eugene’s hair
(5:07) zach says something, then eugene repeats it enthusiastically and like.. kinda bites his lip?
(5:28) eugene leans over ned so he can talk to zach
these two are so in sync in such little ways like.. correcting ned’s pronunciation (6:03), leaning forward to laugh at ned’s joke (7:10), the hand gesture (7:14)
7:33 holding hands :))
August 3, 2015 - The Try Guys Cosplay For The First Time
8:41 - the boys dancing together
August 29, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Extreme Swimsuits
(4:57) eugene casually checking out zach (”i just saw zach’s penis” “yeah i accidently showed eugene my dick already” “i can still see your dick”)
zach’s eyes go straight (haha) to eugene’s butt when he walks away (5:11)
September 12, 2015 (from some time in August) - The Try Guys Imitate Each Other
“so, the one thing i know about zach is that- besides being adorable-” (0:47)
“i’ve been to many bars with him” (0:53)
“i have never been so attracted to eugene” (1:07)
ok but zach imitating eugene LMFAO
(3:30) zach crashing into eugene for a hug 
September 23, 2015 - The Try Guys Watch K-pop For The First Time
(2:16) eugene like… reading zach’s mind
September 25, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Korean Cooking
the boys cooking together
(0:36) “so eugene’s gonna be my mom” “i am not gonna be your mom” “so i got mom here to help me-” “i am not your mom” “so mom what’s the first step?” “i am not your mom!”
(1:10) eugene feeding zach (”thereee you go”)
(1:41) “you fucked me hard”
(1:47) “eugene’s a mean daddy”
(1:52) hand on the shoulder
(2:42) eugene just looks SO done
(3:04) “we’re a great team” :’)
(6:18) arm around the shoulder 
September 26, 2015 - The Try Guys Recreate Korean Drama Scenes
(2:04) iconic…. zach going in for a kiss. when will ur fave ever
September 27, 2015 - The Try Guys Try K-pop Dance Moves
(3:15) zach: *sniffs eugene* “still smells good”
(3:49) zach (lol and the others) wearing eugene’s clothes
(5:46) “let’s smell him again”
October 29, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Childhood-Ruining Costumes
(4:58) zach’s got his arms wrapped around eugene, trying to pull his costume off
November 1, 2015 - The Try Guys Get Prostate Exams
(2:46) “i’ve never had anything up my butt- well” ???????????
eugene looked like he enjoyed the exam way too much LMAO
December 13, 2015 - The Try Guys Try Therapy
the boys opening up to each other (just all of them in general) :’)
(6:17) as soon as eugene holds out his hands for the others to touch zach immediately reaches out, even before eugene was finished talking
(7:25) “now hug us!!”
eugene tries to wave off the hug until he sees zach’s arms then kinda reluctantly shuffles over
(7:28) ok zach is FULLY cuddling eugene at this point
December 19, 2015 - The Try Guys Break Into A House
(1:18) boyfs ridin off in style
Febuary 7, 2016 - Sexy Edible Lingerie Taste Test
(5:18) zach chose his nipple as the place for eugene to lick, despite presumably knowing it’d give him away bc of all the hair. go big or go home i guess
Febuary 28, 2016 - The Try Guys Play F***, Marry, Kill
(2:06) eugene noticeably reaches out to touch zach, pulls away, then moves his arm back over to grab zach’s arm
(2:17) eugene pats zach on the back
also… not zagene but……. eugene in glasses…………………
March 6, 2016 - The Try Guys Test Their Sperm Count
(5:47) eugene puts his hand on zach’s back again
March 16, 2016 - Which Type of Alcohol F*cks You Up The Most?
(3:28) “bye eugene” “where did he go?” “where does he ever go :(” why does zach sound so sad omg
these two actually weren’t super touchy in this vid which is weird when u look at the last vid where they all got drunk together
March 27, 2016 - Extreme Asian Food Challenge
(1:25) “do you wanna feed each other?” eugene gives a Look to the camera- “…sure”
(2:17) for the life of me can’t work out what eugene’s doing here. is he abt to put his arm around zach? put the phone in his pocket then quickly change his mind? touch his butt? we may never know
(5:19) zach’s “are u being for fuckin real” look still manages to be incredibly fond
(5:49) “keep your screaming to a minimum” “ yEaH eUgEne We’lL KeEp ouR ScrEamiNg to A miNimUm”
April 19, 2016 - The Try Guys Get Style Makeovers
(3:15) “first person who comes to your mind when you think of a well-dressed guy” “eugene” (same)
(8:29) eugene looks lost for words
(9:40) “it’s workin on me”
(12:22) “you look like a deleted scene from cowboy bebop” “that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me” “you’re welcome”
June 17, 2016 - The Try Guys Try Not To Die At Sea
(0:40) eugene helping zach into the water
(1:22) while eugene’s fixing his hair; “i think you look good”
(2:06) eugene holding zach while he pees over the side (one hand right on his butt). good job being supportive? 
August 5, 2016 - The Try Guys Try The Ancient Olympics
(2:43) zach’s rubbing oil into eugene’s butt, which totally isn’t suggestive at all
(3:34) pretty much leaning into each other again, this time while fully naked
(11:15) eugene comforting zach after he kicked him lol
zach has that same worried/thrilled look he has when eugene’s fighting ned that he had during the UFC fighting ep
also unrelated to zagene entirely but steven’s in the background during the wrestling?? omg
(13:54) back to zagene zach goes to help eugene off the ground when he has his ass handed to him
(15:50) eugene shoving zach when he’s being a little shit. i’m also like 90% certain he said “zachary!”
August 27, 2016 - The Try Guys Danish Food Taste Test
(0:19) ok not super zageney BUT i did use this moment in this post (#shamelessspon)
(1:48) “i think we should lady and the tramp this” “no” instant cut to them lady and the tramping the food
(2:47) “i like watching you eat! it’s like watching a little baby eat”
September 12, 2016 - The Try Guys React To Their First Videos
(3:21) zach and eugene sassing ned
(5:06) “look at that big boner i had” “that was NOT your boner” alrighty zach
(5:44) “i didn’t want to hurt you...”
(8:56) zach’s got his leg lying on eugene’s
(9:13) leaning into each other
(9:12) “promise you if we get to 200 videos we’ll fuck each other” can’t wait for The Try Guys Try Guys (i’m definitely not the first person to make this joke)
November 4, 2016 - The Try Guys Try Distracted Driving
(5:11) zach gently brushes hair off eugene’s forehead
(8:47) eugene and zach smiling at each other so softly i’m....
December 12, 2016 - The Try Guys Crash Cars Into Each Other
(1:35) zach’s giggle at “demolition derby is basically backing dat ass up”
(12:34) eugene gives zach the most adoring look
December 17, 2016 - The Try Guys Try The Weirdest Beauty Trends Of 2016
(4:57) eugene’s got his arm resting on zach’s shoulder
February 17, 2017 - The Try Guys Prank Each Other 
(2:05) “you pick the stupidest pranks zach” eugene sounded so giggly here aw
(5:05) eugene absolutely cracks up at zach’s “stupid prank”
(6:13) eugene cracking up at one of zach’s pranks again. genuinely love how happy he seems in this vid
(8:30) eugene leans right over zach to point at his screen and zach doesn’t even think twice about it. doesn’t flinch when eugene touches his face to steal his glasses either 🤔
(8:46) zach’s fond (yet exasperated) face and eugene’s kinda giddy laugh
(8:49) highkey looks like eugene was going for zach’s hand. he settles on his wrist
(8:53) zach’s hand goes to eugene’s to try and pull him away. and then cut to eugene halfway across the room??
(11:11) (make a wish) eugene and zach noticeably walking apart from the others
February 21, 2017 - The Try Guys Try Virtual Reality 
(3:10) eugene hugs zach from behind and looks thrilled with himself
(4:38) eugene leans towards the back of zach’s neck to whisper something to be a lil shit again (”back, demon!”)
(8:22) eugene wanders over to be a shit again, a reoccurring theme for this vid
(9:47, but also earlier (i forget when)) when eugene’s standing with his renditions of the try guys, he has his arm around his version of zach
March 5, 2017 - The Try Guys Take A Friendship DNA Test
(2:42) uh the whole dominant/submissive thing? what kind of kinky shit?
March 12, 2017 - The Try Guys Sexy Alcohol Taste Test
just the fact that these two were paired together for this kind of video
(1:20) “did you put your sex inside my drink, eugene?”
(1:48) eugene leaning right into zach’s personal space
(3:09) eugene looks so challenging when he’s describing the blow job shot. he’s READY
(3:13) “gene i noticed that yours is girthier than mine” eugene’s Look. also the nickname
(3:34) zach is so wide eyed when eugene takes the shot. also eugene definitely looks like he’s showing off
(3:45) “oooh yeah, i’m blowing your job...” “...just take the drink Zach, don’t think about it too much”
(4:04) eugene guiding zach’s head to take the shot???
(4:12) “this is the worst blow job i’ve ever gotten” and all that follows
(5:41) eugene like full-on bites
(6:15) “to zach’s tiny, fuckable body” “ahh... one day”
March 26, 2017 - The Try Guys Wear High Heels For A Night
(3:22) sitting beside each other at dinner
(5:47) eugene’s got his arm around zach, hand kinda on his neck
(6:44) ok... i know some stuff on this list is a bit of a stretch but DEFINITE heart eyes from eugene here
(7:36) eugene’s got his arm behind zach on the wall, leaning into his personal space
(8:25) zach leans into eugene to say something to him
(8:26) eugene’s reluctant to tap out bc he wanted to last the night, so zach suggests they call it a night so eugene can take the heels off without feeling bad
(8:41) eugene has his hands on zach’s shoulders, lets him lead him out
(8:43) eugene’s arm around zach’s shoulders again, hand kinda bunched in his shirt (also, “tonight zach carried me home”)
April 1, 2017 - The Try Guys Drunk Fast Food Taste Test
(0:12) eugene - “when people are drunk, they’re more honest than ever” hey so i wonder why u two get super touchy whenever ur drunk  🤔
(0:17) “my pants are still wet from the other video” “no one- no one wants to see that zach” eugene says, while staring at his butt
(0:39) “don’t eat without me, motherfucker”
(5:30) zagene being all cute and giggly at the end
April 15, 2017 - The Try Guys Take A Lie Detector Test
ok before we begin... #shamelessspon here and here
(1:48) eugene leaning over zach, one arm on either side of him
(2:18) eugene looks so goddamn fond here i’m dead
(4:35) when it’s revealed zach’s made out with a coworker, eugene looks pretty damn smug
also eugene looking progressively more annoyed the more coworkers zach’s said he’s made out with lmaooo
(5:22) eugene wants to fuck zach. literally have nothing to add, it speaks for itself
(6:09) zach reaches out to grab onto eugene’s arm
(7:44) zach grabs onto eugene’s arm again
(8:13) zach reaches out to grab eugene’s shoulder again
(8:35) hey so guess what zach’s doing, yet again
(8:54) eugene wraps his arm around zach’s shoulders
(8:59) eugene’s leaning heavily on zach’s shoulder
May 20, 2017 - The Try Guys Take An Ancestry DNA Test
ok before i begin i absolutely love this post by @foundghosts which might be worth a look if ur into reading body language (i think it’s super cool, which is a surprise to no one following this blog)
June 13, 2017 - The Try Guys Re-Create Photos Of Their Dads
(1:51) supportive bf shaving zach’s chest hair
also zach talking abt finding someone in the voice over when eugene’s the only person in the shot with him?
also this ask that i got
July 29, 2017 - The Try Guys Try The Japanese Tablecloth Trick
(5:33) “just take your pants off”
(6:43) zach and eugene driving everywhere together gives me life
(6:49) mocking each other like 5 year olds smh
August 5, 2017 - The Try Guys Try Cuban Miami 
(9:36) sitting beside each other for a coffee break
(10:35) teamwork on the cigar wrapping
(12:11) eugene’s arm is wrapped around zach
August 12, 2017 - The Try Guys Ski In Speedos
(0:29) [”i see eugene, i click”] zach: “i click! i click!” eugene just looks fond and exasperated 
(1:53) eugene is giving definite heart eyes here (also his fucking HAIR Y’ALL I’M SCREAMING)
(3:41) zach reaching forward to run his fingers through eugene’s hair (living the dream if we’re being real)
August 26, 2017 - The Try Guys 12-Mile Wilderness Adventure
(3:21) zach calling eugene tf out
(5:04) what is this cutesy couple-style photoshoot going on here
(7:40) eugene and zach walking together behind the others
(11:41) during the group hug, eugene has one arm fully around zch while his other is kind of just awkwardly patting keith’s shoulder lmfao
September 2, 2017 - The Try Guys Throw A $300,000 Bachelor Party
(3:27) sitting together in the back seat (literally incapable of driving anywhere if they’re not sitting together i swear)
the shots dotted throughout the video of zach and eugene talking to themselves or the camera and leaning towards each other a lil
(18:15) definitely got arms around each other, also eugene’s smile aw
September 9, 2017 - I Have An Autoimmune Disease
(3:37-3:55) eugene messing around with zach
(8:10) eugene was with zach the first time he got his shot (other try guys at least weren’t there)
September 16, 2017 - The Try Guys Get Makeovers From High School Girls
(8:21) eugene looks pretty flustered when he sees zach in his bad boy get up
(8:35) “nice meme reference!” 
yo but the things zach says when ned comes out in his clothes... u sure ur straight bud
October 7, 2017 - The Try Guys Try Immigrating To America
(0:05) eugene immediately looks to zach after making a joke (looking for validation?)
(4:06) “i think i have a crush on... iranian eugene” “don’t have a crush on fake me”
(5:10) “you’ve been recently widowed” “that means i’m single”
October 14, 2017 - The Try Guys Try Roller Derby
(2:04) eugene glances at zach a couple of times, looking incredibly fond
(2:31) eugene skating towards zach to hold his hand is still the cutest thing ever
(3:03) eugene skating towards zach to make him jump out of the way
(8:06) eugene reaches across ned to touch zach’s hand, for seemingly no reason
October 28, 2017 - The Try Guys Test Who Is The Most Attractive
(2:20) “you’re doing great sweetie”
(20:11) eugene “i hate children” yang: “but think of our children, how successful they’d be”
November 4, 2017 - The Try Guys Become Groomsmen For Keith’s Wedding
(2:06) “take your clothes off, zach”
(8:17) “ok umm... just think about zach naked” this is such a weird thing for eugene to have said and yet i’m not remotely surprised
(13:08) the Look
November 11, 2017 - The Try Guys Bake Bread Without A Recipe
(9:57) great minds think alike :’) (also eugene apparently just lurking around behind zach)
ok also adding on the little smile eugene does whenever zach smiles at him. i’ve noticed this before but i don’t think i’ve brought it up yet
(11:08)  zach mutters something to eugene, shared smile
(14:25) eugene’s classic adoring smile
(17:16) “i’ve been asking for hugs all day!” says zach, looking sulky
November 18, 2017 - The Try Guys Feed Wild Animals In Alaska
(2:26) adorable teasing
(3:49) leaning into each other a little
(6:44) more teasing
also y’all we’ve rlly gotta hand it to zach for not checking eugene out in the clips at the place they’re staying, even if he is straight. like bitch i’m a lesbian but oh boy.....
December 2, 2017 - The Try Guys Make The Ultimate Holiday Calendar 
(9:08) eugene confirms he’s lgbt, to the surprise of absolutely no one
(10:22) zach FULLY checking out eugene’s dick
(12:42) eugene adjusting zach’s scarf thing around his shoulders (i’m not jewish lol there’s probably some jewish name for it) - EDIT: it’s called a Tallus or talit
(15:30) “touch my butt” “i’ll hold his butt”
16:52, 16:54, 17:23 zach tries to kiss eugene
(17:23) “wow gimel that’s three kisses!!” “noo! that’s not how it works!”
December 11, 2017 - Not Too Deep Podcast with Grace Helbig
(19:10) “yeah we hang out more than’s probably healthy at this point” [what percentage of your weeks are spent with each other] “um, approximately the amount of time you’d spend with a significant other” “i was gonna say 80, it that too high? like my waking hours” [and sometimes when you’re sleeping!] “it has happened, yeah”
(20:09) (grace brings up zagene) zach: “i love this podcast already!!” eugene: “you know, zach loves that”
(20:20) zach wants to do a try guys recreate fanfic video. eugene is more reluctant. read into this as you will
(21:04) “he’s a classic bottom, i’m a more prototypical top”
(26:48) zach is “obsessed” with the idea of a fanfic recreation vid
(29:13) another example of zach offhandedly mentioning how hot he finds eugene
(33:34) “you’ll get married, you’re a romaaantic”
(35:57) great minds think alike :‘)
December 16, 2017 - Male Sex Symbols Throughout History
(6:46) ICONIC ass slap
and eugene’s winning smile immediately after
January 27, 2018 - The Try Guys Race Dune Buggies
(2:31) why do they literally sound like parents arguing abt who has to tuck their child in LMAO
zach also puts his hand on eugene’s back a second later
(2:40) eugene’s resting his head on zach’s shoulder as he leans forward
(5:05) eugene doing a mini photo shoot of zach kills me every time
(13:14) eugene initiates the group hug, but doesn’t extend it to ned and keith when they come over
also side note but zach fits into eugene’s arms so well it’s adorable
February 10, 2018 - The Try Guys Race Dog Sleds
(3:59) watching them goof around together is so sweet
(6:04) zach’s like got his hand fisted in eugene’s jacket
(7:03) why is it whenever we get a candid shot of these two they’re always standing suuuper close together
943 notes · View notes
darkling-er · 7 years ago
Hope’s Savior ( John Seed x OC ) | Part 3
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Summary: Trinity-Hope Johnson finds herself in the middle of a holy war, leading the Resistance, while having a complicated relationship with one of the cult’s herald. And she thought her first case would be easy. Oh how wrong she was!
Pairings: John Seed/Fem!Deputy, John Seed/OC, Earl Whitehorse & OC ( uncle&niece ), Joseph Seed/Fem!Deputy ( kind of ), might add more later
Warnings: mild language, violence, eventually smut, use of drugs ( bliss and other, thanks to Sharky ), fluff ( does that even need a warning? ), manipulation, angst, mention of mental illness ( insomnia, depression ), mention of child abuse ( from John’s side ), torture, I think that’s it? I swear it’s not so bad!
Word Counter:  6113
Notes: The deputy is an animal lover so her first stop is Holland Valley. Totally not because she wants to piss off John first. Totaaaaally. I have no idea how walkie talkies work, so if I made up the “not holding down a button to speak” thing, just bear with me, okay? Also my OC, a gun for hire is in this chapter, because I love him and he’s a part of my Deputy’s life just as much as any other gun for hire. So I hope you guys will like him just as much as I do. ♥
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |  Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | MASTERPOST for the others
Hope has to cover the sun with her hand, so she can more easily adjust to the sudden light. At least I slept for the rest of the night. By the look of it, it’s already past 8 am. She’s still sore and she’s sure her head will hurt for a couple of days, but after waking in Dutch’s bunker she doesn’t have to deal with that much amount of pain. The man patched up the bullet wounds on her shoulder, she noticed that while she changed into the fresh clothes.
She lowers her hand after a few seconds as she looks at pine trees surrounding her. Hope looks at the throdden, muddy path ahead of her and starts following it. Her radio crackles to life on her belt.
“Now listen up... if you’re gonna build a Resistance, there’s some things you need to know. There’s four ways you can go about this. First, you can liberate any hostages the cult has taken. These are good people who might just fight alongside you if you help ‘em. Second, you can destroy Eden’s Gate property that’s all over the place now. Hell, they built two shrines on this island alone.Third, you can tackle Resistance missions. There are a lot of folks out there waging their own war against this cult, and they could sure use your help. And last, if you’re really looking for a fight.. You can take on cult outposts that have popped up across the county. Liberating those places will give the Resistance solid footholds to push back against Eden’s Gate.”
Hope follows the muddy path and pushes down the talk button and she’s glad she doesn’t have to hold her fingers on it to keep talking, like with her previous radio.
“So basically. I have a shit ton of work.” She jokes light-heartedly. “And here I thought I could get a nice massage and a coctail while fighting the peggies.”
Dutch makes a sound that could easily be mistaken as a grunt, but it turns into a short laugh.
“Keep the humour, kid. Folks will love that... or hate it, depends.”
She smiles to herself as she stops for a second and looks at her compass, wondering which way to go. The man speaks again to her, helping out her with just that.
“I’ve got cameras set up all over this island. I’ll keep an eye out for anything useful. For now, you head south and take out any cult shit you see.. and help any folks in need, would ya? Dutch out.”
She takes another glance at her compass and she presses down the button on her radio, so Dutch can’t hear her. She follows the path to the south, not even after a minute she hears voices. She crouches down in the long grass, hiding from sight as she approaches. A man is on the ground, his hands are tied behind his back, he’s on his knees, crying. Hope looks at the people that surround him. There’s only two of them. She can take them out if she’s smart.
Hope was never a powerful girl. She’s short, only 5′2, and her muscles aren’t good for fighting. But she’s swift on her feet and she knows how to dodge an attack if needed. She can throw a few powerful punches too, but that’s not enough to knock someone out.
She looks at the pistol in her holster. That’s too loud and she would rather not shoot anyone to death. But these people showed how devoted they are to their Father and the Project. They would happily fight until they are dead. They wouldn’t spare her life, that’s for sure.
She sneaks up behind one of the peggies and snaps their neck with a quick move. As the woman falls to the ground, dead, Hope launches herself on the other one, who looks up at her at the last second. She grabs the back of his head and brings it down to meet her knee. Also breaking the man’s neck in the process. The more you do it, the more you’ll get used to it. Just don’t think about their names... or if they had any family... Fuck...
The man on the ground looks up at her and she flashes a wide smile at him as he speaks:
“Thanks for saving my sorry ass.”
Hope cuts the man lose with one of the knifes she finds on the corpses of the peggies.
“Protect and serve... That’s my motto.” She says with a smile as she remembers the mantra and tries not to think about the lives she already taken. She buries that down, deep into her mind and decides not to think about them until the whole cult has been put down.
“These looney fanatics are out of control. If you want to protect yourself, I think there’s a prepper stash near the boathouse. Should have some good gear squirreled away.”
Hope nods and looks at the man before starting to walk.
“That’s a good idea, thanks. You just keep safe, try not to run into any of the peggies.”
She takes out her map and searches where the boathouse might be. Hope looks southwest to her and stuffs back the map folded into her pocket.
After reaching the boat house and following a paper’s instructions, clues how to get to the stash After trying to open the door, she looks around and decides to dive into the water, that way she can enter the boathouse. Who cares about getting their clothes wet, right? It’s September, but the weather is warm and everything feels like they’re still in the middle of the summer. She turns on a generator, once she enter’s the boathouse and takes the keyes that are hanging on the wall, near the door.
“Of fucking course! Every person locks themselves out in this county?” She remembers back to the trailer that she and Burke entered and how the door was locked and she had to jump out of the window to get to the truck.
She opens the door and walks to the shed, where a bunker door is in the ground. There’s a water pipe near it and she turns it. When she opens the door she waits for the water to pour out of the bunker, through the pipe she just opened. Then she walkes down the still wet concrete stairs, watching her every step so she won’t slip. There’s a doorway, but it’s boarded with wood so she searches for something to break it through. She finds a pipe and she easily breaks into the place.
“Hell yeah!” She smiles, excited as she grabs a compound bow with arrows and some more ammo.
Earl took her on hunts since she was able to carry a bow. Of course she first practiced on dummies and target signs. She learned quickly though. Silence weapons were always her thing.
After taking the bow she searches through the island and manages to destroy two shrines. The weird green smoking things are explosive as hell and she finds that out after sending some bullets into them. The first one she blows up from far, but the second one she approaches first. She thinks about what the green smoke must be but as soon as she enters that smoke her vision blurs with white dots dancing before her eyes and she quickly retreats. She blinks fast trying to get a clear vision again and after that she blows the shrine up. She thinks for moment and picks up her radio from her belt. She pushes down the button and helds it up to her mouth.
“Hey, Dutch! What the hell is that green smoke coming out of the shrines? I stepped into it moments ago and I felt really weird. Is it some kind of drug or what?”
The radio crackles, meaning the man is about to answer her question.
“That one you have to be really careful about, kid! The Bliss, that’s the shit Faith Seed is using all around the County. It’s in the river, in the shrines and crates. Everywhere almost. It’s a drug of some kind that makes you see shit if you take too much of it. Crambles up your brain, turns you into an Angel, even.. That’s what Faith calls those poor bastards. Dead in the brain, ready to kill anyone in sight.”
She scoffs and makes a forced laugh.
“Wow, Tinkerbell made some updates. I guess you don’t need faith, trust and some pixie dust...You need drugs. Of course.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking ‘bout, kid.” Comes an answer from the older man. “But if it was an insult to Faith Seed, I’m good with it.”
Hope rolls her eyes with a smile and pushes down the button on her radio as she puts it away. She frees another man at the docks and then clears out an outpost, the Ranger Station. She doesn’t even think about all those peggies she kills now, but she’s sure it will be on her mind later that night when she’ll try to sleep.
“Shit kid. I’m impressed. There’s more fight in you than I thought. You got a real shot at setting up this Resistance... Next step is clearing up the radio signal: My CB’s on the fritz... I can’t get a hold of anyone off this island. The radio tower near the south shore must be busted. You think you can take care of that for me?”
Hope frowns with a light laugh:
“Ummm.. Don’t mean to be rude, but do I look like I know anything about fixing up radio towers?”
She looks in the diraction at the radio tower, that is peaking out of the pine trees not far from her.
“Nooo... But it’s not completely busted. You probably have to pull a lever and that’s it.”
“Well... I don’t know. Just take a look at it, alright? We won’t be any help if we can’t even get a signal from the others.”
Hope sighs and looks up at the tower.
“Okay, fine... But if I get electrocuted or something you will have to search for my body and bury me. I ain’t want to be eaten up by squirrels or something.”
She takes her leave to the tower and as she get closer to the thing she considers if she has a fear of heights or not. Without a parachute she’ll surely fall to her death if she slips on the ladders. She starts climbing up and as she looks down she can see the fog surrounding the island.
She sighs and hopes this won’t be her only job: fixing radios all over the county. As soon as these thoughts take over her mind her radio crackles to life.
“I know what you’re thinkin’ and no. I ain’t gonna have you climbin’ towers all over the county for me, so don’t worry... also, try not to fall from up there.”
After climbing the last ladder she doesn’t look down. She sees and pulls the lever and thanks God she didn’t die from it. She pushes the button on her radio.
“It’s done, Dutch. Hopefully it’ll work.”
She doesn’t wait for an answer as she’s already on her way back down.
“Hey, Deputy! I’m getting a strong signal now... Oh, shit... Deputy, I’m pickin’ up something new outta Holland Valley. It’s a broadcast from John... Head back to me, you need to see this!”
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Back in the bunker Hope looks at the tv screen. In the left corner of the screen the cultist symbol can be seen. Fucking assholes even have their own tv channel?
A man can be seen, his back turned to the screen, but Hope can already tell from the long jacket he’s wearing that it’s John Seed. He turns around with a smile and his name appears on the screen. So fuckin’ dramatic!
“We are all sinners. Every one of us.” His voice is gently and it doesn’t fit the profile of the man in her head. The guy dropped bombs from a plane and now he looks calm, gentle, even kind and hot as hell.
“You. Me. Even the Father knows deeply of sin.” He huffs lightly like a little laugh, clearly fake, Hope thinks. He motions with his hands before his chest, a gesture the deputy doesn’t know what to think of. The screen now changes to another camera angle, so John’s body is now fully seen as he starts to walk around. Hope can see a red carpet, with white paint the seven deadly sins written on it.
“It’s a posion that clouds our minds. What if I told you, you could be free from sin? What if I told you that everything you ever dreamed could come true? What if I told you that everything could be overcome if you embraced an idea: That freedom from sin can come from the power of just one word....”
When Hope sees in the background her co-worker, Hudson she grabs a hold of the first thing that is in her reach, which is Dutch’s forearm. She starts searching for Earl or the others in the crowd of peggies, but the camera zooms on the Seed’s face. He helds out his hands, up to the sky and there’s a huge sign ‘YES’. The crowd of peggies chanting that one word loudly, clapping and cheering. The man holds out his hands, in the manner of trying to make them all silent. But his smug smile shows how much he enjoys this. A peggie takes Hudson to John and Hope takes a look at the woman. Her makeup - which Hope was jealous of just the previous night back the station - is now a mess. She’s clearly have been crying. Her hands are tied together and there’s black duct tape over her mouth.
“Yes, I am a sinner.” John walks around Deputy Joey Hudson, holding onto her arms as the woman shuts her eyes, clearly uncomfortable and even afraid of being close to the youngest of the Seeds. “Yes, I wish to be unburdened. Yes, I must be... redeemed.”
When she takes his hand to Hudson’s throat Hope tightens her grip on Dutch’s arm. The stroke John gives the woman doesn’t seem hurtful, but God it’s still sick and Hope would gladly punch that smile off the man’s face. As the man lets go of Hudson, Hope releases Dutch’s arm as well.
“If you are watching this, know that you have been selected. You will be cleansed. You will confess your sins, and you will be offered atonement. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything. We’ll come for you. Welcome, to Eden’s Gate!”
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After watching that awful commercial Hope decides that it’s best if her first destination will be Holland Valley. Not knowing where Earl, Pratt and Burke is, this is her best shot trying to save one of her partners. Also Duth pointed out a few places on her map. Other people need saving as well, he said. And it’s true. Her first step into Holland Valley and she’s already being shot at. She changed her bow to an AR-C assault rifle with a silencer and a scope at Dutch’s bunker. She also got a small backpack: for medkits, some food and water. Just the essentials.
Her first destination is Rae Rae’s Pumpkin Farm. A distress call has been made that the farm has been attacked by the cult. When she arrives at the farm there’s no one that’s left alive. Some peggies on the farm, singing to a song coming from a radio... Peggie music, she realizes as she listens to the lyrics. Could they be more dramatic? This is ridiculous at this point.
“Join us so, we all can sing along... Oh, John! Bold and brave...” A Peggie sings with the radio and Hope has to fight the urge to laugh out loud.
Is this guy serious? He makes a fucking commercial the day after the attempt to arrest his brother. He has signs all over the place and he even has his own song?!
Hope rolls her eyes as she looks through her binoculars, looking for more peggies. She shoots them down with her gun and approaches a cage, with Boomer in it. At least that’s what the distress call said the dog’s name was.
“Hey there, little guy!” She says with a smile on her face as she grabs the chain on the cage when she finds a paper stick on the cage.
‘Cult Orders. This dog’s a champion. Send it to our stronghold across the street and have it shipped North. We’ll let my brother decide how strong it really is. - John’
Hope tears the paper down and angrily makes a small ball of it. She read about the Judges in Dutch’s bunker and she won’t let Jacob have this dog, that’s for sure. She opens Boomer’s cage and she pets the dog that is now wagging it’s tail.
“Hey, buddy! Do you want to come with me? You’re a champion, huh? You want to kill the bad mens?”
The dog barks happily and licks her face and Hope giggles.
“Who’s the good boy? You’re the good boy!”
Then a couple of peggies come in by trucks. Hope readies her weapon and Boomer growls angrily at the cultist. With the help of the dog and her AR-C they take out the peggies fast. She’s been out for half a day and she’s already covered in dirt and blood. But she’s glad she doesn’t have any new injuries. Also she didn’t even have time to think about her headache, completely forgetting about it.
Remembering John’s note on Boomer’s cage she makes her way towards the outpost across the street. This is also the first time she looks at the hills of Holland Valley and she stops in her tracks:
“You’ve got be fuckin’ kidding me!” She looks at the Hollywood styled sign saying one word: ‘YES’. The sign is an eyesore, just like the Father statue in the Henbane River. She picks up her radio and reaches out to Dutch.
“Is this John Seed guy crazy? I mean he has to have some kind of kink with the word ‘yes’, right? I mean... jesus.” She doesn’t even know what to say about that sign.
“Ah, I see you spotted John’s sign.” Says Dutch on the other end of the radio.
“Well, yeah, kind of hard not to look at it too... I will make sure to never say yes in front of him. I ain’t want to be apart of his kink.”
“That’s for the best, although try to avoid talking to him at all. Because if he does speak to you, he’ll mark you and that’s not good for anyone. Keep safe, kid! Dutch out.”
She turns off the radio and shakes her head in disbelief as she makes her way to the outpost with Boomer. They clear the place after a long gunfight. Most of the guys she’s able to kill before alerting the others and when that happens Boomer is there to help her. Although she feels like she might need more weapons later on. Or another human being with a gun would be helpful too.
After she takes over the Gardenview Packing Facility entirely she makes an open call for anyone to hear. Well, an open call to the Resistance, mostly.
“It’s the Deputy speaking. The Gardenview is peggie free again, so come on guys and take good care of it.” She says delightfully and ends the call.
She sits down on top of a crate as she looks down at her watch. It’s already 3 pm and she didn’t even eat anything since her dinner back in Missoula. She opens her backpack and grabs a cold bacon and bread that Dutch was nice enough to share with her on her ‘trip’. She starts eating, swinging her legs from the crate and drops some bacon for Boomer to eat.
“You deserved it, buddy! Saved my life a couple of times today.” She talks to the dog who is happily eating his lunch.
When she finishes her meal it’s doesn’t take long for the Resistance members to drive in to the Facility. She decides it’s safe enough to travel further, but before she walks away with her dog a guy shouts after her:
“Hey, Deputy! Thanks for taking this place back! You could use some gears though, right?”
She nods, thinking about how her ammo is running low. She walks towards the guys truck who is now unpacking his stuff, probably for sale.
“Just pick whatever you want... Of course you have to pay for it, though...”
She rolls her eyes, but smiles with a ‘Yeah, I figured’. She takes some ammo for the AR-C and she looks at how much money she gathered while traveling for this short time. She’s not as broke as she thought, considering she cleared out a prepper stash back at Dutch’s island and she pocketed every dollar she found on the corpses of peggies.
A rifle immediately catches her eyes. An MBP .50 with a suppressor cylinder and a long range scope.
“How much for that beauty?” She asks, though she knows the answer for it.
The guy looks at the weapon then back to her.
“How much do you have?” He asks as he raises a brow. Hope empties out her pocket on the pickup truck. The guy looks at it, counting and then looks at Hope.
“You can have it... You freed this place, after all, and I’m not the one who started the Resistance. You deserve it, put it to good use and kill some peggies.”
She smiles and thanks the guy as she swinged the rifle over her shoulders. She feels a lot safer now, that’s for sure. She looks at her map and searches for Fall’s End. The place Dutch told her about: Pastor Jerome and Mary-May needs help there, as she recalls. It’s quite a long journey though and she really needs a car first. Her clothes aren’t working as a disguise, she realized that by now. Somehow they managed to take a photo of her: though she has no idea how they printed it out so fast and scattered it across Holland Valley. ‘Sinner’. They don’t even know my name, she realizes. Of course, her uniform missed her name tag and she never had the chance to introduce herself. Not even to Dutch.
Maybe it’s for the better, safer. Maybe it’s for the best to leave her name behind for a while, until she can cope with the whole situation of this ‘Holy War’. She doesn’t want to be Trinity-Hope Johnson, when she kills all of those people. Yes, they are peggies and yes they would kill her without a second thought. But she’s not a monster. And she’s sure as hell doesn’t want her name to be stained by all of those cultists’ blood. It makes sense in her head. Right?
Hope and Bommer follows the main road until the end of the lines of the apple trees. Then at the first possible road to the south they go off the main road. She thinks it’s a short cut to Fall’s End if they follow the roads to south. Though she doesn’t consider how quickly the sky begins to darken. By foot it really is a long trip. She feels exhausted and by Boomer’s panting she’s sure he feels the same way. She looks at the map and then her watch.
“We should find a place to sleep for the night, right?” She asks the dog, talking to herself at the same time. “I think there might be a cabin not far from here. Just a couple of minutes, maybe.”
Boomer loyally follows his Human, as they make their way towards the cabin, hoping there isn’t any trouble waiting for them there and hopefully a bed and some food as well. She almost misses the place, but a wooden sign stops her. ‘Roberts Cabin’.
“Thank God! Come on Boomer!” She readies her AR-C just in case as they approache the house surrounded by the forest. A couple of targets are outside of the cabin. It looks cozy from where she stands and more importantly it looks empty.
There’s a sign right next to the door ‘The Roberts Cabin’. There’s a single wooden chair before the terrace As well as two chair on the terrace. It looks just like a hunting cabin by the looks of it. Made for someone who likes to sleep in the forest while it’s hunting season. There are two wind chimes decorating the roof of the terrace. Oil lamps are the sources of light for the cabin. Wait a minute....
She wants to look around for cultist again when she can feel a point of an arrow on the back of her neck.
“Tell your dog to stand down, or I’ll shoot right through your head, darlin’.”
It’s a deep voice of a man, and she know by the tone of it that he means buisness.
“Buddy, stand down.” She calls out to Boomer who is already growling and ready to attack the unknown man. Well shit, this Resistance was very shortlived, I guess. I can go to retirement early. “What now? You’re gonna call your buddy John first or are you going to put me out of my misery yourself?”
After she finishes her sentence she can feel the arrow leaving her neck.
“Turn around, slowly.” His voice seems confused and Hope turns around extra slowly making sure she doesn’t get an arrow through her brain by accident.
She looks at the man in fron of her. He doesn’t wear a peggie shirt, but his growing beard and longish hear could mean he’s a part of the cult. Hope noticed how everyone in the cult seemed to be growing beard. The man looks at her face and steps back, lowering his compound bow.
“You’re that Deputy, ain’t you?” He asks but he doesn’t look apologetic that he almost killed her thinking she was a peggie.
“Yeah, and I gather you’re not with the cult either, right?” She asks, folding her arms in front of her chest.
“I’m not with anybody, darlin’.” He says and walks to the terrace of the cabin. “I’m not going to be a part of this craziness. So you can take your dog and get the hell out of my property.”
She scoffs, but she doesn’t move an inch. She’s not ready to go to Fall’s End by foot and she and Boomer needs a place to stay for the night. She then looks at the pickup next to the cabin.
“You have a car.” It’s more of an ask then a statement.
The man turns around and looks at the pickup.
“No, I have a unicorn. What do ya think?” He rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed that she’s still talking to him.
“I could use a ride... And a place to stay. Boomer and I were on the road for the whole day...”
The man opens his door and is ready to close it on them.
“Not my problem.” He tries to slam the door, but Hope sets her boot in the way. Her patience is gone and she doesn’t care how but she will get them inside the house.
“Listen to me asshole! I was woken up by a call at 2 in the morning just to be in a chopper crash. Had been chased in the forest, shot at by peggies with guns and trucks, even bombs with John Fucking Seed’s plane just to be almost drowned in the river. Woken up in a Bunker only a couple of hours later, had been told that all of my partners, including my only family is being held by the Seeds. I freed and island, I helped get the radio tower back, I freed Boomer and a couple of outposts. I am tired, hungry and I won’t have my dog sleep outside. So fuck you, we’re staying!”
She shouts the last words and shoves him out of the way, Boomer following her inside with a wagging tail.
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She walks toward the table that has a plate of fried chips on it and with a long moan she starts eating. The unnamed man closes the door and looks at her annoyed, his arms folded before his chest. She looks at him while eating and she feels her anger go away.
“I’m sowwy buf when I’m hunwy I’m an awwhole” She talks with her mouth full and she sees the guy shake his head but she also sees a small smile appearing on his face.
She sits down at the table and looks at Boomer, who lays on the floor close to her leg, panting.
“I won’t kick you out, you and the pup can stay for the night, but you’ll leave tomorrow.” He says as he walks toward a cupboard and grabs a bowl and fills it with water, setting it down on the floor to Boomer. He starts making a mess as he licks from the water thirstily. The man scratches behind his ears and stand up to look at Hope.
“So.. What’s your name?” He asks.
She swallows before talking:
“I don’t care much about titles, darlin’.” He shrugs and waits. She looks at him considering she didn’t even introduce herself to Dutch properly. And this man had no buisness helping her until she marched into the house.
“Trinity-Hope Johnson. But I prefer Hope over Trinity. That sounds like I’m some kind of hippie child.” She says finally.
“Hope... I’m Adam, Adam Roberts. Not that it’s important to know each others name. Considering we won’t be seeing each other.... well... I guess never.” He smiles but somehow his smile even looks like he’s annoyed by everything. Maybe he is. Maybe he has an allergy: ‘Allergic to everyone and everything. I’m a rebel because it’s cool and I’m stuck as this emo hipster kid.’
She stuffs some more chips into her mouth:
“I could still use a ride, though.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Why?” She looks at Adam and points at him with a fried chip. “You rather help the cult?”
“I told you. I won’t pick a side. I’m perfectly fine here and until someone attack me, I don’ care what the cult or the Resistance is doing.”
She shrugs and throws some chips to Boomer, who happily greets the treats.
“I guess you would rather have John’s man carve Sloth into you. Right?”
He scoffs.
“Let them try. I had a fight with John once. I won.”
She raises an eyebrow and smirks:
“So you had a fight with him. Guess that means you don’t like him. Yet you wouldn’t help out taking Fall’s End back just to piss him off.
Adam raises his hands to stop her from talking, and tilts his head as if he heard it wrong:
“Are you telling me? You want to take back Fall’s End? You” He laughs and Hope frowns, clearly offended.
“Yeah. And what?”
He laughs out hard and looks at the young girl amused:
“I don’t mean to be rude, darlin’. But you don’t seem like you could even approach Fall’s without being shot on sight. You might have had your luck until now. But you’re just a kid, nothing else.”
“Excuse me?!” She raises her voice looking angrily at the man.
“I’m just saying that you’re going to get yourself killed.” He shrugs with a smug smile on his face.
“Well... Won’t know until I try, am I right?” She scoffs and gets up from the table.
There are four beds in the cabin and she decides to choose one of the four and sleep in that. She doesn’t want to undress before the man but she also doesn’t want to sleep in the same clotches that she was in for a whole day. Sweaty, bloody and dirty clothes.
“Don’t you... have any shirts that I could borrow?”
She asks, less angrily then moments ago. He rolls his eyes, but he’s still smiling. He walks toward a wardrobe and gets an american flag top shirt out of it. It looks like a woman’s shirt.
“You know, it’s cute how you get angry. You look like a dwarf trying to be scary.”
Adam gives her the shirt and turns around, crouching down next to Boomer, scratching behind the dog’s ear. The pup’s tail start to wag, and it hits the floor with a low. Tomp...tomp...tomp...
Now it’s her turn to roll her eyes at him which he can’t even see. She quickly gets out of her bloody clothes and gets changed. Only standing in a top and underwear, but she quickly jumps into bed, covering herself with the thin blanket.
“Nice one. Go for my heights, that will probably make me angry.” She uses sarcasm against him, as she calls for Boomer and pats the bed.
The dog happily gets up from the floor, leaving the man crouching and jumps on the bed to lay down at Hope’s legs.
“If I were you I would sleep. Who knows if you survive tomorrow, right?” He says and his tone is a lot more serious than before.
Hope wants to say something back, about ‘Have some Faith’ or something like that but her eyelids quickly close and she’s off to a dreamless sleep.
In the morning when Hope stays in her american flag top and puts back on her camo pants and boots she gathers some supplies. Water for her and Boomer if they get thirsty on the road. She takes some apples and sandwiches with her as well. Her rifle lazily hanging from her shoulder, her pistol in the holster on her thigh. Radio ready to take any calls from anyone.
Boomer follows her excited to where they are going next as they open the door. A deal was a deal. A night at the cabin, then goodbye forever! But as she onto the porch of the cabin Adam calls out to her, with a voice like he’s already regretting his actions:
“Wait... I’m going to give you that ride.”
She looks back at him, with a wide smile on her face.
He sighs as he holds his bow in his hand, closing the cabin door behind him:
“Yeah. So get in the car, before I change my mind!”
She almost gallops to the passenger seat and opens the door to the backseat for Boomer. The dog gets in the truck, Hope closing the door behind him
They are on the road for a minute or so when Hope asks her question:
“Why did you change your mind?”
He sighs and rolls his eyes.
“Maybe I’m just being nice?”
She laughs and shakes her head:
He scoffs and looks at her for a moment than back to the road:
“See? That wasn’t very nice.”
Clearly not getting a real answer from the guy Hope turns on the radio. If there’s something she really hates are the silence car drives. She either needs a conversation or music.
‘....You can sing all through the night. Preach till the morning light. Some cannot tell wrong from right. Jacob is gonna come and set those sinners free. Jacob is gonna set those sinners free....’
“Fuck no.” Adam cahnges the channel on the radio quickly.
“Wait... that was actually good. Like Cash.”
She changes the channel back to the cultist radio as Adam groans next to her. She starts to hum along the tune as the man next to her looks like she just killed his mother.
“Cash is king. This is garbage.”
She doesn’t responds but starts to sing along with the verse, it’s a really catchy song:
“See the non-believers by the path, non-believers by the path, non-believers by the path! Jacob is gonna come and set those sinners free.”
Adam shuts off the radio and she groans:
“Oh come on, this one is actually great! I heard the John one that was pretty bad.” She laughs, remembering the cheery song going while she freed Boomer.
The car starts to slow down and Adam lookes ahead, not caring about the topic anymore.
“We’re here. Get your guns ready.”
Hope looks ahead at Fall’s End and the smoke erupting from it. She looks at the man next to her.
He knows what she’s going to ask and interrupst her.
“Yeah, I’m coming with you. Let’s check out the place, see how many peggies we have to deal with.”
A/N: John is coming in the next chapter and from now than a back and forth game starts between the deputy and him via the radio. Ehehehehe
Tags: @onl-you
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sootemptation · 7 years ago
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FATED (Part 2)
(You can read the synopsis in the Masterpost below)
Part 1 | Masterpost | Part 3
Pairing: Suho x reader. (AU)
Warnings: mentions of being sick.
Words: 2995.
A/N: Hey there! It’s been a while and I’m sorry but I finally updated this so... I hope you like this new part! Feel free to tell me what you think about it!
(Gif credits to its owner)
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Tuesday's nights used to be busy nights. More than Mondays. Time seemed to run faster when you were continuously working instead of sitting on the counter (yes, on the counter) waiting for someone to cross the door. Nonetheless, that Tuesday was different. Your mind and your body were not synchronized. While you knew you had to prepare a coffee for the table number 7 you would just heat water for tea and take it to the table number 3, which, by the way, was not even in the area you had been assigned for that night.
“Are you sure you’re OK?” asked Yoona once again after seeing you attending one of her tables.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you nodded vigorously.
Yeah, too much enthusiasm. You were lying. Obviously.
Truth was you were zoned out. Your body was basically working on its own because your mind could not be stopped from going back to the previous morning, the coffee and the bunny-boy you had learned was named Junmyeon. Kim Junmyeon.
What kind of damn-bunny-spell did he put on you to turn you in that absent-minded human being just because of a simple coffee with a post-it stuck on it? You hadn’t been able to function since then.
You had walked home reliving the moment your eyes met his, dark and intense, seductive, distracting. While you tried to study and memorize some of the formulas you needed for your math class only two words would spin in your head: Kim Junmyeon. That afternoon, while you were in class determined to pay attention and take some nice and well-written notes, fully resolved to push him out of your head, you opened your pencil case and found the yellow post-it there, right where you left it, and then again your mind was flying around the place.
“Are you OK?” asked Sunmi when your classes were finally over.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you nodded.
“You know I know when you lie to me because you repeat things way too much, right?”
“What? No, no, no…”
Your eyes doubled in size as you looked in her direction when you realized what had just happened. She burst into a high pitched laughter. The warmth in your cheeks was an indicator that you were blushing again.
“Now, for real, is everything OK?” she repeated while wiping a couple tears of her eyes.
“Yes! Really. Don’t mind me. I think I didn’t sleep enough last night and I’m just… you know…”
She nodded her head, agreeing with you despite you really didn’t know what you meant by “you know”.
On your way back home you wondered why you hadn't told your best friend about Kim Junmyeon, and of course, your inner sassy bitch answered you with a childish voice that sounded just like yours:
Maybe it’s because you feel stupid obsessing over a damn boy and a damn coffee with a damn post-it that said boy wrote.
Yes, your inner bitch had spoken and she was pretty rude, nevertheless, she was right.
Did it take just a coffee and a note on a post-it to mess that much with your head? Since when were like that? Out of nowhere, the memory of your mom came to you:
The room smelled like roses, cinnamon and antiseptic. The curtain was closed, but the sunlight found its way to enter the room, covering everything in a dim light that was almost comforting. Almost.
“Mom?” you asked, wondering if she was already awake. Her body was laying flat in bed and you could barely hear her breathing, but it was there.
She hummed, letting you know she was awake. You came closer to her bed and let out a relieved sigh when you saw her already smiling at you.
“How are you feeling today? Did you rest well? Are you ready to go out and have some fun?”
You laid down next to her and curled up, letting her arms involve your figure.
“My sweet girl...” she murmured, placing a soft kiss in your head, “What about a change of plans?”
You raised your head to look into her eyes. Her gaze sweet and calm, as usual.
“What about a movie marathon? I know how much you like them,”
Your heart clenched. Though she didn't want you to worry and kept her expression unfazed, you knew that change of plans meant she was not feeling well. She would never ditch a day in the park with you for a movie marathon. Not unless she felt too weak to be sure that she would resist it.
“I'd love that!” you lied with the biggest of your grins plastered on your face.
Small wrinkles formed under her eyes when she smiled again.
When the first movie was over your mom was trying to hold her tears, not doing a really nice job. You snorted,
“Why do we always watch this movie, mom?”
“I like it,” she answered calmly.
“You always cry!”
“Still,” she took a tissue and blew her nose. It made you smile.
You had your own theory about why she liked The Closer that much. Though she insisted it was because it was touching and moving and Julia Roberts did play an awesome role you couldn't help but consider that maybe she found it relatable on a personal level. Of course, the movie was not the only reason. What you knew she was about to say was the main reason for your theory:
“Honey...” she started, “doesn't this movie remind you of your granny?”
You both looked into each other's eyes and said at once, “there are things people never tell...”
A short silence followed before you both laughed together. Yes, that was something Nana used to say. And it was something that your mom would always remind you after watching The Closer.
“Yes mom, it does. I'm gonna go get some water. Do you need something?” you questioned as you stood up.
“Yes honey,” you stopped in your tracks. She looked at you in the eye and took your hands in hers, just like every time she wanted to have a real talk with you, “I need you to promise that you will always remember that. Especially when I'm not here anymore,”
The last words seemed to not want to come out, and the sound of it caused her eyes to get watery again. Yours too.
A deep sigh and a soft squeeze of her hands were enough to make you understand that she needed you to answer. She needed you to say you would remember.
Maybe she was not going to be a part of your life for a long time, but she could give some advice that she hoped you would remember.
You just nodded, unable of saying a word.
The memory of your mom was, somehow, soothing, and you managed to almost get your usual four hours of sleep when you got home, before going back to work.
And that was how you got there and how you were messing everything up. Even trying to remember what your mom used to say was hard right there and then, and it got harder with every minute that went by.
As time passed and your shift for that night was slowly coming to its end, you could feel your nerves raising, your legs wavy and your hands weak. Your stomach was doing backflips and though you couldn't help but feel excited it was also annoying. You were head over hills for a boy who had just bought you a coffee. Why couldn't you act as any other human being and keep it cool?
Your name being called next to you dragged you back to reality. Harsh. Of course, the only dumb-ass who could possibly be that infuriating was Rob.
“What do you want?” you spat.
“Sweetheart... pay attention to me when I talk to you. I was asking if you're not going to leave?” He inquired pointing with his thumb at the clock that marked the end of your shift.
What!? How!? How did 7AM come without you even noticing!?
You took off your apron and left it on the rack, took your bag and left the place. No goodbyes that day. You had somewhere else to be and you needed to get there as soon as possible.
In your way there, even if you refused to accept it, you walked a little bit faster than usual, as if the anticipation to see him again was pushing you in that direction.
Once you were in front of the door you took a deep breath and walked in. Your eyes scanned the place, looking for him, expecting that he would be sitting in his usual table despite he had never got there before you did. Your heart broke a little when you realized he was not there. Yet.
When you sat and the waitress went to ask your order, you finally realized why you hadn't noticed the end of your shift. That day she hadn't been at the bar. Whenever she entered the place you knew there was around an hour left for you to leave and go have breakfast, but she hadn't been there that day.
You met her eyes and no words were needed to know that she was working a double shift. Her eyes were sunk and the dark shade coloring the skin under them was an indicator of lack of sleep. You had been there and could recognize something like that. You pitied her, but did your best to share what felt like a weak smile,
“Hey!” you greeted softly.
“Hey,” she answered with a tired voice, “Your usual, right?”
You nodded and she turned around to go get your food.
You were staring at the door wondering where he was and why he wasn't there already when she came back with your breakfast, and of course, she didn't fail to notice that.
“Enjoy!” she giggled.
“Yeah, thanks...”
You looked down as your cheeks turned red out of embarrassment but you were interrupted when the sound of the door abruptly opened echoed in the local. You raised your eyes. He was there. His hair a little bit messier than usual and his face, that used to be pale and calm was now flushed. His eyes fixed on you. Flawless. That was him.
After spotting you, he walked to his table, regaining his composure. Halfway there, he met your eyes again, changed his direction and walked straight to where you were sitting. When he stood in front of you, you allowed yourself to take a good look at him and man... was he handsome... Having him that close helped you to notice a small scar under his eyebrow, between his eye and nose, that you had never seen before. His skin even and soft-looking made you want to touch it, touch him, run every single inch of his skin with your fingertips and check if all of him was as velvety as it seemed. The simple thought of putting your hands on him made your stomach twist a little.
“Hi,” he smiled, “mind if I join you?”
He raised his eyebrow and his smile grew wider while waiting for an answer.
You closed your mouth, which you didn't realize had been open till then and tried to sound as calm as possible,
“No, please have a sit,”
You pointed at the chair in front of you with a move of your head. You were sure if you had used one of your hands the shaking of it wouldn't go unnoticed.
He was about to say something when your waitress slash friend came to your table again and offered him his usual order, which he accepted. She puckered her eyebrows at you along with a mouth wide open and a thumbs up before leaving, like cheering you on. A soft giggle escaped your lips.
“Should I introduce myself?” he asked out loud. He was still looking at you, ignoring everything else around, “I'm Kim Junmyeon,”
You beamed nodding your head, you did know that already.
“Well, I guess I should introduce myself too, right?”
He waited for you to do so, and, in a display of bravery that you had no idea where it came from, you extended your arm to shook his hand and told him your name. He laughed taking your hand in his and you shivered. Maybe because of the gentle touch of his hand in yours, maybe because you couldn't believe you were the reason of such a beautiful sound coming from him. Maybe for both. You stayed like that for a second and you wondered if he was feeling the same as you.
“So,” he started finally letting go of your hand, “did you have some rest? You still look tired,”
His voice was silky, manly, seductive, yet it had a worried tone. He was worried for a complete stranger.
“Well, I... I actually needed to keep myself awake,” you couldn't look at him, “and the coffee you bought for me helped with that,”
He exhaled,
“Yeah, that was not a smart move,”
You both laughed together.
“By the way, thanks for inviting me, you didn't have to. Today is on me, I'll treat you,” you announced meeting his eyes again.
“No. I won't let that happen, please let me invite you again,”
“You want to buy me coffee again? Why? Are you rich or something?” you joked.
He cracked a cocky smile,
“Rich enough to buy you coffee, yes,”
Any other day you would find that kind of answer pretentious and snobby, but that day you couldn't. He was flirting with you and that was all you could think about. Because he was flirting with you, right?
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked.
“Sorry, I had never seen a rich person before...” you answered lowering your head.
He suddenly straightened up, his expression shocked,
Though you were trying really hard not to, you snorted and burst into laughter.
His shoulders relaxed a little and he laughed along with you. He would've kicked himself for buying such an absurd statement, but he was too busy memorizing every single detail of you. Your eyes, your hair, your mouth, the sound of your voice or that cute habit you had to look away when you were embarrassed or just too shy to keep looking at him.
“Here you go,” smiled the waitress when she finally served his breakfast.
“Thanks, Erin,” he took his wallet before you could take in his actions and paid for both of your breakfasts.
So Erin was her name? Well, it was about time to know it. It did fit her. She had an Erin face.
“You didn't have to, really. I'll pay next time,” you promised.
“So you're assuming there's going to be a next time?” he teased.
You didn't want to blush, but you could not help it. Still, holding your head high, you  answered,
“I'll be here tomorrow, so, if you want, I'll reserve that place for you,” and smiled once again.
Your grin was contagious. He didn't expect that answer, but he liked it. He would consider your offer.
At some point, the silence grew between both you. You didn't know what to say, neither him, so you just stayed there, staring at each other, sharing the silence and enjoying the electricity it sent up and down your bodies. Although no words were said, it felt, somehow, intimate. Your eyes scanning his face, still in awe due to his beautiful features. His eyes never left yours either, you were too captivating. He couldn't have looked away even if he had tried.
Your little moment was interrupted by the sound of the door, dragging your attention to it.  A couple of lovebirds entered the place holding hands and laughing out loud. You would consider them cute but... they had just interrupted your stare-session so... no.
When you looked at him again, the magic and the tension that had been created was already gone, so you tried to start a new conversation,
“Where do you go every morning when you get out of here?”
His expression changed to a most panicked one and you blamed your stupid question.
“To class. I go to class,” he said while he drank up his coffee in one go and stood up to leave, “I'm sorry, I'm already late, I really have to go,”
You nodded to let him know you understood while thinking about every morning that he used to do the same, just ran out the door because he was late.
His belongings were in his hands and he was ready to leave when he paused for a second and hurriedly mumbled,
“You know... I'd love it if you reserved this sit for me tomorrow,”
Before you could answer he was out the door, already running to make it to his class in time.
It was curious the duality of him. He could be acting like the most seductive man on earth and the next second he would turn into a cute fluffy little bunny that needed to be cuddled.
After he left, you slowly picked your things up and did the same. While you were walking home your mind replayed the morning, since you arrived at the coffee shop till he left, and once again you were walking home thinking about him.
Well, at this point it was undeniable that you were sold so, you hoped for the best and expected that, at least, you were able to function at work.
Speaking about work... had Rob called you Sweetheart again that morning?
Masterlist  |  Let me know what you think
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thestuckylibrary-bigbang · 8 years ago
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Part One
This post contains alternate universe sbb2017 works of all sorts of genres. This post contains the following, take a look at what participants have been working hard on since June!
Band/Musician AU
Based on other media AU
Canon Divergence (sorted from were they diverge from canon)
College/University AU and also HIgh School AU
Fairy Tale/Mythology 
Also check out  Canon ‘Verse | AU Part Two | AU Part Three | Masterpost
The Alpha’s Ball by Samwise_baggins & Steve-Bucky-Stucky
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con
Word Count: 44, 706
Relationships: Steve Rogers/James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, Thomas ‘TJ’ Hammond/Johnny Storm, Sam Wilson/ Riley, Nick Fury/ Phil Coulson
Tags: Omega Verse, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Reference Child Abuse, m-preg, Mating Cycle/ In-Heat, Violent Sex, Graphic Sex
Summary:  The annual Alpha’s Ball, where people go to find a mate, is being hosted by Tony Stark at his mansion in New York. It is a masquerade ball, and the Avengers are among the guests. But even when searching for love, things don’t always go as planned for the Avengers. For Steve, it means a chance to forget his one time love, killed during the war. For Bucky, it means a night out, trying to pick up the pieces after having fled his former lover. What it means for the pair of them is a revelation of secrets and twisted plots - - and a chance at a possible new beginning … together.
Artist: Samwise_baggins
Band/Musician AU
I’m With The Band? by @mystrana (Ao3)
Three beautiful pieces of art by: @artgroves (Ao3) (rating: G)
“Oh Shucks Steve”
“Pre-caffeine Bucky”
“Rock Star Bucky”
(rating: NC-17)
words: 23.9k
Relationships: Steve/Bucky
Tags: College AU, Band AU, Fluff, Wee bit of angst, explicit content, no archive warnings apply
Steve Rogers is getting by just fine spending every Friday night by himself, thank you very much, until his classmate Peggy invites him to come see her favorite local band. One look at the lead singer Bucky, and it’s lust at first sight. The next thing he knows, Steve is outside making out with the guy of his dreams, but it’s never that simple - Bucky’s bandmate Natasha finds them outside and all but drags Bucky back inside by his ear.
Steve’s not sure where to go from here, but he’s pretty sure, somehow or another, he’s gonna have to see Bucky again.
Rating: Mature Word Count: 46,112 Relationship: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Background Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Maria Hill, Sam Wilson, Peggy Carter, Alexander Pierce Warnings: Alcohol Use, Drug Use, Drug Overdose, Suicidal Thoughts. Tags: Modern AU, No Superpowers, Punk AU, Band AU, Veteran Bucky, Musician Bucky, Pre-Serum Steve, Artist Steve, Tattoos and Piercings, PTSD, Drug Addiction, Temporary Breakup, Happy Ending, Based on a Real Band, Rise Against Summary MAY YOU BE IN HEAVEN BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOU’RE DEAD. MAY THESE WINDS BE ALWAYS AT YOUR BACK. ‘CAUSE WHEN WE’RE ALL JUST GHOSTS, AND THE MADNESS OVERTAKES US, WE WILL LOOK AT THE ASHES AND SAY, “PEOPLE LIVED HERE.”
When Steve meets the singer of Crimson Riot, on whom he may or may not be harbouring a years long crush, and gets offered a job, Steve thinks it’s a dream come true. Getting paid to go on tour with his favourite band and create art? It’ll just take some time to get used to the rockstar lifestyle.But as he gets to know James “Bucky” Barnes, and sees what’s underneath the drugs and the cocky attitude, he gives himself a new job: Help Bucky before it’s too late. 
Based on other media AU
Ain’t Misbehaving by Revenant-Scribe (Ao3) (Tumblr)
Header art and paper craft art by @milollita
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli, Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers (past)
Steve Rogers is an excellent judge of character. No, really! But, as Peggy puts it: when it comes to love his head tends to override his heart. When his girlfriend leaves him for a model Steve wonders if he’ll ever find the right partner; maybe it’s time to stop looking.Naturally, this is when he (quite literally) runs into Jim Buchanan, a fashion exec who (also literally) makes Steve weak-in-the-knees. Sure, that might just be the concussion but they do seem to have some sort of chemistry. Jim’s sweet and funny, walks his neighbor’s rescue dog and can do over 300 chin-ups without pausing to catch his breath (Steve’s new apartment has a great view), so clearly there must be something horrible he’s trying to keep secret.(A Head Over Heels adaptation)
Read over at Ao3
As Soon As Possible by turn_turn_turn
Art by Jessie Lucid
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 30K
Relationships: Main course of Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes with a dash of Natasha Romanov/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow, and Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson on the side
Tags: When Harry Met Sally AU, Modern AU, No Powers AU, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, more like Begrudging Acquaintances to Friends to Lovers, seriously you guys please stop poking at each other and fall in Love already, Rom-heavy-on-the-Com Fun, please laugh at my jokes
Can two idiots stop bickering long enough to confess their true feelings for one another? Steve and Bucky will attempt to answer this question in just twelve short years! A journey filled with road trips, arguments, other relationships, emotionally convoluted hookups, borderline-salacious and pastrami-sandwich-adjacent amateur theater, and heaps of completely unnecessary, totally mutual pining! An updated re-imagining of a romcom classic, starring Steve Rogers, a bird-boned, hopeless romantic with a stubborn streak, and Bucky Barnes, a laid-back Lothario (dubious on both counts) with a heart of gold and more bad Star Wars puns than Mark Hamill himself! Also features supporting roles by Natasha ‘We All Wish We Were That Cool’ Romanoff, Samuel ‘Has His Shit Together, Unlike All of You Dweebs’ Wilson, Clint 'Are You Going to Finish That Slice’ Barton, and many more! Now showing at an archive near you.
Header by the amazing Jessie Lucid @lucidnancyboy
Art by the amazing Jessie Lucid (on ao3)
Brooklyn Bound by multifandomfics
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Tags: Minor/Childhood Death (Mentioned), Sweet Home Alabama AU, Multiship, non-graphic sexual situations, Cursing/Swearing
Summary: Steve Rogers is ready to embark on a new chapter in his life, his perfect boyfriend has just proposed and all is going well. The only problem, he’s still married to his childhood sweetheart. Steve needs to return home to Brooklyn and finalize his divorce before his fiancée finds out he was ever married. However things become more complicated as Steve arrives, it turns out that there is more to his ex than meets the eye, and old feelings resurface. Steve needs to choose, stay in Brooklyn with the man he once loved, or return to California and start his new life. Sweet Home Alabama AU.
Art by 10feetalice
Creatures of a Brief Season by @goddessvicky & @octobergryphon
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 56k
Relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson/Wanda Maximoff, Darcy Lewis/Grant Ward, Jane Foster/Thor Odinson
Tags: public sex, outdoor sex, magic, anal sex, oral sex, fingering, rimming, blow jobs, UST, au covenant, different powers, au magic, bisexual steve, bisexual bucky, bottom steve, top steve, bottom bucky, top bucky, au modern with magic, college, friends to lovers, smut, we tried to make it fluff, all the swears, slow burn, Framily
The Sons of Ipswich possess otherworldly powers, but they are not the only ones with this gift.
On the edge of his 21st birthday, Steve Rogers feels the Power growing within him. He’s hoping that with Bucky, Sam, and Clint, he’ll survive the transformation.
That’s not the only thing that’s changing. Bucky and Steve have always been best friends, but now, maybe, there’s something more?
Amazing Artwork by the phenomenally talented Alby
First I commit a Crime (Then You Get Blamed For It) by @tisfan 
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Loki (female), James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanov, Lucky, Nick Fury Additional Tags: Sinbad AU, Low-tech/high-magic, Sea Monsters, Sirens, Pining Idiots, Idiots in Love, Anal Sex, Barebacking, Everyone Is Poly Because Avengers, Pirates, Oral Sex, Cheating, sort of, everyone is forgiven Summary:
When Loki is bored, suddenly, nothing is easy.
Framed for stealing the Reality Stone from his best friend (and former lover!) Steve, Bucky finds himself accused of the crime and sentenced to death. When the Council doesn’t believe that Bucky is innocent, Steve swears to be executed in Bucky’s place, giving him time to seek out Loki and recover the stone from Loki’s realm of Jotunheim
Accompanied by a ship full of stalwart adventurers, and Steve’s fiance, Tony Stark – who doesn’t trust Bucky as far as he can throw him! – the ship, Hydra, faces sirens, snowbirds, and living islands to make it to Loki’s realm, recover the stone and save Steve’s life. The biggest problem? Bucky can’t forget his old lover, but at the same time, finds himself falling in love with Steve’s boyfriend.
for the ashes of his fathers (and the kingdoms of his gods) - ‘Oblivion’ stucky AU by LadyNimrodel
Steve and Natasha are an effective team. They work for Shield’s Control Station, built after the planet was destroyed in the war with the Scavs. They are left on a broken and barren planet to keep the drones running that protect the hydra rigs, which collect precious water for what’s left of humanity, now living in a colony on one of Saturn’s moons.
What Steve knows is this: the Scav attacks are getting worse, even though they lost the war nearly fifty years ago. In two weeks he and Natasha are leaving to join the rest of humanity. And that neither of them want to leave earth.
What he doesn’t know is why the Scavs are attacking again, why everything Control tells them feels wrong, and why he keeps dreaming of a man with grey-blue eyes and a familiar smile and who Steve doesn’t remember.
-Or- The Oblivion AU that no one asked for.
Art by Emeraldwolf | Art by koreanrage 
Give Me Fuel, Give Me Fire by 221BJen
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 41k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Fast & the Furious AU, Major Character Injury, Car Accidents, Car Sex, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Mechanic Bucky Barnes, Undercover Steve Rogers, AU - No Powers
Summary: Brooklyn detective Steve Rogers finds his loyalty tested when he goes undercover to investigate a group at the center of a series of high speed heists. He doesn’t know what to make of James Barnes and his family of choice, but he wants to know more. Drag races, muscle cars and intense attraction leave Steve wondering if he’s in way too deep. Spoiler alert: Definitely.
Art by faceisamess (on AO3)
Home Is Where the Heart Is by @anice-1 (AO3)
with art by MrBarnesIfYaNasty beta-read by @curry-spice-and-everything-nice
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 22k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter
Tags: Sweet Home Alabama AU, based on a movie, modern AU - no powers, referenced minor character death, referenced pet death, people get drunk, artist!Steve, background Clint/Natasha, brief mention of past Bruce/Natasha
Steve Rogers has it all: He’s the hottest new artist in town, he’s dating the most eligible bachelorette of New York City, and he just got the proposal of his dreams. The problem? Steve already has a husband, and travelling home to finally divorce Bucky Barnes proves to be far more of a trip down memory lane than Steve expected.
How to Fix a Broken Heart by RockSaltAndRoll
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warnings:
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Based on Grey's Anatomy, medical AU, Major Illness, Blood, Surgery, Fluff and Angst, heart failure, Doctor/Patient Romance, Doctor!Bucky, Patient!Steve, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Happy Ending
Stucky Big Bang 2017 Submission:Falling in love with a patient was top of the list of things Bucky Barnes would never do...until he met Steve Rogers - a good guy with a broken heart that can't be fixed. After Steve's transplant surgery falls through and his bad heart weakens, Bucky and his team try their hardest to keep him alive until they can find a donor. Over bedside picnics and games of scrabble, Bucky fights against time to save the man he's in love with before Steve loses his battle.
Identity Is Your Most Valuable Possession by assemblingbrokenmemories 
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 72.5 k
Relationships: Steve/Bucky
Tags: Alternate Universe- The Incredibles, Modern with Powers AU, Fake Marriage, Family Fic, Amputee!Bucky, Cryokinetic!Bucky, Canon Typical Violence, Minor Character Death Mention, Alternating POV
Summary: Steve and Bucky meet as opposite sides of a battle when the brainwashed Winter Soldier was sent to kill Captain America and ended up captured and a friend instead. This battle and its resulting damage are the nail in the coffin for enhanced individuals, and the government rolls out the Enhanced Relocation Act which rehouses superheroes into civilian life. Seven years later, the glory of the “super hero days” are over and the ERA sees Steve and Bucky masquerading as a married couple with three adopted children- Pietro, Wanda, and Peter. As they struggle to adjust to their as regular citizens, a unique and potentially dangerous offer puts their family in danger. WIll they come together? Or will this see the end of their charade? - The Incredibles AU people (sort of) asked for!
Art by debwalsh (tumblr)
Art by debwalsh (ao3)
Indiana Barnes and the Curse of the Tesseract by follow_the_sun
Art by sulasaferoom
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Creator chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 56,576
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Action/Adventure, Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes | Shrinkyclinks, Inspired by Indiana Jones, Inspired by The Rocketeer, Marvel Norse Lore, sbb2017, Stucky Big Bang 2017, Canon Disabled Character, Brief torture scene, The Real Treasure Was the Priceless Historical Sites We Blew Up Along The Way
Summary: It’s 1943, and art history professor Steve Rogers has been hired to help wealthy industrialist Tony Stark find his father, who went missing while searching for the fabled Tesseract. It sounds like an easy job until Steve finds out that his old flame, Bucky Barnes, is also part of the expedition.
Our Core is Madness by Terrenis | Art by noncorporealform
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Words: 61380
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson/DarcyLewis, Mentions of Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli, Thor/Jane Foster, Sif/Maria Hill/Sharon Carter
Tags: AU - Modern Setting; AU - Year 2000; Serial Killers; Mental Issues; Movie Science; Post-Serum Steve; Bucky has Issues and a metal arm; Howards A+++parenting; Dissociative identity disorder, more on Ao3
Summary: When Crossbones, New York’s and New Jersey’s newest Serial Killer, collapses, when finally captured, it’s up to SHIELD Agent Steve Rogers to find a way to locate the killer’s newest victim, before it’s too late.
Enter one James “Bucky” Barnes - a psychologist and engineer, who uses an experimental device to engulf into his patients’ minds. In a race against time, Steve and his partner Natasha turn to him for help and Bucky agrees, while secretly fighting against his growing attraction for the nice blond federal agent. The only question is: Is it safe to enter a mad man’s subconscious or will it end badly for them both?
Or a The Cell! AU that no one asked for. But I wrote it anyway.
Steal The Rhythm Out From My Heart by Nori [ AO3 | Tumblr ]
Rating: Mature Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 32K Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes Tags:  Alternate Universe - Destiny (video game), Canon-Typical Violence, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Angst, Humor, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Minor Character Death
Summary: Humanity’s dwindling numbers hang by a thread and the last of the Traveler’s strange, powerful Light grows dimmer by the day. With their fearsome, unknown enemy closing in, it falls on the Guardians to defend the last of Earth’s people. Steve, only recently reborn and still learning the limits of his inhuman abilities, is thrown headfirst into an unceasing battle for life itself. Falling in love with a mysterious, reticent Hunter isn’t really part of the plan, but Steve’s always been flexible. Now if he could just convince the object of his affections to admit he’s in love, too, these long days of war might even be worth the trouble.
“You’re a madman,” Bucky informs him fondly. Steve steps forward, using both hands to grab the edges of Bucky’s hood and pulling until the material lies neat and even.
“Probably,” he agrees amiably, and hops backwards off the cliff.
Art by Emeraldwolf | Art by koreanrage
Stevie by malone78.tumblr.com
Word count: 35k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James “Bucky” Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Stony - Freeform, Depression, blink and you miss it mention of Buckynat, Recovery, Deception, Age Difference, Suicide Attempt, Arranged Marriage Summary:
Steve is the son of a live-in-nurse who returns home from two years in Paris a stunning young man, and immediately catches the attention of Tony, the playboy son of his mother’s rich employers. Tony woos and wins Steve, who has always been in love with him. However, their romance is threatened by Tony’s serious older brother, Bucky, who runs the family business and is relying on Tony to marry an heiress in order for a crucial merger to take place. Steve is initially elated because he has been in love with Tony since he can remember. What seems like a dream come true for Steve ends up taking a strange turn when Bucky starts spending time with Stevie. In a world of money and high society, who can Stevie trust with his heart?
Art by milkberi.tumblr.com to follow
Storm Chasers by raisedinthunder
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: None
Words: 29k
Relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Twister AU, storm chaser au, estranged husbands, rekindled romance
Summary: When the worst series of storms on record are predicted to hit Oklahoma, Bucky Barnes drags his entire department out into the field to chase them down. When they’re joined by his estranged husband, Steve and his new fiancé it’s not just their new tornado warning system that’s put to the test. Risking their lives Bucky and Steve go up against mother nature together once more.
Art by drjezdzany
The Holtzmann-Rogers Plan of Action by krycekasks
Archive Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence
Relationships: James Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers, Erin Gilbert / Jillian Holtzmann
Tags: Holtzbert - Shrinkyclinks - Great British Bake Off - Ghostbusting AU, misunderstandings, Rogers and Holtz are scamps!, evil twins, Fluff, dream/flashback with gun violence and killing, description of an asthma attack / difficulty breathing, description of a cut / bleeding, allusion to disturbing human experimentation, but mostly: Fluff and Crack, Fluff and Humor
Summary: Why have one five foot one-ish obstinate blond with no sense of self-preservation issues and a propensity for getting into trouble when you can have two for twice the price? Only by working together do they stand a chance of getting their best friends to fall in love with them. Throw in experimental robotic arms, ghost hunting and internationally renowned televised baking competition and a cunning plan, what could possibly go wrong?
(aka the one where Steve is an art professor in love with his best friend, the former Special Forces sniper Bucky Barnes, who lost and arm in combat and tests experimental prostheses for Jillian Holtzmann, who is in love with her best friend Erin Gilbert, paranormal expert and Steve’s colleague. While Erin and Bucky vie for Star Baker in the Great British Bake Off, Holtzmann and Rogers devise a plan to win their hearts.)
Adorable, amazing and delicious art (I’m so lucky, it’s ridiculous) by Frau Argh - thank you for taking a chance with this story, your enthusiasm (and love for Aliens) has made it all worthwhile
Where No One Goes by made_of_sunshine
Rated: PG/Teen
Character tags:James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Helen Cho, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Daemons, Fantasy, Non-consensual daemon touching, loosely based on httyd, pre-serum Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Amnesia, Loss of Identity, Dragons Summary:
Three years ago, Steve Rogers woke up on the shores of Skjoldr, barely breathing, his daemon at his side. He remembered nothing of his previous life. Featuring: A war in which he is not the hero, a dragon who may not be what it seems and two boys who are more than they realize.
Art by @cloudwolfbane
Art by @inkforwordsart
Canon Divergence (sorted from were they diverge from canon)
Gweilo Gongfu by P.R. Zed
Rating: E
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Words: 34K
Relationships: Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes
Tags: Alternate Universe, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Chinese American Bucky Barnes, 1930s, Period-Typical Racism, Martial Arts
“I can look after myself.” Steve bristled. “And how about you? You go around taking on three fighters from the Hip Sing Tong on a regular basis?”
“Sure,” the guy said, and then he gave Steve a big grin. “I don’t like bullies either.”
“Jeez, we’re two of a kind, ain’t we?” Steve laughed and stuck out his hand. “Steve Rogers.”
The guy took his hand in a firm grip.
“Bucky Dyun.”
“Yeah, unless you want to call me Pok Chi like my ma does.”
“Bucky it is.”
Steve Rogers doesn’t know much about Chinese culture when he makes a wrong turn in Chinatown. But a chance meeting gives him not only a new friend, but an entry into a whole new world. The more he learns from Bucky, the closer they get, until Bucky is so much more than a friend. But when a Chinese gang goes after Bucky and his family, Steve knows he needs to stand up and make sure the man he loves doesn’t lose everything.
Art by potofsoup (link to come)
Art by cassandrasfisher (link to come)
Red Strings and Violent Things by urbanconstellations tumblr
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings apply
Words: 27k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Post- Winter Soldier, PTSD, Allusions to sexual situations and Violence, Cursing
Summary: There is an old Chinese myth about a red string of Fate, that is intertwined around two souls by the gods. The cord may stretch, or tangle, but never break. Two boys fall in love in Brooklyn, slowly and full of promise. As they fall, their string unwinds to catch them. Seventy five years later, that string finds its way back home. After the Winter Soldier pulls Steve Rogers out of the Potomac, he isn’t quite sure where to begin putting the pieces back together. Steve Rogers is spending his time pulling on threads, while trying to follow his own. Their strings will pull them through memories and doubt, until they wind up on a pier, wound together again.
Seventy five years in fits and starts.
Art by @sorrowingsoldier
Art by @starmaki
A Retelling by AftertheFall (you_took_everything)
Rating: E
Words: 20k
Archive Warnings: Rape/Noncon
Tags: TFA, Howling Commandos, Peggy Carter, Pre-Seruem Steve, Bucky Barnes as Captain America, Religious Themes
Bucky stood in a line with a bunch of other men at parade rest. All the men were probably as scared as Bucky, and, like Bucky, none of them willing to show it.
His papers had come in the mail. It wasn't like he hadn't been expecting them. His father had looked grim. His mother had not been able to stop crying. She had always been religious, but she started attending mass two times a day and three times on Sundays. She tried to make Bucky come too, but he didn’t really see much point to it. He’d never been very religious.
Colder Weather by FireflysLove
Rating: Mature
Words: 20k
Archive Warnings: Major Character Death
Tags: Alternate Universe - Ghosts, ghost au, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pre-War, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Period-Typical Homophobia
In another life, Bucky died in Azzano and Steve never became Captain America. Bucky's come back to haunt Steve. In another time two boys fall in love and learn how to live.
A Ghost AU written in two parts.
Demobilization by 743ish
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 41k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Post-war, No Powers, Steve Rogers/OFC, 1940s Bucky Barnes, War Veteran Bucky Barnes, Mutual Pining, Jealousy, Angst with a Happy Ending, Homecoming, Emotional Sex
Summary: When the Statue of Liberty slides into view, the whole ship roars. It’s deafening. Bucky throws his fist in the air and yells along with everyone else. His heart is in his throat. The Statue of goddamn Liberty. Bucky wants to climb up her robe and kiss her sour green face.
The cheers rise up again as they go by her, and then die back down; most of the guys are just happy to sit and smile and watch the city float lazily into focus. They know they’ve got days more of barracks and bunks and cheap train seats before they’ll get to see their families in Pittsburgh, or Columbus, or Chicago. But Bucky’s home, he can see Brooklyn, and he laughs and shades his eyes from the sun and feels crazy with happiness, and this has to be the slowest fucking boat in the world, but at least he has a good view while he dies of impatience.
In 1945, Bucky comes home from the war.
Art by Sallysparrow017 tumblr || ao3
Beta by Dreadnought
Folie a Deux
Author: Cloud_Wolfbane
Artists: Xemsonx and Mithborien
Rated: E
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Gaslighting, Manipulation, and Amputation
Summary: When Bucky falls off the train in the Alps, Steve follows, and Russia gains two of the greatest assassins that ever lived.
Art Links:
Xemsonx’s awesome trailer can be seen here.
Mithborien’s amazing gifs can be seen here. Mithborien also did the lovely header and the time stamps seen throughout the story.
maybe tomorrow (i’ll find my way home) by obsessivereader
Rating: E
Words count: 26,361
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: shrinkyclinks, reincarnated Steve, Post-CATWS, AU - Canon divergent, alternating POV, mild gore (treating injuries), suicide ideation, past rape-noncon (brief mention), implied/referenced torture (brief mention)
Summary: A man exits the building. Approximately 5’6”, thin, tired-looking. A suitable target. He needs someone he can overpower quickly and quietly. He’s injured from the fight on the helicarriers, and weak from hunger, and blood-loss.
A streetlight illuminates the target’s face as he passes under it. That one brief glimpse of a narrow face and glowing blond hair sets his heart rate climbing. Something presses at the edges of his mind, like the wingbeats of night moths against a pane of glass. He ignores it, like he ignores the phantom voice that comes when he’s too long out of cryo. He walks towards the target, knife in hand.
What if… What if Captain America died on the Valkyrie. What if he was reborn. What if the Winter Soldier met him after the fall of the helicarriers.
Art by @this-simple-mind 
Check out my other art for maybe tomorrow here
Now I Can Only Dream (Of Being All You Need) by IndigoNight tumblr
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con
Words: ~35k
Relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/The Winter Soldier
Tags: multiple personalities, hurt/comfort, implied/referenced torture, panic attacks, dissociation, scars, non-consensual body modification, implied/referenced rape/non-con, non-consensual magic, not AoU compliant, not CA:CW compliant
Summary: The Winter Soldier exists for one reason: Protect Bucky Barnes. It is an ongoing mission, one that does not change when their HYDRA handlers are exchanged for the Avengers. Except the Winter Soldier has no defenses against magic, no contingencies planned for when Bucky is ripped out from his protective cocoon and exposed to the world in a body of his own. It’s a mission adjustment that neither of them were prepared for. At least now they have back up, if they’re willing to accept it.
Beautiful art by arania
Protector by @capgal with artwork by glide-thru
Rating: Gen Archive Warnings: No warnings apply Word Count: 30k Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes Additonal Tags: Magical!Shield AU, Canon Compliant Summary: In which Steve finds Bucky, loses Bucky, finds Bucky, and loses Bucky again, and picks up and drops the shield a few times along the way.Or: the one where everything is the same, except the shield is a magical alien artifact like Mjolnir.
Winter Gorgon by @quarra 
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Canon Divergent, Gorgon!BUcky, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Torture, Captain America Steve Rogers, Light Dom/Sub, Switching, Internalized Homophobia, Angst
For as long as Steve could remember, all he ever wanted to do was what was right. So when he hears about his father’s old regiment being held as POW’s by the Nazis, he’s determined to put what Doctor Erskine gave him to good use and goes AWOL to rescue them.
But the 107th isn’t all he finds there. Deep in the labs is a very unusual prisoner; one with snakes in his hair and a mask nailed to his face. Despite the man’s monstrous visage, Steve can’t in good conscience leave him to the enemy. That one act of mercy will change his life, the course of the war, and even the future of the world.
Art by @lenadraws
To Split the Night by AftertheFall with art by @ivedoneit100times that can be seen here
Rating: Explicit 
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con 
Words: 20,043 
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers 
Tags: Period-Typical Homophobia, Bucky Barnes as Captain America, Peggy Carter is a badass as per usual, regligious themes, suicide ideation, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Drugs 
Summary: “It seems we all need something to kill for to seek & claim to treasure till it screams in elemental dark to argue with the Gods over–” - yusef komunyakaa
You Would Be In Clover by @chibisquirt
Rating: E (Explicit)
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Words: 126k
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson
Tags:  Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex, Gay Bucky Barnes, Female Steve Rogers, Marriage of Convenience, Religion, Miscarriage, Period-Typical Homophobia, Crossdressing, Howard Stark/Steve Rogers (minor ship), Bucky Barnes/Others (offscreen)
Sarah “Gwen” Rogers was nineteen when she married Bucky Barnes, and she knew at the time just how stupid it was: it wasn’t exactly a brilliant move to marry a man who could never love her, even—or especially—when she knew that she was in love with him.
Neither of them could have predicted the war that came, and if they had, then they sure as hell couldn’t have predicted what would happen when Gwen volunteered for Project: Rebirth.
Art by @esaael and by @mamadonovan
A Song for Eurydice by Optimustaud @optimustaud
Rating: M
Archive Warnings:  Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 19999
Relationships:  Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: cursing, torture, medical experimentation, suicidal ideation, mental illness, body horror, cannon divergence, motown and soul
Summary:  Ten years after the events of The Winter Soldier Steve tracks Bucky to an abandoned Hydra base in Siberia.  
Read the fic on AO3
Art by @riakomai / @artbyria
“Episode Two: We Hate Cats!” by @lucidnancyboy and @drjezdzany ​. 
 a direct sequel to “Episode One: Red Vines”. 
Art posts on tumblr: Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4+5
playlist here
Rating: M
Warnings: Mentions of past Torture, Depression, PTSD, Angst, Past Dubious Consent, Suicidal Ideation, Drinking, Explicit Language
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov (mentioned), Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (mentioned), hinted at past Steve/Bucky/Peggy
Characters: James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson, FRIDAY
Word Count: 88k
Summary: Simply put, Bucky was different now. It had taken a heaping dose of pain for Steve to get that fact through his thick skull, but they were finally on the same page…sort of. Unfortunately, ‘sort of’ wasn’t making things easier. Like an idiot, Steve had expected instantaneous rainbows and sunshine to bathe them in happiness, but all he saw was a giant wall of stubborn and bacon flying at his head.
Bucky and Clint covering their mouths so Steve couldn’t hear them whispering? It hurt. Bucky and Tony laughing at unfunny jokes about torture? It hurt. Bucky and Nat exchanging secret spy glances? It hurt like hell. But Sam declaring himself ‘Team Bucky’? That downright sucked. Once, Bucky had given those pieces of himself to Steve…and only Steve. That was the problem: Steve wasn’t the boy Bucky fell in love with, he wasn’t Captain America, and he wasn’t even doing a good job at being Steve Rogers. Their foundation lost, the question had become, ‘Now what?’
They sucked at it, but they were trying. The fighting, laughing, panicking, hugging, sarcasm, make-up sex, and yes, flying bacon proved that. Not so simply put: Relationships are never a straight line; especially when you both get frozen and end up in the wrong century.
Read on AO3.
Find lucidnancyboy / Jessie Lucid Art on tumblr, AO3 and Instagram.
Find drjezdzany / Lorien on tumblr, AO3 and redbubble.
I Was Me by stuckyisawayoflife
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 20k +
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Hurt/Comfort, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Old People Love Bucky Barnes, Depression, Anxiety
It went like this.
James Buchanan Barnes aka Bucky aka the Winter Solider knocked on Steven Grant Rogers aka Steve aka Captain America’s door at precisely 5:47 am on Tuesday morning. And Steve who, despite all his training, was known to catch a case of “overtrusting idiot” every now and again, shuffled sleepily to the door and swung it open, yawning out a “can I help you?” without even fully opening his eyes.
He blinked when he noticed Bucky standing there, long hair hanging limply under a hat pulled down low, metal hand hidden surreptitiously in his left pocket, giving him a shy sort of smile. Steve had to grip the doorframe to keep from falling to his knees.
Bucky, who was much more composed, simply said, “Hey, Steve.”
Art & Header by ee-void
The Waves Above Us by Suchthingbutnever
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Words: 50k
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Antifascist Steve, Communist Bucky, Anal Sex, Mental Instability, Racism, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Attempted Suicide, Drug Use, Depression, Socialist Steve ftw!
Steve Rogers looks for death, that elusive fucker dodging him left and right. He stares at walls, talks to ghosts and smokes a boatload of weed. He has a homeless friend who sells stuff on the sidewalk. He eats greasy burgers and barbecue chips. He works for S.H.I.E.L.D., because why the hell not? Yet, unwittingly, there are several things he rediscovers: communism, sex, and then, unbowed, unbroken and very much unhinged, the only equal to his insanity: Bucky Barnes.  
Or: The first piece of Bucky Barnes that returned was, in all honestly.
His cock.
Art by Sally, as well as sundae cherries. 
College/University AU and also High School AU
It’s Quiet Uptown by princess-of-the-worlds (ao3)
Rating: Teen and Up
Archive Warnings: None
Words: 28K
Relationships: Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes
Tags: Modern!AU, Boarding School!AU, Canon Temporary Death, Brief Underaged Drinking, Road Trip, Mutants
Summary: Steve Rogers has always relied on the fact that Bucky Barnes is a major part of his life, and his burgeoning crush on his best friend shouldn’t alarm him. It doesn’t, in fact, but Steve has always had the worst timing in life. He anticipated problems but not problems like this. Enter: boarding school for rich kids, death, assassins, mutants, a road trip, and what could possibly be a government-wide conspiracy. Steve may not even make it to college.
Art by @ninjasherlock
Betaread by @lostthebucky
Lessons In Chemistry by @brendaonao3
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships:Bucky/Steve (Background Sam/Rhodey)
Word Count: 42329
Tags: College AU, Science Nerd Bucky, Artist Steve, Bucky POV, Sexual Experimentation, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Dom/sub Undertones, Friends With Benefits, Boys Who Can’t Communicate Except Through Sex, Language Kink, Skinny!Steve, Bucky & Sam Friendship, Bucky & Peggy Friendship
Summary: Bucky Barnes is having a rough senior year of college: his girlfriend of two years just dumped him for being too boring, he’s drowning in lab work and classes and assignments, sleep and free time are a distant memory, and all his friends seem to want to talk about is how he needs to out of his comfort zone.
But then his old high school buddy, Steve Rogers, drops back into his life, and suddenly classwork and studying and getting into a great grad school are the last thing on his mind.
Art by @sulasaferoom​  
of glory and of good by laure_lie (justawks) with art by barnesergeant
Rating: Teen And Up
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words:  20,230.
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, brief - Relationship
Tags: alternate universe - actors, alternate universe - modern setting, actor Steve, actor Bucky, Hamlet - Freeform, Shakespeare, high school theatre, social media, coming out
Summary: Steve Rogers cannot escape Bucky Barnes. He’s everywhere. High school was a long time ago, yes, but it’s not easily that you forget your first rival. Bucky Barnes stole the role of Prince Hamlet right out from under Steve’s nose, after all. Ten years later they find themselves in the same position - two actors, with a few scars and a few more secrets - vying for the role of Prince Hamlet in what promises to be the role of a lifetime.
Roll for Initiative by QueenoftheRandomWord42
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 30244 words
Chapters 5/5
Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe, The D&D AU nobody asked for, Bucky Barnes plays the Winter Soldier, Steve plays Captain America, Fury’s their GM, M to F Transgender side character Joseph Rogers is the trans side character, no powers au, modern day AU, College AU
Summary: What happens when you mix D&D, The Avengers, with a dash of Identity Porn, a dash of fun, and put into the blender and press frappe? Hopefully this fic!
Bucky Barnes has been trying to juggle his final term in his undergrad while trying to find a thesis project for grad school by day, by night he plays table top games. His characters have a habit of dying before the end of the campaign, and all he can do afterwards is talk to his friend Nomad1974 about the games.
Steve Rogers has been trying to get though art school while his mother is sick with cancer, and circumstances have required that he move in with his mother and uncle until his mother is better or he graduates from college, which ever comes first. The best escape he has is playing table top games online with his friend Not_Yur_Side_Kick17.
Both players have started developing feelings for each other online, but when they meet in real life, they are unaware they know each other, and begin pining. When well these two figure out that they know each other in real life?
Art: by @samthebirdbae
Fairy Tale/Mythology AU
Endurance and Magic by izabelluhroze
Rating: G
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 22k
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: Cinderella!AU, Tony is the fairy godfather, mild abuse, minor character death, cliffhanger ending, pre!war Bucky, skinny!Steve, illness, this sounds angsty and it kinda is but there’s also a lot of fluff.
‘Hear ye! Hear ye!
Know that on this day, our new king here by declares his love
For the mysterious blonde Bachelor, as wore white satin gloves
and who called himself Steven.
And requests that he presents himself at the palace immediately,
Whereupon, if he is willing, his royal majesty shall, forthwith, marry him.
Art by instagrims
I Think You’re the Cat’s Meow by daslebensmittel  
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 22,109
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes / Steve Rogers
Tags: Beauty and the Beast!AU (sort of), Modern Fairytale, Humor, Asshole Cat, Mostly Canon!Steve Rogers, Canon-divergent!Bucky Barnes, Pets, Cats, Enemies to Friends (I guess), Brief Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers
Summary: When Steve met Bucky, it was love at first sight. Bucky, on the other hand, wasn’t impressed; but he also happened to be - a cat. First-time cat owner Steve has a lot to learn about taking care of Bucky, as he tries to juggle his missions and hectic love life. And despite his initial rejection of Steve, asshole-cat Bucky soon learns to appreciate his patient human. However, Bucky also has his own secret agenda to achieve, before his nine lives run out. He never expected Steve of all people to help him - not at first, anyway.
Cover Art by @kikisloveschocolate Art by @barnessergeant Art by @milkberi (pending)
It Tastes Like Ambrosia by Little_Iago, myfailsafe, picoalloe
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: None
After a human soul escapes the grasp of Hades and evades ferrying by Charon, the peaceful God of death Thanatos is tasked with finding out which God is interfering. Taking the mortal form of James Buchanan Barnes, he finds himself face to face with Steve Rogers, the man who has escaped death not once but twice. Now he must get into Steve's good graces and figure out why this mortal is special enough to disappear from the Underworld. Now Thanatos must navigate the normal life of a human, feelings and all, and manage to finish this simple task. The only problem is nothing involving Steve is simple. At all.
Art by @squeakydevil and @cbolle
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winchesters-favorite-girl · 6 years ago
My Real Dad-June 2010
A/N: The reader is Gen’s daughter who’s had an absent father, meaning she doesn’t really know what it’s like to have a dad, that is until her mom starts to date Jared Padalecki.
Word Count: 1,920
Warnings: Absent parent, angst
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June 2010
“Sweetheart can you go grab the cereal you want?” Your nana asked as she checked another item off the list she was holding.
“Sure.” You replied as you turned to walk to the next aisle over, “You need any cereal too?”
She shook her head, “No thank you sweetie, I’ll be the next aisle over.”
Nodding your head you walked away. You’d been staying with your grandparents for the past week while your mom and Jared were on their honeymoon. They had to wait until Jared was on hiatus so that they could spend more than a few days away. So far they’d been gone for a week and they still had another two and a half weeks until they’d be back. You’d been able to talk to them a few times, but you were beginning to miss your mother and step-father. You’d always been incredibly close with your mother and once she married Jared the friendship you had with him was starting to became similar to the relationship you had with your mother. You let Jared in completely after what he promised you during their wedding; ever since he’d fallen into the role of father as if he had always been your dad.
Stopping in front of the Cheerio’s you paused for a moment when you realized that since you were staying with your grandparents you could get away with getting Cocoa Puffs without Jared eating all of them. You had just reached for the box when you heard your name being called from behind you. Turning around you looked at the older woman who was staring at you with wide eyes.
“Uh…” You said, not sure what to do. You’d never seen this woman before but she knew who you were. The two of you stared at each other for a few moments before your nana broke the silence.
“Y/N, come here please.” She requested in a tone you’d never heard from her before. Not questioning her, you quickly walked over to her and stood slightly behind her. You’d always been close with your nana, you lived with her and your mom until Gen went to school in NYU when you were three years old. Even then you’d always talk to her multiple times a week and have spent weeks living with her while your mother was filming. The fact that she was standing there looking like she was ready to fight this woman had you very, very concerned.
“Alison.” Your nana stated.
“Camille.” The woman replied.
The two women stared at each other for a few moments, neither one of them breaking eye contact with the other. “That’s Y/N, isn’t it?” The woman, Alison, questioned, causing you to look at your grandmother with a confused face.
“Nana, who is she?” You asked in a whisper.
“No one sweetie,” She responded, tucking a stray hair behind your ear, “I’ll grab your Cocoa Puffs, can you go grab me some bananas?”
You continued to hold a puzzled look on your face, but did as she asked. Shooting the woman who seemed to know you a perplexed look you turned around and began to walk away.
“She deserves to know who her other grandmother is.” The strange woman’s voice sounded from behind you, causing you to stop in place, “She’s already been kept from her father her whole life, don’t you think she should at least know someone from the other side of her family?”
Whipping around you stared, wide eyed, at the older women in front of you. Alison was giving your nana a dirty look while your nana had her back to the woman, looking at you, hoping that you hadn’t heard what she said.
The panicked look on your face told your nana all she needed to know.
“Y/N, please go get the bananas.” Your nana asked in a strained voice.
Nodding your head as tears filled your eyes you quickly walked away towards the produce section as your mind tried to process what you just heard.
Were you being kept from the other side of your family? No, not possible. You’d talked to your father before who always cancels on you, it wasn’t your mother’s fault that he never came to get you or followed through with his plans of being with you or taking you to meet his family. However, your nana still lives in the same city that his family does, why hadn’t your mother ever taken you to meet them before? Why hadn’t this side of the family ever tried to meet you before? What if they had but your mother hadn’t allowed them to?
Your mind was reeling with questions and you had no idea what you should do.
Tears were slowly escaping from your eyes as you tried to process everything that had unfolded in front of you. Looking around the produce section of the store you couldn’t spot your nana anywhere. Your eyes landed on the small cafe they had in the store and sat in one of the booths. Noticing how quiet it was you decided to pull out your phone with the hopes of speaking to someone who always seemed to know how to get you to calm down and talk to you without judgement.
The phone rang for about thirty seconds before the sound of their voicemail came on, “Hi-hi Dad, um, I hope you and Mom are having fun. I uh-I’m at the store with Nana and some lady came up to me and she knew who I was and she really made Nana mad...this lady she uh-she said she’s my other grandma and um, she-she said some other stuff and I-I’m really confused right now and kinda sca-I know you guys are busy but um, call me when you can? Please? I could um, really use a dad right now.” Hanging up the phone you let out a deep breath as you looked up you saw your nana walking up to you.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?” She asked you with concern written on her face.
A moment passed before you choose to speak again, “I really don’t wanna talk about it.” You told her as you stood up, “Can we go home?”
Nodding her head she wrapped her arm around your shoulder, abandoning the cart full of goods that you had shopped for.
The Next Day
“Hi Dad, I’m not sure if you got my voicemail from yesterday but um, can you or Mom call me please? It’s really important.”
Two Days Later
“Hey Dad it’s me, Y/N, I don’t know what you guys are doing cause I forget but can you guys call me?”
Three Days Later
“Hi Gen, it’s Mom. I hope you two are having fun. I know you don’t have much cell phone service but give me a call when you can. I had a little run in with Alison the other day at the store and Y/N was with me and, well, she hasn’t been acting the same since. I know that hearing from you or Jared will make her feel better. Can’t wait to hear from you, love you.”
Four Days Later
“Are you guys just ignoring me now? It’s Y/N. Gen’s kid. I need to talk to you guys, it’s important.”
Five Days Later
“Mom, call me. I-I need to talk to you.”
Six Days Later
“Hi Jared it’s Camille, I left Gen a message the other day but she hasn’t gotten back to me. Listen, I need you guys to give me a call as soon as you can okay? It’s about Y/N. She’s safe, it’s just-it’s easier to explain when we talk. Call me okay?
Seven Days Later
“Mom? Please answer your phone.”
Eight Days Later
“Gen, it’s your mother. If I don’t hear from you guys soon I’m gonna call that emergency number you gave me. I really need to talk to you.”
Nine Days Later
“I guess you really don’t care, do you Jared?”
Ten Days Later
“Um, hello, Da-dad? This is Y/N, your daughter.”
“Hi Y/N, I haven’t heard from you in a while.”
“Yeah, sorry but um, I’m in Idaho for a few weeks without my mom and I was j-just wondering if maybe you’d wanna see me? We don’t have to do anything big just um, maybe we could get some ice cream or something? Mom gave me some money before she left.”
“Sure kiddo, I’m gonna be in town in two days and would love to.”
“That hike was amazing, but my body is so sore.” Gen said as she laid down on the hotel bed.
“Agreed, let’s never do a twelve day hike ever again. Deal?” Jared asked, looking at his wife with a love struck grin.
“Deal.” Gen agreed as she leaned over and placed a peck on his lips. “We should check our phones to make sure we didn’t miss anything.”
Jared let out a chuckle, “Only thing we probably missed was Y/N sending us her updated itinerary for the family trip next month.”
Gen giggled at her husband’s words knowing they were true, “She’s very excited to go to Disney World, we never got the chance to when she was younger, now I can finally make her dream come true.”
Jared gave Gen a gentle smile before kissing his wife, “And we’re gonna make sure she has the best time.” Jared replied before his phone vibrating continuously grabbed his attention.
“Someone’s popular.” Gen said right before her phone started to do the same.
Shooting each other confused glances the pair began to listen to the numerous voicemails that were waiting for them, worry started to take over both of them as they continued to listen. Gen had just placed her phone down with tears filling her eyes when her phone began to vibrate in her hand, signaling that someone was calling her.
Looking down at her phone she saw that it was her mother, “Hello?” She answered.
“Gen, thank god, where have you been?” Camille questioned.
“We were on our long hike I told you about, remember? What is happening over there Mom? I just listened to all your voicemails.” Gen responded, Jared placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. Gen put the phone on speaker so that Jared could also hear the conversation.
“I was with Y/N at the store and Alison showed up, she said-Gen she said a lot of things that weren't true and Y/N heard them. She hasn’t been the same since and she’s been trying to get a hold of you two since she’s been so upset.” Gen’s mother stated.
“Has she talked to you about it?” Gen pushed.
“No.” Camille sighed, “She’s been shutting me out.”
“Give her the phone.” Gen directed.
The sound of shuffling could be heard, followed by knocking, “Y/N, sweetheart, your mom is on the phone. She and Jared just got back from their long hike.” Knocking could be heard again but no noise came from the other side. “Y/N?” Camille asked before opening the door to your empty room. “Y/N? Y/N where are you?” She called throughout the house as she began walking around in search for you.
“Mom, what’s going on?” Gen asked, panicked as she heard the worry creep into her own mother’s voice with every time she called your name.
“I-I can’t find her, she was here thirty minutes ago and now she-she’s gone.”
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