#a familiar world
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I'm a simple bitch. i believe the purpose of government should be to improve the lives of its citizens and protect its most vulnerable members. unfortunately i live in a day and age where this gets me labeled an enemy of the state
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regicidal-defenestration · 3 months ago
Joy to the World is very Steven Moffat. This is neither necessarily praise nor criticism it is merely an observation
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akanemnon · 1 year ago
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This deja vu comes with a free concussion!
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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pocketleslie · 7 months ago
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My latest addition to the Pocket World lineup, Infinite Arc! This piece can be viewed right-side up or upside-down! Enjoy fun times with all the demon slayers hanging out at the Ubuyashiki manor, or flip it and check out what Muzan's been up to with all his demon lackeys.
Which side do you prefer? Slayers or Demons?
I'm very proud of this piece and hope you all enjoy it too.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 month ago
Danny was forced to Reincarnate
So! One day, Dr Fate was doing a routine check on the Barriers between the many Dimensions that brushed up against his Universe, when he found an Anomaly.
Somewhere in the United States, Illinois if the spell was accurate, there was a Sustained and Stable opening into the Infinite Realms. Which was impossible. The Infinite Realms was Chaos Incarnate, the birthplace of God's and Monsters like the Lords or Chaos or the Ancients. Openings to the Realms were never supposed to exist for more than moments at a time, if not less than that.
So of course he immediately went to investigate it.
What he found shocked him.
Not only was there a stable Portal to the Infinite Realms created by Scientists of all things, but Realms Spirits have been regularly attacking the small town it was located in without his, nor anyone else's knowledge, for Years. Thankfully it seemed like one of the Realms Spirits objected to their attacks on the Mortal Plane and was defending it, but that was a problem in and of itself.
He quickly took off to rectifying the situation.
He approached the Protector Spirit and proposed an alliance, helped him chase down any loose Spirits still wandering the Mortal Plane, and then with his help Dr Fate closed the Portal for good. The Protector Spirit helped destroy all knowledge of how to contruct the Portal from the Scientists Servers (he was never good with technology) and Dr Fate used a few memory spells to wipe the knowledge from their minds.
The Protector Spirit then thanked him for his help, but Dr Fate told him that there was still one problem that needed rectifying.
He quickly summoned a Spell to immobilize the Spirit, and began the Ritual he had been preparing since the moment they had met. He was never planning to allow the Realms Being to wander free after his work was finished. Good Hearted as he may be, Realms Spirits were still too dangerous to let freely roam a world of Humans. He was never going to be allowed to leave once this was over.
Still, he had helped Dr Fate in his endeavors. For that, he had earned a more merciful fate than the others had. Rather than banish the Spirit to the endless void as he had the others, he instead cast a ritual to allow him to Pass on and find peace.
With his work done, Dr Fate left the small town and went back to his Tower.
Unfortunately for Dr Fate, he didn't know a few things about that particular Spirit. He didn't know that it was a Halfa, and was thus still partially Human. He did not know that it was still a Child by Ghost Standards, and that his Core was not yet matured as it should have. And he did not know that this particular Ghost was favored by an entity that governed all of Time. One that had a rather petty vindictive streak.
Because he wasn't the type of Spirit the spell was intended for, the Protector Spirit (Danny if case you hadn't caught on) was thrown into an entirely different type of Afterlife. The Cycle of Reincarnation.
Clockwork, angered that his friend had been betrayed so calously, helped his soul pass more easily through the cycle of Reincarnation. He wouldn't keep his memories or powers (at least not at first), but there would be echoes of who they used to be.
Which is how Danny Phantom, the little known Ghost Hunting Hero, was reborn into their new life as Zatanna Zatara, the well known Magician Hero.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 102
 Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. In for ten seconds, out for eight. Alright. Okay. “Let me get this straight,” he didn’t motion to the three teens- or not teens even if two apparently looked like they were- but it was a close thing. “You-” 
 Phantom perked up, white hair flickering with what he was pretty sure were stars as they turned away from the window looking out into space. “-are two years old.” The fae-esque being who looked more like a fourteen year old gave a half-distracted nod. Which, for a toddler, they were paying attention pretty well. 
 “You-” Klarion looked up from where he was fiddling with the cuffs that had been on him, cat sprawled on his shoulder now that it was out of the carrier. “-are six?” Another distracted nod, the apparently-child seemingly enamored with the sounds the cuffs made when they clinked together. 
  “And you-” He turned towards Marvel, who shrank back before seemingly steeling themself. “-are in fact ten.” The… well they had thought demigod but apparently all three were some sort of realms-being, which had apparently made Constantine pale and start cursing before stomping out of the Watchtower. Another nod and shaky thumbs up. 
 Alright. Okay. They had in fact let a ten-year old join the league, which wouldn’t have been so bad if they had known. Especially the fact that apparently Marvel was only half-human, which suddenly explained so much about how he didn’t know so many things about a human life. Which-
 “You,” he turned towards Phantom again to make sure he was listening before returning his attention to Marvel. “And you have both lived at least a year in the human realm with human companions, but your-” He turned his gaze towards the ravenette in the center. The six year old apparently. “-experience with the human realm is literally just with the Light.” 
 Yet another distracted nod. Okay. Bruce was tempted to scream in a room for the entire situation that had cropped up from the single action of taking Klarion’s familiar and then the boy himself into custody. Then again, it was honestly a much better thing they had apparently caught this. 
 “Alright,” he sighed, suddenly feeling incredibly exhausted. “To make sure I have all of this correct-” Because it was already a shitshow and the amount of shouting had absolutely spooked the child. To the point he’d- according to Marvel- made what was apparently some sort of very distressed noise that had made both him and Phantom running. Or rather flying and portaling. 
 “-in the realms, people there make friends through fighting,” Bruce pauses to make sure he got that part correct. The origin of this entire misunderstanding with the chaos-lord. Lordling? 
 All three nodded, Klarion losing interest in the cuffs and starting to pet his cat. Familiar. Everyone had referred to it as a familiar and Marvel had appeared utterly horrified that they had taken said familiar away. Somehow he was the one the trio were currently trusting and weren’t doing the same towards any of the other league members. 
 “And you have been trying to make friends with the Jr team, which they have been taking as an attack due to this miscommunication.” Honestly they should have gotten more information, though he couldn’t exactly blame any of the teens, what with everything they were currently dealing with. 
 “... is there any sort of guardian or something you might have, that can be contacted? Or anyone that could help prevent a situation like this from happening again?” All three avoided his eyes, suddenly finding things like the table and walls very interesting. 
 Oh. Hm. This could be a problem.
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morggn · 1 year ago
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shoutout to the girls
commission info
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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Good Morning, World.
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themastergifs · 1 year ago
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Well, that's quite a good beat, really, isn't it?
THE MASTER + spinning
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meteortrails · 9 months ago
never forget that like, half the plot of mdzs is just the absolutely radioactive drama of a single throuple. so toxic that not only did the breakup have a body count, it had permanent ripple effects on the entire geopolitical landscape. the greater Portland polycule could never
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oblique-lane · 9 months ago
more mercenary analysis, whichever merc you want <3
Not a mercenary but... Okay!
Let's dissect Pauling
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Always so collected, responsible and efficient. The one who is not afraid to get her hands dirty for the sake of a goal, and her performance is always one hundred percent. What could possibly be not cool about her?
Well, maybe the fact that this all is, in fact, an act. Of course it is.
I'm not saying her determination and dedication to her job aren't sincere decisions of her heart, she really enjoys it and shines in her work. It's just a matter of WHY and WHAT she's doing it for. And on what scale.
For her, her job is EVERYTHING. Eagerly working 364 days a year with barely any rest, masochistically putting herself in so much danger, blindly following the boss's instructions, not even hesitating to kill people standing on the way...
Wow, there's gotta be something going on here.
Well, obviously the Administrator plays A HUGE role in this situation. Why would Pauling trust her so much? Referring to the comics, Pauling trusted her wholeheartedly on whatever the Administrator was planning, even though she didn't know what it was. This blind following that vaguely resembles nothing less than a weird somewhat child-to-a-mother attachment. It's just a Boss, just a job, why?
Because that's what it is. Mother issues. Very apparent.
We don't know anything about Pauling's past, so there's where the headcanons begin:
I'm assuming her birth mother was very neglectful and dismissing, never acknowledged her daughter's accomplishments and struggles. No matter how hard Pauling tried to become "worthy" in her eyes, it seemed to be never enough, as if she didn't even exist at all. Maybe her mother was a substance addict or something and their household wasn't safe and stable, so Pauling had to become an adult early and run away from home as a teenager and find a job to get by.
(I assume that because I believe there was a mention in the canon lore that Ms.Pauling had been working for the Administrator for long long years (don't remember exactly), indicating that she started working when she was still a minor).
So, being taken under the Administrators wing, her young wounded brain found a substitute for a very thing she was lacking, subconsciously clinging onto the Administrator as a newly mother figure, in order to "get it right this time".
Administrators Strictness, responsibility and demandingness were the most favorite qualities of a person of authority in Pauling's eyes, in contrast to the laziness, unaccountability and indifference of the environment in which she grew up. She could finally strive.
This time she would show the mother figure that she's worthy, she's important and irreplaceable; she exists. She would prove that no amount of hardship is too much for her if it means approval for the Administrator.
And the Administrator kind-of-sort-of gave Pauling this pseudo-love in return, encouraging her to sacrifice herself even more for their work. Which is at the very least unfair, and at most just predatory. Administrators "love" was conditional, in contrast with when the real motherly love Pauling unknowingly expected. Administrator was too immature for a mother figure, too much in power for a partner or a friend, yet too close for a formal boss. What is this!? Something not nice.
The Administrator doesn't love Pauling for Pauling, she loves her working qualities. And thus, Paulings subconscious guess was confirmed that "I'm only important when I'm doing the job. I AM the job."
Tying your worth to what you DO instead of what you are is a huge dangerous existential rout one could choose. But she never really knew her importance outside of her skills, so she wouldn't know.
Now imagine how actually painful that character arc was for her, when the Administrator proved herself to be unreliable and secretive, and when Pauling started to question her intentions for the first time.
"... Because I trusted you!"
"Then why are you questioning me now?"
It wasn't even the real conversation between them, just Pauling's mind torturing her.
It reminded me of the crisis of a 4-year-old when they realise that their parents aren't perfect; they don't know anything and they CAN hurt you.This shattering illusion of almighty love. When a child stops believing that the "harsh love" their mother treats them with is simply an abuse.
Wouldn't it be terrifying to realise in your 20s thar despite running for "the mother's approval" all your life, you will never truly get it. If your mother failed to provide it to you at such a young age, nothing will truly substitute that, especially now, when you're an adult, no one will love your inner child the way it was supposed to be loved.
Unless you yourself decide to take that role.
Realistically speaking, it's not nearly that sever with Pauling! She's happy in the environment she's in, there's lots of interests for her to explore (Guns, fights, killin'!) So many adventures every day! Even if Pauling has her inner suffering, it's not that bad aa I describe it. Her mother problems may actually be an advantage, a reason she is such a good and caring boss for the mercenaries.
I'm just edgying things down for the sake of the clearer analysis. But still...
If the Administrator will be gone and Pauling loses her life-dedicated job... What will be left? Who is Pauling once Mann Co is no more? Can she answer that?
– A video that helped me better understand the Good Girl mask:
– "Lise Bourbeau's 5 soul wounds model: Injustice"
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blizardstar · 2 months ago
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Me when Ashton Greymoore is denied honorable and meaningful self-sacrifice, and now must face the reality that they MUST keep living after it’s All Over
#critical role#critical role spoilers#cr spoilers#ashton greymoore#bells hells#cr ashton#like#Tal and Ash were both so clearly ready#for Ashton to sacrifice themselves. and comparing that to Ashton’s backstory#to Ashton being left behind as a sacrifice. and becoming bitter(er) and lonely and denouncing ever growing close to someone again#to meeting letter. and learning from letters. and so much about telling letters not to self sacrifice.#but then letters does. and Ashton is ready to go to. he’s prepared to go out to save everyone#and he was so prepared for that to be where his story ends#but he doesn’t. and not through failure but through success#and now (though more trials still await) they must face the reality they must keep living after it all#and face the reality that they will not survive alone.#that they have come out the other side. alive but changed. but not in some miraculous way.#they are not healed. they did not go out protecting those they loved. and they are forced to contend#with the fact they will continue to walk this earth. as it is changed. but not miraculously fixed. but not sacrificed#and like. Ashton having to contend with the change. that the Thing is over. but they are not alone#they are alive. and have friends and a love. and a world familiar and new to love and learn#that they have a connection to but not an ancient force they are upholden to#that they and the earth will learn together#I’ll be honest only the first half of these tags was planned when I started typing about ash being forced to contend with having to live#having to live despite it all. that there’s no big change. no miracle. good or bad. but you must keep going. and how beautiful that is#for Ashton’s story and just in general for people who would resonate with him#but then like I remembered they’re gonna scare off the gods and so exandria is totally gonna change but like#consider my initial point and how beautiful it is#and how I managed to shoehorn it in to still make sense#babblestar
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 106
Dan absolutely despised his parole at first, but honestly this is a blast. Sure, he’s stuck in the form of a cat, a kitten even, but he’d found an absolutely wonderful companion. Partner. Ally? Baby Chaos Lord? He’d work on it. 
Klarion is just happy to have found such a great familiar, he even named them Teekl II, which is a great name thank you very much hero-babies! So now he has two Teekl familiars, and Teekl II always gets so gleeful whenever they successfully pull a prank! He even has his own fire magic which is so fun! 
Danny is not happy to get thrown into another world, stuck as a kitten. He’s also not pleased to have found a sick baby liminal, but fine. If this is what he’s supposed to deal with then he’ll deal with it! Even if he has to be a familiar for a teeny tiny bit of time. It’s fine, and the dude has a pocket he can peek out of on his coat. 
Jason has no idea where this kitten came from but the Pit is being surprisingly chill about it. Something about a baby? Whatever, he’s made the furball a little matching outfit and they like to sit in his pockets and peer out. No idea how Cat Hood is making the shadows all spooky now or why the eyes went from blue to green, but whatever. 
Ellie is utterly delighted in this situation. She was just wandering, but now she’s a lil fluffy kitten, and ended up landing on this kid’s head. This magic kid’s head! He even has a talking tiger friend too! So cool! She’s definitely sticking with him! This will be so fun!
Billy was worried about making sure the kitten got food, she’s so tiny! Mr Tawny is a big help though, and apparently she’s his familiar now that he’s given her a mortal name? He doesn’t fully understand but apparently she’s connected to his magic now, if the shouts from the gods are anything to go by. Look, an electric cat is cool. Pakhet is amazing, and Fawcet thinks it’s adorable that Marvel has a kitten clinging to his shoulder
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shakingparadigm · 10 months ago
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Hyuna saves Mizi due to her own personal reasoning, not out of rebellion duty or obligation. First, to make up for the death of someone dear to her, and second, as an act of self-consolation. Hyuna sees her past self in Mizi, and believes that saving her will help free herself from the past that she's been shackled to.
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 2 months ago
am I getting too convoluted if I said Johnny dies Dallas lives n Pony loses his hearing as a result of the way Dallas hits him (to put out the fire) when he pulls him out of the church au??
#idk man#this idea has been rotting in my head for a long time#i have like a terribly rough outline#where basically the events of the book happen exactly as canon up until post church fire#so pony johnny n dallas are in the hospital#n ponys reeling from literally everything that just happened#n he reunites with soda n darry n suddenly realizes like oh fuck#i cannot hear sodas hysterically releived laughter#or darrys voice as he thanks god ponys fine#n then the dr pulls darry aside n tells him that pony has profound hearing loss as a result of an injury sustained during the fire#the last voice he will ever have heard clearly is johnnys#johnny dies canon complicent#but before dallas can get himself shot by the cops darry gets to him first#so dallas survives#pony learns asl from a deaf woman who their family has always been familiar with#since their parents were always real keen on including people that the rest of the world looked down on#dallas has to deal with not only surviors guilt but feeling like he took something from Pony that can never be given back#he has his own arc with the woman#but it basically all boils down to deafness is not the LOSS of something#but rather just the ADDITION of a new community n language n experience#plus dallas learns sign n is just utterly overwhelmed by feelin like his hands can be used for somethin soft n good#UGH#if yall wanna hear more about this lemme know#bc i have been thinking about this for a WHILE#the outsiders#sodapop curtis#ponyboy curtis#darry curtis#dallas winston#the outsiders 1983
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cyrakingg · 1 year ago
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see no evil
(id in alt)
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