#going to school
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yonokodoesart · 6 months ago
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snoozeandstudysounds · 3 months ago
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Going to School
Snooze & Study Sounds
Snooze & Study Sounds
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nerdwashere · 5 months ago
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bafflement · 7 months ago
Deaged Oz AU: Why Are School Uniforms Itchy?
Ironwood smirked to himself. It had taken quite a lot of arguments, but Oz had finally agreed to be a student, at least as a temporary measure. He had to admit that he had a point about being a target, but it was unlikely that Salem had put two and two together regarding his current identity, and even if she had… well, it was vanishingly unlikely that anyone could touch Oz as long as he was within Atlas’ protection.
Oh, he’d be more comfortable if he was an Atlas cadet, not a Titan student, but whether any of them liked it or not, Oz was still only eleven years old. Far too young, really, even for Titan. But his being a student, starting to carve out a presence and an actual identity would keep him safer. Especially as he showed no sign of growing up again any faster than an actual child would. He supressed the admittance that, were he an Atlas cadet, he’d be easier to control. It wasn’t about controlling him, it was all about protection. Why, though, did that ring false in his own mind?
Tip scowled around at his friends, uncomfortable in the overly starched new uniform. It really wasn’t his color, but at least all the students would look the same, wearing this? He glanced over at Oscar, who looked far more comfortable than he did in the flashy silver and sapphire clothing. Why they couldn’t have better taste, he didn’t know. He ran a hand around the collar, feeling strangely like it was choking him. Was this what his own students had meant, when they commented about how much more themselves they’d felt in combat gear? Was it that bad for them, too? Or was it the pretence, the thin veneer of being an actual child? Either way, going to school again would certainly be an experience. He just hoped that James was right about just how secure the primary academy was. Weiss had gone to it, so had Winter… and Jacques had made them targets merely through being Jacques. But Salem? She was another threat entirely.
Nora grinned down at him, reaching out a hand to ruffle his hair almost automatically. Tip scowled at her. For all they were good friends now, she’d still been his student once. It was still highly inappropriate for her to treat him like the child he resembled.
He tried to ignore Yang’s snort. The girl still wasn’t as close to him as she’d once been, but considering the secrets he’d unwittingly held, well, he didn’t blame her. He rather doubted that she’d appreciate being told that she was like her mother sometimes, but… well. Raven would likely have done the same, even if a bit more violently.
“I do hope you have all stopped laughing now?” He asked, voice flat and face twisted in a scowl that was rather less threatening than he wished that it was. He missed the time when a scowl from him was actually intimidating, but needs must in the current circumstances. “I may not particularly wish to be a student, but I do not have that much of a choice.” He sighed, looking rather woebegone. “James assured me that this is the best way forward, and he knows Atlas rather better than I do.”
“You look adorable, Pocketsized. Very schoolboy-ish.” Qrow’s quip did little to improve Tip’s mood, though the look in his eyes belied his words. He looked almost as worried as Tip felt, which was strangely gratifying. At least he wasn’t the only one bleakly terrified that this was just another example of James making a terrible mistake.
Tip glanced down, admitting that he did at least rather look the part of schoolchild. His current height had meant that the uniform he wore had had to be tailored which had caused yet another delay in this plan, not that he was complaining about that. The more blocks that had been placed in James’ way, the more determined the man had been to see it through, though. Maybe it was Clover? Surely someone else must have also thought this was a great idea in order for James to have moved quite as many metaphorical mountains as he had to get Oscar and Tip enrolled?
Maybe, just maybe, this would have been the school he would have attended had things been different. Had he never been kidnapped, had he still been little Winter Schnee instead of Tip. But then again, probably not. There was no real disguising his limp or the other health problems he suffered from. Even with aura, they were taking awhile to fade and he knew the limp and the photosensitivity never would. For Atlas, which could be shockingly ableist at times… what favors had James needs to leverage, to get them enrolled this quickly? To get him enrolled at all, two years early if you were to judge by purely physical metrics.
Whatever happened, he knew he’d probably be too different to fit in. He still wasn’t certain how to pretend to be an actual child, none of the experiences Ozymandias had shared with him fit this particular scenario. There was a tiny part of him that was thrilled to gain what would be a unique experience, especially as far as the wizard went, but a much larger part was wary. Something new, now, with Salem circling them all like a rather demented shark couldn’t be a good thing. Although, maybe enough new things could throw her off?
He glanced at Oscar again, who was all but bouncing in place, obviously excited to attend an actual Academy. They wouldn’t be in the same classes, of course. Oscar was four years his senior as far as anyone else would know, but he hoped his brother might make a few new friends. Oscar deserved that, even though Tip rather doubted that he himself could say the same. Different wasn’t always good, as far as school was concerned. He should know, having taught enough actual children over the years.
Did they really have to make the uniform so itchy?
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schoolchaos · 4 months ago
I have school tomorrow and value my sleep but, like, I am legally obligated to watch the entirety of the Vengeance Saga live stream tonight. So Im gonna put it aaallll (my sleep) on the liiiinnnee and be dangerous (stay up til 12 anyways)
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months ago
I'm considering trying to go a full school week this week. From Monday to Friday. Because due to my dad's work schedule, I don't often do that kind of thing. But this week I might actually be able to do it. I don't know if it'll be super easy to get back into the swing of going for five days (even if it's only for one week), but i'm probably gonna try. I'm nervous about it, but I think i'll be okay. But in any case, wish me luck (i guess)? It's all i really know to say, in order to end this post.
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luikcigarro · 6 months ago
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I didn't even improve this FUCKING
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mommabunnyburrow · 5 months ago
Tonight you all get 2 stories in 1! Isn't that exciting?
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redrcs · 2 years ago
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Dreaming reality
On my travels, Coonamble
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hotsauceduds · 1 year ago
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Going to school
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think i can fly…..think i can fly when i am with you<3
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thegoopray · 1 year ago
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Decided to post this cat I saw a month ago as my first post :)
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hornedheads · 2 years ago
Beulah & Elsie by Paul Malon Via Flickr: 1939.
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handsomeawkward14r14l · 2 years ago
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Ever been so sleepy you used Cortizone instead of Crest?
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therosielord · 2 months ago
It’s so funny to imagine Wicked from the perspective of one of the normal students at Shiz. There’s this girl and she’s weird and an overachieving nerd and no one likes her, but then the popular girl becomes best friends with her overnight so you guess she’s chill now. They might be sleeping together but no one’s really sure. They’re also low key dating the same guy but you’re not clear on if it’s a polycule situation or a love triangle. Whatever. You’re just trying to study for finals. Your history teacher gets arrested and no explains why. You just hope this won’t effect your grade in the class. The weird nerdy girl gets a letter from the president inviting her to come see him. Wow, that’s exciting. She and her maybe-girlfriend go off to the capitol and you go back to homework and dorm room parties. One day later one of your professors is on the national radio saying that the weird nerdy girl, who used to be her favorite student, is now a terrorist, has stolen the nuclear codes, and is on the run from the government. You are still expected to show up to class tomorrow.
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sabertoothwalrus · 10 months ago
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modern au laios
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