#going sincere-o mode
fatuismooches · 2 years
Hello! I’d like to make another request if possible. I really loved how you did the Harbingers taking care of their sick s/o headcanons. Can I have headcanons with all the Harbingers comforting their s/o when they are crying? I know Pulcinella is supposed to be platonic, so maybe he can go into doting grandpa mode.
♡ 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 ♡
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synopsis: When you're crying and upset, the first person you go to is none other than the one you love most. And of course, they never fail to deliver their love for you.
includes: all harbingers (platonic pulcinella) w/ gn! reader
notes: Ah yes, hurt and comfort, my favorite trope. I hope this makes everyone feel slightly better, whether you're having a good or bad day, you got this! <3
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Disclaimer: Just so I don’t get repetitive, I just want to say that if another person made you cry, all of the Harbingers would have no problems doing some really… bad things to them. Since that’s out of the way, let’s continue.
Pierro would spend a normal day with you. You may ask why this is so special, but being the lover of the First Harbinger, who carries heavy burdens from Khaenri’ah, means you often don’t have “normal” days together. But when you’re this sad and crying, he has to make an exception. He would let himself sleep in with you, hold you close to him as you tell him everything and anything that’s been bothering you. (Despite his responsibilities, he still yearns to be updated on your life.) Pierro carries you to the bath and the two of you spend some time enjoying each other’s presence. He helps to dress you, and he cooks breakfast himself, which is eaten in peaceful silence. A long walk is taken through Snezhnaya and he lets you cling to his arm, despite the occasional looks of the other Fatui grunts. The two of you would walk through the forests and snow, and the town and markets of the frozen country. This kind of stuff might seem so bare and boring to outsiders, but you know that his time is the most precious gift you can receive from him, and you would want nothing else for comfort.
The one who is sincerely trying his best out of everyone and trying every method possible to cheer you up. Drops anything that he’s doing and while Capitano isn’t sure what to do, he knows his chest hurts more terribly than any battle wound when you’re sad. He is very protective of you, and wants nothing more than to destroy anything that’s causing you pain. And so, he thinks about what you do whenever you think he’s sad, and decides to spread his arms out to the side like you do when you want a hug. And of course you take the bait and practically launch yourself at him, but he catches you with ease. (When you teach this man how to hug and hold you properly, it is HEAVENLY. No better feeling than Capitano holding you snug on his lap with one arm while the other does whatever else he needs to do. Him one handedly holding you to his chest while the other is swinging a greatsword battling people. Yup.)
Tries every domestic thing in the book you gave him a while ago but kind of fails. When he cooks he chops up the ingredients disproportionately. When he picks flowers himself for you, the stems are half broken because he squeezed them too hard. When he reads stories to you and tries to give the characters different voices for you, you start laughing so hard your head hurts again. Capitano starts to feel bad, that your lover is someone whose only great strength is battle and leading others into war. But when all you do is smile at him and thank him, tugging on his arm to lay down with you, he can’t help but feel like he’s becoming more worthy of you.
The first thing is does is pull you into her lap and strokes your gently, humming a soft lullaby over your sniffles, in an effort to help you take a nap. Columbina knows you must be exhausted from so many tears, so she wants you to rest and just take a break from everything. She’ll be by your side the entire time. Also, any song requests are available for her during this time. She would sing for you however long you want even if her voice goes hoarse.
I don’t know why but I feel like she likes fluffy/soft and silky things. So the two of you would definitely be wrapped up in the softest blankets and pillows, even some plushies here and there. Columbina tends to place her head on the crook of your neck and just kiss the tears away (lots of back hugs.) Her words are quiet and soft-spoken but you can clearly hear them when she’s so close to your ear. Also, lots of looking up new hair styles so you can do whatever you want with her hair.
That ever-present smirk of his fades a bit when he sees you cry. Out of everyone, he is the most dumb-founded, because the emotion is not very familiar to him, and since he’s never seen you like this before, he has no data or experiences to help him know what to do. Yes, he had seen people cry before… cry in fear when they saw him. So he just stands there and lets you cry into his chest, a vial of unknown liquid in one hand while the other one is placed very hesitantly and awkwardly on the top of your head. 
If this was anyone else, he would laugh in their face about their problems, but when it comes to you? You got his utmost attention. When Dottore comforts you, he first follows the very basics of comforting - just listening to what you have to say. He had grown accustomed to your physical touch, and in fact, secretly welcomed it since it made you feel better. Dottore is more of a logical person rather than an emotional one, so he won’t baby you or use too many honeyed words. Instead, he’d use more facts, solutions, and things you haven’t thought of before. The most verbal affection you’ll get is something along the lines of not letting fools rile you up, that you’re his partner for a reason (but that’s a lot coming from Dottore.) Makes it a mental note to make a clone follow you around from now on so your day would go more smoothly. Also the kind of guy to make his clones play card/board games with you and let you win on purpose. Would make you a hot cup of tea, his coat draped over you, while you watch him go about his experiments and such. Also the guy who would simultaneously be down to help you get revenge on anyone if you wished.
The grandpa who takes one look at you and beckons you to follow him for some tea and sweets. Makes you sit down next to him and lets you cry to your heart’s content. Depending on your personality, he already has a hundred ways to make you feel better. (After all, I headcanon that the Harbingers tend to rant to him about anything and he gives them advice/consolation. Papanella’s hugs are really nice, to be honest, it feels like you’re really hugging someone who cares about you.) This might be random - but you know those memes where grandparents always make you lots of food when you go over to their house? Well… that’s Pulcinella since I think that it would be cute.
He would distract you from whatever’s bothering you with a new story of course. Somehow, no matter how many times he tells you stories, he always has a new one. He’s also the one who would also gently urge you to confront your problems. Nonetheless, he’s very comforting and if you asked him he’d help you with whatever you’re dealing with. Pulcinella also forces the other Harbingers to cheer you up too.
Who does he have to kill? Pretty much the first thing that goes through Scaramouche’s mind when he sees tears roll down your face. If you reassure that this is not the case, he is not sure what to do afterwards. Whenever Kunikuzushi showed emotions, he was seen as week, vulnerable and received no comfort, so he kept it inside him. So now when he sees you crying so freely in front of him, he doesn’t know what to do. At first he is gruff in his words, telling you simply not to cry, that you don’t need to worry over dumb things when you have him, but of course this does not do much to relieve you of your sadness. So he sighs and places his hat on you since Scaramouche knows how much you like it.
A habit I think he picked up from when he was Kunikuzushi, is that he went to different scenic places to just pass the time and escape from sheer loneliness. He would tentatively hold your hand and lead you to one of these places nearby, and just sit with you. He wouldn’t say anything much because he didn’t want to say anything he didn’t mean to. And the two of you would just watch the sun turn into the moon. The golden sky transform into a starry night. Scaramouche would wordlessly keep an arm around you. Your life was too short to be sad, anyway.
Yet another Harbinger who has no experience comforting someone who they actually care about. But that cold mask of her breaks for a split second when she sees you cry.  Every time one of the orphans cried, she kind of just looked at them and ordered another Fatui agent to take care of them. Physical nor verbal affection are her forte, so Arlecchino would rather show you how much she cares. She’d carry you to her shared room with you, lay you down and pull up the blankets. She’d move her office temporarily into the room so she could still work but in actuality she’s sitting on the edge of the bed, holding your hand while you tell her what happened. Arlecchino spoon feeds you, wipes any crumbs away with a tissue. When you fall asleep, she very carefully holds you to her chest and whispers words of love you’ll be hard-pressed to hear while you’re conscious.
La Signora:
It is a bit melancholic for La Signora - she never had the chance to wipe away her past lover’s tears, but now that she has the ability to finally do so for you, she feels a sense of bittersweetness. But she is very confident in herself, and she would like you to feel the same, so she would not hesitant with her honeyed verbal affirmation. She traces over every inch of your body, pointing out all the perfections and beauty she sees within you. She tells you how lucky she is to have someone like you in her life, after everything she’s been through. Rosalyne hums an old Mondstadt song and asks you mundane questions (Do these shoes match this hairpiece? Does this color go with that one?) Has her moths perch on your shoulder and smother you with warmth.
Oh boy, he is just so sweet <3. Pantalone’s hugs are definitely the warmest; you feel bundled up not only in his fluffy coat but also in his genuine comfort and care for you, black locks tickling your cheek. He’s another one who's keen on pampering you, only that he can do it more easily. He has access to all the funding and bank reserves. Nothing is unattainable. And his workload is different from the other Harbingers - he can sit you on his lap, listening to your woes and worries while repeatedly signing his signature on documents for the whole day. When it comes to you, Pantalone has a great amount of patience. He has all the tissues ready for you and will hold onto every word you utter, so he can refute it later.
I think that he is big on self-care, especially for you, so when you’re upset he just wants to help you look and feel amazing again while murmuring words of consolation and love. This means that he will adoringly wash and comb your hair while carefully listening to anything you have to say, whether it’s a loud rant or hushed words of sadness. Helps you slip into the comfiest night clothes. Reads you any story you desire in that velvety voice of his. Is very fond of calling you a variety of pet names, like “my love” or “darling”, anything romantic really. Pantalone really hates seeing you cry. It’s one of the only times you would see him without a smile and a creased forehead.
When Sandrone sees you crying, a burst of… unfamiliar emotion she rarely feels erupts in her chest, completely contrary to what she usually feels after working with puppets all day. Why? She was worried. How? She was upset. Who? She was angry that she couldn’t protect you. Her Automation quickly scoops you up and places you on her lap, letting you curl into your lover’s chest. Swiftly moves you to her private room and lets you cry into her shoulder for as long as you want, silently rubbing your back. (Many wonder if Sandrone’s feet ever touch the floor, always perched atop her robot’s hand. If only they could see how tender she was with you.)
She is intelligent in the most complex engineering, but when it comes to properly comforting you, she is at a loss. But she really does try her best. I feel as though she would implement nondeadly and rather cute features in her robots just to make you smile. (Pull the robot’s finger and a bouquet of flowers comes out! It tips its hat at you and some confetti comes out!) Sandrone would take you out for some fresh air to clear your head. Also provides quality entertainment. What is it, you ask? If you find watching her prototype model Automatons fight to the death, then you’ll surely have a joyous time. (You can’t help but laugh regardless. I’m now thinking about you placing bets on which robot wins with the other Fatui, but you always win because your lover tells you who's going to win before…)
Childe would immediately pull you into his tight embrace, with no hesitation. He’s used to the sniveling and tears of his younger siblings, so as soon as he sees your crumpled face he knows exactly what to do. No matter how much you wet his clothes, Childe won’t let you go until you ask him to. He amps the pampering up to the maximum. Blanket cocoons/burritos are an absolute must. He cooks food himself so you could have the warm feeling of home cooking surrounding you. He would literally do all of the household tasks, not allowing you to lift a finger. He’d want to help bathe you, wash your hair, scrape away the grime from the day, gently worship your body by pressing affirmative kisses, and tell you how amazing you are, and how much you mean to him.
Childe is a really good listener and takes what you say very seriously if you’re willing to tell him. If it is a problem he can fix, you can bet he’s going to have some agents solve it, and even take care of it himself if anything. If you want to stay silent, he won’t pressure you, but his touch lets you know that he’s always here for you. Honestly, he probably spoils you more intensely for a few days because he knows that when you cry, you don’t magically wake up the next day fine again. Without fail, Childe would ask you how you’re feeling, monitoring your emotions and feelings. When you’re sad, he is too. How can he ever focus when his love is hurting? Also takes advantage of all possible cuddling positions.
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
Designs of Happiness - Track A04
L4mps Main Story Translation
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Title: Sugarael's Sincere Request
Characters: Daniel, Toi
Summary: Daniel and the protagonist are suddenly cornered by men in white robes, when a pet robot arrives to guide them inside...
JP Proofreading: aca @463ce6 on twt EN Proofreading: jes @arcanecrayonn on twt
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Location: Fortune-Teller’s Parlor “Angel Eye”
Momiji: W-What do you want from us?
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Daniel: Cornering us like this, you guys sure ain’t hospitable.
White-robed man A: Hmm… They look exactly like how our Master foretold.
If player character is female: White-robed man B: Indeed. A young woman who seems good-natured and a man who looks like a bear. Momiji: Good-natured..? I’m being complimented for some reason… 
If player character is male: White-robed man B: Indeed.  A young man who looks softhearted, and another who looks like a bear. Kaede: L-Looks softhearted…?
Daniel: They callin’ me a bear?
Momiji: I think so… 
White-robed man C: You are to come with us.
White-robed man A: You have no right to refuse, come here!
Momiji: Ah..!
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Daniel: Hey buster, don’t you lay a hand on my subordinate.
White-robed man A: Ouch ouch OUCH!!! MY FINGERS!!
Momiji: Please stop this! At this rate, you’ll break his fingers clean off!
Daniel: I think he could lose one or two. This is just self-defense after all.
Momiji: You shouldn’t! C’mon, let go of him!
Daniel: Hmph.
White-robed man A: Ugh… it hurts… 
Momiji: I feel sorry for him… The rest look too afraid of Daniel’s brute strength to approach… They look suspicious at first but they might just be regular citizens… 
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Daniel: Let me guess, yer probably thinking somethin’ like “Maybe these folks ain’t so bad”. Give me a break. You shouldn’t let your guard down ‘round a shady bunch like this.
Momiji: Even so, violence is never the answer. Look at him, he’s in tears.
Daniel: Whatever.
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???: “Thank you both for coming here”.
Momiji: Huh? Ah…
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Momiji: A pet robot…?
Momiji: It looks like a little angel… or should I say sea angel?  It’s so cute.
White-robed man A: Ohh, it’s our Master…!
White-robed man B: Master!
White-robed man C: I feel blessed to be graced by their presence…!
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Daniel: Master? These guys are kowtowing to that pet robot?
???: “I had already foreseen that the two of you would come here today.”
???: “Please follow Mashiro inside.”
Momiji: Mashiro?
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Mashiro: Ahem… I am the one known as Mashiro. It is a pleasure indeed to meet you.
Momiji: Its voice changed… Then was it the owner of Angel Eye who was speaking earlier?
Mashiro: I shall guide you, so please follow me.
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Momiji: Wow… This is amazing…!
Daniel: Well, the interior choices are certainly… amazing.
Momiji: It’s my first time coming to a place like this, but it sure feels authentic!
Mashiro: I extend my most sincere gratitude for your presence at Angel Eye. However, it is imperative that you fulfill a series of conditions before you are granted an audience with our Master.
Mashiro: Kindly ensure that all devices capable of emitting sound are switched off or set to silent mode, so as to not disturb the divination process. Furthermore, strict silence must be observed while you wait your turn.
Momiji: O-Okay.
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Mashiro: The following are also strictly forbidden: Eating or drinking within the premises, touching any of the ornamentations, and approaching the Master. I must also emphasize that this entire parlor is strictly a no-smoking zone, so please do put aside any tobacco on hand.
Daniel: Whoops… Guess the little guy could tell I wanted to have a smoke about now.
Momiji: I guess there must have been a lot of precedents for the long list of cautionaries… The pet robot seems quite used to this.
Mashiro: That will be all for now.
*bell jingles*
Momiji: …!
???: Good evening, dear guests.
Momiji: Oh… 
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???: ……
Momiji: Wow… This boy has a clear divine presence… He fits right in with the otherworldly atmosphere… I really do feel like I’ve stepped into another dimension entirely.
???: I’ve been waiting for you.
Momiji: His presence is so overwhelmingly angelic, I almost feel like I’m about to vanish…! It’s hard to believe he’s a human just like us… Someone like Daniel might get exorcised just by being in his vicinity…!
Daniel: Oi, you just froze up. You okay?
Momiji: Ah!
Momiji: I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but be in awe… I’m okay now.
Momiji: Ahem, good evening. Would you mind explaining what you meant when you said you were waiting for us-
???: ……
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???: *tearing up*
Momiji: Um?
???: Ngh…. waah…!!
Momiji: Wha!? Um… What’s wrong? Why are you suddenly hugging me-
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???:  *hic…*
Momiji: He’s crying… 
Momiji: He’s so small and slender… To the point I’m almost afraid I’ll crush him with one wrong move… 
Momiji: H-Hey, please, tell me what’s wrong-
White-robed man A: Preposterous!! How dare the likes of you embrace our Master!
White-robed man B: Unhand our Master at once! To think you would touch him with your filthy hands!
White-robed man C: Curse you! A thousand curses upon you!
Momiji: Whaaa!?
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Daniel: Ha, looks like they’re testing their luck again. Mind if I break all their fingers now?
Momiji: I told you, violence isn’t the answer!
???: … Please, stop.
White-robed man A: B-But…!
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???: This person is my guest, don't be rude to her. You’re not allowed to speak ill of her either.
Mashiro: Now, all of you must listen to Toi’s words and leave this room.
White-robed man B: … As you will.
Momiji: They all looked reluctant but left obediently anyway… 
???: … I’m sorry, they’re not bad people. They can just be a little too… much, sometimes. 
Daniel: So, you’re the big boss around here.
???: Yes. 
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Daniel: Huh, he’s just a kid… 
Mashiro: Now, Toi, you must dry your tears. I believe you have yet to introduce yourself. 
???: Oh, that’s right. Sorry for not introducing myself sooner.
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Toi: It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I’m Toi Shiramitsu, the 6th head of the Shiramitsu family.
Momiji: Toi-kun… He really does give off a divine presence.
Momiji: Yodaka-san had talked about an angel with one eye, but it doesn’t seem like Toi fits the bill.
Momiji: Forgive me for my late introduction as well. I’m Momiji Hamasaki.
Toi: Oh, a business card! Thank you for offering me one… I’m sorry, I don’t have anything like this to exchange with you… 
Momiji: Please, don’t mind it! I’m sorry that we dropped by all of a sudden too.
Momiji: Oh, and this is my superior, his name is Iwabuchi.
Daniel: A pleasure.
Toi: It’s nice to meet you…!
Daniel: So what’s the deal with your family? Throwin’ around words like “head of the family” makes it seem like its a big deal or somethin’.
Toi: As a family of diviners, we Shiramitsu, have been in charge of running Angel Eye for generations.
Toi: You may have not heard about us because our services are only known within some niche circles, but you could say we’re a household name amongst the spiritual community… 
Momiji: I see… So your entire household is involved in the fortune-telling business… 
Toi: Yes, so um, that’s why… 
Toi: I’d already known that the two of you would come here tonight… 
Momiji: Ah, you did say that earlier. So fortune-telling can even figure out stuff like that huh… That’s amazing.
Momiji: I think we could find Nagi-kun soon with his help…
Toi: …..
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Toi: I… have something I need your help for, desperately. 
Momiji: Wait, so suddenly!?
Momiji: He really does seem desperate… This is a bit much… We’re the ones who needed help in the first place but… Oh well, I guess it’s fine.
Momiji: So um, what exactly do you need help with? We need to discuss that first… 
Toi: Ani-sama*... I need your help finding my older twin brother, Ryui Shiramitsu!
Daniel: Your twin?
Toi: Yes, that’s right. My beloved brother has been missing for 3 weeks now…
Toi: That is, well… He’s never really fit in with our family, so… 
Daniel: What, so he went down the wrong path or somethin’?
Toi: Ani-sama could do no wrong!
Toi: … Excuse me. My family’s situation is a bit… unique.
Toi: Even so, we’re two halves of one soul. Our bond is even stronger than that of blood.
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Toi: No matter how much he despised our family, my brother cannot help but remain by my side. For me… For my sake… Now and forever… 
Momiji: There seems to be a lot going on here… 
Daniel: Can’t you just find him yourself with your spiritual power or whatever?
Toi: That’s the thing… The being who helps me with divination refuses to search for my brother… 
Daniel: That so~ Sure, must be hard on ya.
Momiji: Ah. Daniel-san doesn’t believe a word of this.
Toi: This is the first time my brother has ever left me without a word… I’m really worried.
Toi: Could you please help me find him? I’m begging you…!
Momiji: But, why us? I’m sure there are others who are much better suited to this task… 
Toi: That’s because—
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Toi: Fate has promised as such.
Toi: That you would lead me… to where Ani-sama is.
Ani–sama is how Toi calls his brother, Ryui. It’s a very respectful way of calling him his older brother.
Translation Masterlist
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7ndipity · 1 year
Insecure about scars/marks
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: how they would react to s/o being self-conscious about their acne scars/stretch marks
Warnings: mentions of insecurities, lil bit of angst, a bit suggestive if you squint
A/N: Thank you to the user who requested this! As someone who also struggles with this issue, this was kinda therapeutic to write(sorry a couple are a little longer). Reminder to everyone who sees this that you're beautiful no matter what, marks and all💜
Requests are open
Jin: He noticed how you never went barefaced around him, but didn't think much of it at first, figuring it was just coincidental, but when he suggested you staying over and you became visibly nervous, he knew something was up.
"I didn't mean to pressure you." He quickly apologized, afraid he was pushing things between you too quickly.
"No, It's not that. It's just..." You took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to explain your insecurities due to your scars. While you spoke, he patiently sat and listened, even if he's still confused for minute, because everyone has them, even him? Tries to be understanding about it though, and when you slip out of the bathroom later, clean-faced, he says that you're beautiful with so much sincerity in his eyes that you can't help but believe him, even if it's just for a little while.
Yoongi: He doesn't understand your awkwardness about them at first, because he hadn't really paid them much notice before. Tries to give you subtle reassurances about them, with soft touches and complements. Probably won't say anything outright unless he notices you being really hard on yourself, because ain't nobody allowed to talk bad about his baby, and that includes you.
"Cute." He mumbled as he tapped his fingers gently along the spots on your face as you dozed on his shoulder.
"Really?" You asked in a depreciating tone that he wasn't used to from you.
"You don't think so?" He asked.
"No." You shook your head.
"Well, I do," He said matter-of-factly. "I think they're very cute."
"But they're-"
He stops you with a quick but insistent kiss. "Cute."
Hobi: He's such a sweet and positive energy, but is also very perceptive others feelings, which is partly why everyone always seems to feel comfortable around him. So when he starts to notice your insecurities, he makes it his personal mission to make you see how gorgeous you really are. Squishes your face and leaves kisses on your marks every chance he gets, trying to leave no space for you to feel bad about them. Can always tell when you need a boost and becomes your personal hype man. "How are you so beautiful?!"
Namjoon: Therapist mode activated. He understands that everyone has things they're self-conscious about or don't always like about themselves, so at first he didn't say anything, in order to avoid making you feel more uncomfortable, but when he sees how much it bothers you, he's gonna want to talk it out with you. Constantly reminding you how much he loves you, bordering on body worship with the way he touches you and tells you how beautiful you are to him.
Jimin: The first time he noticed them, he didn't think much of it, but when you noticed his eyes on them, you quickly tugged your shirt down to cover them while mumbling out an apology.
"Why are you apologizing?" He asked, confused.
"It's-I mean-they're not nice to look at." You avoided his eyes.
"But they're just part of you." He tried to say reassuringly.
"I know." That was the problem. You could feel your eyes beginning to sting with tears.
"Oh, honey, no." Suddenly understanding, he was quick to pull you into a tight hug.
"I love you, all of you." He said gently against your hair.
Nether of you spoke for a minute while you calmed and caught your breath.
"There's nothing about you that I don't love, understand?" He said, pulling back to search your eyes for a moment before you gave a small nod. He knows that it's not easy to let go of insecurities, but that won't stop him from trying to losen their hold on you, bit by bit.
Taehyung: Lowkey loves all your spots and marks, because he thinks they make you unique. So when you push his hand away one day when he's tracing over them absent-mindedly while you're cuddling, he can't help the lil frown that forms as he asks what's wrong. When you tell him how you don't like them and they make you self-conscious, his frown just gets deeper, because how you could not see what he sees? He thinks they're amazing, comparing them to brushstrokes in a painting, finding the way they faintly shine in the light pretty. "You're a masterpiece, darling."
Jungkook: Might feel a little hurt when you first express your hesitancies. Did you think he would judge you for something like that? But as you explain further, he starts to understand a little more. Dude went through like three different growth spurts, so he's almost definitely has experience with marks and scars. Probably even shows them to you when he finds out how much yours bother you.
"So, do they change how you see me?" He asks, pulling his shirt back on.
"Of course not!" You say.
"Exactly." He pressed a kiss to your forehead. "So why should they change how you see yourself?"
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
im gonna hold myself back and only request 2 things,,,but like actually getting caught with a fem s/o during sex by their teams with jyushi, sasara, and gentaro ueueueue -rei boobie anon
Jyushi, Sasara and Gentaro getting caught with a fem! s/o during sex
Today there is a whole parade of NSFW requests in my askbox💀
femreader, teasing, oral (receiving +giving), skull-fucking, rough sex, mention of crempie, semi public sex;;
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-Nah because this man would be ashamed for his whole life.
-Such sensitive crybaby, he's really attentive to any small sounds usually, but when he gets into his 'dark' mode AND also gets a little naughty with you at the same time, Jyushi doesn't hear anything. Cause now, lady of the night, he's ready to open the depth of his bosom and show you how easily his sinful dirty demons would make you lose your pure mind.. (That's a direct quote from him.)
-Ok but poor boy will forget all his funky pompous words pretty quick when your games with him get too wild, and there's just emptiness in his head with only one thought about finally cum, cum inside your clenching pussy that makes his legs weak from its tightness.
-And despite the fact that he prefers to do such things in his bedroom, sometimes when you visit him in his dressing room after a concert, he's taking you right here, too excited and full of emotions after a successful performance.
-And oops.. One time Jushi forgot he also invited Kuko to his concert too, or maybe he was ignoring this fact, being sure a vulgar monk would not ever try to get here. But not today, and Kuko is already in the corridor backstage, opening the door just to see how his teammate fuck you almost like a rabbit in heat..
-All of you three freeze for a moment before Kuko swore loudly and slammed the door, trying to forget what he just saw. Never in his life would he have thought this softie can do things like this! Hell, maybe he's tripping?
-You try to catch your breath, slowly realizing what just happened, but the feeling of Jyushi's dick twitching inside you more than usual didn't let you concentrate on anything else.
"Forget about this, my sinful princess… Mm, this tickling situation is just making us.." - he mumbled, really trying to come up with at least something in his mind but ended up whining on your shoulder. - "Just let's continue, s/o, I want to cum so bad.."
-Not really a fan of such things so after he gets in his casual mode would probably cry for the whole day and night, too ashamed to look both in your and Kuko's eyes. Probably would go to his temple just to sincerely apologize and start crying again…
-Yet if you tease your boyfriend a little about this situation, asking if he's closed the door properly this time, he would get aroused more quickly, letting you have control and just being a soft bottom.
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-Ahh such a two faced man, actually!!
-Like yeah, always so goofy and everything, it sometimes looks like have zero thoughts in his mind, especially a naughty one. Yet when actually this man loves to get wild and you know this better than everyone else.
-It's actually even hard to say where you're doing this more often - in his house or in his dressing room. Starting with this shit about how your cute smile always cheers him up before the performance and ending with a flirt like: I'm so jealous of your heart right now, because it's pounding inside of you and I'm not…
-So helping your boyfriend to relax with his cock deep in your pussy is one of your favorite things to do. You both quickly get too carried away and absolutely not thinking about where you are and what risk you have.
-And ahh, poor silly Sasara, he absolutely forgot that today after his show DotsuHon will visit him for some important conversation!! Well, but can you really blame him when he pressed his face between your thighs like this, almost torturing you with long and slow thrusts of his tongue..?
-Not even trying to control your voice, you didn't even realize how loud you can be but when your blurry eyes shifted to the opening door, a wild smirk on Rei's face tells you everything.
-Where's Rosho? Well, of course he also was hearing you both so prefer to stay outside, when Rei is just peeking to tease you both and enjoy your shocked faces before closing the door back with a small 'Oopsie.'
-Too ashamed now, you tried to cross your legs and stop your boyfriend, yet he just grasped your hips, speeding up.
"What's wrong? Didn't know how loud you were..?" - Sasara chuckle, tickling your folds with hot breath. When he stops joking and talks with you like that, it always is so.. exciting.. - "I fucking hate how this old fart look at your sometimes.. So let him know you're only mine.."
-Ok but Rei would probably tease him about this, telling that he thought his teammate's favorite drink is a cream soda, not your pussy. And despite Sasara acting all flustered and giggling awkwardly, he does feel some pride arising in his chest. Mm, maybe next time you two should be caught up when you do something more interesting..?
-He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, but if you would let everyone (well or at least Rei) see your cumming face, when you only can call your boyfriend's name and sob uncontrollably, then it would be just great..
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-Well, Dice already caught Ramuda once with his onesan, so it's now Gentaro's turn, huh?
-Despite your boyfriend always acting all mysterious and incomprehensible, like he's the only one who notices all the details and can fool people around him, sometimes even he can get too carried away.
-Losing all his attention to the real world as your body is the only thing he sees now, as he just keeps groaning how good it feels to be inside you, while pounding you into the wall with a fast thrust.
-So for the first time it was just an accident, when Dice almost broke into his teammate's house, screaming about winning a small amount of money from bets and casinos. Oh, how bad that exactly at this moment you were on your knees in front of your boyfriend with his cock deep in your mouth as he was almost skull-fucking you.
-Okay, this time Dice got everything much quicker than in the same situation with Ramuda, stormed out back on his street with even more red face than you both have.
-Will Gentaro stop? No, he still wants to cum, and the way the hot walls of your throat clench around him just makes him tease you about this situation a little.
"Mm, I'm glad you didn't even try to pull away when you noticed him.." - your boyfriend coo, patting your head in some pitiful manner, and you clearly can hear mockery in his tone. - "You didn't mind showing him how good you can make me feel, do you?"
-But why did I say 'for the first time'..? Cause there surely would be another accident like this, but now Gentaro would leave the door of his bedroom open on purpose, playing with you knowing damn well his teammates would be here soon. It's like a new game for him - if he was capable of seducing you till the time they would be here? In which exact pose they would have caught you both?
-After you get caught for the first time, he suddenly feels some new kind of amusement in his chest, and wants to experience it again. To see your surprised face again, as you cling to him closer in a weak attempt to cover your body. Oh, just how delightful this sense of power you give him in such moments.. Gentaro probably can get a little bit addicted.
-Of course would try to tease you in Ramuda's workplace too, stroking your thighs more firmly than usual or place quick playful kisses on your neck when these two didn't see it. Well, he can't just start fucking you right here, but at least your boyfriend will make sure to bring you to the point where you would try to drag him back home for some private time.
-Or maybe he would even be capable of pushing you to try something new and get a little naughty in the darkness of a dead-end alley..?
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canonsinthehead · 11 months
It's JJK Thirst Season - NSFW Alphabet/Relationship Headcanons
Yall know what time it is...
Toji Fushiguro:
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He is either nowhere to be found before you wake up or fast asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Toji is very confident in his upper body. How it looks and its power. He will show it off by lifting you up or extending his arm on purpose. His partner’s favorite part is their lips and back.
Most of the time, He genuinely don’t care what you are, what you identify as, how big, how small, he doesn’t mind older people.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He can and will cum a liter of cum on you. Always wears condom to avoid having another kid but if you accept for him to take it off he deny involvement if something happens.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
As a feet kink. He likes neat looking feet because of how callous and rough his own looks.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Official Poud-Town resident, PHD in back breaking.
No, I don’t think you understand how serious it is, he is seriously practicing (you have to do what you have to for a meal, be understanding please). As soon he realizes that it was a monetizable skill, it was a wrap.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Lift up and Doggystyle because it gives him full control. Has also a thing for chair sex when he sits back and watch you do the work.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He is very serious in action but often uses humor as element of surprise. You though I was just a clueless inexperience man hahaha think again. Putting the façade of “needing your help” first to make you feel bad for him and unleashing his demon mode on you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I’m sorry but he regularly has an untamable forest under his armpits and down there BUT will use your shower to groom a little bit before the action (breaking your back or go beat somebody up)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is not. We know Toji is on the freaky side on things but it all ties back to his deceased wife. All the genuine fluff, romantic talk was with her, and it will unfortunately remain that way. Ironically its that same reason that allows him to hop partner from partner. He is more a “contract” type of guy, off course he will tell you EVERYTHING you want to hear but most of the time doesn’t sincerely mean it (there’s few exceptions)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Use it to pass time when he’s bored if not doing it when he practices.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He is well versed and experienced in all types of kinks and roleplay. He asked one time a client to play “Catch a Jujutsu Sorcerer” and enjoyed it way more that he would ever admit.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere will do. Dumpster in a dark alley, a sketchy motel or YOUR HOUSE. Has developed recently liking to car sex.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Money, Food, A warm bed. He sometimes gets a kick off being dominant over someone (a little like when he fights)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
CALL HIM DADDY. He doesn’t like other affectionate pet names, I know he needs a warm bed to sleep and food to eat but he finds this word lowkey triggering (reminds him of his wife) . His first attempt at bareback went wrong and prefer not touching this part of the body on him and him S/O
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers receiving oral and will give it only if he feels like it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He does quickies most of the time, he is really spontaneous about it and doesn’t need too much preparation aside from a shower
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Risking all for that check
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Weirdly can go many rounds on different people in the same night. Last really long if necessary if not it’s over in 10-15 minutes.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He has them in his inventory curse (yikes). Owns only one because of how expensive they are for his budget.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Toji knows you like and is lusting after his physique. He will (and currently) wearing tight fitting clothes to tease you with his defined muscular body.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Loud for the dirty talk, outside of that his heavy breaths sometimes morph into straight-up growling.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Will gladly help you cheat with your current S/O
Sometimes will moan his wife’s name
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Toji will lightly sweats when It gets intense, covering his body with a shiny glaze.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His high sex drive is something he developed recently.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Immediately after cumming, he passed out.
Kento Nanami
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Will watch over you until you fall asleep. When you wake up, the sheets will be changed and he had already taken a shower (he’s in a knee-length bathrobe btw)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Sounds weird but he likes the way his back looks and it’s the body part he focus on the most at the gym. As for his S/O he really like the woman’s figure (its curviness pronounced or not). When being intimate, he loves burying himself in his S/O neck as it carries a lot of intimacy.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Cum is only to make babies. The rest is in the condom thanks.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Uses his glasses to hide and admire the people who catch his eyes physically and romantically
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Married Monogany, There’s only one spot available under him arm. As crazy as it sounds he spends most of his adult years so far lonely and wants to hit the nail and find the right person to marry the first time (doesn’t want to start over)
He’s giving you at least one kid (you decide if you want more)
Unfortunately, that spot is taken by Tiana so we can all cry.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary, it is lowkey cliché since many paint him as the Vanilla type (when he’s not). But being this close to their partner’s face makes it in his opinion more romantic.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It’s a very serious matter.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
As expected he is well groomed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Romance and intimacy are really important. For him love and attraction are cultured from the closeness of the relationship, lowkey, intimacy is really a turn-on for him and how foreplay will happen most of the time.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
No, Absolutely not.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Will never admit but likes it when his S/O moans out his name.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Places insured with complete privacy. Which is his home and high-quality hotels. Will travel to a whole different city or country to do it since Gojo (Mr. No Sense of Personal Space) tried to break in his house multiple times.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The only what that his S/O is his peace is really satisfying. Pleasing his partner his almost like a duty he gets a great a sense of accomplishment (and pleasure for himself) from it
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Eats the box (My lady’s pleasure is mine, actually it turns me on). If you don’t mind giving him oral then its alright,
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and passionate/sensual BUT Can be rough when he’s in the mood for it (because sometimes he just wants to sleep no matter what you try)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Absolutely not, time like these with his S/O are planned out, at least that what he says. he sometimes plays on the element of surprises. He wants to make sure you are okay with it before proceeding.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes but nothing that would make you uncomfortable. He will ask you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
1 round is all his corporate body can offer but its enough trust me
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
NO… Aside from tying you up with his tie (if you’re into that)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Whispering in your ear.
“I Love You” “Let me know if it feels good” “I’m right here”
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is not loud but make ear able grunts sounds.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Precise *uses curse technique*
You have to tell him to remove his sock smh
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Dont look like it at first because of his reserved demeanor but he is PACKING (idk how Gojo found out but even he was shocked about it)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Average but he will always choose a display of affection over anything else.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not too fast but will evently.
Getou Satorou
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Enjoys Hair pulling but you better not touch his hair
If you are POC with major (mental illness level) self hate issues. He WILL do raceplay (the degrading type)
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Pillow princess
Either Choso is the type to be too Good for sex/”that’s not giving the good example as the big brother OR the type quivers trembles and straight out cry as getting his soul snatched. you decide.
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jedimandalorian · 10 months
Another Sneak Preview of “I’ll Be Home for Life Day,” by @jedimandalorian
Coming to Tumblr and AO3 during the 2023 @sabezra-life-day-celebration
“You can have the window seat to watch the snow fall if you like.” Before Ezra knew what was happening Sabine was practically sitting on his lap, and his brain went into panic mode. He sat there, frozen, not knowing what to do. “Scoot over, di’kut.”
Kanan sighed. Hera worried too much. He took another sip of his hot cup of caf before replying. “Well, at least Zeb said that they’re wearing gloves so their hands won’t get frostbite. Let them have their fun. Ezra’s probably never seen snow before, much less built a snowman.”
Hera looked up and saw row after row of sprigs of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling, and her lips made a little “o” of understanding.
“Nice going, Lover Boy,” said Zeb, who was playing a game of dejarik with Chopper. “You managed to get her all riled up and then you melted her heart. I dunno if she’s ready to kiss you or kill you.”
Chopper shuddered, surrendered a victory to Zeb, then scuttled away, mumbling mild expletives in binary as he rolled down the corridor to his recharging station. Ezra thought Chop was going into sleep mode, but he didn’t hear the sound of him powering down. What was the little menace up to?
“What I feel for you,” Ezra began, summoning his reckless courage, “has always been real.” He looked at her with such sincerity and vulnerability that her heart skipped a beat. “But it’s okay if you don’t���if you don’t—“ He couldn’t make himself say the rest of it.
You really don’t want to miss this one.
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astriar · 9 months
Would you like to ramble about your DCA headcanons to us, the audience ?
!! My first ask! Thank you so much! And DUHHH OF COURSE I love talking about the sillies!!!
okay so I have a lot of headcanons that stem from me either willfully ignoring canon or misunderstanding it, but hey fnaf lore is my kinetic sand and I am a child of the early 2000s so let’s go:
—Sun and Moon were good at their job before the virus infected them! I know this is now somewhat backed up by Ruin, with Cassie saying that she always had a good time in the daycare, but I feel like it’s nice to mention!
—Sun was as overwhelming as he was in SB because he was infected with the Virus along with Moon! Normally, he acts a lot more like you would expect a childcare animatronic to act like (again, somewhat backed up by HW2 as Sun speaks a lot more calmly! My little asshole <33)
—On the train of thought as above, here is my own personal interpretation of events that led up to SB: Moon was the first in the Pizzaplex to be infected, and after he realized as such, he blocked himself entirely out of the system and put firewalls up to hell and back, cutting off his communication with Sun!
—Sun started going a little crazy with the stress of keeping up the daycare entirely by himself, and didn’t notice the virus had infected him too until too late! (Basically right before the events of security breach)
—Moon would listen to and enjoy old Panic at the Disco if he had access to non fazbear-approved music
—…night shift employees also happen to find their devices go missing on occasion, only to be returned with some interesting Spotify history
—a lot of people I feel like think Sun would listen to soft indie stuff but I think he would either listen to hard rock or the most deplorable, insufferable hyper-pop on the damn market
—Moon and the DJ are besties!
—Sun can’t leave the daycare, but Chica will come and visit him every once in awhile! Sun gives her his latest knitting project, and Chica usually delivers gossip from across the Pizzaplex Moon happened to miss.
—The rest of the band members steer clear of the daycare, except for Freddy every one in awhile. And Bonnie, of course— Moon was friends with Bonnie.
—Also, non-virus infected Moon is a menace who is generally rude and disrespectful to Pizzaplex employees (smh moon) UNLESS you give him a reason to not be rude and disrespectful
—he operates on an guilty until proven innocent basis and Sun is absolutely the same way with Pizzaplex employees
—Moon is the more public menace, but everyone really should be afraid of Sun, who 100% has less morals
—I don’t even know what to make of canon Eclipse but I love them!! And I genuinely wonder if Sun and Moon were ever rebooted into safe mode before Ruin? If so, what kind of role did Eclipse play?
-I also don’t know what to make of Moon’s apparent lore relevance in HW2, and this may be denial speaking, but I feel like maybe Moon wasn’t infected during HW2? Maybe he’s just being his normal, menace-y self? That’s what I think at least but that’s just a theory (a GAME THEORY)
-Jack-O-Moon :D <3
….kay this feels like way too many words BUT I appreciate the chance to ramble!! I definitely try and keep their personalities based in canon (especially in my writing) but I also love everyone who hc’s them heavily!! The fandom is what makes liking these two so enjoyable, so I love seeing any and all takes :D
I sincerely apologize if the formatting is weird (mobile baybee) but! Thank you very much for asking :D
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rex101111 · 18 days
I promise this isn't dickriding I genuinely think that Ch'io will forever be a more satisfying and narratively-consistent conclusion to Xrd's story than strive was. Every once in a while I think I've overblowing my dislike for canon but then I go back and rewatch it and feel my insides curdling. 'When have I ever called you Aria' DUDE you've made it explicitly clear to her that you've spent a century pining and trying to get her back if anything it's even more a disservice to Jack-o that she's basically being treated like sloppy seconds because you suddenly stopped caring for whatever arbitrary reason. The girl isn't stupid do you think she can't put two and two together. Do you name a single thing or reason that you like about Jack-o as a person aside from the fact that she looks like your dead girlfriend
To reiterate another point i made back in my story watch live blog: It's been three damn weeks. Three. WEEKS. Three weeks since the end of Rev2, and during Rev2 their only real interactions are...what? A couple of scenes in her Arcade mode where she's being mysterious and confusing? A fucking century of mourning, of yearning, of being consumed by grief and anger and...it just fuckin' poofs out of existence because you have a replacement red head for less than a month?? Mr. Badguy sincerely what in the Absolute, Utter, and Complete fuck are you on about???
Y'know, Jack-O was an interesting concept and character in Xrd, honestly, genuinely. A self-professed empty shell in the shape of a person explicitly made to bring back someone from the dead. And she knows. And while a part of her is a bit sad about it, she's accepted it. She's not really a person, not exactly, she's a step on a process, a rung on a ladder that's been built for a century. She muses about the nature of existence, like plenty of other characters do in these games, but her stand out scene is, and I will treasure this forever, when she asks Raven, honestly and plainly, when was the last time he just talked to someone with no real purpose being just talking to them. A being who's life has no meaning beyond the goal she's meant to facilitate, asking about the last time someone did something essentially meaningless, because doing something like that is important. It was great, she was great, like if Happy Chaos had some actual depth to his character and wasn't just a empty headed hurricane of a person who would just refused to shut the fuck up HOMESTUCK.
And, in concept, the direction they decided to take with her in Strive had potential, so close to accomplishing her goal, actually about to step over the threshold and vanish...what if this empty shell suddenly got filled with something? What if that something was existential dread?
Everyone around her says that Aria shouldn't have died, that Aria deserves a second chance at life, and everything she hears about Aria from Sol and Asuka sounds...like they're right, like her giving up her life would be a noble thing. But, given some time to actually walk the earth, see life, meet people...what if that knowledge clashed with her sudden and simple impulse of I want to live. I don't want to die either.
And Sol's side of this could have been so juicy! The plot could have been "oh sure you can have the love of your life back after a century of grief, but first you have to let this other person throw themselves into a fire. think you can manage that, Badguy?" Imagine a Strive where Sol and Jack-O had a chance to actually, like, interact, get to know each other, and Sol actually points out all the ways she's different from how Aria was. Which would have told us so much about both Aria and Jack-O! And it would make it more convincing that Sol sees her as her own person. If they kept the possibility of Aria coming back open, another way, harder, but maybe, someday, there would be some room for an actual character moment. Where Jack-O is just on the edge of valuing her own life more then being Aria back, but still feels like she has a duty to uphold, until Sol pulls her back and says something like, "much as I miss Aria...she'd give me hell for killing someone who didn't do anything to deserve it just to bring her back." Because Sol Badguy gives a shit about people! He does! He's wounded and angry and covered in armor he's built out of a century of trauma and spite and cynicism BUT DEEP DOWN HE'S STILL GOT A DAMN HEART! I could have bought him being conflicted once he actually thinks about the implications of Jack-O dying for Aria's sake if she herself wasn't 100% on board with it. And that could have sparked conflict with Asuka!! He would have been so pissed because he spent so much time and spilt so much blood for this exact moment only for Frederick to suddenly grow a moral center out of nowhere. He is too far deep in the shit he's done and the people he's hurt to even entertain the idea, and if Sol gets in his way it will get bloody. And BOOM! FINAL CLIMACTIC BATTLE! FOUGHT BETWEEN TWO CHARACTERS WE ARE ACTUALLY INVESTED IN! NOT SOME OUT OF NOWHERE D-GRADE ANIME VILLAIN WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT! IT WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT! Could have been great. But nooooo instead we had to deal with Happy and his body paint stinking ass letting Asuka more or less off the hook, we had to deal with Sol just tossing the idea of bringing Aria back over his shoulder like trash, like every single game that came before didn't matter. We got Jack-O having tea with Ky while talking about Sol and nothing about herself, and then talking with I-No about fucking nothing and her being a glorified "eh, better than nothing" trophy for Sol to cap up his adventure with and GAAAAAAAAAAAAH STRIVE MAKES ME SO FUCKIN MAD!!! grrraag, yeah yeah every time I think "eh maybe im overreacting here" I actually stop to remember the bullshit and go "Actually no I should be MADDER about this actually". Gah. ...at least we got Another Story and Delilah out of this mess, so its not all bad...
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couldbebetterforsure · 10 months
#I feel like I've made it clear by now on my blog I'm a ryuseitai girl there are NO bad songs in ryuseitai's discography I'll fight on that!
girl i love these idol power rangers too but you can't mean that when growing starry days and seishun emergency exist😂
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What did I say, Anon?! 😡😡😡😡😡😡
I kid, you’re free to feel that way, Anon! But I truly sincerely mean it when I say I don’t think there’s a single bad song in the Ryuseitai discography. So, why don’t we go through all of their songs and I talk about why I like them!
I’m only gonna list Ryuseitai specific songs, so ones that features them as a group in the song or their solos. I’m not listing the shuffle unit songs or their version of songs like Brand New Stars, since those aren’t specifically Ryuseitai songs.
Yumenosaki Ryuseitai Uta: Dakara FIGHTING! ✊ (FIGHTING!) FIGHTING! ✊ (FIGHTING!) From what I understand this is in universe Ryuseitai's first song, from before the current Ryuseitai was even formed. And what banger it is! It's a shame there's no MV for this one, I feel like it could get a good one. I love that everyone says their catchphrase during it (well...I mean Midori made an attempt...) A perfect song for introducing who Ryuseitai are and what they're about as a group.
The Unrivaled Meteor Ranger: Absolutely catchy classic! So much fun to play in the rhythm game, I get so into it (which means I keep breaking my combos). I just feel like I'm having fun listening to it, as if I'm watching the boys actually perform on the stage in front of me. They also sounds really good during the chorus for this one!
Goshiki no Shooting Star: Shooting Star! Shooting Star! Kagayake! Seigi koso...Shinjitsu to! Shinjiteru! Inochigake! Mamorinuke! Doro ni mamire nagara mo!!! *insert head bopping cat gif* I think this song does a fantastic job of showing how much of a kick Chiaki's voice gives the group's vocals. His voice is the deep and strong, and when he backs someone else's vocals it gives the lines an extra oomph that I adore!
Super Nova Revolu5tar: I love the build up to the opening lines! I think Ryuseitai may sound the best as a whole in this song. Their voices merge together so gorgeously in the chorus. I love the part that goes from violins to guitar as the boys talk it's beautiful! The whole last minute and a half of the song is gorgeous and I won't budge on that.
Ryuusei Hanabi: Practically everyone and their mother adores this song, and for good reason! It's an absolute bop from start to end. The use of traditional Japanese instruments, the chants, the beat of it. Another fun one to play in the rhythm game! Though I can't full combo the song on hard mode 😭 Fun fact, this is one of those few songs I already knew of from years back! I always find myself at the very least tapping along to the chanting.
Growing Starry Days: Hot take, Ryuseitai should get to sing more soft sounding songs. I know sentai-esque songs are their main thing, but damn it this song is too damn beautiful to be one of the VERY few soft songs they do! I heard this one isn't popular, to which I say FUCK THAT! Another song that really emphasizes how Chiaki's voice really brings the group's vocals together. I can't helpt smiling every time I listen to this song!
Unlimited Power: I just love that this is a song of thanks from Ryuseitai to all their fans, that's so damn sweet. The part where they all list the colors and their names is adorable (well except for Kanata 😂) Just as I can hear how well they get across their gratefulness in their voices throughout the song, I end up smiling and feeling just as thankful for them for making me smile so much with their music!
Meteor Scramble: Like I said last time I LOVE that they included their names in the lyrics! And in fun ways too, they play around with word placement and even Japanese pronunciation of English words for Tetora and Midori. Chiaki (ichi ichi akirametecha), Kanata (negau kanata e ikenai), Tetora (tachimukatte toraburu o), Midori (saa let me dream), Shinobu (manazashi no bun). I enjoy the high pace energy of the song, and I ESPECIALLY love the guitar solo section!
Suisei Halation: I fucking love this song, it feels like such a 80s-90s sounding anime opening in all the best ways! The beat once the chorus hits is so high pace, it's so much fun to listen to and just as much to play in the rhythm game. I can picture waking up to watch an anime with this opening on TV whenever I listen to it. My favorite part is when the boys all take one line each from the beginning of the chorus, it has a cool feel to it!
Heart Heat Beat: While not as soft as Growing Starry Days, this song does have a softer feel to it compared to other Ryuseitai songs. I love listening to it while I walk, though I always end up bouncing along because it has such pep in it! I feel like this song is a hidden gem of Ryuseitai's discography, I rarely hear anyone speak of it but it has such a fun and adorable feel to it. Also, I really love how powerful Midori's "ikou yo" is, it's not often he puts that much power in his solo lines.
Nekketsu Ryusei Ninpouchou: The old video game sounding opening to this song is such a nice touch. I loved how everyone's voices sounded throughout this song, they flowed together so well. Combine that with the energetic feel to it all and it makes for such a fun song. I love how it changed from slower pace to higher pace at several points and yet never loses that energy. Also, I think this song has some of Shinobu's strongest singing in it!
Colors Arise: Another song that sounds like an anime opening in all the best ways! The guitar sounds absolutely fantastic in this song and really gets me so pumped up. I think my favorite part is when the song suddenly sounds like a completely different song a little over two minutes in before swinging back to the main chorus. It's such a fun change that manages to not feel awkward.
Relax Paradise: RELAX~! ☺️ I'll be honest on first listen this song wasn't my thing, so that would've made this post super awkward, huh? But after listening to it a couple more times I really started to get into the bubbly energy of it all. Like "you know what? yeah I DO wanna go relax in the jungle!" I am super duper eager for the full version to drop, I wanna embrace the bubbly relaxing atmosphere.
Seishun Emergency: Wooo, get a chance! Woooo, make a chance! Don't give up! Don't give up! Be my girl! Yuzurenai battle!!! I heard this is another song that gets a ton of hate to which I say, why don't you people like having fun?! It's such a fun song with lyrics that are basically a shoujo romcom, what's not to like here?! There's such fun energy throughout this song and I really love how Ryuseitai and Knights combine their voices in this one! I can't sit still whenever the chorus starts up.
Hamutaro Tottoko Uta: People who hate on this song have never felt the joy the little things in life can bring. Cring is dead, let’s get you some fun and whimsy! It has a catchy marching-like beat and you can’t help but clap, move your foot, or bounce along to it with Ryuseitai and Ra*bits. Plus, c'mon guys, it's HAMTARO! Daiiiisuki na no waaaaaaaa~! Hiiiiimawari no taneeeeeee~!!!!
Always Hero: BURNING HEART!!! JUSTICE BLAZE!!! 🔥🔥🔥 It's a song that feels very Chiaki in energy and lyrics. Despite not being a cute song, I just come out of listening to it feeling like Chiaki is adorable!
Marine Blue Rendezvous: Puka puka~ Love the slow feel of this song, I feel like I can sleep to this song. Not in a bad way, I mean listening to it is so relaxing, I can't help but be lulled into a peacful nap 😊
Mahiru no Zanzou: No joke, Midori's best singing is on display in this song. His voice is already soft, so his solo really showcases that. But there are moments where there's a emotional power there that hits me in my little heart juuuuust right!
Iron Heart Tiger: Another hot take I have is that Tetora's singing voice doesn't get enough praise. I think this song, especially with its high pace energy really helps to get across how pleasing it is to listen to sing!
Shippuu Jinrai Shinobi Michi: Such a Shinobu song, so very fitting for him and enjoyable to listen to from start to finish! I love the bouncy feel it has while also being mixed with some softer moments, befitting a ninja!
Okay, that’s all of Ryuseitai’s songs and why I love them! If you noticed I missed a song, please kill me where I stand because that means I failed to defend the honor of Ryuseitai’s discography if I forgot one 😞 Hope you enjoyed hearing my thoughts!
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ohh-fiddlesticks · 5 months
6, 10 & 11 with dave... or any of your f/os!!!!!!!! you can pick... hope youre doing awesomely🌅
6. Gush about your f/o's laugh!
i think usually daves rhe type to just chuckle or generally laugh in a way thats not too sincere, but as he grows more comfortable in himself and not constantly being ironic hed start to just let himself laugh whenever however… and hed probably be like guffawing cackling etc at the randomest of things 💗 and (partly bc i laugh at practically everything) his laughters very contagious so i end up laughing as well :-)
10. Gush about the source your f/o is from!
goes autism mode. I LOVE HS SM… truly everything about it meanjs so much to me. i love the pesterlog mechanic and getting to see characters just talking especially online it feels like such a genuine representation of the characters and also real life on the internet!!! and the lore is so complex but it all fits together which i adore bc i just love when theres a complicated back and forth storyline its so fun to think about hehe
11. Gush about your favorite chapter/book/episode/scene etc. your F/O is in!
act 6 dave makes me go crazyinsane in a good way its so nice & interesting to see him opening up and also looking back on his past and realising what hes been through… makes me wanna give him a hug or something . also little things like his interest in palaeontology coming up and him being a little more open about it ‼️ it makes me smile. (im thinking specifically of when hes talking with dirk about his post-scratch self asking if he happened to have been into palaeontology)
again tysm for the ask 💗‼️ truly i did not mean to not see this it legit didnt appear in my asks until now 💔
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mywifeleftme · 11 months
188: Jonathan Richman // SA!
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SA! Jonathan Richman 2018, Blue Arrow
Jonathan Richman is the sweetest soul in rock ‘n’ roll, and if on 2018’s SA! he wants to take my hand and lead me through the world of self, I won’t object. I could learn a lot from Richman, the person and the artist. (I’d rather hear about Hinduism from Jonathan than listen to Kendrick play me Eckhart Tolle clips anyway.)  He might be the one famous musician who can say of his own 50-year career, without a hint of false modesty, “I’m just being myself,” and be exactly right. But credit his craft too: he knows the effect his wide-eyed, boyish, goofy sincerity has on the people around him, and he’s used that quality to become perhaps the funniest songwriter of his generation, and one who can occasionally move you to tears. His idiosyncrasies are so marked that he could never be a musical chameleon, but that “just being myself” approach has led him to make garage rock albums, country albums, children’s albums, folk albums, albums in Spanish, instrumental albums, and increasingly, albums exploring Eastern spirituality and musical forms.
Co-produced by Richman, his wife Nicole Montalbano, and his former Modern Lovers bandmate Jerry Harrison (also ex-Talking Heads), SA! finds Jonathan, as usual these days, in a stripped-down acoustic mode, tastefully accompanied as needed by long-time friends and collaborators. A number of the songs incorporate raga structures, and the warm drone of Montalbano’s tambura throughout helps to situate you in Jonathan’s mystical state of mind. He adapts ancient bhakti poetry, muses on the fleetingness of existence, and even refashions the Modern Lovers’ “Old World” into a dreamy repudiation of empty nostalgia. Richman has surprisingly little trouble adapting his talky, unpredictable phrasing to the scales and rhythms of raga, but then he’s always been a master of landing back on beat just when it seemed he’d finally rambled his way beyond hope of recovery.
SA! has a suite-like quality, with songs flowing into one another and motifs from earlier numbers reappearing in snippets later on. The a-side goes deepest into the trance, with the three-song stretch of “O Mind! Let Us Go Home / A Penchant for the Stagnant / O Mind! Just Dance!” presenting the Richman version of a meditation session. Having delved to the cosmic root, or at least given a good poke around for it, the b-side is closer to Jonathan’s usual haunts. On offer are the joyful Duolingo bop “¡Alegre Soy!” (“I Am Happy!”) and the tender reflections “And Do No Other Thing” and “The Sad Trumpets of Afternoon.” Best of all is the brief, hysterically wrenching vignette “Yes, Take Me Home,” sung from the perspective of a dog at the pound using his eyes to plead a passerby to take him home and to pay no mind to the unfortunate business in San Jose that got him locked up.
This is something like Richman’s seventeenth album, and it’s unlikely to be the one anyone starts with. But if it were, I think it has enough of his magic to fascinate a new listener, and a gracefulness of spirit that can be overshadowed on his more conventionally pop records. I don’t know that the answers for me lie in Hindu spiritualism, but I like the ones Jonathan embodies: love, generosity, humility, curiosity, dumb jokes, creativity, wonder. If he has something he wants to share with me, I’ll listen to him anytime.
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deltaruminations · 2 years
:o !!! I don't think I recall seeing an answer for this, did your gaster always have one eye missing/drooping/etc? I'm so curious to learn more about himmm <3
yeah! i went back and forth on this for a while but i think i've settled on it being congenital, partly to make him more immediately readable as a headcanon gaster but also because i think it’s interesting to consider as part of his character. he can only see out of his left eye, the right socket is basically fused at a seam. i see it as one thing among a number of traits that he’s sort of had to learn ways around in order to function relatively "normally" (or at least in the ways he thinks he's supposed to be able to function).
aside from the impacts of disability, it also halves the amount of expression that can be communicated through his eyes, and kind of gives this visual impression that he’s perpetually winking, which i think adds an interesting layer of difficulty to accurate expression of emotion/intent. i think he’s self-conscious about how he looks and worries that it disgusts people.
i got onto some tangents lol but here are some more headcanon character notes. i love talking about this guy so thanks for asking!!!
in my mind a lot of his personal challenges revolve around like, trying to Fit In to a world (both materially and socially constructed) that isn’t really made for him in a lot of ways. it assumes a ton of things that simply can never be true of him — right-handedness, average height, effortless verbalization, abled eyesight and depth perception, unconscious eye contact and facial expressiveness, etc.
not that my gaster is never unconsciously & genuinely expressive — he doesn’t show his heart on his sleeve like papyrus, but he’s not nearly as stiff as sans, either. the difference with sans is that he has natural conversational grace; he’s effortlessly warm, spontaneous, funny. he reads people well and generally has good social intuition. he isn’t necessarily suave or cool so much as he knows how to navigate interpersonally in a way that makes him immensely likable to most people (the fact that he Isn’t suave or cool actually contributes to that— it makes him non-threatening and approachable). sans is generally pretty skilled at manipulating others' perceptions/reception of him.
papyrus, for his part, is constantly missing social cues and acting outside of social scripts, which doesn’t lend itself to… popularity or general likability… but he’s so obviously sincere about who he is and what he’s feeling that he’s still like, intelligible. papyrus’s perspectives are easy to know even if they’re weird as hell in-context. he isn’t great at achieving his desires for likability but he's also willing to be seen (in UT at least, maybe less so in DR) in his imperfect effort.
my gaster is like. weirdness of perspective filtered through a certain amount of learned sociability. he knows how to socialize in theory and understands the value of it, but his social skills aren't intuitive, they take effort, especially verbally, and he has a history of miscalculation, so he tends to either be on a "script" or just like. stalled/processing until he can get back on track lol. and in either case it tends to be hard to get a read on what’s actually happening with him internally. unlike sans or papyrus, he can be quite suave and elegant, but he also lacks their flexibility and fundamental confidence and is just. kind of fragile. like papyrus, he wants to be liked, but unlike papyrus he’s far more motivated by a fear of being disliked. i think he’d rather go unnoticed than risk being perceived badly.
he can loosen up to varying degrees depending on the context (ex. he can be relatively gregarious and even warm when he's in Teacher Mode or with a close friend) but i think the general impression this has on other characters is that he’s aloof, mysterious, unapproachable, even kind of intimidating. he can be charming and pleasant but he doesn't come off as particularly, idk, trustworthy?
like, the dude’s pretty freaking tall, he tends to dress sharply, he’s even fairly handsome, but in a way that's uncanny and feels kind of Wrong. he’s obviously wickedly book-smart and seems high-brow and cultured, like he's never heard a pop song in his life. in casual conversation he’s either silent or delivering stilted academic diction in a low, quiet monotone. he speaks haltingly and deliberately, with weird prosody, and his two main expressions are Blank Stare and Unnerving Smile. his vibes come off as calculating and performative — which is technically true, but not for the reasons others tend to assume. he isn’t thinking about how to one-up them or about how stupid they must be. he’s studying them both out of sincere fascination and to understand social patterns and validate them empirically.
i seem him as the kind of guy who actively enjoys being around people even if he struggles to be involved with them. he’s the guy who will stand awkwardly just outside of a conversation to listen but won’t actually muscle his way into the circle until invited in, and once he's in there he just looks uncomfortable and often has to have conversation dragged out of him when all he really wanted was to observe.
i like to think part of why he’s able to be close friends with alphys is that she meets this stoic-seeming IRL Tumblr Sexyman with an unintelligible uboa face and she’s like "well this guy will never in a million years be interested in me Like That" and any nervous crush impulses she might have had are so completely overridden that she’s just. normal around him. he likes listening and she likes to talk so she infodumps overeagerly about cartoons while he sits there quietly staring with genuine curiosity lol
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Hope I can make it in time, but could I request Hifumi with a fem! S/O who is seen as cold and stoic, but she is just super shy and insecure, thinking that everyone dislikes her?
Hifumi with cold and stoic fem! s/o who's actually shy and insecure
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femreader, hurt/comfort, slight angst;;
-Ah..! It takes some time for Hifumi to approach you, actually.
-Not only due to his phobia of women, he can just wear his jacket, after all.. but also this coldness and sharp gazes of yours. He gets used to more loving and cute girls around him..!
-Well, but that's why he's a gigolo, cause he can charm any kitten, can't he? So sooner or later he will get closer to you too.
-"Why so cold, my dear princess? Something is bothering you?" - his casual bright small charming everyone around, yet he's looking at you, softly taking your hand. - "..I do hope that my passion today will melt your stoic heart, dear.."
-Over the time Hifumi even starts to appreciate this stony and dour behavior of yours, talking with you more and more. You can look at him with such a cold gaze and unemotional face as much as you want, nothing can stop this man when he's in his host mode.
-Cause sometimes he also wishes he would have such a backbone, with the steel that your soul has.. And he really wants to know your secret.
-"Kitten, you're so cruel to me, burning my heart with aching passion yet not giving me even a slight warm emotion.." - Hifumi sighs dramatically, but suddenly through his glamorous smile and sparky eyes you notice some deep sad thoughtfulness. - "..In the same way as I convey my love to you through my sincere touches, I really wish to receive this steadfastness from you.."
-But you never open to him the mystery of your cold heart, and soonly gigolo would notice more small details about you..
-The way panic and shyness flash in your eyes when you think no one looks at you, the way you quickly change your face when somebody actually approaches you, all emotions fade away and you're standing here, again with this sharp gaze. And how you always fiddled with your fingers when you get in a big crowd..
-Hifumi is such a goofy man when he's taking off his working suit, yet even in his real silly behavior he does understand there's something more, wondering about your real personality late at night. Memories of your stern face give him chills yet he can't stop thinking about you..
-So one day, when you two meet again in his workplace, he would notice that you're hiding your anxiety worse than usual.. Well, maybe because today the whole host club was filled with guests, such a busy night even for the most popular host in Japan..!
-But other kittens are not pique his interest now, as Hifumi finds his way to you, to help you go to a more quiet place, on a fresh yet calm street of Shinjuku.
-"Is everything okay? You're trembling a little.. Is this fresh night too cold even for you, my ice queen?.." - he chuckled, yet then noticed small drops of tears running on your cheeks and immediately got closer.
-There's nothing that stays buried forever.. And no matter how hard you try to overcome your shyness and anxiety, your insecurities keep tickling your soul, making it hard to hide your real emotions.. So here you are, crying to a man in front of whom you would like to never do it. To never show it.
-"That's okay, darling.. Please, be honest with me, show me the real, real side of my precious s/o..!" - Hifumi gently touches your shoulders, leaning you to his chest and patting your head. - "Here, my princess, do you feel how my heart beats when I'm with you? When I hold you so close to my soul, please, reveal to me your one too.."
-Of course you would tell him everything. About all your insecurities. Despite something still bugging you, some dark thoughts that keep whispering in your ears that he's not interested, that he's treating all women the same way here, you can't help but vent to him, too tired from hiding your true, sensitive self.
-And for Hifumi.. it's a big blow to him. The person who's he trying to look up to, the girl who's amazes him with her stoic figure.. Was actually so shy and insecure, so weak and fragile.. But isn't it just makes you two more closer? More understanding to each other?
-"S/o.. My dear, my mysterious princess..! There's nothing wrong with you and your shyness." - he makes you look up at him, smiling softly and warm. - "Everyone has their weakness here, and I will show you mine too."
-As you show him your true nature, of course Hifumi wants to show his real side too, stepping away and throwing off his jacket. It shocks you how quickly his face gets pale and scared when he looks at you again.
-"I.. i.. I actually have my own flaws too.." - is it actually his voice? So weak and high pitched, and his breath trembling suddenly. - "I'm actually too afraid to face girls with my real personality, with real me.."
-Hifumi never planned to show you this, in the beginning. He just treats you like another customer here, another kitten, just not that sweet and friendly like other his girls. Then he was thinking to tell about his problem just to get advice from such an emotionless stoic person, and now.. now he's actually revealing his true self because he's touched, touched with your personality and the way you get so deep into his heart.
-"I'm also trying to hide it, to face it.." - he points to his jacket, then sighs, getting closer to you with shaky legs. - "B-but don't you think it makes us two stronger? If we have enough power to at least control our emotions a little, then it means we do have something inside us..?"
-It's so hard for him to be honest, yet Hifumi really wants you to realize there's nothing wrong in being shy. A real strong person will always admit his weakness, and as you two confess it to each other, the bond between you gets stronger.
-"Now, s/o.. A~ah, it's so hard to take your hand now, uh uh!" - whether whining or giggling escaped his lips as he touched your fingers with his sweaty hand. - "Now.. I want to get healed! And I do want to heal you. So w-what do you think if we would start helping each other?"
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soundcrusher · 2 years
This is pretty random but how Flinch would be able to transform is bothering me, where does all his robot junk go on such a flat Alt-mode?
Also, how did he get an earth mode? And why would he need an earth mode?
A Blackbird isn't really flat, there's a small O shape in the middle. So, I guess there's were all the "robot junk" goes. Although, honestly? I never gave much thought on how he transforms.
But I like to think that he folds in his arms to form the planes underside and that his under legs move over his tighs. Storing all the "robot junk" in the engine room.
Oh, Record takes his kids to earth every now and then. He did spend quite some time on the planet and regards it a second home. So, during one of their visits, Flinch saw a blackbird and decided that that's his new alt-mode. (He liked how sleek and small the wings are.)
Although, Flinch wouldn't provbably need an earth alt-mode considering he and the rest of the family use holo-avatars during their visits, but he just really liked the black bird.
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rainsmediaradio · 9 months
Hegemonic Political Godfatherism - Dr Kenny Odugbemi
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Hegemonic political godfatherism is a political, economic, cultural, and security dominance across all tiers of government (local-state-federal) with the sole aim of holding this institution in perpetual capacity as a power broker and looter of the state Treasury through criminal gangsterism called political structure. This is a forceful dominance of leadership and state organizational structure, this is the character impunity that run through all States creating opportunity for continuous hegemonic looting and absolute oppression and suppress ion of the will of the people through instrumentality of state judiciary, and build up of mercenary of tools and hooligans, drug addict, cultist who do not value life of the people, visible evidence abound as agbero's in Lagos and cultist across Southwest, Ebubeagu/unknown gun Men in South east, Militants in South south, Terrorist/Boko Haram that is why we can never have free and fair election, and we will continue to have people of low moral compass with no integrity and credibility how can we have good government and sanity in governance typical example Fubara Vs Wike saga in River state, what a shame and disgrace to our pseudo-democracy the government of looters accommodating hooligans whilst the State suffer with hunger and anger Feature of godfather These hegemonic political leaders are not visionary, selfish, self-centered, power drunk and chronic looter at all levels, very deceitful, financially reckless and yet the general populace are looking for good dividend of democracy, peace and prosperity as long as we continue with those godfather operating with litany of insanity, Nigeria should forget true democracy, especially under current expensive presidential system of government The godfather lacks capacity, competence and morally bankrupt with worse off character formation, they talk and act like demigods because we are in a garrulous society with no respect for law and order and instrumentality of law can be purchased at will, Nigeria's political innuendos That hegemonic ambition is now. a common phenomenal with Lagos state as epic centre eg Asiwaju Vs Ambode is a good example Another Sorosoke episode Asiwaju vs Fashola saga Yahyah Bello vs Ajaka Kogi Saraki -ootoge - Ilorin Oshiomole vs Obaseki- Edo no be Lagos etc Impact on the State There is a huge loss of capacity. as looting continues from one administration to another in a covered up mode Hence all the states are insolvent especially in the North, characteristic insecurity is the main occupation of the citizens as looting continues unabated, no social400 security there is deep poverty, hunger and anger yet they receive fiscal monthly allocation and security votes like any other state governors Nigeria is growing with loss of control of internal security despite over N12TRN spent in last administration and projected FY 2024- N3trn in addition to supplementary budget of fy2023, the change of Service Chiefs and new Security adviser ,we only have slight reduction, as killing still avail, it worthy to state that Army killed 400 people from 2017-2023 through drone bomb test, a show of gross incompetence and maladministration The combined effect of unpatriotic cabal sponsoring terrorism despite being document from UAE and our government, rather than naming and shaming, shows connivance in the word of late Gen Sanni Abacha, if insecurity persistent for more than 24hours then government machinery is involved. Where do we go from here? The combinational legacy of cabals across six geopolitical regions including Abuja walking freely despite being known is worrisome How sincere is this government toward combating terrorism this is very doubtful As of today, the judiciary is in complete jeopardy hence there is no coordinated effort to arrest or prosecute any offender Conclusion True demo has this feature Power belongs to the people not the few as of today Our natural endorsement of oil and mineral deposits is not meant to be stolen by chain command of unpatriotic cabals across all sectors, it is meant to improve the welfare of Nigerians. As a common citizen with a vision and right to understand, knowing our rights and privileges' must demand broad-based accountability at all levels of government Open up to looters so that we can shame them and their families Looters have a common agenda, hence the people must also have the same agenda through Human rights lawyers, Civil society, Opinion leaders of thought, good leaders who are selfless, honest with integrity ,we all must join hands to stop there hegemonic looters whose children are in the very legislative house doing the bidding of their fathers and mothers. We should flush them out and not vote for them again Lai Mohamed's past information remains a good example This government needs to be more transparent and stop being squandamaniac at all levels. The government must create a special purpose vehicle to commence restructuring, devolution of power Nigeria is failing speedily to let us arrest arrester and defend the sovereignty and sanctity of Nigeria as a true Federation Ooto ge! Awon godfather allows Nigerians to breathe Read the full article
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poe-tic-a · 11 months
So yeah how does it feel to finally lose him? Does it bring you pain?
Yeah,,, it kinda hurt to remember how i have always wanted him to be the one, how i have always rooted for him since like forever, how i have always given him the chance just because i trust him, that much. It feels like when you were a kid, you were watching a film, and you wanted the character you have always been rooting for to win, but the character ended up failing. And then the story ended, you turned off the tv and just sat there with your grief....
The most hurtful thing about it is that, i feel like i frequently rooted for the wrong person? Someone that i have always trusted and believed ended up failing... ame, aa, kak arras, kak rafif, and then elza...
And the esp hurtful part about elza is that, i gave him not only 1 chance (unlike the other), i gave him so many chances, i put my prayers on him, i have never been this "let's put effort in this one person you love sincerely" kind of person before. And the fact that it still failed kinda stings....
I thought if i am open enough, if i am honest enough, if i put my best efforts, this time is going to be different... but it's not. It's the same story over and over again. But i accept it tho, this is just living proof that whatever is not meant for me, will not be for me, even when i "move" mountain. If Allah said "it's not the best for you that's why I'm not giving it to you" then it will go according to His best and wisest decree.
So yeah perhaps theeee most painful thing is always about my hope that is not going to be true and i have to accept that. I was lying if i said i had never hoped in him. In fact, my actions really showed how much i rooted for him. How much i have always wanted "please let it be you, please". I now want to acknowledge that, my hope that has been crushed, i want to acknowledge that instead of avoiding it. O have so much hope about elza, that's real. I have always wanted him to be the one who will spend the rest of my life -even the rest of the afterlife- with me.
But yeah, it was in the past. Lately, i just realized how uncomfortable i actually am around him, how inconsistently happy i am around him, and how unsafe i feel around him. That's a fact, that's the reality. He is nolonger the person i know will be there for me, he is nolonger the person i trust will always show up for me, he is nolonger the person i feel comfortable around with my raw skin. I feel like my nervous system is on fight or flight mode around him. Someone who once felt like home now felt like the coldest ocean. I couldn't let my nervous system and guard off around him. That's how it really feels right now, meeting him, talking to him, having a conversation with him. Because that's how he is -inconsistent.
And that made me feel like yeah, it's time. It's time to look at the real thing -the inconsistency- -the cold shoulder - the left on read messages - as it is. It's time to finally open my eyes and see. See the real relationship that has shattered. Literally shattered. And it is slipping down through my fingers. And there is nothing i can do other than letting it go and embracing it.
Setting him free from my own stories (whatever the version is), giving him the space he has always asked, is the last way i can show that, i once loved him, truthfully, and i once wanted him, in the future. The last kindness and compassion i will ever have the chance to show him. Because after this, it's not that i purposefully remove him from my life, it's just that, i know we grew apart and it's time to live our own life without intertwining it to each other. Live as a fully separate human being. And it's not like i will live my life erasing him. It just means i live my life and nolonger make it about him, nolonger relates myself to him. I am on my own. And that's okay.
And yeah on some days it will feel like the pain is attacking you out of nowhere or his absence feel like a cold wind that blews you through life. But that's okay, that will be a constant reminder that "he is nolonger here and i am surviving" that will ground me towards the reality that we are growing apart and we are shattering but that's okay. That's just a part of the life of this world. In this world, there is nothing and no one permanent anyway. It's just about time, and his time just came sooner than other people are. And that's okay. Allah knows better. Allah knows best.
One day i will miss his witty jokes or his out of now where wise side or miss the way he will just ask how my day was miss the way he shared his life miss the way he will atteilntively listen and respond. But that's okay, keep noticing it. His absence. So that you realize that you both are growing apart. So that you are in touch with the reality and go through it without any attachment left. So that you will finally be free.
You will always carry the part of him that splashed colors in your life. But now it is no longer shared memories, nor it is something that will directly correlate to him. It becomes yours, wholely. It is becoming your part of identity that is nolonger related to him. You no longer carry him around. You only carry the version of yourself that you like around. Because it's wholely yours now.
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