#going into the lake. is one
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etourvol · 3 months ago
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go here. go in the lake
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constantlyfalling · 5 months ago
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Right or left?
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udearmia · 1 month ago
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Infinity Nikki favorite outfits ✦ Daughter of the Lake (evolution one)
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hiding-under-the-willow · 1 year ago
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anyways. What
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moonliight2onata · 1 month ago
I'm going to... [remembers suicide jokes are bad for your mental health] go to rusty lake mental health and fishing
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ceaselessbasher · 7 months ago
I'm she/her like Lake Superior is she/her
| This post is brought to you by my |
| temporary coalition with Lake |
| Superior, who promised not to |
| capsize me while I kayaked if I |
| made a Tumblr post about her. |
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gh0stbeeee · 2 months ago
Thinking about ballet dancer Light.
Preteen Light choosing a sport and taking up ballet because he's always loved the grace, the power, and the emotion in the way the dancers move, because maybe this could be a momentary freedom for him, from the pointless competition that is his life.
Light being asked hundreds of times if he's sure, if he wants this, if this will distract him, if he can work hard enough to catch up to the other kids that have been doing this for years.
Light walking into a ballet class for the first time, one of the few boys, and leaving at the end ashamed at how clumsy he was in comparison.
Light working himself to the bone to catch up, for the first time determined to finish his homework as fast as he could because he found something he wants to really do, staying for hours at the little studio every day and leaving with screaming muscles and blisters on his feet.
Barely able to feel the pain in comparison to this burning passion he felt for the first time.
Quickly catching the attention of the teachers, they tell him if he keeps at it he will have a very promising future ahead of him.
He never tells Soichiro this might be more than just an extracurricular for university.
His first recital goes spectacularly, even though he was only a supporting role, he caught the eye of a recruiter from a prestigious ballet company who told his mother they would keep an eye on him, as his future was bound to be successful (his father was too busy to come.)
The drive home his silent, his face rubbed raw from removing the stage makeup in the bathroom before leaving, when Sachiko says she can talk with his father, if this is what he really wants to do.
Light smiles, saying he'll think about it more before they commit in the future.
The girls start learning on pointe, and Light is intrigued. His instructor says the boys can learn as well, and it would make them better dancers for it.
Light and one other boy agree.
It's an extra layer of work, the stiff shoes feel somehow too much and too little as he stands in a pair for his first fitting, alone as he hadn't told his parents.
But he feels a warm flutter in his chest when he sees himself in the mirror, on his toes like Odette in Swan Lake, his first ballet.
He takes to it even faster than when he'd started. Even when the basic lessons ended, he continued to dance on pointe in his own time. He learns the girls' lead choreography alongside the boys, who were mostly supports for the lead ballerina.
He adds his own twists on it, every movement he makes sharp yet graceful, makes it look effortless yet full of power.
His instructor is amazed, watches as he dances better than the girl who got the lead.
"It's such a shame," she says slightly regretfully, "if you were a girl, I think you would've had a real chance at being made a prima ballerina. That being said, at this rate, if you get picked up by a professional company, I'm sure you'd make premier danseur in no time." She laughs as she says it, a kind joke to highlight his incredible skills and potential, and Light laughs too.
When Light is fifteen, his school is putting on a production of Swan Lake.
And for a brief moment, his heart is over the moon, it has always been a dream of his to dance the ballet. It sinks immediately the next moment, when they call only for girls to audition for Odette and Odile.
He still puts his name in to audition for Prince Siegfried, he learns the choreography, but he can't stop himself from putting his pointe shoes back on and dancing Odettes parts when he is alone. Male point dancers were only used as a joke in classical ballet, he had no hope for the part, but for a while, he dreamed.
He danced Odette, and he danced Odile's Variation, twirled with more grace than a human should have, and he felt like he was flying.
It was after he'd perfected Prince Siegfried's parts to know, and danced Odette's death as his last run for the night, that as his fluttering wings stilled for the last time, he felt trapped again.
The audition was in a day. If he got the part, he was nearly guaranteed a spot in the nationally top company. And he would dance as a man was expected, and he would never dance on pointe on a stage.
He packed away his pointe shoes for the last time.
The next morning, the day before the auditions, he handed them his resignation from the school. He would never forget the despair on their faces when they looked into his eyes and saw that his passion had died. (He'd murdered it in cold blood.)
"Good." His father had said. "A healthy phase, but it was time to get serious about school. You made the right choice."
Light just smiled blankly. His mother pretended not to notice the tear stains on his face when she brought him some apples that night.
(It wasn't until midnight eyes, raven hair, and a chain that he danced again, twirling gleefully to hide the blood stains on his feathers as he showed the detective his old passion.)
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fuckyeahchinesefashion · 4 months ago
OP: Check out. The fully-sexual charged cinematic movement design.
Cnetizens: How did the director come up with the idea to have him kneel on a playing card, adding so much aesthetic energy, is that some kind of genius?
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#china#cdramas#dramas#lmao#They are siblings and they're discussing serious matters#this scene is actually rather heavy because the younger brother is involved in drug trafficking#carrying more than 50 grams of heroin will result in a death sentence in china let alone being involved in drug trafficking#the older brother is a gangster king#but even he doesn't dare to get involved in the drug business because it will bring about the demise of his family#sorry for digression I mean how did the director make this scene which has absolutely nothing to do with sex#so sexually charged?#btw there're many posts with rich information about China's crackdown on drug crimes on xhs and douyin#especially about how the four major drug-trafficking families in Myanmar were wiped out overnight#they buried undercover Chinese counter-narcotics police alive and kidnapped and brutally excuted civilians#so if you're interested you can go with the key words 缅甸四大家族覆灭 on xhs and douyin#cnetizens' views on drugs are related to modern Chinese history#the first chapter of modern history in high school textbooks is the opium wars#There's a very dark joke on xhs about which country in the world would least like China to withdraw from the P5#and the answer is the UK#because it's in the first chapter of China's modern history#the Destruction of opium at Humen in 1839#no offence but Breaking Bad can't last for more than one episode if it happens in china because of the sewer detection technology#they can detect the tiniest amount of drugs in feces in a body of water the size of a lake for up to six months#which can be quickly locked down to neighbourhoods and portals#Once a foreigner was caught smuggling and selling 222.035 kg drugs in China and sentenced to death with two other Chinese associates#his country's prime minister asked for his extradition#cnetizens commented that there was an opium war and he still dare to come to China to sell drugs be like 找死court death#All the above information is to explain the gangster king's attitude towards his brother's drug business
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 3 days ago
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doink-boink · 4 months ago
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violent138 · 7 months ago
I love the idea that Bruce takes the Batfam on hikes outside of Gotham, and puts up with the arguing over who goes in what car, packs everyone's favourite snacks, will race with the other car if enough passengers in his egg him on. Bruce generally stays ridicuously quiet while the kids jabber enough to alert everything living in the woods near them but will weigh in once the kids debate who's strong enough to wrestle a bear, chime in on unsolved hiker cases, build fires, and carry anyone that gets tired, all while sneaking awful pictures of them.
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itsthatlake · 9 days ago
Just had three days off work and spent the first basically just sleeping and the next two possessed by an art demon. Anyways, here's some screenshots from a scum villain animatic I'm working on
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redwitchrune · 11 months ago
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something about comfort, blue and orange, and new perspectives
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ourfavoritetorturedwriter · 11 months ago
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moonliteve · 1 year ago
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For the Underground Blossom poster contest thing :'D very original concept I know
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regonold · 9 days ago
Danny has won the right to be the king of ghosts he hpwever does not want it and refuses unfortuanly it kinda sticks a kingly aura onto him so suddenly abunch of artifacts only meant for the rightful king or for the chosen one to rule or lead are popping out of the wood work aroumd amity and danny needa it to stop
By refuseing the kingship of the infinate realms danny had unintentioaly gained an aura that attracts magical artifacts that choose the leader of people
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