#god why didnt i do his eyebrows in the last one as well
bahoreal · 19 days
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trying to distract myself by drawing lan wangji. got a bit out of hand
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luna0713hunter · 1 year
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Late night talk
Zoro Roronoa x reader
Summary : late night at Going Merry always makes you feel lonely. Fortunately,your new friend and crew mate is there to keep you company.
Warnings : slightly suggestive (?), mutual pinning and kissing!
Nights at Going Merry,are hard to spend alone.
The feeling of gentle waves hitting the wooden surface,the cool breeze giving you a slight shiver as you lean against the railing and rest your head on your folded arms;makes you feel slightly lonely.
Maybe its because you've just recently joined the StrawHats crew;away from your hometown where you spent all your life in. You loved your family and friends,but you just couldn't let this opportunity slide. Not when Luffy extended his hand to you,and treated you like family, like someone who was talented and worth giving a chance.
And you wouldn't let go of that hand. No.
So you joined the StrawHats,in hopes of finding your own meaning of life, and help Luffy and everyone else to the journey of One Piece.
But still, everything was fairly new to you. Spending all your time on a ship with nothing but deep blue around you,with the company of people you just recently met;your captain a sweet guy,but kinda loud. Ussop the same as Luffy. Nami a great girl, but you were kinda shy around her. The new cook,Sanji,the sweetest guy but he was always busy in the kitchen where you didnt even dare to step a foot in. And your last Crew mate-
"what're you doing up so late?"
Zoro Roronoa
The guy you've been tiptoeing around since the very first second you laid your eyes on him. To say you had a crush was an understatement;you were hopelessly in love with the swordsman.
You give him a sheepish smile as you try to look anywhere expect his eyes.
"i- uh, couldn't sleep?"
Zoro merely stares at you before slowly making his way towards where you're standing. There's a bottle of wine in his hand as he adjusts his three swords on his hip and leans against the railing as well. He raises the bottle to his lips and glances at you from the corner of his eye.
"you want some?"
When you shake your head,he only shrugs.
"more for me."
he starts drinking,and you watch as his Adam's apple bob,you immediately look the other way when your heartbeat rises.
There was a damn reason as why you kept avoiding being alone with Zoro in the first place.
You couldn't keep the heat from spreading across your cheeks and neck;and your heart seemingly beating out of your chest.
it was no secret that Zoro wasnt a huge fan of talking either. The number of time where you managed to hold a conversation with the guy without him dozing off, barely reached five fingers. And your massive crush didn't help.
So you just stood there silently, listening to the sound of the ocean and Zoro downing the bottle of wine. The silence was so uncomfortable,you could feel the awkwardness in the air.
You just prayed to gods that Zoro would start a conversation.
"so,what kept you awake tonight?"
And gods seem to have nothing better to do tonight.
You dangle your arm from the side of the ship; watching as small droplets of water slightly soaking your fingers.
"i guess...i just miss my hometown."
At that,Zoro raises a neatly trimmed eyebrow ,and again,offers you the almost empty bottle of wine. At that,you let out a small giggle,cheeks flushing because he looks absolutely adorable.
"i dont wanna drink!"
"But you said you miss your hometown. That sounds like a good enough reason for a drink to me."
You merely shrug and grin at him
"guess im not as alcoholic as you are,oh the greatest swordsman alive."
Zoro rolls his eyes at you,and empties the rest of the wine before throwing the bottle in the ocean. You watch as it vanishes in the dark night,before a faint SPLASH is heard when it hits the water down below.
"Sanji's gonna be mad at you. You know he hates throwing trash in the ocean."
"you have any more trash on you then?"
And you laugh, carefree and happy. For a moment there,you seem to forget how lonely you felt not too long ago.
Because thats how Zoro was;he was a quiet man,but had the biggest heart you knew. He would always stay at the corner,but never once taking his eyes off of his friends.
And you were so damn lucky to have him by your side.
You gently bump your shoulder to his; slowly moving closer to his side.
"so why were you awake?"
He spares you a glance before look at another side.
"no reason."
"Zoro, c'mon. You take every chance you get to take a nap. You cant be awake for no reason."
You hear him huff annoyingly at you;the sound making you grin winder. And you do the best thing you know:
Annoy the shit out of him
You start with poking his bicep;trying not to drool at the way his muscles tense under your touch,before moving up to his cheek and increase the speek of your poking.
But you could only go for long,before suddenly Zoro's grabbing at your wrist,and with a smooth move pulls you toward him.
Where your faces are inches away,and you can feel his breath fanning on your skin
You swallow loudly, trying to pull back and put some distance between yourselves,but he holds on tight;not too tight to hurt,but enough to keep you in your place. He moves his face impossibly closer,and his warm lips brush against your heated cheeks.
"you dont wanna mess with me," he murmurs;his voice raw with something you can't put a finger on, "I'm a dangerous guy."
Maybe its the adrenaline in your veins,or maybe its because its late at night and nights always made you bolder. So you turn your head slightly so your nose in brushing against his cheekbone,and catch his eyes.
"and what if i like to play with danger?"
Zoro lets out a low chuckle;his eyes shifting to your lips and his hand slowly resting on your hip
"Then dont say i didnt warn ya."
And then his lips are on yours.
Your eyes flutter shut as he pulls you close;your hands finding their ways to his hard chest,and then around his neck to pull him in. Zoro lets out a groan,and his hold on you tightens more.
With one hand resting on your hip and the other traveling up and down your spine,he pulls away to let you breath for only a second before diving back in.
Because Zoro was always drunk,but your lips might be his favorite thing to get drunk on from now on
You dont know how much time has passes before you pull away;both of you panting heavily and Zoro places small kisses on your cheeks and temples.
"you didnt answer the question, y'know."
You feel him pause against your skin and you grin.
"what question?"
"why were you awake?"
Zoro groans but when you tug at his hair,he just hides his face in your neck and when he speaks next,you feel his lips touching your sensitive skin.
"saw you space out alot at dinner and then you didnt go to sleep. Didnt want to leave ya alone."
With the confession,your heart flutters and butterflies fill your stomach. You card your fingers through his green locks and move his face so you can plant a loving kiss on his lips.
"thank you,Zoro."
"the pleasure is all mine."
And when he kisses you next,its filled with laughter and happiness.
Nights at Going Merry,are hard to spend alone.
But when you kiss Zoro until the sunrise,you cant help but wish for it to last longer.
If it meant to spend it with your love, you'll gladly wait for skies to turn dark.
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iouinotes · 9 months
Show-off | Mike Ross
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pairing: Mike Ross x female!reader
show: Suits
genre: smut word count: 2,9k
summary: you and your co-worker Mike dont get along very well. But when you have something that he needs, suddenly everything is different.
a/n: Just watched the first two episodes of "Suits" and something about Mike is really attractive-
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Working in a well-known office as a lawyer has it's advantages. Such as being respected by business people or being able to afford a lot of things, you spend all your evenings analyzing documents rather than meeting actual people.
Nevertheless, sometimes there are also negative factors. For example, my co-worker Mike, who really believes, that he is with his ridiculously skinny tie and sarcastic humor better than the others. Or right now, better than me.
"God, I cant believe you. Can you behave for once?" I use my fingers to push my hair back in frustration, noticing how my head starts to hurt. Its 10 pm and I'm currently trying to stay calm, though because of one man in particular, my nerves seem to be getting thinner within seconds. Valuable time is wasted that I could spend somewhere else instead of with him.
"Now it's my fault, that you don't have the documents with you? Sorry, I can't help you being organized in your own workplace." His voice irritates me. Everything about him is so frustrating.
"I told you, I didnt get the message! How am I supposed to know, that you need something, when you don't tell me anything about it? Maybe you should stop being so childish and ask me in the first place, instead of running to Rachel!" If our job had nothing to do with justice and we werent literally standing in a law company right now, I would kill him. And then I wouldn't hesitate to go to court and say it was self-defense, because I didnt want to hear any of his miserable excuses anymore.
"So what do you think, I should do? I need these documents for tomorrow. Please, I know you don't like me, but it is really urgent." Why does he has such blue eyes? The look he is going me is even more irritating than his voice.
I sign, exhibit my laptop and try to put the pens back, that are laying all over my desk.
"Okay, fine. As I said, the documents are at home, so-" I don´t even get to finish my sentence.
"Great, so I'll meet you there. And I wont even tell anyone, if your place is a mess." His eyes wander over my messy desk, and even If I don´t like to admit it, it's a bad habit of mine. But, he shouldn't make any assumptions about the neatness in my apartment.
"I hope you loose the documents on your way home." At my words, he grins smugly.
"Well, then I could lie and say you didnt found them anymore and I hadnt had the chance to go through them." He leans towards me.
"I'll run you over with my car." He raises his eyebrows at my threat.
"You sure should do something that makes you smile more often. Is that even something you know how to do?" I show him my middle finger and turn to left my office. When I close the door, I hear the laughter in his voice.
"The next storm should be named after you as quickly as you left the room." He follows after me.
"Can you shut up for once? Oh, I forgot. You don´t last one second being silent. Thats a shame, the world could finally heal." His hand rests on his heart, his features fake a hurt expression.
"Ouch. You really don´t like me that much, huh?" His eyes try to search mine.
"You get on my nerves on purpose every fucking day. Should I thank you for that?" I turn my head to look at him.
"Yes, you should. Your life would be so boring without me." He grins at me again from the side, that typical grimace that is always adorn on his face.
"You wish." When I tell him my address, he raises his eyebrows, but before he can make an unfavorable comment, I get into my car.
Darkness surrounds me and when I see him going away, I lower my head to the steering wheel. He really is the best at confusing my emotions.
I turn off the lights of my car and get out of it, so I can finally make my way to my flat. Its not something special, I mean I have a living room, which is quite big and connected to the kitchen, a bedroom and a bath. But I am very lucky, because I have a small balcony, from which I can watch the stars at night. But I usually only do that when I can't sleep.
So, when I enter my apartment, I let my eyes wander over the manageable mess, I put some clothes back in the closet and the dishes in the washing machine. The place almost looks decent, when I hear the doorbell.
As I open the door, I'm nervous for some reason. I let him in and turn to my office drawers, looking for the document.
"Nice place. You live here alone?" His fingers trace my bookshelf, I see him reading the titles.
"No, my wife is still at work." When I look at him dead serious, I see him laugh in surprise.
"So, you do have humor. I thought, you were one of those exceptions that wouldn't be able to do that." He means it as a joke, but something in my chest hurts.
When I reply with a monotonous voice, I see his eyebrows pull together. "I live here alone. That's what you wanted to hear?" I'm getting more frustrated again with every second he's around me.
"No- I didnt mean it that way. I'm sorry. My intentions were good, I promise." When I look at him for a moment, I see his honest expression.
It would be so easier for me to hate him, if I didnt know, he was a good human. Well, most of the time.
We are silent for a moment, but when I hear his footsteps, I tense up.
"What are you doing?" He's now standing right next to me.
"Helping you. You seem a little, tense?" I glare at him for a moment and he raises his hands in defense.
"Just pointed out the obvious. But dont worry. You still look lovely." I stop in my movements at his words.
"Thats such shock for you?" His voice shows surprise and a certain curiosity.
"Only that you say it." I look into his eyes.
"Well, you may think I'm dumb, but I'm not blind."
He just called me beautiful, sort of. It´s confusing me.
When I finally find the documents, I hold my hand out to him.
"I don´t think you are dumb. I think you're annoying. And a show-off. I don´t like that." His eyes follow me.
"What do you like then?" His question surprises me. He slowly takes the documents out of my hand, his finger gently brushing mine.
"I don´t think that is any of your business." I try to clear my voice. His touch makes me shiver.
"Come on, tell me. Would that be so bad?" His whole presence is making me nervous and I feel my hands start to shake.
At work, I can always hide behind a mask, pretend that nothing he does affects me. I can act like I truly hate him, even though I catch myself looking at him, from time to time. Especially when he shows off his intelligence without realizing it, impresses his clients and -I would never admit it- me too. It's a certain charm about him, the way he always knows how to answer, while being mischievous and clever about it.
But now, that he's in my apartment and so close to me, it's suddenly different. And I don't know how to react to him being nice.
"I look for someone who isnt afraid of commitment. Someone who is honest and kind, but who also challenges me. I want to feel safe, so I can put my trust not only in myself."
He nods and is quiet for a moment, I begin to feel stupid for telling him all of that, when he responds.
"I get that. Someone whose shoulder you can lean on when things get too much. Someone who meets your needs, who wants to be in your life. For longer than a one-night stand." He smiles at me and I see for the first time, why I possibly could like him.
"Also, statistics show higher rates of being robbed or kidnapped, when you have one-night stands." This remark almost makes me laugh, even though it's frightening.
"Well, who would even notice, if I would disappear? Probably only my clients, because they need me." I lower my head, being completely honest with him for the first time.
"I would notice."
When I look at him, he takes a step towards me. His fingers gently slide over my shoulder and brush my hair aside, the touch makes a warm feeling bloom in my chest.
"I couldn't annoy you anymore. My life would be pretty boring without you. And it's not so bad to be able to look at such a pretty face every day, even if it always looks at me annoyed, like all the time." I quietly laugh at that, feeling surprisingly good because of his compliment.
We look at each other, now being really close. My eyes travel to his lips and I don´t even know how it happens, but suddenly he is all over me. His lips on mine, his hands on my waist, lifting me up to sit me on the desk. I moan softly when his hands tangle in my hair and he pushes himself closer to me, so that he's standing between my legs. One of his hands gently wraps around my neck and I feel my loud pulse.
My hands move too, stroking his back and holding him closer to me by his tie. As he pulls his lips away from me, he lifts my chin with his finger. Now, looking down at me with widen pupils. I hold his eye contact, forgetting all about my issues with him, when he speaks to me with a deep voice (which I suddenly don´t think sounds irritating anymore).
"Be angry at me tomorrow and mine for tonight. I bet, all your frustration from work and your thin nerves can catch a break, what do you say?"
Not much. Because I pull him towards me by his tie and kiss him again. I don't want to stop at all anymore. He returns the kiss with the same enthusiasm and his hands find their way to my waist again to lift me up again. When he crosses the living room with quick steps and lays me down on the sofa, I already feel out of breath and clearly turned on.
His kisses become more intense, his lips move from my mouth to my neck, leaving marks there. But it feels too good to make him stop.
"I will gladly hear your excuses, when someone asks you about your hickeys tomorrow. Because you will be all flustered, when you think again about this moment. Where you are ready to be fucked by your colleague, who you despise so much." I whimper as he pushes up my dress and his hands pull my tights down to my knees. The cold air hits my skin, but I don't really notice it, because his lips are on my neck again and his fingers connect first with my stomach and then further down. I hold my breath as his lips touch my ear and his fingers stroke my folds.
"So wet for me. Didnt think, I would turn you on this much." I kiss him to shut him up.
"You are-" I moan, when he finally puts a finger in me. "-so annoying." He laughs at me.
"Am I? But you seem to like it." I feel myself getting wetter, his fingers feel so good as they move gently but firmly inside me. One of his hands moves to push my dress further up and somehow, he manages to pull it over my head. Now, I'm lying in front of him in just a bra, his hands slowly find their way over my body and to my back, which I lift slightly so that he can open the clasp.
When I lie naked in front of him and he massages my breasts, his lips touch mine and his fingers stimulate me, I feel like I'm in heaven.
He breaks apart, so he can look at me and I draw my eyebrows together, when his fingers increase in speed. My mouth opens and the sounds that escape me echo in the apartment.
"I'm- god, I think I am going to come-" at that he starts to tease me, going slower but a lot deeper. My eyes almost roll back as he hits a certain spot inside me.
"That feels good? What do you say, when you want something?" You stupid idiot.
"You stupid-" I begin to say as his lips graze my nipple and his finger scissor and stretch me out further.
"One word, darling. Say it." And because I feel this knot inside me (and maybe this side of him turns me on, like a lot), I finally open my mouth to please him.
"Please, Mike. I-I need to-" My sentence is cut off as his fingers speed up and I moan loudly.
"Thats a good girl, you can be so good to me, if I make you." His lips search mine as I finally come. My breathing is heavy and when I come down from my high and look at his face, I see the satisfied expression.
"You are done-" I can't maintain my strict facial expression and suddenly have to start smiling. His eyes widen in surprise and I raise my eyebrows, still smiling softly.
"What?" I quietly laugh at his expression.
"Nothing, its just- I have never seen you smiling so happy." I roll my eyes gently. As I look at him closer now, I see the bulge in his pants and the loosened tie. As I lean forward, his eyes shift to my body.
"You still are fully clothed. A bit unfair, don't you think?" I watch him swallow and my hands move to his chest to slowly unbutton his shirt. As I also remove the tie and slip the shirt from his shoulders, I sit myself on his lap. Rocking my hips forward and seeing his eyes close. His hands move to my hips and begin to control the movements, my eyes close too and my head leans into the crook of his neck as the movements become faster.
Sighs and heavy breaths leave his lips and once again, one of his hands moves to grab my breasts, lightly grazing the nipples.
I look at him, noticing his swollen lips and his flushed cheeks. His hair is a mess and his forehead is furrowed, but he tries his best to pull himself together.
I groan as I look at him and suddenly think back to todays afternoon, when he was on a phone call and I heard how he listed one reciting fact after another, without any difficulty.
"What are you thinking about?" His voice pulls me out of my thoughts.
"N-nothing" I'm definitely too embarrassed to admit how much his intelligence and the way he seems to know everything, turns me on.
One of his hands moves to my entrance and teases me by just circling around it. When I try to push myself down, he pulls his fingers away.
"You tell me, whats going on in that pretty head of yours and you'll get me." My body feels so hot, I can't think properly anymore.
"You where on a phone call today and you just- you listed without any effort every single point that will help you win the case. You just said it like- it's nothing."
When his fingers dig into me again, I bite my lips. I try to control my moans and not pay attention to the fact, that I just gave him every opportunity to make him be more complacent than his usual self.
His fingers pump into me and I feel slightly overstimulated. But I wouldnt want to stop now.
"You get off by the thought of me, saying memorized facts? Who would have thought that my intelligence would turn you on so much." God, his ego probably doesn't fit in this apartment anymore.
"Don't think too highly of yourself, you still annoy me." Now I'm really just trying to get myself out of the situation. I lean towards him, so he can't say anything anymore and pull on his blonde hair to distract him.
Moans escape my lips and when I notice that his noises are also getting louder, I pull away from him. He looks at me confused.
"I want you inside me." Thats all I say, but he quickly complies with my request. I slide off his lap and wait for him to take off his pants and boxers until he's finally on top of me again. His fingers find my bottom lip and while maintaining eye contact, I open my mouth so he can insert a finger. My tongue brushes against his and after a few moments of him pressing on my tongue, he lets his fingers move back to the spot that needs him the most.
He stretches me for a few minutes until he finally guides his cock to my hole and slowly penetrates me. My eyes close and I hear his breath in my ear as he pushes further.
"You are so tight- good thing finally someone fucks you." I nod without thinking and hear his laughter in my ear.
"You think so too, huh. Would you let anyone fuck you then?" My stomach tenses, I feel the pleasure growing again and every movement of him. This feels so good-
I try to shake my head, but I'm too lost in the sensations to pay much attention to his words.
"No? But I thought, you hate me. Why would you let me fuck you, if you don´t even like me?" His thrusts become faster and more uncontrolled, I feel him getting closer to his own high.
"I-" I try to stutter "d-don´t hate you." I feel myself getting closer and reach into his hair, pulling at the roots and feeling his lips on my shoulder. His thrusts become more powerful and as he moves his hand and massages my clitoris, suddenly everything goes white in front of my eyes and I come.
I feel every inch inside of me, feel his fingers brush over the visible bulge in my stomach and think to myself: god I feel so full
When he comes too, I moan so loudly that it's impossible that my neighbors didn't hear me. His hand finds its way around my chin, he slides a finger into my mouth and I feel my vagina tighten because of it.
He hisses and his thrusts slow down until he finally pulls out of me, trying not to fall on top of me. As I give him some space next to me, he falls halfway on me, but pulls me on top of him in the next second and I can hear his strong heartbeat. With his outstretched hand he pulls the blanket over me, that had fallen to the floor.
We both try to catch our breath and as the minutes pass, only the wind outside is heard. He is the first to break the silence.
"So, you don't hate me?" I lift my head from his naked chest to look at him.
"Only sometimes." He shakes his head and smiles, gently stroking my back.
The evening went by quickly, we ordered a pizza and ate it (clothed) on the terrace. We were going over his documents for tomorrow, I blushed at the thought that this was the real reason he came here, but he just hugged me from behind after we finished and continued watching the stars.
It's not really clear what this evening means for us, but I don´t want to get into that, not yet. Because I'm not sure what it means anyway.
Because now, I have to get used to the fact that his voice no longer irritates me, that his jokes no longer annoy me and that he as a person, is actually not as bad as I imagined.
"Who thought, I was the one to get you relax."
But he is still a show-off.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 8 months
Alone Part 2 (Alternative Ending)
Pairing: Eris x Reader
Summary: Reader finally finds someone who cares for her but at what cost...
Warnings: Minor Mention of self harm
A/N: Surprise😏
Masterlist Part 1
It has been three days since your last mission, the very mission that got you hurt and made you realize just how fucked your head is. Three days since you left the fight that left you with a big tear at your waist which will most definitely leave a scar.
It's half healed already, so is the cut you gave yourself but you didn't realize how deep you hurt yourself because it's left a thin white line that's fully healed but can be easily recognized.
You shift on your feet from where you're standing beside the rest of inner circle. You are at the high lords meeting, accompanying your High Lord and High Lady.
You keep moving your weight from one foot to another because the pressure keeps causing pain in your waist. You can't wait for this to be over.
When you get a chance to leave you take it, running of the the nearest restroom you can find. You take off your fight leathers to find out you bled through your bandaid. You rub your hands over your head trying to think of a way you can hide your injury from everyone.
"Well, what do we have here." A voice fills the room, one that you know oh so well. He always does this, annoy you or talk to you every chance he gets. You don't know why but you put up with him everytime too. You practically hear the smirk in his words as you complaint to the Mother for putting you in this situation right now.
"Go away, Eris." You hope for him to take the hint and leave you alone but you, too, know that it's too late considering you can clearly smell you blood in the room, and so can he.
He crosses the room in just a few strides and puts a hand on your shoulder, turning you around with surprising gentleness. He sees the blood on you shirt that's seeped out of your bandaid and intakes a sharp breath.
"Left up your shirt." You are taken a back at his order. Mouth opened agaped as you see anger swirling in his amber eyes.
"Excuse me?"
"Y/N, If you don't lift your shirt up in the next minute, I'm going to rip it off of you." He practically growls. Your eyes widen and he raises his eyebrows, daring you to question him.
After a minute of silence, he raises his hands to your shirt and you take a step back,"Alright! I'll do it!" His eyes narrow and you sigh, lifting you shirt for his to see the scarlet bandage.
"Who did this to you?" His hands clench into fists.
"No one. It's nothing." You sigh.
"Was it an enemy?" You shake your head. "Who was it?" You shut your mouth and look away. Eris' eyes widen in realisation. "Was it them?" He spits in anger. You look back at him and your lack of answer in enough for him.
"I'm going to kill them." His body radiates pury fury as he steps away from you and starts walking towards the bathroom door.
"Eris!" You run to step in front of him, blocking the door and putting your hands against his chest, gasping because of the movement causing sudden pain to your waist. Eris immediately wraps an arm around you waist and searches you for any other cause of pain.
"Are you crazy?" You exclaimed.
"No. I'm fucking angry that the people who are your apparent family, who are supposed to protect you, hurt you. And I intent on hurting them just as much."
"Eris, you're going to start a war! And that's not even the point. They didn't hurt me alright, at least not physically. I went on a mission a few days ago and got hurt, they had nothing to do with it. They don't even know I'm hurt, for gods' sake." But that doesn't seem to calm him.
"What do you mean they didn't hurt you physically? And how the hell do they not know you've been hurt since days?" It seems like his rage just amplifies.
"I just didn't tell them alright?"
"They should've checked you for injuries the second you came back from the mission and they didnt care enough to do that. And what kind mission leaves your entire waist fucking open?!" He puts a hand behind your neck.
"Why are you acting like this? Why do you care if they care?" You don't notice you close proximity because you are so shocked from the way he's reacting.
"Because I care about you!" You intake a sharp breath. "What?"
"I care. I care for you. I always have." He looks into your eyes with so much honesty that it leaves you speechless.
"I care for you so deeply. I always have, and I thought you would figure that out yourself because of the way I talk to you. Why do you think I only talk to you. Why take every chance I can have to hear to speak to me, to hear your voice, doesn't matter if you're bitter.
I take every chance I can get to have your attention because I care for you. I do not know why, but I do and im not ashamed of it. I know you don't care for me the same way but I don't care, I'll take every second of your time that you'll give me."
What are you hearing? Someone truly cares for you? This isn't true. It must be a joke. It has to be. This is no way that Eris Vanserra cares for you. He cares for no one. Everybody know that.
So then why are you believing him, believing his words, clinging to them for dear life. If this truly is a prank, if what he is saying wasnt true, you don't think you'll survive. You won't survive another Heartbreak. But something tells you that he isn't lying, that he is telling the truth, that he truly, genuinely cares for you. Something deep in your heart tells you that he might truly love you.
You gasp when you feel it. Feel everything click into place. Feel the second everything in you life finally makes sense.
"You feel it now, don't you?" His voice soft as a tug feels on your heart. Your breath heavy as you look at him in the eyes, feeling the thin golden string connecting your souls to one another.
"So leave them." He pleads.
"Why are you doing this, my love? Who are you doing this for? They don't care about you." His hand on your cheek, swiping back and forth softly while the other hugs your waist, pushing you flush against him. "I do. I care about you so much and I refuse to see you hurt yourself for people who don't value your existence." He puts his forehead to yours.
"Leave them, come with me to Autum Court and I will treat you like the queen you are. And even if you don't want to come with me it's alright, just leave them. Please." His voice cracks with your heart, taking a piece of it with him daring not to return. You don't want him to.
"Okay. I'll come with you." Tears fall down your face as his breaks into a smile. "Really?" His voice unsure.
"Yeah, I'll leave Valaris, leave them. I'll come with you." You smile genuinely after a long time and he sighs in relief.
His lips slam to yours and you both lose yourselves in the kiss. You smile into his lips, finally happy to have found someone who cares for you enough to threaten to go into war for you.
You finally found your person and you will never let him go.
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itsfairly · 3 months
Saying Out Loud // Nanami Kento x gn!reader
word count: 1.5k
cw: none.
notes: HAPPY PRIDE YALL! i normally post once a month, but lets pretend last post was the make-up for may and this one is june's. either way, fits the month, right?
liked this? show it with a like, reblog, and/or comment. each is greatly appreciated and celebrated!
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"I'm bisexual," you said with a small crack towards the end of your words.
your eyes were constantly shifting between his, searching for any reaction or response from Kento as your fingers fidgeted with each other in an effort to calm your nerves.
it was so uncomfortable, so tense, so terrifying. you know this stuff is told at the beginning of a relationship, not months into it, but things with Kento were going so well. you've never felt so calm around someone, so loved in the most simple yet concrete ways, that a relationship could be so easy and rewarding as this one with him. you wanted to hold on to this stage, this moment where things flowed perfectly and the world seemed to say yes, these two are meant for each other. that's why you took so long to tell him.
after all, how many people treated you differently after they learned this about you?
sorry, its just that i dont want to date someone who will make me look over my shoulder to see if they are being faithful.
what? so you're just gonna leave me when you want to date a man or something?
does that mean we can have a threesome?
its was as if there mere mention of your bisexuality was a burden to them or some sort of fetish. it was exhausting and no matter how much you tried to be fine with it, you weren't.
it wasnt like you didnt trust Kento, he had been nothing but respectful to you and such a gentleman. but god, did those relationships screw up your confidence in this area...you thought you could keep this to yourself, but then again, he deserved to know before things went any further, to walk out if this wasn't what he hoped. you would get it even if it was unfair.
with every second his eyes looked into yours, taking in your words with that stoic expression of his that you could barely read at the moment, the fear was growing in your chest. It kept expanding until it reached your lungs and had to take deep breaths to appear calm about this when you were scared shitless. what would he say? why was he taking so long? he wants to break up, doesn't he? of course, he-
"what made you want to tell me now?" Kento asked, his voice calm as ever as if he was asking where you wanted to have lunch, making you wonder if he was even understanding the severity of your words.
"we've been dating for months now, exclusively even, and you deserved to know before things got serious," you said, feeling your heart race with every word you said. hell, you wondered how you managed to speak so clearly with these many thoughts in your head.
"but are you telling me because you want to or because you felt like you have to?" Kento asked, resting his elbows on his knees as he looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, his eyes showing this concern.
that made you blink a few times. this wasn't the kind of reaction you usually received. you were bracing yourself to hear any apprehension, maybe for him to reject or twist your words, but not to see him worried for you like this.
"i told you, we have been dating for a few months and it would be fair if i kept this from you-"
"but its not fair to force yourself either." Kento interrupted you, his words having this firm yet soft tone to them.
his hands reached out to one of yours, covering it completely in his hold. a steady hold opposite to the fidgeting of your fingers, but in his hands, your hand had no choice but to relax.
"you look so stiff you might break, try and take a breath," he adds, his head tilting to the side as his expression softened.
you do just that, mirroring Kento as he also took a deep breath to encourage you to do the same, and while it did help with the nerves, it didn't relieve your confusion. he wasn't saying much on your coming out, he hadn't say a single word about it yet.
"i wanted—want to tell you because i don't want you to find out later on after investing so much in me and just...you don't need to waste your time if someone like me isn't what you were looking for," you explained.
of course you wanted to tell him, but it didn't took away how scary coming out is, especially when the person you're coming out to is so special and you want them in your life regardless. you didn't want to lose him, but you also didn't want to deceive him like this. maybe you did had to push yourself to say it, not wanting to ruin things so quickly, but you couldn't wait any longer.
Kento sighs, making your heart stop for a second. Was he disappointed? Infuriated? Angry?
But when you heard his words as he squeezed your hand, you were surprised to learn how far off you were...
"i must be awful at making it clear that you're exactly who I'm looking for."
suddenly, its as if your heart gains this new energy, beating and beating as if you just ran a marathon. your mouth feels dry as youfeel your brows knitting together, feeling as if this conversation was bringing more surprises to you than to him.
"you don't care that i'm bi?" you asked quietly, your hand squeezing his back in hopes you didn't hear him wrong.
Kento shakes his head, "i do, but not in the way you think," he says, a shadow of a smile coming to the corner of his lip as he scoots closer to you. His eyes look at yours, silently asking if that was okay. You nod.
"i care, not because it annoys me—i would be an asshole if that were the case—, but because i'm learning about you. The you that you feel most authentic to. While i am happy that you are opening up to me about something so important to you, i wished you would feel more comfortable telling me about it because you were ready, not because you felt pressured to. i'm sorry if i made you feel that."
you didnt know what it was at this point, whether it was the adrenaline or sweetness of the moment, but you knew Kento was the reason with all these words he was saying. he wasn't anything like anyone you'd dated before, he was being so sweet and just a dream. you never thought your chest could swell with this feeling while coming out to someone. it felt...easy.
you quickly shake your head, your turn to scoot over to him with your knees bumping against his. "no, no! you didn't pressure me in any way, Kento. its just that i know how much of a dealbreaker this is to some and i..." you took in a deep breath, feeling your throat hitch with this lump, "god, you have no idea how relieving it is to hear that."
you didn't wait a second longer before you wrapped you arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug as you rested your forehead in his shoulder. you felt his arms wrapped around you in return, pulling you closer to his body as his hand caressed your back in soothing circles that made your heart calm down.
"someone like you is special," Kento says softly, his breath tickling your ear, "you're choosing me over anyone else, and i feel so honored that you are with me."
you laughed softly, pulling your head back from his shoulder and looking at him with a huge grin. god, he made this so, so easy.
"kento, you have no idea what this means to me. No idea how easy it is to feel lucky right now." You said quietly, taking a deep breath before resting your forehead against his, "thank you, just thank you."
Kento hums, his hand coming up to your scalp to stroke your hair gently. hearing all your words and seeing all the emotions you wore on your sleeve made him realize how big of a step this was for you, how heavy of a topic this was on you. it didn't take a genius to know that this reaction from you meant that this situation didn't went as well in the past with other people, which made his heart hurt for you. Sweet you who thought about him first before herself when this wasn't about him.
more than ever, Kento would make sure that you felt comfortable in your skin and secure in your relationship. you deserved nothing less than that and you were worth investing in as you said in your own words, though he would much rather call it loving you. it sounded more accurate to what he wanted to do.
"you know, now i have to put more effort into our relationship," Kento said softly, a hint of playfulness in his voice, "after all, I'm showing you off to double the people, aren't i?"
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kisses4spidey · 4 months
renovation | ☆ミ p. parker
summary - y/n renovates the spare bedroom into something she thinks peter will love, but there’s something he loves even more.
genre - fem!reader x peter, fluff, domestic
warnings - kissing, can be read as any peter but i imagined tasm!peter :)
w.c - 800+
a/n - first marvel fic ever!!!! i hope yall like it. i was inspired by that one stardew valley scene- also i dont actually know alot about photogrpahy and darkrooms but hey you write and you learn.
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You stood back from the second bedroom and sighed, a smile crossing your face as feelings of self-accomplishment and proudness rushed through you. The room was set up with two desks, bottles of processing fluids, papers, storage containers and string hung from one side of the room to the other.
Though it was a small room, your heart felt big when you looked at it. You originally scolded yourself for doing this, as Peter had insisted on the room being your office or library (he was getting tired of book stacks), but as your hard work ties in together in a picture of purpose, you mentally wipe the dust of your shoulders and hold up a trophy reading 'Best Girlfriend Ever'.
One last time, you checked to make sure the red lights worked and that everything was set in place, as Peter's nightly retirement from swinging through the city was approaching. The time that actually happened was varying night to night, but you hoped he caught you before you fell asleep and he discovered the darkroom himself.
You situated yourself on a stool facing the kitchen counter, which faced the door. An old tie was resting on the bench, as well as your phone which buzzed unanswered messages from coworkers and friends. The doorknob jiggled with the sounds of keys (he changed his ways of climbing through the window after you almost got doxxed) before the door opened. You stood, dressed in a sleeping shirt and some pyjama pants, and rushed to him. Avoiding his hello kiss unintentionally, you wrapped the tie around his head and giggled to yourself. Peter was adorned in loose jeans and a shirt with a physics joke you didnt understand, his hair messy from flying through the wind for the past four hours.
"What's going on?" His cheeks bunched in a smile, as he placed his bag down before reaching out to you blindly.
"I've got a surprise for you, your not allowed to look beforehand."
He smirked and let out a sigh, "Oh god you haven't tried to paint me again have you?"
"Nope. Something much better." You took his biceps in your hands, squeezing them in excitment and anxiety as you pulled him down the hallway.
Peter had an idea where you were going, but not why. The new-ish apartment was basically memorised by now, and by the time you stopped pulling him he assumed he was stood in front on the spare bedroom. It had been unfurnished for the six months you had been moved in there, and even if he insisted you made it your own personal space, you denied the idea immediately.
Next, he felt you fingertips brush against his cheeks and unwrap the tie from his eyes. The first thing he saw was your beaming face and your hand on the doorknob behind your back. All he wanted was to squeeze your face and place a million kisses on your face, but alas you looked too excited to even blink.
His eyes darted from your eyes to the floor under the door and unconsiously raised one eyebrow with curiosity. It was tinted red.
"Okay. Before we go in, there are things that definitly need to be added and arranged differently but that depends on how you like things. Seriously, like this is not going to be everything you need-"
Peter gently pushed you to the side and opened the doorknob, eyes still on yours, "I'm sure whatever's behind this door is-"
He was met with a darkroom. A room to accompany his imense love for photography, in his very own apartment. He didn't need to rent out a dark room anymore, or borrow time from someone else. It was right here. He could photograph to his heart's content.
The strings we are at his eye level, and they swayed slightly when he bent down to observe the whole room. It was hard at first to differentiate one object from another due to the red hue of the entire room, but nonetheless he loved it.
"Is perfect." He finished his sentence in shock.
His gaze spun to face you, your back to him as you closed the door. When you turned, your face was full of anxiety and expectance. His eyes raked your face, he ducked below a string and grabbed your face, smashing his lips to yours.
You squealed in surprise and giggled into his lips. He ripped away - hands not leaving your face - and he started rambling. "This is perfect, Y/n! Oh my gosh. This is like the best thing ever- I'm a little angry that you didn't use it for yourself- But still this is like..." His eyes swirled with adoration and love, and it almost made your legs turn into jelly.
A weight was lifted off your shoulders at his reassuring words. You let out a happy laugh, "You deserve it, I'm glad you love it."
He took one more look at the room with the biggest smile you've seen on him in a while, before turning his attention to you once again. "Oh, but I like you much more."
He kissed you hard, opening the door behind you and leading you to your bedroom.
taglist is open!!
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yeonlogic · 6 months
★ baby be mine ⋆。°✩
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PAIRING bestfriend!gyu + f!reader GENRE/WARNINGS fluff, crack, friends to lovers au, gyu works in a vinyl shop, gyu gets friendzoned woopsies, mild swearing, semi smau reader is friends with chaewon & kazuha from lsrfm
SYNOPSIS you and gyu have been friends since you first saw each other at school and now your starting to develop feelings for him
wc: around 3k?
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“are you done picking out a vinyl you want or what” beomgyu complained looking at you look through the compartment full of vinyls
“yeah yeah whatever, you work here anyway im sure the owner wont mind you closing up the shop late” you said as you took a look around the cd section thinking about whether you should get a cd or a vinyl.
“okay uhm I decided Im not getting anything” you chuckled nervously looking at beomgyu knowing he would say something about it
“yah you cant just spend hours looking at the shop for around 3hours and not picking anything!?” he frowned “okay okay Im sorry ill make it up to you and help you close down the shop.”
you two started closing down the shop together. as you two finished you took a look at the city in the night admiring how it looked.
“your still walking me home right..?” you said turning to him as he was locking up the shop door “yeah I always do cuz your scared of those weirdos who would come after you” he teased “well Its not my fault its scary, what if a random guy chases me or something” your voice had a hint of worry and nervousness as you said that, gyu walked up to you by your side “Its alright ill be your night and shining armor” beomgyu said jokingly “now come on its getting late.”
you two walked the streets together your hands shoved In the pocket of your hoodie, it was cold freezing cold.
“hey if you have the time you should teach me how to use the guitar” you nudged his shoulder with yours looking at him with a smile on your face, “how about tomorrow? If you can” he chuckled “also your shivering a lot.. is it that cold..?” he grabbed your wrist stopping you from walking away as he took his jacket off and draped It on your shoulders, your heart was beating from how close he was to you, you were so used to him being close to you all the time but why was this one different?
you felt your cheeks heat up a bit but you didnt worry about it too much. “thanks..” you murmured, his jacket was warm enough to block the cold, “dont mention it” he replied as you two continued to walk back to your home.
“thanks for walking me back home gyu” you smiled and gave him a hug, “also here you should take your jacket back” you took it off as beomgyu stopped you from doing it “no keep it, it looks better on you” he laughed softly “ill see you tomorrow?” “mhm” you replied as you entered your house going into your room.
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you dropped onto your bed looking up at the ceiling confused about what you were feeling at that moment gyu gave you his jacket that was now wrapped around your torso.
you grabbed your phone from your pocket and opened the messages app.
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you turned off your phone and placed it on your bedside table, you felt confused why were you feeling these random butterflies in your stomach whenever you think about beomgyu oh god “THE FUCKING HEART?!?!?” you screamed into your pillow “okay clam down maybe its just a platonic gesture calm down and just sleep this through.” you muttered to yourself as you layed down on your bed.
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you were In a cafe with chaewon since everyone from school was on school break so you both decided to hang out today
“ugh Im so glad were on break right now i think I would’ve passed out if the teacher gave us any more test papers” she ranted and complained while you were zoned out lost in your thoughts about last night.
“y/n?, helloo earth to y/n!?, Y/N!!!” chae snapped at you “huh?” you replied “girl did you even listen to what I was saying” “uh yeah ofc”
“then what did I say?” one of her eyebrow was raised up “uhm that you wanted that bag you saw?” chaewon looked at you
“seriously y/n whats got you acting so weird this day” chaewon stared at you while sipping her iced coffee, “honestly I dont even know Its just something about last night..” you said nervously “tell me, maybe I can do something about it”
“promise me you wont laugh..?” “duhh.”
“Its just I never knew I’d look at my bestfriend differently, you know beomgyu right?” “yeah the one who works at the vinyl shop down town right” chaewon replied
“yeah.. well uhm I was with him last night and he walked me home but its something about the way he saw I was freezing and gave me his jacket— but I mean its not even that romantic Its the part where he put the jacket on me he was so..close something about that just felt so different to me because Im so used to being close with him all the time but it was just that one moment that made me realize maybe I have feelings for him..?” you sighed and covered your face with your hands “chaeeee what do I dooo” you pleaded feeling embarrassed to talk about this to your girl bestfriend
“Look as much as I dont know shit about love I can tell you definitely have feelings for him I mean.. you two were friends since 8th grade till now you two are technically inseparable” she shrugged “I guess..maybe If i just ignore him for the whole week maybe he wont notice that I have feelings for him??” “idk girl im sorry but I dont know what to do.”
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6:22 PM
you arrived at the vinyl shop where you could see gyu standing at the cash register as you entered the shop and approached him.
“hey gyu um..we might have to cancel that guitar lesson since Im gonna be busy this day” you smiled nervously at him hoping he wouldn’t ask you why or what your gonna do. “oh alright..” he said, you could feel a bit of sadness from his voice and you felt bad because of it, “maybe next time?” you said as you left the shop feeling guilty.
beomgyu went home to his shared apartment with his friends as he saw soobin and hueningkai playing a videogame together on the couch, gyu approached them and grabbed the tv remote and turned It off and sat Inbetween the two boys “heyy I was about to beat soobin hyung” kai frowned “yah why are you so grumpy today” soobin side eyed him “its nothing..” gyu responded and sat up from the couch and went to his bedroom.
another day passes by and you and chaewon are together spending time at the arcade just chatting and playing some games, you havent chatted gyu ever since that night because of how scared you were for him to find out you have a crush on him.
“oh btw y/n I invited kazuha we havent seen her in so long and apparently shes taking a 1 week vacay here” chaewon was excited to see your guys friend that you havent seen from since she left the country.
“holy shit zuha Is taking a vacation here?!?!? why didn’t you tell me earlier!!” you were suprised as you saw kazuha enter the arcade from the entrance, you ran towards her so fast and engulfed her in your arms “zuhaaa you never told me you came heree you dont know how much i missed you” “im still here yk” chaewon pouted and crossed her arms looking at you
kazuha chuckles “I wanted it to be a suprise for you two, what are we waiting for? enough about me being here i still have to make it up to you two since i havent spent time with you guys ever since” she frowned as you and chaewon gave her a hug.
“taehyun you promised me your gonna win me a plushie from the claw machine right” kai giggled looking at tyun “yeah yeah whatever” taehyun responded.
“hey gyu isnt that y/n over there?” yeonjun looked at beomgyu, beomgyus gaze was on you. “be right back guys” he said and ran towards you but he overheard your convo with your friends.
“hey y/n have you and that guy bestfriend youve been friends for like what 5 years? what was his name..? oh beomgyu! have you two ever dated yet? you two were stuck together like glue.” kazuha asked you
you coughed “what? oh beomgyu! hes just a friend”
“friend, friend, friend”
was all that gyu heard from that convo, he immediately left and went to his friends and told them that he wasnt in the mood to play arcade games with them so he left early.
“why does it have to be the girl i like to friend zone me like that” gyu sighed as he slumped on his bed just thinking about you “agh fuck this is embarrassing beomgyu get yourself together” he murmured to himself.
same old day just beomgyu sitting on the couch with taehyun on his left and soobin on his right, “do you guys know if y/n likes anyone by any chance..” gyu asked “lol no.” soobin responded “wow thanks soobin” beomgyu scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“if i do remember her friend chaewon told me she liked someone but im just not sure who” taehyun said as he scrolled on his phone “did i hear gyu having a crush?” yeonjun teased.
“it just..pisses me off how she hasnt talked to me for 2days and now shes telling her friends that im just a friend to her..” he sighed laying his head back on the header of the couch “wait wait y/n friendzoning you?” kai chuckled “shes just saying that chaewon told me about it.”
“told you about what?” he says.
“that she likes you duhh” kai responded “come on gyu you needa step up your game its so obvious she likes you because of how shes ghosting you and saying your just a friend cause shes hiding the fact she likes you!?” kai chuckles looking at how dumbfounded beomgyu looked “OoOoo~ beomgyus inlove~” soobin and yeonjun teased him about it “shut up.” was gyus response.
beomgyu got up from the couch and went into his room opening the messages app from his phone and texted you.
“wanna meet up..? my treat :)” he sends the send button as he waits for your reply.
*buzz buzz*
his phone vibrated from your notification. “sure! what time??” you replied to his text msg “right now maybe?” gyu replied.
he got up from his bed and immediately grabbed his shoes and slipped them on and rushed out the door. “whats up with him?” taehyun said “inlove for sure” soobin added.
as he got In his car, he drove to your place and parked his car right infront of your house, as he gets out of the driver seat he goes up to your door *knock knock*
“coming!!” you rushed downstairs and answer the door to see beomgyu on your doorstep “hey uhm havent seen you in awhile whats the occasion for the hang out?” you smiled.
“just something i have something to tell you” gyu chuckled nervously as he opened the car door for the passenger seat for you.
you two went on a city night drive with snooze by sza playing on the radio everything was going chill and calm until gyu stopped at a park. “were here” he smiled and got out of the car to open the car door to the passenger seat.
- you two sat on a bench, silence filling up the air. “so..what were you gonna talk about?” you said breaking the silence “i’ve just been thinking..for the past few days you’ve been ignoring me and avoiding texting me which i kinda hated not gonna lie” “he giggled “but during those days I honestly realized i couldnt be myself without you talking to me for 2days i know call me dramatic but i cant live without talking to you y/n” he frowned, you honestly didnt know how to react about it.
“im sorry i havent talked to you..I- just was feeling things that i felt that was wrong i mean- ugh fuck am i really about to say this?, Im confused about my feelings gy-“ “I like you too dummy.” He responded before you could finish your sentence. you just sat there looking at him “dont look at me like that its true” he giggled “fine i admit it I like you- actually no I love you” you finally said it and oh how you felt so relieved to let those words slip out of your mouth knowing your best friend beomgyu felt the same way as you did.
“so if I like you and you like me..does that mean we’re a couple or?” gyu said as you just laughed “yes. yes gyu i would gladly be your girlfriend” you smiled at him as you gave a kiss on his cheek making his heart flutter.”
“well im glad because I love you too” he responded and kissed you, you felt a wave of shock from it and didnt know how to explain it but your lips just melted with his, his lips were soft and plush on yours. “Im so glad your mine now.” He whispered.
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a/n: PHEEEEWWW I finally finished this my hands are lowkey sweating rn but I hope you guys enjoy this 🥹 I might make extra beomgyu bf texts for this later so ^^
heres sum extra gyu content added onto this ff I did!!
bf!gyu texts
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stuffeddeer · 7 months
DEEEER happy (late) new year 🎊
i been so busy with work 😭 hope you're resting well!
been thinking about dazai lately as i usually do, he would be such a fucking pain in the ass if you gave him a drawing (if you gave a mouse a cookie style LMFAO)
it doesn't even have to be anything good, just some stupid doodle of a cat, and then he pesters you every day for a new drawing just for him
oh GOD and if you actually draw as a hobby? INSUFFERABLE, he'd probably dig through the trash for your discarded drawings or smth (smfh this man) and then complain cause why didnt you show HIM first instead of wasting perfectly good paper!
lol this is so stupid 💀
anyway byee -🩵
Your face scrunches up as you stare down at the corner of your paper. Would it be weird to give this to him? The last thing you want is to be perceived as some weird stalker, and you know he'd find a way to tease you for this. But... is throwing it out worse?
"Hey, Yosano," you tapped her on the shoulder before taking a seat on one of the medical cots she was working near. "I have a question for you."
"Shoot," she speaks listlessly, continuing to clean up the many medical papers littering her desk. It's not that she's uninterested, just a little out of focus.
There's a clear hesitation, causing the doctor to spin and look at you. Fiddling with the torn paper in your hand, you sigh. "This is probably weird, but, I drew Dazai."
"Don't see how that's weird," she replies, an amused smile on her face at your awkwardness.
"Well, I doodled him, I should say. Just in the margins of my r-report— " that you tore up. Oops. " —because he was across from me. And I could just throw it away, but I could give it to him. Would he think I'm a total creep if I offered it up..?"
And after a pep talk from Yosano, you found yourself standing beside Dazai's desk. His eyes lit up, having already noticed long before you had even registered it that you were drawing him. Everyone at the Agency was aware of your hobby, a few members having taken small doodles in the past, and Dazai was excited it was finally his time.
— that, along with your continued glances between him and your page earlier made it obvious it was him.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asks slyly, his tone higher pitched than normal and mischievous. "Are you visiting little ol' me just to say hi?"
"Not quite. I drew this, if you want it." Trying to swallow your awkwardness, you hold out the paper scrap to Dazai. For a small sketch, it was surprisingly detailed. So this is how you viewed him, hm? He'd always known he was pretty, but...
"Is it possible to fall in love with myself?"
You choke back a laugh. "Alright, Narcissus. I'll take that to mean you like it?"
Dazai nods happily, jumping from his chair to rest his body weight onto you. "More more more! Please? Next do us together! Or even us kissing," he wiggles his eyebrows playfully.
The laugh finally bubbles over as your hands rest on Dazai's sides. "Get back to work! Or Kunikida will stop letting me draw at work, and then you'll have nothing."
"So that means if I stop, I'll have more?" He grins, his face close enough to yours to make you stumble back.
"Do you have to be so close? You're so clingy," you mutter, still holding his sides to keep him from coming closer. "If you get off, I'll consider supplying you with more doodles. Maybe."
And Dazai immediately jumps off of you and back to work.
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ender-reader · 1 year
DP X DC/Marvel Prompt 1#
sooo I've had this mind obsession about giant fluffy monsters so why not jam Danny and DC/Marvel into this mess to make a cool prompt?
Summary: Danny's been sealed away in an ancient temple. someone (could be a hero or a scientist that deals with ancient stuff, i forgot what they're called) finds the entrance but cant go past that. they call Batman/Tony and/or Constanaine/Dr.strange for help(probably along with one of the batkids or Spiderman). Chaos ensues.
What exactly happened to Danny: Danny's been sealed away in an ancient temple during a a time mission from CW that caused him to go in his eldritch horror form and getting sealed away in a temple using chains and of course: Blood blossoms but not to the extent that they continually hurt him, just enough to keep him sealed away, after all: if you hurt a baby ghost, it probably wont end well.
Note: this can be ghost king danny if you want.
and i know i got the characters wrong but im trying, its been a while since i watched marvel
onto the somewhat detailed prompt:
DP/Marvel(or DC, just change who the characters are):
Wang (i think that was his name? the guy that always doubts dr.strange but helps him anyways) has picked up a strange magic signature somewhere around Egypt, after he decided to go and investigate himself, he found an entrance to a sealed ancient temple with a few dead bodies nearly hidden by sand. When he tried to enter, he felt death magic pulse through him and he quickly moved his hand away, whatever was in there, whoever put the seal on this temple wanted to either keep whatever's outside out... or whatever's inside in. he didnt like this not one bit, he does the one thing that would make sense (kinda in his deep opinion): he goes to Steven Strange.
"So your telling me, that you found an ancient temple that's radiating 'infinite realm' kind of death magic and tried to enter it ON.YOUR.OWN?" Strange said rubbing his nose bridge with a sigh. "I dont get whats wrong with that? Death magic's still magic and you two are wizards." Tony said raising a judgemental eyebrow at Strange.
"yes thats true, BUT, infinite realm magic's not like normal magic, not even normal death magic." Wang explained raising a finger at the 'but'. "so? its still magic? or does it have diffrent properties?" Peter, tired of only listening decided to start asking some questions to understand the situation better.
"to understand infinite realm magic, first you need to know what are the infinite realms" Strange countered with a heavy tone, looking at Tony and Peter.
"Strange, we are not to speak of the dead so openly" Wang hissed turning to look at Steven. "oh come on, they're gonna find out eventually and you know it, better they know or one of them gets killed trying to find out." Strange said furrowing his brows glancing around him as if expecting something to attack him. Wang only grumbled sitting on a chair that was not there before.
"the infinite realms is a realm between worlds, like a pocket dimension. it is also known as the realm of the dead, the realm of ghosts, souls, and spirits. it is neither heaven or hell, it is were the dead go when they have too strong obsessions that keep them going, it is where the dead go when they don't want to let go of their life. it has its culture, rulers, ghost types, Gods and Goddesses called Ancients, islands of different shapes and sizes. it also has: A Ghost King, one who rules all the kingdoms, tribes and all ghosts in the infinite realms. they have the title of High King. They run on a substance called ectoplasm, which can be considered the main source of infinite realm magic.
Do not mess with the dead and they will not mess with you. Don't engage with infinite realm inhabitants because the risks are far too high. The last high king was Piriah Dark, he went mad and devoured worlds, not much is known about the new High King, all we know is that he was only around 2 death years old which in on its own baffling." Strange said crossing his arm, his voice was heavy with danger and seriousness.
"so we DON'T mess with the temple?" Peter asked curiously. "..." Wang and Strange didn't know how to answer that.
i cant help but imagine this scene happening:
Danny: *giant chained eldritch horror* *narrows eyes and hisses*
Bruce/Tony, Constantane/dr.Strange and Zatanna/Wang: "..." *intimidated and are ready to fight if needed*
one of the batkids/Peter: "...omg its like a giant kitten!" *proceeds to pet said giant eldritch horror*
the adults: "..." *horrified
Danny: "..." *purrs*
if someone uses this please tag me and maybe send the link please?
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kittsyspaw · 1 year
⌇ Sinu Han x F!Reader
Oh, is there someone else or not? 'Cause I wanna keep you close. I don't wanna lose my spot 'Cause I need to know if you're hurting him or hurting me. ୨୧
╰┈➤ is there someone else? -The Weeknd
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- This is a half-smut chapter from my lookism x reader book on wattpad (Loveism– Kittsyspaw) i deleted it there and decided to write it here for the people who wanted it.
- This is an old Smut that I wrote so don't mind any mistakes or lack of description please!
- You were working with the workers (in case you're confused on why you're in the underground place)
WARNINGS !! : Cockblocker, Begging, Dry thigh humping, Sub!Reader–Dom!Character, Kinda Dom? Reader at the end, Crying etc. (BTW IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ IF YOU'RE UNDER THE AGE OF 18+)
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"Oh god, I failed geography how I'm I supposed to know where i am?" You stared at the many, many corridors.
While you were walking, you saw a head peak out one of the door making you stop in your tracks, sinu immediately pulled his head inside, waiting for you to walk past so he could snatch you.
"Nah..jit tryna kidnap me, thats crazy..." You took slow steps, backing to the other side of the hall so the man couldn't grab you, it that was his plan, either way, you had seen him.
"Dammit! You saw me! And I thought I was hidden very well" he sulked making you chuckle.
Sinu signaled you to come closer, rolling his eyes when you only stepped a few steps towards so he grabbed your wrist and pulled you inside the room.
He trapped you against the door "Did we ever meet before? I swear I know you" a hand reached for the mask that covered your face.
Slowly pulling away the oni mask, his eyes widened when he saw the familiar face, Sinu stared at you in shock, of course he knew you! He couldn't remember where or when, but he definitely knew you.
"Y/n?! Y/n right??! I- I know you!" He shook you by the shoulders, sinu didnt remember you having a scar, but who cares?
"So you do remember me? I missed you, sinu" Sinu's chest ached when you gave him a sad frown, name leaving your mouth laced with the softest tone.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer, hugging you tightly as if you'd disappear any second.
You felt a part on top of your head get heavy, tears. "I can't remember when but I swear I remember you, I could never forget you" he cried, burying his face into your head, taking in the sweet aroma of your shampoo.
Sinu pulled away and traced the scars on your face "what happened y/n?" He asked, his eyebrows knitting, his face falling into a worried one when you started tearing up.
"H-hey! Is it a personal question? I'm sorry!" You let out a laugh "No! I'm just glad you remember me...and nothing happened don't worry."
You really were...having no idea what happened to him and the last time you saw your childhood friend – he didnt even recognize you which made everything worse.
His cheeks turned red when you grinned up at him, the corners of your mouth curling in the most sweet way he's seen.
Its as if...his heart melted right there, how can someones smile just bright up his day like that?
"Oh shit, I better get going-" "no!" Sinus lips tugged down in a frown.
"Don't go.." The circus was starting soon too, but sinu didn't want to, staying with you is better for him, he wanted to feel you again.
"Sinuu, the chairman is calling me, we'll probably meet someday again" He gasped, "And what if we don't?! No!" The big man hugged you again, prisoning you in his embrace.
You rested your head against his chest, you didnt want to go either, but Eugene would probably scold you the whole time and you didnt want to hear any of it.
"What about the neko girl? Didnt she call you or something"
"Hm, who even is she?"
"The CEO"
Your next words left as a simple mutter beneath your steady breath, it wasn't meant for your childhood friend to hear– but he did.
"oh. Explains, she's obsessed with you.."
"What was that?"
You and sinu stared deeply into each others eyes, not breaking the contact. "Sinu, did you know that I met Samuel?" You regret saying that, remembering that he forgot everything for some reason.
"Samuel...? Samuel?" "Yeah, a friend of mine!" "Ohhh, thats...cool." He gave a bitter smile
"is he a guy?"
"Stay away from him! All they want to do is play you!"
The cries made you chuckle, he was still caring as ever, well he never even liked you being around a living being who was a male because apparently 'They're all bad for you'
While time was passing, you tried to figure out why he forgot almost everything, maybe an accident? 'He does have new scars..'
The man even took of his shirt just for you to see, his body going stiff at the fingers that ran over the scars on his chest, shoulders and stomach.
Sinu kept you in his embrace as you sat on his lap "You're spacing out, what wrong?" You shook your head "nothing, just thinking about the lecture I'm boutta get"
"Well, I really have to go now :(" you shut off your phone after the message Eugene sent you "Wait! Aren't you gonna pepper my face with kisses? Like back then-?"
Sinu clutched his head after something slipped out, did you even do that? What was he blabbering about? Did he make you uncomfortable?
Your smile widened, The smile taking over after calming his train of thoughts.
"of course!!" The black haired man laughed while you gave his whole face small pecks.
You looked at him, confused when he grabbed your face. "You don't know...how much I missed you" you parted your lips as Sinu came nearer.
Did he do this before? It was so...familiar...it was his head– playing out an image where you participated in, your thighs were hugging his hips and–!
He gripped the flesh of yout upper legs when your lips locked, both your eyes closing to feel the passionate, long lasting kiss.
Sinus eyes shot open when your lips quivered against his, worry working him up when fat tears ran down your chin.
"Baby...why are you crying?" He wiped away the crystal clear tears as you sniffled "sorry I got emotional its just-" your voice cracked, everything that happened so far playing in your mind, it's heartbreaking, it all was.
Sinus eyebrows knitted, did he make you cry? Was it someone else? His fist clenched, who was it? "Tell me what's wrong?" He cupped your face, hands shaking.
"A lot, a lot happened, it hurts, sinu..."
Sinu couldn't help but swallow the guilt of feeling joyful, you, the girl he used to cherish and adore, was gripping onto him and calling out his name for comfort.
Sinu held you in a welcoming embrace "I don't know what's the situation, but I'm sure it'll get better, Trust me! My guts are never wrong!" He posed making you laugh, the genuine laugh he hadn't heard in years, it made blood rush to his cheeks.
Sinu was thankful your sad face disappeared and got replaced with a cheerful one. You wrapped your arms around sinus neck pulling him towards you to continue what he started.
You whined against him when Sinu grinded your heat against the meaty surface of his rough thigh by the hips. Pouting when he broke the kiss, you stared at him confused.
"Tell me...tell me how much you missed me"
the man demanded, looking at you with desire that he hadn't to speak up about, it was all shining up his eye that was half lidded, focusing on you.
"Sinu! Please! I missed you so much, so fucking much! It hurt when you didnt know me at first, I thought you forgot everything between us..." Your brain was hazy, letting out your heart as he didnt stop the grinding.
Drool slipped by your lips, dripping down your chest. "Aw, baby...What do you want? Tell me, I'll give you anything" he pecked your lips, chuckling with the time you went dumb for him.
"Please nghh...Sinu! Please..fill me up...I need you inside of me" you sobbed when your cunny got sensitive from the flicking sensation, the inner part of your legs was burning up.
Sinu felt his bulge twitch, it got uncomfortable for him in his tight suit pants. Something about your whines and begging made him feel dizzy, you were so fucking beautiful, crying out for his cock to fill you up.
He wasn't crazy when he said that you could have anyone you wanted, lulling up him like a siren for her desires – that was you.
You flinched when your phone buzzed, shakily taking it out to see Eugene's name through the pleasure tears.
"S-sinu...stop. the chairman..." Yours words fell deaf to the muscular man smirked, wasn't this gonna be fun?
"Why don't you answer lovie? Don't make him wait" you nodded hesitantly, listening to the soothing voice that guide you.
"H-hello!" You bit down on your bottom lip out of embarrassment when your voice cracked. "Y/n? What's wrong? Where are you?" "I'm..I can't find the...exit!" You held in all moans when you felt the coil in your stomach about to snap due to the lava bursting in your guts
"What are you doing?...want me to send someone to get you?" "Mhmmh..." You didn't realize what you were saying and hung up, your mind too overwhelmed by the attention you were getting from Sinu.
You let out a loud, frustrated cry when he stopped the pace, you were seconds away from having your high. the tears that build up your eyes fell down, damping up the fabric they landed on.
"...why did you stop?" You pouted, one flick the aching bundle of nerves could make you melt, but Sinu was so mean!
"Sorry...I think we should go. There's someone who's waiting for you."
He didnt want to stop either, he desperately wanted to see your lewd face but he got a text from Neko while he was keeping you in ecstasy, telling him to get ready.
It angered him, after all those years he finally got a precious moment with you but it got completely torn apart by jealous people.
Sinu was sure that you two weren't gonna see each other anymore and it hurt, piercing right through his heart.
He raised an eyebrow when you straddled his hips, smirking down at him with a glint in your eyes. "What are ya' planning to do?"
A sharp breath was sucked in by Sinu sensing your warm mouth placed on the delicate skin of his neck, sucking until a purplish hickey was painted on it.
With a last giggle, you got up, running towards the door– pointing at his phone as you waved him goodbye.
Fucking hell, you were gonna be the end of him.
Sinu fell back on the bed, his hand running through his hair, regretting the decision he made on letting you go.
He was very messy, a unbelievably annoying bulge judging against his tight pants. The man let out a breath, imagining what type of faces you would make it he had ruined you.
The male was still frustrated, no thought, you left him like this. Sinu got up, walking towards the shower to take a cold bath.
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If you found this interesting, you can continue on wattpad (I put the name above n stuff) Its a various x reader and has crossovers with V-hit and Jujutsu kaisen (≧∇≦)
Lmk if you want me doing more Smuts
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Protective (J.T x F!Reader) P.T2
Here you go @p4inis . The (not so) long awaited sequel to Protective. I didn't do any actual smut this time around but if anyone wants to see some send me a request!
WARNINGS: Sexual innuendos, allusions to smut, Jason Todd being the best boyfriend ever, Alcohol, Smoking, Cussin, SEXUAL HARRASMENT, Reader gets slapped on the ass, Misogny, R@pe culture, violence, jason punches a POS, Jason definitly has a daddy kink....
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"That's much better."
“Oh is it now?” He teases. Jason walks into the bathroom, sitting on the toilet lid. “Honestly I thought the first one was better.” 
“Oh really?” you saw, pulling out your foundation, highlighter and concealer. You pull the beauty blender out of the drawer as well. Turning on the sink, you wet the beauty blender with lukewarm water. 
“Oh absolutely babes.” Jason pulls out a lipstick and your eyeshadow pallet. “I say you go with a classic red lip tonight.”
“You want red lips too mister?” You say, taking the back of the beauty blender to apply the three pumps of foundation you put on the back of your hand. Blending it out you say “If not I'd put that lipstick back babes.”
“Why.” he says, looking at the packaging of the tube, trying to see if there is some sort of marking that says he would get red lips too. During this time you open your concealer and use the wand to apply the product. 
“That lipstick transfers like a motherfucker. Get the liquid lipstick in there. The Huda Beauty one.” you blend the concealer out with the tip of the sponge, making sure to get under your eyes as well. 
“This ones the one I bought you for our anniversary right?” he asks. Pulling out the tube from the drawer, he places it on the counter. 
“Yeah. The one you claimed was, and I quote, ‘way too damn expensive’.” Placing the cap back on the contour stick you take the other side of the beauty blender to blend the product out. “Can you get me my setting powder and brush?”
“Yeah.” Jason reaches into the drawer once more, this time returning with the products you asked for. “God that fucking lipstick was way to damn expensive though.” he places hte items next to the lipstick. 
“Yeah 20 fucking dollars was way to damn much for someting i barely ever have the occasion to wear.” you pick up the setting powder and grab the powder puff inside, baking below your eyes, between your eyebrows, over your nose, on your chin and in the center of your forehead. “I’m honestly surprised you bought it for me in the first place. I was joking about needing it.” 
“Shit, really?” he laughs
“Yeah. I wasn't even really expecting you to even remember I said something about it.”
“I'm honestly so hurt that you think I don't remember stuff like that.” Jason places a hand over his heart, pretending as if he was shot in the chest. “I literally read and annotate books for you.” 
“True.”You grab the pallet out of Jason's lap and grab two brushes out of the drawer. “But it was so menial and we were watching tv.” You open the eyeshadow and grab the fluffy brush and get some of a light brown on it, blending it out all over your eye.
“I have entire notes on my phone filled with things you say you like or want.” 
“Really?” You ask, now grabbing a darker brown to blend into your outer corner. 
“Oh yeah. I'm constantly adding shit to them. Like the Baby Yoda Squishmallow we saw at Costco last week.” he says. He remembers how your eyes lit up when you saw the massive plushie. The way you would stare at it every time you passed by once or twice trying to subtly touch the plush. 
“Oh my fucking god, I didnt even say anything about that though! How do you know about that?” lastly you take a small brush with some black eyeshadow and place it directly on your waterline, lashline and in a general wing shape, before blending it out. 
“I can read you like a book my love.” Jason look s at you with admiration. Watching as you pull your eyeliner out of the drawer and draw near perfect wings on your eyes. “And god help me if you aren't my most favorite thing i've ever read.”
“You are just the sweetest Jason Todd.” You look over at him. He's sitting there staring at you, watching you with all the admiration in the world. “God I love you Jase.” You say as you lean in to kiss him on the lips. 
“I love you too, princess.” he says. Turning away from him with a smile, you grab the lipstick, applying a layer of the red liquid to your lips. “You look so kissable right now. God, I love your lips.” you look over at him and give him a slight smile. 
“And I love the taste that comes out of both sets.” he says with a smirk. 
“Jason!” you turn around blushing. You grab your eyebrow pencil and begin filling in the shapes. “What did I say? If you keep it in your pants all night i'll let you do whatever you want with me when we get home.”
“Don't have to tell me twice.” he stands up. “Imma go start the car and get a blunt rolled. I left the jacket on your bed.”
“Okay i'll be down in just a minute.” you respond. You grab your eyelash curler and make a few quick passes on both eyes, before grabbing the mascara and applying two coats. 
You throw everything back into the drawer and grab your lipstick and the necklace you left on the counter. Walking into your closet, you grab a pair of silver heels You had bought a couple of years back. Grabbing the jacket Jason left on your bed, you grab your keys, turn off the lights, and lock up the apartment. 
The Galla is loud and boisterous. Dozens of people from Gotham are here, mostly upper class old white men and their families, but a decent amount of paparazzi and the Wayne Scholars.
“I forget how fucking annoying these things are.” Jason complains. He lightly pulls on his tie, loosening it slightly to alleviate some of the pressure. 
“You also don't like a majority of people.” you respond. 
The night had been fun so far. Once you had arrived at the party, Jason dropped the keys to one of Bruces’ Rolls Royces’ with the valet and ushered you inside, past the blinding flashing lights of the cameras. 
When you both finally made it inside you had quickly done the obligatory meet and greet with at least 15 people and quickly shuffled off towards the bar. There Jason had gotten himself a Whiskey on the rocks and you a tequila Martini. 
Now, both of you hid in the northern corner of the room, at a small table nursing your drinks. “You don’t care for most people either sweetheart.”
“True, but I'm better at hiding it than you.” you take the last sip of your martini and stand from your chair. “I'm gonna go get myself a margarita. I'll be right back, baby.” You leave a small peck on his cheek before making your way over to the bar. 
“What can I get for you Mrs. Todd?” Alex joked. You had known Alex for years, having gone to highschool with him and even having scored the leading parts in your school's play during your guys’ senior year. 
“A strawberry margarita please Alex.” you smile at him. 
“Coming right up babes.” Alex winks at you. His affection had never been anything more than friendly. Alex had come out to you as AroAce in your sophomore year. 
You had allowed yourself to get lost in memories of the past before a voice cut your train of thought short. 
“Hey pretty lady. Are you here alone?” The voice was gravely and hoarse, tainted with decades of life.
“No actually. I'm here with my boyfriend.” You respond. You shift in your seat, trying to put as much distance between you two as possible without being seen as rude.
“He couldn't take care of you like I could.” The man places his hand on your thigh, Slowly inching it upward. “I could take care of you in ways you could never imagine.” 
“Here’s your margarita Mrs. Todd.” Alex says sliding the glass towards you, making direct eye contact with the old man next to you. 
“Todd? You're here with Wayne's Son?” The man asks. 
“Yeah, I thought it would be obvious with the leather jacket but I guess not.” You snark back. You stand up and turn around to walk back to Jason when you feel something small and sharp hit your ass. 
“Fucking excuse me?” You look up to see Jason standing right behind you. “What the fuck do you think gives you the right to touch someone else like that huh?” Jason lightly pushes you to the side as to put him right in front of the grimey old man. 
“She was asking for it wearing a dress like that.” Jason clenches his fists at the comment. 
“I'm sorry, what now?” Jason asks. Jason starts to stand taller, shifting his weight and getting closer to the man now. The interaction quickly gained a crowd of paparazzi and Guests alike. 
You softly grab Jason's right hand, holding it between yours and rubbing small patterns on back. “Baby leave him. He's just an ignorant old man. He-”
“He Fucking touched you, the ugly ass fossil deserves to be beat to a pulp.” Jason seethes. The man visibly grows angry at the disrespect. 
“Who you calling old, brat?” The man now stands up, barley coming up to jason's nose. 
“You. So step off or this will get ugly.” Jason warns, pulling you behind him, now holding your hands with his left. Jason puffs up bigger, trying to intimidate the man into fucking off.
“If she wants to dress like a prostitute then she will be treated like one. She deserves everything I did to her the Whor-” The man didn't even get a chance to finish his sentence before Jason punches him square in the nose. The punch breaks the geezer's nose as well as knocking him out cold. 
“Come on baby. Let's get out of here.” you pull jason along, pulling him out the back of the venue, towards the parking lot the valets were using. “Let's go home please.”
“When we get outside, take your heels off and jump on my back.” Jason instructs. 
“Yes, sir.” You respond. Jason lets a small ‘fuck’ out before just picking you up bridal style and kicking the door open. Jason proceeds to run towards the elevator spamming the button for the basement, where Bruce leaves some of his extra civilian cars. 
“You're taking one of Bruce's?”
“It's faster than trying to track down the damn valet with my keys.” He responds. When Jason gets to the audi R8 he opens the passenger side door and sets you down gently before closing the door and running around towards the drivers side.
“Take me home, Jase.” You say when he starts the engine.
“Anything for my princess.”
When you finally arrive back at your apartment, Jason pushes you up against the wall in the entrance way.both hands on your waist “Did that bastard hurt you?”
“No sir. I'm okay.” You respond, Jason pulls his left hand from your hip and places it on your neck, applying a small amount of pressure.
“Stop fucking calling me that or ill ruin you here and now.” Jasons’ pupils are blown wide, his hands shaking slightly and the bulge in his pants grows more noticeable by the second. 
“What, are you gonna punish me?” You tease. Jason tightens his grip on your throat. He shoves your legs apart with his knee and places it right up against your clit. 
“I said dont fucking try me princess.” You giggle a bit before he speaks again. “Im not in the fucking mood so dont.”
“Or what? You gonna ruin me?” Jason pushes his knee up, pushing it harder against your pussy
“That can be arranged,” he whispers. His whole body is shaking at this point, the mix of the adrenaline and the pure lust he feels clouding his mind. 
“Then ruin me daddy.”
Those four words spark something in Jason and before you know it, you're being thrown over his shoulder and tossed on your bed.
“Just remember princess, you asked for this.”
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haecien · 11 months
literature obssessed reader × author minghao
Come see the screening.... 🎥📷
THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA??? Hello oh my god
Reader would definitely be a big fan of Minghao's works, they've collected almost every series that Minghao has published. Including special limited edition books other collectors would KILL for.
I have a feeling minghao would hide his face, sure he'd attend a few interviews but the interviewer would only be able to hear his voice, this was intentional ofcourse. Minghao wanted to go out in peace, he never wants interviewers and paparazzi to swarm him whenever he stepped out of his house. It's annoying to him. He only revealed his face to trusted individuals like his publisher. Other than that almost no one has seen his face, But there are times where he has almost gotten caught due to his distinctive voice, but he just argued that he has a similar voice and swear he isn't him.
Reader and Minghao would definitely run into each other by accident, of course reader doesn't know shit and thinks is just some random person they bumped into well... " What's the rush? " Minghao asks.
" Oh! Haha there is this book sale and they're featuring one of my favorite authors LIMITED edition book! It's the last one I need and I would do anything to complete my collection... Plus I really adore the author! He's such a good writer, his poetry books are also so good. "
Minghao's raised an eyebrow, he seems intrigued. " So, What's this authors name? " he leaned down and grabbed your bag which you've dropped. " OH! His name is Xu Minghao! But, now checking the time I don't think I can make it in time... My best bets is that the book has already been grabbed.... Awh man "
Minghao was a bit shocked to hear his name mentioned, he feels a bit bad so he proposed an offer " Oh Xu Minghao? I have some extras of his limited edition collection, Which one are you missing I could lend it to you. "
You were shocked since literally people would pay THOUSANDS for this, and hes giving this for free? Jesus christ is he your lord and savior or something. You tried to refuse but minghao didn't budge, eventually you gave up. " Im the reason why you're late, this is my apology. " You were touched how he was this considerate for a stranger you just so happend to bump into. " You never told me your name by the way? Hehe but my names y/n. " Minghao stood there thinking if he should tell you... " Oh uh, my name? Its Seo myungho. "
" Seo myungho? I see, nice to meet you Myungho! " you would not suspect a thing.
You both spent a lot of time after that, half of your conversations were about Minghao... on the inside minghao is giggling whenever you mentioned him, like. His cheeks got a bit red but you didnt notice it. You were too busy rambling about minghao, but if your conversations weren't about minghao you'd genuinely enjoy talking with "myungho " it was always the highlight of your day
I mean you did find out eventually! Haha in the most embarrassing way ever tho... you and "myungho" were talking and suddenly the topic of minghao was mentioned again and he said " Oh yeah I... " I? Haha ur fucked now minghao. Your eyes widened when he said this, you just connected the dots... Bye this is so embarrassing all this time you've been ranting about minghao to minghao
Minghao eventually came clean and he did confess it but, he made it very sure that you wouldn't tell ANYONE about it, well maybe also minghao had a tiny bit of feelings for you but thats beside the point... he trusted you enough to keep this a secret and you swore you'd take this secret to the grave.
Minghaos "little crush" never left tho! He waited awhile before confessing, like maybe 5 months... you were a bit oblivious to his feelings but eventually you started to catch feelings too... the confession was so sweet tho, he took quotes from your favorite book of his. And made a little love letter, you cried on the spot and hugged him so tightly.
(This ws suppose to be a drabble but its so long LMAOAO)
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skzswife · 1 year
Why don't you come find out?
(Lee minho x fem reader)
⚠ warnings⚠ unprotected sex (in pt 2) reader has panic attack mean Minho Dom Minho toxic ex mentions of abuse I think that it lmk if not
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Your best friend since 3rd grade decided to drag you to a party after you being in your room sulking after your boyfriend of 4 years cheated on you with the girl he told you not to worry about. This is how that went
Gina busts through the door so hard you think it'll fly off the hinges "Get dressed noona" "for what" you say with a confused look on your face that she chuckles at "For the party we are going to so you'll stop sulking and talk to people, plus there'll be hot boyyys" she says wiggling her eyebrows "No" you deadpan pulling your covers back over your head "ughhhh girl you need to get out plus chan really misses you he hasn't seen you since Jack (your ex) and hes worried abt you" "...fine, only to make him feel better though" Gina practically tanks you out of bed by the ankles and to your closet "hmmm not this definitely not this a party not a church..AHA this will work!" She says as she pulls out a dark ruby colored mini dress with a small cutout in the chest and a slit in the thigh "oh wow didnt know we were going to a strip club." "Calm down girl its flattering and these shoes will work" she pulls out a pair of ruby red 2 inch heels "now go put these on and I'll do your makeup!" You reluctantly grab everything and get dressed she then does your makeup and you get in the car and a realization hits you "Wait!.. Chan is friends with Minho" "yeah its fine he said he probably wouldn't come anyway" " oh ok " you reply relieved you arrive and enter the building to be pulled into a bonecrushing hug by chan "Noona I missed you! I was so worried" "y-yeah chan im f-fine but I can't b-breathe" you wheeze out and he lets go quickly and you gasp for air "sorry I'm just excited to introduce you to my friends" "oh yay" you say faking excitement, Chan pulls you through a crowd to his group of friends and he starts introducing you "noona this is jisung,Felix,hyunjin,seungmin,I.N, changbin, and my other friend is missing but we'll find him later, they all excitedly shake your hand and hug you shouting his and omg you seem so cool and nice to meet yous after that you grab some water and start dancing with Gina when chan suddely grabs you and drags you over to his last friend who had just arrived and your jaw dropped it was ths one person you didn't want to see Lee Minho with that typical cocky smile "well hello kitty long time no see" you feign gagging and roll your eyes "you guys know each other?" "No chan we hate eachother." "Hate is a strong word princess" he says with fake pain on his face resulting in you walking away hoping he doesnt see your slightly red face (you hated him you really did didnt you? You wanted to but your heart betrayed you every time he was close god those perfect features made it so hard to hate him)
You spent a while dancing with Gina when you feel a hand on your shoulder and Gina gives you a look before walking away not knowing she was leaving you with someone from your past so bad you couldnt even bring yourself to tell her. You spin around and the blood drains from your face "R-rick?" The man smiles ominously "hey angel you look like you've seen a ghost whats wrong sweet cheeks?" You cant even speak and you just mutter "I- you-how-why.."
"Jeez miss me that much my sweet thing?" He chuckles as he raises a hand causing you to flinch and try to back away "Where do you think your going darling!?" He seethes as he grabs your wrist tight enough to make you since you speak in a quiet tone not wanting to cause a scene "p-please let me go I didnt do anything" "I know honey" he say as he caresses your cheek with his free hand and you try to pull away causing his grip to tighten "o-ow!" "Shut up and nothing will happen ok?" From across the room you see chan and Gina talking not realizing whats happening "I'll be quiet pmease just let me go your hurting me" "stop being dramtic unless you actually want me to hurt you y/n." He leans down to whisper something in your ear and smirks at you while letting go. You start hyperventilating and sobbing silently and start to have a panic attack and then in the blink of an eye Rick is on the floor with someone straddling him punching him relentlessly the person blurred by your tears says in between punches "when*punch* someone says * it hurts * you let * go if she says * let go * you let * go. Understood?" Rick nods desperately "y-yes I do" "good" then ths man suddenly pulls you into an embrace stroking your hair telling you its alright and you find yourself relaxing and then you realize who it is when chan comes over and yells "MINHO WHAT THE HELL YOU CANT JUST PUNCH PEOPLE UNTIL THEYRE BLEEDING FOR NO REASON!!" minho quietly replies because he doesnt want to stress you out more "no reason? Are you fucking serious right now chan? I was protecting YOUR friend from him because he was hurting her and weren't even paying attention and stop yelling right now your just going to make it worse." Chans angry expression drops immediately and he looks at you stepping toward you "did he hurt you Y/n? I'm sorry I should have paid attention to you are you okay?" As chan steps closer you look at him with red puffy eyes from crying and nuzzle farther into minhos chest "No chan im not okay. You promised me you would always be there to protect me and...you werent. Please leave me alone" "o-ok" chan replies stepping back as gina steps forward you step back behind lee know he puts an arm out signaling for her to stop but she just scoffs "dont tell me to stop shes my best friend I need to be there for her." Minho stands firm in between you and her "but you werent there for her that's my point she needed you and you werent there" you tug at his shirt signaling him to come down so you could whisper in his ear "I wanna leave" he nods and grabs your hand leading you through the crowd "We are leaving" he says as you exit and climb into his car the drive is silent but as you pull up you invite him in and he accepts you entwr your apartment and head to the couch as you sit he lays his head on your thighs blushing which makes you giggles "what's so funny L/N?" You blush at him calling you by your last name "nothing your just blushing and I thought it was cute" it takes him a bit to process and when he does it only takes a few seconds for your lips to be connected in a sloppy but passionate kiss teeth clashing but still hungry for more you climb onto his lap and start to grind earning a grunt from him that only riles you up more but he breaks the kiss "we shouldnt do this" "I dont care about the consequences I wanr you as much as I want to hate you I can't" you kiss him again this time with more lust behind it as you fumble to take your dress off breaking the kiss to do so you blush as he admires your chest as if its the most beautiful thing he's ever seen (to him it was) he stares wide eyed before he kisses you again and you melt into it tugging at his shirt desperately trying to get it off earning a chuckle from him "need help kitten?" You grumble as he breaks the kiss to take it off and now its your turn to stare 'i mean you always knew he was fit but DAMN' you think as you trace the ridges and valleys of his abs when something catches your eye.. A small scar on his stomach...
@feybin @hhhyunjinnnn @bristidutta
Red means it wont let me tag you(check privacy setting)
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nukiiszn · 9 months
death finds me with my arms open —
in which grimreaper!zhongli finds ajax on his last day of life
cw: suicide
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"a grim reaper?"
the grim reaper was never called to a place without a corpse.
he was at the rooftop of a tall apartment complex, a ginger haired boy sat on the edge next to him.
"why are you here?" the reaper turns to the boy.
"to watch the stars. care to join me?" the boy cocks his head with a grin in return.
the immortal didnt have much reason to refuse. he was called here for a reason, and his best lead was this human.
"i suppose." he took a seat across from the blue eyed male, giving him a curious eye. "what is your name?"
the boy hummed, as if thinking over the question; over something so simple? "i go by many. which one would you like to know?"
the reaper made a face, thinking over the odd response. "your name. whichever belongs to who i am talking to."
the stranger snickered, amused. " ..childe." he paused. "do you have a name?"
"i have.. many as well." the reaper found a curious smile crawling on his face. multiple names for an immortal were not an oddity, but for a mortal human.. "which one would you like to know?"
ajax grins. "whichever one is yours."
"morax." he responds with a bemused expression. "my name."
"you are a reaper, are you not?" childe observes the long tail curled behind him, the tall striking horns, and the amber hued slits in his eyes. grim reapers were of fiction, supposedly, yet one stood right before him.
"yes." morax confirmed. "i'm not sure why im here, however."
"have you ever been called for deaths that will happen? like, in advance? or to prevent them, even." the ginger's eyes glimmer with something morax can't quite figure out.
"i can't say i have, for the former." morax pauses. "our job is to collect the remains of the dead and let them pass on in peace, for the latter. we have no role in interrupting their demise, it would upset the flow of nature."
childe hums, eyes downcast to the bustling city. "ah, yes, i suppose you would be a guardian angel, in that case. it would be quite nice if mine showed up."
morax watches for a second or two. "are you up here to kill yourself?"
the ginger snickers once more. "i wouldnt put it so bluntly. id call it a graceful plummet to my inevitable end, but yes, if you must know. i am."
the reaper's eyebrows crease and he huffs begrudgingly. these sorts of humans were the kind he disliked.
childe quirks an eyebrow. "what, not a fan?"
"hardly. i have no interest to tolerate mortal tomfoolery and their nonsensical gambles."
"gee, strong opinions on something you have no place in. you can't interfere with the flow of nature, remember?" the human repeats, almost mockingly.
morax grumbles in response, his tail flattening on the concrete ground behind him. "you seem to have recognized me immediately. a grim reaper, that is."
"oh, i had my phases. i know my fair share of mythology. grim reapers were an especially keen interest of mine."
"why so?" morax replies keenly.
"their physical depictions, they were gorgeous on paper, and even more so in person." childe offers a smirk. "though quite indignant, unfortunately."
the reaper raises a brow. "grim reapers have hardly much to be jolly about, i assure you."
the conversation falls silent for a while, childe's eyes returning to the stars.
"have you ever been in love, morax?"
morax pauses, stills, then his eyes flicker down, an answer in itself almost.
"yes." morax replies, grimly. "i miss her everyday."
"was the pain great?" childe inquires. "when you lost her."
"greater than the wrath of a thousand vengeful gods." he breathes. "light left my world along with her."
"would you have traded your life for hers?" childe inquires.
"in a heartbeat."
"so you would kill yourself for her?"
morax stills. "what?"
"you would end your life for her heart to beat once more." he reiterates. "so you would kill yourself for her?"
morax hesitates. "yes. i.. suppose i would."
"so you would understand, empathize even, as to why im here."
his amber eyes flicker over. "why are you here?"
"i lost someone. just like you. i lost everything when i lost them. now i will finally lose this body too." childe smiles, regretfully.
morax juts out his jaw. "they would not come back, however, unlike your hypothetical for me. do not be foolish."
"true." the mortal replies. "yet there is no purpose for me here anymore. no reason to live."
"i lived." morax replies. "i lived to tell my tale to you. can you not, for someone else?"
"but you cannot die. you do not have the luxury." childe shuts his eyes tight.
morax wavers.
"you will live even as your world reduces to nothing but misery and gore, and you will do nothing but wish wistfully for the luxury of nothingness."
"but you are death itself, and you persist." childe's eyes meet his, pleadingly.
"do not take this luxury away from me. let it embrace me, if not you."
the reaper softens. a breath, then two, then he speaks.
childe tilts his head inquisitively.
"my name."
the ginger smiles, soft and real and genuine, one of but a hurting boy.
the reaper understands.
"it was nice to meet you, ajax."
"you as well, zhongli."
zhongli's throat wells. "go."
and he does. he flies. he flies gracefully, a plummet towards his death, as inevitable as he wished it to be.
zhongli's heart lurches as ajax's body does, his throat tightens as he hears the air push around the freefall, his chest hitched with sharp pain as he hears the gruesome splat of flesh on concrete floor.
death falls silent, in ironic condolence, as it descends to the end of the line where lost souls meet their ever after.
he reaches out with a palm, and the remains of young life weave between his fingers before settling into the arch of his palm.
he rises, and holds the soul close to his heart.
tomorrow is another day. with another life lost to life itself. this time, this one, he would carry with utmost sorrow, to peace forevermore.
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daphnebowen · 8 months
percy jackson episode five thoughts
I skipped a couple episodes where I wrote down my thoughts, but I'm about to rewatch and write don't worry! warning: lots of screaming, fangirling, heart attacks, and nonsense below :))
also these are all just copied straight from the notebook I use when I'm writing down my thoughts and I barely proofread them :)
Annabeths trust in Percy being alive is literally just like her belief that Luke is alive later on and even though it's kinda sorta different (or at least people are gonna treat it that way) I'm all here for it
AAAAAHHHH THE PERCABETH HUGGGG I IGNORED SO MANY SPOILERS AND IM SO GLAD 2 minutes in and I'm already fangirling so hard haha
is Grover blushing at them??
"surprise" omg Walker 😭🥹
the droplet of water clinging to walkers chin is so distracting
"I'm the last person to realize this aren't I?" It's okay Percy
his eyes are SO FREAKING BLUE it's giving zac efron from hsm2
"it doesn't have to be a thing, yk. That you hugged me." OHKAY HES NOT ENTIRE CLULESS THIS IS FAN SERVICE RIGHT HERE WE KNOW THAT IT MOST ABSOLUTELY WILL BE A THING LMAO and annabeths "oh boy" and Grover's clear exasperation HAHAH
where the heck did the motorcycle go lol we know it's ares but like it doesn't take that long to drive
"we're all gonna die... eventually" wise words Percy wise words
ugh the fact that it's Luke's string 💔
Ares ‼️‼️‼️
Ok but why is ares literally EXACTLY how I thought he would be?!?!
"that's my cousin? what kind of family is this?" A dysfunctional one for sure, sorry Percy you're in for a rough ride
ares starting a fight on twitter is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY and yet so in character lmao
"I'm gonna kill him" same Percy SAME I will gladly help you - although all things considered I am glad they decided to keep delinquent percy in the show
they keep bringing up the "push someone down a flight of stairs" thing! There's no way this is just a coincidence anymore, what with chalice of the gods and earlier on with Annabeth and like... they're obviously doing it on purpose. is that gonna be the shows new thing?? trusting someone enough so that if they can push you down the stairs they're the one? idk man, love the metaphor tho
leah's eyebrow quirk is 💋
walker portrayed Percy's anxiety and nervousness and scaredness (is that a word?) perfectly
Can't tell if Grover is actually a history buff or playing Ares so he will talk but that scene was actually cool, I like the change they made to have Grover stay behind (this was what I wrote originally, but now after seeing peoples interpretations and opinions and things I know he was playing ares and I think it's BRILLIANT how smartly he played the god of war. Good for you buddy!)
"I didn't say anything" "I can feel you thinking it" OHKAY THEN
thrill ride of love = flawless. No words. I am speechless.
"I hate kids" relatable
ARES IS ACTUALLY BEING SMART AND MAKING SENSE FOR ONCE not to mention he's so funny and so relatable!
is Annabeth about to cry?!?!
yeah she's definitely about to cry
why am I so scared. This cannot be happening. What?? What??? he's the main character. main characters don't die. well except for Magnus chase BUT THOSE ARE DIFFERENT GODS AND DIFFERENT RULES NO WALKER
why am I actually so scared about this chair thing omg
(I would just like to say that I was so speechless and in shock throughout the whole chair thing, so I didn't write down a single quote but I loved them all I just was in too much shock to pause the show lol)
dude the way that door suddenly opened scared the crap out of me
leah is absolutely shining as Annabeth, her monologue was so profound and heartfelt, love that addition 💗
okay of course those of us who read the books know who really stole the lightning bolt and stuff but the clueless fools just watching the show are gonna be like OMG WHO WHO and even if they piece it together technically they'll only be half right. and their confusion and confidence in what they think they know is going to be SO entertaining in the coming weeks hehehehe and even throughout the whole series if we continue to get green lights for the series
but yes that episode was utter perfection! Now for the teaser...
duuuuude. The lotus casino is MASSIVE and actually super pretty I cannot wait for the episode tomorrow!
WHY IS PERCY DRIVING OMG THIS IS NOT LEGAL although tell me why he is literally better at driving than I am HAHAHAHAHAH
ugh and that is it! Those are all my random thoughts from the episode! thanks for reading :))
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @rosieathena - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x she/her!reader
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She’s In Love With You, Man
That particular morning was no different to any other. The sun was shining but there was a chill in the air, and Spencer arrived at work in the same way, at the same time as he did every other day. Even the frown on his face would have been considered normal, he often lost himself deep in thought and couldnt control the furrowing of his eyebrows. However, the determined strides Spencer took towards his good friend and coworker Derek Morgan, were a little out of sorts, and when he parted his lips and spoke, his friend knew this was not like any other day at all.
“Derek, how do I know if a girl likes me?”
Spencer asked, an innocent but firm question with so much weight and importance to the young genius. The weight had previously forced his gaze to the ground, but he lifted his eyes to observe the response, needing to absorb as much information as possible. To Spencer, this was essentially life or death, even if that saying was a little dramatic.
Derek dropped the folder that he was previously examining, it slapped the table as it fell, but he didnt seem to notice. His eyebrows had raised in shock and curiosity, and the small smile playing on his lips hinted at a sense of pride, Spencer deduced.
“Well, first of all, who’s the girl!?!”
It wasnt often that Spencer arrived at other people’s homes unannounced when he wasnt working, but JJ had accidentally left some important documents on her desk that she was planning to look over. She had left work in a rush, exclaiming that she had somebody waiting for her, and Spencer thought it best to deliver the documents to her as soon as he could. In his defence, he did try to call her, but she must have been on the phone to someone else, so he wasnt deliberately showing up unannounced. He knocked at her door feeling the awkwardness of this interaction consuming him in advance. JJ answered, much to Spencer’s relief, and upon seeing the folders in his hand JJ sighed with relief and ushered him inside.
“Thank you so much Spence, I was just looking for those! I had to get home quick, had an interview.”
Alarm bells rang in Spencer’s head “An interview? Are you leaving the BAU?” He tried to respectfully hide his sadness.
JJ laughed and shook her head “I wasnt the one being interviewed! C’mon, I’ll introduce you.”
This only made the entire situation more uncomfortable for Spencer, but he couldnt deny his own intrigue as his mind raced with potential conclusions as JJ led him through to the living room. Perhaps she was interviewing someone to join the team, or Hotch had asked her to interview a coworker he didnt trust, or-wait-didnt she mention last week that she needed a-
“Spencer, I’d like you to meet Henry’s new babysitter: (Y/N)!”
Derek spoke up again, noticing Spencer had zoned out at his question.
“Kid, who is she?”
Spencer shook his head to regain concentration on the conversation “Henry’s babysitter.”
Derek’s eyes widened, a wide smile overtaking his features “Oh my god, you have a crush on a babysitter!?! Tell me everything, right now!”
Beautiful. That was the first word that came to Spencer’s mind as he saw you sitting on the floor laughing with little Henry, who was running circles around you while you pretended to be an immobile monster trying to reach out and grab him. The smile on your face, the sound of your laughter, the fact that you hadnt yet clocked Spencer’s presence because you were so focussed on entertaining Henry - could you have made yourself appear any more perfect? It took Henry running up to Spencer and hugging his leg for you to acknowledge he’d entered the room, your eyes following the little boy and then trailing up to Spencer’s face and beaming up at him.
“Hi! Im (Y/N)! And judging by Henry’s immediate attachment to you, I’ll take a wild guess that you are the smart man Spencer who I’ve already heard so much about!”
He was struggling to find the words to speak, and even though his flustered state was well hidden and barely lasted more than a second, JJ noticed.
“Have you been talking about me, little man?” Spencer asked Henry, ruffling his hair endearingly before meeting your eyes again. “You guess correct! It’s nice to meet you.”
He reached out his hand to you, lowering himself because you were still sitting on the floor, and your smile widened as you leaned forward to shake his hand.
“We met when I delivered those documents to JJ’s door exactly three weeks and a day ago.” Spencer told Derek as he thought back to the first time he saw your face.
“And? What’s she like!?!“ Derek encouraged, desperate to draw out some more information from his friend about this mystery girl.
“Wonderful.” Spencer said simply, his eyes drifting back to a daydream.
“C’mon kid, you’ve gotta give me more than that!” Derek exclaimed, taking a mental note of the affect you have on Spencer just when he talked about you.
He met his friend’s eyes again and frowned in confusion. “What more can I say than every aspect of her existence is wonderful?”
It was blindingly obvious to JJ that you and Spencer had already clicked somehow, and although this was completely unplanned, she was always ready to play matchmaker for her good friend. Admittedly, she didnt know you very well. The two of you had spoken over the phone a few times before arranging an interview regarding the position as Henry’s babysitter, and you had spoken to Will too, of course. The extent of JJ’s conversations with you was enough to convince her you were perfect for the job, and this only became more apparent when she met you in person. This was all explained to Spencer very quickly when JJ dragged him to the kitchen to unload as much information about you as she could.
“So, do you like her?”
“It’s too early to tell realistically, but based on what I’ve already experienced...” Spencer couldnt help glancing at the doorway and smiling at the sound of your laugh from within the living room.
“Oh my gosh! This is great!” JJ clasped her hands excitedly, going quiet as she conjured up a plan, setting Spencer on edge. “Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do! Stay for dinner! Start coming over for dinner every week on this day, and act like it’s something we’ve always done because we’re good friends! (Y/N) is babysitting Henry every weekday from 7:30am-5pm officially, but she’s considerate of my work hours and sometimes she’ll stay for dinner with us and just hang out. So, you can stay for dinner as an excuse to spend time with her!”
Spencer’s head was spinning, he didnt know what to say, but JJ didnt need a response, she’d already decided that he had agreed. He was somewhat glad of that.
“You’ve seen her once a week for three weeks and havent told me!?!” Derek sounded offended. Sure, he often spoke of his adventures with women, but they were never as innocent as Spencer’s experiences with you.
“I’ve seen her more than that. Every Thursday I’ve stayed for dinner, but on particular days in between - such as Monday and Wednesday on the second week, then this week on Tuesday and today - JJ has found an excuse for me to come over. Sometimes it’s to ‘help with a case’, sometimes she deliberately leaves one of her belongings on her desk for me to find and bring to her house.”
“Damn, JJ’s been doing some real matchmaking! How has (Y/N) reacted every time you’ve showed up?”
That smile. Spencer could never recover from it. You smiled a lot, you were a smiley person, and every smile was undoubtedly beautiful, but the smile you gave him? That was different. You lit up the moment he walked into a room. You were always happy to talk to him about anything and everything, but your focus never strayed from Henry, which Spencer admired so much more than you realised. He had seen you that day, and when you walked into the room holding Henry’s hand, you gasped.
“Look Henry! It’s our best friend!”
Spencer’s heart skipped a beat at that. The two of you had been getting increasingly more flirtatious with every occasion you saw each other. And in the middle of dinner, when Henry ran to you with a drawing in his hand, you blushed at the sight of it and said:
“Oh wow Henry, that’s amazing! Go show Spencer!”
The little boy ran to Spencer to show him, and he saw exactly why you’d blushed. Henry had drawn two stick people, which he realised were himself and you, getting married.
“Henry! How did you know what I’ve been dreaming about!?!” Spencer winked at you from across the table, Henry and JJ laughing while you bashfully pretended to blow Spencer a kiss.
“She’s in love with you, man.”
This was the first time Derek has referred to Spencer as a man rather than a kid. Although he didnt use ‘kid’ in a patronising way, Spencer found that it instilled him with newfound confidence to know that the relationship he was forming with you had shown Derek that he actually has some game. The weight of Derek’s statement suddenly hit the curly haired vessel of knowledge, and he felt himself shiver.
“How can you be so sure?”
Spencer expected a comically backhanded compliment in response to his question, but that is far from what he got.
“You’re a man of facts, you would never be so open about falling for someone unless some part of you, even if it’s subconscious, knows she likes you back and there’s a chance of it working between you.”
Spencer thought about this, and he couldnt help but agree.
“What do I do?” The genius asked cluelessly.
Derek rolled his eyes playfully, as if the answer was obvious. “Ask her out man!”
Spencer continued his clueless plea. “How do I do that!?!”
Derek sighed pleasantly. “From what you’ve said, she likes you exactly as you are, so you wont need any extravagant plan to win her over. Just be yourself.”
As blissful as it was to think that you liked Spencer exactly as he was, hearing this didnt help him in terms of confidence towards how to ask you out.
It was then, the office doors swung open, and there you stood, holding Henry on your hip, him clutching a lunchbox in his hands.
“Mommy forgot her lunch!” You chuckled, placing Henry on the floor and letting him run to JJ, who had just walked out of Penelope’s office.
You wandered over to Spencer, and Derek pretended to be distracted by the folder he had just picked back up, he walked away from you as though truly focussed on what he was reading.
“Hey Spencer! How are you-“
“WouldYouLikeToGoOnADateWithMe?” Spencer blurted out, cutting off your attempt at small talk.
“What?” You asked, unable to understand what he’d said.
Spencer sighed and hung his head, his moment of confidence gone.
“Would you...like to go on a date...with me?”
He waited for your reply, but he heard nothing, and his heart sank. With a final shred of hope, Spencer lifted his head to meet your gaze, and then he saw that smile, just for a second before you parted your lips.
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