#god i love joe strummer
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joe strummer
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cosmogyros · 7 months ago
I just listened to a couple songs from current female artists who... all sound the same. Like they've all got that one particular kind of breathy pretty flawless voice. The way 90% of female singers seem to sound nowadays. It drives me bonkers. The only good thing about it is that it makes me feel like, "well, I may not have a very professionally-trained-sounding voice, but thank god I don't sound like THEM at least".
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rustbeltjessie · 6 months ago
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Chicago Zine Fest haul. Top: zines. Bottom: art and stickers and pins, etc.
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romancingdaffodils · 1 year ago
Love Kills.
part 1
bassist!rockstar!remus lupin x roadie!reader
In which one of your closest friends happens to be Sirius Black, who is also the drummer in the infamous punk band: The Marauders. You’ve met Remus Lupin twice before the tour begins and you found yourself quite enthralled with him. The more time you spend, the greater the need is.
warnings : mention of drinking, and that��s about it. gender neutral reader with a small understanding of drums and stuff :333
title stolen from Love Kills - Joe Strummer
hiii i know you missed me
i’d like to give a special thanks to @alegsy for all his help on this one. and if you like Alex turner go check out @joepublicspeakings :33. Seriously Al thank you much for helping me out with all the roadie tech stuff and ideas and punk music too it really means a lot and i love you sooooo much. thank u smsm
ps pls ignore that matt plays electric and not bass it’s not my fault i love him so much
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Sirius Black was by far the most interesting man you've ever met. He was also the reason you were stood with your hands clasped tightly around the handles of two stuffed bags.
"C'mooon, you know me, it'll be fun! You like the music, know the tech, got the skills nailed. You're the perfect roadie, join us." Sirius begged, following you around the bar. You frowned at him. Unfortunately for the raven haired man, you liked your job, which meant it took a lot more convincing to get you onside.
"Sleeping in a glorified caravan for god knows how many days doesn't exactly seem like my idea of fun! Plus, Sirius, I only really know James. Met the other lanky one, what, twice? Don't know the last guys name! It's not fair." you argued, crossing your arms and glaring at him. You had included a small white lie in the fact Remus Lupin was not known as the lanky one in your mind - you were familiar with the version of him that haunted your daydreams. He pouted at you. Yes, the fully grown man pouted at you.
"It pays well-ish! It'll get you in with the industry and it's months with your favourite person, ever. Me! On top of that, it's not a glorified caravan, we invested this year so shut your trap." he whined, giving his best puppy dog eyes.
"Right, fine, maybe. I'll, consider it. And, never ever say 'shut your trap' again. You're a daft twat, you know that?" you caved. He grinned.
"So that's a yes! And I'll do you the favour of assuming you're just trying to keep me humble." he grinned once again. Mentally, you smashed your head through a glass pane. What had you gotten yourself into?
“Nice shirt.” a voice spoke from beside you, giving you a small smile. You smiled back. The lanky one - Remus Lupin, you reminded yourself. Not that you needed much reminding; the honey eyed man stuck firmly in your brain.
“Thanks, didn’t know you liked Bowie. Thought all the punk stuff would be more for you.” you joked, peering up at him. He scoffed, as though your statement was the most insane thing he’d heard.
“Can still like the ‘punk stuff’ and Bowie. Plus, he’s a genius. Done every style and more, like.” he replied, some sort of northern accent coming in thick and fast. He was different to Sirius in many ways and you took comfort in it. Even though, at times, Remus was a tad bit mean. But, not really to you. The three times (including now) you’d met him he’d been quite lovely. Sirius had chewed your ear off about that.
“It took me years to get a grin out of him! And you do it straight away? It’s so not fair!” he whined, leaning against the counter of the pub’s bar.
“You’ll recover, posho, promise.” you said, giggling to yourself at his heartbreak.
“Yeah, suppose you’re right. Nice to see you again, by the way. It’s been a while. ‘m excited for the tour and stuff.” you said, deciding that changing the subject might suit you better.
“Me too, can’t believe Sirius actually got you on as a roadie. Did he physically fight you for it? Last time we asked you were dead set against it.” he gestured for you to walk beside him as he spoke. He was holding his bags in one hand and his bass case in the other. He made short work of putting everything bar his bag of necessities into the storage bin. Then, quickly took your own off of you, shoving them into the storage of the bus. He didn’t seem to mind doing the heavy lifting for you.
“He harassed me, a lot. At work. A lot. It’s fine though, I think I’ll enjoy it if I’m honest. If all else fails at least I’ll get contacts and friends out of it, yeah?” Remus snickered. He smiled down at you as he closed up the storage compartment.
“I’ve been telling myself that for the past, what? Decade? Trust me, he entices you in, you’re trapped now. Failed plenty of times and don’t think I’ve gained much - apart from wanting to bash all three of their heads in. On multiple occasions.” you giggle; he smiles.
“Ah well, just promise me you won’t let me kill anyone then. I’ll do the same for you.” you said, holding out your pinky for him to close the promise. It was childlike and somewhat immature, sure, but it locked the deal closed. Wrapping his pinky around yours, Remus silently agreed to your proposition.
“It’s nice to meet you— Jesus Christ! You’re lanky. Sorry. That was mean. Remus, right?! I’m the one Sirius told you about.” you shouted over the blaring music. Submission by the Sex Pistols was causing the entire room to shake and was rocking you to your core.
“Yeah. I know you. Been trying to keep up with Pads, by chance?” Remus chuckled down at you, assuming you weren’t always this dishevelled.
“Always. Thought I could out drink him, you know, for a posh boy, the lad can drink.” he smiled.
“Perks of going to a boarding school. Mix with all sorts of people, it was good for him.” you smiled.
The night seemed to fly by and you couldn’t keep yourself away from Remus. Flocking to him like a moth to a flame, your cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling so much. Thankfully, the incomprehensible amount of vodka you had consumed helped dull the pain.
“Can’t believe we haven’t met before.” you purred, peering up at him.
“Neither. Pads is cruel, keeps all his best friends to himself. Didn’t know there was anyone else on the planet who actively enjoyed The Clash and Dostoyevsky.” he responded, bringing a green tinted glass bottle to his lips.
“Let me try it.” you demanded, holding out your hand.
“You don’t like beer.” he said, giving you a small grin.
“Wanna try, it might be different.”
“Oh, yeah? All the beers you’ve had in your life and this one just might be different.” despite his teasing, he offered you the bottle. It did in fact not taste any different. It still tasted like piss.
“Nah, still rank.”
“Shame, that, really.”
You grinned. He smirked.
The tour bus was now filled. The four key members of the band: James, Sirius, Remus and Pete, who you’d finally remembered the name of and the rest of the members of your new team. Oh! And the support band, who you kept forgetting about, The Valkyries. Lovely girls, all of them. It tickled you somewhat that James and Lily were in rival bands. And, that some how they’d persuaded the rivals to support them. The roadies with you had mostly known the Marauders since school, which inevitably led to you feeling like an outcast. It really struck home as they were all discussing stories from their youth. The road was a relentless treadmill of travel and you were provided no solace. Until a small voice called your name.
“You busy?” Remus asked, poking his head into your bunk.
“Trying to be.” you joked, smiling over at him. He looked ridiculously oversized compared to the glorified caravan.
“Don’t think you aren’t welcome. They’re lovely. Sit up a bit, will you? My knees are killing I need to sit down.” you sat up, as he instructed. He sat on the bunk opposite yours, you faced him directly. It was a little scary- his ability to practically read your mind.
“I’m sure they are, just having second thoughts, as always. Dunno, you lot all went to school together. So, just a bit of an outcast, yanno?” you whispered, emphasising this was for Remus’s ears only. He nodded his head, and then began to shake it.
“Y’not an outcast. Promise. They’ll all love you once they get to know you. Like Pads does, poor fucker can’t leave you alone.” you laughed; he smiled. It wasn’t a sympathetic smile; it was genuine.
“I love Sirius too. Best friend you could ask for, really. It’s just such a shame he’s such a slag.” you joked. Remus laughed.
“Really is. How’ve you been since the incident?”
Remus’s hand was acting as a makeshift bobble as you threw up into the bar toilet. His other hand was rubbing small circles into your back.
“I hate him! I hate how much he can drink and- I hate this stupid bar.” you whined, in between sobs. Throwing up always made you cry.
“Shhh, yeah, I know. Come on, let it all out. Y’don’t need to cry, sweetheart, you’re fine. Just have to let it all out.” he cooed, still rubbing your back. God knows how you’d ended up exclusively talking to Remus the whole night and somehow still trying to out drink Sirius. You’d been fucked when the taller of the two showed up and now you were completely gone.
“This is so embarrassing. Sorry, I feel awful.” you threw up again after that.
“Got nothing to feel sorry about. Listen, been there done that with Sirius. Learnt my lesson the hard way too, plus I’m taller than you. Takes a lot more to get me drunk, yeah? He’s just insane. Don’t worry about it.” he comforted, not at all bothered by your sickness. Giving him a dopey smile, you were eternally grateful - even in your drunken state - that it was Remus you had befriended that night.
“Thank you, tell you what, I’ll do you a deal.” Remus nodded “Pinky promise if you ever get plastered I’ll do the same for you”. Holding out his pinky, Remus tilted his head at you. You locked pinkies with him for the first time (and most definitely not the last time).
“Good deal. Do you think we should get you home? Are you close? I’ll walk you if you are.” he offered, wrapping an arm around you to pull you up.
“Yeh, like ten minutes. Thank you, Remus, really. Bet you’re glad it’s me and not you, huh?” you joked, trying to add light to the situation. Leaning into him, you were relying solely on him to stay upright.
“Nah, know you’d do the same for me. Pinky promised it, didn’t you? And, it’s no problem. Think we’re going to be good friends.”
“Don’t bring that up around me. I’m still so embarrassed.” you complained, burying your head into your hands. Chuckling, Remus shook his head.
“Could’ve been worse, you could’ve declared your undying, unrelenting and pure love for Lily, whilst stood on top of the bar and using an empty vodka bottle as a microphone for the announcement. Poor Lils never recovered.” You lifted your head to give him the loudest laugh ever.
“They’re sooo cute. It’s upsetting.” you said, lying back down in your bunk. Remus watched your every move, subconsciously. “Oh, you said your knees were hurting. You get pains? Arthritis? My mum gets that in her knees, she just keeps moving, but I think it’s making it worse.” you rambled, turning your head to face him.
“Oh, yeah, just chronic pains, really. Just try and rest as often as possible.” he explained, stretching out his legs across the two bunks. His legs fell atop your own, now creating a bridge between the gap in the bunks. You smiled over at him.
“Must suck, huh? Well, let me know if I can help. Tour isn’t really resting.” you offered, giving him a big smile.
“Yeah, thank you, speaking of tour we aren’t far off Glasgow now.” he stated, peering out the window and then down at his watch.
“I’m ecstatic.” you stated sarcastically as your stomach twisted with nerves. Telling you not to worry, the sandy haired man gave you a smile that only made your stomach twist further.
The venue was a shit hole. A complete and utter shit hole. The ceiling had a badly patched up leak, which had almost destroyed Pete’s copy of the setlist. The reason Sirius had been so desperate to get you on his staff was because you specialised in drums - his instrument, of course. You’d managed to get everything set up relatively quickly. Carefully, you began to tighten the cymbals, listening for the correct pitch and length of the ring. Humming as you worked, you stopped every so often to admire the work of the rest of the team. Frank, who specialised in strings, was particularly impressive. He had finished up rather quickly and moved on to help his girlfriend, Alice, with getting everything ready for vocals. It seemed everyone here, but you had the perfect relationship. James and Lily were a lifetimes worth supply food for the green eyed monster. Frank and Alice were just as cute, but less well known as they weren’t in the limelight.
“All good?” he shouted over at you. You gave him a thumbs up and smiled over at Alice, who was fighting with some duct tape and a wire. Everything was all good for you, at the moment.
Finally, you finished up the final checks and placed a backup pair of sticks beside Sirius’s chair. It was then onto sound checks, all went well. You actually really quite liked the Marauders music. With inspiration from bands like The Clash and The Jam it’s hard to make a bad sound. He was weird in that he’d always carry around his sticks before the show, believing it would bring him good luck. In fact, in the first show you found out all the boys weird pre-show rituals. Pete laid down on the couch and threw chocolate raisins into his mouth. James clung onto Lily ever so slightly more than usual and insisted on drinking a shot of olive oil. As the lead singer he swore upon it for lubricating the vocal cords. You nearly gagged when you watched him do it. Whereas, Remus sat outside, cigarette in one hand and a cadburys chocolate bar in the other.
Trying to escape the rest of the boys, you ended up going outside and bumping into Remus during this. Quenching your thirst for normality, you couldn’t help your next actions. “Oh, sorry, hope I’m not interrupting.” you stated, giving him a small smile as you gravitated towards him.
“Nah, take it you saw James’s shot?” he said, before taking a long drag from the cigarette. Wincing, you looked at him with pure disgust in your eyes. “No I get it, can’t be around him when he does it either. Makes my jitters worse.”
“Christ, you don’t look nervous at all. Good poker face. Your sound check was really incredible though. James performs like Joe Strummer, it’s funny. You’re good, really fit the part of Paul, huh?” there was an unspoken message behind fitting the part of Paul. The bassist of the Clash and the so called good looking one of the group (as stated by their drummer, Topper). You thought the same about Remus.
“You calling us Clash tributes? Also, he humps less than Joe.” You laughed. Full force laughter left your lungs as you keeled over in genuine disbelief. Snickering, Remus looked down at you, a little scared you’d collapse on the floor and knock yourself out. You went to speak, but the words were drowned out in laughter. “That tickled you, dinnit?” he mumbled, dropping his cigarette and crushing it below his foot. The shout of ‘Five minutes till you’re on!’ snapped you out of your laughter. Grinning up at Remus, you tilted your head.
“Break a leg!”
“It’s not the theatre.”
“Oh, good luck.”
“Thank you.” he replied, smirking down at you. He pushed the final piece of his chocolate bar into your hand before walking inside for the ‘team talk’. Time seemed to move at the speed of light whenever the lanky man was around. You found yourself completely lost in everything about him. Seriously, you couldn’t believe how long Sirius had deprived you of this perfect man.
Frank had told you whilst you were setting up that the band always had a talk before going on stage. The talk often consisted of: “James don’t cry and don’t fuck up” from Sirius and Remus; “Dodge bottles, whatever you do don’t get hit please you’ll look stupid.” as the general message to the whole band and “Jump around”, which was mostly directed to Peter and Remus. Frank had also warned you about the dangers that came from within the crowd. Police. Famously, punk music was viewed as being quite aggressive; it ended up being the roadies job to make sure fighting and dancing could be differentiated. Sirius hadn’t told you about that part whilst advertising the job. However, now wasn’t the time to take offence.
Erupting like a volcano, the crowd filled the rotting venue with noise. You watched the boys sprint on stage. All leather and tight fitting trousers.
James really did look like Joe Strummer when he performed and Remus was right about his comparison too. Sirius looked truly ecstatic whenever he performed and the energy brought about by the show pulled Peter from his shell. And Remus, oh, Remus. He was entirely perfect.
Catching yourself, you blinked and shook your head. You’d met this man three times, including the current interactions and here you were, fawning over him. Sure, it’d get you in a little bit of trouble, but what harm is a crush. Right? Not much harm compared to glass bottles and punk rockers. Oh, and a leak in the ceiling with wires messily taped to the floor.
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biblical-chronicles · 2 days ago
What other music do you listen to? Are you solely Britpop?? Would love a top 10
you just opened a pandora box love, thank you it got me out of me little hole xx please discuss this with me, this is me life lmao
Interestingly, I am not brit-pop at all, more rock, punk, post-punk, metal, jazz, blues territory
If I had to list all the bands I like we'd be here for a loooong fucking time...
but here are some honourable mentions
first of all, PiL, so Public Image ltd. favourite band ever, innovative, the lyrics as well??? god Lydon knows how to write a song and make you reflect, such interesting topics. Also, love the performing style, just adds so much to the overall 'product'. All the albums offer summat different and I love that, although the earlier work is much crazier and experimental which I love. Just such a powerful discog, beautiful and unique sound, it's amazing how many songs from them seem to perfectly encapsulate how I feel, and I could go on forever here so I'll stop meself. (+ his spoken word??? Ahhhh !!!)
with PiL I have to mention the sex pistols too I guess. Love 'em so much, have the whole material ingrained in me brain. Although them going on a reunion tour without John is so meh, he was literally what made them in a way? you just can't get that tone. I think it'd be better if they did it without a vocalist, just let the audience shout the lyrics back. Should've called it just sex or just pistols or ex-pistols without him...)(or just call it the professionals reunion + glen matlock)(like ya just can't do that, what's next? the stones without jagger? dead kennedys with no jello? oh wait.. that's already a fucking thing) nevermind the bollocks... here's the three ex-pistols. It's the great rnr swindle all over again, and we are being swindled yet again, ever get the feeling that you've been cheated? (I have so much more to say here but I'll stop meself, but how fun is it to sue a man with not so much cash that's takin' care of his ill wife full-time? and to sue him with disney so he can't win? and only to win the case because the man has previously won a case for you to split the rights to the music evenly? even though he wrote most, and could've taken all the rights to it easily?) okay, now stopping meself for real, but I could write an essay here.
up next Black Sabbath, I mean come on? Megalomania is one of the best songs ever, love it !! dead crazy discog and impact, thank you tony iommi for choppin' a bit of your fingers off, so that you had to down-tune your guitar to play.
now, the beatles, I mean, I won't even start since you will not stop me as well, won't allow meself to start, nuh uh
janis joplin + big brother and the holding company when she was with them. You just can't recreate that voice, ever. What a powerhouse of an artist, love her.
another woman to add would be courtney love, you just can't stop her can ya? as much as her rebellin' is pretty pointless sometimes, that woman has some serious pipes. Love the visceral screaming and all, mostly am into the first album + live through this.
I'll also shout-out rammstein, you can't go wrong with some straight to the point brutal riffs yeah? from more german speaking bands, I like some Falco, especially the first album, so Einzelhaft, it's just the best lyrically and just so so 80's. Also, Wolfgang Ambros with 'Es lebe der Zentralfriedhof' if you want some more Wiener Schmäh.
The Clash is also great, classic. Plus it gave us Keith Levene, personal guitar hero to me, although he wasn't as involved with the band just helped with creating it / some early material / helped gettin' Joe Strummer in.
Yes is another highlight for my prog-rock fans, me dad is big on them so I had to be as well. Pink Floyd would also fit here which you just have to like, come on.
more metal-esque I am pretty big on Megadeth (better than Metallica fight me), I also went through some death / black metal phases but it didn't stick to me as much? if anything then darkthrone or cannibal corpse is alright, also death.
and since I didn't expand on punk that much I'd recommend Dead Kennedys especially fresh fruit for rotting vegetables, The Exploited, Minor Threat etc. etc. Interestingly, I am not too big on The Ramones, just a tad too 'poppy' for me (don't attack me). But the Buzzcocks are alright. Won't go into the smaller bands since I'd sit here forever once again.
Led Zeppelin as well, I fucking love Led Zeppelin!
post-punk wise, also gotta plug the talking heads in here, you just have to.
thank you, this question got me dead excited, please ask me about music recs or opinions, I am a firm believer that I have an opinion on almost everything. I can debate and talk about music forever please talk to me, please ask me to elaborate, this is me area of expertise (I need a job)
It's also a pet peeve of mine that Liam says he plays rock'n'roll? Chuck Berry, that's rock'n'roll, Little Richard also, but Liam, sweetheart, you are not within' that genre. Nowt wrong with that, just if someone got told they are in for some classic rnr, and then got wall of glass, they'd be surprised to say the least.
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flakedpaint · 2 years ago
i was tagged by @satanasgf to share 5 songs i listen to on repeat!:
Working All Day by Gentle Giant - the baritone sax(?) sound in this song is so fucking rad and the organ solo!!!!!! "I eat the dust, the boss gets all the money, life ain't just [...] Working all day and never getting nowhere, what can I say, working all day?" yeah (i was looking up the lyrics and found out it was sampled by guilty simpson and it's so good)
Love Kills by Joe Strummer - this is one song that found its way deep into my brain and decided to stay. have i seen sid and nancy? nope! lyrics? "LOVE KIIIILLLSSSS LOVE KIIIIILLSSS"
Eyes Without A Face by Billy Idol - i was wondering why i kept hearing this song over and over whenever i listened to my liked songs... turns out i'd managed to add both the original and remastered version that's how much i like it. it's so pretty when it goes "les yeux sans visage. eyes without a face."
Then by Yes - i love how this song progresses from the quick drumming and then transforms into a new song and you really hear the strings.... my god. the instrumental break around 2:26!!!! when the song calms and the last verse begins, ending on a grand "THEN". i walk around with "love is the only answer. hate is the root of cancer" stuck in my brain at work alllll the time. i was actually gonna see Yes live this month but their concert got rescheduled to sometime next year :-(
Rotating Head by The Beat - the trumpet in this is so fucking good. i'm starting to realize i'm a sucker for long instrumental breaks lol. also i'm weak for ska revival.
honorable mentions: When the Lights Go out by Naked Eyes - love that synth. Cha Cha Cha by Käärijä - he should've won.
i'm tagging @moonlight2016s @pollenallergisk @angelsymbol @tenderyears @butchmanlet @vignetted
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neuroticnatured · 1 month ago
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Out in the desert. Everywhere but nowhere.
“I don’t know. I have directed a film myself. It was called Hell West End, a black-and-white 16mm silent movie, and it was a disaster. Luckily, the laboratory that held the negative went bankrupt and destroyed all the stock, so the world can breathe again.
That was like a dry run for me—I managed to shoot it without a script. God knows what it was about. I was the only other one who knew, and I’m not telling. But when I get the bug back, I might try another one. I think film directing is something you have to build up to—make a few bum films like they do in college. No one has to see it, and then you get your hands on a bit of dough and a good idea, and with a bit of luck you can swing it along from there, learning as you go. Only an idiot would just attempt to walk in and try and direct a picture.” — Joe Strummer speaking in an interview with Graham Fuller in July-August edition of Film Comment, 1987.
I love this little snippet of Joe as Vince Taylor in the 1997 film Doctor Chance, also known as Docteur Chance. I once managed to find this movie on some dodgy website and watched it about five times before convincing myself my computer was hacked. 100% Worth it. Credits to the photographer.
Here’s the link to the full interview.
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antikorpersession · 1 year ago
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THE ANTIKÖRPER SESSIONS Compilation Volume 1 🥁 We don't want to beat the euphoria drum too loudly here, but this is perhaps the best compilation ever! 🥁 Do you hear that, dear record companies? 🥁 Take your compilations and playlists and shove them deep down where the sun no longer shines! 🥁 This is Volume 1 of The Antikörper Sessions compilation! 🥁 When we finally get our asses off there will be more to come - there are still tons of songs in the archives! 🥁 Here you have 37 unreleased and exclusive songs from hand-picked bands from all over the world! 🥁 I can say it now, no, I'll shout it to the world: from the best f§$%ing bands ever! 🥁 Do you want some examples? Check out the tracklist below! 🥁 This compilation is only available digitally on the Antikörper Bandcamp site (link below) 🥁 Still questions? Ask your Proctologist! 🥁
Friends Of Gas - Graue Luft 04:34
Woog Riots - Life Electric 01:53
Drangsal - Rot 03:58
Kristof Schreuf - Das Ist Rock 02:45
Kala Brisella - Gelandet 03:36 ß6. The Moons - Train In Vain 03:08
Toby Goodshank - Crazy Misbehavin' 02:01
Gurr - Song 2 03:07
A Million Mercies - Wintervollmond 03:33
Odd Couple - Bock 01:41
Knarf Rellöm - Exodus (Ich Bin Eine Stadt) 03:32
The Wave Pictures - A Change Is Gonna Come 04:01
Mile Me Deaf - System Ecstasy 03:58
Illegale Farben - Schneeweiss (In Grau) 02:37
Der Herr Polaris - Uns Verbindet 04:22
Evan Dando - Hey Joe 02:34
Burkini Beach - Bodyguards 03:22
The Bevis Frond - What's It Like To Be God 03:57
Chuckamuck - Am Strand Von Koh Phangan 03:39
Guz - Zodiac Virgo 02:34
Sedlmeir - Gut 03:16
Locas In Love - Twist & Shout 07:01
Reverend Beat-Man - Today Is A Beautiful Day 02:38
Elektrosushi & Dirk Von Lowtzow & Charles Curtis - Can't Get Enough Of Your Love 04:08
Tim Vantol - Lost In The Unknown 02:54
Fuck Yeah - Replacements 04:12
Hotel Schneider - Ich Geh Zurück In Die Wildnis 03:46
Animal Crakers - Architekten 05:17
Chris Harford - Joe Strummer's Midnight Dream 02:43
Klaus Cornfield - Baby When You Lie 03:03
Pleil - Gemeinsam Einsam 02:34
Gewalt - Ich Bin Viele 09:25
Doc Schoko - Ich Will Frei Sein 02:05
Kiesgroup - Ruft Die Arbeiter Und Zahlt Ihren Lohn 03:06
Timo Blunck - Koks Und Nutten 02:49
Egotronic - Gewalt 02:48
Zimt - Weg Der Harmonie 02:50
Doctorella - Du Bist Immer Noch Mein Idol 03:45
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garudabluffs · 1 year ago
Shane MacGowan, Pogues songwriter and Irish music legend, dies aged 65
One of the all-time great bandleaders and writer of Christmas classic Fairytale of New York, MacGowan invigorated rock with the power of Irish folk music
‘I refused to knuckle under and become professional’ … Shane MacGowan.
"His wife Victoria Mary Clarke wrote in a statement on social media: “Shane will always be the light that I hold before me and the measure of my dreams and the love of my life … I am blessed beyond words to have met him and to have loved him and to have been so endlessly and unconditionally loved by him.”
"In December 2022, MacGowan was hospitalised with viral encephalitis, and as a result spent several months of 2023 in intensive care."
"Billy Bragg was among the musicians voicing admiration for MacGowan’s craft, calling him “one of the greatest songwriters of my generation … the Pogues reinvigorated folk music in the early 80s and his songs put the focus onto lyric writing, opening doors for the likes of myself and others.”
"The band drew rave reviews for their debut album, 1984’s Red Roses for Me, but the group struggled to capitalise on its success owing to its highly combustible lineup – which sometimes saw the Clash’s Joe Strummer fill the absent MacGowan’s shoes. They released two more classic albums in 1985’s Rum Sodomy & the Lash, produced by Elvis Costello, and 1988’s If I Should Fall From Grace With God.
“By the end of it, I hated every second of it,” he told the Telegraph in 1997. “They’d moved so far away from what we were doing in the first place. I didn’t like what we were playing any more. I refused to knuckle under and become professional.”
"In one of his final interviews, with the Guardian’s Simon Hattenstone, MacGowan insisted that despite his reputation for having a death wish, he wanted to live. “Of course I like life,” he exclaimed."
READ MORE https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/nov/30/shane-macgowan-pogues-singer-dies
Alexis Petridis on Shane MacGowan: the poet-musician of dereliction who became a mythic figure
Shane MacGowan – a life in pictures
‘Of course I like life!’ Shane MacGowan on the Pogues, his ‘death wish’ and his sideline in erotic art
"Now 64, the singer has somehow survived decades of drink and drugs, only to face depression and ‘nameless fear’. But there’s no sign of him mellowing" by Simon Hattenstone
READ MORE https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/apr/04/of-course-i-like-life-shane-macgowan-on-the-pogues-his-death-wish-and-his-sideline-in-erotic-art
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possibly one of my favourite pictures of joe strummer
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washdayradionetwork · 1 year ago
I don't even know where to start. Like Shinny O'Connor's music, Shane MacGowan's was so . . . *necessary*, dammit, then his demons fucked it up.
I saw The Pogues one time, at the Hollywood Palladium in 1987. It was the most innovative, invigorating, thoroughly Celtic music I'd ever heard. He found space for Joe Strummer, Spider Stacy's pennywhistles, and a centuries-old, lute-like instrument called a cittern. I know this, because we went up to the band and asked. See, Shane MacGowan made space for us fans, too, with his absolute joy in the authenticity of it.
I know y'all love Fairytale, but if you're not holding Rum, Sodomy, and The Lash close to your heart, you're wrong.
Because God hears us, I know Shane MacGowan is in a place where many people believe and hope he is not. That, too, was a triumph of his Irishness: He saw God and all His saints from close to the ground where, if we're honest, most of us are.
You did it, lad. You were a light in a grimy housing, but we saw you. We saw you.
#RIP, Shane MacGowan.
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paulisded · 2 years ago
The Ledge #585: Hudson Compound Playlist
This week's show is another of those broadcasts where I simply air some of the records I've been playing around the house the last few weeks. There's no real format outside of that, but you do get to enjoy almost 60 years of fabulous rock and roll. What more can I say about it?
As for the "52 weeks of Teenage Kicks" series, I actually have yet another new vesrion. This is a brand new cover by a band called The Flying Waves, and it's on an album called Rainbow that came out a week ago. Unfortunately, that's all I know about this cover as google was no help at all. If anybody out there is familar with this artist, please contact me!
And like I do every week, I must again plead with y'all for more versions of "Teenage Kicks". If you are a musician, or have any contact with artists that could record their own take on the classic, please contact me!
1. The Flying Waves - Teenage Kicks
2. The Preachers - Stay Out Of My World
3. The Standells - Paint it black
4. 13th Floor Elevators - Reverberation (Doubt)
5. Love - 7 And 7 Is
6. The Replacements - Jumpin' Jack Flash 
7. Paul Westerberg - As Far As I Know
8. The I Don't Cares - Born For Me
9. Bash & Pop - Tiny Pieces (Alternate Version)
10. Slim Dunlap - Rockin' Here Tonight
11. Pink Floyd - See Emily Play
12. Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive
13. Camper Van Beethoven - Interstellar Overdrive
14. Camper Van Beethoven - We Saw Jerry's Daughter
15. Brian Setzer - Play That Fast Thing (One More Time)
16. Dave Edmunds - Back To School Days
17. Los Straitjackets - Half a Boy and Half a Man
18. Nick Lowe - They Called It Rock
19. Joe Strummer - Bank Robber (Encore w/ Mick Jones)
20. The Clash - Clampdown
21. The Libertines - Boys In The Band
22. Johnny Thunders - London Boys
23. Walter Lure & The Waldos - You Talk Too Much
24. The Beatersband - Baby I Love You
25. The Exbats - Kill Yr Boyfriend
26. Pale Lips - I'm A Witch
27. The Plimsouls - Zero Hour
28. UltraBomb - Fear Your Gods
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memorableconcerts · 2 years ago
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The Pogues at Coliseu dos Recreios - Lisbon - Portugal
28 de Abril de 1989
Excerto de jornalista Português
" No dia em que conheci e entrevistei Shane MacGowan, líder, voz e desespero dos Pogues, temi que o agendado concerto lisboeta não chegasse a acontecer - o homem passou do absinto para a cerveja, do tinto para o ‘gin’, do Porto para o ‘whiskey’ (assim mesmo, à irlandesa), isto enquanto engolia pílulas e comprimidos de cores e formatos bem diversos. Jem Finer, que havia de suceder-lhe aos comandos dos Pogues, teve que assumir as despesas da conversa, por manifesta ineficácia do parceiro que se limitava a insultar, alternadamente e de forma impossível de reproduzir, Margaret Thatcher [nota: primeira-ministra britânica à época] e os The Men They Couldn’t Hang [nota: banda com a qual tinha andado envolvido mas que, agora, acusava de ser uma “cópia reles” dos Pogues]. Afinal, o Coliseu de Lisboa não encheu em vão e testemunhou um dos mais frenéticos ‘shows’ até hoje realizados na sala. MacGowan é que não perdeu oportunidade de voltar a armar barulho, ameaçando os fanáticos das primeiras filas quando, na confusão, lhe desapareceu o anel que dizia ser de comprometido… O mundo das reedições merece, desta vez, todos os aplausos possíveis. Afinal, trata-se de relançar, também em Portugal, em versão remasterizada e com nada menos de 36 (!) canções extra, os sete discos originais gravados pelos Pogues. A saber: ‘Red Roses For Me’ (1984), ‘Rum, Sodomy & The Lash’ (1985, com produção de Elvis Costello), ‘If I Should Fall From Grace With God’ (1988, produzido por Steve Lillywhite), ‘Peace & Love’ (1989, outra vez com Lillywhite), ‘Hell’s Ditch’ (1990, com Joe Strummer aos comandos), ‘Waiting For Herb’ (1993, produzido por Michael Brook) e, finalmente, ‘Pogue Mahone’ (1995). Os dois últimos já não contaram com o desnorteado MacGowan mas as explicações diferem - o cantor diz que se fartou, os seus antigos cúmplices garantem que ele foi despedido depois de mais umas valentes vergonhas no Japão. Casualidade ou não, os dois discos mais fracos do lote são os registados depois da partida do mocinho inquieto. Pergunta-se: tanto tempo depois, para que servem os álbuns dos Pogues, além da satisfação de coleccionadores e militantes? Porque, com menos rigor do que alma, com menos precisão do que energia, nunca a regra da tradição e a anarquia do ‘punk’ viajaram tão próximas uma da outra. Nas baladas como nos momentos mais desbragados, percebia-se que os Pogues eram autênticos, ingénuos, provocadores, viscerais, únicos. Usavam - e abusavam - das canções tradicionais irlandesas, alinhavam com a loucura quase genial das criações de MacGowan, atiravam-se com ganas quase latinas a temas de Ewan MacColl ou dos Rolling Stones, de Ronnie Lane ou de Bob Dylan, quase sempre com camuflados perfeitos. Com guitarra, banjo, acordeão, bandolim, ‘tin whistle’, tudo ao molho com a electricidade, estão longe de representar qualquer tipo de nostalgia - há casos em que a vitalidade não esmorece. Diz quem sabe: “A música deles é a aguardente dos malditos. Os Pogues são os últimos corações puros de Dickens, Joyce e Dylan Thomas”. Quem disse? Um sábio e um prático chamado Tom Waits… "
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you-can-call-me-wanda · 4 years ago
You Deserve Better
Pairing: Joe Strummer x Reader
Author’s Note: I always have so much fun writing for Joe haha... I just love him so much <3
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Your crying was interrupted by a knock on your door to which you let out a sigh of both annoyance and exhaustion, briefly pulling your head away from the pillow you were crying into to look at the door.
You swiftly decided to pull the blanket you were huddled under back over your head though and ignore whoever was knocking. The lights in your flat were off and the door was locked. They would leave soon thinking that nobody was in. You didn’t feel guilty in the slightest. You were too tired to drag yourself out of bed and to the front door nor did you want anyone seeing you in this state.
It was probably nobody important anyway, just someone spreading the word about their god or your landlord demanding the rent that was well past due. Whoever was behind that door didn’t care about you. Whoever was behind that door would go away soon enough leaving you all alone again.
And when the knocking at the door ceased, you were once again reminded of the fact that you were all by yourself, physically and emotionally. Tears began to fall down your face again and you wiped at them hastily. You didn’t want to be crying anymore but you didn’t know what else to do.
The sound of your name stopped your crying once more.
“(Y/N), are you home?”
There was a muffled voice outside of your apartment door, a male voice. You tried to think of who it may be, and your heart sped up thinking it may be Mick coming to apologize, coming to beg for your forgiveness and to take you back into his arms again.
You stared at the door with wide eyes from where you sat on your couch, not moving to answer it or replying to whoever was there.
“It’s me, Joe,” the voice said. “I just need to talk to you.”
Your heart sank. Of course it wasn’t Mick. Mick and you were no more. Why would Mick want to come back here?
You had half the mind to simply continue to ignore Joe, to keep on pretending you weren’t in, but something made you drag yourself out of bed and trudge to the door. Maybe it was just your curiosity. It was surprising that Joe was here after all.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, opening the door, blinking uncomfortably at the light that was let into your darkly lit apartment by the action.
Your voice was raspy with emotion and if you weren’t so exhausted, you would’ve felt embarrassed by the state of yourself.
Joe shifted his weight from foot to foot, subtly trying to peer into your apartment as he took in your appearance. He scratched at the back of his neck nervously.
“I just wanted to check on you,” he said. “I wanted to see how you were doing.”
“I’m fine,” you muttered, knowing it was obvious how untrue that was. “You can tell Mick I’m doing fine.”
Joe frowned.
“Mick didn’t send me,” he said.
“Then why are you here?” you asked bitterly.
The words came out much sharper than you intended. It wasn’t any fault of Joe’s but something about seeing him was bringing up memories from your breakup with Mick from just three days ago. Joe was one of Mick’s best friends after all. How could seeing him not make you think of Mick? And as much as you missed Mick, you were also pissed at him, so your words came out resentful and angry.
Joe didn’t react to your tone though. He answered you calmly.
“Because you’re my friend,” he said.
You shook your head, feeling tears start to well up behind your eyes.
“No, Mick is your friend,” you corrected, “and he’s not my boyfriend anymore so you don’t have to pretend to care about me anymore, okay?”
“(Y/N),” Joe said. “I’m your friend too. Do you honestly think that I only hung out with you because you were dating Mick?”
That was enough to get you to start crying again. Joe stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you in a hug as you buried your head into his shoulder and wept. For the past three days you had been feeling so alone ever since you and Mick had split up. Not only did you miss Mick, but you felt you had lost everyone you had met because of him as well. You had made so many friends through him. His bandmates and his friends had taken you under their wing and adopted you into their group, but now that you and Mick were no more, you had figured they would all leave you too.
“He was cheating on me,” you sobbed into Joe’s shoulder, clinging to him for dear life. You were just so grateful to have someone to hold onto.
He continued to hold onto you as he guided you back into your apartment.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured into your hair as he sat you down on your ratty couch.
You continued to clutch onto him, crying into his shirt. Somehow saying what Mick had done out loud hurt a lot more. It made it more real.
“I’m sorry,” you said, finally pulling away and wiping at your eyes, trying to stop crying. “I got your shirt all wet.”
Joe just shrugged.
“It’s okay,” he said. “It’ll dry.”
For a few minutes, the two of you simply sat on your couch without saying anything to each other. The only sound filling the room was the sound of you trying to catch your breath and the occasional hiccup.
“Thanks for coming over,” you eventually said, breaking the quiet. You drew your knees up to your chest. “You’re the first person to check in on me, y’know? No one’s even called.”
“Maybe they just want to give you time,” he said.
“Yeah. Maybe,” you said though you had your doubts about that. “Hey, can I ask you something?”
“Anything,” was his quick reply.
“Did you know?”
Joe furrowed his brows.
“Know what?” he asked.
“That Mick was cheating on me,” you explained.
Joe frowned and picked at his nails, telling you all you needed to know. You sniffled slightly.
“Paul and I,” he said, “Paul and I were the ones who told him he had to tell you. We knew what he was doing, and we told him if he didn’t come clean to you that we would tell you ourselves.”
“Why?” you asked, feeling your throat tighten with emotion.
“The same reason I’m here,” he said. “Because you’re my friend.”
“But so is Mick,” you pointed out, eyes welling up with tears again.
“You deserve so much better than him (Y/N),” he whispered, almost too quiet for you to hear.
A tear fell from your eye and cascaded down your face. Joe reached out and swiftly wiped it away with his thumb.
“It made me so mad to see him treating you like that,” he confessed. “I thought about telling you myself so many times, but I didn’t want to hurt you. You always looked so happy with him and I was so conflicted, but I finally just had enough. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s not your fault Joe,” you said, placing a hand on his knee.
“I didn’t want you to hate me if I told you,” he said. “I couldn’t stand it if you hated me.”
You smiled sadly.
“I don’t hate you Joe,” you said. “I could never hate you.”
“I love you (Y/N),” Joe said then taking you by surprise.
“I- I think I’m in love with you,” he said sadly.
Before you could even say anything, he was standing up and making his way to the door, spouting out apologies.
“Shit,” he said to himself. “I shouldn’t have said that. Forget I said that. Just forget I said anything at all.”
“Joe, wait,” you said, standing up after him.
“I’m so sorry (Y/N). I don’t know why I said that. I’ll just go. I’m sorry.”
“Joe stop,” you said, grabbing his arm. “Please don’t go.”
He stopped walking towards the door and turned to look at his arm where your hand was wrapped around his wrist. He looked back to you and his expression was filled with guilt and sorrow.
“Do you mean it?” you asked him.
Joe nodded, looking almost ashamed.
“I do,” he said. “I have for a long time now,” he admitted.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you questioned.
Joe chuckled sadly.
“Because you had Mick.”
You thought about this for a moment.
“I- I don’t anymore,” you said hesitantly.
Joe bit at his lip nervously.
“What are you saying?” he asked.
“I’m not sure,” you said, just as nervous as him. “I just- I don’t want you to leave and I’m not mad. In fact, I’m kind of happy. As happy as I can be right now.”
“You are?” he asked skeptically.
You nodded.
“I always thought you would hate me if I ever told you. I know Mick is going to hate me,” he said.
“Fuck Mick,” you said causing Joe to laugh. “And like I said before Joe, I could never hate you. So just stay, please?”
“Okay,” he agreed. “I’ll stay.”
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queensboro · 4 years ago
reading a list of all the songs they use in Cruella, here are some that stand out:
-She's a rainbow (rolling stones): HUH!!!!!
-time of the season (the zombies): HUH!!!!
-these boots are made for walkin (nancy sinatra): can imagine the way this is used and it's annoying
-five to one (the doors): crying at the idea that a scene in a Disney Redemption Cruella DeVil Movie would have any scene that requires the intensity of this song
-feeling good (nina simone): fuck off fuck off fuck off fu
-fire (ohio players): Funk Time (to the tune of Peach Time)
-ike and tina turner cover of whole lotta love and also come together: i would like to see it tb h
-livin thing (ELO): HUH!!!!
-stone cold crazy (queen): same thing as these boots
-car wash (rose royce): HUH!!!
-one way or another (blondie): same thing as queen + nancy sinatra
-should i stay or should i go (the clash): digging up joe strummer from his grave to tell him that his song has now been used in a disney movie
-SEVERAL songs by the j geils band but not, apparently, centerfold
-sympathy for the devil (rolling stones): fuck offff god i hate this
-inside looking out by the animals. this was in the Infamous Dog Murder scene i reblogged i think. but uh. hmm.
-whisper whisper by the bee gees: very weird choice to be honest. non disco bee gees.
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suckmycoxon · 8 years ago
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