#god i hope i guessed right on how to add this video to a tumblr post
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backpackevil · 1 month ago
H e y
I made a thing
...an unfinished and very much still in progress thing BUT AN OUMOTA THING NONETHELESS
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notablogtwiy · 9 months ago
Angela And Spencer
Hello, everyone. I'm new here, not just to Smosh, but a little bit to Tumblr as well. And I'm jumping right into the deep end, I guess.
Okay, the thing is I absolutely love the Angela and Spencer dynamic. As a friendship and an amazing duo. It's just important to remember that they are not fictional, they're real people, so I don't let shit get weird. Is the idea of them together appealing? Sure, it is. I just believe it's okay as long as no one is being weird, creepy, or obsessive about it, then having casual fun with it is cool. Just be respectful. That's one of the reasons why I was hesitant to make this post because it might come across as something more than what it is. Which is just me enjoying my favorite duo, having fun, and sharing that with others.
Okay, now that's out of the way…
Spangela. As I've mentioned, I love them very much and I feel like not a lot of people talk about them. Now, more and more people are seeing the light, though. I still feel like they're closer than any of us realize. I only found two awesome compilations of them on YouTube, which was very surprising to me as a new fan of Smosh, I thought for sure there would be more. The compilations are created by @fvckwluv and they are an amazing editor, go check them out if you haven't already.
And because I get very anxious and I don't know many creators here and I don't want anyone to feel weird about my request. I'm making this post with some of my favorite moments, hoping that someone will kindly volunteer and make a compilation and add just a few of these moments to it. @fvckwluv I'm looking at you. Kidding, kidding. No pressure, lol. But I'd still appreciate it if one or two of them happen to make it in your next video because your editing is awesome and you can make all the moments work together well.
Okay, now, I can't do all my favorite moments in one post because that will be even longer than this one. I know. But yes, this post can be even longer. So, I'm only gonna start with sweet and very subtle moments that I feel show they're close friends and know each other well, as well as moments where Spencer is just being sweet to Angela. And if this works out and someone makes a video, then I'll post my other favorite moments. I mean, they roast each other constantly and they quite literally attack each other in Don't Win Mario videos all the time, so that should be its own thing.
So, I'm not including popular stuff of theirs. For now, I'm simply focusing on the underrated, subtle, and sweet friendship moments. Mostly. I will also be adding time stamps as much as I can, so it would be easier for anyone who wants to check them out or if anyone just wants to make a video.
(The Chosen Moose Master Multiverse):
I mean, that whole video is just incredible. Their interactions are fucking gold. But other than the obvious moments, I like the subtle ones. When they start joking about Spy Kids. At 10:28, Spencer says to her, "And you love traitors." I'm starting with this moment, so you can understand what I mean when I say subtle moments. Because this one shows that he knows her and I like that.
When Angela does her second finishing move. At 20:38, I love how Spencer goes, "Oh, my god, I just got chills."
At 20:38, when she mentions that they forgot a rule during their turn with the I don't want to get a boner joke. I love the way he's smiling at her, saying. "We can take it back." And she smiles, too. "It's okay, I just wanted to get it in there."
Also, the last like 6 minutes of the video where he's so impressed laughing and clapping while she annihilates everyone.
(Do you pick your nose in public):
They were both hesitant and unsure about smelling good to others. At 19:54, when Angela starts talking, I just like the way he's looking at her, so that's nothing. Just a me thing.
And at 20:26, you can see them in the background nodding at each other reassuringly.
At 25:55, he jokingly asks Angela "So you're telling me if I come to you with a pimple…" I know Chanse answers him, too, but he was very clearly looking at Angela when he was talking, he also laughed at her chatGPT answer.
Okay, look, I just love seeing how they progressed in their relationship over time. In earlier videos, you can so clearly tell that they're still trying to feel each other out a little bit, it's so sweet.
Two times there was a tie, and Spencer had to be the tiebreaker, and both times, he picked her. Again, it's nothing, but I like these videos. The worst dates ever? Video. Spencer joins at 30:43. And the Our Craziest Business Ideas so Far video, Spencer joins at 35:55, Spencer liked her idea there, as he should, it was great. And it was also really funny when they all leaned in to smell him because he smelled so good, apparently.
(Don't Win Mario Kart):
This video was amazing, just because Angela won that shit, but also because Spencer was so hyped whenever she won, and at 8:57, he was like, "Oh my fucking god." And, 20:35, he goes, "Angela won again!" In like, an excited voice.
And when Chanse was teasing her and telling her that her hair smelled bad when she was dancing and celebrating, for whatever reason, Spencer says at like, 20:11 "Show us how you washed your hair." Which is just…a great thing to say for me to think about. Thanks, Spencer.
(Is He Cheating? Reddit Stories):
I mean, the whole video is a favorite moment on its own. But of course, the 13:27 Nerfs are in the gun joke, the look he gives her after is one to dissect, for sure. The first time I watched it, I was like, "What's wrong with him? Why is he looking at her like that? The joke wasn't that bad." And then I thought, maybe it was an inside joke or something because his reaction was so…weird, but also really hot? But the slight smirk was just…yeah, it was something. I was confused, mainly. I love them.
And the exchange goes on for a while, too. After Shayne asks for clarification Angela explains, and Spencer turns back to her and says softly, "That's crazy." And then they both just exhale a little laugh while covering their faces. Yeah, I think about this a lot. But I also feel like it was just a moment with no explanation behind it.
At 14:07, When Shayne announces an update and Angela leans in excitedly with her mouth open, Spencer sees her in the monitor or screen thing. He sees her and smiles and then leans in with her, too, with an agape mouth. I liked that moment. Especially that small smile and chuckle he lets out when he sees her reaction before doing the same thing himself.
At 52:33, when Angela starts humming jokingly at the Reddit story and he joins, I love how long it goes on. She just keeps doing it while he's silently laughing.
At 53:42, when Spencer makes the uggo joke, and Angela laughs and explains it to Shayne, I think you can see him looking at the monitor again, smiling while she speaks. And of course, when they lean in together at the end of the video showing off their matching hats. Like, we get it, you're insanely cute.
The glasses saga starts at 2:02. And from there, it's all hilarious and cute at the same time. But, an underrated part, is at 18:33, after Angela says "They're in my car." the first time. You can hear Spencer ask, "Do you want me to go get them?" And you can see Angela shake her head no. But it's very faint, though, you have to wear your headphones to hear him.
Okay, now, live streams. Live streams are where they truly thrive and shine.
(Sharing YOUR SWORD AF fan art live):
Just one very small moment here and it's still a good one. People kept sending how sexy Angela is in the chat and how she is the sexiest woman alive, and I mean, they're so valid for that. Anyway, Amanda kept bringing it up to Angela because she wasn't wearing her glasses and couldn't read the comments. And then Spencer was like, "I told them to shut up." It was just so funny and so cute. The whole sexiest woman alive thing starts at 1:24, but the Spencer comment is said after the 2:32 minute mark conversation between Amangela.
(Don't win Mario Party Charity live stream):
At 11:54, he helps with her controller.
At 15:53, he references the papa thing she did in the cards against humanity video, and then he does it throughout the stream, as they all do, consistently. But he does it a lot.
Side note: Spencer also clearly mentioned once that he was cracking up when Angela was doing that, but I can't remember which video he said it and it's driving me crazy. If anyone can remember, let me know.
At 30:08, Spencer got confused about winning/not winning and Angela kinda chuckled and touched and patted his arm and he turned to her smiling. Again, a small moment, but I live for those.
Like at 30:20, when Angela starts singing the words don't win loudly and Spencer just looks at her and smiles, and Angela just lightly smacks his arm. Yeah, these are my moments. Sigh.
At 33:24, after she tries to sabotage him and Shayne, Spencer's like, "You're not even playing. what if I fully put down the controller and choked you out?" And just joking about not realizing that she wasn't playing.
Another choking comment to Angela by Spencer.
(The other one was in the latest Don't Win Mario Party video when they finally got day at the races. Angela says that she almost googled Day at the Races that morning to see what it looks like. And Spencer just straight up goes, "I would've choked you out." Which is so unhinged. And I love him so much for it. Truly. Thanks, Spencer.)
Back to the stream, at 34:18, Angela almost spoils a video about who wins in it and Spencer goes"Shhhhh. They're not even gonna watch it now", and she's like, "They don't watch for the winners." And he replies, laughing, "I know."
But the cutest part is Angela still very softly whispers and apologizes to him about almost spoiling it at 34:37, and it's just so sweet and melted my heart, Angela is adorable. You have to use a headphone to be able to hear her, though.
(Her apologizing to him happened two more times, I believe. That latest don't win video, when they were both Mario and Luigi and on the same team. When they lost, she said, "I'm sorry, Spencer." And on Reddit Stories, she says I'm sorry after he teases her about the fact that she doesn't give him enough time to get to a joke.)
At 34:47, Angela screams about mini-games incorrectly and he, of course, laughs, and then at 34:56, he asks her if she's singing Taylor Swift and teases her and says, "Dude, you were down bad last night" and then I can't hear what he said after that, something Taylor Swift? Most likely, singing. And then Angela of course says, "Shut up." It was a nothing moment, but again, I live for those.
Since she gave her controller to Courtney, Spencer turns to her at 37:59 and asks, "Hey, do you wanna use my controllers?" Angela got confused about what he was asking and then joked that she was already playing and Tommy joined in, the whole thing was cute, okay? Don't judge me, lol.
45:48, Spencer suggests that they, "de-italian Angela and get her fixed." And they all joke about that for a while. But what I love is that When Angela agrees to actually do it at 47:11 because she's awesome, Spencer says "Okay, thank you." because he knows that what he suggested was a bit insane, and he should be grateful that she's just as unhinged as he is.
At 50:33, Spencer jokes about the cone again, "You know how it is with Angela, man, she keeps getting into the trash." I'm including this joke because Angela laughed so damn hard at it. I love her ability to laugh at herself so much. Nothing but respect for her, honestly.
At 52:25, Spencer makes a weird sex joke, and Angela's like, "Spencer…" And then he goes, "Look, okay, it's a work in progress."
(This could also be paralleled in the latest don't win Mario party video. When Spencer says, "I hope I don't come in my pants." Everyone laughs, and Angela says, "Don't laugh at that." You can see Spencer close his eyes briefly, shaking his head and smiling.)
1:01:56. Somebody in the chat suggests they fix Spencer for a certain amount of money. And Angela's like, "That's not gonna be enough." And he continues her joke, "We're gonna need a bigger boat."
(Boozy Painting Anthony For His Funeral live stream):
At 35:23, Angela excitedly asks him to paint something on her cast, and his response is equally as excited, open mouth and everything. I love that he tries to give her the same energy she gives other people. As he said on who meme'd it, it's the best part of Angela and you can tell he appreciates it so much and he tries to give her the same reactions to the things she says. I've noticed it a few times now. (For example, it happened in the Lego stream as well when she was talking about submitting options for her school mascot, he was giving her an Angela-type reaction to a very tame and normal story.)
At 39:38, after he messes up her cast, I just love that he wanted to try again and was like, "Let me draw something else." And then proceeded to lean over and just paint for quite some time on her cast until Alex had to be like, "Spencer get your elbow out of Angela's painting."
Also, I like the fact that Angela was the only one who knew Spencer was planning a Chanse and Angela show special because they'd already talked about it with each other before telling anyone else. Well, I assume Alex knew as well. It starts at 1:10:10.
17:06 - 17:23. After Angela posts coffee memes on Courtney's Instagram. Spencer says, "I gotta see these." And then you can hear him and Alex laughing, and then Spencer says, "These are awesome."
48:11, Spencer says, "The way Angela says day at the races is really funny." This bit might be more on the teasing side because he does say she sounds like Bobby Hill or Peter Griffin, but still lighthearted teasing.
59:16: This. This. This moment. This damn second. I have no idea what's going on here, but the way he just came up to her and touched her arm and both smiled and stuff was cute as all hell.
1:32:09, Spencer got so excited when Angela agreed to show her drafts. And then after Shayne reads her Call Me by Your Name draft at 2:12:12, Spencer says after they're all done laughing. "I would've retweeted that shit." It's extra sweet because she's been saying all stream that her co-workers never retweet her.
Also, I love how invested Spencer was in painting her face. Not only did he go over to her to take a picture of her on his phone, but at 1:19:36, he said, "Like, I need to see some red in there." And then Courtney is like, "Stop giving notes, Spencer."
Now this is speculation and not confirmed, but also I feel like it's obvious enough. Angela mentioned that she wanted her drawing of John Pork to be on set or something like that, and now it's on the Smosh Games set next to Spencer's one-ball picture. I can only assume that the director of programming is the one who approved to put it there, so yes, that is now a part of their lore in my mind. It's incredibly sweet and I just love seeing her drawing in the background in videos so much.
Now onto the best moment of the stream, at 1:25:00, Spencer sweetly asks her, "Do you need me to hold your jacket?" Like, I'm sure there are places she could put it away safely, but no, he asked if he could hold it for her. It was just so…I love him.
(Smosh Does Arts and Crafts live stream):
At 43:57, Angela lights up when she sees him and says "Hey!" so excitedly. And then at 4:42, when she asks him the questions they asked Alex, he answers with "you." At the fancy party question. Though, he did answer with a bit of hesitation, lol. But that could mean anything, you know. The thing is his voice was kind of shy, yet a bit deep when he said it. This is just a Spencer thing, I love his voice.
At 1:08:50, Angela messed up the RumPum name and everyone was correcting her loudly, she was like, "I'm kidding, I got your ass." Spencer then chuckles and says, "You're gonna start doing that any time you get something wrong. Oh, I got you."
And then when Spencer told her at 1:21:46 to "Tell him–tell Shayne about your plan." I'm weird, I know, but again, I like the subtle moments that show that they talk to each other and are actually friends.
(Again, this could be paralleled in the latest Don't Win Mario Party. When Spencer says he wants to do an all-day marathon, Angela goes, "I pitched a meal train like churches do." While Spencer nods. Again, it seemed like she was the only one aware he wanted to do this and he already discussed it with her, along with Alex, probably. I also like that he clearly includes her in the creatives and stuff, and cares about her input.)
(The Ultimate Staring Contest Live Stream):
When Angela was stone-faced and not laughing, and Spencer was like, at 16:25 "I think you brought that energy to TNTL one time." Like, wow, he remembers that! I don't know why that is so, so, so sweet to me. It was an old TNTL, too. The only hard mode TNTL Angela was in, I think.
And then at 16:37, talking about her dark place, he was like, "So, wait, what, what are you thinking about?" He was just really invested and maybe, just a tiny bit worried, I think. This whole stream felt like he was trying to be so attentive.
At 34:19, Angela talks about how she was on Spencer's computer and he had to go to a meeting, and then she, Shayne, and Amanda pranked him with a fart video. But it was her idea, I believe, and she was the one who gave it to him during the meeting. Amanda mentioned that people were clapping when she left the room. At 34:58. I just love knowing these things about them.
At 1:11:10, when they didn't agree on Angela's pitch, Angela was like, "I'm just pitching, that's all." Spencer went, "No, no, it was…." you can tell he felt bad that he said no. Even Alex felt a little bad and was like, "No, no, you can stand."
1:06:48, when Angela says she feels like she's been getting too much into a dark place, and Spencer goes, "Yeah, I'm legit w–yeah." I believe he was going to say worried. And it's so sweet and also kind of proves that it's not just me, he was being extra sweet that stream. Like, when he defended her against Chanse's joke about her being cross-eyed at 1:13:39. "I've never seen that Angela, don't believe him."
At 1:11:36, Angela pitches another idea again. And Spencer says "Yeah, mirror staring, that would be fun." But then, at 1:11:43 she says, "Everyone hates my ideas." And Spencer goes, "I just suggested your idea." Again, it's nothing, but I think he could tell she was a bit deflated and it was sweet that he was trying to make her feel better.
And finally, at, 1:17:16, he asks, "Was going to your dark place worth this food…meal you're about to have?" The entire stream, it just felt like he didn't like the fact that she went there. But maybe that's just me.
(The Beopardy Charity Stream):
It's just another parallel of Spencer backing Angela up when she says some wild shit like she did in the family vlogging video. At 39:12, When Angela says they can play two truths and a lie with piss in the guns if they reach 20k, he sweetly pats her on the back, and then when everyone was laughing and Shayne was like, "Fuck. We can never allow Angela to pitch anything ever again." Spencer says, "dude, for 20k…" And Angela goes, "Thank you, Spencer."
Also, when Keith announced that she won the whole thing, Spencer looked so happy and excited as he clapped for her.
(Reading Reddit Stories From Our Crew Live Stream):
At 50:15 Shayne starts reading a story, and in the story, it mentions the person is only a freelancer at Smosh. And Spencer jokingly says, "Okay, Angela." It wasn't her story, though. But I thought that was funny and cute, the way she just popped into his mind, I guess.
My absolute favorite part is at 1:10:07 when Shayne asks about what they're most excited to see at Anthony's funeral. Spencer says he's most excited about Angela reading the chats as the vessel. Because that was his favorite part during Lisa's funeral. And then he went on applauding Angela on not only reading and figuring out the chats but adding her original takes as well since she's still kind of new to Smosh. The way he talks about her with so much admiration and respect. My heart.
(The Lego Competition Live Stream):
This Stream is a Spangela stream and you can't convince me otherwise. I mean, they all kind of are, but this one…
At 14:08, they joke about building a hot and beautiful woman, and Angela just reaches over to touch him. I simply really love that moment.
And when he brings up that they were discussing their favorite Angelaisms the other night, he looks at her before he actually speaks. It's subtle, but he does, and why do I like that? I don't know, but I do.
53:54, when they were talking about a possible fake belly button ring for the chosen, I love how Angela starts joking in a British accent and Spencer smiles at her sweetly and joins in, laughing. Felt like an inside joke and I just love that.
26:30, Angela asks, "Do you wanna see mine? John pork. " Spencer goes, "You're getting there. Never give up."
At 40:42, when Spencer reads a comment about Angela and Chanse or Angela and Shayne playing fatal frame 4, Angela jokes, "Please, I've been begging, I've been begging." And then starts coughing heavily, he goes, "Do you wanna water?" The bare minimum, I know. Still, it's sweet, okay? He's like, the only one who's asked.
25:30 he says that his favorite shit was when she teased Amanda about saying something to her about the necklace during the criminal minds episode. I also like the fact that he brought that up when Chanse said something about Angela not slaying every day. And Angela was like, "You guys are just gonna sit there and let him do that to me?" I feel like Spencer's thought process was like: okay, let me bring up this moment where you were funny and how it was my favorite thing.
At 43:31, the sudoku thing. I love that he wasn't laughing with everyone else when Angela was kind of being self-deprecating about the sniper chess video and learning how to play chess. And he tried to make it better, you know, didn't fully succeed, but he did say she was great in the video and was a star. And even though he brought up that she whiffed the last two videos, he was talking about them in a positive light and that he loved them. "The werewolf ending and the criminal minds ending were the funniest shit to me."
I very much love the way he tried to imitate her. "Whoever playing the unsub better wake up." It was so cute and funny. And then when Chanse asks you said that? or something like that. Spencer replies, laughing," Something Angela fucking says." Again, in such an endeared tone of voice.
At 46:02 when Angela shows Shayne her garden, Shayne goes "Actually, I resp–I actually like that. " I love that Spencer kind of calls him out on being patronizing towards Angela a little bit and mocks Shayne and goes "Oh, you know what? I'm surprised." But the funniest part was that Spencer used the word "actually" with her when she first showed them the garden. "Oh, that's actually kinda cute." Said the hypocrite, lol.
55:20, the X-Men question. This moment is unreal. Don't even get me started on the fact that he stares at her for like, 20 seconds while smiling and shaking his head. My favorite part is not once does he open his mouth to call her out on her lying, he's just so endeared by her bit and just stays quiet to let it continue. And that look again at 57:55. He's just so…amused? Perplexed and amused? It's a similar smirk to the one he gives her after the Nerfs are in the gun joke. And yes, indeed, he does know Angela. He knows that she's blowing smoke and shit up her butt. Oh, how far they've come.
Okay, I'm done. For now. I had to cut and edit some moments out of this post, so…
I feel like most of these would be great to edit because there are a LOT of parallels. For example:
"Do you need me to hold your jacket?"
"Do you wanna use my controllers?
"Do you wanna a water?
"Do you want me to go get them (her glasses)?"
Just Spencer making sure Angela's got everything she might need. You get the idea.
I would also just love to discuss these moments, were you aware of most of them or is it just me? What are your favorite moments?
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makerofmadness · 2 years ago
What's with Balloon Boy and the Daycare Attendant?
The Balloon World arcade machine exists, it's in the DA's room and both characters are involved in it. It's probably one of the most cryptic minigames in the FNAF series as a whole, but while we could ponder what exactly it's supposed to mean (maybe I'll do that for all the security breach minigames eventually), the main question I have is this:
WHY Balloon Boy specifically? Why is the minigame about HIM?
Is there a connection between the two characters? Or was it a completely random decision?
Out of nowhere, thinking about Balloon World, I came to a realization:
The Lights.
Balloon Boy's entire gimmick in FNAF 2 was that if he got into your office, he would disable your flashlight and vent lights (...somehow. I know we all make the jokes about him taking the batteries [and then that FNAF 57: Freddy In Space thing in FNAF World said he just straight-up steals your entire flashlight], but you never see the battery icon disappear or appear empty in FNAF 2 itself when he gets into your office. And the vent lights also stop working, so unless they also operate on batteries, then... does he actually take them from you?).
What's the one rule in the daycare?
Keep the lights on.
His mechanic is the antithesis to what Sun wants and exactly what Moon would want. Balloon Boy doesn't keep the lights on. He prevents you from turning them on at all.
(which also makes me kinda sad there wasn't a Glamrock version of BB. Then again, I don't know how exactly he would've uniquely affected like anything. Regardless I am hoping for the day someone in the fandom makes a glamrock bb who is arch-enemies with sun and gets along well with moon skseijdndndnd-)
It feels kinda obvious and I'm guessing I'm not the only person to think about this, but I have never seen anyone else bring this up. Not on YouTube, not on tumblr, nowhere. Maybe if I go looking for it I'll see, but i'm surprised I haven't bumped into anyone else saying this just naturally. I go into the BB tags a LOT, surely SOMEONE would've said something, right? I don't even see it noted in the trivia on the page for the arcade game on the fnaf wiki.
...but is this supposed to mean anything? Or is it just a cute little reference or callback? it's hard to say, especially with how ambiguous the minigame is.
Though I DID think of ONE thing... (possible minor spoilers for Ruin under the cut):
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Saw this pointed out in a youtube video that the BB World screen (with Eclipse, who makes their proper debut in Ruin after effectively being foreshadowed by the minigame in SB's base game) can be seen on the ceiling in the DA's room. Which makes sense, obviously, but also take note of the pirate-themed windows in the hallway leading to it.
...now, which character do most of us tend to associate with Balloon Boy? His "tag-team partner," of sorts?
Foxy. The Pirate.
With this, I found that there's more Foxy-related stuff associated with the daycare area than I had previously realized because I had never made any connections before. I mean, Kids' Cove is directly linked to it for god's sake.
Like. I hope i haven't forgotten to mention anything (I've been writing this post over the course of hours 'Cus I had stuff to do in the middle of it all). My brain's kinda starting to fry. But basically: Was Foxy originally meant to be the Daycare Attendant, in-universe? Was there gonna be a Glamrock Balloon Boy with him, like as his first mate or something??? Were they gonna be connected to Fazbear Theater????? (Uh basically Sun/Moon to my knowledge from confirmation in the books and a lot of more subtle implications in-game mainly involving environmental pieces were originally meant to be in the Fazbear Theater as a stage animatronic but got moved to daycare duty instead and being reprogrammed. Which actually explains a lot about them when you think about it-)
Like. Ok I'm forgetting where I was going with this, I'm sorry, but I guess it's food for thought/adds to the weird connections between DA and BB, I guess. Idk. I can't focus that well right now to keep making new ideas.
felt like sharing my interpretation of the Balloon World minigame itself at least since earlier I did kinda finally get it down concretely:
I kinda developed a theory that Eclipse is Sun/Moon's "safe mode" and that rebooting DA reactivated Eclipse as a result. Like, they're their own AI that was at one point implemented. but then Vanny happened and locked them out thanks to the whole Glitchtrap virus thing (albeit it only seemed to reach Moon, while Sun remains seemingly unaffected. Guessing it's because they're different AIs [finally implied/basically confirmed by their Ruin dialogue). Eclipse has seemingly not been active for some time, or at least never post-pizzaplex closure, given how they're seemingly completely oblivious to the fact that this place is closed with no signs of opening.
So the minigame was foreshadowing Eclipse's existence and implying their "trapped" nature, which also could be seen as paralleling Vanessa's whole "Vanny" situation, especially given how iirc one of the messages related to princess quest can be found near the arcade machine.
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pandaemoanium · 1 year ago
random vent under the cut about using english as a non-native speaker
a lot of the time i feel very self-conscious whenever i speak or write in english. even though i'm not *bad* at english i can still feel the language barrier holding me back at times. the way i talk and write can be very stiff and it really sticks out, at least to me, and it sometimes makes me feel very stupid.
i can feel the lack of vocabulary and skills hindering my ability to show how i truly feel or think in certain situations and it's frustrating as hell. i know i'm not an idiot. i know that in finnish i'm (usually) a pretty smart person, but in english i sometimes feel like a fucking toddler trying to get a simple point across. the way i talk can also be very awkward because i have to pause *a lot* to find the right words, and i can just *feel* my brain buffering like a fucking youtube video trying to keep up with what i'm trying to say. having to translate everything in your head on the spot can get very exhausting. add chronic anxiety and somewhat lacking social skills into the mix and oh god oh fuck i feel like i can't communicate with people at all sometimes
i use english every single day, most days even more than finnish, whether it's being online scrolling through tumblr or reading articles etc, playing video games, watching shows and movies, chatting with my american boyfriend or my online friends from all around the world. even the UI on my phone/game consoles/etc is in english. i constantly try to improve in hopes of being able to say that i've become "fluent" in english or whatever but idk, i feel like i've hit my skill cap a long time ago and i just can't get any better and it frustrates me so much. i just want to be able to convey my feelings and thoughts as clearly as possible but so much of it seems to quite literally get lost in translation. i hate feeling incompetent and stupid aaaaaaaaaaaaa
i don't think i have the energy to even start talking about how the way i speak english as a non-native speaker can be really weird to a native speaker because of the way i was taught british english but i've also learned american english through media etc and how bc of that i've picked up words and phrases from all over the place so my english is just a weird amalgamation of british mixed with american english from all over the country
i had a point in all this but i forgot abt it a long time ago so this turned into a random vent post lol, thanks for coming to my ted talk i guess
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internetgiraffekid1673 · 1 month ago
Oh boy, a refugee, welcome to the hellsite!
Here are my tips. The first tip? You can put long posts under a cut so they don't clog up everybody's dash when they're scrolling! Click read more to see the rest of the advice!
1) Follow as many people as you can. There is no algorithm here. Stuff you see on the "for you" page and the "following" pages are entirely based on blogs you follow. Someone has cute cats and you wanna see more of their cats? Great. Follow them. Someone makes a fanart you enjoy? Follow them. Somebody made a shitpost that had you snorting water out your nose? You guessed it: follow them.
2) Also follow tags. If you are into a fandom, follow that fandom's tag. If you like a specific character, follow the character tag.
3) For the love of god, reblog posts. Likes don't do jackshit. The like button simply means "hi, I saw your post." It does not spread it around tumblr. Reblogs, on the other hand, will spread it to people who follow you and people who follow the tags you use in the reblogs.
4) Notice how many times I've said shit so far? Yeah, like other people said in the notes, we don't censor things here. ESPECIALLY not in tags, because people who DON'T wanna see that content will block the uncensored tag. But tumblr is a place where you can say things like "Elon Musk is a punk-ass little bitch, I hope he gets fucking killed," and nobody can stop you. If they don't wanna hear it, they'll just block you and move on with their lives.
5) Tumblr is a website that mostly runs on fandoms. If you want to talk to people, post and reblog fanart, headcanons, fanfiction, fandom discussion, and other fandom related posts. It doesn't have to be good, it just has to be something you're having fun with.
6) This website is full of people with empty askboxes who are DYING to get asked questions. Use that "ask me anything" button or the little ask in the corner to send people asks!
7) Do not come here looking for fame. Being tumblr famous mostly just gets people sending you anonymous hate and being featured in a couple of YouTube videos. Tumblr is a bunch of gay clowns screaming into the void about their hyperfixations, and occasionally crashing into each other about it. No such thing as being a Tumblr Influencer. Most posts average at 2-10 notes and 1 reblog. Your follower count can't be seen by other people and doesn't matter. Just have fun screaming into the void.
8) Tags can be anything you want. Most tags exist so you can organize posts. So, for example, if I made a digital drawing of Batman, I would tag that post with #batman, #dc, #bruce wayne, #fanart, #batman fanart, #dc fanart, #digital art, #dc comics, and other similar tags. You can use as many or as few as you have the energy for.
But, a lot of people will also use tags to organize their own blogs. For example, I would also add the tag #my art onto this hypothetical batman post, because that's the tag I use for all my drawings to make them easy to find. Some people also have tags like #Abby is Batshit Insane, for when they specifically do Batman related stuff. It's a tag they can use to organize their own blog without spamming the main tag for people casually scrolling.
Tags are also frequently used to ramble about stuff that you don't want clogging the main body of the post. Other things that often end up in my tags are stuff like #I don't wanna talk about how long the shading took me, #why am I losing my mind over this stupid little guy, #fuck the new 52 I hate his outfit over there, etc.
9) The search bar doesn't do shit. If you're looking for a specific post, you're genuinely better off googling it. The search bar is really only helpful for searching specific tumblr users or for searching for tags.
10) You don't have to post everything right away!Click the skewer button next to the post button to bring up a list of options. You can save it to your drafts (which you can access via the settings button on your blog), schedule it for later, or chuck it in your queue, which automatically spaces out your posts and posts them in the order you want. Most people will tag stuff they chuck in their queue with things like "please and thank queue," "to the queue with you," "barbequeue," or other such things for blog organization.
11) Finally, here's a bit of a navigation guide to the mobile app (which is the version I use), because the buttons are confusing.
When you open the app, it will look like this:
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You'll have those three buttons at the top. Most tumblr users prefer to use the "following" page instead of the "for you" page, so they will change it to be the first thing they see. To do this, click that little slider icon next to "your tags"
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This will come up. Pin "following," as I have done here to make that the first thing that comes up when you open tumblr.
To follow tags, click on the "your tags" button, and you'll see this:
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Next, click manage, and you'll see the list of tags you follow. Click the plus in the corner to add more.
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When you are on your own blog, you can use the following page to just relentlessly scroll through the blog of everyone you follow if you so choose. I do this all the time, it's great. I also highly recommend pushing that "settings" button on the corner, and pushing every button until you've got an idea of how everything works! The only really unintuitive thing is featured tags!
Remember how I said you can add tags to organize your own blog? You can make those tags accessible by clicking settings, featured tags, and then adding as many as you want.
Hope this helps, and I salute you poor tiktok refugees. Best of luck out there, us asylum inmates are welcoming you with open arms!
I js got tumblr after tiktok got banned… any tips on how to use this website cause im so confused 😭
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shadlad24 · 3 years ago
First Anniversary
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A prosaic beginning to my time on Tumblr to be sure, but everyone’s gotta start somewhere, right? 🤣 Also, am I alone in being happy about this? :���) It sure feels so. heh Where be my frens? 😞😭 Oh well. I guess I’ll just hype myself up, then. heh
Here’s a look back on some of the things I’ve at least tried to add to the XWP fandom in the last year:
Of course, my primary goal has been to honor, defend, and foster appreciation for my beloved Gabrielle!
Beautiful— RenBen is just…
A Warrior Like Her— what Gabrielle learned from Xena
Always— Gabrielle brightens Xena’s hurting soul
You Have an Infection???— what really happened to Ephiny’s heirloom staff
Silly Wabbit— an exploration of one of Gabrielle’s most amusing tendencies
Xena’s Crowning Glory— a small hint of what Gabrielle provides to Xena
Ruinous— how Xena did the same thing to Gabrielle that she did to Lao Ma
Next comes bringing attention to overlooked moments, meanings, themes, and possibilities.
FFLM #1: “Sins of the Past”— Five Funny Little Moments from the series premiere
#7: The Titans
#10: Hooves and Harlots
The Love of Your Love— how the second verse of this song was insensitive to Gabrielle
Echoes Across the Years— how Xena’s last conversation with Solan echoed her first with Gabrielle
Soul Orbits and Psychic Echoes— how and who Xena’s and Gabrielle’s children came to be
Infamous, Infuriated— why Xena engaged in the GabDrag (and BardBraining)
An Unsung Hero— Aphrodite being Gabrielle’s guardian angel throughout the Rift Arc
The Jinn of War— what Najara and Draco might have in common
The True Deliverer— NOT Khrafstar
Secret Scoundrel— who might have been Dahak’s righthand man
Then, distilling the perplexing…
Redeeming “Fishsticks,” Part 1— how the adults and themes in Gabrielle’s dreamworld held great significance
Redeeming “Fishsticks,” Part 2— how Crustacea’s monstrous children were re-imaginations of Hope and The Destroyer
Unbreakable— the connection between the backdrop images of Xena’s leap in “Return of the Valkyrie”
Foiled by a Foil— why a flashback to Gabrielle dying in “Sacrifice” showed up seconds later
Solving the (Many) Problems(s) with Ares— a reference page explaining away the inconsistencies surrounding the god of war
Enjoying the absurd…
Good Luck, Kid! [Expansion]— the impression Gabrielle made on Hope
Okie!— Gabrielle gets Xena to come around to her way of thinking
Role Reversal— Xena and Gabrielle become each other
Gabby-Grin, For the Win— the battling bard pauses a beatdown for a most unexpected reason
Yip!— PupXe
How Cute— PupRielle
Episode Cracksubs
The Comedy of Amphipolis— “The Haunting of Amphipolis”
What in the Gurkhan?— “Who’s Gurkhan?”
Them Bones and Boneheads— “Them Bones, Them Bones”
Free-Falling Angel— “Fallen Angel”
Aaand, of course, fic’ing things up…
Wrap-Around Care— Xena realizes who else Gabrielle is
Useless— Aphrodite agonizes over what to do when alone with Gabrielle and Eve
My Great Hope— Seraphin prepares her goddess for childbirth
The Answer— Xena reminds Gabrielle of who she is
Sorry, Not Sorry— Gabrielle is startled awake, to Xena’s great amusement
Solace— GXe cuddle and pillow-talk
Stranger— Aphrodite defends Gabrielle against a mob in Britannia post-series
Desecration— Gabrielle becomes one with darkness
The Final Hope— “A Family Affair” of Gabrielle and Hope falling apart, together
Bedtime Stories—Gabrielle explains the family history to her and Xena’s second set of children
YAY! Thanks, all! I hope you enjoyed my time here through the ups and the downs. Sorry if not. heh To see a full link-listing of all my posts, please go to the Google Doc here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1km_lQ-JcksZM3JPtDSRVhbq81mDSDaehV1hG_EtRvQc/edit?usp=sharing.
PS: I’m considering starting a YouTube channel to share my ideas but don’t know anything about video making or marketing. Anyone interested in helping me out and/or teaming up? Lemme know!
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iiasha-archived · 4 years ago
Here’s another ask game for ya! Assign your moots as seventeen comeback aesthetics (can include solos, OSTs, collabs, Japanese comebacks, etc) and say why you associate them with that aesthetic! Some can overlap too!
ooo okay.. i’m really bad at these kinds of things but i’ll try my best ❤️ i would have loved to do all my mutuals but my brain isn’t strong enough for everyone so i’m so sorry ahead of time if i didn’t get you!! 😭
edit: also i just realized this said COMEBACK aesthetics but i just did svt. well. anything lmao
@s0ftbb as clap: c just gives me such wonderfully colorful and bright vibes (esp with the use of the colored text lmao it always adds such a nice extra flair to all ur posts <3) and also all her creations and videos give me such HAPPY and LET’S HAVE A GOOD TIME vibes u know what i mean 🥺 and also just that splash of insanity that we all love <3 in particular i’m thinking of that montage scene near the end where there’s like confetti flying everywhere and it’s in slow-mo and stuff lmao
@rosevlolets as fallin flower: alexis gives me super soft and refined and of course flowery vibes! i think it also helps that all her tags for the svt members are literally flowers so it always feels like a cherry blossom breeze every time i see her on the dash or in my notifs <3 (oh gosh i hope that wasn’t TOO cheesy lmao) hehe but yeah i always think flowers when it comes to alexis which is perfect for fallin’ flower
@scoupsy as fear + fearless being the sister song: not because dreamy is intimidating or anything LMAO but i think this association immediately came to mind because of her astounding and beautiful graphics, i feel like they match the fear aesthetic super well. there’s like kind of a dark and elegant atmosphere i always associate with her gfx and in turn her but in like that really beautiful way <3 but ALSO fearless comes in bc i find dreamy’s personality super, well, fearless LMAO and just badass. i really love how she doesn’t hesitate to speak up for herself ❤️
@jonghan as (never-ending) aju nice: GO CRAZY GO STUPID GO WILD LOSE YOU’RE FUCKING SHIT AS WE GO WILD EVEN MORE!! i think yza perfectly encapsulates the never-ending aju nice stage as well as all the crazy antics that come along with it especially as of late LMAO. and again i tend to associate people’s content with their i guess. being? lmao but aju nice is equally as colorful and vibrant as her gifs PLUS she’s so prolific (e.g. never-ending but in the best way) like god damn idk how you keep up with it all afjksldjf
@soonhoonsol​ as healing: idk man chey just gives me very... lmao HEALING vibes :D seeing you on the dash and in my notifs fills me with this very feel-good “ahhh it’s chey!!!” and upbeat feeling hehe <3 and you almost always have such nice tags as well that i read them sometimes and i’m like 🥺🥺🥺 my soul = cleansed. but there’s also this sense of like... i hope this is for the long run you know? LMAO by that what i mean is the whole thing of healing is like DON’T stop this healing right basically i hope you continue to bless the dash for a long time whether it be with your creations or simply good vibes <3
@gotseventeens​ as change up: i don’t really have a reason for this other than vibes? LMAO i’m using vibes all over the place but yeah like for some reason the vibe i get from belle reminds me of the bold colors and suave/cool nature of the change up mv hehe ❤️ i think it’s because belle’s vibes also strike me with this air of confidence that is still kind of chill/lowkey about it lmaooo like YEAH you totally got this ;D
@tzhao12 as 2019 TTT (camping ver.) but specifically when they’re talking about their feelings at the end: because what speaks better about everlasting friendships than the friend i’ve been blessed with for what. is it 12 years now. she’s probably not even gonna see this for like 3 months bc unlike me she escaped tumblr. anyways tiff i’d die for you can’t wait for y’all to jumpscare me this thursday <3 i’m gonna cry i’m serious <3
@vernons as any vocal unit song: oona gives me very soft and gentle vibes which is a lot of what i get from most of vocal unit’s songs! if i had to pick exactly one maybe we gonna make it shine but that’s probably just influenced by me having listened to it recently hehe <3 also a lot of the nature aesthetics and makeup looks i see you post on your main blog feel like they fit in as the visual side of the aesthetic the vocal unit songs give me if that makes any sense??? LMAO
@heartgyus as snap shoot, + the creative process behind it: so in my heart rhys is like a leading mingyu stan here so naturally i had to pick something with mingyu’s entire heart and spirit behind it LMAO but in general rhys vibe and aesthetic gives me SUPER happy/fluffy upbeat like “whoo hoo!” vibes??? afdjklajf a little silly a lot of cute and a lot of fun :D  
@haniehae as pinwheel: for some reason when i think of anna i get this sense of a breath of fresh air??? idek why this is another one i can’t really explain hahaha but yeah pinwheel is what immediately came to mind! i think also because when i see a lot of your moodboards pinwheel kind of naturally comes as like the backtrack for a lot of them??? i think it’s something about the instrumentals of the song. anna just overall also gives me very relaxing vibes whenever i see her on the dash hehe <3
@xuseokgyu​ as when they were filming the 2019 gose intro: okay this is really specific but for some reason that’s what came to mind afjkadslj MY REASONING is that belle just gives me the vibes of being like. super enthusiastic and supportive about EVERYTHING whether it be her own work or the work others are doing!!! also lowkey i get parental vibes from her LMAO so it somehow reminds me of when they were in the house and seungkwan was like “OKAY KIDS... GATHER AROUND...” lmao but in general the whole energy of that entire thing where they were like “okay here’s this thing we’re gonna DO IT” but in a enthusiastic/happy way is why i picked this jfaksldf
@17hateblog as seventeen’s humor: kay and i don’t really talk but she consistently has the funniest fucking tags ever known to mankind. it might not specifically be the same as the humor seventeen show us in, say, gose, but the way they both make me die laughing is the same <3 it doesn’t even matter what the post is everything she puts on her blog is an adventure and i am fucking here for it. AND she’s a jun stan so what’s not to love <3
@vixenjun as light a flame: because kaya and her blog literally embody sexiness + junhui in that choreo....... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything. i also really feel like her aes kind of fits that dark mysterious too-good-for-you beauty vibe that i also get from light a flame lmao (but underneath that kaya is obviously a sweetheart <3)
@happysmilebtr as hitorijanai: anna is just like. genuinely one of the most supportive and happy vibing people i’ve met on here? lmao and i feel bad bc i basically have now left you on read KJFDLAJDS but all our dms have been so much fun like i love just talking about anything <333 but yeah the way you’re so open and loving and supportive 100% gives me hitorijanai vibes and the message behind it :D
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sxfterhearts · 4 years ago
42. [7:35 pm]
➳ pairing: youngjae x reader ft. amateur chef!jaebeom
➳ genre/warnings: fluff, just fluff, mildly suggestive towards the end (I haven’t written in ages so I guess that’s also a warning??)
➳ word count: 1,190 words
➳ summary: “Is this okay?”
➳ author's note: see below!!
“Speak up, hyung!” Youngjae breathed heavily into the microphone of his earphones. “I can’t hear anything you’re saying!”
“Young– Give me a sec,” He heard Jaebeom draw a deep breath before bellowing out an ear-piercing “Keep it down, Bam, or I’ll whoop your ass!”
Youngjae flinched, his sweaty palm nearly losing its grip on the rubber spatula.
It was an early Friday night in. He had purposely rushed back to your shared apartment the moment the clock hands struck five. Not that this wasn’t a regular occurrence, but he wanted to be extra early tonight in order to execute his plan. Youngjae thought of the perfect way to spend your first Friday after starting a new job at a well-known company in the city. Your boyfriend, being the attentive and caring person he was, intended to treat you to a bubble bath while he prepared a wholesome three course meal for you. Or at least, he was trying to.
“Sorry, Bambam’s just… being Bambam. You know how it is. Now, where was I?” Jaebeom paused, musing over his thoughts like an old man suffering from short-term memory loss.
Youngjae grit his teeth in frustration and stress as he watched the concoction of dark chocolate chips and butter melt before his very eyes. Who would’ve thought baking brownies could’ve been this stressful? “The chocolate. I melted the chocolate chips with the butter over the stove. What’s next?”
“I’m pretty sure you have to crack the eggs into the bowl. Oh wait, no, no. You have to add the vanilla extract first. Just a tiny bit, though. We don’t want it to overpower the chocolatey taste.”
“How much? Two tablespoons?”
“Are you crazy? This is a chocolate brownie, not a vanilla cupcake. A teaspoon should be fine, I think. Or was it a quarter? Shit…”
The man closed his eyes to contain his anger and heaved a large sigh. “If you just wrote down the recipe we wouldn’t be in this position, hyung…”
The elder completely dismissed his comment. “Try a teaspoon. I’m like, ninety-nine percent sure I’m right.”
Youngjae had no other choice but to oblige. After all, everyone knew, including you and the boys, that he could not bake to save his life.
And yet, here he was, trying his hands at baking your favourite dessert – brownies. He even bought the premium vanilla ice cream that you liked to quenelle on top of it later (thankfully it was on sale). Youngjae really wanted to pamper you tonight.
“It’s not that difficult, right, Youngjae? This recipe is foolproof. My cousin tried it last month and he’s only twelve.”
Youngjae wasn’t too sure about that. Sceptical, he cracked three room-temperature eggs into the gooey, fragrant chocolate mixture. “Won’t the eggs cook in the chocolate ‘cos it’s boiling hot?”
“Listen, Youngjae, I’m not a baking god. I don’t know the answer to every single question you have. Just do as I say and pray really hard that your brownies will turn out well.” Jaebeom snapped. “Have you mixed the eggs? You have to make sure the mixture is incorporated well and as shiny as Jackson’s forehead on a hot day.”
A commotion broke out on the other end of the line. Youngjae assumed it was due to Jaebeom’s offhanded comment about the state of Jackson’s skin.
“The last thing you have to do is just mix in the flour and cocoa powder, then you can pour it into the baking pan. It has to be a square one, nine by nine inches and lined with baking paper. Oh, and you need to grease the bottom of the pan first.”
Youngjae’s mouth hung open in disbelief. “You could’ve told me this earlier! I don’t– What is nine by nine inches? Why are you even using inches, we’re in Korea!” He huffed exasperatedly.
“Twenty-three centimetres, you doofus. Find one, hurry! Otherwise the mixture will harden.”
After rummaging through your stash of baking supplies for a good five minutes, he finally found the all-important baking pan. With Jaebeom’s uniquely reassuring words, Youngjae eventually managed to pour the batter in and placed the pan into the oven with trembling hands. The boy was nervous – he just wanted everything to be perfect tonight.
Somewhere between the fifteen-minute mark and an endless string of ridiculously cute puppy videos, the door’s keypad beeped. Standing up straight, Youngjae pulled off his chocolate-stained apron and jogged towards the door in anticipation.
“Youngjae, guess what! Oh,” You paused mid-sentence, your head poking curiously into the apartment as the brownie’s fragrant aroma tickled your senses. “What smells so good? Did you bake?”
“Hey baby!” Youngjae greeted like his usual bright self, your previous bursts of stress long forgotten. He reached for your handbag and laptop bag, gently ushering you into the comforts of your home. “I did. You’re in for a relaxing night, my darling. I’ve already ran you a bath, and you can use one of your sparkly pink bath bombs.” You couldn’t take off your shoes fast enough the moment you heard the word ‘relax’.
Your mouth fell slightly agape as you held Youngjae’s buttery hands in yours, eyes filled to the brim with fascination and gratitude. “You did?”
“Yes, baby. Go! Take off your clothes and get soaking. Dinner will be ready in another half an hour.” Youngjae guided you towards the ensuite, where he ran the waters and tested the temperature just moments earlier.
You gladly welcomed his suggestion. After all, the best way to unwind after a long day of work was to soak in glittery rose-scented water and allow the knots upon knots of worries to melt away.
Your mind solely focussed on the motions of shucking off your pencil skirt and unbuttoning your blouse once you released the bath bomb. The sweet aroma overtook your senses and overpowered your stress.
A sigh involuntarily left your lips as you sank into the warm, perfumed water. Picking up the book Youngjae thoughtfully left on the edge of the bathtub, you repositioned yourself into a comfortable position. The distant humming coming from Youngjae in the kitchen, the gentle sloshing of water as you flipped the pages and the wonderful feeling of soaking your sore muscles… Nothing could get better than this.
Youngjae appeared twenty pages later to feed you a slice of his freshly baked brownies. Crouching down by your side, he inspected your facial features for any reaction with complete earnest.
“I hope that it’s okay. Is this okay?” He breathed.
“It’s more than okay, it’s everything that I need…” You paused, tongue running repeatedly over the edges of your lips in search of brownie remnants. “What did you put in these brownies, babe?”
“I… Is it… Bad? Does it taste funny? I–”
“No, not at all!” You giggled. “It’s so, so, so good! I could eat this for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Speaking of dinner…”
“The entrée is still cooking on the stove.” Youngjae admitted sheepishly.
“Hmm… That’s a shame. I’m hungry for a different type of dinner.”
“Wh… What do you mean?”
“I meant, I’d love to have you for dinner. Come, join me.”
➳ author's note: woah ok!! I started this towards the end of my last internship and finally mustered up the courage, strength, mental capacity etc etc to finish it off. I’m sorry if its lacklustre (which im sure it is) but just really really wanted to post this!!! (im busting with excitement omgomg) I’ve been busy with internships and having existential crises and also (ngl) procrastinated with my writing and this blog which is why I’ve been sosososoo absent. I don’t want to make empty promises but yeah, I hope to get back into tumblr again! Honestly was in such a good headspace when I was active on here, I miss it sm, I miss interacting with you guys omg okay I will stop rambling. Good night I love you ALL!!!
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photolover82 · 4 years ago
Masked Singer Season 5 Episode 3 Recap: Group A Returns With a Wildcard (Commentary & Guesses)
Hi guys! Welcome or welcome back to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every single episode of The Masked Singer. Ok, so I'm on time this time I swear (I try to do these the weekend after the show airs or Friday), and now we are starting to get the wildcards which was super exciting and Joel Mchale was guest judging so it was a very fun episode to watch! We’re back onto Group A but this time someone new joins the group, so stay tuned until the end to talk about that someone. Anyways, let’s get into it, starting with the eliminated contestant:
So the eliminated mask was...
The Raccoon 🦝
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Commentary: honestly, I am not even the slightest bit surprised that he got eliminated... he should have gone home earlier but that’s neither here nor there, the Masked Singer likes to do that to us so whatever. But like honestly this is gonna sound mean, and look, not everyone is a singer, and he gave it the good old college try and I respect the hell out of that, but omg all I gotta say about his performance of Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash is yikes. That’s it, that’s all I gotta say about that... anyways, let’s reveal this rodent or mammal, idk man who told you guys I was an animal expert?!
Raccoon was revealed to be (I got this one too yay!)
Danny Trejo
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Yeah, I guessed it baby! I even have proof, just look at my 1st recap of the season and it’s there, I got it! Yayyy! Anyways, I mean I know him, I have seen him around ofc (he has done a lot of acting and he even has a restaurant and everything), but like he can’t sing and that’s ok, he had fun, it’s what matters. Good job Danny Trejo and thank God he’s gone because finally my ears can be in peace.
Having said that, let’s move onto our remaining 4 (yes, 4 because wildcard baby!):
1. Seashell 🐚
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Commentary: Her performance of Confident by Demi Lovato was to me much better than her last performance. It seemed like she was more confident (hehe no pun intended) in this one, kind of came into her own and let out the power in her voice. She was a bit timid and nervous in the first performance and it kind of reminded me of how Jellyfish started out, but this one was a lot more diva and powerful, I enjoyed it a lot. I really love Seashell, she is quickly becoming one of my favorite contestants (except nobody can beat my favorite who you will see in a moment)
I am doubling down on my guess:
Tamera Mowry
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Clues/Reasoning: ok, like this one I feel super confident about and the clues kind of seal the deal for me:
The doodle of “Seashell with the shell mask on”= reference to the intro of Sister Sister
A certain shell man asked her out and the baseball on the screen= she is talking about her husband, Fox News correspondent Adam Housley (which btw is another reason why she is on this show, bc it runs in the Fox family), who used to be a professional baseball player (oh and the required her to do things she was scared of means that he helped her feel more comfortable about being on TV aka when she was on the Real)
2 minute stopwatch= she’s older than her twin sister, Tia, by 2 minutes haha 😂 (this was a very weird thing to be like yeah bro ik that... again I say, Google is a magical thing)
2. Robopine 🦔
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Commentary: He sang All of Me by John Legend and honestly song choice was 👌, like I would have picked that for him too. It was absolutely stunning and I can just close my eyes and enjoy the song, which that’s what some of the best ballad performances tend to do. I absolutely loved it, he is my favorite, if you can’t tell, and this was my favorite performance of the night. I have a prediction that Robopine might make it to the finals honestly because he is just that amazing.
I am changing my guess and I am more confident now with:
Tyrese Gibson
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Reasoning/Clues: alright so I know that he isn’t 60 but I have a feeling he is lying about that and that he’s from Costa Rica (that’s too direct of a clue to be true you know and I feel like he is lying... Ken did say in the beginning that Robopine is the most confusing, so I do think that he is lying)... anyways clue time:
A lot of superhero clues= he will be playing one in Jared Leto’s Morbius film from Marvel
The lying means something = he has an album called Alter Ego, someone in the YouTube comments told me that he did a shoot with GQ called “60 the new 30” so that’s where the age thing might come from
IT SOUNDS A LOT LIKE HIM, OK?! Legit this is the most logic bomb I can give you right here... he’s trying to fool us but the voice is what matters... if you wanna compare voices go ahead, here’s a video that can help (it helped me even though the background singers kinda took over, but you get the point, it was live)
3. Russian Dolls 🪆
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Commentary: THEY DIVIDEDDDDD... omg there’s 3 now! I FREAKING CALLED IT!! Anyways, they sang Wonder by Shawn Mendes and again I say their harmonies are so on point, it’s fantastic! I throughly enjoyed this performance, it was great! Their voices work really great together (ofc duh because they are a band... they have to be) and it was a really great song choice as well.
Again, I am gonna double down here (and them being 3 makes it even more convincing for me):
Hanson (All 3 of them this time)
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Reasoning/Clues: ok, so now that there’s 3 of them, I don’t have to sound dumb and be like ummmmm it’s 2 of the Hanson brothers, which two I am not sure, but two of them. This time I can say it is all of Hanson, all 3 of them! WOOO! This performance really solidified it for me. Anyways, here are the logic bombs aka clues:
He was doing what he loved and rushed to the hospital = Zac, one of the brothers, was involved in a motorcycle accident in which he (get this, it’s really bad like reading it on Google made me go ouch that must have been a terrible accident) broke three ribs, his collarbone, and scapula.
The fire truck= the fire department was involved in the accident, which he spoke about in October 2019
4. Surprise! It’s Wildcard Time: Introducing the Orca (whale) 🐳
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Commentary: ok, so he performed We’re Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister, and it was meh, it was ok. He sounds like a comedian, and his voice is so familiar, it’s killing me. Anyways, he is talk singing the entire time and there are parts where he sounds out of breath, so I don’t think he is a professional singer. The costume though (since I couldn’t really review that beforehand) looks like a pool floatie on top and a blue version of Banana from season 3 from the chest down, which is kind of cool (I would give it a 8/10 if I were to rate it). I really love that top head part, it looks super great, the costume designers killed it.
Ok, this one I am more unsure about but I am gonna say that I am between these 2:
Bill Burr or Adam Sandler
(Burr is the one pictured below, couldn’t put both images because Tumblr doesn’t let me do more than 10 pictures so just pretend you can also see Adam Sandler’s photo)
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Reasoning/Clues: I am gonna have to skip this one... because I am not sure about this one, I am just going off of voice, the clues confuse me, but you have any ideas, feel free to comment them please, I need all the help I can get.
So that’s it, wildcard and all. I hope you guys enjoyed this, I am so sorry for the picture issue, it’s something that bugs me about Tumblr but whatever. I will see you guys in the next one, where we will see Group B sans Phoenix perform and add in a new wildcard, which omg I know who it is I just don’t know what it looks like, but it is the CRAB 🦀! Anyways, I will see you all next weekend, please like, comment, do all the social media things! Bye everyone! 👋🏼
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feifood · 4 years ago
Hi can I get a bnha matchup? Hobbies- drawing on wacom tablet, horror and rp games, watching crime series and medical dramas, hanging out, joking and messing around, sleeping, spending my time on Tumblr 24/7 consuming villain content + Hawks. I like Sssniperwolf so I recommend to watch her videos.
I love- makeup, grunge outfits, rock and dark pop, scribbling on my hands (tattoos lol), lazing, writing, reading stories of interest, studying mythology, analyzing german literature etc. And I love my peace v v much.
I don't like fish and I'm carsick so that's smtng I have in common with Dabi lol.
I'm- a straight girl, 22y, 5'4 tall, have long burgundy hair, pale skin, green eyes etc. I'm extremely allergic to white powdered gloves like my skin gets itchy even if I wore them three days ago for 5min, 😂 sometimes I tend to laugh more when I'm too nervous I guess that some ppl caught up on it. I'm modest and down-to-earth kind of person. I hate narcists and "entitled" ppl. I'm feminist and I dare to say that I'm v emphatic, have good moral compass and reflexes. What I'm trying to say is that my intuition is v on point lol. That's why sometimes when I see people who tick me off I get rly mean and sarcastic, like, you can rly feel the spite hah. Idk I'm Pisces if that says anything and I think that I can relate to Jirou the most, she's nice. I'm not demanding and I don't like to be a bother, so whatever present you give me I'll be v grateful bc it came from that person. Ppl say that I'm pretty, smart, feminine, sometimes restless and blunt haha I just say what's on my mind, I don't hold back. But I think before I speak and the mean things I said through bluntness is usually deserved. Never expect me to call you first bc I think that I'm a bother but if you call me I'll be happy to engage in conversation with you. I'm good at massages and I like nice and cozy atmosphere, I'm not into theme parks/crazy rides type of gal lol. I'm also afraid of heights.
Fanfics- Idk angst and fluff, you can add nsfw (raises wine glass).
I match you up with...
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Dabi !!
He hates how soft you make him, god he hates it so much. The way his entire personality changes when you're around and how he’s finally able to forget about all the things wrong in his life and finally focus on all that’s right. How quickly your words are able to hypnotize him and calm him down in moments of anger. Yes, he hates you, he tries to convince himself at first. It’ll pass soon, he tells himself as he’s in denial of falling deeper for you. I’m doing this for my own satisfaction, he lies in his mind as he shows up at your door with a hand full of flowers to pick you up on your first date. But in moments where he watches you put on your own makeup from across the room or read ‘one of those nerdy books’ (his words), he doesn’t even dare to think an ill thought about you. Going out with you is just as enjoyable, when you two just stroll along town while holding hands, the domestic feeling is something Dabi surprisingly enjoys. What tops those moments, however, are when he sees you interact with others with a bright smile on your face, always articulating the right responses in every situation and always treating others with reasonable respect. Dabi hates staying in, he tells himself, yet here he is on your doorstep for the fifth night in a row, knocking on the hardwood surface for the weekly movie marathons you two have together. 
Hi love, I REALLY really really enjoyed writing your request. I kind of got carried away and I feel like it’s not personalized enough. Either way, I really hope you like it :)) p.s. I love your overall vibe <3 
Okay take care cutie !! and thank you for participating hehe 
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puropoly · 5 years ago
honest 2am post i guess
(edit: context that i forgot to add: i’ve been in quarantine since march, haven’t met with my partner since then, as well as several friends, and except for 30 min of daily walking my dog to the park, i’ve been living my life exclusively inside my house)
things haven’t been great. But they haven’t been that bad either! this year is difficult for everyone and I’m counting my blessings which are not scarce. My family is healthy and we’re financially stable.
I’ve been struggling (again, as everyone else) with my mental health and regulating my emotions, working as a therapist has unexpectedly helped a lot in the process since the obligation to put my focus on someone else and actively trying to help them resolve their issues plays a huge part in healing myself as well. It’s kind of a mutual process, and it’s very interesting
I’ve been spending a LOT of time in the kitchen as well. I never expected to connect with COOKING of all activities, I’m pretty much squidward in the episode where he burns some fish’s soda, BUT i have to admit I’ve been learning a lot of cool, cheap vegan recipes that are healthy and in general I’m just glad to have learned an useful life skill for when I live alone / with my partner, if it ever happens in the future
Haven’t drawn anything in ages, only commissions and that was...during June, for the most part. I don’t have any interest in drawing right now to be honest, but I hope for the energy to come back, as it usually does
My baby niece is super cute and a big chungus, love her
If there’s something I can give 2020 credit for is that it drove my focus away from superficial day to day stress and place it in reflecting about my routine, and what part of it I’m actually dedicating to the things that are important to me. Y’know, is watching this 40 min video about someone talking about internet drama nurturing myself in any way? is watching youtube videos about facts of the pokemon franchise that i already know helping me cope? should I just log off youtube???????????? (yes)
So I’ve been trying to accomodate my routine in separating and organizing activities according to a) the energy i have for them and b) the value they have for my life. Which consists mostly of spiritual time (praying and metitation have been VITAL), family time, cooking time, working time, and pestering the death note tag with butt jokes occassionally time
And I’ve been doing well- still not happy or energized for art, but ...surviving you know? which is no little thing in 2020
I specifically wanted to give this update in this blog because, again, it is important to me. Some folks who usually DM me I haven’t been interacting with a lot lately, and I’m sorry for that, it’s never my intention to be rude, but i’m going through some rough times and it’s difficult to connect with what others are saying to me in this moment :o( I miss my online presence but it takes a chunk of my energy to be here sometimes - just online communication for me is particularly difficult? I suck at tumblring it’s incredible why are you even FOLLOWING
ESPECIAL sorry to that anon who asked me about the ending of danganronpa V3 ages ago I’M SORRY it is utterly uncomprehensible and a terrible ending and I hate it and it’s not meant to be clear or accessible for anyone AND THAT’S WHY IT SUCKS 
anyway!! that’s all i wanted to say right now. not really a vent post at all, but more like...a heads up of what has been going on in Poly city. And a checking up of how everyone’s doing, which i hope is great
God bless you all and thanks for keeping up with this erratic blog
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jam-is-my-food · 4 years ago
Okay I'm sending another ask because there's something that's been bothering me and I think you're probably the person I know that can hello the most with it???
So my parents are kinda misinformed on things 😬 so sometimes they'll say things and they think they are being great allies but they are actually getting the opposite of helpful. And like I'll try to call them out on it, but they just give me the "oh you're too young" or "you don't actually know" or "you think you're such much smarter than us" and yada yada so I basically can't challenge any of their ideas ever but it makes me feel so, ill is like the only way I can describe it, about the fact that they are misinformed. So now I am trying to gather recourses about different topics that have come up that I notice they are misinformed on so that is it comes up again I have something top back my claims up with and I'm not just "a young, niave child who doesn't know any better"
That was a terrible incoherent mess so I'm sorry about that, but here's to the point:
Autism speaks is a bad organization, right? Like correct me if I'm mistaken, but as I understand, actual autistic people collectively agree that autism speaks is bad. But I never really understood what they did that was wrong? Or like I was never told what they did? So I tried to tell my parents autism speaks is bad and they were like "well what did they do" and I had nothing besides "well actual autistic people don't like it" and that just wasn't enough evidence for them.
Basically what I'm asking, is are there any recourses or websites or tumblrs or anything like that with info on that kind of stuff or anything you yourself know and could tell me? I just need to be able to inform them in a way that they will actually (maybe) accept and I don't rly know who or how else to get the info I need.
It's totally fine if you don't feel like finding things for me, I just need to know where to start looking because basically I'm lost lmao
God this ask was such an incomprehensible mess I am so sorry, I hope you get what I mean ahah.
Also please tell me if I got anything wrong or if anything I said was bad or anything if that makes sense? Eoirbrbdjjwl I'm so discombobulated
Thanks in advance! (Also sorry again for formatting)
- 😸 anon
don’t worry, cat - everything you said here was fine and dandy loll. and yeah i can try to help! obviously i do not speak for all autistic people but no autism speaks is very bad and problematic and just generally Shit.
i spent a few minutes looking for the best articles on it and i found this one very helpful: https://medium.com/artfullyautistic/autism-speaks-deception-eugenics-and-abuse-618cf65c094a
this one was also pretty good, and from a more recognized source if you need that: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/02/14/biggest-autism-advocacy-group-is-still-failing-too-many-autistic-people/
i think those articles sum it up better than i ever could, but to sum it up even further, i guess - autism speaks is not what it says it is. it’s a harmful hate group that caters not to autistic people at all but to their neurotypical families, and the money it claims is going to help families is mostly spent on advertising and research to find an “autism cure.” (i do not speak for all autistic people but i do not want to be ‘cured’ - that’s bullshit and eugenics and hugely problematic.) the organization sees autism as an enemy and autistic people’s voices as irrelevant. it’s also released very harmful videos and information. 
i believe the first article i linked has a list, but if you want to support a better group i’ve seen a lot of people promote autistic self advocacy network (asan), which is i believe a nonprofit run by and for autistic people. i haven’t looked much into it, so i wouldn’t take my word as concrete, but i do know it’s a much much better alternative.
(also, i obviously don’t know much about your parents or the context, but the fact that they dismissed autistic people ourselves not liking the organization and wanted more information is kind of unfortunate. it just pushes the pattern of those who are actually autistic not having our voices listened to in discussions that are about us.)
all is to say, i hope this helped! if you have any more questions you can definitely come to me - but autistic people, just like any others, are not a monolith, and i wouldn’t stake your claim on something just because a single autistic person told you so. you can also do research yourself! all you need to do is google “autism speaks harmful” or something to that effect and you’ll definitely find some good info. try and read things written by autistic people ourselves, because our voices get drowned out a lot in these conversations. (on that note, any autistic people reading please feel free to add on to this post, i’m just one kid.)
thank you for the ask, and i hope you have a great day!
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devilatmydoor · 4 years ago
love is fatal I part 12
a/n- first i want to thank you all for being so patient, yours truly was having technical difficulties all week with tumblr & my google docs!  i hope you are all doing well, staying safe and getting rest! let me know what you think in the tags, my ask or dm’s! lf you want to be part of the taglist lmk! xx 
previous parts 8  9  10  11 
word count- 4.7k+
warnings- language, smut and hints of angst 
He sighed as he closed his computer after a long day of appointments, his back sore from hunching over clients all day.  He could feel how tense his shoulders and back had become after his day. He stood up from his chair and opened his door followed by him stepping out of his office and seeing Tucker, Ashton and Luke at the front desk. He walked up to the desk as he made eye contact with Luke, he waved and he shook his head. When he reached them Tucker remarked, “There’s loverboy.”
“Oh fuck off  Tucker, did Ronnie call to make an appointment?” He asked Luke.
“She did, She’s your last appointment on Saturday.” Luke explained.
“Perfect, thank you!” He smiled and Ashton and Tucker gave him a look, “What?”
“Nothing mate, are you and Mrs. coming to my Halloween party?” Ashton asked as he pulled out his phone.
“When is it? I know Ronnie and Grayson are having a party too.” He explained with a smile.
“Let me guess, you and her are doing couples costumes.” Tucker commented with a snicker.
“Actually, we are.”
Ashton chuckled before shaking his head, “You are whipped mate.”
“Ash, he’s pussy whipped.” Tucker clarified before putting his hand up for a high five. The tone in their voices were too condescending for his liking.
Ashton high fived him and Calum rolled his eyes, “It’s called being in love assholes, you should try it sometime.”
He walked back to his office and looked at his laptop with all of his appointments, he clicked on Friday to double check Veronica was on his schedule. He heard Ashton and Luke laughing and shrugged assuming it was about him until he heard knocks at his door. He huffed before swinging it open before seeing who it was, “I swear to god Ashton,”
“Ashton? I can go get Ashton if you want." Her teasing voice instantly caused him to smile before his eyes met hers.
He sighed in relief, "I don't think so, get your ass in here.” He demanded before she stepped in his office. He kissed her forehead before kissing her nose, “Hi angel.”
“Hi handsome, how many more appointments do you have left?” She smiled before running her fingers through his curls
“I’m finished for the day. I had about 4 of them before lunch and then 2 more after.”
“I wanted to talk to you about the tattoo you are going to do for me Friday” She smiled at him
He sat on his desk as she stood between his legs. “What about it?”
“It’s about the placement.” She blushed as he tilted his head confused what she meant.
“Where do you want it?” He smiled as she winked before stepping backwards to set her purse down on the chair. She slowly lifted her shirt showing her bra as she pointed to her rib cage.
He sucked in a breath as he looked at her and then in her eyes, ���Baby.”
“What? I’ve always wanted a rib cage tattoo.” She smiled before putting her shirt down  and stepping closer to him.
“What stopped you from getting one?”
She muttered something coherent while looking away from him, he softly grabbed her chin so she’d have to look in his eyes.
“Veronica.” He said sternly as she looked away before taking a deep breath.
“I didn’t feel comfortable, I was insecure.” She sighed before kissing his cheek, “I bit the bullet and got my nipples pierced.”
He pulled her closer to him before kissing her forehead, “I understand being insecure, I’m still in shock how fast your piercings healed.”
She giggled before kissing his nose, “I usually heal fast with piercings, even tattoos. But this time I had an amazing piercer who made sure I cleaned them.”
“Who also happens to be your boyfriend.” He winked as he grabbed his jacket, “Did you drive?”
“I didn’t Harley and I hung out and I asked her to drop me off.” She smiled before kissing his cheek, “Why?”
“Because you are coming home with me, that’s why.” He smiled and opened the door for them as she grabbed her purse before leaving the room.
He held her hand as they walked towards the front of the shop while Luke  was standing at the front desk cleaning. They walked towards the desk as they walked closer to him and he turned around and smiled at them, "I'm going on a double date tonight with Ashton."
She let go of him and to hug Luke, "Go get em tiger."
"Thanks darlin', have a good night lovebirds." Luke commented with a smile as she grabbed Calum's hand and intertwined their fingers.
"We will. Have fun tonight!" He hollered as he walked towards the door and opened the door. They stepped outside walking towards his car. He unlocked the car before opening the door for her
"Such a gentleman." She kissed his cheek while she let go of his hand. He waited for her to sit down before he closed the door behind her, he quickly ran to his side of the car and started the car. He pulled out of his parking spot while her hand rested on his thigh as he drove home, music softly playing in the background through her phone.
When they arrived he parked moments before cutting the engine and taking off his seatbelt. She smiled at him as she grabbed her purse and got out of the car, he followed behind her as he grabbed her hand and walked to his house, “We should’ve ordered chipotle before we left.”
“You do know there are other restaurants other than Chipotle right?” He teased as he opened the front door with a smirk.
“You do know you could sleep on the couch tonight with Duke right?” She sassed with a wink at the same time she took off her shoes.
"I'd like to see you try." He raised his eyebrows smirking while she set her purse on the couch. Duke ran up to her as his tail wagged frantically.
“Little shit, doesn’t even say hi to me.” He huffed as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle.
She giggled as she followed behind him, she slowly took off his jacket before running her hands up his back and wrapping her arms around his torso before kissing his shoulder blade,  “You are so tense, are you feeling okay?”
“I’m fine, just sore.” He sighed as she moved her arms as she slowly massaged his shoulders as he sighed in relief.
“Dinner can wait, you need a massage.” She pressed as she stood in front of him grabbing his hand.
“Are you sure?” He asked softly as she nodded leading him to his bedroom.
“You need it.” She beamed as she opened the door and turned on the light, “Lay down on your stomach and get comfortable.”
“Would it be easier if I took my shirt off?” He asked as he took off his shoes.
“It would,” She smiled as she put her hair up in a messy bun. He took off his shirt before laying down on his stomach. He situated himself and she walked towards the bed, “Close your eyes and relax for me.”
She climbed on top of him and straddled his hips as her hands slowly worked her ways up his back, “Take deep breaths for me.” He followed her guidance as he closed his eyes while her hands started to massage his shoulders, tension and knots slowly releasing as her hands continued to add pressure.
A soft moan escaped his lips as he caught himself opening his eyes as she finished his shoulders moving down to his back, “D-Don’t you need a break?”
She shh’d him before kissing his shoulder blade, “No, baby relax.” She whispered as her soft hands massaged his lower back as she moved to straddle his legs. Her hands rubbing his hips as she trailed her finger up and down his spine as she slowly pressed soft kisses up his back as he sighed and opened his eyes while she got off of him.
He switched positions so he was sitting on the bed and looked in her eyes as she held his face in her hands, “How are you feeling”
“Much better, thank you.” He said thankfully as her endearing gaze made his heart skip a beat.
Friday came sooner than she anticipated, she hadn’t seen Calum since Monday because of their work schedules conflicting, when she returned from a long day at work she started eating dinner while she flipping through channels. She finished her dinner and set the dirty dishes in the sink before she grabbed her phone and texted Calum.
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The smile on her face caused her cheeks to hurt as she sprung up from the couch and ran to her room to change. She took off her scrubs and put on her new silk lingerie set, she slipped her grey sweat shorts and oversized shirt. She ran to the bathroom to make sure she looked somewhat presentable, not that it entirely mattered; he had seen her sick, without make up and breaking out from her period. She went to the bathroom and washed her hands before returning to the living room to clean the mess she made. She turned on the XBox in case they wanted to use it, she heard a car door slam which jolted her body causing her to stand up. Her heart raced as she saw Calum getting out of his car. She ran to the front door and opened it quickly before her eyes met his and he reached his hands out to her, causing her to run. She ran up to him as he grabbed her, spinning her around before seeing her down. “Hi beautiful.”
“Hi handsome, guess we couldn’t wait until tomorrow to see each other huh?” She teased with a smirk as they walked towards her front door.
“Did you really think we would?” He said jokingly as he adjusted the strap on his duffle bag.
She shook her head and laughed, “Knowing us? No.” She opened the door as he followed her inside.
He set his bag down before kissing her forehead and leading her to the couch, she sat down next to him as he grabbed the XBox remote, and she turned on the T.V he started playing video games on her couch. She sat on the couch watching him play. He hadn't been playing for very long when he looked in her eyes and she bit her bottom lip she moved to straddle his thigh. “Need you baby.”
He bit his lip looking at her as she slowly rocked her hips as the fabric of her panties rubbing his jeans, “M’almost done angel. Do you wanna ride my thigh?” He purred, holding her hip as she nodded in agreement.
She started grinding on his thigh as the fabric of her panties became damper by the second. Her moans and low whines in his eat slowly distracted him from the game as  her hand gripped his arm as she continued to rock her hips faster, “F-Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
He gripped her hips tighter as she continued at the pace she was going, completely soaked through her panties. Her arousal spreading to his jeans as she gripped his shoulder tightly as she threw her head back moaning his name, “Fuck. Baby please.”
She kissed his jaw as her lips dragged down his throat, “I need to cum.”
He groaned as his eyes met her lustful gaze, “I’m almost done, I promise after this I will make you cum repeatedly.” He smirked and she growled getting off of his thigh.
She took off her panties before spreading her folds to rub her clit, her moans disrupted his focus causing him to pause the game. She slowly pumped one finger in and out of her as her eyes fluttered shut.
“Veronica!” He growled and her eyes met his.
She continued to pump her fingers inside of her as she rubbed her clit faster completely ignoring him as her moans got louder by the second. Her legs started to shake as the knot in her stomach grew tighter. He walked up to her and slowly grabbed her wrist before slapping the hand that was rubbing her clit and moved her hand as her fingers slipped out of her. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Doing what you wouldn’t do.” She breathed as she bit her bottom lip.
“I asked you to be patient.” He growled as he picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist leaving the couch. He walked down the hallway as he gripped her hips as he kicked her bedroom door open. He gently laid her down on her bed, “You think you can touch yourself and get away with it?” He growled as he walked to her nightstand and grabbed her vibrator.
“Don’t. You want to get off without me? Fine.” He spread her legs as he teased her soaked folds with the head of the vibrator. He turned it on as he slowly slid it inside of her, “We’ll see if this can make you cum like I can.”
She gasped as he pumped her vibrator in and out at a quick pace as she gripped the sheets screaming his name, “B-Baby!”
Ignoring her pleading he thrusted the vibrater harder inside of her as her thighs began to shake, he gripped her hips as her legs started to close as she felt her high rushing through her, “Keep those pretty legs open for me.”
She bit her lip as she screamed his name louder than he’d ever heard before as her release ran through her body, clear liquid oozed all over the vibrator and down her folds. He slowed his pace before he slid it out of her. His pointer finger swiped the liquid from her clit before he inserted it in his mouth, “Did you just squirt?”
She shook her head as she laid in front of him, her chest heaving as she rested her hand on her stomach, “I don’t do it a lot, but when I do- it’s a lot.” She turned bright red
“It’s not something to be embarrassed off baby, you just felt intense pleasure that’s all.” He breathed as he held her hips and kissed her jaw.
“I-I’m sorry, I just really needed to cum.” She pleaded as her sorry eyes met his.
He kissed her nose before humming, “Don’t apologize, I’m sorry I didn’t realize how bad you needed me. I’m gonna make it up to you.” He winked as he slowly took off her tee shirt before setting it down next to her. His hands up and down her sides as he kissed her collarbone to her breast, softly kissing her nipple as his thumb softly rubbed the hardening bud. He gently sucked her hard nipple as he tweaked the other, his tongue flicking over the sensitive bud before letting go with a pop. He softly twisted the other nipple as he slowly swirled his tongue around her nipple before softly nibbling on her nipple causing her to gasp in response.  
He kissed her hips before spreading her legs as he kissed and softly sucked on her inner thighs leaving marks. He licked around her folds as she moaned loudly, his tongue flattened as he slowly licked her clit. She moaned his name as he sucked on her folds while his thumb pressed on her sensitive clit.
His free hand holding her hips as they bucked in response, he continued to rub her clit as he sucked on her wet folds. She moaned his name louder as he gripped her hip as his thumb circled her clit, her legs shook at the same time his tongue slipped inside of her entrance lapping up her arousal. He swirled his tongue inside of her as her hips bucked in response. He gripped her hips and spread her legs further so he could devour her juices, he moaned as he tasted her release on his tongue. She screamed his name as her fingers tugged his curls, he licked her through her orgasm before he licked up her folds kissing her clit. He licked his lips and looked at her, “Fuck baby.”
“Fuck Calum.” She breathed as her eyes met his.
He unbuckled his jeans and took off his pants along with his boxers as his hard cock sprung free her legs closed tight as they shook. He slowly spread her legs, “I’m not done with you yet.”
She bit her lip as he teased his cock with her slick folds lubing him before he pushed in, his groan loud as he felt how wet she was. She moaned loudly as he pushed all the way in, “Fuck Calum.”
He pulled all the way out before thrusting into her, his thrusts at a fast and hard pace. His hand rested on her hip as he gently rested his hand on her throat as he felt her walls clenching, his thumb ran over her lips before she started sucking on his thumb. He added pressure to her throat as she moaned against his thumb as she sucked on it. His thrusts harder and faster as he chased her high. She let go of his thumb with a pop as she moaned his name as her high rushed through her, he continued to thrust as he chased his.”C-Come for me baby”
The sounds of their moans, their skin hitting each other as his hips hit hers. His thrusts became sloppy as he came deep inside her as she gripped his shoulders. He let go of her throat as he slowly pulled out of her moaning in the process. She moaned at the loss as she closed her eyes, “Fuck Calum.”
“Did you learn your lesson pretty girl?” He panted as he kissed her jaw.
She nodded and looked in his eyes, “I did, fuck I’m hitting subspace again.” She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath while her body temperature shifted.
He chuckled before climbing off the bed, “I’m gonna get a towel to clean us up, baby.” She nodded in agreement as he left her room.
She opened her eyes seeing Calum walking into her room as she looked at him with her cheeks flushed. He chuckled as he climbed on the bed and cleaned her up before kissing her hips, then her stomach and up her chest before kissing her lips softly, “All cleaned up baby.”
She smiled as she kissed his lips softly. “Thank you handsome.”
He threw the towel in her hamper right moments before he laid down next to her holding her as close as he could. He kissed her forehead as her eyes fluttered shut as she rested her head on his chest.
The sounds of the tattoo gun ricocheted off the walls of the small room Calum and her were in, each stroke of the needle. Her tee shirt and bra on the counter while she laid on her side so he could get the placement right. She closed her eyes as she tried to focus on the music in the background, her eyes opened when he stopped to wipe her tattoo and sat up straight, “Do you need a break?”
“Do you?” She smiled as she laid on her back to face him.
“Just a quick one. Do you want something to drink?” He asked before kissing her forehead.
“Sure baby, thank you.” She smiled as she watched him open the door quickly so he could leave. She stood up and looked at the mirror to see how he was already halfway done. She couldn't believe she was standing in a room shirtless in front of a mirror while her boyfriend tattooed her. She heard the door close behind her as she turned around, his smile instantly made her smile as she walked up to him.
“Like it so far?” He asked nervously as he ran his fingers through his curls.
“Are you kidding? I love it.” She kissed his cheek before grabbing the water bottle he had in his hand for her.
“You’re not just saying it because I did it?”
She set the waterbottle down and moved his face so he’d have to look in her eyes, “Talk to me babe.”
“I’ve never tattooed someone I was in a relationship with, you’re my first.” He divulged as his cheeks turned pink.
To say she was in shock was an understatement, she knew she shouldn’t assume that he’d done it for his past relationships. Hearing she was his first made her heart skip a beat and swell at the same time, “Really?”
He nodded as he looked in her eyes, “I don’t know why but I haven’t.”
She kissed his cheek before stepping away from him, “I’m honored I’m your first.” She laid back down on her side as he followed suit. Her eyes closed as the sharp pain of the needle hit her skin, she bit her lip as it hit parts of her bone. She focused on the music playing in the background while he continued to finish her tattoo. He wiped her tattoo down before softly cleaning it, “Do you want to see it before I wrap it?”
She nodded and she sat up straight looking in his eyes as he helped her stand up, he led her to the mirror and she wasn’t surprised by how amazing it looked. The detail, the precision was unlike she had ever seen from an artist. She turned to look at him as he looked at her adoringly, “Calum this looks amazing.” She complimented as she smiled at him.
“You like it huh?” He asked with a smile as he walked with her back to the chair so she could sit down.
“I love it, thank you.” She beamed as he added ointment to her tattoo carefully before wrapping it.
“Your welcome my love.” He kissed her cheek before kissing her forehead.
“Babe, while I’m here do you mind changing my piercings? Since you’ve got me half naked in here anyways.” She winked and his cheeks turned red.
“You act like I couldn’t get you half naked otherwise Bradey. Do you want the hot pink one?” He asked with a smirk.
“You do have a point Hood but,” She wondered as she stood up, “I could go out there myself and grab it.”
He tilted his head and cleared his throat, “The other artists are still here and there is no way in hell I’m letting them see you topless.” He softly growled before motioning her to sit down, “I will be right back.”
She sat down and waited for him to return to the room with her piercings, she was surprised she had them in as long as she did knowing how often she changed her nose piercing. He entered the room with her piercings and a smile, “These ones right?”
“Yes good thing you remembered.” She winked as she laid back down as he opened the packaging for her new piercings.
“Mhmm.” He shook his head as she sat down on the chair hovering over her the pads of his thumb rubbing her nipple as she bit her lip. She moaned softly as he took out her old piercings and used an alcohol wipe to clean the area before sliding the new piercing in its spot. His thumb rubbed her other piercing before he took out her old piercing and cleaned the area with an wipe.
“You are such a tease.” She breathed as she watched him put in her new piercing, his lips softly kissed each nipple as she moaned in response.
“Perfect.” He winked as he kissed the valley between her breasts before her collarbone.
“Calum I swear to god.”
He chuckled as he kissed her neck, “I’ve been waiting this entire appointment to kiss you.” He kissed her sweet spot as his hands held her hips. She bit her lip as he sucked on her sweet spot as his teeth nipped at her skin. She arched her back as she moaned his name before gripping his arms as he left a mark on her neck.
“C-Calum, do something.” She breathed as he kissed her new hickey.
“What do you think I’m doing angel?” His lips left warm kisses all over her neck as he unbuckled his fingers toyed with the waistband of her legging, a knock on the door brought them back to the shop.
“I’m heading out, Ashton and Luke are still here!” Michael yelled through the door.
Calum lifted his head up, “O-Okay, thank you.” He yelled as he let go of the waistband of her leggings, “I’m gonna kill him.” He whispered as he sighed
“He didn’t know baby, let’s go to your place hmm?” She smiled as she sat up.
“Good idea, let's get you dressed.” He smiled as he grabbed her shirt, “I wouldn’t put your bra on.”
“Okay, I won’t.” She put her shirt on and shoved her bra in her purse, he handed her his jacket as she put it on over her shirt. “Thank you.”
“Of course, let’s get out of here.” He smiled as he grabbed her hand and opened the door as they walked out of the room. They walked towards the front desk as Ashton and Luke were standing at the desk as she grabbed her wallet.
“Hey you, how did it go?” Luke asked with a smile as they reached the desk.
She looked at him and giggled turning pink as he chuckled realizing they had no idea why they were laughing, “It went great, didn’t it?”
She searched through her wallet and handed Luke her debit card. Calum wrapped his arm around her, “It was perfect.”
Luke handed her the ipad to sign and add a gratuity, she whispered in his ear “Don’t think it would be fair to tip you just for turning me on would it?”
He cleared his throat as his eyes widened, “Probably not, angel.” His cheeks turned pink as Luke and Ashton laughed.
“Look, loverboy is blushing!” Ashton remarked as Luke handed her her debit card while she signed her name.
She put her card back in her wallet before putting it back in her purse as she looked at Calum “Loverboy?”
“That’s Ashton’s nickname for me.” Calum said as he shook his head.
“Hey! Cal here told me you and Grayson are having a Halloween party?” Ashton mentioned as he raised his eyebrows.
“Yeah we always have one, you guys do realize Halloween is over a month away right?” She teased as she wrapped her arm around his waist.
“Oh we know, Calum told us about your couples costumes.” Ashton mentioned as Calum narrowed his eyes at him,  he realized they hadn’t talked about doing them yet.
“He did huh?” She winked at him before kissing his cheek, “We’re excited aren’t we?” She smiled as she gave him a look he instantly recognized.
He nodded and Luke and Ashton laughed knowing he got caught, “We are. Ready to go?”
She nodded and smiled, “I am, see you boys later.” She waved as they walked out of the tattoo shop and towards Calums car.
“I should’ve asked you-” He started to divulge before she kissed his lips softly before smiling at him as she gazed into his eyes.
“Don’t apologize for being sweet, I had no idea you wanted to do couples costumes.” She smiled as she led him to his car.
“I do, I’ve actually never done them and I want to with you.” He blushed as he kissed her forehead before unlocking the car.
“We can look at ideas when we get to your place, how does that sound?” She smiled before grabbing the door.
“Sounds perfect.” He smiled as he helped her get into the car closing the door being her. He ran to his side of the car and got inside as her hand rested on his thigh as he started the car. All she could think about on the way to his house was for was first time in the history of her dating someone, they asked to do couples costumes and not having to give up.
t a g l i s t -  @pxrxmoore  @sublimehood @ghostoflrh @calumscalm @mellifluoushood @calumthomcs @twilightmomentswithyou @boytoynamedcalum @ohhmuke @calswildflower @highscal @sanrioluke @softlrh @flowers-on-the-graves @currentlyupcalsass @clemmings​ @highfivecalum​ @wastelandcth​ @himbocalum​ @feliznavidaddycal​ @icyicejuice​ @notinthesameguey​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @calumrose​ @tpwkatsumu​
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key201303 · 4 years ago
It's just the truth hehe, you deserve it!!🥺❤
And yes, I agree.😭 While we know that he is an adult and capable of protecting himself, I still feel like he might struggle with his self-esteem :( of course that's just based on my observations and I don't want to make any assumptions or claims since I don't actually know him but ahhh sometimes I feel like he might say stuff like "oh, I got more buff" etc. because he wants the other members to agree with him? Or maybe he does it because he tries to convince himself? I just hope that (if he's not there yet) someday he can see himself the way we see him.🥺❤ And god yes, he's just so squishable and deserves so much love :((
AHAHAHA I FEEL THE SAME the word chaotic was made for Hendery istg :')) And just from seeing this picture I got so many questions😂 What even is this?? Is that a plant?? Or is it that one vegetable whose name I don't know in English ajdskkd AND WHY DID HE PUT IT IN HIS SHIRT😂 he's just so random but so hilarious I love it but I also love how sensible he is. I still remember that one video in which he said that he wishes people can see past his looks and that definitely left an impression with me because I always tend to look at a person's soul rather than their outer appearance, so I just also want to highlight that obviously apart from being funny, he's such a great person.🥺
And yes, I wholeheartedly agree with this!!😭 And also his smile is just the most beautiful thing on earth?? Like,, whenever I see his smile I forget all of my worries and just feel like the world is a little more okay because his smile is as radiant as the energy of a thousand suns😭❤ And the way he's just so precious and caring🥺 I know he's our evil maknae who loves to tease the older members but he's truly got a heart of gold and he's so talented and smart and thoughtful and of course super funny as well.😭❤
AND YES RIGHT KUN IS THE SWEETEST!! Have you also noticed how he always likes and often comments on the others' Instagram posts? We stan a supportive dad/leader😭❤👏🏻
Omg I'm so sorry for taking so long to answer🤧🤧 Tumblr won't be notifying me about asks🤧🤧🤧🤧
I completely agree with that, like I have the urge of telling him every single day how amazing he is just to make him see how amazing and wonderful he is🤩 like, if he cannot see it himself I'm here to remind him how great and meaningful he is to all of us🤧 and omg I'm so damn soft for Xiao Dejun, help🤧🤧🤧🤧
I think it is that vegetable you're saying and that I don't know the name in English of it neither(??????) tho I wouldn't be surprised if it was a random plant he took from God knows where cause you know, Hendery be out there being all random and we're sitting here loving it 😂😂😂 And why is he putting it inside his shirt? Good question, guess he's just being the special weirdo kid we love and stan 😂😂And omg that moment he said that UGH the feelings I have hits hard🤧🤧 I love him so damn much🤧🤧🤧💚💚💚💚
Okay hold on, nobody tell me I'm wrong with this because I ain't changing my mind but Yangyang has a sun smile that could brighten up the darkest room on earth🤧🤧🤧🤧 Like-
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THE WAY I'M CRYING OVER THIS🤧🤧🤧🤧 Someone tell him how damn precious his smile is🤧🤧🤧
And let's not talk about Kun answering almost every single post of the rest of the members because I've already been too wiped for Sir Qian Kun lately to add more drama🤧🤧 but let me just say I fucking love this man so much🤧🤧🤧🤧
AND on another topic, please tell me I'm not the only one crying over the visuals of the upcoming comeback🤧🤧🤧 why do they look so G O O D
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years ago
for my 1000th survey, I’m going to repost the very first survey I posted to this blog (in June of 2018!) and see if any of the answers have changed in two years. ~
What would be worse - going out in public with no bra or no panties? >> No panties. I’ve definitely gone out in public without a bra on (and technically, all the times I’ve worn a binder counts too, so!). >> Still true. The idea of going out without bottom underwear on makes my skin crawl. Who is one person in your life who could use a serious attitude adjustment? >> No one in my actual social group. I know some tumblr users and some discord folks who could benefit from one, though. >> No argument there. Using three words and no colors, describe your most worn pair of shoes: >> Cool Skechers sneakers. >> Basic Skechers sneakers. They’re still cool, but I think the ones I had in 2018 were colourful. These are just plain black, lol. If you had to change a tire right now, would you know how? >> I don’t know the steps well enough, and I’ve never done it before so I don’t have experiential memory to fall back on. >> I actually watched a tire being changed fairly recently, so I do remember the steps now. The difficulty would be in whether I could get the lug nuts off or not, because sometimes it feels like them things is welded on.
You have a 20 hour flight ahead of you, pick one person to sit next to: >> I… don’t know? Anyone in my social group who’s willing to fly 20 hours, I guess (not everyone is, after all, for good reason). >> The only person I want to sit next to on a flight is Sparrow. Otherwise I don’t want to sit next to anyone. (I’ve actually gotten lucky enough to have an empty seat next to me on flights before, and let me tell you, I treasured it.)
Would you ever let your child drop out of high school? >> Sure, if they really wanted to and they had a plan for what they actually wanted to do. They can’t drop out just because they’re bored of it, although I’d definitely sympathise with them. This is a situation I’d have to judge when it actually arose, is the bottom line, because every situation is different. >> Yeah, I can’t argue with that. Take a guess at what temperature it is outside: >> Er… around 70* F? >> I’m going to guess mid-fifties. What is your favorite hot drink? How about your favorite cold one? >> My favourite hot drink is probably some sort of herbal tea. I have a lot of favourite cold drinks. >> Correct. Although I’d also add in “hot spiced cider-wine” as a favourite hot drink. It’s so good. Honestly, do you think that inner beauty is as important as outer beauty? >> I think that beauty is something that doesn’t require comparison. >> Ooo, good answer, past!me. What is something you own that means a lot to you? Where’d you get it? >> I have a bottle of Baron Samedi rum that’s empty now but I still keep it. I got it in New Orleans and that’s half of the importance; the other half is the branding. >> Oof, I wish I had another bottle of that. There’s a place in Battle Creek (weirdly enough) that sells it, but when are we ever going to go to Battle Creek just to get me my Samedi rum fix? Something I own right now that means a lot to me is my Phantom of the Opera teddy bear. I got it when we went to the live performance at Miller Auditorium and that was such a wonderful and transcendent experience. Also, the bear is so fuckin cute I can’t stand it. What is something you used to be afraid of, but aren’t anymore? >> Thunderstorms. >> Yup. You can only have two: smart, sexy, funny, or cute. Pick. >> Unfortunately for you, I already have all four, so I don’t have to choose. >> lmfao honestly, cheeky answers are the only answers I’m willing to give to questions like this. In Taiwan they eat rooster testicles - would you try them? >> Probably not. >> Eh, yeah, probably not. Well, I mean... maybe. Depends on how it’s cooked? :V Describe what would be a perfect date for you: >> I don’t have a concept of the perfect date. I think most dates are pretty good, as long as they’re with someone I like. >> I don’t date, period, so I don’t care. Privacy and Respect; which is more important to you? >> I think people who respect me will respect my privacy, too, so… >> I mean, exactly. Do you pronounce “aunt” like “awnt” or “ant”? >> Either, depending on where it is in the sentence, or something. >> Yeah, it’s kind of random for me. Can you spell your first name backwards without writing it down? >> Yeah. >> Yeah, because I’ve answered “spell your name backwards” questions in surveys enough times that I can see what it looks like in my head now without even trying. Any idea what DVD stands for? >> Not off the top of my head, but luckily, since google exists, I don’t have to remember. >> Pretty much. Digital video disc? IDK. Has a store employee ever hit on you while you were shopping or paying? >> Not to my recollection. >> Gods, I hope not. Great car and average house or great house and average car? >> Hmm. >> No car, great house on even greater land. Do you find not washing your hands after using the bathroom to be gross? >> Yeah, it’s one of those behaviours I can’t really overlook like I can others. Hand-washing is of utmost importance to both your health and others’ health, and can prevent a variety of illnesses if done properly, so you’re really fucking people over when you don’t wash your hands. >> Facts. How often do you flash a peace sign in your photographs? >> Eh, I’d say maybe 10-20% of the time. >> At this point in my life, I rarely consent to being in photographs at all, so I don’t have any recent data on my penchant for peace-sign flashing.
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expelliarmus · 5 years ago
I saw that ask meme with questions for gif makers going around, but I felt like answering them all on my own lmao
1. What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made
This one, this one (if the timing works lmao), and this one (I’m so proud of my AU gifsets... where did all that creativity go??)
2. What is your least favorite set you’ve made
I honestly don’t know... I don’t think I hate anything I’ve posted though. If I don’t like how it’s turning out, I just won’t post it lol
3. Which of your sets has the most notes
The most notes ever is this one I think
4. A set that flopped but deserved better
I don’t know... there’s a bunch, but I’m fine if a gifset flops
5. What is your favorite movie/TV show to gif
6. What is your least favorite movie/TV show to gif
I really don’t gif anything else lmao...
7. Who are your top 3 gif makers
I’ll just pick 3 people off the top of my head :) @shatner​, @melodyspond​, @stupidape​
8. What gif trend do you hate
The pale/black and white gifs that are so hard to see.......
9. What/who inspired you to start making gifs
I wanted to gif my favourite parts of DW that I didn’t see anyone else doing, so I was like alrighty, time to learn how to do this!! I think the people that inspired me are long gone from tumblr, or I’m no longer following them because they’ve moved blogs (Natasha aka lumos-maxima... wherever you are, I MISS YOU... also Courtney aka needlebug I MISS YOU TOO)
10. What was the first gif you ever posted
THIS ONE! I remember being so happy about posting it, haha. Also, I still love that Confidential episode so much. I miss my space hipsters...
11. What is that one set you made that just won’t die
The Zoboomafoo one
12. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever giffed
Everything I’ve ever posted
13. Where or from whom did you learn how to gif
Various tutorials on here and just by experimenting. I don’t even think I used Photoshop to begin with, since back in my Neopets days I used Paint Shop Pro to make graphics so I think that’s what I used first to try making gifs of videos.
14. How long does it usually take you to make a set
45 minutes to an hour or so?? It’s been taking longer and longer because the screencaps are so huge though and my poor laptop can’t handle it.
15. Have you ever had gifs stolen and reposted
Yes, and don’t think that I can’t tell when those are my gifs, even without a watermark!!
16. How long have you been making gifs
Since 2011...... my god
17. 10 sets, 8 sets, 6 sets? How many gifs to you prefer in a set
As many as it takes!!!!! But usually between 6-8
18. For the aesthetic, for the laughs, or for the feels what your preference
For FUN!
19. What is your gifting process like
Open video, find scene, screencap, load screencaps in Photoshop, resize to gif dimensions, add colouring, curse myself for picking a hard-to-colour scene, continue adjusting colouring and become increasingly frustrated because it’s not turning out the way I want it to, give up, add text, save gif, POST!
20. Mac or PC
21. PSDs or original coloring for each gif
Original colouring. PSD who???
22. What fandom/movie/show/person etc do you gif the most
DOCTOR WHO and more specifically, David Tennant... I think his tag has the most :’)
23. What is the thing you gif when you don’t have anything else you want to gif
Any episode with Ten and Donna, or The Eleventh Hour, or the Day of the Doctor, or Blink
24. 480p 720p 1080p? What is the minimum quality you’ll gif from
I used to be all good with giffing 480p back in the day, but I guess now it’s 720p since the gif limits have gone way up.
25. Old dimensions or new dimensions and why
New dimensions because they look nicer on the dashboard.
26. How many un posted sets are in your drafts right now
27. Have you ever made a set, decided you hated it and deleted it? What was it
Probably at least one or twice, but I don’t remember.
28. Have you ever posted a set, regretted it and immediately deleted it
No, I don’t think so. I’m leaving my mistakes there for all to see!
29. Have you ever posted a set, realized you made a mistake later but it was already too late
Yes, I did this just the other day with that Missy, Bill and Nardole set. I got the dialogue slightly wrong lmao..... shh
30. How frequently do you like to post
I try to do at least one gifset a day if I can!
31. Do you schedule/queue posts or do you post right after you’re done
Right away. These gifsets are fresh off the grill.
32. What is your favorite tool/adjustment layer in Photoshop
Selective Color or Color Balance
33. Do you like to/can you make edits and graphics too or only gifs
Yes, I can do both but gifs are way more fun imo
34. A set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out
I’m gonna say this one again because I was so proud of it when I made it, and I can’t believe I used to put that much effort into my gifs.
35. Do you change your giffing style a lot or do you have a set routine
I have a routine, as described above. My gifs are pretty much all made the same way as I describe in my colouring tutorial too.
36. Do you gif with something specific in mind or do you just wing it
Usually a mixture of both. I like to try to gif a different Doctor each day, so I’ll know who I have in mind but I’m not planning on a specific episode. I’ll just open up one of their series and go from there!
37. What sets if any do you have planned to make in the future
Idk, I was thinking of doing yet another gifset with Donna in it since I just finished her Big Finish series... but maybe I’ll do one with Eleven and the Ponds??? We’ll see.
38. What are you really excited to gif that isn’t out yet
The next Doctor Who holiday special?? :D
39. How often, if ever, do you delete old sets that you don’t like anymore
Never!! I love seeing how my gifs have slowly changed and improved over time.
40. Why do you make gifs
Because it’s fun, and it’s a way for me to relax after a long and busy day at work.
41. What is your least favorite part about your gif making process
When it takes forever for my screencaps to load, and when it takes forever for my gifs to save sometimes
42. How is your gif folder organized? Is it organized at all?
Lol nope.
43. Do you keep videos forever or delete them once you’re done giffing
I keep the episodes forever, but honestly I think I keep everything forever because I forget about getting rid of the other stuff like trailers and interviews... I should go through my downloads folder.
44. Ever had a gif become a meme? Would you like that if you haven't
I’ve had people use my gifs as reaction gifs and it is a weird feeling, especially seeing the gifs being used on websites other than tumblr. I remember seeing one of my gifs used in someone’s book review on Goodreads and I was like “WAIT THAT LOOKS FAMILIAR!!”
45. Ever gotten hate over a set
Not really hate, but I do get a lot people that are like “WHERE IS ______?” in their tags. And sometimes I just want to be like “Make your own gifs if you think they should be there!!!”
46. Ever gotten a really sweet compliment over a set
Yes :’)
47. Any advice for novice gif makers/people who want to start making gifs
Don’t give up!! Make gifs of whatever makes you happy, don’t worry about the notes too much, and use your tags! KEEP PRACTICING!
48. How would you describe your giffing style
I don’t know??? If someone else has a way to describe my style, then please let me know haha
49. How much would you say you’ve improved since you first started giffing
It’s been almost 9 years since I’ve started, so I hope I’ve improved quite a bit! :P
Well, that was fun. Congrats on making it to the end of this post!!! Now I will go make a gifset.
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