#god I hate drawing arms
t0ast-ghost · 21 days
Some tomfoolery on my part
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Quite happy with Spock’s necklace thingy that was somewhat inspired by the necklace in the second chapter of this fic (warning: nsfw)
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Fuck it. Falin’s not home, we eatin’ monsters tonite.
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@gargoyl3city contributed in our group drawing board with a very important Chilchuck
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bitemarx · 3 months
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a steph to go with my cass drawing :)
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kazumahashimoto · 3 months
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you're colder than i remember
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krussyarts · 4 months
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I'm gonna throw up my brain is so full of these two
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effervescentleaf · 3 months
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[ID: a black and white ink painting of Zelda from Skyward Sword. she is wearing the white dress and clutching the goddess harp to her chest, with her head turned to the side and her eyes closed. End ID.]
trying to make more art that looks a little bit shit bc i'm sure someone will find it beautiful <3 (as a treat you can get the sketches)
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[ID: three loose sketches of the above painting. the first is done with pencil in the corner of a page. the second is in pink and blue pen, and the third is done with ink. End ID.]
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dragon-spaghetti · 2 months
Objectively v funny that if either of my hands/arms were out of commission then I would be completely fucked
Dreading the day it'll probs actually happen lmao 💀 no way I'm getting through my whole life without temporarily fucking one of em up at some point
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lostrealities0 · 7 months
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apparently i like traumatizing children
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widowshill · 7 months
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– That's something new, isn't it? – Yes, I didn't know they were that close.
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chipistrate · 7 months
I kinda wanna draw the og beta Cassie ngl...
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chromaji · 5 months
thinking more on trip unintentionally "absorbing" the remnant of keiru's powers & it starting to affect him in small ways like not feeling as cold and feeling more alert & strong at night. Its subtle enough to not really notice on its own, but that combined with patches of skin on his arms starting to turn a blueish color & parts hardening into scales... much to think about😐‼️
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noodle-schrammy · 2 months
So...that drawing will be reworked cause the arm is making me insane BUT
I've got new art ready
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[Let's ignore the sexy waffle that is paul]
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fogterror · 1 year
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trollsona moment
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raveartts · 7 months
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i should try and draw all my old characters
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finalhaunts · 1 year
Do any other artists just have fucking periods that last for months where they’re unable to muster up any motivation or inspiration to create whatsoever and when you DO try and force yourself to create it’s just so fucking hard to make something satisfying
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cold-neon-ocean · 1 year
While yes I draw Baatar really buff to please my ‘muscular glasses man enjoyer’ brain, I also have genuine plot and character reasons for it. Like I love the idea that he still comes across as unassuming as any sort of genuine threat bc he’s a non bender, so he coasts on that societal presumption meanwhile he’d just... crush your spine instead lol
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