noodle-schrammy · 6 months
Inspired by this tweet
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Again that's just a wip
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I for the first time in ages drew Richard again and
Banger nailed it all (I'm still thinking of making the fur coat on a second layer so it can be removed and added again)
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noodle-schrammy · 10 months
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One of the best drawings I've created aka
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A redraw that POPS
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noodle-schrammy · 1 year
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Und der Haifisch der hat Tränen
Und die laufen vom Gesicht
Doch der Haifisch lebt im Wasser
So die Tränen sieht man nicht
In der Tiefe ist es einsam
Und so manche Zähre fließt
Und so kommt es, dass das Wasser
In den Meeren salzig ist
Man kann von uns halten
Was immer man da will
Wir halten uns schadlos
Wir halten niemals still
//this was a long hassle especially to figure out the background and how to pose his hands//
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noodle-schrammy · 8 months
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Finding a good design for your oc: :D
Redoing the design:
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(It's solid tho- my little goth baby)
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And school doodles
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Actually redrew em in my sketch book- no not colored or such but
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Made digital
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(Don't ask me😭 my style left that time)
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noodle-schrammy · 7 months
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Had an entire month with just pencil sketches- up until today
So my art block has vanished
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(It isn't perfect but in my shifts and all, I barely have fully time to draw with shading and highlights)
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noodle-schrammy · 10 months
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I'm so sorry but this was peak PEAK anyway
Full art piece✨
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I have a 6 day week shift so there's not much art-
As I A have today a few things to do
And B have a ceremony tomorrow- in the same place that rammstein played live in 2019 and I'm excited and scared
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The meme i used
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noodle-schrammy · 10 months
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*hands you Paul*
It's dangerous to go alone
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noodle-schrammy · 1 month
IVE RECHARGED and began to doodle
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[Mohawk Oliver supremacy]
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My funky ocs and paul
It's a long story-
Aka botched kidnapping turns into an entire erasure of a person's fucking personality...and yeah- also the kids having like the best marriages/relationships while the parents just cry in a corner
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noodle-schrammy · 10 months
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So I tried a bit my new sonarpen
And it is weird yet fascinating
Also a little redraw cause I wanna try get the hang of it
Also oh god im drawing
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noodle-schrammy · 10 months
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Yeah romantic moment while Richard be crunching.
If this isn't love-
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noodle-schrammy · 10 months
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I've been barely drawing due to work and such but
More so managed as my buddy and I had matching icons on discord so
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noodle-schrammy · 2 months
So...that drawing will be reworked cause the arm is making me insane BUT
I've got new art ready
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[Let's ignore the sexy waffle that is paul]
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noodle-schrammy · 2 months
I've been barely online due to forgetting that tumblr exists and my exam period
(No I still didn't check..cause I constantly forget to check it all)
But I got some doodles to share that I hope I didn't share ever before
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[If I already posted this than just ignore this]
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noodle-schrammy · 8 months
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I was working the entire six days- and trying to balance everything out so I barely posted much 😭 I can show old stuff
And some recent doodles I'm too scared to line and color
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Except that one god I think I kinda botched it😭
Plus points if you know where I've drawn the inspiration from
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*insert remember me*
I love my silly boy I say as I push more trauma onto him- more than I would have put Paul trough
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noodle-schrammy · 7 months
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I've been barely drawing due to work and resting when my shifts are over
Yet today I'VE COMPLETED A TASK- which is drawing
So happy birthday paul and to the next many years 🥳
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noodle-schrammy · 8 months
I've been barely drawing or posting and that's the most recent of doodles
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(You can't tell how excited I am for that arc to begin)
My buddies and my own ocs- it's fun and that's the only time I just sketched and went
Aha- kann man so lassen
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