#goblin answers asks
timbit-robin-art · 4 months
could i request a madelyne doodle? whatever outfit you’d like <3 no pressure though of course, tysm for the silly art <33
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Google search: telepaths who serve cunt.
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 4 months
So I was listening to Within You from Labyrinth and uh
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I had some thoughts.
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lily-alphonse · 2 months
For the rare pair challenge: my favorite one is Sam/Alex!
unfffff I love this one how HOT would that be 🥵
My brain is scrambled tho because I have shipped them both with Sebastian as the openly gay one to even out the dynamic. I interpret Alex as closeted and Sam as bi/pan but skewing more towards women. Like he's not opposed to getting with a guy if he liked them but hasn't really thought about it kind of thing.
So how would they end up getting together?
Ok, I think I want Alex to be coming back from college. He lost his sports scholarship due to bad grades and was forced to come home, leaving his secret fling in the city at the same time. He's heartbroken, he's dejected, he's wallowing.
A couple of weeks after coming back, Haley decides she's had enough of his moping and they are going to a bar in the little town nearby to see some people from their high school perform. They're in a band now, and getting some minor success playing gigs at local venues.
Alex is totally plastered by the time Goblin Destroyer comes on stage. That must be why time slows when he sees Sam. Why his smile makes him feel warm and his heart race.
"Holy shit," he murmurs to himself. The scrawny class clown he knew in high school looks so different.
Haley eyes him knowingly. "No. Nuhuh. Not him. When I said we were getting you laid tonight I didn't mean one of the few people from Pelican Town!"
"But he's gotten SO hot."
"He's got a mullet, Lexie."
"Mullets can be hot," he pouts.
And then they begin their set, and Alex is certain he must be drunk as hell because he doesn't even like this kind of music but he's dancing along to it and having the best time. He's amazed that Sam can play the guitar and sing at the same time. He's amazed by Sam's voice, the rasp in it seriously fucking with his inhibition. And even when he stops singing, and just shreds a guitar solo, Alex is still awe-struck.
They hadn't been sure they would stay for the whole performance, but then Alex is cheering along with the crowd after their final song, cheeks flushed with exertion and heart racing.
He hasn't thought about his ex in hours. He hasn't thought about how royally fucked up his life is. And he doesn't want it to end. But Sam disappears.
Suddenly the crowd is too stifling. He needs to get outside. He needs to breathe. Haley seems to be having the time of her life pressed up against a wall with a man she met fifteen minutes ago. Alex texts her that he will be outside, and pushes his way to the exit.
It's cold, instant relief. It's quiet too, just a group of smokers chatting in the parking lot. He turns to walk the opposite direction from them, when someone bumps into him.
Teehee this is my most cliffhanger one yet I was really getting into that one. I might actually write it for real. If you'd be interested in being tagged if/when I post the fic, reblog or comment letting me know! (What are we naming this ship??)
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 6 months
Does Lunar ever have Night terrors about KC or the Blood Twins?
they are the reason he has them, so yes
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Were there allegations about you dating Edgeworth before you guys even got romantically involved
P.S. sorry about the gang of roof goblins trying to ruin your marriage
“Multiple times. Almost the entirety of his side thought I was his boyfriend when we met- even though we hadn’t even officially come out to each other yet.”
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littleyarngoblin · 6 months
Wait better as a an ask. Recipe for molasses cookies plz and thanks
Hello! Great Gram would be so happy her recipe is being shared. Fun fact: the original recipe called for oleo instead of vegetable oil, and did not include a yield or bake temperature & time. Or any directions, I’ll be honest. Classic Great Gram.
Great Gram’s Molasses Cookies
1 2/3 c. sugar
1 1/4 c. Veg oil
1/2 c. Light molasses
2 eggs
4 c. All purpose Flour (this recipe also works with gluten free flour—I prefer King Arthur)
4 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. salt
1. Mix together sugar, veg oil, molasses, and eggs
2. Mix together the flour, soda, cinnamon, and salt. Add wet to dry and mix together until fully combined.
3. Form into 1” balls and roll in sugar.
4. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.
NOTE: THIS MAKES ABOUT 100 COOKIES. DO NOT MAKE MY MISTAKES AND DOUBLE IT WITHOUT THINKING. Unless you’ve got a ton of people to foist them off on, I guess.
I’d love to hear how these go, if you make them :)
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deoidesign · 2 months
What’s your favorite animal?
goblin shark
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zaldritzosrose · 3 days
Choke on a dick and mind your business fucker
Good morning to you too nonnie, what pit did you crawl out of to bless my blog?
I'll cover the first part of your lovely message...do I get to choose the dick or is it pre chosen and I just wait to choke...? Because I have preferences.
Secondly, I barely give enough shits about my own business on any given day, nevermind anyone else's (outside the people who know who they are) so what makes you think I give a shit about yours?
Thanks for the lovely wake up this morning, I needed a good laugh!
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distort-opia · 7 months
It's very funny to do my planned absence report from the PhD program with motivation being 'personal reasons' when I'm actually desperate to have a week off so I can nosedive into all the comics I haven't been able to catch up on. Like sure, I need to figure out my future project, but whatever the hell Zdarsky is doing with Batjokes is keeping me up at night!!
And also I want to write. Fucked up the resolution of updating FTS once a month but maybe there's hope... how does one manage work-life balance in goddamn academia?? Will I need to take time off to write my stupid little fanfics every time or will I learn how NOT to be a workaholic?? Who will win, drowning out existential dread via working or drowning out existential dread via daydreaming about fictional men kissing?? Stay tuned--
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apple-spider-vinegar · 4 months
Please feel free to explain your reasoning! Bonus points: specify which version of the Spider-Man you're most familiar with (Raimi, TASM, comics, cartoons, Insomniac games) and if that influences your answer. I'm dying to know what people think.
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elderlyfish · 10 months
I don't often see 616 octogoblin fans, so I must ask: May I trouble you for some personal headcanons?
Yes!!! I've been waiting for an opportunity to share, I even have character sheets :3
Possible trigger warning for mention of self harm and abuse!!!
Along with old men in their underwear
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•Norman and Otto are engaged but every time they try to plan a wedding they get into a fight and try to kill the other then they get flattered by how well they know the other and end up making out mid-fight
•Otto loves kidnapping Norman for no reason other than that he wants him all to himself
•Norman has minor vitiligo but it's more noticeable now after bonding with carnage
•In gay man terms, Otto is a bear and Norman is a muscle daddy
•Norman struggles with self-harm
*feeling he deserves it and manic episodes
*Guilt from being the Goblin
•Otto and Norman go back and forth buying coffee for each other
•Norman has freckles since he's a stupid ginger, but he tries to cover the ones on his face with makeup
•Otto has stretch marks and is embarrassed of his body but pretends not to care so he doesn't seem weak for having insecurities
•Norman adores Otto's body and may or may not have a thing for his weight (self-projecting😔)
•Otto likes how thin yet strong Norman is but fantasies snapping his limbs or tearing him apart (lovingly)
•Norman LOVES rats, they brought him crumbs when his dad locked him away as a kid, and now every time lab rats are brought in he steals them
•After Otto's accident he stalked Norman for a long time
•Norman knew but he liked that he wasn't alone
•Otto will get flustered so easily, that his whole face will tint pink and sweat more but he doesn't show an expression
•Norman buys Otto sweaters every year on his birthday even after they stopped talking
•Otto's got big brown eyes
•Norman's eye color changes according to his mood as an after-effect of the Goblin serum
• Otto's voice claim is Michael Dorn (specifically Battle Beast from Invincible)
•Norman sounds like Slade from the original Teen Titans show
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Yell at me and maybe I'll make Doc Ock and Goblin designs
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lurkingshan · 1 year
Hi Shan!
I hope you're doing well and thank you for all your metas and recs. They are always such a great read!
I have realised that I am quite anxious about currently airing shows not sticking the landing (IFYLITA mostly, I only seem to care about this one recently). You may have previously written about it(?), but which dramas (BL or otherwise), do you think have the most satisfying endings?
Oh, and bonus question, do you have an ending that you approve of, was really good and all, but you would never ever rewatch it because of *too many feels*?
Hey Kat! Thanks for the ask. I totally get the fear of a bad ending, it has soured many a drama experience, and sometimes it really does take you off guard. I feel like when most dramas end I'm just happy if the ending doesn't retroactively ruin anything, let alone it actually being meaningfully good. I had to think about this for a minute, but I do think there are some dramas where the ending is so good it actually enhances the overall story and watch experience.
First, a few that I would classify as having really lovely happy endings that feel very well-earned after lots of pain and strife
My Lovely Sam Soon
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This drama is a classic from 2005, and it caught me off guard with how invested I got. It's a pretty standard romcom about a quirky "fat" (*stares into the camera*) woman who gets hired by a chaebol restaurant owner. They start out adversarial before eventually falling in love, with the hero working through his surprising feelings for this woman who does not fit his image of his ideal partner and the heroine overcoming her own body image and self-esteem issues. Sounds basic, right? But something about it just works. At the end, the heroine sings a love song to her beau with her terrible singing voice while he looks on adoringly, and something about it was just so touching that I actually burst into tears.
My Mister
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One of my favorite endings of any drama ever. Our heroine Ji An has been through it, and via a platonic relationship with her older boss, she gets the support she needs to turn her life around. I spent half of this drama white knuckling in fear that they would try to turn the relationship romantic, but they stayed true to the purpose of this narrative. Instead of a romance, we end with the two of them running into each other on the street after a time skip. They meet eyes, he sees that she is happy and well and they just smile gently at each other. Perfection.
The Untamed
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Possibly a controversial pick, given that this is significantly altered from the novel, which has a much better resolution to the romance. But given the constraints this adaptation was under and the need to keep the relationship ambiguous for censorship reasons, I think this show did a remarkable job of getting the romance across. This ending where they meet again on a hillside, Lan Wangji calls his name, Wei Wuxian turns and we see a smile slowly light his face up is absolutely beautiful and a very romantic note to leave us on.
This second group of endings are more bittersweet resolutions, but ones I thought really added to the poignancy of the stories and made the relationships feel all the more epic
Bad Buddy
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Something that always surprises me about the way people talk about BBS is they often seem to...forget that the ending is actually really fucking sad? I guess because the couple is together and still happy with each other, folks overlook the deep melancholy of the circumstances under which they are able to maintain their relationship. So let me remind you! Pat and Pran are in a long distance relationship, they are still not out to anyone but their closest friends, and they are forced to put on a charade in front of their families so everyone can carry on pretending. They are still hiding, their family relationships are irreparably altered, and we know it's a constant strain on them. It's a perfect bittersweet note to drive home the serious sacrifices they are making in the name of filial piety even as they refuse to give each other up.
Crash Landing on You
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Switzerland, the true MVP of this story. Se Ri and Jung Hyeok do not have the option of simply choosing one of their home countries to live in together, and both have obligations they cannot abandon at home. And so in the end they settle for being mostly apart, taking time together in neutral territory as often as they can manage. Is it enough? No, but it's better than moving on from each other.
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This story is a tragedy and it stuck to its guns on that while also finding a way to give the characters (and the viewers) some kind of happiness to hang onto. Shin is doomed to live forever and watch Eun Tak die over and over again, but at least he also gets to meet and be with her before each death. Him meeting her again in her second life, with the looming knowledge that he will outlive her again and be left alone, is a perfect combination of joyful and mournful, very appropriate for this story.
I Promised You the Moon
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One of my favorite romance endings ever, because it does what the genre rarely allows in acknowledging that the couple may not, in fact, stay together forever, and that's okay. Oh-Aew decides to take Teh back because he wants to be with him and he hopes they may be better equipped to deal with their issues in the future, not because he feels confident things will not go wrong again. In fact, he directly acknowledges that they probably will. It's a very mature resolution and a fitting end to a coming of age story.
Someday or One Day
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This time travel story ends with the leads deciding to break the loop they have been living in, sacrificing their romantic relationship in the process. It's a brave and selfless choice made to protect others, and the narrative rewards them by giving them some hope of another path to each other in the future. We leave them meeting again at a different time with a significant age gap and no memory of each other, and a hope that they will find a way to each other in this new reality.
These next two kind of stand on their own as unique, as I have not seen other dramas that pull off what their endings do
The Glory
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The best thing about this drama is that it's a revenge story where the revenge is fully carried out, no one is given unearned redemption, and every character gets exactly what they deserve. That probably shouldn't be revelatory, but in my experience, it is! Asian dramas love to hand out unearned redemption to villainous characters, but this drama was simply Not. Having. It. It was such a satisfying watch.
Utsukushii Kare
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The ending of this one pulled off the neat trick of reframing everything that came before it, flipping the perspective so that nothing about previous events actually changed, but our understanding of what it all meant was turned on its head. This is a difficult writing trick that requires deep understanding of your characters' psychology and full command of every detail of your story, and it was incredibly impressive. It instantly turned it into one of my all-time favorites.
Bonus question: Dramas with endings that were fantastic, but that made me never want to watch again because of the feels
I had to think on this one a bit because I actually really enjoy getting into my feelings over dramas and regularly torture myself by rewatching sad shit. But I did come up with two dramas that I probably won't ever watch again for different reasons: The Red Sleeve and Secret Love Affair. With TRS, it's rooted in a specific kind of pain that I found quite brutal as a viewer: the total denial of any moment of happy catharsis, which was an intentional and appropriate choice to underline its message. This is a love story that the heroine did not want or choose, and so she never gives in and embraces it, and neither can we. The show refuses to romanticize the concubine life and I respect it, but boy was it hard to watch.
With SLA, it's more a matter of the anxiety it provokes. That drama was, hands down, the most stressful watch experience of my life, even more than thrillers that are intentionally trying to stress me out! The romance is actually super compelling but you can't relax for a moment because everything is on a knife's edge. And the ending was not at all happy, but somehow still managed to feel like a breath of fresh air for both the heroine and us, because we finally escaped that confining dynamic she was trapped in. A perfect ending to a brilliant drama and also a watch experience I am not looking to repeat.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 11 months
Actually, getting back to the topic of Mr. Goblin I was wondering the same thing all the time while reading. Why not give him the nightmare bottles? If the Goblins only feed on them, there is no harm or perhaps it is dangerous, does their magical strength increase, their size? They become more vile, I don't know in the fic I only understood that Kc was hungry because of the 'food shortage' of nightmares thanks to moon.
The goblins don't just feed on nightmares. They're responsible for inflicting some of them in the first place. Why would Moon want to cooperate with someone, willingly, who is partly the cause of such nightmares?
Moon doesn't care about the well-beings of goblins, they could starve to death and he wouldn't bat an eye. All he cares about are the children and putting an end to their nightly torment.
He never would have made that deal if Lunar's life hadn't depended on it. And even if the vault did over flow, Moon, being his stubborn self, would have found other means of dealing with the quantity.
Plus, he retains some memories from his time in the Realm and has a gut feeling that goblins must be avoided at all costs.
Though speaking of the vault...I wonder how it's holding up now...
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How would things have been different if Apollo had been with Trucy when you adopted her? Could you have handled raising both? Especially considering Apollo likely wouldn’t have been as open to it as Trucy was.
“.. I think I would have been more open to Miles’ help.”
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tickle-bugs · 2 years
I just wanted to say regardless of whether you've seen the show that you're my favorite ST writer. I dont know how you capture the characters so well while further developing them perfectly but it's genuinely incredible. I must've read your steddie fics like 97 times just because I adore them <3 If you're still taking prompts, I'd love to maybe see Steve and Eddie! Maybe with "Oh this is too good to pass up" as the dialogue? Either way, you're incredible and I can't wait to read all your other work <3
Okay, wow this is VERY sweet ;w; You are so so kind anon. I think I'm getting better at writing them now after having practiced. Those first fics have a fond place in my heart for being the first ones, but every day I am tempted to rewrite them LMAO
anyways, I'm certainly far from perfect but I'm grateful that you enjoy them!! This warms my heart so much. I really do love writing them and the positive response to those fics made me wanna keep going and improve. Still haven't seen the show yet but honestly I'm chilling in this little niche I've carved for them.
Hopefully this fic makes you happy and pushes me a lil closer to being worthy of the honor of being your fav. Really hope you enjoy--I fuckin love these boys <3
Ahoy, Sailor
You can read this as a season three au or as season four. Either way, Steve and Eddie have a bitchy will they/won’t they rivalry situation going on. Eddie REALLY likes pushing Steve’s buttons. 
It’s not unusual for Eddie to find his way to the Harrington house for some excuse or another, but he’ll admit it’s unusual to be invited. He tends to just appear and haunt Steve unasked. It’s more fun that way. 
Steve had called him, muttering something about how Eddie needed to come pick up his vest because it ‘smelled like a depressed hippie’. Eddie had fired back that Steve’s room couldn’t possibly smell any better without it, and their usual bickering had Eddie leaving fifteen minutes later with a grin on his face.
He loves Steve. Messing with him, that is. So, naturally, when Eddie ascends the stairs and sees Steve dressed like a little schoolboy, he takes a minute to compose his best jokes.
“Ahoy, sailor.” Eddie whistles, leaning in the doorway to Steve’s room. He drinks in the Scoops Ahoy uniform and all it blessedly has to offer. 
“Wh—oh, fuck off. It’s laundry day.” Steve rolls his eyes.
“Aye aye, cap’n.” Eddie salutes. Steve flips him off.
“Cool the attitude, sassy lost child.” Eddie snorts. There’s piles of clothes on every surface in the room, arranged in a way that suggests intention but would baffle even the most equipped psychologist. Eddie wants to ask about the system here, but he knows he’s no better, so he just watches Steve flit around with a little pout on his face. 
“You look like Donald Duck’s worst cousin.” Eddie snickers into his fist.
“You done?” Steve puts his hands on his hips.
“For now.” Eddie shrugs. Steve huffs.
Steve keeps rooting through the piles on the floor--slow enough to be mesmerizing, but fast enough where he’s clearly looking for something specific. Oh, his vest. Laundry. Eddie scans the room until, aha--he spots it hanging over the back of Steve’s desk chair, smooth and loved. Striking, compared to the state of everything else. Eddie smiles before he can catch himself. 
“My vest is over there.” Eddie jerks a thumb towards Steve’s desk. 
“Yeah, I see that.” Steve gives him a perplexed look. He shakes his head and keeps drifting through the clothes. 
“Then what are you looking for?” Eddie ventures, stepping into the room properly. As much as he wants to, he doesn’t shrug his vest on. It feels like a conclusion of business, a visual excuse for Steve to kick him out despite the olive branch he’s inexplicably extended. 
“A shirt. Robin’s got a date to impress.” Steve sorts through a pile. He looks between a yellow sweater and a green one, sighs, and tosses them both aside. 
“By wearing…your clothes?”
“Yes, Munson, keep up.” Steve puts a hand on his hip. “She’s gonna be here eventually, probably freaking out, and I wanna give her two options. Just two. She’s gotta look good, but she’s gotta be comfortable.”
“Right.” Eddie nods slowly, as if this makes sense. 
“Hey, make yourself useful. I’ve got this shirt, uhm, dark blue? With a little stripe? If you find it, let me know.” Steve flaps a hand at him. Eddie knows precisely the shirt--it fits Steve distractingly well. 
“I’ll get right on that, sweetheart.” Eddie flops backwards on the bed. Steve shoots him a withering look. Eddie gives his most charming smile and folds his arms behind his head. 
God, he loves this part of their little dance. The way Steve looks at him, the undeniable fondness buried beneath the exasperation—it’s a thrill. 
Steve tugs at a shirt underneath Eddie’s body, but he can’t get it free. He heaves a belabored sigh. 
“Do you mind?” Steve’s eyebrow twitches. 
“Not at all. I’m enjoying myself immensely.” Eddie smirks. 
“If you stretch out my shirt, I’m gonna push you in the goddamn pool. Get up!” Steve jabs Eddie in the side. Eddie giggles and flinches violently.
Steve Harrington is looking at him as if he’s the best present he’s ever received, and while some deep and unacknowledged part of Eddie does flips at the sight, it’s terrifying. 
“Oh, this is too good to pass up.” Steve crawls onto the bed after him, his devilish grin curling wider by the second. Eddie’s face burns and he scrambles to flee, but Steve’s already on top of him. 
“Don’t you dare, Harring—aaah!”  Eddie��s soul and dignity flee him in a high-pitched shriek. 
“Holy shit. I’m barely touching you.” Steve staccato pokes him everywhere he can reach, quick and light, and Eddie can’t stop the giggles bursting from him in waves. He wants to think of something witty to say, but it tickles, and Steve’s smirking—it’s a lot to ask of man under these conditions.
Steve starts tickling him in earnest, his fingers skittering wherever they can reach. When Steve trips up his ribs, Eddie arches like he’s being hit with a defibrillator. He smushes his face into his hands, hoping maybe he’ll smother himself and they can call this a day, but Steve tuts at him and pulls his hands away from his face. 
“No way you’re this ticklish,” Steve says again—does he really need to rub it in—and gives Eddie’s sides a curious squeeze. Eddie shrieks and flips himself over, attempting to crawl towards freedom. 
“Where’re you going?” Steve drags Eddie back into place by his waist. He makes an incoherent whining noise that breaks off into laughter and goes limp on the bed. He tries to roll back over but Steve is solid on top of him. Being face-down gives him the small mercy of being able to hide his face while he cackles.
God, he didn’t even know that the back of someone’s ribs could be ticklish. Holy hell. 
Eddie grabs at Steve’s knee and releases a desperate jumble of syllables. Steve yelps and falls backwards off the bed.
Eddie peeks at him over the edge of the bed, laughter petering off into gentle embers. Steve stares up at him, wide-eyed. Eddie backtracks, trying to figure out why a simple touch would’ve elicited such a big reac—oh. Oh. 
Steve’s halfway down the stairs before Eddie even realizes he’s gone. 
“Hey! Get back here!” Eddie skids after him two stairs at a time, swiping at the back of Steve’s shirt. 
Eddie tackles Steve over the back of the couch, both of them a tangle of screeching, flailing limbs. Steve’s stronger but Eddie is scrappy, having long since abandoned his self-preservation instincts. Steve tries to roll them over and Eddie goes limp. Steve grunts under the deadweight, and it gives Eddie the two seconds he needs to clamber on top of him properly. 
“Now—“ Eddie finally wrestles Steve down, huffing a lock of hair out of his eyes— “What the everloving fuck was that?”
“Nothing.” Steve’s poker face is good, but Eddie can see right through that easy smile. He walks his fingers across Steve’s stomach. Steve inhales sharply. 
“Didn’t sound like nothing.” Eddie raises his eyebrows innocently. Steve narrows his eyes at him, but his fake smile is very slowly twitching into a real one. 
Spurred on, Eddie kneads into Steve’s stomach, gentle and a little clumsy. Steve trembles under him, wrenching a hand free just to cover his face. Little huffs and snickers wobble out of him. 
“Dishing out what you can’t take? Oh, this is precious.” Eddie snickers. Steve shoves his hand into the side of his face to push him away. Eddie licks it.
Steve screeches, but that breaks the dam. The first beautiful sound from him is a snort. Eddie gasps happily, then laughs right along with Steve. 
It’s not that Steve doesn’t laugh, he does, but it’s often the restrained chuckle that Eddie loves to give every royal NPC in his campaign. Eddie’s never heard anything like this, this bubbly rush littered with voice-cracks and little bouts of nose-scrunched hiccups. He didn’t know Steve was even capable of these kinds of noises.
The stupid little Scoops shirt rides up and Eddie takes advantage of bare skin. Steve squeals and goes boneless on the couch. He hits Eddie with the full brunt of his smile, unfiltered and radiant, and something in Eddie’s chest flutters. 
“EddieEddieEddie--” Steve snorts again, and the speed at which his face turns scarlet suggests embarrassment. Eddie can’t imagine why. 
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.” Eddie reaches behind him and finds Steve’s knee, tickling just where the goofy shorts stop, and Steve wails. He curls his head into Eddie’s chest and seems to resign himself to die there. Eddie has absolutely no feelings about how warm Steve feels or the desperate little leg kick he does. 
Steve grabs Eddie’s wrists and he relents, figuring the promise of future mischief is a sufficient tradeoff for a truce. Steve collapses back into the couch cushions with a delirious little giggle, rubbing his hands over his beaming face. Steve peeks at him overtop his hands, then snickers again. 
The longer they sit here, both breathing a little hard, the longer Eddie has to notice the gentle warmth and curve of Steve’s eyes. A hysterical man would call them doe-like. Eddie accepts this new state of being and leans a little closer. His guitar pick necklace dangles over Steve’s chest. Steve’s jaw falls slack, eyes flitting to Eddie’s lips. Eddie’s hair falls in a frizzy curtain around them both. 
Eddie doesn’t see Robin so much as he hears her—the screech of disgust bounces off every wall. He pops his head up and they make direct, unfortunate eye contact. She shoots him an all-knowing look with her beady, accusatory little eyes and he gives her his most threatening zip it gesture. 
Steve decides that that’s the moment to counterattack, sending a cackling Eddie toppling off the cushions and onto the floor. Steve slides down after him, ducking under a flailing arm and scribbling his fingers wherever he can reach. Eddie curls up like a pillbug. He can hear Robin saying something but it's unintelligible over the sound of his own laughter.
“I know, right?” Steve grins back at her, then looks back to Eddie. Softly. 
Steve has the audacity to wink at him. Eddie files that little moment away for Tonight Eddie to scream into a pillow about, and instead focuses on launching a counter-counterattack that’ll save his life. 
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articskele · 1 month
Dude I think your oc is giving me brainrot because I had a dream where Artic was in a cave and the Once-ler was all curled up looking sad and scared so Artic went up to him and cuddled him. (The reason why he was scared was because he was cursed to turn into a shadow creature. So as he was transforming Artic was just holding him. Also Artic sounded british?? I have no idea what your HC voice for her is but she sounded like Rose Tyler from Doctor who in my dream.)
OUGHGHGHHH I'm having so many thoughts about this-
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Right off the bat the concept of a cursed shadowy Onceler reminds me of these posts!!
And caves!! In the valley!! I had already been thinking about em bc of the concept art, something about the valley at night just says "there's a cave behind that waterfall" to me lol
The Onceler running away, maybe because he didn't want Artic to get hurt, maybe because he feared what would happen if she saw him like this.
Maybe, just for a moment, he flinches as Artic reaches for him. Because no matter how badly he wants comfort, he can't help but worry if this curse is contagious or if he'll grow spikes or something.
But once she holds his face in her hands and pulls him in for a hug, the poor man just clings to her the entire time. The steady sound of her heartbeat giving him something to focus on…
There’s this scene of her just. Holding the Onceler so so gently asking if it hurts and it breaks my HEART. THEY'RE SO IN LOVE YOUR HONOR
Artic getting up to take off her wings and set them aside, and he panics a little like "Don't- Don't go" but she reassures him that she's not going anywhere.
I still love you, yknow. No matter what happens, no matter how you look by the end of this... You're still the boy I fell in love with.
I can only imagine what the transformation must feel like. The crickle crackle of bones beneath dark fur. The inexplicable feeling of light fading inside him. Forever standing in the shade, just cold enough to prickle at your skin. Left cold and hollow save for bright yellow eyes, longing for the sunlight.
Maybe his freckles turned white or glow in the dark, something something not all the light is gone, not all hope is lost because someone was there for him.
Maybe he can't be in the sunlight for very long, which is devastating for the guy, but Artic makes a little umbrella contraption for him ouo
And that could be one of the reasons he went to a cave! The light was giving him a really bad headache and he needed to get somewhere darker
And she makes him specialized gloves to help him play the guitar with those hand paws!
Also Artic nuzzling his chest bc he's soft and fuzzy -u-
Woe, british Artic be upon ye aksfjdf- I looked up some clips of that gal and she sounds nice! Canonically Artic just has my irl voice ouo
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